All-ALI-All Coast Coaches came through with choices for Another all-team is selected by all-coast teams, from which Columnist Bob Miller on page Sports Editor Salt compiled Evergreen all-coast elevens. four of today's Evergreen. Washington Evergreen STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASH.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1937 NO. 31 VOL. XLIV Z799 Ticket I-Iolders May Obtain e17 See That I:vergreen Sports I:ditor MaryDUTga~I Compiles Two All-Coast Tearns Varsity Ball Programs Wednesday eoes on rla I i s-------------------------------------------------------- Conference Coaches Chairman Fa usti This Is No Joke, Aid Scribe in Names Patrons For DZ's Want Flivver Accidents Prod:cti:n ;taff EVERGREEN ALL-COAST I Choosing Elevens Dance, December 4 Lost, Strayed or Stolen: One Del- Selected for Play COACI-I~S' S~L~CTIONS ta Zeta flivver, prohably 1926 mod- Invalve Five By Prof. Daggy Results of an All-Coast conference Varsity Ball programs will be on el, Friday night. "We want our FIRST TEAM coacl;es poll, conducted by Lloyd distribution to all ticket-holders at f liv vcr," Delta Zetas said today. Seventeen persons were appointed Salt. Evergrec n sports editor, were the Bookstore \N edne sday, Remo "This is no time to joke." JVIotorists Escape today to see that Mary Dugan, petite Position Player College Votes aunounrc d today. First and second Fausti, chairman, said Saturday. "We parked it in a safe place he- I Serious Injury in star of the New York "Follies." goes L.E. GRANT STONE, Stanford (6) ,E,Trgreen All-Coast teams appear In keeping with the general theme side the house and when we wanted on trial for her life January 7 and 8 L.T. VIC MARl{OV, Washington. (6) I here. of the dance scheduled for Decem- to use it Saturday morning it was .Holiday Accidents ill E. A. Bryan hall without a hitch. VARD STOCKTON, California (6) Answer, from letters sent by Salt her 4, in the Me n's gymnasium, pro- gone." frantic owners told the Ev- I~.G. The production staff appoint- (6) rcqucs tiug each coach to send his "e- grams \\"i11 be nurnatur e Bohler ergreen. C BOB HERWIG, California Narrowly escaping serious injury, me nt s came from Maynar d Lee Dag- AL HOPTOWIT, Washington State (3) lections were received frorn each Awards. Decorations \\'i11 also fol- If the car is returned beiore Wed- five Washington State students were gy. speech department head and di- R.G. with the exception of Howard Jones (3) low the Bohler award theme, ac- nesday grateful Delta Zetas prom- involved in automobile accidents 011 rector of Bavard Veiller's three-act STEVE SLIVINSKI, Washington of Southern California. cording to Andy Lloyd and Lewis ise no action will be taken by Pull- BOB GRIMSTEAD, Washington State (4) Thanksgiving Day. I drama of N e;v York life, "The Trial R.T. Three From WSC \Villiams, decoration co-chairmen. I11<1npolice. The car which Conrad Jarvis. Jess I of Mary Dugan." R.E. PERRY SCHWARTZ, California (7) Washington State placed three Patrons Named Willard and Carl Littlefield, vaca- The appointments follow: Q. JOHN MEEK, California : (5) ....nen-Bopto\"it. Cr imstead and Lit- Patrons and patronesses, announc- tioning in Spokane with Jarvis' par- Properties: Patsy Johnson, chair- I~.H. SAM CHAPMAN, California (6) I tlefield-on the first team. Fi\·c mern- ed this week include: President E. O. ents, was struck by a car driven by man; Joan Peters. Vic Phillippav, R.H. JOE GRAY, Oregon State (6) bel's of the Califomia Bears, coast Holland, Dean Lulu B. Holmes, Skiers Open Floyd Rader of Genesee. Idaho. Dan Malcom Sykes, Naomi Ayres, and I CARL LI'ITLEFIELD, Washington State (2) champions and western representa- Dean and Mrs. Otis McCreery, Dr. F. Dahiern, a passenger in the Rader Marion Bradshaw. AL CRUVER, Washington (2) t ivcs in the Rose Bald, received first and Mrs. J. Fred Bohler, Coach and automobile, received a broken collar Costumes: Aimee Russell. chair- t ca m mentions. 1I1rs. O. E. Hol liugbery. Mr. Arthur ho ne and was rushed to a Spokane man; Ken Alexander, Lauraine Lit- Sport: Plans SECOND TEAM t\u1l1bcrs appearing after the play- B. Bailey, ;'11'. and Mrs. Issac F. hospital by Littlefield. No onc else! tlc, Wilhc lrruna Thomsen, and Bar- er's names indicate the number 'Jr Deeter. was injured seriously. ba ra Yeakel. Position Player College Votes vo te s each received. The highest Dr. \Vilbul' Bohm, xr-. and Mrs. Blowout Causes Accident Make-up: IJhvllis Engdahl. chair- L.E. WENDLICK, Oregon State......................... (2) Bob Candee Urges total possible is 7. Earl V. Foster, 1h. and Mrs. Loyd A blowout sent the car driven by man; ·l'auline Sundberg and Char- STRODE, U.C.L.A (2) Honorable mentions we ut to the Bury, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Schlade- Bill Wil liarn s of Wh it worth college. lotte Monson. Snow Enthusiasts L.T. ZAGAR, Stan ford (5) following players: Ends, Peters, man, Mr. and Mr«. J. B. Friel, Lt. Spokane, in which \Valter Nelson Assistant to the director: ~Iartha L.G. HUTCHINS, Oregon (2) Washington. Coughlin. Santa Clara, Col. and Mr~. T. K. P. Srillwe ll, Mr. To Attend Meeting \ and Bill Ma xwcll of Washington Fenstermacher. ERICKSEN, Washington (2) and Bates. Wash iug tou State; and Mrs. \\'. C. Krnegel, Mr. and: State wer e passengers, crashing over Publicity director; Cameron Mcy- C. MATTES, Washington (2) tackles. DeVarona. CaliforniaJ Fo~- Mrs. C. L. Hix. 1Ifr and Mrs. Robert a road embankment into a light pole ers. R.G. kett. Oregon, Stroll. California and S. Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Arbel- late Thursday. The, trio suffered Property: Loi, Friddle. R.T. McNEIL, Southern California (2) bide, Capt. and 1[rs. C. D. McNary, superficial cuts and bruises and se- _ WOLFF, Santa Clara (2) Nihil, Oregon State; guards, Ferko. Hal Jones and Ray Anderson. "ere shock. The car was badh· dam- R.E. KLUMB, Washington State (2) Stanford. Huston. Oregon. Evans, California. Dab Campbell, Washing- aged. The accident occurre~1 near JOHNSON, Washington (2) ton State and Amato. Oregon; cen- Lewiston, Idaho. Glee Club To Q. SCHINDLER, Southern California (4) ters, RU111burg, VVashington State. Jarvis stated he had stopped his L.H. BOTTARI, California , (4) tty" Chooses car on Sansher VVay at the inter- Ryland, U.C.L.A .. Dougherty, Santa R.H. SIENKO, Washington State (I) Clara; quarts. Newton, \Vashington. section with Kent avenue waitinry Sing Sunday POPOVICH, Montana ( I) a lull in the steady stream 'of traffi~ FAY, Stanford (1) Delegates when the Radel' car came cast 011 Kent and attempted to pass another WASHINGTON, U.C.L.A (I) car. Rader seemed to lose control of N orris Directs 43 F. ANDERSON, California (2) Sims Attends Four l\Ien Will Go the machine, said Jarvis, and it 1Vlenand Women KOLBERG, Oregon State (2) skidded, swerving into the front for Vespers KARAMATIC, Gonzaga (2) To National YM- of Jarvis' car. Rader's auto turned Convention over two or three times before stop- YVV Convention ping. Students May Get NY A Checks Now College Physician Acts on Committee At 11edical Session Chorus Broadcasts From Class Room Tomorrow KVlSC microphones will be taken Reports of bUSIness openings and into the class room of the college vacancies for teaching positions for chorus tomorrow afternoon at 3 :30, the second semester have been com- and the listeners \\'ill hear Herbert T. Norris direct 150 mixed voices. Dr. E. F. Dummeier, professor of economics, will lead the Roundtable Discussion of the New Agricultural program over K\VSC Tuesday at i :00. Others who will participate in the discussion are R. }.f. Turner, as- sistant director of agricultural ex- tension, and F. \V. Clmver, associate professor of economics. To eliminate confusion the public health committee presents again these rules concerning medical service. It is to your Campus advantage to make use of facilities open to studeints. Calendar I. Time medical service IS livailable at hospital: 9-12 a. 111., 1-5 p. m.; SaJurday, 9-12 a. m. 2. , Extent of medical service: No treatment of factures, All boys turning out for Var- except x-ray and diagnosis; no major surgery; no treat- Girls Publicize sity or Frosh swimming and the managers are requested by ment of venereal diseases, except diagnosis. Christmas Mart Coach Bill Bond to be present at 3. House calls: no house calls for treatment of illness. a meeting tomorrow night at Calls will be made for investigation of suspected con- 7 :30 in r~m 9 of the men's gym- tagious diseases. Bill Mock, '35, Fools nasium. 4. Hospital calls at unscheduled hours: doctors on call at all times for serious illness and emergency. Golfers at Portland The number of illegal train riders 5. Students should call the hospital rather than the doctors. and other trespassers ejected from 6. Students are at liberty to call their own family physician railroad property, but not arrested, at their expeWse,. Campus physicians may call outside in the six months' period from physicians, selected by the student at the expense of the March to August, inclusive, this year, "'as approximately 8().OOO belo\\' the stud<!nt, In the event this procedure seems advisable. ~a111e period in 1936. Page Two. THE EVERGREEN Monday, November 29, 1937. --- 1 YWCA Will Vend Wares From Peace Groupl~~~~_;~~~:~e:nd Spurs Begin Women's Interclass Volleyball The Far East, lV!exico, Russia Will Meet International Work Seal Sale Tournament Begins Wednesday Christmas shoppe rs will f ind It I Y\VCA covcr s a multitude of in- s------------------------- \Volllcn's interclass volleyball Ruth Larson, Laura Jean Lauritzen, hard to decide which of the many te rnational as well as campus activi- ties with its yearly budget in its squads will begin their fall tour na- Gwen Wr igh t, Jean l\IaX\\'e11, Max- In-aut ifu lly dc-Jg ne d and in ter esting Cam pus and Town Gr ou p Will Assist iucnt \Vednesday at 5 o'clock when ine Dahl.
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