National Parks Ecotour Itinerary

January 22-30, 2014


January 22-30, 2014

Offered by Heartfelt Tours (in cooperation with Safari Legacy)

Why Rwanda? This small, often overlooked, East African country is packed with opportunities for cultural historians, naturalists, and birders with all levels of interests. The country is safe and affordable for travelers. Although it is the most densely populated of African nations with relation to its size, the Rwandan government has thoughtfully set aside large tracts of land to preserve its magnificent forests and wildlife to ensure a healthy environment for the future. The three national parks of Rwanda each offer very different experiences for photographers and nature enthusiasts, with stunning landscapes, forested hillsides, waterfalls, volcanoes, savannah, and opportunities to meet over a dozen species of primates, over 600 species of birds, and some of the more typically thought-of African wildlife such as giraffes, elephants, cape buffalo, hippos, zebras, and antelopes of all kinds.

The story of Rwanda will inspire you in so many ways, as you begin to understand its tragic past and become part of its continuing recovery. Tourism is encouraged and necessary for a nation that is struggling to bolster its economy and reduce reliance on foreign aid, and you can rest assured that a portion of your trip costs is going to support local people and conservation efforts in a variety of ways.

Light to moderate hiking will be required for many of the activities on this itinerary, however, even those with some physical limitations (such as arthritis of the knees) should be able to participate fully with the assistance of experienced guides and trackers. If you have physical limitations or other concerns, please let us know and we can discuss your situation to determine if this is the right trip for you.

Please note – the following itinerary may be subject to minor changes depending on availability of dates at various locations, but departure date will not change.

January 22-23, 2014 – TRAVEL TO RWANDA Depart from your nearest home airport to arrive in Kigali, Rwanda the evening of January 23. After going through customs and picking up your bags, you will be met at the airport by trip leaders Tim Merriman and Lisa Brochu, and our Safari Legacy driver/guides for the excursion. You will be transported to the Manor Hotel in the heart of downtown Kigali where you can enjoy the city lights twinkling in the hills from the outstanding view afforded by the open-air restaurant. Dinner is not included on the arrival evening, since most flights will include a meal shortly before landing, but the restaurant and bar will be open if you want to unwind with a beverage or snack before getting a good night’s sleep.

January 24 – KIGALI/GISAKURA We start the morning with a hearty breakfast buffet at the Manor Hotel, then check out and head to the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre. To appreciate Rwanda’s indomitable spirit and gain perspective on the past, you will want to visit this important museum and memorial. Although it is a horrifying story and may be difficult to view, we believe it provides valuable insight into the culture and the country and will answer the questions that most people have about what happened in the years leading up to and following the 1994 genocide. After the museum visit, we will have a traditional Rwandan lunch at Afrika Bite, a local restaurant, and then we will head out of Kigali to Nyungwe National Park. We’ll drive through the countryside giving you a chance to see the farming lifestyle of local people and then drive through the park to get to our night’s lodging and dinner in Gisakura at the Top Hill View Lodge. Keep your eyes open – you never know what you might spot along the way. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner included.

January 25 – NYUNGWE NATIONAL PARK The day starts with breakfast at the hotel, then a short 45-minute drive to the Ishigishigi trailhead and the canopy walkway, where you’ll have a chance to get a different perspective on this massive montane rainforest that provides over 70% of Rwanda’s water supply. Keep a close eye on the treetops and you may spot Angolan colobus monkeys, or the brightly colored turaco. Listen and you may hear chimpanzees amid the many diverse bird songs. Over 200 bird species can be found in this park, with 26 endemics found nowhere else in the world. We’ll enjoy a picnic lunch at the Uwinka Visitor Center where you can interact with interpretive exhibits that introduce you to the unique features of Nyungwe National Park and a few representatives of the thirteen species of primates found here. After lunch we’ll return to the tea fields around Gisakura and search for some of the more easily seen primates in the adjacent forest (including colobus, mona, and blue monkeys, black-faced vervets, and gray-cheeked mangabeys) before returning to the Top Hill View Lodge for the night. This is a light hiking day to give you a chance to become acclimated to the elevations of 7,000 feet to 9,000 feet. B, L, D included.

January 26 – NYUNGWE NATIONAL PARK – CHIMPANZEE TREK Today we are headed to Cyamudongo, a part of the that is home to a group of chimpanzees in the process of habituation. Although somewhat shy, the chimpanzees are becoming accustomed to daily visits by groups of humans, allowing excellent photographic opportunities of our closest genetic relatives in their natural habitat. There is no way to know exactly where the chimpanzees will be on any given day, but expert trackers will guide us to the easiest route for viewing. Moderate to somewhat challenging hiking is required for this activity, although guides and trackers are available to help those who need assistance at any time. After our chimpanzee encounter, we’ll return to Nyungwe Forest Lodge for an afternoon of relaxation and updating your journal before settling in here for the night. For those who haven’t had enough hiking, you might try a three-hour moderate hike deep into the tropical forest to enjoy a stunning waterfall, birds, and orchids along the way. For those who prefer to relax after the morning’s activity, this 5-star lodge offers indulgences that include a pool, a full spa with forest-based herbal treatments, and exceptional views from your room or the lounge into the adjacent forest with glimpses of vervet monkeys, sunbirds, and misty landscapes that will have your cameras busy. B, L, D included

January 27 – KITABI/MUSANZE We say goodbye to Nyungwe National Forest as we exit the park after breakfast. On the way out of the park, we’ll visit the Kitabi Cultural Village where a local cooperative venture has created a replica of the former king’s palace and demonstrate traditional dances and customs in an effort to share their cultural history with visitors and young Rwandans who were born long after the country changed its governance and lifestyles. Light hiking is required for this activity. After our visit to the cultural village, we’ll head to Musanze, the gateway to where we stay in the Mountain Gorilla View Lodge with direct views of the volcanoes. B, L, D included.

January 28 – VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK – GORILLA TREK This morning we’re in for a real treat – spending quality time with a group of mountain gorillas in the wild. There are no bars, no windows, nothing between you and the gorillas except the requirement that you do not approach within 21 feet. Gorillas, however, are not good at measuring distances and may come closer to you out of curiosity. These gentle giants have been well habituated and are not aggressive towards humans, preferring to go about their daily business while you quietly observe and take as many photos or videos as you wish. This indescribable experience is truly one of a kind, but we can guarantee you will not be unaffected in some way by this unique encounter. Each of the ten habituated gorilla families can be visited by only one group of eight travelers and only for one contact hour to ensure a quality experience for all. Moderate hiking is required for this activity. After our gorilla trek, we’ll have lunch en route to our third and last of Rwanda’s national parks, where we’ll check in for the evening at Rusizi Tent Camp, a permanent tent camp on the banks of Rwanda’s second largest lake overlooking shorelines frequented by a variety of wading birds and hippos. B, L, D included.

January 29 – You may be awakened early to the sounds of hippos grazing near your tent or vervet monkeys checking to see who’s moved in. The air is full of bird song, preparing you for a day of exploration in this mixed savannah and lakeshore environment. This park provides an extraordinary opportunity for birders to see such unusual species as the squacco heron or vulturine sea-eagle, and for non-birders to enjoy the astonishing variety of hoofed animals, from giraffes and black rhinos to the aquatic sittatunga antelope. We’ll take a picnic lunch to enjoy on our vehicle safari through the park and return in the late afternoon to Rusizi Tent Camp for sundowners (lakeside drinks) and dinner. Easy walking may be an option. Currently, there are no lions in the park, but that could change between now and our trip. B, L, D included.

January 30 – KIGALI/HOME Before leaving Akagera, we’ll enjoy a morning boat tour of the lake to capture photos of African fish eagles and darters, crocodiles and hippos. We’ll enjoy a picnic lunch as we take the loop out of the park, then we’ll head back to Kigali and a shopping excursion at the cultural handicrafts market. Leave room in your bag for last-minute purchases you might pick up here. This is the place to purchase handcrafted items ranging from toys made out of bottle caps to fine woodcarvings, jewelry, and clothing. We’ll end our trip with a farewell dinner in Kigali before heading to the airport for evening flights home. B, L, D included.


How much does this amazing trip cost? Cost per person is only $4750 (double occupancy, which means you will be sharing a room with one other person). If you want a single room, there will be an additional fee of $600 to secure a single space. That price includes all scheduled meals in above itinerary, all transfers, all taxes and service charges, all entry fees for parks, all activity fees, and bottled water in the vehicles. NOT included are airfare from your home to Kigali and back again, laundry services, souvenirs, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, travel insurance, passport and visa fees, tips for guides, and other personal expenses not specifically included in the itinerary above.

Can I pay with a credit card? At this time, we can only accept checks or money orders made to Heartfelt Associates (in US) or wire transfers (for those not in US). If you absolutely must pay with a credit card, please call us at 970-219-0029 for instructions on how to do that and the added costs of doing so.

When do you need the money? A nonrefundable deposit of $1250 per person must be made not later than August 1, 2013. No spaces will be held until the deposit is received. The remainder ($3500) is due not later than December 1, 2013. Once activity permits for gorilla and chimpanzee treks have been purchased, they cannot be refunded.

Why so much so early? In order to ensure that we get reservations at our preferred hotels and activities, we must put down deposits early. In fact, the earlier, the better, so please reserve your spot as soon as possible. We don’t want you to miss any of the amazing opportunities this tour provides.

Is it possible to get a refund if something comes up and I can’t go after all? Until September 20, 2013 a full refund of your deposit less a $150 administrative charge can be made. Once the gorilla and chimpanzee permits are purchased on September 21, they cannot be refunded or transferred, under any circumstances, and your entire deposit is forfeit. If you have a medical emergency or death in the family that prevents you from going on the trip at the last minute, we will attempt to refund as much as we can of payments made, but cannot make any promises as this will depend on the kindness of our providers in-country.

What happens if I don’t have a roommate but would like one? We will pair you with a same-sex roommate in the same situation if you don’t already have a roommate. If we end up with an odd number and can’t pair you with someone, you will be responsible for paying the single supplement of $600.

What should I wear and what should I bring? Weather this time of year in Rwanda is usually temperate – layers ranging from t-shirts to light jackets and rain gear are suggested. This is an informal trip the entire way. A specific packing list with suggested items will be sent on receipt of your deposit.

I’m a little concerned about the amount of hiking. Who can go on this trip or who should not go? Lisa has personally taken all the hikes on this itinerary in spite of five knee surgeries and severe arthritis. Walking sticks (provided) and guides who will lend a helping hand make this work for everyone. The hardest part is altitude adjustment (altitudes range from 5000 to 9000 feet) and we’ll take it slow for those who are not used to higher altitudes. We believe just about anyone can handle this itinerary if you are in reasonably good shape, but being slightly overweight or having arthritis in your lower extremities should not keep you from enjoying it fully. Please note that you must be at least 15 years old to participate in chimpanzee and gorilla treks. If you have a younger child you would like to bring, please talk to us first about whether that is something that we can make work.

What shots and other medical considerations should I know about? Depending on the country you’re coming from, there may be different requirements. We highly recommend the following but you should check with your country’s health department (CDC in the US) for the latest official requirements: - malaria preventative (we use malarone, a once-daily tablet) - tetanus - hepatitis A & B - yellow fever (if you plan an extension into Tanzania) - sun protection (hats and sunscreen)

Will I need a passport and visa? Passport absolutely for everyone; visa may depend on your country of origin and you should check on-line to see if your country requires one. Currently, US citizens do not require a visa; however, we will check this again shortly before the trip. Visas can be purchased at the airport on arrival and currently cost $50.

Should I get travel insurance? We highly recommend this. We personally use Travelex, which has reasonable rates with a menu of options for the level of protection you desire.

What is the group size? The minimum group size is 7 (including Tim and Lisa as group leaders). The maximum group size is 12 (including Tim and Lisa as group leaders). If there are 7 people, we will have one vehicle that comfortably seats everyone next to a window. If we have more than 7, we’ll take a second vehicle. The vehicles are 4x4 modified Land Cruisers with hatch tops for the best wildlife viewing. If we do not reach the minimum number of participants by September 20, we will cancel the trip and a full refund of your deposit will be made.

Who should I contact for more details of any kind? Call or email the group leaders, Tim Merriman or Lisa Brochu, at the following:

Heartfelt Associates (Heartfelt Tours) 1105 Harris Dr • Fort Collins, CO 80524 Phone: 970-231-0537 (Tim), 970-219-0029 (Lisa) Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Okay, I’m ready. How do I sign up for this adventure of a lifetime? Just send (snail mail or email) the completed registration form (next page) with your deposit and a copy of your passport photo page and we’ll consider your space reserved. We’ll be in touch between now and the departure date with additional information, photos, and other goodies to get you fully prepared.


Thank you for traveling with us! If you already have a traveling partner, you may use this form for up to two travelers.

Deposits are $1250 per person and must be received not later than August 1, 2013. Space is limited. No space will be guaranteed until a deposit is received. Final payment of $3500 per person (and single supplement if applicable) must be received not later than December 1, 2013.

Deposits can be made by check or money order payable to Heartfelt Associates. If paying by wire transfer, we will send wire information on receipt of this form and your reservation will be confirmed when funds have been transferred.

Regardless of how you pay, you must send PAGES 1 AND 2 of this completed form and a copy of your passport photo page with your deposit to this address (for receipt by August 1) or email to [email protected]: Reservation Checklist

HEARTFELT ASSOCIATES ❑ Pages 1 and 2 of form, completed and signed by each RWANDA TOUR traveler 1105 HARRIS DRIVE ❑ Deposit for each traveler ❑ FORT COLLINS CO 80524 Copy of passport photo page for each traveler


Traveler 1

Passport Name ______Date of Birth______

Passport Country______Nametag (preferred name) ______


City ______State ______Zip (Postal Code)______

Phone ______E-mail address______

I am paying my deposit by: ❑ Check ❑ Money Order ❑ Wire transfer (on receipt of wiring information).

Traveler 2

Passport Name ______Date of Birth______

Passport Country______Nametag (preferred name) ______


City ______State ______Zip (Postal Code)______

Phone ______E-mail address______

I am paying my deposit by: ❑ Check ❑ Money Order ❑ Wire transfer (on receipt of wiring information).

Page 1

ACCOMMODATIONS Prices are based on double occupancy. If a single room is requested or we are unable to find a suitable roommate, the single supplement rate of $600 will be charged.

Assign Roommate: ❑ Yes ❑ No (Single supplement charge will be applied if necessary)

Persons sharing a room: Traveler 1______Traveler 2______

Bedding Preference (subject to availability): ❑ Queen Bed ❑ Twin Beds

AIR TRANSPORTATION You are responsible for making your own air reservations from your home to Kigali airport (KGL). Please attempt to match the itinerary arrival times of late afternoon/evening on January 23 and departure the evening of January 30 so that we can accommodate transfers. As soon as you book your air tickets, you must send us your air itinerary to be assured of a transfer from airport to hotel. We recommend booking your tickets as soon as the trip is confirmed on September 20. Do not book prior to that unless you have cancelation insurance. If you have any questions about timing of flights and transfers, please contact us before you book your tickets. If you wish to stay later or arrive earlier to tour in Rwanda, or adjacent or en route countries on your own and would like suggestions, please let us know.

ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS I have read and accept the conditions and further understand and agree that the ecotour I am taking may involve risks. I therefore assume all risks involved with regard to this ecotour and agree that Heartfelt Associates and its owners, partners, and all affiliates including Safari Legacy US office and all offices in Africa and its employees, contractors, sub-contractors and all affiliates will in no way be responsible for any injury or damage to me or my belongings. This is acknowledged by me knowingly and willfully and shall be binding on my heirs and next of kin. Each participant must sign this waiver.

Signature Traveler 1 ______Date______

Signature Traveler 2 ______Date______

Page 2


The cost of our ecotours includes: Services of Heartfelt Associates pre-departure information to help you get the most out of your journey; all scheduled transportation during the ecotour unless otherwise specified; all transfers; meet and greet by Safari Legacy staff; all meals as indicated in your itinerary; all taxes and service charges; transportation in 4x4 custom vehicles in Rwanda; all park fees; expert, certified naturalist Safari Legacy guides throughout your ecotour; all guided nature walks and bird walks; bottled water while in the vehicle; all activities as specified in your itinerary.

Items not included in our safaris: All airfares, including in-country airfares, unless otherwise specified in your itinerary; travel protection plan & medical evacuation (strongly recommended); Fees for passports and visas; U.S. and foreign airport departure taxes; Tips to safari guides, camp staff, waiters and luggage handlers unless specified; porterage; personal expenses such as laundry, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, cold bottled water with meals, internet fees, phone calls, etc…

Single Travelers: Our costs are based on double occupancy. However, we try to accommodate single travelers who request single accommodations, as well as single travelers who are looking for a roommate. If a single room is requested, or we are unable to find a suitable roommate, you will need to pay the single supplement. Single accommodations are subject to availability.

Deposits: Deposits are due at the time of reservation and must be received not later than August 1, 2013. The deposit amount is $1250 per person. Deposits can be made by check or money order (in US) or by wire transfer (outside US) and are payable to Heartfelt Associates. Please mail your deposit with your reservation form to Heartfelt Associates, Rwanda Tour, 1105 Harris Drive, Fort Collins CO 80524.

Final Payments: Final payment must be received not later than December 1, 2013 and is payable by check, money order or wire transfer to Heartfelt Associates.

Cancelation Policy All cancelations must be received in writing or by email and are effective upon receipt in our office. Cancelations received prior to September 20, 2013 will be refunded less an administrative charge of $150. After September 21, 2013 no refunds will be made. In the case of medical emergencies or a death in the immediate family, every attempt will be made to refund as much as Heartfelt Associates can recover of your fees. However, gorilla and other activity permits may not be recovered. There will be no refund for any unused portions of an ecotour once it has commenced. Cancelation insurance for the total safari cost is strongly recommended.

Transfers - Transfers are subject to the same terms as cancelations. Gorilla permits and some other activity fees are not transferable.

Age Limits - In certain camps, lodges, hotels and beach resorts and on specific activities, minimum age limits can apply. The minimum age to trek Gorillas is 15.

Travel Protection Program – Travel Insurance – Strongly recommended Canceling your safari can be very costly, as we have to adhere to the cancelation fee schedule above. We highly recommend that you purchase a travel protection plan, which will protect you from penalties if you cancel for a covered reason. In addition, there is coverage for trip interruption, trip delay and protection for emergency evacuation, accident and sickness medical expense. Heartfelt Associates and Safari Legacy are not responsible or liable for loss, damage or theft of personal luggage and belongings, personal injury, accident or illness, or any flight delays or cancelations.

Cancelation by Heartfelt Associates: If an ecotour is canceled by Heartfelt Associates or Safari Legacy because of extraordinary conditions, all monies paid to Heartfelt Associates for land arrangements will be refunded in full. Heartfelt Associates and Safari Legacy cannot accept responsibility for any other expenses incurred for preparing for the safari, including non-refundable airline tickets, etc…

Our Published Rates: Changes in rates are rare, and caused by extraordinary circumstances outside our control. In the rare event that a cost should increase, cancelation is allowed without penalty. All prices are per person, based on double occupancy. All prices are subject to change.

Travel Documents/Vaccinations: Travelers must be in possession of valid passports with an expiration date beyond 6 months of your return date, and any visas, permits and certificates required for the whole of their ecotour and shall arrange such vaccinations as are normally recommended for the countries through which they intend to travel. Information as to these matters and as to climate, clothing, baggage, gear, and similar matters is given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of Heartfelt Associates. We highly recommend checking with the appropriate agencies in your country for advice on required and recommended travel documents and vaccinations.

Schedule of Mail-outs: On receipt of your reservation & deposit, you will receive a confirmation E – package by email. (if you do not have email access please let us know and we can send the confirmation by mail). This confirmation E package will include items to help you prepare for your ecotour. A final packet of information will be mailed on receipt of your final payment, which will include your final itinerary, guest list, guidebook, luggage & name tag (if applicable to your safari). Additional updates will be sent as necessary by email.

Release of Liability: In consideration of the services and arrangements provided by Heartfelt Associates and Safari Legacy, you, for yourself and for your heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, hold harmless and agree to indemnify Safari Legacy, and its owners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, subcontractors and employees from any and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services, loss of personal belongings, lost profits, consequential, exemplary, indirect or punitive damages or otherwise which may arise out of or occur during your travel in connection with the scheduled travel package and any activities conducted in conjunction therewith.


Updated - LB 4/29/13