A Jumpchain Compliant Document by Yorokonde

Origins Shipgirl Captain Merchant Mechanic

Shipgirl Classification All Shipgirls must pick a Classification. This will determine what kind of weapons they can use, the strength of their armor, as well as their role in a squad. If based off a historical ship, Shipgirls should choose the classification that best suits the role of the original ship.

Submarine These submersible ships offer the widest range of types, capabilities, and uses of any other vessel. They can be small, quick torpedo boats meant for hit-and-run missions against surface ships. They can be large, well-armored behemoths meant for protecting aircraft carriers. Everything from blockade running to stealth missions to even salvage. Despite this versatility, they are vulnerable due to their reliance on radar for detecting the environment around them. Their systems are often more fragile than the other classes of ships because of how valuable space is inside. Shipgirls tend to be small, or sleek of build, or both. They also have a propensity for wearing swimsuits instead of regular clothes. Though the style of these depends on their faction.

Destroyers are light ships that focus on speed above all else. They typically wield lighter guns as a result and don’t have much raw firepower. They do, however, carry powerful torpedos capable of sinking ships much larger and tougher than they are. They are excellent escorts for fleets and are nimble enough to distract or intercept incoming fire. Shipgirls are one of the most common varieties seen on the seas. As such, they tend to run the gamut of personalities, styles of dress, and heights. They do tend to be younger than the other classes. Light A classification of cruiser that is no longer in use. It refers to small to medium-sized warships that were armed and armored, but neither very heavily. They commonly served as fleet escorts or scouts. They were moderates in all things and packed medium-sized naval guns as well as small torpedoes. But just because they were average doesn’t stop them from being effective war machines. Light Cruiser Shipgirls tend to have strong, unique personalities that they accompany with stylish or flamboyant clothing.

Heavy Cruiser These warships were designed for lots of everything. Armor, firepower, and speed were all delivered in excess. However, all of this required them to sacrifice maneuverability. As far as front light ships go, these are the tanks capable of soaking up punishment and shrugging it off. All while firing large cannons and larger torpedoes back at their foes. Heavy Cruiser Shipgirls are most often the big sister type. Emphasis on “big”. They tend to be reliable no matter their personality. Though a number of them tend to towards tsundere.

Monitors These warships were the predecessors to the class. Unlike their descendant, Monitors are not heavily armored nor particularly fast. However, they did possess a ridiculous amount of firepower for their size. Cannons both large and small lined their decks. They were meant to bombard and overwhelm from a distance. But their fragility tended to be a problem. Monitor Shipgirls are an odd bunch. They tend to have a ghostly, haunted air about them and most are accompanied by trails of fog. This might have to do with how many of them were sunk in action. They tend to be a little chunni, but good girls.

Battlecruisers These capital ships were most common during the first half of the 20th century. They were more lightly armored than to garner more speed. They used their speed to hunt down lighter ships and massive weapons to fight off larger ones. Later on they were mainly used alongside Battleships where their large and medium cannon could provide support fending off Destroyers. Battlecruiser Shipgirls tend to be a prideful lot. They put a lot of faith in their own abilities and it can take a while to earn their respect. However, once it is gained you will have it for life. They also tend to be taller and a little bit older than the other classes.

Battleships When one thinks of the traditional warship, one tends to think of Battleships. Brimming with weapons and sheathed in armor, the only thing these ships aren’t is fast. But they can stand in the face of a brutal firefight, destroy the enemy, and still come home in one piece. Their large cannons are mainly meant for long-range assaults though, so keep them off the front lines. Battleship Shipgirls most often hide their true feelings behind a mask of arrogance, silence, or professionalism. It’s hard to know what they are really thinking most of the time and it’s going to take time to break through their walls. This doesn’t hold true to the girls from the east. They tend to be chipper, cheerful, and tiny to the point of seeming more ship than girl.

Aviation Battleships

Light Aircraft Carriers

Aircraft Carriers

Repair Ships

Perks Discount Info

General Free/100 - Beauty Booster (Buyable once. Sorry Red.) Free/200 - Wisdom Cube finding Perk. Allows you to summon Shipgirls. They operate as Followers unless made into Companions by being Imported. Free/400 - Events happen, the Perk.

Shipgirl Shipgirls gain a Discount (50% off) on one Perk of each price tier of their choice.

Quirky 100 - Likable despite being odd. Dark Personality 100 - Likable despite being a bitch

The Ties That Bind Us 200 - Friendship Perk The Loyalties That Define Us 200 - Loyalty maintainer.

Love Can Bloom 400 - Power boost when fighting for/with someone you love 400 -

The Power of Friendship 600 - More powerful when working together with a bunch of people. (Similar classification of Shipgirl?) The Power of Sisterhood 600 - More powerful when battling alongside one specific person you trust above all others. (Larger power boost than Power of Friendship, but way more specific.)

Commander 100 - Aura of Command and Confidence 200 - Shipgirl affinity booster 200 - Management/Teamwork skills for working with and/or direction a team of people. 400 - Increases the fighting power of those who love you. 400 - Commissions - Able to drum up small jobs for your Shipgirls to keep them busy for the day. Rewards include oil and money usually, but can sometimes include Wisdom Cubes, spare parts for weapons, weapon systems, ect. 600 - Tactical Genius -

Merchant 100 - Discounts? Nyaaver! - Business Savvy 200 - Box Nyaaddiction - Stuff placed in boxes is just better, okay? People are particularly drawn to any lotteries or “random box” events you host. 400 - Nyaaw in Stock - Knack for finding items people want 600 - Nyaap Time - Any businesses you own just kind of run themselves as if you were there.

Mechanic 100 - Weapon Modifications - Includes upgrading weapons using spare parts and converting native weapon systems into Shipgirl weapon systems. 200 - Skins - Able to lend weapons specific looks/themes without changing their damage. 400 - Ship Retrofits - Able to “tune-up” Shipgirls to higher standards with time, some training on the Shipgirl’s part, and lots of spare parts. 600 - Making ships into Shipgirls, the Perk.



All Shipgirls 100 - Wedding Ring - Costume Change Item. (Normal to Wedding Dress and back again. Can be retuned to a different pair of costumes.) 100 - Cute Underwear - A whole collection of panties so you can always look your best. If you happen to be a male “Shipgirl”, this can become a collection of very comfortable boxer shorts. Unless you want panties after all.

200 - Costume Wardrobe - Exactly what it says on the tin. Comes with a maid costume guaranteed to fit you. Will gain a new costume with each world you visit, guaranteed to make you blend in while standing out. Any Events you participate in will grant you another costume as well. 200 -

400 - Dorm Room - Fully customizable room that gains new designs (Furniture, wallpaper, “windows”, decorations, ect.) with each new setting you visit. 400 -

600 - 600 -

Commander 100 - A smart suit and hat. 200 - Tactical School - Teaches people how to use their skills/equipment better. Small class sizes. 400 - Meowficer - Cats that you can assign to Shipgirl fleets to make them more effective. Yes, some of the cats are actually catgirls. Don’t ask. 600 - Arena - Can pit Shipgirls against each other for training with non-lethal versions of their weapons. Dispenses prizes/points for wins?

Merchant 100 - Banner - A large, colorful, fully digital banner that you can change at any time with a handy remote. Great for attracting attention and drawing in customers. 200 - Black Market - Access to a Black Market that sells various goods for ‘gems’ 400 - Small Shop - 600 - Coin Factory -

Engineer 100 - Toolkit 200 - Spare Parts 400 - ATM-09-WR Marshydog - This doesn’t really belong in this universe. But you found it so you get to … keep it. A waterproofed mech suit that can give shipgirls a run for their money. 600 - Oil Factory

Companions 50/200 (Single/8 pack) - Standard Import/OC version. They get an Origin and 600 CP to spend on Perks. They may buy Beauty Booster but not either of the other two General Perks.

50/200 (Single/8 pack) - Canon Shipgirl Companioning. No points, but have their canon abilities and come with a full loadout of weapons. If you toggle on any of the crossovers you may purchase any companions from those relevant properties. Keep in mind, they will come in as Shipgirls and will not have their abilities from their world.

Drawbacks 0 - Nep Nep Invasion - Makes the crossover with Neptunia canon. 0 - Utawarerumono - Makes the crossover with Utawarerumono canon. 0 - World of Warships - Takes the shipgirls out of the world of shipgirls. You monster. Every shipgirl is now just a standard military ship. Summoning them with Wisdom Cubes is a lot more expensive. You won’t have to worry about crewing them at least. (Need to consider how this is going to affect Drawbacks. Lock off other Drawbacks? Going to still let people be “shipgirls” if they want to be a battleship for whatever reason.)

100 - Censoring +500 - Black Duck of Doom levels of censoring. 100 - Lazy - Getting you off your butt when you have free time is hard. 100 - Sugar Addict - You’re going to be sucking on a buttload of sweets while you’re here. 100 - Clingy (Captain) - Shipgirls are going to want more attention and not be as interested in sharing. 100 - Z-Class Woes (Shipgirls) - You keep getting shown up by those around you no matter how impressive your actions are. Either they get the credit or “it was a team effort”. 100 - Heh! Penetrated! - Innuendo addict and gigglepuss. FBI Alert 100 - You have certain strong feelings when it comes to the cuter, smaller, younger Shipgirls. As a … Shipgirl, you’ll become more protective and tend to be a reckless when protecting them from hard. Otherwise, (spoiling them? doting?)

200 - Fuel Shortages (Captain) - You have problems with your supply lines. Your largest ships will tend to sit in dock unless you pay “emergency” fees. 200 - Leaky Fuel Tank (Shipgirls) - You tend to run out of fuel in the middle of battles. 200 - Silent Type - You really don’t like talking. Whether it comes to warning others of incoming fire or trying to express your interest in another plate of food, your words just seem to stick in your throat. You’ll have to be content with squeezing out one or two and hoping those around you understand. 200 - Shy One (Double points for Merchant) - You have a real problem interacting with people. Social anxiety leads you to stutter, which causes you to tear up in frustration and embarrassment. From there it can just be a whole train wreck from someone simply asking about your day if you don’t marshal all your willpower. 200 - Complicated History - Whether you past is marked by shady actions, miserable defeats, or betrayals, there are a number of people without much reason to like you. The reputation hasn’t spread far, and you could improve the way those people view you over time, but similar misunderstandings are common. They’re going to cause you trouble off and on while you’re here.

Ties Take Time 3/400 - You have trouble building and maintaining relationships with those around you. 3/400 - Sword to a Gunfight (Shipgirls) - Nobody is going to look twice at you carrying a sword into battle. A number of Shipgirls do it already. But actually using it? Getting within spitting distance of the enemy? Are you insane? Well, maybe a little. Looks like you’re going to be leaping straight into the front lines of battle to lay about with your sword. At least you get a free sword. 3/400 - Tone Shock - For the most part, everyone here does a pretty good job separating the horrors of war and mirror sea battles with day to day life. Not so anymore. Expect PTSD and battle shock to start creeping in with each battle. You’re killing their smiles unless you do something to mitigate the effects of this psychological damage.

600 - The Observers Grow Bored - They’ve decided it’s time for another reset of history. But first, they’re going to let their sisters who have patiently bided their time have some fun. This is full scale apocalypse time. Thankfully they’re not going to start straight up warping reality, but their strength is off the charts. They could wipe out a dozen Shipgirls with a single attack and not even be breathing hard. I hope you brought some serious tricks with you to this apocalypse.



Shipgirl Faction Section (Really just extra info on the various factions. Picking one as a Shipgirl is mandatory, determines Discounts, and somewhat influences form.) [Might have to trim this list or include it at the end instead. Especially because it doesn’t really change anything at the end of the day.]

Sakura Empire (Axis) - Animal Ears and Onis. Eastern Ships.

Ironblood (Axis) - German Ships. Lots of red and black and skin. And monster ships. …

Eastern Radiance (Axis) - Chinese Ships. Very few, but all high quality.

Iris Libre (Allied) - North French Ships. What is this even?

Eagle Union (Allied) - US ships. Huge variety already in use. Almost no .

Royal Navy (Allied) - British and Commonwealth Ships. “Large” and in charge.

The Observers https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/AzurLaneSirens (Despite it being TVtropes, it does seem to have a lot of information in one place.) Making these guys into a background is pretty much out of the question. They’re reality warpers in the extreme. Capable of casually rewriting history and/or reality to run these “simulations” that the current reality is just one of MANY. We’re talking millennials spent with these guys manipulating the world to test different timelines. So I’m just going to ignore it. They’re the big bads, the reason behind the Mirror Seas and most of the dimensional strangeness of “events”. (Except Neptunia, which was apparently just a spontaneous, and permanent, dimensional breach). Nobody is getting their powers and people can totally boop them in the snoot if they want. Go nuts.