Recipe Category / Snacks and Sandwiches

Greek with cherry salsa

10' 5' 4-6 1 Ηands on Cook Time Portion(s) Difficulty


For the saganaki cheese

200 g gruyere cheese 50 g all-purpose flour 200 g water salt 200 g olive oil, for the frying

For the salsa

100 g cherry tomatoes, multi-colored 1 cucumber 1/2 2 tablespoon(s) olive oil 1 tablespoon(s) honey 1 teaspoon(s) 3 chili peppers lemon juice, from 1/2 lemon 1/2 bunch coriander Method salt pepper For the saganaki cheese Διατροφικός πίνακας Preheat a deep pan along with the olive oil over high heat. In a bowl, add the flour, the salt, and mix. Cut the cheese diagonally and put it into the bowl with the flour and then, dip it into the Nutrition information per portion water. Pass it one more time through the flour, the water, and lastly through the flour one more time. 233 8.5 12.0 Place it onto the hot pan and fry each side for 2-3 minutes, until golden. Calories 16.0 Saturated Total Carbs Remove from the heat and set aside. (kcal) Total Fat (g) Fat (g) (g)

For the salsa 12 % 23 % 43 % 5 % In a bowl, add the cherry tomatoes and squeeze them with your hands, until they break down. Cut the cucumber into cubes and put it in the bowl. 5.4 10.0 1.4 0.83 Finely chop the onion, put it in the bowl, and add the olive oil, honey, oregano, the chili Sugars (g) Protein (g) Fibre (g) Sodium (g) peppers finely chopped, lemon juice, coriander, salt, pepper, mix and then serve. 6 % 20 % 6 % 14 %