Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences S KEPP S BRON R E L INKED - A S ITE S PECIFIC DEVE L OPMENT PROPO S A L FOR A HI S TORICA L QUAY KONRAD KOWA L IK Master’s Thesis •30 credits Landscape Architecture Programme, Ultuna Department of Urban and Rural Development Uppsala 2019 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Department of Urban and Rural Development, Division of Landscape Architecture, Uppsala Master’s thesis for the Landscape Architecture Programme, Uppsala Course: EX0860,Independent Project in Landscape Architecture, A2E - Landscape Architecture Programme - Uppsala, 30 credits Course coordinating department: Department of Urban and Rural Development Level: Advanced A2E © 2019 Konrad Kowalik. Email:
[email protected] Title in English: Skeppsbron ReLinked - a site specific development proposal of a historical quay Title in Swedish: Skeppsbron ReLinked - ett platsspecifikt utvecklingsförslag för en kulturhistorisk kaj Supervisor: Hildegun Nilsson Varhelyi, SLU, Department of Urban and Rural Development Examiner: Rolf Johansson, SLU, Department of Urban and Rural Development Assistant examiner: Gudrun Rabenius & Madeleine Granvik, SLU, Department of Urban and Rural Development Cover image: Illuminated rails. Image produced by the author Copyright: All featured texts, photographs, maps and illustrations are property of the author unless otherwise stated. Other materials are used with permission from copyright owner. Original format: A3. Posters A1. Please consider the environment before printing. Keywords: quay, wharf, skeppsbron, skeppsbrokajen, waterfront, historical development, medieval quay, site specific. Online publication: https://stud.epsilon.slu.se ABSTRACT Traffic routes and parked vehicles are frequently directed to quays. This urban pattern disrupt and depopulate the unique interface of the city and sea.