The Real Von Trapp Family Source of the Wealth Was from the Family of Captain Von Trapp’S First Wife, Agatha White- Head

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The Real Von Trapp Family Source of the Wealth Was from the Family of Captain Von Trapp’S First Wife, Agatha White- Head Good News Psychiatric Rehabilitation Group Every Day my not be This is a news letter meant to bring you all good But there is good news and pay it forward stories found in something good in every the media. The purpose is to help with coping day! - Unknown and healing by hearing positive news to make you feel positive and happy. Hello all, I hope each and everyone of you are healthy, happy, safe and have found comfort. As we approach the 1-year marker since things took a very different change for all of us, I can’t help but think about how things really have changed; I mean wow!!! Look at what has become our new “normal”, I think zoom has opened so many doors for us, I still feel like we have found new and creative ways to connect and really show people how special they are to us. I also feel like life has a different vibe now, maybe a little more mellow, maybe a little more focused, maybe just a little bit more “old fashioned” in a way. Which if you know me I am old fashioned! I am curious; as to what is the one thing, one positive thing you will take from this pandemic? I like to be more optimistic than anything and my focus is on life, how I let myself get wrapped up in schedules and routines and forgot to live. I forgot that my little girl is just curious about things and that’s why she walks a little slower and takes her time, patience has become more important and life has become a little bit sweeter. Spring is upon us now and I am looking forward to the days outside more. I hope you find yourself outside more, soaking up the sun and gaining the positive benefits of nature, sunshine and the feeling of rebirth. Have a wonderful day, take care of you and continue to keep on keeping on. Who was St. Valentine? The day gets its name from a famous saint but there are several stories of who he was. The popular belief about saint that he was a priest from Rome in the 3rd century AD. Emperor Claudius the second had banned marriage because he thought married men were bad soldiers. Valentine felt this was unfair so he broke the rules and arranged marriages in secret. When Claudius found out Valentine was thrown in jail and sentenced to death. There he fell in love with the jailors daughter and when he was taken to be killed on February 14th he sent her a love letter signed “from your Valentine” the first Valentine’s day was in the year 496, having a particular Valentines day is a very old tradition thought to have originated from a Roman Festi- val. The Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February usually the start of their spring time. It is thought that as a part of the celebrations., boys drew names of girls from a box, they would be boyfriend and girlfriend during the festival and sometimes they would get married.. Later on the church wanted to turn this festi- val into a Christian celebration; and decided to use it to remember Saint Valentine too. Gradually St. Valentine’s name started to be used by people to express their feelings to those they loved. Information: from NewsRound A Monumental Moment in home. As exciting as a time this was for him and many Americans, for a lot of Americans this was Black History not positive and they didn't want to see Babe’s record fall. When the Braves returned to Atlanta on April 8th 1974 a crowd of 53,775 people Henry Louis Arron was born on showed for the game that night. February 5th 1934. He played for Arron hit a pitch off of Los Angelis Dodgers pitcher the Atlanta Braves, 1954-1974. Al Downing making a homerun but not just an- He was nick named Hammering other homerun this was number 715 which made Hank. him surpass Ruth’s record. Fans cheered wildly; Hammering Hank had a life time Arron’s parents ran onto the field as well and leg- batting average of 305 and for all endary announcer Vin Scully made the statement time hits 3,771. His ca- of a life time to go with it all. Vin ad- reer home run total was dressed the racial tension or apparent 755. Arron is regarded as lack there of in his call of the homerun, one of the greatest baseball players of his stating “What a Marvelous Moment for time. In 1999 Sports Illustrated ranked baseball” “What a moment for Atlanta” him 5th in the top 100 all time greatest “What a moment for our country and the baseball players ever. world, a black man getting a standing In 1974 Arron took down Babe Ruth's ovation in the deep south for breaking a monumental record for career homeruns. record of an all time A record that Babe Ruth held for 30 plus baseball idol.” “It is a years. Going after this monumental rec- great moment for all ord Arron down played the chase to surpass Babe of us.” Ruth. While baseball enthusiast and the national media grow increasingly excited as he closed in on the 714 career homerun record of Ruth’s, tension also increased. Arron received thousands of letters every week during the summer of 1973, including some hate mail. The Braves ended up hiring secu- rity for him as he would go on the road or be at the richest family in Austria for a long time. The The Real von Trapp Family source of the wealth was from the family of Captain von Trapp’s first wife, Agatha White- head. Her grandfather, Robert Whitehead, was Most of us have seen the English, and he invented the torpedo, and the movie. “The Sound of Mu- Whiteheads made a vast fortune that Agatha sic.” Maria goes to the von eventually inherited when she married Captain Trapp's to act as governess, von Trapp. In today's dollars, the von Trapp's falls in love with the Captain, they get married, would have been worth about 4 to 5 billion dol- and they flee the Nazis and move to the United lars. States. All in 2 hours. How much of the movie is 5) The Captain was really a war hero from World accurate? Surprisingly, the outline of the movie is War 1. He was a submarine commander and pretty accurate. But there is a lot that happened won every award that there was to win, includ- in the time the Captain met Maria to the day they ing being rewarded with the rank of “Baron,” left Austria to flee the Nazis. And the timeline was the highest honor anyone could be granted in much longer...over the better part of 12 years or Austria. so. Here are some great facts: 6) The Captain was a highly respected man 1) The Captain really was a widower. His first wife throughout Austria. In American terms, he was was Agatha Whitehead, who died of scarlet fever probably the equivalent of someone like General a few years before Maria became governess to Dwight Eisenhower after the war. Respected the children. and loved by everyone, family man, etc. 2) The Captain and his first wife had 7 children: 7) The Captain was a best selling Author in Aus- Rupert, Agatha, Maria, Werner, Hedwig, Johan- tria, because he wrote his memoirs of his war na, and Martina. years. After World War 1, Austria was stripped 3) The Captain and Maria had 3 children of their of its coast, and the Navy own (Rosemarie, Elenor, and Johann) and Ma- was dismantled, leaving ria suffered several miscarriages during the the Captain without a marriage due to ongoing kidney problems job. throughout her life. 8) The Captain also started 4) The Captain was very, very wealthy. In fact, he several successful busi- was the richest man and the von Trapp's were nesses on his own; A lumber company, a shipping send Maria to be governess for Captain von company with his own fleet of Trapp. Originally Maria was supposed to be ships, and a mineral mining governess for one of the Captain’s daughters, company. also named Maria, who was getting over her 9) The Captain was an avid big own case of scarlet fever, and was too weak to game hunter, and after his first attend school. From there, Maria eventually be- wife died, spent most of his time came governess to all of the von Trapp children, away from his family and busi- and fell in love with all of them. nesses on safaris in order to 14)Maria never really fell in love with the Captain. deal with the loss of his wife. She loved the kids, but went back to the abbey 10)The Captain owned the larg- when she realized that the Captain loved her, est private home in Salzburg, and broke off his engagement to the Princess. which had about 31000 feet over four floors, in- 15)There was a large age gap between the Captain cluding the largest private park and yard in and Maria. He was 42, and she was 19. Before town. Before meeting Maria, he recently bought their engagement was announced, the Captain the mansion and moved his children from their left on a month long hunting trip to prevent lo- hometown, to get away from the memories that cal gossip about a love affair between him and were associated with his first wife.
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