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Table of Contents MAY 2017 #425 P.O. BOX 2, VENICE, CA. 90294 • • [email protected] • 310-281-6935 There’s a Monolith at Venice and Lincoln TABLE OF CONTENTS By Jim Smith VJAMM INSTALLED Presidential Peter Principle LETTERS - Levin, Snap, Omari Melissa Diner is Open For Business Actor’s Gang, Harlequino - Review Alan Holdsworth Report Color Photos of VJAMM Dedication Poetry Calendar drawing by Gerta Lind PRESIDENTIAL PETER PRINCIPLE By P.S. Barber “God created war so that Americans would learn geog- VJAMM - It’s finally here! raphy By Alice Stek -- Mark Twain The dedication of the Venice Japanese American Me- Our game-show-host President is as quintessentially morial Monument (VJAMM) took place on April 27, 75 American as a yuuuge proverbial piece of apple pie, with years after over 1000 Japanese Americans from the Ven- an even yuuuger shovel of ice cream atop; vanilla, of ice area were forcibly removed and sent to concentration course, unadulterated – emphasis on “un-adult” – then camps for the remainder of WWII. In 1942, essentially no The intersection of Lincoln and Venice Blvd. scrumptiously coated with a radiant-orange sherbet-shell. one tried to stop this injustice. is now my favorite corner in Venice. It’s hard to Our President is the American Dream: ostentatious believe, but there’s a shiny, new black monolith on the wealth; celebrity for its own sake; hot chicks, fast cars, The monument is located on the corner of Venice and northwest sidewalk. If you haven’t been reading the big houses, bigger hair; sui generis; loud-mouthed, know- Lincoln Blvds at the site where the families were ordered Beachhead or didn’t come to the dedication, April 27, it-all; wholly A-Historical and brazenly A-Hole proud to report, with only what they could carry, for “evacua- you may think it was dropped there by aliens to test of it; bigger, better, harder, thicker, longer, bursting his tion” transport. It took many years to accomplish, it looks our intelligence as a species. Will we pass? Well, if you seams with prodigious, boundless reserves of scorch- beautiful, and the VJAMM Committee is thrilled to see it understand that all humans around the world are basical- ing-hot stamina. installed; please visit it. ly alike, and if you are aware that the U.S. Constitution According to many women I’ve known, there are men In the months after 9-11 (2001, not Pinochet’s coup in provides for due process, the right to a trial by jury and -- white males in particular -- who nickname their penis- Chile on 9-11-1973) members of the Venice Peace and equality under the law, and further, if you can distinguish es. Though I’ll have to take these women’s word for it Freedom Party were alarmed by the flag-waving hysteria between nations that commit war crimes and innocent and have no reason to doubt them, I do know for certain around us. Calls for invasions of distant countries and people whose ancestors may have been born in that coun- that our U.S. Generals love to nickname their penises. crackdowns on groups that looked like those reported try, then you may not go extinct. to be responsible for the attacks made us worry that The truth is the monolith, also called the Venice Japa- As with their human archetypes, in naming weapons something similar to the Japanese American incarceration nese-American Memorial Monument, was placed there of mass destruction, the Pentagon Boys subscribe to that could happen again to innocent Americans. Reminding by Venetians, and our friends, to remind all of us that priapic precept which firmly purports, “Bigger is Better.” our community that this could happen again was a good 1,000 local people of Japanese ancestry were incarcer- Again, I’m not here to debate long-held biological be- idea, we thought. If people understood the history of the ated in the Manzanar concentration camp in 1942, even liefs; it’s the psychological aspects of our Masters of War Japanese American incarceration, this would encourage though they had done nothing illegal or anti-American. which worry me, those precepts of power which engender communities to remain vigilant, speak out, and organize Most of them were confined there for up to three and a their murderous mindset. against injustice, and we could prevent future violations half, or four years. They lost their farms, their homes, Let’s take a look at their latest and largest penis – the of civil rights. In early 2002, the Venice Peace and their possessions and a total of 450,000 years of their yuuugest non-atomic armament ever deployed in the Freedom Party circulated a petition to create a monument lives if you add up all 120,000 people who were put into history of humankind, dropped April 13th by the U.S. commemorating the removal and incarceration of Japa- the camps, right here in America. Military in Afghanistan (America is also the record-hold- nese Americans from Venice, Santa Monica and Malibu. A few hundred of us gathered at the corner to celebrate er for the only two other larger bombs ever dropped, We obtained support from our local elected officials. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki). This newest shlong is the Beachhead joined in. the dedication of the monument, which we have been working towards for the past 16 years. It took that long to length of a city bus and officially named GBU43: this After Venice High School students and their teach- gather the supporters, raise money, get the monument and prior-to-now never-used bomb falls under the category er Phyllis Hayashibara took up the cause and former deal with city, county and state bureaucracies to make it of Massive Ordinance Air Blast, more familiarly known Manzanar prisoners and the Venice Arts Council joined legal to plant it next to a highway (Lincoln Blvd.). under its acronym, M.O.A.B. the effort, we were able to raise money and design the And it’s from MOAB that we get the unlikely pe- current monument. If you’re wondering if this is one more trick to gentrify Venice, it isn’t. There’s nothing to buy here, folks. This nis-nickname, Mother Of All Bombs. The relevance of this monument is obvious in the is Venice history. The Japanese people who were taken Now it’s no accident that all this devastation deliv- current political climate of racism, intolerance, xenopho- to the concentration camps were almost all working class ered-by-phallus is given, by the Pentagon Boys, a female bia and fear-mongering. We are shocked that almost half and farmers. moniker: after all, who wants to be the gruesome progen- of American voters support politicians who so openly Likewise, the Committee (Venice Japanese American itor birthing a bomb whose blast radius is one mile wide, promote restricting civil liberties. 360-degrees? That instantaneously sucks the oxygen It would be a mistake to only be concerned with the Memorial Monument or VJAMM) that worked tirelessly to create this living memory of our past included Kay from that sorry area -- then lights the air on fire? At a obvious threats to justice by the current government. cost of 16-million, weighing 11-tons, there is no bomb- Remember that Executive Order 9066, which allowed Brown, artist; Nikki Gilbert, Sushi Girl; Phyllis Ha- yashibara, retired Venice High teacher; Mae Kageyama bay that can disgorge the Mother Of All Bombs, and so the incarceration of Japanese Americans, was signed by it’s pushed out the back of a C-130 Hercules transport the highly regarded President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Kakehashi, Manzanar survivor; Arnold Maeda, Manzanar survivor; Brian Maeda, Manzanar survivor; Alice Stek, – ejaculated, you might say -- then GPS guidance and who promoted many progressive initiatives. President gravity do the rest, until the Pentagon Penis explodes Obama was a Democrat and a good orator, but in the Venice Peace and Freedom and Beachhead; Suzanne Thompson, fundraiser; Yosh Tomita, Manzanar survi- midair with a concussion so goddamned yuuuge, it causes meantime he also authorized NDAA, the National De- the earth below to crumble and quake for miles. fense Authorization Act, which makes legal many serious vor; Emily Winters, muralist. Also, Don Geagan, Peace restrictions of civil liberties and includes such provisions and Freedom and Beachhead; the late Fred Hoshiyama, An Afghan Army spokesman proudly claimed that the as extended arrest without due process. Clearly, the peo- Manzanar survivor; Marc Salvatierra, Venice Historical bomb killed nearly 100 ISIS-K militants and that, appar- ple must remain engaged and vigilant, regardless of who Society; and me, Jim Smith. Most of the above are long ently miraculously, there were zero civilian casualties. occupies the government positions of power. time Venetians who are fighting to preserve the Venice The media, with no pushback, reported what they were Our hope is the VJAMM monument will permanently culture. told -- the bombing happened in a “remote” province. contribute to this critical vigilance. Seven of the locals spoke at the ceremony and another Other Afghan sources point out that there were villages in seven politicians and government officials also spoke. the bombed area for many centuries – “were” being the VJAMM website: continued on page 3 continued on page 3 2 • May 2017 • Free Venice Beachhead I read the “Letter to the Editor” piece by Marty Lipoff and was stunned and grateful. What a wonderful letter to receive! What he wrote was so true, in my experience. The lack of privacy and the feeling of being a prisoner is sometimes overwhelming.
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