All-ALI-All Coast Coaches came through with choices for Another all-team is selected by all-coast teams, from which Columnist Bob Miller on page Sports Editor Salt compiled Evergreen all-coast elevens. four of today's Evergreen. Washington Evergreen STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASH.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1937 NO. 31 VOL. XLIV Z799 Ticket I-Iolders May Obtain e17 See That I:vergreen Sports I:ditor MaryDUTga~I Compiles Two All-Coast Tearns Varsity Ball Programs Wednesday eoes on rla I i s------Conference Coaches Chairman Fa usti This Is No Joke, Aid Scribe in Names Patrons For DZ's Want Flivver Accidents Prod:cti:n ;taff EVERGREEN ALL-COAST I Choosing Elevens Dance, December 4 Lost, Strayed or Stolen: One Del- Selected for Play COACI-I~S' S~L~CTIONS ta Zeta flivver, prohably 1926 mod- Invalve Five By Prof. Daggy Results of an All-Coast conference Varsity Ball programs will be on el, Friday night. "We want our FIRST TEAM coacl;es poll, conducted by Lloyd distribution to all ticket-holders at f liv vcr," Delta Zetas said today. Seventeen persons were appointed Salt. Evergrec n sports editor, were the Bookstore \N edne sday, Remo "This is no time to joke." JVIotorists Escape today to see that Mary Dugan, petite Position Player College Votes aunounrc d today. First and second Fausti, chairman, said Saturday. "We parked it in a safe place he- I Serious Injury in star of the New York "Follies." goes L.E. GRANT STONE, Stanford (6) ,E,Trgreen All-Coast teams appear In keeping with the general theme side the house and when we wanted on trial for her life January 7 and 8 L.T. VIC MARl{OV, Washington. (6) I here. of the dance scheduled for Decem- to use it Saturday morning it was .Holiday Accidents ill E. A. Bryan hall without a hitch. , California (6) Answer, from letters sent by Salt her 4, in the Me n's gymnasium, pro- gone." frantic owners told the Ev- I~.G. The production staff appoint- (6) rcqucs tiug each coach to send his "e- grams \\"i11 be nurnatur e Bohler ergreen. C , California Narrowly escaping serious injury, me nt s came from Maynar d Lee Dag- AL HOPTOWIT, Washington State (3) lections were received frorn each Awards. Decorations \\'i11 also fol- If the car is returned beiore Wed- five Washington State students were gy. speech department head and di- R.G. with the exception of Howard Jones (3) low the Bohler award theme, ac- nesday grateful Delta Zetas prom- involved in automobile accidents 011 rector of Bavard Veiller's three-act STEVE SLIVINSKI, Washington of Southern California. cording to Andy Lloyd and Lewis ise no action will be taken by Pull- BOB GRIMSTEAD, Washington State (4) Thanksgiving Day. I drama of N e;v York life, "The Trial R.T. Three From WSC \Villiams, decoration co-chairmen. I11<1npolice. The car which Conrad Jarvis. Jess I of Mary Dugan." R.E. , California (7) Washington State placed three Patrons Named Willard and Carl Littlefield, vaca- The appointments follow: Q. JOHN MEEK, California : (5) ....nen-Bopto\"it. Cr imstead and Lit- Patrons and patronesses, announc- tioning in Spokane with Jarvis' par- Properties: Patsy Johnson, chair- I~.H. , California (6) I tlefield-on the first team. Fi\·c mern- ed this week include: President E. O. ents, was struck by a car driven by man; Joan Peters. Vic Phillippav, R.H. JOE GRAY, Oregon State (6) bel's of the Califomia Bears, coast Holland, Dean Lulu B. Holmes, Skiers Open Floyd Rader of Genesee. Idaho. Dan Malcom Sykes, Naomi Ayres, and I CARL LI'ITLEFIELD, Washington State (2) champions and western representa- Dean and Mrs. Otis McCreery, Dr. F. Dahiern, a passenger in the Rader Marion Bradshaw. AL CRUVER, Washington (2) t ivcs in the Rose Bald, received first and Mrs. J. Fred Bohler, Coach and automobile, received a broken collar Costumes: Aimee Russell. chair- t ca m mentions. 1I1rs. O. E. Hol liugbery. Mr. Arthur ho ne and was rushed to a Spokane man; Ken Alexander, Lauraine Lit- Sport: Plans SECOND TEAM t\u1l1bcrs appearing after the play- B. Bailey, ;'11'. and Mrs. Issac F. hospital by Littlefield. No onc else! tlc, Wilhc lrruna Thomsen, and Bar- er's names indicate the number 'Jr Deeter. was injured seriously. ba ra Yeakel. Position Player College Votes vo te s each received. The highest Dr. \Vilbul' Bohm, xr-. and Mrs. Blowout Causes Accident Make-up: IJhvllis Engdahl. chair- L.E. WENDLICK, Oregon State...... (2) Bob Candee Urges total possible is 7. Earl V. Foster, 1h. and Mrs. Loyd A blowout sent the car driven by man; ·l'auline Sundberg and Char- STRODE, U.C.L.A (2) Honorable mentions we ut to the Bury, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Schlade- Bill Wil liarn s of Wh it worth college. lotte Monson. Snow Enthusiasts L.T. ZAGAR, Stan ford (5) following players: Ends, Peters, man, Mr. and Mr«. J. B. Friel, Lt. Spokane, in which \Valter Nelson Assistant to the director: ~Iartha L.G. HUTCHINS, Oregon (2) Washington. Coughlin. Santa Clara, Col. and Mr~. T. K. P. Srillwe ll, Mr. To Attend Meeting \ and Bill Ma xwcll of Washington Fenstermacher. ERICKSEN, Washington (2) and Bates. Wash iug tou State; and Mrs. \\'. C. Krnegel, Mr. and: State wer e passengers, crashing over Publicity director; Cameron Mcy- C. MATTES, Washington (2) tackles. DeVarona. CaliforniaJ Fo~- Mrs. C. L. Hix. 1Ifr and Mrs. Robert a road embankment into a light pole ers. R.G. kett. Oregon, Stroll. California and S. Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Arbel- late Thursday. The, trio suffered Property: Loi, Friddle. R.T. McNEIL, Southern California (2) bide, Capt. and 1[rs. C. D. McNary, superficial cuts and bruises and se- _ WOLFF, Santa Clara (2) Nihil, Oregon State; guards, Ferko. Hal Jones and Ray Anderson. "ere shock. The car was badh· dam- R.E. KLUMB, Washington State (2) Stanford. Huston. Oregon. Evans, California. Dab Campbell, Washing- aged. The accident occurre~1 near JOHNSON, Washington (2) ton State and Amato. Oregon; cen- Lewiston, Idaho. Glee Club To Q. SCHINDLER, Southern California (4) ters, RU111burg, VVashington State. Jarvis stated he had stopped his L.H. BOTTARI, California , (4) tty" Chooses car on Sansher VVay at the inter- Ryland, U.C.L.A .. Dougherty, Santa R.H. SIENKO, Washington State (I) Clara; quarts. Newton, \Vashington. section with Kent avenue waitinry Sing Sunday POPOVICH, Montana ( I) a lull in the steady stream 'of traffi~ FAY, Stanford (1) Delegates when the Radel' car came cast 011 Kent and attempted to pass another WASHINGTON, U.C.L.A (I) car. Rader seemed to lose control of N orris Directs 43 F. ANDERSON, California (2) Sims Attends Four l\Ien Will Go the machine, said Jarvis, and it 1Vlenand Women KOLBERG, Oregon State (2) skidded, swerving into the front for Vespers KARAMATIC, Gonzaga (2) To National YM- of Jarvis' car. Rader's auto turned Convention over two or three times before stop- YVV Convention ping. Students May Get NY A Checks Now College Physician Acts on Committee At 11edical Session

Chorus Broadcasts From Class Room Tomorrow

KVlSC microphones will be taken Reports of bUSIness openings and into the class room of the college vacancies for teaching positions for chorus tomorrow afternoon at 3 :30, the second semester have been com- and the listeners \\'ill hear Herbert T. Norris direct 150 mixed voices. Dr. E. F. Dummeier, professor of economics, will lead the Roundtable Discussion of the New Agricultural program over K\VSC Tuesday at i :00. Others who will participate in the discussion are R. }.f. Turner, as- sistant director of agricultural ex- tension, and F. \V. Clmver, associate professor of economics.

To eliminate confusion the public health committee presents again these rules concerning medical service. It is to your Campus advantage to make use of facilities open to studeints.

Calendar I. Time medical service IS livailable at hospital: 9-12 a. 111., 1-5 p. m.; SaJurday, 9-12 a. m. 2. , Extent of medical service: No treatment of factures, All boys turning out for Var- except x-ray and diagnosis; no major surgery; no treat- Girls Publicize sity or Frosh swimming and the managers are requested by ment of venereal diseases, except diagnosis. Christmas Mart Coach Bill Bond to be present at 3. House calls: no house calls for treatment of illness. a meeting tomorrow night at Calls will be made for investigation of suspected con- 7 :30 in r~m 9 of the men's gym- tagious diseases. Bill Mock, '35, Fools nasium. 4. Hospital calls at unscheduled hours: doctors on call at all times for serious illness and emergency. Golfers at Portland The number of illegal train riders 5. Students should call the hospital rather than the doctors. and other trespassers ejected from 6. Students are at liberty to call their own family physician railroad property, but not arrested, at their expeWse,. Campus physicians may call outside in the six months' period from physicians, selected by the student at the expense of the March to August, inclusive, this year, "'as approximately 8().OOO belo\\' the stud

YWCA Will Vend Wares From Peace Groupl~~~~_;~~~:~e:nd Spurs Begin Women's Interclass Volleyball The Far East, lV!exico, Russia Will Meet International Work Seal Sale Tournament Begins Wednesday Christmas shoppe rs will f ind It I Y\VCA covcr s a multitude of in- s------\Volllcn's interclass volleyball Ruth Larson, Laura Jean Lauritzen, hard to decide which of the many te rnational as well as campus activi- ties with its yearly budget in its squads will begin their fall tour na- Gwen Wr igh t, Jean l\IaX\\'e11, Max- In-aut ifu lly dc-Jg ne d and in ter esting Cam pus and Town Gr ou p Will Assist iucnt \Vednesday at 5 o'clock when ine Dahl. Substitutes--Josephine articles to buy at the Y\\'CA Christ- GEMS unique position as the main organi- Organizations Plan zation to disscminate a cosmopoli- Ire sh me n are scheduled to pal}' Baker, Kay Frostrup, Mary Sutton ma s Xl ar t, to be held December 4, Christmas Anti- By Penelope--by Proxy sophomores, Norma Crews, man- and Leona Brown. in the reception room oi the Homc tan outlook among the women of the ] oint Discussion campus. Tuberculosis Drive ager, announced today. Crumbaker Is Manager Economics Building. I On Saturday, the combined junior Penelope last week found herself . I Its income is derived in part from' . . Sophomore: Dorothy Crumbakcr, The Xl e xicau booth \\"i11 feature and senior team \\·i11 meet the soph- stymied by a couple of columnists,\·cs of 'Ican.lplls an.d' such events' as the Chris_trnas "'"Mact,~ .Unlformed .Spur members will manager, Nedra Williams, Joa'l intricately designed. dr a wn handker- o mores. Another game between the Starr Craven and Xavier Deaux. Pullman CIVIC org amza tions wil which collects and sells goods fro III this week begin the thirty-first an- Kunzman, Betty Meiggs, France" chiefs of linen and spun cotton; many two top-ranking teams \\"i11 be play- Xl ain taiuc d ;;h<" they'd copped her meet to diSCUSS plans fc;r the pro-Il all over the world, A \VS contributes nual ChnstllJa; seal sale sponsor~d Snow, Beth Neander, Betty Lou colored hand \\"OHn bag". polished motion of peace activrt ics on the one hundred dollar s and Y\I\TCA dues each year III 1 ullman by the Whit- ed on the following \\1 cdnesday. \\poden scrapbooks. bound in leather ideas ior a column of poetry and Squad Members Named Currie,' Katie Knapp, Martha Han- \VSC campus. Weducsclay Cvening/net approx ima te lv three I undred scv- man County Tuberculosis League. , . dy. and decorated \\'ith painted desert com me n r, consequcntly she re- at i o'clock Vvard Stephenson Ii . 1 :; The Spur organization will can-! fhe three class managers, },IIISS t· d ttl d t t 't' <.' . '. 'cnty I\"e dollars. • C' 'K' C··' B' . 1 lIllior and senior: Arlene -ccncs: \\'al1 placat, oi hirds made usc, 0 pU lan 0 ype\\'n er III chairman of the peace orgalllzatlOn IR. . E "ass \\'olllell's hOllses alld dormitorie' I re\\ S, and InISS al riC 10\\ n lave J Mc- IrOI11 beautiful feathers. ann sih·cr. all ft' t t b' St t C II. '. unnmg xpenses . . . . :; I I f 11 . ~ Kay, manage!', Dorothy Johnson, < e or 0 ring a e 0 ege COnlll1lttee, stated that the meeting I, . ,..' as wcl1 as reSIdences on College hill, se ecte( the 0 oWing women a:; 'land-made, tic clasps set \\"ith tur- poch out of hiding. \\"ill be held in room 212 of the I fhe running- expenses 1I1.clucling annollnced Annie Grith . president' squad members after thrce weeks of Cecelia Robinson, Lois Shumway, (Ioj~e stone~. Constributors to Penny's yet Home Ecollol1lics huilding. such thlllgs as office supplJes and of Spurs. ' practice: Alice McDonald, Sylvia Dolder, Import Hand-Made Novelties I unborn corner nevertheless Cooperation of all individuals and I tel.ephone take on~ hundredten dol~ IK's Will Help I F~'eshll1cn: Bet:." Mayrancl, 1l1~1l- Beaulah Barrett, Helen \Versen and \.vilma Leuloph. The stationery, cut-out, and Place-' sidle into the Evergreen office groups on the campus and in town I lal s. COll1ll11ttee cxpenses, \\ Ith then Members of the Intercollegiatc' agel, Bery Despall1, Dorothy Egan, now and again. One of the first '11 I 1" I' I' f teas and vanolls SOCial e\'ents l' . 1 '11 d' 'b . card~ III the Onental booth, are \\., )C so ICltC( In t 1e IIlterests o· I . d II ' . ., \..Illg ltS WI Istn ute the seals III "ll.T H 11 H made by \\'Ome11 and !!irls in the of their efforts follows, WTitten thc peace campaign, one of the major anlount to sixty <' ars. fraternity houses and men's dorm i- 1\ orth a \IV onlen rural Y\\TA in Fu Shan near Che- by one who somehow managed projects of the Young iI.fen's and II Forty-fin dollars is aside for (ories. Enter-tal·n FI-l.ends PROFESSIONAL 1- to find a chair in the library 1. I t f f ioo in the province of Shantung. It is \V0111el1', Christian Associations this I spcao(en; an( seven y- lve IS or "Special care is needed to prevent by making these things that they one night before exams. vear. building and upeep. Delegates to tuberculosis," said Miss Frith. "Last I 1 CARDS hl'lp to finance their Y\\'CA .. * * * Dean Praises Movement tht:' annual Scabcak conference the year 822 persons died froln this dis- ~rel1lbers of North Hall entertain- • Thi" booth \\·ill also ,how small DISILL USIONMENT I' Dean Otis ~[cCrecry, \\"ho is vcry national student assembly and other ease in vVashington. Financial help ed their friends at all informal fire- Dr. A. J. Herbst, D.C. She sits across the table much interested ill the peace moye. councils are allotted another seven- from Students and townspeople alike side Saturday e\'ening. Mrs. M. K. lacquer boxs and saucy gla,s animals Chiropractor \\'ith an ope II book layecl ~lIt, n!ent, declared in an il.ltervi:\\· to tl:e ty-five dollar". is desired. \\Then a member of Spurs Do\yns, their housemothcr, was pat- to be kept as keepsakes, \\'OHI1 "slip- I Office Moved to New Location Btlt irom the look 111 tho,e blue Evergreen today: . r thlllk th,s To the secretary's salary, con- or of IK's ask you to contribute to roness. ,lops" \\'ith nlbber soles in different Y\V Suite M-1-First Nat. Bank. Bldg c~·es I I II tributes one hundred dollal-s and the cause, take ;s ll1any as vou feel ------(olors and "izes. embroidered to\\'els 1lI0\"emcnt must )e a c 1a enge to I ,. . _. s '. 0 Olsen St. Phone 32 and bags. padded silk. hand-painted Shc ,ces no print, no dopht. anv one who is interested in anv )ooks and magaz1l1c. come to tl1ll ty you can. It all helps." Theta Chi MelTI bers Chinese figures. table linens and ph'ase of sol\"ing peace problem. it. dollars. Eighty-fi\";, d.ollars ~s paid Paste Seal on Door ,------I lll Chincse tea from Shanghai. Her steady gaze is lifted i~ \\"e11 for us to think about tbesei dues to the ",abonal Student Purchasers of seals are requested Have Friday Dance Dr. A. A. Rounds Russian Booth Is Bright To the lower window panc, things when \\'e can do so calmly I Coullcil. alld twenty do11a:s. d~lCS by 1liss Fri(h to paste one seal on Dentist Her bright rl'd lips are 1110ying instead of having to make out de- goes to the \Vorlel StucJent ChrIstIan the door to prevent them from bc- Outstanding in the Rus,ian booth I Theta Chi entertained with a fire- Dental X-Ray Equipment .-\, if to speak a name. cisions under the tension of an ap- Federation, \\'hicll is an international 'l1g solicited again and again after "ill I~e tilt·. hand-made ,\\'ooden arti-j side last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs'l First Nat. Bldg, Phone 63 "Ie,; JIlc1udll1g scoops lor candy or proaching war." gro,~!)'.. they havc bought thcir quota. T 5 she thinking of a date Joe Street and Mr. and Mrs. Red- Dean McCreery added, "Evcry htty do~lars IS placed 111 the en- --- __ nuts. all kinds of little boxes and \\,ith Bob. or Jim, or Hennan' ding McKarcher acted as patrons I Dr. A. E. Archer barrels to be used jor any pl1rp05C. point of view and every gradation ofldowtl1ent illn~, and ten dollars IS. Anti-Galosh Party 1\0. 111)' friend. ,be's che\\'ing gum and patronesses. hrightly colored bm\"ls oi diiferent attitude should be expressed in thiS,' allowed for mlscellancous expenses And memorizing Gcrman. I ------I Osteopathic Physician representative meeting. It is the ------Split by Showings • and Surgeon ,izes. cigarette cases and ash lrays. -\Valt Stont. Betas Fnday First Nat1. Bank Bldg. incxp!'nsi\'e salad ~poons. and de- responsibility of every interested Gifts of Perfun1e Of Glove-fl't Boots Hold. li!!htful Rus,;ian dolls and toys for Hand-made potter\' of students of group that their represen ta tivc is Evenin 0' Fireside I Office Phone 60-House Phone 98 children. LO\'ely hand-embroidered I the Uni\"crs.ity of XOrt~ Dakota. will present and expresses his point (of Chosen to Create' to \I cis. luncheon sets, and blouses I be another Interestll1g leature ot the view; otherwise they have no right Forecast; Cloudy tonight, flurries Beta The: Pi held a fireside Fri- Dr. Fred D. Johnston \\ill al. 0 be ieatured. ~rart. to complain if the decisions of the New Personalities of rain or snow tomorrow. day evening for the members who Dentist group do not reflect their point of The ranks of the anti-galosh party were unable to spend the week-end First Natl, Bank Bldg. Don'( look Ifow. hut there are of coeds have been split by the in- at home. Mrs. E. H. Severance was Room 238-New Wing ---_------only 23 shoppillg days left until troduction of so many smartly in- the patroness. Phone 333 Christmas. Gifts suggestions are in conspicuolls boots this season. III order. so please note the statisticallv driving rain. there are smooth-fit- ~treets are \Yet, but not actually riv- Dr L G K· On The Air most-appreciated gift. Perfume. ' tmg. wool-lined boots to keep you ers, black rllb biders stye l'kI e smar t • • • Imzey Choose your perfume according snug an d d ry. The cuff can be worn b rogues WI'11 turn tl le t'dI e. Office First Natl. Bank Bldg, Station KWSC to personality, is one way to ap- up 0 r d own, t 0 S1lOW a plaId• or ------Residence 1503 Maple Ave. proach the problem, but it has been matching lining.· • Res. Phone 36 - Office Phone 16 ].;no\\,n for a perfume to create a For the frequent drizzles, wIlen the For Today: Dr. J. F. Newby 5: 15 J'assing Rc\·ic\V personality. tery of ancient India with the vib- Royal Typewriters 5:30 Fran Pearson's Spanish Influence I rancy of today, "Kisll1aju," by Clair- Eyesight, Specialist The strain,; of "Thc Bolero" are h' 1 I or Orchestra ac elg. lt~ns t 1e charm of any mOdo' Office Open Sunday Afternoon 6 :00 Request Time I rccorded ill a vivid tantalizing per- ern. Mollnard's "1811" is an excit .. Repairs - Adjustments - Closed Saturday Overhauls - On any make 7 :00 Edwina \Vheclcr, fume by Matchabelli. "Infanta." For ing new outdoor scent, so namedl 219 First Natl. Bank Bldg: 'cellist a dark-eyed, gleaming-haired girl, because had Josephine kno\Hl of It WRITE Phones: Office 66-Residence 187- R 7: 15 Answer Me this this disturbing pcrfume will set her she might neyer have lost Napoleon. VAIL TYPEWRITER 7 :30 Denloping New heart dancing. These and many others are pos- SUPPLY Dr. D. T. Ford, M.D. Varieties of For someone \\"ith a lilt to (he hilt sibilities. but as Hotlbigant ad\'er- 320 Main - Lewiston or Leave Res, Phone 140-0ffice: 83 Gladiolus for today, there is a reckless new tises, "Perfumcs cannot be des crib- Machine at Bookstore Office First Natl. Bank Bldg. scent. "Voyage in Paris." Heedless ed, they have to be lived with." 8:00 Smilin' Through Residence: 401 Campus Av~. 8:15 Business Digest of yesterday, this is a subtle, teas- I illg bouqut;t. 8:30 Treasure Trails • 9 :00 Bob Zimmerman, ,For a Madcap • Savings ASSORTED TOYS I A mischieyollsly madcap fragrance tenor 9: 15 Concert Hall of is callght in Lelong's "Impro~IPtu," I • Commercial /' \\'hich will set your step to the cad- \ For That Christmas Party the Air Cedar Chests with Stationery 59c 9 :45 Poetry Parade ence of laughter. • Trusts I Distinctly contrasting these is a 4-Piece Bath Sets 2Sc 10:00 Silent Blue Waltz Sets .. . , 2SC Tomorrow: perfume for refinement, Millot's F' N' I B k "Crepe de Chine." The haunting 6:45 Farmers' ~Iorllil1g I lrst abona an I These Are a Few of Our Many Christmas Program Illelody of "Fugue," by Roger and Member of Federal Gallet is another Parisian perfume Gifts on Display 11:00 ~o[orning Melodies Deposit Insurance <;orporation II :15 Fresh frolll the i of sophistication. FONK'S Sc to $1.00 STORE Ovell Mystery Versus Outdoors Established-1887 Combining the slumberous mys- 1 .. -- _ Pullman, Wash. 12:00 Farmers' ::\oon I Hour STREET 12:30 \\IorJd Book ?\Ian 12:35 Rhythm Rambles •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~.T.'•••T••••'••••••,.,•••,',•••,.".".,",••••,••••,', ..~ 12:45 Nc\\'s DRESSES 1 : J'=; CIa 55r00ll1 Echoes ~ 2:00 Music Appreciation for the Schools 2 :45 Clam Chowder and Corn Bread Photographers Say: Reduced! 3 :30 Your English 4:00 illonitor Views the See BARGAINS these News TODAY! 6:00 All Request Time 6:45 Sports Gossip I All new styles, new materials. 7:00 Roundtable Dis- "Portraits taken now will nQt only make ideal personal NOW- cussion, Ncw Ag- riculture Pro- Christmas gifts, but will also avoid the last minute rush gram. 1·99 2·99 7 :30 Farmers' Evening of late Chinook sittings." and Program 9 :00 Elinore Green, contralto 9:15 Concert Hall of the Air 8:30 Bernice Smith, soprano Chinook Editors Say:

The • • • "Deadlines on Chinook pictures win be earlier this year Personal Gift than before in order to relieve end-of-the-year stress on 3 photographers and the staff." ~ What Could Be More Personal Than Your Portrait for • • • Christmas Gifts? Have a large print made from your Juniors, Seniors, Group Members-- Chinook sitting for:that intimate friend Schedule Your Chinook Sittings Before Christmas • • • Hutchison Studio Phone 306 for Appointments The 1938 Chinook · ''By the Bridge" 41 Salon Honors Awarded Hutehison Portraits ••~'." ••••", ••••••'•••••••••••••'•••••••••••'••••,.,.'.',•••••••••••••••.! ,••••••••4·•••'••4••••••••• U. of Hawaii Enters Grid Picture East- West Coaches Picked Hawaii returns to the intersectional gridiron picture in a series of gridiron tilts planned for this year. Stanford Uni- Remic Bierman. famed T'uive r sit v of Xl innesota football coach, the vcr sity will top the list of the island invader s. Denver Uni- was named as co-coach of Eastern all-star team for the annual San Francisco Shrine East-West footbail ver sity, San Jose State college, and Tooele high school, from gamt> ]\cw Year's Da v, Bierman. Dick Hanley. and Andy Trah, wi ll engage teams from the islands. Bremerton high school. in Bremerton, Washington, will entertain 11c- Kerr "ill pick the Eastern gridiron representatives. 22 in all. Kinley high, frOI11Honolulu. in December on the mainland. Coach Babe Hollingberv, \Vashington State tutor. "ill act as co-coach of the Western r eprese ntat ives in the annua l The Univerxity of Hawaii meets Deriver December 18, San intersectional game. L. 1r. Biff Jones, Nebraska and Percv Jose State December -4, and Stanford January I. Stanford will Locey. director of athletics at Oregon State will also ;)'c also meet either the Kameha meha alumni team or the present in the handling of the West squad. Honolulu Town club on Christmas Day.

Monday, November 29, 1937. THE EVERGREEN Page Three. IHonors Du~ Idaho-WSC Bet:as Top League Coaches List All-Coast grains of salt Cougar Stars B· T In Inramural Football T earn Choices By Lloyd Salt o)(lng . earns Volleyball Play Several me; on-the 1937 Wash- Meet Friday ---- Here are th-;:-All-Coast sekctionsD- Q.-Meek, Calif. ington State football team who i Leading league 3 with four wins, of the coaches who cooperated with H.-Bottari, Calif. Please read this with appreciativeness. So help me, I've never played inconspicuous but never the- ---- Beta stepped into the limelight as a ~~"ergreen Sports Editor Lloyd Salt H.-Chapman, Calif. done anything in my life that took so many 'useful hours away Jess important positions are due for ln the brief in ter im between foot- strong contendcr for the intramural in the picking of an All-Coaches A\l- F.-Cruyer, \Vashing-ton. from me. a bit of well-deserved recognition. ball and basketball spor ts fans have, lvolley ball championship at the end Coast team. Coach Bill Spaulding, U.C.L.A_ The players are in the "unsung a chance to watch some top-flight ,.of the first week of play. Coach Jimmy Phelan, Washington HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED: mentor, chose the following as his hero" class. They are the fellows ring matches. Final. arral~gements Filipino club and Lambda Chi, Huskies coach, picks: team: who open the holes and form the for the Idaho-\V.S.C. boxing card each with three wm s and no losses. L.1~.-Stol1(,. Stanforcl. Approximately two weeks ago, your correspondent got the L.E.-Sc1martz, Calif. interference for the long runs of to be held in Moscow on Friday' lead lea cue 2. Stimson tops lcazue I 'f hairbrained idea of conducting an all-coast conference coaches ,., ~ - _,T,-_\ a rko v. \Vashington. L.T.-Cril1lstead, \V,S.c. the more publicized All-Americans. night han just been completed, ac- 1 with two wins, no losses. ATO in LC,-Stockton. Cal. poll. I went ahead with it, thinking it might possibly work. Let- . L.c.;.-Hoplowit, \V.S.c. They protect the kicker and the cording to Ike Deeter, Cougar league 3 with one win and no losses C.-Hel'\\'ig-. Cal. C.-Herwig, Calif. ters to the extent of requesting each conference coach to send passer and plug up either side of the coach. is the onl v otherundefeated team. R -' .(;.-Slivim:ki. \Vashing-ton. H. G.-Stock tOll. Calif. me his selection of an all-coast team were sent out. Every forward wall. A fighter \V.S.C. fans ha,-c been Here are the intramural volley ball R.T.-Crilllstcad. \\'.S.c. coach sent his selection, excepting one, that coach being HOW- R.T.-M arko\', \\- a~hingtoll. I Althol1gh he did not figure to I ".,aiting for is Jess \,villard, Jr., who st~nclings for tbe ,\'cck ending ]\o\'- H.I~.-Sch",artz. Cal. R.E.-Strode. U.C.L.A. ARD JONES of USC. any extent in the headlines this fall, ,,:ill cl;ter the squared circlc ~gail1st ember 27. Q.-Meek Cal. I I Q.-".feek. Calif. * * IJoe Angelo, blocklllg hack, was one ~lm Nlx~n, hard punchll1g Va~l;lal'l League 1 Won Lost L.B.-Gray,O,S.C. H.-Cra)', Oregon State, Before presenting you with the mythical selection, I wish to lof the most valuable players on In the 17J-I?Ound headbne houL I hls I Stimson . . ' ,__,.2 0 R. B.-Chapman. Cal. H.-Chapman, Calif. I the squad.. H1S excellent tackhng lS Wdlard s fIrst season of lllter- Sigma Chi . . 2 1 F.-An

, I courts U ,., Q the All-Coaches team.' .... . !iminary bouts hayc been arranged day and 'Vednesc!ay nights when \ .-J\n\'toll. \\'ashington. The date and schedule of the '" In the games played, FJllPlllO club . I J k l' . 1 1 I' . T}' (' 0 S annual indoor intramural relays * . * Y:-ICA '" 6 I" 5 'tl R' to bnng the carel to 30 rounds of COal'l ac' < ne sem S lIS varslty' J •• - ,ray, regon tate. H doesn't seem quite right to be pecking one of these morsels ~~~e~'ing"afast. :;r.1 g~~1C~~t~l fr~I:I~,.boxing.' hoys into scrill1mage sessions with R.H,-Chapman, Calif, will be set at the meeting, so of typewritten literature out on a Monday. With no pred;ctions ------" the Cougar kittens. F.-Crunr. \\'ashington. all intramural managers should the serving line and in front of the J) . f I ' "Tiny" Thornhill, the Stanford In- be there. to make, I feel lost. H' M d M H· repal'lng or tIe scason s opener net. lS teammate anapgan ma e rs erwlg I against 'Whitman. December 4. at dian's mentor picked this team: The announcement of said Something did catch my attention during the week, however, ;

Cameron Jack Find Out At - Meyers, Arthur, Accent--- Editor Washington Evergreen Bus. Mgr. & VARSITY BALL on Youth OFFICIAL PUBLICATION O}<'ASSCW By Budd Bankson Entered at the postoffice at Pullman, Washington, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. COMES NOW THE TIME to Subscription rate, $2.00 per year. sit huddled in our homes and read Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., College Publishers representa- rare tales of daring deed and our tive, 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. Offices in Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco. craniums avidly cram with adven- Address: Editorial office, College Hall. Telephone 258-M. Business Office, Administration Building, Tele- phone 563. ture and romance, while the drip- ping rain drools over house-top Vol. XLIV. Wednesday, November 29, 1937 No_ 31 and yard. And so we deem it our duty to whisper to you crazy col- legians the secrets of traversing, safari style, the weirdest wilds of Packing the Daily Californian darkest A!rica. Safari-so good.

Last week, the ASUC Exe- * * * THE BEST THING about cutive committee of the Uni- a big game hunt is getting back versity of California at Ber- home to camp and finding keley, met to consider a pro- yourself still That is, posal for changing the policies alive. if you can find yourself at. all. and management of The Daily Californian, student daily I once had an uncle who hit an newspaper. For years The elephant over the head with a Daily Californian has been rifle butt thinking it was his The Monarch of the College wife. When he discovered his Dailies. mistake he was so scared that he couldn't find himself for The Evergreen editors, feel- days afterwards. But that was- ing that such a proposal is n't strange because he wasn't dangerous to the collegiate himself for weeks. press, herewith reprints edi- ONE OF THE MOST danger- torial comment by The Stan- ous of jungle beasts is the lordly ford Daily. lion. He has the strength of ten Freedom of the college press is as precious and the paper would fall into about the same men, and looks as mean as my to students publications as honor is to the class as an announcement of courses. grandpa did before he got a shave and haircut last year. And besides, melo-drama heroine. Until yesterday afternoon 1.: he has better teeth ... they don't our Berkeley contemporary, the Daily Califor- The University would lose its severest critic; come out. Now, there is only one nian, was quite certain that it saw a villian in undoubtedly a boon to the most severely criti- approach to a lion. That's from the doorway. cized, but hardly such to the democracy which behind. On my last trip to Africa I The University of California Executive Com- California's Ex-Committee seeks to foster. It is discovered a psychological way of mittee proposed to "reorganize" the paper, in very easy to say that regulation of the paper warding off their vicious attacks. order that the "policies and management" of would not mean censorship. That was what they When you creep over a bushy the Californian would be more "democratic." told us in high school. But high school papers knoll and come face to face wi th write on "Don't spit in the drinking fountains," a lion, don't run or be afradi. Just In order to confer the blessing of democracy, look the King @f the Beasts in his and s , Keep trash off the lawns." University the committee proposed to take control of good eye and say, "You ai n't a editorial policy out of the hands of the editor. publications would show little constructiveness lion, son." In the lion's confusiou Expressions of opinion and policy would be if red uced to this policy, at being disillusioned as to his an- =!: * ,-:: handled by five "associate editors," and the ccns tor y, you may calmly make editor would take over the technical duties now When the Committee for Reorganization of your unhurried escape-I hope. If handled by the managing editor. the Daily Cal bantered these points about yes- this doesn't work, why you won't terday they decided on the inevitable compro- ever be able to tell me about it mise; the editor would still be determiner of anyway. The idea appeared attractive as a means for policy and author of editorials, but he would * * * stifling the successors of recent California edi- turn one column of his editorial page over to 11' 1S VERY EASY to get lost tors who wrote what they pleased. It smacked any writer desiring its us. In reality, this was in the jungle. I had another uncle who went with us on a safari one of righteousness and democracy, and superfi- scarcely a compromise. It was no change at By Dan W, Eagle time, and we came to a section of cially was the antidote for such editorial wrongs all. country that was being terrorized as monopoly of expression. It seemed to be a But in backing water the committee at Cali- by a huge man-eating tiger. My stymie for radical expressions III editorial fornia, which will soon submit its plan for uncle said he was going out to bag m~terial. Executive Committee approval, recognized that The----- the silly beast and that he would its five-editor idea was worse than censorship; BOHLER AWARD send word to us by a runner when In practice the reorganization of the Califor- that it made for the obliteration of any con- 'Winner of the J. F. Bohler award for 1937 will be he had the tiger dead. We waited nian would have turned it into a sort of daily structive and consistent policy whatsoever. Reviewing selected this week and the award will be made at the a week and received no word from bulletin with one page of devitalized, contra- Varsity Ball, slated to be held in the men's gymnas- him so we sent my grandpa out dictoryopinions. The college editor finds that Democracy for the University of California ium Saturday evening under the auspices of Inter- after him, because you couldn't tell ------Stand grandpa from a brush pile on a it takes days of constant plugging, repetition and for the Daily Californian will be more of collegiate Knights. after repetition, to get even meager response. By Bob (just call me 'Winchell') Miller clear clay. A couple of days later a a reality without the committees "reorganiza- black-boy runner came back with 'hat chance would five pocket edition editors Thought while recuperating from turkey and tion" for "democracy." The Californian's vil- Not for touchdowns scored. not for pa",;~s com- a note from grandpa. It said, have? They would row back and forth, go off dressings: I can't get mad at anybody today (this lian in the doorway has turned into a cor~s of pleted, not for numerous bone-jarring tackles-not "Found tiger alive and wearing a on tangents, and stumble over each other. The marines marching over the hill. is Thursday, just after dinner), so if you started to for these is the ]. F. Bohler award presented each pair of leather shoes. Stop. Can't editorial page would become a confused noise; -The Stanford Daily. read this with thc idea of seeing someone panned, year to a member of the Cougar football squad. fi nd uncle."

please stop, because nothing of the sort will happen. Much Jess tangible is that for which J11en 011 the AS FOR SNAKES; one A great many of the "Fight-to-the-last-ditch squad look when electing one of their fellows win- never knows. We were rude- Republicans" would gladly give this country back ner of the Bohler medal. Basis for their judgment ly awakened one starlight Af- In Behalf of Truth to the Indians-a-but I'll bet our red brothers at that time is crudely called inspiration. rican night by wild shouts from my Dad's tent. "Snakes!" would not take it, even if we offered them $24 "Good morning! How are you?" if I quit I'd have no living. I have my ideals What makes an inspirational player? Perhaps he shouted, in a cross between "What the h--- do you care? And what's and education, but I can't eat them. to boot. That leaves the Indians something to be only those who have gone through a season or falsetto and basso profondo, so good about it? I feel rotten. I didn't thankful for-oil wells, and no morries. Let the two side by side with such a man can tell you. "Snakes." My mom was ired. enjoy my breakfast. I forgot all I ever knew Big White Chief worry for them. \ Perhaps even they could not put into words their "Pl1It the cork back: in that "So, as sick and as tired of you as I am, reasons for voting for a man as winner of the bottle and relax mental-mid- about English this morning. I told my room- I'll go on and try to teach you numb-skulls. * * * mate they didn't come any dumber than he. V\' ell, perusing the back issues of the Evergreen j. F. Bohler award. get!" she sweetly sang at him. And when I go back to my office after class, Always frank .... that's my , nd my mouth tastes as though the Russian bring: to light nothing worth commenting on, and One of Wash ing ton State's traditions is the Bohler almost I'll go mad, thinking about mass edu- mon). "Listen you dim-bulb, army ~ade camp during the night on my as long as someone beat me to the comment about trophy. ]. F. "Doc" Bohler, head of the department cation. My hands are tied. Tied with a pay- there aren't any snakes within .mo lars. ticket-scalping, 1'111 at somewhat of a loss for a of physical education ~nd director of athletics, first check which I must get in order to live. miles of here." "Mabey not," subject. And you sit and sleep! Get out! Get out!" presented the award in 1921. my Dad hoarsely shouted One doesn't hear any ,saluations like that I notice that this is the season for picking all- Here they are : back, "but this isn't exactly something teams-some are pretty. poor, considering 1921 Milo McIver "my winter muffler I've got but he would if there were such a thing as And if the student could say aloud in the Truth Day. thejr source-so why doesn't this corner fo llow suit. 1922 Ford Dunton around my neck!" classroom what he sometimes thinks: Ready? 1923 john Zaepfel We have Youth Week. National Milk Week, "Lord! So you're going to tell that same * * * 1924 Marvin HaJes ONE THING MORE that I Hello Day, Hello Walks, Be-Kind-To Lone- story I've heard in everyone of your courses. * * * some-Freshmen- Week, Retail Grocers' Week, THE REVIEWING STAND picks the All- 1925 Bill Kramer remember from my big game hunt- All you do in any of them is mumble a lot ing daze. My aunt, the one that and three hundred other "celebrations." All-All Americans! 1925 Harold Hansen of words in a monotonous voice and make my uncle mistook for the elephant, From border to border and coast to coast-irom 1927 Carl Gustafson Why can't we have a Truth Day? reference to " when I was in colloge." 1928 Dan Horan once went down to the water hole Ma iue to California-frol1l Saskatoon to Tia ]uana- ,;: i,: * (: * * 1929 Archie Buckley for a drink. There was a hippo- irom Maine to Pu llman, these eleven are considered Just think what a time the professors would "Really, how the college administration 1930 Harold Ahlskog potamus drinking there too, but he tops by this corner. have: a day in which they could say just doesn't get wise to you is beyond me. Each 1931 George Hurley seemed friendly so my aunt kneel- DAMON RUNYON of New York, for his spark- ed down beside it and started drink- what .they pleased and without having to time we ask you a question you side-step it 1932 Clement Senn ling wit and his super-insight, and his ability to re- ing. My uncle came up from be- ater to the whims of the college administra- by turning it around so you can answer it. 1933 Phil Sorboe port what he sees is chosen quarterback, and honor- hind, stopped a minute, and looked tion or the taxpayers, and the board of regents, Sometimes I think you know very little about 1934 Harold Hawley ary captain. kinda puzzled. Finally he said, anything. 1935 Charles McBride * JI!:: * "Whichever one of you is my wife, .. BOEING, of Army, for it~ sheer power and beauty And so it would be something like this: .. " 1936 Floyd Terry come here a minute." "You shouldn't be teaching. But you go i11 action, for its blasting propensities, and for its "Why are you enrolled in my department, Oh, well! right on thr.owing a lot of antiquated facts outstripping of other military aircraft, is warded the and for her grace and beauty, gets one of the half- you dull nincompoops? Or any department, at us, expectrrig us to recite them back to you fullback position. back spots. ' 'TTTTT TTTn for that matter. College to most of you is a or put them in a blue book. I don't like 'your ROBERTA RICE of the University of Washing- GEORGE PETTY of Esquire, for his clever and place in which to waste four years of your course, I'm wasting my time, and my parents' t011, for her ability to lead the band and twirl a baton, instructive (?) drawings, and his phenomenal ability Elsewhere life on your old man's money. You just go to diagnose public tastes, gets the other halfback post. money. But the college catalog says I must United States. I on loafing after you've loafed through four The line offered more trouble to our staff of pick- .44444444'44'4'4'444~ take your course or I won't get my name on Princess Jane's father, Chief Timothy, was one of years of high school. And you humburg your crs and choosers, but the final choice gees to the a sheepskin. But your course is lousy. Lousy, Reverend Spalding's first converts. Chief Timothy. Jail terms of lOO days, and fines parents into believing you are learning some- following: of $200 were meted out to Univer- do you hear? Lousy! Lousy!" is credited with saving Reverend and Mrs. Spalding thing new! If they only knew ... DONALD DUCK of Hollywood, right end .. , sity of California students and off- from massacre hy the Cayuse Indians after Dr. an(i 1,: ::: JOHNNY WALKER of New York, right tackle. campus rioters in the Berkeley * And if this were Truth Day, some one should Mrs. Marcus vVhitman were murdered. WAR ADMIRAL of Churchill Downs, right guard. court of Judge Oliver Youngs. Of ''I'm sick of you. Of education. Of class- say, "This editorial is rotten." Today the grave of Jane Silcott 011 the Clearwater rooms. Of living. But I won't quit. Oh, no. SNUFFY SMITH, of the Virginia mountains, cen- the fifteen rioters who appeared in And if it were Truth Day, the editor would river is honored by people of the region who pay court as the result of activities ter. SMOKY STOVER of Chicago Tribune, left I'd never quit. Teaching is my income and say: "Brother, I know it's rotten." tribute to the Indian princess who became one of the which followed the men's smoker guard. BING CROSBY of Hollywood an~ Spokane, "heroines of the northwest," rally, two were given $200 fines, left tackle. CORD of Auburn, left end. Last year on N ove111ber 29, a centennial celebra- and one was sent to jail for 100 nlallce and warfare, and with the gt;eat epic cf tLe The second team and alternates, must include: tion of the founding of the Spalding mission at days. Other trials are to be con- building of the North west into a part of America. Lapwai, now Spalding, was held and the coming Li'l Abner of Dogpatch; Brown Jug of Minnesota; tinued in December. Rioters be- CENTURY AGO Born to Rev. Henry Harmon Spalding and his of the missionaries was reenacted in costume. Flash Gordon of Mars; Popeye of Spinach; The fore the California-Stanford foot- Less. than 50 miles from the site of this col- wife, Eliza Spalding started the line of hardy pion- At the log cabin museum is Jane Silcott's "wish- Three Musketeers; Bud Shekels, of Carter College; ball game did $10,900 \\'orth of lege, Eliza Spalding was born, daughter of Mis- eer women often forgotten in the chronicles of property damage. ing well." Inscribed on an old weather-beaten Tarzan of Africa; Walter Duranty of MoscQw; an