February 2003 Volume 10 Issue 4 BIO BRIEF David Fabricius (1564

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February 2003 Volume 10 Issue 4 BIO BRIEF David Fabricius (1564 Hamilton Amateur Astronomers FebruaryEvent 2003 Horizon Volume 10 Issue 4 BIO BRIEF David Fabricius (1564-1617) by Rita Griffin-Short David Fabricius, clergyman, astronomer, cartogra- self a Copernican and that the sun revolved! Scheiner pher, born Esens, East Frisia. He discovered the first published his Rosa Ursina in 1626. variable star, Mira, in the constellation Ceti in 1596 In England, unknown to them, Thomas Harriot using a quadrant and sextant made for him by Joost (1560-1621) had observed and recorded the spots which Burgi on Tycho Brahe’s design. He corresponded with he argued were on the sun, though he didn’t publish im- many contemporaries, visiting some: Kepler, Michael mediately. However, none of these five men knew that Maestlin, Tycho Brahe, spending time with the latter in 1128 C.E. the chronicler, John of Worcester recorded at Wandsburg in 1598 and again in 1601 in Prague. sunspots and left us a drawing. The Korean and Chi- Brahe gave him a preliminary copy of his book on the nese astronomers recorded them as early as 165 B.C.E. supernova of 1572. but no drawings until 1440 C.E. Kepler thought Fabricius the “finest astronomer in Independent discoveries are made all the time; Leib- Europe after Brahe”, though he chided him for rejecting niz and Newton, Huygens and Hooke come to mind. Copernicus in his loyalty to Tycho’s system, ultimately Johannes didn’t live long enough to savour his coup; breaking off their correspondence. “...like a burning he died age 29 in 1616. The following spring, his fa- light” was how Fabricius described the 1604 supernova ther, strolling in the churchyard of Osteel, was struck he observed near a conjunction of Jupiter and Mars from and killed with a spade by Frerik Hoyer, a disgruntled his Osteel observatory which he published in pamphlets farmer whom he had admonished from the pulpit for in German and Latin. stealing some geese. His son, Johannes, while studying medicine in Lei- den, bought some telescopes in 1610, both began ob- Reference: serving and recording. Johannes discovered sunspots • Essays on Galileo and the History and Philosophy and argued that the sun rotated. He published his work of Science. Stillman Drake, Vol. I University of in 1611. When Galileo found out he was not amused! Toronto Press:1999. His observations remained unpublished until he received a series of letters published under the name Apelles but • On Tycho’s Island by John Robert Christianson written by the Jesuit, Christoph Scheiner (1573-1650) Cambridge:2000 arguing that the sunspots were “tiny planets revolving erratically about the sun” to which Galileo responded • “The earliest drawing of sunspots”, in Astronomy through the Lincean Academy in 1613, declaring him- and Geophysics. Vol. 40 December, 1999. 21-22 Photos by Bob Botts See more at: amateurastronomy.org Chair’s report . .page 2 NASA: Enlightened by the Darkness . page 5 Web Watch . page 3 Upcoming events . .page 6 Astronomical Highlights of 2003 . .page 4 Calendar . .page 8 Page 2 Chair’s Report It seems more than appropriate the astronauts. Event Horizon is a publica- that we are to have a talk regard- Another sad event since our last tion of the Hamilton Amateur ing Venus on Valentine’s Day. Rita meeting was the bushfire which Astronomers (HAA). Griffin-Short, a frequent contribu- consumed Mount Stromlo Obser- The HAA is an amateur astron- tor to Event Horizon, will be speak- vatory near Canberra, ACT, Aus- omy club dedicated to the promo- ing to us this month on the histori- tralia. This event was particu- tion and enjoyment of astronomy cal importance of transits of Venus larly poignant for me due to my for people of all ages and experi- across the disk of the Sun. There connection with the people there ence levels. are many wonderful accounts of the through the MACHO Project. Fur- The cost of the subscription is in- voyages of scientists who set off to thermore, I had spent nearly three cluded in the $25 individual or distant lands to record past tran- weeks on the now destroyed 74-inch $30 family membership fee for the sits. If you haven’t read it, I rec- telescope in April 2001. Thank- year. Event Horizon is published ommend locating a copy of Don fully, no lives were lost at the site, a minimum of 10 times a year. Fernie’s ”The Whisper and the Vi- although at least two astronomers HAA Council sion” which retells several of these had there homes destroyed by the Hon. Chair . Jim Winger stories. bushfire. The HAA has made Chair. .Doug Welch I’m sure that we were all sad- contact with the Canberra Astro- Second Chair . Grant Dixon dened by the disintegration of the nomical Society which used Mount Secretary . Margaret Walton Space Shuttle Columbia during its Stromlo telescopes for observing Treasurer . Cindy Bingham re-entry on February 1st. Some- and public education to see if there Observing Dir. Stewart Attlesey one once said that space travel is is anything useful we can do to as- Publicity. .Glenn and Gail Muller *never* routine and that event cer- sist them. Editor/Web . Anthony Tekatch tainly drove home that point. It On the positive side, we now have Membership Dir.. .Ann Tekatch is interesting that images and re- some decent planets up in the Councillor. .Ray Badgerow ports from amateur astronomers evening sky! Please make sure are playing a significant role in the to take the time to show Saturn Web: amateurastronomy.org reconstruction of events leading to and Jupiter to a few children (and Columbia’s demise. Surely ama- adults!) before the summer arrives teurs are some of the most reliable and they are lost again in the Sun’s Mailing Address: witnesses for unusual events in the glare. PO Box 65578 sky. Needless to say, our thought Doug Welch Dundas, ON and wishes are with the families of L9H 6Y6 Doug Welch is the current chair of the HAA and also a founding member. You can find out more about Doug at: http://www.physics.mcmaster.ca/people/faculty/ Welch_DL_h.html Event Horizon - Hamilton Amateur Astronomers amateurastronomy.org Page 3 Stuff for Sale • Magellan 310 GPS receiver with serial interface cable ... $100 • 90mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Optical Tube Assembly “Canadian Geographic” label, rubberized, flip mirror. Minor defects *behind* secondary coating (where it will not affect performance). Tripod screw mount. ... $225 • If interested, please contact Doug Welch by phone (905) 627-1563 or e-mail [email protected] Domain Name and Web hosting for the Hamilton Amatuer Astronomy club supplied by Axess Communications Corporate and Residential DSL and Web Hosting http://www.axess.com [email protected] BIO BRIEF William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse (1800-1867) by Rita Griffin-Short Parsons, an Irish astronomer, graduated from Ox- time, ‘the Leviathan of Parsonstown’ (now Birr), with ford with a first in mathematics, then sat in Parliament 6-foot mirrors each weighing 4 tons. It faced south to as Lord Oxmantown before succeeding to the title. He observe nebulae as they crossed the merdian. By April experimented with fluid lenses and made improvements 1845, he had discovered the spiral nebula M51. Between to specula cast for reflecting telescopes that were pio- 1848-1854 he served as president of the Royal Society. neered by James Short, M.A. F.R.S. in the early 18th Reference: c. In 1842, Lord Rosse began building, on the family • Cambridge Illustrated History of Astronomy estate in Ireland, what was the longest reflector at the Michael Hoskin, Editor. 2000. 253-255 WebWatch I was shocked and saddened to hear of the loss of the space shuttle Columbia on 2003, February 1. NASA has a special web page devoted the STS-107: http://www.nasa.gov/columbia/ The Galactic Core Gazette http://my.core.com/~carhart/ This 12 minute tour of the universe is well worth the time. http://spacewander.com/USA/english.html Event Horizon - Hamilton Amateur Astronomers amateurastronomy.org Page 4 Astronomical Highlights of 2003 by Ray Badgerow Here is a somewhat belated summary of some major astronomical events of 2003,based upon the Astronomical Calendar 2003. • Early Jan.,and again in late December: Saturn is nearest and brightest(with rings wide open) in its 30 year cycle. • May 7: Transit of Mercury visible from Asia and Europe,and before sunrise from easternmost North America. • May 16: Total lunar eclipse visible from the Americas,Europe,Africa ,and Asia. • May 31: Annular solar eclipse visible from Northern Scotland,Iceland,and Greenland. • Aug. and Sep.: very fine apparition of Mars,centered on August 27-28 when it is nearest in many millenia. • Oct.-Nov.: one of the best visits of Comet Encke,for the Northern Hemisphere, in its long history(possibly naked-eye). • Nov. 9: Total lunar eclipse, visible from the Americas,Europe,and Africa. • Nov. 23: Total solar eclipse , visible from Antartica. • Dec. 31: Opposition of Saturn. by Ray Badgerow [email protected] Photos by Bob Botts See more at: amateurastronomy.org Event Horizon - Hamilton Amateur Astronomers amateurastronomy.org Page 5 These future satellites will give meteorologists ex- actly what they need in order to give the people exactly what they need: an earlier warning that tornados may be on the way. Invisible Tornadoes by Dr. Tony Phillips GIFTS and EO3 are managed by NASA’s New Mil- The biggest problem with tornados-next to the lennium Program. NASA and NOAA will operate EO3 swirling 300-mph winds-is that it’s hard to see them during its first year in geosynchronous orbit above the coming. United States. If the technology works as planned, the But soon scientists will be able to foresee, not merely U.S.
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    Title <Research Notes>Harriot and Galileo: On sunspot observations Author(s) ITO, Kazuyuki Citation 科学哲学科学史研究 (2019), 13: 43-52 Issue Date 2019-03-31 URL https://doi.org/10.14989/240987 Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University Note Harriot and Galileo: On sunspot observations Kazuyuki ITO∗ x1 Introduction Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) is known as the first astronomer to make astronomical observations with telescopes. He observed the Moon at the end of August in 1609, four months before Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).1 He also observed sunspots before Galileo in December 1610, and he started continual observations in December 1611 about one year later. He carried on observations until January 1613, of which he left notes. Galileo Galilei began observing sunspots in February 1612. One month earlier, he received a copy of Christoph Scheiner’s Tres Epistolae de Maculis Solaribus through Marc Welser, an Augsburg banker.2 In that book, Scheiner considered sunspots to be the shadows of stars revolving around the Sun. Galileo was invited by Welser to comment on Scheiner’s book, and he started observing sunspots in February 1612. His records of sunspots started at that time and finished in August. He published his study as Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti in March 1613. This book consists of three letters to Marc Welser. He wrote the first letter on June 4, 1612, the second on August 14, and the third on December 1. In this note, I will compare the descriptions and drawings of sunspots by Harriot and Galileo, and consider the characteristics of their observations.
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