Portland Daily Press: September 19,1963

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Portland Daily Press: September 19,1963 PORTLAND DAILY ■ PRESS. kofi _ --'-"-L- "-1 _ ■ .i ■ 11 _ _ VOLUME II. PORTLAND, ME., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1863. WHOLE NO. 383. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, flags, and shouting, “Hurrah for 1 lie Union.” Old ladies rushed out of their houses and GOODS. FOR SALE & TO LET. MEDICAL. JOHN T. Editor. BUSINESS CARDS. OILMAN, wanted to see General Burnside and shake _DRY 1* published at No. 82$ EXCHANGE STREET, hands with him, and cried, “Welcome, wel- Counting: Room to Lot. MISCELLANEOUS^ IN FOX BLOCK, by come, General Burnside, welcome to East ROOM over No. 90 Commercial 8t. MOItE TESTIMONIALS! l/’ttll Thomas to let. COAL <fc WOOD, and N. A. Tennessee!” THE LATEST NEWS! COUNTINGBlock, Apply to Winter FOSTER & CO. N J. Near our MILLER, CHEAP FOR Kingston boys had carried off a mch31 dtf Over 92 Commercial Street. CASH, ''uvins: well-rope so that water could not be drawn. delivered to any fart of thkcitv Gen. DRY The Portland Daily Press is every Burnside ordered the quartermaster to To Lot published SPRINO MOUNTAIN GOODS! morning ai 9G.0O per year in give the woman of the house a He MRS. MANCHESTER LEHIOH, (Sundays excepted), rope. THOMAS LUCAS, fllHE commodious Chamber in the northerly cor HAZ ELTON advance, to which will be added twenty-five cent* X ner LEHIOH, gave Iter one twenty-live, feet Site said of the new brick hlock, -orner of Lime and Is unsolicited testimonials of COLERAINE EDWIN A. for each three months’ delay, ami if not paid for at long, Milk constantly receiving LEHIOH, her well was Streets, direct]v facing.the market. Kent low. MARRETT, the w ill be feet and No. 1*25 Middle Street the cures LOCUST end ot the year the paper discontinued. only twenty deep, Portland, Enquire at office of astonishing performed by her. Among MOUNTAIN, cents. would not have the extra of JOHNS, Cedrann Siugle copies three live feet rope. OCEAN INSURANCE CO., many recently received are the following, which are Block-Temple Street, The Maine State Press is published every Thurs- A Mrs. THE OBNUISE LOBBERT Staples whose husband had been mur- Sept. 16,1862. dtf No.27 KxchaugcSt commended to the notice of the afflicted. Mrs. Man* *2.00per auumii, in advance; *2.25 Respectfully calls your particular attention to Ha* rreelred and oftrt for sale a day morning,at dered tlie set1 General if within six mouths; and 92.50. if be by rebels, game out to Chester be consulted at Pure and Free liurniDR. paid payment Office to Lot. may delayed beyond the year. Burnside, caught his hand, and told him he COMPLETE second floor, Middle Street, situated No. 11 Clapp’s Block, Room No. 6* ASSORTMENT was were glad to see him. The centrally CUMBERLAND COAL welcome—they His Great Sale of ONand easy ot access. Apply at No. 61 Commer- Hates of Advertisinc : soldiers had all Closing-out taken her corn, but she did cial 8treet. jy17 tt A CASE OF SPINAL DISEASE CURED. FOR SMITHS' USE *1.25 per square daily first week 75 cent* week not care. lie assured Iter her corn should Thi* is to per certify that I went to see Mrs. Manches- Coals are strictly of the best quality.au after; three insertions or less, *1.00: eve- ho SPRING AND SUMMER To bo continuing paid for, acd asked how much she had. Lot. ter last March with a of mine troubled with warranted to give satisfaction. New and Desirable ry other day alter first week, 60 cent*. in second daughter THE8E Goods, She said there were four acres in the lot. lie the story, over Store 98 Half square, three insertions or less, 76 cent*; one CHAMBERSMiddle street—Mitchell's Building. Possession spinal disease, for which she had been doctored for -SUCH A0- week, 91.00; 50 cent* week after. asked how much it to the acre. She per yielded DRY given immediately. Inquire of live years, and by a number of physicians of all best of Nova Scotia and other Under head of Amcskmknt*. 92 00 if tended it bushels GOODS, Also, forsale, quality per square per said, well woultl yield sixty }an21f T. DOLE. and she lias had week throe insertions or _A kinds; twenty-one applications of Silks, Shawls, lea*. 91.60. but she hail been obliged to tend it lierseif Hard and Soil Wood. Si*fc4’iaL Notic e*. 91.76 square first week, WHICH WILL BK BOLD OFF FOU electricity applied, bat all to no effect; but she con- POPLINS, per and thought there was only thirty bushels to For Sale. •1.00 per square after; three insertions or less, •1.26; tinually grew worse. 1 came to the conclusion, as THIBET8, half a three insertions, #1.00; one the acre, and would take pay at that THE Three Story Brick Dwelling Honse, The pnblic are re«jnested to call, as we are deter square, week. only the last to and see Mrs. and *1.25. rate. pjIJI No. 195 Congress street, corner Quincy street. resort, go Manchester, mined to give good bargains to those who pay cash. ALPACCAS. Said House Business Notice*, in columns. 12 cent# The Next Thirty 7 MUL contains fourteen finished did so; and to my great she told me the first reading These incidents of the of •- Days,a surprise Commercial head Maine line for oue insertion No less than simple honesty rooms; is warmed bv furnace: plenty of hard and Office, St., of Wk'j per charge fitly the will cause of the disease, and how she had been from time TAFFETAS, cent*. people Illustrate their character, -FOR- soft water; an abundance of closet room. Enquire to time, which me to her medicines. SAWYER A WHITNEY. DE Legal Notice* at u-ual rate*. and the feeling witli which they looked upon of JAMES E. FEUNALD. encouraged try LAINE8, mch20’63dly Advertisement* inerted iu the Maine State the tiiuinphant march of our troops. They ap28tf 87 Middle Street. I did so. and now my daughter is able to be around WOOL Pre«* has a WHAT THEY WILL BRING! PLAIDS, (which large circulation iu part o care the house all of the time. She also rides ten or fif- every little about the of the Adminstra- -AND OTHER STYLES the fCtate) for 50 cents per square iu addition to the “policy TO LET. OP- tion." All want is that the rebels shall teen miles without any trouble or iucouvenience,and Scotch above rates for each insertion they a term of rears, the vacant Lot of Land on Canvas, Transient ad k wrtisements must be for iu ad- be and the Union restored. Fore above India I think in a short time she will be restored to paid whipped They FOR street, street, recently occu- perfect -FOR SALE BY- DUES s’ vance GOODS. have no fears as pied bv B. F. Noble & Co., as a Lumber Yard. health. after that. They associate, Silk and Lace Mantillas, Since my daughter has been doctoring, I communication* intended Apply to LEWIS PIERCE. ir“All for the paper well and have heard of a cases that Mrs. Mancln s- Also, a largo assortment of they may, liberty, justice peace ap30 f f64 Middle groat many JAMES T. PATTEN & should l*- directed to I be “Editor of th* Prrst, and Doable Street. CO., with the Union; and they know they have Iterates, Berate Robes, ter has cured. I think if any person deserves those of a business character to the Publisher*. pat- Buth, Me. had oppression, and bloodshed in the For Sale or to it is the one who tries to the betlth ‘FTlif Portland Daily and Maine State anarchy Parasols, Muslins, Let. ronage preserve Southern It is a common ex- Housekeeping Dry Goods, I'rka* <*®ce. iu Fox Hi oca. No. K2) Confederacy. CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20 of the sick and suffering; and I know that she uses BOLTS Bleached Exchange Superior } to which at all hours the and ©ve- “We were born stable and sheds—situated two | 300 do All flax “Gov- the attention of is •treat,U open during day pression among them, under -AND ALL KINDS OF- rooms,large every effort which lies in her power to benefit her Long ( purchaser* requested. tting. from 7 o'clock iu the to 9 iu the the old and tile are and oue-half miles from Portland, and the eminent contract.'* morning flag constitution. They patients. Sarah L. } Arbroath. EDWIN evening. finest situation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- Knights, 1300 do Extra All flax I A, 1NARKETT* good enough for us, and we intend to die Long 3 wood Aw ,_tering and summer boarders. For Geokge Knights, 300 do Fine *ep8 Printing cverr place, Navy ) TF*Joi o; description executed under them.” About Knoxville the people SUMMER GOODS of GEO. with and all business particulars enquire OWEN, Abby E. Knights, Delivered in Portland or Bo»ton. dispatch pertaining to the of- were pointing out the hiding places of the ap7 dtf 31 Winter Street, Portland. fice or paper promptly transacted on application as Emma Knights. Bath. April 20,1863. ap22dtf above. reliel stores, and were zealous in so doing. Cheap Tor the Millions ! MILLINERY. Brunswick, Maine, bth. The secessionists at Knoxville fled To Let. August prominent and K. Tracy, AS SMALL PROFIT* AND eligible convenient Chambers over store Traveling Agent. with Buckner. There are few left who have QUICK RETURNS are tbe ONE OF TIIE GREATEST on THENo. 14 Market Square, now occupied by Mr. CURES RECORD. T. R. JOISTES assisted the secession and the only motto appreciated of Goods— Mas.
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