
Feliciano Type Stella aA Stella felicianotype.com

60pt Extralight ASTRONAUTS thermonuclear Extralight Italic STJÄRNSYSTEM nucleosynthesis Light PARLAKLIĞINI dichtstbijzijnde Light Italic DOPPELSTERN Nucleossínteses Regular COMPOSIÇÃO kjarnasamruna

2 Stella felicianotype.com

60pt Regular Italic Thermonuclear Medium GRAVITATION dubbelstjärnor Medium Italic PARLAKLIĞINI belirleyebilirler Semibold GEDEELTELIJK Steratmosfeer Semibold Italic FREKVENCIOU electromagnets

3 Stella felicianotype.com

60pt Bold TELESCOPIOS gravitationally Bold Italic PLASMATIQUE Oddziaływanie Extrabold DEMOCRITUS Luminosidade Extrabold Italic MOVIMENTOS Constelaciones Heavy ASTERISMOS trigonometry

4 Stella felicianotype.com

60pt Heavy Italic RADIOACTIVE hydrostatique

5 Stella felicianotype.com

36pt Extralight APESAR DA APARENTE imutabilidade dos céus, Extralight Italic MEIR HAFI RYKSKÝ ÞÉST vegna eigin þyngdarafls og Light WÄHREND EIN STERN im Inneren mehrere Light Italic DE DICHTSTBIJZIJNDE ster is voor ons de zon. Regular BIR YILDIZIN GELIŞIM süreci içinde bulunduğu Regular Italic EN STJÄRNA BÖRJAR som ett kollapsande moln Medium HMOTNOSTNOM limite sa však teoretici

Medium Italic MULTE STELE SE POT vedea ca strălucitoare pe

6 Stella felicianotype.com

36pt Semibold CIASNYCH UKŁADACH podwójnych, gdzie oba Semibold Italic ØKER I STØRRELSE OG tetthet ved å tiltrekke seg Bold LA STELLA PIÙ VICINA alla Terra è il Sole, di Bold Italic DANS TOUT LE SPECTRE électromagnétique, au Extrabold ESTRELLA COMIENZA el colapso gravitacional Extrabold Italic SYSTÉMY, KTERÉ SE skládají ze dvou či více Heavy WILLIAM HERSCHEL the first astronomer Heavy Italic TO DETERMINE THE distribution of in

7 Stella felicianotype.com

24pt Extralight For at least a portion of its life, a shines due to thermonuclear fusion

Extralight Italic Of into in its core, releasing energy that traverses the

Light Star’s interior and then radiates into outer space. Almost all naturally

Light Italic Occurring elements heavier than helium are created by stellar

Regular Nucleosynthesis during the star’s lifetime, and for some stars by

Regular Italic nucleosynthesis when it explodes. Near the end of its life, a

Medium Star can also contain . Astronomers can determine

Medium Italic The mass, age, , and many other properties of a star by observing

8 Stella felicianotype.com

24pt Semibold Its evolution and eventual fate. Other characteristics of a star,

Semibold Italic Including diameter & , change over its life, while the star’s

Bold Environment affects its rotation and movement. A plot of the

Bold Italic Temperature of many stars against their luminosities produces a plot

Extrabold Known as a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Plotting a particular star

Extrabold Italic On that diagram allows the age and evolutionary state of that star to be

Heavy Determined. A star’s life begins with the Gravitational collapse of

Heavy Italic A gaseous of material composed primarily of hydrogen

9 Stella felicianotype.com


Extralight ASTRÔNOMOS ISLÂMICOS MEDIEVAIS Extralight Italic ATRIBUÍRAM NOMES ÁRABES a muitas estrelas, utilizados até hoje, e inventaram numerosos instrumentos astronômicos que podiam calcular as

Light CONSTRUÍRAM OS PRIMEIROS OBSERVATÓRIOS Light Italic DE PESQUISAS, para produzir os catálogos de estrelas Zij. Entre esses, o Livro de Estrelas Fixas foi escrito pelo astrônomo persa Abd al-Rahman al Sufi

Regular LE ALTRE STELLE, AD ECCEZIONE DI ALCUNE Regular Italic SUPERNOVE, SONO VISIBILI solamente durante la notte come dei puntini luminosi, che appaiono tremolanti a causa degli effetti distorsivi operati

Medium HVĚZDA ZAČÍNÁ JAKO KOLABUJÍCÍ MRAK Medium Italic MATERIÁLU SLOŽENÝ HLAVNĚ Z VODÍKU, hélia a stopových množství těžších prvků. Jakmile dosáhne jádro hvězdy dostatečné hustoty, vodík se

Semibold DEN ÅTERSTÅENDE DELEN AV STJÄRNANS INRE Semibold Italic FÖR BORT ENERGIN FRÅN KÄRNAN GENOM en kombination av strålnings- och konvektiva processer. Detta hindrar stjärnan från att

Bold O ASTRÔNOMO ANDALUZ AVEMPACE PROPÔS Bold Italic QUE A VIA LÁCTEA ERA constituída de muitas estrelas que quase se tocavam e parecia uma imagem contínua devido ao efeito da refração

10 Stella felicianotype.com


Extrabold FOR AT LEAST A PORTION OF ITS LIFE, A STAR Extrabold Italic SHINES DUE TO THERMONUCLEAR FUSION of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star’s interior and the

Heavy LOS SISTEMA BINARIOS Y MULTIESTELARES Heavy Italic CONSTAN DE DOS O MÁS ESTRELLAS QUE están unidas gravitacionalmente entre sí, y por lo general se mueven en torno a otra en órbitas

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Regular A star is an consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own . The nearest star to Earth is the . Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points Extralight in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into and asterisms, the brightest of which gained . Astronomers have assembled star catalogues that identify the known stars and provide standardized stellar designations. The observable Superiors Universe contains an estimated 1×1024 stars, but most are invisible to the naked eye from Earth, including all stars outside our , the . A star’s life begins with the gravitational collapse of a gaseous nebula of material composed primarily of Regular Italic hydrogen, along with helium and trace amounts of heavier elements. When the is sufficiently dense, hydrogen becomes steadily converted into helium through , releasing energy in the process. The first in Greek was created Semibold by Aristillus in approximately 300 bc, with the help of Timocharis. The star catalog of Hipparchus included 1020 stars, and was used to assemble Ptolemy’s star catalogue. Hipparchus is known for the discovery of the first Medium recorded . Many of the constellations and star names in use today derive from Greek astronomy. In spite of the apparent immutability of the heavens, Chinese astronomers were aware that new stars could Small Caps appear. In 185 ad, they were the first to observe and write about a supernova, now known as the sn185. The Old Style Figures brightest stellar event in recorded history was the sn1006 supernova, which was observed in 1006 and written about by the Egyptian astronomer Ali ibn Ridwan and several Chinese astronomers. The sn1054 supernova, which gave Heavy Italic birth to the Crab Nebula, was also observed by Chinese and Islamic astronomers.

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Extralight HISTORICALLY, STARS HAVE BEEN IMPORTANT TO CIVILIZATIONS Extralight Italic THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. THEY HAVE BEEN part of religious practices and used for celestial navigation and orientation. Many ancient astronomers believed that stars were permanently affixed to a heavenly sphere and that they were immutable. By convention, astronomers grouped stars into constellations and used them to track the motions of the and the inferred position of the Sun. The motion of the Sun against the background stars was used to create calendars, which could be used to regulate agricultural practices.

Light Z HISTORICKÉHO POHLEDU BYLY HVĚZDY DŮLEŽITÉ VE VŠECH Light Italic CIVILIZACÍCH PO CELÉM SVĚTĚ, ZEJMÉNA jako součásti náboženských praktik. Krom toho se též používaly k navigaci a orientaci na noční obloze. Mnoho starověkých astronomů věřilo, že jsou hvězdy na nebeské sféře umístěny trvale a že jsou jinak neměnné. Podle zvyklostí astronomové seskupili hvězdy do souhvězdí a používali je ke sledování pohybů a odvození polohy Slunce. Pohyb Slunce vůči hvězdnému pozadí posloužil k vytvoření kalendáře, který pak našel využití hlavně v zemědělství.

Regular HISTÓRICAMENTE, LAS ESTRELLAS HAN SIDO IMPORTANTES PARA LAS Regular Italic CIVILIZACIONES EN TODO EL MUNDO, han sido parte de las prácticas religiosas y se utilizaron para la navegación celeste y la orientación. Muchos astrónomos antiguos creían que las estrellas estaban fijadas permanentemente a una esfera celeste y eran inmutables. Por convención los astrónomos agrupaban las estrellas en constelaciones y las usaban para rastrear los movimientos de los planetas y la posición inferida del Sol. El movimiento del Sol contra las estrellas de fondo fue utilizado para crear calendarios, que podrían ser utilizados para regular las prácticas agrícolas.

Medium HISTORIQUEMENT, LES ÉTOILES SONT LES POINTS LUMINEUX DU CIEL Medium Italic VISIBLES UNIQUEMENT LA NUIT ET FIXES LES uns par rapport aux autres, par opposition aux planètes qui suivent des trajectoires errantes dans le ciel nocturne au cours de l’année. Les anciens avaient une connaissance approfondie de la répartition des étoiles dans le ciel : ils les utilisaient pour la navigation et attribuaient des noms à certaines d’entre elles ainsi qu’aux formes qu’elles dessinent, les constellations. Cependant ils ignoraient tout de leur nature exacte, pensant souvent qu’il s’agissait d’orifices percés à travers la sphère céleste.

13 Stella felicianotype.com


Semibold HISTORICAMENTE, AS ESTRELAS FORAM IMPORTANTES PARA AS Semibold Italic CIVILIZAÇÕES EM TODO O MUNDO. Elas foram parte de práticas religiosas e usadas para navegação e orientação astronômica. Muitos astrônomos antigos pensavam que as estrelas estavam permanentemente fixadas a uma esfera celestial e eram imutáveis. Por convenção, os astrônomos agruparam estrelas em constelações e as usaram para acompanhar os movimentos dos planetas e a posição inferida do Sol. O movimento do Sol em relação ao fundo de estrelas foi usado para criar calendários, que podiam ser usados para regular as práticas agrícolas.

Bold Z HISTORICKÉHO POHLEDU BYLY HVĚZDY DŮLEŽITÉ VE VŠECH Bold Italic CIVILIZACÍCH PO CELÉM SVĚTĚ, ZEJMÉNA jako součásti náboženských praktik. Krom toho se též používaly k navigaci a orientaci na noční obloze. Mnoho starověkých astronomů věřilo, že jsou hvězdy na nebeské sféře umístěny trvale a že jsou jinak neměnné. Podle zvyklostí astronomové seskupili hvězdy do souhvězdí a používali je ke sledování pohybů planet a odvození polohy Slunce. Pohyb Slunce vůči hvězdnému pozadí posloužil k vytvoření kalendáře, který pak našel využití hlavně v zemědělství.

Extrabold HISTÓRICAMENTE, LAS ESTRELLAS HAN SIDO IMPORTANTES PARA Extrabold Italic LAS CIVILIZACIONES EN TODO EL MUNDO, han sido parte de las prácticas religiosas y se utilizaron para la navegación celeste y la orientación. Muchos astrónomos antiguos creían que las estrellas estaban fijadas permanentemente a una esfera celeste y eran inmutables. Por convención los astrónomos agrupaban las estrellas en constelaciones y las usaban para rastrear los movimientos de los planetas y la posición inferida del Sol. El movimiento del Sol contra las estrellas de fondo fue utilizado para crear calendarios, que podrían ser utilizados para regular las prácticas agrícolas.

Heavy Heavy Italic HISTORIQUEMENT, LES ÉTOILES SONT LES POINTS LUMINEUX DU CIEL VISIBLES UNIQUEMENT LA NUIT ET FIXES LES uns par rapport aux autres, par opposition aux planètes qui suivent des trajectoires errantes dans le ciel nocturne au cours de l’année. Les anciens avaient une connaissance approfondie de la répartition des étoiles dans le ciel : ils les utilisaient pour la navigation et attribuaient des noms à certaines d’entre elles ainsi qu’aux formes qu’elles dessinent, les constellations. Cependant ils ignoraient tout de leur nature exacte, pensant souvent qu’il s’agissait d’orifices percés à travers la sphère céleste.

14 Stella felicianotype.com

9pt Extralight / Extralight Italic Regular / Regular Italic The science of stellar spectroscopy was The science of stellar spectroscopy was pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and . By comparing the spectra of Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of stars such as to the Sun, they found stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found differences in the strength and number of differences in the strength and number of their absorption lines—the dark lines in their absorption lines—the dark lines in stellar spectra caused by the ’s stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, Secchi began classifying stars into spectral Secchi began classifying stars into spectral types. However, the modern version of the types. However, the modern version of the scheme was developed stellar classification scheme was developed by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. The science of stellar spectroscopy was The science of stellar spectroscopy was pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and Angelo pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and Secchi. By comparing the spectra of stars such as Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of Sirius to the Sun, they found differences in the stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found strength and number of their absorption lines— differences in the strength and number of the dark lines in stellar spectra caused by the their absorption lines—the dark lines in ’s absorption of specific frequencies. spectra caused by the atmosphere’s absorption In 1865, Secchi began classifying stars into of specific frequencies. In 1865, Secchi began spectral types. However, the modern version of classifying stars into spectral types. However, the stellar classification scheme was developed the modern version of the stellar classification by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. scheme was developed by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. Light / Light Italic The science of stellar spectroscopy was Medium / Medium Italic pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and The science of stellar spectroscopy was Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of differences in the strength and number of stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found their absorption lines—the dark lines in differences in the strength and number of stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s their absorption lines—the dark lines in absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s Secchi began classifying stars into spectral absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, types. However, the modern version of the Secchi began classifying stars into spectral stellar classification scheme was developed types. However, the modern version of the by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. stellar classification scheme was developed The science of stellar spectroscopy was by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and Angelo The science of stellar spectroscopy was Secchi. By comparing the spectra of stars such pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and as Sirius to the Sun, they found differences in Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of the strength and number of their absorption stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found lines—the dark lines in stellar spectra caused differences in the strength and number of by the atmosphere’s absorption of specific their absorption lines—the dark lines in stellar frequencies. In 1865, Secchi began classifying spectra caused by the atmosphere’s absorption stars into spectral types. However, the modern of specific frequencies. In 1865, Secchi began version of the stellar classification scheme was classifying stars into spectral types. However, developed by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. the modern version of the stellar classification scheme was developed by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s.

15 Stella felicianotype.com

9pt Semibold / Semibold Italic Extrabold / Extrabold Italic The science of stellar spectroscopy was The science of stellar spectroscopy was pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of and Angelo Secchi. By comparing the stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found spectra of stars such as Sirius to the differences in the strength and number of Sun, they found differences in the their absorption lines—the dark lines in strength and number of their absorption stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s lines—the dark lines in stellar spectra absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, caused by the atmosphere’s absorption Secchi began classifying stars into spectral of specific frequencies. In 1865, Secchi types. However, the modern version of the began classifying stars into spectral stellar classification scheme was developed types. However, the modern version of by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. the stellar classification scheme was The science of stellar spectroscopy was developed by Annie J. Cannon during the pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and 1900s. Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of The science of stellar spectroscopy was stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and differences in the strength and number of Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of their absorption lines—the dark lines in stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s differences in the strength and number of absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, their absorption lines—the dark lines in Secchi began classifying stars into spectral stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s types. However, the modern version of the absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, stellar classification scheme was developed by Secchi began classifying stars into spectral Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. types. However, the modern version of the stellar classification scheme was developed by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. Bold / Bold Italic The science of stellar spectroscopy was pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and Heavy / Heavy Italic Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of The science of stellar spectroscopy was stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer differences in the strength and number of and Angelo Secchi. By comparing the their absorption lines—the dark lines in spectra of stars such as Sirius to the stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s Sun, they found differences in the absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, strength and number of their absorption Secchi began classifying stars into spectral lines—the dark lines in stellar spectra types. However, the modern version of the caused by the atmosphere’s absorption stellar classification scheme was developed of specific frequencies. In 1865, Secchi by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. began classifying stars into spectral The science of stellar spectroscopy was types. However, the modern version of pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and the stellar classification scheme was Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of developed by Annie J. Cannon during the stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found 1900s. differences in the strength and number of The science of stellar spectroscopy was their absorption lines—the dark lines in pioneered by Joseph von Fraunhofer and stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s Angelo Secchi. By comparing the spectra of absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, stars such as Sirius to the Sun, they found Secchi began classifying stars into spectral differences in the strength and number of types. However, the modern version of the their absorption lines—the dark lines in stellar classification scheme was developed by stellar spectra caused by the atmosphere’s Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s. absorption of specific frequencies. In 1865, Secchi began classifying stars into spectral types. However, the modern version of the stellar classification scheme was developed by Annie J. Cannon during the 1900s.

16 Stella felicianotype.com

Language Support Danish Icelandic Historie henviser enten til det der Saga getur átt við hverskyns frásögn skete i fortiden eller forskningen i hvort sem hún er í rituðu eða töluðu og formidlingen af denne fortid dvs. formi. Orðið merkir líka það sem gerst historieskrivning. Der skelnes ofte hefur í fortíðinni (stundum kallað Saga mellem historisk tid og forhistorisk tid. með stóru s-i eða sagan með ákveðnum Historisk tid er den tid hvor vi har greini) eða frásögn af

Dutch Italian Geschiedenis verwijst in de eerste La storia è la disciplina che si occupa plaats naar de vakdiscipline die dello studio del passato tramite l’uso di zich bezighoudt met de studie fonti cioè di documenti testimonianze van chronologische ordening van e racconti che possano trasmettere il gebeurtenissen zich daarbij baserend sapere. Più precisamente la storia è la op een kritisch onderzoek van bronnen. ricerca sui fatti del passato e il

English Polish History is the past as it is described Historia – nauka humanistyczna i in written documents, and the study społeczna która zajmuje się badaniem thereof. Events occurring before written przeszłości a w znaczeniu ścisłym records are considered prehistory. badaniem działań i wytworów ludzkich “History” is an umbrella term that aż do najstarszych poświadczonych relates to past events as well pismem świadectw w odróżnieniu od

French Portuguese L’histoire souvent écrit avec la première História é a ciência que estuda o ser lettre majuscule est à la fois l’étude et humano e sua ação no tempo e no l’écriture des faits et des événements espaço concomitantemente à análise passés quelles que soient leur variété de processos e eventos ocorridos no et leur complexité. L’histoire est passado. O termo «História» também également une science. pode significar toda a informação do

German Spanish Unter Geschichte versteht man im La historia es la ciencia que tiene Allgemeinen diejenigen Aspekte como objetivo el estudio de sucesos der Vergangenheit derer Menschen del pasado, tradicionalmente de la gedenken und die sie deuten um sich humanidad​, y como método, el propio über den Charakter zeitlichen Wandels de las ciencias sociales/humanas, así und dessen Auswirkungen auf die como el de las ciencias naturales en un

+ Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, Galician, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh, Zulu & more 17 Stella felicianotype.com

OpenType Features

Default figures 2 457 meters

Deactivated Activated Case sensitive forms ¡HOLA! — ¡HOLA! —

Small Caps interstellar interstellar

Ligatures official fix official fix

Old Style figures IT’S 1983 IT’S 1983

Table figures 14:30 – 21:30 14:30 – 21:30

Fractions 2/5 3/5 and 7/8 2/5 3/5 and 7/8

Superiors 3 × 10 20 3 × 1020

Numerators denominators 1/1000 1⁄1000

Ordinals 2a 3o & 4o 2ª 3º & 4º

Stylistic alternates V&A V&A

18 Stella felicianotype.com

Character Set Upright

Basic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Accented Characters Á  À Ä Ã Å Ă Ā Ą Æ Ǽ Ć Č Ĉ Ċ Ç Ð Ď Đ É Ê È Ë Ě Ē Ę Ğ Ĝ Ġ Ģ Ħ Ĥ Í Î Ì Ï Ĭ Ī İ Ĩ Į Ĵ IJ Ķ Ł Ĺ Ľ Ļ Ŀ Ń Ň Ņ Ñ Ŋ Ó Ô Ò Ö Õ Ŏ Ō Ő Ø Ǿ Œ Ŕ Ř Ŗ Ś Š Ş Ŝ Ș Þ Ŧ Ť Ț Ţ Ú Û Ù Ü Ů Ũ Ű Ū Ų Ẃ Ŵ Ẁ Ẅ Ý Ŷ Ỳ Ÿ Ẋ Ź Ž Ż á â à ä ã å ă ā ą æ ǽ ć č ç ĉ ċ ð ď đ é ê è ë ě ē ę ə ğ ĝ ģ ġ ħ ĥ ij í î ì ï ĭ ī i ĩ į ĵ ij ȷ ķ ł ĺ ľ ļ ŀ ń ň ņ ñ ŋ ó ô ò ö õ ŏ ō ő ø ǿ œ ŕ ř ŗ ś š ş ŝ ș ß þ ŧ ť ț ţ ú û ù ü ů ũ ű ū ų ẃ ŵ ẁ ẅ ý ŷ ỳ ÿ ẋ ź ž ż

Small Caps A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z á â à ä ã å ă ā ą æ ǽ ć č ç ĉ ċ ð ď đ é ê è ë ě ē ę ğ ĝ ģ ġ ħ ĥ ij í î ì ï ĭ ī i ĩ į ĵ ij ķ ł ĺ ľ ļ ŀ ń ň ņ ñ ŋ ó ô ò ö õ ŏ ō ő ø ǿ œ ŕ ř ŗ ś š ş ŝ ș ss þ ŧ ť ț ú û ù ü ů ũ ű ū ų ẃ ŵ ẁ ẅ ý ŷ ỳ ÿ ź ž ż

Ligatures fi fl ff fj

Numerals Currency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Math Operators ¤ $ £ ¥ € ¢ + − × ÷ = ≠ < > ≤ ≥ ± ≈ Δ Ω Π ∑ √ ∞ ∫ µ π ∂

Fractions Small Numerals ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ ⅕ 2/5 3/5 ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ 7/8 + − = . (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) + − = .

Punctuaction Symbols - – — « » ‹ › • [ H ] ( ) { } \ | / ¡ ¿ ! ? . : ; · … ‚ „ ‘ ’ “ ” † ‡ * ª º ° ™ ® % ‰ # " ' & & @ § ¶ ©

Arrows Miscellaneous ←↑→↓↖↗↘↙ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◤ ◥ ◢ ◣ � � � � � � � � � ○ ● ◊ ⊠ ■ □ ▪ ▫

19 Stella felicianotype.com

Character Set Italic

Basic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Accented Characters Á  À Ä Ã Å Ă Ā Ą Æ Ǽ Ć Č Ĉ Ċ Ç Ð Ď Đ É Ê È Ë Ě Ē Ę Ğ Ĝ Ġ Ģ Ħ Ĥ Í Î Ì Ï Ĭ Ī İ Ĩ Į Ĵ IJ Ķ Ł Ĺ Ľ Ļ Ŀ Ń Ň Ņ Ñ Ŋ Ó Ô Ò Ö Õ Ŏ Ō Ő Ø Ǿ Œ Ŕ Ř Ŗ Ś Š Ş Ŝ Ș Þ Ŧ Ť Ț Ţ Ú Û Ù Ü Ů Ũ Ű Ū Ų Ẃ Ŵ Ẁ Ẅ Ý Ŷ Ỳ Ÿ Ẋ Ź Ž Ż á â à ä ã å ă ā ą æ ǽ ć č ç ĉ ċ ð ď đ é ê è ë ě ē ę ə ğ ĝ ģ ġ ħ ĥ ij í î ì ï ĭ ī i ĩ į ĵ ij ȷ ķ ł ĺ ľ ļ ŀ ń ň ņ ñ ŋ ó ô ò ö õ ŏ ō ő ø ǿ œ ŕ ř ŗ ś š ş ŝ ș ß þ ŧ ť ț ţ ú û ù ü ů ũ ű ū ų ẃ ŵ ẁ ẅ ý ŷ ỳ ÿ ẋ ź ž ż

Small Caps A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z á â à ä ã å ă ā ą æ ǽ ć č ç ĉ ċ ð ď đ é ê è ë ě ē ę ğ ĝ ģ ġ ħ ĥ ij í î ì ï ĭ ī i ĩ į ĵ ij ķ ł ĺ ľ ļ ŀ ń ň ņ ñ ŋ ó ô ò ö õ ŏ ō ő ø ǿ œ ŕ ř ŗ ś š ş ŝ ș ss þ ŧ ť ț ú û ù ü ů ũ ű ū ų ẃ ŵ ẁ ẅ ý ŷ ỳ ÿ ź ž ż

Ligatures fi fl ff fj

Numerals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Currency Math Operators ¤ $ £ ¥ € ¢ + − × ÷ = ≠ < > ≤ ≥ ± ≈ Δ Ω Π ∑ √ ∞ ∫ µ π ∂

Fractions ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ Small Numerals + − = . (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) + − = .

Punctuaction - – — « » ‹ › • [ H ] ( ) { } \ | / ¡ ¿ ! ? Symbols . : ; · … ‚ „ ‘ ’ “ ” † ‡ * ª º ° ™ ® % ‰ # " ' & & @ § ¶ ©

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20 Stella

Designed by Mário Feliciano, 2010

Styles: Extralight Extralight Italic Light Light Italic Regular Regular Italic Medium Medium Italic Semibold Semibold Italic Bold Bold Italic Extrabold Extrabold Italic Heavy Heavy Italic

Feliciano Type Rua das Mercês 125 1300-407 Lisboa Portugal www.felicianotype.com

Copyright © Feliciano Type All rights reserved. Feliciano Type® is a registered trademark trademark of Secretonix Lda