TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 SPORTS Kids start H1N1 Special Ks According the recent two-deep, trial Iowa place kickers Daniel Murray and Trent Mossbrucker both have a chance to start in Parents were the Hawkeyes’ season opener on Saturday. 1B eager to enroll their children in Great expectations With ample experience on all H1N1 vaccine sides of the pigskin, Iowa coaches and players, are testing at the UI looking to earn another Children’s January bowl bid and improve on last season’s a 9-4 Hospital. campaign. 1B By SAM LANE RACHEL JESSEN/THE DAILY IOWAN
[email protected] NEWS Iowa City resident Pete Hundy scans a special-education textbook at University Bookstore in the Old Capitol mall on Monday. It is likely that the bookstore will make eTextbook vouchers available next semester. Scientists at the UI say kids may need two International doses of H1N1 vaccine to students stay healthy. UI officials woo international With the start of clinical undergraduates, but graduate trials in children on Mon- students face financial E-texts roil market day, they began to study barriers. 2A whether this is true. The UI Hospitals and School board Digital textbooks Clinics, which has already A turbulent textbook market could mean tested the vaccine on Meet the candidates for the What you can do with a digital adult patients, enrolled Iowa City School District cheaper books for students in the future. textbook: elections, slated for Sept. 8. 4A 100 children ranging in By DANNY VALENTINE books. That means students • Search for specific words age from 6 months to 17
[email protected] potentially can access free text • Highlight years old for the newest Dirty water that they may customize.