.net: Inside the War Room

ABOUT WARGAMING.NET 1998 Award-winning free-to-play Started in a garage in massively multiplayer Minsk, Belarus online gaming company. 16 Offices around the world

Developer of , 4,000 , and Employees World of Warships. worldwide


Seamlessly manage massive volumes of game information and then make sense of it.

150 Billion 110 Million 40 Terabytes Events each day from Players Game-related World of Tanks that must of World information to be analyzed be stored and analyzed of Tanks for optimal game play

15 on 15 7 to 10 Gamers who are Minutes it can take paired in matches to reach various objectives based on their tank tier or dominate the battle


Deployed Oracle Implemented Big Data Appliance a Hadoop to capture, store, solution to gain organize, and analyze information huge data feeds more quickly


Better understand how tailoring messaging to a specific marketplace can improve revenue.


Used Oracle Advanced Analytics 62% Revenue increase to understand and in one region by segment the players increasing the accurately in order precision of to develop specific messaging for messaging that region


Develop faster and more-accurate solution to predict levels of new-player engagement.


Converted the Ran predictive calculations into analytics on R using Oracle R Hadoop using Advanced Analytics Oracle R Advanced for Hadoop Analytics for Hadoop

Before After

Hours it took to run Minutes it took to just one predictive successfully run model related to an ensemble of four player activity player activity predictive models


Some players were having trouble completing an Xbox tutorial for a new game version.

5 Components of the Xbox tutorial

Chance that a player who completed all five 75% components would become a long-term, paying customer

Chance that a player who completed only two 33% components would become a long-term, paying customer

Weeks the design team had spent 6 trying to identify the problem


Used heat-map Two to three capabilities to Hours it took to identify where users fix glitches once were having trouble the problem was finishing the tutorial identified


“I can say fairly confidently that Wargaming now has the leading-edge solution in terms of data warehousing, data engineering, and analytics solutions over any other gaming company in the world.” Craig Fryar, Head of Wargaming Business Intelligence

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Sources: Oracle, Wargaming

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