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Model Rocketeer Archive JOURNAL OF TH£ I \ 1' ?'\~ we've just launched something NEW! A whole model rocket company! And, a whole new concept of cha llenge and imagination. New engine , designs, better mater ials, unique construction methods and a rigid computer-o riented quality contro l system are just a few innovations soon to be introduced by Aerospace Vehicle s, Inc. New types of space veh icles will continually be deve loped and added to AVl's present line of rocket kits and accessories, ready now for prompt shipment in 24 hours or less-. Complete MPC rocketry line avai_lable exclusively through AVI. Now you can order popular-and record setting­ Minirocs r Minijets and all ot her Genera l Mill's (MPC) Model Products rocket kits, motors , parts and accessories directly from AVI. Your order wi ll be shipped without delay from our large inventory . Rocketeer s: Send 25¢ for a packe t of iron-ons, deca ls and descriptive literature covering AVl' ·s complete line of rocket products . Dea lers : Write for AVI Dealer Program inform ation . Two more read1J·to-launch rockets from Cox. X-15:­ Streaking to a speed of 4,500 mph and an altitude of 350,000 Space feet, the rocket propelled X-15 carried astronauts like Neil tothe Armstrong to the edge of space. Shuttle Cox's authentically detailed scale model (13" in length) ed9e gives you a vivid and exciting re-creation of those early America flights. Its solid-propellant engine thrusts it off the of launch pad toward space. Then, as it passes maxi­ mum altitude, it deploys a re-entry parachute to land space safely, ready for another thrilling flight. Cox's X-15 is molded of high impact plastic, has accurate NASA markings. Comes complete and ready to launch for less than $6.00. Fly it today. Lift off! And up, up to the very frontier of space streaks Space Shuttle America, the hypersonic transport, carrying shuttlecraft loaded with men and mate­ rials. At NASA ground control, the -signal is given and the shuttlecraft leave the mother ship to fly their cargo on to an orbiting space station. Un­ loaded, they return to earth to rejoin the mother ship for another trip. Cox's exotic Space Shuttle America cap­ tures in realistic miniature the excitement of this excursion into space. It blasts off, climbs to altitude, then separates. The mother ship parachutes safely to earth. The two shuttle­ craft glide gracefully in a circular "re-entry" flight to a perfect landing. · Space Shuttle America includes: Beautifully styled transport. Two detailed delta wing re-entry gliders (designed for catapult launching if desired). Engine retainer ring and flameproof ejection wadding. And extra detailing decals. A fascinating glimpse into the future of space explora- tion. Approximately $8.00 . At hobby, toy and department stores. L. M,.COX MFG. CO., INC. 1505 East Warner Ave., Santa Ana, California 92705 A subsidiary of Leisure Dynamics, Inc. Send 25¢ for a full-color br6chure of Cox gas-powered planes, cars, rockets and accessories . Address Dept. R0-10 OCTOBER 1972 MODEL ROCKETEER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ROCKETRY Vol . X IV No. 9 Published Monthly by COVER PHOTO National Association of Rocketry On the first day of NA RAM , a rocket streaks into th e scorching sun. {Photo by Pos t Office Box 178 Mark Bonin) McLe an, Virginia 22101 STAFF CONTENTS Editor Elaine Sadowsk i NAR in Action Editor Robert Mullane Technic al Editor Patrick Stakem NAR Sect ion News Editor Cha rles Gordon EDITOR'S N®K 5 Manufa ct ure r News -Editor Ro be rt Lieber Plans Editor Paul C. Conner, 11 NAR OFFICERS NARAM-14: Jame s Barr owma n President Brya nt Th ompson Vic e President Jay Apt Secretary This was NARAM-74 6 Al Lind gren Treasurer THE SCENE Robert Atwood Section Activities Lin dsay Audin Events Co mmi ssion Robert Mu llane Publication s Committee This is what happened g Ed Pearson Educa ti on Committee THE EVENTS Nor man Ward Publ ic Affa irs Gera ld Grego rek Standards & T esting Manning Butt er worth Tru stee This is what they said Howard Gallo way T rustee THE DISCUSSIONS 14 For rest McDowell Tru ste e Richard Sipe s T rustee John Worth T rustee William Roe Honorary T rustee NEW FROM THE MANUFACTURERS 16 Leslie Butterworth Honor ary T ruste e NAR Contes t Board Margaret (Dotti e ) Gall oway NAR SPECIALMEETING 17 428 Ben Oaks Drive West Severna Park, Maryland 21 i 46 Northeas t Division Manager Shirley Lindg re n CONTESTCALENDAR 18 15 Hunter Ave nu e Fanwood, New Jersey 07023 Mid-America Division Manager NAR NEWS 19 Manning Butterwo rt h Room 315, 5540 Hyde Park Blvd. Chicago , Illinoi s 60637 Moun tain Division Manag er NAR IN ACTION 19 Edna Hinm an 124 1 So u th Seven th Street Las Vegas, Nevada Southland Division Man age r Richard Barnard 1107 Waver ly Road Fort Laud erda le, Florida 33312 Pacific Division Manager ED ITORIAL OFFICE ADVERTISING OFFICE Norm Woo d Elaine Sadowski Norman J. Ward 3234 Cha rlin da 1824 Wharton Street Post Office Box 178 West Cov ina, Ca lifornia 91791 Pittsbu rg h, Penn sylvania 15203 McLean, Virginia 22101 Telephone (412) 431 -5139 Teleph o ne (703) 356-88 68 Sou th west Division Manager ).oe Hatfie ld 411 5 Drew Six we eks are required for change of addre ss. In o rdering a change, write Model Rocketeer, Hous ton, Texa s 77004 P.O. Box 178, McLean , Virginia 2210 1. G ive both new and old addr ess as prin te d on last labe l. T ec hni cal Services Slot & Wing Hobbies We cannot accept respo nsib ility for un solicited manus c ripts or art wo rk. Any mat er ial 5 11 Sout h Ce ntu ry submitted must include ret urn posta ge. When writing the editor , address letter: ELAINE Rantoul, Illin ois 61866 SADOWSKI, 1824 Wharton Str eet , Pitt sbur gh, Pa. 15203. Leader Administrative Coun cil App lication to ma il at second-cla ss po stage rates is pe nd ing at McLean, Virgi nia 22 101. Alan Stol zenberg © 1972 by Nation al As soc iatio n of Ro cketry . All righ ts reserve d. Repr oduc tion of any 5002 Somervi lle Str eet material her ein is stri ct ly prohibited withou 't perm issio n. P rinted in U.S.A . Pitt sburgh, Pe nn sylvania 15201 Postmaste r: Send F orm 3579 to Model Rack eteer , P.O. Box 178, McLean, Va. 22 10 1. ' MODEL ROCKETEER COME VISIT THE NEW..• &/khJ6 HOBBYTOWNE A,d HOOi( MOUNTAIN JUNCTION :ir:MODEL MUSEUM i~N~°i?R~~~~~-Tt:~~t.461 227•2666 r-::: r ,,. r ( . ........... ·' . EDITOR'S N®K Well, NARAM-14 is over, and the Seattle peop le showed us that they know how to run a meet. The motel fa cilities were exce llent , and the A COMPlETE Holida y fnn staff was most cooperative . Frankly, with 122 participants MODll from 25 states (Alabama, Arizona , California , Colorado , Conn ecticut , Florid a, Georgia, Illinois, Iow a, Kansas, Maryland , Massachu se tt s, AND Minnesota , Montana, Nevada , New Jersey, Ne w York, Ohio, Oregon , HOBBY Penns y lvania, Rhode Isla nd, Te xas, Virg inia , Washington, and Wisco n­ sin), the meet was somewhat larger and more represe ntativ e of the NAR CENTER than ex pected. Because the ran ge was organized well and there weren't DEDICATED too many contestant s, the laun ch ing ran smoothly. We o nly wish that our Model Racketeer duties would ha ve let us see more of Seattle. TO THE The Model Rack eteer congratulate s Jess Medina, Jim Worthen, Hazel NEEDS Gerhart, Dick Berg , and the rest of the So uth Seattle Rocket Society for running an excellent meet. 01 We'd like to thank all the many peopl e who helped with th e H088YISTS Rack eteer's NARAM covera ge: Jay Apt , for writing, photographing, and staying up all night developing picutr es; Jan Blickenstaff , for writ­ ing, typing, proofreading, taking picture s, and otherwise being helpful ; Mark Bonin, for developin g film, printing picture s, letting ou r photo­ graphers use his darkroom, and for staying up all night with them; Phil Engelauf, for pro ofreadin g and shower ing the staff with Riverside, Californi a bottle cap s; Dave Klau ser, for writing, proofreading, and developing film ; Ron Wright, for help ing .Phil ; all the reporters who covered events and discussion gro up s; and the NARAM-14 staff for supplying a typ ewriter and being helpful in too many way s to list. SPARKS AEROSPACE CENTER Thank s! 1845 Prater Way - Sparks Northern Nevada's Most Complete Model Rocket Shop ESTES- CENTURI - FSI Elaine Sadowsk i Hqs. for . Reno - Sparks Rocketeer s Sponsor, Reno, Rocket Society (702) 359-1473 Send question s, idea s and gripes Manufa ct ure r releases on new products about NAR (don 't fo rget abou t the should be se nt to: " Loud ly from a Broken Soapbox" Ro ber t Lieber and "If I Wrote the Pink Book" col ­ Manu fac ture r News Editor umn s!) to : Ro bert Mui lane 632 3 Wald ron Street NA R in Action Ed itor Pit tsbur gh, Pen nslyva nia 15 2 17 34 Sixth Stre et . Harri so n, New Je rsey 07029 Send you r rocket plans to: Paul C. Con ner, 11 Send tec hni cal arti cles and plans to: Plans Editor Patrick Stakem 7536 Atwood Str eet T ech nical Editor District Heigh ts, Mary lan d 200 28 100 1 Ro ckv ille Pike , Apt.
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