Dulles Wants Face Reds with Force
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/ r FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, PAGS SIA'J'fiBH lianrl^patpr ^u^ninQ If^ralb Atrerage'DsIty Net Press Run Th« Wskihor For tlw Week Ending Foreenet of C. S. WentlMr BnoM JsmHiry 81, 18$9 SI. John's Yoiith Club will meig loseph P. Dyer Jr„ aon of Mr. Tha Bona of Italy wiU nMet Sun ' Several membera of ' the Man Mr. and Mrs. John R. McEl- Wapping Grange will meet cheater Republican Women'e Club G E N tllA l Clondy. not.M eoid tamlfM. tanr Tuesday evening.■ II. will be Home al the Mancheater Bowling Green nd Mra. Joaeph p. Dyer, 4.6 Falr- day afternoon at 2:80 «.t the Ital rte\'j‘ wHlj be the host and boat- f- n . ian American Club, Final arrange are planning to attend the legiala-' eas at .^e Lula Junior Museum ; Economic Night,, aiid one of the ' tomorrow afternoon at'*l o'clock. vW- St., waa recently elected prea- 1 2 > 8 7 9 15 to to. WSfiwer Snndny,' elianen About Town ident, of Maxey Hall, dormltoty at ments for the banQuet to be held tive hearing on court reform Mon TV SERVICE Sunday afternoon from 3 to ,5, features of the program wUj be a Member of tho Audit of rein. High 40 to 48. The flleanera Circle of the South Brcmh University. Providence, R. Feb. 15 will be made. day. Any Republican woman in A ft»d We, for ,th« benefit of: o'clock. baking contest for men of the terested In joining them is asked OK A CM] Burenn of drcnlntlon. the bat* Junior Museum LieaRue.; Grange. Male membera who have , Methodist WSC8 will meet Mon I. A ''graduate of Mancheater M^ta Pina Part* Mnncheitter-—'A City.of Village Charm day at 7:.10 in the Chapel. Miaa ' High SclTOor, he ia a member of the Royal Black Preceptor.y, No, 13. to contact Mra. Harlan Taylor n-Ul be held «t the Uvnn Poultry | The Waya and 'means committee ; not been contacted may obtain in or Mra. Philip I. Holway for fur- i TEL. 8H S-S48t Shop In the P«riuide tomorrow «t | formation from Mrs. Alma Miller i Gertrude Abbey will be in charge I freshman claaa and a candidate for will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in of M anchester ESmblem, Club |s ■ Orange hall. ther information or transportation, j (Olsaelfled AdrerUetng on Psfo 10) PRICE FIVE CENTO 10:80 am. | planning to hold a food sale on or Mrs. Hannah Williams, I nf devotlona. the B.A. degree. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 109 (TWELVE; PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1959 Feb. 14 In the Lynn Poultry Shop A pr*-Uenten party will be held; at the Parkade. Members wishing at the Polish American ChJh to to donate food may call Mrs. Jean morrow night at ■ o’clock. Mem- Beauregard, ■ bera and guests are inxited. A Six Resign buffet will be held and dancing The confirmation rlasa will meet New Titan’s Malan Dies at 84, will be enjoyed. tomorrow at 9:30 a m. in the Cov enant Congregational Church. The . o A aupper meeting for all of- I program for the 10:4.6 service | First Flight Cabinet in Dulles Wants fleera and committee members of I Sunday will Include Communion, Apartheid Leader Center Congregational Oturch ; installation of church ofllcer.« : will be held Sunday at p.m tn adult baptism and reception of Woodruff hall. Following the aup new members. Successful Capetown, Feb. 7 (fP)—Dr. Iraq Crisis per there will be a discussion of ) Daniel F. Malan, author of general church bu.uhcss. and each The rommtUee planning tjia re- much of South Africa’a racial Beirut, Lebanon, Feb. 7 (/P) committee will have opportunity ., union of the class of 1949:' Man- Clape Canaveral, Fla., Feb. 7 —^The United States has policy, died today after suf —IraQi Premier Abdel Karim to organlie and discuss its own I| Chester High School, will meet to- Kassem, wooed by both Com- project. Adjournment, la planned ' night at R o clock at the home of launched its “second genera fering a stroke. Face Reds with Force for 7 o'clock. Supper reservations Mrs Barbara Smith Robinson, 120 tion” missile program with The 84-year-old former editor and munist.s and Arab National m ay be made at the church of- nelmonl St, the debut of the powerful clergyman, who was the nation's ists, apparently is facing a flfce. ' prime minister from 1948 to 1954, new political crisis with the A fliiu on "Albert Sw eitrer ' will Titan. defied world-wide’ condemnation to Varle C. Ecabert, son of Mr and he shown .Sunday evening in the The new war .rocket, shaped i enforce a policy of apartheid that reported re.signation of six Mrs. George Ecabert. 26 Foster .'ll final session of the .School of Mis- like a huge bullet, performed i he insisted was the traditional cabinet niini.sters. West, Bonn graduated from recruit training ’ .sions at the South Methodist s .oothly on » 220-mlle limited ' policy of South Africa simv the Informants arriving from Bagh Jan. 31 at the T'aval Teaming ren Church. Families will eat their own range flight yesterday after fail first Dutch settlers arrived in Cape dad yesterday said one of the six ter, Great Lakes. 111. hnx suppers si .6 o’clock and the ing to fly on two previous at- town, who Quit wH.« foreign minister film will he shown at fi.4.6. t, mpts. The Air Force said Fri Dr, Malan, as the dominating Abdul Jabbar .Inmard, Due to Hold Alfred J Leapcrance, 47 Baltuua For ever 83 years, the J. W. Hale Carp, has been Manchester Valentine Gift Headquarters! A store full of new merchandise that's day’s launching was highly suc I voice for Afrikaner nationalism, The others were Puad RikabI, Rd., and Mason F/. Markham. Mrs .Mae Robinson. 14 fjreen practical, and beautiful too! You're qoinq to fall in love with everythinq you see. Moke your selection to present on eupid's day . cessful. was a controversial figure during minialer of state; Baba Ali. com- Spruce St., are among the new Hill St , and Mrs .Martha W irtalla. After its brief flight, the Titan his long political career Critics miinlcation.s; Col. Nagy Talcb, Paris Talks freshmen who enrolled this week j .■?6 Benton St , left by plane yes or for your own personal use. Shop new! fell into the Atlantic, accused him at times of attempting social affair.s; .Saleh Mahmud, a t Hlliyer College, of the I ’nner- terday for several weeks vacation The blastoff of the intercontin to become a dictator after he rose health; and Seddik Sen.ehel, na By HERB ALTSCHITX aitj’ of Hartford, for the spring in California and the west coast. ental range ballistic missile sig to, power in 1948. tional guidance. semester. FREE YOUR VALENTINE IS SURE TO naled the start of an accelerated Hiippresaed Reds The .significance of the re.signa- Bonn, Germany, Feb. 7 (JP) Troop 27 Is sponsored by .St drive to produce advanced missiles Among legislation hs pushed tions wa.s not immediately clear. —Secretary of State John Marv s Ch.irrh nol Troop 2.6, ns s APPRECIATE A BEAUTIFUL superior to the present weapons through Parliament after becorn- Kaa.sem has been under pres- IX PARKING tng prime minister were the Sup F'oster Dulles called today for Herald story on the Boy Scout fund HANKIES in the U.S. arsenal. - , „ . , , , sure from supporters of the United I the Western Allies to face rsnipaign indicated yesterday. Rear Of Our Store Tttan was developed as a fol- presslon of Communism Act which Republic’s President Nasser SENSATIONAL BLOUSE by low-on series to the present Atlas resulted in the dissolution of the to strengthen ties with the CAR down the Soviet, attempt to For Valentine Day n-hich already has logged a 4's Communist Party, the Group Areas , and from Communists to lean to -force the Alliefl out of West Art providing for residential segre- ! ward Moscow. ton orbiting satellite and one tri gallon of races, the Immorality | Berlin—"If need be by com And Spring Wear umph over intercontinental range. Amendment Act prohibiting sextial ' The rommunists are the largest mon action.” Ship’n Shore* Some estimates place the Titan relations between whiles and non- ; and he.sl organized political group He said the Allies must find a Manchester range capability at 9,000 miles. Lovely new .spring prints; al.«o Valen whites, and the Bantu Art which in Iraq, and have gained consider- way to meet ’the Soviet challenge r.tlO FAR.M In comparison, the Atlas has a aimed at returning Africans 1o the ' able strength since Kasseiu took to our rights in Berlin” tine hankies in prints ■ rl emliroid- range of 6,300 miles. tribal rule of their ancestors. over In tlie revolution last .Inly While he did not make clear 471 KEENEV ST. ererl st\'le.<<. here's your Still to come ia the solid fuel Dr. Malan for years has been the wliich overthrew the pro-western what he meant hy the word "ac- Mtnuteman ICBM and variou.s dominating voice of Afrikaner na monarch.:’. i lion. " it appeared h# had force in will have fresh cjcgF daily. other so-called sophisticated mis tionalism. And when the National-1 Kassem has declared that he mind. perfect siles which the experts .say will .Medium l.tr doz. Large 5.5c / md each Ists came to power in 1948 he Im- ' wants to follow an independent Aa Dulles arrived here for talk* help close the gap w-ith the R us mediately set about securing their ; nationalistic foreign policy with- with West German Chancellor Kon drtz.