THE JAMES CAIRD SOCIETY THE JAMES CAIRD SOCIETY JOURNAL Number Three Antarctic Exploration Sir Ernest Shackleton APRIL 2007 1 ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS John & Sue Bonham Supporting The James Caird Society `Journal` Specialists in Polar Travel Catalogue Available J & SL BONHAM 84 Westbourne Terrace LONDON, ENGLAND W2 6QE Tel: +44 (0)20 7402 7064 Fax: +44 (0)20 7402 0955 Email:
[email protected] Website: 2 The James Caird Society Journal - Number Three April 2007 Welcome to the JCS Journal Number Three. It is my great privilege to be your new editor and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr Jan Piggott, founder- editor, for making Number One (published in May 2003) and Number Two (published in November 2004) possible. Indeed, Jan has retired from the JCS Committee in recent months and his invaluable, wise and scholarly input will be missed sorely by us all! The intention of the Journal is to provide members of the Society with a little ‘meat’. The Society’s Newsletter, on the one hand, is always topical and informative but its intention is quite different. It is a ‘lighter’ read. The Journal, on the other hand, strives to complement the Newsletter by providing material of greater length and, where possible, originality. It seeks to educate and enlighten the polar enthusiast on matters historical and contemporary; it endeavours, also, to stimulate debate. In future editions, I hope to publish your letters - so please feel free to write to me (my address is overleaf) with your comments and observations. In this way members can interact and contribute meaningfully as we all seek to learn more about Sir Ernest and the polar world in general.