/ r FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, PAGS SIA'J'fiBH lianrl^patpr ^u^ninQ If^ralb Atrerage'DsIty Net Press Run Th« Wskihor For tlw Week Ending Foreenet of C. S. WentlMr BnoM JsmHiry 81, 18$9 SI. John's Yoiith Club will meig loseph P. Dyer Jr„ aon of Mr. Tha Bona of Italy wiU nMet Sun­ ' Several membera of ' the Man­ Mr. and Mrs. John R. McEl- Wapping Grange will meet cheater Republican Women'e Club G E N tllA l Clondy. not.M eoid tamlfM. tanr Tuesday evening.■ II. will be Home al the Mancheater Bowling Green nd Mra. Joaeph p. Dyer, 4.6 Falr- day afternoon at 2:80 «.t the Ital­ rte\'j‘ wHlj be the host and boat- f- n . ian American Club, Final arrange­ are planning to attend the legiala-' eas at .^e Lula Junior Museum ; Economic Night,, aiid one of the ' tomorrow afternoon at'*l o'clock. vW- St., waa recently elected prea- 1 2 > 8 7 9 15 to to. WSfiwer Snndny,' elianen About Town ident, of Maxey Hall, dormltoty at ments for the banQuet to be held tive hearing on court reform Mon­ TV SERVICE Sunday afternoon from 3 to ,5, features of the program wUj be a Member of tho Audit of rein. High 40 to 48. The flleanera Circle of the South Brcmh University. Providence, R. Feb. 15 will be made. day. Any Republican woman in­ A ft»d We, for ,th« benefit of: o'clock. baking contest for men of the terested In joining them is asked OK A CM] Burenn of drcnlntlon. the bat* Junior Museum LieaRue.; Grange. Male membera who have , Methodist WSC8 will meet Mon­ I. A ''graduate of Mancheater M^ta Pina Part* Mnncheitter-—'A City.of Village Charm day at 7:.10 in the Chapel. Miaa ' High SclTOor, he ia a member of the Royal Black Preceptor.y, No, 13. to contact Mra. Harlan Taylor n-Ul be held «t the Uvnn Poultry | The Waya and 'means committee ; not been contacted may obtain in­ or Mra. Philip I. Holway for fur- i TEL. 8H S-S48t Shop In the P«riuide tomorrow «t | formation from Mrs. Alma Miller i Gertrude Abbey will be in charge I freshman claaa and a candidate for will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in of M anchester ESmblem, Club |s ■ Orange hall. ther information or transportation, j (Olsaelfled AdrerUetng on Psfo 10) PRICE FIVE CENTO 10:80 am. | planning to hold a food sale on or Mrs. Hannah Williams, I nf devotlona. the B.A. degree. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 109 (TWELVE; PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1959 Feb. 14 In the Lynn Poultry Shop A pr*-Uenten party will be held; at the Parkade. Members wishing at the Polish American ChJh to­ to donate food may call Mrs. Jean morrow night at ■ o’clock. Mem- Beauregard, ■ bera and guests are inxited. A Six Resign buffet will be held and dancing The confirmation rlasa will meet New Titan’s Malan Dies at 84, will be enjoyed. tomorrow at 9:30 a m. in the Cov­ enant Congregational Church. The . o A aupper meeting for all of- I program for the 10:4.6 service | First Flight Cabinet in Dulles Wants fleera and committee members of I Sunday will Include Communion, Apartheid Leader Center Congregational Oturch ; installation of church ofllcer.« : will be held Sunday at p.m tn adult baptism and reception of Woodruff hall. Following the aup­ new members. Successful Capetown, Feb. 7 (fP)—Dr. Iraq Crisis per there will be a discussion of ) Daniel F. Malan, author of general church bu.uhcss. and each The rommtUee planning tjia re- much of South Africa’a racial Beirut, Lebanon, Feb. 7 (/P) committee will have opportunity ., union of the class of 1949:' Man- Clape Canaveral, Fla., Feb. 7 —^The United States has policy, died today after suf­ —IraQi Premier Abdel Karim to organlie and discuss its own I| Chester High School, will meet to- Kassem, wooed by both Com- project. Adjournment, la planned ' night at R o clock at the home of launched its “second genera­ fering a stroke. Face Reds with Force for 7 o'clock. Supper reservations Mrs Barbara Smith Robinson, 120 tion” missile program with The 84-year-old former editor and munist.s and Arab National­ m ay be made at the church of- nelmonl St, the debut of the powerful clergyman, who was the nation's ists, apparently is facing a flfce. ' prime minister from 1948 to 1954, new political crisis with the A fliiu on "Albert Sw eitrer ' will Titan. defied world-wide’ condemnation to Varle C. Ecabert, son of Mr and he shown .Sunday evening in the The new war .rocket, shaped i enforce a policy of apartheid that reported re.signation of six Mrs. George Ecabert. 26 Foster .'ll final session of the .School of Mis- like a huge bullet, performed i he insisted was the traditional cabinet niini.sters. West, Bonn graduated from recruit training ’ .sions at the South Methodist s .oothly on » 220-mlle limited ' policy of South Africa simv the Informants arriving from Bagh­ Jan. 31 at the T'aval Teaming ren­ Church. Families will eat their own range flight yesterday after fail­ first Dutch settlers arrived in Cape­ dad yesterday said one of the six ter, Great Lakes. 111. hnx suppers si .6 o’clock and the ing to fly on two previous at- town, who Quit wH.« foreign minister film will he shown at fi.4.6. t, mpts. The Air Force said Fri­ Dr, Malan, as the dominating Abdul Jabbar .Inmard, Due to Hold Alfred J Leapcrance, 47 Baltuua For ever 83 years, the J. W. Hale Carp, has been Manchester Valentine Gift Headquarters! A store full of new merchandise that's day’s launching was highly suc­ I voice for Afrikaner nationalism, The others were Puad RikabI, Rd., and Mason F/. Markham. Mrs .Mae Robinson. 14 fjreen practical, and beautiful too! You're qoinq to fall in love with everythinq you see. Moke your selection to present on eupid's day . cessful. was a controversial figure during minialer of state; Baba Ali. com- Spruce St., are among the new Hill St , and Mrs .Martha W irtalla. After its brief flight, the Titan his long political career Critics miinlcation.s; Col. Nagy Talcb, Paris Talks freshmen who enrolled this week j .■?6 Benton St , left by plane yes­ or for your own personal use. Shop new! fell into the Atlantic, accused him at times of attempting social affair.s; .Saleh Mahmud, a t Hlliyer College, of the I ’nner- terday for several weeks vacation The blastoff of the intercontin­ to become a dictator after he rose health; and Seddik Sen.ehel, na­ By HERB ALTSCHITX aitj’ of Hartford, for the spring in California and the west coast. ental range ballistic missile sig­ to, power in 1948. tional guidance. semester. FREE YOUR VALENTINE IS SURE TO naled the start of an accelerated Hiippresaed Reds The .significance of the re.signa- Bonn, Germany, Feb. 7 (JP) Troop 27 Is sponsored by .St drive to produce advanced missiles Among legislation hs pushed tions wa.s not immediately clear. —Secretary of State John Marv s Ch.irrh nol Troop 2.6, ns s APPRECIATE A BEAUTIFUL superior to the present weapons through Parliament after becorn- Kaa.sem has been under pres- IX PARKING tng prime minister were the Sup F'oster Dulles called today for Herald story on the Boy Scout fund HANKIES in the U.S. arsenal. - , „ . , , , sure from supporters of the United I the Western Allies to face rsnipaign indicated yesterday. Rear Of Our Store Tttan was developed as a fol- presslon of Communism Act which Republic’s President Nasser SENSATIONAL BLOUSE by low-on series to the present Atlas resulted in the dissolution of the to strengthen ties with the CAR down the Soviet, attempt to For Valentine Day n-hich already has logged a 4's Communist Party, the Group Areas , and from Communists to lean to­ -force the Alliefl out of West Art providing for residential segre- ! ward Moscow. ton orbiting satellite and one tri­ gallon of races, the Immorality | Berlin—"If need be by com­ And Spring Wear umph over intercontinental range. Amendment Act prohibiting sextial ' The rommunists are the largest mon action.” Ship’n Shore* Some estimates place the Titan relations between whiles and non- ; and he.sl organized political group He said the Allies must find a Manchester range capability at 9,000 miles. Lovely new .spring prints; al.«o Valen­ whites, and the Bantu Art which in Iraq, and have gained consider- way to meet ’the Soviet challenge r.tlO FAR.M In comparison, the Atlas has a aimed at returning Africans 1o the ' able strength since Kasseiu took to our rights in Berlin” tine hankies in prints ■ rl emliroid- range of 6,300 miles. tribal rule of their ancestors. over In tlie revolution last .Inly While he did not make clear 471 KEENEV ST. ererl st\'le.<<. here's your Still to come ia the solid fuel Dr. Malan for years has been the wliich overthrew the pro-western what he meant hy the word "ac- Mtnuteman ICBM and variou.s dominating voice of Afrikaner na­ monarch.:’. i lion. " it appeared h# had force in will have fresh cjcgF daily. other so-called sophisticated mis­ tionalism. And when the National-1 Kassem has declared that he mind. perfect siles which the experts .say will .Medium l.tr doz. Large 5.5c / md each Ists came to power in 1948 he Im- ' wants to follow an independent Aa Dulles arrived here for talk* help close the gap w-ith the R us­ mediately set about securing their ; nationalistic foreign policy with- with West German Chancellor Kon­ drtz.
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