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Guru-Nanak-Shabads-2019-2.Pdf iqn bydIAn kI kul ibKY pRgty nwnk rwie ] thin baedheean kee kul bikhai pragattae naanak raae || Guru Nanak appeared (took birth in 1469 A.D.) in the clan of these Bedis. sB is~Kn ko suK dey jh qh Bey shwie ] 4] sabh skhin ko sukh dheae jeh theh bheae sehaae || 4|| He provided comfort to all his disciples (called Sikhs) and helped them at all locations (4) iqn bydIAn kI kul ibKY pRgty nwnk rwie ] thin baedheean kee kul bikhai pragattae naanak raae || Guru Nanak appeared (took birth in 1469 A.D.) in the clan of these Bedis. Metha Kalu Mata Tripta Bebe Nanaki gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] gur parasaadh sahaj ghar paiaa miTiaa a(n)dheraa cha(n)dh chaRiaa ||1|| rahaau || By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause|| swDU sMig isKwieE nwmu ] saadhoo sa(n)g sikhaio naam || In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Naam is learned; srb mnorQ pUrn kwm ] sarab manorath pooran kaam || all desires and tasks are fulfilled. gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] gur parasaadh sahaj ghar paiaa miTiaa a(n)dheraa cha(n)dh chaRiaa ||1|| rahaau || By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause|| buiJ geI iqRsnw hir jsih AGwny ] bujh giee tirasanaa har jaseh aghaane || My thirst has been quenched, and I am satiated with the Lord's Praise. jip jip jIvw swirgpwny ]1] jap jap jeevaa saarigapaane ||1|| I live by chanting and meditating upon the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth. ||1|| gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] gur parasaadh sahaj ghar paiaa miTiaa a(n)dheraa cha(n)dh chaRiaa ||1|| rahaau || By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause|| krn krwvn srin pirAw ] karan karaavan saran pariaa || I have entered the Sanctuary of the Creator, the Cause of all causes. gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] gur parasaadh sahaj ghar paiaa miTiaa a(n)dheraa cha(n)dh chaRiaa ||1|| rahaau || By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause|| lwl jvyhr Bry BMfwr ] laal javehar bhare bha(n)ddaar || My treasure-house is overflowing with rubies and jewels; qoit n AwvY jip inrMkwr ] toT na aavai jap nira(n)kaar || I meditate on the Formless Lord, and so they never run short. gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] gur parasaadh sahaj ghar paiaa miTiaa a(n)dheraa cha(n)dh chaRiaa ||1|| rahaau || By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause|| AMimRq sbdu pIvY jnu koie ] a(n)mirat sabadh peevai jan koi || How rare is that humble being, who drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Word of the Shabad. nwnk qw kI prm giq hoie ] naanak taa kee param gat hoi ||2||41||92|| O Nanak, he attains the state of highest dignity. ||2||41||92|| gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] gur parasaadh sahaj ghar paiaa miTiaa a(n)dheraa cha(n)dh chaRiaa ||1|| rahaau || By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause|| sloku mÚ 1 ] salok mahalaa pehilaa || Shalok, First Mehla: dieAw kpwh sMqoKu sUqu jqu gMFI squ v tu ] dhiaa kapaeh sa(n)tokh soot jat ga(n)ddee sat vaT || Make compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist. eyhu jnyaU jIA kw heI q pwfy Gqu ] eh janeuoo jeea kaa hiee ta paadde ghat || This is the sacred thread of the soul; if you have it, then go ahead and put it on me. imqRü ipAwrw nwnk jI mY Cif gvwieAw rMig ksuMBY BulI ] mitr piaaraa naanak jee mai chhadd gavaiaa ra(n)g kasu(n)bhai bhulee || I abandoned and lost my Beloved Friend, O Nanak; I was fooled by the transitory color of the safflower, which fades away. Raag Raamkalee - Guru Arjan Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 963 qau sjx kI mY kIm n paudI hau quDu ibnu AFu n lhdI ]1] tau sajan kee mai keem na paudhee hau tudh bin add na lahadhee ||1|| I did not know Your value, O my Friend; without You, I am not worth even half a shell. ||1|| Raag Raamkalee - Guru Arjan Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 963 imqRü ipAwrw nwnk jI mY Cif gvwieAw rMig ksuMBY BulI ] mitr piaaraa naanak jee mai chhadd gavaiaa ra(n)g kasu(n)bhai bhulee || I abandoned and lost my Beloved Friend, O Nanak; I was fooled by the transitory color of the safflower, which fades away. Raag Raamkalee - Guru Arjan Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 963 jwxhu joiq n pUChu jwqI AwgY jwiq n hy ]1] rhwau ] jaanahu jot na poochhahu jaatee aagai jaat na he ||1|| rahaau || Recognize the Lord's Light within all, and do not consider social class or status; there are no classes or castes in the world hereafter. ||1||Pause|| <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gurpRswid ] ik oa(n)kaar sath naam karathaa purakh nirabho niravair akaal moorath ajooneesaibha(n) gur prasaadh || One Universal Creator God. The Name Is Truth. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace sB qy vfw siqguru nwnku ijin kl rwKI myrI ]4]10]57] sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree ||4||10||57|| Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ijs ky isr aUpir qUM suAwmI so duKu kYsw pwvY ] jis kae sir oopar thoo(n) suaamee so dhukh kaisaa paavai || When You stand over our heads, O Lord and Master, how can we suffer in pain? boil n jwxY mwieAw mid mwqw mrxw cIiq n AwvY ]1] bol n jaanai maaeiaa madh maathaa maranaa cheeth n aavai ||1|| The mortal being does not know how to chant Your Name - he is intoxicated with the wine of Maya, and the thought of death does not even enter his mind. ||1|| sB qy vfw siqguru nwnku ijin kl rwKI myrI ]4]10]57] sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree ||4||10||57|| Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. myry rwm rwie qUM sMqw kw sMq qyry ] maerae raam raae thoo(n) sa(n)thaa kaa sa(n)th thaerae || O my Sovereign Lord, You belong to the Saints, and the Saints belong to You. qyry syvk kau Bau ikCu nwhI jmu nhI AwvY nyry ]1] rhwau ] thaerae saevak ko bho kishh naahee jam nehee aavai naerae ||1|| rehaao || Your servant is not afraid of anything; the Messenger of Death cannot even approach him. ||1||Pause|| sB qy vfw siqguru nwnku ijin kl rwKI myrI ]4]10]57] sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree ||4||10||57|| Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. jo qyrY rMig rwqy suAwmI iqn@ kw jnm mrx duKu nwsw ] jo thaerai ra(n)g raathae suaamee thinh kaa janam maran dhukh naasaa || Those who are attuned to Your Love, O my Lord and Master, are released from the pains of birth and death. qyrI bKs n mytY koeI siqgur kw idlwsw ]2] thaeree bakhas n maettai koee sathigur kaa dhilaasaa ||2|| No one can erase Your Blessings; the True Guru has given me this assurance. ||2|| nwmu iDAwiein suK Pl pwiein AwT phr AwrwDih ] naam dhhiaaein sukh fal paaein aat(h) pehar aaraadhhehi || Those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtain the fruits of peace. Twenty-four hours a day, they worship and adore You. qyrI srix qyrY BrvwsY pMc dust lY swDih ]3] thaeree saran thaerai bharavaasai pa(n)ch dhusatt lai saadhhehi ||3|| In Your Sanctuary, with Your Support, they subdue the five villains. ||3|| igAwnu iDAwnu ikCu krmu n jwxw swr n jwxw qyrI ] giaan dhhiaan kishh karam n jaanaa saar n jaanaa thaeree || I know nothing about wisdom, meditation and good deeds; I know nothing about Your excellence. sB qy vfw siqguru nwnku ijin kl rwKI myrI ]4]10]57] sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree ||4||10||57|| Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Raag Soohee - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 749 mÚ 1 ] mahalaa pehilaa || First Mehla: BMif jMmIAY BMif inMmIAY BMif mMgxu vIAwhu ] bha(n)dd ja(n)meeaai bha(n)dd ni(n)meeaai bha(n)dd ma(n)gan veeaahu || From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. so ikau mMdw AwKIAY ijqu jMmih rwjwn ] so kiau ma(n)dhaa aakheeaai jit ja(n)meh raajaan || So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. BMfhu hI BMfu aUpjY BMfY bwJu n koie ] bha(n)ddahu hee bha(n)dd uoopajai bha(n)ddai baajh na koi || From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
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