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T H E O B S E R V The O bserver VOL. XXIII NO. 53 THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 15, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Bush, Congress clash over president’s power U.S. bishops WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ Leader Richard Gephardt, D- dent Bush clashed Wednesday Mo., told Bush that waiting a issue report with leaders of Congress trying year or a year and a half for to limit his war-making powers sanctions to force Iraq out of on sexuality but assured anxious lawmakers Kuwait was a better choice he has not decided to use m ili­ than war. Michel told Bush he WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. tary force to push Iraqi troops could not wait that long, and Roman Catholic bishops on out of Kuwait. Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., Wednesday adopted their chairman of the House Appro­ first comprehensive In a two-hour meeting, priations defense subcommit­ guidelines on human Democratic leaders insisted that tee, said the president should sexuality, portraying it in Bush must seek congressional be prepared to move soon, the exalting terms and calling for approval before taking military source said. it to be taught in Catholic action in the Persian Gulf. He schools. refused to give any such Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., said Against some opposition guarantee. Democrats were unanimous in and attempts at delay, the “The president did not indi­ counseling patience. document was approved by a cate either a commitment to do “How long are you willing to strong voice vote by the that or refusal to do that,” Se­ w ait it out to save lives? My an­ National Conference of nate Majority Leader George swer is, a fair amount of time." Catholic Bishops. Mitchell said later. Baker said the sanctions are It says sexual education Secretary of State James working but might not be should be taught in schools Baker III said Bush would follow enough to force an Iraqi with­ and parishes as w ell as in the Constitution, but he drawal. “ I don’t think we can families, a provision strongly pointedly added, “It’s a question say that today with certainty. opposed by several bishops of what the Constitution We know they are beginning to who said many parents want requires." bite," Baker said. such education kept in the Some lawmakers, including home. One said families While acknowledging that only Senate Republican Leader Bob AP Photo might remove their children Congress has authority to Dole, have called for a special from Catholic schools if sex session of Congress to vote on declare war, Baker said, “There President Bush talks with Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence education is required. the gulf crisis, but that proposal are many, many circumstances Eagleberger at the start of a cabinet meeting at the White House. Describing sexuality as a and situations indeed where appeared dead Wednesday. “wonderful gift," the bishops there could be action taken Reading from his notes of the with our allies” and the United “There is no support for it on said they approach the against American citizens or meeting. House Minority Nations. either side,” Senate Foreign subject with a “ deep and against American interests that Leader Robert Michel, R-11L, However, Michel said he was Relations Chairman Claiborne abiding sense of would call for a very prompt and quoted Bush as saying, “ We “a little distressed ” that some Pell, D-R.L, said as he left the appreciation, wonder and substantial response.” haven’t crossed any particular participants in the meeting White House. respect.” Fears of war in the Middle Rubicon here” with the latest with Bush had spoken of They said, “ We are dealing East were flamed by Bush’s de­ increase. waiting up to 18 months for Rep. William Broomfield, R- w ith a divine g ift, a prim al cision last week to send up­ sanctions against Iraq to take Mich., senior Republican on the dimension of each person, a wards of 200,000 more troops to For his own part, Michel full effect. He said that was “far House Foreign Affairs Commit­ mysterious blend of spirit the gulf, nearly doubling the said, ”1 don’t look for the kind beyond the time frame I tee, said there was a bipartisan and body, which shares in American military force there of action ... some people are thought appropriate.” agreement that “it would be God's own creative love and and adding what Bush called an anticipating, real soon. We According to an administra­ just poor judgment to have it life." offensive capability. want to continue to counsel tion source, House Majority right now.” Key issues of Student Bill of Rights being considered by Task Force ment Legal Department. the four issues to the CLC, said progress by the Task Force of By JOHN O’BRIEN The status of Managing Editor The Legal Department orga­ Singh. O’Hara’s rejection of CLC the CLC,” she wrote. nized the issues that the Bill of the Student Resolution #909102 and O’Hara said on Wednesday subsequent Task Force discus­ she would like to see the CLC The Student Bill of Rights, left Rights addressed into four Bill of Rights for dead by most students, is main areas. These areas are sion prompted the Task Force “ use the Bill of Rights as a way still very much alive, although Judgement by Peers, Public to change its approach, Singh of surfacing issues and evaluat­ some students might not Knowledge of Hearings, Collec­ said. ing existing judicial proce­ recognize it. tive Punishment and Freedom these recommendations com­ In her letter to Student Body dures.” She said she advocates The Bill of University and of Expression. bined into a single report and President Rob Pasin dated Nov. the CLC submitting the recom­ Student Relations Task Force, Following Vice-President for fo rw a rd e d to the CLC. If the 9, O’Hara rejected the resolu­ mendations in a report “similar formed by the Campus Life Student Affairs Patricia CLC accepts the report, it will tion and urged against splitting to the Board of Trustees reports Council (CLC) on Mar. 28 of this O’Hara’s rejection of a Campus be forw arded to O’Hara, who the issues up into four separate that Student Government does year, is currently working on Life Council resolution regard­ said she would respond in a resolutions. every year.” the ideas which the original Bill ing the issue of collective pun­ “timely manner,” according to “I do not think it is advisable “ I can’t tell them what to do. discussed. However, the Bill’s ishment, the Task Force w ill Singh. to deal with this issue on a It’s up to them to determine original form has been dis­ compile a report addressing all The submission of a single piece meal basis. I believe this their direction. ” she added. carded and many of its ideas four areas rather than submit­ report to the CLC was not the issue would be better examined The Task Force’s decision to have been clarified, according ting separate resolutions. original intent of the Task in connection with the review submit a single report alters to Raja Singh, executive coor­ In a meeting on Wednesday, Force, who had planned on of existing University judicial see RIGHTS / page 4 dinator of the Student Govern­ the Task Force decided that sending one report on each of procedures currently in Williams argues in support of ROTC programs at ND By BECKY RITZERT McCarthy opened the series News Writer Tuesday night by presenting his Associate Provost Father pacifist views. Oliver Williams agrees with Last night Williams re­ Coleman McCarthy that we sponded. should take on roles of service Despite the fact that Chris­ and that people should find tians are called to lives of non­ time to learn about the troubles violence and justice, a career in of those who are less fortunate. the m ilitary is an honorable Unlike McCarthy, Williams calling for a Christian, accord­ believes that the military actu­ ing to Williams. ally enhances rather than in­ In his lecture, Williams, a v hibits such a mission. former Navy officer, stressed Williams was the second that there are certain condi­ speaker in a series of three lec­ tions under which violence Big gun APPh0,° tures dealing with controversy should be used to promote jus­ The commander of a 155mm self-propelled howitzer adjusts a .50-caliber machine gun Monday in the surrounding the presence of tice. “The just war tradition Saudi desert. The barrel of the howitzer is covered to protect it from the desert sand. The howitzer ROTC at a Catholic university. see ROTC / page 6 belongs to a field artillery battalion that is part of the 24th Infantry Division from Fort Stewart, Ga. page 2 The Observer Thursday, November 15, 1990 I n s id e C o l u m n W e a t h e r NCAA Forecast for noon, Thursday, Nov. 15. Lines show high temperatures. should not Yesterday’s High: 64 change policy Yesterday's Low: 31 Nation’s High: 94 (Borrego Springs, Calif.) on draft ■ Nation’s Low: 10 (Gunnison, Colo.) Anyone who watched the halftime Forecast: show during the Sunny and very warm Tennessee game Thursday with highs in learned that the the upper 60s. Increas­ National Collegiate Bradley GalkO ing cloudiness and mild Athletic Association Thursday night. Lows in (NCAA) is considering the upper 40s. Mostly legislation that would Assistant News Editor cloudy and cooler Friday a llo w a fo o tb a ll with highs in the upper player who applies 50s.

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