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Exact Theory of Non-relativistic Quadrupole Bremsstrahlung

Josef Pradler1 and Lukas Semmelrock1

1Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Nikolsdorfergasse 18, 1050 Vienna, Austria

Abstract The quantum mechanical treatment of quadrupole due to bremsstrahlung exact to all orders in the Coulomb interaction of two non-relativistically colliding charged spin-0 and unpolarized spin-1/2 particles is presented. We calculate the elements of the quadrupole tensor, and present analytical solutions for the double differential emission cross section of identical and non- identical particles. Contact is made to Born-level and quasi-classical results in the respective kinematic limits and effective energy loss rates are obtained. A generally valid formula for soft-photon emission is established and an approximate formula across the entire kinematic regime is constructed. The results apply to bremsstrahlung emission in the scattering of pairs of and are hence relevant in the study of astrophysical phenomena. A definition of a Gaunt factor is proposed which should facilitate broad applicability of the results.

1. INTRODUCTION Hoof et al. 2014; Chluba et al. 2020), it is perhaps sur- The emission of a photon in the scattering of two prising to note that a complete description of - electrically charged particles is one of the most fun- electron bremsstrahlung scattering to leading order in damental processes of , and the electrons’ non-relativistic velocity and exact in their bremsstrahlung per se is an important phenomenon in Coulomb interaction is seemingly absent in the litera- many branches of physics. The exact treatment of ture today. bremsstrahlung in a Coulomb potential, as seen in the For the scattering of two particles with differ- collision of two charged particles, is a difficult endeavour ent charge-to-mass ratios, the leading contribution to since it involves the evaluation and integration of hyper- bremsstrahlung is dipole radiation. The classical elec- geometric functions as part of the positive energy solu- trodynamics calculation was given by Kramers(1923). tions of the respective Schr¨odingerequation. While for The first quantum mechanical calculations were done in- many applications treating the wave functions as plane dependently by Oppenheimer(1929) and Sugiura(1929) waves and solving the problem to first order in perturba- as well as two years later by Sommerfeld(1931), and re- tion theory is of sufficient accuracy, say for scattering of sults were obtained in the Born approximation. The full fast electrons on protons or ions, there is a signifi- non-relativistic quantum mechanical solution for dipole cant kinematic regime where such approximation fails. bremsstrahlung was first found by Sommerfeld & Maue (1935), closing the gap between the Born and the clas- arXiv:2007.06592v2 [hep-ph] 30 Nov 2020 Corrections to perturbative results can generally be expected in the non-relativistic regime, i.e., when the sical limit. A few years later, Elwert(1939) found an relative incoming velocity falls below the mutual inter- approximate solution for dipole bremsstrahlung by mul- action strength. While there is a vast amount of lit- tiplying the Born cross section by the ratio of proba- erature that studies electron-ion bremsstrahlung in this bilities for finding the two initial and final particles, re- kinematic regime and within a principal astrophysical spectively, at the same position. This factor is always context (Menzel & Pekeris 1935; Karzas & Latter 1961; greater than unity for attractive and less than unity for Johnson 1972; Kellogg et al. 1975; Hummer 1988; van repulsive interactions. Thus, the Elwert approximation extends the range of validity of the Born approximation in an easy way. There is, however, still an entire kine- [email protected] matic range where the Elwert approximation fails and [email protected] the full result must be used. In quest of a generally valid formula for soft photon emission, Weinberg(2019) 2 most recently revisited the process of dipole radiation scattering. We conclude in Sec. 10 and several appen- in an application of his soft photon theorem (Weinberg dices provide further details on the calculations. 1965a). Throughout the paper we will use rationalized natural 2 In case the two scattering particles have the units where ~ = c = 1 and α = e /(4π) ' 1/137. same charge-to-mass ratio, their combined dipole mo- ment vanishes and the leading order contribution to 2. MATRIX ELEMENTS AND CROSS SECTIONS bremsstrahlung is quadrupole radiation. The first cal- The S-matrix element for the emission of a photon of culation of quadrupole bremsstrahlung for spin-1/2 par- energy ω, three-momentum q and helicity λ with trans- ∗ ticles in the Born approximation was done by Fedyushin verse polarization vector q,λ in Coulomb gauge in the (1952), and later extended to arbitrary spin by Gould collision of non-relativistic particles with charges Zne, (1981); see also (Gould 1990). The Elwert prescrip- masses mn, momenta pn and respective coordinates xn tion was applied to electron-electron bremsstrahlung is given by Weinberg(2015), by Maxon & Corman(1967), and there is a body of literature that is concerned with various aspects of the Sfγ,i = 2π i δ(Ei − Ef − ω) ∗ elementary process of electron-electron bremsstrahlung q,λ X Z e −iq·x × √ · n hΨ |e n p |Ψ i. (1) such as the evaulation of Gaunt factors for astrophysi- m f n i 2ω n n cal purposes or differential particle distributions as they are relevant in laboratory measurements; we refer the As for our premise of providing a result of quadrupo- reader to the textbook discussions (Gould 2006; Haug lar photon emission that is exact to all orders in the & Nakel 2004) and references therein. However, while Coulomb interaction of two colliding particles, we take the exact quantum mechanical formulation of dipole the inital (final) states |Ψi(f)i to be the positive energy bremsstrahlung has found its entry in advanced text- solutions of the Hamiltonian books on quantum electrodynamics (Sommerfeld 1939; p2 p2 Z Z α Akhiezer & Berestetskii 1953; Berestetskii et al. 1982), H = 1 + 2 + 1 2 , (2) 0 2m 2m |x − x | the corresponding result for quadrupole bremsstrahlung 1 2 1 2 has not yet been presented in a complete manner. such that H0|Ψi,f i = Ei,f |Ψi,f i. The motion of the In this paper, we bring this topic to a closure by calcu- center-of-mass (CM) can be separated as usual, hx|Ψii = lating the exact differential cross section for quadrupole eiP·Xχ (r) where P = p + p and X = (µ/m )x + pi 1 2 2 1 bremsstrahlung in the non-relativistic approximation (µ/m1)x2 are CM momentum and coordinate, respec- and provide its analytical form. Contact is then made tively, and r = x1 − x2 and pi = µ(p1/m1 − p2/m2) are to all relevant kinematic regimes, i.e., the Born, clas- the respective particles’ relative position and initial rel- sical and soft-photon regimes where our findings can ative momenta; µ = m1m2/(m1 + m2) is the reduced be compared with results from the literature, primar- mass. The separation yields an overall momentum- 3 (3) ily in connection with the process of electron-electron conserving delta function (2π) δ (P − p3 − p4 − q) bremsstrahlung. For the sake of better generality, we where p3,4 are the final state momenta with relative shall consider the collision of two particles with arbi- momentum pf = µ(p3/m1 − p4/m2). From the above trary charge-to-mass ratios Z1e/m1 and Z2e/m2 where matrix element, and in the CM frame P = 0, we are e > 0 is the unit of electromagnetic charge. Results are hence left to evaluate then easily specialized to the case of colliding electrons Z − + AI 3 ∗ e and/or e of mass m1,2 = me and charges M = e d r χ (r)O (−i∇ )χ (r). (3) I µ pf I r pi Z(e±) = ±1, respectively. The paper is organized as follows: in Sec.2 we in- The operator OI originates from the expansion of the ex- −iq·rn troduce the formulæ for the matrix elements and cross ponentials e where rn = xn −X and the dipole and sections and in Sec.3 we briefly review dipole emission quadrupole emission cases assemble themselves through in a Coulomb potential. In Sec.4 we then derive the the respective leading and next-to-leading order terms, double differential cross sections in photon energy and   Z1 Z2 scattering angle for quadrupole emission. In Sec.5 we dipole: OD =1,AD =µ − , (4) relate our results to asymptotic expressions in the Born m1 m2   and classical regime, and in Sec.6 we study the regime 2 Z1 Z2 quadrupole: OQ =−iq·r,AQ =µ 2 + 2 . (5) of soft photon emission. In Sec.7 we show numerical m1 m2 results on the effective energy loss, and in Sec.8 we pro- As is evident, if two particles have the same charge- pose a definition of a Gaunt factor for electron-electron to-mass ratio, Z1/m1 = Z2/m2, their mutual dipole 3 moment vanishes and the leading order contribution to of kinematic reasons. Below we shall study those lim- bremsstrahlung becomes quadrupole radiation. Hence, its and see how the known results follow from the full for the special cases of scattering of electrons/positrons quantum mechanical formula. (e±e±) with their counterparts we have |A | = 0, The matrix element M, defined through Sfγ,i = D 4 (3) (e−e+) (e±e±) (e−e+) (2π) δ(E − E − ω)δ (P − p − p − q)M, when |A | = 1, |A | = 1/2, |A | = 0. i f 3 4 D Q Q squared, summed over the two photon polarizations, and The wave functions χ for the relative motion of pi,f averaged over the direction of the outgoing photon is the particles that are to be used in (3) are (linear com- given by binations of) the Coulomb wave functions of appropriate asymptotic behavior (Landau & Lifshitz 1977), Z ∗ 2 2 1 X q,λ h|MI | iˆq = dΩq √ · MI . (10) (+) π ν ip ·r  − 4π 2ω χ (r)=Γ(1−iν )e 2 ie i F iν ,1;iζ , (6a) λ pi i 1 1 i i (−) π ν ip ·r  + The energy-differential cross section for dipole (I = D) χ (r)=Γ1+iν e 2 fe f F −iν ,1;−iζ , (6b) pf f 1 1 f f or quadrupole (I = Q) emission is then given by where F is the confluent hypergeometric func- 2 3 s Z 1 1 dσI µ ω 2ω 2 ω = 1 − d cos θ h|MI | iˆq . (11) tion (Abramowitz & Stegun 1948). The magnitudes dω 4π3 µv2 of the relative three-momenta and position are denoted i ± by pi,f ≡ |pi,f | and r ≡ |r|, respectively, and ζi,f = where cos θ = pi · pf /(pipf ) is the cosine of the CM pi,f r ± pi,f · r. The relative velocities—small parame- scattering angle of the colliding particle pair. The ters in this problem—are denoted by vi,f = pi,f /µ. Note boundaries of the d cos θ integration are (−1, 1) for non- that we define the Sommerfeld parameters νi,f such that identical particles and (0, 1) for identical particles. they carry the sign of the interaction, Before proceeding, we comment on the role of spin in the bremsstrahlung process. In the above formulation, α ν ≡ −Z Z , (7) all quantities are scalars. The non-relativistic absence of i,f 1 2 v i,f an interaction involving the spin-coordinate of the par- i.e., ν > 0 for attractive interactions (Z Z < 0) and ticles implies that the spin only enters in the counting of i,f 1 2 spatially symmetric and anti-symmetric states, to be de- νi,f < 0 for repulsive interactions (Z1Z2 > 0). The R 3 ∗ tailed below. Spin is a relativistic concept and it gener- wave functions are normalized as d r χ (r)χ 0 (r) = p p ally manifests itself in contributions carrying additional 3 (3) 0 (+) (2π) δ (p − p ) and the asymptotic forms of χ and factors of v that are hence suppressed. The S-matrix (−) i,f χ at spatial infinity comprise a (Coulomb-distorted) element (1) given in Coulomb gauge arises from the in- plane wave plus an outgoing and incoming spherical teraction Hamiltonian of charges en with the vector po- wave, respectively. tential A, Hn = −(en/mn)A · pn. This interaction is The parameters |νi,f | can be viewed as the ratio of the supplemented by the one arising from the magnetic mo- magnitude of the potential energy of the colliding par- 0 ment, Hn = −µn · (curl A) where |µn| = en/2mn is the ticle pair, |Z1Z2|α/r, at a separation r that equals the intrinsic Dirac moment of a charged spin-1/2 particle. de Broglie of the relative motion, 1/(µvi,f ), On naive dimensional grounds, curl A ∼ |q|A = ωA, 2 0 to the respective kinetic energies µvi,f /2. This high- so that Hn/Hn ∼ ω/|pn| = O(vi,f ), indicating the non- the role νi and νf play in delineating the various relativistic relative suppression. kinematic regimes, In the scattering of identical particles, the leading or- der process is quadrupole radiation and of higher order

|νi,f |  1 Born regime, (8) in vi compared to dipole emission. This arises because of |νi,f |  1 classical regime. (9) a cancellation of the lower order terms among the indi- vidual amplitudes in Eq. (1). A similar cancellation also In the Born regime, the electrostatic interaction energy occurs for the magnetic moment interaction and the rel- 0 of the two colliding charges before and after the colli- ative unimportance of Hn over Hn is preserved (Gould sion remains small compared to the respective kinetic 1981). For non-identical particles, dipole emission is the 0 energies. The process then becomes treatable by replac- leading order process and radiation induced by Hn can ing χ with plane waves. In turn, in the opposite at best compete with quadrupole emission, but will gen- pi,f limit the particles’ motion is quasi-classical and the pro- erally be further suppressed because of a non-divergence cess becomes describable in terms of formulæ derived in photon energy (Gould 1990). We leave a study of from classical electrodynamics; note that |νf | ≥ |νi| out the exact spin-induced emission process in a Coulomb 4

0 ∂ field for dedicated future work, noting that for the pri- F (z) ≡ 2F1(iνf , iνi; 1; z), (16) mary case of interest, the scattering of identical parti- ∂z cles, Eq. (1) yields the dominant result. to be used extensively below. The squared integral is therefore (Berestetskii et al. 1982) 3. DIPOLE EMISSION In order to prepare for the quadrupole case and to set 16πα3 Z2 Z2 A2 S S |F (z)|2 z|F 0 (z)|2 |M |2 = 1 2 D i f − some of the notation, in this section we review the cal- D 2 4 (pi +pf ) (pi −pf ) 1−z νi νf culation of the dipole transition integral. By defining  νi +νf z  0∗ ∗ 0  νi,f as we did in Eq. (7), we can treat the case of an +i F (z)F (z)−F (z)F (z) , (17) 2νi νf 1−z attractive Coulomb interaction Z1Z2 < 0 and a repul- sive Coulomb interaction Z1Z2 > 0 simultaneously. The where the Sommerfeld factors Si,f characterize the ac- wave functions χ (r) and χ (r) to be used in (3) are pi pf tion of the Coulomb field near the origin, the ones of (6)(Berestetskii et al. 1982), −2πν (+) 2 2πνi A h D S = e i |χ (0)| = , (18) D i pi 2πν MD = e BiBf lim ipi∇p J1 (λ, k, pi, pf ) e i − 1 µ λ→0 i −2πν D i S = |χ(−)(0)|2 = f . (19) +p J (λ, k, p , p ) , (12) f pf −2πν i 2 i f e f − 1

−πνi,f /2  with Bi,f = e Γ 1 − iνi,f and using the abbre- The differential cross section with respect to the emit-   D D viation 1F1 iζi(f) ≡ 1F1 iνi(f), 1, iζi(f) , J1 and J2 ted energy ω is given by effecting the angular inte- are given by gral in (17), which can be written as d cos θ = (pi − p )2/(2p p ) dz. In the dipole case, one can then use Z ik·r−λr f i f D 3 e + − the hypergeometric differential equation to substitute J1 (λ,k,pi,pf)= d r 1F1(iζf )1F1(iζi ), (13a) r the expression in the square brackets of (17) by a total Z D 3 ik·r−λr + − derivative in z to get the differential cross section for an J2 (λ,k,pi,pf)= d re 1F1(iζf )1F1(iζi ). (13b) attractive interaction (Berestetskii et al. 1982)

The solution to the first integral has been given by Nord- 3 2 2 2 D dσD 16 α Z1 Z2 AD 1 ξ d 2 sieck(1954), which we shall denote by IN , i.e., J1 = ω = S S |F (ξ)| , (20) dω 3 2 2 i f ν ν 4 dξ IN , µ vi i f 2π  η iνi η +η −iνf 2 −πνi 1 3 4 with ξ = min(z) = −4pipf / pi − pf . Note that νi,f , IN(λ,k,pi,pf)= e η1 η3 η3 arguments in the Sommerfeld factors Si,f and parame-   η1η4−η2η3 ters in the hypergeometric function F , are positive for ×2F1 1−iνi,iνf,1, , (14) η1(η3+η4) attractive interactions and negative for repulsive inter- 2 2 actions. Equation (20) is therefore applicable to both with η1 = (k + λ )/2, η2 = pf · k − iλpf , η3 = cases. pi · k + iλpi − η1 and η4 = pipf + pi · pf − η2. D The integral J2 vanishes due to the orthogonality of 4. QUADRUPOLE EMISSION the Coulomb wave functions; this is also manifest in D D If two particles have the same charge-to-mass ratio, the integrated form by noting that J2 = −∂λJ1 their combined dipole moment vanishes and the - and limλ→0 ∂λIN = 0. Setting k = pi − pf and ing order contribution to bremsstrahlung is quadrupole using the properties of the hypergeometric functions, −b radiation. The quantum mechanical calculation for the 2F1 (a, b; c; z) = (1 − z) 2F1 (b, 1 − a; c; z/(z − 1)) and collision of two non-relativistic electrons to first order in 2F1 (a, b; c; z) = 2F1 (b, a; c; z) one finds that the dipole perturbation theory was presented by Fedyushin(1952); transition amplitude is for textbook discussions see Berestetskii et al.(1982);

−πνi  i(νi+νf )−1 Akhiezer & Berestetskii(1953). We now proceed to the −i8πeADBiBf e pi − pf MD = (1 − z) calculation that is complete to all orders in the Coulomb µ(p − p )2(p + p )2 p + p i f i f i f interaction of the scattering particles. We additionally   0  × iνipiF (z) k − (1 − z) pf pi − pipf F (z) , recover the previous results by Fedyushin(1952) in a dedicated Born-level quantum field theory calculation with z = −2(p p − p · p )/(p − p )2 and where we i f i f i f that is presented in App.B. have introduced the shorthand notation We start this section by considering the scattering of

F (z) ≡ 2F1(iνf , iνi; 1; z), (15) a distinguishable particle pair. In this case, AD 6= 0, 5 dipole radiation dominates (unless AD  AQ because An important aspect in the calculation of Q is that for of some accidental cancellation), and quadrupole radi- identical spin-1/2 particles, the overall wave function is ation is the first correction in a velocity expansion of anti-symmetric under particle exchange. If the particles the cross section. In a second part, we then consider are in the spin singlet (↑↓) state, the wave-function is the scattering of identical particles, such as two elec- spatially symmetric and vice versa for the three spin trons, for which A = 0 and quadrupole radiation will triplet (↑↑) states. The wave functions χ to be used D pi,f become the leading process. are then, The calculations below will be framed in terms of a   ab ↑↓ 1 (+) (+) quadrupole tensor Q = (Q ) that is defined through χp (r) = √ χp (r) + χp (−r) , (25a) i 2 i i the expression (3) for the matrix element M = (M b ), Q Q 1   χ↑↑(r) = √ χ(+)(r) − χ(+)(−r) , (25b) pi pi pi b AQ a ab 2 MQ = − q Q . (21) µ with analogous linear combinations χ↑↓ (r) and χ↑↑ (r) pf pf The Cartesian components of Q are then given by the made from χ(−). For identical spin-0 particles, the wave pf tensor1 function is symmetric under particle exchange and the Z wave function (25a) has to be used. For the scatter- Qab = e d3r χ∗ (r)ra∂bχ (r), (22) pf pi ing of identical particles, there are hence more overlap integrals of hypergeometric functions to consider. b where ∂ is the derivative with respect to the b-th Carte- 4.1. Scattering of non-identical particles sian component of r, i.e. rb. The tensor is symmetric in its indices, Qab = Qba, which is related to the fact If the scattered particles are distinguishable, the wave functions χ (r) and χ (r) to be used in (22) are the that the two-particle system (without explicit magnetic pi pf ones of (6). Following the notation for the dipole case, moment interaction) has vanishing magnetic dipole mo- D ment, see e.g. Landau & Lifshitz(1975). we replace the scalar functions J1,2 with vector-valued Q The squared matrix element (10) can be then written functions J1,2, given by in terms of the quadrupole tensor as Z Q 3 r ik·r−λr + − J1 (λ, k, pi, pf ) = d r e 1F1(iζf )1F1(iζi ) 2 r 2 ωAQ D X a c ∗ b d E ∗ ab cd h|MQ| iˆq = 2 qˆ qˆ (q,λ) q,λ (Q ) Q = −i∇ I (λ, k, p , p ), (26a) 2µ ˆq k N i f λ Z 2 JQ(λ, k, p , p ) = d3r r eik·r−λr F (iζ+) F (iζ−) ωAQ h ab 2 aa 2i 2 i f 1 1 f 1 1 i = 2 3|Q | − |Q | , (23) 30µ ∂ = i ∇ I (λ, k, p , p ). (26b) ∂λ k N i f with |Qab|2 ≡ (Q∗)abQba = Tr(Q†Q) and |Qaa|2 ≡ (Q∗)aaQbb = | Tr(Q)|2. In the second equality we have We hence make the important observation, that the in- used for the angular average tegrals are expressible as derivatives of the Nordsieck integral IN given by Eq. (14). Because of this, we are in   D X a c ∗b dE 3 ac bd bc ad 2 ab cd the position of assembling an analytical solution. Also qˆ qˆ   = δ δ + δ δ − δ δ Q ˆq 30 3 note that unlike in the dipole case, J does not iden- λ 2 tically vanish. From the definitions (26a) and (26b), 5  ac bd bc ad + δ δ − δ δ . (24) it follows that the quadrupole tensor Q with Cartesian 30 components Qab can be written as At this point the quadrupolar E2 nature of the emission   ab ab ∂ ∂ b ∂ becomes manifest: because of the symmetry in Q , the Q =eBi Bf lim a ipi −pi IN (λ,k,pi ,pf ), λ→0 ∂k b ∂λ contraction with the second bracket vanishes and only ∂pi the symmetric combination in a and b and in c and d (27) survives. The term corresponding to magnetic dipole where pi, pf , k are treated as separate variables in the emission M1 is therefore not present. partial derivatives of IN . After taking the derivatives, we set k = pi − pf . The elements of the quadrupole 1 tensor can then be split into the following symmetric Throughout this paper, Cartesian coordinates are given by upper indices a, b, . . . to discern them from the lower indices i and f combinations, labeling in and out states; the Einstein summation convention is  used for upper indices. ab  a b a b a b b a  Q =f0 f1pˆi pˆi+f2pˆfpˆf+f3(ˆpi pˆf+ˆpipˆf) F (z) 6    a b a b a b b a 0 the deduced asymptotic expression for the classical limit + f4pˆi pˆi+f5pˆfpˆf+f6(ˆpi pˆf+ˆpipˆf) F (z) , (28) for κ  1, Eq. (54) in this work. At this point, we can calculate |Qab|2 = Tr(Q†Q) and a aa 2 2  where the variousp ˆi,f are the Cartesian components of |Q | = | Tr(Q)| with ˆpi · ˆpf = cos θ = 1 + z(1 − 2 the unit vectors ˆpi,f = pi,f /pi,f . The prefactors f0 to y) /(2y), both of which can be written in the form f6 are    αβ 2 d 2 0 2 −πν i ν +ν −2 |Q | = G A + C |F (z)| + B F (z) 1 e B B 16πe i 1 − y  ( i f ) 0 αˆβˆ αˆβˆ αˆβˆ f = i f (1 − z) , (29a) dz 0 3 3 4 1 + y  pi (1 − y) (1 + y) 0∗ ∗ 0  h i + iDαˆβˆ F (z) F (z) − F (z) F (z) . (30) f1 = νi − 2 + (1 − y)z ν2 h i ˆ ˆ + i i 2y2 + 2y(2 − y)z + (1 − y)2z2 , (29b) The hats onα ˆβ =a ˆaˆ ora ˆb are labels of the coefficients zy A to D and not Cartesian components that would need h 3 2 i to be summed over. The prefactor reads f2 = νi − 2y − y (1 − y)z ν2 h i 3 2 2 + i i 2y2 + 2y2(2y − 1)z + y2(1 − y)2z2 , (29c) 64πα Z1 Z2 SiSf zy G0 = 6 8 4 6 . (31) µ vi (1 + y) (1 − y) h i ν2 h i f = ν y(1 + y) + i i − 2y2 − y(1 + y2)z , (29d) 3 i zy The coefficients A to D for |Qaa|2 are given by h 2 i f4 = νi(1 − z) − y(3 − y) − (1 − y) z 4(y+1)2 9y2 6y(y+1) 2 Aaˆaˆ = ,Baˆaˆ = ,Daˆaˆ = , (32a) (1 − z) h 2 i 2 2 + i 2y − y(1 − y)z , (29e) (z−1) νi νi (z−1) z h 2 i ab 2 f5 = νi(1 − z) y(1 − 3y) − y(1 − y) z and Caˆaˆ = 0. For |Q | we find 2 (1 − z) h 2 2 i 2 (" 4 2 # + i 2y + y (1 − y)z , (29f) νi (y−1) (y−1) 2 z A ˆ = − z 2 aˆb 2(z−1)2 y2 ν2 h i (1 − z) 2 i f6 = νi(1 − z) y(1 + y) − i 2y . (29g) " # " #) z 4 y2 (y+1)2 + 2(1−y)2 − z+8 2+ , (33a) y 2 2 with y = pf /pi and the definitions of z as in Sec.3 νi νi above. ( 1 z h i2 The elements of the quadrupole tensor (29) for a B = (y−1)2 z+4y aˆˆb 2y (z−1) Coulomb field have previously been reported in Gal’stov ) & Grats(1976). The results appear to have gone unno- y2 h   i + 10y−2 1+y2 z−(1−y)2 z2 , (33b) ticed in the Western literature, see e.g. Gould(2006) 2 νi claiming the absence of such calculation (p. 236). We 4    disagree—by individually different amounts—with all (1−y) 4y 2 y(1+3z) C ˆ = z+ z + , (33c) real coefficients of F and two of the three imaginary co- aˆb 2y(z−1)2 (1−y)2 (1−y)2 efficients of F 0 listed in Eq. (17) of Gal’stov & Grats ( (1+y) h 2 2 2 i (1976). A numerical study of the ensuing cross sec- D ˆ =− y −νi (y−1) aˆb 4ν y2 (1−z)2 tion shows that it generally yields wrong results and i 2 3 h 3 2 2 i 2 asymptotes to the correct Born and classical limits ×(y−1) z + 4y −8νi (y−1) y z only in a limited region of parameter space. The au- ) thors start from a different ansatz—Eqs. (1) and (2) 2 h 2 i 3 −4y 4νi +(y+4)y+1 z+8y . (33d) by Gal’tsov & Grats(1974)—to establish the elements of the quadrupole tensor from the Nordsieck integral. Us- ing their starting point, we recover our coefficients (29) The double differential cross section in the incoming for the quadrupole tensor. From this we conclude that particles’ scattering angle θ and the emitted energy ω the result of Gal’stov & Grats(1976) contains errors can then be obtained by plugging (30) into (11) using (English and Russian version are consistent in their crit- the respective expressions for the quadrupole transition ical equation). Despite those discrepancies, we agree in amplitude given by (23), 7

3 2 2 2     ω dσQ 8 α Z1 Z2 AQ y d 2 0 2  ∗ 0  = 2 2 SiSf A + C |F (z)| + B F (z) + 2D Im F (z) F (z) , (34) dω d cos θ non-id. 15 µ (1 − y) dz

Z ∗ ab 3 h (−) i a b (+) ab where A = 3A ˆ − A and the same for B, C and D. Q =e d r χ (−r) r ∂ χ (−r)=Q , (37c) aˆb aˆaˆ 3 pf pi 1 Again, the expression for the cross section is valid for Z ∗ attractive and repulsive interactions with ν changing ab 3 h (−) i a b (+) ab i Q4 =e d r χp (r) r ∂ χp (−r)=Q2 , (37d) sign going from the former to the latter. Equation (34) f i is our first main result.

4.2. Scattering of identical particles with Q↑↓ = (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4)/2 and Q↑↑ = (Q − Q + Q − Q )/2, where k = p − p (as be- To calculate the scattering of identical particles—such 1 2 3 4 i f fore) and l ≡ p + p are treated as independent from as in electron-—we have to use the i f p and p until after taking the derivative; furthermore spatially (anti-)symmetrized wave functions (25). In the i f lim I (λ, −k, −p , −p ) = lim I (λ, k, p , p ) following, we treat the symmetric and antisymmetric λ→0 N i f λ→0 N i f holds. We can see that Q = Q and Q = Q which case separately, 1 3 2 4 gives Z Qab = e d3r (χ↑↓ )∗ ra∂b χ↑↓ , (35a) ↑↓ pf pi Z 2s ab 3 ↑↑ ∗ a b ↑↑ αβ 2 αβ 2 αβ 2 (−1) αβ 2 Q = e d r (χ ) r ∂ χ . (35b) |Q | = |Q1 | + |Q2 | + |I | , (38) ↑↑ pf pi 2s + 1

The squared amplitude will then be given by the singlet αβ 2 combination |Q↑↓ | for spin-0 and by where αβ = ab or aa as before and s is the spin of the αβ 2 colliding particles. Here, |Q1 | is nothing else than the 1 |Qαβ|2 = |Qαβ|2 + 3|Qαβ|2 αβ = aa, ab, (36) squared quadrupole tensor (30) of Sec. 4.1. It can be 4 ↑↓ ↑↑ αβ 2 αβ 2 easily shown that |Q2 | can be obtained from |Q1 | for spin-1/2 particles, where the factor 1/4 is from the by replacing cos θ → − cos θ, which is identical to the 2 spin average of the four possible (singlet and triplet) transformation z → z˜ = −z −4y/(1−y) . For the inter- spin configurations of the colliding unpolarized spin-1/2 ference term in (38), we can use the expression (28) for particles. The four relevant integrals are the quadrupole tensors Q1 and Q2 with Q1 ≡ Q1(z) and Q2 ≡ Q2(˜z). The result for the interference term Z h i∗ αβ 2 Qab =e d3r χ(−)(r) ra∂b χ(+)(r) |I | is rather lengthy which we therefore relegate to 1 pf pi App.A. In the limit νi → 0, the expressions obtained ∂  ∂ ∂  by plugging (A2) and (A3) into the three terms in (38) =eB B ip −pb I (λ,k,p ,p ), (37a) i f a i b i N i f agree with the expressions obtained from the t-channel, ∂k ∂pi ∂λ Z h i∗ u-channel, and interference terms of the tree level dia- Qab =e d3r χ(−)(−r) ra∂b χ(+)(r) 2 pf pi grams in a Born-level calculation. The double differen-   tial cross section for two identical particles with mass ∂ ∂ b ∂ =eBiBf a ipi b −pi IN(λ,l,pi,−pf), (37b) m1,2 = m and charge Z1,2 = Z so that AQ = 1/2 reads, ∂l ∂pi ∂λ

3 4 "    ωdσQ 8 α Z y d 2 0 2  ∗ 0  ˜ ˜ d 2 = 2 2 SiSf A+C |F (z)| +B F (z) +2D Im F (z)F (z) + A+C |F (˜z)| dωdcosθ ident. 15 m (1−y) dz dz˜ 2s  0 2  ∗ 0  (−1) +  ∗  −  ∗  +  0∗ 0  +B˜ F (˜z) +2D˜ Im F (˜z)F (˜z) +2 A Re F (z)F (˜z) +A Im F (z)F (˜z) +B Re F (z)F (˜z) + 2s+1 # B−ImF 0∗(z)F 0(˜z)+C+ReF ∗(z)F 0(˜z)+C−ImF ∗(z)F 0(˜z)+D+ReF 0∗(z)F (˜z)+D−ImF 0∗(z)F (˜z) . (39) 8 √ ± ± ± 12(2−x)4−7(2−x)2x2−3x4 1+ 1−x  where, as in Eq. (34), A = 3Aaˆˆb−Aaˆaˆ, A = 3A ˆ−Aaˆaˆ, aˆb + 3 √ ln √ . A˜ = A(z → z˜) and the same for the other coefficients 2 (2−x) 1−x 1− 1−x B,C,D and B,˜ C,˜ D˜, as well as B±,C±,D±. This (43) is our second main result, and it is the exact expres- For identical spin-0 particles, such as in α-particle scat- sion for bremsstrahlung emission in the scattering of a tering, we obtain in agreement with Gould(1981), non-relativistic electron pair. Note that in the scatter- 3 4  2 ing of identical particles, the latter only share repulsive dσQ 4 α Z √ 6x ω = 2 1−x 26+ 2 Coulomb interactions. dω Born 15 m (2−x) ident. √ 5. BORN AND QUASI-CLASSICAL LIMITS 6(2−x)4+7(2−x)2x2+3x4 1+ 1−x  + √ ln √ . The expressions presented in the previous section are (2−x)3 1−x 1− 1−x valid for bremsstrahlung in the presence of Coulomb in- (44) teractions for general values of the Sommerfeld param- We have verified that we obtain the cross sections above eters ν . Hence, they contain both, the Born and the i,f also by integrating the squared matrix elements pre- quasi-classical limit. In the following, we shall discuss sented in App.B, which were obtained from a tree-level how the limiting expressions, as they are often found quantum field theory calculation for |Z |/m = |Z |/m . in the literature, appear from the exact results above; 1 1 2 2 The Born cross sections (41)–(43) are shown as dash dedicated Born and classical calculations of the cross double-dotted lines in Figs.1 and2. sections are additionally presented in the appendices. In the Elwert prescription (Elwert 1939) mentioned in 5.1. Born Limit the introduction, the Born cross sections are multiplied by a ratio of the Sommerfeld factors S and S , defined The Born regime is characterized by |ν |  1. In i f i,f in Eq. (18) and which also multiply the exact expressions this limit, the hypergeometric function and its derivative (20), (34) and (39).2 The Elwert cross section is then can be written in closed form as (Abramowitz & Stegun given by, 1948)

dσI −2πν Sf dσI ν2 ln(1 − z) ω = e i ω . (45) F (z) ≈ 1 ,F 0(z) ≈ i (|ν |  1). (40a) dω S dω y z i Elwert i Born −2πνi In the same limit, the Sommerfeld factors go to unity, Note that the prefactor e Sf /Si is always greater than unity for attractive and less than unity for repul- Si,f → 1. It is then straight-forward to obtain the Born expressions, which we shall record in the following. sive interactions. Results based on the prescription (45) 2 are shown by the dashed red lines in all figures. In Figs.1 For dipole emission, and denoting by x ≡ 2ω/µvi the fraction of kinetic CM energy that is carried away by and2, one can see that the Elwert cross section devi- the emitted photon, the energy differential cross section ates from the differential Born cross section towards the reads kinematic endpoint, i.e. for x → 1. In the soft photon region, both expressions give the same result. 3 2 2 2  √  dσD 16 α Z1 Z2 AD 1 + 1 − x ω = 2 2 ln √ . (41) 5.2. Quasi-classical Limit dω Born 3 µ vi 1 − 1 − x Classical results from are ob- For quadrupole emission, the corresponding cross sec- tained by taking the limit → 0. Let us hence, mo- tion for non-identical particles is obtained from (34) by ~ mentarily, reinstate the factors of in the Sommerfeld taking the limits (40) and by integrating over cos θ, ~ parameter and in the fraction of CM energy carried away 3 2 2 2  by the photon, dσQ 8 α Z1 Z2 AQ √ ω = 2 10 1 − x dω Born 15 µ Z Z α 2ω non-id. ν = 1 2 , x = ~ . (46) √ i,f v 2 1 + 1 − x  ~ i,f µvi + 3(2 − x) ln √ . (42) 1 − 1 − x For |νi|  1 it is then said that the particles move on classical trajectories and both, |ν | → ∞ and |ν | = For identical spin-1/2 particles, such as in e−e− scatter- i f ing, with mass m1,2 = m and charge Z1,2 = Z one finds in agreement with literature (Fedyushin 1952), 2 An extensive physical reasoning why the correction fac- tor involves the ratio of wave-functions at the origin, 3 4  2 (−) 2 (+) 2 dσQ 4 α Z √ 3x |χ (0)| /|χ (0)| , can be found in Gould(2006). pf pi ω = 2 1−x 17− 2 dω Born 15 m (2−x) ident. 9 Attractive Interaction

102  2

) Classical i

µv Born ( /

2 D Elwert A 2 2 Exact Z 2 1 Z 3 α  101

Dipole, νi = 0.1 Dipole, νi = 1 Dipole, νi = 10 ωdσ/dω

102 classical (κ ≪ 1)  Born (soft photon) 2 classical (κ ≫ 1) /µ 2 Q A 2 2 Z 2 1 Z 3 α 


ωdσ/dω Quadrupole, νi = 0.1 Quadrupole, νi = 1 Quadrupole, νi = 10

10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1

2 x =2ω/(µvi )

Figure 1. Differential cross section in ω for attractive interactions Z1Z2 < 0 for dipole (top) and quadrupole (bottom) emission for three different values of νi = {0.1, 1, 10} (increasing from left to right). The exact result [Eq. (20) for dipole emission and angle-integrated Eq. (34) for quadrupole emission] is shown in solid black. The Born limits (41) and (42) are given by the dash double-dotted gray lines and the rigorous classical limit [Eq. (C14) for dipole and Eq. (C15) integrated over  for quadrupole emission] is shown by the dash-dotted blue lines. The classical asymptotic expressions (53) and (54) are shown by the long- dashed blue thin lines and the classical soft photon limit (60) and (66) are given by the thin dotted blue lines in the right panels. In the left panels, the Born soft-photon limits (59) and (64) are shown by thin dotted gray lines. The Elwert approximation is shown in dashed red. √ |νi|/ 1 − x → ∞ when ~ → 0. Taking the classical condition x  1. For the attractive case, such limit in limit therefore requires the limiting behaviour of the the hypergeometric functions can be calculated with the hypergeometric functions F (z) = 2F1(iνf , iνi; 1; z) and saddle-point method. A discussion of it can be found in its derivative F 0(z) for two large imaginary parameters the book by Sommerfeld(1939), which we also follow. A

±i|νi,f |; the positive sign is for attractive and the nega- discussion of the case κ  1 will be relegated to Sec.6. tive sign for repulsive interactions. We start with attractive interactions, Z1Z2 < 0, and In turn, the limit x → 0 when ~ → 0 is the long- note that for taking the limit νi,f  1, the contour wavelength (soft photon) limit, implying vanishing recoil integral representation of the hypergeometric functions of the emitting particle pair. We point out that also |z|, can be used to rewrite F (z) and F 0(z) in the form 0 the argument of F,F , becomes large and z → −∞ for + −πνi I 1 x → 0. The asymptotic expansion of the hypergeometric (0) e (∼) ν f(u) F (z) = du g (u) e f , (48a) − functions hence depends on which of its arguments |νi,f | 2πi 0 or |z| grows quicker in magnitude. To this end, note that  uy  f(u) = i ln y , (48b) the product of x and νi is independent of ~, (1 − u) (1 − uz)

0 |νi|x |Z1Z2|αω with g(u) = 1/u for F andg ˜(u) = iνf /(1 − uz) for F . κ ≡ = 3 , (47) 2 µvi The contour in (48a) circles the singular points u = 0 and u = 1 in positive direction. The saddle points are so that the value of κ becomes the parameter delineating situated at the possible asymptotic limits (Berestetskii et al. 1982).   In the following, we will treat the case κ  1 observing 1 − y θ u0 = 1 + i cot . (49) that it remains compatible with the quasi-classicality 2 2 10 Repulsive Interaction

102  2 ) i µv ( /

2 D Classical A 1 2 2 10 Z Elwert 2 1 Z

3 Born α  Exact

1 Dipole, νi = 0.1 Dipole, νi = 1 Dipole, νi = 10 ωdσ/dω

102 classical (κ ≪ 1)  Born (soft photon) 2 classical (κ ≫ 1) /µ 2 Q A 2 2

Z 1 2 1 10 Z 3 α 

1 ωdσ/dω Quadrupole, νi = 0.1 Quadrupole, νi = 1 Quadrupole, νi = 10

10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1

2 x =2ω/(µvi )

Figure 2. Same as Fig.1 but for repulsive interactions.

We can then expand around u0, taking into account the second and third order in the expansion of f(u) yielding for ν  1, 3 2 2 2 i dσD 16π α Z1 Z2 AD ω = √ (Z1Z2 < 0, κ  1). " # dω 3 3 µ2v2 e−πνi+νf f(u0) I classical i F (z) ≈ − I − 2 , (50a) (53) 1/3 1 1/3 2πiu0νf u0νf This expression is generally used in the definition of a " # Gaunt factor for dipole radiation, see Sec.8, and it is ν e−πνi+νf f(u0) z I F 0(z) ≈ − f I + 2 , (50b) related to the original result by Kramers(1923) on the 1/3 1 1/3 2π(1−zu0)νf (1−zu0)νf inverse process, namely, the classical rate for photon ab-

sorption. For repulsive interactions, Z1Z2 > 0, Eq. (53) where the first integral is the leading order expansion in gets multiplied with an overall factor exp(−2πκ). (∼) g (u) around the saddle point and the second integral For quadrupole bremsstrahlung, we only possess is the next to leading order expansion. The integrals closed solutions for the double differential cross section can be identified as the integral representations of the in ω and cos θ, i.e. (34) and (39). Therefore, we have to modified Bessel functions keep the θ-dependence in I1 and I2 and integrate to get the differential cross section in ω. For the solution in an 3 3 ! Z ∞ 2 3 2 a −ax +ibx 2 a 27 2 2 a b attractive potential, it can be shown that for νi → ∞, I1= dxe = √ e K1/3 2 , (51) −∞ 3 3 b 27 b the double differential cross section goes to zero for all

Z ∞ 2 3 −ax +ibx values of θ except for θ = π. A tedious calculation, I2= dxxe which involves expanding I and I around θ = π up to −∞ 1 2 2 3 " 3 ! 3 !# (52) fourth order and integrating the result over θ, yields for 2i a 2 a 2 a 2 a 27 2 quadrupole radiation, = √ e b K1/3 −K2/3 , 9 3 b2 27 b2 27 b2 3/2 3 2 2 2  2/3 1/3 dσ 32π α Z Z A α|Z Z |ω with a = −ν f 00(u )/2, b = −i f 000(u )/6. Plugging ω Q = 1 2 Q 1 2 f 0 0 7/6 2 3 dω classical 3 Γ(1/6) µ µv (50) into (20) implies evaluating I1 and I2 at θ = π, i which yields in agreement with Berestetskii et al.(1982), (Z1Z2 < 0, κ  1). (54) 11

Again, the repulsive case, Z1Z2 > 0, is obtained by mul- and underlies the theorem implying the cancellation of tiplying the right hand side by exp(−2πκ). It is worth infrared divergences in quantum electrodynamics, and noting at this point, that the cross sections for scat- along analogous lines, with a modified version of (56), tering of identical and non-identical particles yield the the cancellation of infrared divergences in the emission same classical limit (54) as they should.3 of soft gravitons (Weinberg 1965a). AppendixC presents the classical calculations for en- In the dipole case, it is then straight-forward to show ergy loss. For dipole radiation, the result for dσ/dω is that in the non-relativistic expansion, AD becomes the integrable to Hankel functions for arbitrary κ . When an squared difference of initial and final state velocity, expansion is made for κ  1 and the classical velocity 2 4 2αAD 2 is identified with vi, Eq. (53) follows. For the classi- AD(ω, cos θ) = |vi − vf | , (57) cal treatise of quadrupole radiation, we are able to cast 3π the result on dσ/dω as an integral over Airy functions, and which is to be multiplied by the Rutherford cross as shown in App. C.3, which can be solved analytically section and yields Eq. (54) to leading order for κ  1 after the 2 2 2 dσ 8πα Z1 Z2 1 classical velocity is again identified with v . The asymp- = . (58) i d cos θ µ2 |v − v |4 totic forms can be seen in the right panels of Figs.1 vi→vf i f and2 where the thin dashed blue lines show the “hard It is important to note that (58) is exact in the Coulomb photon” (κ  1) expressions (53) and (54). In addition, interaction of the scattering particles and also coincides the blue dash-dotted lines are the full classical results with the Born result. for general κ derived in App.C. Integrating the product (57) with (58) over the scat- tering angle yields to leading order in x the Born cross 6. SOFT-PHOTON LIMIT section (41) after the latter is expanded in x as well5, In this section, we comment on the case of soft pho- soft 3 2 2 2 2 ! ton emission, i.e., the limit x  1, focusing on spin- dσD 16 α Z1 Z2 AD 2µvi ω = 2 2 ln . (59) 1/2 particles as the case of primary interest. It is long dω Born 3 µ vi ω known (Low 1958) that in the soft-photon limit the double-differential emission cross section can be writ- Since the result is a direct consequence of his soft-photon ten as the product of elastic scattering cross section theorem (Weinberg 1965a) and per se an exact result in the limit x → 0, Weinberg(2019) recently investigated dσ/d cos θ|v →v and an overall factor AI describing the i f the validity of (59) away from |ν |  1 and observed emission (see e.g. Berestetskii et al.(1982)), i that when the scattering approaches the forward direc- dσ dσ tion in (58), the requirement on the smallness of x be- ω I = A × . (55) I comes increasingly stringent for (59) to hold. A formula dωd cos θ soft d cos θ v →v i f was therefore suggested that splits the angular integra- AI is assembled from the soft emission factors ∝ en(pn · tion into two regimes, where in the forward direction, for ∗ 2 2 2  )/(pn · q) that multiply the individual amplitudes θ < θc, a correction factor π νi / sinh πνi is applied to where a photon with four-momentum q = (ω, q) and po- the product of (57) and (58). The factor was obtained larization vector ∗ is attached to an external leg with from an asymptotic analysis, and although not explic- four-momentum pn and charge en. For the polarization- itly stated in Weinberg(2019), it is just the product of summed squared matrix element this implies, Sommerfeld factors SiSf as they appear in the exact 2 formula (20) in the limit x → 0. In this treatment, θc ω X p · p A = − η η e e m n . (56) is a critical angle that can be determined from match- I 2 m n m n (p · q)(p · q) (2π) m,n m n ing onto the classical limit (|νi|  1) for soft photon Here, the sum runs over all initial (final) states with 5 η = ±1. The analytic structure of (56) is independent In fact, the√ full Born cross section could be obtained when we of the spin of the emitting particles (Weinberg 1965b) use vf = vi 1 − x and multiply the factorized differential cross section with vf /vi before integrating over the scattering angle; this factor usually appears as a phase space factor in the defi- nition of the cross section but is unity for elastic scattering in 3 Γ(1/6) ≈ 5.5663 can be related to a complete elliptic integral of the CM frame. The agreement is somewhat accidental and be- the first kind, but no simple relation to resolve Γ(1/6) exists. yond the accuracy of the factorization. It has to do with the fact 4 The classical calculation does not resolve the difference be- that for non-relativistic bremsstrahlung the emitted momentum 2 tween vi and vf so that the agreement is in that sense acci- |q| ≤ µvi /2 is negligible with respect to the typical exchanged dental Berestetskii et al.(1982). momentum |k| ∼ µvi. 12 Soft Photon Limit emission (κ  1) (Landau & Lifshitz 1975),6 1.1 soft 3 2 2 2 3 −γ ! Dipole dσD 16 α Z1 Z2 AD 2µvi e Born

ω = ln , (60) | 2 2 ) 1 dω classical 3 µ vi α|Z1Z2|ω

where γ ≈ 0.5772 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. dσ/dω ( 0.9 /

Such formulation has the benefit of providing an ap- ) Soft photon x = 10 x proximate formula for soft dipole bremsstrahlung for ar- Exact = 10 − 0.8 x 4 = 10 − Classical (soft) 3 dσ/dω

bitrary ν . Note that (60) is also obtained by expanding ( i − Born (soft) 2 the classical expression (C14) for small κ. 0.7 Soft Photon Limit If we now turn to the case of quadrupole emis- 1.1 sion, the elastic Coulomb scattering cross section for DipoleQuadrupole Born identical spin-1/2 particles of charge Z and mass m Born | | ) ) 1 reads (Berestetskii et al. 1982) dσ/dω ident. 2 4 " dσ/dω ( dσ 32πα Z 1 1 ( 0.9 / / ) = + ) x 2 4 4 Soft photon x = 10 d cos θ x= 10 − v →v m |vi − vf | |vi + vf | x = 10 4 i f − Exact x = 10 0.8 x −4 = 10 3 !# = 10 − 2 Classical 3 dσ/dω dσ/dω − ( 1 |vi − vf | ( − 2 Born 2 − 2 2 cos νi ln 2 . non-identical particles (attractive interaction) |vi + vf | |vi − vf | |vi + vf | 0.7 10−2 10−1 1 101 (61) 1.1 Quadrupole |νi| = α|Z1Z2|/vi Born

Since the formula is exact in the Coulomb interaction of |

) 1 the scattering particles, it is natural to attempt to estab- lish an analytical formula for soft photon emission that dσ/dω

( 0.9

/ x is valid for arbitrary νi by following Weinberg’s treat- = 10 ) x − ment for dipole radiation (Weinberg 2019). For this, = 10 4 − 0.8 x 3 however, there are two obstacles to overcome: one is = 10 dσ/dω − related to the complicated analytical structure of the ( identical particles (repulsive interaction) 2 0.7 cosine-term in (61) and another is related to the fact, 10−2 10−1 1 101 that a naive application of the factorization (55) yields |νi| = α|Z1Z2|/vi a prohibitive requirement on the smallness of x. The rest of this section will be concerned with showing how Figure 3. Differential cross section ω dσ/dω evaluated at x = 10−4, 10−3, 10−2 (darker to lighter lines) as a func- we can overcome these two obstacles, and we start with tion of νi for dipole emission (top) and quadrupole emis- the latter. The final formula is presented in (65). sion for attractive interactions (center) and for identical par- For quadrupole radiation, it turns out that although ticles (bottom). The general soft photon cross sections, using (56) for the multiplying factor AQ yields the cor- i.e., (37) in Weinberg(2019) and (65) of this work, with rect asymptotic behavior for x → 0, its range of appli- θc matched to the soft classical limit, are shown by the cability will be exceedingly small. A better result can dashed red lines. They are compared to the classical lim- be obtained by correcting for the fact that different mo- its (60) and (66) for κ  1 in dash-dotted blue, the Born limits (59), (64) and (63) in dash double-dotted gray and menta (by an amount ±q) are exchanged in the individ- the exact results (20) and angle-integrated (34) and (39) in ual diagrams that mediate the Coulomb interaction; in black. the Born limit, this is best seen from the diagrams of Fig.5. Correcting each term in (56) for the actual ex- 4 2 2 kelastic/(kmkn), where kelastic denotes the exchanged mo- changed momentum km in the emission from an external mentum for q → 0, yields leg of momentum p by multiplying it with the factor m 2 corr 2αAQ h 4 4 2 2  2 i AQ = 4vi + 4vf − vi vf 5 + 3 cos θ , 6 15π The θc dependence drops out in the Born limit, and using the 4 2 2αvi AQ h 2 2 2i asymptotic classical result for the matching such that θc becomes = 3(1 − cos θ) − 3x(1 − cos θ) + 4x . independent of νi makes the relation to the exact result approx- 15π imate; in actual physical applications Debye screening of the (62) Coulomb collision may need to be taken into account. In Sec.9 we show that this is only the case for when ω . ωp where ωp is The difference with respect to using (56) is in the the frequency. quadratic term 4x2 which would otherwise have read x2. 13

The importance of using (62) over an emission factor and which in leading order in x reads, obtained from (56) is exemplified when considering the soft 3 2 2 2  2 !  Born regime |νi|  1 for which one may take the cosine dσQ 16 α Z1 Z2 AQ 2µvi ω = 2 5 + 3 ln . in the last term of (61) to unity. Integrating the prod- dω Born 15 µ ω non-id. uct of (61) with (62) over the scattering angle one then (64) obtains to leading order in x, Equipped with the appropriate factors (61) and (62), an analysis like the one performed for dipole radiation by Weinberg(2019) and as mentioned above may now soft 3 4  2 !  dσQ 4 α Z 2µvi be performed for the quadrupole case. The remaining ω = 2 17 + 12 ln . (63) dω Born 15 m ω difficulty is that the cosine-term in (61) cannot be inte- ident. grated analytically. In the limit |νi|  1 this term goes to unity while in the limit |νi|  1 it oscillates quickly so that the interference term vanishes in the integral over This expression now not only agrees in the leading log- θ, and as one expects from the classical limit where the arithmic term with the result that is obtained from the concept of identical particles is not present. We over- Born cross section (43) after an expansion in x has been come the problem caused by the cosine-term by making performed, but also in the constant coefficient 17. For the replacement cos(... ) → ξ = 1(0) in the interfer- example, while for dipole radiation the Born cross sec- ence term of (61) for identical (non-identical) particles. tions (41) and (59) agree to better than one part in 103 When we then split the θ-integral in the manner of Wein- for x = 10−2, the cross section obtained from (56) for berg(2019), it turns out that the interference term for quadrupole radiation would deviate by 25% from (43) identical particles will still vanish in the classical limit −3 and the error would drop to 10 only at an unreason- as it should due to the introduced factor SiSf |x→0 → 0 −1000 able exponentially smaller value x = 10 . Using for |νi| → ∞; for non-identical particles it vanishes triv- instead (62) the agreement between (63) and (43) is as ially because ξ = 0. Conversely, this prescription also good as for dipole radiation. Similar conclusions hold for retains the correct form in the Born limit, and hence non-idential particles, and for completeness we record yields an analytical formula for the soft cross section the soft-photon limit of the quadrupole emission cross that has the correct asymptotic forms for |νi|  1 and section for non-identical particles which is obtained by |νi|  1 and becomes a reasonable approximation for integrating the Rutherford cross section (58) with (62) intermediate values of νi,

3 2 2 2 ( 2 !   ) dσQ 8 α Z1 Z2 AQ 6 + 3ξ 2µvi 6 + 3ξ 6 + 3ξ ω = 2 13 − 2 + 6 ln + SiSf x=0 2 − + 6 ln ζ , (65) dω soft 15 µ ζ + 1 ωζ ζ + 1 2

p with ζ ≡ (1 + cos θc)/(1 − cos θc). In the Born limit, The above equations are valid for attractive and repul-

|νi|  1, we have SiSf x=0 → 1, the ζ dependence sive interactions since the factor exp(−2πκ) that gets in (65) drops out, and we retrieve (63) or (64), respec- usually multiplied to the classical cross sections going tively, depending on the value of ξ. In the classical limit, from Z1Z2 > 0 to Z1Z2 < 0 goes to unity in the soft

|νi|  1, we get SiSf x=0 → 0 and we can identify photon limit κ  1. Finally we note that one can in fact γ+1/2 improve on (65) to extend the validity to larger values ζ = |νi|e  1 by matching onto the classical result for soft photon emission (κ  1), of x. A formula for this is presented in App.D. The behavior of (65) between the Born and classical soft 3 2 2 2 " 3 −γ !# dσQ 8 α Z1 Z2 AQ 2µvi e limits—with ζ fixed as outlined above—is shown in the ω = 2 10 + 6 ln , dω classical 15 µ α|Z1Z2|ω middle and bottom panel of Fig.3 for three values of (66) x. As can be seen, the soft cross section (65) is a good −2 which we obtain by expanding the classical expression approximation up to values of x = 10 in the Born (C15) for small κ. Note that in the classical limit the limit, while in the classical limit there are clearly visi- ξ dependence in (65) becomes negligible as it should. ble deviations from the exact result due to the stricter 14 condition κ  1 for the classical result that is used in Turning now to the classical expressions, from (53) the matching. For comparison, the result of Weinberg and (54) the effective energy loss for attractive interac- (2019) for dipole radiation with fixed ζ is shown in the tions in the classical limit up to quadrupole order reads, top panel of Fig.3. The soft limits are also shown by the α3Z2Z2  8π 8π3/221/3 thin dotted gray (blue) lines in the left (right) panels of ε∗σ(v ) = 1 2 √ A2 + i asympt. D 1/6 Figs.1 and2 for the Born (classical) limit. classical µ 3 3 3 5Γ(1/6)  2/3 2 4/3 7. EFFECTIVE ENERGY LOSS × |αZ1Z2| AQ vi (Z1Z2 < 0). Since the exact expressions for multipole radiation ob- (70) tained in Sections3 and4 are rather complicated and sometimes numerically challenging to evaluate, it is of For repulsive interactions, the energy loss receives interest to show how the exact solutions behave in be- equally important contributions from the kinematic tween the Born and the classical regimes. We investigate regimes κ  1 and from κ  1. Hence, using only this by comparing the effective energy loss or “effective the κ  1 limit in Sec. 5.2 would underestimate the re- retardation”, i.e., the energy-weighted integral over the sult. However, the effective energy loss can be calculated emission cross section dσ/dω up to the kinematic end- directly from the classical theory using Eq. (C7) and point, rewriting the time integral to a line integral along the particles’ relative distance from infinity to the distance 2 µvi of closest approach and back to infinity (see e.g. Landau Z 2 ∗ dσI & Lifshitz(1975)). One then arrives at ε σI (vi) = dω ω , (67) 0 dω 2 ∗ 8π α Z1Z2 h 2 2 3i 7 ε σ(vi) asympt. = ADvi + AQ vi and which is a quantity of general interest. classical 9 µ In the Born limit, the effective energy loss including (Z1Z2 > 0) . dipole and quadrupole radiation for non-identical parti- (71) cles is obtained by integrating (41) and (42), Note that in the attractive case, the dipole term is of 3 2 2   ∗ α Z1 Z2 16 2 40 2 2 the same order in vi in the Born and in the classical ε σ(vi) Born = AD + AQ vi . (68) non-id. µ 3 9 limit while the quadrupole term is only suppressed by 4/3 a factor vi w.r.t. the dipole term in the classical limit The result is valid for both, attractive and repulsive in- 2 as opposed to a factor vi in the Born limit. In the teractions as the Born limit does not distinguish these repulsive case, the quadrupole term is suppressed by a cases. For identical particles only quadrupole radiation 2 factor vi w.r.t. the dipole term but the classical effective exists, AD = 0, AQ = 1/2. Writing Z1,2 = Z, m1,2 = m, energy loss shows an overall suppression of vi/(αZ1Z2) and µ = m/2 one obtains from integrating Eqs. (43) w.r.t. the Born limit; hence the single powers of Z1,2 in and (44), (71).  We point out again that while the Born approximation 3 4 2 ∗ 5 α Z 2 (44 − 3π ) s = 1/2 , distinguishes between identical and non-identical parti- ε σQ(vi) Born = vi × ident. 36 m (6π2 − 40) s = 0 . cles, this concept is not present in the classical calcu- lation. On the other hand, the classical approximation (69) distinguishes between attractive and repulsive potentials As expected, in the Born limit quadrupole emission is while—as is well known—the Born approximation does 2 not. The exact calculation presented in Sec.4 captures suppressed by a factor vi with respect to dipole emis- sion. all of these aspects and interpolates smoothly between the Born and classical limit. In Fig.4 we show the full effective energy loss calcula- 7 For example, the luminosity in a non-relativistic Max- tion as obtained from Eqs. (34) and (39) and compare it wellian gas of such colliding particles with number den- with the expressions listed above. In addition, we also sities n and common temperature T can be computed 1,2 investigate here the energy loss based on the Elwert pre- from the CM frame expression through (Dermer 1984) lI = q 2 ∗ n1n2 2 µ 3/2 R 3 −µvi /2T ∗ scription (45). As can be seen, ε σ(vi) is numer- dvivi e ε σI (vi). Another example Born (1+δ12) π T is the energy loss of electrons in the passage of a gas of heavy ically within a few percent of the effective energy loss ∗ −2 ions, for which −dE/dx ' nI ε σ(vi) where nI is the number calculated from the exact cross sections for |νi| . 10 . density of scattering centers. The Elwert prescription extends the range of validity of 15 Dipole Emission Quadrupole Emission 1.5 102 Attractive Attractive

1.4 ] /µ 2 i )

1.3 v

Born Classical 2 Q Born | A σ 2

1.2 2

∗ 1 Z ε 10 2 1 (

1.1 Z 3 σ/ α ∗ [ ε 1 Born Classical σ ∗ 0.9 ε 0.8 1 101 101 Exact Exact ] Classical Classical /µ 2 i

) 1 Elwert v Elwert 2 Q Born | A σ 2

Born 2 Born ∗ −1 Z ε 10 1 2 1 ( Z 3 σ/ α ∗ [ ε −2

10 σ ∗ ε Repulsive Repulsive 10−3 10−1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 101 102 103 104 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 101 102 103 |νi| = α|Z1Z2|/vi |νi| = α|Z1Z2|/vi Figure 4. Left panel: Effective energy loss from dipole emission, normalized to the Born result [first term of Eq. (68) (dash double-dotted gray line)] as a function of νi for an attractive (top) and a repulsive (bottom) interaction. The full non-relativistic quantum mechanical result from Eq. (20) is shown in solid black. The rigorous classical limit from Eq. (C14) containing the Hankel functions is shown in dash-dotted blue, while the asymptotic expressions, i.e. the dipole terms in Eqs. (70) and (71), are shown by the thin dotted blue line. The Elwert approximation is shown in dashed red. Right panel: Effective energy loss from quadrupole emission as a function of νi for an attractive (top) and a repulsive (bottom) interaction. The exact result for non-identical particles from Eq. (34) is shown in solid black. The rigorous classical limit from Eq. (C15) containing the Hankel functions is shown in dash-dotted blue, while the asymptotic expressions, i.e. the quadrupole terms in Eqs. (70) and (71), are shown by the thin dotted blue line. The Elwert approximation is shown in dashed red. For comparison, the effective energy loss for identical particles obtained from Eq. (39) is shown in dotted black for spin-1/2 and in triple-dotted black for spin-0 particles in the bottom right. ∗ ε σ(vi) Born to |νi| . 0.5. The reason is that the ratio of ever, that even though quadrupole radiation in an at- Sommerfeld factors, which get multiplied onto the Born tractive potential gets enhanced with respect to the cross section account for the larger (smaller) probability Born approximation for large νi while dipole radiation of finding the colliding particles at same position due does not, the former can never become larger than the 2 to the attractive (repulsive) Coulomb interaction and latter since it is additionally suppressed by vi as can be therefore increases (decreases) the cross section accord- seen in Eq. (70). To this end, note that the units on the ingly, as detailed in Sec. 5.1. For |νi| & 10 the exact y-axes on the right panel of Fig.4 carry an additional 2 energy loss is well described by the classical approxi- vi factor, and the energy loss for attractive interactions mation derived in App.C in terms of Hankel functions in the quadrupole case does not grow without bounds

(shown as blue dash-dotted lines), whose leading order as νi → ∞, but rather vanishes instead. terms in the expansion |νi|  1, Eqs. (70) and (71), are shown as blue dotted lines. For attractive interactions, 8. ELECTRON-ELECTRON GAUNT FACTOR the classical approximation asymptotes to Eq. (70) for The net rate of photon absorption in free-free transi- 3 |νi| & 10 while for repulsive interactions, it already tions and its inverse process, bremsstrahlung, is of ample reaches its asymptotic form of Eq. (71) at |νi| & 1. importance in the understanding of opacity and emissiv- While the energy loss in dipole emission for Z1Z2 < 0 ity of astrophysical environments. In the scattering of only deviates from the Born approximation by a maxi- electrons on ions of charge Z (dipole case) it has be- mum ∼ 30% at a given νi, the energy loss in quadrupole come traditional to express the exact rates as a prod- emission can deviate from the Born approximation by uct of the classical electrodynamics result by Kramers several orders of magnitude since the classical and Born (1923) and a “free-free Gaunt factor” gff . In terms of limit show different scalings with velocity. Note, how- the bremsstrahlung cross section, with (53) specialized 16 to Z1 = ZZ2 = −1, µ ' me, important for |νi| & 1. Lastly, we note that a tabula- tion of g together with its thermally averaged version 3 2 ee dσD 16π α Z over a large kinematic regime remains a challenging task = √ 2 2 × gff (ω, vi). (72) dω 3 3 mevi as it requires a precise evaluation and integration of F and F 0 for large parameters and argument. This will be Because of the numerical demanding nature of evaluat- presented elsewhere (Pradler & Semmelrock in prepara- ing hypergeometric functions, Gaunt factors are being tion).8 tabulated. The classic compilation is by Karzas & Lat- ter(1961) with literature that continues into the most recent past (van Hoof et al. 2014; Chluba et al. 2020); 9. IN-MEDIUM EFFECTS for soft-photon emission an improved Gaunt factor was In an actual physical setting, the processes discussed recently proposed by Weinberg(2019) as discussed in in this paper can be subject to changes by the modified Sec.6. dispersive properties of inside media. The prin- Having gathered insight into the exact non-relativistic cipal effects to consider are the screening of the Coulomb bremsstrahlung cross section in all kinematic regimes, interaction in the collision of the two charged particles we are now in a position to make an informed proposal and the effective final-state photon mass. In this section, for a Gaunt factor for electron-electron bremsstrahlung, we briefly discuss when these effects become important. gee(ω, v). Given the complexity of the result, there As for the emission of a real (transverse) photon, it re- are down-sides with any simple definition. For exam- mains unaltered in a medium for as long as the frequency ple, staying with historical convention and defining the 9 of the photon exceeds the plasma frequency, ω  ωp. Gaunt factor through the classical result, one notes that In an ionized non-relativistic and non-degenerate plasma for quadrupole emission in a repulsive potential there are of temperature T —a case of ample interest in the astro- important contributions—as exemplified in the study of physical context—the plasma frequency to leading order effective energy loss in the previous section—from both, in T/me is given by (Raffelt 1996), “soft” and “hard” photons, defined through κ  1 and κ  1 with κ of Eq. (47), respectively. One could then s  1/2 define the Gaunt factor as the multiplicative factor that 4παne −11 ne ωp ' ' 10 eV −3 . (74) brings the sum of classical hard and soft cross sections me 0.1 cm for quadrupole radiation (54) and (66) into agreement with the full result. However, this has the unpalatable In the second relation we have normalized to an elec- property that there is no easy analytical limiting expres- tron density as it may, e.g., be found in the cores sion for gee. of galaxy clusters (Sarazin 1986). We hence conclude The kinematic region of largest practical interest is the that the emission itself remains unaffected in the post- Born regime. The reason is that for Z = 1 Coulomb cor- recombination universe in the observable part of the rections remain comparably smaller than for electron- spectrum for as long we do not enter the vicinity or ion interactions. For example, considering the case interior of stellar objects; in the latter case they are, of of a hot gas with a ballpark tempera- course, of critical importance. For example, the electron ture of T ' 10 keV and a typical electron velocity of density in the solar corona is n 109 cm−3, affecting p e . v ∼ 2T/me ' 0.2 implies |νi| ' 0.04, well in the va- the radio emission at 100 MHz and below (Vocks et al. lidity regime of the Born cross section. In addition, as 2018). we have observed above, the Elwert prescription extends In the non-relativistic collision of two particles, their the validity to larger |νi|, and we propose a definition of electrostatic interaction is screened for three-momentum the Gaunt factor that is based on the latter, transfers |k| . kD where kD is the Debye screening

−2πνi dσQ νf 1 − e dσQ = −2πν × gee(ω, v), (73) 8 dω νi 1 − e f dω Born A previous compilation exists (Itoh et al. 2002), where a ident. quadrupole Gaunt factor was defined as a multiplicative factor of the dipole cross section. In lieu of a full result, the tabulation where dσQ/dω Born is given through (43). The Elw- could only be based on the Elwert prescription and results are ident. ert factor is important to capture the spectrum for hard hence not accurate for νi  1. A thermally averaged version of the Born cross section (43) for a Maxwellian gas has been given photons, and for |νi| & 0.1 it is required to yield the ap- by Maxon & Corman(1967). propriate suppression in the effective energy loss. In the 9 For completeness, it should also be mentioned that the in-medium Born regime, for |νi|  1, it then follows that gee → 1 vertex constant ZT that multiplies the photon emission amplitude remains close to unity (Raffelt 1996). and gee < 1 otherwise; deviations from unity are most 17 scale.10 In turn, the emission of a photon of energy ω est implies that medium effects, when they become im- requires a minimum momentum transfer kmin(ω) from portant, require a dedicated study on a case-by-case the 3-body phase space, and for kmin(ω)  kD screen- basis. Here, we have demonstrated that regarding ing plays no role. This can be turned into a condition the non-relativistic bremsstrahlung process in the post- on the photon energy, recombination dilute interstellar medium these effects " # can largely be neglected. µv2  k 2 ω  i 1 − 1 − D ' v k , (75) 2 µv i D i 10. CONCLUSIONS where we have expanded in the second relation on In this work we present the full quantum mechanical the account that kD  µhvii; for the canonical case, treatment for the quadrupolar single-photon emission 2 −1 P 2 kD = 4παT i niZi (Raffelt 1996) where the sum is which is exact in the low energy scattering of two elec- over all particles with charge Zi (electrons and ions). trically charged spin-0 or spin-1/2 particles. The double p Given that ωp/kD ∼ T/me  1, as per our premises, differential cross sections in the center-of-mass scatter- we note that Eq. (75) or ω  hviikD yields a similar re- ing angle θ and photon energy ω is presented in Eq. (34) quirement as ω  ωp. For example, in a hot cluster gas for non-identical and in Eq. (39) for identical particles. −3 −3 [ne ' 10 cm ,T ' 10 keV (Felten et al. 1966)] the The latter formula applies to the important case of the requirement (75) reads ω  10−12 eV and inside HII scattering of a pair of electrons for which quadrupole −3 regions [ne ' 10 cm ,T ' 1 eV, (Terzian 1965)] the radiation is the leading energy loss process. above requirement reads ω  10−10 eV. We therefore For dipole radiation, the result can be cast into the conclude that screening is of little relevance when con- rather short form (20) by making use of the differential sidering bremsstrahlung in dilute astrophysical plasmas. equation for the hypergeometric function. This is not Finally, in passing, we also comment on the possibility possible anymore for the quadrupole case. The analytic where multiple Coulomb-collisions between neighbor- structure of the result is considerably more complex. Its ing particles modify the scattering probability with building blocks are the elements of a tensor of Coulomb the general effect of reducing the cross section for transition matrix elements, Eq. (22), and we are able to bremsstrahlung (Landau & Pomeranchuk 1953; Migdal obtain the elements in closed form by making use of an 1956). The maximum coherence length that is inherent integral formula for confluent hypergeometric functions to the process can be taken as λcoh ∼ 1/kD, which we that was established by Nordsieck, see (27) and (14). may compare to the electrons’ mean free path λmfp ∼ The results apply to all non-relativistic kinematic 2 2 2 4 1/(σtn). Here σt = 4πα Z /(mevi ) ln ΛCoul is the non- regimes and yield the correct Born and quasi-classical relativistic transport cross section between electrons limits for |νi|  1 and |νi|  1, respectively. We show and—for the sake of the argument—some population of how these limits are derived from the full expressions ions with charge Z and number density n ∼ ne; ln ΛCoul and compare them to the Born-level and classical treat- is the Coulomb-logarithm. Taking the ratio λcoh/λmfp ∼ ments, that we present in additional calculations. Mak- −17 2 −3 1/2 3/2 ing contact in these asymptotic regimes, gives credence 10 Z ln ΛCoul (ne/0.1 cm ) (10 keV/T ) demonstrates that such collective effects can generally to the correctness of our results. be considered as absent in dilute astrophysical gases. We then study the kinematic regime of soft pho- In the cases when it actually becomes relevant, stricter ton emission where the emitted photon energy is much smaller than the available center-of-mass energy. Here figures of merit than λmfp should be used (Berestetskii et al. 1982); for a general textbook discussion on the one may tap into the soft-photon theorems that imply above effects, see e.g. Raffelt(1996). the factorization of the cross section into the elastic cross It goes without saying that the immense diversity section, multiplied by an emission piece. Weinberg re- of physical conditions that are of astrophysical inter- cently showed how a formula for soft photon emission may be constructed for arbitrary νi for the case of dipole radiation. With some modifications, we are able to carry 10 In Coulomb gauge the 00-component of the photon these ideas over to the case of quadrupole emission, and is dotted into the velocity unsuppressed temporal parts of the Eq. (65) gives the soft photon cross section that ap- (external) currents. Inside an isotropic medium, going from zero to non-zero temperature amounts to a replacement of k−2 by plies in both, the Born and the classical regime. Taking 2 0 −1 this approach further, we also show how an approximate [k −ΠL(k , |k|)] where ΠL is the longitudinal part of the pho- ton self-energy; the static limit yields the Debye screening scale, formula valid for arbitrary νi and accross the kinematic 2 kD ≡ ΠL(0, |k|) and in the case of interest, energy-exchange can range of x can be constructed for repulsive potentials 0 indeed be neglected, k  |k|. in (D21). 18

Equipped with all this knowledge on the quadrupole radiation in the non-relativistic limit and by studying bremsstrahlung process, in a final section we then pro- its consequences in all relevant kinematic regimes. pose an adequate form for a Gaunt factor for electron- electron scattering which is based on practical demand. A numerical tabulation over a large kinematic regime ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors are supported will be presented in an upcoming work Pradler & Sem- by the New Frontiers program of the Austrian Academy melrock(in preparation). The emission of photons in of Sciences. LS is supported by the Austrian Science the Coulomb collision of unpolarized free particles is per- Fund FWF under the Doctoral Program W1252-N27 haps the fundamental process in the interaction of light Particles and Interactions. We acknowledge the use with matter. This work closes a seeming gap in the lit- of computer packages for algebraic calculations (Mertig erature, by laying out the exact theory for quadrupole et al. 1991; Shtabovenko et al. 2016).


A. INTERFERENCE TERM IN THE FULL RESULT αβ 2 αβ 2 ∗αβ γδ ∗αβ γδ The interference term |I | in (38) is composed as |I | = Q1 Q2 + Q2 Q1 where αβ = γδ = ab or αβ = aa and γδ = bb, respectively. We find 1 n |Iαβ|2 = G A+ Re F ∗(z)F (˜z) + A− Im F ∗(z)F (˜z) + B+ Re F 0∗(z)F 0(˜z) + B− Im F 0∗(z)F 0(˜z) 2 0 αˆβˆ αˆβˆ αˆβˆ αˆβˆ o + C+ Re F ∗(z)F 0(˜z) + C− Im F ∗(z)F 0(˜z) + D+ Re F 0∗(z)F (˜z) + D− Im F 0∗(z)F (˜z) (A1) αˆβˆ αˆβˆ αˆβˆ αˆβˆ

aa 2 where G0 is given by Eq. (31). For |Q | the coefficients read

2 2 + 4(y + 1) + 9y − 6y(y + 1) − 6y(y + 1) Aaˆaˆ = ,Baˆaˆ = 2 ,Caˆaˆ = ,Daˆaˆ = − , (A2) (1 − z)(1 − z˜) νi νi(z − 1) νi(˜z − 1)

− − + + ab 2 with Aaˆaˆ = Baˆaˆ = Caˆaˆ = Daˆaˆ = 0. For |Q | one gets the lengthy expressions         h   i 4 y8+1 −2y2 y4+1 1+7cos2θ +4y4 1+2cos4θ+3cos2θ 2 1−cos2θ y4+2y2 2cos2θ−3 +1 + 2 A = + νi , aˆˆb (1−y)6(1−z)2(1−z˜)2 (1−y)4(1−z)2(1−z˜)2 2 2h 2  2  i 3 2  3  2  4ν (y+1)3cosθ y 3y −2y 2+cos θ +3 8y 1−cos θ 4y (1+y)cosθ 1−cos θ A− =− i ,B+ = − ,B− = , aˆˆb 2 2 2 aˆˆb 2 2 4 aˆˆb 4 (y−1) (1−z) (1−z˜) (1−y) νi (1−y) (1−z)(1−z˜) (1−y) (1−z)(1−z˜)νi h     i y(1+cosθ) y4−6y2+8y2cos3θ−4 y3+y2+y cos2θ+4 −y4+y3+2y2+y−1 cosθ+1 C+ = , aˆˆb (1−y)4(1−z)2(1−z˜) h   i h   i 2y (1−y)y 2y3+y+2 −2 −2y(y+1) y (y−3)2y−6 +1 cosθ+2y2(y+1)[y(2y−3)+2]cos2θ−2y3(y+1)cos3θ C−= aˆˆb 4 2 (1−y) (1−z) νi h   i 2y(y+1)(cosθ−1)(1+cosθ)2 y y−4+2cosθ +1 + νi, (1−y)4(1−z)2(1−z˜)   h   i   y 1−6y2+y4 +y (y−2)y y(3y+2)+2 +3 cosθ−4 y5−y3+y cos2θ+4y2[(y−1)y+1]cos3θ+8y3cos4θ D+ = , aˆˆb (1−y)4(1−z)(1−z˜)2 n h   io 2y(y+1) (y4+1)(cosθ−2)+2y(y2+1)(cosθ−2)(cosθ−1)+y2 cosθ 9+(cosθ−3)cosθ −5 D− =− aˆˆb 4 2 (1−y) (1−z˜) νi h i 2y(y+1)(cosθ−1)2(1+cosθ) y2−2y(2+cosθ)+1 + νi. (A3) (1−y)4(1−z)(1−z˜)2 19

p1 p3 p1 p3 p1 p3 p1 p3

k q k q q q k q k q − − p2 p4 p2 p4 p2 p4 p2 p4 (a) (b) (c) (d)

p1 p4 p1 p4 p1 p4 p1 p4

l q l + q q q l + q q l

p2 p3 p2 p3 p2 p3 p2 p3 (a’) (b’) (c’) (d’)

Figure 5. Eight tree level diagrams contributing to e−e−-bremsstrahlung in the Born limit. Fermion momentum flows from left to right and the direction of the photon momentum is represented by the arrow next to the photon line. For e+e−-bremsstrahlung only the non-primed diagrams have to be considered and the fermion flow is reversed for positrons.

2 Note that for identical particles Z1Z2 = Z > 0 and therefore in the coefficients in this section νi is always negative, as can be seen from Eq. (7).

B. BORN APPROXIMATION In the following, we present the non-relativistic squared matrix elements in the Born approximation. For simplicity, we specialize to m1 = m2 and |Z1,2| = 1. The matrix elements can be obtained from a quantum field theory calculation, based on the QED Lagrangian, of the Feynman diagrams shown in Fig.5. The matrix elements are hence given in 0 3 3 0 relativistic normalization hp|p i = (2π) 2Epδ (p−p ) and are summed over photon polarizations, averaged over initial and summed over final spins, and averaged over the direction of the emitted photon. We stick to the notation of the ˆ ˆ main segment and use the variables k = p2 − p4, l = p4 − p1 and their directions k = k/|k|, l = l/|l|. The scattering of e+e− → e+e−γ is dominated by dipole emission and only the unprimed diagrams on the left side of Fig.5 contribute. To leading order in relative velocity of the colliding pair the squared matrix element reads

3 D X rel. 2E 128 (4πα) 2 ˆ ˆ 2 |MD | = 4 |l| (k · l) . (B4) ˆq 3 λ ω

In turn, for the scattering of two identical spin-1/2 (e.g. e±e± → e±e±γ) or spin-0 particles (e.g. αα → ααγ), also the exchange diagrams on the right side of Fig.5 contribute. We obtain 3 ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ 2 2s ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ 4 ! D X rel. 2E 32 (4πα) 2 2 3 + 13(k · l) 3 + 13(k · l) (−1) 3 + 7(k · l) + 6(k · l) |MQ | = 2 |k| |l| 4 + 4 + 2 2 2 , (B5) ˆq 15 2s + 1 λ ω |k| |l| |k| |l| where s is the spin of the colliding particles. For s = 1/2, Eq. (B5) is in agreement with the original calculation by Fedyushin(1952) and for s = 0 in agreement with Gould(1981). To obtain the matrix elements (B4) and (B5) we 2 have used a velocity expansion in the relative velocity vi where |k|/µ and |l|/µ scale as O(vi) and (k · l)/µ and ω/µ 2 as O(vi ). The cross sections in Sec. 5.1 can then be obtained from (B4) and (B5) by putting the corresponding matrix elements into Eq. (11) after converting them to non-relativistic normalization, i.e.

2 2 2 rel. 2 |MI | = 2ω(2m1) (2m2) |MI | , (B6)

2 2 2 and setting |k|/µ = |vi − vf |, |l|/µ = |vi + vf | and (k · l)/µ = vi − vf .

C. CLASSICAL ENERGY LOSS The effective energy loss ε∗σ can be calculated semi-classically by integrating the intensity of the radiation over the impact parameter ρ and the interaction time t as (see e.g. Landau & Lifshitz(1975)) Z ∞ Z ∞ ∗ ε σI = dρ 2πρ dt II . (C7) 0 −∞ 20

The intensity I of the dipole or quadrupole radiation respectively is given by 1 1 ... I = A2 |d¨(t)|2,I = A2 | q ab(t)|2 , (C8) D 6π D Q 720π Q with h i d(t) = e r(t), qab(t) = e 3 ra(t)rb(t) − r2(t)δab . (C9) where r(t) is the particles’ distance and v = |r˙| will be the magnitude of the relative velocity to be used below. The time integral in Eq. (C7) can be replaced by an integral over the emitted energy ω of the Fourier modes of d and qab, i.e. " # 1 Z Z 2ω4 ω6 ε∗σ = dρ ρ dω A2 |d˜(ω)|2 + A2 |q˜ab(ω)|2 . (C10) 4π 3 D 180 Q ... ¨ R ∞ ˜ −iωt q ab R ∞ ab −iωt with d(t) = 1/(2π) −∞ dω d(ω) e and (t) = 1/(2π) −∞ dω q˜ (ω) e , where we denote Fourier-transformed quantities with a tilde. The particles’ distance vector r(t) can be parametrized in a plane spanned by the orthonormal vectors ˆe1 and ˆe2 (Landau & Lifshitz 1975)

α|Z1Z2| r1 = ( ± cosh ξ) ˆe1, (C11a) µv2 q α|Z1Z2| 2 r2 =  − 1 sinh ξ ˆe2, (C11b) µv2 α|Z Z | t = 1 2 ( sinh ξ ± ξ) . (C11c) µv3

Here, +(−) is to be used for repulsive (attractive) interactions; rn = |rn| is parameterized by the eccentricity  and ξ. 2 2 2 4 2 For unbound orbits, the eccentricity relates to the impact parameter as  = 1 + µ ρ v /(αZ1Z2) and we can rewrite the integral over ρ with 0 < ρ < ∞ into an integral over  with 1 <  < ∞, as we will do in the following.

C.1. Dipole Emission For dipole emission in an attractive potential, the differential cross section with respect to the emitted energy is found from the first term in (C10) by omitting the integration over dω, using the definition (67), and identifying v with vi (Landau & Lifshitz 1975) 3 2 2 4 2 Z ∞ dσD 4α Z1 Z2 ω AD  2 2 ω = 2 4 d  |r˜1(ω)| + |r˜2(ω)| , (C12) dω classical 3µ vi 1 where we have used that Z ∞ iωt πα|Z1Z2| (1)0 r˜1(ω) = dt r1 e = 2 Hiκ (iκ) , (C13a) −∞ µvi ω Z ∞ p 2 iωt πα|Z1Z2|  − 1 (1) r˜2(ω) = dt r2 e = − 2 Hiκ (iκ) , (C13b) −∞ µvi ω 

3 with κ = α|Z1Z2|ω/(µvi ); the integrals are solved by expressing dt in terms of dξ using (C11c). For dipole emission, a closed solution for the integral in Eq. (C12) exist. Therefore the differential cross section for an attractive potential

Z1Z2 < 0 can be written as

dσ 4π2 α3Z2Z2A2 ω D = 1 2 D κ H(1) (iκ) H(1)0 (iκ) , (C14) 2 2 iκ iκ dω classical 3 µ vi For a repulsive interaction, the respective sign in the parametrization in Eq. (C11) simply to an overall factor exp(−2πκ) in Eq. (C14). 21

C.2. Quadrupole Emission The cross section for quadrupole emission is found from the second term in (C10) with the quadrupole tensor (C9) ab ab and rn from (C11). The components of q (t) are then Fourier-transformed to obtainq ˜ (ω). This is then plugged into (C10) to obtain the differential cross section (if the ω integration is omitted), which for attractive potentials Z1Z2 < 0 reads

3 2 2 6 2 Z ∞ dσQ α Z1 Z2 ω AQ h 2 2 2 ∗  i ω = 2 4 d  |r˜11(ω)| + |r˜22(ω)| + 3 |r˜12(ω)| − Re r˜11(ω)r ˜22(ω) . (C15) dω classical 15µ vi 1

Similarly to the case of dipole emission, the quadrupole emission for a repulsive interaction Z1Z2 > 0 can be obtained from (C15) by multiplying it with an overall factor exp(−2πκ). The coefficients read

Z ∞ " 2 # 2 iωt  − 1 (1)0 i (1) r˜11(ω) = dt r1 e = a κ Hiκ (iκ) − 2 Hiκ (iκ) , (C16) −∞   Z ∞ " 2 2 # 2 iωt  − 1 (1)0  − 1 (1) r˜22(ω) = dt r2 e = −a κ Hiκ (iκ) + i 2 Hiκ (iκ) , (C17) −∞   Z ∞ q " 2 # iωt 2 i (1)0  − 1 (1) r˜12(ω) = dt r1 r2 e = a  − 1 Hiκ (iκ) − 2 κ Hiκ (iκ) , (C18) −∞  

2 with a = 2πα|Z1Z2|/(µviω ).

C.3. Asymptotic expressions for large κ In the limit where κ  1, which corresponds to the limit assumed in Sec. 5.2, we can approximate the Hankel functions in terms of Airy functions, i.e.,

4/3 1/3 ! (1) 2 2 ( − 1)κ Hiκ (iκ) ≈ Ai , (C19) i(κ)1/3 (κ)1/3 5/3 1/3 ! (1)0 2 0 2 ( − 1)κ Hiκ (iκ) ≈ − Ai . (C20) (κ)2/3 (κ)1/3

Putting these expressions into (C12) or (C15) respectively, it can be shown that for κ → ∞ the integrand goes to zero everywhere except at  = 1. Thus, expanding the argument of the Airy functions to leading order and the prefactors to fourth order in ( − 1), one obtains the asymptotic expressions in κ,(53) and (54), which in Sec. 5.2 were obtained from the exact quantum mechanical cross sections.

D. APPROXIMATE FORMULA FOR ARBITRARY νI For repulsive interactions, and building on our insights on the process in the various kinematic regimes, one may in fact go beyond Eq. (65) and find a “doctored” formula that is not only valid for arbitrary νi but also extends the validity away from the soft-photon regime. Although such formula cannot be derived from first principles, it can nevertheless be helpful to obtain reasonably accurate results for quadrupole emission across the entire region in x and

νi from a simple expression. For this, we first multiply Eq. (65) by the exponential factor exp(√ −2πκ) that is ubiquitous in the classical formulæ for repulsive interactions. Then we supply a phase space factor 1 − x which was neglected in the soft limit and take the x-dependent term in the logarithm to be the one from the full Born cross section. In addition, we add to this the classical cross section for κ  1 to cover hard photon emission. The resulting approximate formula is √ ( dσ 4 α3Z2Z2A2 1 − x 40π3/2 x|ν |2/3 π2ν2  2 + ξ  ω Q ≈ 1 2 Q i + i 6 − 3(2 + ξ) + 12 ln ζ 2 πx|νi| 1/6 2 2 dω 15 µ e 3 Γ(1/6) 2 sinh πνi ζ + 1 √ ) 2 + ξ 1 1 + 1 − x + 26 − 6 + 12 ln √ , (D21) ζ2 + 1 ζ 1 − 1 − x 102  2 /µ 2 Q A 2 2 Z 2 1 1 ν ν ν Z i i i

3 10 = 10 = 1 = 0

α .1 

ωdσ/dω 1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 22 2 x =2ω/(µvi ) 102 1

 10 2

] Approximate /µ /µ 2 Q 2 i Exact A v 2 2 2 Q 1 Z A 2 1 2 1 ν ν ν 2 Z i i i Z 3 10 = 10 = 1 = 0 2 1

α .1 Z 

3 −1

α 10 [ σ ∗ ε

ωdσ/dω 1 −2 4 3 2 1 10 10− 10− 10− 10− 1 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 101 102 103 2 x =2ω/(µvi ) |νi| = α|Z1Z2|/vi 101 Figure 6. Approximate formula (D21) for non-identical particles compared to the exact result (34). The differential cross section

] Approximate is shown for ν = 0.1, 1, 10 in the top panel and the effective energy loss in the bottom panel. The equivalent approximate result

/µ i 2 i Exact forv identical particles is on par in terms of accuracy w.r.t. the exact result.

2 Q 1 A 2 2

Z γ+1/2 2 with1 ζ = |νi|e and ξ = (0)1 for (non-)identical particles. This approximate cross section is easy to compute Z

3 −1 numericallyα 10 in contrast to the exact results (34) and (39) and yields reasonable results in all regimes. [ σ

∗ Equation (D21) is essentially exact for arbitrary νi for soft photons, as shown in the top panel in Fig.6. At the ε kinematic endpoint, for x → 1, it deviates from the exact result. In the Born limit |νi|  1, a deviation is only 10−2 observed10−3 very10 close−2 to10x−1= 1 where1 the101 Born10 cross2 section103 is already kinematically suppressed. In the classical limit, |ν |  1, the deviation is visible for smaller values of x, but in a region where the cross section is already highly i |νi| = α|Z1Z2|/vi Coulomb suppressed. For this reason, Eq. (D21) turns out to be an excellent approximation for the effective energy loss demonstrated in the bottom panel of Fig.6. The effective energy loss deduced from Eq. (D21) has an error of roughly 1% w.r.t the exact result in the Born regime, in the intermediate regime νi ∼ 1 the error reaches its maximum of 15% and in the classical regime the exact result is underestimated by 10%.


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