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Universidade Estadual de Maringá Av. Colombo, 5790 Bloco H-12, sala 16 Maringá/PR CEP: 87020-900 Publishing House Editorial Board: Alexandre Fortes (UFFRJ) Angelo Priori (UEM – Coordenador Editorial) Cláudia Viscardi (UFJF) Carlos Alberto Sampaio Barbosa (UNESP) Carlos Gregório Lopes Bernal (Universidad de El Salvador) Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho (USP) Gilmar Arruda (UEL) Luiz Felipe Viel Moreira (UEM) João Fábio Bertonha (UEM) José Luiz Ruiz-Peinado Alonso (Universitat Barcelona, Espanha) Peter Johann Mainka (Universität Würzburg, Alemanha) Solange Ramos de Andrade (UEM) EDITORIAL BOARD: Prof. Marta Rosa Borin, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil Prof. Cristina Fortes Lia, University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil Prof. Mieczysław Jagłowski, University of Warmia and Mazuria, Poland Prof. Andrzej Pietrzak, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland LANGUAGE EDITOR: Renata Siuda-Ambroziak COVER: Łukasz Kamiński, Renata Siuda-Ambroziak PROOFREADERS: Matthew Davies, Renata Siuda-Ambroziak TECHNICAL AND LAYOUT EDITOR: Beata Bereza COPYRIGHT © 2019 Authors All rights reserved. Partial or total reproduction authorized for academic purposes, providing full bibliographical references. Graphic materials used by Authors are their sole responsibility. Dados Internacionais de Catalogação-na-Publicação (CIP) B794 Brazil-Poland: Focus on Religion/organização de Solange Ramos de Andrade, Renata Siuda-Ambroziak, Ewa Stachowska – 1.ed. – Maringá, PR: Edições Diálogos/State University of Maringá; Warsaw, Poland: Brazilian Studies Research Group, American Studies Center /University of Warsaw, 2019. 340 p. Texto em inglês ISBN (BR): 978-85-88613-21-8 ISBN (PL): 978-83-62992-21-8 1. História. 2. Brasil. 3. Polônia. 4. Religião. I. Andrade, Solange Ramos (org.) II. Siuda-Ambroziak, Renata.(org.) III. Stachowska, Ewa (org.). IV. Título CDD 21.ed.981 CONTENTS Renata Siuda-Ambroziak Preface 5 Maria Libiszowska-Żółtkowska Polish Religious Innovations 7 Frank Usarski The Commodification of the Dharma – Preliminary Reflections on Buddhist Products on Brazil’s Religious Market 29 Agata S. Nalborczyk Islam and Muslims in Poland 41 Artur Cesar Isaia Religion and Psychiatric Discourse in Brazil in the First Half of the 20th Century: The Construction of “Spiritualistic Madness” 57 Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro The Theatre of Faith and the Cross. Representations of Power, Faith and the Jewish Peril 75 Solange Ramos de Andrade Catholic Religiousness and Its Saints in Brazil 97 Rafal Boguszewski Non-Believers in Poland 111 Edilece Souza Couto Time of Reforms: The Catholic Church and the Society of Salvador, Bahia, during the Republic (1889-1924) 127 Gizele Zanotto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: A Scholar of Reaction, Activist of Conservatism and Crusader of Counterrevolution 149 Content Ewa Stachowska The Religious Market in Poland – Chosen Aspects. Preliminary Remarks 163 Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira, Ana Carolina Reis, Túlio Sousa Araújo The Hands of the Theologian: The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) in the Articles by Alberto Antoniazzi in the Magazine “Atualização” 191 Fabiana Gioda, Marcia Grisotti Religion and the Health-Illness-Attention Process: a Haitian Case Study 215 Jacek Zydorowicz Contemporary Art Practices and the Sacred Sphere. From Atheistic Anti-Religious Crusades to Agnostic Heresies of Dialogue 245 Vanda Fortuna Serafim “Feed the Saint”: African-Brazilian Religious Festivities Through Nina Rodrigues’ Perspective 263 Joana Bahia Ruins, Religiosity, and Patrimony in the City of Rio de Janeiro: The Festa of Iemanjá 279 Ari Pedro Oro Considerations about Brazilian Evangelical Transnationalization to Europe 303 Renata Siuda-Ambroziak Prosperity Gospel on the Rise – Development and Expansion of Neo-Pentecostal Churches in Brazil 315 4 PREFACE It is a real pleasure to be able to present to Readers the fourth joint interna- tional Polish-Brazilian academic publication of the series Brazil-Poland. Focus on…. this time dedicated to Religion (with the first book dealing with Economy, the second - Environment, and the third - Migration). This volume is a result of an academic partnership between the University of Warsaw (Brazilian Studies Research Group of the American Studies Center) and the State University of Maringá in Brazil. The phenomenon of religion, though extremely difficult to study due to its otherworldly and unexplainable dimensions, which, up till now, have made it impossible even to come up with its universally accepted definition, is of utmost importance for scientific research in many fields and disciplines. It is not just because religion is nowadays thriving all over the world, succeeding in harness- ing the tools of modernity that were supposed to destroy it and using them to propagate its own message, but also because no education is complete unless it has included religion, as it never remains isolated from other aspects of human life. Quite on the contrary - it proliferates into practically all cultural, social, economic, and political sectors, with religious actors and institutions playing an influential role in every region of the world. Religion is, therefore, never con- fined only to individuals and their private life. It is, actually, impossible to be kept out of the public sphere - even if no religion is privileged and the separation of the church and the state is a legal fact, it does not account for all the complexi- ties and intersections in the relationship of religion with other fields of human ac- tivities, constantly challenging our understanding of the world as neatly divided into secular and religious. Religion also migrates with people, constituting one of the very important elements of “cultural baggage” and essential components of human identities. The fact that religion does really matter and it operates in eve- ryday encounters that profoundly shape the way people think and act, suggests that there is, indeed, much potential (and necessity) in its studying – it seems to be critically important for understanding the past, the reality we live in and for helping shape the future. The volume comprises chapters within a wide thematic range of religious studies written by renown and dedicated specialists - invited guests from both countries’ academic world, representing various HEIs and research centers. They 5 Renata Siuda-Ambroziak present, in different styles and flavors, various scopes of research and specific in- terests, of which all have to do with religion, including various forms of religiosi- ties and spiritualities, contributing towards a comprehensive, harmonious, user- friendly and simply interesting collaborative project – a truly team effort. The con- tents of the book mark many relevant, practical issues related with research on reli- gion, in both historical and contemporary perspectives, having to do not only with the current state of art, but also events, policies and individual attitudes that influ- ence religious markets and transformations, pointing at the relations between theo- retical and practical approaches towards examining them in their all multi-angled and complicated dimensions: cultural, social, political, legal and economic. The objective of the book is to promote Polish-Brazilian academic rap- prochement in many different areas and fields of interdisciplinary religious stud- ies, as well as to raise mutual interests and willingness in interinstitutional and interpersonal scientific cooperation between the two countries in order to facili- tate academic dialogue and establish common spheres of scientific interests. Our intention is not only to maintain, but also to extend the existing cooperation, broadening both perspective and number of people involved, actively participat- ing and taking advantage of our projects of contemporary research on religious studies. Therefore, the book itself by no means should be regarded as complete or final result of our common endeavor – there are numerous elements, topics and issues that have been left out and omitted, waiting for their deeper exploration in the future. While we obviously regret such deficiencies, we also believe that they could not be avoided in a preliminary project like this one, constituting just a beginning of much closer and much denser cooperation of a, sui generis, Polish- Brazilian religious studies research team that we have just managed to build. We do hope the volume fully meets it objectives, including showing pro- spective directions and new fields for further networking between Poland and Brazil, facilitating common goals, disseminating expertise and bridging a trans- atlantic gap between the two countries. We would sincerely like this challenging, but also thrilling and inspiring project to be just the first of a series of much more substantial attempts to confront the difficulty of studying religions, to en- courage thinking about it in scientific terms and to ensure that its various percep- tions reflect the multi-faceted nature of religion all over the world. On behalf of the editors, I wish to all a fruitful reading. Renata Siuda-Ambroziak 6 POLISH RELIGIOUS INNOVATIONS Maria Libiszowska-Żółtkowska* From the social perspective, confirmed by the value of statistical indicators, Poland is a Catholic country. Affiliation to the Roman Catholic Church is declared by about 95% of Polish society. This seemingly unquestionable obviousness is contradicted by the followers of 176 registered churches and religious associations (Libiszowska-Żółtkowska, 2001; 2002: 13-32; 2014: 289-300; 2014a: 173-196; Doktór, 1999; Kościoły