RELIGIOUS SCIENCE CREATIVE THOUGHT FOR EACH DAY JUNE 1955 2 5 c S 1 LOOK THOUGHTFULLY al those 'with whom I come in contact in my journey A through life, I am fascinated (and oft- limes alarmed) hy the common denominator I find: each person has everything he will acre pi. To a few: Health, Harmony, Abundance, Love and all positive blessings seem theirs for the taking. To many others: seemingly content with half-measures of Health, small demonstrations of 4bimdance, meager approaches to complete Harmony and Love, they live their lives as though they didn’t quite believe that “all things” meant ALL things. With added bless­ ings lying round about them, they settle for crumbs. The need is obvious: greater faith and a sense of acceptance. God meant to include you. Walter Edward Ramsey RELIGIOUS SCIENCE V ot.. 2. N o . I J u n e , 1955 RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Mugur.me published monthly a t G24 So. Virgil A vnnif, I.oa Angelon fi, California, U.S.A. Telephone: D Un­ kirk 7-330(1. Hy the International Association of Religious Science Churches; n non-profit, California Educational and Religious Cor­ poration. Twenty-five cents single copy. To spread the Principle of “Science of Mind" us taiiRht in Religious Science. Editorial Board: Chairman. Robert H. Bitzer; Jesse V. Lonae. Raymond Charles Bnrk«r. Mnnnging Editor: Walter Edward Ramnpy. by Raymond Charles Barker h e last one hundred years have brought forth a new concept of man. Religious Sci­ T ence has played an important role in this revelation. It has steadfastly proclaimed that man is a spiritual potential whose full nature warrants our exploitation. Psychology explores the negatives of the human mind. Religious Science explores the spiritual resources of the individual, yet, it uses psychological techniques to do this. Man is a powerhouse of mental dynamite. His use of mind determines his experience. Viewing his mind merely as a human he be­ holds problems, world conditions and limita­ tions. From the spiritual side of things, we see what man can be, even if he hasn’t yet be­ come it. God never limits us. We have accepted our own limitations. We have tried to over­ come these limitations by knowing more facts about more things. But, we now discover that more facts about more things do not produce a better man or a better world. They only produce more comfort. The new man as studied by Religious Science is a growing spiritual experiment. And, this experimentation is one of mind action. Facts are ideas completed. Man is cause and by his causation he determines the facts which will take place. Our motives determine our desires. Our desires stimulate our emotions. Our emo­ tions give rise to the direction of our thinking. Our thinking causes the Law of Mind, the subconscious, to produce form. This entire process is a spiritual one, be­ cause God is all in all. We believe this and we prove this. The traditional thinkers neither know it, nor can they receive the benefits from knowing it. So, they struggle to achieve, while we rest in a Law that does the work for us. The new Man knowing himself as God in action works effortlessly in bringing to pass the de­ sires of his heart. Our technique is simple. We affirm our thinking process to be divine. We know that what we think and feel causes a subconscious Law to act and bring forth a result. Religious Science is a light unto the world. It reveals what man can be. It does not emphasize man’s errors. It keeps its sights on the God-man and teaches him to grow into his true stature. lie C jreateit flow er ~3n %jour o C tj^ e ' h o u g h t is the greatest power known to Tm an! Out of the past we created the present. And out of the present our thought is creating the future. We become what we habitually think. Think Life! And you will be filled with new vitality and power. For there is a guiding, producing Intelligence that responds to every definite demand made upon IT. Think poor thoughts and you become poor. Think great thoughts and you become great. What you are thinking NOW . is condition­ ing the days ahead. Religious Science is showing the world how to think with God, in and with God! It is the Science of Mind, the Science of Truth, the Sci­ ence of the Everlasting Presence and Power. For within you is the Power and the Glory that is greater than any circumstance. This Power will free you from fear, doubt, and discouragement. Religious Science teaches you how to live a successful and progressive life . and it teaches you how to live a successful life right now, right where you are. Use your Power for Good today! Paul Martin Brunet M g . W a k D L h e l a w of our lives can be an inflexible Tlaw, holding us in the slavery of its iron grasp; or it can be a law that supports, promotes and protects our every action. Whether the first or the later, depends upon two things: knowledge of the law and conscious alignment with it. As an example, take the law of floata­ tion. Lack of knowledge, leaves us in the grip of terror when we suddenly fall into deep water. We thrash around in fear, and without help we might drown. But with knowledge of the law, we calmly turn and float in perfect safety. The same law brings destruction or protection. Recognition of your source and of your One­ ness is the first law of your life. Aligning your­ self with that law is prerequisite to your ulti­ mate Good. Only in this way can you meet the requirements of the law; and as the law is clearly understood and acted upon, you are free to unfold into power to which it is im­ possible to assign any limit. Walter Edward Ramsey cco ru in tj ^ /o v/jour he principle of demonstration is that it is done unto us as we believe. Conse­ T quently, the art and science of bringing into our conscious acceptance an inner convic­ tion that our every good has already been pro­ vided by an All-Wise Intelligence is what we must cultivate if we would demonstrate a greater good. Turning our thoughts daily and often to recognize this Giver of all good in a spirit of thankful acceptance and trust is the way to cultivate this art and science of demonstration. As we grow in this practice, we find ourselves becoming more aware of the Divine Presence and feeling more trust and confidence in the Divine Givingness. Thus our fears and negative states of mind begin to give way to an attitude of faith and positive thinking which in turn becomes our law of attraction for a greater good. Our sense of separation and fear of opposi­ tion dissolve into a feeling of unity with life, and right relations are more quickly established in our daily contacts. These daily affirmations Wi" W |’ y0U' Anita Scofield (' . .. / 1 j . __Spiritual StwaKeninfy e h o l d , I stand at the door and knock.” | j —Rev. 3:20. This “I” is the Word of Truth, The Christ, revealing Itself to man. It stands ready to serve, to direct and to sustain but man must open the door of his con­ sciousness if he would hear the “Voice,” and receive Its direction and protection. Materialism is the most insidious thing in the world today. We can defeat it only with something better than materialism. Jesus prom­ ises, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” The application of the Truth to our daily needs is the Saviour of the World. Spiritual understanding is the direct opposite of all that materialism represents; hence Solomon admonished, “With all thy get­ ting, get understanding.” The Love of God for man, in man, demonstrates the true brother­ hood of all peoples. Religious Science teaches the technique of the application of the “Word,” into the great Law of Mind. It not only will set you “free” but your use of the following meditations will help to cleanse the entire subjective realm of the Creative Mind thereby “doing to another as you would have them do unto you.” Lora B. Holman I KNOW MY SOURCE. ^ “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”—E x o d u s 33:14. h e r e is One Presence. I am always in the midst of this Presence. It surrounds me, T permeates me and maintains me in peace, poise and right balance at all times. I am never alone; I am never lonely, apprehensive, fearful nor worried for this Divine Presence is always my Unseen Counselor awaiting my every need. Divine Presence is leading me on the path­ way of peace. It is directing my thoughts, my words and my actions into constructive chan­ nels of self-expression. It is uniting me with others in love, in kindness and in consideration. In this Presence is the inspiration of an un­ derstanding love and the realization that I am working with a Law that always accepts my direction. I am now unified with that which is greater than I and yet, that of which I am ever a part. Therefore, I declare that there is a Divine Presence and a Law of Good which, flowing through me, reaches out to everything in my world with love, joy and gladness.
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