Excerptfrom: W. R.Anderson. 2006. EightSegregates from the NeotropicalGenus () Novon16: 168-204. fChristianella on pages190-191J 190 Novon

VI. Christianella W. R. Anderson, gen. nov. TYPE: rarely 1, narrow; ventral areole circular or broadlv ChristianeLLume.\oemerica.nrt (W. R. Anderson) ovate. W. R. Anderson. It gives me great pleasure to name this in honor of Christiane Eva Seidenschnur Antlersor-r(b. Lianae lignosaevel frutit:es;lamina eglanclulosavel in 1944). Christiane's excellent revisions in the Malprgh- r,limidio proximali aliquot glandulis parvis rnarginalibus instnrcta: stipulae parvae prope llasim petioli portatae; iaceae and her achievements as eclitor of Systemotir: bracteaelrracrteolaeque eglanclulosae vel glanclulisparvis Boturry Monograph,s have made her an imporlant {igure rnarginalibusinstnr

rvoolly; southern Bolivra, northem Paraguay, mrLLtigLarulllLosovar. surinumensis Kostermans, trncl southern l3razil . . . 3. C. mtLlt,iglun.tluLoso Mecletl. Bot. Mus. HerLr. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 25: 4b. Per.luncle and pedicel clensely tolrentose or (Kostcrmans) veiutinous but only 0.4-0.i rnnr diarn. in- 5. 1936. Mascugniu surinumen.\i.i r.rluding vesture: leal hairs mur:h less rlense. W. R. Anclerson, Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. tlre crosspieces of inclividual hairs eersr- 17: 53. 1990. TYPE: Suriname. Brownsberg,23 l,v distinguished; bracteoles abaxrall,v ap- Sep. 1931, W. C. u. Emden (holotype, U; ist-rtypes, presserl-tontentose. adaxially glabrous or to- nlentose only at verv apexl sepals alraxially K, MICH). Figure B. appressecl-tomentose or srrbseric,eous;petals This species is rvidespreacl in Amazonian South abaxially rnoderately appressed-tornentose: Arnazonian Sorrth America . 5. C. suri,nu,rnensis America, including Cuyana and Suriname (Anderson 1990b:53). l. Christianella glandulifera (Cutrtrecasas) W. R. Anclerson, comb. nov. Basionym: Mascognin gLuntluLifbnr Cuatrecasas, Webbia 13: 365. 1958. TYPE: Colombia. Amazonas-Vaup6s: Rfo Apaporis, R. E. SchuLt,es& L Cubreru l.l209 (holotype,US; isotypes,GH, NY).

2. Christianella rnesoarnericana (W. R. Anderson) W. R. Anderson, comb. nov. Basiorrym: Moscrtg- niu m,esoumcriconuW. R. Anderson. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. t6: 105. 1987. TYPE: Guate- mala. Retall-ruleu: Between Retalhuleu and Nueva Linda, P. C. StaruLLey87301 (holotype, F: isotype, US).

This species is known Ii'orn stlrtheasteln Mexico, Cuatemala,antl Panama(Antlerson, 1987: 105),and has rec:entlybeen founcl in Costa Rica (,lcostaB0J, INB).

3. Christianella rnultiglandulosa (Nieclenzu in Chodat & Hassler) W. R. Anclerson,comb. nov. Basionym: M asr:agn,inmuLtigLrtntLulo.lo Niedenzu in Choclat& Flassler,Bull. Herb. Boissier,56r. 2, 7:284.1907. TYPE: Paraguay.Near Valenzuela, E. HossLer6998 (lectotype, clesignateclhere, C; isotypes,A, C, K, MO, NY).

Tfre frcrlotl,pe sheet ol' HassLer 6998 vtas destroyed at B. There ar€r{our isotypes at C; the lectotype is the isotype that was annotated lectotype by W. R. Anclersonin 1993. This specics is knolvn fi'om Paraguay and southern Brazil (Anderson 1990b: 53) and southern Bolivia (Cutiirrez e.toL. I170, MICH).

4. Christianella paludicola (W. R. Anclerson) W. R. Anderson, comb. nov. Basionym: Mascugnirt paLutlicoLuW. R. Anderson, Contr. Univ. Michi- gan Herb. 16: 106. 1987. TYPE: Brazil. Amaztrnas: Rio Purfrs. Rio Ituxi. C. T. Prunce ct uL.l.l9lB (holotype,INPA; isotypes,K, MICH, I{O, NY, U, US,VEN).

5. Christianella surinarnensis (Kostermans) W. R. Antlerson, comb. nov. Basionym: Muscugrtio