TBA News Summer08

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TBA News Summer08 Turtle Bay News A Publication of the Turtle Bay Association Summer 2008 Vol. 51, No. 3 ‘Turtle Bay South’ TBA: Too Much Construction Gets Go-Ahead With No Coordinated Plan The big residential and office development BY BRUCE A. SILBERBLATT, TBA ZONING AND LAND USE CHAIRMAN to be built on the site of the former Con Edison Waterside plant has gained unani- he neighborhood is about to be Apart from the threat to public and private mous City Council approval, after developer “swamped” by new construction, and safety and property, there are concerns that Sheldon Solow, in response to community Twith it, more tower cranes. Coming the local infrastructure will be sorely taxed demands, agreed to scale back the project right after two fatal collapses – one at 303 to accommodate the 1,100 apartments considerably. The seven-tower complex, East 51st Street here in Turtle Bay and the and 500 hotel rooms added in 2007-2009. which Solow’s management company plans other just two miles north at 91st Street and Construction ties up the city streets and to call “Turtle Bay South,” will have some First Avenue – as well as reports of alleged malfeasance and bribery at the Department Related story on crane 3,700 residential units and is tentatively accident appears on page 5 scheduled to open by 2015. of Buildings’ Cranes and Derricks unit, that is unwelcome news. The TBA and other community groups had avenues, creating traffic back ups, snarling The contractor at 250 East 49th Street at the fought the project for years, on the basis buses, and preventing emergency vehicles corner of Second Avenue – while planning that its buildings were too high, too dense – police, fire and ambulances – from to pump concrete to the full height of and that it lacked adequate public amenities. completing their missions. Add to this the the building – nevertheless will deploy a Now, the overall project, located on land dirt, noise, unwarranted overtime work tower crane there. Also expected are tower between 35th and 41st Streets, has been continued on back page cranes at 823 United Nations reduced by over 500,000 square feet. Plaza at 46th Street, 315 East Its tallest building will be 595 feet (266 46th Street and 959 First TURTLE BAY CONSTRUCTION feet shorter than Trump World Tower), and TOWER CRANE SITES Avenue between 52nd and 53rd STREET the project will include affordable housing, 53rd Streets. A tower crane is 959 better public space, waterfront access and a currently operating at the new 52nd STREET 206&210 new 630-seat elementary school. The devel- U.S. Mission to the U.N. at 972/4/6 301/303 E oper also agreed to an easement to build a 51st STREET U KEY First Avenue and 45th Street, N E . MARCH 15, 2008 L V BLDG SITES P A waterfront park in the future and committed CRANE COLLAPSE T but it may be gone before the 950 N S E A R V ACTIVE I I 50th STREET M F R K E $10 million toward that goal. others appear. Nevertheless, D E PERMIT R B D REVOKED that leaves Turtle Bay with MITCHELL PLACE F City Councilman Dan Garodnick, a strong 49th STREET SITE critic of the earlier plans and leader in the the specter of four of these 250 CLEARED unstable, hazardous machines, PENDING move to get it modified, says the develop- 48th STREET all crammed into a 61⁄2-block ment will now be a “vibrant, mixed-use CRANE SITES community, with ground-level retail and stretch of First and Second 47th STREET 823 Avenues, and four more EXISTING 315 A Z ample public space.” E A E U 46th STREET L U E N P U N expected within a year. E TEMPORARY S E N V N V E A CONF. CTR. V A O I Meanwhile, Turtle Bay residents first N COMING A T D O A D T N 1-6 MONTHS This count does not include N R 45th STREET I G O H D learned that the project would be named for N C USA MISSION I T E E X T I S 303 East 51st Street, where E N L its neighbor to the north when a full-page 229 U COMING ad for the complex appeared in a New York the Department of Buildings 44th STREET 6+ MONTHS withdrew the developer’s ENTIRE U.N. Times magazine supplement in early April. 231 HQ TO BE 43rd STREET REHABILITATED construction permit on June R The “Turtle Bay South” ad was illustrated E . V L I 18. The contemplated building P R Y T with a bright red logo, a stylized turtle. I T C 42nd STREET S had, prior to the March 15 R A O E D As the saying goes: “Imitation is the sincer- U disaster, been found to be in T est form of flattery!” noncompliance with New York July 21, 2008 City zoning regulations. TBA•224 E. 47TH ST. NYC 10017•212-751-5465•FAX 212-751-4941• WWW.turtlebaynyc.org •[email protected] Mark Your Calendar U.N. Breaks Ground; Commits n Saturday, August 30 Friends of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza To More Trees for Turtle Bay Street Fair groundbreaking ceremony in early relocated during renovation. Second Avenue, 45th-55th Streets 212-826-8980 May officially marked the start of Michael Alderstein, U.N. Executive Di- the long-awaited renovation of n Saturday, October 4 A rector in charge of the project, recently Octoberfest and United Nations buildings. The first phase briefed TBA representatives and managers Children’s Jamboree of the $1.9 billion project will be the most of nearby residential buildings. He said Dag Hammarskjold Plaza visible to neighbors – construction of a tem- all construction work will be done in ac- Afternoon hours 212-826-8980 porary three-story building on the U.N.’s cordance with New York City building and North Lawn to serve as office and confer- safety codes, and he noted that pilings for n Last Tuesday every month 17th Precinct Community Council ence space while the Secretariat, General the temporary building’s foundation would Assembly and Conference Building are Open Meeting, 6 p.m. be installed using a process called “auger- Sutton Place Synagogue vacated and overhauled. ing,” quieter than the more typical method 225 East 51st Street Already, some 25 trees – including many of of driving piles into the ground. The tempo- 212-826-3228 the North Lawn’s cherry trees – have been rary structure, which will be approximately (No meetings July, August, December) cut down to make way for the 175,000- 60 feet high, is scheduled to be completed n Second Wednesday every month square-foot temporary structure. They will by mid-2009. Community Board 6 be replaced after 2013, when the renova- For employees not accommodated in the Full Board Meeting, 7 p.m. tion is complete and the temporary building temporary structure, the U.N. has leased NYU Medical Center disassembled. At that time, the re-planting 550 First Avenue offices at 380 Madison Avenue, 305 East 212-319-3750 will be done with “careful consideration to 46th Street, and in Long Island City. the Gardens’ original design of 1954,” says TBA Contacts: U.N. spokesman Werner Schmidt. Neighbors can keep up with renovation news Phone: 212-751-5465 on the U.N’s web site, www.un.org/cmp. Fax: 212-751-4941 The re-landscaping will also E-mail: [email protected] include 125 new trees that will Web Site: www.turtlebaynyc.org be planted around the U.N. Check our Bulletin Board: campus of buildings. Schmidt East side of Second Avenue, says the U.N. will work with between 48th and 49th Streets, the City Parks Department, on outside wall of the supermarket. New York Botanical Garden, and neighborhood associations Turtle Bay Association to select the appropriate species President: William E. Curtis and locations. Vice Presidents: Millie Margiotta, Dolores Marsh, Bruce Silberblatt The entrance to the temporary Treasurer: Francine Irwin building will be directly across Secretary: Marie-Louise Handal from 47th Street, site of the large Directors: Jed Abrams, “St. George and the Dragon” U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with rendering of the U.N. Ethel Bendove, Bunny Blei, sculpture, which – like other North Lawn as it will appear after a temporary building on the Orin Buck, Meryl Brodsky, sculpture on the lawn – will be site is disassembled in 2013. (U.N. Photo/Paulo Filgueras) Barbara Connolly, William E. Curtis, Denise Hamilton, Marie-Louise Handal, Pamela Hanlon, Olga Hoffmann, Bill Huxley, Francine Irwin, Richard Irwin, MacArthur Park Gets a Needed Facelift Millie Margiotta, Dolores Marsh, Patricia Q. McDougald, Ron Palau, MacArthur Park, the small children’s play- and there will be a new bicycle rack, drink- Michael Resnick, Carol Rinzler, ground at 49th Street and the FDR Drive, ing fountain and trash receptables. Jeannie Sakol, Helen Shapiro, is closed for the summer while it under- Bruce Silberblatt The City Parks Department says the project goes a $280,000 renovation. Included in is being done during the summer months Turtle Bay News the improvements are all-new pavement because much of the work requires mild and new landscaping, including plantings Editor: Pamela Hanlon temperatures, such as plumbing and pave- placed around the perimeter to screen the Contributors: Terri Heveran, ment replacement. Olga Hoffmann, Bill Huxley, park from the Drive. The park will also get Millie Margiotta, Patricia Q. McDougald, new slides and swings, and a new and larger The project is scheduled to be completed Rita Rowan, Bruce Silberblatt spray sprinkler.
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