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PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD. F>i„ Nov. 9, 1»7» Distributor To Break Ground for Beer Warehouse Prixeweek Puzzle Todc^ EAST HARTFORD - air through the stored beer timum insulation, with an temperature-controlled Environment Warehousing dent wholesalers will receive added protec- been in business since 1933. Hartford Distributors, the whenever temperatures extra laver of insulation package beer storage area, tion. ' Pacesetter Building of distributor of Anheuser- (CEW) p n ^ a m currently throughout the country, Glastonbury Precancel Board To Review Plan are low enough to cool the surrounding the cooled the building contains a Hartford Distributors Newington, served as l»th Carter Whips Kennedy East Secondf MHS Third Busch products in the Hart beer. under way among the com- Through CEW, the beer .storage section. 7,000-square-foot draught selves Hartford and the architect and contrac- Relic of'Early Days f; ford area, will break However, the automatic pany’s n branch dis- freshness and q u a ^ of For Conviction Rewards In Dent Straw Ballot In Boys* X-Country Open The fadllty’s forklifts beer cooler capable of -Tmland counties and has tor. ground for its first ventilation system, which trlbutoi^ps and Indepen- Anheuser-Busch products Page 2 have been switched over to storing 8,000 half barrels of Page 3 Page 6 Page 10 temperature-controlled is capable of drawing 120,- electric power, thus beer, 7,440-square-foot beer warehouse in 000 cubic feet-of air Looking for a H0W eliminating a heat source canopied delivery truck ceremonies at 3 p.m. Noy. through the warehouse within the beer storage loading area able to ac DENTIST? 15, at its new.facility each minute, is only one of area, and the building’s commodate 35 trucks, 5,000 Try us for tho personal touohl located in Buckland In the energy-saving devices other areas are heated in square feet of office space, Our modern office Is conveniently located In East manrlifstpr dustrial Park, Manchester. being used. the winter by. infrared a 5,000-square-foot area for Hartford - just 1 mile from P'ratt & Whitney and I-84. "Our new facility will All doors in and out of the heaters that prodde com storing supplies and equip allow us to distribute New patients are gladly accepted. Emergencies beer storage areas a fort for workers but don't ment and 8,000 square feet Budweiser, Michelob, protected by “air cur seen same day. Rain Today waste heat in the ceiling of bottle return area to Micbelob Ught, Natural tains” which minimize the area. In addition, efficient comply with Connecticut’s Call for an appointment 569-3870 Cooler Sunday Light and Busch as fresh as loss of cooled air while per- high sodium li^ ts have new deposit law. DR. RONALD M. BARSHAY D.D.S. mitting easy loading Details on Page 2 current technology will been used throughout the The facility was built to allow," said Ross operations. The entire 800 Silver Lane facility. meet specifications of the East Hartford Hollander, vice president of building has received oo- Besides the Anheuser-Busch Controlled Hartford Distributors. "It Eimting Mpralb iVo Winners wilt provide a real service Vol. XCIX, No. 36 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, November 10, 1979 to our retail customers, The Prizeweek Puzzle has com • A Family NEVI/Spaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered and ultimately to the con-^ pleted his eighth week and is still sumer.” undefeated. The new facility is on a There were several close en 10-acre site with room to tries this week however, from the approximately double the more than 1,000 entries. Anti-Iran Mobs size of the warehouse to The prize for the puzzle as it meet future demands. goes into its ninth week is $325 Construction of the almost COUMVEKniER SMIIIKS! with an added bonus of $25 if the $2 million building will PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, YOUR HOME AND CAR winner is a Herald home sub Fighting Back begin Nov. 15 and will be scriber: completed in August 1980, FROM THE WINTER BR-R-R-R-R-RS/ Next week’s report will either when Hartford show the puzzle continuing its United Press International Police in riot gear broke up the Distributors will move into winning streak or the name of the Screaming “We want Hostages," fighting and arrested about'75 the new building. first and only winner so far. “Bomb Iran’’ and “Death to Iranians, mainly for their own The warehouse, with a SAVE AN EXTRA Khomeni," Americans Friday lashed protection, although they had storage capacity of 350,000 EDISON Fan-Forced back at Iran’s flaunting of U.S. violated a city police order not to cases of beer, has been Portable Heater Football Suit hostages. A group of Iranian stage a march. designed to maintain the 20% OFF demonstrators was beaten in Beverly Police said six Iranians were best possible temperatures Our Reg. Prices NASHUA, N.H. (UPI) - A 13- Hills, Calif. beaten, but there were no major in to preserve the freshness 16.70 OurReg. ISaS year-old girl who thinks she ought Hardhat workers, businessmen, juries. of Anheuser-Busch Instant heat elements with ther to be given the right to try out for housewives and students lined products. mostat control. Space having All STANLEY her junior high school football streets by the hundreds in protests The demonstration was in the same The 71,000-square-foot 1544x10x8". Finger-proof grill, team sued city fathers Friday for from coast to coast to dump invec general area where Iranian students safety tip-over switch, cool the right to prove herself on the rioted last Jan. 2 at the home of the building contains 20,000 •PRESTONE II carrying handle. *324022 Weather Stripping tive on defiant Iranian student square feet of controlled AntifrMZ* (1 Qal.) Q C C EXAISPLES: gridiron. demonstrators. shah's sister and set fires on adja Our Reg. 3JS Qal............W a 9 0 • Automatic Door Bottom q ^ > The New Hampshire Civil Hundreds of Iranians marched cent hillsides. environmental package Strip, Our tag. SJS..................... 3 .1 7 beer storage space and is EDISON Comfort Sensor Liberties Union filed suite in through Washington, D.C. shouting In Springfield. Mass., about 40 Ira equipped with 40 tons of •Thennoetaf wTOaekeL SEg. i.n 1.58 QUAKER Portabis Heater • Pipe IneulaUng Tepe Hillsborough County Superior "Death to the shah" and demanding nian college students, heckled by a cooling equipment to main Out tag z n ......... 1 .8 4 Court on behalf of Karen Martin, the deposed ruler be returned to crowd yelling, “We want hostages" • Heater Hoaa, tag z m ..................1.98 state who is described by her mother as marched to City Hall Friday. tain optimum storage 39.70 Our Reg. 48.99 • Duct InguleUng Tepe Tehran for trial. temperatures. "overenthusiastic about all kinds Counterdemonstrators chanted “Long live the Islamic revolution. Nofmal usage costs less than 6c owSm- ts e .............................. 1 .3 3 Long live Khomeini,” chanted the In addition, the storage per hourl Instant heat with of sports." "Deportation Deportation" Some •QUAKER STATE M u x * demonstrating students from facility is served by a comfort sensor thermostat • TapeCeulk The girl went out to the practice yelled, "Aren’t you ashamed of control. Fan-forced, tip-over Springfield Technical College as they sophisticated ventilation 10W40 Motor Oil _ _ OuttagIJS.............................. 1 .0 3 field this year in an effort to win a Unexpected Stop yourselves, you pigs?” switch, cool-touch case. *324029 slot on the Elm Street Elagles, her marched toward the downtown area, system that can use out Our Reg. 87c Quart.............f w SMALL APPLIANCE DEPT • Door WeoHwratrlpping “Eat your oil” shouted the junior high team. "We want the shah to be tried." side air to cool the beer (Limit • por OMtomtrJ OurSm-«»..............................3 .4 3 A Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman national Airport. This passenger was one of counterdemonstrators. One man But the coach said no, and the carried a sign that said "Support during much of the year. (RCMP) and an airport security man watch 126 persons diverted to Montreal when air "He’s d'yiffguof cancer, you jerks" city school board upheld his deci Iran’s revolution; send an Iranian Automatic sensors open as an Iranian with his name written in Arabic port workers at New York refused to service shouted someone in the crowd. sion, citing federal statutes. Miss home." louvered doors and start •CRISTY DRYQAS« the aircraft. (UPI photo) Police herded the Iranians into OurRagSSc........................ • RUBBERMAID 'Roughneck' Martin and the CLU lateraled to on his suitcase passes through the passenger Lines of uniformed police in riot large fans drawing outside buses which were pelted with eggs by 3(Hlal.^Rafusa Container the courts. gate Thursday at Montreal’s Mirabel Inter gear kept the groups separated and • Pressurized Lock De-Icer ‘GOOD-BYE DRY’ the crowd. there was no serious violence. Our Rag. 98c....... 57* Central Humidifier Elsewhere, feelings ran high as the Our Rog. 17J9___ 12.88 About 100 Iranians marched near a For Forced Warm Air days stretched on with no sign that •Transparent Ice Scraper with No Paper park in Beverly Hills carrying a Jobless Vinyl Handle . Heating Systems • Snow Scooper with the more than 60 Americans held Extra Long Handle Weiss Backs Suggestions photograph of the Ayatolah Khomeini hostage in Tehran would be released. Our Reg. sec..............................4 4 * LITCHFIELD, (UPI) - A cen- and placards reading. “Send the Shah Our Reg. 12.41................ 9 . 8 8 Our Reg. SS.99 turyojd northwestern Connecticut Back.” About 100 demonstrators from the Figures 46.70 HARDWARE DEPT.