Education: Investment with the Highest Return

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Education: Investment with the Highest Return 100,000 50 New HHL Crowdfunding Campaign Targeting Number 1 in Student 50 % € 100,000 Satisfaction* 1 Growth in Student Numbers** HHL NEWS LEIPZIG GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SUMMER 2013 WWW.HHL.DE Crowdfunding very high level of job security, but also the Education: Investment fast career development of our graduates.” for “HHL New Thus, an investment in the best education is definitely worth it. To help with this HHL Campus” with the Highest Return advocates equal opportunities by offering financing options where fee payments are Help HHL Raise Funds for delayed, as well as scholarships for out- our New Building! US politician Benjamin Franklin once “We do not support an elite standing candidates. said, “An investment in knowledge al- group of individuals based One vital requirement for realizing the ways pays the best interest.” With that In 2012, HHL got around €166.000 from innovate 125 Future Concept of HHL is in mind, the tuition fees required at HHL upon their birth or place in the German Academic Exchange Service space for more lecture halls, study rooms, should not be discouraging. In the long society, but a responsibly-acting (DAAD) and thus – across all students – is as well as work stations for research and run, investment in education only has ad- and performance oriented elite considered the most well supported school teaching. vantages. The perspective of HHL gradu- in Germany. Frank Hoffmann, Director of ates shows that a master degree provides group of students. This requires Financial Aid at HHL, issued scholarships Offering an opportunity of a lifetime for graduates with a globally competitive fair conditions at the start.” worth of €353,000 to about 120 HHL stu- HHL, the Free State of Saxony once again qualification and strong networks. There- dents in 2012. demonstrated its support by offering us fore, rewarding career opportunities are Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, 5,000 m2 – rent-free and on the Jahn allee open to them. In fact, three years after Dean of HHL Last but not least: Something that many Campus. On one campus, we build the completing their degree, M.Sc. graduates people do not realize, but which should not foundations for our pathway to the top of have an average salary of €65,500, which Director of Career Services at HHL, Mela- be underestimated is the possibility to de- European business schools. puts HHL graduates in the top tier (Finan- nie Petersen says, “Due to the high qual- duct all costs in connection with a Master’s cial Times 2012). ity education at HHL we observe not only a degree from one’s income tax. The central condition is that we raise the funding for refurbishing the new space on our own. While €60,000 to €100,000 would allow us to kick it off and install 16 new study rooms, anything on top of that will help us to bring the entire building into operation. HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Pinkwart says, “With “Thanks to the financial support of the “To acquire management know-how in four “Thanks to a scholarship of the ERP FUNDSTERS, founded by alumnus KARL KOLLE scholarship I can focus on very different countries - I can handle that Program from the DAAD my dream Markus Brütsch (K17), we developed a fun- what is personally important for me: The well thanks to the Women in Leadership of studying at Germany’s top private draising campaign, asking the HHL com- pursuit of a management education at one Scholarship of HHL.” business school became true.” of the best European business schools.” munity, alumni and friends to support us Caroline Grosch Natalia Churikova through donations, large and small.” With Alexandru Canariov Business Development Manager at Allen & Overy Full-time M.Sc. Program this innovative approach, you will be part Full-time MBA Program LLP, Global Executive MBA Program * 2013 trendence Graduate Barometer of something worthwhile. For your sup- port we will offer you individualized gifts such as merchandise or your personal, On Course for Growth: Positive Interim Result of company or class names on a wall or study ** room. innovate 125 HHL Future Concept Help us in making this lifetime mile- By 2023, when HHL will celebrate its 125th tional programs, more students, the de- Students stone for HHL happen anniversary, it wants to have reached velopment of a strong global network and 2010 HHL-Campus two goals. It is aiming to enter the league a wider financial basis. HHL Dean Prof. of the Top 10 graduate schools in Europe Dr. Andreas Pinkwart is upbeat about the 2013 150 with its full and part-time M.Sc. and MBA soaring growth in student numbers (plus programs, its executive as well as its doc- 50%), endowment chairs (plus 150%) and Endowment Chairs toral programs. HHL also wants to posi- contractually secured income (plus 132%). 2010 tion itself amongst the Top 10 worldwide In addition, the research infrastructure 2013 250 with its M.Sc. program, which is already has developed, amongst other things with listed in the Top 10 in Europe. the Center for Advanced Studies in Man- To reach these strategic goals, HHL with agement (CASIM) and the percentage of in- Secured Income its innovate125 Future Concept has been ternational professorships has increased: 2010 following a quality concept for growth every third professor who was appointed 2013 232 since 2011. The focus of the concept is to in the last two years was an international bring about: a larger and more interna- candidate. Basis: 2010 = 100 tional school, excellent research, addi- 02 HHL NEWS SUMMER 2013 HHL NEWS SUMMER 2013 03 CAMPUS CAMPUS PORSCHE AG CHAIR OF StRAtEGIC Management AND FAMILy Business HHL Awards Honorary Doctorate to We Support HHL’s innovate125 Future Concept Porsche Supports Chair of Strategic Hans-Werner Sinn Management and Family Business On Wednesday July 3, 2013, HHL awarded Kramer Foundation Supports HHL’s Career Service: A Success that an honorary doctorate to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. at HHL mult. Hans-Werner Sinn (center). Before Development of HHL Pays off in More than just one Way 200 guests, HHL honored an international- Sports car manufacturer Porsche is sup- ly renowned individual who has rendered Alongside the Leipzig Chamber of Com- The Kramer Foundation would like to at- When people study at a private business In the context of the realization of the HHL porting the establishment of a Chair of Stra- outstanding services to the Leipzig busi- merce and Industry, as well as the Associ- tract additional active supporters over the school they expect to get an interesting Future Concept Melanie Petersen says, “Our tegic Management and Family Business at ness school with the degree. The lecture ation of Friends of HHL e.V., the Kramer next few years to support the realization and lucrative job later. This puts business service for students, alumni and compa- HHL. The chair aims to develop research given by Prof. Sinn, full professor at the Foundation is one of the shareholders of the of HHL’s innovate125 Future Concept and schools, such as HHL, in a position where nies contributes to the success of the HHL in the key areas of the professorship with Chair of Economics and Public Finance as holding company of HHL. While the history you can contribute to HHL’s future by do- they are responsible to support their stu- Future Concept in more ways than one. By practical relevance. Pursuing an approach well as President of the ifo Institute – Leib- of the Kramer Foundation dates way back to nating today. With Paymill’s kind support dents in finding such jobs. Thus, HHL’s Ca- placing HHL students in attractive jobs the with a focus on top management, the chair niz Institute for Economic Research at the the year 1278, its efforts for HHL today are you can use the online payment tool on the reer Services offers a broad range of services rankings, which weigh the parameter ‘re- will offer scientifically-founded solutions to University of Munich, was entitled “Europa From left to right: Prof. Dr. A. Pinkwart, Prof. in full force. new website to do- that include: on-campus company presen- ceived income’ are heavily affected. There- the issues faced by entrepreneurs. The chair in der Krise” (“Europe in Crisis”). Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn, Prof. Dr. G. Milbradt nate by credit card or feel free to contact the tations, recruitment fairs, workshops, in- fore, our work not only contributes to the will therefore complement HHL’s profile Today, the Kramerstiftung’s sole purpose foundation directly. terview training and individual coaching. professional success of HHL graduates, but as an innovation-oriented entrepreneurial bility in our locations,” says Lutz Meschke HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart (left) sincerely for your great support of HHL is to promote the stability and develop- We very much appreciate endowments to Moreover, the department has established also to HHL as an institution on its path to business school and contribute significant- (center), CFO of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, said: “In the year of its 115th anniversary, since its re-establishment in 1992. You have ment of HHL. The Chairman of its Board is the Kramer Foundation of HHL a personal development module for its the top 10 graduate schools in Europe. And ly to the implementation of the innovate125 on supporting the Leipzig business school. HHL not only honors a man who is without always been at our side as a reliable part- Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt (center), the former MBA students, preparing them during their let’s not forget that students and alumni are HHL Future Concept.

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