JUNE 1955 2 5 c S 1 LOOK THOUGHTFULLY al those 'with whom I come in contact in my journey A through life, I am fascinated (and oft- limes alarmed) hy the common denominator I find: each person has everything he will acre pi. To a few: Health, Harmony, Abundance, Love and all positive blessings seem theirs for the taking. To many others: seemingly content with half-measures of Health, small demonstrations of 4bimdance, meager approaches to complete Harmony and Love, they live their lives as though they didn’t quite believe that “all things” meant ALL things. With added bless­ ings lying round about them, they settle for crumbs. The need is obvious: greater faith and a sense of acceptance. God meant to include you. Walter Edward Ramsey

V ot.. 2. N o . I J u n e , 1955

RELIGIOUS SCIENCE published monthly a t G24 So. Virgil A vnnif, I.oa Angelon fi, California, U.S.A. Telephone: D Un­ kirk 7-330(1. Hy the International Association of Religious Science Churches; n non-profit, California Educational and Religious Cor­ poration. Twenty-five cents single copy. To spread the Principle of “Science of Mind" us taiiRht in Religious Science. Editorial Board: Chairman. Robert H. Bitzer; Jesse V. Lonae. Raymond Charles Bnrk«r. Mnnnging Editor: Walter Edward Ramnpy. by Raymond Charles Barker

h e last one hundred years have brought forth a new concept of man. Religious Sci­ T ence has played an important role in this revelation. It has steadfastly proclaimed that man is a spiritual potential whose full nature warrants our exploitation. Psychology explores the negatives of the human mind. Religious Science explores the spiritual resources of the individual, yet, it uses psychological techniques to do this. Man is a powerhouse of mental dynamite. His use of mind determines his experience. Viewing his mind merely as a human he be­ holds problems, world conditions and limita­ tions. From the spiritual side of things, we see what man can be, even if he hasn’t yet be­ come it. God never limits us. We have accepted our own limitations. We have tried to over­ come these limitations by knowing more facts about more things. But, we now discover that more facts about more things do not produce a better man or a better world. They only produce more comfort. The new man as studied by Religious Science is a growing spiritual experiment. And, this experimentation is one of mind action. Facts are ideas completed. Man is cause and by his causation he determines the facts which will take place. Our motives determine our desires. Our desires stimulate our emotions. Our emo­ tions give rise to the direction of our thinking. Our thinking causes the Law of Mind, the subconscious, to produce form. This entire process is a spiritual one, be­ cause God is all in all. We believe this and we prove this. The traditional thinkers neither know it, nor can they receive the benefits from knowing it. So, they struggle to achieve, while we rest in a Law that does the work for us. The new Man knowing himself as God in action works effortlessly in bringing to pass the de­ sires of his heart. Our technique is simple. We affirm our thinking process to be divine. We know that what we think and feel causes a subconscious Law to act and bring forth a result. Religious Science is a light unto the world. It reveals what man can be. It does not emphasize man’s errors. It keeps its sights on the God-man and teaches him to grow into his true stature. lie C jreateit flow er ~3n %jour o C tj^ e

' h o u g h t is the greatest power known to Tm an! Out of the past we created the present. And out of the present our thought is creating the future. We become what we habitually think. Think Life! And you will be filled with new vitality and power. For there is a guiding, producing Intelligence that responds to every definite demand made upon IT. Think poor thoughts and you become poor. Think great thoughts and you become great. What you are thinking NOW . . . is condition­ ing the days ahead. Religious Science is showing the world how to think with God, in and with God! It is , the Science of Truth, the Sci­ ence of the Everlasting Presence and Power. For within you is the Power and the Glory that is greater than any circumstance. This Power will free you from fear, doubt, and discouragement. Religious Science teaches you how to live a successful and progressive life . . . and it teaches you how to live a successful life right now, right where you are. Use your Power for Good today! Paul Martin Brunet M g . W a k D L

h e l a w of our lives can be an inflexible Tlaw, holding us in the slavery of its iron grasp; or it can be a law that supports, promotes and protects our every action. Whether the first or the later, depends upon two things: knowledge of the law and conscious alignment with it. As an example, take the law of floata­ tion. Lack of knowledge, leaves us in the grip of terror when we suddenly fall into deep water. We thrash around in fear, and without help we might drown. But with knowledge of the law, we calmly turn and float in perfect safety. The same law brings destruction or protection. Recognition of your source and of your One­ ness is the first law of your life. Aligning your­ self with that law is prerequisite to your ulti­ mate Good. Only in this way can you meet the requirements of the law; and as the law is clearly understood and acted upon, you are free to unfold into power to which it is im­ possible to assign any limit. Walter Edward Ramsey cco ru in tj ^ /o v/jour

he principle of demonstration is that it is done unto us as we believe. Conse­ T quently, the art and science of bringing into our conscious acceptance an inner convic­ tion that our every good has already been pro­ vided by an All-Wise Intelligence is what we must cultivate if we would demonstrate a greater good. Turning our thoughts daily and often to recognize this Giver of all good in a spirit of thankful acceptance and trust is the way to cultivate this art and science of demonstration. As we grow in this practice, we find ourselves becoming more aware of the Divine Presence and feeling more trust and confidence in the Divine Givingness. Thus our fears and negative states of mind begin to give way to an attitude of faith and positive thinking which in turn becomes our law of attraction for a greater good. Our sense of separation and fear of opposi­ tion dissolve into a feeling of unity with life, and right relations are more quickly established in our daily contacts. These daily affirmations

Wi" W |’ y0U' Anita Scofield (' . .. / 1 j . __Spiritual StwaKeninfy

e h o l d , I stand at the door and knock.” | j —Rev. 3:20. This “I” is the Word of Truth, The Christ, revealing Itself to man. It stands ready to serve, to direct and to sustain but man must open the door of his con­ sciousness if he would hear the “Voice,” and receive Its direction and protection. Materialism is the most insidious thing in the world today. We can defeat it only with something better than materialism. Jesus prom­ ises, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” The application of the Truth to our daily needs is the Saviour of the World. Spiritual understanding is the direct opposite of all that materialism represents; hence Solomon admonished, “With all thy get­ ting, get understanding.” The Love of God for man, in man, demonstrates the true brother­ hood of all peoples. Religious Science teaches the technique of the application of the “Word,” into the great Law of Mind. It not only will set you “free” but your use of the following meditations will help to cleanse the entire subjective realm of the Creative Mind thereby “doing to another as you would have them do unto you.” Lora B. Holman I KNOW MY SOURCE.

^ “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”—E x o d u s 33:14.

h e r e is One Presence. I am always in the midst of this Presence. It surrounds me, T permeates me and maintains me in peace, poise and right balance at all times. I am never alone; I am never lonely, apprehensive, fearful nor worried for this Divine Presence is always my Unseen Counselor awaiting my every need. Divine Presence is leading me on the path­ way of peace. It is directing my thoughts, my words and my actions into constructive chan­ nels of self-expression. It is uniting me with others in love, in kindness and in consideration. In this Presence is the inspiration of an un­ derstanding love and the realization that I am working with a Law that always accepts my direction. I am now unified with that which is greater than I and yet, that of which I am ever a part. Therefore, I declare that there is a Divine Presence and a Law of Good which, flowing through me, reaches out to everything in my world with love, joy and gladness. Estelle Marie Barker ZJhurteiay, une 2 I EXPKESS DIVINE CONSIDERATION. ► “ . . . with lovingkindnrss have I drawn thee.” --J e r e m ia h 31 :3. he Allness, the Wholeness, the Fullness and the Oneness of God is, really, the T only Cause of Perfect Order expressing ITSELF interiorly through me. I am balanced throughout. I—myself—have myself in hand. No longer do I hope that some day in some way some good will come to me somehow. My good is God’s Consideration for me at this moment. I accept it with Understanding and reject all persuasions which may form on hu­ man levels of opinion. Concerning myself— I, myself, now express Divine Consideration. Nothing in me is subject to failure. The steps I take in the interior Order of God’s Being increase for me my reach. In me, indeed, are God’s resources infinite! There are no unwanted situations confining me. God puts no restriction to my acceptance of complete freedom in Him. No person dominates my soul, my thought or my feeling. God is the only Cause to which I respond, and only that is best for me which is best for God in me. He leads— I follow. Fritz Hermanns Friday, ^une 3 I AM THE PRESENCE OF JOY. ► “Thou will shew me the path of Life: in Thy Pres­ ence is fulness of Joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”— 16:11. o d a y and every day I recognize “I and my Father are One.” In the blessed realization T of my at-one-ment with The Divine I find the delightful fulfillment of everlasting Joy. How good to know that God is the only Reality, the infinite and eternal Life, in which I live, move and have my being and from which I can never be separated! How good to know that I am One with The Almighty Power of Spirit, which manifests All-Good as I accept it as done, thereby filling my heart with gladness as The Glory of God comes forth to bless myself and my fellowman! How good to know that I never walk alone; that in every experience God is with me, en­ folding me in Peace, inspiring me into Right Action, protecting me by Divine Law, as I let this be so! Today and every day I give thanks for the imperishable Divine Partnership which, through my acceptance of its Reality, brings me security and peace, assurance and joy, forevermore. Victor York Briggs Saturday, ^une 4

I SPEAK WITH AUTHORITY. y “When ike righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.”—Pkoverbs 29:2.

AM THE center of my world and my think­ ing determines my every experience. I now I declare that God is the source of my mind. I affirm the Divine Word as the word which I now speak. This Word now establishes in the Law of Mind the ideas I want to experience in my life. I speak Truth and the Law brings to pass that which is like the Truth. I now dismiss from my consciousness every­ thing that is unlike God, unlike Good. I now bring to pass abundance in every form. My consciousness is geared to Divine Mind, and It alone has power within me to create. God’s creations satisfy the desires of my heart. His joy is mine today. I speak the Word of Life. I declare that Good encompasses me and comes to fruition through me. There is only the One Mind think­ ing, the One Law acting and the One Good appearing. I speak health, happiness and pros­ perity. These are God’s own Ideas and through me they take form. I creater after His Patterns. This is good. Raymond Charles Barker Sunday, ^une 3 I ACCEPT EACH OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH AND EXPANSION. y “ . . . the word of God grew and multiplied ■— A c t s 1 2 :2 4 . k n o w that whenever I recognize that I am ready for a larger expression the opportu­ I nity always presents itself. My God vision ever stimulates my thought and increases my capacity to express. There is no false belief that can hold me in a rut or retard my progress and growth. My mind is constantly stimulated with new ideas. Life is interesting and I ap­ proach each new situation with enthusiasm. My capacity to express constructively is con­ stantly increased. New thoughts and new in­ spiration constantly increase my efficiency. The One Mind reveals new methods whereby I work easily and effectively. I am ready for a greater opportunity. This awareness permits no feeling of inadequacy and no belief in frustration. My self-recognition of my ability creates the channels through which my ability can express. I am not reticent nor timid. I give full power to the recognition of what I can do. Each op­ portunity which I recognize and accept increases my power to express. Each thing that I do suc­ cessfully brings forth greater ability. Robert H. Bitzer //loitchtij, June 6 MY PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED. ^ “The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.”— J a m e s 5:16. N TH IS daily period of meditation and prayer, I turn to the Infinite Presence within my I being and feel the response which comes only in the stillness of my soul. I know the power that is active in me and for me now. I relax physically and mentally and let the spiritual flow of energy permeate and pene­ trate my whole being. In this hour, I move into right relationship with the Spiritual Law of Being, and God reveals to me the meaning of faith. In this quiet hour of spiritual commun­ ion, I know that my own comes to me as I believe. I grow in grace, I grow in power and my mind and heart are wholly receptive to God, the Giver of All-Good. Divine Ideas flood my mind and I learn to discern spiritually all that I desire. As my con­ sciousness unfolds, I feel the release from former disturbing influences. I am lifted out of wrong tendencies into the light of Truth. Fear and doubt and irritation are no longer a part of me; only faith and love remain. I am One with God and my fellowman. I am at peace. Ida May Rudd White U u esa a ij, / MY LIGHT IS THE VICTORY WITHIN ME. y “Thou art my lamp, 0 Lord, and the Lord will lighten my darkness.”— II S a m u e l 22:29. i t h i n me is the whole, the ultimate, the great. I need only to see within and W learn of myself. Disorganization in body and mind are immediately healed as I see the goal of my own soul as perfection. I enlist (he noblest, the true, and the undying. I link myself with joy, harmony and wisdom. I think only that which is the Truth, unbound, unfet­ tered, uninhibited. I permit no clashing in my subconscious. There is no line of demarkation. There is only the perfect whole. I am that whole. Nothing can be added, nothing can be taken away. I am whole. God’s Mind within fills me with wondrous expectation. I look forward to the birth of a neiv day. It fills me with the wonder of unfold- ment, the glory of rejuvenation and under­ standing. I feel life’s surge, satisfaction and accom­ plishment, earned through repetitious concen­ trated right thinking, followed by right action, orderliness, preparedness, conviction, assur­ ance. This is my eternal Light of Victory. Dorothy Beatrice Arnheiter GOD IS MY STRENGTH. ^ “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” —N e h e m i a h 8 :1 0 .

let the JOY of true self-knowingness dis­ pel the illusions of mortal thinking and I set me free from all self-deception. I know that my own “I am” is the lord of every situa­ tion in my life because I realize that “I and the Father are one.” An inner strength floods my being as the joy of knowing my oneness with God fills my heart. He can never leave me nor forsake me for my life is hid with Christ in Him. His free Spirit is my unconditioned awareness of being which remains forever unconditioned regard­ less of any appearances. I cast off any and all thought of bondage to any person, place, thing or condition and ac­ cept the free Spirit of God as the only reality of my existence. His Omnipresent Spirit indwelling me sus­ tains and supports all that I truly am and in­ spires in me confidence and strength. All ego- centricilies which would deceive and bind me are resolved as I let the breath of the Almighty give me understanding. Anita Scofield I AM ALIVE!

^ “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly —John 10:10.

h is d a y I shall live! I put off the old and put on the new. I will not live in the past. TI will live only in the now, one instant at a time. God is. Life is. There is nothing within me that does not accept this Divine Idea of God. This is the Divine Idea with which I came into being. I expand my consciousness now to a greater realization of this Divine Idea of my oneness with the Father. I do not just say the words. I think and speak them with authority, for “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” My heart is the motor of my body. I oil it with love, keep it pure with right thoughts, and it responds by working quietly and rhythmically. Today and every day I shall affirm my one­ ness with God, all Good, from whom I receive a rich award of health, prosperity, peace of mind, joy and success in my every under­ taking. Today I live! Gretchen F. Kremermann Friday, ^une 10

I AM STIIONG FOII MY STRENGTH IS OF GOD. y “The Lord is the strength of my life,— in this tvill I be confident.”— Psalms 27:1 ani) 3.

A C C E PT the limitless strength of God as my very own, this day. It is ever available, I flowing to me freely as I hold up my cup of mental acceptance. This is my faith. In this I am confident. My life is one with God Life. That God life within me guides me to express in my indi­ vidual living, an increasing measure of strength and power in mind and body. I am aware that within me abides all I need to make me strong, capable and more than adequate to fulfill every demand for development and growth. I realize that these things are true of all whom 1 con­ tact, and they are blessed by this recognition. I dwell in this strength, which is God-Power in me, and no seeming obstruction, sense of weakness or inadequacy, can keep me from the full realization and acceptance of this,-— my birthright as a child of God. I am grateful that I am strong in the knowl­ edge that my strength is of God. iva S. Sleekel I EXPRESS A MATUKE MIND. ^ “When I became a man, I put away childish things.”— I Cor. 13:11.

oday 1 acquire a new estimate of myself. T I recognize my uniqueness. I assume an attitude of poise and power, as I put away childish emotions that would keep me bound. I accept the lessons of the past and rejoice in the instruction 1 have received from life’s experiences. I refuse to be hasty in my decisions and I use discrimination in all things. I meet each situation as a mature adult and my reactions are sane, sincere and constructive. This very moment I become still and again let that mature mind that was in Christ Jesus operate through me. My life’s focus becomes a balanced focus and can never be governed by uncontrolled and undisciplined emotions. I am in complete control of my mental fac­ ulties at all time, for I express the mind of Cod. Earl D. Barnum unday, ^une 12

NOW IS THE TIME. y “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”— P s a l m 1 1 8 :2 4 .

he fu ll action of God is taking place Tthis day. There is as much of God now, as there ever was or ever will be. I need no longer delay my good. What I want is possible right now. I now think what I want and the Law of Mind brings it to pass. I need wait no longer. Times will never be better than now. God is in every moment, and I start thinking my idea into form. I have put off my good, but now I create it. God in me thinks through me and produces by means of me. I am a spiritual center of limitless Mind that knows neither time, space nor human limitation. God doesn’t know what I can’t do and isn’t interested. In­ finite Mind thinks of me as Its beloved outlet. Today, I make my demonstration. All the Power of Mind is now in action bringing forth my desire. All the avenues, money and people necessary to bring it to pass are now revealed by God and His Intelligence. Raymond Charles Barker A. I( » < ///o n d a y , ^ u n e 1 3


^ “Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding— P ro v erb s 9:6.

know it is foolish, utterly futile, to fret or I fume over the fears, hurts, disappoint­ ments of the past, the unhappy experiences of the present or to face the future afraid. To live and to live at my full potential I walk today, and every day, in the way of un­ derstanding, which is the way of faith and free­ dom. I fill with joy as I keep my thoughts staid on the things that are lovely and of “Good rep o rt.” The joy of knowing vitalizing truth makes me porous to whatever kind of good I give my attention. It serves as a solvent to cleanse my subconscious mind so I am established in vigorous health and strength. Now I face llie future fearlessly, unafraid, secure in llie knowledge thal my affairs are in the loving hands of my Falher who works in me, through me and as me. Ruth E. Chew GOD INSPIRES ME IN MY USE OF FREEDOM.

► “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight.”— P s a l m 19:14.

NOW m editate on the wonders of creation. I know that the whole universe is created I from the purity of God’s Mind and Word and that the world is God’s Idea made manifest. 1 also know that God in creating mankind has given to him the gift of free will. Realizing the power of this gift, I now contemplate the Source from which it is given, and know that the wisdom of the One Mind inspires me in the right use of it. My mind is now guided aright, so that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, the thoughts I now direct and the life that I lead, become the channels which show forth God’s Joy and Perfection. My whole consciousness is aware now of this guidance and that now right action is freely expressed in my life. Cod’s Nature as lie works through me, be praised for ever and ever. Marjorie Raven SUCCESS IS THE LANK OF MY LIFE; EVERY­ THING I DO PROSPERS AND SUCCEEDS. y “Rut my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”—P h i l . 4:19. o d endowed me with the ability to suc­ ceed. This God quality of success brings G success in all that I do. Divine Principle always fulfills. Everything I undertake I com­ plete. Wherever I go I act in confidence. Success is operative in my business and in my finances. Everything that I need to prosper is made manifest. The right merchandise, the right customers, the right ideas, and the right clients. The value of my service is recognized, appreciated and remunerated. Sucecss governs every transaction. The principle of success is manifest in my home, in my marriage, in my relationships with I hose whom I love. Perfect understanding and appreciation govern. This consciousness of success surrounds me with successful people. Nothing of limitation can exist because the infiniteness of God’s abundance is sustained. Everyone with whom I work prospers. Everything my thought touches prospers. God knows no favorites but blesses all. Robert ff. Ritzer ~.)liurA(lay, (June 16

WHATSOEVER I BELIEVE. ► “Therefore / say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them ”—M a r k 11:24.

n o w b e c o m e still and feel the One Pres­ ence and the One Power in and through all I things. I know the Father and I are one. I see the Perfection that lies beyond all mani­ festation. I know that which is manifest in my life other than perfection is but the outpictur- ing of that which I have believed in. I know also that as I recognize the Truth, the Good, ihe Perfect that lies beyond that which I see, it tends, through Perfect Law to be brought into my life as experience. I look at all experience as but stepping stones to my own progress and view them in the light of Good. I now think and believe in only that which I wish to become manifest in my Life— joy, Peace, Harmony, Love, and Abundance. I now operate under the Law of Love and Harmless­ ness and expand my share of weallh and abun­ dance of Life. Falher wilhin, 1 lliank Thee thal lliis is now so and 1 go forth reflecting thy image to the world. And so it is. Marian Freeland ^3’rida.y, ^ u n e 1 7 I AM A BELOVED CHILD OF GOD. ► “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.”—R o m a n s 8:16.

o d a y I realize I am a child of God. His Spirit is my spirit now. I am thankful that T I realize the unity of all life and spirit. God is all the power there is. God is all the Mind there is. Today I live in a divine center of His power. Within my center Divine power is continually flowing. The strength of the Lord is within me. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Today my thought is directed upon my divine heritage. God wants me to share the joy and happiness; the abundance of all things; the spontaneous action of His Spirit in all my affairs. Today, my heart and soul are turned to that still small voice within me; within my own mind. Today I am renewed in vital energy. I am enthusiastic and glad to be alive. I am inspired by an inner calm and peace. My being is flooded w iill Divine rad ian ce. God in all His glory shines through every thought and deed today. For this realization, Almighty God, I do give Thee thanks. John D. Edward Saturday, ^une 18 I ACCEPT MY PERFECTION. y “I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for­ ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it .. . ”— Ecclesiastes 3:14. o d a y , I accept perfect health as the reality of my being. Today I realize that my body Tis the outer symbol of a perfect idea in the One Mind which is God. I know that my body is spiritual, because there is only sub­ stance in the universe, and that substance is Spirit, from which all things are made. I recog­ nize that my body is the visible manifestation of an invisible, divine, perfect idea. This per­ fect idea is in the divine pattern of man, cre­ ated by God, and therefore eternal, changeless. I know that because pure spirit is at the center of every form, pure spirit is the center and foundation of every cell of my body. By this conscious recognition of spiritual truth, I bless every cell of my body, and leave it free to do its perfect work. My conscious perception and realization of the radiant pattern of perfection in and through my body completely dissolves all false belief concerning that body. 1 accept my divinely ordained perfection now. Martha lane Reed Sunday, ^une 19 MY POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVE WORD CANNOT REVERSE ITSELF. ► “Fight the good fight of the faith”— I Tim. 6:12. give full power to the constructive word which I speak. It can never violate its own I nature nor can it be resisted. There is no pattern of rejection in my thought; therefore, nothing can deny my complete God expres­ sion. I am divinely guided. Every business venture works out right. The law of perfect right action blesses everyone with whom I have any contact. God action blesses everyone with whom I have any transaction. No one connected with me can experience financial reverse of any kind because perfect right action prospers everyone with whom I work. No belief in self rejection could cause anything to go wrong, nor bring delay in any work involving me. I know that my word always accomplishes. Everything nec­ essary for its complete manifestation is quick­ ened and brought into perfect form. God action always fulfdls. My positive conviction ol good makes every ellort positive and powerful. The forward mo­ mentum of my positive belief fulfills my word. Robert H. Bitzer I AM AT PEACE. ^ “Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace, thereby good shall come unto thee.”— J o b 2 2 :2 1 .

he Spirit, creating form out of substance, T is forever at peace. Thus It created me, with gentle loving care, with calm and confidence. I am one with this Perfection, which is the stillness in the midst of me. As I take time to sit quietly with God, I feel my heart and pulse beating in rhythm with the Universe. I free the Spirit within me, and in so doing it heals me of all confusion, pain, anger or un­ rest. I exchange my self-will for the true freedom of the Divine Will. My mind is eased of all burdens, and my body is healed of all strain. I cease all agitation, caused by negative thinking. Where I have criticized, I now bless. These blessings bear fruit and return to me as Love. I let all knowledge show me what to do. I lei all experience be my way of life. I lei my entire mind and body recognize Cod, trust Him and praise Him, for I am at peace. Felicia Gizycka MIND FOREVER UPHOLDS ME. ^ “Mark the per feet man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace.'”— P s a l m 37:37. e x i s t in and am forever a part of God. The One Mind is my cause, and my con­ I tinuity. It delivers delight to my soul. It lives in me, thinks hy means of me and cre­ ates through me. I am the visible action of Infinite Mind. There is nothing to fear. God sustains me in His eternal Presence of good. I am upheld forever in ways of righteousness. My spiritual goal is achieved, for nothing can cause me to waiver. Good alone is my experience, and Love alone is my law. I am this day evolving unto greatness. His Way is the path I walk. His Mind is the one I use. His Guidance leads me aright. I accomplish with ease and bring forth increased good with joy. Infinite Mind delivers to me great ideas, and I absorb, assimilate and dis­ tribute them. I accept myself as the vehicle of the Almighty. I am the beloved expression of Truth, Love and Beauty. In me is a Divine Purpose, and I fulfill a Divine Plan. Raymond Charles Barker I HAVE PERFECT EYESIGHT NOW. ► “Look unto me, and be ye. saved, all the ends of the earth.”— I s a i a h 45:22. iie riches of ihis moment are infinite in me. I choose to know the Truth about T myself out of the heart of the Conscious­ ness of God. There I am beheld, endowed, en­ trusted and equipped with Perfection. Here, I see myself facing God, The Mind that knows it so for me. That Mind is Perfect and Its Knowledge is Love and all of myself is Its composition of Gladness and Joy. I see that, and see with it. 1 perceive the Greatness of the Wonder of God’s Being in me as My being in God. How marvelously am I kept! All in me, for me and through me happens without my doing! Is not my breathing a miracle? Is not my seeing Light — G lory? There is no darkness before me. I walk into a future greater with brightness. I now see, sharply and clearly, that God’s Sight through me perceives only the better ahead of the already good. This is true and shapes itself so. Self-com­ plete is God. God-complete am I. Fritz Hermanns IN HIM, I LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE MY BEING. ► “Existence, by nothing bred, breeds everything." - -Lao Tze. ll activity and inspiration are open to me because my mind can grasp immen­ A sity, my soul is at home in thought of the Infinite. My inner vision is limitless, and I re­ joice to find myself capable of vast breadth of thought, speculation about Cause and Effect, a clearer and more beautiful perception of The Perfect. I am no longer bound by circumstances, heredity, current market prices, or the weather of family affairs. Aware of inner freedom, in­ ner peace, I am conscious of more activity, more joy in a growing work, more profound conviction of increasing power to express the Divine within me. I am secure and serene in the assurance of my individual ability, for my realization of the activity of Mind within me and in all Nature becomes the dominant in­ fluence in my daily thought and action. I am of the Divine Mind, the Creator of all things. I am one with all Life, and am capable of thought, all experience, all righteousness and joy. Ella Pomeroy Friday, ^une 24

MAN IS OUTPICTURED BY GOD. y “Behold, 1 have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.”- -Rev. 3 :8.

an is God’s outpicturing of an eternal thought. God’s pictures are always com­ M plete and perfect. Now I know that I am such an outpicturing of Spirit. There is in me no imperfection, for I am a representation of a perfect original, a unique manifestation of the Divine Mind. I deliberately erase from my thought every restricting idea, and I per­ mit pure LIFE to flow through me. My every act proclaims my harmony with the God within. Thus my inner life becomes the pattern for my outward expression, and there wells up within me a consciousness of a deep and abiding peace —the Peace of God. I know that now I am a son of God, and so I am free of any dis-ease or limitation. All that the Father hath is mine. I therefore receive with rejoicing the fullness of health, and sup­ ply. There is nothing in me which doubts or disbelieves. It is done unto me as I believe so I accept my good and give thanks for it. SO IT IS. Maud S. Penland ■ ^ a tu r d a ij , Jfitne 2 5

I KNOW THAT GOD CAN AND DOES SUPPLY MY EVERY NEED. ^ “Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things; it is your Father s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”— L u k e 12:30, 32.

ins DAY I know there is a great storehouse of inexhaustible Spiritual Substance in T the universe and that these riches are available to me according to my understanding and faith. I know that all good and all sub­ stance come to me through God the Father, regardless of the channel, person, job or cir­ cumstance through which it appears. I know that I am a spiritual being in a spiritual world and that my mind is one with Universal Mind. Through my dynamic think­ ing, God’s abundance is poured into my life, as supply, health, love, friends, money, wis­ dom, peace of mind and joy. Surrounded by my great abundance I meditate upon my unity with the whole, and my mind is stimulated and flooded with ideas of plenty and prosperity. My gratitude flows forth through sharing my abundance with joy, love and harmony toward all. Cora B. Mayo Sunday, ^une 26

I CHANGE MY WORLD TODAY. \ “The former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare.”- - I s a ia h 42:9.

REFU SE to accept anything less than perfect good. I now take my stand on God and His I eternal Truth. Divine Mind is the only cause the Divine Law is the only action. Per­ fect Ideas originate within me and right think­ ing now brings them to pass. This day I let God happen to me. The unlimited Power of God is mine to dis­ tribute. I let this great Good take over my thinking and determine my reasoning. I negate evil in every form. I am the unconditioned manifestation of God, and nothing else is true. I am victorious and undaunted. I am the Truth made visible. My world shall bring me peace1; prosperity and health today. It cannot confuse me, and 1 will not believe in the lie of error. I am re­ ceptive to God and to God alone. I authorize the indwelling Mind to create Good for me, and for all who contact me today. I expect greater good. I thing in terms of good. I love to experience the Goodness of God. Raymond Charles Barker iJ a y , 2 7


► “I love them that love me . . . ”— Prov. 8:17.

am. Because God is, I am. What God is, I I am. One with the Illimitable One, am I. One with the Substance. One with the Joy. One with the Peace. One with the One. I AM. What I am in this Inner One, I begin now to pour forth into the world. I give love; I pour it forth; I radiate it, indiscriminately, to all— for I Am Love, and my Song of Love knows no ending. Naturally and inevitably I receive love, even as the Sun receives the fragrance its warmth of giving has freed from the heart of the flower. I rejoice in this full-orbed expres­ sion of love. For deep within I Know: What I am, I release. What I release, I experience. What I experience is as much of God as I find in my own heart. God is love. And so am I. God pours forth love on all—both great and small. And so do I. One with the ONE am I. Lois Maxwell ^Jueiduy, ^une 28

MY SELF-CONFIDENCE IS COMPLETE. ► “For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy.” — E ccl. 2:26.

k n o w that God is my immediate, inexhaus­ tible, ever-available supply. I Regardless of conditions or appearances which at times seem to deny this Truth, I keep faith with the God Being which I am. Complete acceptance of my unity with God sustains Per­ fect Health. God Action is complete and har­ monious and governs the functions of my body. The One Life which is God flowing through me keeps me strong and vital. I know that the Power of God in me is greater than any de­ mand I make upon it. Being One with this Power I Am equal to any situation. God Knowing keeps my thoughts tuned to wealth ideas, illumines my Mind and causes me to be aware of the abundant Being which I am. I joyously accept my work as an activity of my God-Self expanding as increased ability and new talents which are instantly recognized, appreciated, and remunerated. This awareness keeps the circulation of my Supply in perfect order. Harriette Upp 'li.'ednaidatf, 2() GOD IS ALL KNOWING IN ME. ► “ to 6c spiritually minded is life and peace.” —R o m a n s 8 :6 .

he one Mind which is God is my mind now. Since it is the only Mind it cannot T be confused nor mixed up. It is ALL KNOWING. It sustains its unified being in me. This one Mind is always harmonious. No discordant thought nor feeling can exist within it. Thus no conflict has any place within me. The unity of the one Mind keeps my integrated self at one with the world in which I live. The all-knowing Mind sustains clear think­ ing in everything that concerns my expression. Nothing of confusion can exist anywhere in my environment. The all knowing Mind causes all things to work out right. Mind cannot be deceived and is not subject to delusions. No false appearance can cloud an issue. Mind is all knowing and is the only creative power. Regardless of what I do, Mind is the power that accomplishes, and I give full recog­ nition to its creativeness. Nothing in me can doubt its responsiveness to me nor my ability to think creatively. I know that Mind Action objectifies my desire. Robert H. Bitzer ( RLESS MY RODY. ^ “iiul he spake of the temple of his body.” —J o h n 2 : 2 1 . bless my body. It is the “temple of God”— I pure Spiritual Substance. Every cell of my body is activated by Divine Intelligence. Every organ in my body is regulated by the Involuntary Life within me in perfect harmoni­ ous action. Each organ in my body is a perfect part of a Perfect Whole— the Perfect Whole­ ness that is God expressing as me. I bless my body and give thanks for it. It is a faithful servant provided and maintained to house the individualization of God known as myself. I bless my body and release it in perfect confi­ dence to the Father within who “neither slum­ bers nor sleeps” in His care for me. I trust the Father within to beat my heart, digest my food, circulate my blood and harmonize the entire action of my body. I am the temple of God. The Spirit of God dwells within me. I thank Thee, Father, for Thy loving care. Cornelia Addington INTERNATIONAL Association of Religious Science Churches Dr. Raymond Charles Barker, President Headquarters: 624 S. Virgil Ave., Los Angeles 5, California Telephone: DUnkirk 7-3306 “We believe in One Universal Spirit manifesting through all nature and incarnated in all men. We believe that the Universal Spirit is personal to and reveals itself through everyone who recognizes its presence. We believe that our faith operates upon a Law of Mind which automatically manifests in our experience according to that faith.” Consult the following Churches for Worship services and accredited elasses. ARIZONA TUCSON — Winfield Holloway, M inister — Sun. 11 A.M., 737 N. Sixth Ave. CALIFORNIA FRESNO — Fresno Church of Religious Science — Florence Cunningham, Leader — Meetings: 11 A.M. Sunday and 7:30 P.M. Thursday, Californian Hotel. GLENDALE — Lora B. Holman, Minister, Sun. 11 A.M., Tues­ day Afternoon Club Theatre, 408 N. Central; other activities, 661 N. Kenilworth Ave. Phone Cl. 1-4423. HOLLYWOOD — Robert H. Bitzer, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M., weekday activities, 7677 Sunset Boulevard. Phone HO. 2-6565. HUNTINGTON PARK — Anita Scofield, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M. and weekdays, 2563 Clarendon Ave. Phone JE. 5068. INGLEWOOD — Jesse V. Longe and Hazel C. Longe, Minis­ ters— Sun. 11 A.M., Ritz Theatre, 226 S. Market St.; other activities, 409 S. La Brea Ave. Phone OR. 1-2253. LONG BEACH — John Hefferlin, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M., Ebell Theatre, Cerritos and 3rd; headquarters, 853 Linden Ave. Phone 61-0325. LOS ANGELES, EAST SIDE — Charles H. Palmer, Minister —Sun 11 A.M., Wed. 8 P.M., 4801 S. Main St. Phone AD. 1-9085. LOS ANGELES, HIGHLAND PARK — John D. Edward and Ellamae Edward, Ministers — Sun. 11 A.M., Wed. 8 P.M. Fri. 11 A.M., Ebell Club, 131 S. Avenue 57. Phone CL. 6-5S35. LOS ANGELES, SOUTHWEST — Victor York Briggs, Minis­ ter— Sun. 11 A.M., Tues. 8 P.M., Thurs. 12 Noon, 8 P.M., West Ebell Club House, 1717 W. 47th St. Phone AX. 2-9941. MONTEREY — Carleton Whitehead, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M., Hill Theatre; other activities, 604 Munras. PALO ALTO — Docia W. Norris, M inister — Sun. 11 A.M., and Wed. 8 P.M., Woman’s Club, Homer & Cowper Sts. REDONDO BEACH — Earl D. Barnum, Minister — Sun 11 A.M., Masonic Hall, 116 Ruby St.; other activities, 503 & Catalina St. Phone FR. 4-8331. SAN BERNARDINO — Ruth E. Chew, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M., YWCA; other activities, 1270 Arrowhead Ave. Phone 83-3179. SAN DIEGO — Jack Ensign Addington, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M., Capri Theater, Park Blvd. at University Ave.; othei activities, 1253 University Ave. Phone CY. 8-7784. COLORADO DENVER FIRST CHURCH — Cora B. Mayo, M inister — 1617 Marion St. Phone Cherry 4-3041. MISSOURI ST. LOUIS — Emil Clifford Hartmann, Minister — Sun. 9:30 & 10:30 A.M., Wednesday, Club Auditorium, 4504 West minster PI.; other activities, 4441 Westminster PI. NEW YORK NEW YORK, FIRST CHURCH — Raymond C. Barker, Min ister — Sun. 11 A.M., Town Hall, 123 W. 43rd St.; other activities, 122 W. 55th St. NEW YORK, SECOND CHURCH — Paul Martin Brunet, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M., Hotel Gotham, Ball Room, Fifth Ave. & 55th St.; office, 33 W. 42nd St. NEW YORK— Forum of Religious Science— David N. Moore, Leader — Meetings: 200 West 135th Street. PLAINFIELD — Religious Science of Plainfield — Marguerite Ewersen, Leader — Meetings: Park Hotel, West 7th St. OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA CITY—Pearle H. Case, Minister—Sun. 11 A.M., Masonic Temple. Church: 2319 N. Hudson St. Jackson 5 0004. TEXAS McALLEN — Hattie McLellan, Minister'— 418 No. 11th St Phone 6-4688. WASHINGTON SPOKANE — Lois Maxwell, Minister — Sun. 11 A.M. and weekdays, 4th & Stevens Sts. CANADA CALGARY — Grace M. Baskin, Minister— 1717 7th St. West. ENGLAND LONDON—Religious Science Centre; Miss Marjorie Raven, Leader; 3 Mulberry Court, Chelsea, London S.W. 3. Phone: FLA-9072. SOUTH AFRICA CAPE TOWN — Hester Brunt, Minister — Suite 705 Grand Parade Center, Castle St.

PRACTITIONER DIRECTORY Accredited by the Internationa! Association of Religious Science Churches

CALIFORNIA Wilcox, Flourabelle S. Fresno 620 N. M aryland Avenue Citrus 2-5113 Blanche L. Jones 1917 Fresno Street Hermosa Beach Phone 40815 or 35092 Lowman, Dessie G. Glendale 90 6 3rd Street FRontier 2-4332 Holman, Dr. Lora B. 661 N. Kenilworth Hollywood Off.— Citrus 1-4423 Bitzer, Dr. Robert H. Res.-—C itrus 3-9270 7677 Sunset Blvd. Morris, Daisy Off.— HOllywood 2-6565 1138 Park Avenue Res.— SUnset 1-3818 Citrus 4-4236 Greenwood, Mrs. Margaret Mueller, Martha K. 1400 No. Crescent Heights 1136 Verdugo Road HO. 4-5583 Citrus 3-0708 Spray, Mrs. Judd W. Pederson, Hazel 1811 No. W hitley Avenue 415 Devonshire Lane HOllywood 2-7503 CHapman 5-2093 Penland, Maud Speir Huntington Park 221-B Arden Avenue Hoppe, Frederick LaVergne Off.— Citrus 1-4423 3424 E. W alnut Street Res.— Citrus 4-1501 Kimball 2635 Hoppe, Mary Loa Angeles 3424 E. W alnut Street Bradshaw, Dr. Margaret M Kimball 2635 763 So. Ogden Drive Scofield, Dr. Anita W H itney 9569 2 5 63 Clarendon Avenue Briggs, Dr. Victor York JE. 5068 (By appointm ent) 5142% Crenshaw Blvd. Inglewood AXminster 2-9941 Longe, Rev. Hazel C. Clark, Harriett B. 1019 E ast Fairview Blvd. 400 So. Burnside Off.— ORchard 1-2253 WE. 3-5121 Rea.—ORegon 8-2480 Corbin, Dr. Floyd Longe, Dr. Jesse V, Park Wilshire Hotel 1019 E a st Fairview Blvd. 2424 W ilshire Blvd. Off.— ORchard 1-2253 DUnkirk 9-2141 Res.— ORegon 8-2480 Edward, Rev. Ellamae 3517 % Fletcher Drive La Canada CLeveland 6-5535 Eskonen, Aili Edward, Dr. John D. 470G Ocean View Blvd. CH. 9-2706 3517% Fletcher Drive CLeveland 6-5535 La Mesa Fiddler, Irm a E. Martial, Octavia E. 4091 Hillcrest Drive 4941 Pine Street AXminster 3-3718 HOpkins 9-1405 Mallory, Ruby Lennox 1852 West 67th Street Jamison, Muriel C. PLeasant 2-8911 5015 West 112th Street Metty, Mrs. Eva ORchard 7-3135 761 So. Stanley YOrk 4951 Long Beach Downing, Daisy Kemp Palmer, Dr. Charles H. 620 E a st 15th St. 1639 E a st 40th Place L.B. 35-65-59 Off.— DUnkirk 7-3306 Res.— ADams 1-9085 Fisher, Louise H. 1236 E. 1st St., Apt. 8 Palmer, Jennie May L.B. 686-228 1639 E ast 40th Place Hefferlin, Dr. John ADama 1-9085 85 3 Linden Street Shelhamer, Ivy Crane L.B. 610-325 500 Lillian Way Little, Hazel HOllywood 3-9512 85 3 Linden Avenue Sinott, Dr. Mary Res.— L.B. 9-2704 3300 Canfield Avenue Off.— L.B. 61-0325 CRestview 5-4156 Sawyer, Ann M. Steckel, Iva S. 745 E ast B urnett St. 2834 W. Vernon Avenue L.B.418-58 AXminster 1-2730 Schoolcraft, Bonnie B. Tarney, Eleanor Lander 2461 Caspian Avenue 4152 West 61at Street L.B. 70-4541 AXminster 1-6655 Vaughn, Adda E. Wandre, Miriam 87 Lime, Apt. 104 221 East 103rd Street L .B .77-684 PLeasant 5-6637 Williams, Jennie Frances Moore, Louise Lynn 1247 So. W indsor Blvd. 3428 Sixth Avenue WEbster 4-4190 Cypress 8-3558 Lynwood Morgan, Emery LeRoy Challman, Esther 4467 41st Street 3127 Euclid Avenue AT. 2-0168 (Evenings or appt.) NEwmark 2-12 68 Vaughn, Helen A. Monterey 2142 Front Street Rice, Elizabeth A. BElmont 4-3035 Off.— 604 Munras Wilson, Daisy Deane Res.— No. 2 Cielo Vista PL 24 20 A Street Res.— 2-7902 Off.— 2-8821 BElmont 2-1991 Whitehead, Dr. Carleton San Gabriel P.O. Box 1628 Bremermann, Gretchen F. Res.— 7-8321 Off.— 2-8821 716 W est Roses Road Montrose ATlantic 1-7635 Hook, Mrs. Ethel Rosa 2206 Mira Vista San Jose CHurchill 9-1467 Kerr, Rosannah North Hollywood 155 So. 12th Street Dunbar, E. Loucetta CY 4-9202 12755 H ortense Street (By appt. only) SUnset 2-9847 (Byappt.) Santa Barbara Jones, B etty E. Fergus, Bertrie Walter 4105 Tujunga Avenue 5032 West Coast Highway Off.— DUnkirk 7-3306 Box 1064 Res.— SUnset 3-9207 WOodland 8-3535 (By appt. only) South Pasadena Palo Alto Norris, Rev. Docia W. Zimmerman, Lucile Off.— 564 U niversity Ave. 131 W arwick Place Res.— 309 Leland Ave. ALbany 2872 Off.— DA 2-0270 Sunland Res.— DA 2-6736 Naudain, Ruth W. Redondo Beach 10064 Sunland Blvd. Barnum, Dr. Earl D. Florida 3-2743 213 Via Buena Ventura Hollywood Riviera Van Nuys FRontier 5-3978 Hall, Lola E. 8661 Katherine Avenue Darnum, Marjorie 213 Via Buena Ventura Panorama City Hollywood Riviera EMpire 2-4458 FRontier 5-3978 Upp, Harriette 5737 Ventura Canyon Avenue Buck, Jessie G. STate 0-2955 520 Esplanade (By appt. only) FRontier 2-8964 Victor, Mrs. Don San Bernardino Chew, Dr. Ruth E. 6202 Mary Ellen 1270 Arrowhead Avenue STate 0-7504 S B. 833-179 COLORADO San Diego Denver Anderson, Laura Kemp Lowell, Mrs. Helen M. 1027 Reed Street 1960 Bellaire Street HUdson 8-3660 EA st 2-2068 Mayo, Dr. Cora B. Porter, Beulah P. 109 Franklin Street 1229 Franklin Avenue Res.— RAce 2952 JE 8-1002 Off.— CHerry 4-3041 Brooklyn Peterson, Mrs. Lorraine Bleyer, Lillian 1235 Valentia Hotel Pierrepont Res.— Dexter 3-8915 NEvine 8-1968 Off.— Cherry 4-3041 Meetings & Private Interviews Roberta, Mrs. Anna Graham, Clementina 1868 So. Franklin 16 Oakland Place Spruce 7-2248 BUckminster 2-9435 CONNECTICUT Kenmore, Barbara B. H artford 64 Sterling Place Lent, Gladys Goin Peters, Priscilla 9 8 Garden Street 37 B revort Place JAckson 2-2450 Main 2-3397 MISSOURI Pirone, Matilda 321 C ourt Street St. Louis TR 5-1336 Hartmann, Dr. Emil Clifford Pom eroy, Mrs. Ella 4441 Westminster Place 101 Lafayette Avenue JE. 3-7007 Consultation, Classes, Pvt. Ins, NEW JERSEY ULster 8-8544 East Orange Schmitt, Mary A. King, Helen W. 171 Eastern Parkway 70 South Munn Avenue NE. 8-2927 ORange 3-6407 CO. 5-1867 Morristown Forest Hills Babey-Brooke, Anna M. Willing, Madeline 69-22 Dartmouth Street Mt. Kemble Lake BO 3-3081 and LI 5-1885 MO. 4-3752-R1 Smith, Mrs. Ann Teaneck 66-18 Booth Street Hilbert, Florence ILlinois 9-8916 24 3 Merrison Street Jamaica 6-2763 Roberts, Christina L. Ridgewood 154-08 134th Avenue Kuehlke, Emma Berchtold LAurelton 7*6710 20 West Plaza New York City Gilbert 4-1242 Arnheiter, Dr. Dorothy B. NEW YORK 48 East 89th Street Consultant, Private and Astoria Class Instruction Burr, Mrs. Caroline M. SAcramento 2-4537 23-64 33rd Street Greenwood Lake 7-2770 AStoria 4-6058 Barker, Estelle M. Bronx 122 W est 65th Street Ahles, Elizabeth COlumbus 5-1867 1915 Tenbroeck Avenue Barker, Dr. Raym ond Charles TAlmadge 3-6447 122 W est 55th Street Henkel, Gertrude E. COlumbus 5-1867 2100 Eastchester Road Blacker, William H. TAlmadge 0-1063 33 W est 42nd Street Rm. 824 Brehant, Ernest Lansdale, Nancy 120 East 34th Street Henry Hudson Hotel Murray Hill 4-9450 353 W est 57th Street Brunet, Dr. Paul Martin COlumbus 5-6100 Off.— 33 W. 42nd St. Rm. 1701 Minor, Ann E. Off.— PE nnsylvania 6-4570 23 5 East 54th Street Res.— BR 9-7925 PLaza 9-4027 Moore, David N. Conner, Isabel C. 200 W est 135th Street 101 W est 55th Street AUdubon 3-7520 Circle 7-6300 Morton, Mrs. Ethel E. Corbett, Beatrice 2420 Sedgewick Ave. 300 W est 72nd St. CYpress 5-9371 TR. 7-1096 Murray, Edith Joy Couperus, Henry G. 122 W est 55th Street 17 East 11th Street COlumbus 5-1867 ALgonquin 5-6660 Parsons, Helen Hart Craig, Margaret G. 871 F irst Avenue 310 W est 55th Street PLaza 5-6524 Columbus 5-6670 Podmore, Lillian de Mare, Jeanne Off.— 33 W. 42nd St. Rm. 1701 135 6 Madison Avenue Off.— PE 6-4570 AT 9-6005 and SA 2-6735 Res.— MU 2-8060 Rush, Harry Russell DeSalas, Louise P. 261 West 85th St. Apt. 5 101 West 115th Street TRafalgar 3-3664 UNiveraity 4-7534 Schm itt, M ary A. Ebey, Robert R. 122 W est 55th Street 20 Beekman Place Off.— COlumbus 5-1867 ELdorado 5-0408 Res.— NEvins 8-2927 Few, Thomas V. Sims, Ilomae 22 7 E a st 60th Street 8 East 61st Street ORegon 5-0477 TE. 8-7517 Graeb, Beatrice M. Stanford, Lula 1170 5th Avenue 336 W est End Avenue AT. 9-0955 TRafalgar 7-8490 Grey, Jessie M. W ang, Inga 40 West 45th Street 329 East 49th Street Murray Hill 2-4390 Plaza 9-5283 Harden,Josephine Williams, Margaret P. 122 W est 55th Street 967 E. 156th Street Res. TW. 8-7111; HI. 6-3998 DAyton 8-7973 Off. Columbus 5-1867 Williams, Mary P. 145 E a st 49th Street Hermanns, Fritz PLaza 5-5253 122 W e st 55th Street COlumbus 5-1867 Wrench, Elenor 122 W est 55th Street Holmes, Charles E. CO. 5-1867 524 W. 151st, Apt. 5 Foundation 8-1457 Richmond Hill Iwersen, Marguerite Reichard, Louise 19 East 88th Street 89-19 121st Street Trafalgar 6-5115 Virginia 6-1684 Rye Maxwell, Rev. Lois White, Ida May Rudd Off.— 324 So. Stevens Street Highland Hall (Mon., Wed. & Fri.) Rye 7-1560 Res.— 5312 N. Hawthorne Riverside 4923 or EM pire 5790 White Plains Maxwell, Veva H. Sunderman, Florence N. Off.— 324 So. Stevens Street 57 East Columbus Avenue (Tues. and Thurs.) W.P. 9-7704 Res.— 1524 W est Mallon Riverside 4923 & EMpire 5919 W o o d s id e Spelman, Patricia Conti, Caroline H. 1104 W est 10th 39-55 51st Street MAdison 1420 ILlinois 7-8366 Wilson, Eunice Spelman 1104 W est 10th Yonkers MAdison 1420 Dutschler, Eleanor B. BRITISH WEST INDIES 99 Franklin Avenue YOnkers 5-8247 Lewis, Jack Rose Hill PENNSYLVANIA Runaway Bay Jam aica North E ast Lewis, Susan Clark, Mrs. Agnes M. Rose Hill 21 West Main Street Runaway Bay 390-W Jam aica ENGLAND WASHINGTON London Spokane Raven, Miss Marjorie Hawkes, Emmalee B. 3 Mulberry Walk 6 08 So. Stevens Apt. 4 Chelsea. S.W. 3 Riverside 7437 FLAxman 9072 (Eve. & Sun. by appt.) SOUTH AFRICA Hawkes, John K. Cape Town 608 So. Stevens Brunt, Dr. Hester Riverside 7437 P.O. Box 3553 Maxwell. John W. Telephones 30591 & 692177 5312 N. H aw thorne Wilson, Vere EMpire 5790 P.O. Box 3553 (By appt. only) Telephones 30591 & 692177


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BEGIN WITH. Issue. Gift of------V/ hat we think and fee] in consciousness governs everything that conies into our expe­ rience. Just as a river purifies itself as it flows along, so the release of Divine Awareness oblit­ erates anything in our lives which is unlike God, and lets God flow7 through. Robert H. Bitzer