New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc)
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A NEWS BULLETIN ^M published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) Footrot, youngest husky at Scott Base. Now nine months old. he will be at work next summer. Photo by Michael Short \//-»l Q M«-» -if\ Registered at Post Office Headquarters. VOL cJ, INU. IU Wellington. New Zealand, as a magazine June, 1982 SOUTH GEORGIA SOUTH SANDWICH Ij CIRCLE '/ SOUTH/ o ORKNEYO r c a dIs a s ' » r g as arg \ -•' SariaesANovoiMarevskayaussB \ rt FALKLAND Ij /• Signy . V\ 60*W / ' . \ VBorrja /^li^H*3 <APAN > «rt , SOUTH AMERICA r \ a &a / -gv~~s'D',Molode7rinay3 v/ /l SOUTH o a § S H E T L A N D , ^ / Hallevtovf oronn ng maud land EIJ0ERBy A ^ \ / S E A u k y C O A T S L d / L A N D J ^ \ Drufeav*%ne^Bel!ranS4!G/ _V\ Mawson \ AlVTARCTIC • ,\ • TV,- Jv \ MAC ROBERTSON LAND\ '- *ust \ /PENINSULA'*5 (see map below) Sobral arg Davis aust i — Siple - us* Amundsen-Scon I oueen MARY LAND 4WirnY 1 j . USA I j ,)■ ; U S S R ELLSWORTH !1 \ f c •"} LAND **- / oVoslokussR / r>. \ / R o s s \ . - h . MARIE BYRDN^ fee ShelfV" • L A N D / I T WILKES LAND Sctrtt ROSS\N2& SEA, I\jpl , * > \ / V I C TO R I A . T E R R t / ! LAND Y/* ^P>/ IAN" \ / ADElll^ GEORGE V Id ... ■Dumont d'Urville funci Leniiigradskaya USSR ,- 'BALLENY Is ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1 Teniente Matienzo arg 2 Esperanza arg 3 Almirante Brown arg 4 Petrel arg 5 Decepcion arg 6 Vicecomodoro Marambio arg ' ANTARCTICA 7 Arturo Prat chile 8 Bernardo O'Higgins chile 9 P r e s i d e n t e F r e l c h i l e y ^ , £00 tOOOKilwnnres 10 Stonington I. uk 13 1 1 A d e l a i d e I u k y ABBRl V1AIIONS 1 2 A r g e n t i n e I s u k > ARG ARGENTINA 1 3 P a l m e r u s a . AUST AUSTRALIA 14 Bellingshausen ussr ■ - SA SOUTH AFRICA UK UNItLll KINGOOM lorsen USA UNITED STATES Of AMERICA USSfi UN ION Or SOVIET SOCIALIST Ice Shelf REPUBUCS (successor to 'Antarctic News Bulletin') Vol. 9, No. 10. 106th Issue. June, 1982 Editor: J. M. CAFFIN, 35 Chepstow Avenue, Christchurch, 5. Address all contributions, inquiries etc. to the Editor. CONTENTS . ARTICLES AERIAL PENGUIN COUNT 366-368 POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND 338-341, 347 UNITED STATES 342,371-372 AUSTRALIA 343-347 UNITED KINGDOM 348-351 INDIA 352-355 SOVIET UNION 356-357 WEST GERMANY 357 SOUTH AFRICA 358 ARGENTINE 359-361 CHILE 361-363 JAPAN 363 ITALY 364-365 POLAND 375 SUB-ANTARCTIC FOREIGN TRAWLERS 368-369 GENERAL TRANSGLOBE 369-370 ANTARCTIC SOCIETY 372 OBITUARIES 373-375 BOOKSHELF 376 issn 0003-5327 © New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc) 1978. No pari of this publication may be reproduced In any way without the prior permission of the publishers. ANTARCTIC NEW ZEALAND PLANS FOR SEASON f^tSS«ii5an»^&iS5^^S« Three international projects — an extensive drilling programme in the Taylor Valley, observations on Mt Erebus, and studies of coal- bearing formations in Victoria Land — are included in New Zealand's Antarctic research programme for 1982-83. These projects will be carried out by New Zealand, United States, Australian, and Japanese scientists. Next season some 160 scientists and tinued in the 1983-84 season. It is essen suppon siaff will lake part in the pro tially a refinement of the Dry Valley gramme during ihe summer monihs. Drilling Project (DVDP) completed in Research staff will come from govern the mid 1970s. Investigations will be ment departmenis, mainly Ministry of made by scientists from the United Works and Developmem, New Zealand States Geological Survey and the Geological Survey, Geophysics Division University of Maine, Victoria University and Soil Bureau, Department of Scien of Wellington, and Waikato University. tific and Industrial Research, and four Preliminary scientific observations universilies, Canterbury, Victoria, and buildup of logistic support will be Waikato, and Auckland. continued next season to prepare for the Most of the New Zealand science pro 1983-87 offshore drilling project, jects will be carried out in the McMurdo Cenozoic Investigations of the Ross Sea. Sound region and ihe dry valleys. The This project is an extension of the Dry only remoie field parly will be a Valley Drilling Project (DVDP 15 — Geological Survey learn which will 1975) and the McMurdo Sound Sediment operate in the Terra Nova Bay region of and Tectonic Study (MSSTS — 1979) the Norlhern Victoria Land. A Uniied which probed seafloor sediments near Stales Navy ski-equipped Hercules air the western shore of McMurdo Sound craft will make a landing on ihe ice to from a drill rig mounted on a sea-ice put the team in position. platform. Some ornithological research may be For the final term of the three-year conducted along the coast of Northern International Mt Erebus Seismic Study Victoria Land and at Cape Hallett. This (IMESS) which began in the 1980-81 project is part of New Zealand's con season, New Zealanders from the tribution to the three-year International Chemistry Division, D.S.I.R., and Vic Study of Antarctic Seabirds (ISAS). toria University of Wellington will join a vulcanological expedition to work on the DRILLING PLANS slopes and at the summit of the volcano. The expedition will include scientists An extensive drilling programme will from Japan, the University of Alaska, be carried out in the Lower Taylor and the Institute of Mining and Valley. A New Zealand drilling crew Technology, New Mexico. using New Zealand equipment, will attempt to core sediments laid down COAL STUDIES during the various epochs of Ross Sea Two Australian coal geologists from glaciation. the New South Wales Antarctic Coal United States and New Zealand Measures Study Group have been invited logistic support will be provided for the by the Geological Survey to join two project which will probably be con survey geologists in a detailed study of ANTARCTIC coal-bearing formations within the Royal New Zealand Air Force Her Beacon Supergroup of Mt Fleming and cules aircraft of No. 40 Squadron will Shapeless Mountain in Victoria Land. contribute to the United States — New This project will continue in the 1983-84 Zealand logistic pool with Operation Ice season, and at some stage New Zealand Cube flights, and RNZAF helicopter drilling equipment may be used to core crews will be attached to the United the coal-bearing seams. States Navy's VXE-6 Squadron to fly on Other New Zealand research projects support missions. New Zealand Army in the McMurdo Sound and dry valley cargo handling teams will operate during areas will cover upper atmosphere the main airlift in Christchurch and at physics, meteorology, fish physiology, Williams Field near McMurdo Station. marine biology, ornithology, soil studies, medical micro-biology, geo Scott Base O.I.C. physical surveys, hydrology, glaciology, and geochemistry. Long-term seismic, geomagnetic, ionospheric, and meteor ological programmes at Scott Base will be maintained next winter by three technicians in the winter team of 11. Vanda Station in the Wright Valley will again serve as a logistic and search and rescue base for field parties in the dry valley region during the season. Field stations at Cape Bird on Ross Island and Lake Fryxell in the Taylor Valley will also be used by New Zealand research teams. Once again New Zealanders will work with Japanese scientists in the dry valleys. Support will be provided from Vanda Station for Dr T. Torii's team which will continue geochemical studies of dry valley lake system. To maintain the safety and efficiency of the New Zealand programme sur veyors from the Lands and Survey Department and Post Office riggers will A police inspector will be officer-in- work at Scott Base and in other areas charge of New Zealand's Antarctic during the season. An Antarctic Divi research programme at Scott Base next sion snowcraft and survival team will season. He is Mr John M. Thurston, of conduct courses for United States and Wellington. New Zealand research and support staff, Mr Thurston, who is 36, is a district air crews, and icebreaker crews. operations inspector, and has served in the Police Force since 1963. He has ex BASE REBUILDING perience of working on snow and ice in Another stage in the Scott Base search and rescue operations. rebuilding programme which began in Three other police officers have work the 1976-77 season, will be started early ed with the New Zealand programme in next season by construction teams from past seasons. Sergeant Hugh Webb, of the Ministry of Works and Development Wellington, was deputy officer-in-charge and the New Zealand Army. They will at Scott Base in the 1980-81 season, and begin work on Stage 4, the command Constable Ted Robinson, of Christ centre. Internal fittings will also be com church, held the same post in the pleted in Stage 3B, the kitchen and mess 1979-80 summer. Constable Max Tunni- block which was completed to the shell cliffe, of Auckland, was an Antarctic stage last season. Division field assistant earlier. tt^&H*x:S«3z P??^3ro£35^ Mineral resources regime meeting Representatives of the 14 Antarctic Mr J. D. L. Richards, head, South Treaty nations attended a special con Pacific and Antarctic Division, sultative meeting in Wellington this M.O.F.A.; Mr R. B. Thomson, super month to work out an agreed regime for intendent, Antarctic Division, D.S.I.R. the regulation of the orderly exploration There are two special advisers.