El Mustang, February 23, 1951
CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE# VOL 11, NO. U SAN LUIS OIIJFO, CALIFONIA FRIDAY, FIIRUAIY 21, 1M1 Dairy Club Honors Chris Jespersen Dies, Three Members , . At Aaaual Baaquet College Loses Friend By Bob McKeller State Senator Girin Jesneraen, Republican, a legislator Joe Cardoso, Rtvardale; Bob for 2R years, died in Atascadero hospital 0 p.m. Wednesday Clark, Tulare; a n d Lawrence o f a heart condition. Borba, Ontario, were honored at the fourth annual Los LScheros Jespersen, 60, suddenly became ill Tuesday night. ,Hos banquet Saturday night in the pital attendants said his death was a "shock to everybody." Kdna Farm Center hall. Selected Hia wife, Jennie, his daughter for their outstanding ' endeavor, and several of hia aons wera with character, scholarship, popular him whan he died. Funeral services ity and participation, the trio had awaited the arrival of others of their namaa Inscribed on the hia Avo childran. , George M. Drumm' trophy, highest honor bestowed by the dub. Jespersen wae born in Ban Luis Presentation of Poly belt buck Obispo April 6. 1800, and engaged le* went to Robert Johnson, Pop in farming in the Paso Robles area lar Grove, 111.: Berend Broerama, for 26 ysara. He went into the real Arteala; and Borba for thalr par estate business In Atascadero in ticipation on the judging team that 1032. placed fifth at the Dairy Congress He first was elected to the as Intercollegiate judging meet at sembly In 1026 and served until Waterloo, Iowa, l*sl fall Belt buckles were also awarded to Robert Laver, Alturaa; Jack Julian A.
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