Union Beach Joins Bay shore Sewerage Unit


Sunny, Mild THEDAILY Becoming sunny and mild to- HOME day. Fair and cool tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Sunny and wanner tomorrow. I Long Branch 7 FINAL (See Details Fag) 3) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 65 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 TEN CENTS McCue's Silence Angers Marlboro Crowd By HALLIE SCHRAEGER Council President George Crecvy (PPP) said everyone lvins for Tuesday's meeting to be private and said he wanted MARLBORO — Everything is still very much up in the air would have an opportunity to be heard then. to avoid "speculation and political propaganda." here, including the tempers of some of the residents. There was no confrontation between the mayor and Mr. Mr. lvins was invited to attend the private meeting after Seventy citizens turned out for last night's Township lvins, nor was Mr. lvins prevented from taking his seal at the Mr. Brodniak insisted, "Let's hear both sides." Council meeting, expecting to hear and be heard about the council table. "There's nothing wrong with that," said Mr. Creevy. dismissal of Business Administrator Edward lvins 3rd. The mayor asked to be excused, giving no reason, and ANYBODY'S (JUESS They left frustrated and angry after no reasons were dis- left at 8:10. Mr. lvins arrived five mimiles later. He sat What will happen Tuesday is anybody's guess. The closed by Mayor Charles T. McCue of the Purpose and quietly through the meeting, occasionally conversing privately mayor's action could be overturned if four councilmen dis- Principle Party (PPP) for his action on Monday, and the with his seat neighbor, Councilman John H. Williams (CC). approve it. 1 public portion of the meeting was put off until next Tuesday. In his statement, the mayor said he had made his de- This would seem unlikely, since the mayor's own political Councilman Joseph Brodniak of the Citizens Committee (CC) cision "on the basis of information which recently came to faction controls the council. urged at least a half-hour public hearing, but he was over- my attention." But the mayor has repeatedly stated that this is a "non- ruled. political issue." And Mr. Creevy said privately last night that 'NOT IN PUBLIC INTEREST' The meeting opened with a, brief statement from Mayor "if the mayor doesn't have sufficient reasons I will not vote McCue, defending his actions and asking for a private meet- "It is not in the public interest or the interest of the par- to remove him (Mr. lvins)." ing with the council. ties involved to go into the reasons for my decision at this Mr. Creevy also said in a phone interview: "The mayor Council decided to meet behind closed doors Tuesday at time," he said. has made it clear that if Mr. lvins wants to resign he will let 7 p.m. with the mayor and Mr. lvins, at which time the He said the responsibility "lies entirely with the office of him do it without making his reasons public. There is no in- mayor will disclose his reasons to the council. It is not known the mayor" and said he had acted "only in the interest of tention to crucify this man." whether or when those reasons will be made public. good government in Marlboro." Mr. Creevy said that if Mr. lvins wanted the mayor's ADJOURNS TO TUESDAY After the mayor left, Mr. Creevy said: "The council has: reasons for the dismissal made public, they would be. After its 50-minute session, the council adjourned its no jurisdiction in this matter until we learn the reasons." Mr. lvins made no public statement, but he said privately Charles T. McCuc Edward Ivlns regular meeting to Tuesday at 8 p.m. He said it was in the best interest of Mr. McCue and Mr. (MARLBORO, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Enemy Loses Heavily In Reckless Assaults SAIGON (AP) - Enemy other equipment on the fields Katum, north of the provin- and some 800 tons of bombs fell and two helicopter crewmen forces swarmed out of flooded of tattle. cial capital, which was the tar- on the principal infiltration were wounded. ricelands close to the Cambo- The defenders reported 11 get of an attack Wednesday in route toward Saigon, 70 miles The loss of the three helicop- dian border today and lost at South Vietnamese killed and which 135 of the enemy were to the southeast. ters brought to 11 the number least 276 of their men in al- 100 wounded. Four American killed. While Tay Ninh Province of choppers shot down in the most suicidal assaults on two Green Beret men in one of the Bomber Strikes was the scene of the heaviest past week in South Vietnam. well defended South Vietnam- camps were wounded. The attacks in Tay Ninh action, U.S. headquarters re- The Marine jet and two of Province and intelligence re- Ihe choppers were downed yes- ese frontier camps. Coinciding with the fierce ported more fighting in the The two attacking forces to- ground assaults on the camps ports of other enemy forces terday in support of U.S. northern provinces and three NEW CONSTRUCTION — This is a rendering of ihe $500,000 health center being taled about 900 men, and in at Thien Ngon and Phuoc Tan, maneuvering in the area Americal Division troops who helicopters and a U.S. Marine built at Monmouth College. The 22-bed building is scheduled for completion in addition to nearly a third of west of Tay Ninh City, enemy brought massive B52 strikes. along with fighter-bombers, their men, they left large num- gunners laid a savage barrage Of 10 raids by the big bomb- jet were shot down there. Four gunships and artillery killed March 1969. bers of rifles, machine guns, of rocket and mortar fire on ers in the past 24 hours,.nine of the helicopter crewmen and 388•North Vietnamese regulars grenade launchers, radios and the Special Forces camp at went into Tay Ninh Province two Marine fliers were killed in a three-day running battle on the coastal, lowlands of Quang Tin province. Since the end of a two-month lull in the fighting in August, College Is Bulding To Replace Units in Viet (See VIETNAM, Pg. 2, Col. 4) WASHINGTON (AP)-Moves the virtual completion of an The Hawks were sent to Viet- There are indications the two are under way to replace no- enormous construction pro- nam three years ago to face Hawk battalions will be re- Lumber longer-needed rear-echelon U.S. gram in which U.S. engineers possible air attacks from North placed by infantry battalions, New Health Center and that other Hawk antiair- units in Vietnam with fighting and Seabees built six new deep Vietnam. That danger never WEST LONG BRANCH - Construction pleted, raising the number of resident stu- craft outfits may be returned to forces in an effort to strengthen draft seaports, many airfields, materialized. of a $500,000 Health Center has begun at dents on campus to 1,000. Work on the five, the United States. Burns On combat power without exceed- supply complexes and other fa- The announcement said the Monmouth College, with a tentative com- three-story, fully air-conditioned buildings ing the 549,000-man ceiling im- cilities over the past three withdrawal of the two bat- About 20,000 Army engineers pletion date of March, 1969. began last fall. __ _whojhave__been_ Wqrking on —posed-by-President-Johnson.- -years.- : 'fflibn"s7-"totallirg—some 1,400 Broad The structure;..is-being-built-on-Brook--- -The-center~is-designed4o~accommodai Carriers Sent Home roads, barracks, airstrips arid Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, men, would enable Abrams "to willow Avenue, near the college's residence students with minor illnesses, or those who U.S. commander in Vietnam, is The swapping process first similar projects are likely RED BANK — AH fire units increase his force effectiveness halls. The one-story 22-bed health center are convalescing, and will permit them to reported eyeing thousands of showed itself early this month prospects for the same kind of turned out early today to put will feature two private rooms for isola- continue their studies while confined to the by permitting, within the cur- construction troops for pos- when it was announced that treatment. out a fire in a huge pile of tion cases, four examining rooms, a phar- infirmary. College officials anticipate that rent approved manpower levels sible removal in a trade for two Hawk antiaircraft missile Separate Units trash and lumber behind the macy-laboratory, kitchen, medical records the center will be staffed by a physician. lighting battalions. battalions were being brought . . . deployment of other type These men are separate from Yanko building on Broad room, conference room, consulting room Ferrenz and Taylor, New York, the This is possible because of homejrom Vietnam. forces." combat engineer units which Street.' and an indoor study area. Besides the in- architects, are specialists in medical and provide direct support for in- The smoky fire, that attract- firmary beds, the building will also house hospital facility planning. The air-condi- fantry and other fighting out- ed a number of spectators, was a nurses' apartment, offices and utility tioned center is being built of the same fits. first reported at 2:56 a.m. by rooms. material as existing buildings on campus. Officials indicated that the Officer Bradley DuPree. Liber- College officials said the additional Construction is being done by Skinner and- Union Beach Approves major logistics commands, es- ty Hose Company responded to number of resident students on campus, Cook, Roselle Park. tablished to provide a supply the alarm but, at 2:59 a.m., plus the general growth of the entire stu- The construction is part of the $24.9 and maintenance underpinning Fire Chief Alex Rogel, ordered dent body, prompted the need for the cen- million building program which was be- for U.S. forces in an economic- a general alarm. ter. Construction on the $2.9 million, 600- gun by Dr. William G. Van Note, college ally primitive country, will be (See FIRE, Pg. 2, Col. 7) bed residence hall complex has been com- president, in November, 1966. Bayshore Sewer Unit left largely undisturbed. These logistics operations UNION BEACH - The Bay- would not be fair to the bor- "I assume the Board of Edu- are backing up the South Viet- shore Sewerage Authority, sev- ough, which must be 100 per cation planned properly and I namese armies as well, and en months in the making, be- cent sewered. have been informed that bond- will become increasingly im- May Avoid Hospital Litigation came a reality last night whan Mayor Alfred T. Hennessy ing can be accomplished with- portant as the modernization Borough Council adopted an commented, "It is the only way out extending the credit of the of the South Vietnamese forces PRINCETON - D. Louis Refusal of the HFPC to give The trustees' president last said in a statement to The ordinance joining neighboring to go." borough, but I am not person- broaden. Tonti, president of the board final approval of hospital plans month declared himself Register. Hazlet and Holmdel townships Pressed by residents as to ally satisfied," he declared. More than a year ago, there of trustees of Bayshore Com- is holding up Blue Cross ap- "shocked at bureaucratic dou- Viewed from the HFPC side in the three - way partnership. Borough Council's position on Would Like Report were allegations that the Amer- munity Hospital, may not have proval, Mr. Tonti explained. bletalk issued by the HFPC. the dispute looks considerably Only Councilman Thomas the proposed $475,000 addition Asked for his personal feel- ican military establishment in to go to court to get approval' With neither HFPC nor Blue "It seems to me its main different. Perno dissented. Councilman to the Memorial School, Mayor ings after the meeting the Vietnam was top heavy in for the 150-bed project from the Cross approval, Lehman Broth- "It is the contention of the Charles W. Barker, who voted Hennessy was noncommittal. (See SEWER, Pg. 2, Col. 7) support troops. function is to obstruct and Health Facilities Plannning ers of New York City have so HFPC that the Bayshore Hos- against introduction two weeks Council and N. J. Blue Cross. far made no commitment to meddle and frustrate the sin- ago, changed his vote to the cere effort of many dedicated pital intends to borrow far too Malcolm A. Eorg, HFPC pub- sell the hospital's proposed ?5,- much money for the project to affirmative. citizens in New Jersey desper- lic relations chairman, has an- 150,009 bond issue, though the succeed without, putting an un- Mr. Perno said he feels Fort Engineer Made Member nounced the unit's Regional financiers have declared the is- ately trying to meet the need due financial burden on the pa- members of an authority Councils Committee will meet sue "marketable." for hospital beds" Mr. Tonti tients . . . There are many ar- should not ask for compensa- here Oct. 10 with Bayshore guments in favor of a hospital tion. The salary for each au- trustees. I •*• jt, in the Holmdel area and the thority member, two from each Of Board at Medical Center "We on the council feel there HFPC agrees with them. What municipality, will be ?2,OO0 a are two sides to the story, that we don't agree with is not the LONG BRANCH - Elmer F. A recognized author in his subject and has been published year. of Bayshore and that of our method of financing but the Godwin of Shrewsbury has field, Mr. Godwin has drafted in the IEEE Technical journal. Mr. Barker said he changed council,'' Mr. Borg said. The Inside Story debt burden that such fi- been named a member of the eight technical papers on the He is the first Negro member his vote because there is no A joint news release follow- nancing will create." Mr. Borg board of governors of Mon- of the Hospital's' board of gov- alternative to joining the other ing the Oct. 10 meeting in the The New Red Bank Library Pages 10, 11 wrote. mouth Medical Center, here. ernors. two communities. Nassau Inn will be distributed Mr. Godwin is an en- He is a World War II Aimy Matawan Junior Club slates 5-lipme tour Page 8 Rules Specific "I voted no at the last meet- to all area newspapers and ra- gineeer for the Army's Elec- Air Force veteran, having Council guide rules specify Ing because I felt the other dio stations, the public rela- Clubwomen scene of activities Page 8 tronics Command Research served in Europe. He earned maximum borrowing should two towns were using the issue tions chairman added. and development Laboratories, his electrical engineering Itiker reports on tuna fishing Page 12 not exceed 50 per cent of the as a good source for publicity If the conference solves dif- Ft. Monmouth. degree at Rutgers University. Princeton clashes with Rutgers Page 12 total hospital cost, estimated at and I wanted to have my say ficulties that have delayed the Mr. Godwin is also an active ?0 million, or 60 per cent "in for our borough," he said. A specialist in his field, Mr. project for months, the need Mater Del kicks off school grid season Page 15 Godwin addressed a technical member and treasurer of the cases of unusually good risks." The vote carried four to one, for a suit would disappear. group at the University of Ala- Monmouth County Mental Amusements 23, 25 Sports 12, 13 The proposed $5,150,000 bond with Councilman Andrew O'- Mr. Tonti could not be bama in April. He is consid- Health Association. Births 2 Successful Investing 26 issue would amount to more Bosky absent. reached yesterday for com- ered a leading lecturer on mul- A former Fair Haven resi- Jim Bishop 6 Television 23, 24 than 80 per cent of the project One Is Opposed ment, as he is in Europe until ti-conductor cables and cable dent, he is a former member Bridge 24 Women's News 10, 11 cost. Interest charges, thft Of the 12 persons who attend- Oct. 6. Manuel Gale of Keyport, assemblies and has been of that borough's Recreation Classified 16-21 Movie Timetable 23 council maintains, would raise ed the meeting only one resi- president of the Peoples Na- commission. Crossword Puzzle 23,24 the cost per day to patients dent spoke out against the termed a top authority on wire DAILY REGISTER tional Bank of Monmouth Coun- Editorials 6 nearly $10. forming of the authority. Mrs. and cable engineering. Rugs! Rugs! Rugs ty and a Bayshore trustee, re- Hcrblock 6 PHONE NUMBERS Mary Brennan of Rt. 36 said Mr. Tonti has stated: "The Awnings 9' x 12' nylon tip shirred, $78. fused to, comment in Mr. Ton- Home and Garden 5 Main Office '. 7410010 the authority with its two fact is that patients of the new Buy now for installation next Shehadi Rug. Co., Rt. 35, ti's absence. Inside Washington 6 Classified Ads 741-6900 Bayshore Hospital. . . will pay members from each town spring, at low off season prices. Shrewsbury. (Adv.) In a press conference in Haz- Stock Market 26 Home Delivery 741-0010 the same per diem rate cur- Oysters "It" In Season No deposit. Also sale on Rattan let Sept. 17, Mr. Tonti declared Obituaries 4 Auction Middletown Bureau ...671-2250 (MAY AVOID, Pg. 3, Col. 6) Live soft crabs still avail- and Den furniture. Monmouth Oct. 5th, 10 A.M. B.C. Coates that "a one-paragraph approv- Sylvia Porter 6 Freehold Bureau 462-2121 able, Bayshore Fishery, 203 Awning k Casual Furniture Co., & Assoc, Auctioneers. Christ al" from Blue Cross is all that Religious Services 7 Long Branch Bureau 222-0010 Uniform Sale Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank. 147 Main, Asbury Park. 775- Church Methodist, 300 Ridge is holding up advertisement of Now in progress at the Shirley 842-4212. (Adv.) 4881. (Adv.) Godwin Rd., Fair Haven. (Adv.) bids for hospital construction. Shop, Red Bank. (Adv.)

i. 2-THE DAILY REGISTER Adult Education Unit Friday, SqJtwnbn 27, 1968 Marlboro Water Shortage Store Glass Ponders Courses Shift Smashers RED BANK — While Red who has the final say as (o some time tiefofe* any state- Hazardous* Warns Kandle Bank Adult Srhoool students what courses are dropped and ment on the question would be fected is the Monmouth Heights convened in surrounding rooms what new ones are added at forthcoming. Being Sought MARLBORO - There is still council meeting, Dr. Kandle to reduce nonessential uses of at Marlboro development, for the first weok nl the fall Ihe beginning of each semes- "Even taking no position FREEHOLD - Police here % shortage of water in the said overuse of water by resi- water, to be enforced by local where some 18 or 20 families semester, the Monmouth K.du- ter? would be making a statement," are keeping a close lookout for southern part of this township, dents served by Gordons Cor- authorities. have been without any wate* rational Council's Adult Muni- Also discussed were the cri- he added. vandals who have damaged six which Dr. Roscoc P. Kandle, ner Water Co. and Central Jer- Council President George C. state health commissioner, says sey Water Co. is creating the Creevy said the main area af- at all at various times. tion Commission mot in fled teria Hie commission .should At the center of the discus- plate glass storefront windows is "creating a public health hazard because of low water Families Are Warned Bant High School last night to use in recommending the adop- sion was how much of an in- here in the last four flays. hazard." pressure. plan for next year. tion or removal of a course. novative program the commis- Acting Captain Stephen Sera- He said three or four families He recommended Immediate The commission, supervising Dr. Robert H. Snow, adult sion could undertake while re- fin said holes in the windows In a telegram to the Town- have just been issued certifi- adull classes at Keel Hank, education coordinator, had taining the "bread - and • might have been caused by ship Coufleil read at last night's I implementation of a program cates of occcupancy along with iyOnR Branch, and Monmouth presented what he termed a butter" courses. The opinion thrown rocks or by an air gun. a warning of the danger. Regional High Schools is the "preliminary draft'" of a posi- was strongly voiced by several He said Officer Frederick But he said, "We'll ask our firs! multiple district adult pro- tion paper on lhe.se questions! commissioners- (hat the pro- Parrish, on foot patrol Wednes- attorney to look into this. Home gram in the slate. The pro- to the commission members, pram's greatest lack now is in day at 2:45 a.m., saw a car Open State Hearing building cannot be stopped, but gram is designed to elevate before the meeting, containing professional and vocal innal speeding down Main St. here certificates of occupancy can adull education in the status guidelines from the conimis- training which is largely un- and heard two sharp reports. be." of a major educational project. sion to the local boards. available elsewhere. The officer identified the car Mr. Creevy asked thai resi- as a 1959 or 1960 black and dents of the nearby Whittier Principal lopic of discussion Opinions Nary Adult education in a more For Ocean Teacher at last night's meeting was the The commissioners, however white Ford, but he was too far Oaks development cut down on formal curriculum could lie co-ordination of a decision- expressed varying opinions on away to get the license num FREEHOLD - A hearing Most of yesterday was spent nonessential water use to alle- making process between the what guidelines, if any, Ihe handled by community colleges her. concerning charges by Ocean with the indroduction of exhib- viate the problem. commission and the local commission shoukl put forth, and similar organizations, they Holes were found in the win- Township, teacher Herbert its. Councilman Alfred L. Storer adult schools' boards ol trust- and Dr. Snow concluded after said. Others held out the hope dows of Federici's Pizzeria, 14 Buehlcr that he was illegally Recommendation Made charged that the Planning ees. More specifically, it asked the meeting that it would be East Main St., and Miller's downgraded by the Ocean Former school superin- Board was responsible because that the program could grow Uniform Headquarters, 6 West Township Board of Education tendent Edward German testi- it had held up approval of a sufficiently lo offer both. Main St. as social studies chairman be- fied that he and Charles A Humphrey's variance for construction of a Man Accused of Larceny According to latest available Windows have also been gan yesterday. Stout, high school principal 1.4 million gallon water tank figures, I his .semester's total damaged at Freehold Furni- The hearing before the state had recommended to the board Sister Will near Buckley Road for "three enrollment at the three schools ture and Central Jersey Pool Commissioner of education will that Mr. Buehler be appointed or four months." And Acting as Lookout was 1;213, approximately 400 and Supply Co., Inc., both on continue Oct. IS, chairman. Bauman Sees Politics lower than the total last year, Throckmorton St., and Frank The teacher had petitioned Mr. Buehler testified con- Be Speaker Gerald A. Bauman Jr., Plan- EATONTOWN - Municipal William Manignld, -10 Mul- when the schools were operat- C. Gibson Inc., plumbing, at 34 the state commissioner of ed- cerning the achievements he ASBURY PARK-Mrs. Fran ning Board chairman, called Court Judge William Thrork- berry Lane, Now Shrewsbury, ing their programs independent- E. Main St., and the Ben Al ucation last July 2 to decide had accomplished as depart- ces Humphrey Howard, siste: Mr. Storer's attack "political." mnrton yesterday arraigned was fined $15 for careless driv- ly. Hut Dr. Know explained this pern real estate office, 46 W. his tenure status — he main- ment head. He said the Gordons Corner of the Democratic presidentia Raymond Krrickson, 147 Ma- ing. isn't a final total, as students Main St. tains he has tenure but the The school board had refused Water Co.'s. site plans had rine Ter., hong Branch, on Amos Patterson, HI) 1, Colts still are being registered in board claims he does not. to renew a contract with Mr. candidate, will be the princi been incomplete. Ihree charges of breaking, en- Neck, was fined $15 for speed' lied Hank and 'Long liranch. Mr. Buehler has conducted Buehler as head of the high pal speaker tomorrow at th< The tank is expected to be tering and 1 a r c i> n y , ing. Kven so, it is expected that the Admits Guilt a running battle with his school school social studies depart- New Jersey Democratic Worn approved soon and might be up and ordered him to the county Kclward Wright, Church St., final figure will be considera- board since it ruled that he ment. en's Conference luncheon here in about three months. Mean- jail in lieu of ?2,500 bail, pond- Asbury Park, was fined $10 far bly lower than last year's. Charles Frankel of Asbury has no tenure and dropped him Mrs. Howard recently re while, Mr. Creevy said the Ins a preliminary hearing Oct. no registration in possession. Selective Mailing In Breaks as a department head of the Park represented Mr. Buehler. Board of Health will probably 10. signed her position with th< OU.s Keith, M Country Club Offered as a partial explana- high school's social studies de- The school board is represented Agency for International Devel pass an ordinance to regu- Mr. Erickscin is charged with Road, was fined $10 for making tion for the drop was the cut- And Thefts partment. by Daniel O'Hern of Red Bank. opment of the U. S. State De late the use of water. an improper turn. breaking and entering the Vil- back in advertising volume this FREEHOLD - John Spak, partment to campaign for he: The Council passed a salary lage Superette, Main St., year, with brochures being Old Bridge, pleaded guilty yes- brother, Hubert. For the pas ordinance to pay $8,000 a year six years she has been chief 0. to Joseph LaMura, tax asses- on Aug. 23 and stealing wrist mailed selectively, instead of. terday to three counts of break- Middletown blanket mailing, and the ab- ing into gas stations in Manilla- liaison to the Non-Governmcn sor, and $4,025 to Leonard C. watches, wallets and cigarette tal Organizations and Special sence of newspaper advertis- pan Township and two counts Baird, building inspector. Both lighters; breaking the rear ing. Projects Branch in the Office men were appointed last week. Youth Fined of stealing a total of $345 in of the War on Hunger. screen window in Ixni's Dr. Snow, in reporting on articles and cash. Subs, Rt. 35, on April 30 and the program's orientation He is accused of breaking Also attending the luncheon taking $3 and a portable AM- For Thefts meeting on Sept. 12 for local into the James E. McLaughin will be Mrs. Katharine Elkui Howard Hit •Richard school, industrial, and govern- gas station, Gordons Corner White of Red Bank, former am FM, and acting as a lookout MIDPLKTOWN - bassador to Denmark. The lun 11. Lindbcrg of 76 Stephen- ment officials, and the meeting Road, July 11 and taking $195 July 23, while another man al- cheon will honor Mrs. Richard ville Itnad, ono of two youths for instructors on Sept. 18, ex- in cash. Also, on Aug. 26, re- For Votes legedly stole MS from the 1) who admiltod stealing 22 tele- turning to the station and tak- J. Hughes, wife of New Jer- pressed his disappointment at sey's governor. The con- and D Tool Co., Lewis St., and phone handsets from culdoor the low turnout for each meet- ing a radio valued at $40, $60 On Spending public booths in the township, in cash and $50 worth of S&H ference opens tonight with a Maple Ave. Charges have not ing. Only 46 out of 150 invited dance honoring the Hugheses was fined $200 yesterday in green stamps. MIDDLETOWN - Assem- yet been formally pressed to the Sept. 12 meeting at- and Democratic congressiona Municipal Court by Judge toy tended, with no government or He also is charged with blyman Joseph Azzdina, R- against the other man, who is mour H. Kleinberg. candidates. boards of education offi- breaking into Ihe John Yurko- Monmouth, charged today that reportedly in jail In another James J. Corcoran of fi!) fos- cials present. vies service station, Rt. 33, Aug. 26. Democrat Congressman James county for other offenses. ter St., River Plaza, and Ben- Approval was given for the Monmouth County District J. Howard "continues to spend jamin Richard Jr. of 9 HriJ»r- hiring of the following staff Sewei . Veronica Green, 1819 Hangs Court Judge George A. Gray cliff Ave, Port Monmouth, members: Mrs. William Gib- (Continued) and spend as though there is Ave., Neptune, and Linda C. were fined $1011 each for as- accepted the picas and set Oct. mayor said he would like a re- no bottom to the taxpayer's Smith, 43 Crawford St., Shrews- sault upon their wives. son, slenoscript teacher; Lee 25 for sentencing. * Gaitman, secuites and invest- port on the capital surplus wallet." ; bury Township, each fined $260, Harry CalliRerof 63 CurrieSt., Assistant Prosecutor Solo- funds the board anticipates us received .ID-day suspended sen- ments; Mrs./Carmen Leary, mon Lautman presented the The Middletown legislator Wesi Keansburg, was penal- Spanish; BaVry Seace, paint- William B. Ware Francis A. Margalottl ing to reduce the debt servic tences and placed on probation ized $100 for l)dnn a peeping state's case. Assistant Deputy between 1972 and 1974. said the Democratic congress- for one year for shoplifting $lf> r ing; Mrs. Charles Valentino, Public Defender Harold A. Ka- man was one of those who turn. A ?,i(l fine was imposed on shorthand; Shane Washington, "So far the only thing I have and $34 respectively, in mer- Hichiird W. 'I'nop of 60 Phalanx rasic represented Spak, voted last week to consider a chandise, from Kiimherger's, Icnnis; and Miss Je:i/i Ryan Democratic Candidates seen is the bonding schedule,' Road for vagrancy. he said. bill to authorize 428 additional Monmoulh Shopping Center. and Airs. Dorothy Bill, secre- "super grade jobs in the fed- Anthnny Iticelardi of Orange, taries. Planning Board Chairman Henry Davidson, 28 Ilillsdale a contractor here, was fined Marlboro Frederick Varlese, who attend eral bureaucracy paying $22, Ave., Long rtranch, was fined Kleven teachers were also Speaking in Oceanport 835 to $28,000 per year. $25 oac-h on four counts of vio- (Continued) ed a closed door meeting with $20 and received a ,10-thiy sus- approved for the basic educa- members of the Board of Edu "At a time when taxpayers lating the sewage disposal or- tion courses for persons who that he will wait until Tues- OCKANPORT — Francis A. Margolotti is a graduate of pended sentence for assault and dinance. Margalolti, 20 Elizabeth Drive, of Rutgers University and Rut- cation, council members and a are being socked with a 10 battery. are illiterate or non - English day to evaluate the situation. representative of the Municipal per cent surtax, the Democrat Sylvia (Jutland of 111) Camp- speaking. Planning Defense and William B. Ware, 1216 Turf gers Law School. He was bell Ave, Belford, was fin?

in monmouth shopping center Red Bank Savings and Loan Worden Funeral Home RT. 35, IATONTOWN CIRCLi 60 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK INVITES YOU TO MEET IN PERSON CERTIFICATES Savings Certificates issued in multiples of 81,000. Minimum Dav and \ij»ht Phone . . . •mount $5,000. Certificates issued by the tenth of October earn from the first. 717-0557 1 Insured to $15,000 HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. 1 By F.S.U.C. Dividends payable Dec. 31 and June 30. You may have dividends ^. ,.-^'.±.•,-:.- mailed to you or credited to your regular Savings Account. 1 See Us For Details The Adams Memorial Home Wil!iam J. Connelly, Ownor-Manager Mitch ttytier


I rep Parking for 5000 Can Storet Open 6 ISilen to 9:30 p.m. "Whert You Save Df Atlantic Highlands, KoDert Middletown, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry FERTILIZE Barradale handled the sale and alao McDonnell formerly of Kea/rny. Mr. • POWER ROLL WEED CONTROL the listing, together with Constance Donato sold the house which he listed 20-10-10 CRABGRASS Powell. along with Mr. Barradale. CHINCH BUG Daniel McDonald recently Hold prop- Harold 8. LaVoie sold property at For up to 4,M0 24iq. ft. ar.a. Eoch nddlllcnal 1,000 iq. ft. U. CONTROL erty at 8 Chestnut Street, Ilazlet, to 6 Evergreen St., Haslet, to Mr. and ROUND-RAIL Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ruelile. Mrs. Patrick Matthews of East Keans- SOD GROWER'S PROGRAM ——•^— CONTROL FERTILIZE John Broander han sold property et burpr. Mr. Mason sold and listed the CHINCH BUG 358 MiUn St., BelfonI, to Mr. andproperly. SPRING! (4,000 iq. ft. minimum) LATE SUMMER FUNGUS CONTROL Mrs, Chaflea Havens of Ml dill down. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Tonraspllo have FENCING CONTROL Robert Orr handled the Bale of Harold sold their house at 42 Llaie St, Mat- SEED Complete WEED CONTROL Cromwell's listing. awan, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Katzen FERTILIZE 20-10-10 FERTILIZE 4S0-O FERTILIZE Casmlra Z, Wciltowsky has sold FUNGUS CONTROL of Bayonne. Mr, Ooruiejly sold the 1 FERTILIZE 450-0 Only FERTILIZE 3D UF property at 19 Brevent Ave., Leonar- house which M,r. Mason listed. 4'xB SECTION PRE-EMF.RGENT ROLL do, to Mr. and Mrs, Coy Snow, form- CHINCH BUG ROLL erly of nod Bank. Mr. Cromwell sold -Mr. and Mrs. Roma Lewis of 37 95 CRAB GRASS Maple Drive, Hazlel, recently pur- CONTROL CONTROL the house. It was Hated by Mr. Lowen- chased property at 29 Willow St.. WHEN YOU WANT PROFESSIONAL CARE CALL US AT .. Btcln. SPOT WEED FUNGUS CONTROL Hazlet. from Mr. and Mrs. Charles STOCKADE FENCE CONTROL Charles Van Over recently sold the Honpliind Mr. Pepsin sold 1310 house house of MT. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- 14 POWER AERATE which Mr. Mason listed. FALL Graw fit 49 Lone Oak Road, Middle- POWER ROLL Mr. and Mrs. Ronnls J. Simmer EARLY SUMMER town, to Mr. ani MM. Joseph Haydnk. have Hold property at B37 Poole CEDAR b'xV SECTION SEED The Hayduks are also from Middle- Ave., Hatlet to Mr. »nd Mo. Anthony town, Edward Pepsin listed thta home. Picarna, formerly of Clifton. Mr. Ma- 75 WEED CONTROL FERTILIZE 45-M Thomas and Marie Fa-rrell have said son flold this house find BI1K> handled FERTILIZE 31 UF FERTILIZE 20.10-10 747-2183 their house at 49 Garnaey Ave.. Bel- the listing wilh Mr. Jones. FERTILIZE 45-O-0 POWER AERATE ford, to Mr. and Mrs. John Retlly, BASKET WEAVE 3 GRUB PROOFING Per Sq. Ft. formerly of Nutley. Mr. Pepsin Mr. ami Mrs. Oharlr-s Dlt7.el havo 11 SPOT WEED ANY|JME DAY OR NIGHT sold their ho'.i.ie at 17 Harttimi Drive, CHINCH BUG handled the sale of M.r. Lowenstein'a CONTROL listing. Mlddletown, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore CONTROL 7'i Lbi. Nitrogen Par Williams, formely of Cranford. Mr. FUNGUS CONTROL 1,000 Sq. Ft. Per Year POWER ROLL Mr. and Mrs, Francis Bishop have Mason and Mr. Wilson handled the sold property M 627 Park Ave,, Union sale It wm listed hy Mr. Lindquist. Beach, to' Mr. an to underscore In total numbers, this would mean that the West German govern- the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on international wipe out the entire exist- a 15-round decision. developments. ing system for taxing in- almost a half million older persons of the Ten years ago: Voters of the Little Rock, Ark., school ment's grave concern. comes of the elderly. No 4,200,000 now taxable would be completely Birrenbach is a mem- district rejected a proposal to reopen the city's schools The lawmakers were told, in closed- longer would Social Secu- relieved of income taxes. on an integrated basis. ALLEN Vr of the Bundestag door testimony, that eight divisions of rity and Railroad Retire- Of those above these income levels, who has long been a Warsaw pact troops — more than 60,000 ment benefits be excluded nearly all single persons 65 or over with in- supporter of NATO and an advocate of fighting men plus support units — were from the income tax; comes up to $5,800 and nearly all married European cooperation. He is also a finan- positioned in Czechoslovakia in the Pilsen- eliminated would be the couples with incomes up to $11,600 would cial trustee and counselor for the powerful Cheb area where they posed a threat to retirement income credit; get tax cuts. Many more with even high- Thyssen industrial interests. West Germany's eastern border. The removed would be the ex- er incomes would get tax cuts, too. senators were thus prepared to give a * * * In talks with congressional leaders, tra $600 personal exemp- sympathetic hearing to a personal spokes- PORTER tion and the ?100 minimum Birrenharh expressed the fears of the West man airing Kiesinger's apprehensions. IN TOTAL NUMBERS, this would mean fiprman government standard deduction. that nearly 2,300,000 of the elderly above caused hy the invasion of Despite their sympathetic attitude, In place of today's complex, discrimi- the new fully exempt level would get tax Czechoslovakia by Russia however, congressional leaders, like other natory, unfair patchwork tax structure cuts. !• fa. i *9 and its Warsaw 'Pact al- I'.S. officials, were finally inclined to lake would be a relatively simple and uniform The remaining elderly wealthier tax- lies He slrnssed the pom-, a somewhat less alarmed view of an ad- method of tax relief for the elderly in payers would have their taxes increased tinning nf troops nn the mittedly alarming situation. They reached direct relation to their need. Specifically, because they would lose the special tax Cm h-Wesi German bor- a tentative conclusion that Russia was not there would be: benefits. der. .seriously considering a move into West — A special exemption of $2,300 for In total numbers, this would mean that His quick visit hero Germany. all single taxpayers when they reach 65. about 1,400,000 individuals with incomes big cojneided with a round nf Basing their view on reports from other — A special exemption of $4,000 for a enough to protect them from financial propaganda and bombast Warsaw Pact nations, U.S. officials and hardship would pay higher taxes and would leveled Mos )W at llle married couple where both are 65 or over. "•' « . many knowledgeable congressional leaders thus offset the loss in taxes from lower- Bnnn gnvornmeni. At the . — A special exemption of $2,300 for concluded that the threatening notes and a married couple where one is over and middle income persons. same time the Kremlin was assuring other propaganda directed at West Germany by one in under 65. The tax benefits extended to the elder- ly would stay at about $2.3 billion a year, Middle European nations, notably Rumania the Kremlin were designed to help the * * * and Yugoslavia, that it planned no invasion Russians with a public relations problem but the benefits would be shifted to those of their territory. of their own. — CONTINUATION of the personal who need the tax relief the most. exemption of $600 and the minimum I am acutely aware that the suggestion As a consequence, l.'.S. officials were This view recognizes that the Russian standard deduction applicable to all tax- for taxing of Social Security and Railroad led to believe, formally and by Birren- move into Czechoslovakia was distasteful payers. Retirement benefits is dynamite and I bach's informal mission, Iliat \Vest Ger- to many people in the Communist world There would also be a wide variety would not even attempt to analyze it were many was the nation most dangcrcd by and to many in neutral capitals. It assumes of clauses covering those who support it not for the' fact that the special exemp- the move into ('zechoslnvkia. That led m that the old menace of German militarism, elderly parents, retirees under the age of tions would retain and even improve the to warnings, from the United Slates, Britain *V because of fears of a rebirth of Nazism, 65 and providing for reduction of the ex- tax exemption of lower-middle income and France, that any move into West was a convenient whipping boy for the emptions when certain income levels are elderly persons. "Why can't they learn rccism the way we German territory would bring "immediate Kremlin when it seemed expedient to pro- reached. But the above is sufficient to sug- In addition, the proposals would vastly did — in the home?" All.ed response." vide a smokescreen for the Czech occupa- gest the scope and direction of the reform. tion. simplify the tax filing problems of older Aow that Czech leaders are saying that .What would be the effects! people and help them save here, too. . Fnd^-. Srp t 27, 1968—7 To Reorganize Youth Fellowship Services in County Churches THK DAILY REGISTER, HAZLET - Youtu h Fel Riley, and the Rev. Kobert IPKE5BYTEENS ELECT Study course for the year wi wmnt cnvnra or cwxinr Atlantic High Ian (fi MilJeiD lowship of St. John's United O'Donnell, minister of educa- MATAWAN - Prestojteens feature the many different •mNTi TVICM flutiflay tvill bf gin -with Laymen's Methodist Church is being re- tion. of the Presbyterian Church XHMANUEL BAPTIST l*rrlc»t are at 11 a,m, lunday, rsthfp at S-3O a.m. Family Blhl# denominations of today. It wi Atlantic Hlfhlandi RF.FOHMED hniir at 11 a.m. Kveiling xprvk* at organized to provide wider Adult counselors are Mr. and have elected the following' include field trips to unusual Horning worship iArvlr« will h§ Keyport 1. I/yatfd al Applritate and Carpen- 11 o'clock and the ivenlnc atirvlc* BuniHy worship Hi 10:45 a.m. Thi ter flts., IJivcr I'laz*. Council participation for high school Mrs. Richard Erdman, Mrs. ficers: Nancy Eisenbeis, 7:30 Tht Rev. Richard Shaw Is pastor, religious groups and places Kir. I. T. ichoiten Is pastor, CALVARY BAPTIST students. Marjorie Ward, Mrs. O'Donnell moderator; Ann Leontine, vice worships, guest speakers an FIRST METHODIST A successful part .of the and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Torap- moderator; Debra Smith, sec- films. There will be special Atlintlc Hlghlandi Little Silver Tha ".unrtay nervier will he hPl<1 i p m In the Fairvlpw Be finl. The RiV. To Meet church's program for several kins. retary and Judy Shafto, tre* social and recreational events, 11 a.m. Ttift Rev, Harvry Van Bi-lvi KURt'RT UNITED MOTfODIifT In Come J. Klllnlt Is nntnt. la paator and will prpaeh on "TWiii I.ttlle Bllvcr RKD BANK —The public is decades, the fellowship meets In addition to regular meet- surer. Chapel choir rehearsal is als X N*wsy, Nolaey Faith." • T)\*> Itrv. Banford M. Han^y win ALL SAINTS -Sundays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. un preach and ('(induct the morning Navei invited to the annual meeting ings, the group is involved in Presbytcens will meet eac' included. All students in grade FIRST I'HEHBYTF.HIA* worship 'arrvlcrs at II der die supervision of Hie many special activities and ser- Wednesday evening from 7 t 10 through 12 are invited ti •Atlantic Highland! ST. JOHN'S of the Laymen's Council of the pastor, tie Rev. Norman K. vice projects. participate. Sunday aervices at S and ]i i.r LltHe Silver 9:30. Kev. Richard B. Anderson otricia Bnnday IPTVICPB will lie Holy Com firnt A.M.K. Zion Church of New int. muninn fit 8 a.m. unit Morning Prayr Hilnt il:iy.i nml MmnInc IT and irrmnn at It) n.m, Kev. Tilunia with 'll OH flt-'Cullcl Jersey to lie held al 4 p.m. to- MISSION TOPIC CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY A. Kerr. Jr., rector. lay Atlantic Highland* CLINTON CHAPEL A. M. E. 7.ION morrow at the Shrewsbury RED BANK — "New Forms lundar ierrlce* will bs held at 11 t-m. Long Branch Ml.ldlrt. Avenue A.M.K. Zion Church. of Mission" will be the topi THa It i. crt Is pialur, The Itov. Alfred S. Parker is CENTRAL BAPTIST FIRST REFORMED Oil) 1 (ItS! (Ill |{( II 3 Holmdel Churche of Mrs. Charles Hauser at .the Atl&ntlc HlstilandB s Iy.iiK Branch Aitu-rliiiii IMl'liM (rvlc« at 7:30 p.m. '•ftiifit Is A Christian'.1'1 Christian Ed The Hiuirtjiy flprvlct* will be at 10 The business session will be- ucatlon Sunday. m. Tlie ru-v, AvDrill M. i?ai«..n Is the First Presbyterian Church, ST. AOXES CATHOUO iifllor. gin at 4 p.m. Speaker will be scheduled for Wednesday Atlantlo Highlands GOKPKI- HAM- BAYSIIORr. COMMUNITY John W! Barron, sociologist at Sundar Masses are at 6:30, 7:45. 9. JCa^t KtMinsfitirjf To Discuss Merger 8:15 p.m. It is an open meet- 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. and 12:45 and Ijong nranrli I he N.J. State Hospital at •prrleen will be lirld Similar at 9:3( 8nmlay B'TVICPH will be lir>M at 10 0:30 p.m. Ray, Michael J. Least U it.in. The Kev, Klchanl Huliwarlz Is ing and will be preceded by th pastor. a.m. A Goapet Service will be held Marllxiro. HOLMDEL — Membe it would develop a single founded in 1668, and the Holm- serving of dessert and coffee ai at 7 p.m. of the Holmde! Baptist, RT. JAMES EPISCOPAL Dinner will be served at 6 focal point of denominational del Reformed Church, whose 7:15 p.m. Cliff wood Beach New Shrewsbury p.m. The council will present formed and Communit participation; it would help to origins go back to 1699, are Listed In "Who's Who BAYVIEW VIw Masn nt 3 a.m. Family Ma REFOHMKU ciinicii its fourth extravaganza, a mu- churches will hold congregj clarify the church's image in among the oldest of their de- at 10 a.m. Tha Kev. Robert A. Tear- Now Shrewfl-ftury American Women," Mrs. Hau Bundar Worship Service will 'b- _ son is rector. TTlnv sri-vloi's will lie at 10;r,0 sical and literary program, at tional meeting this Sunda; the community it serves and nominations in New Jersey. 9:30 and 11 am. Rav. David I* Bueol, T R putor, will officiate. 7:311 p.m. at 8 p.m., to vote on a merg it would promote better stew- Though looking toward a future sei has made the study o; ST. 1,1 KF'S MF.TIIOMHT CLirmOOD CO MM UN ITT of the three religious bodiei ardship in the use of its facili- with the United Church missions her life work and ha 1,1 THFK MRMOKIAI, The council was organized 20 done extensive lecturing. METHODIST Th« iunday lervlcs will bs at 11 to dissolve their existing til ties. of Christ the new church will CUftwood (Mlmmirt Hj-nnit) years ago by Dr. Ernest A. Worship narvices will bo held J N S y Robinson of Asbury Park, who with the American Baptist Co, Preceding the congregational keep as its own the rich heri She is an ordained elder an 9 B.rn. with the pastor, Jhe Re FIRST KArnST The flundny at in:.1f) vention and the Reformi Eldrlch C. Campbell, Jr.. oMlclatlnf. [..inff Hrancfi .m. The Rw. . Bljtjra Js served as president until the meetings Sunday, the Youth tage of the past. member of the Pine Streei Tli* Rnnilay ncrvln-q will lif« Church in America; to form Presbyterian Church, Harris- mi 7:K. BEVENTH PAY ADV recent election of Mrs. Clay- Fellowship will show the film- Plans for merger will be con- iv I! pjieah at Tu new corporation, and to sei Colts Neck 1 Nrw Shrewsbury bonne Iilackwdl. strip, One Fellowship, at 7:15tingent upon the favorable dis- burg, Pa. Mrs. Hauser is alsc Film, "The Krd I'laK'K ." will •ervicei will be IIP1<1 tomorrow a admission to the United Chur< p.m., in the sanctuary. This position of the New Brunswick a member of the women' KEFOHMEII shown In tlie evcnl K. iCi-iuy LMy, 11 *jn. lioberi K. Tame Is mlnl«t*r. Its purpose is to promote of Christ. planning committee for Interna- The Sunday service will be at 9:30 evangelism and education. It filmstrip describes the origins Classis at its next meeting on and 11 a.m, The Rev. Samuel Ln Matawan Oakhurst Efforts toward this end we. of the component parts of the Oct. 8, and of the vote to ac-tional Christian University Penta will apeak on ' *th« text: raises funds for scholarships Petu 1:3-9. Baptism. ETHICAL CH.T1HK VKI.LOWUIIP FIRST VNITKI) for promising young men and - begun at the annual meetini United Church of Christ and cept the new church into the Tokyo, Japan; serves on the ilsitiwan O&klmnt several of its historic personali- executive committee for Amer- CHRISTIAN CHURCH Donald Jacoby 1H jireaMcnl. ( Tim Ijnday mrvlfft will b* at B:M women of the N.J. Conference In January, 1967 when a feder fellowship of the Southern New Colti Neck tact Barry Kurt/, U2 DciTflPlil Lane, nn<\ 11 a.m. Dr. JoJnv 11. Blair will tioft committee composed ties. The young people will host Jersey Association, the Central ican Leprosy Mission Inc. an Morning worship lervlcs will b» lor information about niectlriKB, Iaoh on "A Challenge To Ti\e to attend Livingston College, 11 a.m. Larry Calhoon ll mlolittr. Salisbury, N. C. equal representation from th< the coffee hour after the con-Atlantic Conference of the Unit- as chairman of the promotio Srenlni worship at 7. TMKITV MHISCOPAL gregational meetings. committee. ,, MiUwin three bodies was voted into be ed Church of Christ, when fl Matlni and Holy CommTinlnn at 8 Oceanport convenes Oct. 19. Eat onto MII a.m., Morning Prayer and Family En ing for the purpose of simp The Holmdel Baptist Church, charl.it at 10 a.in.^The Rev. Carrol CALVARY BAPTIST tying the federated structun SUPPER TONIGHT B. Hall Is rector. Ocpanport cirnisT OF Sunday mnniinK services at BUS OK Church which has governed their FU18T I'll nnd 11. flvpnlng aervlr.R Rl 7l30. Eev. LONG BRANCH - Members LATXEIl DAY SAINTS Paul W, SmiUi Is pastor, lationship since 193(1, and and friends of the First Re- (Mormon) Matawan Eitontown Worship acrvires 3; 15 nnd II am OCBANrORT UNITED METHODIST Building bring about as great a unity as formed Church are invited ti cei will be Uio Prteithood ThR Ri'v. CtH'.Hler A. Ottllowiiy ivi! Orpanport possible. ~~~ fnoetfnK at B a.m. and the flacramenf prwieli on "Interprotlna Ilio 23n Moniing vnrshtp nt JKW a.m. nnd the congregational fellowship meeting at 6:00 p.m. BUhop Bruct ltlam." pvcrilnK aervlue at 1:3t) HPV, W. Win- Savac» wilt officiate. CROSS OF UI.HllY LUTHERAN tlfld U'f.-rt Is [uiMnr, Morning nonvnn: Addition The first plan of merge supper, to be held tonight at 6. Matawan "1 liciK've In ,k'3iis i church dually aligned with thi 10:« a,m. with I'as tor William Joel The First and Third Sundays ot th' Old Bridge of St. John's United Methodist Reformed. Church in Americi bridal pageant will be shown, Wright officiating, month. Church announced that an ad- •T. AMHKOHK CATHOLIC and the American Baptist Coi The Rev. E. Grant is pastor. ST. DOROTHEA'!* CATHOLIC miX GOSI'EI, TAHKRVACLK OM Rrldge dition to the education building Eaton town Matav/an •unrtiiy MaM will n« &t (1:30, T:JO, will be made according to speci- vention, was approved by thi Sunday MELRKCH at 7:30, 9 and 10:30 Bnnday services at 10:30 a.m, and ' l:«. 10, 11:1.1 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. members of the Holmdel coi m. and noon, Tha Rev. James p.m. at Jackson St. anil Ravine Drive. The Rev. ]Si!rnard A, Coen is pastor, fications drawn by John Mac- OPEN HOUSE B. Qoyle It pastor, THO Jtev. Daniel owitue wJll officiate gregations by a vote of 81-6, MJTIIEIIAN (iOOl) HHEI'llERU Williams, church architect. LINCROFT — The Rev. andST. JAMES MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL BT. CMSMENT'S CATHOUO For constitutional reason; Kiton town Matawan-Marlboro Fanillj Bible h>ur will ba Sunday The expansion will extend the Mrs. Harold Turner will hold Holy Kuoharlwt Rt 8 aM morning Sunday Masses and Holy Communion at Sir, «;«j./ Worship iervlc« the arrangement was not a prayer at 10 a.m. Rev. H. Holly Knltfil will be held at 7, 8:20, 9:30, 10:30 will he iit 10:HO-il.m. TI10 Rev. Harlcy building along Florence Ave. an open house at the manse o officiating. and 11:30 a.m. In the Matawan Re- E. Meyer w)Jl oMvA.iW. cepted by the New Brunswic gional High School. Kev. Joseph K\i- an additional 180 feet and will the Lincroft United Presbyter- MONMOUTH BAmST cliukl Is putor. Classis of the Beformei (Sonthern Baptist Conreotloit) add five classrooms to the Church in America. EatonUiwn FIRST UNITED METHODIST Red Bank church school. an Church Sunday from 3 to 5 Worihlp isrvlces will be at 0 :i!t Matawan • The federation committee p.m. Members and friends ol ID a.m., 11 a.m, and 7:30 p.m. with Sunday sprvlrea will be at 9:HO anr TRIN1TX EMSCOUPAL This is the fourth step in an the Holmdel Church and thi The Rev, M, R, Halre, pastor preach- 11 a.m. The Kev. ttonald T. Phillip Red Bink he church are invited to in ing. Sr. will T>reacli on "How They Grow' Bundar services wlU In heM ln ththai eight • phase program planned executive committee of thi at Uic early service. Christian Educa Myrtle BrothiTSinnd Ixirt-e, M»pl« to afford full facilities. It is spect recent improvements in MX. ZION A ME. ZION tion Sunday, Ave. with Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m.., New Brunswick Classis sough! Eatontown Family Servini e ami llnly Eucharishi t hoped that phase 5, the fellow- Sunday morninji service at XL Thi VIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH el fl:ir> and Hie Holy Eucharist and possible alternatives. The pre; the manse. Rev. K. J. Reevey li paitor. Matawan Horning Worship at 10 a.m, mldrtss ul II a.m. TMt» Rev. Cniion ship hall, will begin in early ent plan of action is the resul Charles H. Hust la roc tor. spring. Other steps to follow The Rev. Mr. Turner was CALVARY BAPTIST CHAPEL This plan of dissolution* an called to the Lincroft church Fair Haven BT. ANTHONVS CATHOLIC include additional classroom uniting with the United Churcl CHRIST CHURCH METHODIBT Morning Worship at II a.m. Sun Red Bunk spaces, a community wing and n January, 1968, from Park day evening •worship at 7:30. Th flutulaf Masief *r« o«!et)r*t*d at of Christ received the endorse- Fair Haven R«T. Jack Klnney U the paitor. T, B. 9. ID and 11 a.m. and noon. clinic area. land, Pa. He and his wife, Thi Sunday service will be at Mi jr. Salv&toro Dl Lorenxo li putor. ment of an overwhelming num Barbara, are the parents ol a.m. The Rev. Charles G. Hanklns la her of tile church officers a PATIENT PRIEST—Tha Rev. Theodore Bauman, a patient pastor. Sermon; "nn Optn Bible.' Marlboro riRST T two children, Karen and Ka iled Hank well as of the executive branc in Rivarview Hospital, Red Bank, is shown offering ths thy. HOLT COMMUNION EPISCOPAL BIBLE PROTESTANT Tfio flutidsjr aervtc-Q will b« *J Sunday School Fair Haven nobertjvlil* 11 n.m. Tlie Rev. Stanley E. Mug of the New Jersey Baptist Con Innday lenrtcw will be at S and l rldKo Is pastor. first Mass celebrated in the hospital's Wainright Me- a.m. Sunday «prvlce will b» at 11 i.m vention. ».m. The Rev. Edwin P. Spencer A.M.E. ZION Set for Retarded morial Chapel. Ths interdenominational chapel was HEADS TRIANGLE pajtor. Sermon: "IIIB Church." Freehold Red Bank Church officers have mei dona-fed by -the late Mrs. Adelaide Wainright, a mem- RED BANK — Mrs. Norman MOROANVIT.LR METHODIST Sunday nervlcw at ll a.m. Tha Eev. MIDDLETOWN -The Rev. with the committee on tlu Morganvllle Alfred S. Parker Js pastor. William Hanson, King of Kings ber of the board of governors, in memory of her three R. Sickels, 79 McLaren St., was HOPE LUTHERAN Sunday -worship aorvlct at 11 a.m, church and ministry of the Freehold Thi Rev. William T. Fr&ntz Is pwtor, ST. MU110I,AS KL.SMAN EABTSRM Lutheran Church, Middletown, installed as president of the Worihlp lervlcea will bo at D:3Q a.m. OKTHODOX southern New Jersey associa- sons. Th» 3t»v. Albert W. Gibson it pwtor, OLD BRIDGE REFORMED has announced a Sunday school TniangJe Olub of Trinity Epis- Marlboro Red Bank tion, the United Church I Register Staff Photos) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Wtrahfp aervlcfl fit 10 a.m. program for retarded children. Freeh old TIB Divine Liturgy will bo cel-i- Christ, to ascertain the possi copal Church, recently at her Horning wonrtilp will be at 9:30 In bratt'd at 10 a.m. vn Sunday and Holy Registration will be Thurs- the new auditorium and at li a.m. In ])aja of Obllg.'illon, Evening aervlcef bilities of uniting with this de residence. A covered dish sup- the Sanctuarr. Pastor James R. Mem- Middletown prt-CLdlng Butulay and Holy llayi of day, Oct. 10 at 4 p.m. at the nomination. The United Church mott will deliver a acrmon. Obligation ot 6 p.m. Father Emlllan Church Sets Study Course per preceded the meeting, and ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC Kajko, pastor. church. of Christ came into being he Rev. Canon Charles II. GRACE LUTHERAN New Monmouth CHUItCH OF OIRIST Mrs. John Lindholm, 8 Ali- RED BANK - "Education church at 8:15 p.m. each Freehold Vasita are at 7, 8:ir.. 9:30, 10:i5 the late 1950's with the mergci Ttie Sunday service will bo at 9 mar Drive, Middletown, chair- for Change" will be the thene Wednesday hi October. Best, rector, was the installing a.m. and noon la the church; at 8:15. Red Bank of the Congregational • Chris- •lid 10:45 a.m, 9:30, 10:15 A..m. and noon In Memorial Sunday IBIVICO at ll i.m. Th» «r«* man of Christian education, an- of a study course sponsored Leader for the course will be officer. Tha Heir. David C. Volk li pmtor. Hil nlng flervlce will bt> at 5:30 Er«n- tian churches and the Evangel- IMMANUEL BAPTIST Iellit Donald Wood wm preach at lolb nounced that, depending on the ical and Reformed Church. the board of Christian Educ- the Rev. Charles J. Wissink, Freehold VIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH •arvicef. tion of the First Baptist lector in Christian education at Other officers Installed were Morning worship will be at 11 a.m. OF MONMOUTH COUNTY response to this program, it is Members of the Holmdel and evening service at 7 p.m., both LJnoroft FIRST FRKSBYTER1AK hoped1 to have two groups set Church,-to be -held-at-the —-Theotogiieal VincenL A- IMetjetil, vice .In—Ola.-ClabJa-. Building, _-225-.flclwncJc- Sunday lervlces -will be held at 10:30 Red Bank ChurcFhave been kepfabreasi Seminary. president; Mrs." Donald Me Road. The Rev. Prank C. Morse pas- pastor, The Sunday service ~wnTHbe~et~9 up-one-for the-younger- child- of all progress toward merger. tor, will preach. nil 11 cm. Tlie Hev, Dr. Charles The son of a Reformed Coid, recording secretary; and LINCROFT UNITED FRCSR1TKHIAN H. Webster will i>ren<;li r, SlanJey J. MonklriR will Further information may be by-laws of the Uniled Church at the Shrewsbury Avenue 11 a.m. opeak on "Being A Neighbor." Holy A.M.E. Zion Church at 3:30 BD degree from Western BT. AXDBEW'H EPISCOPAL Communion at 8:30 a.m. In Sijulro had by calling Mrs. Lindholm of Christ" and a revised con- Meetings of the club for the Highlands s GOOD SHKI'HERO LUTIIEBAN "hFLpef. !>r. Menkinu will talk on p.m. A baby contest, fashion Theological Seminary and his r Holmdel-Mlddl&town 'Tlie New Jireed" at 1 p.m, after 4 p.m. stitution and plan of organiza ear are being scheduled in Th* Holy Eucharist wilt be cele- Thd Sunday service will be held show by children and a tea will master's from Union Theo- he homes of members, with brated this Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m. at 10:45 at the Thompson School HOLT TRINITY EVANGELICAL tion for the new church. with Matins at 8:30 a.m. and Even- The Rev. George J. Frank Jr., Is be sponsored for the benefit of logical Seminary, New York the next meeting to be held _ at T p.m. Wra. D. Lorlng, vicar, pastor, LUTHERAN The advantages of this mer- the Zion Travelers Gos- City. He is now a doctoral WlJ] Red Bank Shrewsbury ger as the pastor, The Rev Thursday, Oct. 24, at the home KINO OF KINT.H MTIIEUAN Th« Sunday iervice frill bi held at pel Chorus. Mrs. Jamie Cagle candidate at Princeton Theo- Holmdel IMddMown 9:15 and 11 n.m. The Kev. Harold John W. Waldron, and the of Col. and Mrs. Raymond R Sunday lerviccs will b« at 8 a.m, Hornberger la pastor. OHBIST E is in charge and the public is logical Seminary. 'fourtillott, 47 Laurel Drive BOLMDEL CHURCH and 10:45 a.m. Tho Rev. William A. Shrewnbury church's officers view it are Holmdel Hanson la pastor. BT. JAMES CATHOLIC Sunday services will be Holy many. It would result in a sim- invited. Prior to coming to New Little Silver. Tha Sunday aervlce will be at 11 a.m. Bed Ban* Euchsxifft At 6 And 0 and 11:1B a.m. with the pastor. Tha Rev. John W. NEW MONMOUTH BAPTIST Bnnday Mannes will bB at 0, T:30, », A( the laitfr tmj jervlcM th» R«v. plified organiational and ad- Brunswick, he served in Waldron, officiating. New Monmouth 10:30 a.m, and 12 noon In thn Church; Ronald r,. Albany will preach on "Tin at fl, C:3O, ll a.m. and 12:15 In the Baita.bU9h.ment." ministrative structure; it would CHURCH SCHOOL churches in Union City and WSCS ACTIVITIES Worahlp iervlces will be hpld at tri Place auditorium, and at S:30 Hazlet 10:45 a.m, anil 7 p.m, Kev. Donald p. ra. ln the Chu rch. Magr. Smraitl PBESKYTERMN heal the church's wounds MATAWAN — Beginning Clifton. He is chairman of FAIR HAVEN -A member- J. Scolleld will apeak at both aer A. Ifooahan li p&stor, Shrewsbury of division on the local level; the general synod committee of hip tea was held recently at FAITH REFORMED Ices. Tha morning aervict of irwJhlp iunday, any person, married Hactet ST. PAUL BAPTIflT will be At 0:^0 and 11 nm. Tht ir single, between the ages the World Council of Churches Christ Church United Metho- Sunday lervlrri will be held at 9:30 RALNT CLF-MENT'8 KP1SC0FAL Red Bank Rev. James K. Steele, pastor, will and 11 a.m. Thn Rev. TTieodore C. Bcltord Bunlay worihlp aervtcet will ba rrrnach on "Where'! Thi Pariah if 18 and 30 is invited to par- and was a delegate at the dist. Mrs. Edward Fielder, past Mulfor will preach on "Family Unity," Sunday ichedule: 8 a.m. Holy Eu at it :ift •••m, House?" Bapflnm at 11 a.m. char 1st and aermon; 9;30 a.m. lunj You Get icipale in a Sunday church fourth assembly of the World president of the New Bruns- EucHarlst and sermen. FmflT ciiupcn OF cnniflT riBST ASSEMBLY Or flOD Council of Churches, meeting wick District, was guest speak- BT. JOHN'S METHODIST BCIENTrST Btirewibury school class at Matawan Pres- Hazlet SIETIIOniST Red Bank Sunday worship iervlc» at 11 a-W. in Upsala, Sweden. er. •undsy lerrlees will be held at P!M Belford Sunday service at 11 a.m. Service IvanjHlntle service at 7 t.m. Patritl ayterian Church. and 11 a.m. The Rev. Norman R. The Bun day aervtce wil] be at 11 : !»;.1O a.m. first Sunday of the O. McLean Is pastor. Riley la pastor, flermon: "Fools." ..m. The class, Pairs and Spares, October activities will in- month. Rpadtng Room now located siiREWSBnnv MEETINO ABC Closes Liquor MIDDLETOWV MKTHOD1ST at the Mall. OF FltlF.NDS will meet at 9 a.m. every Sun- :lude an auction at the church Keanaburg r>wn (Clunkers) MI Oct. 5. There will be a view- Sunday service a Hi a.m. In the Shrewsbury day morning in ^.Lounge 206. Store for 15 Days FIRST METHODIST Nut Swajnp School. Kev. .W, Rumson Mettlni: for worship Sunday* at 11 The class will be conducted* on ng of the items at 9 a.m. and Keaosburg Abrami la pastor. a.m. ln tlie Fellowship Hall of ths MORE ' NEWARK - Joseph M. Kee- Sunday services win be at S:X BT, OEOBOE'B-BY-THE RIVER Shrewsbury Presbyterian Church. WITH FIRST MERCHANTS a siminar basis with several gan, director of the state Al- the sale begins at 10 a.m. a.m. and at 11 a.m. Ilia Rev, Newton COMMUNITY EPISCOPAL W. Grelner Is paator. Port Monmouth Rumsnn DAILY INTEREST teachers taking turns in lead- coholic Beverage Association, A rummage sale will take Worship nervicc at 11 a.m. Vesper Sunday lervlcen will be Holy Com- Union Beach ng the discussion. Coffee will BT. ANN'S CATHOUO rvlce at 6:30 p.m. The Rev, A. D. unlfjii at 8 and Morning Prayer at PAID FROM DAY OF hps announced that Button's, ilace Oct. 18 and 19. Keansburg Macaw ti pastor. :30 and 11 a.m. ORACK METHODIST >e available. a package store at 596 Joline Sunday Masnej will be at 7, %, % Union Beach DEPOSIT TO DAY OF ,0, 11 and noon. <;HItlST KI'ISCOTAL rrnsr Worship services will be Sunilay al Ave., Long Branch, has re- The monthly meeting will be MliliUftowii WITHDRAWAL Pairs and Spares will begin BT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL Sunday aervlffs will be Holy Com- Rumson 10 a.m. The Rev Franklin H. BlrJ ceived' a 15-day license sus- Oct. 21. Guest speaker will be Keansburg .union al 8 nnd 9:i:> -i.m. nnd Morn- Worship Service nt 9:15 and 11:15 Jr.. Is pastor. Sermon: "Ohrlstlafl providing a $25 balancl It ith a showing of the acclaimed Mrs. James Steele, wife of the Sunday eervlcea will be Hoi/ Com- Inir Praypr nt 11:1ft n.m. RPV. Roliert m. The RPV. Harvey C. DnulP. Jr., Education." pension for selling beer to a uinlon at 8 a.m. and Parish E. Lenglcr is rector. pa.ator nnd will .preach on "Nature ciii'itrii OF f;0D maintained at tlw end of tfc* Billy Graham film, "Jerusa- minister of the Presbyterian Euctiarlst and Sermon at 9:30 a.m. and Nurture." Vnlon Reach qiamr. minor. BISTER FRANCIS SPIRITUAL lem." Church of Shrewsbury. Port .Monmouth Sea Bright Morning wor'hlp Sunday at 11 a.m. Mr. Keegan said the viola- Keyport Prlvato me9.in.gpa given Monday to and evangelistic service it '7:30 p m. 4*/e> Per Annum tion occurred Sept. 6. The 15- Nov. 16 Is the date set for Baturday, 1 to 5 p.m. Bpoken in FIRST UNITED METHODIST The Rev. Jack E. Kejnnlds Is pastoi. FIRST BAPTIST English and Italian. Call rf urine flea Bright Compounded and Paid COUPLES CLtB day closing starts Wednesday, ;he annual bazar. A workshop Keyjwrt ' church hours. 263 Main 9t. Blihop Tha Sunday service will b« at Sunday services nt 10:<5 a.m. anfl Angola Sol la. 0:30 a.m. with the Rev. Q. W. West Long Branch Quarterly MATAWAN - The Couples Mr. Keegan said. is held every Wednesday to p.m. Thf> Rev. Eugene P. Gregory Slarsmeare, paJtor, otllclatlng, KEFOItMATIO* tutor. David end Janet Marx will OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY Dtpoilh Inured up to $15,000 repare for the holiday event. I.ITHERAN CIHUCH :iub at the Presbyterian ipeak at tho evening service. Leonardo BT. MIKE'S A.M.E. W«it Lonf Branch by F.D.I.C. The monthy meeting will be CKTHSEMANE MJTIIERAN Morning wornhlp service at 11 a.m. The Kev. W. Kobert Oswald trill Church will resume its monthly Thomas A. Eadon, son of Mr. The llv\\ Ki-nnelU N. (LuiiWr wJIJ Sea Brljhl eld Nov. 18. Guest speaker Sunday services will he at fi:30, 0:4S Tha Sunday service will 6t at I o m. or*J»ch thp 9:15 and 11 a.m. jervtaaa. Saturday evening meetings be- and Mrs. Thomas A. Eadon, 4 ind at 11 a.m. The Rev. Henry W. lt. Kvcnlng .Hfrviui'3 at 7:;jl) p.m. l be Miss Winonah Darrah, fCircher U pastor. LKONAItlK* HAI'TIST 'Inning Oct. 5 with a progres- Sheraton Lane, Rumson, was BT. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC lay preacher of the First Unit- Keyport sive dinner. Programs are var-among the more than 1,000 stu- Masses -will be at 6:3/) and 7:30 inilny sprvlct will hf nt 11 n.m.. ed, designed to please every- id Methodist Church of Red m and 12:15 p.m in the church; Rev. Wllliai Cur: l.t jwislor nml Broadcast of September 29th dents who recently began Sank and MCOSS director. :30, fi:i5 and 11 a.m. In ths school. will preach on " Imrb or Tree." Eve- >ne, and at the same time an classes at Roanoke College, nlng aervice at 7:au. Mtmtrtr Fidtrol Riurvt BT. MARY'S EPISCOPAL WESTMINSTER PRESBYTEKIAN Many businessmen feai/making a wrong de- ipportunity is given to meet Salem, Va. He graduated last On Dec. 15, members will Keyport Fadtral Deposit Iniuronct C«r». ind make friends. •unday lervlcea wilt be: 7:45 a.m. HlddlctowD June from Christian Brothers ave a family Christmas fel- UornlBff Prayer; 8 mm. Holy Com- ThB Sunday lervlca will b» 9 :l& cision in their work./But goals based on an munion; 9 a.m. family services and md 10:45 am. Ilev. Harlan C. Dur- Academy, Llncroft. )wship supper. 11 a_m. B^ly Communion ee will sDeiUc on "A New Parable." understanding of Soa lead to right decisions. Listen Sunday, September 29, to "Making

FURNITURE CO. Right Decislons/o/ n jthe Job." ANDERSON BROS., INC. Keyport 264-0181 WEST STATIONS COMING features . . . WRLBFM 107.1 PACKING-MOVING-STORAGE 8.00 A.M. "Kroehler" WNEW 1130 KC. OCTOBER 14* 51-53 Mechanic St. 6;45 A.M. EST. 1869 + WVNJ 620 KC. Red Bank, N.J. +c 9:45 A.M. 741-0030 Open Mon. and Fri. evenings 'til 9 er» less •xptnsjva methods. Rub FLORHAM PARK - Holy Family your fact dally with eaiter sil ter-in-law; Mrs. William Epstein, and Miss •r «liv» oil (which hat bi»n Catholic Church was the setting Saturday Rita Grosso, the bride's cousin. The bride's used, by-women etefar back as. for the wedding of Miss JoAnne Marie Jan- sister, MaryAngeta JanrtfceJH, was flower Cleopatra). Many recommend nieelli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexan- girl. steaming the faca first and der1 JanniceBi, of this place, to Russell Dante V. JanniceBi, the bride's broth- ifian ailing it. A honey and •gg mask also p«notratts the Jim Drum, son of Mr. and Mrs. John er, was best man. Ushers were William outer skin layar and nourish*! Drum, 271 Riveredge Road; New Shrews- CuDinan, Kenneth Drum, the bridegroom's •he innar skin. Mix wall ana bury. brother; William Epstein, Howard Krug- •ablespoon of pura honay and The Rev. John P. O'Connell celebrated man and Kenneth Moore. - tba beaten white of an egg. the Nuptial Mass. The bride is a graduate of Hanover Laava en for IS minutai, than Park High School and Trenton State Col- - wash off with tepftfl water, A reception was held in The Manor, lege. protect your skin from too West Orange. much sun. Your ilcin will al- Mr. Drum is a graduate of the same ways look young. Miss RoseAnne Scotti, the bride's cous- high school, and attended Northeast Mis- in, was maid of honor. Also attending the souri State CoHege, Kirksville. He is em- It sura to protect your hair bride were Mrs. William CuQlnan, Mrs. ployed by Hecon Corporation, New Shrews- from extremes in nature. Have Dante Jannicelli, the bride's sister-in-law; bury. It conditioned periodically it Mrs. Kenneth Drum, the bridegroom's sis- The couple wiB reside in Oakhurst. COIFFURCS/ETCETERA, T h e Mall, Broad and Monmouth 5t>. Tal. 747-5731. Opan Mon. • *•* Sat. 9-6. Fri. 9-9. By ap- Miss Follansbee Weds pointmant on.ly. Complete WEST LONG BRANCH Napolitanl. He is the son of - beauty tarvice. Miss Laurel Follansbee, daugli Vincent Napoiitanl, Las Vegas, _H8LPFULH!NT:,A_warm Jemon. ter of. Mr. .and.Mrs...Li.A._Foj Ney., and the late Butti Napo- will give more juice and a lansbee, 11 Orchard Road, be Iftani. itrengar flavor than • cold one, came the bride of Frank Lewi The Eev. W. Robert Oswald officiated at the ceremony Aug. NOW OPEN 31 here in Reformation Luth- eran Church. MARGARET CROSS Matron of honor for her sis- ter was Mrs. Robert G. Pres -k Monmouth County's Newest-, Modern Facility SCHOOL OF DANCING ley. Maid of honor was Miss Marie Peretti. Also attending • Designed, after 20 years experience, for "Better Patient Car*" of the the bride were the Misses Pam BALLET • TOE • TAP Yackel, Carol Frew, Margue- (CHILDREN FROM 4 YEARS) rite Napolitanl, and Mrs. Rich- "Agtd, Chronically III, Convalescent, and Extended Care Patient." ard Torsiello. SOCIAL DANCING • JAZZ Best man for his neph- * All phasts of patient care are under the direction and supervbion ew was Salvatore Purcello. Er- Mrs Frank Napolltul EXERCISE CLASS nest Napolitani, Guido Napoli- (He former tanl, the bridegroootm's uncles, Laurel Follansbee) of the Medical Staff and Registered Nurses. Robert Presley, Hubert Brown FOR WOMEN and Lee Kerstead, were ush- em Nevada University and at... ers. Ocean County Junior College. Other professional services include; Mrs. Napolitani is a gradu- He is employed as a claims St. Leo Hi* Great School ate of Shore Regional High representative for the Hartford school, and attended Monmouth Insurance Company, Plainfleld. LINCROFT College. She is employed at He was in the U.S. Army and Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Social Service, and Pharmacist. and Wheetock Signals Inc., Long served one year with the'First Holy Cross School Branch. Cavalry in Vietnam. One and two patients per bedroom; * Nurses call with nurse follower; Mr. Napolitani is a graduate The couple reside at Mid- RUMSON RD. 741-6252 RUMSON of Bishop Gorman High School, dlebrook at Monmouth, Oak- ir Private lavatories for each room; * Closed circuit TV Monitoring System; Las Vegas, and attended South- hurst. *••••••••••••••••••••• ir Color TV throughout; i< Four planned meals daily, with dinner * at evening meal; * ir Private geriatric showers; * ir Telephone; ir Complete Physiotherapy with Whirl- COUNTS TRAVEL CENTER I EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING * pool; can now *ff«r ir Air-Conditioning; DONE ON THE PREMISES * ir Occupational Therapy and Special GUARANTEED RESERVATIONS * * ir The first Home to use the special geri- Activities Rooms; en tk» brilliant n« * ALL WORK FULLY ¥ * atric floor coverings, including spe- Chapel; Cunard QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 ¥ GUARANTEED * dally fire-rated wall-to-wall carpeting , . , . , . I] dicks, 4 swimming pools. 3 dlicollxquts. Incredible restaurants high * an< otner s ec a In the snip with picture windows, ihopRhlo orcodt. Marlborovgh art thMulkA.it. * * P ' ' features to assure galllry ... the new QE2 Is truly Cunard's ultimate weapon against HELBROS throughout; DorMem at »<" And we at Colpllts are proud to be able to toy: WI BENRUS * CAN CONFIRM SPACE IMMEDIATELY. LE COULTRE * the safety, welfare and complete com- BULOVA ir Door Security Systems; (!J Feb. T4— 14 Day. 5 fort ELGIN LONGINES * fort of those entrusted in our care. , Caribbean Cruise MIDO * St. Ttiomoi, Martinique. Barbados, Curacao, Cristobal {Panama Canal ENICAR Zone). Colpltts hoi space tn a variety ol grades from $445. UNIVERSAL HAMILTON * (2) March 1 — 9 Day, 3 Part WALTHAM * Caribbean Crude GRUEN WITTNAUER for more information •arbadM, Martinique, St. Thomas — 1 magnificent ports . . . only i OMEGA day> away from work. All crulm ore First Class only, all Inclusive ROLEX from silt. CARAVELLE ZODIAC (31 April 24 — Rest Direct TECHNOS TISSOT Tratu-Aticmrie Soiling Call 201 946-4200 What a* tnrill fo be able to say ... "f wo> wi Hie flrtt QE2 dirt) and other Fine Watches crossing to Curepel" Arrive U Havre April 29, Seuttiompion April 30. ? T AVIU COLPITTS CBNTB" R Conveniently Located On Hwy. 34, Holmdel, N. J. 474VMOADST. SHRIWMURY SELDINS JEWELERS! TEL M24900 43 BROAD ST. PHONE DIMCTORS: Ma*C. Pertur • RidwrOW. SpeorH RED IANK 741-1618 h Scenic Restful Surroundings MANAtHs.NtfiM t. Helm ••••***•••••••*•••**••; \ . 1 New Library Part of 90-Year-Old-

RED BANK - The Red Bank Stories for today's pign Public Library has been open on (he Red Buk Library to the public in its spacious, were prepared by Mils Doris crisply modern new wing for Kidman, manager «f tke just 10 days — but it's part of Dally Register's main news a 90-year-old local tradition. office in Red Bank, Tte The librae has 30,000 vol photographs are by Don umes now, an efficient refer- Lord), Register chief photog- ence section and study carrels, rapher. an inviting reading area with comfortable lounge chairs, win- dow-walls and an expansive On Nov. 6, 1923, Red Bank view of the Navesink, and a voters went to the polls and by staff of nine. an overwhelming margin-vsjed to establish a free publjcPlI- It's all a long WHy from 1878 brary. Two months later, the when the Red Bank Mutual Li- brary Co. started in Corlles five surviving incorporators Clothing Store on Broad St. and directors of the Red Bank with 334 volumes. Prof. Harold Library Co. deeded all its books K. Allslrom, proprietor of The and equipment to the new pub- Academy of Music at 30 Broad lic institution. St. was the librarian. Subscrib. The public library started ers paid a yearly fee of $1.50, life ,in 1924 with a $3,500 annual which entitled them to borrow budget. Its board of trustees enp book at a time for a maxi- was headed by Mrs. Annie H. mum of two weeks. White, with Mrs. Kate Nevious Rose as treasurer and Miss The first catalogue, published Florence R. Krldel as secre- the following year, listed more tary. Other trustees were Mar- ihan 80 fiction titles — Includ- HAPPY BLENDING — The newly-completed modern add ition to t h e Red Bank Public Library blends easily with garet Blaisdell and Anna t. ing the works of the Misses the original Eisner Memorial Building. New entrance, to west of old one, it approached by a ramp, permitting Rue, Mayor Archibald Miller Muhlbach and Mulock as well and Edwin C. Gilland, "super- easy access for patrons confined to wheelchairs. KEEPER OF THE BOOKS — Mrs. Emma Martin, direc- as Scott, Cooper and Thacke- intendent of public instruction." ray; 23 titles catalogued as tor of the Red Bank Public Library since 1961, is de- 1 In 19374he library — which "Belle-Letters, ' and seven his- name to the Red Bank Circu- Red Bank Mutual Library still The 1894 catalogue lists "pa- except the 11 which were in spent 17 years in the Child's lighted with public response to ths modern new library torical and 14 scientific titles. lating Library. Miss Sarah I control the organization, but per covered books," including circulation, The women of the Building, 21 years in the Odd wing and says the building addition, which mar* than Kept Current Child was the librarian at a its scope has been greatly en works by Jules Verne, Victor library board were nothing if Fellows Building at 14 Mon- doubles available library space, provides room for 30 From its beginnings, the li- weekly salary of $3. larged. The library and read' Hugo, H. Rider Haggard and not determined. They held food mouth St. and five years in the years' growth. . : brary kept current. Heading the IMiblic In 1890 ing room are thrown open to Alexandre Dumas, and "How I sales and ministrel shows and Swift Building, 69 Monmouth Managed My House on $200 a sponsored various other activi- list of 153 titles in Its 1882 cat- Six years later, the 15 mem- the public every morning, af- St. — got a permanent home. Year," by an unlisted author. ties to raise money to re-estab- alogue is the two-volume "Land bers of the Red Bank Mutual ternoon and evening without H. Raymond, J. Lester and brary's services to the public, it for purchase of book$. To The works of Henry George lish the library. With the money of the Midnight Sun" by Paul Library Company officially de- charge. A librarian is in at- Monoe Eisner, sons of Sigmund the 112-year-old dwelling has stretch the money, negotiations ("Progress and -Poverty," they raised and the books and B. DuChaillu ("Summer and clared their mutual "desire to tendance and visitors will al- and Bertha Eisner, deeded been restored and will be used are under way for .the.TIc- "The Condition of Labor," "So- cash they and others contrib- Winter Journeys through Swed- associate together for the pur- ways be welcome. Nearly 1,500 their parents' home, at 84 W. for administrative offices. Naughton Service, Mrs. Martin cial Problems") were on the li- uted, the library got under way en, Norway, Lapland and pose of establishing, owning books are on the shelves of the Front St., to the borough with Closed Year Ago said. Through that service,:.the brary's shelves, listed in the again. Morthern Finland"), published and managing a public library" library. In addition there are the proviso that if the borough Demands for construction library will be able to rent; best catalogue — oh! quieter days! that year and bought hot off the and the Red Bank Library Com- encyclopaedias, gazeteers and In 1918, the Carnegie Founda- failed to use the property for forced the library to close a sellers for' short period*; of — "Miscellaneous." presses. They were popular, pany was incorporated. other works of reference." tion offered to pay half the cost a library it must revert to a •ear ago last month. From Feb- time, and then purchase incon- too; they were among 11 vol- Initiation fee was $5, and the of building a library in the bor- trust company and be sold with- siderable discount those, Htles Signing the petition for incor- Sometime in the '90's, disas- ruary through June of this year umes which were in circulation library subscription remained ough. Red Bank turned the of- in a year, with the proceeds it wants to add to its perma- poration were Theodosia Den- ter, struck. Fire destroyed a temporary library was main- and so survived a disastrous $1.50 a year. "Strangers" were fer down — and the Carnegie to go to Harvard University nent collection. More copies of nis Finch, who became its first tained for elementary school fire in the '90s and they are required to post a $1 deposit — every book on the library's money and library went to With completion of the addi- books in current demand'will president; L. Adele Van children in the basement of the In the library's collection still. returnable, of course, shelves In Hie Child's building Freehold. tion, which houses all the li- be available to subscribers Schoick, Katherlne M. Worth- borough hall. The library offi- (Today books about Scandi- without the need to purcijtse ley, Sara Burrowes, Josephine cially reopened on Sept. 16. navia take a back seat to travel duplicate copies, Mrs. 'Martin D. Corlies, Angeline Conover, The library has been doing a books about the Bahamas and explained, and the appropria- Mary J. Lloyd, Amanda J. Ber- booming business at its new Nassau, according to library tion for book purchase can be gen, M.A. Cullington, Nettie circulation desk: it had 28,568 director Mrs. Emma Martin.) Mrs. Martin Heads Staff of Nine subscribers when the doors used for more lasting Woifa. Child, S. A. Little, Rachel C. The library spent some time The addition is planned for Smock, Anna P. French, Mary RED BANK - Mrs. Emma closed last year, and has gained In Vandergrift's store on Broad 20 years' growth. The 30,000 B. French and Lucy A. Jen- Martin, a vivacious, direct 329 more since its reopening, St., and by 1884, when it had volume collection Will have nings. Mrs. Martin reports. moved to Child's Building, also woman who knows and loves grown to 50,000 by tiiat tfine, The 1894 catalogue explains It is operating on a $71,000 on Broad St., it had grown to books, has been keeping them budget this year - $10,000 of Mrs, Martin said. 850 volumes and changed its the transition: "The original members of the at the Red Bank Public Li- brary since 1961, when she was named director. She heads FEDDEHS staff of nine. The 10,000 square foot library wing, which more than doubles AIR CONDITIONING its space, is a special delight to her — and she is equally FOR THE NEWLY ENLARGED delighted with the public Red Bonk Public Library response to the library's new home, Supplied By Mrs. Martin, who lives In River Plaza, came to Red Bank from Richmond, Va., where HAROLD'S she was librarian of the Vir- ginia State Library for the RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP Blind. But she wasn't 49 Broad St. — 741-8111 — Red Bank any stranger to New Jersey. Previously, she had been Best Wishes librarian at the West Orange Public Library and during World War II served as librar- to the newly enlarged and ian at Ft. Monmouth and Ft. modernized Dix. - She was born in Fort Wayne, CHILDREN'S ROOM — Mrs, Pamela Sprinkle, children's librarian, in the reference Red Bank Public library Ind., received her bachelor of area of the children's room on the lower level of the Red Bank Public Library ad- arts degree from the Univer- dition. The Easy Books and stack areas aren't shown. The window wall offers a sity of Wisconsin and her mas- view acrosi the expansive lawn to the Navesink. Lower level also contains a (nett- ter's degree in library science ing room seating 72, with its own kitchen facilities and outside entrance. from Columbia University. Mainstay Federal Saving Mrs. Martin is a member of the American Library Associa- bury, is secretary to Mrs. Mar- is the library's custodian. Arnone and Superintendent of tion and the Monmouth County tin. The current board of trustee Schools Dr, Robert C. Hoops. and Loan Ai We are happy to have Librarians Association, and Mrs. Frances Sweer, Oak- Is headed by Mrs. Thomas Oak Councilman William Anderson serves on the executive board hurst, who .earned her master's ley. Mrs, William Magee Is the Borough Council's repre- had a part in the of the Red Bank Community degree In library science at president and Mrs. Charles En sentative to the board, 36 MONMOBTH STREET, RED BANK Adult School, of which she is Butgers, is in charge of the glish, treasurer. Other trustee! The trustees meet monthly. construction of the new a former president adult services. Assisting her are Mrs. Joseph Eschelbach, are Mrs. Jean Dudley, Shrews- Donald Devdne, Mayor John Mrs. Martin has a daughter, bury, and Mrs. Elaine Lines RED BANK LIBRARY Anne, a graduate of Wellesley and Miss Rita Mancini, both College, who is an administra- Red Bank. To Get Flag tive internee at Barnard Col- Newly-

OLD CHARM — Onee part of the main Red Bank Public Library, this room in the former Sigmund and Bertha Eisnar dwelling hat been restored, makes a handsome meeting room for library board. Furnishings ara dedicated to memory of Mijs Flor- ence R. Kridel, a library trustee for 46 year* until her death last February.

ROOM FOR MORE —The first floor of the Red Bank Public Library addition con- tains the adult-and young adult areat. The 10,000 square-foot addition provides plenty of room for the library's present collection of 30,000 books, has a planned e at Estey Corporation extend congratulations and total capacity of 50,000 volumes. best wishes to ait who have contributed to the program Wills of Frank Anasiasia, 7 which has given Red Bank the outstanding new and modern Others Probated in Monmouth public library facilities. FREfili6LD - Frank Anas Van Keuren. Her will was Branch, who died Sept. 8, left tasia, 3(}4 iWfestwood Ave., Long dated April 20, 1967. $100 to her daugMerto-taw Mrs. Katherine B. Black, Betty Matthews, $100 to the Branch^*|o died Sept. 4, left Little Sdlver, wlio died Sept. 9 Second Baptist Church of Long his estate lo his wife, Marie, feft personal effects and house- Branch, and the remainder of a close neighbor we are particularly proud to have In a wiir'tjatsd April 18, 1963. hold furnishings to her brother, her estate to Barbara Demaree Mr, Aqii&sia'was employed Joseph C. Bartles, her sister, in trust for her son, Wifflam E. by the $£J. State Motor Ve- Geraldine Weed, and her Matthews. Her wM was dated been selected to supply the steel book shelving which will hicle Department for 27 years niece, MIdred C. Lamb; $, Sept. 2, 1964. and was? fflJpervisor of the Ea- 000 to Dorothy Overhottzer; Edna May Noe, Little Silver, be utilized in all departments of the new library. The citizens tontownjtfHUon. and divided the remainder of who died Aug. 18, left her es- her estate into shares of 20 per tate to her daughter, Fronds. Raymond Jamison, a retired cent each to Geraldine Weed Louise Manning, in a will dated of Red Bank are to be commended in their foresight in pro- confectifljflfty salesman, of 404 and Mildred Lamb and 10 per Dec. 29, 1959. Parkview Ave., Ocean Town- cent each to Joseph C. Bart els, ship, who'"died Sept. 6, left her sister, Margaret B. Gal- viding these new library services and facilities. $10,000 lo Daniel B. Jamison. lagher; her grandniece, Iinda The reiftajnBer of his estate N. Lam*; ner grandnftphew Charge Pair was lerVJn-BSijual shares to Wil- Kirk E. Lamb; David N. Weed liam Afjfiux Jamison, George and Judi A. Weed. Her will was Carried Drug H. Jamilcm, Bobert W. Jami- dated Nov. SO, 1962. MlDDLETOWN-Two youths son, Charles V. Jamison, Arthur Bucknlew Sr., Mill- Frank |j/Homer and Euth who were arrested early yes- stone Township, who died Aug. terday morning for fighting on Lange #eitlg. His will was divided his estate equally a lawn in Belford have also dated Sjgt.W, 1066. among his children, Arthur been charged with possessing Nellie lit Tuwby, Matawan Buckalew Jr., Joseph Bucka- marijuana. Townjhiifc; Who died Aug. 26, lew and Rebecca Buekalew in According to Detective U. left two tots on Sixth St., Mata- a will dated Feb. 14, 1966. Robert Letts the youths, iden- 0 CORPORATION wan Tqwnship, to Henry J. Mary S. Denlie, Freehold, tified as John R. Green, 18, of Tureby and a house and lot at who died Sept. 8, left her estate New York .City and Clarence Wayilde and Shofto Reads 461 Atlantic Ave.,. Matawan to her children, John V. Denine S. Frost, 21, Of 93 Rt. 36, Bel- Township, tti Htf Tureby and 2d and Ruth D. McGowan, in ford, were arrested by Patrol- New Shrewsbury, New Jersey Helen Kowlski;. with the provi- equal stores. Her wiU was men Joseph Shaffery and How so that tllr. Tureby pay $500 dated Sept. 13, W50. ard Collins. each to "Charles Kowlski Mar- Gladys James, Long Branch, Search of a vehicle belonging vel and William Tureby, and who died Sept. 10, divided her o one of the youths revealed that Helen, Koivlsklpay $500 estata between her husband, a packet believed to contain each to Anna Laeko and Nellie Albert James, end her son, the drug, Lt. Letts said. Modocki withfrt 80 days of her Robert Newerls, la a will dated Both youths were arraigned death. Her will was dated Sept. Dec. 8, 1959. yestertfay morning before Mu- 14, 1961. Ethel E. Klngsland, Keyport, nicipal Court Judge Seymour Jean Annett, LitHe Silver, who died Sept. 3, left her en- It. Kleinberg end sentenced to who died Sept. t, .left $5,000 to ire estate to her sister, Helen 10 days in the county jail on her sister, Edna van BusWrk, Kingsland, in a will dated the fighting charge and re- and the remainder of her estate Aug. 8,1B60. * , manded to the Grand Jury on to another sister, Evelyn A. Mattie Matthews, Long the narcotics charge. i SURF, FIELD AND STREAM Tiger Coach Moans, Tuna Fishing Is Knight Prof Groans PRINCETON (AP) - nick when Rutgers trounced Lafay- He also cites Rutgers' pass- Exciting Sport Colman moans about Prince- etle, 37 - 7. But the Scarlet ing attack, particularly quar- ton's injuries, John Balcman Knights lost the ball nine times terback Bruce Van Ness and By DICK EIKER groans about Rutgers' lack o(|on assorted fumbles, Intercep- sophomore flanker Al Fensle- Offshore anglers are on 17 Fathoms these days with a depth. And both roaches act tions and bungled fake punts. macher, neither of whom vengeance. A steady stream of boats ranging in size from played last year. like tliere can be no winner Princeton, one of the last 24-foot open skiffs to 65-foot party boats are spread out over tomorrow in. the 59th renewal teams around to use the sin- "They're going to test us an area five miles long by perhaps three miles wide. The of the game between the loams i glo wing, won last year's game,' deep," he says. "They're much cause of all the excitement is school tuna, tuna ranging that started all the fuss about: 22-21, on a touchdown and two-more dangerous passing." from 30 to 100 pounds and more. football 99 years ago. point conversion with 57 sec- Then he talks about injuries Tuna fishing Jersey style is chum fishing. Party and onds left," The oddsmakors say Prince- to guard Mike Guerin and cor- private boats alike ladle over ground-up menhaden. We ion, with 10 of 11 offensive Tigers Up, 50-8 nerback Mike Manzo and the found the undiluted chum to be most ef- .darters hack from last year's The Tigers have won 50 of the fact that he's only one-deep at fective both Tuesday and Wednesday. In fi-3 squad, is a 10-point favor-5R games since that day in 1869 fullback. But that one, as Bale- the clear blue waters of the 17 Fathoms ite. the two teams began, pushing man points out, is junior Kllis grounds, you could see the tuna and alba- Colman says differently. and shoving at each other on Moore, who set a single-game core spurt through the chum slick grabbing the plains of New Brunswick. "If they're ever going to beat Ivy League scoring record HAWK HARRIERS—Al Scerbo, newly appointed cross-country and track coach at chunks of chum, cut butterfish and spear- us. this is the year," he moans. The last six have been in a last year as a sophomore and Monmouth College, evaluates Hawk prospects with Phil Gnesin of Long Branch, left, ing. "They've had two weeks of row. figures to be one of the better Tuna can be a fussy as striped bass spring practice and they have But the recent games have fullbacks in the east. and Gordon Harris of New Milford. Monmouth opens its season tomorrow at Pat- when it comes mealtime. Bunker back can a pa me under their bells. Their teen close. And it's those Col- Bateman laughs at Colman's terson State. be good one time, mullet another. Tues- mistakes should be behind man likes to cite when he says day, we took our tuna on mullet, but by lliem. depth worries. He contends he that although his Princeton is only one-deep at several po- noon they would nose the mullet but not The mistakes he's talking team is stronger than last sitions and no more than hit. Wednesday morning, we made sure about took place lasl wpok, year's, lihis year's edition may two-deeip anywhere. Then he that we had some hair nets aboard when the St. Scerbo Has Rebuilding skippered by Gerry Kenney, sailed from Sea Bright, we 12- THE DAILY REGISTER lose more games. points to tihe situation Prince- ton has at tailback, the key hair nets were used by the skipper to hold a fist-sized por- position. In the single-wing of- tion of chum together and concealed in this Irish meat Homer Here fense. ball was a 4/0 short-snaked tuna hook. "Why I wouldn't be surprised Season at Monmouth The chum ball was then drifted off with the regular SEA ISHN.IIT - Pro foot- to see all three tailbacks in the Edgewood Park, New Haven, Conn., against dipper of chum and hand-lined to keep it moving with the ball fans, particularly (hose WEST LONG BRANCH - Only four re- Good same backfield," he says, re- turning lettermen among a slim seven-man New Haven and Quinnlpiac Colleges. chum in the current. When the tuna hit the chum ball, and who root for the New York ferring to senior Dick Bracken, did they ever hit it, the fish was then played in the cus- (.Lints, will have the oppor- squad has genuinely put the Monmouth Col- Backing up Strauss will be two juniors, junior Scott MacBean and soph- lege varsity cross-country team in a rebuild- tomary manner from the rod and reel. tunity to meet pass-catching team captain Bill Whitescarver of Kinnelon FUN WITH ALBACORE omore Brian McCullnugh. "It ing year category. and Tom Ilutchinson of Oakhurst, and Gor- star Homer Jonrs Monday at wouldn't take too great an ad- In between the tuna strikes, albacore weighing 10 to 12 the Rum Runner at 7 p.m. Monmouth Coach Al Scerbo, just appoint- don Harris of New Milford, a sophomore. All Grooming justment to got them all out ed to guide the destinies of the Hawk har- three are lettermeru or more pounds were dashing in and out of the slick. We Departing from (ho for- there at once." riers, has his work cut out for himself. Fac- had as much fun with the albacore on spinning rods as we mat of the monthly Quarter- Colman conceded his strength ing the former Dickinson High School, Jersey The rest of the squad is made up of re- did on the much larger tuna. Keeping the rhythm, ladles of back Club at his Colony tliere. But he says he needs it. City, mentor, is a formidable 10-meet sched- turnee Watson Stillwagon of Eatontown and chum were alternated with a sprinkling of fresh spearing. Restaurant In Rumson, Nick "With the pounding our tailback ule, which opens tomorrow at Paterson State two freshmen, Glenn Johnston of Bogota and The albacore would siice through the slick, grabbing the Kgldlo, who also owns the takes, I have to have a fresh College. former Long Branch High School standout drifting spearing. A large spearing, equipped with a care- Phil Gresin. - new Rum Runnrr, has man to send in at all times," Scerbo, who has been working his fully concealed 1/0 or 2/0 tuna hook, was drifted back in planned a buffet and ques- he says. charges hard the past 10 days, will be bank- Following tomorrow's Paterson opener, the slick from the spinning rods. tion-answer session for the What it comes down to is ing on last year's outstanding performer, the Hawk harriers will travel to Trenton Due to the speed of the current and the proximity of average fan. anolher of those tradition-ori- sophomore Ben Strauss. The Toms River State next Wednesday, Oct. 2, and will meet hundreds of hungry sea gulls, the spinning lines were Reservations may be made ented games where nobody can native led his teammates in all meets a year a strong New Haven College at home Satur- weighted with just enough split-shot to take the spearing by calling the Rum Runner. predict anything. ago and established a new course record at day, Oct. 5. down five or six feet by the time they were 25 feet behind the boat. We quickly had all the albacore we could handle with as many as three fish on simultaneously. It looked like a convention of one-armed paperhangers with hooked-uj) Orlick Named Indian Goach anglers dashing around the boat keeping lines untangled. The tuna were more sparing with their favors. They UPPKR MONTCLAIR - The appointment of Terrance As a senior, Orlick transferred to Henry Hudson Eegion- were often deeper than the albacore, and the first evidence "Terry" Orlick as head gymnastics coach at Montclair al, lettering in gymnastics and track. He was New Jersey we had of their presence was the scream of the click as the Slate College was announced yesterday by William P. Dio- Interscholastic Athletic Association champion in floor exer- tuna took line against the free-spooled reel. You knew for guardi, director of athletics. cise in 1963. sure that you had a tuna on when you slapped the reel In Orlick succeeds William Savoring who resigned to ac- While at Syracuse, Orlick lettered three years in gear. The howl of the straining drag, the terrific shock as cept a coaching position with the United States Naval gymnastics and was selected as the most valuable team you come up directly against the fish, the constant bow in Academy. member in his last two seasons. An outstanding collegiate the heavy boat rod; all tell you that something well over trampoline performer, the new MSC coach won the Eastern 30 pounds is trying to drill a hole in the bottom of the sea. The new Indians' coach is a 1967 graduate of Syracuse Aboard the St. Patrick Tuesday and Wednesday, six University and holds a master's degree in education from Intercollegiate Conference and National Athletic Association Regional titles in his last year at Syracuse. tuna were boated and as many more lost as hooks pulled SCAVENGER William and Mary College. out or broke off. Other boats probably did better and some An outstanding high school athlete in New Jersey at While studying for his master's degree, he was an as- did worse, for tuna fishing is a chancy business. But if any Thii multl-purpoM vacuum molwi sistant gymnastic coach at William and Mary. He also claan-up Indoort and outdoors Weehawken and Henry Hudson Regional (Highlands) High time could be called tuna time, that time is right now. «lmott a pUoiur*. l«av«t, gratt Schools, Orlick lettered in wrestling and was for two years served as diving coach. Fighting two of these creatures a day without the aid of clippings, pap*f, twlgt, olh»r under Coach Howard Wolf with the Hudson County Indians. He is married to the former Cathy Payne and resides in chair or shoulder harness is a good workout. If you don't d.brii gobbltd up without *f- He captained the team in his junior year. Upper Montclair. Terry Orlick believe me, ask Joe Julian at his Atlantic Highlands tackle fort. Hugi bog holdi iron, shop. He had that extreme pleasure on the Tuesday run. fcondl* nimni for Miy Iront- pertlng, storage. TIPS FOR YOUR TKIP A few tips for you to take with you on your first trip for tuna follow. They come from the experiences of a num- Mathis, Chuvalo by Knockouts ber of good tuna fishermen. Some things you must learn from bitter experience, but these should be of some help. By IIY CUNNINGHAM bill it was Buster Mathis, the right spot in the climax Before Mathis scored his KO from the start and was sting- NKW YORK - Boxing gave Grand Rapids, flooring James bout of the evening and the two In the sixth round the fight ap- ing Bamos wdth combination First, know where you are going and how to get there. a good demonstration of being J. Woody of tihe Bronx in 2:59slugged it out to the fans' con- peared as if it would be a dull blows in close, and also was 17 Fathoms is a part of the Mud Hole and the heart of the on the comeback trail last night of the sixth round, and then it tent as they screamed on their one all 10 rounds, and the fans talcing strong Jabs that had action area seems to be around the "buffer" buoy some seven and a half miles east of Shrewsbury Rocks and due at the new Madison was George Chuvalo, Toronto, particular choices as both were in a booing mood early. opened a cut over his left eye Square Garden when knockouts Canada, getting a TKO over slugged away from the Jabs were the most dangerous south of Ambrose. It is roughly 15 miles from the tip of His handlers kept the cut un- Sandy Hook on a course of 155 to 160 degrees. Don't try this were as plentiful as fights. Manuale Ramos, of Mexico. first round until the fifth when Wows in tihe first two rounds. der control as the Canadian In the double heavyweight Chuvalo and Ramos were in Chavulo stopped Ramos. trip in a small boat. There is no gas station or harbor of Chuvalo had the upper hand continued to slug away, and refuge available out there. rocked Hamos numerous times -with straight connects-to the Secondly, go properly equipped. Heavy boat rods with jaw and head. 4/0 ^rT/0~'reelsTfled~with~4Fpou^ are" a must unless you fish alone, which isn't too smart to begin NED BANK Rodeo Ts Runaway futurity Winner The Canadian champion, al with. You can take salt water spinning tackle with you for ways a favorite with the fans MOWER SERVICE FREEHOLD - The $2,5011 was programmed as a non-bet tanced. $16.40, $5.00, $3.00; Vortex, the albacore. Take plenty of tuna hooks in sizes 1/0, 2/0, because of his willingness to S3 Morford Plact New Jersey Standardised Ku- ling evenl, one-half hour prior The daily double comination $3.20, $2.40 and Smooth Coin, 3/0 and 4/0. Tuna are hook shy and you will do best with the R.d Rank, N. J. stand right in there and trade smaller hooks completely concealed. Photic: 741-2300 turily for three-year-old trot- to Hie regular card. was Etta B. McEllen and Lads $2.40. The time oi the race was ors at Freehold Raceway yes- Following Rodeo across the Kay, returning $152.80 on the2:04.2 furious punches, regained new •••j BRIGHT ACRE limelight, and new popularity !•••••••••••••••••• terday was a re-run of last line were Early Bird David, Si- 5-1 ticket. 1ST -fact: 1-m.: R30O; T.-2:06.3. Iroad St. EttA B McBllCTl (Hut'ehl 10.00 S.(0 4.00 with his victory. Shrewsbury, N. J. year's event, with the first moii Revonnh and Early Bird Del Rose Garm's Aero Scott Seorot Choice (HowArd> 14.20 8.00 three finishers in Hie same Doris. Last year's .two-year-old nosed out the favored Vortex Rnj'al Randy iSperendl) 6.10 The rugged Canadian was Phone: 747-5555 2ND—Pacp; 1-m.: JH.SOfl: T.-2:05.2. order as 1967 two year-old race. event drew the same rivals ex- in the featured $2,500 Woodber- ahead when he dropped the WM. POTTER & SON ids Kay (Smith) MM 8.00 *.« Five Point Farm's Rodeo was cepting Early Bird Doris. ry Pace. Aero Scott, a 10-year- Irenes rrlncpss iBuUeri ) 17.00 6.20 tall Ramos with a left hook to R«d Hill Road WhiWhitt e IIolla nintert ) 2.60 Mlddletown, N. J. fie winner — he won by 38 Rodeo was driven by his own- old gelding, came with a be- the jaw after a barrage of Phone: 671-0552 er, AbbatieUo, and was never lated rush through the stretch punches. Ramos staggered and ongihs in his two-year-old sea- 3Rn-Troti 1-m.; 51,Lce; l-in. ; %l.*M; T.-2:07. Referee Zaca Clayton stopped trip in the mile event which' Rldgoly Queen iSoalro) 18.40 20.80 7.20 Bird Doris was off stride ear- Aero Scott, driven by Cana- Holm IVirls iGrossl 4.00 3.00 it at 1:31 of the fifth. Go Molly Go iPinU* 5.20 ly in the test and was outdis- dian Claude Pellietier, paid KviUin .H :i) I'ald (241.20 Chuvalo is now 52-14-2, while CLEARANCE SALE! 5TH—Pace; 1-m.; W.30O; T.-2:06.3. Vcntaa Boy iKovlan) S.OO S.20 4.20 Ramos is 21-8-2. Hootxir Dave (Qulnn) 7.00 4.40 SAVINGS TO 50% and MORE Up Va/w Your Home w/YA M Dlaniontl ll-ambl 5.00 6TH—Pace; 1-m.; 52.O0O; T.-SO3.I. Bills Connie (Paraxlla) 5.60 3.40 3.00 Myatpry Key i Muliuirt 3.40 3.20 Bobby Mlkp (Sperrndli 3.80 Kiarla (M) Paid MS.30 7TH—Trot; 1-m.; $2,500: T.-2:rv>.2. Freehold Today Hartleys Boy CMcOee) 10.60 4.20 3.40 Ilynse JI«b (OnhM 3.60 3.00 Bpepriy lyive (Wunderllcht 3.60 8TH—Pace: 1-m.: $1,600; T.-2:O4. Entries success Ijine lOakp.v 4.20 4.20 3.80 Choose from over 50 different types of ISI—r\rr: l.MG.I *i,2ri) 7TH—PACK: rOND.i J2.000 ie Stndt iMnnsfleld) 4.20 3.80 Hi 1*11 -i Ki i D'AC! 2-1 Thnrprs Kin 1 Richardson* V2 :nrcon Jet iKHIyl 4.60 GEORGIA PACIFIC •\!i !..ii •!!» 3-1 Exaeta (2-0 I'ald S22.0O Frank Porter paneling in full view on our completely new A • i.' \|IK'I > !1"ViPrtre) 4-1 idle Man lOiinrklcvi TH -Pace: 1-m.; J2.5OO: T.-2:04.2. M,L 1 ,[i,-u| Ahl'ali •Hi' * ;••! WorOiv IMiilllp iM«m) M Ai>rn Soon iPrlleUrrl 16.40 .1(10 3.00 SLIDE • A - PANEL display !!! rn If HiiM • Ma r ymak) a-i ninzo Bov 1 Kelly) «-l rlex (GiifrlleJniinli 3.20 2.40 Yesterday, a sportsman's von- Imperial Pecan Mi ,'MI'I M <• i Kit ho! I Ini A ("rjimtcr iTaparifllo) 10-1 Smooth Goln (Kelly) 2.40 1 io-; SPECIAL Kti ^•,; J, I,. i i'i >l: Ml) 20-1 .I.-ffrcv 1! iSi-hillirRi IM lOTH-.Paoc; Irn.: 51.400: T.-2:OT.-. ture into the i»a waj limited • DELUXE FINISH fit i- Dill 1 ll! ili) rt-y) - 1*0 •! Homely iMyer> l.Vl Sniirry SmiUi (Warner) 3.80 2.80 3.00 SIZE FINISH PRICE •i Jane i Krjiii* ti-1 T Sleven (Pelletler) 4.60 4.60 by tho length of a hooked line. $ Ml el Kill—PACKJ COM).; SI,MW • FULL 4x8 SHEET 12-1 Sen Wave (PopfltiRort 4.00 4x7 IVORY 3.50 Vi> n;t \ ' I''i nnam T>fivton Frrlplit 1 Crank) 3-1 Kineta CM) Paid (17.8(1 Today, if h« Is diving with scu- • REGULARLY 9.60 1MM ACK: COM).; 11,400 BlK Krust iFilfoni 7-2 Arr.-6.M0. HANDLE tls.1,133 V'n : l-'Iirl Vermont Hanover il.rp) 4-1 ba goar, ha his only minutes 3.99 4x8 IVORY , 3.95 7.0 Si y l'jtr* ]• -Sni mi IV*.r Oponor iMnzza) 5-1 1 on the bottom before empty 4x7 NEW BERCH 3.50 AC. IH \ I ll. 4-1 K^nivot iIVnet n til *'h !irv M; f lift' iSiory) .VI • El Pahpr (Howiinlt fl-1 tan let and the need to dacom- Reg. NOW 4x8 NEW BEECH ..'. 3.95 ili TY iliii fi-1 Lurvs Rla^-h H'v tWhltM 1J-1 88 Sheets Teakwood Blond _ 5.99 2.99 1 ',. r'li'of ivanci SI l^oc. Van iK.'lly» 15-1 press fores him up. Tomorrow, H\ r-\ K:n( i r> 1 4x7 FRUITWOOD 3.45 i»l'l!—PA(H; COM).; K.&00 sportsman will camp 50, 100, 156 Sheets Mapletona 6.20 3.49 ! , >i 1> \li IV,:uM ( MilZL'.ft 2i> 1 Jet Atia.-k 1 I'ilinni 3-1 4x8 FRUITWOOD _ 3.95 Tn \ Art a niiu <> V>1 SiiiK;ng Water 1 MolnaM 7-2 av»n 200 feet beneath the tea 28 Sheets Samoan Pecan 8.88 4.88 EH iy Htr.1 lvi'l'lh i i*onsii 1 2t'-l Ala 111 Hnimni^n.1 iPnradta) ^•l AAMCO Siti'.i'e.'M Saint iDilmouri 6-1 72 Sheets Samoan Ebony 8.88 4.88 4x8 NUTWOOD 4.95 ;t UV-TROT; M.HKI for days and weeki. Fret of the 4x8 AUTUMN BLEND 4.95 ru H'lT I'M ih i IV :. 1 Al Sam iWhltaker) fl- need to return to th» surface at 54 Sheets Elmwood Blend 8.95 4.95 III' H ]viV 7-1 \'.il]cv View Kl.inu' (Pfvpfingcr) S 27 Sheets Blonde Birch 9.60 5.99 . ! '•' ;t v i • 11 regular intervals they will hunt 4x8 CHERRYTONE 5.75 n\ 1 ><-,ll i H"i • 1 rimrpp Timl iStitryl 12-1 TRANSMISSIONS' I'll 34 Sheets Genuine Elm 12.95 5.99 tin al I>:1 . r i Ri'V If i ril iirni—r.u'K: ci.in;.; si.sm and photograph sea life almost 4xB NEW YORK BIRCH 6.88 .TininUe HIMI.' iTacHrh'llnl .Vl 1>I, :i>.m.l 1 12 Sheets Genuine Oak 18.50 5.99 111' lift!! I M IVilir \Vi.-li lAbi'uiii'lJm ;•'. as freely as they do mountain 4x8 ANTIQUE BIRCH 6.95 S'IUWCU.I Ai-p i5lil.!ovskv) 1-1 i Ml! I' HUIK i ].•'-! sheep in the Rockies today. A 102 Sheets Stirling Nutwood 10.25 5.99 Tu e:wi\ il i fi-1 [• n L (I>unckley> .V] Siirah Smitli tClui'jiPlI) s-1 4x8 ELM 7.98 I III—1 now frontier — inner space — 26 Sheets Presidential Walnut 10.25 6.49 ACK; (1,400 Hal Ort-Ktin iHnlfi S-l EVERY MINUTE AND 4x8 NAVADA 8.72 <\l !\!l"-i 1 ••'ili,tni M Ui.l.lio IMrk iWafiawortJtl 10-1 !i being opened for science, in- 22 Sheets Avocado Walnut 10.66 6.66 W. ti-li V'H * S!>'|i • Snilih) PvrriMi Siar (Tulinni l.Vl 4 x 8 CHARACTER WALNUT 9.75 !'\ V,li ln'l Tlv mi 4-1 llMiiPslri*tcii fliuck iPre.ito Jr.) l.vl A HALF... SOMEONE dustry and military needi. 25 Sheets Genuine Cherry 14.95 6.99 'I'.i .imtrl.-Jil tilngiT Mann iHoccioi 20-1 4xB FANCY CHERRY 12.95 M1 ;u',\ Mi- "•I 25 Sheets,Genuine Pecan 14.95 6.99 S'l li - M,t There is no limit to the service 36 Sheets Jamestown Hickory 14.40 7.77 4x8 ROSEWOOD 14.95 S'! ,l\,l.i!i- i Kinjlc '> 1^1 CALLS AAMCO •iv ny HKfl «Lj.i.ir Selections Every week AAMCO satisfies mart you get at RED BANK TIRE, 126 Sheets Golden Oak 18.95 8.95 ;> I'H— rut; 'OMl.; Sl.SflO 1~(Inii(lln Kid. Alrdolv MnmtftHd than 10,000 transmission problems SEE THE FRIENDLY GUYS AT v I'r-j i •.« n i- > CO., Shrewsbury Ave., Shrews- la 2— talr 1 llrt, Sally I'arker. Aflon You gel irte towing, a fret road- 34 Sheets Midnight Elm 18.80 8.95 r.ii Pi-n-i •P ""••;l| Mrk check, fast, efficient service — bury, 747-3404. Complete iin infill 142 Sheets Genuine Cypress 22.50 9.95 il'.l cllol 4-1 3—< llp|>or C'obh, HrJi Boy. I>nnn.\ most tlmei In |uit one day. And f!- >:,•• \ ' Mi.r 1 ( H•.!!>!• alignment and brake service. 5-1 with AAMCO, your trensmlsslon can ll;i i.-i iM\ 4—(iunilcri Njmtloi, \\n\c\\ >nur ,•;., , H hff protected by over 500 AAMCO RED BANK I'I ',,IPI: \\ lit-I Daily 8-5:30, Saturday 'til 3. 1 Centers coostto-coost. Tin n* r.ip i P \! •J1O* • r:-i {i—I.miy I'riinui, ltunn%"nirdp> Yen- Cooper tires. !INE LUMBER Cl tri'ii—i \( V : ro.vn.: *\\r. Hnlloo Ilk 7-2 fl—HlKh siish, Hiinc* Hi'tir. Pnnh'-r 809 Railroad Ave., Aibury Park LUMBER • M i • ^•1 )(.. rV Hi'l >m..kl 7—Thorppn Kin. Mrdllntlon, lrllf Free Towing 774-6800 HELPFUL HINT: If candles are MAHOGANr, TEAK, OAK mdMARINE PLYWOODS and SUPPLY CO. I'r- I ! !i" i M :v>» 4-1 Mini []Cl I " 1 I.;:" > t-VM) ft-l 8— DHJIIUI Krelitht, Itlj Friwl, \*r- too imall for the candelabra) • 1 i<. !M ' niiini Hanoi IT 193 E. Now mart Spring* Rd. J139Oceanta. _$ea 741-5500 (-1 1. •! i M i\. ' »—.Ifl Atinrk, Slnglni Wnirr, Alain Red Bank 842-2500 1 uit wrap and crush some foil 842-3355 i •'" ^iT N F,!i"*i lll-l Drnmniund around the base of the candle Cor. Pearl and Wall, Red Bank ("•I'I li i! !.•" nki i:-i lO^lininn (,i'np, l>nt(ir nirk, ^hnw- PICK UP STATION Opin dolly 1 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.. Sot. 8 A.M. fo S P.M. Open Dally 7:30 A M.-5:30 P.M.; SAT. 7:30 A.M.-5 P.M. BEST flKT— DaMnn Frrlfhl (»(h) A&A SHOP, RT. U A CRESCENT PL. and put it in the holder. ATTENTION BOATMEN I OFEN SUM. 9 TO NOON 5M-235I >!••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••# Seraphs Kick Off School Grid Season Under Lights The long-awaited opening big bracket and will be at of its heavy cannons, but on the West Bergen Athletic by a knowledgeable football day tor most Shore high Freehold. It might be a good Coach Dick Kleva Is.another field. man in Bob Glisson, a for- school football teams arrives starter for tlie Rockets, as determined coach, and he This is a game that was a mer Red Bank High School tomorrow, but Mater Dei of Freehold has been absent on will be as hungry for a vic- long time being scheduled, New Monmouth will beat the win side of the ledger too tory as Schroeck. but once it made it lack in mentor. , Glisson knows the them all to the punch. The long. New Colonial coach Cal The other two conference 1949, it turned out to be a game, and with time and ma- Seraphs wall piay host to de- Wilson just might do some- divisions are getting off to crowd plcaser, and one that terial, Keansburg will gain fending South Jersey Paro- thing to correct the situation a slower start, with only two packed the stadium when fame on the field. He is a chial "B" champion Glouces- this year. games in "B," and as many both clubs fielded powerful ragged coach, and expects ter Catholic tonight under the Lakewood, also in "A" this in "C." units. his players to be Just as lights. Game time is 8 p.m. season, will have a tougher Asbury Park returns to Ihe Red Bank held a big 10-4 rugged. Coach Dick Hartnett and time wJien it hooks up with fold after being in the Cen- margin after the first 14 Marlboro is coached by his Mater Dei olubs will face Neptune, especially in taking tral Jersey League in recent years, but the Caseys slowly Dick Skehan, a Freehold IN MARLBORO COUNTRY - The new Marlboro High School, which makes its a visiting team which is on Me Scarlet Fliers in their years. The Blue Bishops will closed the gap, although riding on a 15-game winning own backyard. be making their debut in the never quite catching up, It product who was a star in interseholastic football debut tomorrow afternoon at Keyport, is tutored by, left to streak. Interesting Tilt "B" bracket at Monmoulh appeared as if Ihey would his own right while perform- right, Head Coach Dick Skehart and assistants Tom Nelson and Larry Bluhm. The remaining 14 games in- The Middletown - Long Regional. Matawan Regional make it, but the Buccos pro- ing for the Colonials. (Register Staff Photo) volving Monmouth and Ocean Branch encounter might turn meets elevated Jackson duced a good run in the past County schools wffl be played out to an interesting affair. Township, and both clubs will four years, accomplishing it Rumson - Kair Haven Re- tomorrow afternoon. Coach Ken Schroeck, in his he going all out for the in- with some strong scoring. gional will open its Garden Nine games are spread out third year at the helm, has itial '68 triumph. There also is something State Conference campaign in the three divisions of the instilled new football interest, The "C" games on tap in- new for Keansburg and Marl- at Borden Stadium against Shore Conference. and spirit and has the clude two games in Paint boro this season. The new visiting Carteret. Battles to Feature Branchers football - minded The "A" Division wild lift Pleasant; Central Regional schools have football teams, the curtain with four games. these days. His first season will move into the Beach, and will be raising their ban- Coach Joe Rosati, dean of Middletown at Long Branch, was 2-7. Last year he hiked while Southern Regional will ners high for the first time. the shore coaches with his 23 and Brick Township at Toms it up to a respectable 5-4 take on ttie Boro dub. Keansburg will play Howell, years at the helm of the Pur- Ball Season Ending River are traditional clashes, mark. The Green Wave Borough Battle formerly Southern Freehold, ple Bulldogs, is hoping to but there also will be new comes off a 1967 Thanksgiv- The borough of Red Rank while Marlboro will be at By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ular season draws to a close - Lower in the NL standings, schools identified in the "A" ing Day upset over Ked will inaugurate the season Keyport for its debut. nail down a Garden State St. Louis and Detroit go this weekend with a batting ti Los Angeles and Philadelphia bracket this year. Raritan Bank, with Its traditional Bucca- Glisson at Helm football grid title before he through their final World Se-tie and several positions in the are tied for seventh place and Township took a leap to the Mdildlelown has lost many neer-Red Bank Catholic game Keansburg is being coached hangs up his football shoes. New York has a one-game lead ries tuneups as baseball's reg- standings up for grabs. In the National League, Cin- over Houston in the battle to cinnati's Pete Rose and Pitts- avoid a cellar finish. burgh's Matty Alou move into The Phillies are at New York, Number 1 Label Is at Stake their final three games tied for Los Angeles at Atlanta and the batting lead at .332. The Houston at St. Louis to finish TStutro. Heds are at home for a three- game series with San Francis- the season. co while the Pirates close the In the American League, Bos- Moment of Truth for ND, Purdue BORDER schedule with three in Chicago. ton holds a one-half game edge FALL In addition to the batting over Cleveland in the battle By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Notre Dame and its Terry Han versatile halfback passed, ran lor at Michigan State, North Iowa at Texas Christian, Ken- race, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh for third place after the In- Who's No. 1? Jack Mollen- ratty-Jim Seymour aerial act. and kicked the Boilermakers Carolina State at , tucky at Mississippi and Texas are involved in a four-team bat- dians absorbed a 74 whipping kopf says it's Notre Dame, Ara The Irish are a one-touchdown to a 23-21 triumph and also North Texas State at Colorado A&M at Tulane. The last three tle for third place. The Reds from Baltimore in the only Parseghian says it's Purdue favorite tomorrow. played defense, holding Sey-State U., Stanford at Oregon, are night games. occupy that spot going into the game played yesterday. and both hope they're wrong. "There's no question tha mour to one completion SPECIALS final weekend but are only one Dave McNally won his 22nd Purdue is an offensive football although Hanratty threw 63 The moment of truth will game ahead of Chicago and with a six-hitter and contribut- come tomorrow afternoon when team," Parseghian said. "Our passes. Sports Slate SAVE $1.00 two up on Atlanta and Pitts- ed two hits, driving in one run defense is young and green. Mollenkopf and Purdue, top "If I'm not winded, I can TODAY HARDEN ! burgh and scoring two. They yielded two quick touch- can handle him one-on-one, SOCCER Carteret at Rumson team in The Associated Press JYpflhoM ni Shore Rfg. OTHERS college football poll, in- downs to Oklahoma and then even though he's two inches Wall It Howell RM Bunk CaUi. at Red Bank Mtro. seemed to settle down. Long Branch at Tom* Rivn Marlboro at Keyport vade South Bend, Ind., for the taller than I am and has great Nonmouth R«f. at bakpivood 'Oklahoma was fast and lllddlptown al 'Raman Shore at Ocean WINTER SURVIVAL annual war with Parseghi- moves," says Keyes. AalHiry P/trk at Henry Hudson Manasquan at Wall an and second-ranked Notre quick with great team speed. Jackfion at B.MI. FAIL AMD WINTER FERTIUZEIl Purdue is big and strong and Seymour Tops Bt. ftoae at Ocean How They Stand Dame. Bed Bank at Boro after the game we should have Hanratty disagrees. Brick at Neptunl Purdue 'Gifted' Skiers' Session better idea whether we can "I don't really think any de- CROSSCOUNTRY NOW*/ Bj THE ASSOCIATED MESS KRICAN LEAGUE "It's out of the frying pan Marlboro al Reii Bank O»Ul. .NATIONAL LEAGUE W h Pet OB go against a big, strong team.' fender in college football can Freehold at Neptune At Arrowhead \V L Pel. OBxDetroK J03 5S .818 — and into the fire," Parseghian Howell at M&nfuiquan „ 91 70 565 13 Two years ago, Seymour (SOItej xSt. Louto - 2S « .587 - Baltimore moaned after Notre Dame,'s cover Jim Seymour," he says. Pt. Pil. Boro at Shore t MARLBORO - The YMCA Sin Francisco « T3 • .Ml % Boston _, - 85 T4 .535 18 caught three touchdown passes Brick at Long Branch 1st fertilizer made especially to Clnoinnatl « 77 .616 13 Cleveland 65 75 .Ml 18\i convincing 45-21 rout of Okla- 'Our big problem last illddlotown at LaKewood Arrowhead Ski Club will hold help lawns survive winter! . Chicago __ a 78 .309 « New To* 81 78 .509 22 homa last Saturday. "They're a from Hanratty as Notre Dame Ocean at Mrmmouth R«|. Atlanta - —80 79 .503 15 Oakland : .80 79 .503 23 won 26-14, although Keyes ran year was that we couldn't con- rt. PI. Be»oh at Keyport- its first meeting of the new PIMsbursh M 79 .503 15 Minnesota 7» Bl .«1 25 gifted ball club. I don't think tain Keyes," said Parseghian. Asbury Park at Jaokaon Los Angelet J< » .485 M California 66 93 .-tin 37 96 yards with a fumble for a Central at Hftnry Hudson season at Camp Arrowhead, JAMES BURKE Philadelphia .7* 85 .«5 21 Chicago » H .400 ,3» we can over-defense them." "I don't fear him nearly as KaAawan at Red Bank New YDrit -7S 87 .«S3 23 WaaUogton 82 M .391 lOtt Purdue score. Last year, the TONIGHT Rt. 520, Wednesday at 8 p.m. COMPLETE Houston ....71 n .HI u z—Cartoned pennant, 'I don't think ther's another much on defense as on offense. FOOTBALL MOWER SERVICE x-OHnehed pennant. I.aat Miht'i Remit college football team in the na- If he covers Seymour. . .well, (Mounter Itt Mater D«i (8 p.m.) YeatenUy'a RHIKI Batttmore 7. Cleveland J SATWIDAY The film "Nordic '66" will be 148 Highway 34 No punea acheduiled. timn that can match Notre Hanratty is doing a much bet- Only punt Kneduled. Last Competition "A" CONFERENCE shown through the courtesy of East Ktambvra, N. J. Today'* Gamei Tonliht'a Game* Dame on offense," wailed Mol- ter job this year hitting his al- Itarltan at Frtehold Pittsburgh (Moojt 8-10) at CHc*«o Middletown at I*onjr Branch the Pepsi-Cola Co. This ,lilm "hone: 471-2058 Cloveaand (Harjan t-Oi) at Balti- CHolum«n 10-10 more (Nelson 4-2) lenkopf, 44-7 victor over Vir- ternate receivers." Lakewootl at Nfirrtune shows the human element in miolliaM Distributor: Oordtn SUU Form Loa Angdei (Oiteen 1318) ai At- For Aquaholics Brick Twp. at Tomf IHver Supply Co., Inc. - Belvktert. N. J. lanta (Reed 11-10), rdjrit Washington (Cmeman 11-16) at De- ginia in the opener'. Other top games find Tulsa top flight competition, captur- Htanton (Dlerke 13-14) it St. lyuila troit (HlUrr M) PINE BEACH-The Aquahol "B" CONFERENCE" (Olbson 21-6). night > New York (Verbanlo «-«) at Boston In. other games Involv- at Arkansas, Vanderbilt Anbury Park at Monmouth Reg. ing the experiences and emo- (Ellsworth 13-7) les Water Ski Club of Toms Mataw&n at Jackonn Philadelphia (]nnn 4-1) at New Minnesota (Kaat 1H1) at Oakland ing members of the Top at Army, Colorado at Califor- "C" CONKKRKNCK tions of skiers qualifying for a York (McAndrtrw 4-7), nttht (Dobaon H-ll) 20, ninth-ranked Nebraska Is at River will hold its final skiing Southern Reg. at pt. PI. Boro Sun B-nuictoco (Parry IMS) at Cin- CM««o (Horlen 11-11 Jat Cali- nia, Clemson at Georgia, Bay- Central Ret. at Pt. PI. Beach major international team. cinnati (Culver 1146), night fornia llteaseramlth 4-1) Minnesota, ranked 17th, andevent of the season with a 25- NEW Tomorrow'! Games TomorroWl Garnet mile water race here on Sun- TOP POWERED Pittsburgh at Chicago No. 13 Indiana travels to Kan- Los Angeles at AUanla New York at Boston sas, No, 12. day at 9 a.m. HouMon at Bt. Loula OrikMO at California, night BUY $25 WORTH OF OUR Ban Franclaco at Cincinnati Mlnnraota at Oiktand, twilight Elsewhere, O.J. Simpson and Philadelphia at H» York Only vame« acheiluled. The contest Is open to In- V-8 SCOUT third-ranked California are atterested skiers of all ages, with PREMIUM LAWN CARE PRODUCTS WIIH 4 WHEEL DRIVE Northwestern, fourth - ranked five classes of competition HY Perm State entertains Kansas :iass "A," men with State, Florida, No. 5, is at boats powered by 160 hp or We'll deliver them INTERNATIONAL Florida State and seventh-rated more; Class "B.," men with Alabama hosts Southern Missis- NOW AT Rumson Runners over 65 hp; Class "C," men sippi-at—Mobile- Sixth-rated with under-65 hp;-<31ass-"D," We'll spread them MAURICE Texas is at Texas Tech and No. women, 14 and over, no power 8 UCLA faces Washington limitation and Class "E," boys SCHWARTZ Tie With Shore State at home in night contests, and girls, no power limitation. and SONS. Inc. while Houston, rated 10th, is We'll roll them in Rumson Fair - Haven Region- Tom Donahoe of Long Branch Idle. This the third consecuive for al and Shore Regional met yes- in 13:35. the event. For further informa terday at the latter's The victors took the next four Ohio State, ranked 11th, tion contact Jim Lapsdey, 860 and power aerate.. FOR FREE TEST cross-country course and turn positions. opens its season at home Raleigh Dr., Toms River. DRIVE PHONE in an unusual performance. Brick's junior varsity shut against Southern Meth- They tied at 28 points each. .out Long Branch, 15-50. odist, No. 15 Miami of Florida visits Georgia Tech, 16th- 747-0787 Brian Kelly lead the field of Bunion , 14:47. as-El Paso and Wyoming, No. Oakland Street, representing Rumson's Jeff Clark in 13:31 Brick (14) — Loaf Branch (J5) HOW? 1. Bob Bade; (IS), 12:48; 2. Ho 20, is at the Air Force. Louisi- he Shore Boys' Club, will be was third. His brother, Kevin, Oorty (B), 13:10; 3. DonoUoe <£B), kes Ihe drudgery and guesswork out of maintaining a 13:36; 4. Mley (B), 13:40; 5. Plerts ana State, No. 14, visits Rice matched with Ron Petrock fine lawn. No retailers. No middlemen. We use only the finest materials, superior to anything placed 10th but was running for (B). 13:48; 6. Cuthbert (B), 13:50; 7. Bugle (B), 13:30; S. Moze iLB). 13:60; for a night game. Union PAL, tonight on on the open market, and priced comp etitively with Scott's and Greenfield's. CaK us and we'll Shore Regional. B. McCarthy (B), H:O6: 10. Heltman he show being sponsored by (B), 14:0S. Keyes Leads Way send out a lawn expert with our price list to determine your lawn's needs. Both teams were evenly the Veteran Boxers Associa- Standard 3-Speed or CBA (!4) — SI. JIM'a (3D Purdue, led by All - Ameri- matched, now showing identi- 1. Kim Turner <9t. Joe), 11:43: J. ion, Union County Chapter, al optional 4-speed floor- Joe Freebaum (08A), 3. Obrts Con- can halfback Leroy Keyes, has These Specially Formulated ^— _ — — — .^ cal records of 0-2-1. don, (OBA). 4. Tom Kearney «JBA>, the Elizabeth Elks Club. mounted synchromesh 3. Bt. Joe's. split its last two meetings with f or-simplf take advantage of our ^ transmistion . . . heavy Brick Township High School Also on the card will be Jim 1 duty rear axis . . . plus took its third victory at the my Kirk, New Shrewsbury, and LftWW expense of Long Branch 24-35, Arthur Lee Kettles, Asbury ANNUAL 'bk full safety feature pack- Products are Designed to age. Also available in with Bob Badey setting the Kiwanis Cage Event Park. ^"PROGRAM course record, 12:46. Rodriquiez will be in the no- 2 or 4-wheel drive with Meet Your Lawn's we will provide your lawn with all The two and half mile vice 170 pound class, while Ket- 4 cylinder engine. its needs four times a year stretch is a new layout for the Dates Are Revealed tles fights at 157. Kirk fights Fall Requirements Branchers and Badey set the in the heavy class. (Spring, Late Spring, Summer fastest time, knocking 20 sec- UPPER MONTCLAIR — The opening round will be played • UWNAMAGC* hrtilhtr and Fall), and we'll aerate and roll 141 W. FRONT STREET third annual New Jersey Ki- on Dec. 26-27. it, too. We promise results you onds off his own record. 25-1510. A combination of 25 parts nitrogen to promote RED BANK wanis Basketball Classic will The semi-final round will take ALLPRO can see. Ask our Second went to Brick's Kevin lush green growth; 15 parts phosphorous to b.ulld deep, be held here at the Panzar gym place on Saturday, Dec. 28, representative to McGorty in 13:10 and third to hetlthy roots over the winter; JO parts potassium to of Montclair State College Dec. with the consolation and cham- show you the pionship contests scheduled for TRANSMISSIONS promote httlthy, disease-resistant grass. ,' • 26-30. :*!*», LAWN-A-MAT Monday, Dec. 30. The only SOCIALISTS The playoff, formerly known *LAmiAMA6K®Crub Control f •T^SERVICE PER- change in the playing dates Ad|iitH # IHNM as the Northern New Jersey this year is a one-day break be- • Repaired • OrtrhnlMl Ho /nsartic/de Is more effective in control/ing and pre- FORMANCE POL- Kiwanis Basketball Classic, tween the .semi-final and final venting Japanese Beetles, Grubs, and older sub-soil ICY WHICH will now be called the Newrounds. insect pests. COMES FREE Jersey Kiwanis Basketball WITH EACH AN- Classic. The Classic team champion- *UWHA-MAOC° Seeds NUAL "GREENS- ship in the first two tourna- We Have it! Andrew Gessner, a former An unexcelled varitty of seeds, selected for maximum KEEPER CARE- ments was won by Montclair purity and germination, custom bltndetl lor your lawn, PROGRAM. New Pressure Cooked-Taste Tempting past president of the Paterson State. The Indians downed Fair- PREII Kiwanis Club, has been elected leigh Dickinson (Madison) in TOWING ft DIAGNOSIS +UWHA-MAGJC Crab Grou per square It. tournament director. He is suc- 1966, 70-67, and downed Mon- CH Hwy. If * and Other Weed Controls (4,000 aquarfl feet WAYNE DOG FOOD ceeding co-directors Dr. Paul mouth, 78-72, in overtime last j> • m « < o Poelt An. A variety of the finest herbicides to destroy and control Com plete ration for all breeds and ages Ellin of Paterson and Donald year. 264-9617 HAZUT crab grass, broad lest, and other weeds. .., with starches broken down to pro- WAYNE I Johnston of Totowa. vide taste-tempting instant appeal even DOG FOOD ft.' Gessner also announced that Tht ampMi lint of LAVIN-A-MAGK' MOMUM LAWN CARE PRODUCTS for finicky eaters! Dick Stahlberger of Englewood alto inclu0H products to mett your Uwn'f nnds durinf Sprinf and Summr. Give your dog the "go-power" that again has been retained as the tastes good! Get New Wayne Dog Food playoff's executive director. RENT A CAR or •ACT NOW! today. Krumettes (bite-slie), Krums Started in 1966, the Kiwanis Eliminate Guesswork and Wasted Dollars! (meal), Blox (wafers). Classic will again be sponsored fii I wm Mir in i ..I I, .in i tiftiiiiiniiii f-n •-rriiiii.nl, •!!<•„ ^..H.IIII Tinrrmw HHWN>UII'»I i by the Kiwanis Clubs of Clif- Call 291-1013 or 842-2519 ton, Passaic, Passaic Valley TRUCK from HERTZ (Little Falls, Totowa and West Paterson), Paterson and U-ORIVE . . . Call FRED D. WIKOFF CO. Wayne. 234 MAPLE AVE., RED BANK The 1968 tournament will 775-1515, 222-3299, 747-2121 again include an eight-team 741 • 0554 field with action slated to start on Wednesday, Dec. 26. The milk for the money he invests la 14—THE DAILY REGISTER, feed. Friday, September 27, 1968 Computers and Cows Team Up Upgrading the herd by breed- NEW BRUNSWICK - Be- Dairy Herd Improvement Pro- enlisted tbe help of; computers ing is another vital decision hind every glass of milk you gram has been working in several years 8go. Now, 26 New making process" that* the com- drink stands not only a cow, but quiet way for 50 years. Thi Jersey county testers send data puter makes easier for the 2 Arrested probably also a computer. basis of the program, in whicl directly to a Dairy Records farmer. The machine knows Dairying by computer Has every state is enrolled, Is Processing Laboratory in Kha which cows are unproductive In Book Raid become second nature for about monthly efficiency report. ca, N.Y. and recommends that they be taken out of the herd, enabling HOWELL TOWNSHIP - a third of New Jersey's dairy Oleskie explained that dairj When these records arrive In the farmer to maintain a herd State Police detectives under farmers, and a Rutgers Uni- farmers keep track of such Ithaca, they are immediately the direction of Lt. John Lata- versity dairy science specialist vitally important statistics of top quality and raise checked for accuracy by com- calves from the best producers, wiec, Criminal Investigation Is hard at work trying to plug the amount of milk a cow gives Section, Troop C Headquarters, the balance of Garden Slate what she eats, what her fee* parison with file cards contain- The program costs the dairy ing an abbreviated life history Princeton, conducted a book- cows into a computer. costs and how much profit shi farmer about 50 to 60 cents a making raid yesterday- after- shows over feed costs. of each cow. Inconsistencies month for each cow. This pays Edward T. Oleskie, (he spe- noon at 126 Brown Koad, All of these figures, carefull; spotted In the records cause for the services of the tester Howeil Township. cialist at the College of Agricul- and covers laboratory expens- ture and Environmental Sci- recorded by the farmers about 8 per cent to be returned Arrested and charged with their county testers, form for correction; an additional es. In the last 15 years, DHIA ence, is superintendent of offi- milk production has risen from bookmaking, Lt. Latawiec cial testing for the New Jersey continuous record of a dairy per cent are corrected from the 9,930 pounds a cow to 12,877 said, was Carmine Viscel, 47, Dairy Herd Improvement herd from which the farmc facts available at the lab.qra pounds, and the steady progres- of 17 Grant St., Long Branch. Program. During his 15 years can make his busines Thomas Greenhalgh, 23, of the lory. ij sive increase is continuing. in this position, he has seen decisions. Brown Eoad address, was ar- The information on these Now Jersey move into third With the advent of the com At this time in New Jersey, rested and charged with main- place nationally in terms of "barn sheets" is then trans- cows tested in the Dairy Herd taining his residence for the puter age the people in charg cribed into computer language milk production per cow. of these reports decided to be Improvement programs are purpose of gambling. by means of punchcards. producing 3,350 more pounds of The National Cooperative come even more efficient. The NOW IT'S NINE — Mrs. Jean K. Gaskill, executive vice president of Shadow Viscel and Greenhalgh were Next, an operator checks the milk a cow each year than released under $1,000 bail punchcards to eliminate mis> their untested cousins. This Lawn Savings and Loan Association, presents key to the newly opened Middle- each pending a hearing before takes made in the transcription comes out in money terms to brook office to Herbert C. Colyer, assistant vice president, who has been named Judge C. T. Barkalow in process and feeds them into be $167 a year more for each manager of the office, ninth in the Shadow Lawn group. Others, left to right," Howeil Municipal Court Oct. 30. the computer. The machine cow or $8,350 for a herd of 50 "reads" the holes in the punch- are John S. Satterthwaite, a director on the Middlebrook board; Louis B. Wen- cows. Bobby Banker says, cards at (he rate of 1,000 cards "New Jersey's dairy farm- ning, vice chairman of the parent board, John G. Lawley, Shadow Lawn presi- a minule and transfers the data dent; John W. Suire, chairman of the board, and Harlo A. Clarke, director. "don't run all over to magnetic tape. ers have to keep on their toes 8 DAYS-7 NIGHTS constantly," says Oleskie. town paying bills., k SUPERIOR RESERVATIONS At the same time, the com- "They pay the highest state puter checks for illogical, in- Wins Award DELUXE HOTEL and tax rate in the business VTA to Resume Meetings Oct. 3 consistent or missing data and /^ JET AIR TRANSPORTATION and use land that is increasing FREEHOLD - Albert Vila- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - the November meeting with sends bad cards back for cor- piano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- The PTA of the Burlington FROM NEWARK-Economy Class rections. rapidly in value. They compete guest speaker, Mrs. Elizabeth with industry for skilled labor. bert Vilapiano of 22 Schaeffer Hoad School will resume its Schiller, ' Monmouth County $00950 The final job of the computer Lane, here, a student at Chris- regular meetings Oct. 3 at 8 "The only dairy farmers who helping teacher. OV/L (each - basis, 2 in room) is to print the herd report which tian Brothers Academy, Lin- p.m. with a "Meet the Teach- will continue to do business are Includes transfers, sightseeing, room and bath, the laboratory sends back to croft, was selected the out- er" open house. All questions pertaining to those having the highly efficient breakfasts and dinners. the dairyman. Then the most standing delegate at the 13th After an introduction of the testing and grading can be DAILY-DEPARTURES important part of "dairying by units," he added, "and Rut- leadership Training Com- school staff, classrooms will be submitted in writing Oct. 3 and computer" begins. FREE: "A Key to Bermuda", colorful, informative ;ers is striving diligently to ference of the N.J. Association open to parents. for one week thereafter. There brochure. Write, call or stop in for your copy. The computer actually en- help all of the state's dairy of High School Councils and . There will be a special test- will be a question box at the ables the farmer enrolled in the farmers attain their maximum was presented the Joseph Ell- Ing and grading program at school for this. JOS. M. BYRNE CO. DMA program to make more efficiency." wood Memorial Award. " (O'Donnsll Travel Division) money and upgrade his herd at 144 BROAD STREET the same time, according to Open a convenience RED BANK, NEW JERSEY , the Rutgers specialist. 741-5080 ONE OF A KIND FAST LOANS checking account. From the information that NO MINIMUM BALANCE the computer receives it recom- AND REQUIRE!) mends how much grain concen- trate to feed each cow. Be- FLOOR SAMPLE SALE We have ?S $5000, MORE cause every mouthful of feed SOFAS — CHAIRS — LAMP TABLES FOR HOMEOWNERS CONSOLIDATE DEBTS over what is required to main- OR FOR ANY PURPOSE tain a healthy cow goes into Worth While Reductions SPECIALISTS IN HOME REFINANCING Red Bank Store Only! milk production, dairy cows • LOWEST ESTABLISHED RATES* EASY TERMS are fed according to their pro- Huffman & Boyle Repeated by Popular Demand duction. MONMOUTH COUNTY Investment Corp. Thus, the computer tells the ; Rt. 35 Circle • Eatontown, N. J. 542-1010 Rt. 35 Middletown P.O. Bex 44, Rfd Bank 741-5061 There's an office near you! farmer how to get the most a'1MimHMIIM»M»IIMMIHMMII

One Day '69 Chevy Nova Coupe Fall Sale Tomorrow • Saturday Doors Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Sweaters 9.99 enrh r OO Dresses 15 1 Fall Suits 2500 Kimberly Knits 40% off Plus . . . many other nnadvertised specials r Coats 19.99 1969 Nova with Torque-Drive. You wont clutch at its price.

—Other -economy-ears- may -act-more-modest than -richer; ^The price is low enough for you to be able to put your Nova but then, they have more to be modest about. Like putting on new finned front brake drums. left foot in permanent retirement. And you can order We've done the type of things to the '69 Chevy Nova Bnt we don't rest Nova's case on looks arid ride alone. it for any 4- or 6-cylinder model. that you'd expect only from more expensive ears. There's the rest it can give your left foot with ex- If you were comparing Chevy Nova with other econ- . Like freshening up its already sporty appearance: clusive Torque-Drive transmission. Torque-Drive ac- omy cars, now you know. Front, tion eliminates the clutch pedal and almost all shifting. There's no comparison. 83 BROAD STREET Side. You just flick the lever from 1st to Hi, and that's it Your Chevrolet dealer awaits. RED BANK " And rear. ^No clutching ever. Like making the instrument panel design smarter, What does this boon to stop-and-go driving cost? Putting you first, keeps us first Why Red Bank Police Ask Raise

RED BANK - "Today Red Red Bank police are seeking fective Jan. I. There have been proposal that would have giveh Bank has one of the lowest members of. the first aid or Red Bank are actually created a 15 per cent salary hike for no salary increases tatte past officers making less than $8,000 fire department. by transients." paid police departments in all members of the force ef four years, since 1964 when Monmouth County," said Pa- an 11 per, cent increase The PBA pointed out that The PBA president said trolman William C. Story voters approved a 10 per cent over three years and those *nak- Red Bank has the only' "walk- that "police work today is be- president of the Patrolmen's increase. ing more than $8,000 an ing" police department in the coming more and more in- Benevolent Association, Local This year, Borough Council 8 per cent increase over uree area. Officers here still walk volved. The laws are written 39. approved placement of the years. Police rejected the their beats at night in the so that a lot of new, highly proposal. business district. Red Bank's technical work is required of "But at one time, about five question on the Nov. 5 ballot whereas, four years ago, police Patrolman Story said that business sections, with 550 to the police officer. Some ex- years ago, we were among the "as tax payers ourselves, we 600 stores, they said, serve as perts believe that the day will highest paid," he continued. were required to present signed petitions to secure a spot on realize how taxes have gone many as 150,000 shoppers. come when all police officers "Other departments • have wffi have to be college the ballot. up, but the cost of living goes "While crime is on the rise caught up and passed us." up, too. Most of our men have throughout the county," Officer trained." "We certainly appreciate the In efforts to win voter ap- to hold down extra jobs to Story said, "the crime rate in In addition to Red Bank, the proval of pay raises in No- fact that the mayor and council make ends meet." He added Red Bank is very low. We helped us to get on the ballot local PRA unit includes Little vember, local PBA members Uiat Red Bank policemen also think it is because police here Silver, Shrewsbury, and New yesterday released figures to without petitions," Patrolman are involved in community ac- do a good job of maintaining Shrewsbury officers. Patrolman support their stand. The top Story said. tivities like scouting, Pop War- community relations and work- Joseph Sestito of Red Rank is patrolman's salary in Bed "However," he said, "coun- ner football, Little League, the ing with organizations. We find chairman of the salary com- Bank is $7,133 a year, they cils in some municipalities have Elks and most officers are also that a number of problems in mittee. said, while Rumson pays $8,- granted, police raises without 300; Oceanport, $8,000; Little going to the public." Before Silver, $7,920; Middletown, this year's budget was drawn $8,184; and Shrewsbury $8,100 up, Local 39 asked for a 15 (with) raises that have been per cent increase. The govern- approved). William Story ing body countered with a RED BANK BEAT — Unlike neighboring communities, Rod Bank lias a "walking" police department, requiring officers to patrol Broad St. alone on foot at night. —15 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 Police hope to win a 15 per cent pay hike on the Nov. 5 ballot. (Register Staff Photo) RiverviewHospital Commended, Gets Full 5- Year Accreditation RED BANK — Riverview Hospital has- re- records committee and medical records librarian per cent of the nation's hospitals which are ac- ceived its full accreditation for another three received commendation for the high quality of credited. Basic principles must be followed in years, it was announced today by Frank F. medical records. order for a hospital to be accredited by the Blaisdell, president of the board of governors. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of commission. In the area of administration, the The approval was made by the Joint Commis- Hospitals is a voluntary organization supported governing body (the board of governors) must sion on Accreditation of Hospitals. by its member organizations — The American assume the legal and moral responsibility for the The present approval is the result of an College of Physicians. The American College of conduct of the hospital as an institution. It is evaluation of Riverview on July 31, by Dr. Mal- Surgeons, The American Hospital Association and responsible to the patient and the community. colm C. McKaig, a fi 'd representative of the The American Medical Association. The medical staff must be an organized staff commission. The notific ion of accreditation of During the accreditation inspection, the com- which is responsible to the patient and to the Riverview, sent to William T. Gill, administra- mission surveyor, Dr. McKaig examined statisti- governing body of the hospital for the quality of tor, stated: cal data that Mr. Gill had prepared for him in all medical care provided patients in the hospital "The commission wishes to commend you advance; and then the surveyor checked all and for the ethical and professional practices of COLONEL HONORED — Brig. Gen. W. Van Harlingen, left, commander of the 1st for 'maintaining standards deserving of accredita- methods and procedures. Every department of its members. Signal Brigade in Vietnam, presents Legion of Merit to Col. George A. Kurkjian for tion and for your constant effort to improve the the hospital was reviewed including medical and Also, the buildings of the hospital must be quality of patient care." surgical departments, the medical records de- constructed arranged, and maintained to insure his service at Ft. Monmouth. The colonel is now the brigade's director of person- STAFF ALSO PRAISED partment, the laboratories, the X-ray nursing and the safety of the patient; and must provide nel and training. Also it was stated that "the medical staff dietary departments, the pharmacy, social ser- facilities for diagnosis and treatment and for is to be commended for the general excellence vice, and outpatient service. special hospital services appropriate to the needs Col. Kurkjian in Viet, of medical care evidenced;" and the medical Riverview is among the approximately 55 of the community. Long Branch Lake Gets Legion of Merit Cleanup Is Sought LONG BINH, Vietnam - Col. George a direct impact on the functioning of the LONG BRANCH - A speoia county officials should also be United States Arniy Electronics Command. A. Kurkjian has been awarded the Legion session of City CbuncU last invited to Join the proposed of Merit for his accomplishments while as- He also^vas cited for establishing "pro- anil. cedures which improved the efficiency and night in the West End Manoi signed to the Electronics Support Command work flow system'of the chief of staff and here disclosed that state offi- Mayor Nastasio pointed out of the U.S. Army Electronics Command at command group offices" and for providing cials are seeking a ?100,00( that State Sen. Alfred N. Bea- Ft. Monmouth, N.J., from June 1964 to "highly effective administration and super- grant to aid the city in clean- dleston, R-Monmouth, last year June 1968. vision of the complex support mission." ing up Takanassee Lake. had $100,000 appropriated for • The meeting was set by a clean-up program for the Now director of personnel and training A veteran of 27 years in the Army, Col. Councilman Samuel Teacher, ' lake: Somehow, it was said, for the 1st Signal Brigade, Col. Kurkjian Kurkjian served in the Pacific Theater dur- longtime proponent of a pla: the funds were not received by ing World War n and was commanding of- served in a series of posts, culminating in to 'refurbish the lake and dean the community. He added that ficer of the 304th Signal Operations Bat- commanding officer, at the Electronics Sup- up a reported pollution prob- another attempt will be made port Command. talion in Korea from August 1955 to De- cember 1956. lem there. by state legislators to fund for Col. Kurkjian was recognized for State Conservation Commis- the program in next year's "rendering invaluable assistance to the Col. Kurkjian is a native of Grand sioner Robert A. Roe had told state budget. Command Group in the analysis and solu- Rapids, Mich. Mr. Teicher he would send a ' Mr. Golden called for a new tions-of-command-problems-and- in- the— His wife-and-tte- two -youngest of their representative~~to"thr session. preparation of command material having four children reside in Eatontown, N. J. approach to ttie probiem. He Mr. Roe, however, yesterday said Mr. Noble should be au- told the councilman that his thorized by council to inspect representative was unable to the headwaters of the pond to attend. determine the amount of pollu- LWV Know Your Town Study Also attending the meeting tants being washed into the lo- were Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr. cal lake from adjoining Councilmen A. V. Ippolito and streams. Wilbert Russell, City Business Covers Rumson, Fair Haven It was also said last night STUDY PANEL — Long Branch city officials forming a study group for t h a "Sav» Administrator Frank Vanore that a dead deer was seen in RUMSON — The Rumson cational programs of the 2 bor- Any residents of Rumson and City Attorney Julius J. Golden a tributary stream in Eaton- Takanassee Lake" effort there are shown a r last night's meeting In West End Manor, and Fair Haven members o oughs. This study is felt to be Fair Haven who are interested Richard T. Noble, cdty engi town. Ocean Ave. They are, left to right, Richard T. Noble, city engineer; Councilman Wil- neer, Charles RockJriM, Jr., act- the Red Bank Area League of important at this time because in learning more about their Mr. Golden called for a per- bert Russell; Julius J. Golden, city attorney; Councilman Samuel Teicher, the spark- Women Voter's have estab- citizens of the communities will communities are welcome to ing city health officer; R. Bar- manent solution to the prob- plug of the effort, seated, and Charles R ockhill Jr., acting city health officer. lished a unit which has under- need to evaluate the proposal attend the Oct. 8 meeting. ry Kamm, local publicity di- lem instead of a temporary re- taken a "Know Your Town' of the Joint. School Study Com- Mrs. Zydney or Mrs. Mullins rector, and Daniel Haas, a city lief. (Register Staff Photo) study of Rumson, and Fair Ha^ mittee when it is announced in may be contacted for further resident and federal Housing ven Boroughs. January 1969. information. and Urban Development 41 Information regarding the rector. structure, methods and financ- Decrying the condition of the ing of local government ser- lak etermed a "beautiful nat- Eatontown Sues Over School Aid ural resource of the commu- vices available to residents, Marlboro Recall By SUSAN SILVERSTEIN Mayor Werner said that the Welfare can force the state De- tionally supposed that a bor- nity," all officials concerned election processes, public pro- EATONTOWN - The Bor- irony of this situation is that partment of Education to give ough cannot sue the state gov- called for its,rehabilitation. tection and health facilities has Council is filling suTT against "even with 100 per cent federal Eatontown its full share of ernment without the state's been gathered from local of- Mr. Teicher said the pro- the state Department of Educa- government subsidy of the Ft. state aid. giving its permission. Mr. Mor- 3 ficials. This new unit will re- Vote Stay Denied gram is not a local problem tion in the hope of regaining Monmouth children plus the Board of Education secretary gan said, "This comes from the port its findings at an open alone. He charged pollutants the "fair share" of state aid 'minimum' state aid to Eaton- Evan S, Gillingham said that a philosophy that a child can not meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8, at MARLBORO — Associate. nan and was subsequently de- enter tributaries in communi- town schools, taxpayers are full share would mean a total sue its parent. Well, under cer- 8:15 p.m. in the home of Mrs. .o education it feels the bor- Justice William J. Brennan Jr. nied. ties to the west of the city and )ugh has lost under the 1967 still paying'aboutr^?4O out of amount of $250,1)00 in state aid tain circumstances, the child H. Zydney, Woods End Road, a that the lake is the catch-all of the U.S. Supreme Court has Since the appeal wouldn't be •ales tax law. their own pockets each year to to borough schools for the cur- can. Eatontown feels that it has co-chairman for Rumson. heard until next year, it is ex- basin for the drainage system. educate each of the approxi- been wronged and is entitled to The borough contends that rent year. Mrs. Joe H. Mullins, a Fair denied an application for a pected that this wiU end the at- Mr. Vanore suggested a mul- mately 1,100 children whose redress its grievance. As of he Eatontown school system Figure Varies Haven co-chairman, will chair stay for the Nov. 26 recall elec- tempts to delay the special re- ti-community study panel. He parents do not contribute to lo- now, the state Department of ost ?21,000 in state aid last "This figure, said Mr. Gilling- the meeting. Mrs. Saul Hersh call slection. said Eatontown, West Long cal- taxes at all due to their Education has not given its per- tion against two. Purpose and year. The Board of Education hame," of course, varies from enov, also co-chairman for Principle Coalition council The recall election, initiated Branch and Ocean Township federal affiliation." year to year depending on the mission to be sued. But Eaton- Fair Haven, will describe the should take part in a probe of s lending full support to the town is filing suit." members here. by the Citizens Committee, had jorough, although there is Administrative assistant Har- number of local taxpayers, and structure of government of the been fought by the Purpose and the source of the lake's pollu- old Morgan said that the bor- children attending school. The two boroughs; Mrs. F. D. Wald- The motion was filed on be- tion. He added that state and some discrepancy concerning Name is Stricken Principle candidates since the he board's formal status ih the ough suit will be heard in a amount of state aid is worked There is some contention as hauer, election machinery; half of the two officials by a papers were filed last Febru- federal district court in "the out with the use of a standard Mrs. Warner White, financial ;uit. to the Eatontown Board of Ed- Florida attorney in an attempt ary. hope that the federal Depart- mathematical formula." arrangements; Mrs. A. J. Bar- to stop the clock for the spe- Board Approves Mayor Herbert Werner said ucation's status in the law suit. After Superior Court Judge ment of Health, Education and Mr. Morgan said it is tradi- ker, protective services; Mrs. cial election so that issues hat the borough is being "un- Mayor Werner said the board Elvin R. Simmill in Freehold is acting as co-plaintiff in the Octavius Pitzalis, municipal concerning the constitutionality Seeking of Bids ustly discriminated against." ruled the papers valid, the two suit. However, Secretary Gil- services; Mrs. R. A. Kelley, of the law could be argued be- WEST LONG BRANCH - e said borough schools lost officials took their case before lingham said that though the Rumson co-chairman, libraries fore the Supreme Court. In a seven-minute adjourned 121,000 in state aid for the 1967- Trap Rock Low Bidder the state Appellate Division, Board of Education is lending and museums; Mrs. Donald session last night the Shore Re- 8 academic year. "The 1968- Should the two officials, only to be unsuccessful again. 9 school budget will require TRENTON (AP) - Trap of (he Garden Stale Parkway its fullest support, its name Gahn, public health; Mrs. Council President George E. gional High School Board of Rock Industries Inc. of Kings- in Wall Township. Howard Andrews, hous- Their attempts this time 5atontown taxpayers to con- has been stricken from the Creevy and Councilman Alfred Education authorized its sec- ton submitted the apparent low The alignment approved for formalized complaint. ing and building standards; sought to block the election in retary, Thomas Garland Jr., ribute $825,000 in local taxes L. Storer, now decide to con- is opposed to the $446,000 they bid of J4.7 million yesterday for construction is 21.5 miles long, Mrs. Anthony Nicholas, plan- the nation's highest,court so to advertise for bids for the As of R week ago the State tinue their case before the na- lad to pay before the new sales construction of the first project extends from lit. 295 in Mer- Department of Education re- ning and zoning; Mrs. George that they could argue against grading of an athletic field on tion's highest court, their ap- the constitutionality of the law ax," said Mayor Wemer. for Interstate 195 in Mercer cer County to lit. 526 in Ocean ported that its office had not Dacey, recreation and parks. the recently acquired Van and Monmouth counties. County. The remaining 13.5 peal, if they file one, won't be which they maintain is not fair. received a formal notice of This material will be com- heard until next spring or later Note property. He continued: "The state is miles east to Rt. 34. A public piled into a booklet that will The Citizens Committee was sing the federal aid our The initial 3.7 mile highway complaint. which would be after the recall The work on the field will hearing on this portion is ex- be made available to residents represented by James R. Mi- chools get to subsidize the ed- project between Old York Road The principal defendants • election. . entail clearing, grading and the pected next year. ol the area. nogue of Middletown. The two ication of children whose par- in Washington Township and named in the borough suit are: removal of stock. The proper- Trap Rock is headed by Mi- After the state Appellate Di- officials were represented by mis live and or work on Ft. the Imlaystown - Hightstown Dr. Carl Marberger, commis- Mrs. Harold Guerci who ty was acquired by the board ohael J. Stavola of Middletown. vision had affirmed a Supe- Herbert Bierman of Sayreville. Honmouth as an excuse to re- Road in Upper Freehold Town- sioner of education; Eric Groe- serves as a representative of last April. ship will consist of grading. Rumson on the Joint School rior Court ruling that recall And township Clerk Floyd luce their ajd. The Department Notice zinger, assistant commis- petitions to oust Mr. t eevy Wyekoff who also was named , Bids will be received at a if Education has ruled that Ea- 1-195, formerly the Rt. 37 I will not be responsible for sioner; Deputy Commissioners Study Committee will give a re- special meeting Oct. 10. port on the work of that Com- and Mr. Storer were valid, the as a defendant was represent- ontown (and two other feder- Freeway, was authorized from any debts other than those in- Joseph E. Clayton and John mittee. two decided to take the matter ed by township attorney Milton Try the New llly impacted towns), is ineligi- its westerly interchange with curred by myself. Kirkpatrick and state Treas- A vote by League members before the nation's highest Koscne. Chapel Hill Luncheon from ile for the full share of state the Rt. 29 Freeway and In- Benjamin R. Richard, Jr. urer John A. Kervick. will be taken on the request court. The Florida attorney was en- 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. serving •ales tax 'school aid which terstate 295 in White Horse 103 Church Street, The borough's suit is being of this new unit to launch a The application for a stay gaged since lie can argue be- breakfast and lunch specials. >wns not educating army chi- eastward for 35 miles to its jum Fair Haven presented by its attorney, study of the schools and edu- was reviewed by Justice Bren- fore the U.S. Supreme Court. (Adv.) dren are receiving." tion with Rt. 38 at Rt. 34, west (Adv.) Henry J. Saling. 16-THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, S>pt™b«r 27,1968 (More CUwlflrf Ads On The Natt Fage "IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE" TO GET A BETTER DEAL. EVEN AT You're invited... INTRODUCTION TIME Would* it mrpmt) you to knew that w» c*n j«ll you a n$w car during Introduction Tim* for th« t«m* low pric* that moit d»attrt don't evan «dvtr(ij* until Spring?

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'64 FORD Galaxle 500. VI Four door nedon. Automatic trnntmtMion. Radio. Htoter. Power steering $795

'64 FORD / 8 Country Se and cfois.s. Pour film. and dirt. Incoming air dries it out as you drive along. • ELECTRO-CLEAR REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER. Flip $595 Helps keep tho body beautiful. a switch and electricity quickly clears rear window • SELF-ADJUSTING SAFETY-MASTER BRAKES. The frost. Available with Caprice Coupe and Impala brake pedal stays up bocause brakos adjust them- Custom Coupe. With all models, a forced air de- selves. Ample venting increases fade resistance. froster system can ba, ordered. KITSON STOP IN THIS WEEK-END—FREE REFRESHMENTS! CHEVROLET HIGHWAY 34 FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO

(Nut fo Motor Vchlclt Inspection Station) EATONTOWN CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO Open Evet. till 9 P.M. Wed. till A P.M.-Saf. till 4 P.M. 325 MAPLE AVE. 741-3130 RED BANK 542-1126 "WHERE DOING BUSINESS IS A PLEASURE" LOST AND FOUND LOST AND FOUND PUBLIC NOTICE TRAVEL - TBANSPOBTATII» AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE THE DAILY REGISTER, f"ri« C«JJ 7(7-5023. rior. V/hlt*w»|]s Excpjient condition, I nave 30 rare eyai'/ibjp. Fr>r Jriforma- w mileage. Ca.ll 787-79H - tlon r*H H"»i WkkmiJi, Town & 1963 . . imtW top. One owner, hytfrumatic, power nhin Clean. MOO, AUft 18«3 Vollu- AUTOS f OR SALE 196? SQUIKE WAGON — Ona owner. n sedan. »W0. Call »ft«r 6, 747- AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE ("all ltlo DOnr.E — Slxryllnder. auto- brake*", power etperlr.fi, *p«t Mt» wage 711-8643 matic trnn5mlf"i'lon, four door. Good vpry' goori tlrps. Excellent condition 373*- (•onrllllnn. *2S0. 2!I1-2:!2I. _ t77H. rait 2SJ-00M. ' 19IM CADILLAC - BMoriilo. fullr ..GT FASTBACK — Mercury cy- Tfliii PONTiAr"~C«talTii«! Automaik mnlpcert. Air conditioned, itereo, clone. Factory nlr cnnditlnnlnR. 'tlntr.l llififi PO.NTIAf." Ronnrvilk four-(ioor leilheV Interior. Low mileage, J59O0- ..^Lif-•''*•. glasg. bluo with wtiitp niring atrtpe? hanltnp. Pmvcr alrrring, brakffl. Ex- vinyl rnof, new rqillnl tlrpp f.ov 6,000 mllss. ("all pvcnin a. M5-15:Ci. mileage, !1Wn. full 671SS2S or 741 r. 747-1871 or 747-3489 K rcllrnt. ?13Sn. 1^9-^M. MM aflpr f» CAIJILLAH - Cnnvertlhle wm -i llififi r-HBVR Orle- 1S6S »1)1 I.I.AC' ""'smian Ilr-VlTieT IfifiT BRONZE Inal owner. Low milpaKe. All Marl;. fnnr-.Uior harttop. 2W)no mllev matic: S2.W0. mllfagf. Call 671 ppring. radio. h?at*r. E»- »ir condltlnnrd. Like TPW. 5 SMllO Call 671-Wes. 3765. tion. J1605. Call 7*7-1871 lfifid TAfUA?i Spflan. Wlr H. AUTOS FOIt SALE AUTOS FOR SALE rii'W tin's -Neertd pnglnp -work Prlre SIM). TR7-7S12. (More Classified Ads ?fi!Hl. Needs dent On The Next Page) T p.m. WOW AUTOS FOR SALE 4UTOS FOR SALE PONTIAC SEE QUALITY USED CARS WHAT A CAR ^ 1966 OPEL $1225 1964 FUTURA i 750 ., i 5loHon waqon, 4-speed tronsnussfon. 4-door, J B7$ DOWNES 950 PLYMOUTH Two-door fiardlop, olr conditio s | CoupB, i 62 LOWER MAIN ST. 566-2299 MATAWAN . Automatic transmission. 1944 VOLKSWAGEN $ »»

! 1944 CHEVROLET $1050 conv,r.,ble.

Irnpnlo. 4 door hordtop. 1?JJ CHRYSLER t BOD ConvjrtibH. 1969 1944 BUICK $ 495 , _„, snecioi, Idoor. 1943 CHRYSLER > '« Newport. 1 944 DODGE f 990 s too 2door. 1963 ALPINE NEW 1968 CADILLACS USED CARS GT III. DeVllle Hdtp. Sdn. Bl.-Bk.-Roof (6 Buick Special Hdlp, Cpe. 1944 FALCOM $ 47! SI 3 50 DeVllle Hdtp. Sdn. Wt.-Bk, Roof 2-door. 1943 JEEP 65 Ford T-Btrd Landau 4-wheel drive. DeVille Hdtp. Sdn. Afln.-Bk. Roof A5 Olds 93 Hdtp. Cpe. DeVillo Hdtp. Cpe. Gn.-Bk. Roof 65 Olds Dello88 Hdtp. Sdn. ! 1944 FORD $1300 ,„,, ,„„„,„ S 475 DeVitle Conv. Red-0k. Top Squire, sinllon wnonn. Shorn 1944 CHtVROLET «5Clievtll» Malllw Sillier Sot. cor, loaaed. P°n" '™cl<' FORD 65 Olds Cutlass Hdlp. CM. NEW 1968 OLDS M Olds Hdlp. f ne. U Olds Sunsr Hdlp. Sdn. D'monte 8S Hdtp. Sdn. Rd. 8k, Roof 64 Olds Sopor Hdtp. Sdn. MOTORCYCLES Cull's Sup. Hdtp. Cpe. Bl.-Bk. Roof 64 Olds Town Sdn. Cull's Sup. Hdtp. Cpe. Wt.-BI. Top 44 Buick Wildcat 4 dr. Sdn. 1947 HONDA $425 1947 HONDA $400 Cutl's Sup. Hdtp. Cpe. Iv.-Bk.Top Hawk. Dream. Cutl'sSV-B Hdtp. Cpe. Wt.-Bk. Rool 64 Cadillac DeVille HERE NOW 63 Cadillac 62 Conv. 1948 HONDA $285 CutlOM V-B Hdtp. Sdn. Blue F-85 V-8 Twr. Sdn. Ivorv 63 Olds Cutlass Holld'y cpa 90 cc. F-85*Cyl. Twn.Sdn. Bl.-Bk. Top 63 Chrysler 300 Hdtp. Cue. F-B5«Cyl. Twn. Sdn. Jodi 63 Olds D/n'mic 88 Hdtp. Sdn. F-85 i Cyl. Twn. Sdn, Cold 63 Ford GaloxleSOO Hdlp. rp«. 62 Mercury Colony PL 5ta. Wan. COME TO FORD COUNTRY ... 62 Chevy Bel Air 4-dr. Sdn. USED CARS 61 Chevy Blscayns 2-dr. Sdn, SUBARU 08 Cadillac Brougham Forest Gn. «3 Cadillac DsVllle Hdtp. Sdn. COMING SOON1 68 Olds Cutlass Stn.Wan. «!Olds Cutlass V-8 Town Sdn. REFRESHMENTS - VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES 41 Olds Cut's 0 Cyl. Town Sdn. 68 Olds 98 . Luxury Sdn. 67 Cadillac DeVlllt Conv. 67 Chevy Impala Sto. Wgn, SCENIC 67 Ford Mustang Hardtop CADILLAC—OLDSMOBIU 67 Cadillac Flcetwood 4-dr. Sdn. 67 Bulck Elccl-a225 4-dr. Sdn. CAR SALES U C0SIII00 DeVllls conv. Broadway at Fourth MOUNT-ENGLISH 66 pontloc Bonnevllle Hdtp. Cpe. Long Branch Highway 36 872-0221 Highlands 66 Olds Delta Hdtp. Sdn. MONMOUTH and MAPLE • RED BANK • SINCE 1904 • 741-6000 60 Chevy II Super Spto Hdtp. Cpe. 222-1234 OPEN S A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. DAILY "We've sold & serviced (or $6 years — Buy wilh confidence" J ************************** lir******************t BOB WHITE BUICK ..*. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST BUICK DEALER ACTION' Get with the Left over w ALL NEW ACTION BUICK ACTION Low Priced 68s FOR THE Take a convincing demonstration ride ECONO-MINDED! Today! GT I ON! WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER HAVE A BUICK! 1969 BUICK ELECTRA 4-DOOR HARDTOP LOW MILEAGE USED CARS tATF MODEL GUARANTEED

1967 BUICK 1964 OLDS 88 1966 BUICK LeSabre sport coupe. Four-door sedan. Elecrra four-door hardtop. S 2595 $ 1145 2395 C^^^^^wwwwww^vw* 1965 MUSTANG 1964 FORD 1964 PONTIAC 1965 BUICK Two-door hardtop, V-8, Fairlane four-door. Tempest four-door. LeSabre four-door hardtop. automatic, power steering. $ $ M95 ' 945 145 1495 PLUS MANY OTHER USED CARS TO SELECT FROM COME TO WHERE THE ACTION IS NEXT TO RED BANK AIRPORT 741-6200 SHREWSBURY AVE., NEW SHREWSBURY

, . f\ IS . v • % • • BOATS urf ACCESSORIES IS—TOE DAflY REGISTER, Friity, Stptmhtr 27, 3963 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE MOTOECmES — 1W K, K*w IWW VOLKHWA-OEN-dunr^if, vhtlf- ISM PLYMOUTH BKKHk'-XVK IM BARRACUIM — Futtack. MO DODSE CONVERTIBLE SUZUKI "it «o% empjM octet witl1>, radio. Excellent condition. Lit- Two-door hs.rd.trjp, Equipped, formula S. Four ••[>•*). Fully equiptM. mi Artd AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE miles. 12,000. Ca.ll I ' Call I«-;2O», 1MB Coronet COO. Must Mil. Fulls H>a4o.uarten for Jionmouth County. tle over 3000 mllft. Wrf>kd&rn rail •.!• equipped. Extru. Best offer. 776.7&M, AH model! ind colors in stock. *~ WANTED IS, wockenda Anytime. 64244119. TWO CADILLACS — 1W4, 1M2. Fac LINCOLN CONTIN'EN'TAI, -- Four" B1 OR 8' PRAM OR ClNGHy MUBTANO — original owner. tnry nlr, Full power. BMutffu) contii door convertible Clean. Excellent con- T9fflTcHEXRdLBf^ Bcit~o5er.~Ci 'BILL LANZARO'S Call m-VTW U>w mllraie. Excellent condition. lion. Will accept trade on either 229 dlUor^JlSM. 2I4-63W. '_ 222-6433. Bellini b«ctu«« leaving AUTO SALES INC. IMS. Cull 6W.194O. 1H11. IBM CADILLAC — Coupe D«Vllle. state. , f COLUMBIA YACHTS fully equipped. Runs good J250. 787- 1955 TWO-DOOR FORD OALAXIE — 33i Mali Bt. MW-MM MaUwui The YACHT SHOP CADILLAC - _ Coupe ___ 1061 CHEVROLET Kluciiynp, t\x ry] c Indpr, Ktunrinrri tr«ni family toal wiu «paclou» cockpit and 1968 KARMANN GHIA 1952 AUSTIN (n^ALEy SPRITE — cuody. FlberRla. hull. "lu™'™1" Top condition. J5OO or best offer. Ca MOBILE HOMES ip&n, dacron aalli. Like new. Asklnl AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Karllo, fi pater and factory alr-condl- 741-6227 after 6 p.m. or all day Salui I14B.V 671-5015. OF 1969's FOR turned. 7,(KK) jnlli-a. Originally 1*2,875, day. Ashing |1.095. Call 717-0040. EEAVES TRAttBR BALKS 1981-21' ORADY WHITE CBUIBER - 'VOLKSWAGEN — lJW77~Tan,^»141 17<« lit 88 (Uurdlton Circle) JtM M h.p. J<*n»n ou«x»rt. TraU- TWIN BORO RAMBLER firm. C»U alter J p.m. Uricktown, N."J. JOM053 er BxtraJ. Good condition. ns-<783. PRICE DROPS $10 A DAY Newman Spring* Rd. Red Bank 542-7745 AA-Ute — Travelmuter — Ttrry — chateau and Sunaet MOVINQ, MUST BILL — 23' cenltr- IMMEDIATE ON THIS CAR UNTIL SOLD "RAMBLER — 1885 Wa«on BtandanC 1953 CHEVROLET — Good mechanl tout »toop, I« ».». utxma m*fg nix cylinder. Low mileage. Uoorf con- cal condition. In dalljr uie. $60. 747- MOBILE HOME — 10x12, two bod- two Fr«« winter »lorag«. Bot offer. 1965 OLDSMOBILE Thii Car wai ownid by a hep col dltlnn. Call after 6 p.m. 2M-2994. 3740. rooms. Furnltur* Included. Call 787- 7414483 after 7 p^m. who drove losi tntugh so II never (1855 or 2M-4332. goi carboned up, Gr«at volut foi 196."i M1ISTANO -* 288. 2 + 2 faatback. 1869 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGOh IBM PACEMAKER - 251. Bp"t "'Ij- the ptrformanc* mtntUd. Four speed. Bxcellent condition. $1350. —Call after 6, MOBILE H0MH — 8r35 aluminum. erman. riy brldft, Bhip u> skjij. v;. DELIVERY!! 787-215(1. 671-3429 Newly painted. Wood paneled, fully lleepa tour. Like Hi. Only T» hourl. carptted! furnace, itove, refrlitralor, 1966 CHEVROLET — Impala four- 1967 TR SPITFIRE — Convertibl Mornfj Ihed. »13M. 872-H8O. J52BO. MlJ84t door sedan. J1.575. Call after 1 p.m. Two tops. 19,000 miles. Excellent con1 747-0537, dltlon. »l,500. 747-1434. Come In and Make Your Dtal Cutlass Hardtop coupe. Brewster BUSINESS NOTICES 1808 VOLKSWAGEN—Blu« PaBtback. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE Green. Three by tht knee. Pow»r Radio, g&i neater. Damaiad left tteerlng ond brakes. Electric win- JIM LANCE rear. $975. 872-12D7. THUNDERBIRD - 1985. TW0-DO0H Exterior, Interior palnttaf. dows. Heat and music. HARDTOP. LiIKE NTOVV. VTNYl. BO01T, JUNK CARS ORIGINAL PRICI 1DB9 PONTIAC — Whit* convertible. atallntlon. Free eitimatei. Then Present This Ad For Codlllac-Oldimeblla NPW top. Very good condition. 2M- AIR OOOTHTTONING. J2.19!. OALL PICKED UP M8-O0SD $1100 9261. 532-3.W1. MRS. BELL, FROM S A.M.- i P.M. Twinbrook Auto Wrecking LIOHT HAULINO-CLEAH OOLLARB TODAY'S PRICE •ROADWAY AT 4TH PDNTIAC WAGON — Tower, auto- YARDS OARAdHS '— Fr»a tatlmate,. mntlc. Ono'l condition. Good tlrefl. Eatontown 542-2235 Call after 3 p.m. 741-2149. $1250 LON& BRANCH 222-1234 brakes. B42-IHI97. CASH FOR UBXD CARS — Truck* An Additional '25* /orelfD oi tfomcitlo. Petn, oppoiltl BACKHOE BULLDOZING — Mowlnr lf)68 VOLKSWAGEN — Bquarebaclc. Pop-up top, tent, complete. Save- liun plowlnr, fiimplni. Istemlj. All aeptlll nna month nlrl, 1400 mllai. Kadlo, Two auyi. MWaletowii. Hl- Unk work. BEN BRYAN. 671-Q583. 48 CHRYSLER 4» PLYMOUTH whUcwalln. »!2»5. 54S-3552 or M2««l. dreds. 3D1-1884. Ji:NK CAR8 — Towed tree. Call Ray Liflovers, Sov« Hundrtdl 4 Door Sedan, R4H 18B9 FORD STATION WAGOH Hyer. SLIP COVERS 102!) MODEL 'A' SPECIAL COUPE Good famll/ oar. $100. Call botweel it, FORD —For sale or trarlB. Call 7S7-«774 Sofa, 130. ohalr llfl, with your own 67 CHEVROLET 7«2OT« B »nd 7 p.m.. 787-9088. WANTED — MEKCEDEa 30O FUEIj fabric. Free weltlnj, llppers, or over- Impala Hardtop Country Squirt Air Conditioned 1085 NINE-PASSENOER DELUXE INJECTION — Any year, any condi- looking Fabrlce alfio available. Call 1!»5S TR-3 ^TRIUMPH VOLKBWAQEN — Many extras. Cal tion, Phone 842-1134 evenings. anytime 671-23M. 47 FORD 44 CHRYSLER Call 711-9872 or 741-3408. 264-1027. GET CASH FOB YOUR FOREIGN — RUBBER STAMPB — Made to order. Country 5qulr« New Vorktr Station Wagon lffio n.YMOUTH — Four-door serlan, 1958 CHEVROLET Caprice, full AMERICAN — AND SPORTS CARS Fast, efficient lervlce. Use at home or Afr Conditioned equipped. Take over payments Oct. AT MONMOUTH MOTORS. INC., bujlneia. Call T41-3227 or 787-2403. automatic transmission. 57,000 miles. 20. Good running condition. 741-6315. 47 PLYMOUTH 45 CHEVROLET Cnoil condition. M3-S031 alter 6 p.m. Hwy. 33, Eitontown, sil-m*. FINISHED ATTICS AND RECREA- Station Wagon, VI tmpolo Convertlblt 1061 BONNEVILLE — Qolng Into ser> 1956 CHRT1LER NEWPORT — Si: OLD CARS TOWED AWAY FREE. TION RO0U6 — Paneling, Bheet Automatic transmission, power steer- rail rocklni and taping. Also auapended 47 PLYMOUTH 44 DODGE vine must tell. Sxcfllltnt condition. R I. P.Two-door harjtop. All Bower. No air. Ing and power brakes, uood runnln 264-7000 • celltnie. 842-4J81 Fury (M Convtrllblt Dor* Station Wagon condition. Call 741*4518. (RUN IN PROMPTLY) Priced well. Call betwten fi and 7 LIOHT 1KUCKINQ AND DELIVERIES 47 MERCURY 43 CHEVROLET only, 204-9371. 1965 CHRYBLER — Newport convert- William Abrnms Air Conditioned Impala Hordtop ible. Good running condition, good AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS 1968 BU1CK SKYLARK - Cu«tom body. New brakes, tires. J135O. 741 2M-M1I convertible. Blue with bucket aeata 6017 1965 CHEVROLET PICK-UP BODY J.C. TRUOKINO — Light hauling and S YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN and cnnaole. Power steering, brakes, —8' long. Like new. Uaed two weeha. odd Job* clean ce-Ua.rJ, yards and (a- windows and seats. Call after 6 p.m. VOLKSWAGEN — Deluxe Kombl sta. S75. Call 87I-0OB5 or <62-tl«2. ragee. OaU 542-STM. SEE THE 1969 741-3971. tlon wagon. 1065. One owner. Excel lent condition. I12M. CaU 871-1129. JUMON SUPERCHARGER — For FURNITURE MOVINO — Allies and 1m DODGE CHARQER - »/T. 12(10 and 1300 3MOBn>E 512.12 Automatic transmission. Radio. A-1 With following. Full or part-time. Vin- dition." Fully guaranteed. 1942 VOLKSWAGEN $ B95 Jetatar I, V-8, automatic, double pow- condition. $500. 264-0834 after 6 p.m. 16' FIBERGLAS BOAT — Trailer and cent's Beauty flalon, 32 Linden PI, er, buckoU. motor, J425. Call ailer 5 p.m. 787- Red Bank. '64 OPEL $895 Sunroof, turquoise, radio, heatir, 106* PLYMOUTH $9-80 Fury 5 passenger wagon. V-8, auto TRUCKS FOR SALE H.N.'i and L.P.N.'d WANTED — All '65 CHEVROLET $1595 V8, Station wagon, Rack on top. 1943 VOLKSWAGEN ....$ 995 8AILBOAT — Completely fiber- shlfti. King James Nursing Home. Red. "Like new.' mntLc, power. Impale, Super Sport. FuUy Sedan, blue, radio, heottr. 1964 PONTIAC SU.80 1968 CHEVROLET Fleetside, glaa. 1965 3 h.p. Evlnrude. 19B7 Sears 2S1-3400. trailer. Rigging like new. Sail In ex- 1944 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 4 door hardtop, DouMe power, radio new, low mileage. Call BEAUTICIAN or MANICURIST - lieater. illcnt condition. Only in water four Full or part-time. Maison DeBeaute, '64 CHEVROLET $1295 Sunroof, oreen. radio, healer. 1!W4 PONTIAC 112.80 Imps this year. Rpaily to go. Call 842-0014. U CHEVROLET 51695 V8. Impala Sport Coupe. Fully 1958 CHEVROLET I'/J — ton rack r41-2785 belwccn 5:30 and 6 p.m. 1944 VOLKSWAGEN $1395 GTO, V-8, automatic, full power, vinyl body truck. *250. Call Elohl cvllmJei Bel Air tidan Fully equipped. Power «tc*rlna.. Guaran- roof. SAILING CANOE — 13'. Flberglaa LEGAL SECRETARY — Experienced teed, Sunroof, grten, radio, heater. lWH PONTIAC $11.10 28I-081G only. Write Box x-179, The Dolly •quippeo. "Mint condition," A flm I jver wood frame. Stainless rigging. Register, Red Bank. tamlly car, Fully guarantied. 1947 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 C.ranrt Prix, vinyl roof, automatic, CHKVHOLET 1868 Pick-up. V-8. Ra- atton sails. Asking J100. 229-9374. full power. Sedan, whlti, radio, heater. dio, heater. 8' body. Cuatom cab. NURSES' AIDES — All shirts. Call '64 CHEVELLE $1295 1JKM MER. COMF.T 510.80 Like new. *18B5. B31-0090. 4' ALUMINUM BOAT—Scars. Elec" between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. 4-12, wagon, V-8, auto., power steering. rlc motor Included. One year old. 222-1000 Convertible while, fully equipped In- DOMESTICS 1%4 CHEVROLET $12,80 S42-2EI42. J66 TEMPEST 51695 cJodM£ip power st^eerlna STx cVlTnaer. *~Cusl6rtV"cie1UX( lour — 1943-MERCURY $ 8951 Jlallhu 9 pass, wagon, lull power, MOTORCYCLES •T STARCRAFT — Car topper with door hordtop. Fully equipped. Power 196i-CHEVRO!bBT $10,10- (More Four-door ledan, radio, heater, automatic V-8, Impaln, Con., V8, ante, double power. HONDA — 150. 1964. Excellent con- lent condition. Oa.r«, anchor, line, iteering. Economical, sporty ana a air conditioning. family car, '64 CORVETTE $2595 ifHM OlfEVROLET 59.60 dition. $145. Call ^unhlons and stadium seats Included. Bel Alre, 6 cy., R&H. 291-2290 250. Call 741-5107 after « p.m. On The Next Page) Convertible, 4-speed transmission. 1944 FORD $1195 IMi CHRYSLEm J7.00 Like new condition. Country Squire, 9 passenger waaon, radio, heater, New Yorker, sedan, full power. automatic V-I power. MM PONTIAC $13.<0 AUTOS FOR SALE '65 CORVAIR $1095 GTO Oonv., V8, auto,, double power AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Momo, coupe. 4 speed tronsrrnsilon, '63 POHTIAC $1095 1945 PONTIAC $1595 fltecrlnj;. white. Low mileage. 3 plus 2, 2-door hardtop, 4-spted, radio, heater, V8. Grand Prix (port coupe. Fully lf)G4 PONTIAC $8.80 power iteerlng. Oatallna 4 door, ledan, sulo., full pow- equipped. Fully powered. er. , m., 1945 CHEVROLET $1595 1964 CADIL-IVVC. • . $19.60 * '65 CHEVROLET SI 595 Impain convertible, radio, heater, automatic V-B power. Coupe 3 Bl'ICK SS.fiO LeSabro 4 dr., automatic, full power, * SPORTS CARS Lllto new, —MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM— 1945 MGB ROADSTER $1495 1!XH CAnnXAC $14.10 * 4 dr. Hardtop, 7 way power, Factory Radio, heater, 4-speed. * 1945 SUNBEAM ALPINE $1150 CHEVROLET $7.60 Low Down Payment — Bank Financing Blscayne 4 dr. sedAn, automatic 6 cyl. * Roadstor, radio, heater, 4-speed. 1963 PODGE $7.10 '69 VOLVOS 1946 CORVETTE STING RAY $3495 Dart 4 door ;Spdan. Automatic radio * Coupe, dark blue, radio, heater, 427, 4-speed. , & tieater. lfW3 RAMBLER $8.60 > ilc Wagon, fi automatic. Radio A. »SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Hoater. ST * 1963 PONTIAC $10.20 Grand Prix, full power, auto., factory HERE OCTOBER 1 * '67 KARMANN GHIAj air. Coupe • &U8-87. Radio, heater, 1062 OLDSMOBILE $7.80 * back-up lights. Super 88, wjiffnn, full power, air con. 1795 ~~1 AUST. HBALEY -J9.80 MULLER * * Ldster Mortel 3000, Trl power en- gine. SEE WHAT'S NEW FOR '69 . . . MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST and LARGEST 1!»61. OOJDS M $6.20 * Town Bed an. Rartlo A Heater, auto- HWY. 34 AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER matic, full power. * MONMOUTH TEST DRIVE THE NEW 11 YEAR CAR. * MATAWAN SHREWSBURY MOTORS, Inc. AUTO EXCHANGE 365 Maple Ave., (Rt. 35) Red Sink, N.T. SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500 SHREWSBURY 747-3930

* >- WE. GOT 'EM SEE THE NEW >• We've got a lot to show . , >• >• YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR THE SHOWING OF -1969* 1969 RENAULTS BMW THE ALL NEW 2002 and 1600 R-lis and R-lOs * TEST DRIVE ONE. *


NEW ON OUR FORDS 1968 VOLVOS LOT! FREE GIFTS THESE CARS ARE GOING FAST AT YEAR END SAVINGS. >• 7 P.M.+o 11 P.M.— FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,J968 )• MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT LEADER TOM S FORD RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS 200 HIGHWAY 35 264-1600 , NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 741-5886 RED BANK -^fLJ=r.-i.t±. lrl±-^ ^*^dhH± ^ HEL? WASTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED—MALE HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED—MALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Fridty, Srpt. 27, 1968—39 WOMEN - PART-TIME THE DAfLY REGISTEB DO YOU NEED "NOW" FACTORY HELP FOR SALE BLUE CROSS, BLUE SHIELD - CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ITEMS YOU NO LONGER LIFE INSURANCE, PENSION PLAN BN-3 to u, [uu time, ll t0 NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED AS A TEXACO RETAILER aeek HV" H1 NEED OR USE WILL'... WE WILL TRAIN VACATION, ETC., ETC*.ETC?.... AIDE - Full SKILLED UNSKILLE VERY HIGH VOLUME SERVICE STATIONS SELL APPLY TODAY SOME MECHANICAL APTITUDE 9 A.M. S P.M. AVAILABLE IN THE RED BANK AREA. FAST JOIN A GROWING COMPANY ESTEY METAL PRODUCTS, INC. CALL DAYS 249-4500 WITH A QUICK ACTION Located In Long Branch, It not loca LOW-COST Inujt hav« owl tranaportstlon. 222 5t Shafts Rds. New Shrewsbur NIGHTS 755-2317 IN A GROWTH INDUSTRY DAILY REGISTER MIDDLEACED WOMAN _ iTs.po «lble. wanted lor babyilttlm lour lu HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE ASK FOR GABE ROSKO days a week. Mu.t hm "own ,ranl We are a leading manufacturer of wire, FAMILY AD porl&uon, Eatontown area. 747-4H4 cable and TV system products offering > •, NURSES — EN' RESIDENTIAL SHORT ORDER COOK 3 LINES - 5 DAYS FlJM*"raf1 E NIGHT SHIFT; 2-11 om 22M9DO0*" " REPRESENTATIVE W2. ) per week, benefits include; Fr HELP WANTED-Mate-Female TOR SALE Largest diaper aervlce in the world meals, unironii, paid vacation, hosti FOR $9 i GOOD SALARY •taltzatinn, Yitv insurance Ark p«r«on SUGAR BAR, Little Sllvei ment only. No canvassing, no evenings APPLY IMMEDIATELY In rpslaurant, !o run .HMomatic JUST n 2:3 nd necessary. Guaranteed salary, com- washer, ntid do liRht Jutitmrlal Available- for M!y Slar Clciine pfirliMica iii'CfKFsary, Apply Pnnalfi's between 10 and i only W2 Myrtle Ave., Long Branch Launrtry, U Marion St., Red Bunk rcliirnn will bfl m^fl U a4 la cain- S42-17OS. Apply in person all weak, tee Mrs. Barreft Bank, 741-9020. cclt'd hpfora pyplr.-illon. YOUNG MAN OR MAN — To help BOOKKEKPRR—Full chornf. Orow RELIABLE BABYSITTER — To I GROCERY MANAGER'S Ing firm rpqutrcs rmnkkocprr will To Place Your Daily Runkttr In my home In Fair Haven Flv put up and take down awnings. STUDIO Chance for advancement. Apply in ASSISTANT full knowledge of record kccplnc fti FAMILY AD, CALL ... days, from 7-4:30 p.m. Call 741-iSl person, Standard Awning Co., 615 marniractiirlng firm. Apr II cauls OF ASBURY PARK after 5:30 p.m. River Rd., Fair Haven. Full time. All company bPtients. App alinuM givp salary, eicpprlRnrp am VIKOA CABLE CO. In person, Foodtown In Matawan phone, nurabpf. LocitUm ADflnll WOMAN — To work evenlngi am Open daily "til 3 — Sat, Mil 9 weekends In pharmacy. Experlenci SHOP MEN — And slash or weldersSERVICE STATION ATTENDENT Htfthlfind-i, N.J, Write BnX X-183, Thi 741-6900 preferred. Apply In perion, Wednen Halls Mill Road Freehold, N. J, for truck body ehop, Holidays, uni- Part-time. NiphU and, weekends, Pr Dally RpglKter, Rert Rank. HUr;E SELECTIONS — 24-Hour Ssrvice forms, top benefits, top pay. 26 W,ler a family man and experience, c day, Friday or Monday. BAYSHOEI HIgniand Ave., Atlantic Highlands. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS PHARMACY, Hwy. 36, Atlantic Hill An Equol Opportunity Employer 741-5695. WINSTON ELECTRIC GUITAH - And case, Unfvojc amplifier with vl- lands. REFRIGERATION TECHNICIATRIMMEN — R AND CARPENTERSITUATIONS WANTED-Female CONSOLE PTAN'O SALE! 1 For fabrication of specialized; cooling • Direct Binw ArtJon 'or. 4 TnnnthB olrt. original cost WAITRESSES — Morning, day an HELPER, wanted. Call after 7, units. Apply In person, Electro Im- 787-5259 CHILD CAKE — In my home, Ex. •• Full Kg NnlP Consols night ahlfU, ava41able. Apply In pe HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE pulse Laboratory, US Chestnut St., pcrlenced RN. Hazlet area. Call 2flf • Lifetime Guarantee 10 "pfEnEPblNING KOOM SET — • on. HOWARD JOHNSON RKSTAU Red Bank. 6011. • SPECIAL TRICE W44. K« mlrrnr, 34-plcce Norltake din- RANT, at. J5. Middtetown. MECHANICS set, liall table, cut-glaas, silver, SEWING MACHINE NIGHT WATCHMAN — 11 p.m. to 1Maintenance and construction, mi MOTHER wishes to carp for Vdmnrt 4 Hamlln — Kna.iift — Rrhm^r — na, Olhcr itemfi for Inside and EXPERIENCED COSMETICIAN — a.m. Apply Gfbbs HaH, Tlntoji Av»., chtoery and buildings. Machinist children In her hmno. Call Full llmi. Good pay. Red Bank area. 291-O3M Everett — Jamsr>n — Hammond pjanoa I'IP (6 Ohrprry Tree Farm Rd , Write Box F.100. ThJ Dally Regljte OPERATORS SENIOR Fort Monmouth, 542-7333. mlll-wrtghU, auto mechanic*, eU NMV Mnnmnuth. Eed Bank. Single needle, to work on car coa.ti AUTO BODY MAN — for large G.M. trlclans and over trades. Versa till MEDICAL ASSISTANT — Graduate 3H hrs. per week. Union ctoop. 8HOR> agency, Salary commensurata with, desirable. Interviewing for all grade experienced. Available full lime. X 775-9300 GRAVELY TRACTOR — Excellfnt; WAITRESS WANTED — Full time. OOAT OO. INC., 2S Bridge Ave.. Re- DRAFTSMAN experience and ability. Permanent Reliable men who want permane: ray, Ian, EKr; and cfflc© skills. After Uotnry: Sulky; Snow Blow Year round work. $1.60 hour to atari Bank. Job (or mature, rellabla man. Call year-round Jobs close to horn*. 7 p.m. 2.!9-(Ktft7. 3OO_WATNJT._JV8BURY PARK, X .J F.lpdric start. Phon« f)46-84W. plua uniforms, meal allowance am 741-7643. npl. Pull company benefit!. Apply if SALESWQMAN — Part-time. Eve- Opportunity for individual with experi- 264-8000 LADY wishes to cam for newhorti VACUUM "CLEANERS," ~SEff INO ~XA~ TENTS nr HOME — Kefrlr«ni- ning hours. Apply In person. Freed- ence and knowledge of drafting prac- Hr-ctlomil couch, doubls beds, tcr 2 p.m. F.W. Woolworth Co., 5: ROOFERS, SIDING MECHANICS, ATCO CERAMICS CORP baby or prp-flchool <• h 11 rt :i mmninK? rtHINKS new ami iisri. All mnhfs. mcrs. Tall 747-45flfi. Broad St., Red Bank. nnan'n Bakery, Llncroft store. tices and machine design. HELPERS, Top wages. Phona 10 a.m. a week. Experienced. 7U-6&52 arte Salci and Repilr. ALL-SEW SHni'I'ES 7T5-B4O7. 1 p.m. 291-0302. 4:31). 49.V0177. 4fi Church St., Kranslmrfi. L ALTEKATIONIST — Experienced 01 Additional draftsmen opening! avail- HWY. 35, KEYPORT, N. mm, — a ,i-i8, filter and aocesaorles BEAUTICIAN — EXPERIENCEbetteD r— dresses, Apply In person, Ji 575. Call Full time. Stephen Hair Dresser*, able. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING MAN— An equal opportunity employer RELIABLE WOMAN—Wllhes to tak» TAB [FT OP'S ; RTI-.V.MR, Campbells Junction, Belford. 787-0555. Lane, 35 Broad at, Red BanK. For manufacturing plant. Must be GENERAL FACTORY WORK — Fn cara of children in her home. Will also over 18 years oC age. Crown Engi- board II desired. Ca.ll 74T-26M. Of non-warp rturrly Nova Ply, 3D"x45" CARAGK SALE — Clothing. Pre-teen BAR MAID — Between agen of 21CLERK-TYPIST — Willingness k EXCELLENT COMPANY BENEFITS time, day shift. No experience neci x*i thlrk. S2IS n., 3S"xl8", $; 10 m learn. Hard work. Accurate typing. neering Corp.« Locust St., Keypoit eary. Apply In person from 9 a. MAID — Slo.pp In. British Wnut In- Other sfxca lip to 4vR av;\lla.hl , Al.ifi Junior, Mlflfles sizes. Also men'* and and 40. Little experience. Hunt applj Apply in person 264-3086. until 2 p.m. No phone calls accepter ( hoys'. Snpt, 2H. 4 Laurel Dr., Little In person at the Bayiida Tav«rn, Steady emifloymcnt. Equal o-wxirlu- dian. Avallahla In about fmir nmnt.li "hnliruj 1B"XTJ", SI.S3 pa. Ypi, weSilver. Rain ii;itf, Sppt. 29. Broad St., Keyport ' nlty employer. Hazlet-Keyport ares, EXPERIENCED DRAFTSMAN — For Miller Plating Company Inc., " Excellent roffrrncr;?, Attorney, wee bavo legg. Si^l r>f ff,ur, o«" ^ "R Experience not essential, Addresi re- ELECTRONIC design detail wortc Apply in person, Hwy. 35, Mlddletown. ilaya (212> 76S-5719 or i'J12i RijS-W 1 MANn~AKnMAN~SPINET —In n~ WOMAN — For house cleaning, thrcplies, stating qualifications and sal- ASSISTANCE Electro Impulse Laboratory, 116 RED BANK LUMBER rnlirnt cnndulon. $ai0. AIBO magrnlfi- full days or five half days. Must hav ary required to P.O. Box 81, Hazlet, Chestnut St., Red Bank. MEN f •rnt. 12 liglit r:hantleller at fractlnn •M T irl anri Wall, TirA Bank 7i7-. >500 transportation. 946-96(19. CORP. Full time nights, 6 p.m. to 2;30 _ SITUATIONS WANTED-Male >f nnnt. Cnll 741-2357. BARTENDERS WANTED — *1Z5 to — — ^*l "."n'"'. iri.lL *^ILI4 DENTAL ASSISTANT — Full time, DENTAL ASSISTANT — Red Ban2l 0 BHdga Ave. Red Bank jitart. Must bo clean, last, depend- Permanent tfloor taxing end janltort) trny $lf> e^ch. Annum wig, nev?r GAS KANGB — Sink and cabinet Eed Bank area. Experience preferred otllce. Experienced or will train. Cal able. Reply to Box X-181, The Daily work In Middletown building. No e: SUPERINTENDENT FOR PRIVATE worn, $25. CrncttF. Many KnodlrR YOUNG MEN — Part-time. Apply In perlencG HBcessary, FV»r interview ESTATE — With horse farm t. r.fiud cfindltlon, almost new. Call but not essential. Wrll» Box E-198, 741-9029. person, Jerry's pjzzerla, 60S Main St, Register, lied Bank. )O #>. Mnn , Thurcr., Fri.", Snf. If) ( The Dally Register, Red Bank. ply Tuea., Oct. 1st, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.n building maintenanc- e experience. Call p.m. 55 Triers PI,, Rrd Rank. iVOMAN — For riouHecieanlng anBeliordd . at the Harmony Bowl, Rt 68, Middi after & p.m. 84 J-i68n, TWO-D00II C..E. — Frost-free rafrlg- RELIABLE WOMAN — To care li light Ironing Fridays. Must have own SALESMAN town. 55(1. calNGl I prator rreczpr, 12 cii. rt. RevoIvinR three pre-achool children, with llRtil transportation. References. Good pay. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC — AndAn /opportunity (or tho man looking shrlvra, hoatod butter-keeper. Excel' housekeeping, 7:30 to 4:30 lion Call 842-5825. or body man. Permanent position. Ap- for a satisfying and challenging sales CLERK WANTED — No experlem FINANCIAL Ipnt condition. J100. 747-1482 4:30 lo through Frf. Call 542-0753 after 6:30 ply Burrlge's Garage, 597 Branch Ave. position in con3t^icfi(m, commercial necessary. Apply In person. CBS S 7::)rt p.m. p.m. * CLEANING WOMAN — One day a Little Silver. and Industrial fields. Territory of per Market, 3G Main Bt., Keansburj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GAKY- BED- week. Munt have own transportation. Ocean and Monmouth Counties iuo cnntlUbn 741- "HAS FURNACE ~ Floor register. CLERK-TYPI8T — 7 a.m.S:30, Mon Call 747-0412 after 5;30 p.m. 75,nffl» ivnr.i/ will heat lour rooms EXPERIENCED MECHANIC for cessfuily covered for 12 yeara is now BEAUTY SALON — Established. Rpi day. Tuesday, Wednesday. 8:30 a.m large G.M. agency. Salary commen- available with n. progressive company. HELP WANTED-Male-Femal ANTIQUES — Opening Rfit., gppt. -mfnrUbly, $85 or best offer. 842- to 5 p.m. Saturday. Accuracy an surate with experience and ability. Bank Stocked. Modern. Rpasanaltl Proven sales record deairaWa, Draw rent. Write Box G-1S0, The. Dail: 28th, at cuir new location, USD Lincoln legal agt essential. Knowledge 0 HELP WANTED-MALE Permanent Job tor mature, reliable and share the jrONMOIUTH COVVTY Association Cmirt, Elberon. Onn block from sta- medical termlnolgy helpful. Apply In man. Call 741-7643. nd ae the prfits. Register, Red. Bank. WAiii>noR*Ks — steal, m< with person. Personnel Department, Mon- O Senior Citizens, Inc. finds jobs ff Unn. Cut glass, chln.i, antifiuen bought mirror ilnnrs, bronze, vdiUe, brown, TRUCK EQUIPMENT MECHANIC CHE- F AND SHORT ORDER MEN — JONES CEILINGS INC* older people waatlnff part-tlmo wor] TAVERN — Hieh volume. Excellenand BOM. Mit/f'a AnUqiins, "Savfi half. Pacttry reject*, $5 to $40. mouth Medical center, Long Branch. Experienced. Welding Helpful. Call Mr. Also volunteers needed. 9 N. 6th Ave, parking. Newly decorated with goot "ray, M2-3K0. Experienced cnly. Steady employ- I JONES AVE. ENCYCLOPEDIA AMBHICANA —VM EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — ment. Apply In person, Martini's Din* Long Branch. Mon., Fri., 10 a.m, cqutpraeoit. »3,000. Mrtropniltan Sermlnara in Art. S15.IRWIN'S FINE FURNITURE Apply in person only between 10 a.m. er, Hwy. 26, Keansburg. 4 p.m. 223-2947 or 25 Broad St., Fri !7 Mnnmoutli St. HP4 On* OARPENTERS — Steady work. Call CHERRY HILL, N. J. hold. 482-6M1. No fees. C-all 74THHAS and 2 p.m. Tuw., through Sun,, Co-STENBER BUILDERS. Or call 609421-3153, ask Ior Mr. Carr LUNCHEONETTE — SIX (lays. Olosiv lony Restaurant, 26 Ridge Rd,, Rum- &424173 BARBER WANTED at 7 High net income, Owner ha CASH REGISTERS 12' — National. MOVING — MUST SACRIFICE CEILINGS LIGHTING SEWING MACHINE other Interest. $11,000. All chrnmc, Electric. Excellent con- Hoiifioricilil gnnds, KarAen furniture, PLUMBER. — Experienced In Job' Call 10 a.m, to 6 p.m. 532-3175 AIR HANDLING ditlon. Sll'ii nich. Call 671-0017. swInK art, chllciren'B toys, trlcycl? WOMAN WANTED —For kick pre»» blng work. Excellent working condi' OFFICE MANAGER — To supervisPART-TIMe E WORK — Student, re- OPERATORS limits, pte. Cnll aflfif 5 p.m. H7-1897 And machine operation. Light assera ions. Must be A-l mechanic. F, V staff. Accounting background, systems tired. Drive small truck, two morn- Union shop. Three wceka paid vac; EDWIN S. STARK, Realtor PIANOS — ORGANS biy work. Experienced preferred 'e range, 7*1-7217. experience, cost accounting knowl- ingB a week. Extra work ll desired. 2IM-0333 Evenings, 671-IK We are wlriiylztnc our warphmist ?KPJTWn7)T) PROVWCIAL ffUTCH Crown Engineering Corp., Locust St. 741-1994. tfnn. Ful] benefits Bridge Sportswear, and for (lie next few (fays you car —niiffct and smsM nlnlng table. Ex- Keyport, 2643086. CAR-EER OPPORTUNITY — Join on edge. Excellent opportunity for young 217 Bridge Ave., Red Bank. 747-1373, INSURANCE BUSINESS GETT1KG nave a Int nf money nn a. now ntcellent condition. SI 25. Cnll 671-3541 of Monmoath and Ocean Countie man. Pension plan, inmirance, hoapi- YOUNG MAN — Aa usher in theatre. TDO TOUGH? Interested In retire- hptwfcn D-l::in p.m. tallzation, paid holidayu, vacation. REAI, ESTATE SALESMAN O Hspri piano rr nrgiin, rianna-Bonpht INSURANCE SECRETARY — Efastesx t growing real estate agencies. Must be over 17. Evenlnga, Sat. andWOMAN — Opening an opportunlmentt ? Tired of constant commissto Mfivpd - Jlppalrprt . Tutifil - RpntPd. perlenced. Established agency In Red We will train and prepare for licens- Processors of ferrouB and non-fer- Sun. Apply after 6::i(l p.m. TOWN cuts? We would Ilk* to discuss buy- TllBT WEBEfl~PE"RFORMER SURF- rous scrap, established 1904. Send res- for one additional salesperson. TH, FREEHOLD KTMBALL Piano A Cir.BOARP — Gnnfl condition. Asking Bank. Five day week. 0-5 p.m. Ex- ing, through our epeciaJ company THEATRE, Hwy. 35 at Palmer Ave., DOWSTHA AGENCY, 741-8700. ing your agency-we're located In Bay-pan Warehouse, 431-1166 or 162-47^0. cellent working conditions. Write, Riv- school, qualified young men for po- ume to Harry Goldberg & Sons, Sec- Mlddletown. sliore Area, Eeptlea cnnndpnilal. S12S. Call 147-SIO-i. ing qualifications, to Box B-121, The- sitions in one of today's most lucra- ond St., Perth Amboy, N.J. Principals only. State volume. Wrlto WOOD CLARINET Used al* months. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - TVVO YEAR OLD SOFA BED — tiV Dally Register, Red Bank. tive professions. H you ere Interested ONE HOUR PER DAY Box 0-182, The Dally Re6l»ter, Kcd Importpri from France. ilOO or best Cull in flrat year earnings of $12,000, with PARTS AND SERVICE WRITER —Third shift. Profit sharing, fringe* Could net you $50-51.000 month' Bank. offer. 74I-42HR. SALESLADY WANTED — 3n wom- Experienced. Excellent opportunity. benefits. 54Z-9734. Ask for Mr. Fiore. 787-A8M or S68-30H Unlimited future income potential, call Contact Service Manager, John Stock- Write for details, Box D-101, Thi en's asd children's wear. Full time. Mr. Btearn, 787-6600. WANTED — Bus boys. WeekendsDail, y Register, Red Bank. CAN'T BEAT OOOD BUY — Five piece mahoganv Some experience preferred.. Apply man, at, Bayahore Chrysler, 2&1-P2O0. bodrnnm spt. 575. Call 586-8290 after Westreich'l, 45 W. Front St., Key- Apply Gtbbs Hall, FL Monmouth. 542- BSAUTICIAN WANTED — East MONEY TO LOAN Our quality and flna workmanship on port. 7333. Eden Beauty Salon, Hwy 35, Middl aluminum aiding. Call for free esti- ELECTRICIAN town. Full or part-time. Call 6Tl-9T( mate. PROWN"S 32 Broad St., RedSOFA — 9&blep, bed TV, wicker fur- EXPERIENCED NURSES' AIDES — BUS DRIVERS MAN — Full or part-time, to work WILL PAY 10% with industrial and commercial AC-DC Murphy transporUtinn Inc., In open- tn hardware store. Phone Mr. B. Bank. 741-7500. niturp, crib, hobby horae, bedspreads, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift Top hourly REAL ESTATE SALES PERSONNE! TnnAi needed (or Real Estate, clothing, etc. 51 UP to 550. 482-1231. wagei. Call 291-M40 for Interview. experience, &ny shift, six daya & week, ing another commuter run and needs 7I7-046S. —Thinking nt making a change? Be Secured. Call 671-9131. TWO CHINESE ORIENTAL RIJG3 — tpply Personnel Office 9 a.m. to 12 p,ra. two lull time men. Occasional char- foro you do spe us. Compare ou Excellent condition. Four ypars nlfj, FLARSTONE — Enough lor pltlo, HELP WANTED FEMALE —, Wom- ters also. Vacation and benefits. PART-TIME MAN -- Morning, floocommissionr s before you decide. Mem- 9x12, Jflxl8. Ma-tchlng r-nlors, mae J25. Floor »ate, J25, Call an, lull time, as • cosmetician. Prefer LILY-TULIP CUP CORP. Three men needed part-time as well. waxing. Neat appearance. Year round ber of Shore and Red Bank Multiple beige. Can Mter 5 p.m. 512-38U. 741-7829 experience but will ttiln lntorerted Hwy. 35 Holmdel Interview by appointment only. 741- employment. Call 7H7-2094. Hating Service!!. CAMAB8A AGENCTS INSTRUCTION TABLE — Ohlnng dining room, four TYPEWRITER — Royal Aiimlnil- person. Salary and commission will An Equal Opportunity Employer 4600. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT 741-633— 5 or 222-4100. chairs $20. 58" Klftsa-tnp office desk depend upon ability and experience In 3AR WASHERS — Men over 17. Ex- Part-time work, evenings. Apply in COMPUTER CAREERS trator, 12" carriage, desk type, grey •ales. Apply in person or call for ap- PART-TIME HELP — Waitress. $40. 53" glass display CHH» J20. Cal with chrome trim, 545. Al3o Remlnt- rlence preferred, but not essential. person berore 5 p.m. RIVERVIEW In business, Industry anri gaveramen 741-827B after 5:30. ton ofrirr moifel, S2(l. 787-8180. pointment, Sun Ray Drug, Middle- Prainlrw In vacuuming, steaming and MAN — sales and delivery. BteadySHEL. L STATION, 111 East Front St., Bus boys. Experienced or lnexpe town Shopping Center, Mlddletown, Apply In person, Marine Lumber Co., enced, will train. Call after i p.] start with ECPI tr&ining. Day ln< letaJHng. Good wages. AppJy Coun- Red Bank. 741-9826. 842-0205. evenings. Call ECPI at 542-2B00 o SEAK3 Supermart refrigerator anil 7)C6THE3 DRYER — wwn G.D.. ex- Mr. Cohen. • — Budaer Or Wash, Mlddletown.1139 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright visit ECPI, 265 MonmoutH Park Hwy. freezer, gas range, electric ironer ccllent condition, $50. YARD MAN WANTED — General du- -ith stool. Reasunsble. 2Bl-93fi4. SECRBTART — GIRIj FRIDAY ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN EXPERIENCED PLUMBER'S HELP- ties. Apply in person Fair Haven SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS — WII West Long Branch. 747-5784 Management consul tant itekM exper- Phone 7*7-1500. ERS — Full time employment, la-YacM Works, DeNormamlie Ave., minimum o£ 60 college credits. Coi GARAGE SALE — Furnllurp. SmalarJOl W TIRES — Two Flreatone Town ienced secretary for one girl office. Gerard A. Barbe, Architect surance beneHta, pennlon plan. Op- Fair Haven. tact office of Supertenrtent, Ha; appHanceft, Many items. Sat. Sept, A Country 6.35x14. Will also fit «50x Must bo good IBM typist and inter- portunities Ior advancement. Apply let. 264-7212, for an application. 28, lft a.m. • 6 p.m. T8 HarriinR Rd., 14. J25. Alter 5 call 741-2151. ested In working with figures. At- weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:39 p.m. 151 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED ENROLL NOW Red Bank. 842-0097 for detnilfl. tractive- air conditioned office. Write MANAGER HMlBlrle Ave., South River, or call BAKERY HELP Apply in person, Monmouth Region; resume to Box B-120, Th« Dally Reg- FOR SHOE REPAIR DEPARTMENT 254-22 75. ANTIQUE JEWELTlY — Over 200 SAWS SHARPENED General factory work. Starting rate High School. 535 Tinton Ave., Ne pieces of antique olrl nnrl used jewelry ister, Red Bank. Good pay. Company benefits. Shne Re- $2.41!£ to $2.67& in 90 days. Openings Shrewsbury, Also scissors, hatchets, knives, cut- pair Dept., Neianer's, Hwy. 35. Middle- SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — IBM tn close 011! at l")Tt U) gflCo off. tin; edges In general, .Bring them In. ARE YOU A PACESETTER: Beauty Full time daya and nlghta. Apply in for higher paying jobs based on abili- Cameos, watches, plus, rings, etc. Lown Bhopplng Department. person, Blackwell Hess, Rt. 3*. Mata- ty Shift bonuses. Excellent fringe $3.95 HOUR •Keypunch RED BANK LUMBER Counselors are. Join them In «. pro- benefits. Must iNisa piiysicafl examina- National manufacturer of main Dealers invtied. MidfUetnwn Jewelern, fessional fashion career of your own MALE UNSKILLED HELP — Somrane . Pearl and Wall, Red Bunk. 747-5500. In the wonderful world of beauty. jebs pay good incentive rates after tion and be available tor dMft work. nance equipment and supplies haa si •Computer Programming fiTinr'n Full or part time. Call after 7 p.m. itiort training. Hosp Half nation, paid BARTENDER — Experienced, dayaAppl, y Personnel Ortice, 8:30 a.m. toopenings in Its display departmen r.ARAOE SALF — 17ft Hurinnn A AC WELDER — Beer cooler. Burning 865.1097, lolfdaya and other benefits. Apply 9-8. Five day week. References re- 21:30 a.m. Must be neat appearing and hav •Office Automation Red Bank. Friday and Saturday, Sept. anri welding torch. Marine stove and TCO CERAMICS, Rt. 35, Keyport quired. Red Bank area. Writa to Box an automobile. Snlr>3 experiencp nr aAfi and 2fllh, 10 tn 4 |'.m. ladder Vacron mooring Una, *ie. COUNTER GIRL EXPERIENCED —An equal opportunity employer D-105 The Dally Register, Red Bank. SUNSHINE BISCUITS INC. necessary. Profit sharing and bonn Day or evening classes — Fres place- Weekdays after 4, or Sat. and Sun. available. Call Mr, Kay, 445-2440, bt KITCHEN SET — Reclininp chiair, Part-time For dry cleaning atore. An* APARTMENT BUILDING SUPT. —Eordentown Ave, Sayrevllle, N. J. ment 222-6166. Bly In person Betty Brtte Cletnera, IERV1CE STATION ATTENDANT or Equal QippoTtunUy Eiraploy&r tween 3-4 p.m. two nnd tnh.es. Call 787-088!) after nechanfe. Experienced. Full tlms Wanted (or 18 unit building. Two-bed- 6 p.m. ESTATE MOWER — For professional MP Shopping Center, Hwy 35, Mid- room apartment, $65 per monfh pay, NORTHEAST "dletownr inyo. Apply. Jn. .person, Holmdel Vll- PART-TIME TV RADIO BE3NCH- cut. In excellent condition. May- *Be Es§o, Main and South St., Hoira- J65 Tent." 35 -Richardson"Aver,- Eaton- MAN "—"To~"worfc~everv(TiiES,-"Apply-.-i_ n _EXTRA..INCOME COMPUTER INSTITUTE GARAHE SALE — Living room set, he tlinrmiRhly tested. $225. Otheri also HIGH SCHOOL GIRt, — With driv- lown, N.J. Inquire at 741-2139. person. Wed., Thura, Fri. 6:30-9:30 We need men and women who wan a"Eroid--st Red Bulk reTflRcfalor,""" power" "lawn""'" niOWPrr "lltil TU^R!)^: to earn extra money for Chrlstma portable T.V, ARRortcd household, and e's license or car, available 3-5 p.m. iARDENSR-HANDYMAN — WanteP.m. dVILLAGE TV & APPLIANCE 7«4647 •chooldayj. Pick up and slay with UTTERS — For ladles' sportswear. CO., 6S1 Newman Springs Rd., LinSel- l toys and gift Items to you APPROVED FOR VETERANS bric-a-brac Items. 4 Cl a ridge Dr., TWO (1ENERAL NYGEN 8.25x15 .11 year round. Full holiday and va- to work one day a week, year round friends, neighbors, fellow workers, etc New Monmnuth. Cnll 671-2071. vhltowall snnw tlrpx. Never used. S'2* two girls in Shrewsbury, please call in Rumson. Recent references and ex- croft. No phone calls please. 741-8372 after 7 p.m. atien pay, top salary, plenty of ovcr- in your spare time. For a good par ART LESSONS — MnrnlnK Studio »Ri'.h. Call after 5:30 046-4244. ime. Devon Knitwear, 395 Wharbur- perience required. Call S42O166 be- CUSTODIAN — Monmouth Counttlmy a income call 291-1273 for 74J-.W A RARE SALE — Sat. & Bun,. Sept. tween 10 and 11 a.m. or 6 io i p.m. Classes - Beglnnern, advanced • all -2ft from 10-6. 150' picket !cnco fVUJTAR — Bass guitar, Domino. Vio- WOMAN — Counter girl ior snack an St, Long Branch, 222-0375. Vocational School, Hazlet hulldlng. from 4:30 to 6:30. Ask for Mr. Ros media, by Lnnla Etthyvnulnii- "'Studio bass, ?75 Excellent condition. Cill bar. Experienced. 8-« p.m. Holmdel Hours 3:30 p.m. to 12 mldnifrht. Vaca- 21", 21 Broarl St.. Red Bank. Call 3' liigh. Gaa and electric alovcs, stall LIFE INSURANCE SALESMAN tion, health anri pension benefiu. Call SALES HELP — Part-time or ful iliower, ashestos nldlnp, bathroom 812-2171 Village Pharmacy, 846-8700. ACCOUNTANTS NEEDED ~ 1900 prospEcta available 741-6356 mornings. ink. circulation piimp, raillatnrs, to you. Establish General Insurance 462-1940, Ext. 251. time. Expprience helpful. Or wlllin: ANTIQUES — Pedestal oak table, "NURSES' AIDES — T to 3 shift. Ap- Senior - Junior. CPA firm, in Mon- to learn shoe fitting trade. Appl> dnnhle sinks, shutters, light fixtures, hutch cabinet, mirrors, oak chairs, [y in person, Brookdale NursJng nouth- Middlesex area, has positions Agency. Will pay commission plus al- BOYS — 12 to 15. A tew hours work erf am makpr. Aaveral more lowances. Full time not required. peraon. Pix Shoes, 1031 Hwy 35. Mid DRAFTING bricn-nriic. THE ATTIC DOOR —Op- 6ome, 3325 Hwy 35, Hazlel. callable for qualified accountants. on Saturdays only. Light delivery on dletowri. No phono calls please. ?. SO iMecrianJc aSB, Red Bunk. msfte Cobblestone, Rt. 35, Mlddle- Jenrt resume, including exp&rtence and IVrito Box F, Red Bank. bicycle or by foot in Little Sliver. MECHANICAI.-ELECTRONIC 396( COMPANION HOUSEKEEPER -ia!jiry desired, to Box Q-181, The Call 713-0610 between 4 an4 1 P.mREA. L ESTATE SALESPERSON — nwn. Oct. 10th to Oct. 15th. Send reply to KITCHEN HELPERS — Dishwashers. ALI, CONTENTS — nisposInK of •)&lly Register, Red Bank. Must apply m person, no phone calls. only. __^_ Active office, member Rod Bank Mil ARCHITECTURAL TV — $3.1. Polo lamp, never uttd, J6 Box F-101, The Dally Register, Red tlplo Listing Service. Golden op no three homes. .1fi;{ First Ave.. Asbury Bowling ball $10. 86 Seeley Ave., Ant. Bank. oUNG MAN — To learn to be auto Howard Johnson Restaurant, Rt. 35, tunlty, ample clients. Call Mr. Kn Evening classes Free placement. Easy "•ark. Back yard. All day Sat. and Mlcidletowit EXCELLENT SALES tuition plfin. Write for free catalog. 6, KnansbiirR. WOMAN — Wanted for kennel clean- ind plate glass mechanic. Top aai- towkz, Adams Realty. 741-MP8. MONMOUTH &RAFTJ.VG LNSTITli*TE, Inn. iry. Apply Atlantic Glass Co., 2HOUTEMA1 N — Established route. GARAGE SALE — Friday, Sept em- Ing. Apply In peraon, Combs Animal laple Ave,, Red Bank. OPPORTUNITY SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME 64—9 Matlisnn Ave, Ashtiry Park. SALE — INTRODUCTION — SALr E27, and Saturday, September 28, Hospital, Shrewsbury. Heady employment, good pay. KeyI-t you qualify, be your own boas aa Classes now forming. Approved lor port Cleaners, 13 Division St.! Key- DoinR clean, easy work, two hours AMIMINim SIDING in to 3. 1-180 W. Front St., Llncroft. URSERY WORKERS WANTED — sales representative with large mulli- per day. 7-9 or 2-4. Good driver's veterans. Do you own a ranch, split level or Tables, china cabinet, twin bed, odd NURSES — Registered or LPN, part- .eady work. Transportation provided port. 26MO00. bllllon dollar firm. Opportunity for only. Fhonp MURPHY BUS SER Cape Cnd? If pt>, our wnrkma.nfl!iip time. Apply In person, Brookdale > and from Red Banh. CaJJ 747- management. Excellent for the peraon NEW CLASSES STARTING SEPT. 19— usehnld Itemn. Power saw, Nursing Home. 3326 Hwy 35, Hazlet. VETERAN, MARRIED — Routo driv- VICE. 711-4600. rvl price will heat all others, fall '83 after 6 p.m. er Ior supply. Union scale. Apply In with ability to meet and talk with Hypnosis and j?f»lf hypnosis. J^or In- (I-rms far free csdrrmte. • H" DINETTE MAPLE TABLE — formation call 210-0048. •ens io 72", with four chairs. Good EXPERIENCED — PART—TIMAN WANTEE D — For lnflifia sellinperflong , Garden State Towel Supply people. Begin with salary plus com- WAITRESSES — S p.m. to 9. p.m. Co., 82 Birch Ave., Little Silver. missions. Comprehensive training pro- BlfcOM: PUTE1 RP ROfTlU G TWO GREEN WOOL RUGS - Jflx12onflitinn. Jacohsen mower, 21'" auto parts and supplies. Some cx- PRODUCTION WORKERS and 12x1 G, J^5 f;tc!i. Two twin head- Threp cnpppr wall placques. Call af- Apply In person Peterson's, 1S3 Riv- erience necessary. Permanent pofii- crfim. Liberal fringe benefits. Call IBM KEVPUNCH-TYPLVr; erside Ave., Red Rank. NVENTORY CONTROL AUDITOR— M9-7i>87. Evenings call 747-3510 lor ap- Complete Office Aul.onia.Uotx hoardP, $T pa. Stfiel clnsot, Jlft. Vnn- ter 7:15 p.m., all day Sat., 741-25M. Inn. Full or part-time. NORWOOD 21 - 25 years old. No experiencepointment. USTIUBUTORS INC., 624 Broadway. Day-Eve. Pap-as--u-j;o ty, ?1.% slrl'a bicycle, ?10. 741-»fl2. VNTJQIT*E8! Fl nc quality china,' WOMEN — If you want W5 for necessary. Have good matha-matlcal, An equal opportunity employer. M/F Leading manufacturer of scientllli iOF'A -- Cnnvcrts to (win bed. Xcpds Christmas. If you want a new inter- nng Branch. 222-3B&4. Stie Mr. Pei-ability. Must have valid driver's 11- TcnverliiR. ?Sf). Circular rug. 10' di- :liiss\v;ire and hric-a-brac, prinlP. est. If you want a weekly Income. If ccnae. Call Mr, Gumbrecht at 212MH- N WANTED — Asbestos fiidlnequipmentg . SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ia int Ings, statues. Chinese carved you can sell a product advertised on >laza T-1B00, Extension 74f). mechanics. Top rales paid. Call Mr, LniPlfr. like new. $4fi. Large G.E. tirnilure, granrlfailirr clocks, old jew* ARTENDER Tavern- , days, bond- Experienced preferred, but not neces- TV and leading magazlnen. Call Avon ble. Phone Gore, any morning B until 10. MACHINES '!ry,' hand pa-intPtl tavern plaques, Cosmetic*. We will show you how. SERVICE MAINTENANCE PROWN'S, 32 Broad St., Red BanK. sary. For: &146Q &88-H6O IS' POOL — New~fiupr, 525. Elrclrlc •U:. Ki'SriL'S, 36 sycamore Ave., Write J. Blrchall, P.O. Box 768, Port 741-7500. 620 Banfffl Are. Astiury Paric lenler, 510. SiDRPr CODSDIP, works, ,lttle Silver Monmouth or call 741-«343, 462-3377, :A30N CONTRACTORS — Or maeon TRAINEE LATHE AND DRILL PREES OPERA Approved For Votorana Tminlrg io. rhesi. hlpn chair J3 ea. Trlcyle, JOME — And nick your own bears. 774-1220. " - iba for tetter that* quality work, PARTS MANAGER — FORD — PerTOR- S Cla-sses Staft Monthly Iditl&m and alterations. Start im- manent position Ior qualified mana- •ar S2. 542-H86. 51 per peach nashet, tomatoes. SI RECEPTIONIST - Part-time, loie.dlatelyr . 4624969 31ack Sea! License required, Oppor- ger. We offer good salary plus com- MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENROLL NOW — GUITAR COURSEGAS WALL OVEN — RCA Whirlpoolpe,r basket. Laurino P'arm, Sycamore Mlddletown real estate olflce. Steno- .unity for man experienced In pipe mission, all employee benefits and ex- 510.00 FOR 10 WEEKS now. Fully automatic. Meat , New Shrewsbury. 'itttnff, 9/tAdlng, sheetmetal work, ASSEMBLERS graphy necessary. Write P.O. Box IW CAR POMSKBR wanted for CTllpnt WQTkins conditions. Immediate Music Town iherrimometer $30. 291-3687. CARPET AND RUGS — All colors, 315, Jtflddlelown, or phone 671-2580. irge General Motors agency, Good 'limps, air compressors and air con- opening. Aak for Mr. Tom Little or iiwy za vti-mo ilary-vacfttlon, plus fringe benefit!, I [firming equipment. Industrial experl- Jack StlllinRB. at 264-1600. STOCK CLERKS 'APE RECORDER — SIS. 8mm rrn- 1.00 per yard above our coat. Free ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR - For ex- hour week. For interview phana :nce preferred. Rotating shifta, Apply cctor ?8. 19" TV, !=J^. HadiQ-record shop at home service. All tlrst quall- tended cars facility. Part-time. Ma- 1-7643 D a.m. to 5 p.m. Personnel Office, Mon. through Fri. DISHWASHER - MAINTENANCExcellenE t growlh potential-fringe bene- layor, M0, 741-3680. no BPcnnris. Plrpct from mill to ture person with high school educa- !rom 9 a.m. to 12 noon. MAN — Apply Bow Knot Restaurantfits. MERCHANDISE Financing arranged. Call Mike H'RFROARD — fl'fi Weber Perform-187-1962. tion and ability to .meet public, to XPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC— 60 Broad St., Red Bank. FOR SALE r. $75 cr best offer. 741-6109 alter 7 plan and carry out program in artB xceilent opportunity. Contact Service LILY-TULIP CUP CORP. KENNEL, MAN STEPHENSON 3 g and crafts, etc. Car necessary. Call anager, John Stockman, at Bay- [wy. 35 Holmdel in person, combs Anlnml Hoa- pt)f:i (Nerds upholstery). Sell [or 946.1200. lore Chrysler. 2SU-9200. An Equal Opportunity Brnplnyer Apply Apply 0 a.m. - -1 p.m. 'YPEVVRITERS, ADDING machirfis. TAR AGE SALE — Thiirs., Fri., and 55 WHUC Hd. Shrewsbury, N.J, All m.ikfH new or used. Guarantee!!. Call rjl'.'-1517. Rt. ANTIQUES AND STUFF, HI-FI. r DRIVER WAMCJIJ — 10 oiieran. ioGRILL, COUNTER, WAITRESSESLo —w as 53.^. Sorpico'a ll>l Monmouth rinntal and hooked rugs, (urnlture, : \KRlAGE - "fTamplcte crib, bassl- lavished route. Apply In person. Gar- Over 21, 5:30 to ft p.m. Apply in perSt- . Next to theater. 747-048J, IRK^RP, plclurea and (rameB. 812- t. srrpcnpft playpen, perreel, J3S. ofalo's Cleaners, 26 Third Ave., Long son, Botfly Ro3fl, 600 Broad St. •ELLINO OUT — nofiiaiiranl s'.ip28U- or 741-3211. W Wallace St., Red Bank- Branch. ahrew.ihury. lles anti .b^Kpry supjillefl. Ever/- lilnp must K«- 488 Miiln St., Belford. "IARAGE SALE — Antidiif hntllrs. MAN TO LEARN GLASS TRADE — RELIEF COOK — For hospital fond Entrance on Wondland Ave.) sorts, tnblep rind chairs, TV, radln^. (More Classified Ads CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Must drlvo. Permanent position. Ap- service, 40 hours per week. Able to tlrnio apfitlincary hntllea, pots, pans ply Third Avenue Glass, 3T Third supervise kitchen on dief'3 riaya oft. VALNUT HEADBOARD AND Irrnra, elr. 18 Railroad Ave., Allan- A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI Ave., Long Branch. For Interview phone 223-4300. Mon- RAMK — Llks new, lull size. 525. c HlBhlamlfl, Frt. and Sat, Sept. 27 On The Next Page) inouth Convalescent Center, 229 Bath ll 78737!)2 .nd '28 at HI a.m. Ave., Long Branch. HELP WANTED-MALE TOP SOIL — Largn quantities of WANTED — Licensed Real Estate, armlanfl top soil. F.O.B. site, Fre»- person for very active office. Atk Ior mid Township. Call 842-0173. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN C. DoLUCtA, 787-4424. Adding Machines-Typewriters Entertainment Painting and Decorating -B8KS fn up FILES, tables, chalrsT Tickets available for latest Broad- PATROLMAN COUPLES ARE NEEDED ~ To care adding machines, typwrlters, office ADDING MACHINES - Typewriterwas y shows and Major Sports Events. THOMAS SLATE (or children In their own homes. Earn equipment, etc.. at harrain prices. sold, rented, repaired. Serplco's 101 176 Monmouth Bt., Red Bank. Free Estimates NEW SHREWSBURY. extra, moniiy and provide care to our >Iew or used A-\C PESK OUTLET, Monmouth St., Red Bant, HT-OW. Painting and Decorating ihllilren placed temporarily in your It. 55, Oakhurst 531-3M)0. EXAM OCT. 26, ? A.M. home until permanent nrrangcnientg General Contractors Tally insured 711-4336 arc pnssible. Your house or apart- (Antiques Starling Rale M.211.32 Year. ment must have two spurn berironmn. CARPENTRY — Additions, paneling, ROBERT S. FAHWELL Call 542-3400 tor Informollon Takfl an aotlve part In child growlh. RENT A TV steps, sidewalks, patios, odd Jobs. Painting A Decorating or pick up application at Boro Earn $112 a month. We allot 588 yilat or black ani white Day. week ATLANTIC TRADING POST—(9 At- Ftoiuicnabls rates, 8«-i385, 747-2338. For Free Estimates Call S42-3169 Hall, 5S6 Tinton Ave. board per child. Clothing and mcrtl- «• month. Low rates. BAYSHOBE TV lantic Ave., Lorn Branch. Antiques, cnl costs extra. Share your family tG Church St., Kcanshurg. TS7-440O. u>ert furniture. Mon., Wed., Fri. 7:30- BAND BLASTING wltfi homeless children. For mnrn Jn- FOR THK PERFKCT WEDDING 9 30 p.m., Sat. 1M P.m., Sun. 2-6 J. PALLADINO & SONS — Contrac- Your premises or ours. tOWN — Brirtpsmald dresnea and all tors, Pittlos, additions, walks, 'etc. 22D-2444 formiitlnn call Mr. Etter, 741-5220 or p.m. W« buy-sell-lrads anything of We specialize In plumbing and heat- wrlto Group Care Sprvlces, N.J. Bu- ccpnrlpa with tnrllvldna.1 persona] value. ! • Ine of all kinds. 40 Manson PI. RUN reau of Children'? Service, 252 Broad lervicp. fall Virginia Klmball, Free- Little Silver, 8i2.B!f>8 or 5199. Pearl and Bead Restringing St., Red Bank. 0771)1. ___^__ inld. 4G2-TT73. Ceramic Tile Contractor OUR BRANCH OFFICE Eipertly on braided nylon. S1.50 a Step up from a sales fob. Manager LAWN 'MOWER New construction and retnodellns, Moving & Storage strand. Bterllng clasps from 75c. for real estate branch offlco In Llltlo HELP WANTED-MALE uro profcssifinal Jawn mownr. Just also repairs. Kitchens, tathroomi, REUSSILLE8', 36 Broad SI.. Eed Silver area wanted. Must bs broker vcrtinulfd. l'jxi:el]pnt condition, Oric- showers anil pallos. All worK guar- MOVING-Al per mnnth. Trdtte-lns accepted. BLUMEL ELECTRIC COMPANY CARL B. JONE3 — PalnUng and 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-7500 qualified men. Benefits Include re- ripnlprsliip tins Immerilitfe openings itEnrr DEPT. 254-S553 988-2300 2,500 54.49 3,389.40 Resldentlst, commercial wiring. wallpapering. Fully Insured. For free tirement and profit sharing, excellent I for 3 tni'ii In flnrvlco Department. Electric heat. Dlnl 842-38.M. citimales, call 747-3041. BBLPORD ROOFINQ * BIDING CO. working conditions, modern equipment. • MECHANIC Sale - Introductory - Sala 3,000 ~4777? New roofs and repairs, aluminum Excellent opportunity for the right • liaKI) C'AH LOT MAN 0. AC. ELECTRIC — New wiring, PAINTING — Interior, exterior. Gensidin- g windows, doors, awnings, gut- men. Call Mr. Charles Straub Jr., • rOUSHEIt Clear Plastic Slipcovers ZENITH LOAN CO. •4,000 90.38 5,422.80 rewiring. Electric heat. No Job too eral repairs. Free estimates. Reason- Contact Ben Rnosis wt 393 Rrond ttn, leaders, shutters. Belfoid, N.J. STRAUB MOTORS, Hwy. 35, Keyport. •WMB net S7B.O5 plr. fitted I" your 2M0 Hlohwoy 33,,^eplum small. 7U-COI0, H1-B7G0. able rates. Call SB3-1350, 7BM52S. 15 year guarantee. 264-4000. St., Red Bunk. 7*1*180. urniture. 20 yea," experience.. Guana- 5,'8OO 112.79 6,778.10 teel workminaiilp. iW-0108. T 1 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE 2G-THE DAILY REGISTER APARTMENTS APAETMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT - THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keone Fttby, September 27, 1963 urn — tix T*xm*. tA. Jwly groua but line, ywirly. 2M-348L THE BERG AGENCY FOR SALE LEOtiARTiO — Imm«'Ha.te occupan ADVANCE SHOWING! cy, Four-room ri'iute, two amall bed • REALTORS LOAD NSW TRAILER room*, large yard, *90. 8T2-10M Ol FURNITURE 6AI.1t 2PI 1071. ftaffiptae ottty. Walnut finished, ma "FIVK B K?> SOOM B - Recreatin $18,990 rMIMt.nl four-drawer otirrt or ilnrlt Luxury High-Rise Apartment Living r'»om, two pg. |20O ppr monUl dreMi»re, $3fl. Mirron ?1\ Twiulrt Ore year eans and references Beautiful Cape Cod drwtfre $3V Olam ttiHf iitywer all 201-180*1. •4V TH-nVr, m«iKI.TVKttY Iff Monmouth ftl. RM Bank 747-001 merits with 3 bedroomi and 3 baths overlooking the river, KXKrifTIVE DESTRKfl three or fi low you to assume his low interest mortgage. Three twin size liertrrmm unfit rnlfhffl "r lurrlK TYPEWRITER "-~" Kl?iTrlc~IHM Ear hinise or aj'arirnt'iil. Maximum 52S bedrooms, formal dining room,- spacious living room aiuL Cutfvf, like new |42fl. rn*U(i» m Hritutirully fiirnl*h<*d ViM>j with 34-lio.ir d*x»rm«n ^l^^\•i^c'!^p^lt<'rt JUT mtmlfi.' WiUiIti IS ml!** radluii ri'nfy BCMJ MoHr] H2O0, new swimmiii* r™>l *'HJi \n?k*-T ronm«, ralhami and ftnirnn bath* i PX- Elprtnmln AsnnrintPn, West Loni kitchen. Ceramic tiled bath'.- Many extras. JMUW, A-1 im 7*11133. nlnnii'p tyi Irrwnb'i Prtvulf martnn /I0n% Jnrlnor TwirkLnB nvnllat>!f/Flrr- RrHnrIi, Contnrt 2291100 Rxl, 74H. pr*W l?-irtnry bullrtinf wtflh hl-»p#M ^lfvatnr»/Al] (L[M.rLrnpnUi h«v« ALL BUYERS $4,500 DOWN. pfNKTTE ""FBT~-"-"* ln~rlurtinpT~Hu7rh liKl^nira wtli)\ riv»r x-i*w«.'nnN*rRAt. AIR fOWTHTIOXINO/>Frlfid• Iri» QIHET MARRIED'"coUP'hE*^" Seek" All Form If.*,' wroujlit irnn, 4 chair dl*hwju*h»r» «nrF»rK/T*pj«»m hiH!t-ln wall nv*>n« nmsli Jiouse for rent. Wnuld rnniii Rnd lnhlf Whit* unrt ttnM trim »ni unrl c«int*rtrtp Ttu\%M'Yiirm\cA. kllnlifn rahln^tji nrrt work nrpaii/T.*** rlcr a floor In prlvalP tmm*. Prefer $25,500 pink ipflihf-r «rnip $inn 741-437ft 1hnn 1 hf>nr NYC, 40 mlmrtM in Nc*»rk 10 miniviM from bi*aoli Krrehnld or Atlantic HlKhlandu ar?a. Nn children or pets. Write lo H "T\VfT PETS omplVtf • nil 3 blocV* (rom trams nnd rxnrrfl^ hiiKffl. l U-106. Tim Dally RCKISIT, Heil Bank Brand New Listing BY T\Vn"-»"Kf>UC)f)M APARTMENT^ Rt'n^onHtilt' r<;nt. YIHIMK coupla will Tremendous Bi Level .WHl Mul FRIGIDAIRE mrnlt lialjV. Call "S7-441R. Be the first to see this truly nice home. One of our finest 1»ih century siy> rtip .M j.2P.r»n. HK1)~HANK AltKA - One or two Vive I'icro .••-nuiif rt bcflrnrtrn apartment. Phone residential areas. Four bright, airy bedrooms, separate $2H. Modern nick jrx.ni I-Bodroom, 2-Bedroom, & 3-Bedroom Penthouse Apartmsnt 44(17210 recreation room, V/2 baths. L-shaped living room and dining CtilM'n pine .Irch fl2 5ft, Ironing boar' WR HAVE an overflow of bon* U&> room. Ultra modern kitchen. Two-car garage. Many, many »2 7&, pulp lamp S3 Ml, IB Ml, Mor prmpecti looklnt for two or four bod • nd m«rr nrsr.ll/fi, 23 E, Fwms (W, From $235 roomi. Call ui for faat ictlon to havt extras. Immediate possession at closing. Rfri Punk 741-ltVa jour home rented. THE BKRO AQKN CT. Rt 36, Mlddletown, 871-1000. VETS NO DOWN N0N VETS $2,300 DOWN VuiRHNTF SPAOE" HEATO>R"-~S IKV> BT1*1* with tliPrmnHnl «nfl tram former, Jl.% Call 7K7-4T44. Riverview Towers FURNISHED ROOMS Daily 9-9 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 PERK -- With honk Bnmp(irlm*nl Jl" Middletown 671-1000 - FM TU^ln. $1(1 Phllc 28 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. LARGE ROOM -- With bath, prtvat "Thank you for the pretfy dress, Grandma. And TV $ fntrnnr". ficnlleman only. 747-1041 Rental Office Open Daily 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. After 5 p m. call E)4fi-H441, SUrfp Tnpcoint, Mommysaidifyouaskmeifitfitslshouldsayyes." nrt *nirli» PUt 4«-4«. Phone: 741-1732 "S'oTlNfTMAN*— In iarne home wTl HOUSES FOR SALE nthi^r ynunR men. Nmr I1P!1, Mly HOUSES FOR SALE Tulip an-l I.F.F. 671-2923 after R p.m. VEST LONG BRANCH UNPAINTED FURNITURE KEYPORT ARtA — 3 mill! (rom Sell Lob. "A fTRACTIVB " Nl (VKI • Y " Ft IRN IS HE H HOUSES FOR SALE - fllmllo room. PriVHte. I-lRht cnnklnK. HOUSES FOB SALE RUMSON - Inviting living RED BANK LUMBER Flefrlgerallon. For genllenmn. 741-8M4 vicinity. Colonial. Living room, Furl inn will n«l Bunk. 741-inn PREVIEW GREEN GROVE GARDENS *FItEEHOLn~~Furnlsf]ed ronm. 'TV, dining room, fireplace in family KITCHEN rARlNrf BABE I'NT prlv'Hln f*ritranee. Also vno furnlnhef1 J2Vi' with rmlntIT and Kink. JR!C 2V, ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM) $105 efflrlenny. Short-long term reference room, kitchen, five bedrooms, 4fiM.V)fl. __ RAY VAN HORN SHOWING! r«hln*t unit. $RJ. f'Hlorlr ra.« FOUR ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM) $123 3'/2 baths. Hot water baseboard oven. 145. Cnunlpr Inp mn rmiRr J4.1 'RINni,K~nOOMfl — Clean, comfnr Leaders in the field for over a quarter century. _»£lrlien_A2it Plrtwmihfr. ISO. «42-M(T FIVE ROOMS (TWO BEDROOMS) $153 able. RfB.tonahle Gentleman Pr gas fired heat. Attached two- Monmouth County's Finest "GARAGE 8ALK Aluo rlrftM fered, 92 Wallace RL, _741-!J392._ Rumson, Middletown, Colts Neck and miles rnngr, wiinhtr nnd rtryrr. nfUKonalili car garage. Acre plot. Further Collection of Custom Homes SWIM CLUB FOR TENANTS "ROOM FOR "HENT'IN"' A NIC Oft. 2nrt. 3M. 10 to fi p m 20 flyi'd FREE HEAT, COOKING GAS, HOTWATER AND AIR CONDITIONING around. reduced to $58,500. more Avp . K«lr lUvrn HOUSE — Oentlrmcn prof erred. 2 The grncioiisness of country living Spring St., Rpd Ba-nk. 747M! Will IIINIH"? nt "ofj bedrooms, two baths. Large firoplnce anil MaRStrwir he-arth full b*(1 US. uphnlPMiuprt nrm chair* S" M "RKD HANK — Conveniently locatei r.pntleman. Private balh and kitchei Mr. James also has another three-bedroom Colonial In Kiver screened porch, utility room, ceramlc-tlled bntfia, unusually massive privllngefl. 872^1181. rooms, ovorsized windows. Caloric de- PETS AND MVESTOCK APARTMENTS Oaks at $30,750. hot air oil heat, attached two- luxe color-coordinated kitchen.1) ln- fall, ink,"wVlnut, m«lmmin(r «« ">'•> ROOM rorbnnlnesB man. 20 Waverl; oar garage. VA acres. $49,400. clurting dlsJiwaJs*ip,r, larte Formica MnpV arm rli«lr« MM, iimhrelln t» TWO r.ARnB ROOMS — Furnl/ihe ri., Red Hank. work area.s, custom hardwnnil cabl- blr M.7.V M«nv. mmiy mnm uluei HORSE HOTEL All utilities Inrliilfd. Prlv&tt e 741-2877 ^REPLACE IN MASTER BEDR0OM1 RUMSON — Convenient rustic , luimldlftcr, Carrier cenUal air- BliBrlt.'B. 2S K. From SI . lirf P«n* Wlntr n comtog! Mukn iwMirdlnf tranrp. Hatlirnom. Couplfl preferrn! lltloninK (optional j and Norge 3« Syn«mwi> Av>.. Ullle Sllvjr gnLH for ymir horiiP now. Mid Unit tilctcii rrom Kroiul Bt. 63 Wfc Another fireplace in the 23-foot living room. IVi tiled baths. locale. Ranch. Fireplace in liv- cloUies dryrr. Homes are on heavily rllPlownU«)lrntlcI arra. Ancommnd la<-it St., itPrt Jlank. GARAGES FOR RENT Rec. room with tiled floor. Setting of magnificent oaks. Rum- md parti ally-wooded H-»cre to \- BEST TOP SOIL ing room, dining room, kitchen. tcra [ully landsoancd and shrubbed WANTED — OAUAOE — Vicinity lots and Include city water and gas, Omd fill flirt. blUB stnne. romi TWO-BKDROOM AP"AJRTALFVNT son High School. Call Mrs. Butcher. Three bedrooms, l'/2 baths. •ud, «c. Bulldoilm. «i«l b»oM 'CKKMAN BHRI'HERD"~-~2 year'ni Avallahli) Oct. J. Deach proper! Coin Nccli. Monthly or yearly bajil on rhfl, sid ewAl kn, paved st reftji and AKC IIIKIP. OutntiinrilnK wfttchioK Ytnr round, (inn heat. $130 month 20» Gameroom in basement. Hot driveways. with ALL UTILITIES Tin. IcV.li Tnicklu, Moving nnrt nuisl nrl|. flsrririr» |7fl M147VT. pliin iiMllllr-s. 7S7-847O. 804 River Road REALTORS Fair Haven, N. J. UNDERGROUND. M?«ny custom in- (toRlmuwe nnd vltamlni Included, full air oil heat. Attached one-car terior and rxterior plans to chooie OFFICE PBBK 2M-47IS. 'moliLANDs"- I'lirnliTfied "efftclpnc: 747-4100 from, all a(ia,pta.bl6 to your needi. Phone REAL ESTATE FOR SALE garage. Large plot. Reduced to AKC HEtJlBTEnKii" IlKAnLEfl Private batti and srUnince. lit flooi Wdflpoil Fi'li 11. Blreil l»y fleli %m. 49S-IW71 nftpr fi p.m. HOUSES FOR SALE ?35,250. Oil. 8TOVE "nViTt» Ihr i'lmmi>l<"i Indlnn f'reek I.Pikf. The; "KnANSBIJita"- ~rmir""lttriiTl urn r until nm mlihltn. JIW. Cn.n h newly dt*curat«d. Conveniently I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Country Park BrrnMivM lnhle, f'"ir rhutr. n.. popn nl Cfl!> Art St., Lend Htunrh HURRY - COME SEE! ronm common*. 787HRI> rated. Unfurniahed. Also thre* now Parker Rd., orr Monmouth Rd., 1 riven rat erf Miriilnhed rooms, wajhlr FamUy size (our -bedroom, 2V4-»«.tl DENNIS K. BYRNE W. Long Branch 'WAHnnANY~Slning rnnm i"i"r. I " COlXmf PUIMMKS"' -™"AKC,"~eliihi den, utility, living n»m, dlnlnK "*<" WPPIIH. Purt BPllhnven line. Wormed, machine included. Of| Carr Ava.. 76 MORTGAGE ASSUMPTION c»n riiyre t»Mf. «nn» cinnrt. i™i ' kltrhen. Onp^ar piniijp IIIIRB yar. lfeixM — Three-bedroom Colonial. 1 MIDDLETOWN — Pretty as REALTOR-INSUROR 0 rh*1rA. Klroplntp bpncn, HiMwr Near BchiioLs tranajvirtntlon, et linthfl, attached garage, scrpenc.< picture. Three-bedroom, two 8 West River Road Rumson Custom Homes Priced From irmrlllnp. Tniilt". Many nttier Itpm "coiXIK - AKC rPBlnterPil, iRbltt RKA IIHKIHT - Immaculate thre Heart or Mlddleluwn. yJl.900. porfth. $7,(NX) to assume existing mori Call «nor ft p.m. 74l-4f)fir,. room Bpartmont, lurniBhod. Rendy U sagG. $157 j>a>-H all. white TTIHIO Frcn to pond hnma. Good occupancy. 84^-1794. bath rancher. Excellent cond Phone 842-1150 •MMPLlfMTY" TRAITOR n In wllh rhltdron. 7*7-9:i6ft. tion throughout. Owner relocat MEMBER MULTIPLE $39,900 with mUry. r*H mnwrrs. Know trtnn I.ONO HRANCH — 2% roomi nfrf PAUL P. BOVA RARITAN VALLEY rotntlller. ilfklr l'»r, plow. Kplilit. immlti mali', Kxtpllent tcnipcniTnent furnlarieri. I/ively ffrounda. Oonv< ing. Must sell. Offered at $23 LISTING Sample Homrs Open Weekends Noon went culler S2.VI «Tl-nMT.__ nipnt to bus line. JtaaaonnblB. 2SSA Realtor- Insuror Four bedrooms, 2V4 baths, Itvin; Dusk/Phnne: 229-77W or 775-6110 nrwl (vinrfirnmtlon. OJfffiSTKR HORBB rrvrii dlniiiR mom, kitchen, ^n "BNOW^^rinKfl Two H!\M4 Klre RBD BANK ••• Three-room furnishe 900. 36 Cherry Tree Parra Rd. room", storage room, 5-1,•)«> to asflur BlnnfK. Inr *20 V*K\ one wlnlrr. F.s- apartment |8R monthly. Utllltlen ex routing mortsaige, J2Q0 monUily payi DIRECTIONS: 0-irdrn Slate Parkway MIXED" HREBh Ffmsft dokT New Monmouth BOX SEAT FOR south to Exit lffi; r^ntinue straJrht CPttPnt VRtiiP. PlionP M'MfH'J. tra. Call 7*7-1857. all. 1 mnntlid nhl, hniiflebrcktn, all nhnls. WEART-NEMETH RIVER ACTIVITIES on. Monmrmt ! Tark Highway (Rt. 36) °KEN]iin!TE~ iVASHK.H »nrt dry. Nrrdi gnod home. After & call 222 ATLANTIC 1 671-2544 past Route .li rircle to MonmouUi Rd Blue wool Iwlilfn limn c»r|cnrpPlt &fl,Vl. ronm apartmrnti. Qulol lintme, fIrn BELFORD Situated In a primp location on the (1st traffic lltfit - Rt. 71); hear rirht T»n window l«n> "lit TV"". raill north Shrewsbury, thin graoloim home AKO K-9 <'\An\ CU'l'lKR -- OliHiun nfction. 8 Third AVB. 2(11-92:17. four bedrooms, tw< AGENCY on Rt. 71 approximately l^-mile to JllJMSoN - Three rooms furn! Leave Tlie Kinanclng To Ua baths, aftarhei commands a tremendniu view. With Parker Rri.; turn ripht to lample hiiitn, Cnrttlpn, Afghnna, wire fox ter garage. J7.2M) to REALTOR seven bedrooms anil tliree batha tills "BABv'BTRni.l.BR Jll - - rl»r«. Wrnt Highland Whiten, cnlllei Vi block tn him snrt shnpptnK morlKage. $156 monthly j>aya all. homes on tlie left. iionahlp. All utllltlei. No p^ti. TraTradd e Your House In reuitlence Is well equipped tor enter hip J10 r«rrll|tP $2» Onnrt rrnrtllinn. St, Bcrniinlf*, (1soh«huii)Ut pondlfi Cal Mr-mbcr Multiple Al«n IHP'I brlpkn «n«Blf" nnii many mor« avalUblp ft. [lining room serviced by a large BREATHTAKING |IS. W«ll plPtnrc 512 Cull unyilmp, All h#nllh simrantPort. ARTISTIC NEW MONMOUTH SPLIT H72-W8R or 7 7.nfl2P TH¥EK*ROOM ATAlrfMBN'F — SCENIC DRIVE 1 741-2240 kitchen. A rietaohed two-car RRfase 20 MILE VIEW n OROOMING, ALL BREEDS LAY Four bedroome, l ^ baths, aLUchei Ith two rooms and bath complete AWAY A PtirPY FOR CHRISTMAS nn, I'ay nwn gas hem, floor fu Custom rmilt nil brick three-bedroom (farago. *J!),O(MI to assume cxisttni Member of Red Bank Winter or summer, the hilltop view c. Othfr Ulllltlfn provided. 787-065 ranch. 2',i hatha, /Irpplace In livin thla property Tor ^85,000, Call 747- "PFNG'PONS TOPS NOW. 3 VRnt Front 8t, RrA Bunk. mortgage. J171 monthly pays all. 4552 for appointment. (rom this limise Is Insririnp. PTirei 7 41.^8.1 < n BANK — Two roomi and bath room Game room. Two-car garage Multiple Listing Service at almost ^i.OOO bMmv appraisal, this t tiAm<(, no warp hge lot. Asking $*2,500. to r and In r*rultt1<*r*rlt1* i «i«i«« . flx9. Vurnliiried. Arliillii only. RUSSELL M. BORUS unusual offering h,u five nprlrooms •- rn ni, Bchnau EDWIN S. STARK and Vk bauw. harpp living rmm with ConiUtC : two p!*-ci! . hnth (or M ». In |inrt(llP». CALK 741-»S81. BEACH EXCLUSIVE k p, , LEONARDO Realtor - Insuror REALTORS view In (ill fllrpclinns. ModPrn kitchen. •lock le« If aH ffi Mnnmfliitli laundry, full baaemrnt. Uvfly ter- RED BANK LUMBER VIN PKTB Sntnrtlown. 512-127.1. p-heilpoom, Hi-bath oldpr homo 1 VETS NO MONEY DOWN 600 Kiver Rd. Fulr Haven COMMERICAL RENTALS lovely residential nelBrW>orhood. Hoi raced gnrflPti. Only JZI^OO McALIS- RWillE , HM R»nk. T4l-f>~on 13M Hwy. 36, Kazlrt FHA ONLY $450 DOWN TER AGENCY", Realtors, 109 E River B""*CLABBER YMCA •»tcr hpat Two-car raragc. I>it lOO Blue BJirf White Bua Terminal Bldg. w wiih F^ctutlrtt Htnrt Pr! . del. 18. 100, Asking J22.00O. Two slory older home. Seven bed R4-, Rumson. 8VMW-1 tr^lonnl Imlnrr. 4«V-7Rn rooms, l'i baths. Basement. New heat 150' PRIVATE BEACH Approximately 1300 nq. ft. Call Svpnlngi 671-0971 Tastefully remodeled Colonial in Mon- w«v>rf ihap»r with mt [nr anil APPAKOO9A HORSE — WrU"miirk«i, 747-1100_ Ing system.. L*r«e lot. Short walk ti TO SETTLE ESTATE" PORTAUFEGK- iHJyo appealing ranr, biw and schools. 5122 monthly pay moiilh Beach for elega*it year-round 7 vr-nr nl'l Bcl'flng. nA pajMirf. tack >rPIOID BtriTE — 7M nq. ft. i living. All roocna are of large pro- Oape Cnd wiUi thrpp lovrly hpfirnoir.s )nc'lnH*d for I42A. Call 264-24S1 after THE BROOK AGENCY near river. Three bedrooms, tw all. 7?!\nAflE SAI.E L 'fllpnt Irtcatlon. D?.tlra.bl« for any pro AMNE R, M-ARTTN, JtMllor tiaLhs, flreplacp, book caaes, dream portions, fireplaces in living room and and Mtli. Llvlnj rmm. rnrma] d!n!nj tnyn, picture*, many pm f-rtSlon. Oall 747-3730 *}eLweon_9 and " Bank BuHdinp. Atl:inl.lo Hlphlanda kitchen with washer, dryer, refripcr ONLY $13,900 dining room, Panoded library. Large room and prpuy kili-hrn Full !>*=<•- uiFnt. BlK In!. Askint only S!« DOfl Ra! ^fifi rn Avf., Mtl.p Sllv STAMKSR K1TTKNS - - CFA 201-1717 tor, dishwasher. Loads of closets, -amily kftohen. Five b«!rw>mfl, 3% "HCSntARIjE OlFnOKS With view lellent cnnrlitlon. Pretty grounda, BEACH AGENCY, Realtor >aths. Screened porcJi on ocean aide. Hurry and call McAUSTER AflENCY "fiEV'KN PIE rt Show gr«tip Call he river avaUahle. Tiiller BUIK., J r "lealtnn, 109 E. River Rd., Rumson. (HMMtt. ~LOVEn LITTLE~S!LVER~ Extras, $30,500. 194 Rt. 35 MtcMlrtown, N J Sim-room. Just listed at MB.ftOO "ASK- tri rnnpiP d K. Frrnit^St.^KPrt Banh. 747-2440. 8*2-2626 Open 7 dayi INC" Oall for appointment. ll MiNIATI'"RFT~TOY " FOX fffiRR MOO SQ7~FT\ Light manufacturing LOCATION Eves: 511-1768 IM'PPIBS UKO reftlsteren, loft for lease. Thr*« bedroom, two bath ranch. Ffrp- 747-3500 Payments approximate HALL BROS., Realtors fi. fall R42 SWfl. Cfll! 747-1100 placd in HvlnR rmm, forrnal rilnine Qualified buyen 813 River Rd. 7*1-7686 Fair Haven (More Classified Ads MACHINKRY FOR SALE Member Multiple lasting Service MlNlATUItK nACMBHUNDS - M )FFICB 8PACK (or rrnt at 61 room, 2Onl2 workshop easily ennvort- erl to family room. IJArce jicrccned ROLSTON WATERBURY *DWTLBi8 Air ri-miir 1 lfm«lc. CHI »(ter 5 p.m. I Broad SI. (State Hwy 35>, Eiwews Open T Days On The Next Page) ir Vft R pn poroh plus rlclis'htful nf»c;Hided patio. m-rclal lypf. ft itnilon 341V _ hury; two ronmi wtUi t l ' Rpjiltor - Insuror SMALL FAMILY? two car nttfioliert irirape. Rcnullfn KATONTOWN — Two-hedroom bung* RUMSON - MAkTOFFER lioif. high prMiitirf Run A I"" HK'TCI nriiSn HOME"— Viort me; heat and light furnished; JR! Broiinda. Many extras. Offpred a IJMV. Kmnt St. nci Btnh 0770 wlrr nth; ground Itvnl and hlf[ parhln low with largo Hrlng room, full rwuie In lovely Park Ave. area. Three bed- front rnrt loartfr. Smnll rr klUpnN. Six werk.1 ohl. 187,900. Hnlmclei " rooms, lf,4 baUia, Large living room 3D1-3KM *layii. J9M1W rv •a In frnnt. HAY ST1LLMAN, 741- menl, city sewers, oil heat, aim porch. HOUSES FOR SALE RUSSELL M. BORUS Hsyward Hills Stores and husai near by. Id Nil with fireplace, formal dining room, •,Nr,usii~POrNTBn~'^~tvS in«iv- .stum ranclira and Colonials. Three ttrement home. Asking 515,900. FHA tiled kitchen, oozy den, full basement. MERCHANDISE WANTED ry tilnnilllnr'. Ynimc hul will itRnrt MMBhrTAJrBVlCniNrr3(Hih « REALTORS and four he Split. Dining room. Cellar. Excellen paneled family room, fireplace, two- •», fui auppllcd. No pot*. 229-1SB3. In use by ymi. Tills la n. s^>und In Tbo"YR76lD~COLONIAL" car garage. Professionally landecaperl. Colonials on wooded lots with a view ANTIQl'ES -• Tlftuny Item*, t« & :on C^ltl!' TWO-ROOM ffllclrncy RpBrtmfntn. vp.ilment. KD OONWAY, APSOO. $17,500 pa.ror.htftI find public schoolw, shopping Within walking distance to elementary of the Shrewsbury. 4 ond 5 bedroom rrovlnolal offlco building, 3000 •]. n. and junior high school, Asking price models available/ from W3,5O0. ltHlltlnB •lining Tiled Wletion unit tislh WlntiT HIM, Sunrlflp Roalty, Realtors, mi) N "R. Beautiful miniature Colonial In conn centar. Immediate occupancy. Won' lflth AVP., Ft, Lniirterark nUincd ADAMS AGENCY (Near Seven Bridge Rd., Llttl* Silvir) COMPI.'BTF. ' FnnMsHiNns o tm re larg*. m.xlcrn rnninF. rkvator. "Realtor - Insuror" y dP.lrnfil^ H20. 741-'::!!)9. or liotise nnd properly. Four-bedroom wide board flf[lc« suite to mt rRian Colonial, 214 bittlis, h •ened porch nnd sunrtcelc, flrcpl. AUSTKR AttENCY, Ilcaltors, 109 E New Shrewsbury Open 7 day, "WANTED" TO lil'V "•• i'pd»r 'nlnt Vlllnuf O»ni<*n Apartmfrts, -19 Hlvor Jld., Hum son. &12-lfiO4. "24 Hour Service" tt pfd. On main road between Ashury iral alr-condltloning, full basement, Murlha W««hlntlniv «fwln«f| | rablnrl. aprlnj St., iul room apurtmfnt Two-c.i r KJirago. Oonvonfe-nt Middle linn .-tintr jtn.l r ch«ihi r AAll In 100(1 ilM All *l?rtr1 'arK and Ked Bank, In West Long town location. Ixivrly shade trcrs nni RIVER OAKS INCOMPARABLE! ronnltlon 747 -431S API. E 9 Ldaraplng on n^ar ni;re lot. 552,500 ophnns In good Brunch, N. J. Call Mr. Georga M, oltvalfl only. BiBtttU COLONIAL COLONIAL CAPE WANTED --Alto Three-hoiniom, two-bath home on love •h»pe OH SEA VERGE "APARTMENTS 'jovrly tall tree? surround tJtls chnrm- :Trwmlin, 22u-oi5i, njr Fair Haven home. Throe hod ly estate- setting In New Shrewsbury M1B716 FAIR HAVEN custom "design kitcticn, centrally »lr LUXURY APARTMENT mnioillato piwsp.^nn, Fnur-liedroom •ixims, don, (irpplnco, full basement TllTlQVii-" Ptlnllnfi. N.J. Allu. •Ixcollpnt sRhmts. Rumson Hl h School condltlonefl, two porches Antlnu ON THE OCEAN •npp Cnl. I^VIIIK nxim wlUi fircplncc R l>rlck patio, century t>ld barn aM EsUtM purchurd Lnn ap^ralied T47- STORK FOR RENT -- 1800 *q. Mtrsc nmniy .lining room. BreciiPWHy SKUM. STKRI.TNG THOMPSON & JOO3 Tin Huiinn 8hoi>. Inc., Sll r I.nnnnnto Pout Oftlcr. Formerly ASSOC, Ken-ltora, 45 W, illver lid kennea building on ground. All In ex. LONG BRANCH ^>vrJy lamlsonpfd lot with many trrps cellent condition. $62,500. STERLINrj ftro«!) It Kirewibury. •meat mArkrt. C^ll 201-1713. .nrgp bfl.icim.nt witji MT>rltshop. Gar Rumson. 747-0900 ; r THOMPSON & ASSOC., Realtori. 4, "BLACK "TlAN-i'" BENi H WANTED . WEST' END NEW STORK FOR RENT IrnWs drllclil. AshlriR 538.5(1(1 fal W. River Rd., nuronon. 747-O9M •" •-A;:! - aneled. Trlvalp imrking. Chapel Hll SIC -mm. APIM.KBTIOOK AOEJNCV BRICK TWO-FAMILY IllSffll MODERN HI-RISE (1*2-22(1.5 Avp. |>C Twu lilvrrs. Humson. Hpjuitlfu] two.fnmlly hounr, all brick OOME TO MAIUJBORO COUNTRY roNnmosiBn, AM, ITIMTIES find pralically no mUntcnance, In fine Rxrr/si: An^. w OFFICE "sPArk ~- nn~Hwy~MrMftt THE CURTIN AGENCY i tr. '.r;^tj ind bric-a-brac, .t •i.unKP, oi.AMOun Krn'HRN COLTS NECK location with ocean view and private 45 acres, flood house; t g«ra8eB SriJPlO 1 AN1> 2 HEOROOMR. .wrni Im mediate occupancy. Leas? hciieh. Only 6 years «W AsJUne .«•> Excellent value nenllatlMliy priced 'e '*J* r^r anytMnt and ev- miniIP Heritage Agency, 264*927 oi iiand ri'w upvpn-liedroom lilllside REALTORS - INSURORS ?._»::.! S Ia»t From »t.. TERRAfKS. 8WIMM1NO POOL. aneh ~ custom built — three dens — ]ilii'rs, Enrlnscd porch and two baths. Most appliances includer on Lor e lON ~OF RKNTAt.R -- ilotcly renovated and deccrated in- Mint condition. Only «I,MI). " - o lot- *18,PO0. PETS AND LIVESTOCK ><-n porrti wllh cnninmnd" VIPW ot erlor; two bedrooms, dlnlns room, the price. An exceptional starter tH!M litllllieB inClUflfrt. l unfiirnt^icd. vor. Also six-tii'iinnun r;irri le for young couple. Brand new . SAMt'KL TKIOHER VIIIR room with fireplace. All ni»- IEONARDO TU-.V.'jn iiif*» with (lure batlis nnd hunt illancps Included. Near bus line and iriR $21,000. Call Oflfi-7600 APPLE^ inrort Ave., Oocnnnort. mse. All locatrd OTI 7-ftrre rslnte. CBDIKP npnrtmrnt. 1 linppinp CPnt&r. By owner. Prlncl- Flvt bedrooms, living room, dining nnd Imlh riirnlshcct. raroKsLinnlly hinil.srnpeil. A. Ko^lC - )iU» only. $21,000. Cal! for appoint SHREWSBURY SHOWPLACE Mrc flTl.;iTOP JW to $1V) For Month Y, Real EMnte llrnkcr. V.X. 35, Ea- rnt Rfter 6 p.m. 747-9293 or 291- room, kitchen, bath. Hot woler heat. RIK ntnwn. 5W-i'JW. Eves. Holidays Curl mmftculBte three-bedroom apilt in ''HSAr7.F.It THE BKRn AOKN^Y [V.YZ2. choice area, on spacious landscaped Two-car garage. Large lot. Very AN!) HATH •- H>iit, » Middletown ptornnn 542-*J837. lot. Formal dinlnR room, icameroom 747-3O7 671-1000 i T T T MinilLETOWN TOWNSHIP ~ Im- convenient location. Asking $22,990. I,IN< noFT -- " l h7"hliie~limise tiaoulats six-room ranch. Tlirco laK Plus douhlc Karage. Offered at J31 ,-..,-,n Blvd , Allintlr iuir tiedronnm, 'J'i imtlis. formal dln- oo. CAMASSA AGENCY, Realtor POODLE GROOMING 1KTH 3EA HRlfUIr - - Fonr-hpri- n'dronms, attarhed garaRe, lot 75x [>itlle Silver 741-6336 mn liniisc rrlvate r.r>arh. Wlnlpr [>K rtioni, large Hvinp ronm, rerrtM tO.r>. siTpencit porrh, full hasprnpnt WITH TLC 1M). (let. 1-Juie 1. All ypnr $200. llonal room, den, rnyrr. Many irrrs ti gameroom. Wall-to-wall carpet. 291-1800 nnd Phrub.i. Fenced pniln urea with STOP WIN-DOW SHOPPING and let' \V»lPrfrnnt Avail- Sewly painted Inside and out. Asking talk, turkey. Immaculate and apaclotu 741 :i:'.M nr R*'-14782. i[iy. S,t6.P[)0. rail 74T-.'»7.ia. ' BANK - Trffi ntmilrd Ntrre!. i'Jl.IMW. Matthew J. Gill. Kealtor, 7H i-room liome fpatiirlng four bedroom* hvy. :a, MUlilIetown. 671-1010. 2'i tiathM. Pine paneled 22x17 thmUy Hwy. 36 and Thompson Avo. Leonardo •P li^dimiiiin. ll\ ins ronm. rilntnK 1 i, kilrtirn Walking dl-«tanc» tn innii In a srtlinp of old nnks and room, InrRe Uvlni? room, separate TOMS RIVER — Nine room Bi-levi dlnlriR ronm, mnclorn kitchen. Han loKwnods. A wide center hall and fivf years old. Excellent condltin ipven gracious rooms, two flreplficefl. full baspment, porch and rioubla ga- HORSEBACK RIDING" !' HANK little Oct. ]f>. Call after 6 p.m. ionvpnlcnt ti sliopulnp, cJuirchea nnd ragp. Wooded half acre. Take your . pnneled family room. Tull clinlng ii'.Moolii. Four bcdnH"HH3, I'-j baths, H ni rttllMf* odin, and amplp ilinlnR simoe In the lime, hut hurry, Offered at $30,500 hnur 11*9 Hnllani R(l , •HIM .Nil '[>;ii-lu'.i.i living room, formnJ dllK tran»[iorla- I MIHM1.KTOWN -- Newly decnrathl f UKhen, Vt baths. Big: porch for E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Real- M.-in i>om, cat-In snnltaa Idtelien with nil ninin Imime, 3 hertmnms. IS bath* s'KXT flutimier. Fur appointment to L|*pH:in»'os, wn.1 l-to-iva.il carpettnK, tors. r>r>5 Prospect Ave., Little Sliver. .TTRAi'TlVE MCF.l.V KPRNIRHKH j family r(|(>m' j.!^'"''V BB/R^<*- ^p1 call owner, 842-2884. Asking $54. •nioil .i\m deck. Lower level - spacl "41-4500. -11 n;ihti(!;iny paneled n>oni wllh huge SHREWSBURY — Three - bedroom OCKANPHRT irick tlrcplnee, laundry room, gnrag? ranch. Flreplnco In living room, two BITS "I' Kl.rrt' -- T'. ] ATLANTrr HKIin.ANnR - Tluco-licd >AUtlfnl 1h TOP-bo (I room. tuxi-hntV tf:tny exlnis! No AGENTS. Call (or baths, cljtnntlc piny room. Near w):.tf ;•'.•• :u |u;i . M.il* \l^.' Ph.-1 nnli In one of Hie ntctvut Port-nil- [plK»intmfnt after 2 p.m. 341-9519. •chnnla. S:i.S,0O0. Call 741-4180. df[ Ri-cnic Or. ChUiirpn nnii i»'ti •ck spctlons. BlRllvitiR n^ini w-ltli IOR J17.S phu tittlltlps. Available irnlriB ftrcplnrp. dinlnp room nnd nnnrTETOWN-KAYnviEW SECTTON" EONARDO — Six-room ranch, cor- 1 ivlo-rn (w.E. Boienrp ktlrhcn. Ov •-Thren bedroom Split, 1% baths, nrr lot, $17,"00. Assume morlf "'RIDING INSTRUCTIONS lnrill-1-vl Avnlln Or 'I'd taranr. Attractive Rhmbtfipry nnd n link fenced, playground In rrnr. $V>00 down, 51.14 per month. Z91>X EN HUSH f«r WKSTKU S'OW! PISBROW & NEAVES, Koa.1- 'ead-end ntrcei. Excellent for chll- ATLANTIC innHT^ANPJt — Hill *.*<• ren. Convenient ti> N.Y. bus and now Ts ON^Hl HAS KVERYTOHib — Sinn «n "MUr ^ "•" nn hn-i tton Mini collage nnd unnll RRTRKP. Center hall Colonial with large, living ^REALTOR APAKT- Wo.nl.n- nflling EspcrUtly Kfxxi fnr \*P, <"atl 747-Sftlfl KM vrns'isiiKr IILI.S OF ATLANTIC inOHLA~S'T>3^ ronm wllh beamed ceMlriR. formal MBNT No peti. haclit'lor. with a •ma.ll car. 5>8S l IXTERESTFJO IN A NEW HOME? — ilnlriR room, medern kitchen, large -.'I!' M.M'in. illl hc.lrwniB, |>ntli. IIVIHK romn with •Im-c. KlU-hrn ami dininp nm*. IVe have many choice locaUcms In Uio rt#n with riroplacc. Upntalrs has three ATLANTIC F. A. OEHMUUS, Real KM a to Middlfltown -Atlantic Highlands area argp bodrooms with n. ilreRsIng room, oar pel dt. Very unusunl. Nn rcnl- l Hwy Vlierc custom ronstnicted new homes i batha. Delaclied three-car garftfte [or apj'olnum .VJ1.M)a after 7 (or appointment. J'PETTY ASM HEALTHY KITTKNf inp I mm $iG,f>oo to Wi.OOO ire to vlifi extra ntoraKe space. Charming imilt. For romptetc ilolntls call omo situated on over 'Si acre. Im- AND I'OVR SEA T1UIOHT I1OMK Ondirnish Two hPilrfirnTi*. Inrgp 26' living rnnm ,v.'K —• Wallai-e St., Rpofjiank 111 iLANKY IlKALTY 671-ftlM mediate pnasenslon available. Call Ht'iUoom apartmrntf. Knvnl^lifd. ri>onip, ttirrc tu\ili?, birn pariiKP5. ow. 5L!2,5OO. K.A. AUM8TR0NG fniiiit'ly imreri, mil T74 +P56 or anrf iltncllp NPW. mndrrn kitt'l •lOl.TS NECK RANCH ~ Heal coun- "T'OODLTE Rp>a: sUtiM^rri r ipi-ie*. nmehnnnl pi lint tvalrr lion I On* liiiKini'KK Tiine^ir.NW^EiPs., 741-07in. y Rpttlng. with almost two acres of dENCY, Realtor. BS3 Prospect Ave., Pla'.-k ('himpi'i:! -M'lnfrPt !in*> hrcl en - K A N p n rrr Si v ERF RO sff " I I ;Tn. iy" .itlle Silver. 741-4500. Exirtnr-ir.irv irmpernimM I '.'!"- I I4T> hlnrW fmm ncpnn and rti-er, next to Ivacy. Three hpdrooms, two bath.*, 1'IVK MonKRN~RnnMS ~~nii." Harbor I.lKhl RPHI-II Clutv SITS ppr o at at Inn. IXin't let low price kppp arfte drn. Asking J40.00n. ILLMEN- J«s,ooo JUST OFFERED — A home sur« to please the most ardent Colonial lover OEIIMAN SHEPHERn PL'F'S AK'" aupplitd. Availnhla Oct 1, Call month. Will Iraic lo responsible cou- on from sreliiK tills lovely .ipo: on 5EF] ACENTY. Realtor, lit. 34, Colts Built for gracioui living. Surrounded ... made more appealing by a jeltlno ol century old oaks. Feoturoi a (Ire- Iver with trees, grnntl view, good E': M; fi^r,pd Aitif ni RH nr.-i InifoM ple Pat Umg i>r your broker. 812-OS79. 'eck. 45^-3172. by inngnirkent trees Rnd formal gar- placa In tht living room, a full dining room, ond a den. The smallest of t-. -.fi !hM r-ft]| 4*»J-8H7 I-'mir -ronm apart- SEA Bill OUT -- Nlcclv rurnisncri. Hilkhend ami 24' Inboard boat ln- Ion. Tour-bedroom, 2&-baih Colonial FrrtsisHEP iludt'd. fiinnl Bpactitiii Nnir-lu'iirnnni 'OLdNIAL HOME — Just completed, the 3 bedrooms easily tokes twin beds. Fair Hovtn's best residential section. ment Exrfllent c indlllon Inijulro Kf- Twi> bed ronm 5, large Ilvlnjc riMmi. 'wo-cnr garage. Full cellar. 2Vi bHthn m tlvree acres. Has to be aeen ta .imil fll , Kerl Hank. Kltclirn. Oarnne. A rral hi»mP. All p. 338.(HW. HAROLD UNDBMANN, c appreciated. Call for an appolnt- Why not call lor on appointment to see this one. Asking J33.J0O. rraie >4fj call itt fl [• in l.Vt flic IT, Shri'wstmry M'JlldH. mm i-dlnto occupancy, rienso call ltMlllle* fncliiwii M2• 'J'.V.'l KvcnIn a n a11.1 Irppljici* in pnofili d ilrn '2^^ but In iINCROPT — Colonial. Three bed- (Illed wllh children. Unusually loroe rooms. A 11x14 center hall, a 16x30 ptid direct In gond »rea. Screened (HI CROWE 1.1, AfiENOY, 7« W. mnelert recreation room, full hane- pnrrti, tvvn-rar, K»r"KP 747-ftflftT. nent. Hlone patio. Lartte two-car ga- ooms, two bathn. Firal floor laundxy. living room, a 19x22 master bedroom, 3'/, balhs. A bock stairway lor Ih. t St.. Ited Hank. 71M0CI0 cvenlnga . Matured lnnriac aping. J39,DDO. formal dining room, family room. "'i wn > KMA:,K "OOU~IF;H - nnn i'» TIVK ROOMS ANI> BATH - Ali lin~Rt'\lSON Wlnlv Rental. Fur- fi712;8( "ull basoment., Excellent coniiltlon. children. A 32' screen porch. Rumson'i Holy Cross Parish. Large «% mor|. '. ITV1 U acrr lamliicftppfl lot. Al! for $31,1)00. gage may be assumed/'Asklng S58,5O0. il lif- aH-VBh""lUNTH — I.nvelv — Center hall Colo- LLMENSEE AGENCY, Realtor, Rt. AKC rppr.i'Tfi K.V'l.fi' tucrd n« •es, I>]-Iige. Small family. No pot*. $190 mn. Ini. SB Sllverhronk Rd. Cull for ap- , ("nit* Sovk. <62-.1172. : ENN1S K. HVRNE. Roattor, 8 W. .' hn^cnirnt \Mtli panelPil plnv- MAIAW'AN jinnnrcH— ;; , arm A , ilntment. 741-S:'9.V 1 Rufr- IM-, Hiinnnn. HlLMl.VI •m and hutit-in stereo Three nir« • EAUT1FUL cimlnm built brick and MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTINGS cmim H lr rnTvUtifiif .! pa f. call lor spppint- elopment. $54,000 1LLMENBEE ndltlrnerl and ait on a one acre 23 RIDSE ROAD 842-0600 RUMSON Cr. ain p i Muiwin Ave, between Raiina Dr. ;nty JIM monrJi pluj utilltiM. 787-OM3, nt Thli won't Int Uelstrlct) >GENCY. Rttllor, RL 3*. Coiti coded lot. Fint tlms offered at l<9, J1S0 and Aberdeen Rd Til; SSfl-7019. til d»y Frldiy. Lgsncy, T41-5BSS. tck. 462-3172. - Call Difl-8045. BOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOE SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE THE DAILY REGfSTEB, Fridiy; Srpt 27, 1%8-21 OtX. BUM RANCH - Urto« ram, iMot turn, I«li kStatieo. UrfO J BETTER BI-LEVEL- Chapel Hffl, three-bedroom chaining eu«eu«e tm&wmitm&w,, 114 tun,, tt HOUSES FOB SAM5 LEGAL NOTICE SUVlSoUVla notenoe , txwmetittt. tjUftaA modified home. 1500 sq ft. Two tile baths, tile kitchen, com- A BACHELOR'S PADI REDDEN AGENCY OMWtr % KM plot. EzceUent omit Picturesque two bedroom house. tloo. fat.MO. plete lower level lath-plaster constructioa. Three-zone hot xoTjrii OF sKTTfcBJfrinr KVBR OAKS O0L0NUI, - IJITIIH water oil heat. Almost aa acre of fine lawn and garden. $35,000. Fireplace in laving room. Pret- Of ACCOIKT, AXn DIBECTUWf , -room, fireplace, dinlni room, kitchen, 741-9100 AMI INSTBLCTIONS den, three bedrooms. Hi oattu.-Doubl ty back yard. Just steps from LARGE FAMILY OF THB COURT. garaie. baaement Only S33.600. NAVESINK VICTORIAN - Eight large rooms plus walk-up a grocery store. Near New Realtors-Insurers ESTATE OF ROBERT •&. CHAI- "HARD TO FIND" RANCH — Tlwe NEEDED TKNEY. DErEASED toedroonu, living room-dlnnlng room attic. Three bedrooms, heated sun room, hot water gas. Bam, York and low] busses. .•Mice 4« In reW-Ktven that tie ac- M^mher of ItM Ranlc ' hrT cjiinld nf the aurrftcrlbprs, Dxecuwr* eonrtioatlon, IWTJ batlia, den. Baae. shop, garage on deep lot. Near school library and tennis. $17,500 Multiple LUtini: for tula five-bMnvim m^, neat, nra.«e. L*rte plat. &M,900. 2' j b»t.h j,, Oil'm \i\ tvni \y >n/< T.-unifM of the «»l»te' of eaM Bus passes door. Taxes $300. Needs paint. $24,000. rnrtTn, ifelS dining ;nnm, ^at- lifcfasccl will be audited and «Utea A MODERN COUNTRY LITTLE MANSION - Three in kilrrnri, full hMf-m^nt. hy 'h. aurrwatii it the County of SCHANCK AGENCY two-car K& mg,t. Hot water .MDnrr.iuth tnd ropnrlM tor aetllj- REALTOR HOME jwiroom home in desirable heat. $33,000. mfnl n The M^nmouth countr Court. J"»diOT PI. I'rnhan nivlMnn, on Friday, the let RM B HARVEY H. BOWTELL Four "bedrooms, 3'^ bains, neighborhood. Living room ,|:,v "f av.mlH A. D., 1968. «.t S:3» Eve*: Sunday ocln'-k am, «t the Cnunty Court REAL ESTATE 'paneled den with fireplace, ih fireplace, dining room, 1 A VIEW OF H-jusr, f MnnnmrnW L »nl Court Btreati.,, SNYDER AGENCY "30 Ysars in the Bayshore" den, V/2 baths, basement, ga- Kr^rh'il ! "'"P JTspy, it wnlcn time huge bas«twnt and attic. Ex- HE RIVER AiKilirall'in' will t>» m*1» <<" ">• »'! REALTORS Leonardo cellent condition. Two acres of rage. Can't be matched for I™HI"<- Of iv,mml«»l/.n« Ind Conniel Middletown 5 Corner*, 671-25W. Cholc FROM EVERY !.••••-, and riitectlons and Initructlons homea, old Colonials, Ha.rmfl. Loti 291-2100 beautiful trees and lawn. Move $21,500. fiee pictures «nd details at our office ROOM '''lni--\ sI-pli-mb/T l«th. AD. 1861. Brochures on request, Multiple List right in. BIAME NO ONE BUT YOJJR- F'.OBKliT W. CHASTENEV, JR.. Ings accepted. HOUSES FOR SALE JttlhM* cirtPTrtxirarr ranrh HOUSES FOR SALE $49,900 SELF — If you don't see this with t\ h'i«» «t"n'> fireplace In sunken livlriR rnnm. Fir**- LITTLE SILVER — A-l condition. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE TOR »AEE Linoroft split level in select HOUSES FOR SALE Four-berironm CHpe Cod. Walking dis- Call at f> p.m, ELLEN S. r-larc in 2fi' Rarnrrr>om( fo'ir T'!r Wa-ahint;tnn. tance to station. Call 747-2618. neighborhood. Three bedrooms, l.pdnwinip, tlTPf hat.hs, pun- N«»r York, S. I' , "I"! 717-4296 deck and patin. Natural WHKI JA':uH II.V M. LEFFEKTS. 2!/2 baths, den, living room, Monm"iitti .Hills. HOUSES FOR SALE HAZELTON f I i^hlHrw'.H. N. J. HOUSES FOR SALE dining room, kitohen with dish- h>i'i'iltrirs H ui Tnjsteei. Kealtor washer, basement. Excellent A. FRED MAFFEO • FAIR HAVEN REALTOR .West River Road Rumson condition. Will 6&H fast at 569 River Rd. Fair Haven 842-3200 529,500. S"Pt. -'0, 21. Oct. 4, 11 131.00 To Settle Estate 741-9333 \OTICK Full price JfcMO.DO. Older home, two THE STEPHENS AGENCY, INC. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE RED BANK - Tower Hill lo- KIPEK1OR TOCRT cation. Ranch home featuring Ol NKW JKB8EV story, living room, dining room, OFFERS IN rilVNTF.KV DIVISIOV kitchen, two bidrams; bath, two car large living room, dining MO.NMOL'TH (OUNTT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE rtON'T REM> THIS AP I'M,EPS - detached born. Presently rented 1o MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP room, modern kitchen with 'i n,rn fiP^klnK a lnv«My .vounp fi-.-n i:,ai ..RTATB* OF "NEW JERSEY .to- same tenant for past thirteen years. I In Itnmson wjtli F, NO HMO I "f BAVH fruitless hours of searching by WHO NEEDS A CAR? dishwasher, refrigerator and Good Investment. Located at 82 Third $38,700 eendln* for OUT free comprehensive wioniK, on nnc full a.-rn I 1 ! Thl< EXECUTIVE'S COLONIAL catalog; modest homes; palatial Rum- Ltvn and wr>rk in Red Rank •— prim wall oven. Four bedrooms or Street. Exclusive. Act fast this won't Brand new five bedroom, 2Vi bath aluminum sided Colonial with 20' wn eetatos. waterfronts, farms. Mul- Inflation. Incnmo property, two-Btnr. r sitllp l.i W-_T11 willi rtrrsslniE arci housp with two 3-room aparLmpnls, three and den. Gameroom with MOMTFORI* C ..PKEMBR h«f last long! paneled family room, huge fireplace, two-car garaae, full basemtnt, tiplle IlU Immediate occupancy on first floor, Lc^pn Is WfU plnnncrl with HIP J?ir>:' bar and refrigerator. 2'/i battis, hot water heat all on over a Vs acre. A dlttlndlv* professionally de- RAY STILLMAN, Realtor Modem kJtcltens ax\ON ALn J.'GUmE aid MARY C- bitehen, 25 x 25' gameroom, 5i-»«' S12.(r>l.-, - Mr, Ruivjp, or 1IANNOM. If HvlnK. or If thsy or Full bestment. Automatic heat. One raar, Gil hot water heat. Full dry basamant. City sewars. M7 3O1S — .Mrs. Dlllnn. ny of thpm bo drart, bla, ner or Highway 36 & East Road porch. 7 air conditioners and ti(*lr hflrs (ipvlsewi unrt Eerwnal rtp- car detached garage. Nicely shrubbed Larga living room, dining room and kitchan with • nclosad back r-ii'nta.livcs MIHL UTPIT «r any of their lot. Outstanding Iktlng of firm price many other extras. Asking ifirf, devispp)". exerulntti, admlnlB- Belford, New Jersey RIVER VIEW rator* grnntecfl, aflslunn or suceea- of $14,500.00. Qualified VET absolutely porch. Even an in-law apartment. Walk to faui, church and $45,000. [pntut of ihl« Situated on hill with ocean view, Three large bed. four-Tied mom, two-bath home. Many YOL' ARE' HKRDBY SUMMONED PORTAUPECK f>l.lipr ampnitlps Including flrcplarn Mid rpfiulred to iiervB upon Levy, roomi, I '/i bithi. Gat hot water baseboard heat. Evenings and Sundays nnrl two-car RaraRP. but Ihla Is & Mcr-loskpy A Bchieslnger, Plaintiff's Retired ecu pit forced to tell most "must HPP" home! ran now- fan rlll fl Answr r to tho Complaint *nH 741-7480 •'"** ^C ' S JW.f Red Bunk. inlmpnt to Complaint tiled in a All furniture Include) In, sals. Con* HOW WILL YOU VOTE? maintenance with aluminum siding. Call today) civil action In which Tall Timbftr*. n talnlng llvlno room, dining room/ r^rjtoratlnn of New Jerney, Is Pliln- HOLMDEL liff and John W. Gtilre. H. aU- ar« family room (or second bedroom), LINCROFT Di>fendantii in the Supprlor Otnirt of largo master bedroom, modern kitchen A tuparb new listing for Immediate Hoalbor Hill New Jcrncy within thirty-five (M» Inspection loes.twi within waJktng A\\ days after OotobBr ith 1OT8. exclu- with all appliances and full ceramic New Uiref-bp-lroom, 2'/3-bslh ranrh. IMPORTANT tance of St. LPO arvi public gramma "-TTitiful panclrd den with tiparriPfl BIVB of «ald date, ir you tail go to tile bath. Beautiful and distinctive Guincv sohrtola, ghorpplnc cerrfpr and a larga do, ]udgment by deCault m&y bs park. A qiiiftt, well landBcaTKtd yard ^- ..Ing nnd rnlflptl hearth Ilrcplice remlpirrr. against you fir tho relief grounds with separata vegetable gar- 81* to foyir. Rllriini- lnAi ciwr to AwGuKhlKC for your children. Center halt. Living c dfmanrlrrl In tho Complaint. den. Affording all the privacy plus the room haj bay window, dining room, patio. Full basement, Twn-cur r»r Aruwi»r and conveniences of being near the bus ELECTION Eag0. L^LEy AGENCy Proof of Service In duplicate with the in area. ITiree bedrooms, 2'i Hi and stores. Many extras Included such baths, pameroom, attached gamKP H A VOICE IH YOUR COMMU- FROM $41,900 Top River OmJu setting for thin Im- lour bedrooms, one and ont half posing Colonial shadftd by tall trees, CVmven.enft locution, nim, three 1>P<1 brnnk wlipre the hrltiRe enfldea iaM both!., Many other features Included NITY—WHICH HOME OWN- rooms, 2V4 batlui, l>ajiemtrt, Prettj brook and the BnuUieaMfrrly comer ERSHIP GIVES? A hew community o! custom built homes, built to your per- Three largs hedmomi, tiled bath j>U of lanri.i oonvrypd tn the party of In sale as brand new wall to wall powder room. Cozy paneled den. Fn grounds. IrnmedJate rossession. See i sonal tastes and requirements from our basic exhibit home basement, two-car attached- today. f20,soo.;, thp second part by deed recorded tn carpeting, freezer, new refrigerator, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE Outstanding at $33,500. BiMik 30&8 of deeds in the Clerk s SHOWN HOW EVEN TAXES plans or from your plans and specifications. Set on magnifi- rOffice ot Monmouth County on pige dishwasher, canvas awnlnai, and AND INTEREST CAN SAVE RUSSELL M. BORUS 747-3500 22(>; thence (2) down the center nf power mower. Approximately one YOU MONEY? cent I acre lots in one of the lowest tax areas of New Jersey, said hn»k In a peneral northerly, acre choice and will landscaped REALTORS wpflterly and easterly direction to tr- TOTALS . each home reflects the highest standard of excellence in com- ROLSTON WATERBURY end of the fourth COUTBB In a deed grounds. Aiklna $14,500.00 600 River Rd. to Walter Zlmmerer and Krma Zim fort with such outstanding refinements as: Realtor - Insuror m»rer, hla wife, recorded In Book IF YOU HAVE 3 O« MOU YIS 16 w. Front St. Tto<\ Bunk 077O1 ,1OO0 r>f Dopds tn tho Clerk's Offlrn VOTIS— YOU COULD USI OUK HCIF. TOP COMMUTING 150 YEAR OLD COlONIAL of Monmouth County on pages 322. 3, 4 and 5 badrooms, briclc' -fireplace, And aereno setting are advantages pic..', thence f3i running along the offered with this roomy ranch, local •J'.i lovely benVrooms anil 114 modern fourth, third and second couraea re- Vh and 3 baths, larga 2 car garage. DaBis, LarftB entrance hall. Attrac- versed of Mild deed 3)09, page 322 t*l in progressive community of Nei tive llvinc room with lirameil rilllnB ami alonff the center line or the old TEICHER AGENCY Shrewsbury. Three bedrooms, two Formal dlnlnjr room, modern kllelen channel of said brook, to the went- Independent Lilting Broken ' baths. ISfl.WK). STBnXJNG THOMP- Den wltli flrerlacc. Pasemcnt. Tl.n-e rrly line of SUito Highway Route Nn. — MODEL OPEN DAILY — SON * ASSOC, Realtors, 45 W. IUvei car garage wlUi baflement. iMi; jot Sf; thnilce (4) southerly and along Rd.t Rumson. 747-0900. U Jly the wrsterly line of Bald State* High- SPECIALIST SINCE 1M8: £™' t! >Mid»:apeil. LOOK AT DIRECTIONS: Route 34 North, 3 miles from intersection of THE PIUOE — Only KB 50(1 way No, M to the point and place pplebrook Agency SIX APARTMENT HOUSE MaALlOTER AOENCY, Itralt'iri,' 109 of beginning. IN RIAL ESTATE — Route 537 let Colts Neck Inn) make left turn J^erRd., Kumson. MMRji, Six lovely apartmenu tn excelled Rounded on the east hy Slate High- 117 OCEANPORT AVE,, OCEHNPORT 950 Hwy. 35 Middlotown 671-2300 at Clover Hill Road, continue V* mile to Tulip condition. View of hay from all fipart THREE—BEDROOM custom built way No. 34, on the south by th» road merits. Fully rented, $6,500 rental In- ranoli. Mnilern kitchen, tiled bath leading from Colts Neck to Holmdel, State Hwy. 34 Matawan 566-7600 Lane, and left to model. come. A-iklnR 9KI,000. Call McAUSTEa «eparate launilry room, atlaaen «a- on the west and north by landi of 542-3500 ^GBN:aYJlli 9E l ras;c,_lcnceii.in_ras;clcnceiiin?ji,n,.__I,]?OT]||y_jj anrt. the^—party—of—tire—neon, ri—partr-th"— Riimson. Property Mnnojtmtnl . Mertgegei 112 Avs of Two Rivert Rumton 842-2900 Medal Home: 946-4560 Evenings: 583-9049 acaped. Near flchooM. Call 787-7."i45. Plaintiff, UIB Atlantic Grange No. 216 RED BANK — Two story home. FIv OLDE SHREWSBURY _ LarVeTlir antl Walter C. Zfmmerer, Jr. and Er- rooms and bath. Newly rernodelei modern ranch Seven rooms, rlrpplaee. ma Zlmmerer, his wire. outilde. Call after 6. 741-7221. two baths. Basement. Acre. Beauti- EXCEPTING from the above HO LARGE FAMILY ONLY — Four-bed- fully landscaped. 542.SW. EDWIN H much of tne land taken by the State MARTIN. Broker, 542-raoi). Highway lor road purposes, If any. room Colonial with 214 bathn on conn SAID premises ate. also, described try side location. Nice closet apace, COLT3 NECIC — Bsanllrul watprrmnt follow: Downstairs has 22' living room with pstate with five berirnomN. Library fireplace. Formal dining room. Com- rien. two flreplacPH. Window walls In PREATISES hi the Township oi At- for tab! a den and family room. Eat-In taks full advantace or lieaullful vlow lantk, now Township of Oolla Nech, kitchen with all appllancei. Full base- on the north Mda of the highway of lake. All larKft rooms. N^ny ox-leading from Freehold to Tlnton Fulls ment with two-car ftaraKP. Westward- traj. 56O,nn». IL.LMENSEE ARENTV, near Colts Neck Hotel and beginning THE UNITED STATES bound owner Including many f'xtrai!. Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts Nenk. 462-^172. at the northwest corner oi land for- Only J14.500. E.A. ARMSTRONG BARN RED~l'RIMMErTlN~Wm"TE' mprly Lewis Morrla by a branch of AGENCY, 555 Prospect Ave., LlttlB —Soanklng new »evco-rnora ranch on. Swimming River and at a white oak Silver. 741-4500. acre In convenlont rpsldentfal area sLumi> and a marked beech tree paid Isss than 2c an acre for of Holmnel. Paneled den with lire- standing westward close by It: thenca REALTORS — INSURORS — APPRAISERS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS COTTAGE place and beamed celllnK. Beautiful south along Morris1 line to the high- —Four rooms, bath, gas heat, Lnw 20' kitchen with at] appliance*. For- way that leada from Freehold to Tin- MIDDLETOWN OFFICE Alaska's 375 million acres when taxei. Storms, screens, inaulaied. (ra- mal dining room. 3 twlnalzoit bed- ton Falls aforesaid; thence westward- rage, attic, basement, porchefl, Prin- rooms. 2!» deluxe bathfl. Glpanttc 1 y a long said highway to the said cipals only. 915,500 firm. 291-2492 af- basement and double paraRe. Imme- branch of Swimming River and to it bought the huge area for 7.20 ter 8 p.m. and weekend*. diate poflsesslon. miered at $J8.r»M). thn bridge that cronsM aali stream; HAZLET—$2450O BI-LEVEL I E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Real- t-hrncc down said stream MM it now f COLTS NECK RANCH — Over threo runs to where It began. Home for better than average siia family. Four badroomi, living room, dining room, game |, million dollars in 1867. acren of beautiful woodland plus nice :. ^W Troapect Ave., Little Silver. runnlnc brook. $47,900. ILLMENSES room, two-car garage. Fiih pond and many trait and shrubs. Call now for appointment. f» You are made Defendant! became AGENCY, Realtor, RL 35 Colts Neck. >n nr nny of you may allege to 462-3172. HAZLET. HAR1TAN VALLEY USA. have some Interest or Hen or claim r Sorry we can't produce such a MIDDLETOWN — Split level. Fan- ,arge four-bedroom Colonial split. or title to sairi lajida and premises MIDDLETOWN—REDUCED TO S26,500 * tastic buy. Must sacrifice. Call 671- >nter hall, fattiedral celllnfis, rnm- or some part thereof u deicendanti 5063. pletely fenccd-ln larse yard. Ideal or hflm of Jaraea Gulre, deceased. Lovely iplit lave! in park-lika letting with extra larga lot. Gama room plus thraa bedrooms, bargain today, but we CAN show for children. £xtra3 include waslier, Dated: Augurt 27, 1968. dryer, dishwasher, humidifier. Gas MORTIMER G. NEWMAN, JH. Walking diitanea *o transportation, shopping and schools. Call {or inspection. • you the best residential buys heat. Two-car garage, [Good VA Clerk of Superior Court HOUSES FOR SALE aumptlon nt 64S. BAHRa REAL, Sept. 13, 20, 27, Oct. i $13*00 ESTATE, 872-1600. Hlghlanill. available, which sre those REAL ESTATE WANTED WIDDLETOWN RANCH—521,900 RUMSON Eietllanr price far this homa with full basamant, dining room and throe bedrooms, Homt re- listed LOTS AND ACREAGE URGENTLY NEEDED — TWD and HIDEAWAY Uiree-tcdroom homes Mlddletown, Hu< cently painted. Call now for appointment. FROM ONE LOT TO 10(1 ACRES — iRt vicinity. We have bujera walUn(. This ipaclout home Is tucked away Either commercial or residential. Call THE KmWAN CO. ?8T-6600. on nearly thre« acres In the heort of MULJMNBY HEALTY, C71-51W. 2068 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN, N. J. Rtmson, part o) an old estale, wllh LOT — 75x146, Improved, City BPW LIST WITH CONFIDENCE specimen trees planted at th» turn of Hock well AVP., nenr Atlantic, Our 14 professional salespeople &re Open 7 Days 671-3311 Trade-ins |j the century. Living room with fire- Long Branch. $4500. 147-fiei". ready and able to market your prop* place* dining room, paneled den, mai- ertj Biaccewfully. ter bedroom suite with bath and ad- HARTSHORNE WOODS — Middle Trade-Ins — Exchange* joining silting room, three children's town. Beautiful arre ]ni with view of Mfembor Multiple Listing Sorriux bedrooms, basement. A bird lovers Naveslnk River. Call M2-:t377, WALKER A WALJCKR, Realtor! paradise. Asking U8,S00. CALL TO- TW ACRE WOODED~L0T — Con-Shrewsbury Holmdal RED BANK AREA DAY1 venlent to schools. On Sheiaton Lane, 711-5212 971-3311 Rumson. $17,500. Cull 842-2070. LISTINGS WANTED — .Two. three THE KIRWAN COMPANY'S LINCROFT — 7/]f) of an ar.rr, nn and four-bedroom homes tn LltUi Sil- pond, dead end street, Call after 7 ver; Rurnson, Mlrlritetown area. For ».m. 671-030B. fast efficient nervlce call E.A. ARM- STRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 105" FRONTAGE — 15O'xl73' HIM sec- Prnjtpcct Ave., Little Silver. 74M500. BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK tlnn. E, Washington Ave., Atlantic lllghlandfl. 57000. 'JM.27S7. REALTORS WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST MULTIPLE LISTINGS roLTS NECK — One acre, $7,500. MIDDLETOWN HAZLET RARITAN L 811 Rlvtr Rd. 741-7684 Folr Haven Call YOUR HOME Member Multiple Listing Service Call todny and five details and eaih price. SrEHLING THOMPSON A AS- OFFICE—787-5500 OFFICE—264-7100 OFFICE—787-6600 OPEN 7 DAYS HOLMDEL SOC, 7*7-5600. AIRPORT PLAZA, HWY. 34 HWY. 36, W. KEANSBUR9 LOT3 — 3 Rt 511,000 «?arrh. 1 nt J13. NEEDED FOR TASt! BUYERS—Tie- CAMPBELL'S JUNCTION 500. One in Colts Neck, wooded Btofprf Colonial, prpstige Incdtinn. ani $14,000. Three-hprirnnm Riinch, convenient to St, Lpn'.i. KDNA M. NETTER, Real- One ctisrmlng oldster with a ULtlt tor, Dutch l.artd Hd , Marlboro. TREES 5'A% MORTGAGE OLDER COLONIAL land W7.WW. 4B2-41M. KvonlriKn M6.m 19. Middltl-own —Split Uvel Vi-Acra —- Five Bedrooms HERITAGE AGENCY TOWNSHIP — Girl* •oitment - Air-Conditioning Don't read thli unless you have Marl** A. liofsrss Rp.-illor Softhall Lenpu is intereM^l 'in piu- monsy. This exceptionally clean 3 Everything It big about this house 36 Hwy. SI Rt., Matauan r^G-TOK r.lw.ili:g ii a ll ltM This lovely 3 bedroom home Is 19- Hill Crrst 11/1.. Hnlmdcl aH-IK' lind to hft a plaving (I»M. b«droom, bath and a half split Is except the price. Owner very riPFisa call 530-3SO7 or AS1- coltd In a btoulllul area, Urge llv- off*red on an aisumptlon of con- CAPE) CORAJ,. FCOIUDA - 2 his ventional basil only. If featurei 3 anxious to miive Into smaller tiome, K^ RrtJnlnlrK. 40'xl2S' each, high and dry, lno room, woll to woll ccrpatlna, big bedrooms, living room, and Ttllft Kiiariintnrrt. Reslrirnlhl arfa. atklng «?,?0G but will listen to of- REALTORS — IN5URORS — APPRAISERS Permanpnt hnmp nr varathn rrsl convenient to evirythlna. Vets no family dining room with wall to wall rtnnce. si.fiOO [or tioiti lots, c-ill own carpeting, tn addition, full/ pantlad (ers. Formal dlnlna room, .country down, others IJ0O dou/n. Only r, !l46-»m family room, targt utility room ond style kitchen, Wi batht, basement. SHREWSBURY OFFICE 111,000. Don'l woll, call now— attached on* car garage. This home Is on a beautifully landscaped lot 2 car garaae. Call 787-4600. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 7I7-5SM. which backs up to a /arm. 16500 APPLE, PLUM, CHERRY X PEAR MIDDLKTOWN TWP, — Commirclil nedeed to assume mortaage* tlfii Traas male a pretty setting for this 3-4 badroom, 2'/> bath Colonial. Largs living room ith monthly pays alt. propert- y »lont Hwy. 35 or 3C. Froi fireplace, formal dining room, den, screen porch, basement, 2 car garage. Rumsen-Fair Havan 175 to 10 acre« UULLANKY $17,000 CAPE COD TT «U-51M. SETTLING ESTATE Regional High School. $37,300. 6% Y.A. MORTGAGE Conor Lot — No Down Vit Vi-Acie — Basement REAL ESTATE WANTED Hadtt — Split Uvel Thrit larct bedrooms, lull dining FIRST TIME OFFERED This homi Is In ixcellent condition USX lakes over mis low Interest room, full boiemtnt hot water base- Four bedroom, 2 'A bath home with den and attached garage. Excellent conditioned and ATTENTION—COLTS NECK with 3 lorae bedrooms-, formal din- VA home. 3 bedrooms, bath ond a boartf heat, an gtneraliy found only priced to sell at $29,(00. Call us today for appointment. We have rcaity quaUfird buyers, «o half. Featuring country living on a for fast efficient aervU-e, call J, P. Ing room, lovely (.rounds, lust riant large lot. Living roam, dining room, In a hiahtr priced homt but wt'vt ROOHE, Realtor, Kt. M, OolU Nrr.lt. 462-2741. Member Multlpia LiaLlng Ser- for chlldrtn. Vels no down, others klltchen, and recreation room- located them all In tills modestly Close to all transportation. (173 NESTLED IN THE WOODS! " vice. two down, Hiking 119,900. Call us priced »U,000. call ui today and month!/ pays all. This won't last, Lovely 4 badroom, Vh bfllh Ranch, cMigMful family room with ftriplaci, •ttachitJ 2 car NEED VACANT LAND call now—we have key, make an appointment. 787-6400. nowl 7B7-JJO0. garaga. Almost naw. Low taxss. Ownar Iratufarud — ailting $48,400. Lit ut ihow it ta.you. Bmail lot or larce traeu. Cali MUL- LANBT KEALTY. ST1-51J1. OVER 250 LISTINGS AVAILABLE 661'BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY, N. J. WX NEED — Flvs or six, 2-3 bedroom "Tha ceraal you |uit

NOTICE KOTICB MONMOUTH COUNTY OARAGB KEBPSR'S LTIN SALK Center Keeping Busy M'BitOGATK'S COtRT Flnntfin Tire A AutomoUT* Cnt Italic* t« Cnsdltw* to will HP11 at Public Auction, at Flu CUIrm Ar»lMl E§tat* «W«n Tire, 1724 -Aafeurjr Ave., Anh LONG BRANCH - The on Negro history. Tiie council ESTATE OF PKTER T. KROK- Park. N. J. a IMS OMO («nk tm wiH also sponsor its own youth GER DECEASED. SerbU MMYKWO on ttit 11th Aay Nefghfoortiood Service Center rurnusirt to tiie order nf DOXATJ October 19(« at 10 a.m. Th» fell- has many projects operating dances and variety shows. J Cl'NMNOHAM, Smrogale ot th reierven th* rt|ht to bid County of Monmoiilh, this Any made CON8TABM RONALD T. QLAB here at 158 Broadway and at A group of local mothers are rn (he application of the •.inderKtRn Sept. 27, Oct 4 |j John Warrrn, Jr., Rn]p Rxteutcir their branch in Ea&ntown. planning a talent show to bene- th* Mtate rrf the «*iEKKN»ANT1 noii rt. ProbaU Dlvlilon, on Frida points of interest. center are commercial sew- ANDY CAPP SU'UUOK ror-RT OF NEW JEIISEI the 1M day of Novsrabhr A. D.f «t flr.TO n'rlnck n.m, at the Coun A nursery class is being ing, fall fashion and card par- OIIA-NTKHV IMVIK1ON rmut Hoime, Monument and Com MONMOTTII

    fliM September 17tii A.f> 1M| Conservatives has been formed The Neighborhood Servic* t!tv und in1err>M r»f PAUL G-IKSE an, PAVI1) W. HimrHRST, JU;R, PAVI- aiBaK Cfl'J Overlook Avfniio, here to unite black and white Center strives to stimulate com. Yf>r ARE HEREBY RUMitfONK l.tinf R ranch, N. J. students. Their next fund-rais- munity participation and in- Hi-1 required to nervi* upon riT,L8 AtimlntBtmtnr With WIU Anntx JfTlY, RAR-\TAOI«1., Ill'&SKM, A *"AR Peter J Kdwnrd«*n, Biq., ing event will be a play based volvement. TON. Attornrya fr tlia re «j»m«.nriM In the Oomplaint. You »lin. KS'I'ATB OF IXmETTB A. WM New Catholic Church file your *n.wer and proof o( sc DRCBASRD in duplicate with Uie Olerit of riirxu«nt to the order nf DONALI Superior Court, Slat* Hmine Annex, J. CUNNINGHAM, RurrogaU ot Uv MANALAPAN - St. Thoma for private devotions. The TrrnWm, Xttv Jcrfloy, In nr*oi. A Wlclimann structure. Social activities and rierk of tlie. Superior Court 2fl.S Rrnnri fltreitt uled for Oct. 27. New 3*ney Red Pnnk. N. J. athletic events will be held in ««p). 27, OnL 4. 11, IB W-0 Attorney The proposed church and cen six additional classrooms, sep- Rent. 20, 37, Oot. 4, W 120. ter will be erected on a 1 arated by folding walls. acre site donated by the Hoi The foilowHnB Is a cop; of an nrA'. NOTIOK Father Petri has organized 'a »a.nr* that V.A.1 introduced *-t a i MONMOUTH COUNTY nanian brothers. Both will tx larly lie-Id meeting nt under one roof In a T-shapec rtlrlown on Rent. W. 1WE& and ]wuwe the undertaking. Louis Gartz, building. Estimated cost ii Ilnil reading *-nd w«« laid over fr Kfll'ATE OF JEAN ANNETT, E Engishtown, is chairman of the fii rlhe r cfinaMcratlnTV uiwin JIMM >II<1 * n CEARHIH. $750,000. NnaJ pflwwgn tn A mewling of Uie nai rurmiint to the order of DONALI organization to raise monies, SNUFFY SMITH By FRED LASSWELL Township Oommft.ee Io ho held al tli J. CliNNINOHAM, Surrngatt o( th. The church will be of modern Committee, raeotlnn nw.ma In the Mil County nf Monmnuth, thli liny mad With 150 volunteers, he has dletown Township Ha.ll, al Stale Iligl on the ftjiplkntlon of tht underslgnei design, in conformity with the WHAT WAAL-HE COME AN'LOOKWHAT way #35 and Kings Highway, Middle F-velyn A. VanKeurtn, Bcilm Exec, begun to visit families in the town, N. J. on Tuesday evening Oct. trlx, of the c«tiit» of th» «ald Jen new liturgy. The Blessed Sac- area. More than $65,000 was I'M AFEERED MAKES RUNNIN'OPTHIS HELEFTFER I HWS at B;3fl o'clock M wlitrii ttm Annctt, dercRscd, not let li htreh rament will be In a separate TATER til persoiu inte-rest ed will b# given Kh-en tn the rredltom of Raid di realized after the first two SHB?IR= TAIT VESAY MORNIN-GRABBED opportunity tn be hoard. PAfled to iirenent In tht aald 8o chapel which may also be usec days' work. THAT? OL'BULLET AN'QIUE 0HARLR3 V. CA-TtROU. Rxecutrlx tripl r cluimi under oath ISVMORKIN'TOO TOWNSHIP CLBIIK within nix mnnihd from thli diilt. HIM A WHOPPIN' Haled: PeptrmlMT 17th, iflfW Solicitation will be finished HflRDATeiTTIN* AN 0KK1NANOK AMBN1>INO AI> LEGAL NOTICE BIG K1SS-1- ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR1 EVELYN A. VAN KEUBKN by Oct. 11. With the rapid RE-ELECTED, MANHE AIM'KOPJUATUNG THE BDW -J5 Worxlhlne Avenut Little Hllver. N. J. ORDINANCE NO. 131 increase in population, Father PAW- OF jian.ooo.ott von TIIE IUCAUrJ JlOA Daniel R Wrlgand, Esq. S1IOKK RKOIONA1, SRWKRAfi£ AU Petri plans to continue visita- PROM NB\V JKRSKV lfldHWAY NO. 77 Briind Hlreet THORITY. tions for the purpose of getting S.'» TO PARK AVKN11E. IN THE Rfi\ Dunk, N. J., rilBLlO NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF JMIDIMiETOWN. IN Altorm-y NOT1OE it hereby j, new families to participate in THK l"»OUWTY OK MfliNMOimi," "pt. 30, 27, Oot. 4, 11 t37.« Lhat the foreirodnir OnUnan<:e »u In AIXIITED AU01I8T ?. 19C0, IN OK tmdupsd at A Regular Me»ting of th* the building program. DEIl 1X3 PJtOVJ.I>K FOR AN AJ>MI Mayor and Ooimcil, of the Borough TI0NA1. ArPItOPIUATJON OF Slfi. 1NOTICK Unlrtn Beacti, In th» County of Mi S!»0.00 OR A TOTAL APmorJUATiO.* NOTICB OF HETTI.KMENT moutJ), held on ftt 13th day nf SB OF $H9,3«1 00. OP AOCOINT, AND DIRKCTIOM Ql, 1008, and PuMlo Hftatfni FE IT OJIDAINEP l.y til* Tmvnsl.l] . FOR niKTRIBIITION. on eaJd Ordinance was hetld, al whin] Conimillee. ol tJi* TownstHji rtf MfddJn KflTATB OF CASSANDRA M. time all pftrsona Interested were. | Cigarette town, Omnty -of Mitninoulh (hat an MKNIIRLSON, PECBABEP ordln&nrfi enhtied "An Ocrdltuuif.9 Ap- Nfitu-e in Hereby jtivtm that tiie *r, MI opportunity to b« heard. propriating the. «Mim of J130,«(H1.0» VOT iiiintB or tht Riilmcrlher. Solw Kxecil- Tht AforMAld Otrdtnancs wai flrnli; the ileroiwtniotlnn nt TJndnH J.ivad >r nf the rutnts nf said Deceaied Mwed Mjqj adoptsd on th* 26tti d*j o By LEE FALK from New Jersey Highway No. W to •1)1 b* aixIltM and itated by th Machine THE PHANTOM Turk Avemie, In Uie Tnwntthlp of MM nrroftatt nt HIP Uoiinly of Monmouth MARY SAS1K, dletow-n, in tlin County o[ Mrtiimrtiilh" ml tepnrlt'd tor sotllpment to Tin 3oroiiffh Clerk VOU'RE MNS--YDU YOU'KE CPAZ// NO, V mopiM AiiRiwt P. 1J*66 l>e wid.ui her*. ..•nnmonth County Oourl, Probat* TM SAIP--"HOWCOULP THEY'LL FINISH CAN'T 1 SA^E YOUR. by rtnipndtil IO ni to re-jul as follows: n. on Krlrtny. th* l«t tlity of N(» Is Stolen WHERE IS , tht 'l\iwnnJilp of MW1 VKMRKll All., 1H6R, »t 8:M o'dorl NOTICE HYDRA H.Q.» START THAT BOTH OF US' TAKE OWM NECKJ ilrnVrrs In \mOprl«.ke Um r»- ., nl the Cminly Court Houne MONMO11TH COUNTT ' RUMSON — Police continue FIRE FROM Aa THAT you. HllRROdATP.'fl COURT WAr ACROSS TOWM ?" THEY TRIED Jersey Highway No. 35 Io r*rk Ave- lold, New Jersey, nt wftlch dm* AJI Notice to Creditor* te Prpaent their investigation of the theft illratlnn will he ninda for the a!Ir>w TO FINISH mut, icoontini tn the jil»nn and s\ na Aral"! Eilata of a cigarette machine from tticntinnn prepared by IUchanl nee of CommMirtflriii ftnd rounie OF HICHARD B, BEAK, VOU IW THAT HiM.uli. TownsMp Knglnft^r, jtnd res, Hnd Dlrecllnn.i lor nistrlhution. KCEASBO the Dairy Queen at Bingham FIRETRAP/ tllr \Mth tin1 TownsJilp Olrrh; and Dnted Beptrmbrr 24Ih A.I\ Ifl88. Pursuant to the Drdnr of DONALD WHERKAS. I! la cnUinntcil lh«t Uie MORRIR PORTNBR, . CUNNINGHAM, 8urrOB«te of th Ave. and River Road, which coH i>f (hi. improvement will amount Aulrtwond Lane, ounty of Monmmith, thti dny made, l,> the sun. «>r 5.1*0.39000; Rumndn, N. J. the application nf the underalxnd was reported yesterday morn- NOW THEREFOnK. BE IT OK- Sole Exerutor. [A7.el I.. R«a.k, Sole Executrix of tht ing. 1U1NKD BY THE IX^WKSHTP COM- 'linmai P. Dnrcmim, Knq., tnt« of the aald Richard B. Beak, S!in"EE OK THD TOWNSHIP OK Counnellnr al I.BW, laceaned, notice Ii hereby given 73 FUoad Stroel, credltDri of aald d'ceaied to pre- Patrolman David Gaynor, in Ki-TlON 1 That Uie sum vt Jli9. I>il niink. N. J to the «Al<1 Sole Rxecutrlx thrli charge of the investiga- (Ml ti*» hf rt'by apprxiprialod tor (he Innt. V, Ont. *, 11, 18 U0.00 lalma under oath wltnln ilx monthi -i.tvlrur.t.ion ot Tinilnll llond, from thli rlate. tion, said the machine was re- W .Ifrupy Hlphn^y No V> tn Par* NOTK'K Dated: Brptemher 8, lflRfl ported missing at 11:10 a.m. <-ni;t>, iifcnrdins In plan.' nnrt sppc- MONMOUTH COUNTV HAZK1, I. PEAK, 54 Her nrlva , Thursday, and must have been atinnn pi rim red by llichnrd M. oim ul/.. Township Knglneer, on file Nnllt-p to Credltnrt In Treatnl Mltiriletown, N. J. removed between midnight d Wif Ttiwiwhip Olork, wiJd n|>prn- < iHlmn Aialnnt f.nlnit Sole Executrix aUon tn nnver Uin rost nf enn-ttnic- KSTATK OK KATHKRINB B. Frank Welgand, Eaq. Wednesday and that time. n, nrquiJtlUcvn, clcarinR, Ki'Adintt nnil ILACK, DPJOEA8EP 12 Weal Front Strtet, ;nAK* o( Jnnds or rigivta In Inndi ir.iiinnl tn tiie order of TlONAI-P Keypnrt. N. J. The machine, valued at $400, NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CREISSHAW d nUipr atmctiircJ and appurle- MiNNlNdHAM, Snrrogul* of the Attornpy ni'w. and all other mvewary ex- tiy of Mnnmouth, thl/i itny marte, »pt. 13, 2(1, 71, Oct. « »2S 00 is green, five feet tall, 34 inches fN In connection with SATUP, which n the apptlratlnn of the uiyle nil lined, *eph C Bartplii, Ceraldlne " Weed wide-and-2^ -feet-deep-It- was (I Mildred C. 1-Bliiti, the Execu- MIT1CK A PBW OP WR MORE M0NMO1ITH CO11NTT 22 column National Cigarette (1) j:.(x»o mi from Capital lm- •« of the estate of tht nalil Kdther- 0UARING PAUWS... BUT prnvemien t Jiiwl; • ». Black dpccaard, nnllt-e Is here- Sl'HUOr.ATIfS COURT.. Machine, model 1189, with (bt JllMWW 00 (i»in CaplNil aur- Kiven to the creditor* of »ald de- Notice tn rrrdttora tn Prentnt PON'f mrd tn prenent Io (he itnld E*- Clklma Afalnat Ealate ierial number 86663. When tak- (C) £7.'>.(MK»>0 rM-ehfil fiMi)ii Uit jlnri ttielr clnlmi under oalh with- ESTATE OF ROBERT W. BROW' etdte of New Jersey under »lx moniha from I his dale. iR. PKCKASED m, it reportedly contained tup lie'i-onsiniclion wm DAted: flepit-mber amh. mfis Pursuent to the order of PONALri tbout $200 worth of cigarettes Sinle Aid l»y Formula JOSEl'H C- RAKTELS CtTNNlNnHAM, Surrogate of the iiioni.'s. r I'l-rMcming a total 2fl21 HIM Ave. Apt 2.V: inly of Mnnmouth. thla dny iriRne. md an unknown amount of i»f tlU I-.nR Inland Oily. N. Y. the application or the under' Rnfrt, Edward W. Wltf. Jr., Sole change. The machine was td) itii.SHi.OO recpivini or to bt 8fl.'i Tlci- Place Ixeculor ot the itate of the said owned by the Majestic Amuse- receded (n>m UIP Slate *•>! Wentfip.il, N. J. bprt W. Brower deceaaed, notice la New Jeisey undfr Uie Ke- M1LPREP C. I.AMK reby Klven to the creditors of aalri ment Co., Asbury Park. constniniin wiu. stale Aid p id sole by KViimila monlea (or Uit Long Ialnnd, New York thplr olntms under oatll year 1SW7; Ithln «lx monlha from thla data. HECT1OS 2. Tins Ordinance ahail Bfekmitn A Porter Dated: Snplpmbir Cth, IMS Oceanport GOP takr Mferl iminr.itHtety upon Ita 2B Mp.i'hiin.c Street EDWARD W. WISE, JR. Pi?fapf, li'vuHj and publication ai RvA Bank, .New Jeraey .1* Harri* Park rmviried hy law, Red Rank, New Jeney Hears Councilman Sept. 27, Oct 4, 11.J8 Sole ICxrcvltor Wise. Wlie, OCEANPORT — Councilman LliCAL NOTICE NOTICE A U'lrhmann ;ttt Rro«d Street Clement Sommers spoke be- Red Rank. Nfw Jersey HI and LOIS By MORT WALKER and DIK BROWNE NOTH'K OF TAX 8ALK Attorneys for the Oceanport Republican niHUUl.H OF ltlMStt.N, .N. J. pt. U, I'O, 27. Ort. 4 HH (Kl Olub. George Jewell, club pres- Notice of SaJp nl pro|n>rty lor Non-rayment of Taxes, Assessment* WELL, I WAS USIN6 And other Municipal l.JPns in Uie Bmoiish of Jlumaon, N.J. ident, presided. IT A MINUTE A60 PI'HLK'1 NO TICK is hereby (tivrn that I. Irene U. Tosey, Oillei'tor NOTICE CHIP/DONt HOLD THAT of the tuv.nc HM-ii'l t>f Uie Borough of Rtimiwin. County of Monmouth, MONMOITH COIINTT Councilman S. Thomas Gag- AND IT MADE A REAL New Jer*ev. pitr-u«ni tn the authority of the SUAutes In mich ease, mad* SPRROliATK'S TOTRT HOSE UP TO VOUR FACE.' Notice tn Creditors to fresenl iano reported on the progress FUNNY AJOISE / and pro\-.c1ed. will sril at puMic motion on the 18th day of October lMfl, I ALMOST TURNED IT the Bnro•](;(•. Council (•'hambers, Memorial BoroiiRh Hall, Bumaon, N.J., Claims Against Estate >f tine local campaign commit- ( aml , m R bd, 58TATK OP CLARA ICLVE. DB- At 11 A M the land* and real eaUl hercinaftfr described: !ASEP :ee. Mrs. Dorothy UzdiUa re- >nme I)enrrii>tl»n •ursuant to the order of DONALD I'aiMi A!»ratiAJiifl rH'NKINUHAM. Slirros»le of lh« ported on the June and August FaiUi AlMaJiamo ovk iT, Lot -iC unty nr Monmoulh, this day made, ;an! ftn.fi real estal* ill tip mold to maie the amount the application of th« undrrnlKnfd, meetings of the Monmouth trf t .•h»rprj»tile sR s! the mm' on (he first <\iy of It.l Hrtlgntad. Administrator of County Federation of Republi- J ily f-1 in the f 'inK' list. toRPlh(»r with lntFrfel rm laid the estate of Ih* said Clara Elve ile- t d.ij ol July to the date of th* of sale, and the rosta of reaaed. notice is hereby given to the can Women. creditor* of said deceased to present P.iM property > auc-h pprimn aa will purchase thr to the said Administrator their clatma Mrs. Marion Jewell reported •si isle of imerrst lutt tn no ca*e mirter oath within six months from In nicnt for th^ caio shall be made lhl< rlnlfl. hat the annual fund raising i: AtiKust :!0lti, Iflfls roject of the Monmouth Coun- Chapter S of the Title fti of the HAI.VOR HERKISTAD S4.M1 41st Street 1 Federation was a card par- ntd Vlll receive payment l.i>nR lslsntl City. New Ynrk ir .,r, the dtxnp property Lhe Interest and costj In- Administrator • held at the Sea Girt Inn, time of i>aymcnt, Sverre aorensnn, Esq. ist week. The money raised mi'er 19. Jf*» US 1st Avenue Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey ras donated to Mie party's Attorney By MORT WALKER • «•?•- ?0. ?", Or' Bent, «. 13. 20. 27 ISI.OO ampaign fund. BEETLE BAILEY ME 6AIP ME MOW CAW AMVOWE By CHARLES M. SCHVLZ WANTED SCrtAE FIND A PLACE TO TIME TO BE ALOME OW AN THIS ISTHESOKTOf PREWfALL H1M6ELF POST? RAW THAT MAkK «ttW OVANT TD 5IT INSIDE ALL lW,AM05TARE CXTT THE UlND01i),ANP«JlNKTEA PV T

    By CHIC YOVNG APEMT VOU E^/EN By WALT KELLY I CAN S^UEEZB GOING TO COME BAG MV HANOS < AMD CLOSE _ TOSBTHsEB. AKO" TWEDOOR? MAKE TUB WATER N1HH AWMMiKMItW ttWT CCMM eottcmi \mo* I SPUHTUP HHAT m» oonNiny WANT; Spirited Slant % Mine M — Juan THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, S^pL 27, 1968-23 Television Program Listings 31 Once called Printed Pattern PUZZLE • 4 Unprofitable UriajiJcJiai O. * — WCnS-TV Ch. 4 . WNBC-TV Ch. 5.._ TOXEWTV Ch. 7 _._ WABC-Tf 5 Acadian 34 In unison By Thomas ff. Schier dialect 37 Tropical Cb. I WOE-TV Ch. 11 __ WPIX-TV Ch. IS _ WNDT-TV Molzer Spent Summer 6 Proverbs fruit. MIDAY ACROSS 39 Modernist 7 Georgia or 38 Careless AFTERNOON SUNDAY !—Petticoat Junction—Color AFT1RN0ON 1 Attempt: '< 4:0C Texas — 40 Utah state 7—Hollywood Palace—Color 4:00 colloq. projection As Teacher in Vienna S—H«IW Party—Color 31—Plono Recital 2—Foce the Nation—Color 5 Provide 8 Shoe leather flower 4—Match Game—Color 47—To be announced 4—Pro Footbell—Color 41 Plentiful: S—Mighty Mouse—colw 10:« 7—Like It It-Color food 9 Breathing 42 Hebrew LITTLE SILVER - Felix such works in a double-bill on 7—Dork Shodowt—Color 2—ManitlK—Mystery-Color 31—American Literature colloq. 10 Failure letters Molzer, 2 Cross St., director of Oct. 19 and 20 at Temple B'Nai 9—Film—Stronjer on Irn Prowl- 47—Panorama R.A.I — Newereel .0 Young 5-^News—Scharmen—Color 43 Understand- Poul Muni—90 mln. 11-College Tolent—Varllty-Color 4:15 horse 11 State — 44 Lever the Monmouth Conservatory of Israel, Rumson. 11-Thr» StoooM-celor 31—Trbveloguel 47—Film—To be announced ings 12 Part of A.M. 45 Scion Music, has returned from Vien- II—Around the Clock—Police 4:30 i4 Italian Mr. Molzer is again available 46 Succession 13 Felis leo 49 Indian na, Austria, where he spent the 5— Branded—Western 2—Block Leltres—Literature—Color resort for consultation and teaching, 2—Mtws—Bdowrd^-Color u—Auto Racing—Color 18 Hangman's 7—Wings of Adventure—Color 47 Late N.J. princess sumpier teaching at the Insti- and has resumed his duties as d-News-Kolber-coijr 11—PM Bornie-vorlely-Colcr 31—Staten Island Today 5 Woman's s:00 politician - knot 51) Boxing tute "of European Studies, an li:0t name organist and choirmaster at 2—Dial M For Music-Color 22 Monad 2—Mike Dauglai—Variety—Color 2—News—Tom Dunn—Color 48 Boy's decisions affiliate of the University of ChrisUChurch Methodist, Fair •-Film—Boomeronfj— 5—Man From U.N.C.L.E.—Oromo— .6 Spa nisli S—Alan Burke—Discussion—Color Color school 24 Actor 51 Weird Vienna. Dana Andrews—90 mln, 7-News-Kelth McBee-Color 7—Film—Zorok— Haven. 5— Bob McAllister—Color possession 9—Film—Hitler— Victor Mature—2 hrs.—Color 50 Spouted Paul — 52 Beaded He taught a course entitled 7— Film—Gldget Goes Howallan- Richard Basehort-2 hrs., 10 mln. in Africa Deboroh Wallty—2 hrl.—Color f—Burke's Law—Mystery vessel 25 Coin in lizard "History of Music from 1700 to 47—Film—Maria Eugenlo— 11—Perry Mason—Mystery .7 British flag: 11—Superman—Adventure—Color Bombay 53 Uke Tahoe 13-Fllm Maria Felix—90 mm. 31—Philosophy—Discussion pi. 52 WAV. II 1900," and during his stay he SKATING PROGRAM 31—Wings to the World—Color 11:11 !:30 26 Meeting trout escorted groups of American 1—Amotuer Hour—color pocket !—College Football—color 9 — time CLIFFWOOD - Mrs. Donald 4:45 5:45 battleship places of a 54 Foil's students to Salzburg to see and 13-Frlendly Olant—Children 11:11 10 Buckle 7-Locol New»-Noble—Color 47—Italian News—Erbirto Landl kind cousin Lewis, president of the Cliff- !:00 !:J5 56 Brown hear concerts and opera per- down: si wood Parent-Teacher Associ- 11—Munsters—Comedy 9— Sports—Color seaweed 28 Something 55 Danish formances. 13-Mlsteroaers-Oilldren 7—Film—Two Rode' Together— EVENINO :i Press pudgy ation, announced plans to re- 31—Films Prom Franc* ll-lt Is Wrllten-Tolk-Color 1:00 forward 57 Certain weighis While in Vienna, he made a 2—21st Century—Report—Color sume roller skating at the end . 1:15 11:41 business 29 Tally 58 Arrest special study of the sacred and «7-NtWS 4-New»-Bo6 Teague-Color S—Fllm-Monkey on My Back- :3 Unfre- of October and to show a movie Cameron Mllchell-2 hrs. establish- secular works of the English I:N 11:51 quented Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle for children Saturday after- 4—Weather—Nicholson—Color 9—Hire Come the 5tors—Coljr 5—«AcHale'$ Navy—Comedy 11—I nvadert—Drama-Color ments composer Henry Purcell at the 9—Real McCoys—Comedy " 12:0) 14 Cut into noon, Oct. 26. Jl—Human nights Forum 59 Heraldic Vienna National Library, which 11 -a otmem—Adventure-Color 4— News— Bob Teague—Color 47—Italian Musical small 13—What's New—Children II—Continental Miniatures—Color bearing will assist him in the prepara- At the first meeting held in 31—Perspective—Oocumenlary r.M pieces 11:11 tion of Purcell's cantata, "O 41—Film—Aseslons S.A.— 4-Sporti-Mel Allen—cslar 1—Eye On New York-Color 60 Appraise the school cafetorium, tentative 41—London Line—Color !5 Regrets Kitty D« Hoyos—2 hrs, 61 Kind of Sing Unto the Ix)rd," to be pre- plans were discussed for a EVININB 47-Joortt—Flllpoe Crliahllll 17 Apocryphal 4—Johnny Carson—Variety-Color sented in December by the UN 1:4] molding penny sale Oct. 5. Jl—Newt ;0 Period of 2—News—Jim Jensen—Color II—Big Picture—Color 62 Method: Monmouth Civic Chorus, of 47—News—Arturo Rodriguez 47—Italian Mlnloturet-Muile decline Martin Dempscy, principal, 4-Nevw-Lew Wood-Color which he is the musical di- q> 5—Fllntstones—Color 1:00 7:o« abbr. 5-News 32 Step-! pronounced the invocation at 9—Gllllgon's Island—Comedy ]—Lassie—Adventure—Color 63 Intermit rector. 11—F Troop—Comedy—Color 1:10 4—New Adventures of Huckleberry 33Sgt. the meeting attended by Dr. 9-Fllm-Color 64'Tinter Mr. Molzer also had con- 13—French Chef—Cooking Finn—Children—Color 35 Sacred bull John McKenna, new superin- 1:11 7—Lend of the Glontl—Color 31—Staten Island Today DOWN ferences with various musical i:30 9—News and Weoffter 9—Film—The Four Horsemen of 36 Conking tendent of the Matawan Re- 5—My Favorite Martian 1:10 Apocalypse—Gleen Ford—i hrs.— educational authorities of Aus- instruction 1 Strike gional School District, and 7—News—John Schubeck—Color 2_Fiim—The> World In Kli Arms- Color tria and Germany, gathering in- 9—1 Spy—Drama—Color Gregory peck—2 hrs., 5 mln.—Color term violently Anthony Nuccio, assistant su- 11—12 O'clock High—Drama formation which will aid in the 11—Voyage—Adventurl—Color 31—Big picture—Army—Color 13—Ingles Para Todos 7—Film—Battles of Chief Pontloc— 18 Swiss city 2 Prong perintendent. Mr. Dempsey re- Lex Borker—TO mln. 47—Film—To be announced further development of the Con- 31—Film called the outstanding work of 1:41 7:M <:4) 2—Gentle Bin—Adventure—Color servatory, which resumes 4—Film—Love Laughs at Andy Hardy— Mrs. Joseph Glassiord, im- Jl—News—Paul Manocher 4-Walt Disney's World—Color classes Sept. 16. • :S5 Mickey Rooney—1 hr., 35 mln. 31—Focus on Books—ttiterview 3:35 mediate past president, and 7—Weather—Antolne—Color 1:00 One lively line goes zinging During his absense, he was 7:00 1—Film—The FBI Story- Mrs. Lewis. 2-Ed Sulllvai>-Varlety-Color named a judge for the state- 2-News-Woller Cronklte-Color James Steworf-2 hrs., 51 mln.— across to a pocket, defining a Color (Continue on Next Page) 4-News-Chet Huntley, Dovld slender, soft-spoken shape wide talent competition for Mrs. Lewis Introduced her Brlnkley—Color 5—1 Love Lucy—Comedy Sew-easy and a happy choice young people, to be held Sept. officers and committee chair- 7—News—Frank Reynolds—Color for knits, Mends. 21 at the Garden State Arts men for the 1968-69 year. 13—International Magazine 31—Film Center, Holmdel. Printed Pattern 9155: NEW Dr. George Beckman, child 7:30 Contemporary opera f o r 2—Wild Wild West—Color Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 psychologist of Monmouth Col- 4— HJah Chaparrol—Color At the Movies small ensembles, another Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2% yards lege, the guest speaker, was 5—Truth or Consequences—Quiz—Color sphere of interest for Mr. Mol- 7—Operation: Entertainment— RED BANK DOVER- 45-inch fabric. introduced by Mrs. Charles JDe- Vcrlety-Color zer, is regularly offered in two CARLTON- Balt & Pepper 7:10; »:25. Stefano. 9-Whol's My Llne?-Gome—Color SAT, — Sill * Pepper 2:40; 4:30: SIXTY-FIVE CENTS in coins 11—Rot Potrol—Dromo—Color Be.lt * Pepper 2:00; 7:20: »:2J. of Vienna's four opera houses. «:»; >:20: 10:05. for each pattern—add 15 cents 31—Brooklyn College SAT. 4 SUN. - 8alt * Pepper 2:001 SUN. — Salt * Pepper 1:00: 4:00 The Opera Ensemble of the The attendance award was 47—Big Debate—Color 1:00; 0:0O; 8:00; 10:00. 5:M; 7:50; tM. for each pattern for first-class Conservatory, which Mr. Mol- won by Mrs. Jean Voss' kin- EATONTOWN DRIVEIN- mailing and special handling 5—Pay Cards!—Gomi—Color zer directs, will present two dergarten. 9—Baseball—Color COMMUMTTY- Carloont 7:00; Torture dejden 7:30 Send to Marian Martin, (The 11—Run For Your Life—Drama—Color Whtre Were You When the Ltr.hU Hunmerhee.d >:20; ItUml (X me 13—Who It-Color Went Outr 2:00: 7:30: 10:00. Doomed 11:10. Daily Register), Pattern Dept, SAT. & SUN. — Where Were You 31—Survey Of the Arts SAT. — Torture O*nlen 7:00; Hem 232 West 18th St., New York 47—Film—Cuondo Vlalon las Estrellas— When Hie L'.giile Went Out 2:00; m»rtiea4 8:50; U:C0; Uland of the Jorge Negrete—9ft mln. (-.30; 6:20; 1:20; 10:10. Doomed 10:40. N. Y. 10011. Print Name, Ad- BUN. — Torture (hrden 7:00: Hejn- l:3« DRIVE-IN- dress With Zip, Size and Style EADE THEATRES; 2-Gomer Pyle, USMC—Color PRI. » SAT. — Cartroivi 7:20: S«lt merhead tM: tole.ru] ot Hie Doomed 4— Name ol the Game-rColor * Pepper 8:10: 12:10; In Harml 10:40. number. W«™ I 5-Merv Grlllln-Vorlety-Color Way 10:00. 7—Felony Squad—Color SUN. — salt & Pepper 7:25: 11:38; What's new for fall? 107 an- 13—Washington: Week In Review- In HUIDI Way 9:iO. North of Red Bank News Anolysls—Color swers in our Fall-Winter Pat- LONG BRANCH RED IANK Jl—Consultants at Large MIDDLETOWN tern Catalog. Free pattern •:O0 BARONET— IATONTOWN I—Film—Sex ond the Slnale Girl- The Youne Runaways 7:00: 10:36: TOWN- coupon in Catalog. Send 50c ARLTON Tony Curtis—2 hrs.—Color 3w(H Ride 8:35. Where Were You When the Lishti DRIVE-IN 7—Don Rlcklei—Comtdy—Color SAT. — Kladle Sliow: Godzilla ye. Went Out I:!0; 0:49. New INSTANT SEWING 741-9(00 The Thlm 2:O0; Sweet Ride 5:10; 542-420* II—News—Lee Nelson—Color SAT. 4 SUN. — Where Were You Book — shows you how to sew I! 13—Net Playhouse—Biography 8:35: The Younf Runaways 7:00; When the UrhU Went Out 1:20; 31—Sight and Sound—Music 10:». 5:50; 7:38: 3:BB. It today, wear it tomorrow. SUN. — gpanlek Show—OonUmlolu I ASIURY PARK 7—Guns ot will Sonneit—color All Dt;. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Over 500 pictures. Only $1. CO-FEATURE AT THI 11—Possword-«ome—Color FREEHOLD DRIVE-IN Jl—Film ATLANTIC- . [AYFAIR A7—Spanish Dromo—Color MALL— IN HARM'S WAY" The Odd Couple 7:00; »:oO.- If you want that Spanish I 775-8881 1:45 Where Were You When the LllhU SAT. * SUN. — The Odd Ooupl DRIVE-IN 31—News—Herbert Boland Went Out? T:2S; 9:30. 2:00; 7:00; 9:01. cream gelatin dessert to sep- 16:00 8AT. 4 SUN. — Where Were You 2 ml SOUTHICT RTL35136 4—Star Trek—Adventure—Color When me uihu Went out? 2:00; HAZLET arate into two layers, add the HAZLET 264-2200 5—News—Bill Joroenien—color 1:10; 6:00; 7:19: 9:00. beaten egg whites to the hot 7—Judd—Dromo-.Color ASBURY PARK PLAZA- 11—Perry Masort—Mysltry Wlld In the (treeti 7:2B; 1:30. • gelatin-pustag»ne>mire, 13— Newsfront—Mitchell Krouis LYRIC-' SAT. — Kiddle Show: The Incredible 31—American Prlnlmakers Interlude 2:10: 7:10; !:2O. Mr. Limpet 2:00; Wild In Ihe Btreefc 47—Vorlety Hour—Lonlo—Color SAT. * SUN. — Interlude 2:00; 5:95; 8:00; 10:10. 10: M 4:00; o:0O; 1:00; 10:00. SUN. — Wild In the BtreMe 2:10 47—News—Corrloon—Color MAYFAIR- 4:00; 5:50; 7:40; 8:30, H:4S Sa.1t K Pepper 2:20: 7:30; 9:30. ATLANTIC 47—Variety Hour—Lonto—Color SAT. k BUN. - Salt * Pe-pper 3:00: ROUTE 35 DRIVE-IN- Athntlc 2*1-0141 , 11:00 4:00: S:55; S:O0: 10:00. PBI., SAT. * SUN. — W1M In th MNMMNNM 2-News-»ob Young-color ST. JAMES- Streets 7:25; 11:10; Redllne 7000— iiiliiiSiiiil 4— Hews—Jim Hortz-Color 9:15. MLAW-lRACtMARK 5—Donald O'Connor—Vorlety—Color OOOB WIUi the Wind 8:00. tmaa 7—News—Roger Grimsoy—color SAT. * SUN. — Clone With tfi« Wind KEANSDURG 9—Film—Delia- 2:00; 1:00. Joan Crawford—2 hrs.—Color FARMINGDALE CASINO- 11—NFL This Week—Color SHORE DRIVE-IN- Tho Odd. Couple 7:00: 9:00. ll:lo SAT. * SUN. — The Odd Ooupl TODAY 2 THEATRES SAMMY 4—Weather—Field—Color Cartoons 7:00: Where Were You 2:00; 7:00; »:00. 7—Weother—Antolne—Calor When the Lights Went Out 3:30; 10:30; Speedway 9:23. KEYP0RT Jack 11:15 BAT. A SUN. — Where Were You v 4—News—Jim Hartz—Color When the U»hts Went Out 7:00; MISJE 7—News—Rogtr Grimsby—Color 10:30; Speedway 9:O0. STRAND- Letnmon 47-Fllm—Asaslons S.A.— n ft mln FRI SAT * SUN. — The Ode Red Line 7000" ADEVONHIE triHy p# H y «—9*1 - NEPTUNE CITY —Oouple-7:20:~9:«. ti:is NEPTUNE CITY— «-Sports-Kyle Rote-Color EAST BRUNSWICK ll:>0 Therese ft Isabel 7:20: 9:30. SAT. — Kiddle Show: 2:0O; Thereto TURNPIKE- 2—Film—All the Fine Young Cannibals— OUTDOOR — FRI., SAT. * 8UN. — • ACRES of FRH PARKING / FREE SMOKING SECTIONSI • Natotle Wood—I hrs., IS mln.—Color * laabelle 5:50; 8:05; 10:15. SUN. — THercse * Isa-belle 2:00; Wild In the Streets 8:00; 11:20; Thr 4—Johnny Cotson—Color 3:50; 5:50; 7:50; 9:45. 7—Joey Bishop—Color Trip 9:45. 11—Film—Clash by Night— MANASQUAN INDOOR — Wild In the Streets 7:30 Barbara Stanwyck—90 mln. 10:40: The Trip 9:15. ALGONQUIN- 11:10 SAT. — Cartoons (6) 1:30; 3:50 A IT THEATRES J-Alon Burke—Color FRI A SAT. — The Bl» Gundown Jack the Giant Killer 2:00; 4:20 12:45 2:00; 7:2V, 9:25. The Trip 6:00: 9:15; Wild In the 47—News—Arturo Rodriguez SUN. — The Ble Gundown 2:00: 4:00: Streots 7:30; 10:45. 5:55; 7:40; 9:35. SUN. — The Trip 2:30: s:56: 9:15 1:00 Wild In the Streett 4:00: 7:30: 10:49 4—News—Bob Teoaue—Color BRICKTOWN 5—Eleventh Hour—Drama PERTH AMBOY J | 7—Film—The Bonnie Parker Story- BRICK PLAZA- §lb.34ilHiddhH. IUiM.2644tt4j Dorothy Provlne—1 hr, 35 mln. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter 7:18; AMBOY'S DRIVE-IN- l *—In Depth—Discussion—Color FRI, SAT. * SUN. — C*rtoon 7:15 SAT. — Ktddle Bhow: The Incredible r 11—News—LM Nelson—Color "--••• •» "*"—mni«»niiivn-— •-imwnw-rrnnr4 Mr. Limpet 2:00; The Heart Ie a The Heart I» » Lonely Hunter 7:21 1:15 Lonely Hunter 5:10; 7:35; 10:00. 11:45: The Naied Hunner 9:M. 4-Fllm—The Eosy Life— SUN. — The Heart It a Lonely Hun. MENLO PARK NOW THRU TUESDAY! Vlttorlo Gossman—1 hr., 45 min. ter 2:15: 4:43; 7:10: 9:40. 9-News ond Weather 1:35 LAURELTON CINEMA- "THE BEST AMERICAN FILM 2-News-Color The Graduate 2:00: 4:00; 6:00; 8:O0 The DRIVEIN- 2:00 10:00. THIS YEAR!" — N. Y. TIMES 2—Film—Family Honeymoon— Oirtoona 7:00: Salt * Pepper 7:30; SAT. — Cinderella 12:30; The Gr«d- Claudette Colbert—1 hr., 50 mln. 11:10; JsoK or Dlamondi 9:30. uate 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; 8:00: 10:00. SAT. * SUN. — Salt * Pepptr 7:O0; SUN — The GMuluAte 2:00: 4:00 l:so 10:JO; Jack of Diamonds 8:50. IFYOU'RE THIRTY, YOU'RE THROUGH! 2—Film—Satellite In the Sky- «:00;' 1:00; 10:00. Lois Maxwell—1 hr., 40 mln. TOMS RIVER SATURDAY WOODBRIDGE PANAV1SION TECHMCOlflr? 52% of the nation is under 25 and they've got the AFTERNOON COMMUNITY- Never a DuU Moment 2:00: 7:00!W00DBRIDGE- (gg& AFftRAMOUNTPICTURE 4:0* 'Where Were YOU When 10 15; Three Little Plg« 3:41; 1:40; Where Were You When the Ughti power... that's how 24 year old Max Frost 2—Soccer—Championship—Color Monkeyt do Home 8:50. 13-^Lotln America Went Out 2:00; 6:00; »:O0: 10:00. SAT. * SUN. — Never a Dull Mo> SAT. A SUN. — Where were You 31—It's Fun to Read—Discussion ment 2:00; 3:40: B:t5; Three Little became President of the United The Lights Went Out?" 4:M When the Lights Went Out 2:O0; 4:00; Plm 3:40' 7:20; 10:55; Monkeye Qd «:00; 8:00: 10:00, 5— Secret Agent—Drama Home 4:00; 7:30: 11:05. 11—Horse Race—Belmont—Color States...it's perhaps the most^ 31—Films From France unusual motion picture you 4—Campaign ond Ihe Candidates— Report-Color 7-Wlde World ol Sports-Color "IF you are wondering just how far films are will ever see! 11—Outdoorsmcn—Hunting—Color 1 31—Survey of the Arts able to go these days, 'Therese and Isabelle NOW thru TUES. 5.30 4—College Bowl—Color should provide an adequate answer." 5—Man From U.N.C.L.E.—Drama— Color -HOILII ALKRT. 1ATUBIAT MVIZW v Jack '—Kingdom of the Sea 11—Batman—Adventure—Color Lemtnon 31—Lee Graham—Interview "A SIZZLER FROM FRANCE. 47—Congressional Report 1 miter EVENINO Makes 'THE FOX look like a milk-fed puppy. • :00 2—Leave It To Beaver—Comedy 'Therese and Isabelle' will be the most Matthau 4—It's Academic— Quiz—Color 9—Real McCoys—Comedy 11—F Troop—Color talked-about movie around." -» 31—Focus on Books—Discussion 47—La Trlbuno Hlspona «:35 2— Political Talk—Repub. *:» 2—News—Tarn Dunn—Color *-News— Frank McGee-Color 5—Fosl Drow—Game—Color . 7—Suspense Theater-Drama—Color 9—Death Valley Days—Drama—Color \ 11—The Pickle Palace—Vorlety—Color 31—Italian Panorama 47—Wrestling—Washington, D.C. NOW thru TUES.! 1:45 31-News Doris Day/Robert Morte 7:00 2—News—Roger AAudd—Color "WHERE WERE YOU *— New York Illustrated—Color brier, Nth 9-462-0600 J 5—1 Love Lucy—Comedy WHEN THE LIGHTS 9-Fllm-Devll of Parls- "** IN COLOR Jeon Morals— 2 hrl.—Color WENT OUT?" 3i-Communlty Action 7:M 1 2^Jackle Gleoson—Color Couple 4—Adam-12—Drama—Color p NOW! S—The Sound Is Now—Musk—Color TECHMCOIOCOOR • 3rd. RECORD WEEK! • 7—Doting Game—Color M—I nvaders—Dromo—Color TSgl?) A PARAMOUNT PICTUEE Exclusive Engagement!" Jl-On Ihe Job—Flra Dipt. VIVIEN LEIGH "THERESE LESLIE HOWARD *—Get Smart—Comedy—Color 'i ' and AnnaOWl u Ie«e«lle the "ODD COUPLE" 7—Newlywed Game—Color Produce* «nd DIMotad by RADLEV MVTZOIIR and ISABELLE" OLMAdeHAVILLAND Jl-Film also will be shown at HO ONE UNDER IS 47—Club De Lo F0i"'"3—Color rum OMVorallen / FUfMd In ULTnACCOH the Sat. and Sun. RESERVED SEAT TICKETS NOW 2—My Three Son;' .medy—Color KIDDIE SHOW SAT. at 2 at THE PLAZA AT «OX OFFICE OR BY MAIL 4—Ghost ond Mrs. Alulr—Color matinee starting mtom um» w cut HOT « 5-Merv Grlllln-Color Den Knorrs "THE INCREDIBLE MR. LIMPET" 7—Lawrence Welk—Music—Color at 2:00 P.M. For Your Convenience II—Win Wllh the Stors-Colar Tickets Are Also II—Casper Citron—Interview NOW! ... 1:00 On Sale At The 2-Hogan's Heroes—Comtdy-color 3rd. RECORD WEEK! 4—Film—The Train— No Increase In Prices CARLTON THEATRE Burl Lancaster—1 hrs.i 45 mln. EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! Advertise in The Register II—Perry Mason—Drama II—Bio Picture—Army—Color 24 THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, Srptemfe-r 27,1968 " 6 Postpone '33 Aiident To Address Arts Conference 7 Hero weapon The conference, planned, by SPajst 35 Task TRENTON —* Frank Mc- PUZZLE the department's Center lot Bridge Advice 9 Allow 3* Fish Latigfalin, editor of "Media and By Louto Sabla the Humanities, will he attend- National Shakespeare (0 Ljneman 39 Dawdle Methods" for the English de- 11-of Ely 41 Pound .• ed by some 400 teachers, school- By ALFRED SHEINWOLD ACROSS 41 Leather partment of Monmouth College/ 12 Thrash 42 Potential administrators, professionals in strip will be among speakers at the There are times when a 1 Kind of 13 Gaelic receiver the arts, and representatives of Company Will Visit South dealer 42 Spanish third annual New Jersey Con- bridge columnist is torn be- canoe 19 Snoopy's air 45 Conveyance citizen groups. Both sides vulnerable commune ference on the Arts and Hu- tween love-o/ truth and a wish 6Clock part enemy 4t Alluvial RUMSON - The National j series are: Nov. 5, Dean Fer- NORTH 43 Alamos or maniiies, sponsored by the Tdeme for this year's session to live a quiet life. Other men 22 Dine deposit Shakpsprare Company will pro- ;guson of Howard I'niversily • Q53 10 Jeer Vegas state Department of Educa- might weakly settle for peace, 24 Mob scene 47 Foundations will be "The Arts and Humani- sow its product inn of "Othello" ] I^iw School, lecture on politics; O J1094 14 Famed 44 Listen! tion, Oct. 16 at the Lawrence- but duty to my readers compels 25 Squeezed 48 Ripens ties as Agents for Change^ On. S at 8:15 p.m. ;il I?imi>-nn-;\ov. 22. Lionel Hiimplon ;ind O A 96 5 violin 45 Hunter's ville' School, Lawrenceville. me to tell the truth about a + 74 dry 49 Extinct bird Far Haven Regional llij:h . his orchestra in cnnccil; maker helper M B March 14, The Heidelberg Col- hand played recenty in my WEST EAST 26 Light 50 Attack Siiiiiiiiiii>«««MMi""" "" " Sdiool. : 15 Rim 46 Stranger in lege Choir, iind on May 23, Hit"home. 4 J 1098 4 K7642 27 The 51 Feminine Tlir production is the SIM- 16 Employer cowDOyland Shrewsbury Chorale. V Q7 63 ftircmoM liinnsdn-K.'iir Haven Ilegional, My wife looked startled for 23 Sharp- 55 Gridiron for your Listening and Dnncinf Pleasure + A.KQJ 31 Game 59 Kanga's louring rppnrlory t:nui]i. is in Hidge llnad. and in the lobby a moment and dropped the South West North East crested uprights its MXth se;iM>n. iMid w:!l prr tin- night of the performance. deuce of hearts on the table. I 2 V Pass, 3 V Pass ridge 58 Wear away 32 Light weight little one THE SPIRIT SPOT form in ninro tlian Kill cities was the dummy and can't real- 4 NT Pass 3 O Pass 24 Crowd 60 Repair a MS COCKTAIL LOUNGE B in (lie I'.S. and <',in,i(l;i i!n>j ly swear to it, but it did seem 5 NT Pass 6 Pass sound 61 Playing — Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle • SYCAMORE AVE. 542-1774 TINTON FALLS „ year. Nil need to roast a l;irge to me that this was not the 6 <5 All Pass 25 Hospital 62 In no way Founded in MM l>y linlip j broiler-fryer at a really low card she was trying to detach Opening lead — • J section 63 Stadium *••••••••••••••••••••••••«•£•••* Noisier, art 1stn'1 director; ;imP temperature: cooking ;iu- from her hand. At any rate, 27 At" sea drink Elaine Sulka, pc-neral man- Ihnnlios agree (hat a SM-rir'- West scooped the trick up with „ '-".-tX. > « r •>•-<; ft 30 Singing 64 Stains aper. the coinp.my will cnvcr piee oven gives an excellent the queen of hearts and re-ruffed a spade with the ace group 65 Ways on .10.000 miles m its oijiht-month result. Hub the chicken with turned a trump. of trumps. 31 Distress or out Every SUNDAY lour. | soft butter or margarine be- call DOWN My wile looked dazed tor a No Further Problem fore you put it in the nven and 34 Evidence 1 Cabbage The four remaining programs There was no further prob- baste only if vnu want to. moment (I think) but then 35 Butter- 2 Asian ruler In the high school's cullural lem. Declarer could lead her smiled at me with triumph in maker 3 Ivy eleven and WEDNESDAY last trump to dummy and lead her eyes. She won In dummy, 36 Young dog 4 — time like ruffed a spade with the king the jack of hearts, discarding 37 Engrossed this.. . of hearts, returned to dummy the low diamond from her hand. 38 Glistening 5 Opening PRIME RIBS with the ace of diamonds and The king of diamonds and the 39 Single play, grid- Lff'.s go lo AND good clubs then assured the 40 Jewelry: si. iron style slam. Town-Travel Coat "It was a brilliant play," I gushed at the end of the hand. CHAMPAGNE CLARE "You wouldn't have made the K»'';—T AMI 920 slam if you had led the ace of trumps first." all you can y| 95 I COBY'S "Of course," my wife replied impatiently. "It was an obvious play." What A dolighfful evening enjoy. X We never did find out what it In itor« for you when Honey Bear was barking at. It you vitit this fins rettaurant is only my passion for the of distinction. Superb food, truth that makes me believe gracious isrvice in a con- that she thought my wife was genial fltmoipliore • . . plui going to spoil a beautiful cocl(tail» th« way you like bridge hand by leading a high ihorn. Coma- v'nil ui icon( trump. What do you think? you'll be glad you did, DAILY QUESTION Partner opens with two hearts (forcing to game), and HWY. 35 HOLMDEL Restaurant - Cocktail Lounge the next player passes. You DIPFrTION5 Highway 34 • Madison Twp. Tok» Rout, 34 n<,r||, hold: S- K 7 6 4 2 H- None to Junction ol Rl. 9 CLOSED MONDAYS 721-4898 D— Q 10 8 C— 9 8 6 5 2. What 264-4600 do you say? Answer: Bid 2-NT. You will have time to show the spades later. Your first duty is to make the negative response, DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham denying any substantial strength in high cards. A Pocket Guide (o Bridge is available. Get your copy by sending 50 cents to Red Bank Register Inc., Box 3318, Grand Thick Succulent Cut of Central Station, New York, Prime Ribs Every Fri.-Sat.-Sun. N.Y. 10017.

    Wear this smart coat right up to cold weather, then en. Mental Health joy it for travel and in 1969. INSTANT-KNIT coat in Talk Set by PTA • Bowl of Sleomers seed stitch with slimming EAST KEANSBURG - • Cup ol Clom Chowder cable panels. Packable, won't • WhoU Brolltd Lobller crush, thrifty. Pattern 920: Mental Health as a Family • Cold Slaw Affair" will be the theme of • Slullid Bok«[1 Potato sizes 32-34; 36-38 included. the first meeting of the East • Deuert & Ccflee Fifty cents in coins for each pattern — add 15 cents for each Keansburg PTA scheduled for pattern for lst-class mailing Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. in the all- and special handling. Send to purpose room of the school. A "SUNDAY BUFFET" Laura Wheeler, (The Daily guest from the speakers' bu- W!TM_WEEKLY MENU VARIATIONS Jlegislex),_Nepdlccraft _Degt., reau at Monmouth Medical STARTING AT 4~P:Mr-T-50 Per— enteTrkong-Branchr will-pre- "TIL 9 P.M. O Person Box 1(11, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N. Y. 10011. Print sent the lopic. REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE Pattern Number, Name, Ad- The PTA will hold five meet- dress, Zip. ings during the year, in Octo- ber, November, February, SEE WHAT'S NEW FOR 19B9 in our giant, new 1969April and May, all on the sec- Harry's Lobster House NEEDLECRAFT' CATALOG! ond Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the plus our complete Seafood Menu Over 2(1(1 designs to choose school's all-purpose room. from, 3 free patterns printed at the Bridge" right inside, llurry, send 50c. Finishing Fund Drive NEW BOOK! "If. Jiffy Rugs" HIGHLANDS — knit, crochet, weave, sew SHREWSBURY — The hook rugs for all rooms. 50c Ihrcwsbury First Aid Squad Book of Prize AFGHANS. 12 expressed its thanks to all resi- complete patterns. 50c dents who have contributed to Museum Quilt Book 2 — pat- its recent fund drive for 1968. TV terns for VI quilts. 50c ..lthough the drive itself has Even he can't Bargain! Quilt Book 1 — 16been completed, anyone who complete patterns. 50c may wish to contribute, should Listings Book -~3 — Quilts for Today's send checks by mail to the We at CEDAR INN invite you to participate with us in renewing an Shrewsbury First Aid Squad, run up much of a bill Living. New, exciting collec- (Continued) linn. IS complete patterns. 50c Box 44, Shrewsbury, 07701. 5— Film—Rulers of the Seo— Old Fashioned Custom at Bonanza. Douglas Fairbanks Jr.—2 hr» 7_FBI— Color "SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH" 11—Honeymaonors—Comedy 31— Brooklyn Colleqe an elegant leisurely brunch, served jrom noon to 3 p.m. Feed your family for less at 4—Ntothers-ln-Law—color coming in October! 31-survey of ll>« Arts Dinners also served after 12 noon 9:00 SPIRITED APPETIZERS 47—smothon Brolhers—Color 4-Bonania—Color Orange Juice, freshly squeezed blended wllh Vodka 7_F«m-Come Blow Your Horn- Tomoto Jufce, herbs and spices, mixed with Vodka Fronk Slnolro—2 hrs., 15 mln—C0IO (wines end Ifquors may be served only after 12 p.m. on Sundays by low) 11-Noked Clly—Dromo CALL FAVORITES 31-Humatilllcs I PLATTERS OF PLENTY Country Sausages, Fried Apple Rings or 31-Fllms-l. Patlerns of the Wild; Country Sausagges, Fried Apple Rings or SUNDAY BRUNCH 1 This Land Is Ours—«o mln. Western Smoked Bocon and Fried Tomato Slice or SIR10INP1T. . 10:00 Hickory Cured Ham and Apple Jelly 2-Mlsslor: Impossible—Color 4—Phyllis Dlller—color Caviar Omelette TUESDAY NIGHT BUFFET S-News—Schormen—Color Roast Beef Hash crowned with Poached Egg Hwy. 35, Middletown 9—WHllom F. Buckley Jr.—Color 11-Rowhlde—Western Gospe Salmon scrambled wMh Eggj DAILY SEAFOOD BUFFET Bits o' Beef, creamed on Toast 747-0045 47—Film—To be announced .50 .50 10:30 £edar Omelette chopped meat and notaloes Open 11:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Com*' Hack In October'. 5— Mayor Lindsay—Color Chapped Steak and Fried Eggs 31-May^or Llndsav-folor ACCOMPANIMENTS ?—News— Reasoner—Color Apple Buffer Various Jams and Jellies 4-News—Bob Teopue—Color Toost Assorted Pastries ENJOY YOURSELF S-Dovld Sussklnd—Discussion—Cllor Early American Coffee Robert Gentile—1 hr., 45 mln. After 12 p.m.r enjoy chompagnB throughout brunch 11-Word ol Lite—Color 11:10 4—Weather—Nicholson—Color CEDAR INN SPECIAL 11:15 Steak 'n Egg! 2—News— Tom Dunn—Color Fillet Mlgnon on Toast, topped with a Poached Ega 4—News—Bob Tengue—Color 7-News—Keith MrRet-Color u.a 11:5! 4—Sports-Mt! Allen-Color For thos« wllh hearty appetites — you are Invited to partake ol mother choice. 11:30 2_Fllm—Love I? Belter than Ever— LOBSTER Elzabeth Toyor—1 h., 40 mln. CHILDREN HALF PRICE 4— Film—Agent BV4— Dick Boaarde—1 hr., 35 mln.—Color 7-Local News—Noble—Color 11—Encounltr-Rellglon 11MS Luncheon, Dinner, Corktnils 7—Film—Die, Monster, Die— SHANTY Boris KarloFf—I hr., 3S mln.—Color Private Banquet Facilities ll:tt> 11—Equal Time—Color 47-N«ws— Arluro Rodrlguei 9-Fllm—Color 1:00 5—News 9-News 1:01 4-Fllm-Up the River— STATE HWY. 36, HIGHLANDS « Preston Foster—1 hr., 15 mln. 1:11 1 Blocks North of Highlands Bridge 2—News—Color 1:11 .' J)n sccmc.Chnnnt'i Driit 2— Film— Th« Spoilers- Dial 872-1351 Ann* Boxfer—I hr,, 40 mfn.—Color orerloakia'l the ,««iasju«i Inlet 2:20 4—International 7" ^—Color 2:u tom PLUSANT BEACH, H. i. Telephone: 899-6700 2—Film—Alexandei >in£ in your efiorti before they will the explanation that "they 1 nd the Monmouth Civic Chn- teens and adults will be oil "half-cocked." meet with success. Carl Wellauer, Mrs. Nalhan "The press and the record al couldn't be better qualified by Gsmini. May 21 fo June 21 Sagittarius. Nov.22 to Dae.21 s. All performances arc given j Witkincl, Mrs Kmil Wuorio and Town Hall will show that oui given at Temple Shalom, Mat- Duty ami on't submit to negative It's the Big Fun Night of rii« of even one Democrat will here, on Wednesdays. Addi- before investing in new Yea- feclinRS. The Mnnmoulh Symphony der the Democrats to $40,000 al turc of any magnitude. e;i^uc has launched the mean a Democratic majority tional classes will be held under Loo. July 22 to Aug. 21 Aquarius. Jan. 21 \o Fob. \*t Dance Tonight !Mi stakes through arciconfi- rojeel of producing a for the next two years, and youthe aegis pf the Monmouth Con- Yonr creative imagination can f1cn

    • BUSINESSMAN'S Brawny pile-lined meltons LUNCHEON and nylons that lock in • COCKTAIL warmth . . . LOUNGE SERVING FROM 11 A.M. 'TIL 2 A.M. Count on these hooded benchwarmers to bo • LUNCHEONETTE ALSO OPEN FOR DINE CASUALLY ready for his take-off into winter's worst! Amply "fueled up" from its warm melton QUICK SNACKS the atmosphere shell, a blend of wool and other fibers, to its is to your liking acrylic pile lining that zips in or out. Throe For Your Entertainment PARTIES—WEDDINGS—MEETINGS flap pockets. Great colors! RESERVATIONS DICK HOFF PREP SIZE 6- 12 — REG. 17.99 NOW 14.88 542 - 0800 IA+ the Organ] TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY EVE. Monmouth Shopping Center 747-2711 HWY. 35 ^ EATONTOWN WARDS EATONTOWN CIRCLE-10 A.M. TILL 9:30 P.M. 800 SHREWSBURY AVE. NEW SHREWSBURY (Oppoiitt Fort Monmoulh) Local Securities 26-TJfE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, September 27,1968 Representative tnter-dealer quotations at approximately 3:00 p.m. yesterday from NASD. Prices do notinclude retail mart Successful up, mark-down or commission. BANKS niv. Bid Asked Investing Belmary^aU National 4.00 300' CenfraP Jersey Bank (x) (xx) .40 16 17 Eatontown National Bank .35 21 '/2 23'/$ Spear BY ROGER E. SPEAR Farmers & Merchants (x) (xx) .06 5 fi First Merch. Nat'l Bank (xxx) .14 nv; 12 Q — Recent experiences have ny "A" has 5 million outstand- First Nt'l Bank of Spring Lake (xx) 1.75 no made me wonder. After an ad- ing shares and earns $5 mil- 1st Nt'l Bk of Toms River (x) (xx) .7R .38 41 ditional share offering by a lion, or fl a share. "A" now 1st State Ocean Cty Stock Dividend 16 17 company or aflor a split, sells an additional 1 million Kcansburg-Middletown 1.40 74 shares always seem lo drop. shares so that the $5 million Middletown Banking Co. IS'/J Ifi'/a Why?-RB. income must be divided among Monmouth County Nat'l (xxx) .10 7'/4 75* A — Prior to a split, shares the 6 million shares. The result- N. J. National Bank .12 9 are frequently bid tip, by trad- ing per share earnings are then Ocean County National 1.00 40 83 cents, rather than $1. ers hoping to benefit from in- Peoples Nat'l Bank of Monmouth .40 15'/2 16V$ Peoples Nat'l Bank of Lakewood 4.no 140 creased buying in the lower Q — Should we hold or sell fl Ford Motors, American Tele- Trust Co. of Ocean County .50 plus 4% 49 priced shares. Once ths split (x) Dividend (xx) Tlus Stork phone and Deere & Co., each (xxx) Declared or Paid this Year takes place these short • term of which shows a loss? We are INDUSTRIAL traders sell put, causing a drop interested In building up our Aerological Research 4 21 in .share price which is usually capital.—E.H. Brockway 5214 54 temporary. A — Drumbeating on the part Buck Engineering !S'/4 17 of some automotive company Electronic Associates When a company sells.'new .. 22% 22'/2 spokemen predicting record Electronic Assistance or treasury shares — stock that 26'/, was authorized but not out- car sales will probably continue Foodarama 3014 Laird standing — these shares have to produce near - term action 11 a depressant effect on the mar- in the shares. Because .recov- Metallurgical Internationa! 33 35 ket because they will dilute ery in sales and earnings over 10'/, 11 Monmouth Capital •earnings. P'or example, compa- 1967's strike - depressed levels Monmouth Electric 4'/, is anticipated for Ford, shares Monmouth Park 15 u should be retained. N. J. Natural Gas 22'/2 2.1 Joins Realtors' Poor action in Deere & Co. PATS (Patterson-Smith, Inc.) 6% fi% shares followed depressed Rowan Controller 11 ll'/j Middletown Staff Servomatlon earnings, resulting from nar- Spedcor 1514 rowing margins and losses in Don't Get A-Head Spiral Metal 32 33 European markets. A strike in the first quarter, which re- U. S. Homes 21'/i • 22'/, of Yourself! United Telecontrol Electronics IS 16 stricted production, will prob- Walter Read* • Sterling . VP/t 1%% ably hold fiscal 1968 income Wtnslow Tel. 6'/4 6% below the 1967 figures. Howev- Our 98th Anniversary Sale starts Sept. 30+h er, leading market indicators point to an improved level of thru Oct. 5th, so you've got just enough The place to go — for the brands you know! sales for agricultural equip- time to plan on visiting us from 9:30 a.m. to ment. On this basis, I advise 9:00 p.m. at any or all of our three stores. THE NEW FALL holding. Remember it only happens once a year. And 95 Although Am. Telephone has just think you'll have one whole week to shop been the subject of repeated COMPAN.Y at these prices. Is this any way to run a VESTED SUIT favorable recommendations 79 from brokerage houses and ad- sale . . . you bat it isj visory services, selling pres- JOHN DANIELS sures continue to overhang the 50 BROAD ST. RED BANK shares. With the various ad- OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TILL 1 P.M. verse developments fully dis- CHARGE IT — 30 . 60 - 90 DAYS counted, Telephone appears to be on the bargain counter.

    Mrs. Elisabeth Lcga MIDDI.ETOWN - Realtor G. Don't let long winter days and dreary nights get you down... J. Sterling Thompson, presi- COMING dent of Sterling Thompson k Associates, with offices here, in Rumson and in Matawan, OCTOBER 14ft announces the appointment of Mrs. Elisabeth I^cga to the sales staff of the firm's Middle- town office. Born in Cologne, West Ger- many, Mrs. Lega came to the KEEP FIT ALL United .Slates in 1951. A resi- dent of Matawan Township for MANY PEOPLE 10 years, she recently moved to Middletown, where she lives at 190 Chapel Hill Road with SPEAK OF her three sons, Mark, Jeffrey and Gregory. OUR SERVICES! The I,ega family interests WINTER LONG center around the First Pres- Per Annum en byterian Church of Atlantic Savings Certificate* Highlands of which they are And Enjoy All The Advantages Of From $10,000 members, and Cub Scout Pack 5 240, Fiirview. T, AFMTATTDTVIWEND" 0. COMPOUNDED SAVINGS CERTIFICATES I '" QUARTERLY FROM $5,000 Stock Market Yesterday's closing stocks:

    I-T-E Impirlal t»"4 Adam* F.I Jnlin TS Mr I'ruil Jonps Si L fit SUMMER Mr RtMUIc Joy MtK SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION h'al.ier A] 37 M JT, HATES MIDDLETOWN 1 ATL. HIGHLANDS I UNCROFT Koppi-r.i 3(1 4712400 1 291-0100 843.4400 Allied rh X> WHICH INCLUDE ALL OUR FACILITIES AIMS Ohni :HI .. ] Kroger JOIN THE -j I l.eh Pnrt C Ilicivi ' 72 . I Lell Vnl Jnd ADULT $ 75.00 Am Alrttn :in | l.OF Cn AIM ran W | Llli MeN CHILDREN (4 to II inclusive) $ 40.00 Am t'van "JO i | I.IRE ft My A!ll M Kily IM Ijlllon ]n.1 Am MiH'ir'a VI I.iikciu atl FAMILY RATES (Includes adults and children, AIM Stirt (is Mjipnnvnx Am atri U Mnrntll Oil 43 regardless of age. All must be members of the Mirtln M Am Td*Tfl 27'a MaAinUe 5SH same family.) i\MP 3"i'.. , k M 4<1\ | llf.U u\ Family of two $125.00 .V}\ I Minn M^Ar ifw1. Arnnnir 47 I Mo Pac A 80 Family of thre. 150.00 Arnut rK 7T», I Sintilloll S7!i Mill on Family of four - 175.00 *'l" ' N"("a,h'"n'' ?*"" Family of five 190-00 Atl Rlnlifltl inn*'! N.It ]>n.tr^' 42 Aven Carp 4i;i, I .V.It IM.vtil] jo'i Family of six or more 200.00 WINTER CLUB Illilienrt W LY.N, j Nat (Jy|M JOS Hayuk rit; H'» | N'al Steel 47 «4 Deposit on Individual — $35.00 Air Temperature 82 Degrees — Water Temperature 80 Degrees Hell * HnW fi.-,^; [ Xia M Pnw ^0 HemlK 4i;\ ] N« Am H «\ I NOW AVAILABLE AT r(»n iMn 511", ( Rri-liin JBII* N Coin l'r,,,l 41 1 Ri-yii Mel ^!|ts NO EXTRA CHARGE : STEAM ROOMS SUN ROOM .T.'iH, Iteyn Tevh j<]^ I'm Zell M7K i I'"'1 Controls ,V>N We've gone all out to bring you the finest exercise Separata reomi for men and wenxn who «n|oy ('rue sil -II PI JIM Lead 4!)» • Olympic Pool Ladles' Steam Room t'urtis^ Wr ^;i.: s: Repis Pan w equipment to help you keep slim and trim. Ik* healthful effeeta of therapeutic steam. .-.T. »-m R,.et, 6J»'. Improved and enlarged for greater comfort • Radiant Heating Gymnasium 11 -j 1 Shell nil pn MASSA&E TABLES MANUAL BICYCLES this season. $5000 MINIMUM Heated Salt Water :IT\" s'.n'llii. AO 4 •' EXERCISE TABLES ELECTRIC BICYCLES Trade Winds again offers v°u a full year-round swimming • Men's Steam Room iliil'mit 1?.'-, S.; LN', Tr\ IT SEiil nni; room. Instruction Handball Courti 4 1', TrMrnn 47 V, i, Tv.in^inier I'"' ( nn F.U «;;» Appearing In Our Cocktail Lounge. i'n M lit.' ^i'.. ' l"n Pac 81 Hours of Fun Per Week Ttie No. 1 Musical Group In New Jersey CURRENT 4.50% DIVIDEND ::-, Pn Tank c TRADE WINDS the IV Romans Band the sensational Italian Orch. Learn to Swim Program OPEN DAILY 11 A.M. TO 10 P.M. eil Oirp ALL WINTER, WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. NITES (all agesJ Friday and Saturday 11 A.M. to 12 Midnight l:» PM.-l-.B A.M.; SUN. AFTERNOONS } P.M.-7 P.M. 71'i GROUP AND PRIVATE LESSONS 1'^ Hle.-l W:i'\\-.irth BASIC—NO KNOWLEDGE OF SWIMMING ".',*•. .UP \\'i'!> MVts BEGINNER — SWIMS A FEW FEET •••Mi. «ini! W11 In Tel ilr OH West Kl 77 N ADVANCED BEGINNER \V!i:ie Mnt 4B'i Wile.i rh.-in INTERMEDIATE SWIMMER Xen'X and LOAN ASSOCIATION JUNIOR LIFESAVING NOW LOCATED AT SENIOR LIFESAVING VISIT OUR DIRECTOR AND INSTRUCTOR SNACK BAR BROAD ST. and BERGEN PL., RED BANK SANDWICHES American MRS. EVA DEHNZ PLATTERS- 741-3700 JBEACHCLUB; FOUNTAIN 1 842-2882 SPECIALTIES ir AIM nil 4:! -. ' Kin Ark 011' fi% •,:n M.trr «••, M,>l!Menum 3^S Red Cross Certificates Issued to Qualifying Students. FOR "If lirrr You. SUIT Dors Make a Dijjcmicc' re..|p Pet 411 I PlnrnlN Bit ,11 1305 OCEAN AYE. SEA BRIGHT RESERVATIONS 7\ Pri'tl Hull ''i CALL MMlfl 11', I Teclinienl 4] HIP Cfll 74'i I UUll Id S ul»