Received by NSD/FAR A Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires April 30, 2017 U.S. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the. Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period(_ Ending /*./$!(Insert date) fats'


1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

Kurdistan Regional Government - Liaison Office - USA 5783

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 1532 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-1402

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes • No • (2) Citizenship Yes • No • (3) Occupation Yes • No • (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes • No H (2) Ownership or control Yes Q No H (3) Branch offices Yes • No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. •

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3, 4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C', state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes • No H . If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes • No 0 If no,- please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy ofthe charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.) FORM NSD-2 Revised 03/14 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM (PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No' 0 • , If yes, furnish the following information: , Name Position Date Connection Ended .

) . . (b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No H If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes • No H If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes • Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrantdurin g this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No H If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reportingperiod ? Yes • No IE) If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terrninated

6. Have short form registration statements been filedb y all ofthe persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes • No 0 If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement.

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7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No IHI If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No S If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period.

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes • No S Exhibit B4 Yes • No S If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes • No El If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes • No S If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM (PAGE 4) III - ACTIVITIES

11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes B No •

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: See supplemental statements

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 as defined below? Yes 0 No •

Ifyes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. See supplemental statements

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes H No •

If yes, describe fully. See supplemental statements

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) ofthe Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM (PAGE 5)


14: (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes H No •

If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount Jan^June 2015 Regional Operations " 889,085.00 Govt

889085.00 Total

(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No 0 If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes • No 0 If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date . ' _.. .,.

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS QF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes • No S

Ifyes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6, 7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

i • \ (PAGE 6)

15(a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes IH1 No • (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes • No IS1

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

Ifyes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Jan -June 201S , Greenberg &Traurig Consulting $30,000 MSL Group Qorvis Consulting $44,000

74000 Total

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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with acti vities oh behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No E If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes • No m If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value . Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense freetravel , favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes 0 No • If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes • No • If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. " Kurdistan Regional Government

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes • No 0 If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of mforrhatioiial materials include the use of any of the following: 0 Radio' or TV broadcasts 0 Magazine or newspaper • Motion picture films 0 Letters or telegrams • Advertising campaigns 0 Press releases B Pamphlets or other publications H Lectures or speeches • Other (specify) ...... Electronic Communications 0 Email 0 Website URL(s): • Social media websites URL(s): Twitter: KRG-USA@KRG_USA; Facebook: Kurdistan Regional Government-Representation i • Other (specify)

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: HI Public officials 0 Newspapers 0 Libraries 13 Legislators 0 Editors 0 Educational institutions 0 Government agencies 0 Civic groups or associations D Nationality groups • Other (specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials: 0 English 0 Other (specify) Kurdish

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes ^ No Ll

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes H No •

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial 'information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt fromregistration , or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) ofthe Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statements), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

December 03,2015 /s/J. Michael Slocum eSigned

13 This statement shall besigned by the individual agent, if the registranti s an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Email communications Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, KRG Representative to the USA. July 1 to December 31, 2015

DATE EMAIL TO OR FROM ORGANISATION ISSUES DISCUSSED December 30, 2015 Professor Bob Destro Catholic University of Humanitarian medical aid America to Kurdistan December 27, 2015 Meghan O'Sullivan Harvard Kennedy Visit to Kurdistan> School possible event at Council on Foreign Relations in January for KRG ministers December 17, 2015 Patrick Ryan Tennessee World Recent reception at KRG Affairs Council Mission and invitation to speak in Tennessee December 12, 2015 Lisa Kalajian Economic and Participation of US Consul Commercial Officer, General in business US Consulate General, seminar in Erbil Erbil. Department of State December 11, 2015 Michael Pizziferri World Boston World Future speaking Affairs Council engagement in Boston December 4, 2015 Sohrab Ahmari Wall Street Journal Interview with Masrour Barzani December 1, 2015 Rozita Riazati BBC Interview on News Hour about Kurdistan's role in fight against ISIS November 21, 2015 Professor Bob Destro Catholic University of Christian communities in America and the United States November 20, 2015 Michael Isikoff Yahoo News ISIS enslavement of women November 17, 2015 November 17, 2015 Mary Yntema World Boston, World Recent reception and Affairs Council invitation to address World Boston November 11, 2015 Naomi Kikoler US Holocaust Recent meeting and Museum Museum's report on report on ISIS genocide against minorities November 10-12, 2015 Elizabeth Coble Department of State ISIS atrocities November 10, 2015 Nancy Lindborg US Institute of Peace Invitation to public address by Secretary John Kerry November 10, 2015 Ingrid Peritz Globe and Mail, Interview request Canada regarding Azer children November 7-10, 2015 Roy Perrin Deputy Consul Ammunition and General, Erbil. equipment delivered to Department of State November 9,2015 Professor Michael Tennessee Tech Speech at Harvard and Gunter University future visit to Tennessee Tech

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Email communications Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, KRG Representative to the USA- July 1 to December 31, 2015

November 9,'2015 Jiyar Gol BBC Canadian children abducted by their Kurdish father (Azer children) November 9, 2015 Dr Sasha Toperich Center for Recent speech at CTR Transatlantic SAIS on Kurdistan Relations, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University November 9, 2015 Dr Meghan O'Sullivan Belfer Center, JFK Recent meeting in Boston School of Government, Harvard University November 7-9, 2015 Dr Nussaibah Younis Atlantic Council Potential speaking engagement _ November 6, 2015 Professor David Phillips Columbia University Humanitarian assistance to Kurdistan November 6, 2015 Prof Gil Stein University of Chicago Recent meeting in Chicago November 5, 2015 Joseph Pennington Department of State Internment ceremony of Master Sgt Wheeler November 5, 2015 John B Bellinger I Council on Foreign Invitation to discussion Relations on the International Criminal Court and ISIS November 2-5, 2015 Arin Kerstein Tufts Daily News Interview with university Reporter newspaper November 3, 2015 Professor Lenore Martin Weatherhead Center Visit to Harvard for Interntional Affairs, Harvard University November 2, 2015 Professor Jason Ur Harvard University Recent meeting in Boston, introduction to Professor Gil Stein of University of Chicago November 1, 2015 Professor Elizabeth Fletcher School of Law Recent meeting in Prodromou and Diplomacy, Tufts Boston, Kurdistan's University economy, civil society and higher education October 30, 2015 Cansu Camlibel Hurriyet Turkish Her request for interview Also December 14, 25, newspaper in Boston 26, 2015 October 29, 2015 Tom Goffus Senate Armed Visit to Kurdistan Services Committee October 28, 2015 Michael Werz Center for American Contributions to counter- Progress ISIL coalition October 23,2015 Nussaibah Younis Atlantic Council Article on Kurdistan Brett McGurk State Department Master Sergeant Wheeler, condolences October 23-27, 2015

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Email communications Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, KRG Representative to the USA. July 1 to December 31, 2015

October 14, 2015 Joseph Pennington State Department Master Sergeant Wheeler, condolences October 22, 2015 Rudolph Bush Dallas News KRG statement on genocide and humanitarian crisis October 21,2015 Brian Gottlieb CBS News Special ops rescue of ISIS hostages Mike Knights The Washington Possible meeting in Institute Boston October 20, 2015 October 1 to 19, 2015 Evan McMullin House Republicans Middle East Policy Council Conference event on ISIS, Capitol Hill October 7-27, 2015 Thomas Mattair Middle East Policy Conference on Capitol Hill Council October 8, 2015 David Silverstein Association for the Remarks at annual Study ofthe Middle ASMEA conference East and Africa ASMEA David Phillips Columbia University Task Force Report on September 29, 2015 to October 18, 20l6 James Jeffrey The Washington Meeting and visit to Institute Kurdistan September 27, 2015 September 29, 2015 David Phillips Columbia University UN General Assembly September 24 to 29, Chis Seiple Institute for Global Conference on 2015 Engagement coexistence, stability and reconciliation September 27-29, 2015 Elizabeth Coble State Department Meeting with US officials at UN General Assembly September 23, 2015 Geoff Dyer Financial Times Meeting in New York September 25, 2015 Mike Knights The Washington Visit to New York Institute September 25, 2015 Nussaibah Younis Atlantic Council Introduction of ISP Bank September 28,2015 Knox Thames US Commission on Move to State International Department Religious Freedm September 22, 2015 Brendan O'Leary University of Meeting in New York Also October 23, 2015 Pennsylvania Also November 4-9,19, 2015 September 23-28,2015 Bill Clifford World Affairs Councils Invitation to speak at of America WACA WAFA national conference and to host reception for WACA members

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Email communications Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, KRG Representative to the USA. July 1 to December 31, 2015

September 14, 2015 David Koryani Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit in Istanbul September 22, 2015 Jim Falk World Affairs Council Invitation to speak in of Dallas/Fort Worth October September 22, 2015 Steven Feinberg State Department Follow up to introductory visit to KRG office September 18, 2015 September 18 to 29, Nawzad Othman Chairman of World Invitation to speak 2015 Affairs Council of Oregon September 17, 2015 Robert Destro Catholic University of KRG Prime Minister's America statement on genocide September 9, 2015 Elizabeth Coble State Department Yezidi women and girls enslaved by ISIS September 10, 2015 Kevin Joestlein American Turkish Invitation to speak at Council conference September 8-13,2015 Aliza Marcus Journalist Canadian children abducted by father September 4, 2015 Michael Goldfarb Journalist Visit to Kurdistan September 4, 2015 Lenore Martin Center for Middle East Visit to center in Studies, Harvard November University September 4, 2015 Shahla Al KM Tufts University Visit in November September 4, 2015 Elizabeth Coble State Department Paris conference on religious and ethnic minorities August 24 to Joe Graziano Department of Introduction and link to September 3, 2015 Defense KRG Joint Crisis Coordination Center August 27, 2015 Rachel Vogel and Gail World Affairs Council Speaking engagement Host of Dallas Fort Worth and radio interview August 27, 2015 Sarah Peck Political & Economic Economic assessment of section deputy chief Kurdistan at US Consulate in Erbil

August 27 to Sarhang Hamasaeed US Institute for Peace USIP leadership visit to September 9, 2015 Kurdistan

August 25, 2015 August 24-September 3, Sarah Peck Political & Economic Wedding invitation 2015 section deputy chief at US Consulate in Erbil August 23-24, 2015 Rachel Vogel World Affairs Council Speaking engagement in Dallas/Fort Worth Dallas in October August 4-21, 2015 Matthias Mitman US Consul General, Wedding invitation

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Email communications Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, KRG Representative to the USA. July 1 to December 31, 2015

Erbil August 6-12, 2015 Steve Gillen, Elizabeth State Department, Damaged passport Coble Office of Iraq Affairs August 2-7, 2015 Jonathan Peccia State Department Damaged passport (formerly at US embassy in London) July 27,2015 Matthias Mitman US Consul General in Suggestion to meet in Erbil, Department of Erbil State July 23 to August 2, Fred Kempe Atlantic Council KRG reception to thank 2015 US veterans July 23, 2015 General Bednarek State Department KRG reception to thank US veterans July 23, 2015 Joseph Pennington State Department, KRG reception to thank Office of Iraq Affairs US veterans July 23, 2015 Brett McGurk State Department KRG reception to thank US veterans July 23, 2015 Ambassador Stu Jones US Embassy in Iraq KRG reception to thank US veterans July 21, 2015 Anthony Godfrey State Department, KRG reception to thank Office of Iraq Affairs US veterans July 17-August 7, 2015 Megan Wong State Department, KRG High Council for Bureau of Democray, Women's Affairs plan for Human Rights and assisting internally Labour displaced orphans July 14, 2015 Steven Feinberg State Department, Making contact after Iraq//Gulf Affairs meeting at a seminar July 14, 2015 Office of Chief of State Department Invitation to Secretary of Protocol State's Eid reception July 7 to August, 2015 Sarah Peck Economy chief at US Appointment to discuss Consulate in Erbil budget issues, oil and gas, FDI and economic conditions in Kurdistan July 6-7, 2015 David Koranyi, Bina Atlantic Council Invitations to KRG Hussein officials to attend Istanbul energy summit in November July 2, 2015 Brett McGurk Department of State Shipment of equipment to Peshemerga July 1-2, 2015 Elizabeth O'Bagy and Senator John Letter from President Pablo Carrillo McCain's staff Barzani

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Location/type of Date Participants Purpose of Meeting contact Bill Monbhan, Senate Discussed current Armed Services 228 Russell Senate political, economic and 7/1/2015 Committee Counsel for Office Room humanitarian situation Senator Jack Reed, in Kurdistan. Remziya Suleyman Discussed current political, economic and 7/1/2015 Phone Michael knight humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Discussed current Eric Brown, Hudson political, economic and 7/2/2015 KRG Office Institute humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Discussed current Amos Hochstein, Special political, economic and 7/7/2015 State Department Enovy at State Dept, humanitarian situation Karwan Zebari in Kurdistan.

Jeffrey Millington, To discuss diplomatic 7/13/2015 State Department Karwan Zebari training program Congressman Peter to discuss the current 2303 Rayburn Office 7/13/2015 Welch, Remziya situation in Kurdsitan Building Suleyman and Iraq Discussed current 214 Massachusetts Ave. Heritage Foundation political, economic and 7/15/2015 NE, Washington DC Team humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

438 Cannon House Congressman Jim Discussed formal trip to 7/16/2015 Office Building McGovern Kurdsitan 7/16/2015 Phone Radio or Not Radio Interview Discussed current 284 Russell Seate Office Jamie Fly, Advior to political, economic and 7/21/2015 Building Senator Mark Rubio humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

7/22/2015 Phone International Dialouge Radio Interview

Discussed current Sara Peck, Staffer at US political, economic and 7/23/2015 KRG Office Consulate in Erbil humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

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Discussed current 218 Russell Senate Senator John McCain's political, economic and 7/24/2015 Office Building staff humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Assistant Secretary Discussed current Patterson, Near Eastern political, economic and 7/27/2015 State Department Affairs, Falah Mustafa, humanitarian situation Karwan Zebari in Kurdistan. Deputy Assistnat Sec, of Discussed current State Brett McGurk, political, economic and 7/28/2015 State Department Falah Mustafa, Karwan humanitarian situation Zebari in Kurdistan. Discussed current Senator Donnelly, Falah 728 Russell Seante political, economic and 7/28/2015 Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. Alex Gallo, Staff to Discussed current Congressman 2208 Rayburn House political, economic and 7/28/2015 Thornberry, Falah Office Building humanitarian situation Mustafa, Remziya in Kurdistan. Suleyman Discussed current Rep. Granger, Falah 1026 Longworth House political, economic and 7/28/2015 Mustafa, Remziya Building, Washington DC humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. Discussed current 214 Massachusetts Ave. Roundtable at the political, economic and 7/28/2015 NE, Washington DC Heritage Foundation humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

David Kinzler (Staff to Discussed current Senator Corker) & Dana political, economic and 7/28/2015 Dirksen Building Stroll (Senator Cardin's humanitarian situation staff), Falah Mustafa, in Kurdistan. Remziya Suleyman

Discussed current Senator Manchin, Falah 306 Hart Senate Office political, economic and 7/28/2015 Mustafa, Remziya Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. Discussed current Senator Rounds, Falah 316 Hart Senate Office political, economic and 7/28/2015 Mustafa, Remziya Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan.

1616 Rhode Island Ave. Center for Strategic & 7/29/2015 Speaker at public event NW, Washington DC International Studies

Discussed current Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, 440 Cannon House political, economic and 7/29/2015 Falah Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan.

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Discussed current Senator Rand Paul, Falah 513 C st NE, Washington political, economic and 7/29/2015 Mustafa, Remziya DC humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. 1530 Wisconsin Ave, 7/29/2015 Global Business Forum Luncheon Washington DC Discussed current Rep. Adam Smith, Falah 2402 Rayburn House political, economic and 7/29/2015 Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. Discussed current Charirhan Ed Royce, 2310 Rayburn House political, economic and 7/29/2015 Falah Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan.

Discussed current Rep. Frelinghuysen, 2442 Rayburn House political, economic and 7/29/2015 Falah Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. Discussed current Rep. Rob Wittman, Falah 1317 Longworth House political, economic and 7/29/2015 Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. 1150 22nd St. NW, Jonathan Broder, 7/29/2015 Interview Washington DC Newsweek Discussed current Senator John McCain, 218 Russell Senate political, economic and 7/29/2015 Falah Mustafa, Remziya Office Building humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan. Discussed current General Fatini, Falah political, economic and 7/30/2015 The Pentagon Mustafa, Karwan Zebari humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Discussed current Senator Cornyn, Falah political, economic and 7/30/2015 S-208, The Capital Mustafa, Remziya humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan.

Acting Asst. Secy. Of Discussed current Defense Elissa Slotkih, political, economic and 7/30/2015 The Pentagon Falah Mustafa, Karwan humanitarian situation Zebari in Kurdistan. Asst. Sect, of State for Discussed current PRM Anne Richards, political, economic and 7/30/2015 State Department Falah Mustafa, Karwan humanitarian situation Zebari in Kurdistan.

1333 H St NW, Center for American Off the Record 7/30/2015 Washington DC Progress disucssion on Kurdistan

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Discussed current 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, political, economic and 7/30/2015 Woodrow Wilson Center NW, Washington DC humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current General Barbero, Falah political, economic and 7/30/2015 KRG Office Mustafa, Karwan Zebari humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Centre for Humanitarian 7/30/2015 KRG Office Dialogue, Falah Mustafa, Remziya Suleyman

Discussed current Assistnat US Trade 600 17th St. NW, political, economic and 7/31/2015 Represetnative, Falah Washington DC humanitarian situation Mustafa, Karwan Zebari in Kurdistan. Discussed current The White House's political, economic and 7/31/2015 White House National Security humanitarian situation Council, Falah Mustafa in Kurdistan. Discussed current Asst. Secty for DRL political, economic and 7/31/2015 State Department Malinowski, Falah humanitarian situation Mustafa, Karwan Zebari in Kurdistan. Christian Caryl, Foreign 8/5/2015 KRG Office Interview Policy Discussed current international Republican political, economic and KRG Office Institute, Jennifer Crall, 8/11/2015 humanitarian situation Hallam Ferguson in Kurdistan. Discussed current Fred Khosravi, Center for political, economic and 8/11/2015 Phone Call Strategic & International humanitarian situation Studies in Kurdistan. Discussed current Dr. Soner Cagaptay, political, economic and 9/1/2015 Phone Call Washington Institute humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current political, economic and 9/2/2015 KRG Office The Friedlander Group humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Dion Nissenbaum, Wall 9/9/2015 KRG Office Interview Street Journal 1801 F St NW, PBS: Great Decisions in 9/9/2015 Interview Washington, DC Foreign Policy Discussed current Meeting With Iraq Desk political, economic and 9/11/2015 KRG Office Team, Jo Pennington, humanitarian situation KRG staff in Kurdistan.

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Discussed current Anne Richard, Karwan political, economic and 9/15/2015 State Department Zebari humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 524 Hart Senate Office Senator Mark Kirk, political, economic and 9/15/2015 Building Remziya Suelyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 316 Hart Senate Office Senator James tankford, political, economic and 9/16/2015 Building Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 524 Hart Senate Office Senator Mark Kirk, political, economic and 9/16/2015 Building Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current Tom Hawkin (Senator 317 Russeel Senate political, economic and 9/16/2015 McConell's Staff), Office Building humanitarian situation Remziya Suleyman in Kurdistan. Steven & Derek from Discussed current State Dept.'s Bureau of political, economic arid 9/18/2015 KRG Office Intelligence & Research humanitarian situation (INR), Karwan Zebari in Kurdistan. Discussed current till 19th St., Suite 500, Washington Institute, political, economic and 9/21/2015 Washington, DC Anbar Rpundtable humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Atlantic Council, Bina To discuss upcome 9/22/2015 KRG Office Hussein & David Koranyi conference

Conference: 1801 F St NW, 9/25/2015 DACOR House vs. the Traditional Washington, DC Nation State Unredacted, hosted by 9/29/2015 Phone Radio interview Rachel Marsden Discussed current 65 E. 56th St, New York political, economic and 10/1/2015 Global Jewish Advocacy NY humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current Amb. Brett McGurk, political, economic and 10/1/2015 Building State Dept, Falah humanitarian situation Mustafa in Kurdistan. Panelist/The 90117th St. NW, 10/9/2015 Army and Navy Club international fight Washington, DC against ISIS Discussed current Joe Pennington, MERI political, economic and 10/13/2015 State Department staff humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Discussed current 19th &L, Washington, political, economic and 10/19/2015 Michael Knight DC humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 2301 Constitution Ave. Sarhang Harhasaeed, political, economic and 10/19/2015 NW, Washington DC USIP humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current Joe Pennington, Karwan political, economic and 10/19/2015 State Department Zebari humanitarian situation in Kurdistan, Discussed current 203 Cannon House Rep. MeMorris-Rogers, political, economic and 10/19/2015 Office Building Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current Rep. Randy Forbers, political, economic and 10/21/2015 2135 Raybuurn Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

1703 Rhode Island Ave 10/23/2015 Takeaway Radio Interview NW, Washington DC

10/23/2015 KRG Office Mark Hosenball, Reuters Interview

Paul Mcleary, Foreign 10/23/2015 KRG Office Interview Policy Discussed current 231 Russell Senate Senator Kaine, Remziya political, economic and 10/27/2015 Office Building Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 111 Russell Senate Senator Joni Ernst, political, economic and 10/28/2015 Office Building Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 529 14th St. NW, Key Note Speaker- 10/2/2015 ISOA Washington, DC discussed Kurdsitan Discueed Kurdish & 10/28/2015 Washington, DC CTV Canada Canadian fight against ISIS Speaker-Discussed current political, 1401 Lee Hwy, 10/29/2015 ASMEAConfrence economic and Arlington, VA 22209 humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current James Stavridis, Dean of 160 Packard Ave, political, economic and 11/2/2015 the Fletcher School of Medford MA humanitarian situation Law & Diplomacy in Kurdistan. 160 Packard Ave, Arin Kerstein, Tufts Daily 11/2/2015 Interview Medford MA News

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Discussed current Meghan O'Sullivan, 1 Bennett St., political, economic and 11/2/2015 Council of Foreign Cambridge MA 02138 humanitarian situation Relations in Kurdistan. Discussed current 563 Columbus Aye, Michael Knight, political, economic and 11/2/2015 Boston MA 02118 Washington Institute . humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current Maggie Williams, 79 JFK St., Cambridge political, economic and 11/3/2015 Director, Institute of MA humanitarian situation Politics in Kurdistan. Discussed current 79 JFK St., Cambridge Dr. Joseph Nye, Kennedy political, economic and 11/3/2015 MA School of Government humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 70 Fargo St, Boston MA 11/3/2015 Boston Hearld Radio Interview 02210 Discussed current 210 Massachusetts Ave, Christian Science political, economic and 11/3/2015 Boston MA Monitor humanitarian situation |n Kurdistan. Discussed current 1 Bennett St., Dr. Jason Ur, Professor political, economic and 11/3/2015 Cambridge MA 02138 Harvard University humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 160 Packard Ave, Nadim Shehadi, Fares political, economic and 11/3/2015 Medford MA Center humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 160 Packard Ave, Professor Richard political, economic and 11/3/2015 Medford MA Shultiz, Fletcher Schol humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Tufts University, Key 160 Packard Ave, Kurdistan: New Player in 11/3/2015 note speaker at public Medford MA the Middle East event Discussed current 135 William Morrissey Boston Globe Editorial political, economic and 11/4/2005 Blvd, Boston MA Board humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 160 Packard Ave, Fletcher Forum of World 11/4/2015 Interview Medford MA Affaris Discussed current 160 Packard Ave, Professor Lenore Martin, political, economic and 11/4/2015 Medford MA Harvard University humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. Discussed current 1737 Cambridge St, political, economic and 11/4/2015 Seminar Medford MA humanitarian situation in Kurdistan. 435 N. Michigan Ave, 11/5/2015 Chicago Tribune Interview Chicago IL

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Discussed current 300 N. LaSalle St, political, economic and 11/5/2015 AJC Chicago Chicago, IL humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

332 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago Council on Roundtable discussion 11/5/2015 Suite 1100, Chicago, IL Global Affairs on Kurdistan

2100 Lee St., Evanston, WCGO 1590, Yallafan 11/5/2015 interview IL60202 Radio 1619 Massachusetts John hopkins School of Keynote Speaker 11/9/2015 Ave/Ww, Washington, Advanced International "Kurdistan Under DC Studies Pressure" Discussed current Dafina Rand, Karwan political, economic and State Department 11/9/2015 Zebari humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Discussed current 218 Russell Senate Senator McCain, Dr. political, economic and 11/9/2015 Office Building Najmaden Karim humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current 136 Hart Senate Office Senator Chris Murphy, political, economic and 11/10/2015 Building Gov.Najmaden Karim humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

World Affaris Councils of 11/12/2015 KRG Office Hosted a recpetion America members

Discussed current 3100 Massachusetts British Ambassador political, economic and 11/13/2015 Ave. NW, Washington Westmacott, Karwan humanitarian situation DC Zebari in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed the 11/16/2015 KRG Office Spirit of America humanitarian crisis in Kurdistan Professor Destro, Discussed the 11/17/2015 KRG Office Catholic University of humanitarian crisis in America Kurdistan Discussed current Congressman Scott 1122 Longworth Office political, economic and 11/17/2015 Peters, Remziya Building) Washington DC humanitarian situation Suleyman in Kurdistan and Iraq

11/17/2015 Phone Radio or Not Interview FBI Agends, Karwan To disucss security 11/18/2015 Phone Zebari concerns

Discussed current 2266 Rayburn Office Rep. Marsha Blackburn, political, economic and 11/18/2015 Building, Washington, Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation DC in Kurdistan and Iraq

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Discussed current 1221 Longworth Office Rep. Adam Kinzinger, political, economic and 11/18/2015 Building, Washington DC Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current 507 Cannon House Rep. George Holding, political, economic and 11/18/2015 Office Building Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current 1432 Longworth Office Rep. Andy Barr, Remziya political, economic and 11/18/2015 Building, Washington DC Suleyman humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

Radio or Not, the Nicole 11/30/2015 Phone Interview Sandler Show Interview- Sihjar mass 11/30/2015 Phone WTOP Radio, JJ Green graves and tunnels Discussed current political, economic and 12/1/2015 Phone Washington Times humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current Congressman political, economic and 12/2/2015 Phone Rohrabacher humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

2000 M St, Suite 800, 12/2/2015 BBC Newshour Interivew Washington DC Discussed current 359 Dirksen Senate Senator Cory Booker, political, economic and 12/3/2015 Office Building, Remziya Suleyman humanitarian situation Washington DC in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current 528 Senate Hart political, economic and 12/3/2015 Senator Bob Menendez Building> Washington DC humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current Missy Ryan and Karen political, economic and 13/3/15 KRG Office DeYoung, Washington humanitarian situation Post in Kurdistan and Iraq

Discussed current Steve Lutes, US Chamber political, economic and 12/22/2015 KRG Office of Commerce humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq

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Discussed current rto/on 60017th St. NW, Michael Delaney, US political, economic and Washington DC Trade Rep. humanitarian situation in Kurdistan and Iraq


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Bayan Rahman- FARA (Jury>Dec) timestamptext 2016-06-2! RT <5>KRG_USA: Meeting (5>USIP to discuss ways to bring stability to Sinjar to allow for the return of I 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: Discussed efforts toward justice for genocide by ISIS with Brian Maves, legislative as 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: Mtg with staffer to @RepJaredPolis on ways Kurdish-American Congressional Caucu 2016-06-2! RT fSKRGJJSA: Shingal Mayor Khalil & Ninewa Councilmember Haso gave info, talked genocide 2016-06-2! RT @FalahMustafa: Thanked outgoing @StateDept CG Matthias Mitman & welcomed incoming 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: Shingal Mayor met w/ (©Nussaibah of @AtlanticCouncil Iraq Task Force on to give u 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: Mtg w staffers from various Senate offices to thank US for genocide recognition &ar 2016-06-2! RT @Duhokpost: Iraq secures $2.7 billion #US loan for military equipment, out of which $200 millior 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: Mayor of Sinjar Mahma Khalil & Ninewa Councilmember Saido Haso w Deputy 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: With the Office of Global Criminal Justice @StateDept to discuss justice for ISIS perp 2016-06-2! Mayor of Sinjar presents insignia to @AmbSaperstein after discussion on need to help missing &arrt| 2016-06-2! RT 2016-06-2J Sinjar thanks US "@KRG_USA; Mayor Mahma Khalil presents insignia of Shingal to Assist Sec Malino 2016-06-2! RT@USKBizCouncil: DAS @JPennington_ briefs #USKBC on US Iraq & policy, U 2016-06-2! Images of genocide & displacement "@KRG_USA: Kurdish photographer wins Moscow Int'l aw< 2016-06-2! RT @FoxNews: ISIS abducts 900 in northern Syria over 3-week period 2016-06-2! RT @KRG_USA: .@BayanRahman and staff welcome to Mayor of Shingal Mahma Khalil and member 2016-06-2: RT @dliraq: Iraq Prime Minister hails recapture of Falluja from IS: Iraqi forces recaptured the last dis 2016-06-2' Kurdish photographer @penjweny strikes again with beautiful, touching pictures of everyday Iraqis 2016-06-2(So admiring of their courage "@PeshmergaNews: Graduation of Female #Yezidi Peshmerga, ready d 2016-06-21 RT @PeshmergaNews: Graduation cerimony for Female Yezidi Peshmerga, now ready do defend #SI 2016-06-21 RT @KRG_USA: Mayor of Shingal Mahma Khalil briefing Kurdish-American community of Virginia on 2016-06-21 RT @KRG_USA: PRESS RELEASE - Business leaders from Kurdistan in Washington as part of leadershi 2016-06-2! RT @UNIraq: #UNAMI expresses solidarity with Rudaw and all media in Iraq who are performing the 2016-06-2'Invitation to Kurdistanti community: please join us as we hear about the future of #Sinjar Shingal fro 2016-06-2' RT @stevelutes: @USChamber meeting w/ Chamber leaders from Erbil, Suli, Duhok & Kirkuk @ 2016-06-2'Brexit 2016-06-2' RT @karwanTahir: Support the Children of War by booking your ticket @BarbicanCentre 4 Charity C 2016-06-2: RT 2016-06-2; RT @KRG_USA: Great turnout @USKBizCouncil meeting today with heads of chambers of commerce 2016-06-2:RT @najatga: OtU"O2OtO.0±0§UCEO»02OCE 0-U©O*y...O»03GCE UtO»0±OZU...OfJE O©O/'0±0"0 2016-06-2- Invitation: Kurdistani community meeting Sat. June 25,4pm with Mayor of #Sinjar @ Hunter Mill Dis 2016-06-2: RT @KRG_USA: Met w/ new Sec of Army Eric Fanning @DeptofDefense, Congrats on new post, than 2016-06-2: RT @KRG_USA: Powerful story of Yezidi woman Nihad's escape from ISIS captivity - 2016-06-2: RT 2016-06-2.' RT (5>KRG_USA: Honored to welcome distinguished members of chambers of commerce and industr 2016-06-2: RT @NRT_English: [Video] #Syrian refugees in Iraq put on talent show for World Refugee Day: https: 2016-06-2:Thank you @USIP for hosting Iftar in celebration of diversity 2016-06-21 RT @KRG_Austria: Today is #WorldRefugeeDay. 65 million people are displaced. We all must workti 2016-06-21 RT @brett_mcgurk: Important meetings today in #Erbil between Government of Iraq and KRG officii 2016-06-21 RT @FalahMustafa: Productive meeting between President #Barzani & #KRG w/#GOI &#U 2016-06-21 RT @brett_mcgurk: In Iraq's #Kurdistan Region tonight for Iftar with KRG DPM @qubadjt and to acci 2016-06-1! RT @JoelWing2: Musings On Iraq Abuses Of lraqa€™s Hashd In Fallujah Operation 2016-06-1! RT @Duhokpost: Officials of #lraqi government and #KRG met in #Erbil to prepare the ground for co 2016-06-11 RT

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2016-06-1 RT @iraq_un: tflraqi counter terrorism forces raised Iraqi flag over the main Gov building in central* 2016-06-1' RT @DMI_KRG; #Kurdistan Regional Government Spokesperson statement on Orlando attack @USE 2016-06-11 Looking forward to speaking at @dfwworld, Worcester, Massachusetts, tonight on the untold story • 2016-06-11 Long overdue. Now heed justice and accountability "@UNGeneva: #ISIS crimes against #Yazidis qual 2016-06-11 RT @UNHumanRights: In Arabic Stamp; Kurdish: Full report on how #ISIS is committing genocide aga 2016-06-1! As former 2016-06-1! In some towns 50% are displaced "@UNIraq: UNHCR, @KurdistanRegion to support communities he 2016-06-1! RT 2016-06-1! RT @PhilKlay: "Iraq and Kurdistan need brave, brilliant, strong, compassionate women like Alka and 2016-06-1'RT @RudawEnglish: Peshmerga forces defending #Kirkuk are paid by #Kurdistan Region, not Baghda 2016-06-1: Congratulations @chomahardi "@BloodaxeBooks: Choman Hardi on #For 2016-06^1; Thank you @FalahMustafa for your encouragement to @KRG_USA team. We look forward to your \ 2016-06-1: RT @BaxtiyarGoran: @AngusMcKeeFCO @KurdistanRegion Yes, indeed. Slemani's Hawari Shar park. 2016-06-1: RT 2016-06-r.@masoud_barzani, US Amb Jones, Gen MacFarland discuss Mosul operation 2016-06-1: RT ^ 2016-06-1: RT @brett_mcgurk: Pleased to welcome close friends @FalahMustafa & @BayanRahman to @ 2016-06-1: RT @KRG_USA: .@ Falah Mustafa &arhp; @BayanRahman met w/ @StateDept Asst. Sec, Patterson & 2016-06-1: RT @KRG_USA: .@FalahMustafa Stamp; @BayanRahman pleased to see @brett_mcgurk again to di< 2016-06-K A must- 2016-06-K RT @KRG_USA: .@ Falah Mustafa Stamp; @BayanRahman discussed new approaches to tackle humai 2016-06-K RT @KRG_USA: .@Falah Mustafa Stamp; @BayanRahman exchanged views on political, humanitaria 2016-06-11 "@Rudawkurdish: 0 •G»U"0ZUt0».. UU»OZ0'0§UtOCE UtOCEU,0§0" U„0» 0-U"0§OfJE 0±02U"0§ 2016-06-K RT @DMI_KRG: #Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nechirvan #Barzani met with #Canada's ambassac 2016-06-K RT@KRG_USA: .@FalahMustafa Stamp; @BayanRahman met with @AmbSapersteih Stamp; @Knox' 2016-06-K RT @KRG_USA: .@falahmustafa 8tamp; @BayanRahman in good discussion w/ @SenBobCorker on s 2016-06-K RT @KRG_USA: Minister @FalahMustafa Stamp; Rep. @BayanRahman with Ambassador @FailyLukr 2016-06-K RT @KRG_USA: .@FalahMustafa Stamp; @BayanRahman discussed w/ @RepKayGranger Stamp; @^ 2016-06-K RT @NadiaMuradBasee: #AmalClooney to represent myself Stamp; @YazdaOrg in #YazidiGenocide t 2016-06-K RT ©Refugees: Meet the remarkable Belind: 2016-06-0! RT @KRG_USA: .@FalahMustafa meets with @CSIS to discuss crises facing #Kurdistan and need for i 2016-06-0! RT @KRG_USA: Thank you @amprog for hosting roundtable with @FalahMustafa today to provide i 2016-06-01 RT @KRG_USA: In separate meetings with @SehJohnMcCain Stamp; @SenJackReed, @FalahMustaf« 2016-06-0! RT @KRG_USA: ,@falahMustafa Stamp; @BayanRahman discussed financial crisis Stamp; economic i 2016-06-0! RT @VianDakhil: With @falahMustafa and # @BayanRahman in the @KRG_USA office in #Washingt 2016^06-0! RT @KRG_USA: .@falahmustafa Stamp; @>BayanRahman in productive meeting w/Assist Secy Defen 2016-06-0: RT @KRG_USA: Transcript of President Barzania€™s message at 25th anniversary of Operation Provi 2016-06-0: RT @KRG_USA: PRESS RELEASE - President Barzani sends message to conference in Washington on ( 2016-06-01 RT 2016-06-01 RT @MiddleEastlnst: Gen. Zinni: This was a success primarily because ofthe Kurds, a people who an 2016-06-0) Honoured to see General Garner @ #OPC25 conference and to thank him for his longstanding friend 2016-06-01 RT 2016-06-01 RT @Samira_Ghaderi: Gen. Zinni: "W/in 36 hours of the start of #OPC, 37 tons of humanitarian aid v 2016-06-01 RT @MiddleEastlnst: Gen. Zinni: For policymakers, the worst thing to do is some minimal amount of 2016-06-01 RT@MiddleEastlnst: Andrew Natsios: US can't construct a country from outside though money alon 2016-06-01 RT @Samira_Ghaderi: Andrew Natsios: "You can't just assist by providing financial support; and the 2016-06-01 RT @Samira_Ghaderi: Andrew Natsios: After #OPC, in 1998, @USA|D developed the Field Operation

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2016-06-01 RT @YereVanSaeed: Many former commanders of provide comfort mission present in today's comrr 2016-06-01 RT @karwanz: 25th Anniv. Conference on Operation Provide Comfort in full swing in Washington. E> 2016-06-0) Prof Salih: Kurdistan came out of shadow of history into a regional player thanks to transition startei 2016-06-01 Prof Khaled.Salih tells #0PC25 Iraqi gov official threatened to use chemical weapons again which led 2016-06-01 RT , 2016-06-01 RT @Samira_Ghaderi: Panel 1: The Enduring Lessons of Operation Provide Comfort j #OPC25 @M|d 2016^06-01 RT @Remziya: Short clip at @MiddleEastlnst just brought back haunting images of my childhood as - 2016-06-01 RT @Llamamelshmael: Gen Garner: special forces in the mountains of Kurdistan stopped the dying i 2016-06-01 RT @MiddleEastlnst: Amb Robert Kimmitt: Consequences of victory can be as unpredictable as thos> 2016-06-01 RT rSmutludc: LIVE- Funeral ceremony of Abu Leyla artd Harun Kabane #AbuLayla 2016-06-01 RT @YerevanSaeed: Provide comfort commemoration DC. https;// 2016-06-01 RT @MiddleEastlnst: Lt Gen Jay Garner after revisiting KRG years after OPC: "Kurdistan is the Iraq th 2016-06-01 General Jay Garner tells #OPC25 of flying over mountains & seeing 500,000 Kurds fleeing Saddc 2016-06-Oi.@MiddleEastlnst first panel, which includes Gen Garner and Prof Khaled Salih, focuses on enduring 2016-06-01 RT @KRG_USA: Minister @FalahMustafa delivers President #Barzani's message to @MiddleEastlnst 2016-06-01 RT @KateSeelye: Bakir says strong friendships and partnerships have facilitated #Kurdistan's path to 2016-06-01 RT @Llamamelshmael: @karendeyoungl leads the panel on lessons learned from #OPC25 in Kurd isl 2016-06-01 RT @KateSeelye: H.E. Falah Mustafa Bakir re #OPC25 says it did more than provide comfort a€" pro\ 2016-06-01 RT @KRG_USA: .-<§> Falah Mustafa gives keynote address at <5>MiddleEastlnst conference on Operatio 2016-06-01 RT @MiddleEastlnst: Gen. Anthony Zinni: 500,000 Kurds & others had been chased into the hill 2016-06-Oi RT ©Charles J.ister: Important @MiddleEastlnst conference at @PressClubDC today: 2016-06-01 RT @KateSeelye: #KRG Rep Bayan Abdul Rahman thanks all those involved in #OPC25 - "You saved li 2016-06-01 RT 2016-06-01 .©FalahMustafa at #OPC25: Our ability today to win war against #ISIS wouldn't be possible without 2016-06-01 .@FalahMustafa at @MiddleEastlnst #OPC25: international support in 1991 led to freedom and bri( 2016-06-01 .@FalahMustafa delivers President Barzani's message at #OPC25 conference: 1991 first time of hope 2016-06-01 RT @MiddleEastlnst: Follow along or share your thoughts on today's conference on Operation Provi 2016-06-01 .@MiddleEastlnst conference on Operation Provide Comfort begins. Great to see so many who were 2016-06-0! Join us tomorrow when @FalahMustafa will speak at @MiddleEastlnst conference on Operation Pre 2016-06-0! RT @cmJohannes: Interning @KRG_USA was participatory & informative. Supas @KRG_DFR @ 2016-06-0'RT 2016-06-0' RT @SafeenDizayee: #Peshmerga posters at metro stations in #Paris. We are blessed to have our he 2016-06-0: RT <5>KRG_USA: .@BayanRahman @CTR^SAIS conference- Decentralization is the way forward for In 2016-06-0: RT @SashaToperich: .@KRG_USA Bayan: business ppl speak same language. Decentralization isfutu 2016-06-0:.@CTR_SAIS: @StateDept's Pennington says Iraq & Kurdistan need reform. KRG advisor Jim Par 2016-06-0: RT @KRG_USA: Farewell meeting with retiring @lraqiEmbassyUSA Ambassador @FailyLukman http; 2016-06-0: RT @KRG_USA: Business leaders, government officials, experts @CTR_SAIS for conference on Iraq's 2016-06-0: RT @karwanz: Iraq economic forum in full swing in Washington, DC at Johns Hopkins University (@! 2016-06-0: RT @KRG_USA: Industry, agriculture, tourism are three priorities of KRG, ripe for foreign investment 2016-06-0: Assistant US Trade Representative for South Asia tells Iraq Economy Forum @Johns Hopkins SAIS #K 2016-06-0: RT@amberinzaman: #lraq Economy Panel Johns Hopkins SAIS JPennington_ will talk about multiple 2016-06-0) .@FailyLukman at Iraq biz forum JHopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations: Iraqis need each other 2016-06-0: RT @VianDakhil: Thanks for the #lraqi_Army @khalid_alobeidi for saving two #Yazidi kidnaped worn 2016-06-0: RT @WAC_DC: Don't forget! Tomorrow is the last day to register for one of the last public appearan 2016-06-0: RT 2016-06-0. @KurdistanRegion's Minister Sindi: Reform success and our ability to deal with multiple shocks wi 2016-06-0: World Bank's Ferid Belhaj: Kurdistan has strengths, opportunities to get economy out of crisis &

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2016^06-0: World Bank proposes reforms to help Kurdistan navigate economic challenges\ll 2016-05-31 RT @ Falah Mustafa: On #MemorialDay the people of @KurdistanRegion thank & honor the US i 2016-05^31 RT @FalahMustafa: @KurdistafiRegion demonstrated its commitment to economic reform package 2016-05-31 Thank you America "@KRG_USA: On Memorial Day people of @KurdistanRegion thank US military v 2016-05-31 So proud of our brave #peshmerga "@KRSCPress: 2-day op East of #Mosul, Peshmerga clear 9 village 2016-05-2! RT 2016-05-2! "@K24En 2016-05-2! RT <5>KRSCPress: Three VBIEDs destroyed by Peshmerga & two by (3CJTF0IR warplanes. Coalitk 2016-05-2! RT @KRSCPress: As of 1500hrs, two more villages - Tel As wad and Zahra-Khatun - completely liberat 2016-05-2! RT @KRSCPress: Peshmerga offensive, backed by @GTFOIR warplanes, underway in East of Mosul t 2016-05-2:.@FailyLukman will be missed "@KRG_USA: @BayanRahman at @lraqiEmbassyUSA@FailyLukman r 2016-05-21 RT @KRG_USA: Pleased to welcome Amb. Ken Gross, will be heading to Erbil soon to serve as US Co 2016-05-21 RT @masrour_barzani: One hundred years of failure & bloodshed is enough reason to try a nev 2016-05^21 RT @KRG_USA: Tune in now to hear @BayanRahman speak with Montana World Affairs Council on 2016-05-21 RT @KRG_USA: .@BayanRahman met Todd Buchwald, Director of Office of Global Criminal Justice

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-04>2< RT @datapandit: Thanks to @The,_Globe & (Sgathertonarts for bringing #Hamlet to #Erbil #Kur 2016-04,2-RT 2016-04-1! Congressman Franks welcomes @KurdistanRegion delegation representing religious minorities inclu 2016-04-1! RT @DeptofDefense: In Iraq #SecDef announces accelerants to defeat fflSIL List includes expanding 2016-04-1!Tomorrow Yezidis mark Charshamba Sur, usually a happy colourful festival. Read this to get a glimps 2016-04-1! RT @sirwanrahman: A story about my beloved brother Salah, friendships and bonds endure and nev 2016-04-1! RT @heminhawrami: In a special operation , @KRSCPress & coalition forces Killed ABU SARIA h 2016-04-li Moving tribute to a beloved brother. Salah touched many lives with his humour generosity compass 2016-04-1! .rjpqubadjt tells @FoxNews ISIS uses chemical weapons against Kurdish peshmerga, we must prepar 2016-04-1! .@qubadjt tells @FoxNews @SpecialReport Kurdistan has major financial crisis which could impact r. 2016-04-1! RT @KRG_USA: Watch @FoxNews @SpecialReport with @BretBaier tonight at 6:00 EST for intervie\ 2016-04-1! RT @KRGJJSA: Tune in to @FoxNews @SpecialReport to see gpqubadjt momentarily< 2016-04-1! RT @KRG_USA: .@RosLehtinen and @BradSherman introduce resolution urging assistance to #Pesh 2016-04-1! RT @KRG_USA: ,@qubadjt & ©Bayan Rah man meeting with dedicated members of ©USKBizCe 2016-04-1' In remembrance of genocide "@KRG_USA: Today is #AnfalDay when we mourn innocent lives so crt 2016-04-1 RT @KRG_USA: Today is #AnfalDay when we mourn the innocent lives so cruelly stolen from us in tt 2016-04-1'RT @KRG_USA: .©qubadjt briefing experts ©Washlhstitute on current financial crisis and ongoing v 2016-04-1' RT @KRG_USA: Meeting with Hafez Ghanem, Vice President for MidEast/North Africa ©WorldBank 2016-04-1 RT ©TaraHamawandi: Pres @masoud_barzani meeting with the French, DPM ©qubadjt with Ameri 2016-04-1 RT @jacobsen253: "There's no doubting the natural right of Kurds to have an independent country.. 2016-04-1' RT @KRG_USA: Financial assistance to plug $100 mil/month deficit critical to security & govern 2016-04-1' ©qubadjt speaking ©TheWilsonCenter: No concrete plan yet for liberation of Mosul or day-after, f- 2016-04-1' RT ©SashaToperich: .©qubadjt ©TheWilsonCenter We engaged in serious reforms to rebuild our ei 2016-04-1' RT ©SashaToperich: .@qubadjt @TheWilsonCenter anything that can weaken the front lines with IS 2016-04-1' RT @KRG_USA: Deputy Prime Minister @qubadjt speaking now @TheWilsonCenter with @hbarkey 2016-04-1' RT @KRG_USA: .@qubadjt - Economic crisis in @KurdistanRegion is an existential threat 2016-04-1'As Kurdistan marks #Anfal, we are seeing another genocide, this time against Yezidis, Christians. Wh 2016-04-1'RT

2016-04-1' RT @tomkmiec: Honoured to be elected Chair of Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds. Met w/ KRG M

2016-0471: RT @KRG_USA: Updated @SenTomCotton on Kurdistan's stand against ISIS and needs of #Peshmer§ 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Minister Sinjari and @ Falah Mustafa had great discussion on #Peshmerga needs wit! 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Eli: 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Met @WorldBank w/ Executive Director Dr Merza Hasan to discuss serious financial 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: With good friend ofthe (SKurdistanRegion @SenJohnMcCain, thanked for his long s 2016-04-1; RT @KRG_USA: Met with @SenatorBurr to discuss Peshmerga situation against ISIS and thank him fi 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Thanked @SenFeinstein for continued support & talked opportunities for furth 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: .@FalahMustafa and @BayanRahman mtg w Sen Graham to discuss ways to assist 1 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Hear @qubadjt interview on @nprate - Face Economic Woes Amid Rel 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Deputy Prime Minister @qubadjt & Peshmerga/lnterior Minister Karim Sinjari < 2016-04-1; RT @KRG_USA: Meeting with Amos Hochstein, Special Envoy & Coordinator for Intnat'l Energy 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Delegation led by @qubadjt met with officials from White House National Security C 2016-04-1; RT 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Meeting with @SenKaineOffice discusses further support for Peshmerga to continue 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Hear @qubadjt discuss financial crisis in @KurdistanRegion and current visit to DC tl 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: KRG delegation led by @qubadjt speaking @engageyourworld symposium on coexis 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: .@FalahMustafa - <5>KurdistanRegion is safe haven for religions and ethnicities wher 2016-04-1; Rt @KRG_USA: Minister Karim Sinjari @engageyourworld - Stabilizing and reestablishing services &;

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-04-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Meeting w Undersecretary Sarah Sewaii and Assistant Secretary Anne Richard to dis 2016-04-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Productive mtg ©StateDept w Deputy Assistant Sec @JPennington_ & Director 2016-04-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: PRESS RELEASE - KRG delegation arrives in Washington to discuss economic crisis hti 2016-04-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: .©qubadjt at ©engageyourworld symposium - KRG needs support to move the regii 2016-04-1: Kurdistan delegation led by ©qubadjt speaking at IGE conference on coexistence, reconciliation, sta 2016-04-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: .©CNASdc hosted @qubadjt> Minister Karim Sinjari, ©FalahMustafa, ©BayanRahm; 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: KRG delegation mtg w ©StateDept Amb. Saperstein, ©KnoxThames, Susan Notary, 2016-04-1: Good discussion with Iraq team at ©StateDept on our shared goals as KRG delegation, headed by © 2016-04-1: RT ©Samira JShaderi: KRG delegation headed by DPM ©qubadjt, Minister Sinjari, Minister @Falahr\ 2016-04-1: RT @KRG_USA: Head of @KRG_DFR ©FalahMustafa to speak tomorrow @CTR_SAIS on the future o 2016-04-1: RT ©FalahMustafa: Back in DC to join ©KurdistanRegion delegation headed by DPM ©qubadjt, Min 2016-04-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Welcoming DPM ©qubadjt and Minister Karim Sinjari to Washington. Minister ©Fa 2016-04-01 Great to meet ©MarcoWerman after listening to him on the radio for over a year.£ 2016-04-01 Thank you ©WorldBoston for an interesting discussion and good turnout despite the downpour! ht 2016-04-0! RT ©KurdistanRegion: The Kurdistan Regional Government delegation also met today with the Iraqi 2016-04-01 RT ©KurdistanRegion: KRG's PM Barzani and Deputy PM ©qubadjt arriving in earlier toda\ 2016-04-01 RT ©KurdistanRegion: Earlier today the KRG delegation visiting Baghdad led by PM Barzani met witr 2016-04-01 Thank you! "©Shirinj: Such a pleasure meeting ©BayanRahman today. Tune in to ©pritheworld at; 2016-04-0! RT ©CENTCOM: RT ©CTTFOIR: Female Peshmerga soldiers conduct live fire training in #lraq. #Notot 2016-04-0! RT ©KRGJJSA: .©BayanRahman talks war with ISIS, humanitarian and economic crises with ©prith 2016-04-0!Thank you ©WorldBoston for hosting. "©KRGJJSA: Despite challenges today, future of ©Kurdistan 2016-04-0: RT ©KRGJJSA: Boston - Rep. ©BayanRahman to speak to ©WorldBoston tonight ©SuffolkJJ. Sigr 2016-04^0: RT ©KRGJJSA: Discussed everything from Italian gardening to refugee crisis with Mass House Majo 2016-04-0: RT ©KRSCPress: This is the third #ISIL network our Counter-Terrorism Dept has disrupted in 2016. V\ 2016-04-0" RT ©KRSCPress: Counter-Terrorism forces arrest three #ISlL members responsible for attack on Pesl 2016-04-0: RT ©NewsHour: Why the Peshmerga, key ally against ISIS, are broke. @JaneFerguson5 reports http; 2016-04-0: Looking forward to speaking about the future of Kurdistan at ©WorldBoston today. https://t.eo/kYri 2016-04-01 .©FLOTUS tells guests Newroz is one of newest ©WhiteHouse traditions. Great that this celebratior 2016-04-01 RT ©Freejfezidi: Young Yazidi Refugee Paints About Islamic State 'Nightmare' 2016-04-01 ISIS using chemical weapons with increasing frequency against peshmerga in Iraqi Kurdistan. Also Sy 2016-04-01 RT

2016-04-01 RT ©KRGJJSA: .©BayanRahman updated ©lipscomb University students and academics on situatic 2016-04-0(RT ©Remziya: Thank you ©repjimcooper for joining us tonight! ©KRGJJSA ©BayanRahman https:, 2016-04-01 RT ©KRGJJSA: Mtg with Nashville Mayor Megan Barry & ©MONAJMashville to discuss new p; 2016-04-01 RT ©KRGJJSA: 25 years ago today, US began Operation Provide Comfort, bringing aid & protei 2016-04-01 View out ofthe White House where the First Lady is hosting a Newroz reception 2016-04-0! Good to meet ©repjimcooper in his home district "©KRGJJSA; Productive mtg w ©repjimcooper, t 2016-04-0! RT ©KRGJJSA: Governor ©BillHaslam & Deputy Governor James Henry mtg w ©BayanRahma 2016-04-0!Thank you for the warm welcome. "©KRGJJSA: .©BayanRahman Mtg w ©nashchamber on econor 2016-04-0! RT ©KRGJJSA: 25 years ago, UN passed UNSCR 688 calling for Iraq to stop oppression, allow humar 2016-04-0! RT ©KRGJJSA: How can #SDGs be achieved in #Kurdistan, sanctuary for millions fleeing conflict? © 2016-04-0! RT @KRG_DFR: PM Barzani, ©qubadjt, ©FalahMustafa &other KRG officials met chairman of g 2016-04-0! Looking forward to addressing ©nashchamber today and speaking at ©lipscomb ©TNWAC this eve 2016-04-0! Busy, informative day at ©tennesseetech thanks to Kurdish expert Prof Gunter & University Pr 2016-04-0! Great to see Prof Gunter "©KRGJJSA: ©BayanRahman touring ©tennesseetech University prior to 2016-04-0!Good questions and post-event discussion "©KRGJJSA: ©BayanRahman spoke ©tennesseetech or 2016-04-0!Thanks to ©HiwaAfandi and his team, we have the 'dot KRD' or .KRD domain for all things Kurdish o

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-04-0-Congratu I 2016-04-0- RT 2016-04-0' RT @KRGJJSA: .©BayanRahman speaks with WCTE Upper Cumberland PBS to discuss Kurds, ©Kurt 2016-04-0' RT ©KRGJDFR: .©KurdistanRegion commemorates 25th anniversary of Operation Provide Comfort. 2016-04-0' Enjoyed a Southern breakfast & discussion on world affairs with Laurie Benton, Dean of College 2016-04-0-Pleased to be in Tennessee, known as Little #Kurdistan in US. Looking forward to meeting communit 2016-04-0: .©Levison wood quotes peshmerga: Wea€™re not just fighting for Kurdistan, wea€™re fighting for tl 2016-04-0: RT 2016-04-0: RT ©Levisonwood: I visited Domiz refugee camp in #lraq & saw @UNICEF_uk's work for childre 2016-04-0.' RT ©NewYorker: The Kurds finally got their own American equipmenta€"by fighting ISIS for it. ©wri 2016-04,0: RT ©heminhawrami: Maxmur Bombing last night, suicide bombers introduced themselves as Iraqi ii 2016-04-0: RT ©gathertonarts: The Globe Theatre, London, will bring its a€~Globe to GlobeaC™ production of F 2016-04-0: RT ©gathertonarts: Globe Theatre Hamlet ticket proceeds to charity to support refugees and IDPs. I 2016-03-3: RT ©RuwaydaMustafah: Meet the young women in Slemani, selling books on their bicycles to gener 2016-03-3: RT ©GTFOIR: ICYMI: The ©RoyalAirForce's Voyager KC2 refuels combat aircraft, so they can contini 2016-03-3: RT ©honarissa: Beautiful nature in ffKurdisfan, Soran district. 2016-03-3: Looking forward to visiting Nashville and meeting with Kurdish community as well as city and Tenne 2016-03-3: RT @KRG_DFR: Check out our March 2016 Newsletter! 2016^03-3: RT ©JceKrg: JCC mission to Makhmour: Urgent Assistance needed for newly arrived IDPs, especially 2016-03-3: RT ©JceKrg: Netherlands provided US$5.69 million (a>5 million) to UNDP in support of stabilization 2016-03-2! Congratulations to Nagham Nawzat qh receiving #WomenofCourage Award from ©JohnKerry for he 2016-03-2! RT ©KRGJJSA: We're hiring interns for the summer! Deadline to apply is April 1. Click for more info 2016-03-2! .@Kurdistan24tv will cover US International Women of Courage Awards. You can also see event live 2016-03-2! Kurdish woman Nagham Nawzat to be honored by ©JohnKerry today at International Women of Co 2016-03-2! "©Conflicts: SYRIA: Kerry says US, Russia want new Syrian constitution by August - AFP" Kurdish vote 2016-03-2! RT ©KenRoth: Finally we move beyond remembering the genocide at Srebrenica to justice for it: Kai 2016-03-2! Met ©NadiaMuradBasee today. Admiration for this remarkable, brave young woman grew even mc 2016-03-2! RT ©KRGJJSA: Tomorrow ©GeorgeMasonU- Life Under ISIS: A Yazidi Woman's story of Surviving Ei 2016-03-2! RT

2016-03-2! RT ©KRGJJSA: Honored to welcome Mayor of Makhmour Kak Ibrahim Shexallah and Commander S 2016-03-2! RT ©KRGJJSA: We're hiring interns for the summer! Deadline to apply is April 1. Click for more info 2016-03-2' RT ©amberinzaman: My interview with Massoud Barzani who vows to fight corruption with same d> 2016-03-2' RT ©KnoxThames: Inspired by the courage of Yazidi survivor of Da'esh atrocities; Nadia is a remarka 2016-03-2' RT « 2016-03-2' RT 2016-03-2: RT ©FalahMustafa: Deeply shocked about the explosions in #Brussels. My thoughts are with the fan 2016-03-2: RT ©FalahMustafa: I strongly condemn today's terrorist attacks. We must stand united in confrontir 2016-03-2; With Pekhshan Zangana, head of ©KurdistanRegion Women's Council, shared concerns for Yezidis e 2016-03-2; Good to be sharing the hopes & wishes of the new year with members and guests of Washingti 2016-03-2: "©NahroZagros: Dr Kamal Kolo talks about minorities in #lraq, #Kurdistan in DC as part of Soran-UC 2016-03-2: Pleased to be speaking at ©UhiversityofSoran ©UCF joint discussion on Kurdistan. Good to see US-I 2016-03-2: Wish for a peaceful, happy Newroz, especially #Kurdistan's #Peshmerga and #security services who I 2016-03-1'American ISIS member went from US to UK to Holland to Turkey to Iraq. See @kurdistart24fy intervi 2016-03-1; .@Kurdistan24tv broadcasting interview with Muhammad Jamal, American citizen who joined ISIS h 2016-03-1' How much of that financial support will be given to Kurdistan Region? We are sheltering 54% of Iraq 2016-03-1: Please note that I said 'and others' which includes Shias. 2016-03-1: RT ©wanwilgenburg: My latest ANALYSIS: 'This is a new #Syria, not a new #Kurdistan'

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-03-1:.@OPCW: Complete, effective ban on production Samp; use of chemical weapons is fitting memoric 2016-03-1: Congratulations on forming Canadian Parliamentary Friends of #Kurds. We appreciate Canada's sup| 2016-03-1 RT 2016-03-1 Proud that #Peshmerga have stood up to tyranny over the generations flKurdistan 2016-03-1: RT @masoud_barzani: Pleased to welcome UK Foreign Sec @PHammondMP, discussed retaking Mo 2016-03-1: @karwanTahir 2016-03-1: We thank Secretary @JohnKerry for declaring ISIS crimes against Yezidis, Christians and others as ge 2016-03-1: RT @wanwilgenburg: .@heminhawrami says president Barzani was one of few international leaders 2016-03-1: RT @AUIS_NEWS: JfMosul as imp to #Kurdistan as it is to #lraq but all political parties must reach ag 2016-03-1 RT @AUIS_NEWS: We want to give the ppl of #Kurdistan a chance to make a decision for their future 2016-03-1: RT @Douglas01livaht: .@qubadjt impresses at #SuliForum by acknowledging depth of #KRG problerr 2016-03-1 RT @TheMuttonClub: The desperate plight of the #Yazidis & why they & @VianDakhil nee 2016-03-1: See #HalabjaMemorialDay commemoration at fSJohnsHopkins Center for Transatlantic Rela 2016-03-K RT @TaraHamawandi: The 28th Commemoration of the #Halabja attack in Washington DC #Halabja 2016-03-K RT @KRG_USA: Productive mtg w members of Canadian Parliamentary group on ©KurdistanRegion 2016-03-K RT @KRG_USA: Press release - Washington gathers to commemorate Halabja and discuss ISIS genoc 2016-03-11 RT @RudawEnglish: PM Barzani: We expected the world to give a financial aid to the KRG but it hasr 2016-03-11 RT 2016-03-K RT fSRudawEnglish: #Halabja people witness reunion of Halabja man with family 28 years later chen 2016-03-K RT @SamiErgoshi: KRG PM in Suli Forum: Previous formulas of coexistence all fail 2016-03-K RT @3kurdishphoto: It was a beautiful and sunny spring day. It was a Friday and in the small Kurdish 2016-03-K RT @SafeenDizayee: The anniversary of #Halabja chemical attack is a stark reminder of the sacrifice: 2016-03-K RT @ShorshKadir: Commemorating Halabja w/ Foreign Minister @margotwallstrom & Heads o 2016-03-K Congratulations Raz, proud of you. 2016-03-K RT @KurdishOrg: Minister @Tobias_Ellwood addressing the audience now w @karwanTahir @Falah 2016-03-K RT @KRSCPress: Khweis, from Virginia, arrived in Iraq in late January. His journey from the US includ 2016-03-K RT @KRSCPress: U.S. citizen, Mr. Mohamad Jamal Khweis, was apprehended by Peshmerga forces n< 2016-03-K RT @masoud_barzani: #Halabja is a symbol of oppression of people of Kurdistan. Today we renew o 2016-03-K RT @KRG_USA: .@YerevanSaeed - Despite suffering, people of #Halabja are not marked by anger +1 2016-03-K As we remember Halabja genocide, we ask the world to do more to end use of chemical weapons ar 2016-03-K RT 2016-03-K RT 2016-03-1'RT@masrour_barzani: I'm proud to have been in the opening ceremony ofthe General Mulla Must; 2016-03-1'Wish the faculty & students of Kurdistan's newest university, American University of Kurdistan 2016-03-K RT 2016-03-1' RT @KRG_DFR: President #Barzani & @UNHCRIraq Rep #Geddo discussed humanitarian situati 2016-03-1:Time world took ISIS chemical weapons seriously "@SkyNews: IS used chemical weapons https://t.o 2016-03-1:RT 2016-03-1: Pleased to meet with @KnoxThames to discuss his recent visit to #Kurdistan and ways we can all hel 2016-03-K At @ Vit3lVoices gala honouring amazing women who have made a difference around the world, inc 2016-03-01 RT @KRG_DFR: On #lnternationalWomensDay we call on int'l com to help us free #Yezidi women frc 2016-03-01 RT @KRGJJSA: Hapsa Xan was an advocate for women's education, founded first Kurdish women's 2016-03-0! RT ©KRGJJSA: Mastoureh Ardalan was acclaimed poet and historiographer 2016-03-0! RT @ KRGJJSA: KRG High Council of Women's Affairs advances women's rights http§:// 2016-03-0' RT @KRGJJSA: March 16 @SAISHopkins join us for 28th anniversary of chemical attack on Halabja. 2016-03-0: RT ©FalahMustafa: In meeting w Pres. #Barzani, #Vatican's Amb to Iraq praised Kurdistan's culture e 2016-03-0: RT @RudawEnglish: Today PM Barzani meets G7 ambassadors to Iraq to discuss the current political

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10;43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-03-0: RT ©FalahMustafa: Constructive talks b/w Pres. #Barzani & SRSG #KubiAi, #G7 Ambassadors, V 2016-03-0! RT (©KRFJJSA: KRF's (©najatga meeting with Head of @KRG_DFR (©FalahMustafa to discuss aid tart; 2O16-O3-0! RT @KRF_USA: Two containers w $250k in critical aid has arrived in Duhok and is prepped for distrib 2016-03-0! Kurdish commander says 70 ISIS killed after #peshmerga repulsed attack 2016-03-0; Rt (©KRFJJSA: Strategy mtg w Duhok Deputy Gov. Ismael Mohammed on location + needs of most1 2016-03-0! RT @brett_mcgurk: Kurdish #Peshmerga w/coa.lition air support annihilated #ISIL attack near #Kisik 2016-03-0'"(©BayanRahman: Don't leave Kurdistan peshmerga unprotected against poison gas 2016-03-0'Don't leave Kurdistan peshmerga unprotected against poison gas 2016-03-0'RT @KRG_USA: Pleased to welcome US Consul General in Erbil Matthias Mitman for mtg about grov 2016-03-0' RT <© KRGJJSA: Dr. Ali Sindi & <© BayanRahman with DAS Simon Henshaw of US State Dept Bure 2016-03-0' RT (©KRGJJSA: Honored to welcome KRG Minister of Planning Dr Ali Sindi for briefing on humanitar 2016-03-0- KRG Minister Sindi updates (©StateDept @JPennington_ on urgent need to support Kurdistan as it fc 2016-03-0: Minister Sindi: Unless we act, IDPs and refugees in Kurdistan will be candidates for migration, crimin 2016-03-0: Minister Sindi: Poverty is rising in host communities. Poverty and frustration is leading to mass migri 2016-03-0: Minister Sindi at #dev4peace : 58% of IDP children in Kurdistan aren't in school. Grants to build scho 2016-03-0: .(©KurdistanRegion Minister Sindi at #dev4peace : There is a lost generation. 4000 projects in Kurd is 2016-03-0: RT (©KRGJJSA: Minister Ali Sindi @ WorldBank - in ©KurdistanRegion, displaced need $1000/persor 2016-03-0: RT (©WorldBankLive: It is not normal or fair that political mistakes happen, and development has to 2016-03-0: RT@f_galtieri:. (©KurdistanRegion Min. Sindi touches two key points: dev. agencies' anachronistic r 2016-03-0: RT (©EdeEric: Ali Sindi @WBG_Dev4Peace: Humanitarian agencies need to identify the sequencing c 2016-03-0: RT @dmeforpeace: Ali Sindi, Minister of Planning for the Kurdistan Regional Government, calls for b 2016-03-0: .(©KurdistanRegion's Minister Sindi at #dev4peace: Kurdistan is only place with IDPs & refugee: 2016-03-0: .@KurdistanRegion Minister Ali Sindi and fellow panelsist at #dev4peace. Watch live 2016-03-0: RT @USIP: We don't have a refugee crisis, we have a fragility, conflict, and violence crisis, says @nar 2016-03-0: "(©JonasCIa: We don't have a refugee crisis. We have a fragility, violence & conflict crisis. -Nanc 2016-03-0: RT (©WorldBank: 5/6 a€" We need innovative financial tools to help host communities & #refui 2016-03-0: Watch World Bank Fragility Forum live.10am EST panel will include #Kurdistan's Planning Minister Si 2016-03-0: "@Asmaa

2016-03-0: RT <®USIP: Fragility Forum 2016 is about to kick off with <© nancylindborg, (©JimKim J/VBG, and more 2016-03-0: Pleased to welcome Dr Ali Sindi, (©KurdistanRegion Planning Minister, to Washington for <5>WBG_de 2016-02-21 Pleased to be speaking at Middle East Dialogue on Kurdish perspective on turbulent times in the reg 2016-02-2; Interesting debate at #ATCSummit on US-Turkey trade. Kurdistan can benefit & contribute @al 2016-02-2' RT (©KRGJJSA: Photo gallery of Peshmerga and Kurdistan by @NatGeo Hx 2016-02-2' RT @KRG_DFR: #KRG high committee reviewed efforts of gaining int'l recognition for crimes commit 2016-02-2' RT (©KRGJJSA: US Consul General: We are training 4,000 Peshmerga with full set of equipment, arn 2016-02-2' ''<©KRGJJSA: Photo gallery of Peshmerga and Kurdistan by (©NatGeo" 2016-02-2-.(©KRSCPress report: #Kurdistan Counter-Terrorism Forces (CTD) rescue 16-year-old #Swedish girlfn 2016-02-1! RT (©KRGJDFR: President #Barzani & UN High Com for Refuges #Grandi discussed needs of reft 2016-02-1! RT @KRG_DFR: Constructive talks b/w Pres (©masoudjjarzani & Chairman @SenBobCorker on 2016-02-11 RT (©brett_mcgurk: Honored to receive from President Barzani photo of among 1st #ISIL flags recovi 2016-02-11RT @brett_mcgurk: Detailed discussion of #Mosul, economic situation in #KRG, Stamp; support for * 2016-02-1! RT @FalahMustafa; In a brief chat with president (©rhasoud J>arzani at #MSC16 Canada's Def Min rS 2016-02-1! Rt (©FalahMustafa: Welcomed Acting Head of UNAMI regional office in Erbil Mr Masaaki Watanabe 2016-02-1! We all thank the veteran #peshmerga for protecting Kurdistan through the decades 2016-02-1: "(©FRANCE24: Iraq Kurds say will accept PM's oil for salaries deal https://t 2016-02-1' RT (©Canadainiraq; On Feb 10th, Amb. Saccomani met the Board of Erbil Chamber of Commerce to < 2016-02-1: .(©RosLehtineh today on (©HouseFloor: I will soon be introducing a resolution to honor the brave mi

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-02-1: @RosLehtinen today on ©HouseFloor: I rise to recognize the #Kurds and the ttpeshmerga https://t. 2016-02-1: RT ©RosLehtineh: ,@HpuseFlopr: The Kurdish #Peshmerga forces have done an admirable job comt 2016-02-1: The people of Kurdistan thank you for your support Congresswoman. 2016-02-K RT @brett_mcgurk: Charges for murder of Kayla Mueller, forcibly held by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a cc 2016-02-K RT @CJTFOIR: #CJTFOIR damaged & destroyed 420 #ISIL targets from Feb. 2 - Feb. 8, 2016. #lnl 2016-02-11 RT @KRG_DFR: #Canada to continue supporting (©KurdistanRegion. (©Canadainlraq 2016-02-0! .@masrour_barzani tells AP the peshmerga need international financial support to fight ISIS. #Kurdi: 2016-02-0! RT @KRG_USA: Honored to welcome (©hdpdiplomacy delegation to Washington, wishing them a su 2016-02-Oi RT (©KRSCPress: An #ISIL terrorist attack in Erbil has been foiled and three arrested. Group was appr 2016-02-0! RT (©Washlnstitute: Pollock: Erbil needs urgent help f/US, allies to pay its bills. 2016-02-Oi RT (©TaraHamawandi: (©Washlnstitute the economic crisis of Kurdistan is severely due to drop oil p 2016-02-01 RT (©TaraHamawandi: .@heminhawrami: Today we stopped a terrorist plot in #Erbil. The ISIS fight i: 2016-02-0! RT @KRG_USA: Head of (©kdpfro (©heminhawrami briefing <© Wash I nstitute on the war with ISIS, ec 2016-02-0! RT (©Remziya: Emergency Funds needed to help KRG deal with war, humantarian & economic < 2016-02-0! RT (©Washlnstitute: If having difficulty watching webcast w/@heminhawrami, try this link: https://t 2016-02-0! RT (©Remziya: Peshmerga not asking for salaries but basic gear & food on the frontlines @hem 2016-02-0! RT @Washlnstitute: (©heminhawrami addressing @ Wash Institute on future of Iraqi Kurdistan - Mos 2016-02-0! RT (©Washlnstitute: .fSheminhawrami: "We don't need your mercy" - Iraqi Kurdistan needs West to 2016-02-0! RT (©Washlnstitute: .(©heminhawrami: Purpose of referendum wld be to permit Iraqi Kurdish peopl 2016-02-0! RT (©Washlnstitute: .(©heminhawrami: Shared interest, problems, solution will keep Erbil Stamp; Ba 2016-02-0! RT (©Washlnstitute: .@heminhawrami: Iraqi Kurdistan is no threat to Baghdad, Iran, Turkey, or Syria 2016-02-0! RT (©Remziya: We have made political & governance mistakes but acknowledge that and worki 2016-02-0! RT @Washlnstitute: .©heminhawrami: Iraqi Kurdistan tolerance has made region a refuge for MidE; 2016-02-0! RT @ Remziya: Sykes-Picot era is over. Need new borders based on the wishes ofthe people on the f 2016-02-0! .(©heminhawrami tells (©Washlnstitute Kurdistan peshmerga need US economic support so they cat 2016-02-0! .(©heminhawrami tells (©Washlnstitute Iraqi federalism failed.Need new formula. Kurdistan referen 2016-02-01 Happy to welcome @heminhawrami to @KRG_USA Representation. Look forward to his talk at <©W 2016-02-0! RT (©IraqiSecurity: Dozens of Da'ish gunmen (inc. 8 suicide bombers + a artillery unit) killed by #lraq 2016-02-0' RT @KRG_USA: .©BayanRahman mtg with Rep @sethmoulton;to discuss military, humanitarian &ai 2016-02-0; Pres @masoud_barzani has called for people of Kurdistan to exercise right to self-determination. A | 2016-02-0; RT @TaraHamawandi: @heminhawrami 350,000 #Christians living in the Kurdistan Region. We neec 2016-02-0: RT @TaraHamawandi: @>heminhawrami: the old middle east is gone. Iraqi #Kurdistan is an active ac 2016-02-0; RT @masoud_barzani: Referendum wd not lead to immediate declaration of statehood, but to knov 2016-02-0; RT @masoud_barzani: The time is right & conditions are now suitable for people of Kurdistan t 2016-02-0: @heminhawrami speaks about #Kurdistan today and in future at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced 2016-02-0; Delighted that @KRG_USA is hosting the DC screening of @bahmanghobadi's film A Flag Without A 2016-02-0: At #EconClubDC, Sec Carter sets out 5 challenges facing US: great power contest, Asia Pacific> NKore 2016-02-0: @brett_mcgurk Thank you for recognising the sacrifice ofthe brave men and women of #Kobani. Th 2016-02-0: In remembrance of all killed in terrorist attack 12 years ago today in Erbil. #Kurdistan will never bow 2016-02-0: RT @KRG_DFR: Check out our first Newsletter of 2016! 2016-01-3: (©KurdistanRegion delegation led by PM Barzani in positive talks with PM Abadi Stamp; others. Dialc 2016-01-3: RT @RudawEnglish: A Kurdish delegation led by PM Barzani arrives in Baghdad to meet PM Abadi o 2016-01-3: RT 2016-01-2! RT @brett_mcgurk: Above the snow-capped mountains of Irajqi #Kurdistan this morning https://t.eo 2016-01-2: RT@UNICEF: a€cel love solving puzzles!a€ Khalaf, 13, fled violence in Iraq Stamp; now lives in a cam| 2016-01-2; RT @KRG_USA: Prof David Phillips for @wdckurd - Security, Stability and State-Building in Iraqi Kurd 2016-01-2: RT @martinchulov: A chat vyith KRG President yesterday: independence closer than ever, says Massi

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2016-01-2: RT ©CJTFOIR: #GTFOIR struck 449 #ISIL targets Stamp; cash collection point from Jan. 12 - Jan, 18, 2 2016-01-2; RT ©MStephensGulf: Not enough being written about this: Falling Oil Prices Threaten a Key Ally in F 2016-01-2; Kurdistan President @masoud_barzani to ©guardian: time to redraw Sykes-Pilot map, independenc 2016-01-2: RT @KRG_DFR: President ©masoudjjarzani Stamp; General Lloyd Austin, Commander of U.S. ©CEI" 2016-01-2( RT ©Yekbuns: Ezidi Kurdish man with his horse in Shingal. a~€i,atfi, ©freeEzidi| 2016-01-1! Dr Fuad Hussein and @ Falah Mustafa head home after a week in DC highlighting the challenges the | 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Hussein ©FalahMustafa ©BayanRahman talk w ©Rudawkurdish @namo_abdull 2016-01-1! RT @abasmz2000: ©BayanRahman ©FalahMustafa ©BerivanYousify ©LaurieMylroie ©kurdistan2< 2016-01-1! Congratulations to @Kurdistan24tv on good work covering US events. @abasmz2000 #twitterkurds 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Fuad Hussein and ©FalahMustafa talk w @kurdistan24tv live about economy, hu 2016-01-1! President's Chief of Staff Fuad Hussein speaks to @Kurdistan24tv on talks with Washington on impa -2016-01-1! RT ©AlArabiyaJEng: Queen Rania responds to #CharlieHebdo's Aylan Kurdi cartoon:, 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Kurdish media hosted for press conference with Dr Hussein, ©FalahMustafa, and © 2016-01-1' RT ©Othmanbay: ©QueenRania responds to ffCharlieHebdo Alan Kurdi cartoon: In #Germany, he cc 2016-01-1'Just ended press conference with Fuad Hussein & ©FalahMustafa and #Kurdish media. Focus c 2016-01-1: RT ©masrourjjarzani: Italy will provide additional training to Kurdistan's Peshmerga, This is a globa 2016-01-1: RT ©masrourjDarzani: Met with Maj Gen Saint-Quentin, France's Commander of Special Ops Comm 2016-01-1: RT ©camanpour: Peshmerga forces are in control ofthe Mosul dam, Iraqi Kurdish PM Barzani tells n 2016-01-11 "©guardian: The Kurds should not be denied our support | Nick Cohen" @ka 2016-01-H RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Hussein and ©FalahMustafa brief US media on their trip to Washington and chal 2016-01-H RT ©KRGJJSA: .©FalahMustafa briefing international NGOs and answering questions ©InterAction 2016-01-11 RT 2016-01-1! Good discussion with White House National Security team on Kurdistan. "©KRGJJSA KRG officals a 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Hosted for meeting at Pentagon with Assistant Secretary of Defense for Internation; 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Hussein, ©FalahMustafa , ©BayanRahman mtg at Treasury Dept w Deputy Assisl 2016-01-1! ©KRGJJSA hosts briefing with US media for ©KUrdistanRegion's Fuad Hussein, ©FalahMustafa whi 2016-01-1! Kurdistan's Fuad Hussein: We are ready to take Mosul 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: .©JCCKRG - 70% of Shingali shops destroyed, livestock and agricultural assets lootec 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Fuad Hussein briefs ©washingtonpost on financial, humanitarian, and security cr 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: .©FalahMustafa met with ©SenJeffMerkley to give updates on situation in ©Kurdis 2016-01-1! RT @masrourJ)arzani: Lt Gen Tom Beckett: 'If it wasn't for the Kurds albeit w/ ©CJTFOIR air power, 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Fuad Hussein ©FalahMustafa ©BayanRahman met with State DAS ©JPenningtoi 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: @AP - Kurdish officials say they're facing financial crisis 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Mtg w State Dept DAS of Euro + Eurasian Affairs Amanda Sloat, Director of Southern 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: Mtg w A.Sec. Tom Malinowski, Amb. David Saperstein, Dir. Todd Buchwald of Bureai 2016-01-1! RT ©KRGJJSA: .©FalahMustafa on need for US support for economic, humanitarian, and military e 2016-01-1' ©FalahMustafa speaks to @AP about Kurdistan's need for US support to economy, peshmerga and 2016-01-1'RT 2016-01-1'With Dr Fuad Hussein, met with ©SenKaineOffice to discuss situation in Kurdistan and to thank him 2016-01-1'This morning ©FalahMustafa Stamp; Fuad Hussein updated @CFR_org ©washingtonpost @AP on f 2016-01-1'After a day at ©CENTCOM Florida, we are back in DC for meetings on the Hill Stamp; with ©StateDe 2016-01-1' RT ©KRGJJSA: Proud to host reception w ©USKBizCouncil for US business leaders and friends of © 2016-01-li Kurdistan delegation thanks ©CENTCOM Gen. Austin for supporting peshmerga, pictured with Fuad 2016-01-1; RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Fuad Hussein and ©FalahMustafa thank ©RepJaredPolis for his leadership in co- 2016-01-1: With ©FalahMustafa Stamp; Fuad Hussein, having series of talks with US Administration Stamp; Con 2016-01-1; RT ©KRGJJSA: Senior KRG delegation meets w ©SehJohnMcCain to give updates on war w ISIS, ho1 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Top KRG officials Dr Fuad Hussein and ©FalahMustafa discuss Peshmerga and war <

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2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: KRG officials met w Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and rv 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Fuad Hussein + ©FalahMustafa update Ken Pollack, ©Brookingslnst and others c 2016-01-1: RT ©kRGJJSA: Winter in Kurdistan means cold, driving rain. Many Peshmerga lack proper winter cc 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Dr Fuad Hussein and ©FalahMustafa discuss multiple crisis facing Kurdistan w PDAS 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: .©RepAdamSchiff and ©DevinNunes meet with Dr Fuad Hussein and ©FalahMusta- 2016-01-1: RT ©FalahMustafa: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Istanbul & several cities in Iraq. 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: Listen to ©BayanRahman interview this morning on ©NPR ©MorningEdition https: 2016-01-1; RT ©KRGJJSA: Tune in to ©NPR ©MorningEdition this morning as ©BayanRahman discusses challi 2016-01-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: A warm welcome to Washington to Dr Fuad Hussein and ©FalahMustafa for a busy 2016-01-1: You can help Sinjar, Shingal 2/2 2016-01-1: Sinjar, Shingal: Under ISIS, Yezidis killed, abducted, 70% infrastructure damaged, livestock taken, hoi 2016-01-1: RT ©bouckap: Report by ©KRGJJSA on destruction of Sinjar in Iraq, reconstruction needs, foilowin; 2016-01-1: RT@UNICEF: a€celt's terrible living in a tent up here but my home is gonea€ Reaching isolated childi 2016-01-1:Thanks to US-led Coalition "©CJTFOIR: ICYMI: Peshmerga training near #Erbil. More pics© https://t. 2016-01-1: RT ©UKagainstDaesh: 17 Coalition partners are helping to train & advise #lraqi & #Peshm 2016-01-0' RT ©OIRSpox: In Iraq, ISIL has lost 20k-22k sq. km. of land they once controlled. They have not gaine 2016-01-0: RT ©OIRSpox: #TidalWavell responsible for ~24% reduction in production = ~30% loss in n 2016-01-0: RT ©UKagainstDaesh: .©HaiderAIAbadhthe liberation of #Ramadi is a message to ffDaesh that ISF & 2016-01-0; RT ©CJTFOIR: #CJTFOIR conducted 210 strikes on #ISIL in #lraq & #Syria last week. Killed 10 #D 2016-01-0: A woman of courage: "©NadiaMuradBasee: #ISIS threats will not wane my determination to speak; 2016-01-0: RT ©Wilkosdidgit: Excellent article by ©carolmhunt on plight of ©EzatYezde Largely ignored by wesl 2016-01-0; RT ©FalahMustafa: President #Barzani & Vice-President of ©EuroparlJEN #Charneski discussei 2016-01-0: RT ©masrourjaarzani: It's been a difficult year for the people of Kurdistan but I'm optimistic there's 2015-12-3IRT ©IraqiPMO: PM Al-Abadi received a telephone call on Wednesday from ©masoudjjarzani Presi 2015-12-31 RT ©HCTrudo; The Islamic State's persecution of Middle East Christians should be labeled a "genocii 2015-12-31 RT @brett_mcgurk: Statement by Secretary Kerry on Iraqi advances against #ISIL terrorists in #Rama 2015-12-31 RT @brett_mcgurk: National address by #lraq PM Abadi praises Iraqi forces and Kurdish #Peshmerg 2015-12-31 RT ©YerevanSaeed: Iraq's Abadi plants flag in Ramadi to mark Islamic State defeat - 2015-12-21 RT ©HaiderAIAbadi: We will work to ensure that 2016 will be the year of final victory and will mark • 2015-12-21 Iraqi military report #Ramadi has been liberated from #Daesh. Congratulations to ISF and US-led coa 2015-12-21 RT ©MiddleEastEye: The 'excuses' Muslims tweeted after IS's Baghdadi called for them to 'rise up' h 2015-12-2! Hilarious replies to 'caliph' - ©MiddleEastEye: Muslims tweet why they are too busy for IS https://t.i 2015-12-2: RT ©ThinkAgainJDOS: #DaeshLiesExposed #NoToDaesh #DefeatingDaesh 2015-12-2: RT ©ThinkAgainJDOS: In mid-November, #ISIS murdered 73 of its own fighters in Sinjar. 2015-12-2: "©SafeenDizayee: today at an Erbil cafe, on my birthday" Belated happy b 2015-12-2' RT @brett_mcgurk: Our air coalition is proud to support brave Iraqi troops as they defeat ISIL in Ran 2015-12-2' RT ©AFP: #BREAKING All Islamic State fighters have left the flashpoint Ramadi compound, says a go 2015-12-2" As a newcomer to DC, it's a great place to work and live, "©politico | Gett> 2015-12-21 Every Kurd has a story to tell. "©KurdishProject: #TwitterKurds! Want to share your #Kurdistan stop 2015-12-21 RT ©KurdishProject: Hey, #TwitterKurds! Interested in sharing your unique and personal story abou 2015-12-2! How was 2015 for people of Kurdistan and Kurdistan-US relations? See our newsletter 2015-12-2! Wishing everyone a happy Christmas. PM Barzani joined Christian ceremony in Erbil 2015-12-2! "©KRGJDFR: Takayoshi Kuromiya of Embassy of Japan announced plans to open Consulate in Erbil. 2015-12-2' RT @K24English: ©BayanRahman to #K24: "The #US wants a stable #Kurdistan." ©KRGJJSA 2015-12-2: RT 2015-12-2: RT

2015-12-2: ©DMiliband ©thelRC ©Medium All of Europe got lm refugees in 2015. Kurdistan Region alone is si

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2015-12-2: RT ©FalahMustafa: It was my pleasure to meet Defense Minister ©HarjitSajjan again in Erbil after t 2015-12-2: RT ©FalahMustafa: In oiir meeting with Minister ©HarjitSajjan , DPM ©qubadjt valued Canada's ro 2015-12-2: RT 2015-12-21 RT ©KRGJJSA: Watch #Yezidi children recount stories of atrocities in this heart-wrenching film by K 2015-12-21 RT ©sfrantzman: .#Kurdish woman from #Kirkuk becomes "Miss #lraq"... 2015-12-21 RT ©AUISJMEWS: AUIS hosted a visit by ©USKBizCouncil last week. Read more: 2015-12-21 RT 2015-12-21 RT ©FalahMustafa: Pleased to welcome Canada's Minister of National Defense ©HarjitSajjan to #Ki 2015-12-21 RT 2015-12-21 Thanks 2015-12-1! RT ©ThinkAgain JDOS: Canadian forces a€cedefend not only themselves but the forces with which tl 2015-12-1! RT ©heminhawrami: Peshmarge destroyed 12 car bombs in Sinjar,15 in Nawaran,7 in Zumar ,7 in M 2015-12-1! Discussed women empowerment strategy 2016 with Pakhshan Zangana & ©GorgisFlorin of Ku 2015-12-1! RT 2015-12-1! RT 2015-12-1! RT @ltalyinUS: #migrantcrisis through the lense of Italian photographer ©AlessandroPens2 https:// 2015-12-1! RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Peshmerga forces repel #ISIS attacks & kill 70 terrorists, including local t '2015-12-1! Interview with @kovan91154206 @kurdistan24tv about Kurdistan-US relations. Many questions on 2015-12-1! RT ©Duhokpost: Delin Kamal from #Duhok becomes chess champion of #Kurdistan region https://t. 2015-12-1! RT 2015-12-1! RT 2015-12-1! Acting Peshmerga Minister Sinjari had good discussion with ©GENMarkMilley on fight against Daesl 2015-12-1: "©DelphiBrief: Carter: Kurdish Peshmerga Forces Vital to Speed ISILa€™s Defeat https://tco/SnyHc 2015-12-1' ©USKBizCouncil delegation today met Interior Minister Sinjari to discuss Kurdistan security Stamp; r 2015-12-1' RT @KRG_USA: Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) now accepting applications for 6-week acai 2015-12-1: RT ©SafeenDizayee: On Kurdistan flag day, we all bow to the fallen peshmergas 2015-12-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: On #KurdistanFlagDay, we thank the brave men and women who have sacrificed ev< 2015-12-1: RT ©KRGJJSA: President Barzani and U.S. Secretary of Defense Carter Meet in Erbil - 2015-12-1: ©IstBKUF We need more engineers, doctors, IT specialists, physicists, petro-cherhicals experts. 2015-12-1: Good to see head of Kurdistan AmCham ©kurdobjaff. Look forward to promoting US-Kurdistan trad 2015-12-1: RT ©USKBizCouncil: #USKBC delegation w/ Peshmerga commander Sirwan Barzani on #Kurdistan flc 2015-12-1 Welcoming Secretary of Defense Carter to Kurdistan with ©FalahMustafa and US Consul General ht 2015-12-1' Honour to welcome ©Deptof Defense Secretary Carter to Kurdistan. Important and productive meel 2015-12-1' RT ©FalahMustafa: Along w/DPM ©qubadjt Minister of Interior Stamp; ©BayanRahman welcomed 2015-12-1' RT ©ChloeNCornish: Brave young Yezidi woman who was held by #ISIS addresses UN Security Count 2015-12-1: "©Sarbarzi: .©AngelaLoRosso Did you say cute?" Cutest person I've seen s 2015-12-1'RT 2015-12-1: RT ©RudawEnglish: The US Secretary of Defense Ashton JfCarter just arrived in #Erbil ©DeptofDefe 2015-12-1' RT ©ThinkAgainJDOS: Captured #ISIS terrorist trained to kill; he then murdered Peshmerga captive: 2015-12-1: RT ©KRGJDFR: Our flag is a proud symbol of our people and the values which we stand for. #Kurdisl 2015-12-1: On #Kurdistan Flag Day, proud to stand with ourftPeshmerga 2015-12-11 RT ©PatrickOsgood: Multi-pronged attack on Pesh today a reminder that they continue to sacrifice; 2015-12-11 RT 2015-12-11 RT ©KRSCPress: this was a major coordinated attack to breach Peshmerga defensive lines. One #ISI 2015-12-11 RT ©KRSCPress: Major #iSIL attacks in several fronts repelled by #Peshmerga. At least 70 terrorists I 2015-12-K Informative day with ©USKBizCouncil delegation which met Kurdistan President's chief of staff Fuac 2015-12-11 RT

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2015-12-11 RT ©Rudawkurdish: 0-U*0§OCEOCEU+ U%Ot030aOfJE 0'O»OtOCE0" O...O-0e0"OCE0" U*O»0±U© 2015-12-11 In light of ISIS attacks today and peshmerga's heroic response, see Kurdish Peshmerga Commander I 2015-12-11 RT ©DilbarKurd: Violent battle between #Peshmerga Forces and #ISIS terrorists in Khazar. Many ter 2015-12-11 ©Duhokpost: Peshmerga Brig. General Maghdid Harki martyred by ISIS in Zartik, #Kurdistan https:// 2015-12-11 ©USKBizCouncil met Kurdistan Investment Board to discuss openings manufacturing, agriculture, h 2015-12-H Subhi Khudairi welcomes ©USKBizCouncil delegation to John Deere in Erbil. Their machinery is beinj 2015-12-11 Good meeting with ©StateDept Consul Mitman in Erbil on US-peshmerga cooperation & wider 2015-12-1! ©USKBizCouncil @KRG_USA Packed, productive day in Slemani with US trade delegation. Met Farul 2015-12-1! RT ©USKBizCouncil: #USKBC meets in #Sulaimani w/@AUIS_NEWS prez, faculty & students, se> 2015-12-1! RT ©CampbellMacD: .©KurdistanRegion is wooing American investors through ©USKBizCouncil tra 2015-12-1! RT ©USKBizCouncil: #USKBC & KRG US Rep ©BayanRahman meet w/ president of #Sulaimani ( 2015-12-1! RT ©USKBizCouncil: #USKBC travels to #Sulaimani where it met 2day with the provincial governor. fj 2015-12-1! Arrived in cloudy Slemani with ©USKBizCouncil delegation. Look forward to meeting governor and c 2015-12-1' RT 2015-12-1' RT ©USKBizCouncil: US consul general #Erbil Mitman © #USKBC & ©erbilchamber biz seminar 2015-12-1' Kurdistan chambers of commerce seminar on trade ties with US heard US Consul Mitman make pow 2015-12-1' RT ©USKBizCouncil: #USKBC mission to Kurdistan kicks off w/ meeting w/#KRG DPM ©qubadjt, Mil 2015-12-1'Thank you to ©qubadjt, ©FalahMustafa, ©SafeenDizayee, governor of Erbil, other ministers for up 2015-12-1' Excellent meetings for ©USKBizCouncil with ©qubadjt, Erbil governor & Kurdistan businesses. 2015-12-1: Over 30 representatives of American companies are in Kurdistan as part of ©USKBizCouncil & < 2015-12-1; @JoelWing2 near Mosul 2015-12-1; Spent a productive day at #Peshmerga Ministry, meeting commanders & logistics teams to disc 2015-12-1: RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: #ISISa€™s Abu Saleh, killed in , was one ofthe groupa€™s most senio 2015-12-1: Belated congratulations to Kurdish star ©HellyLuv on ©ForeignPolicy Global Thinkers award. Enjoy 2015-12-1: RT ©OIRspox: Peshmerga forces in Sinjar continue to clear the city of remaining lEDs. 2015-12-1: ©FalahMustafa 2015-12-1: RT ©DKurdistan: How Saddama€™s men help Islamic State rule 2015-12-1: RT ©UKagainstDaesh: Today marks one month since #Sinjar was freed Of #Daesh control #Coalitionl 2015-12-1; @AUIS_NEvVS ©BarzoBiza ©TFASorg Very interesting blog Barzo. Would have been good to see yoi 2015-12-1; RT ©whoRtheKurds: Yesterday alone oyer 60 people died 100s injured in Til Temir in ISIS suicide att 2015-12-1: Boarding Austrian Airlines flight, Vienna- Erbil. Looking forward to being in Kurdistan again. Will be ji 2015-12-1: "©BritishCouncil: Love JfShakespeare? We're celebrating his work in 2016: 2015-12-1: RT • -> 2015-12-K RT ©PeshmergaEU: Terror attack in #Rojava: 3 large explosions in #TalTamir tonight 20 people killer. 2015-12-0! RT 2015-12-0!RT 2015-12-0! RT 2015-12-01 Your chance to see Kurdish film that could enter Oscars. 2015-12-0! RT @KRG_USA: 'Memories on Stone' screening Tuesday 7:30 at Arclight Cinema in LA followed by Ct 2015-12-01 RT ©GermanyDipIo: FM #Steinmeier w/ @masoud_barzani: Agree, that mil. action ag. ISIL will be su 2015-12-0! RT .©GermanyDipIo: FM #Steinmeier and @KurdistanRegiona€™s PM #Barzani in intensive talks on ( 2015-12-01 RT @KRG_DFR: Minister ©FalahMustafa accompanied FM #Steinmeier to the Bahirka #IDP camp in 2015-12-0! RT ©FalahMustafa: President Barzani & Gen. Lloyd Austin Commander of U.S. ©CENTCOM rev 2015-12-0! RT ©KRGJJSA: .©BayanRahman held productive mtgs w NJ ©SenatorMenendez and ©SenatorBoc - 2015-12-0! RT ©qubadjt: I just published speech from the CWC #Kurdistan-lraq Oil Conference in London on ©I 2015-12-0! RT ©qubadjt: UN must stop differentiating between Refugees & IDP's. Displaced is displaced, a 2015-12-0! ©sirwanrahman: So proud. Park my father built & posthumously named after him is in TripAdv

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2015-12-0" RT (SUNIraq: Guided by UNICEF, a school flourishes in rural #lraq JfKurdistan - 2015-12-0: RT @KRGJJSA: Kurdish Officials Hunt for Terrorist Behind Yazidi Massacre 2015-12-0: RT (©KurdishProject: This Belgian-Kurdish film director's short film has been nominated for an #Osca 2015-12-01 RT @KRSCPress: Operations by the security and intelligence community in the past year have freed i 2015-12-01 RT {©SohrabAhmari: "The Kurds have broken the myth of ISIS" - My WSJ Weekend Interview with Ku 2015-12-01 RT <©masrourJ)arzani: My interview w/ (©SohrabAhmari about Kurdistan's war on #ISIL, success in ! 2015-12-01 RT (©mojobaghdad: Early snow in Sulaimaniyah! #lraq WKurdistan (©AFPphoto #snow 2015-12-01 "(©lebaroude: The British way... #YouAintNoMuslimBruv". Time all Musli 2015-12-0' RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman met w (©SenTomCotton to discuss his recent trip to #Kurdistan, UJ 2015-12-0: RT (©Diloooww: PAiAVmerg A» Kurdistan bo ala herkesA? rA^zA^ digirA^t. 2015-12-0: RT @PeshmergaNews: Christian Assyrian Peshmerga shoulder to shoulder with Kurdish Peshmerga 1 2015-12-0: RT @JPSargeant78: Supporting the Kurds is vital. Glad (©MaajidNawaz drew attention to these brave 2015-12-0: RT @brett_mcgurk: UK has unique capability for precision strikes & dynamic targeting. Extendi 2015-12-0: (©MiddleEastlnst conference in DC, (©hdpdemirtas speaks about his party's challenges & succe 2015-12-0: RT (©chicagotribune: Britain launches airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria after lawmakers give OI 2015-12-0: RT (©burakamed: #HDP Co-Chair {©hdpdemirtas at (©KRGJJSA office meeting with (©BayanRahman 2015-12-0) RT @KRG_USA: .(©BayanRahman speaks to (©BBCNewshour momentarily on fight against ISIS https: 2015-12-0: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman and KRG staff honored to welcome @hdpdemirtas to DC, wish hirr 2015-12-0: RT (©RenwaGroup: Renwa Group is excited to be attending #KIOG15 this year (©CWCMENA 2015-12-0: RT (©KurdistanRegion: Follow fSMNRKurdistan for the latest news and updates from the Kurdistan ( 2015-12-0: RT (©ShwahZulal: Hawrami asks coalition against ISIL to directly fund #peshmerga as the financial cri 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We will continue payments to IOC partners, we never forgot those who help us 2015-12-0: RT @MNRKurdistan: We've asked UK, US, European governments for assistance so that we can final 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: Need reform of petroleum products and electricity sector, says DPM @qubadjt 2015-12-0: " fSMNRKurdistan: Inexcusable and unjustifiable cut off of KRG budget is the toughest challenge say: 2015-12-0: "@MNRKurdistan: Worst of kurdistan political disputes behind us says DPM (©qubadjt #KIOG15" 2015-12-0: @MNRKurdistan: Insufficient assistance from international community, almost none from Iraqi gov • 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We have proven time arid again over last 18 months that we are prepared to fii 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We are working with coalition partners to disrupt ISIS oil selling says Minister A 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We will continue to increase capacity to reach target 1 million barrels a day by 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: KRG would have reached 1 million barrels by now but 1 year behind due to ISIS 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: KRG committed to honouring all terms and conditions of PSCs with lOCs says IV 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We are continuing regular payments to lOCs to cover their costs and help their 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: After domestic gas priority, gas export plans:10 bcm by 2019-20 via Turkey, the 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We are ready to negotiate with Baghdad and reach an agreement says Ministei 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We hope that we can one day go back to initial cooperation with Mosul on ene 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We are keen on reform which should begin early 2016 but diversifying econom 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We are keen to find ways with our colleagues in Baghdad to support each othe 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We remain committed to strong partnership with Kurdistan Region and commi 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: We pay tribute to courage and sacrifice of all those on ISIS frontline; great succ 2015-12-0: RT fSMNRKurdistan: I am optimistic about long term future of (©KurdistanRegion which is still open 2015-12-0: RT fSlstBKUF: We currently have 3 (©GoldsmithsUoL alumnus volunteering at @lstBKUF ready to g 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa discussing Kurdistan-Canada relations and fight against Daesh with newly elected M 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa & (©rezamoridi hold productive & cordial discussion on Kurdistan-Ontaric 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa and (©jimkarygiannis, Toronto City councillor, former MP and longtime friend of #Ki 2015-11-2' RT {©TheEconomist: Is anybody likely to use an Iraqi Airways flight from Baghdad to Washington DC 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa at @TorontoComms City Hall attended by diplomats, MPs, officials, city councillors

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2015-11-2" With (©FalahMustafa & (©OntMCIIT Deputy Minister Angus. Discussed Kurdistan-Ontario cop 2015-11-2' <© Fa (ah Mustafa arid KRG delegation at <©Uoff Munk School where he gave students and professors 2015-11-2" Great evening yesterday with Canada Kurdistan Business Council & Iraq Canada Business Count 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa speaking at (©UofT about Kurdistan's history & current challenges as peshmerf 2015-11-2: RT (©TheCurrentCBC: Today at 9:50, we speak with Kurdish Foreign Minister (©FalahMustafa on Can 2015-11-2: RT @KRG_DFR: (©FalahMustafa & (©BayanRahman met w/ Deputy National Defense Minister c 2015-11-2: RT (©SvenTrueNorth: Honoured to meet H.E. Min..(©FalahMustafa ofthe #Kurdistan Regional Gover 2015-11-2: RT <©KRG_DFR: .(©FalahMustafa & (©BayanRahman addressed Kurdistan/Iraq-Canada Business 2015-11-21 RT 2015-11-21 RT (©KRGJJSA: Happy ^Thanksgiving! We keep in our thoughts Americans serving in #Kurdistan and 2015-11-21 RT (©iraqsolidarity: #lraqSolidarity Under lraqa€™s Sinjar, ISIS militants built network of tunnels httc 2015-11-21 Canada's Deputy Defence Minister Forster and (©FalahMustafa reiterated commitment to fight ISIS; 2015-11-21 (©FalahMustafa - Thanks to Canadian government & NGOs for discussing ideas bh meeting Kun 2015-11-21 With (©FalahMustafa, productive and informative meeting with Canada's Institute of Governance or 2015-11-21 Honour to meet Kak Jaafer Ebdela Shemsidin, veteran #peshmerga with heroic history of resistance 2015-11-21 (©FalahMustafa asks Canada to upgrade its Erbil office to consulate in speech at dinner hosted by Ir; 2015-11-21 RT @brett_mcgurk: 26 new coalition airstrikes across #lraq and #Syria, including 8 in #Ramadi destn 2015-11-2; RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Mosul woman says life under #ISIS like being in a€ceancient timesaC. #ISISag; 2015-11-2; RT (©UN J/Vomen: How will you #orangetheworld to end violence against womenPShowcase on @S; 2015-11-2! RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Video: Secret filming reveals the brutal reality of life for women under #ISIS r 2015-11-2! With (©FalahMustafa, productive meeting with Canada's National Security Advisor Fadden on joint; 2015-11-2! (©FalahMustafa - Thanks to Abdulrahman Hamid Al-Hussaini, Iraq's Ambassador to Canada, for warr 2015-11-2! With (©FalahMustafa, pleased to see Iraq Consul in Montreal Jassim Nima Msawil to discuss cooper; 2015-11-2' (©FalahMustafa tells #MCFR Montreal Council on Foreign Relations that every country has role to pi 2015-11-2' Good to see (©kylecmatthews of Montreal Inst for Genocide & Human Rights Studies who shar 2015-11-2' RT <©KRG_DFR: Read minister @ Falah Mustafa's interview with the Canadian Press here: 2015-11-2'With (©FalahMustafa in snowy Montreal, where Minister will address #MCFR Council on Foreign Re 2015-11-2'RT (©ABIinken: Important we not lose sight of many chased from homes & lives by Daesh in lra< 2015-11-2: (©masoud 2015-11-2: @masoud_barzani (©ABIinken discuss US-Peshmerga cooperation which was demonstrated with grt 2015-11-2: RT @KRG_USA: President Barzani Meets US Deputy Secretary of State (©ABIinken 2015-11-2: With (©FalahMustafa at Calgary Petroleum Club hosted by Western Zagros. Attended by Canadian a 2015-11-2! In Calgary with Kurdish friends 2015-11-2:Thanks to Kurdish community in Calgary for warm welcome last night. Great to see our little peshme 2015-11-2: (©KurdistanRegion welcomes US Deputy Secretary of State (©ABIinken. 2015-11-2: RT 2015-11-2:Thank you (©HFXforum for a great #HISF2015 . Learnt much, met insightful people and discussed wa 2015-ll-2:#Peshmerga and President Barzani get a hero's welcome on return from liberating #Sinjar/Shingal. 2015-11-2: "@CH JBobHowse: Kurdistan foreign minister Mustafa Bakir says capacity building help needed in be 2015-11-2: RT (©mariedanielles: "I would love to see a female at the head ofthe UN," McCain says, applause. #1 2015-11-2: #HISF2015 (©FalahMustafa: we have asked international community to help Yezidi girls who escapei 2015-11-2: RT (©MNRKurdistan: Kurdistan Regional Government Statement regarding English Court Decision, oi 2015-11-2;#HISF2015 (©cindymccain: UN peacekeepers who engage in child trafficking must be removed and p 2015-11-2: "(©toluogunlesi: Hon (©FalahMustafa Bakir (Kurdistan) points out that the UN Women Representath 2015-11-2: #HISF2015 (©FalahMustafa: global approach needed to end terror financing. 2015-11-2:#HISF2015 (©FalahMustafa: Governments can't do it alone, need business and community leaders t< 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa tells (©HFXforum that oil sales aren't only source of money for ISIS, also fake charitii

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2015-11-2: @FalahMustafa and fellow panelists prepare to address (©HFXforum on financing of terrorism https 2015-11-2; Day 3 of @HFXforum began vyith a talk on women & security. Now (©FalahMustafa speaks to (E 2015-11-2: RT 2015-11-2.' Ended day 2 of (©hfxforum with debates with ministers, generals & experts. Yet many questioi 2015-11-2; A lighter moment at {©HFXForum, with (©FalahMustafa and @CengizCandar whose insights are app 2015-11-2: RT ©FalahMustafa: Good to see Albanian Defence Minister (©MimiKodheli (©HFXforum & to tl 2015-11-2: (Stmawelsh interviews (©FalahMustafa for (©usnews about humanitarian crisis and military gains in 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa tells (©HFXforum that people of Kurdistan need support as they host 1.8m refugees 2015-11-2: RT (©HFXforum: What we need is to go beyond the Refugee Convention and offer substantial suppo 2015-11-2: RT (©HFXforum: The international community has largely failed at addressing the most severe refugi 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa tells (©vicenews that all members of coalition must work to counter ISIS messaging 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa & Canada's Defence Minister (©HarjitSajjan discuss Kurdistan-Canada cooperal 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa thanks Dutch Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis for her country's support for Kurdist 2015-11-2: (©HFXforum currently debating whether playing by the rules pays off in the long run when fighting t 2015-11-2: (©FalahMustafa & (©NielsAnnen have breakfast meeting at {©HFXforum to discuss German ass 2015-11-2: Lively, intelligent discussions at (©HFXforum on how democracies can stand up to terrorism. Good t( 2015-11-21 Gen. John Allen recognises valour of Peshmerga and Kurdish fighters against ISIS in remarks at @HF) 2015-11-21 RT (©FalahMustafa: Pleased to be back (©HFXForum. Looking forward to discussions on the challent 2015-11-21 RT (©MNRKurdistan: #ACsummit Tony Hayward, chair Genel Energy: Kurdistan Region on its way to I 2015-11-21 RT (©MNRKurdistan: #ACsummit Tony Hayward: Gas export for KRG will be far more strategic than c 2015-11-21 RT (©MNRKurdistan: #ACsummit Minister Hawrami: Financial situation compelled KRG to resume dii 2015-11-21 RT (©AtlanticCouncil: Hawrami: "we have met progress on the ground" regarding exporting gas ener 2015-ll-2( RT (©JasonBordoff: <©JonDC51 (©CERAWeek (©ElAgov (©ColumbiaUEnergy @IHS One up you: Watcl 2015-11-21 On #UniversalChildrensDay spare a thought for Yezidi children who have lost their families in the on 2015-11-21 On way to (©HFXForum with (©FalahMustafa. Looking forward to discussions on security in light of i 2015-11-1! RT (©Sarbarzi: Meanwhile Kurds keep removing ISIS flags and permanently erecting Kurdistan flag. C 2015-11-1! RT <©masrour_barzani: Sinjar is definitely part of tfKurdistan. via (©janearraf 2015-11-1! RT <©KRG_DFR: Addressing #ATABXL General Assembly, minister (©FalahMustafa called for continue 2015-11-1! RT 2015-11-1! RT (©OIRspox: Update on #FreeSinjar: Peshmerga clearing the town of any remaining fighters/IEDs Ii 2015-11-1! RT 2015-11-1! RT (©masoudjbarzani: US Vice President Biden called to congratulate success of peshmerga in libers 2015-11-1! Congratulations @jiyargoj on moving and disturbing (©BBC documentary on lost children of Halabja 2015-11-1! @masrour_barzani speaking on (©bbcworldservice News Hour now on ISIS in Kurdistan and Paris 2015-11-1: RT (©Reuters: Exclusive: How Kurdistan bypassed Baghdad and sold oil on global markets https://t.o 2015-11-1' RT (©RuwaydaMustafah: #Kurdistan's iconic citadel in Hewler lights up in solidarity with #ParisAttacl 2015-H-i: RT (©heminhawrami: A Peshmarge sniper in #FreeSinjar operation hit ISIS suicide bomber before res 2015-11-1! RT @masrour_barzani: I tell (©cnni's (©HalaGorahi that we expect an #ISIL reaction and call for an in 2015-11-1! RT (©SarkawtShams: Governor of #kirkuk : more than 50,000 #Sunni displaced families from Diyala r 2015-11-1! RT (©UNIraq: Press Release: Acting #UN Envoy for #lraq welcomes progress in defeating #ISIL in #Sii 2015-11-1! RT (©FindAzerkidsnow: If anyone is able to get a message to my children, please tell them that their 2015-11-1! RT (©FindAzerkidsnow: 3 yr old boy with Cdn passport now missing 88 days. Where is he? (©Justin! 2015-11-1! RT (©FindAzerkidsnow: 11 yr old girl with Cdn passport missing for 88 days Where is she? #cdnpoli d 2015-11-1' RT <©KRG_DFR: Statement by (©KurdistanRegion Minister (©FalahMustafa on Terrorist Attacks in Pai 2015-11-1' RT (©SamiErgoshi: Erbil, this evening - Nechirvan Barzani in French General Consulate to show solida 2015-11-1' RT @masoud_barzani: I was deeply saddened by terror attacks in Paris. Our condolences to French | 2015-11-1' RT @masrour_barzani: Kurdistan stands with the people and govt of France in this difficult time and

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2015-11-1' RT@sinam56: Kurds are happy Sinjar is free, but saddened by Paris attacks . We stand with French r. 2015-11-1' RT (©TheStudyofWar: Yes, the Islamic State's attacks on the Yazidis constitute genocide, new report 2015-11-1' RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: #ISIS a€cefried to erase Kurdish Yezidi from the map, but they will never succ 2015-11-1' RT (©MikeGapes: Left brave Peshmerga on the front line v Da'esh south of Kirkuk, Then saw deletec 2015-11-1'RT 2015-11-1' RT <©aahmad_l: Report from @kurdistan24tv says Shia militias fired at KDP, PUK and Asayish buildii 2015-11-1' {©KRSCPress reports its forces foiled major ISIS terrorist attack on Erbil, Kurdistan. 2015-11-1'Kurdistan PM on Paris: Condolences & strongest solidarity of people of Kurdistan. 2015-11-1' Beautiful #Paris, city of light, you and your people will always shine. The people of #Kurdistan are wi 2015-11-1: (©KurdistanRegion PM congratulates peshmerga, Yezidis on tfFreeSinjar, thanks USA 2015-11-1; RT (©Duhokpost: (©Duhokpost #Barzani: this victory is a lesson for all those who try or will try to opt 2015-11-1: RT (©RudawEnglish: Pres Barzani: praises #Peshmerga victories & congratulates Kurdish people 2015-11-L; RT (©RudawEnglish: Pres Barzani thanks the intl coalition & US assistance in the #FreeSinjar op< 2015-11-1: RT (©RudawEnglish: Barzani; the #KRG with the central government shld try to make #Sinjar a gover 2015-11-1: RT (©BarzaniNiyaz: The Kurdistan flag, 100 meters long, 60 meters wide is being raised on the #Sinja 2015-11-1: RT (©vicenews: We're embedded with Kurdish forces as they mount an offensive to #FreeSinjar a€" • 2015-11-1: RT (©KRSCPress: President will have a press conference in a few hours to announce 2015-11-1: (©KRSCPress: Today's operation #FreeSinjar a success for Coalition efforts to isolate and target Daes 2015-H-i: (©KRSCPress: Peshmerga today reached Sinjar from East & West in Operation #FreeSinjar. Final 2015-11-1; US Col Warren says #FreeSinjar Peshmerga 'accomplished all their planned objectives today. Kurds r 2015-11-1: RT ©UKAgainstlSIL: #DidYouKnow (©DefenceHQ is helping to #FreeSinjar ? https://t,co/Oyl.kprjVhx 2015-H-i: RT @Tobias_Ellwood: The (©RoyalAirForce is supporting #Peshmerga operations to #FreeSinjar in #1 2015-11-1.'RT 2015-il-i: RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Kurdish Peshmerga say #ISIS militants surrender on daily basis on all frontline 2015-11-1: RT @brett_mcgurk: Major operation launched overnight to free #Sinjar from #ISIL terrorists, led by I 2015-11-1; RT <© KRSCPress: East Front: Sino village cleared by Peshmerga forces. #FreeSinjar 2015-11-1: (©ProgfessOrtline @DawnButlerBrent UK Labour Party should distance itself from Galloway who sup 2015-11-1; RT @heminhawrami: President Barzani who personally commands Sinjar liberation is now among Pe 2015-11-1: RT (©CJTFOIR: #GTFOIR and #Peshmerga weakening #Daesh and their sources of revenue, while pre 2015-11-1: Peshmerga-led operation #FreeSinjar under way with coalition airstrikes. Look forward to liberation 2015-11-1: RT (©JceKrg: IDPs: 38% of Iraqi displaced people are in KR-I. (1.248.024) in which only around 19.5% 2015-11-1: RT (©MNRKurdistan: Kurdistan Regional Government publishes the monthly export report for Octob 2015-11-1. RT @KRG_DFR: .(©FalahMustafa & senior officials of DFR today shared views on the performan 2015-11-1: RT (©SteveKingIA: Excellent strategic discussion with Kurdish Prime Minister Barzani. Need much mc 2015-11-1: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman oped in (©NewsOK today- SKurdistan thanks American veterans fo 2015-11-1: On US Veterans Day, (©KurdistanRegion and (©KRGJJSA thank American veterans of Kurdistan and 2015-11-1:2/2 Memories On Stone is Kurdistan/Iraq entry to Oscars foreign language category. Great film abt li 2015-11-1:1/2 Shawkat Korki's Memories On Stone tells story of crew trying to make film in post-war Kurdistan 2015-11-1: "(©KRGJJSA: Kurdish Director Shawkat Korki presents his Osear-entry film 'Memories on Stone' @IV 2015-11-1: "(©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman and Gov. Karim with (©SenJohnMcCain and (©ChrisMurphyCT to tall 2015-11-1( At (©HolocaustMuseum earlier where focus was on Yezidis and minorities in peril in Iraq. Sadly geno 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman (©SAISHopkins - humanitarian crisis is dire, more arriving everyday 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman speaking at (©SAISHopkins event 'Kurdistan Under Pressure' #Twit 2015-11-0. RT {©RachelBronsonl: Pleased to hear Kurdistan's Rep to US (©BayanRahman (©ChicagoCouncil. Loo 2015-11-OiRT

2015-11-Oi RT @brett_mcgurk: Last 24 hrs: 30+ precision strikes destroy ISIL terrorist units across Syria & I 2015-11-0! RT (©ThinkAgainJDOS: Former ISIS prisoners tell of punishment, torture & forced confessions c

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2015-ll-0iRT <©lkff: #Documentary HOPE will be screened on Sun 15 Nov at 18:00 (©HackneyPH > https://t. 2015-ll-0( RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BostonHerald - Proud Kurds face a refugee flood (©BayanRahman #TwitterKurds 2015-11-01 About to speak to (©1590WCGO Assyrian radio in Chicago. 2015-11-0! RT @brett_mcgurk: ^Australia and WSweden extended their advisory & training support for Irac 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: Roundtable @ChicagoCouricil with (©BayanRahman on economic, humanitarian, am 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©TuftsDaily - Fletcher School hosts talk with KRG Representative to the US https:// 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman speaking to (©AJCchicago about genocide recognition, refugee cris 2015-11-0!RT (©KRGJJSA: #Peshmerga Staff Brigadier General Hazhar Ismail - Kurdish Peshmerga Needs More 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman speaks with senior writers and editors of (©chicagotribune on ISIS, 2015-11-0! a€~Erbil at its besta€™ at this yeara€™s peace marathon via (©RudawEnglisI 2015-11-0! @ThinkAgain_bOS: Video: Coalition strike destroys a #Daesh HQ facility near #Sinjar, my home towr 2015-11-0! RT (©kurdobjaff: recognize the dedication and steadfastness of the #lraqi Security Forces, #Kurdish t 2015-11-0! RT 2015-11-0! Heading to Chicago to address (©AJCGIobal and Chicago Council on World Affairs. Look forward to s 2015-11-0! Not many Kurds in Boston I'm told (too cold maybe?), so delighted to meet at least 2 today at @Har 2015-11-0! RT {©fstockman: .(©BayanRahman (©KRGJJSA Thanks for coming in today to talk about the humanil 2015-ll-0!Thanks to all who attended Kurdistan talk today at (©HarvardWCFIA. Good questions on Kurdistan's 2015-11-0!Thank you @ShahlaJ2010 and (©Confusezeus for breakfast and great discussion with (©FletcherSche 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: Gov Karim @MiddleEastlnst- big January ISIS attack defeated by Peshmerga and Co; 2015-11-0! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman to speak at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Nov 5 - For mon 2015-11-0' Good to see (©Confusezeus again who has also moved from UK to US, now at (©TuftsUniversity's Fai 2015-11-0'Thanks 2015-11-0;11 (©tomshattuck: Great having (©BayanRahman of (©KurdistanRegion on. They need our support cru: 2015-11-0; RT (©jjsadek: (©EWInstitute stay tuned tonight for our talk with (©KRGJJSA's (©BayanRahman 2015-11-0; Thanks to (©HeraldRadio for opportunity to talk about Kurdistan-US fight against ISIS and how our p 2015-11-0; RT (©Confusezeus: Today at the (©FletcherSchool lecture by (©BayanRahman on Kurdistan one of th 2015-11-0: Great to meet (©stavridisj, Dean of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and bright young Kurdish 2015-11-0; Kurdish Peshmerga Needs More Weapons from West, by General Hazhar Ismail 2015-11-0: RT (©KRGJ3FR: Minister (©FalahMustafa along with Minister Sinjari welcomed Foreign&jDefens 2015-11-0: Golden autumn day in Boston. Looking forward to speaking tomorrow on Kurdistan at Fletcher's Far 2015-10-3: RT 2015-10-21 Met and learnt from so many talented, feisty yet humble women today at (©GTLawWomen forum. S 2015-10-2! RT (©GTLawWomen: .(©BayanRahman (©KimMKeenan & Amy Millman talk about developing ri 2015-10-2: Kurdistan PM @NBarzani and (©brett^mcgurk discuss latest developments in war against ISIS and El 2015-10-2: RT (©masoudjjarzani: Today welcomed German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen. Kurdistan 2015-10-2: Peshmerga are excellent example of capable & motivated ground forces, Sec Carter tells (©Sen 2015-10-2: RT (©FazelHawramy: freed prisoners say they were badly tortured by Is'is militants before they were 2015-10-2' RT (©BaxtiyarGoran: A delegation of #Peshmerga commanders are in an official visit to #Belgium &a 2015-10-2: World should support Kurdistan, Peshmerga, says German defense minister 2015-10-2: RT @WFP: #StoryOfTheDay: Abdulwahab, Salwa, Mezher & Hassan, displaced in #lraq, tell thei 2015-10-21 RT (©ThinkAgainJDOS: Prisoners rescued from a prison facility in #Hawija speak of torture tactics usi 2015-10-2! RT 2015-10-2! RT@bean3ie: Many #yazidi children are ~still~ waiting for the world to liberate their mothers from I 2015-10-2! RT 2015-10-2! RT (©MNRKurdistan: Minister Hawrami on Rudaw TV: KRG average monthly export is 500-550,000 b 2015-10-2!RT (©KRSCPress: Video from Hawija Operation shows our counterterrorism force backed by US Spec 2015-10-2! (©KRSCPress releases film of daring rescue mission that saved 69 people in Hawija. #Peshmerga bac

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2015-10-2' RT 2015-10-2' Kurdistan PM (©NBarzani offers condolences to family of Master Sgt Wheeler, praises courage of US 2015-10-2; RT @KRG_USA: Statement by Representative (©BayanRahman offering condolences to family and fr 2015-10-2; Congratulations @brett_mcgurk on appointment as US Special Presidential Envoy for Global Coalitic 2015-10-2: RT @masrour_barzani: My sincere condolences to the family ofthe fallen US soldier from today's op 2015-10-2; ISIS atrocities against Yezidis constitute genocide, should be called such by UN, <©Free_Yezidi tells M 2015-10-2: RT (©mutludc: Aunt of Alan Kurdi, Tima asks Trudeau to help her brother #AlanKurdi' 2015-10-2; RT (©amiaswad: (©BayanRahman he was a peshmerga in every way. We grieve for his family and Thi 2015-10-2: RT <©KRG_USA: US Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler identified as soldier who gave his life helping #1 2015-10-2; (©wolfblitzer The people of Kurdistan share in America's sorrow at the loss of Master Sgt Joshua Wh 20i5-10-2- RT <©DrPartizan_: RIP Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, your sacrifices for the Kurdish people will n< 2015-10-2; RT {©KurdistanRegion: Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler of Roland, Oklahoma whose sacrifice & bra* 2015-10-2; Kurdistan shares in America's grief for its fallen soldier Master Sgt Joshua Wheeler. We offer heartfe 2015-10-2: RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: In 2015, coalition has trained about 5,000 Peshmerga in courses that last froi 2015-10-2: RT @karwanz: These brave Peshmerga special ops along w/ US friends conducted a heroic rescue m 2015-10-2: Successful US-Peshmerga operation rescued 69 hostages from ISIS in Hawija. Our heartfelt condole) 2015-10-2: RT 2015-10-2: Updated Congressmen (©cathymcmorris & @Randy_Forbes on plight of those who fled ISIS las- 2015-10-2: Good to meet (©StateDept Iraq team chief @JPennington_ this week on developments in Kurdistan 2015-10-2: RT @KRG_DFR: KRG FM (©FalahMustafa discusses #YezidiGenocide with Speaker of House of Rep. o 2015-10-2: RT <©KRG_DFR: KRG Minister (©FalahMustafa discusses bilateral ties & ISIS w/ Australian FM <© 2015-10-2I Kurdistan President <©masoud_barzani and Chairman (©thejointstaff (©GenDunford discuss upcomii 2015-10-21 RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©KurdistanRegion hosts 32.4% of IDPs, but comprises only 16% of Iraq's populatior 2015-10-1! RT (SGTFOIR: #GTFOIR trains SPeshmerga soldiers in marksmanship, first aid and urban combat. Se 2015-10-1! RT 2015-10-11 RT(©PlattsOil: Kurdistan's #oil exports hit more than 600,000 b/d in September, arid made ourftoilb 2015-10-11 RT 2015-10-11 RT (©KRGJJSA: .@IOM latest tracking matrix continues to show high IDP concentrations in (©Kurdis 2015-10-11 Congratulations @omidkordestani as chairman of (©twitter. Much speculation whether you're Kurd 2015-10-K Thanks to Coalition for training provided to Kurdistan's courageous peshmerga 2015-10-K Pleased to host lively meeting for (©Dlawer and (©MERHnfo at (©KRG JJSA with Kurdish community 2015-10-1! (©amberinzaman (©FazelHawramy I'm sorry to say Kak Fazel's report isn't accurate. 2015-10-1! RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Report: At least 13 #ISIS militants were killed in clashes with YPG near Koban. 2015-10-1! Proud to hear Peshmerga praised when talking to top US military at (©ausa event to award Former [ 2015-10-1' RT (©KRG_DFR: Fruitful discussion between President Barzani&US Congressional delegation led 2015-10-1' RT @KRG_DFR: President Barzani Stamp; Special Representative of UNSG shared views on recent evi 2015-10-1' RT (©ShilanDosky: President @masoud_barzani receives US delegation led by (©SenateMajLdr to dis 2015-10-1' RT ©KRSCPress: Peshmerga and other Kurdish forces, supported by (©GTFOIR, have liberated more 2015-10-1' (©enlightenedkurd: ISIS members who surrendered to the PA^AVmerga 2015-10-1; Amb. Soderberg Stamp; Columbia University's David Phillips discuss 'Kurdistan's march towards inde 2015-10-1: RT (©kurdishhouselon: 3 businesses up Stamp; running from Kurdish House London's cool address, a 2015-1Q-1: "(©ThinkAgainJDOS: Pola Osman single-handedly fought off ISIS to save a wounded fellow Peshmerj 2015-10-1: RT 2015-10-K Peshmerg 2015-10-0! RT (©prayerfreedom: (©CNNFreedom video looks at the plight of #Yazidi women held captive by ISIS 2015-10-OiThanks to (©GWBLibrary for fascinating tour. Among exhibits is order to start Operation Iraqi Freedc 2015-10-0: Flags of Kurdistan, Texas and USA in Dallas

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2015-10-0" Pleasure to speak at (©dfwworld in Dallas today about #Kurdistan and our friendship with US since 1 2015-10-0: RT @dhsmyp: MYP freshmen downtown today for WAC speaker, Bayn Sami Abdul.Spkg on US-Kurdi 2015-10-0: RT @heminhawrami: President #Barzani visited Zaxo military academy. 220 female Peshmarga pffiei 2015-10-0' RT (©MarietjeSchaake: International investigation needed: extremely disturbing photo claimed 2 b K 2015-10-0' (©TheEconomist Europe should offer the same to help Kurdistan Region which is caring for 1.8m refi 2015-10-0: Kurdistan President <©masqud_barzani condemns reported killing of peshmerga held by ISIS, vowing 2015-10-0: (©KamalChomani (©chaseawinter (©EliLake Was there a question? 2015-10-0: (©laweenatroshi (©FalahMustafa (©KamalChomani @karwanTahir Ministers are last to be paid. Repi 2015-10-0: RT@masoud_barzani: Discrimination against religious and ethnic groups has no place in Kurdistan. • 2015-10-0: RT @masoud_barzani: Rights of Christians and all other religious and ethnic communities are protec 2015-10-0: RT @masoud_barzani: Wewelcome decision to relocate the seat ofthe Assyrian Church ofthe East 2015-10-0: RT @masoud_barzani: Today visited His Holiness Mar Gorgis III, new patriarch of the Assyrian Churc 2015-10-0: RT 2015-10-0:f hank you 2015-10-0: The 2015-10-0; @ianbremmer The colour purple looks so good 2015-10-0: At (©AtlanticCouncil with (©FalahMustafa where (©VP presents Global Citizen award to President Sa 2015-10-0: RT @qubadjt: I cannot express in words our gratitude & appreciation for the bravery Stamp; sai 2015-10-0: RT (©YazdaOrg: Laila Khoudeida of Yazda speaks to VOA: Yazidi-American Activist Seeks Help for Ref 2015-10-0: RT (©MorenoOcampol: President Poland Andrzej Duda first leader remembering #yazidi genocide a 2015-10-0: RT @ Falah Mustafa: Good session with NY Times, W. Post, Newsweek, Foreign Policy reporters on th 2015-10-0: RT (©FalahMustafa: In New York, received expressions of solidarity Stamp; pledges of continued supi 2015-10-0: RT <©KRG_DFR: KRG Minister (©FalahMustafa calls on int'l community at UN to do more for IDPs &ai 2015-10-0: RT @AUIS_NEWS; Calling all #math enthusiasts in #KRG! Sign up for #AUIS #MathFest on Nov 7! httf 2015-09-31 RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: #DaeshDefector on former allies: a€osNo one was trustworthy. Not even clos 2015-09-31 RT @masrour_barzani: It's very disappointing to see success and sacrifices of Peshmerga in the war 2015-09-31 RT @masrour_barzani: It is indefensible for Iraqi officials, supposedly representing all the country's • 2015-09-3I RT (®ThinkAgain_DOS: U.S. Treasury Dept. names 15 #ISIS supporters; gova€™t will freeze their asse 2015-09-31 (©KRSCPress reports that major offensive by #peshmerga and coalition pushes ISIS further south, pu 2015-09-31 RT (©EliLake: The Kurds of Iraq, who themselves were once refugees, are running out of money to al 2015-09-31 RT (©HeritageAtState: .(©Stengel: we owe it to the future to protect bur past ffHeritagelnPeril http:/, 2015-09-2!Speaking at DACOR Bacon House Found'n conference on Caliphate ys Modern State. Sykes-Pikot &ai 2015-09-2! RT (©KurdishProject: This all-female, all-#Yezidi peshmerga unit is "ready to fight ISIS anytime." Lean 2015-09-2' RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Kurdish Peshmerga forces free 18 Yezidi hostages being held by #ISIS in north 2015-09-2'KRG supports call for justice 2015-09-2' RT (©mutludc: Exclusive: #Yazidi woman raped by 'American jihadi' to testify to Congress (©CNN #fv 2015-09-2' RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Yazidi boy says #ISIS fighters slaughtered the men of his village then coldly a^ 2015-09-2; Thanks to (©SenJoniErnst for raising US support for peshmerga during Gen Petraeus testimony. US 8 2015-09-2; Europe's hypocrisy painful to watch. Lectures world on human rights while forcing refugees into des 2015-09-2: RT (©wanwilgenburg: Rudaw journalist Mesud Aqil reunited with his family after released by IS in YF 2015-09-21 RT @UNIraq: #lraq: UN envoy urges support for tracing and return of #Yazidi girls captured by #ISIL • 2015-09-21 RT (©UNIraq: Ministry of Health, WHO and partners step up response to #Cholera outbreak in #lraq. 2015-09-21 RT <©ThinkAgain_DOS: Kurdish region schools welcome 50K new pupils, many who left #ISIS controll 2015-09-1! RT <©ThinkAgain_DOS: #ISIS fighters continue to defect from the violent terror group. Beginning 09/ 2015-09-1! RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Kurdistan Regiona€™s new school year a a€cepowerful responsea€ to #ISIS, l< 2015-09-1! RT (©KenRbth: Shameful that this is what we make refugees do to flee to safety. 2015-09-1: Congratulations to Minister (©FalahMustafa

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2015-09-1" "(©KRGJJSA: Representative (©BayanRahman welcoming guests at #Kurdistan Tour Guide launch h 2015-09-1' RT@lylNRkurdistan: KRG Issues Call for Expression of Interest to Build Refineries 2015-09-K Looking forward to launch of Kurdistan Tour Guide tonight with (©MarshaBlackburn (©jaredpolis Ge 2015-09-1: RT 2015-09-1; (©OCHAjraq (©JceKrg (©KRGJJSA Investment in helping displaced people in #Kurdistan #lraq is a fra 2015-09-1: RT - 2015-09-1: RT (©mutludc: Demirtas of #HDP: Your response to attacks against the Kurds should be hugging youi 2015-09-1:Congratulations to (©jeremycorbyn and @tom_watson on their victory. Jeremy a longtime friend of 2015-09-1: RT @TheEconomist: Catalonia's national day on Sept 11 marks the day it lost independence. Now it 2015-09-1: Patriarch of Syriac Catholic Church tells In Defense of Christians convention there is religious cleansii 2015-09-1: RT (©FailyLukman: As we remember Sept. 11, Iraqis stand next to the American people and continue 2015-09-1: Good to meet Kurdish pop star actress & humanitarian @rojinofficial who is working on a proje 2015-09-1: <©JPennjngton_& colleagues from State Dept Iraq team at (©KRGJJSA office to review war on 2015-09-1: RT (©KRG JJSA: Meeting with State Dept's Iraq Desk team headed by Joe Pennington.@BayanRahm; 2015-09-1: RT <©brett_mcgurk: Reviewed the political and humanitarian situation in the #Kurdistan region with 2015-09-1: Thanks to our wonderful and beautifully dressed volunteers who helped deliver the Kurdistan Tour ( 2015-09-1: RT @KRG_DFR: DFR and Parliamenta€™s Interior Committee hold joint meeting with Turkish Consul 2015-09-1: RT @KRSCPress: Approx. 1,500 Peshmerga participate in offensive South of Kirkuk, clearing 150 sq k 2015-09-K RT @ThinkAgain J)OS: "Inside Raqqa, there are two different lives. #Daesh has become the citizens 2015-09-1( Proud of Kurdish-Americans preparing to deliver Kurdistan Tour Guide to Congress< 2015-09-K RT @BelTel: #refugeescrisis Armed forces veteran (92) offers spare room to house Syrian refugees h 2015-09-K Assyrian-American (©RepAnnaEshoo co-sponsors (©JeffFortenberry resolution on genocide against r 20i5-09-K Thank you to Congressman (©JeffFortenberry who is sponsoring a resolution to recognise Genocide 2015-09-11 Speaking now at In Defense of Christians conference in Congress, calling for recognition of genocide 2015-09-K RT @KRG_DFR: .(©FalahMustafa & (©nancylindborg president of @USIP discussed regional poli 2015-09-0! Kurdish-Americans will tomorrow deliver a copy of Kurdistan Tour Guide to every member of Congn 2015-09-0! RT (©USKBizCouncil: #KRG Rep (©BayanRahman briefed #USKBC today on her recent trip to #Kurdist 2015-09-0! Warm welcome to Shabak delegation led by Iraqi Kurdish MP Salim Jumaa. 56 Shabak villages are ur 2015-09-0! RT@KurdishPhotol: Congratulations to Kurdish racing driver Isaac Tutumlu on his victory at Barcelc 2015-09-01 RT <©ThinkAgain_DOS: Coalition airstrikes on #ISIS positions in Tal Afar killed ISIS a€cegovemora€ of 2015-09-0( RT (©KRSCPress: Iraqi Kurd security chief <©masrour_barzani on fighting IS \ 2015-09-01 RT (©aronjd: Negotiating a Return of the Baath Party? What happened at tl 2015-09-0'#Kurdistan PM (©NBarzani expressed nation's sorrow in call to #Aylan Kurdi's father 2015-09-0: At (©McCainlnstitute for International Leadership to congratulate #Kurdish graduate of Next Genera 2015-09-0: (©FailyLukman: Iraq is at forefront of fight against ISIS but ISIS is global threat. We need all nations t< 2015-09-0: At (©CSlS to hear Iraq's Ambassador (©FailyLukman discuss where Iraq is heading 2015-09-0: Ay Ian Kurdi must bring West to its senses. Kurdistan Region is hosting 1.8m refugees & displace 2015-09-0: RT 2015-09-0: (©Berlaymonster (©alialsaffar (©bucklitsch Bucklitsch's comment on drowned Kurdish boy Aylan are 2015-09-0: RT (©KRGJJSA: Watch #Yezidi children recount stories of atrocities in this heart-wrenching film by K 2015-09-0; RT (©KRGJJSA: Generations of Peshmerga pile on transport to front lines during recent Kirkuk often 2015-09-0: RT (©DeptofDefense: #SecDef at (©AmericanLegion: To date, wea€™ve trained more than 12,000 Ira 2015-09-0: ISIS fired rocket suspected of carrying chemical substances at a Peshmerga position near Mosul Darr 2015-09-0: RT (©alicekorngpld: There is hope for this world. #lcelanders offer their homes for #SyrianRefugees ( 2015-08-3: RT (©ThinkAgainJDOS: Coalition carried out 12 strategic airstrikes, dealing a major blow to #ISIS faci 2015-08-3: RT (©KRGJDFR: Minister ©FalahMustafa & Former Chief Prosecutor of International Criminal C 2015-08-21 RT (©KRGJJSA: KRG planning aids record wheat crop in Kurdistan Region, up 80% in last decade #Bij

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2015-08-2! RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Iraqi Kurds a€ceare ready to take back Mosul,a€ said Peshmerga general Mar 2015-08-2! RT (©vvanwilgenburg: Senior KDP Peshmerga Commander Killed in Car Accident 2015-08-2! RT (©wdckurd: SPeshmerga commander ofthe Khazir front lines dies in a car accident R.I.P http://t.< 2015-08-2'Today I was priviledged to join the peshmerga on the Gwer-Mekhmour frontline against ISIS.The pes 2015-08-2' RT @KRG_DFR: 8/8 PM (SNBarzarti: I Urge EU to support KRG to gain int'l recognition for crimes corr 2015-08-2' RT @NorwayMFA: Good meeting with pres. @masoud_barzani. Norway will continue to support KR 2015-08-2' RT (©SeniorB: The #French intellectual Bernard Henry Levy visited #Peshmarga and met w/ Sirwani E 2015-08-2'RT (©FalahMustafa: Productive discussions between President @masoud_barzani and Norwegian M 2015-08-2' (©JceKrg: Lack of funds forces WFP to halve food rations to people displaced by ISIS who total 1.8m i 2015-08-2:60% of displaced children in #Kurdistan Region aren't in school. Disaster for them and for us all. Hun 2015-08-2: RT (©UNlCEFmena: Conflicts in #Syria and #lraq are keeping 3 million children #outofschool http://t. 2015-08-2: ttPeshrrierga come under daily attack by #ISIS. With support of US airstrikes, they push back and are 2015-08-2; Met Minister of #Peshmerga to discuss fight against #ISIS, need for arms and support against use of 2015-08-Z RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: #DaeshDefectors 2015-08-2: RT (©MNRKurdistan: U\ 030§U...0§UtO» 030±U"0'05OCEO»U©0§Ut 0±0§030?OCEOCE UtO»Ut0 2015-08-2: RT @brett_mcgurk: A U.S. military airstrike on Tuesday near #Mosul killed Hajji Mutazz, deputy to A 2015-08-2: RT 2015-08-2: RT {©ThihkAgainJDOS: Since #ISIS took over Palmyra, civilians have fled, infrastructure has collapsed 2015-08-2: RT (©MNRKurdistan: Latest MNR PR updated: Setting record straight on oil and gas revenue so Kurd 2015-08-2: RT (©KurdishProject: To learn more about the region and the different peoples of Kurdistan —> hi 2015-08-2: RT (©JceKrg: JCC welcomed KRG Rep. to USA {©BayanRahman at HQs today. Diplomacy crucial part c 2015-08-21 Humanitarian crisis in #Kurdistan remains severe> as highlighted in separate meetings with (©UNIrac 2015-08-21 Good to be in Kurdistan again. Today met with (©FalahMustafa to discuss latest political & intei 2015-08-21 RT 2015-08-1! RT @brett_mcgurk: Completed historic all night meeting w/5 Kurdish political parties. Solid progress 2015-08-1" RT 2015-08-01 RT (©vicenews: 'We need people to stand for lis' - The Yazidis escaping sexual slavery in the Islamic 5 2015-08-0) RT@KurdishPhotol: 03Ou0§U" U„0» 0'OZ0±O»U~Ut0§OtOCE 0-Qrj£U ,.UtU©0±0§0? 2015-08-0) RT (©ThinkAgain_DOS: Young girls enslaved by #1SIS are a€cepeddled like barrels of petrol,a€ says Ul 2015-08-0! US announces additional $62million in humanitarian aid to Iraq 2015-08-0! RT 2015-08-0' RT (©MNRKurdistan: MNR issues a statement on payments to the producing International Oil Comp; 2015-08-0' RT @U Kin USA: Watch #RAF Reaper destroy a hidden #ISIL supply truck. More on UK air strikes again 2015-08-0: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©NatGeo interview with (©VianDakhil and (©BayanRahman on the plight ofthe #Yf 2015-08-0:Today one year ago ISIS terrorists attacked the Yezidis in #Shingal Sinjar. World must recognise Yezic 2015-08-0; Attacks on oil pipeline deprive ttpeshmerga & (©KurdistanRegion security forces of salaries. Aln 2015-08-0: RT (©KurdishPhotol: Kurdish YPG Forces have liberated the city Hasakah today. ISIS Terrorists were 2015-08-0: Kurdistan Region President condemns airstrikes on PKK, civilian deaths 2015-08-0: KRG shouldn't be only government to condemn Turkish bombardment of Zargali. We ask friends to 2015-08-0: Innocent civilians in Iraqi Kurdistan are the victims of Turkish-PKK conflict. KRG has repeatedly said t 2015-08-0: Kurdistan Region President @masoud_barzani and (©KurdistanRegion Government condemn Turkey 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©najatga talks with LTC Samantha Nerove about her service during Operation Iraqi 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: Very honored to have Gen. David Petraeus at reception honoring US veterans last ni 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: Gen Jim Jones at reception last night- 'We know that the Kurds are our best friends' 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: Gen. Michael Barbero served 3 tours in Iraq, a great friend to the Kurds http://t.coA 2015-07-3: RT (©KRG JJSA: .(©FalahMustafa speaks with veterans, thanking them for their service http 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: Gen. Jay Garner, commander during Operation Provide Comfort in 1991, with meml

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2015-07-3: RT {©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman thanked General Jay Garner for his service to the people of Kurdisl 2015-07-3: RT 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa thanks Congressman (©RubenGallego for his service during Operati 2015-07-3: RT {©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa updates US media on #Kurdistan and his visit to Washington this w 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman - 'We thank America for saving our people in 1991, liberation in 2C 2015-07-3: RT {©KRGJJSA: Kurdistan TV report on our reception to honor veterans last night (in Kurdish)- http:, 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: Gen David Petraeus at reception last night - "The Kurds have more friends than just t 2015-07-3: RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and {©BayanRahman wrap up productive mtg w Assist. Sec. for Pop 2015-07-3: RT {©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman Just wrapped up meeting with National Secu 2015-07-3. RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman met with Assistant Sec of State Malinowski fo 2015-07-31 Tonight we thank US #veterans of operations in Kurdistan and Iraq in the spirit of America-Kurdistai 2015-07-31 RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa (©BayanRahman discuss w {©RepAdamSmith humanitarian crisis in 2015-07-31 RT (©KRGJJSA: (©FalahMustafa & (©BayanRahman ask Sen. (©JohnCornyn for US humanitariar 2015-07-2!Thank you (©ChrisVanHollen, {©MarshaBlackburn for introducing resolution for US Congress to recoj 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: Today (©ChrisVanHollen and (©MarshaBlackburn introduced a resolution to recogni; 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman met with (©RepEdRoyce to discuss partnershi 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: Thank you (©MarioDB for your support to #Kurdistan (©FalahMustafa (©BayanRahm 2015-07-2! RT {©KRGJJSA: Productive mtg w (©RandPaul on latest developments in #Kurdistan, region (©Falahl 2015-07-2! RT @KRGJJSA: .{©FalahMustafa, (©BayanRahman, (©karwanz pleased to welcome {©audkofficial Pr 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©SenDonnelly to {©FalahMustafa and {©BayanRahman - 'We are committed to you 2015-07-2! RT , 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman thank (©RepKayGrangerfor continued suppo 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman briefed (©SenatorRounds on the latest develc 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: Productive meeting with (©SenJoeManchin, {©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman | 2015-07-2! RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman thank (©SenJohnMcCain for his support of #P> 2015-07-2! RT @brett_mcgurk: Excellent meeting on support to Kurdish #Peshmerga fighting #ISIL with (©Falah 2015-07-2: RT (©KRGJJSA: .<© Falah Mustafa and (©BayanRahman were hosted by Amb (©FailyLukman for discu: 2015-07-2: RT {©KRGJJSA: .(©FalahMustafa and (©BayanRahman spoke w Assistant Sec of State Anne Pattersoi 2015-07-2: Good meeting with (©FalahMustafa and Dep. Sec. of State Patterson {©StateDept about US-Kurdista 2015-07-2: Pleased to welcome <©KRG J)FR Minister @ Falah Mustafa to DC for meetings to discuss humanitaria 2015-07-2! Pleased (©KRGJJSA office could help (©honarissa, one of trustees of American University in Duhok 2015-07-2! (©Yerevan

2015-07-2!RT (©YerevanSaeed: Phone call with Davutoglu, (©masoudjDarzani expresses concerns situation rea 2015-07-2! RT {©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman to appear on ITN news at 10 in UK- ISIS is common enemy of everv 2015-07-2! (©RudawE 2015-07-2' RT (©KRGJJSA: .(©BayanRahman to ChanneW- secret to Kurdish success is commitment to our value 2015-07-2' (©masoudjiarzani, Sec Carter discuss ISIS. Sec Carter lauds #peshmerga 2015-07-2' RT (©FalahMustafa: A productive meeting between President (©masoud Jiarzani & US Defense 2015-07-2' RT{©ShilanDosky: Kurdistan President (©masoudjaarzani receives Defense Secretary Ashton Carter 2015-07-2' RT (©FalahMustafa: Together with KRG Minister of Peshmerga welcomed US Secretary of Defense A 2015-07-2' RT {©DeptofDefense: #SecDef arrives in Erbil to meet w/ Kurdistan Regional Govt President (©masot 2015-07-2' US Secretary Defence Ashton Carter signs guest book on arrival for meeting with Kurdistan Presiden 2015-07-2: RT {©KRGJJSA: Join us July 30 as we thank US veterans for their service to the people of #Kurdistan 2015-07-2: RT (©mamvasta: UK Government: Help the Yazidi women and girls kidnapped by ISIS #YazidiGirls - Si 2015-07-2: Impressive panel of writers, film makers highlighting voices of #muslimwomen at (©StateDept Eid ev 2015-07-2: RT {©ThinkAgainJDOS: Brave women held as slaves by #ISIS escape from captivity a€ceworse than di 2015-07-21 Delighted to see #peshmerga General Khasro Zebari who was involved in the recapture of Zummar f

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43 :46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

2015-07-21 RT @brett_mcgurk: Reviewed the global campaign against #ISIL earlier today in tfWashington with

2015-07-0: RT (©ShilanDosky: Kurdistan's President (©masoud Jjarzani returns to frontlines during Ramadan to 2015-07-0: US Consul Erbil: Current crisis presents opportunity for Kurdistan to meet political, economic, securi 2015-07-0: RT <©KurdistanJ512: Kurdistan's Parliament. An Assyrian on the left and a Kurd on the right. http://t

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

IDPs sistant to (©MarshaBlackburn https://t.coa€| s can support people of #Shinga|€] 2 investigation with (©HolocaustMuseum https://t,co/ta€ | ICG Kenneth Gross & emphasized strong partnership. httpa€| pdates from Sinjar & recommendations https://ta€| np; discuss genocide prevention€[ i is to be given to #Peshmerga https://t.a€! Assistant Secretary (©JPennington^ (©StateDept https://ta€| •etrators of genocide€! a; returned Yezidi girls

wski @State_DRL" IS coalition against IS, cooperation w/ #KRG (©Kurda€ j ird" i • of Ninewa Provincial Council Sajdo Haso https://t.a€[ trict held by Isl...€| and their dreams o defend #Shingal" lingal, South Kurdistan(KRG).€ | situation in his city and region https://t.coa€| p program httRs:// https://t,a€! ;ir work under difficult circumstances. »m its mayor https://t,co/s99G7LIUtV 'KRG_USA (©AmChamKurdistan oncertwh Kamkars&Docklands Sinfonia https:/S€|

> and industry of (©KurdistanRegion€! i30a0§Ut 0"O» 0a,Ot0'0-0§'U- 03D...OCED+0§0±O2Df 0±O2U©0-O«0®0§03 0"Ut U,0§0 \ OCEU itrict, 1801 Cameron Glen Drive Reston VA ked him for US support in fight w ISIL https://ta€ | OrxNQeS y from across (©KurdistanRegion to DC€ | :// #NRTnews #WithRefugeesa€| ogether to protect the unprotected. https://a€| a Is to prepare the ground for coming liberatia€ j IS Officials on military & political campaign on#Mosul httpa€ | elerate support for #Peshmerga https://t.coa€ | tGsvsQ ming liberation of #Mosul.€ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

fFallujah Stamp; cleared city center from #a€j mbBaghdad (©StateDept of Kurdistan ify as genocide" linst the ttYazidis https:a€ |

>sting IDPs v (©UNHCRIraq"

Azheen to rebuild the country." https://a€ j d •wardPrizes Best Collection shortlist!" visits Stamp; appreciate your support (©KurdistanRegion . There's another nice park in central Duhok,buta€|


StateDept afternoon to review our fight vs. #ISIL. httpa€ J :amp; @JPennington_ on developments in Kurdistan.€ [ scuss joint efforts to dislodge #ISIS.€ |

nitarian crisis w/ Asst Secretary Anne Richard. https://ta€ [ in Stamp; financial issues w/Asst. Sec. Patterson. https://ta€[ 0±0 •CrU'Ut U„O»0"O»0303OCE 0"0§010' https://t,cb/kXZBT7WTVI via (©Rudawkurdish" ior to #lraq and ftlordan. #KRG€ | Thames of int. Relig. Freedom re: stability Stamp; justice. https://t.a€| ;upport to #Peshmerga Stamp; on future of #Kurdistan https://ta€| nan for a farewell meeting in Washington, DC. https://t.coa€| litaLowey the urgent needs of Kurdistan Stamp; the peshmerga https://ta€ ! :ase against #lslamicState. hta€|

continued US support. nsight to the situation in #Kurdistan https://t.i€ | a and @BayanRahman discussed KRG/US relations. https://t.a€| reform w/ @WorldBank executive director Dr.Hasan https://ta€| on. ise Slotkin to discuss support for #Peshmerga https://ta€ j ide Comfort in Washington, DC€ | Operation Provide Comfort -€|

2 resilient and courageous #OPC25 https:/a€[ Iship with #Kurdistan https://t.coACtfrp77xa5

vere airdropped on the snowy hills to assia€ | : intervention for political reasons. You ha€| ie; Kurdistan works because the Kurds are thea€| reason Kurdistan worked was because of ta€| s Guide (FOG) for Disaster Assessment Stamp; ResponaC J

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

lemoration, including General Anthony Zinni. httpa€| tperts reflect on success, #OPC25 https://t.a€ | d by Operation Provide Comfort #OPC 1 to mass exodus to border mountains 1991

dleEastlnst we fled Saddam's genocidal campaign. #OPC25 among refugees. They did miracles. #opc25 e of defeat. US needed to integrate post-wara€] jHfrWb

at we wanted and didn't get." #OPC25 im. Adds that today ffKurdistan is the other Iraq lessons of #OPC25 : regarding Resolution 688. #OPC25 https://t.coa€ | • a brighter future against enormous odda€ | tan. Excited to hear remarks from LtGen Garner. /ided hope and a brighter future for the peoa€ ] n Provide Comfort. #OPC25 Is; 10,000 had already died. We were able to bria€j leRa8cRV2 #OPC25 ives and that is the greatest gift of all" <©Ma€ \ the support we received in 1991 ght future for people of Kurdistan @KRG_USA 2 for Kurdistan de Comfort's 25th anniversary 80PC25 ; involved in this life-saving mission #OPC25 wide Comfort @KRG_USA USIedu (©TaraHamawandi @BayanRahman #Kurds€|

roes protect our freedom & future https://ta€ | aq and {©KurdistanRegion re of #|raq @SAISHopkins not abandonment httpa€{ ks: need fiscal federalism https://t.eo/iuPKboXdPp ;:// economy SAISHopkins). Lots of dignitaries https://ta€ j :- Noori Abdulrahman, KRG Board of InvesaC | urdistan investment law is model for Iraq ; challenges facing #lraq & #KRG https://t.coa€| & we all need US ten in #Fallujah yesterday, my prayers for saa€ | ces in DC with Iraqi Ambassador @FailyLuka€]

II need support from KRG's partners i; a government determined to implement reform

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

DP3 #Kurdistan Iraq WorldBank via @WorldBank military for their dedication & service as we honor oa€ | in cooperation with @WorldBankMENA& @UNIraq httpa€| i/ho sacrificed everything ?s, over 120sq km." ,

Dn warplanes have struck approx 30 #ISlL positions ia€ j ed by Peshmerga. Up to five VBIEDs how desa€| o retake several villages from #ISIL. https://a€ | -etirement event @USChamber" nsul General @KRG_DFR ©BayanRahman https://ta€| v path. For #Kurdistan it's time to undo the injua€ j @kgvoam pStateDept Oth Independence Day. #May25JO€| ziya gyan. So proud of you girl! https://t,co/cNHqNaaa€! SWHSummit. Emotional picture, brave woman. httpa€|

around in picnic mode.€| althcare provision and skills development ps:// via ©RudawEnglish" 3 attended Joint Action Planning Forum by @JccKrg. httpa€| itioii in Washington for meeting€|

/ria & beyond, and recent Peshmerga gains. ha€| rt, June 6 at National Press Club€ | nRegiOn https://t.coa€| /dvaMVjbUyc )s://t.eo/lcFKn60oL0

hly appreciated" entative to US @KRG_UK" ilntlCrimCourt remained motionless; I wonder why ta€| ; almost 2 yrs ago. (via @EzidiPress) https:a€ | I the brave U.S. serviceman martyred earlieraCj - iupport them:€ |

for his courage and sacrifice.€ | lir village. Biji Peshmerga! #Kirkuk iccessful diaspora, unified with sense of purpose

-Her tonight in #Erbil. #TwitterKurds #Hawler httpsa€| t political crisis & bilateral cooperation. https://ta€| om around US many women ambassadors

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

distan #Shakespeare400 https://t:co/iyXoED01ST

ding Jewish community advise & assist efforts to help Iraqi fora€ | ;e of their trauma https://t-.-co/ldcHZ5UpLs /erdie#twitterKurds ead of ISIS operations inside Mosul.€| ion ©KurdishProject e for every eventuality Deshmerga fight against ISIS ©KRGJJSA JV with Deputy Prime Minister ©qubadjt dlZUpAawP merga https://t,co/vl5Roa€[ >uncil. Thank you for your support over the years https://ta€] lelly stolen from us" le var against ISIS to discuss current economic challenges https://ta€ j cans & ©BarhamSalih w/ Russians.Not a bad weekfora€| .today we can have this conversation openlaC j ance- ©qubadjt ©TheWilsonCenter€ | low can we prevent a new ISIS? @KRG_USA conomy. We need international support @Kurdistaa€| IIS is danger not only for #Kurdistan but fora€ j LIVESTREAM-€| i/EIRyWFndwi en will Iraq stop being a killing field?

inister Dr.Sindi today cc: ©KRGJJSA https://ta€j ;a for weapons and financial assistance https://ta€ J •\ friend ofthe Kurds ©SenJoniErnst€! ssa Slotkin at Pentagon€ | crisis facing ©KurdistanRegion€| tanding support and leadership€] or US support for ©KurdistanRegion https://t.a€[ er efforst to assist KRG against Daesh€ \ .8 million displaced in ©KurdistanRegion https://ta€| Fugee Influx, Fight Against ISIS€ | speak w/ ©gordonnyt ©followFDD conference https://ta€| Affairs in Bureau of Energy ©StateDept https://t.3€| louncil

: fight against ISIS ©FalahMustafa€ j his afternoon on ©npratc€| tence and stability post-ISIS€| e identities have legal protection https://ta€ j amp; livelihood necessary for future https://t.a€ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

cuss 1.8 mil displaced in Kurdistan https://ta€ j • of Iraq Affairs Scott Oudkirk ©qubadjt€ j tps:// on beyond the cycle of extremism https.//€ | bility in post-ISIS Iraq ©FalahMustafa an for off-record discussion with experts https://ta€| Doug Padgett on religious freedom€' 'qubadjt, begins official visit to Washington Mustafa, & @KRG_USA Rep ©BayanRahman https://t.a€ j f ©KurdistanRegion INFO AND REGISTRATION - https://ta€| lister Sinjari Stamp; ©KRGJJSA Rep ©BayanRahman httpa€ j lahMustafa also here for busy week€ | 58Kefp5 :tps:// Prime Minister ©HaiderAIAbadi€j / along with other senior Kurdish officials hta€| l the US Secretary of State ©JohnKerry httpa€| J pm Eastern to hear her interview, ©aebsary" )aesh€ | eworld, airing 3-4 EST today€! iRegion is bright hftps://" i up - rity Leader ©RonMariano€l /e will continue to protect ^Kurdistan's ca€ J lmerga on 12 March in West Kirkuk. https://a€{ >:// «/lnbDFyny l is marked in DC Jk ria. WMDs are in.

)n in ©KurdistanRegion //t,co/Lv8ER4NOyS artnerships for Kurdish community https://t.eo/3yl2Zqfwa€ | ction to refugees fleeing Ba'athists€ | tccQZ thanked him for support" n to strength TN Stamp; ©KurdistanRegion relations https://t.coa€| nic opportunities #Kurdistan" litarian aid to Kurdistan€| BayanRahman #peoplesagenda€| BHouseForeign ©RepEdRoyce Stamp; ©RepLoisFrankel https://ta€| ning esident Oldham ©KRGJJSA speaking event tonight" i ISIS, refugee crisis" n the web #TwitterKurds

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

distanRegion and current affairs€| ; of Arts & Science at @VanderbiltU #Nashville :y leaders Stamp; speaking at local Universities he world Stamp; for the future https://t.eo/DV4G4QVEYE

:n in danger. Find out more about my trip: https:/a€j ghtr on the front line in Iraq: https://t.coa€| itelligence wearing army uniform,exploiting la€| iamlet to Erbil on 5 April. #ShakespeareLiveslra€ j ittps://€ | •ate a culture of reading. #Kurdistan h'ttps'://a€! ue the fight against #Daesh. https://t.-co/Ea€ j \ ssee leadership JDIyZe bread Stamp; food. Over 2000 individuals are ina€| in newly liberated areas in lraq,@undpinia€] ilping Yezidis in Kurdistan - on web. urage Awards for her tireless work helping Yezidis :e and rights must be included radzic.€| >re. #Yezidi #TwitterKurds nslavement€ |

>rud Salih to Washington -€| edicatibn as KRG has fought #ISA€| ble human being https://t,co/F6plXt53Up

nilies and friends ofthe victims. lg terrorism worldwide @dreynders @hendrika€! mslaved by ISIS with ©StateDept officials on University Club at its first Newroz celebration :F forum"

HWnfW4QEyb #federalism #sdf tfrojava #tua€j

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registation Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

i\ tovictims of #Halabja port against ISIS

•uumB38 isul, UK-KRG relations & economic reform in KRG. htta€|

nocide. Iraq remains land of mass murder ; who was on the frontline against ISIS #Sulifa€ ] reement before the operation @heminhawra€} e through referendum ©heminhawrami #SuliFora€| is, then laying out serious and plausible—if aa€| td all the help we can give. htta€| itions hosted by ©KRGJJSA iMemorialDay ©BayanRahman ©KRGJJSA @CTR_SAIS httpaCj issues ©tomkmiec ©GordJohns @Cooper4SAE https://ta€| ide https://t,co/HZ2bGa€j 1't happened yet.#suliforum€! nical attack. ed in Iraq. i town of Halabja, >>€ | s #Kurdish people made for freedom httpsaC | f Left Party ©jsjostedt & Liberals ©bjorklundjan httpsa€| iMustafa led stopovers in a number of European ca€| ear Sinjar on 14 March 2016. #Mosul€| ur vow that blood & sacrifices of our peopleaC ] resentment and not hostage to our past #Halaba€ | id mass atrocities #HalabjaMemorialDay

afa Barzani building ofthe American Universita€| Duhok, inaugurated today, all the best #AUDK on of IDPs & refugees in ©KurdistanRegion. https://t.a€ J o/KRKSb33l3V"

Ip minorities at risk from ISIS ©KRGJJSA luding Kurdish awardee Khanim Latif ©KRGJJSA >m ISIS & to provide support to those who havea€| organization https://t.a€j !Z #lnternationalWomensDay€ | )VCV #lnternationa|WomensDay€| REGISTER - Df coexistence Stamp; religious tolerance httpa€| I and economic crisis

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

VB rep & EL) delegation on financial challenges httpa€| ;eting and needs of vulnerable IDPs€| tution @najatga @SpiritAmerica https://t.a€|

vulnerable @najatga @SpiritAmerica https://t,co/aa€| today. Terrorists now trapped Stamp; desperatea€| VnZRXuFG" @HamishDBG i/ing US-KRG partnership »au of Population, Refugees, Migration€ | ian and financial crises€ j 3ces economic crisis lality or extremism #dev4peace ation across Middle East #dev4peace ols would help host Stamp; displaced people tan have stopped, including 500 schools i/year in aid to survive fix the aftermath. - Minister Sindi #deva€j nandates Stamp; the unclear relation dev/polia€| )f stages (emergency, resilience, mid-term, eta€| etter monitoring, evaluation Stamp; innovatioa€| ;. 75% are women 6BCV4NdA icylindborg at #dev4peace. :y Lindborg #dev4peace" gees. -@JimKim_WBG | #dev4peace€| ndi #dev4peace

;. Watch live: #dev4pa€ | iv4peace World Bank Fragility Forum #dev4peace ion evgunay7 @GillianHTUrner htfps:// tted by #ISIS. #YezidiGenocide€ [ ns https;//€| om #ISIS hear Mosul at her family's request jgees/IDPs in Kurdistan Region. #MSC2016 https://t.a€ | I sec/eco/hum challenges facing #KRG. #MSC16€ | ered by #Peshmerga forces in AUG 2014. httpa€ | fPeshmerga with President @masoud_barzani. httpsa€| ^HarjitSajjan reiterated Canada's commitment toafj , reiterated KRG's support to @UNIraq. https://a€j lURRk3om" It was said with irony discuss upcoming trade mission to Canada https:a€ | en Stamp; women ofthe peshmerga Stamp; their families

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

co/m2CNZHBqP2 Dating #ISIS. https://t.coArlvRODuwbD

Dwardly rapist. Justice will be done. httpa€| lerentResolve #onemissionmanynations€! HP43zFGq https://t.eo/7WI3125Eb Stan ccessful visit ehended by security services. #Kurdistaa€ |

rices. Most important factor #KRG #twittera€ | s on going & peshmerga have been able to sa€| :onomic crisis, and future of Kurdistan https://ta€| :risis -(©heminhawrami .eo/5E2hVAByKi inhawrami #TwitterKurds ;ul, IS fight, economy & self-determination htta€ | do business with us e to express preference & determine whether maa€| ghdad close, ongoing partners i. Is a force for stability in region, ing on it. @heminhawrami ast Christians Stamp; Jews facing persecution ground -@heminhawrami n continue to fight ISIS dum is above politics ashlnstitute Monday at 12 's army in Al-Baghdadi, W. Anbar. htta€j np; economic crises KRG is facing€ j people's will cannot be denied for ever I to protect this region, #twitterkurds tor in this new middle east. #TwitterKurds i/ will of people & for leadership to execute ita€| o decide their future through a referendum, la€ [ International Studies Country #Kurdistan a, Iran, ISIS leir courage inspired the world. #Kurds to tyranny. 1P6JI9 »gue to continue. ver suspended budget, and Peshmarga https://a€ |

/EMpOpeQZCs p in Kurdistan region @UNICEFiraq€| istan https://ta€| oud Barzani

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

1016. #onemissionmanynations€] ight Against ISIS€ | :e is closer than ever SITCOM reviewed the fight against #ISIS.€ \ gR oeshmerga and people of #Kurdistan face today a at KRG Representation on recent visit to DC https://ta€ | 4tv <©K24English #Kurdistan24 #Kurd flKurdistan https://a€| <©K24English imanitarian crisis, and war w ISIS€ ] ct of war & displacement on Kurdish economy A2hhWvQS BayanRahman at KRG US Representation https://t.a€| juld've been doctor, teacher Not grpper' https://a€| >n our attempts to seek US help with economic crisis I war & we all need to come together ta€ | land, about their crucial support to Kurdistan. ha€| ne; says collapse would be disaster https:/a€j rwanTahir @KRG_UK @krg_dfr lenges in @KurdistanRegion€! iOrg md @NSC44team,, al Security Affairs Elissa Slotkin https://ta€ [ tant Secretary for Mid East Eric Meyer€ J 0 highlight war & economy

1 by ISIS https://ta€| tallenges facing Kurdistan€| ;tanRegioh things would be immeasurably worse' httpa€ | n_ to discuss situation in (©KurdistanRegion https://ta€|

I European Affairs Philip Kosnett€ [ u of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor https://t.a€| fforts€ | displaced

and US for support inancial impact of fighting ISIS & caring for 1.8m IDPs :pt to discuss urgent needs of peshmerga and IDPs KurdistanRegion (©FalahMustafa€ | Hussein (©FalahMustafa chairing Kurdish American Caucus€j gress on urgent needs of peshmerga & displaced people w US can assist humanitarian crisis https://t.coa€ j against terrorism with (©USRepRodney€|

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

figration Anne Richard @StateDept https://t,a€ | in critical needs of ©KurdistanRegion https://t.a€| >mbat gear. #BijiPeshmerga€|

Feierstein and DAS @JPennington_€| / fa about challenges facing #Kurdistan https://t.eo/fda€ | My thoughts and prayers are with the famila€{ // enges facing #Kurdistan and road ahead #TwitterKura€ | week of meetings with US officials€ |

mes looted, holy sites destroyed 1/2 g #ISIS destruction. ren on Sinjar Mountain in #lraq€| .co/c01qBaTNElhttps://t,co/fUC012n3rD" erga Forces @CJTFOIR.Strategy is working as ISF retaa€| ;d any land since May '15. avenue for ISIL's illegal oil. https://t.a€ { Lamp; Coalition will next liberate Mosul & Daesh a€| aesh leaders in December€| against #terrorism & #rape women & children." t media @Genocide74 @VianDakhil https://ta€ | d current events Stamp; EU-Kurdistan partnership. httpsaC | ; a bright future ahead of us Stamp; 2016 wa€ [ dent ofthe Kurdistan Region. de," Clinton says in NH€ j idi. #ISIS #Daesh a€ | ;a for recent advances against #ISIL - httpsa€ | nWHjdklB via the end of Daesh presence in Iraq ilition on important victory for all #lraq ittps://€ | co/BEIXz3PO0m i/CLuUTRhNOk lirthday! nadi. Support will continue until all aa€| vernment force spokesman /, AP Photos" yr? Submit here:" t #Kurdistan? Submit here:€ | JdkDCD63gH-@KRG_USA ^cKZCIsy" Irrashaimasse Nippon

lettering 1.8m refugees and IDPs, needs EU aid

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

jur meeting in Halifax last month. https:a€j

le & asked for economic support to # KRG httpa€ |

iurdistan Memory Programme€|

IcpJO ©BayanRahman

jrdistan. ©Canadainlraq ©CanadianForces httpsa€|

hey are traininga€|a€ says Canadian General. httpsa€| axmur & repelled their attacks in these frontsaC j rdistan High Council for Women https://t,co/wEQDKXkSyh #refugees #italy https://ta€j •Daesh leader. #DefeatingDaesh€ | i independence, as ever co/bKUuA09oSv

h #Peshmerga #USArmy loumcH #DOD" Peshmerga proud to fight terror lumanitarian situation demic programs @USMEPI https://t.cb/iPG6Lp5a€!

2rything to see it fly. Biji Kurdistan. https://ta€[ HXx7DtwRk

e @KRG_USA @USChamber ig day, at Makhmour. ©BayanRahman @KRG_USA httpsa€| tps:// ting with President @masbud_barzani #SecDef Carter to ©KurdistanRegion. @DeptofDefense httpa€ J :il: "get rid of Da'esh completely" https://t,ca€! 0 far celebrating Kurdistan Flag Day

nse Kurdish Security Forces say. https://t.a€| tanFlagDay and need assistance to hold the northern fa€ |

L bulldozer was destroyed by ©CJTFOIR airstaC | cilled and 3 VBIEDs destroyed. https://a€| 1 Hussein @KRG_USA

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FAR A Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

OCE U„0« UO»OCE030"U"U"U© Kirkuki's op-ed rorists killed. ' He fought for our freedom ealthcare ©KRGJJSA g used by peshmerga US-Kurdistan ties ©KRGJJSA (Grp, Governor, chamber of commerce ©AUISJMEWS es 1st hand American style education in Mid East htta€ j de delegation to Erbil •hamber Of commerce & provincial biz cmty ©KRGJJSA httpa€| 5> KRGJJSA ©BayanRahman ©DayidTafuri https://a€| 'hamper of commerce

: "we are here for the post-Daesh environment.'' ©KRMj /erful speech on commercial diplomacy @KRGJJSA nister ©FalahMustafa ©BayanRahman ©KRGJJSA httpa€| •dating and supporting US trade delegation Media can't believe US trade delegation is here ©KRGJJSA trade delegation. Great to have you here

:uss weapons and ammunition needed to fight Daesh ir members. #DefeatingDaesh€! her anti-ISIS song

Progress #DefeatingDaesh ©RoyalAirForce httpsa€| j at ©KRGJJSA so you could see our work too ack, we haven't seen any solidarity, it a€ | oined by ©USKBizCouncil delegation" in Erbil in April

1 #KUrdistan #TwitterKurds€!

&A with KRG Dir of Culture ©Najatga https://ta€ | iccessful, if embedded in pol. strategy httpa€| good cooperation and political situation, https:/a€ | ©KurdistanRegion. ©GermanyDipIo€| iewed progress of Peshmergas forces against ISIS httpa€| >ker on What more US can do for refugees/IDPs https://ta€| Medium #KOIG2015 icross borders or within them. ©DMiliband ©Guaa€| isor's top places in Iraq

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

HPu via @UNICEFiraq€| ir! All the details:€ | more than 1,200 Ezidi women and children fa€| t rd is h Intel chief @masrour_barzani€! Sinjar and historical tensions in #lraq. httpa€{ pESnjQxKC ms spoke out against Daesh/ISIS > assistance in humanitarian crisis€-j

Forces, on the Makhmour front today. https://t.a€| 2 fighters against ISIS #bbcqt ng UK ops in #Syria will help ensure constant a€| ss in Turkey's elections K https://t.coa€| i ://t,co/X0gC30S5Sq i a successful visit

Dil & Gas Conference 2015 #KIOG15 isis bites in Kurdistan #KIOG15 @CWCMENA ; through tough times - DPM @qubadjt #KIOG15 ise our reform agenda says DPM (©qubadjt #KIOGa€| : #KIOG15 . $3 bn a year spent on electricity sa€| 5 DPM @qubadjt #kiogl5" with 1.8 million refugees says DPM (©qubadjt ght ISIS - Minister Ashti Hawrami #KIOG15 »shti Hawrami #KIOG15 end of 2016 says Minister Ashti Hawrami a€ j • fight & Iraq payments failure- Minister Asha€| linister Ashti Hawrami #KIOG15 i reinvest says Minister Ashti Hawrami #KIOG15 >n increase by 10 bcm to Europe - Minister a€| r Ashti Hawrami #KIOG15 rgy that we began in 2013 says Minister AshtiaC \ y will take time and funding says Minister Asha€ | r for mutual benefit says Minister Ashti Hawra€ j tted to its stability and security says @AngusMca€ | ess of recapturing Sinjar says @AngusMea€ [ for business says @AngusMcKeeFCO #KIOG15 ive advice, KRG's (©BayanRahman is also Goldsmitha€| IPs Francesco Fantino and Ali Ehsassi > cooperation on higher education & vocational training jrdistan https://t,co/JlVUvPpJTr ?€ | & Kurdish community

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

peration, refugees and trade an update on #Kurdistan :il @FalahMustafa #Toronto *a continue to defeat Daesh, with Canada's support ada's fight against ISIS JU https://t.cb/l8eh0a€! )f Canada @Canadainlraq https://ta€| nment in #Mississauga tonight. #lraq https://t.a€j i Council this evening in Toronto.

I Iraq as they spend the holiday away from friea€ \ >s:// and support peshmerga distan's humanitarian needs l models of federalism against Saddam. https://t,co/YQ3l6UHuEg aq embassy Ottawa Dying 20+ #ISIL targets -€] ainstWomen #DaeshLiesExposed€ j ayNO_UNiTE: https://a€ j epression. #OpenYourEyes.€[ anti-ISIS strategy n welcome to Ottawa ation on shared goals ay against #Daesh es our concern about Yezidis ./ZrOYJwH49X @ibickis lations about latest developments in Kurdistan q. Talked w/ displaced families y'day. https://ta€|

;at success in Sinjar. See https://t,co/h37C9dSvc0 JC3LZU https://t,co/fhLEGw5J9M nd regional officials S ;rga standing guard

lys to face 21st century security challenges 'Kurdistan. anking, law enforcement. #HISF2015" HISF2015 d ISIS slavery. Not enough have responded n @MNRKUrdistan website https://t,co/AvNCfwM51Y lunished >/e in Iraq |s a man SYsHSYi #HISF2015"

3 be part of solution to ending ISIS funding es help them

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

:// pmichaelwpizzi about Kurdistan is remain. @FalahMustafa ireciated by so many lank her for Albania's assistance to Kurdistan. https:a€ j Kurdistan ©HFXforum and IDPs rt to these countries -@MarkJHetfield #HISF2015 ee crisis in our lifetime. -@MarkJHetfield a€| @HFXforum tibn against ISIS @KRG_DFR an @HFXForurh https://t,co/0uCUYCYt56 errorism listance to peshmerga and IDPs D see @timkaine @ChrisMurphyCT, Sen Barroso Kforum. »es we face. Global cooperation is needed to a€ j becoming a major gas player over next few years )il export rect oil sales after budget shortfall from Bagha€] gies. #ACsummit htfps:// ling Adam while listening to Blinken discuss energy in la€| going ISIS #genocide against minorities ffParisAttacks and recent gains in Kurdistan iome take these down if you dare. https://ta€ j id int'l support for (©KurdistanRegion. https://ta€| eft behind. iting Sinjar. He said US would continue to a€| whose people still suffer legacy of genocide

0/3MjQ2uTEKB ks victims.... ha€! aching Peshemrgas https://t.eo/dHYTfZpCfq tl reconstruction fund for#Sinjar. httpa€| in #Kirkuk, #Shia Militias not letting thea€ \ ijar mummy loves them with all her heart #Twa€j "rudeau @HonStephaneDion #Kurds #cdnpoli htta€| pJustinTrudeau @HonStephaneDion #Kurds htta€j ris.€ | irity with France. oeople. Kurdistan stand in solidarity with a€ j remains committed to fighting global tea€ |

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Deople against terrorism .we know your paa€| says|ri6XE5Gy eed." Shingal Mayor Khalil€! I tweet by terrorist apologists of @STWuk ba€ j

rigs. Please send a united message, #Twittera€j

MBxbeZ0m9o th you. Justice will prevail lyXNCoqpV Dress Kurds ever again" i for retaking ttSinjar from #ISIS militants. #Frea€| srations. #Sinjar#Peshrnerga€| norate. #FreeSinjar r silo. #FreeSinjar€ | this morning they're claiming victory https://a€ [ the success of Operation #FreeSinjar. h strongholds in Syria and Iraq. #kurds I objective to enter and clear city to begin soon lave unified front'

raq from #ISIL occupation€|

is in northern Iraq.€! Kurdish #Peshmerga with coalition airsua€j

iported murderous dictator Saddam #TwitterKurds ;shmarge in the frontline.#FreeSinjar https://t§€ j ttectihg innocent lives. #FreeSinjar https://t.a€ | of town of my parent's birth @KRSCPress live in camps & 80.5% live with host coa€| >er 2015, see MNR website€| ce of the Department & the way forward. https://t.a€ | >re military support to defeat ISIS. https:a€| ir service #VeteransDay Iraq operations. People of Kurdistan salute you ife in Kurdistan i. Funny, moving 1PAA in Washington" k war with ISIS ttKurdistan" icide nothing new '. Mosul operation will likely displace many 10a€ j terKurds •king Award to March @AUIS_NEWS Suli Forum raq from #Sinjar to #Ramadi to #Hawl to #a€ | arried out by #ISIS

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

co/17uQTKMC7o #FilmFestival€|

& Kurdish #Peshmerga forces as we prepare newa€| d security crises in #Kurdistan https://t.cO/3Gb40sDa€ | ffTwitterKurds https://t,epa€! ;is, and fight against IS #TwitterKurds https://ta€| Equipment From the West genocide and humanitarian situation https://ta€| h i #DefeatirtgDaesh htfps:// •Peshmerga Forces... #BrUssels https://a€| eeing Caldean Syriac Assyrian community vardWCFIA seminar tarian crisis in #Kurdistan, ftlraq and #Syria, political influence DOI students today" ilition support, ISIS hasnt recovered https://ta€| s information res Center. Has insights & historic perspective shing#lsis https://t.eo/mJONOvPZkg" Thank you eople have welcomed 1.8m refugees and IDPs e @FaresCenter key events€ | student Dina Miren nGK5 ;e Ministers of Sweden to ©KurdistanRegion https://t.a€ j es Center forEastern Mediterranean Studies

Some good mottos such as proceed until apprehended slationships, influence. Stamp; mentorship #gtwomensforum https:/a€| jril-Baghdad relations is grateful to German support to Peshmerga httpa€j iJoniErnst at Senate Armed Services Ctte hearing freed by Kurds and Americans #Hawija httpa€| mp; will be meeting #EU military officials. htta€ j 7 r stories€ | ed by ISIS.

ISIS enslavement arrels per day ial Forces rescuing hostages.€ j :ked by US forces https:/A co/PTclfTbkmo

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Kurdish forces iends of Master Sgt Joshua Wheeler€ j into Counter ISIL and thank you Gen. Allen aeration. I wish our injured officers a spa€{ liddle East Eye WBRoZV e United States. Peshmerga. Azehid Namirin.€| eeler. He helped save so many lives Dt be forgotten. AzehA®d Namirin. https;//ta€| t/ery in the war vs ISIS will never be forgotten. ha€[ ;lt condolences https://t,co/YQ8PVa94lh n 3 to 5 weeks. #pefeatingDaesh http://t,ca€| ission deep inside ISIS territory€ | nces to family of American soldier killed

t year & are still displaced &humanitarian challenge f Australia. https;// https://t.a€ | 'JulieBishopMP. https://t.a€| ng operations against ISIS https://t,cb/ahuF6Lsdrf l https://t,co/OhrnJjJncKE https.7/€| ;e the photos...https://t.eo/6Y230FvNRq #lnha€|

ig5 in October. The Barrel blog: http://ta€'i tanRegion€| or Iranian. Either way great name, great work dCh / on future of Kurdistan e. #DefeatingDaesh http://t,co/5waJtZuKIP Defence Sec. Panetta I by @SehateMajLdr on fight against ISIS- http://ta€| ents in @KurdistanRegion. @>Fa|ahMustafa€[ cuss US support to #Kurdistan. ^Congress http:a€| than 37,000 sq km from #ISIL in Iraq and SyriaC j

pendence' @KRG_USA stonea€™s throw from Trafalgar Sq. ffTwitterKurds a€ [ ia." True Kurdish hero

• and forced into #slavery€ j >m #twitterkurds http://tco/d7WnVTLqFz

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

.991. Good to see Kurdish community there stan relations, @bethwhughes @dfwworld http://t.coa€ ! ers r graduating 2 join Peshmarga forces httpa€| :urdish man dragged by armytruck #turkey ha€| ugees and internally displaced people I justice will find ISIS wherever they are

resentation budgets are at least 3 months behind 4/4 tfCoExistence #TwitterKurds :ted in Kurdistan. 3/4 from Chicago, USA, to Erbil. 2/4 h ofthe East in Erbil. 1/4€ j

ntos of Colombia #ACawards cr'rfice of our#peshmerga heroes€| ugees tthe @UN le urgent need to boost humanitarian aid to la€ | port from various countries at UN meeting on hua€| mp; refugees.€ | 3:// @SulaimaniUniv @audkoffia€| ;e friendsa€ #WhyTheyLeftDaesh€ | on #ISIL overlooked by global leaders paa€| communities, to not cite Peshmerga aa€| it's as part of new sanctions.€ | ts additional pressure on ISIS in Hawija bsorb those displaced by ISIS€ | / mp; ISIS failed, Middle East needs postmodern state n more: http:/a€ | rern Iraq, officials say.€i i/itterKurds #Yezidi [cewaved bye bye to us and left.aC https://ta€! Itamp; Kurdistan standing up against ISIS tyranny perate measures 5G-IS exchange #twitterkurds€ | -€ | Press release via @WHO -€{ led areas, ^resilience /21, learn about #WhyTheyLeftDaesh http:/a€| (urdish minister says. LCTx http://t.cp/NMlw7odvlf

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

ttp://t.c6/kB6tutcsZQ" Thanks to all who joined us indSm <©MNRKurdistan neral Jim Jones and author Douglas Layton

iction of cost of dealing with them in Europe

r Turkish neighbor (©hdpdemirtas€[ #Kurdistan, supported recognition of genocide wants it back http:a€j ng in Iraq : our common fight against terrorism http://ta€[ ;ct to help Yezidi girls ISIS & displacement crisis an @JPennington_ WTwitterKurds #KRG€| Dr. (©BarhamSalih today in #Erbil. http://a€| Siiide to Congress. http7/ General,€ j m and taking strategic positions. http://a€[ & we've become the strangers" #NoToDeash ha€| d43nYHK (©KRGJJSA ttp://€ | ninorities in Middle East against Christians and other minorities against Yezidis and Christians. #Kurds tics, refUgee/IDP, ISIS, future of Iraq. http://t.coa€| jss. @KRG_USA an, incl (©MNRKurdistan authorization of regulara€| ider ISIS tyranny ma 24 hours with Lamborghini team http:/a€ | area in northern Syria & Iraq: report. ha€ j /ia (©bbcworldservice #Kurdistan #ISIL he secret #lraq congress in Doha?€| ^SC8bBP ition Leaders programme Siham Mamand 0 coordinate to stop ISIS financing

;d. EU got just 626,000 asylum seekers in 2014

the most disgusting I have heard, iurdistan Memory Programme€| isive #BijiPeshmerga iqis; we need more. #ISIL's defeat is certain but a€| 1 intersection yesterday, says (©KRSCPress ©slate via (©jenniferpadjemi€| lities in areas of southern kirkuk. hta€ | :ourt #Ocampo discussed #EzidiGenocide. http://t.coa€| jiKurdistan http://t.a€|

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by- NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

aa€™an. #DefeatingDaesh 3xjO via (©EnglishBasNews :o/sr4WjFyodr shmerga's resilience & courage is heartening . lmitted against Yezidi Kurds & others as acta€ j G. Imp. partner in fight against #ISIL€ | Jarzani in #Gwer front. #France€| inisters of FA (©borgebrende & Defense.€| n Kurdistan. WFP needs $78m for all Iraq nanitarian catastrophe getting worse co/tAswINXPRD #childrenofsyria http://ta€| able to continue to protect population chemical weapons i§0±0"O» U* 0-0§Ut0§03OCE UtO»U"03 0 \ 0§0'U©0±0§ 0"O»U©0§030CE 0"0§ 0IBO»UuU©OCE U©U*0 bu Bakr Baghdadi and primary #ISIL leadeaCj

I, food and utilities in short supply. ha€ j istan's people can judge for themselves httpa€ | ttp:// #TwitterKurds http://ta€! »f coordinated crisis management.#KRG€\ l's Sokol Kbndi and @JccKrg crisis centre rnational developments

; on key issues. The U.S. encourages unia€|

State: http://t.a€! /ueNmBmlWjJ M official.€|

anies in the Kurdistan Region€! st ISIL: http://t,ca€ | izidis after ISIS http://t.cp/Xk7D4V9daP #TwitterKa€| li genocide, help victims and survivors lost no impact on Turkey http://t,co/BzTWclzlba pushed 3 km out ofthe city! http://t.cp/a€! urge PKK, Ankara to return to peace process here is no military solution /'s bombardment of Zargali, killing 8 civilians Freedom ight (©FalahMustafa (©BayanRahman http://t,co/4a€| /F6IC4ZyK3 ):// jers of Kurdish community

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

tan in Operation Provide Comfort€ j

ion Iraqi Freedom @karwanz eek <©KRG_DFR (©BayanRahman€ | 103 and support against ISIS in 2014' http://ta€ | r'/ the mountains' lulation, Refugee, Migration Anne Richard http://ta€| rity Council team @KRG_DFR (©karwanz€j r discussion on US-Kurdistan partnership http://ta€{ ri solidarity (©KRGJJSA (©FalahMustafa Kurdistan and role for int'natl partners€ j i, military support and political understanding€ [ gnise Kurdish Genocide ze genocide against Kurds in Iraq€ j p between KRG and US <©KRG_DFR (©Remziya€| lan @KRG_DFR (©Remziya Vlustafa (©BayanRahman @KRG_DFR (©Remziya http://t.a€| es Mulnix and Trustee Dr (©honafissa to DC€| ir success' (©Remziya @KRG_DFR

rtto (©KurdistanRegion @KRG_DFR (©Remziya€| )pments in #Kurdistan @KRG_DFR (©Remziya http://t.coa€j orpvidihg Updates, thanking for support€ \ eshmerga and (©KurdistanRegion (©Remziya€{ Mustafa & (©BayanRahman today (©StateDept. htta€| ssion (©IraqiEmbassyUSA i on US-KRG partnership against ISIS€j n partnership against ISIS t©KRG_DFR @KRG_USA n & security situation in Kurdistan <©KRG_USA Kurdistan, gather support for this new uni

ched this point, saying years of talk better ta€' rone in Middle East

is of peace, tolerance

; Secretary Ashton Carter in Erbil. (©DeptofDefense htta€| for talks on #ISIL Stamp; future offensives. http:a€ | shton Carter to Kurdistan. (©DeptofDefense http:a€| jd_barzani to discuss countering #ISIL http:/a€ | t @masoud_barzani and Iraq http://ta€! gn the Petition! WiQVHow via€ | rent. Important that ISIS isn't only voice eath.a€ #EscapinglSIS torn ISIS @KRG_USA

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

^BayanRahman and the @ USKBizCouncil. http://a€j are with the families of the victims. Ipingthe courageous citizens of #Kobani httpafj assistance to the vulnerable, #Suruc http:/a€| fighters of #Kurdistan.€i ocUsAXaSIX iWWeN via @sharethis •peshmerga fight against ISIS and US support ' on

• Turkey's concerns irity forces requires commitment it trip to Kurdistan. @KRG_USA @BayanRahman http://t.a€! @KRG_USA #Kurdistan 2t with Kurdish community http://t,co/umxlwqalSo istan. It's our legitimate right. displaced Iraqis & Syrians http://t.eo/FzDsSrMh2U Special Envoy Energy Affairs @amoshochstein http://ta€| n and Hungary's roles in coalition against ISIS p; Hungarian @AmbSzemerkenyi in Washington, DC http://t,ca€ j lamed for bringing British weather with me ception @karwanTahir et, delivers speech tonight @krg_uk event httpa€|

:ive fighting force on the ground. weapons they request. This is also new dead terrorists were abandoned. http://ta€ | nized by US Consulate General & AKFA http://t.a€| roud to be your partner in fight for freedom join Peshmerga fighters. #TwitterKurds http:a€| ty challenges .co/oFlgolwc2D

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs

ALEX ESBARY Date Type Title URL AUIS event invitiation to business community 1/12/2015 Public mailing members KRG delegation holds talks with Department of 1/11/2015 Press release Defense and Capitol Hill Head of DFR and new Representative in 1/11/2015 Press release Washington strengthen bilateral ties with US Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Breakfast with Marcia Biggs, PBS 1/9/2015 interview producer traveling to Kurdistan to film Attended Meeting with Assistant Secretary of State for NEA, 1/9/2015 meeting Amb. Patterson Facilitated Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir, Interview w/Trudy 1/9/2015 interview Rubin, columnist Minister Bakir and Representative Abdul Rahman 1/8/2015 Press release call on State Department and Congress Facilitated 1/6/2015 interview Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir on BBC World News New KRG Representative begins her mission in 1/6/2015 Press release the United States Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Interview with John Hudson, senior 1/6/2015 interview reporter at Foreign Policy Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Interview with Namo Abdullah, 1/6/2015 interview Washington correspondent, Rudaw Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Interview w/ Barbara Slavin, Washington 1/6/2015 interview Correspondent, Al-Monitor 12/19/201 4 Public mailing KRG-US December newsletter Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs

Huffington Post - Akbar Ahmed - Two Leading 12/16/201 Contributed to Iraqi Kurdish Groups Fighting The Islamic State 4 article To Be Taken Off U.S. Terror List 12/13/201 KRG Deputy Prime Minister tells Washington, :040000&l=12&a=5263 4 Press release This is Iraq's last chance' 9 12/10/201 Facilitated talk at CSIS reminder to think tank 4 interview community 12/10/201 Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Jackson Deihl, 4 interview Washington Post 12/10/201 Facilitated 4 interview Qubad Talabani, interview with PBS NewsHour Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Lara Jakes, 12/9/2014 interview Associated Press Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Rudaw's Namo 12/8/2014 interview Abdullah (Kurdish media) Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Tom Friedman of 12/8/2014 interview New York Times Facilitated 12/8/2014 interview Qubad Talabani, interview with Jay Soloman, WSJ 12/4/2014 Public mailing KRG-US November/December Newsletter 12/3/2014 Public mailing KRG-US Pack-the-Crate Campaign reminder Quoted in Foreign Policy - Jamila Tridle - Sanctions Against 12/2/2014 article Kurdish Groups Complicate Humanitarian Effort KRG-US Director Najat Abdullah addresses top 11/24/201 archaeologists at American Schools of Oriental 4 Press release Research conference 11/22/201 US Congress to consider bill to arm Peshmerga 4 Press release following senior KRG visit to Washington 11/22/201 Attended 48th annual Middle East Studies 4 Activity Association conference 11/20/201 Facilitated Media roundtable discussion with Daily Beast, Wall 4 interview Street Journal, Middle East Institute, Al-Monitor Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs

11/20/201 4 Public mailing KRG-US Pack-the-Crate Campaign 11/18/201 Military and humanitarian aid on KRG delegation's 4 Press release agenda in US talks 11/18/201 Facilitated Dr. Fuad Hussein on Fox News Special Report 4 interview with Bret Baier baier/blog/2014/11/18/dr-faad-hussein ' 11/14/201 4 Public mailing KRG-US October and November 2014 Newsletter 11/10/201 Facilitated Interview with Falah Mustafa Bakir, Kurds Step Up story/kurds-happy-be-us- 4 interview in Fight Against ISIS, The Take Away partners-hoping-more-independence/ Trip to Valparaiso, Indiana. Met with Kurdish Students' Organization, President Mark Heckler, Provost Mark Biermann, Office of International Programs Joseph Frake, Dr. Chuck Schaefer, Dr. Jaishankar Raman. Spoke at Panel Discussion: 10/27/201 Kurdistsan and the Regional ISIS Conflict, October 4 Activity 28, 2014. 9/25/2014 Public mailing KRG-US August/September 2014 Newsletter 9/23/2014 Public mailing KRG-US June/July 2014 Newsletter Facilitated Dr. Fuad Hussein, interview with NPR All Things 9/18/2014 interview Considered Facilitated 9/17/2014 interview Dr. Fuad Hussein, interview with PBS NewsHour Facilitated Dr. Fuad Hussein, interview with CNN Situation 9/17/2014 interview Room with Wolf Blitzer Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with David Ignatius, 9/16/2014 interview Washington Post Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with Missy Ryan, 9/16/2014 interview Reuters Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with Jay Soloman, 9/16/2014 interview WSJ 9/16/2014 Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with Ken Dilanian, Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs

interview Associated Press Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, Interview with NY Times 9/15/2014 interview Michael Gordon 9/9/2014 Public mailing Updates on the Kurdistan Region - September 9 9/4/2014 Public mailing Reminder - "Colors of Kurdistan" Art Exhibit 8/29/2014 Public mailing Situation Updates - August 29 8/21/2014 Public mailing Situation update - August 21 8/11/2014 Public mailing President Barzani's Op-ed Art Exhibit featuring Ramzi Ghotbaldin and Sardar 8/11/2014 Public mailing Kestay 8/10/2014 Public mailing Urgent Update August 10 10/17/201 Falah Mustafa Bakir - Washington Times - BAKIR: 4 Oped Congress should equip and train the Kurds Qubad Talabani - Wall Street Journal - Saving Iraq 12/8/2014 Oped in the Post-Maliki Era Maintained blog ongoing Publication ongoing Social media Maintain Twitter account @KRG_USA ongoing Social media Maintain Twitter account @KRF_USA Government-Representation-in-the- Maintain Kurdistan Regional Government USA/217999971555139?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_br ongoing Social media Representation in the United States page/profile owser ongoing Website Maintain KRG-US website (formerly Bate Type Office Met With Topic/Issue Discussed security and financial challenges facing the 7/1/15 Meeting Senator Bill Monohan Senator Bill Monohan Kurdistan Region. Discussed security and financial challenges facing the 7/1/15 Meeting Senator Jack Reed Senator Jack Reed Kurdistan Region. Amos Hochstein, Special Enovy Discussed energy and security challenges facing the 7/7/15 Meeting Department of State and Coordinator for Kurdistan Region. International Energy Affairs Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. 7/15/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Brett McGurk, Special discussed economical challenges facing the Kurdistan 7/20/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant to the President Region with the United States Kurdistan Business Council.

Kiresten Marquardt, Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed education 7/21/15 Meeting House of Representatives Professional Staff Member, challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Foreign Affairs Committee Jonathan Hirte, Legislative Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed education and 7/21/15 Meeting House of Representatives Director for Congressman Tim economic challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Walberg Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed economic 7/21/15 Meeting House of Representatives Congressman Darrell Issa challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed education and Katherine Haley, Policy Advisor 7/22/15 Meeting House of Representatives economic challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. for Speaker John Boehner

Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 7/22/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero with Dr. Michael Knights of The Washington Institute.

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Anne W. Patterson, Assistant 7/27/15 Meeting Department of State discussed dipolomatic relations. Secretary, Near Eastern Affairs Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Brett McGurk, Special 7/28/15 Meeting Department of State discussed security and financial challenges facing the Assistant to the President Kurdistan Region. Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Elissa Slotkin, Acting Assistant 7/30/15 Meeting Department of Defense discussed security in the Kurdistan Region. Secretary of State

Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. 7/30/15 Meeting Department Of Defense Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero

Anne C. Richard, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Secretary of State for discussed the refugee and: humanitarian crisis in Kurdistan. 7/30/15 Meeting Department of State Population Refugees, and Migration Michael J. Delaney, Assistant Off ice of the US Trade Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 7/31/15 Meeting U.S. Trade Representative for discussed economical challenges facing the Kurdistan Representative South Asia Region. Dr. Robert Malley, Senior Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria and discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. the Gulf States Jeffrey Prescott, Senior Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria, discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. and the Gulf States Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Dr. Colin Kahl, National Security 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Advisor to the Vice President

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Dr. Andy Kim, Director of Iraq 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Desk

Tom Mailinowski, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Secretary, Bureau of discussed human rights and economical challenges facing 7/31/15 Meeting Department of State Democracy, Human Rights, and the Kurdistan Region. Labor Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 8/6/15 Telephone Department of Defense Ret. Brig. Gen. Ernie Audino Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Joseph Pennington, Deputy discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 9/11/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant Secretary for Iraq, (needs confirmation on Scott and Elizabeth) Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Scott Oudkirk, 9/11/15 Meeting Department of State discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Director of Iraq Desk (needs confirmation on Scott) - Elizabeth Coble, Foreign Affairs Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 9/11/15 Meeting Department of State Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Affairs Anne C. Richard, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Department of Secretary of State for discussed the latest on the humanitarian and refugee 9/15/15 Meeting State/Department of Defense Population Refugees, and migrations in the Kurdistan Region Migration Josh Harris, National Security Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 9/15/15 Meeting National Security Council Council Iraq Director Steven Feinberg, (Bureau of Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 9/18/15 Meeting Department of State Intelligence and Research) discussed issues facing the Kurdistan Region Derek Hoffmann, (Bureau of Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 9/18/15 Meeting Department of State Intelligence and Research) discussed issues facing the Kurdistan Region Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 9/29/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno

Accompanied MERI, discussed human rights challenges 10/15/15 Meeting Representative James MeGovern Kimberly Stanton facing the Kurdistan Region Lorna Middlebrough, Education Discussed educational challenges facing the Kurdistan 10/15/15 Meeting Department of State Specialist for Iraq (needs Region confirmation) Accompanied MERI, discussed general challenges facing 10/16/15 Meeting Representative Jeff Fortenberry Diane Cloutier the Kurdistan Region Michael J. Delaney, Assistant Discussed economic and trade challenges facing the Office of the Trade 10/16/15 Meeting U.S. Trade Representative for Kurdistan Region. Representative South Asia Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Joseph Pennington, Deputy discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. 10/19/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant Secretary for Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Elizabeth Coble, Foreign Affairs Discussed the topic of genocide and how it relates to the 10/28/15 Telephone Department of State Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Kurdistan Region. Affairs Elizabeth Coble, Foreign Affairs Discussed the security challenges facing the Kurdistan 10/29/15 Meeting Department of State Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Region. Affairs Discussed genera I challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Joseph Pennington, Deputy 11/5/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant Secretary for Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Simon Henshaw, Principal Discussed the latest on the humanitarian and refugee Deputy Assistant Secretary, migrations in the Kurdistan Region 11/6/15 Meeting Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Discussed security concerns facing the Kurdistan Region . Andrew Exum, Deputy 11/6/15 Meeting Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy

Discussed the security challenges facing the Kurdistan 11/17/15 Meeting Federal Bureau of Investigation Kevin Region. Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 11/18/15 Telephone Federal Bureau of Investigation Kevin discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region.

Discussed the security challenges facing the Kurdistan 11/24/15 Telephone Department of Defense Ret. Brig. Gen. Ernie AUdino Region. Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Steve Lutes, Director, Middle 12/22/15 Meeting U.S. Chamber of Commerce discussed economic challenges facing the Kurdistan East and North Africa Affairs Region. Michael J. Delaney, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Office ofthe Trade 12/22/15 Meeting U.S. Trade Representative for discussed economic and trade challenges facing the Representative South Asia Kurdistan Region. ~ Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Remziya Suleyman Location/type of Date Participants Purpose of Meeting contact Lena Smith- Legislative Assistant, Amy Glisson, Discussed current 2435 Rayburn House Major, USAF, Defense political, economic and 6/29/2015 Office Building Fellow- Office of humanitarian situation Representative Trent in Kurdistan. Franks Bill Monohan, Senate Discussed current Armed Services 228 Russell Senate political, economic and 7/1/2015 Committee Counsel, Office Building humanitarian situation Minority, Senator Jack in Kurdistan. Reed Pablo Carillo- Chief of Staff, Elizabeth O'Bagy- discussed KRG-US 7/1/2015 e-mail Foreign Policy Legislative relations Aide, Senator McCain's Office Lena Smith- Legislative Assistant, Amy Glisson, introduction with Major, USAF, Defense 7/1/2015 e-mail Christian leader from Fellow- Office of Iraq Representative Trent Franks Washington Hilton Tabling event discussing Hotel, (1919 2015 EducationUSA the educational 7/1/2015 Connecticut Avenue, Forum Global Showcase opportunities in the NW) Kurdistan Region.

Elizabeth O'Bagy- Foreign Policy Legislative discussed KRG-US 7/6/2015 e-mail Aide, Senator McCain's relations Office Allen Pa ba I ate Accounts Receivable Assistant Manager 7/6/2015 e-mail update on HCDP student Academy of Art University

Elizabeth O'Bagy- Foreign Policy Legislative discussed KRG-US 7/6/2015 e-mail Aide, Senator McCain's relations Office

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for update on HCDP 7/7/2015 e-mail Iraq scholarships U.S. Department of State

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Iraqi Kurdistan Rural Education Programs University Partnership 7/8/2015 e-mail Division Program Workshop I REX/USA Invite

Elizabeth O'Bagy- Foreign Policy Legislative discussed KRG-US 7/8/2015 e-mail Aide, Senator McCain's relations Office

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for HCDP Students List 7/10/2015 e-mail Iraq Update U.S. Department of State

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for update on HCDP 7/13/2015 e-mail Iraq scholarships U.S. Department of State

Discussed current 2303 Rayburn House Congressman Pete political, economic and 7/13/2015 Office Building Welch humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Christian DiGregorio Senior Director of update on HCDP 7/15/2015 e-mail University Admissions scholarships Marywood University

Meeting with Congressman Jim McGovern, Cindy Buhl- Legislative Director, Discussed current 438 Cannon House Kim Stanton- Russell political, economic and 7/16/2015 Office Building Hemenway Human humanitarian situation Rights Fellow, Tom in Kurdistan. Lantos Human Rights Commission

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Update on Iraqi Education Programs Kurdistan Rural 7/16/2015 Division University Partnership IREX/USA Program delegation visit

Luis Castillo Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator follow-up from NAFSA 7/20/2015 The University of Arizona conference Center for English as a Second Language

Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the IREX staff Lori Mason- American University of Project Director & 7/20/2015 1275 K Street NW Duhok-Kurdistan to Michelle Grajek-Program discuss current Officer educational situation in Kurdistan. Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa ofthe Ian Wilhelm Senior American University of 7/20/2015 1255 23rd Street NW editor of The Chronicle Duhok-Kurdistan to of Higher Education discuss current educational situation in Kurdistan. Setup meeting for Dr. Honar Issa of the Lena Smith- Legislative American University of Assistant, Office of 7/21/2015 e-mail Duhok-Kurdistan to Representative Trent discuss current Franks educational situation in Kurdistan. Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the Jonathan Hirte- American University of 2436 Rayburn House Legislative Director, 7/21/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to Office Building Congressman Tim discuss current Walberg's Office educational situation in Kurdistan. Meeting setup for Dr. Kristen Marquardt, Honar Issa ofthe Professional Staff 2170 Rayburn House American University of 7/21/2015 Member of the House Office Building Duhok-Kurdistan to Foreign Affairs discuss current Committee educational situation in Kurdistan.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa ofthe Katherine Haley, Higher American University of H-236, the Army Room; Education Staff of 7/21/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to US Capitol Speaker of Parliament, discuss current Mr. John Boehner educational situation in Kurdistan.

Leslie Taylor- Senior Director of Membership Meeting setup for Dr. and Joann Ng Hartmann- Honar Issa ofthe Senior Director of American University of 1307 New York Avenue, 7/22/2015 International Enrollment Duhok-Kurdistan to NW Management/ discuss current International Student educational situation in and Scholar Services Kurdistan. NAFSA

Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the Lena Smith- Legislative American University of 2435 Rayburn House Assistant, Office of 7/22/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to Office Building Representative Trent discuss current Franks educational situation in Kurdistan.

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for Iraq, Matthew Amitrano- Meeting setup for Dr. Deputy Econ Chief Office Honar Issa ofthe of Iraq Economic & American University of Assistance Affairs, 7/22/2015 State Department Steven Gillen-Political Duhok-Kurdistan to discuss current Chief Office of Iraq educational situation in Affairs, Elizabeth Coble- Kurdistan. Political Desk Officer, Office of Iraq Affairs U.S. Department of State

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Education Programs follow-up from meeting 7/22/2015 e-mail Division request IREX/USA

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for 7/22/2015 e-mail Iraq info for security U.S. Department of State

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Prof. Carole A. O'Leary Senior Adviser and Co- Director Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative ofthe 7/22/2015 e-mail Interdisciplinary meeting confirmation Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law and Michael Moran Associates

Jennifer Crall Deputy Director, Monitoring and 7/22/2015 e-mail Evaluation meeting request International Republican Institute

Luis Castillo Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator 7/22/2015 e-mail The University of Arizona meeting request Center for English as a Second Language

IREX staff Lori Mason- Project Director & Michelle Grajek-Program Officer, Lorna welcome at opening Middlebrough- workshop for Iraqi Education Specialist for 7/23/2015 1275 K Street NW Kurdistan Rural Iraq University Partnership U.S. Department of Program State, Donald Back- Director Language & Culture Institute Virginia Tech Invitation to Reception Jabari Whiter Senator for Veterans of US 7/23/2015 e-mail Ernst's National Security Operations in Kurdistan Advisor and Iraq

Amy Glisson, Major, Invitation to Reception USAF, Defense Fellow- for Veterans of US 7/23/2015 e-niail Office of Representative Operations in Kurdistan Trent Franks and Iraq

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Invitation to Reception David Kinzler, Senate for Veterans of US 7/23/2015 e-mail Foreign Relations Operations in Kurdistan Committee Staff and Iraq Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa ofthe American University of 2300 Rayburn House Congressman 7/23/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to Office Bldg. Rohrabacher discuss current educational situation in Kurdistan. James Dean- Manager, International and Diplomatic Programs Davis Institute for RoundTable for Minister 7/24/2015 call/e-mail National Security and Falah Bakir's Visit Foreign Policy The Heritage Foundation

Tom Goffus- Professional Discussed current Staff, Cord Sterling- Senate Russell Office political, economic and 7/24/2015 Deputy Director of Building, Room 228 humanitarian situation Senate Armed Services in Kurdistan. Committee

Roger J. Lis III meeting request for Scheduler/Staff Assistant 7/27/2015 e-mail Minister Falah Bakir's Rep. Brian Higgins Visit

Lynn Demos Scheduling Director meeting request for 7/27/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Joe Minister Falah Bakir's Donnelly Visit

James Dean- Manager, International and Diplomatic Programs Update Rountable for 7/27/2015 e-mail Davis Institute for Minister Falah Bakir's National Security and Visit Foreign Policy The Heritage Foundation Chris Cannon-Scheduler, meeting request for 7/27/2015 e-mail - Office of Senator Minister Falah Bakir's Manchin's Visit

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Senator John McCain, Discussed current Tom Goffus- Professional political, economic and 218 Russell Senate 7/28/2015 Staff, Elizabeth O-Bagy- humanitarian situation Office Building Foreign Policy Legislative n Kurdistan for Minister Aide Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 720 Hart Senate Office 7/28/2015 Senator Donnelly humanitarian situation Building in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Alex Gallp, Congressman Discussed current Thornberr/s political, economic and 2216 Rayburn House 7/28/2015 Staffer, House Armed humanitarian situation Office Building Services Committee in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current Congresswoman political, economic and 1026 Longworth House Granger, Johnnie 7/28/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Kaberle- Deputy chief of in Kurdistan for Minister Staff Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current Roundtable Discussion: political, economic and 214 Massachusetts Ave., 7/28/2015 Heritage Foundation humanitarian situation NE, Washington, DC in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit David Kirizler (Senator Corker's Staff) & Discussed current Dana Stroll (Senator political, economic and 445 Dirksen Senate 7/28/2015 Cardin's Staff), Senate humanitarian situation Building Foreign Relations in Kurdistan for Minister Committee Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 306 Hart Senate 7/28/2015 Senator Manchin humanitarian situation Building in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Senator Rounds, Darren Discussed current Hedlund- Operations political, economic and 502 Hart Senate Manager & Legislative 7/28/2015 humanitarian situation Building Aide, Dan Adelstein- in Kurdistan for Minister Natibnal Security Falah Bakir's visit Advisor

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for NAFSA 2016 panel 7/28/2015 e-mail Iraq proposal U.S. Department of State

Discussed current political, economic and 436 Cannon House Congressman Mario Diaz- 7/29/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Balart in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current 513 C St NE, political, economic and 7/29/2015 Washington, DC 20002 Senator Rand Paul humanitarian situation in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Congressman Ed Royce, Discussed current Kristen Marquardt, political, economic and 2310 Rayburn Office Professional Staff 7/29/2015 humanitarian situation Building Member of the House in Kurdistan for Minister Foreign Affairs Falah Bakir's visit Committee

Discussed current Congressman Rodney political, economic and 2442 Rayburn House Frelinghuysen and 7/29/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Congressman Viselosky in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current 1333 H Street NW, political, economic and Center for American 7/30/2015 Washington, DC 20005 humanitarian situation Progress Rountable in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 2402 Rayburn House Congressman Adam 7/30/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Smith in Kurdistah for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 7/30/2015 The Capitol, S-208 Senator Cofnyn humanitarian situation in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Network event for 7/30/2015 e-mail/call Education Programs IKRUPP participants Division IREX/USA Mike Piatt- Chief of Staff, Mike Reynard- follow-up on Kurdish 7/30/2015 e-mail Communications Genocide Recognition Director, Rep. Marsha Resolution Blackburn Kristen Marquardt, Professional Staff KRG's Humanitarian 7/30/2015 e-mail Member of the House Response Plan Foreign Affairs Committee

Donald R. Back Director Virginia Tech Language information on site visit 7/30/2015 call/e-mail and Culture Institute to Virginia Tech for Outreach and IKRUPP reception International Affairs

Donald R. Back Director Virginia Tech Language information on site visit 8/3/2015 e-mail and Culture Institute to Virginia Tech for Outreach and IKRUPP reception International Affairs

Michelle Grajek Invitation: Networking Program Officer, Reception with 8/4/2015 e-mail Education Programs University Faculty from Division Iraqi Kurdistan IREX/USA

David Crisci- Director of the Center for Global 8/5/2015 e-mail meeting confirmation Connections at Regis Catholic University

Jon Catherwood-Ginn Partnerships & Engagement Manager follow-up thank you 8/5/2015 e-mail Center for the Arts at from site visit Virginia Tech

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Luis Castillo Discussed potential Marketing and collaborative 8/5/2015 call/e-mail Recruitment Coordinator educational The University of Arizona opportunities with KRG 8;UofA

Stephanie Sieggreen Director International Enrollment 8/6/2015 e-mail Management meeting request Western Kentucky University

E-mail Invitation: Networking 8/4/2015 Name Title University Reception with University Faculty from Iraqi Kurdistan

Donald R. Beck Director Virginia Tech

University of Minnesota - Barbara Kappler, Ph.D Assistant Dean Twin Cities Campus

Recayi "Reg" Peven, North American President & Professor Ph.D University

Associate Dean for Aviva Abramosky Syracuse University International Initiatives

Associate Director of Admissions and Assistant Andrew S. Horsfall Syracuse University Director ofthe L.L.M. Program Basma Fakri Executive Director Iraq Foundation Michael M. Gunter, Professor of Political Tennessee Tech Ph.D Science University Assistant to the Tennessee Tech Terry W. Saltsman, Ph.D President for Strategic University Projects Assistant Director Joe Frake International Students Valparaiso University and Scholars George Mason Mustafa Gurbuz, Ph.D Policy Fellow University R. Nicholas Palarino, Ph.D Georgetown University Dean for Enrollment Daniel J. Thompson Management ST. Catherine University

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Director International Kemale Pinar Services and Cultural Winona State University Outreach Director, International Chris Haidos Partnership and University of Minnesota Outreach The Washington David Pollock, Ph.D Senior Fellow Institute for Near East Policy

Kathleen Motzenbeeker Executive Director Minnesota Trade Office

Director of International Christa Knudsen Programs Marshall school

Director, Sponsored Gabriele Schmiegel, M.A Student Programs University of Minnesota Vice President of English as second T. Ryan Hall, Ed.D Institutional language international Advancement

Director of Institutional English as second David Kerr Advancement language international

Sponsored Student Krista Kennedy Portland State University Program Administrator

Dean graduate school Kim LaScole Needy, Ph.D and international University of Arkansas education Manager, Sponsored University of Alberta Dan Fredrick Student Program International Yusel Serindag Acquisitions Librarian Trinity College Leaders for Democracy Rebaz K. Mohammed Syracuse University Fellow Ghasq Basel Leaders for Democracy Syracuse University AbdulRaheem Fellow Institute for William Spence Spencer Executive Director International Law and Human Rights

Christopher Martin Director West Virginia University

The University of Jimmy G. Cheek Chancellor Tennessee KnoXville L. Randolph Lowry President Lipscomb California State Traci Lew Associate Director Polytechnic University

The University of Jerad Brewer ESL Institute Tennessee Chattanooga

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs

ALEX ESBARY Date TyPe Title URL AUIS event invitiation to business community 1/12/2015 Public mailing members KRG delegation holds talks with Department of 1/11/2015 Press release Defense and Capitol Hill Head of DFR and new Representative in 1/11/2015 Press release Washington strengthen bilateral ties with US Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Breakfast with Marcia Biggs, PBS 1/9/2015 interview producer traveling to Kurdistan to film Attended Meeting with Assistant Secretary of State for NEA, 1/9/2015 meeting Amb. Patterson Facilitated Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir, Interview w/Trudy 1/9/2015 interview Rubin, columnist Minister Bakir and Representative Abdul Rahman 1/8/2015 Press release call on State Department and Congress Facilitated 1/6/2015 interview Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir on BBC World News New KRG Representative begins her mission in 1/6/2015 Press release the United States Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Interview with John Hudson, senior 1/6/2015 interview reporter at Foreign Policy Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Interview with Namo Abdullah, 1/6/2015 interview Washington correspondent, Rudaw Falah Mustafa Bakir and Bayan Sami Abdul Facilitated Rahman, Interview w/ Barbara Slavin, Washington 1/6/2015 interview Correspondent, Al-Monitor 12/19/201 4 Public mailing KRG-US December newsletter htto:// Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office , Director of Public Affairs

Huffington Post - Akbar Ahmed - Two Leading 12/16/201 Contributed to Iraqi Kurdish Groups Fighting The Islamic State 4 article To Be Taken Off U.S. Terror List 12/13/201 KRG Deputy Prime Minister tells Washington, 4 Press release 'This is Iraq's last chance' - 9 12/10/201 Facilitated Qubad Talabani talk at CSIS reminder to think tank 4 interview comtnunr3 1 12/10/201 Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Jackson Deihl, 4 interview Washington Post 12/10/201 Facilitated 4 interview Qubad Talabani, interview with PBS NewsHour Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Lara Jakes, 12/9/2014 interview Associated Press Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Rudaw's Namo 12/8/2014 interview Abdullah (Kurdish media) Facilitated Qubad Talabani, interview with Tom Friedman of 12/8/2014 interview New York Times Facilitated 12/8/2014 interview Qubad Talabani, interview with Jay Soloman, WSJ 12/4/2014 Public mailing KRG-US November/December Newsletter 12/3/2014 Public mailing KRG-US Pack-the-Crate Campaign reminder Quoted in Foreign Policy - Jamila Tridle - Sanctions Against 12/2/2014 article Kurdish Groups Complicate Humanitarian Effort KRG-US Director Najat Abdullah addresses top 11/24/201 archaeologists at American Schools of Oriental 4 Press release Research conference H/22/201 US Congress to consider bill to arm Peshmerga 4 Press release following senior KRG visit to Washington 2 11/22/201 Attended 48th annual Middle East Studies 4 Activity Association conference 11/20/201 Facilitated Media roundtable discussion with Daily Beast, Wall 4 interview Street Journal, Middle East Institute, Al-Monitor Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs CD O 11/20/201 4 Public mailing KRG-US Pack-the-Crate Campaign 11/18/201 Military and humanitarian aid on KRG delegation's 4 Press release agenda in US talks 11/18/201 Facilitated Dr. Fuad Hussein on Fox News Special Report http://www; 4 interview with Bret Baier baier/blog/2014/11/18/dr-fuad-hussein 11/14/201 4 Public mailing KRG-US October and November 2014 Newsletter 11/10/201 Facilitated Interview with Falah Mustafa Bakir, Kurds Step Up http: / / story/kurds-happy-be-us- 4 interview in Fight Against ISIS, The Take Away partners-hoping-more-independence/ Trip to Valparaiso, Indiana. Met with Kurdish Students' Organization, President Mark Heckler, Provost Mark Biermann, Office of International Programs Joseph Frake^ Dr. Chuck Schaefer, Dr. Jaishankar Raman. Spoke at Panel Discussion: 10/27/201 Kurdistsan and the Regional ISIS Conflict, October 4 Activity 28, 2014. 9/25/2014 Public mailing KRG-US August/September 2014 Newsletter 9/23/2014 Public mailing KRG-US June/July 2014 Newsletter Facilitated Dr. Fuad Hussein, interview with NPR All Things 9/18/2014 interview Considered Facilitated 9/17/2014 interview Dr. Fuad Hussein, interview with PBS NewsHour Facilitated Dr. Fuad Hussein, interview with CNN Situation 9/17/2014 interview Room with Wolf Blitzer Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with David Ignatius, 9/16/2014 interview Washington Post Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with Missy Ryan, 9/16/2014 interview Reuters Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with Jay Soloman, 9/16/2014 interview WSJ 9/16/2014 Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, interview with Ken Dilanian, Alexander Ebsary Kurdistan Regional Government Liaison Office Director of Public Affairs

interview Associated Press Facilitated Falah Mustafa Bakir, Interview with NY Times 9/15/2014 interview Michael Gordon 9/9/2014 Public mailing Updates on the Kurdistan Region - September 9 9/4/2014 Public mailing Reminder - "Colors of Kurdistan" Art Exhibit 8/29/2014 Public mailing Situation Updates - August 29 8/21/2014 Public mailing Situation update - August 21 8/11/2014 Public mailing _ President Barzani's Op-ed Art Exhibit featuring Ramzi Ghotbaldin and Sardar 8/11/2014 Public mailing Kestay 8/10/2014 Public mailing Urgent Update August 10 10/17/201 Falah Mustafa Bakir - Washington Times - BAKIR: 4 Oped Congress should equip and train the Kurds Qubad Talabani - Wall Street Journal - Saving Iraq 12/8/2014 Oped in the Post-Maliki Era Maintained blpg ongoing Publication ongoing Social media Maintain Twitter account @KRG_USA https: / / om Social media Maintain Twitter account @KRF_USA Government-Representation-in-the- Maintain Kurdistan Regional Government USA/217999971555139?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_br oni Social media Representation in the United States page/profile owser ongoing Website Maintain KRG-US website (formerly Date Type Office Met With Topic/Issue Discussed security and financial challenges facing the 7/1/15 Meeting Senator Bill Monohan Senator Bill Monohan Kurdistan Region. Discussed security and financial challenges facing the 7/1/15 Meeting Senator Jack Reed Senator Jack Reed Kurdistan Region. Amos Hochstein, Special Enovy Discussed energy and security challenges facing the 7/7/15 Meeting Department of State and Coordinator for Kurdistan Region. International Energy Affairs Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. 7/15/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. It. Gen. Michael Barbero

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Brett McGurk, Special discussed economical1 challenges facing the Kurdistan 7/20/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant to the President Region with the United States Kurdistan Business Council.

Kiresten Marquardt, Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed education 7/21/15 Meeting House of Representatives Professional Staff Member, challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Foreign Affairs Committee Jonathan Hirte, Legislative Accompanied Dr. Hohar Issa, discussed education and 7/21/15 Meeting House of Representatives Director for Congressman Tim economic challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Walberg Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed economic 7/21/15 Meeting House of Representatives Congressman Darrell Issa challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Accompanied Dr. Honar Issa, discussed education and (Catherine- Haley, Policy Advisor 7/22/15 Meeting House of Representatives economic challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. for Speaker John Boehner

Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 7/22/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero with Dr. Michael Knights of The Washington Institute.

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Anne W. Patterson, Assistant 7/27/15 Meeting Department of State discussed diplomatic relations. Secretary, Near Eastern Affairs Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Brett McGurk, Special 7/28/15 Meeting Department of State discussed security and financial challenges facing the Assistant to the President Kurdistan Region. Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Elissa Slotkin, Acting Assistant 7/30/15 Meeting Department of Defense discussed security in the Kurdistan Region. Secretary of State

Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. 7/30/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero

Anne C. Richard, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami; Abdul Rahman, Secretary of State for discussed the refugee and humanitarian crisis in Kurdistan. 7/30/15 Meeting Department of State Population Refugees, and Migration Michael J. Delaney, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Office of the US Trade 7/31/15 Meeting U.S. Trade Representative for discussed economical challenges facing the Kurdistan Representative South Asia Region. Dr. Robert Malley, Senior Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria and discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. the Gulf States Jeffrey Prescott, Senior Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria, discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. and the Gulf States Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Dr. Colin Kahl, National Security 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Advisor to the Vice President

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Dr. Andy Kim, Director of Iraq 7/31/15 Meeting National Security Council discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Desk

Tom Mailinowski, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Secretary, Bureau of discussed human rights and economical challenges facing 7/31/15 Meeting Department of State Democracy, Human Rights, and the Kurdistan Region. Labor Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 8/6/15 Telephone Department of Defense Ret. Brig. Gen. Ernie Audino Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Joseph Pennington, Deputy discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 9/11/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant Secretary for Iraq, (needs confirmation on Scott and Elizabeth) Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Scott Oudkirk, 9/11/15 Meeting Department of State discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Director of Iraq Desk (needs confirmation on Scott) Elizabeth Coble, Foreign Affairs Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 9/11/15 Meeting Department of State Officer/Bureau of Near Eastern discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region Affairs Anne C. Richard, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Department of Secretary of State for discussed the latest on the humanitarian and refugee 9/15/15 Meeting State/Department of Defense Population Refugees, and migrations in the Kurdistan Region Migration Josh Harris, National Security Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 9/15/15 Meeting National Security Council Council Iraq Director Steven Feinberg, (Bureau of Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 9/18/15 Meeting Department of State Intelligence and Research) discussed issues facing the Kurdistan Region Derek Hoffmann, (Bureau of Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 9/18/15 Meeting Department of State Intelligence and Research) discussed issues facing the Kurdistan Region Discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region 9/29/15 Meeting Department of Defense Ret. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno

Accompanied MERI, discussed human rights challenges 10/15/15 Meeting Representative James McGovern Kimberly Stanton facing the Kurdistan Region Lorna Middlebrough, Education Discussed educational challenges facing the Kurdistan 10/15/15 Meeting Department of State Specialist for Iraq (needs Region confirmation) Accompanied MERI, discussed general challenges facing 10/16/15 Meeting Representative Jeff Fortenberry Diane Cloutier the Kurdistan Region Michael J. Delaney, Assistant Discussed economic and trade challenges facing the Office of the Trade 10/16/15 Meeting U.S. Trade Representative for Kurdistan Region. Representative South Asia Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Joseph Pennington, Deputy discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. 10/19/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant Secretary for Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Elizabeth Coble, Foreign Affairs Discussed the topic of genocide and how it relates to the 10/28/15 Telephone Department of State Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Kurdistan Region. Affairs .Elizabeth Coble, Foreign Affairs Discussed the security challenges facing the Kurdistan 10/29/15 Meeting Department of State Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Region. Affairs Discussed general challenges facing the Kurdistan Region. Joseph Pennington, Deputy 11/5/15 Meeting Department of State Assistant Secretary for Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Simon Henshaw, Principal Discussed the latest on the humanitarian and refugee Deputy Assistant Secretary, migrations in the Kurdistan Region 11/6/15 Meeting Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Discussed security concerns facing the Kurdistan Region , Andrew Exum, Deputy 11/6/15 Meeting Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy

Discussed the security challenges facing the Kurdistan 11/17/15 Meeting Federal Bureau of Investigation Kevin Region. Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, 11/18/15 Telephone Federal Bureau of Investigation Kevin discussed security challenges facing the Kurdistan Region.

Discussed the security challenges facing the Kurdistan 11/24/15 Telephone Department of Defense Ret. Brig. Gen. Ernie Audino Region. Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Steve Lutes, Director, Middle 12/22/15 Meeting U.S. Chamber of Commerce discussed economic challenges facing the Kurdistan East and North Africa Affairs Region. Michael J. Delaney, Assistant Accompanied Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Office of the Trade 12/22/15 Meeting U.S. Trade Representative for discussed economic and trade challenges facing the Representative South Asia Kurdistan Region. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Remziya Suleyman Location/type of Date Participants Purpose of Meeting contact Lena Smith- Legislative Assistant, Amy Glisson, Discussed current 2435 Rayburn House Major, USAF, Defense political, economic and . 6/29/2015 Office Building Fellow- Office of humanitarian situation Representative Trent in Kurdistan. Franks Bill Monohan, Senate Discussed current Armed Services 228 Russell Senate political, economic and 7/1/2015 Committee Counsel, Office Building humanitarian situation Minority, Senator Jack in Kurdistan. Reed Pablo Carillo- Chief of Staff, Elizabeth O'Bagy- discussed KRG-US 7/1/2015 e-mail Foreign Policy Legislative relations Aide, Senator McCain's Office Lena Smith- Legislative Assistant, Amy Glisson, introduction with Major, USAF, Defense 7/1/2015 e-mail Christian leader from Fellow- Office of Iraq Representative Trent Franks Washington Hilton Tabling event discussing Hotel, (1919 2015 EducationUSA the educational 7/1/2015 Connecticut Avenue, Forum Global Showcase opportunities in the NW) Kurdistan Region.

Elizabeth O'Bagy- Foreign Policy Legislative discussed KRG-US 7/6/2015 e-mail Aide, Senator McCain's relations Office Allen Pabalate Accounts Receivable Assistant Manager 7/6/2015 e-mail update on HCDP student Academy of Art University

Elizabeth O'Bagy- Foreign Policy Legislative discussed KRG-US 7/6/2015 e-mail Aide, Senator McCain's relations . Office

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registation Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for update on HCDP 7/7/2015 e-mail Iraq scholarships U.S. Department of State

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Iraqi Kurdistan Rural Education Programs University Partnership 7/8/2015 e-mail Division Program Workshop IREX/USA Invite

Elizabeth O'Bagy- Foreign Policy Legislative discussed KRG-US 7/8/2015 e-mail Aide, Senator McCain's relations Office

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for HCDP Students List 7/10/2015 e-mail Iraq Update U.S. Department of State

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for update on HCDP 7/13/2015 e-mail Iraq scholarships U.S. Department of State

Discussed current 2303 Rayburn House Congressman Pete political, economic and 7/13/2015 Office Building Welch humanitarian situation in Kurdistan.

Christian DiGregorio Senior Director of update on HCDP 7/15/2015 e-mail University Admissions scholarships Marywood University

Meeting with Congressman Jim McGovern, Cindy Buhl- Legislative Director, Discussed current 438 Cannon House Kim Stanton- Russell political, economic and 7/16/2015 Office Building Hemenway Human humanitarian situation Rights Fellow, Tom in Kurdistan. Lantos Human Rights Commission

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Update on Iraqi Education Programs Kurdistan Rural 7/16/2015 e-mail Division University Partnership IREX/USA Program delegation visit

Luis Castillo Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator follow-up from NAFSA 7/20/2015 e-mail The University of Arizona conference Center for English as a Second Language

Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the IREX staff Lori Mason- American University of Project Director & 7/20/2015 1275 K Street NW Puhok-Kurdistan to Michelle Grajek-Program discuss current Officer educational situation in Kurdistan. Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the Ian Wilhelm Senior American University of 7/20/2015 1255 23rd Street NW editor of The Chronicle Duhok-Kurdistan to of Higher Education discuss current educational situation in Kurdistan. Setup meeting for Dr. Honar Issa of the Lena Smith- Legislative American University of Assistant, Office of 7/21/2015 e-mail Duhok-Kurdistan to Representative Trent discuss current Franks educational situation in Kurdistan. Meeting setup for Dr. Jonathan Hirte- Honar Issa of the 2436 Rayburn House Legislative Director, American University of 7/21/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to Office Building Congressman Tim Walberg's Office discuss current educational situation in Kurdistan. Meeting setup for Dr. Kristen Marquardt, Honar Issa of the Professional Staff 2170 Rayburn House American University of 7/21/2015 Member of the House Office Building Duhok-Kurdistan to Foreign Affairs discuss current ^ Committee educational situation in . Kurdistan.

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Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the Katherine Haley, Higher American University of H-236, the Army Room; Education Staff of 7/21/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to US Capitol Speaker of Parliament, discuss current Mr. John Boehner educational situation in Kurdistan.

Leslie Taylor- Senior Director of Membership Meeting setup for Dr. and Joann Ng Hartmann- Honar Issa of the Senior Director of American University of 1307 New York Avenue, 7/22/2015 International Enrollment Duhok-Kurdistan to NW Management/ discuss current International Student educational situation in and Scholar Services Kurdistan. NAFSA

Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa of the Lena Smith- Legislative American University of 2435 Rayburn House Assistant, Office of 7/22/2015 Duhok-Kurdistan to Office Building Representative Trent discuss current Franks educational situation in Kurdistan.

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for Iraq, Matthew Amitrano- Meeting setup for Dr. Deputy Econ Chief Office Honar Issa of the of Iraq Economic & American University of Assistance Affairs, 7/22/2015 State Department Duhok-Kurdistan to Steven Gillen-Political discuss current Chief Office of Iraq educational situation in Affairs, Elizabeth Coble- Kurdistan. Political Desk Officer, Office of Iraq Affairs U.S. Department of State

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Education Programs follow-up from meeting 7/22/2015 e-mail Division request IREX/USA

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for 7/22/2015 e-mail Iraq info for security U.S. Department of State

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Prof. Carole A. O'Leary Senior Adviser and Co- Director Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the 7/22/2015 e-mail Interdisciplinary meeting confirmation Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law and Michael Moran Associates

Jennifer Crail Deputy Director, Monitoring and 7/22/2015 e-mail Evaluation meeting request International Republican Institute

Luis Castillo Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator 7/22/2015 e-mail The University of Arizona meeting request Center for English as a Second Language

IREX staff Lori Mason- Project Director & Michelle Grajek-Program Officer, Lorna welcome at opening Middlebrough- workshop for Iraqi Education Specialist for 7/23/2015 Kurdistan Rural 1275 K Street NW Iraq University Partnership , U.S. Department of Program State, Donald Back- . Director Language & Culture institute Virginia Tech Invitation to Reception Jabari White- Senator for Veterans of US 7/23/2015 e-mail Ernst's National Security Operations in Kurdistan Advisor and Iraq

Amy Glisson, Major, Invitation to Reception USAF, Defense Fellow- for Veterans of US 7/23/2015 e-mail Office of Representative Operations in Kurdistan Trent Franks and Iraq

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Invitation to Reception David Kinzler, Senate for Veterans of US 7/23/2015 e-mail Foreign Relations Operations in Kurdistan Committee Staff. and Iraq Meeting setup for Dr. Honar Issa ofthe American University of 2300 Rayburn House Congressman 7/23/2015 Diihok-Kurdistaii to Office Bldg. Rohrabacher discuss current educational situation in Kurdistan. James Dean- Manager, International and Diplomatic Programs Davis Institute for RoundTable for Minister 7/24/2015 call/e-mail National Security and Falah Bakir's Visit Foreign Policy The Heritage Foundation

Tom Goffus- Professional Discussed current Staff, Cord Sterling- Senate Russell Office political, economic and 7/24/2015 Deputy Director of Building, Room 228 humanitarian situation Senate Armed Services in Kurdistan. Committee

Roger J. Lis III meeting request for Scheduler/Staff Assistant 7/27/2015 e-mail Minister Falah Bakir's Rep. Brian Higgins Visit

Lynn Demos Scheduling Director meeting request for 7/27/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Joe Minister Falah Bakir's Donnelly Visit

James Dean- Manager, International and Diplomatic Programs Update Rountable for 7/27/2015 e-mail Davis Institute for Minister Falah Bakir's National Security and Visit Foreign Policy The Heritage Foundation

Chris Cannon- Scheduler, meeting request for 7/27/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Minister Falah Bakir's Manchin's Visit

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Senator John McCain, Discussed current Tom Goffus- Professional political, economic and 218 Russell Senate 7/28/2015 Staff, Elizabeth O-Bagy- humanitarian situation Office Building Foreign Policy Legislative in Kurdistan for Minister Aide Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 720 Hart Senate Office 7/28/2015 Senator Donnelly humanitarian situation Building in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Alex Gallo, Congressman Discussed current Thornberr/s political, economic and 2216 Rayburn House 7/28/2015 Staffer, House Armed humanitarian situation Office Building Services Committee in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current Congresswoman political, economic and 1026 Longworth House Granger, Johnnie 7/28/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Kaberle- Deputy chief of in Kurdistan for Minister Staff Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current Roundtable Discussion: political, economic and 214 Massachusetts Ave., 7/28/2015 Heritage Foundation humanitarian situation NE, Washington, DC in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit David Kirizler (Senator Corker's Staff) & Discussed current Dana Stroll (Senator political, economic and 445 Dirksen Senate 7/28/2015 Cardin's Staff), Senate humanitarian situation Building Foreign Relations in Kurdistan for Minister Committee Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 306 Hart Senate 7/28/2015 Senator Manchin humanitarian situation Building in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Senator Rounds, Darren Discussed current, Hedlund- Operations political, economic and 502 Hart Senate Manager & Legislative 7/28/2015 humanitarian situation Building Aide, Dan Adelstein- in Kurdistan for Minister National Security Falah Bakir's visit Advisor

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for NAFSA 2016 panel 7/28/2015 e-mail Iraq proposal U.S. Department of State

Discussed current political, economic and 436 Cannon House Congressman Mario Diaz 7/29/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Balart in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current 513 C St NE, political, economic and 7/29/2015 Washington, DC 20002 Senator Rand Paul humanitarian situation in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Congressman Ed Royce, Discussed current Kristen Marquardt, political, economic and 2310 Rayburn Office Professional Staff 7/29/2015 humanitarian situation Building Member of the House in Kurdistan for Minister Foreign Affairs Falah Bakir's visit Committee

Discussed current Congressman Rodney political, economic and 2442 Rayburn House Frelinghuysen and 7/29/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Congressman Visclosky in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current 1333 H Street NW, political, economic and Center for American 7/30/2015 Washington, DC 20005 humanitarian situation Progress Rountable in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 2402 Rayburn House Congressman Adam 7/30/2015 humanitarian situation Office Building Smith in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Discussed current political, economic and 7/30/2015 The Capitol, S-208 Senator Cornyh humanitarian situation in Kurdistan for Minister Falah Bakir's visit

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Michelle Grajek Program Officer, Network event for 7/30/2015 e-mail/call Education Programs IKRUPP participants Division IREX/USA Mike Platt-Chief of Staff, Mike Reynard- follow-up on Kurdish 7/30/2015 e-mail Communications Genocide Recognition Director, Rep. Marsha Resolution Blackburn Kristen Marquardt, Professional Staff KRG's Humanitarian 7/30/2015 e-mail Member of the House Response Plan Foreign Affairs Committee

Donald R. Back Director Virginia Tech Language information on site visit 7/30/2015 call/e-mail and Culture Institute to Virginia Tech for Outreach and IKRUPP reception International Affairs

Donald R. Back Director Virginia Tech Language information on site visit 8/3/2015 e-mail and Culture Institute to Virginia Tech for Outreach and IKRUPP reception International Affairs

Michelle Grajek Invitation: Networking Program Officer, Reception with 8/4/2015 e-mail Education Programs University Faculty from Division Iraqi Kurdistan IREX/USA

David Crisci- Director of the Center for Global 8/5/2015 e-mail meeting confirmation Connections at Regis Catholic University

Jon Catherwood-Ginn Partnerships & Engagement Manager follow-up thank you 8/5/2015 e-mail Center for the Arts at from site visit Virginia Tech

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Luis Castillo Discussed potential Marketing and collaborative 8/5/2015 call/e-mail Recruitment Coordinator educational The University of Arizona opportunities with KRG & UofA

Stephanie Sieggreen Director International Enrollment 8/6/2015 e-mail Management meeting request Western Kentucky University

E-mail Invitation: Networking 8/4/2015 Name Title University Reception with University Faculty from Iraqi Kurdistan

Donald R. Beck Director Virginia Tech

University of Minnesota • Barbara Kappler, Ph.D Assistant Dean Twin Cities Campus

Recayi "Reg" Peven, North American President 8t Professor Ph.D University

Associate Dean for Aviva Abramosky Syracuse University International Initiatives

Associate Director of Admissions and Assistant Andrew S. Horsfall Syracuse University Director of the L.L.M. Program Ba'sma Fakri Executive Director Iraq Foundation Michael M. Gunter, Professor of Political Tennessee Tech Ph.D Science University Assistant to the Tennessee Tech Terry W. Saltsman, Ph.D President for Strategic Projects University Assistant Director Joe Frake International Students Valparaiso University and Scholars George Mason Mustafa Gurbuz, Ph.D Policy Fellow University R. Nicholas Palarino, Ph.D Georgetown University Dean for Enrollment Daniel J. Thompson Management ST. Catherine University

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Director International Kemale Pinar Services and Cultural Winona State University Outreach Director, International Chris Haidos Partnership and University of Minnesota Outreach The Washington David Pollock, Ph.D Senior Fellow Institute for Near East Policy

Kathleen Motzenbecker Executive Director Minnesota Trade Office

., . „ , Director of International . „ . Chnsta Knudsen ' Marshall school Programs

„ . . , ,. . . , . Director, Sponsored „ . . ... Gabnele Schmiegel, M.A „ . • University of Minnesota Student Programs Vice President of English as second T. Ryan Hall, Ed.D Institutional language international Advancement

Director of Institutional English as second David Kerr Advancement language international

Sponsored Student Krista Kennedy Portland State University Program Administrator

Dean graduate school Kim LaScole Needy, Ph.D and international University of Arkansas education Manager, Sponsored University of Alberta Dan Fredrick Student Program International Yusel Serindag Acquisitions Librarian Trinity College Leaders for Democracy Rebaz K. Mohammed Syracuse University Fellow Ghasq Basel Leaders for Democracy Syracuse University AbdulRaheem Fellow Institute for William Spence Spencer Executive Director International Law and Human Rights

Christopher Martin Director West Virginia University

The University of Jimmy G. Cheek Chancellor Tennessee Knoxville L. Randolph Lowry President Lipscomb California State Traci Lew Associate Director Polytechnic University

The University of Jerad Brewer ESL Institute Tennessee Chattanooga

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Maria Douich Coordinator Sacred Heart University

Marketing & Luis Castillo The University of Arizona Recruitment Coordinator

Admissions Officer and Joan Perreault SIT Graduate Institute Marketing Specialist

California State Amy Lehman Director Monterey Bay

Director of International Kevin McMahan, Ph.D Northwestern College and Intercultural Affairs

Director International Laju Nankani Centralia College Programs Associate Director Toshie Baba Golden Gate University Enrollment Services Illinois Institute of Gladis E. Herst Program Coordinator Technology Director International California State Joseph Lee Sanosa Admissions and University Fullerton Outreach Director International Sarah McGregor San Jose State University Gateways Shu-Chuan Hsu Texas A&M University Instructor/Facilitator (Candace) Kingsville Assistant Director International University of Nebraska Lee Westphal Recruitment and Omaha Admissions Senior Director of Christian DiGregorio Marywood University University Admissions Professor of Law L. Lynn Hogue Georgia State University Emeritus

Assistant Director of The University of Texas Jimmy J. Ilseng Graduate and at Austin International Programs

Western Illinois David Bell Academic Director University President's Liaison for Western Illinois Richard W. Carter, Ph.D. International Affairs University International University of Michigan- Suehalia Amen Admissions/Recruiter Dearborn Coordinator University of Northern Maureen V. Ulevich Director Colorado

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Assistant Director of Jason Wynn International Student Georgia College and Scholar Services

Director of International Milwaukee School of Mark Anderson and Transfer Admission Engineering

Stephanie A. Adamson Director, Recruitment The University of Arizona

Director of Outreach and University of Michael Belcher Recruitment Massachusetts Lowell Ryan White- Senior 8/16/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. meeting request Schweikert

Abdalla Aljubori- meeting with 8/6/2015 KRG Office Dialogue Institute at international exchange Temple University students from TU.

Dr. Emrullah Uslu - Professor School of Public and 8/7/2015 e-mail International Affairs meeting request Virginia International University

Camilla Vogt- FPLA Office of Congressman KACC Co-ho4t request Jared Polis, Mike Piatt - for reception of DC 8/7/2015 e-mail Chief of Staff Rep. LAUNCH OF KURDISTAN Marsha Blackburn TOUR GUIDE

Confirmation of Mike Piatt- Chief of Staff, attendance for LAUNCH 8/7/2015 e-mail Grace Burch-Scheduler, OF KURDISTAN TOUR Rep. Marsha Blackburn GUIDE Reception

Jane Jelgerhuis- Managihg Director, 8/7/2015 . e-mail Mission: Trauma Healing meeting request at American Bible Society Camilla Vogt follow-up on KACC Co- Legislative host request for Correspondent | Office 8/10/2015 e-mail reception of DC of Congressman Jared LAUNCH OF KURDISTAN Polis TOURGUID

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Stephanie Sieggreen- Di rector International Enrollment introductory call and e- 8/10/2015 call/e-mail Management mail on Iraqi scholarship Western Kentucky programs University

John Rader-Legislative 8/10/2015 e-mail meeting request Aide, Senator Corker

Discussed current John Rader-Legislative political, economic and 8/11/2015 Union Station Aide, Senator Corker humanitarian situation in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Ryan White- Senior follow-up on meeting 8/12/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. request Schweikert

Dr.Aras Qader Khoshnaw President of KISSC (Kurdistan Information and Strategic Studies Center), Mohammed AlSaeedi- Program Coordinator MENA Center for International Private Enterprise, Erin discussed private sector 8/12/2015 KRG Office Cox- Manager MENA development in Partners for Democratic Kurdistan Change, Jonathan Apikian- Deputy Director MENA Partners for Democratic Change, Ahmed Gutaii-Director MENA Partners for Democratic Change

Ryan White- Senior 8/13/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. meeting request Schweikert

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Michelle Grajek Program Officer, request on Data on Education Programs 8/13/2015 e-mail sector growth in Division Kurdistan IREX/USA

Jane Jelgerhuis- Trauma 8/17/2015 e-mail Training Institute meeting request American Bible Society

Dr. Emrullah Uslu Full-time Professor Discussed current School of Public and political, economic and 8/18/2015 KRG Office International Affairs humanitarian situation Virginia International in Kurdistan & Iraq. University

follow-up on co-host Camilla Vogt- FPLA request for DC LAUNCH 8/18/2015 Office of Congressman e-mail OF KURDISTAN TOUR Jared Polis GUIDE

Dana Ball- Academic Support request for update on 8/18/2015 e-mail Specialist, the University HCDP scholarship of Arkansas at Uttle Rock payments

Discussed current Ryan White-Senior political, economic and 8/19/2015 KRG Office Legislative Assistant Rep. humanitarian situation Schweikert in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Tugrul Polat Request For Assistance Director, International Changes in International 8/19/2015 e-mail Student Services Student Insurance University of Arkansas at Enrollment for Little Rock Dependents Ryan White- Senior 8/19/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. info on HR403 Schweikert invite confirmation for Mike Piatt-Chief of Staff 8/19/2015 e-mail DC Launch of Kurdistan Rep. Marsha Blackburn Tour Guide

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Lorna Middlebrough list of Int'l Universities Education Specialist for recognized by the 8/19/2015 e-mail Iraq Ministry of Higher U.S. Department of State Education

Lorna Middlebrough follow-up on list of Int'l Education Specialist for Universities recognized 8/20/2015 e-mail Iraq by the Ministry of Higher U.S. Department of State Education

Jane Jelgerhuis- Managing Director, discussed upcoming trip 8/20/2015 call/e-mail Mission: Trauma Healing to Kurdistan Region. at American Bible Society Ann B. Radwan, Ph.D. Executive Director International Studies Data on Central 8/21/2015 e-mail and Programs Washington University & Central Washington Introduction University

Dana Bail- Academic Support request for update on 8/24/2015 e-mail Specialist, the University HCDP scholarship of Arkansas at Little Rock payments

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for NAFSA 2015 Session 8/24/2015 e-mail Iraq Evaluation Results U.S. Department of State

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for NAFSA 2015 Session 8/25/2015 e-mail Iraq Evaluation Results U.S. Department of State

Aliyah M. Dash, Esq. Legislative Assistant 8/25/2015 e-mail Congresswoman Lois meeting request Franke

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Andrew S. Horsfall- Assistant Director ofthe LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates & Associate Director of Admissions College of Law, Aviva Abramovsky- update on payment for 8/26/2015 e-mail Associate Dean for HCDP scholarship International Initiatives student Professor of Law Executive Director of the LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates Syracuse Law, James M Crimmer - Bursar's office.

Andrew S. Horsfall- Assistant Director of the LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates & Associate Director of Admissions College of Law, Aviva Abramovsky- update on payment for 8/27/2015 call Associate Dean for HCDP scholarship International Initiatives student Professor of Law Executive Director of the LL.M. Program for Foreign Law Graduates Syracuse Law, James M Crimmer - Bursar's office.

Dion Nissenbaum- The Request for a copy of 8/28/2015 e-mail Wall Street Journal the Kurdistan tour guide

Dion Nissenbaum- The picked up a copy of the 8/28/2015 KRG Office Wall Street Journal Kurdistan tour guide

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Donald R. Back Director Virginia Tech Language info on PhD program at 8/28/2015 and Culture Institute Virginia Tech for HCDP Outreach and student International Affairs

Camilla Vogt Legislative Rep, Polis confirmation 8/31/2015 e-mail Correspondent | . Office for Kurdistan Tour Guide of Congressman Jared Book Launch Polis Jane Jelgerhuis- Managing Director, follow-up on visit to 8/31/2015 e-mail Mission: Trauma Healing Kurdistan at American Bible Society Aliyah M. Dash, Esq. Legislative Assistant 8/31/2015 e-mail Congresswoman Lois meeting request Frankel

Aliyah M. Dash, Esq. Legislative Assistant 9/1/2015 e-mail Congresswoman Lois meeting request Frankel

Dion Nissenbaum- The introduction with editors 9/1/2015 e-mail Wall Street Journal of Kurdistan Tour Guide

Dr. Emrullah Uslu- Professor follow-up on invitation School of Public and for Rep. Bayan Sami 9/1/2015 e-mail International Affairs Abdul Rahman to speak Virginia International at VIU University Maggie Donovan Follow-up on Invitation Staff Assistant with RSVP to Kurdistan 9/1/2015 e-mail Office of Congressman Tour Guide book launch - Mike Coffman Sept 16

Aliyah M. Dash, Esq. Legislative Assistant 9/2/2015 e-mail Congresswoman Lois confirmation on meeting Frankel

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Aliyah M. Dash, Esq. Discussed current Legislative Assistant Longworth House political, economic and 9/2/2015 Congresswoman Lois Building cafeteria humanitarian situation Frankel in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Charles Olcese- Director, International update on scholarship 9/2/2015 e-mail Student Services payments for HCDP University of Kansas students

Jabari White National Security 9/2/2015 e-mail Advisor request for meeting Senator Joni Ernst

Meeting with Bishop Rabban of Kurdistan & Robert A. Destro- Professpr of Law & Director Discussed current Interdisciplinary political, economic and 9/2/2015 KRG office Program in Law & humanitarian situation & Iraq. Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America

David E. Currey Director - International Student & Scholar Services update on scholarship 9/2/2015 e-mail Assistant Director - for HCDP student International Center University of Missouri


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Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A, O'Leary discussed Genocide 9/3/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Resolution on religious Director minorities in Kurdistan Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative ofthe Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary discussed Genocide 9/3/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Resolution on religious Director minorities in Kurdistan Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

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Jennifer Crall Deputy Director, Monitoring and update on request for 9/3/2015 e-mail Evaluation information on NGO's in International Republican Kurdistan Institute

David E. Currey Director - International Student & Scholar Services update on scholarship 9/3/2015 e-mail Assistant Director - for HCDP student International Center University of Missouri

Discussed current Jabari White- Senator 111 Senate Russell political, economic and 9/3/2015 Ernst's National Security Building humanitarian situation Advisor in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Aliyah M. Dash, Esq. invite to Kurdistan Tour Legislative Assistant Guide Book launch 9/3/2015 e-mail Congresswoman Lois reception and info on HR Frankel 403

Aaron Stauffer Invite: Confronting Executive Director Religious Violence 9/4/2015 e-mail Religions for Peace USA Roundtable Discussion on Oct 3.

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Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary discussed Genocide 9/5/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Resolution on religious Director minorities in Kurdistan Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Robert A, Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole discussed Genocide A. O'Leary Resolution on religious 9/5/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- minorities in Kurdistan & Director speaking at IDC Lobby Middle East Human Day Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

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Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary discussed Genocide 9/7/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Resolution on religious Director minorities in Kurdistan Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Robert A, Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary video message from KRG 9/7/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Prime Minister for IDC Director press conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

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Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole follow-up for video A. O'Leary message from KRG Prime 9/8/2(015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Minister for IDC press Director conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University!s Columbus School of Law

Joanna Brown- Kurdistan Regional 9/8/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. Government Book/Invite Walberg Distribution

Dr. Emrullah Uslu Full-time Professor School of Public and follow-up on speaking 9/8/2015 e-mail International Affairs request for Rep. Bayan Virginia International Sami Abdul Rahman University

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole follow-up for video A. O'Leary message from KRG Prime 9/8/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Minister for IDC press Director conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An initiative, of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary follow-up for video message from KRG Prime 9/8/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Minister for IDC press Director conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

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Camilla Vogt- Legislative final program Kurdistan Assistant for Rep. Polis, 9/8/2015 e-mail Tour Guide book launch Mike Platt-Chief of Staff reception for Rep. Blackburn

Aaron Stauffer Executive Director 9/8/2015 e-mail meeting request Religions for Peace USA

David Currey Director, ISSS University 9/9/2015 update on HCDP student ermai of Missouri

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary statement from KRG 9/9/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Prime Minister for IDC Director Press Conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An initiative ofthe Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A.O'Leary final remarks from KRG 9/9/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- Prime Minister for IDC Director Press Conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative ofthe Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at _ Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

meeting request on Knox Thames behalf of visiting Shabak Director of Policy and delegation led by with Research Iraqi Minister of 9/9/2015 e-mail U.S. Commission on Parliament Salim Jumaah International Religious Khudhur, Freedom Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

meeting confirmation Knox Thames for visiting Shabak Director of Policy and delegation led by with Research Iraqi Minister of 9/9/2015 e-mail U.S. Commission on Parliament Salim Jumaah International Religious Khudhur, Freedom Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

meeting request on behalf of Visiting Shabak delegation led by with David Pollock- Kaufman Iraqi Minister of e-mail Fellow, Washington 9/9/2015 Parliament Salim Jumaah Institute Khudhur, Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Joanna Brown- finalizing logistics for 9/9/2015 call Legislative Assistant Rep. Kurdistan Tour Guide Walberg Book/Invite Distribution

meeting confirmation for visiting Shabak delegation led by with David Pollock- Kaufman Iraqi Minister of 9/9/2015 e-mail Fellow, Washington Parliament Salim Jumaah Institute Khudhur, Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

Joanna Brown­ confirmation on 9/10/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. Kurdistan Tour Guide Walberg Book/Invite Distribution

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary Fact sheet on minorities 9/10/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- in Kurdistan for IDC Director conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative ofthe Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Joanna Brown­ confirmation for book 9/10/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. delivery and invite Walberg distribution

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole A. O'Leary follow-up thank you for 9/10/2015 e,7inail Senior Adviser and Co- statement at IDC press Director conference Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

David L. Phillips Director, Program on Peace-building and Rights follow-up for upcoming Institute for the Study of visit to Kurdistan Human Rights Columbia University

delivery of Kurdistan Tour Guides and 9/10/2015 see attachment see attachment Invitation to reception on Sept. 16th

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Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law Press release copy: The Catholic University Members Introduce of America, Prof. Carole Bipartisan Resolution A. O'Leary Decrying Genocide 9/10/2015 e-mail Senior Adviser and Co- against Christians and Director other Religious Middle East Human Minorities in Iraq and Geography Mapping Syria Project An Initiative ofthe Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

His Eminence Cardinal McCarrick, Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion Columbus School of Law final version of Prime The Catholic University of America, Prof. Carole Minister Barzani's remarks from IDC press 9/11/2015 e-mail A. O'Leary conference, His Senior Adviser and Co- Eminence's upcoming Director visit to Kurdistan Middle East Human Geography Mapping Project An Initiative of the Interdisciplinary Program inn Law & Religion at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Camilla Vogt Legislative schedule change for Rep. Correspondent | Office Polis and remarks at 9/11/2015 e-mail of Congressman Jared Kurdistan Tour Guide Polis book launch reception

Jillian Collins Director of Sponsored Student Programs update on HCDP student 9/11/2015 call International Center cases University of Missouri

Jillian Collins Director of Sponsored Student Programs update on HCDP student 9/14/2015 e-mail International Center cases University of Missouri

meeting request on behalf of visiting Shabak delegation led by with Drew Bowling- Iraqi Minister of 9/14/2015 Legislative Assistant Rep. e-mail Parliament Salim Jumaah Foretenberry Khudhur, Representative ofthe Shabaks in Iraq

meeting request on behalf of visiting Shabak delegation led by with Hannah Murphy- Iraqi Minister of 9/14/2015 e-mail Legislafive Assistant Rep. Parliament Salim Jumaah Eshoo Khudhur, Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

Lorna Middlebrough- meeting request Education Specialist for 9/14/2015 e-mail meeting with new Iraq Jefferson Science Fellow U.S. Department of State


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Meeting for visiting Shabak delegation of Salim Jumaah Khudhur- Nineveh Plain - Mosul, Iraq Member of Parliament of Iraq Representative ofthe Shabak Community to Parliament Managing member of U.S. Commission on the Parliament Shabak International Religious Refugee Leaders Group Freedom Staff: Sahar Chaudhry-. Senior Policy Ghazwan Hamid 732 North Capitol Analyst, Knox Thames- Hameed — Nineveh Plain 9/14/2015 Street, NW, Director of Policy and - Mosul, Iraq Research, Elizabeth K. Member of Nineveh Cassidy- Deputy Director Council for Policy and Research Member of the Shabak Minority Leaders Group Head ofthe Human Rights Council Member ofthe Shabak Refugee Committee

Hayder Sadeq Rashid - Bahsheeqa - Mosul, Iraq Member of the Bahsheeqa City Council Member of the Shabak Minority Leaders erouD meeting confirmation for visiting Shabak delegation led by with Hannah Murphy- Iraqi Minister of 9/15/2015 Legislative Assistant Rep, Parliament Salim Jumaah Eshoo Khudhur, Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

meeting request for visiting Shabak Dana Strbul delegation led by with Senior Professional Staff Iraqi Minister of 9/15/2015 e-mail Senate Foreign Relations Parliament Salim Jumaah Committee Khudhur, Representative ofthe Shabaks in Iraq

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Aaron Stauffer Executive Director 9/15/2015 e-mail meeting request Religions for Peace USA

meeting confirmation for visiting Shabak delegation led by with Hannah Murphy- Iraqi Minister of 9/15/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. Parliament Salim Jumaah Eshoo Khudhur, Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

meeting confirmation for visiting Shabak Dana Stroul delegation led by with Senior Professional Staff Iraqi Minister of 9/15/2015 e-mail Senate Foreign Relations Parliament Salim Jumaah Committee Khudhur, Representative of the Shabaks in Iraq

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Meeting for visiting Shabak delegation of Salim Jumaah Khudhur- Nineveh Plain - Mosul, Iraq Member of Parliament of Iraq Representative of the Shabak Community to Parliament Managing member of the Parliament Shabak Refugee Leaders Group

Ghazwan Hamid 241 Cannon House Hannah Murphy- Hameed-Nineveh Plain 9/15/2015 Office Building Legislative Assistant Rep. - Mosul, Iraq Eshoo Member of Nineveh Council Member of the Shabak Minority Leaders Group Head ofthe Human Rights Council Member ofthe Shabak Refugee Committee

Hayder Sadeq Rashid - Bahsheeqa - Mosul, Iraq Member of the Bahsheeqa City Council Member of the Shabak Minoritv Leaders erouD

Discussed current Senator Kirk, Robert 524 Hart Senate political, economic and 9/15/2015 Zarate-National Security Building humanitarian situation Advisor in Kurdistan Si Iraq.

Discussed current 316 Senate Hart Senator Lankford, Adam political, economic and 9/16/2015 Building Farris-Legislative aid humanitarian situation in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Thomas Hawkins- Discussed current National Security 419 Dirksen Senate political, economic and 9/16/2015 Advisor Off ice of the Building humanitarian situation Majority Leader Sen. in Kurdistan & Iraq. McConnell

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of update on educational State, Matthew system in the Kurdistan 9/17/2015 KRG Office Amitrano-Deputy Econ region and introductory Chief Office of Iraq meeting with fellow Economic & Assistance Affairs, Darlene Ketten- Jefferson Science Fellow

Dana Stroul Senior Professional Staff meeting request follow- 9/17/2015 email . Senate Foreign Relations up for Shabak Committee Delegation

Thomas Hawkins- National Security 9/22/2015 e-mail Advisor Office of the confirming CODEL visit Majority Leader Sen. McConnell Lorna Middlebrough- Education Specialist for shared Fact sheets on 9/22/2015 e-mail Iraq IKR universities U.S. Department of State, Ryan Doherty Defense Policy Fellow, 9/22/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Chris meeting request Coons

Ryan Doherty Defense Policy Fellow, 9/23/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Chris meeting confirmation Coons

Jabari White- Senator Upcoming CODEL to 9/23/2015 e-mail Ernst's National Security Kurdistan Advisor Dave Ramey Chief of Staff 9/23/2015 e-mail meeting request Rep. Ken Calvert

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Knox Thames Director of Policy and Research Congratulating on 9/25/2015 e-mail U.S. Commission on Transitioning to State International Religious Department Freedom

Jillian Collins Director of International Sponsored Student update on HCDP student 9/25/2015 e-mail Programs: case international Center University of Missouri

request for meeting on Lorna Middlebrough- behalf of Dr. Michael, Education Specialist for 9/28/2015 e-mail President of AUDK, and Iraq Dr. Esther, President of U.S. Department of State AUIS Dave Ramey Chief of Staff 9/28/2015 e-mail meeting confirmation Rep. Ken Calvert

David Curry & Jillian Collins- Director of International update on HCDP student 9/29/2015 e-mail Sponsored Student cases Programs: International Center University of Missouri

Ryan Doherty Discussed current Defense Policy Fellow, 127 A Russell Senate political, economic and 9/29/2015 Office of Senator Chris Building humanitarian situation Coons in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Dave Ramey Chief of Staff copy of Kurdistan Tour 9/29/2015 KRG Office Rep. Ken Calvert Guide

U.S. Commission on International Religious meeting request on 9/29/2015 e-mail Freedom Staff: Sahar behalf of Middle East Chaudhry- Senior Policy Research Institute Analyst, David Pollock- Kaufman meeting request on 9/29/2015 e-mail Fellow, Washington behalf of Middle East Institute Research Institute

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Sarhang Hamasaeed- meeting request on 9/29/2015 e-rhail Senior Program Officer, behalf of Middle East Serena Rasoul- USIP Research Institute

Sarhang Hamasaeed- Senior Program Officer, roundtable confirmation 9/29/2015 e-mail Serena Rasoul-Program on behalf of Middle East Specialist, Middle East Research Institute Program, USIP

Jabari White National Security 9/29/2015 e-mail Advisor update on NDAA version Senator Joni Ernst

J Karim Sadjadpour- meeting request oh Senior Associate Middle 9/29/2015 e-mail behalf of Middle East East Program Research Institute

. Karim Sadjadpour- follow-up on meeting Sehior Associate Middle request on behalf of 10/1/2015 e-mail East Program Middle East Research Institute

Discussed current Anthony Nguyen- 1122 Longworth House political, economic and 10/1/2015 Legislative Assistant to . Office Building humanitarian situation Rep. Scott Peters in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Lorna Middlebrough follow-up on meeting Education Specialist for request on behalf of Dr. 10/2/2015 e-mail Iraq Michael, President of U.S. Department of State AUDK, and Dr. Esther, President of AUIS

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for follow-up on meeting Iraq, Darcy A. Ostrander- request on behalf of Dr. Damon- 10/5/2015 e-mail Michael, President of Grants Management AUDK, and Dr. Esther, Officer President of AUIS U.S. Department of State

Michelle Grajek follow-up on meeting Program Officer, request on behalf of Dr. Education Programs 10/5/2015 e-mail Michael, President of Division AUDK, and Dr. Esther, IREX/USA President of AUIS

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FAR A Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

David Curry & Jillian Collins- Director of International update on HCDP student 10/5/2015 e-mail Sponsored Student case Programs: International Center University of Missouri

Hannah Murphy- update on H Con. R 75 to 10/5/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant Rep. include Shabaks Eshoo James Carden-The 10/6/2015 e-mail Press Inquiry Nation magazine Jabari White National Security 10/6/2015 e-mail Advisor meeting request Senator Joni Ernst

Cody Jameson- Associate Director International meeting request on Enrollment behalf of Dr. Michael, 10/7/2015 e-mail Management, Erin President of AUDK, and Mateau- Associate Dr. Esther, President of Director, Education AUIS Abroad Services,

Sarhang Hamasaeed Senior Program Officer - Invitation—Roundtable Middle East and North on Iraq's Upheaval: Africa Programs/Iraq 10/7/2015 e-mail Trends and Analysis Program Lead from the Field - 10am, United States Institute of October 14 at USIP Peace

Jabari White Discussed current 111 Russell Senate National Security political, economic and 10/7/2015 Building Advisor humanitarian situation Senator Jorii Ernst in Kurdistan & Iraq.

David Pollock- Kaufman update on roundtable 10/8/2015 e-mail Fellow, Washington for MERI Institute Michelle Grajek meeting confirmation on Program Officer, behalf of Dr. Michael, Education Programs 10/8/2015 e-mail President of AUDK, and Division Dr. Esther, President of IREX/USA AUIS

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for meeting confirmation oh Iraq, Darcy A. Ostrander- behalf of Dr. Michael, 10/8/2015 e-mail Damon- President of AUDK, and Grants Management Dr. Esther, President of Officer AUIS U.S. Department of State

Ninar Keyrouz- Director of meeting request on 10/8/2015 e-mail Communications, In behalf of Middle East Defense of Christians Research Institute

Cody Jameson- Associate Director International follow-up on meeting Enrollment request on behalf of Dr. 10/9/2015 e-mail Management, Erin Michael, President of Mateau- Associate AUDK, and Dr. Esther, Director, Education President of AUIS Abroad Services,

Michelle Grajek meeting confirmation on Program Officer, behalf of Dr. Michael, 10/9/2015 e-mail Education Programs President of AUDK, and Division Dr. Esther, President of IREX/USA AUIS

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for introduction with US 10/9/2015 e-mail Iraq Consulate in Erbil U.S. Department of State

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for Iraq introduction with US 10/9/2015 e-mail U.S. Department of Consulate in Erbil State, Tony Deaton is the Public Diplomacy Officer at US Consulate Erbil

Anthony Nguyen- Legislative Assistant, 10/9/2015 e-mail Baillee Brown-Scheduler, meeting request Rep. Scott Peters

Anthony Deaton- Public 10/13/2015 e-mail \ Diplomacy Officer at US meeting request Consulate Erbil

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Anthony Deaton- Public 10/20/2015 e-mail Diplomacy Officer at US follow-up from meeting Consulate Erbil

Vladislav Likholetov- request for copy of MOU Director, International 10/20/2015 e-mail with KRG Ministry of Partnerships & Initiatives Higher Education

Patrick Stalling- Military 10/20/2015 e-mail Fellow in Senator Ted meeting request Cruz's Jillian Collins Director of Sponsored Student Programs call request to discuss 10/20/2015 e-mail International Center HCDP student case University of Missouri

Anthony Nguyen Legislative Assistant follow-up on aid 10/20/2015 e-mail Rep. Scott Peters organizations

meeting request on Kim Tran-Associate, behalf of Representative 10/20/2015 call/e-mail Office ofthe President | Bayan Sami Abdul Eurasia Group Rahman Tugrul Polat Update on Changes in Director, International International Student 10/20/2015 e-mail Student Services UALR Insurance Enrollment for Dependents

Camilla Vogt- Legislative Correspondent to Congressman Jared Polis, Mike Piatt-Chief of Staff to Representative e-mail introduction & ,„ „, ., Marsha Blackburn, David _ _ „ .... 10/20/201hilh 5 e-mail , „...„ ^. , repor)ort on State BuildBuildini g 1 i L. Phillips Director of in Iraqi Kurdistan Program on Peace- building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights

Kim Ttan- Associate, 10/20/2015 e-mail Office of the President | meeting confirmation Eurasia Group

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Anthony Deaton- Public Diplomacy Officer at US Consulate Erbil, Aaron Daviet- follow-up thank you for 10/21/2015 e-mail Senior Political Officer meeting U.S. Consulate General Erbil, Iraq

Allen Pabalate Accounts Receivable Assistant Manager update on HCDP student 10/21/2015 e-mail Academy of Art payments University

Kim Tran- Associate, 10/21/2015 e-mail Office of the President | meeting confirmation Eurasia Group

Josie M. Beecher- Scheduler, Jabari White- meeting request on National Security behalf of Representative 10/21/2015 e-mail Advisor Bayan Sami Abdul Senator Joni Ernst Rahman

, _ , , Discussed current ,, Rep. Randy Forbes, John , , 2135 Rayburn House _ , .. political, economic and 10/21/2015 ' .... Bacon Jr.-Defense Policy ^ ' . Office Building , . humanitarian situation Advisor . .. ,. in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Kahin Mohammad- Discussed potential Program Support collaborative 237 Pennsylvania Ave. 10/21/2015 Specialist the Young educational S.E. Readers Center, Library opportunities with KRG of Congress & Library of Congress

Jabari White- National Security Advisor 10/23/2015 e-mail Senator Joni Ernst, Chris meeting request Cannon-legislative Assistant, Office of Senator Manchin

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Patrick Stalling- Military Discussed current Fellow, Michael Sobolik- 404 Russell Senate political, economic and 10/26/2015 Legislative Building humanitarian situation Correspondent, Senator in Kurdistan & Iraq. Ted Cruz

Jabari White- National Security Discussed current Advisor ill Russell Senate political, economic and 10/26/2015 Senator Joni Ernst, Chris Building humanitarian situation Cannon- legislative in Kurdistan & Iraq. Assistant, Office of Senator Manchin

meeting confirmation on Kim Tran- Associate, behalf of Representative 10/27/2015 e-mail Office of the President | Bayan Sami Abdul Eurasia Group Rahman Jillian Collins Director of Sponsored Student Programs request to discuss HCDP 10/27/2015 e-mail International Center student case University of Missouri

David Silverstein logistics confirmation for Executive Director Rep. Bayan Sami Abdul 10/27/2015 e-mail ASMEA Rahman for 2015 ASMEA Conference

Discussed current 231 Senate Russell political, economic and 10/27/2015 Senator Kaine Building humanitarian situation in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Senator Ernst, Senator Discussed current Rounds, Jabari White- political, economic and Ill-Senate Russell National Security 10/28/2015 humanitarian situation Building Advisor, Dan Adelsteiiv in Kurdistan and their National Security recent visit. Advisor i Tugrul Polat Changes in International Director, International Student Insurance 10/28/2015 e-mail Student Services Enrollment for University of Arkansas at Dependents Little Rock

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Jillian Collins Director of Sponsored Student Programs request to discuss HCDP 10/28/2015 e-mail International Center student case University of Missouri

Discussed current Michael Knights-Lafer political, economic and Fellow The Washington 10/28/2015 KRG Office humanitarian situation Institute for Near East in Kurdistan and their Policy recent visit. Camilla Vogt Legislative meeting request on Assistant/Legislative behalf of Madame Rep. 10/29/2015 Correspondent e-mail Bayan Sami Abdul Office of Congressman Rahman Jared Polis

meeting request on Mike Platt-Chief of Staff behalf of Madame Rep. 10/29/2015 e-mail to Rep. Blackburn Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Knox Thames- U.S. Department of State meeting request on Special Advisor for behalf of Madame Rep, 10/29/2015 e-mail Religious Minorities in Bayan Sami Abdul the Near East and Rahman South/Central Asia meeting request on Mike Platt-Chief of Staff behalf of Madame Rep. 10/30/2015 e-mail to Rep. Blackburn Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman

Tom Goffus I meeting requests for Professional Staff 10/30/2015 SASC staff delegation to e-mail Member I Senate Armed Erbil Services Committee

meeting request on Mike Piatt- Chief of Staff, behalf of Madame Rep. 10/30/2015 e-mail Grace Burch-Scheduler, Bayan Sami Abdul Rep. Marsha Blackburn Rahman Camilla Vogt Legislative meeting request on Assistant/Legislative behalf of Madame Rep. 10/30/2015 e-mail Correspondent Bayan Sami Abdul Office of Congressman Rahman Jared Polis

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Knox Thames- U.S. Department of State Special Advisor for Religious Minorities in the Near East and South/Central Asia, Daniele Villela- Office meeting request on Management Specialist behalf of Madame Rep. 10/30/2015 e-mail Ambassador-At-Large for Bayan Sami Abdul International Religious Rahman Freedom, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor [DRL], United States Department of State [DOS]

Ambassador David Mack- lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Middle East Institute of Dr. Najmaddin Karim Scholar Henri Barkey- Director lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Middle East Program of Dr. Najmaddin Karim Wilson Center

David Phillips- Director, Program on Peace- building and Rights lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Institute for the Study of of Dr. Najmaddin Karim Human Rights Columbia University

Katherine Wilkens- deputy director of the lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Middle East Program at of Dr. Najmaddin Karim the Carnegie Endowment

Baline Nolan- Scheduler lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Van Hollen of Dr. Najmaddin Karim

Joe Pennington - Director, Office of Iraq lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Affairs of Dr. Najmaddin Karim U.S. Department of State

lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Pete Galbarith of Dr. Najmaddin Karim

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Holly Lewis- Scheduler lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail Rep. Barr of Dr. Najmaddin Karim

Bulent Aliriza- Director lunch invitation in honor 11/2/2015 e-mail and Senior Associate, of Dr. Najmaddin Karim Turkey Project CSIS Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for Follow up to meeting at 11/2/2015 e-mail Iraq Consulate re: medical NEA/PPD/lraq schools

Camilla Vogt Legislative Assistant/Legislative follow-up on meeting 11/4/2015 e-mail Correspondent request Office of Congressman Jared Polis

Holly Lewis Director of Scheduling follow-up on meeting 11/4/2015 e-mail The Honorable Andy request Barr

off the record Center for American roundtable for Dr. 11/4/2015 11333 H St NW Progress Rountable Iraq Najmaddin Karim & CAP & Middle East Experts experts off the record 230i Constitution Ave United States Institute roundtable for Dr. 11/4/2015 NW for Peace Iraq Experts Najmaddin Karim & CAP experts

Tom Goffus I follow-up on meeting Professional Staff e-mail requests for SASC staff 11/4/2015 Member I Senate Armed delegation to Erbil Services Committee

meeting request follow- Ellen Cahill- Legislative up for Dr. Najmaddin 11/5/2015 e-mail Assistant Sen. McCain Karim Governor of Kirkuk Meeting request: Dr. Mike Piatt- Chief of Staff, 11/5/2015 Najmaddin Karim, e-mail Rep. Marsha Blackburn Governor of Kirkuk

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Camilla Vogt Legislative Assistant/Legislative Meeting request: Dr. 11/5/2015 e-mail Correspondent Najmaddin Karim, Office of Congressman Governor of Kirkuk Jared Polis

Katheriiie Wilkehs- deputy director of the follow-up on lunch 11/5/2015 e-mail Middle East Program at invitation in honor of Dr. the Carnegie Najmaddin Karim Endowment Jabari White National Security Meeting request: Dr. 11/5/2015 e-mail Advisor Najmaddin Karim, Senator Joni Ernst Governor of Kirkuk

Jabari White National Security follow-up on meeting Advisor, Josie Beecher- request: Dr. Najmaddin 11/6/2015 e-mail Scheduler Karim, Governor of Senator Joni Ernst Kirkuk

Meeting request: Dr. Maya Ashwal- Legislative 11/6/2015 e-mail Najmaddin Karim, Assistant Sen. Murphy Governor of Kirkuk

Joseph Frake- Assistant Director of International HCDP Students - OPT 11/6/2015 e-mail Student Recruitment & Question Services, Valparaiso University

Dana Ball- update request on HCDP Academic Support 11/6/2015 e-mail Scholarship Students Specialist, the University payments of Arkansas at Little Rock

Joseph Frake-Assistant Director of International HCDP Students • OPT 11/9/2015 e-mail Student Recruitment & Question Services, Valparaiso University

Jabari White National Security follow-up on meeting Advisor, Josie Beecher- request: Dr. Najmaddin 11/9/2015 e-mail Scheduler Karim, Governor of Senator Joni Ernst Kirkuk

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Naomi Kikoler, Deputy Director, Prevention of Debrief on report- Genocide Holocaust Bearing witness trip Memorial Museum, report "Our Generation 11/10/2015 KRG Office Elizabeth Coble- Political is Gone" The Islamic Desk Officer Office of State's targeting of Iraqi Iraq Affairs US State Minorities in Ninewa Dept.

Discussed current political, economic and Senator Chris Murphy, 136 Hart Senate humanitarian situation 11/10/2015 Jessica Elledge- Building in Kirkuk with Dr. Legislative Assistant Najmaddin Karim- Gbvernor of Kirkuk

Joseph Dubroff Assistant Director, Diplomatic Outreach 11/10/2015 e-mail meeting request Office of Government and International Affairs, AJC Joseph Dubroff Assistant Director, Diplomatic Outreach 11/11/2015 e-mail meeting confirmation Office of Government and International Affairs, AJC

Joseph Dubroff- Assistant Director, Discussed current Diplomatic Outreach political, economic and Peet's Coffee 115615th 11/12/2015 Office of Government humanitarian situation St. NW and International Affairs, in Kurdistan and their Julie Rayman- Director of recent visit. Political Outreach, AJC

Sarhang Hamasaeed Senior Program Officer - Middle East and North 11/13/2015 e-mail Africa Programs meeting request United States Institute of Peace

Jabari White „ .. ., National Security 11/13/2015 e-mail Advisor meeting request Senator Joni Ernst

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Thomas Hawkins- National Security 11/13/2012 e-mail Advisor Office of the meeting request Majority Leader Sen. ' McCprmell Joseph Dubroff Assistant Director, report on Yezidi Diplomatic Outreach 11/13/2015 e-mail genocide submitted to Office of Government ICC and International Affairs, AJC

Emily Boylan-Special US Kurdistan Business Assistant to the Council Mission to 11/16/2015 call President, Nashville Kurdistan Region — Chamber of Commerce December 13-17,2015

Lori Odom Director of US Kurdistan Business International Business, Council Mission to 11/16/2015 e-mail Nashville Chamber of Kurdistan Region — Commerce December 13-17,2015

David Kinzler (Senator • Corker's Staff) & Dana Stroll (Senator 11/16/2015 e-mail meeting request Cardin's Staff), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Dr. Michael Gunter- schedule speaking 11/16/2015 e-mail Professor, Tenn. Tech engagement for KRG-US University Representative call request to discuss Kim Savit- Director of humanitarian crisis in 11/16/2015 e-mail Government Relations, Kurdistan and Project CURE partnership opportunities

Robert A, Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary 11/16/2015 e-mail Program in Law & meeting request Religion Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America

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Claude Pressnell TN Independent 11/17/2015 e-mail Colleges & University meeting request Association, President

Patrick Stallings Military Fellow 11/17/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Ted meeting request Cruz

Kim Savitr Director of follow-up on meeting 11/17/2015 e-mail Government Relations, request Project CURE

Rep. Scott Peters, Discussed current Anthony Nguyen- 1122 Longworth House political, economic and 11/17/2015 Legislative Assistant Office Building humanitarian situation Rep. Scott Peters in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Allen Pabalate Accounts Receivable discussed payments for 11/17/2015 can Assistant Manager HCDP scholarship Academy of Art students University

Dana Stroul Senior Professional Staff 11/17/2015 e-mail Senate Foreign Relations meeting confirmation Committee

Anthony Nguyen Legislative Assistant 11/18/2015 e-mail follow-up from meeting Rep. Scott Peters

Lori Odom | Director, US Kurdistan Business International Business Council Mission to 11/18/2015 e-mail Nashville Area Chamber Kurdistan Region - of Commerce December 13-17,2015

discussed humanitarian Kim Savit- Director of crisis in Kurdistan and 11/18/2015 call Government Relations, partnership Project CURE opportunities

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Patrick Stallings Military Fellow 11/18/2015 e-mail Office of Senator Ted meeting confirmation Cruz

Discussed current Rep. Marsha Blackburn, 2266 Rayburn House political, economic and 11/18/2015 Brian Maves- Legislative Office Building humanitarian situation Assistant in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Rep. Adam Kinzihger, Zach Silberman- ' Discussed current 1221 Longworth House Legislative Assistant & political, economic and 11/18/2015 Office Building Rep. Duncan Hunter, humanitarian situation Peter Davidson-Military in Kurdistan & Iraq. Legislative Assistant

Discussed current Rep. George Holding, 507 Cannon House political, economic and 11/18/2015 Kris Denzel- Legislative Office Building humanitarian situation Director in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Discussed current Rep. Andy Barr, Eric 1432 Longworth House political, economic and 11/18/2015 Landis- legislative Office Building humanitarian situation Assistant in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Discussed current Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 2300 Rayburn House political, economic and 11/18/2015 Paul Behrends- . Office Bldg. humanitarian situation Legislative Assistant in Kurdistan & Iraq.

Dana Stroul Senior Professional Staff 11/18/2015 e-mail Senate Foreign Relations meeting confirmation Committee

Kim Savit- Director of Government Relations, Project C.U.R.E Disaster Project CURE, Lindsey 11/18/2015 e-mail Relief container manifest Moore- Operations & meeting request Director for Project C.U.R.E. in Nashville

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Allen Pabalate Accounts Receivable discussed payments for 11/19/2015 e-mail Assistant Manager HCDP scholarship Academy of Art students University Claude Pressnell educational TN Independent opportunities in 11/19/2015 KRG Office Colleges & University Kurdistan and upcoming Association, President visit

meeting request on behalf of visiting KRG Johnnie Kaberle- Chief of 11/19/2015 e-mail delegation H.E. Fuad Staff to Rep. Granger Hussein & H.E. Minister Bakir Lindsey Moore Operations Director, follpw-up oh meeting 11/19/2015 e-mail Nashville request Project C.U.R.E!

follow-up on scheduling Dr. Michael Gunter- speaking engagement 11/19/2015 e-mail Professor, Tenn. Tech for KRG-US University Representative Joan Russell requested a briefing Vice President with Representative 11/20/2015 e-mail World Affairs Council of Abdul Rahman for their Philadelphia national delegation visit

Kim Savit- Director of Government Relations, Project CURE, Lindsey 11/20/2015 e-mail Moore finalize meeting request Operations Director, Nashville Project C.U.R.E.

Lorna Middlebrough Job Opening for IRAQ Education Specialist for Post-Doctoral Scholar in 11/20/2015 e-mail Iraq Geography at U U.S. Department of State Kentucky

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Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Follow-up: Christian 11/21/2015 e-mail Religion Communities Effort Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America

US Kurdistan Business Kris Denzel- Legislative Council Mission to 11/23/2015 e-mail Director-Rep. George Kurdistan Region - Holding, December 13-17,2015

Lindsey Moore Operations Director, 11/23/2015 e-mail Nashville confirmation on meeting Project C.U.R.E.

Jomana J. Qaddour Policy Analyst U.S. Commission on 11/24/2015 e-mail meeting request International Religious Freedom

Lindsey Moore Project CURE 2300 Operations Director, 11/24/2015 Clifton Ave. Nashville, Nashville tour of facility TN Project C.U.R.E.

Lorna Middlebrough follow-up on KRG-US Education Specialist for 11/24/2015 e-mail November 2015 Iraq Newsletter U.S. Department of State

Jasmine Edan | Vice President Operations | !l/24/2015 e-mail Non Visa Letter Question Velox Visa & Passport Services Jomana J. Qaddour Policy Analyst U.S. Commission on 11/24/2015 e-mail meeting confirmation International Religious Freedom

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Jim DiFrancesca 11/25/2015 e-mail Director of Humanitarian call request Assistance, PCI

Dan Fredrick, MA Manager, Sponsored Co-Funding Agreement Student Program 11/26/2015 e-mail between KRG and University of Alberta University of Alberta International

Article on "Florida Lorna Middlebrough University opens Education Specialist for 11/27/2015 e-mail "Talabani Political Iraq Science Research U.S. Department of State Center" follow-up on scheduling Dr. Michael Gunter- ' speaking engagement 11/29/2015 e-mail Professor, Tenn. Tech for KRG-US University Representative Edward McGlynn Gaffney Meeting request for 11/30/2015 e-mail Valparaiso University students visiting DC School of Law

Article on "Florida Lorna Middlebrough University opens Education Specialist for 11/30/2015 e-mail "Talabani Political Iraq Science Research U.S. Department of State Center" Joan Russell requested a briefing Vice President with Representative 12/1/2015 e-mail World Affairs Council of Abdul Rahman for their Philadelphia national delegation visit

John D. Pomeroy, Director of International Admissions & Recruitment 12/1/2015 call/e-mail Center for International meeting request Education & Global Strategy University at Albany

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Lorna Middlebrough follow-up on KRG-US Education Specialist for 12/1/2015 e-mail November 2015 Iraq Newsletter U.S. Department of State

Dana Ball- Academic Support update on HCDP student 12/1/2015 e-mail Specialist, the University cases of Arkansas at Little Rock

Robert A. Destro Professor of Law & Director Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Follow-up: Christian 12/1/2015 e-mail Religion Communities Effort Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America

Dan Fredrick, MA Manager, Sponsored Co-Funding Agreement Student Program 12/1/2015 e-mail between MoHESR and University of Alberta University of Alberta International"

follow-up on scheduling Dr. Michael Gunter- speaking engagement 12/1/2015 e-mail Professor, Tenn. Tech for KRG-US University Representative Paul Behrends- 12/2/2015 e-mail Legislative Assistant, call request Rep. Rohrabacher

Doug Morrow- Diplomacy Officer at Consulate Erbil, Lorna 12/2/2015 e-mail Middlebrough meeting request Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State

Jasmine Edan | Vice President Operations | 12/2/2015 e-mail KRG Clearance letter VeloX Visa & Passport Services

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Jomana J. Qaddour- Policy Analyst & Sahar Chaudhry- Senior Policy discussed state of Analyst 12/2/2015 KRG Office minorities in the KRG & U.S. Commission on humanitarian crisis International Religious Freedom

Jomana J, Qaddour- Policy Analyst & Sahar Chaudhry- Senior Policy info on minorities in 12/2/2015 e-mail Analyst Kurdistan and U.S. Commission on humanitarian crisis International Religious Freedom

Ann B. Radwan, Ph.D. Executive Director International Studies 12/2/2015 e-mail and Programs meeting request Central Washington University

Ann B. Radwan, Ph.D. Executive Director International Studies follow-up on meeting 12/3/2015 e-mail and Programs request Central Washington University Discussed current Senator Cotton, Alex political, economic and Wong- Foreign Policy 12/3/2015 US Capitol humanitarian situation Advisor/General Counsel in Kurdistan and their Sen. Cotton recent visit. Zach Silberman request for info on Legislative Assistant 12/3/2015 e-mail military assistance from Office of Rep. Adam US to KRG Kinzinger Discussed current Pabitra Benjamin- Field political, economic and 12/4/2015 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Director, Amnesty humanitarian situation International in Kurdistan and their recent visit. . Joseph Dubroff Assistant Director, KRG Jewish Affairs Diplomatic Outreach 12/4/2015 e-mail Directorate Statement & Office of Government humanitarian aid to KRG and International Affairs, AJC

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Allen Pabalate Accounts Receivable Assistant Manager update on HCDP student 12/8/2015 e-mail Academy of Art case University

Senator Cory Booker, Discussed current 359 Dirksen Senate Sophia Lalani-Legislative political, economic and 12/8/2015 Office Bldg. Assistant, Matthew humanitarian situation Klapper-Chief of Staff in Kurdistan

Discussed current Senator Bob Mehendez, 528 Senate Hart Office political, economic and 12/8/2015 David McFarland- Building. humanitarian situation Legislative Fellow in Kurdistan

John D. Pomeroy- Director of International Admissions & Recruitment Center for International Education & Global Discussed education Strategy, Harvey Charles- partnership 12/8/2015 KRG Office Dean for International opportunities in Education Vice Provost Kurdistan for Global strategy University at Albany State University of New York

Meggan Snodgrass student case from KRG Senior Evaluator to obtain approval for 12/8/2015 call Educational Credential accrediation to Evaluators university in US

Jacob Peters Deputy Press Secretary photos from meeting in 12/8/2015 e-mail Congressman Scott November Peters

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Doug Morrow- Diplomacy Officer at Consulate Erbil, Lorna 12/8/2015 e-mail Middlebrough meeting confirmation Education Specialist for Iraq U.S. Department of State

John D. Pomeroy- Director of International Admissions & Recruitment Center for International Education & Global -.,/„/.,„., r •• Strategy, Harvey Charles- , „ , 12/9/2015 e-mail , , , follow-up from meeting Dean for International Education Vice Provost for Global strategy University at Albany State University of New York

Claude Pressnell TN Independent. 12/9/2015 e-mail Colleges & University call request Association, President

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for message left to discuss 12/9/2015 call Iraq HCDP student case U.S. Department of State

Jasmine Edan | Vice President Operations | follow-up on visa 12/9/2015 e-mail Velox Visa & Passport clearance letter request Services

Rachaei Gordon & Stacy Soderstorm- International Student 12/9/2015 e-mail Recruiter, Office of meeting request International Studies & Program, Central Washington University

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John D. Pomerby- Director of International Admissions & Recruitment Center for International Education & Global ... , . " , e-mail introduction with ^i„,-.^r I Strategy, Harvey Charles- 12/9/2015 e-mail , , American University of Dean for International ., ,. , , ... „ Kurdistan Education Vice Provost for Global strategy University at Albany State University of New York

John D. Pomeroy- Director of International Admissions & Recruitment Center for International Education & Global e-mail introduction with , , Strategy, Harvey Charles- , 12/9/2015 e-mail _ , , " • . , Americaerican University of Dean for International Sulimaniya-lraq Education Vice Provost for Global strategy University at Albany State University of New York

Paul Kruchoski- Deputy Director of the Global shapers DC Hub tabbardlnn 1739 N St. Collaboratory, US State 12/10/2015 updates program and NW Department's, Mary collaborative ideas Gelati- Principal Shiplake Partners

Lorna Middlebrough discuss case of a student Education Specialist for 12/10/2015 call seeking ECE approval to Iraq attend US university U.S. Department of State

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Rachael Gordon & Stacy Soderstormr International Student 12/10/2015 e-mail Recruiter, Office of meeting confirmation International Studies & Program, Central Washington University

Lorna Middlebrough follow-up info on case of Education Specialist for a student seeking ECE 12/10/2015 e-mail Iraq approval to attend US U.S. Department of State university

Jabari White National Security 12/10/2015 e-mail Advisor call request Senator Joni Ernst

Jabari White National Security Documents on 12/10/2015 e-mail Advisor Humantarian crisis in Senator Joni Ernst Kurdistan

Claude Pressnell TN Independent 12/11/2015 e-mail Colleges & University re-schedule call Association, President

Jabari White National Security Humantarian crisis in 12/11/2015 call Advisor, Taryn Frideres- Kurdistan Region Legal Counsel Senator Joni Ernst Jabari White National Security links to humantarian 12/11/2015 e-mail Advisor crisis in Kurdistan Region Senator Joni Ernst

Doug Morrow- Diplomacy Officer at Consulate Erbil, Lorna Discussed current Middlebrough political, economic, 12/14/2015 KRG Office Education Specialist for educational and Iraq, Angie Smith- humanitarian situation Regional Policy Officer in Kurdistan Near Easter Affairs U.S. Department of State

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Claude Pressnell discussed recent trip to TN Independent 12/14/2015 call Kurdistan and education Colleges & University reform efforts Association, President

Joseph Frake- Assistant Director of International rooster of HCDP 12/16/2015 e-mail Student Recruitment & students at Valparaiso Services, Valparaiso University

Jabari White National Security 2016 Omnibus bill and 12/16/2015 e-mail Advisor KRG language Senator Joni Ernst

Joseph Frake- Assistant Director of International updated rooster of HCDP 12/16/2015 e-mail Student Recruitment & students at Valparaiso Services, Valparaiso University

meeting request on Camilla Vogt- FPLA behalf KRG delegation Office of Congressman (H.E. Minister Falah 12/16/2015 e-mail Jared Polis, Mike Piatt - Mustafa Bakir & H.E. Chief of Staff Rep. Fuad Hussein) to discuss Marsha Blackburn KRG-US relations.

follow-up on meeting Camilla Vogt- FPLA request on behalf KRG Office of Congressman delegation (H.E. Minister 12/16/2015 e-mail Jared Polis, Mike Piatt - Falah Mustafa Bakir & Chief of Staff Rep. H.E. Fuad Hussein) to Marsha Blackburn discuss KRG-US relations.

follow-up on meeting request on behalf KRG Camilla Vogt- FPLA delegation (H.E. Minister 12/16/2015 e-mail Office of Congressman Falah Mustafa Bakir & Jared Polis, H.E. Fuad Hussein) to discuss KRG-US relations.

Meggan Snodgrass • , , Senior Evaluator 12/17/2015 e-mail ... , „ . , update on stuudent case Educational Credential Evaluators

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Jabari White- Senator Ernst's National Security 2016 Omnibus bill and 12/17/2015 e-mail Advisor, Taryn Frideres- KRG language Legal counsel

Brendan O'Bryan- Scheduler & Dylan 12/21/2015 e-mail O'SuNivan- legislative meeting request Assistant Congressman Seth Moulton

Lorna Middlebrough Education Specialist for Iraq, Angie Smith- confirmation on NAFSA 12/22/2015 e-mail Regional Policy Officer panel Near Easter Affairs U.S. Department of State

Edward McGlynn Gaffney Human Right Watch 12/22/2015 efmail Valparaiso University Report (1993) School of Law

Brendan O'Bryan- Scheduler & Dylan follow-up on meeting 12/22/2015 e-mail O'Sullivan- legislative request Assistant Congressman Seth Moulton

Christian DiGregorio Senior Director of status of HCDP student 12/23/2015 e-mail University Admissions cases Marywood University

Jon B. Alterman- meeting request on Senior Vice President, behalf KRG delegation Zbigniew Brzezinski (H.E. Minister Falah 12/23/2015 e-mail Chair in Global Security Mustafa Bakir & H.E. and Geostrategy, and Fuad Hussein) to discuss Director, Middle East KRG-US relations. Program, CSIS

meeting request.on Kenneth M. Pollack- behalf KRG delegation Senior Fellow, Foreign (H.E. Minister Falah 12/23/2015 e-mail Policy, Center for Middle Mustafa Bakir & H.E. East Policy, Brookings Fuad Hussein) to discuss KRG-US relations.

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meeting request on Johnnie Kaberle- Deputy behalf KRG delegation Chief of Staff, (H.E. Minister Falah 12/23/2015 e-mail Congresswoman Mustafa Bakir & H.E, Granger Fuad Hussein) to discuss KRG-US relations.

questions about process Lorna Middlebrough- of verification for KRG Education Specialist for 12/23/2015 e-mail students studying Iraq abroad, degree U.S. Department of State authentication

Lorna Middlebrough- University of Alabama Education Specialist for MOUs with Uni. of 12/23/2015 e-mail Iraq Basrah and the Lebanese U.S. Department of State French University in KRG

Lorna Middlebrough- follow-up info on case of Education Specialist for a student seeking ECE 12/23/2015 e-mail Iraq approval to attend US U.S. Department of State university

Jon B. Alterman- follow-up on meeting Senior Vice President, request on behalf KRG Zbigniew Brzezinski delegation (H.E. Minister 12/23/2015 e-mail Chair in Global Security Falah Mustafa Bakir & and Geostrategy, and H.E. Fuad Hussein) to Director, Middle East discuss KRG-US relations. Program, CSIS

folloW-up on meeting Kenneth M. Pollack- request on behalf KRG Senior Fellow, Foreign delegation (H.E. Minister 12/23/2015 e-mail Policy, Center for Middle Falah Mustafa Bakir & East Policy, Brookings H.E. Fuad Hussein) to discuss KRG-US relations.

follow-up on meeting Kenneth M. Pollack- request on behalf KRG Senior Fellow, Foreign delegation (H.E. Minister 12/29/2015 e-mail Policy, Center for Middle Falah Mustafa Bakir & East Policy, Brookings H.E. Fuad Hussein) to discuss KRG-US relations.

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follow-up on questions Lorna Middlebrough- about process of , , Education Specialist for verification for KRG 12/30/2015 e-mail , . Iraq students studying U.S. Department of State abroad, degree authentication

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

4:18 PM KRG - USA 09/01/16 Profit & Loss Cash Basis July through December 2015

Jul - Dec 15 Income 40000 • KRG Funding 386,400.00 40500 • VISA Application Fees 375.00 Total Income 386,775.00 Expense 50000 • Consulting Fees- Q&T 20,000.00 50075 - Consultants- Dentons 20,000.00 50100 - Public Relations- Qorvis 20,000.00 50200 • Travel 50210-Travel-Hotel 24,430.78 50220 • Travel - Airfare 35,422.20 50250 • Travel - Taxis 10,031.53 50255 • Travel- Sedan Services 1,330.80 50260 • Travel- Other 2,894.82 Total 50200 • Travel 74,110.13 50400 • Events and Programs 50420 • Arts and Cultural Program 16,800.00 50430 • Other Events and Programs • 15,541.67 50440 - KD visits to US 2,628.00 total 50400 - Events and Programs 34,969.67 60000 • Depreciation- Building 86,160.61 60100 • Depreciation - Equipment 79,978.62 61000 - Employee Medical Insurance 53,057.47 63000 • Meals-incl. travel 6,234.11 66900 • Reconciliation Discrepancies 0.02 70100 • Office Expense 70101 • Office Expense- Water 563.16 70100 - Office Expense - Other 8,620.73 Total 70100 • Office Expense 9,183.89 70110 - Dues and Subscriptions -71.71 70120 • Utilities 70121 • Utilities- Cable & Internet 5,385.87 70122 • Utilities- Electric 7,226.97 70123 • Utilities- Water & Sewer 722.60 Total 70120 • Utilities 13,335.44 70200 • Telephone 7,332.37 70220 • Website Devi Hosting Services 50.00 70240 • Security 2,515.44 70400 - Shipping and Postage 1,350.30 72000 - Salaries and Wages 193,070.15 72050 • US Representative 69,600.00 72100 • Payroll Taxes 14,769.87 73000 • Legal & Accounting Fees 41,048.00 73150 • translation Services 28,906.00 73200 • Interns 7,830.00 74000 • Miscellaneous Expense 1,000.00 75000 • Parking 2,476.83 76000 • Repairs and maintenance 76050 • Office cleaning 4,951.56 76075 • Landscaping 1,185.00 76000 • Repairs and maintenance - Other 1,489.73 Total 76000 • Repairs and maintenance 7,626.29

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM

4:18 PM KRG - USA 09/01/16 Profit & Loss Cash Basis July through December 2015

Jul - Dec 15 76100 • Computer maintenance 5,888.98 76500 • Trash disposal 1,743.90 80000 •Property Taxes 25,899.52 82000 • Bank/International Trans. Fees 288.98 82100 - Payroll Processing Fees 922.93 82200 - Penalties 170.00 Total Expense 829,447.81

Net Income -442,672.81

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 09/26/2016 10:43:46 AM