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Bonfire Rally Tonight Increasing Cloudiness Rails Coommittre requests that I Air uilh In. reasing el I- nil stodent ssoolsing on (boats 11., V. the iir.ilhcrrnan’ pre - Friday night arrange to take Santa Clara %alley one hour, 8 to 9 p.m. otf pelt.. king temper- 65 to 7..! and attend the bonfire rails be- , ature with /a, tijg of ing staged in the parking lot degrees. a n itit sitriable at Spartan Stadium, pa thin valid& ate. rho ad. i SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE


In an abbreviated meeting, the Student Council yesterday an- nounced a new long-range improvement plan for the council, okayed Blasts SJS the change of by-laws for the Awards Committee constitution, and made tentative plans to join in honoring es -Spartan footballer, Billy Wilson, of the 49ers at Kezar Stadium, Dec. 3. The meeting was cut short because of last night's peace pact Athletic Policy dinner with College of _ Pacific. ASB president Don Ryan and the COP By RANDIE E. POE and JIM DRENNAN *student body president signed the pact before the Student Council, A group of more Oleo 85 interested San Jose State boosters Student Body faculty members and 13 represen- yesterday criticized President John T. Wahlguist's athletic policies and tatives from COP. promised to carry their fight for better Spartan football to high The pact, in general, pledges state officials. To Witness each school to refrain from dam- A recently formed -Citizens Committee for a Progressive San unan- s aging the other's campus. Jose State College," at a luncheon at Lou's Village yesterday, Bonfire Rally The new improvement program imously approved a ninepage report on what was termed the "cha- includes some dozen functions, in- otic" condition of the SJS athletic rogram. Thmorrow night at 8, Spartans cluding obtaining name entertain- The cot lllll itit,,,. blamed the will gather to witness a fire that ment for SJS. The council hopes pr.-sent Onto. Spartan (moths!! is guaranteed, by those who have to act on as many functions as on Dr. Doshiquist's adherence to seen it in the past, to be more possible. President the restrictise rules set up by exciting and spectacular than the The new Awards Committee con- the Colonel! of State college one which "destroyed" San Fran- stitution brings the group into line Presidents. The committee called cisco in 1906. On with the other ASB committees. Speaks the ('SC!' a purely advisory The occasion is the annual bon- It provides, in part, for four stu- board. fire rally, in which students from dent members, a student chairman Dr. J. Burton t,',i.che, associate both COP and SJS will take Athletics part. the State De- appointed by the ASB president. "Citizens Committer for a Progressive San Joke State College" stand superintendent of A huge railroad Members of the newly-formed tie bonfire is and two faculty members. outside Lou's Village after a meeting yesterday in uhich they attacked President John T. Wahiquiat's Following is the complete text partment of Education, implied being built in the Spartan Stad- The council announced tentative athletic policies. A lengthy report unanimously approved by the committee calls far an end to rigid of a statement Issued yesterday by that such groups "have been es- ium parking lot. grid by Knuth. plans to participate in Billy Wil- President John T. Wahlquist, re- tablished in order to assist each This year members of Alpha son Day, by sending representa- garding San Jose State's athletic state college president in carrying Phi Omega gathering are %% nod tives, possibly song girls or Mr. Don Ryan Says pojicy. It is addressed to the "Citi- out the duties of his office with for its construction, and frater- Spardi to the Dec. 3 game with zens Committee for a Progressive dispatch and efficiency.") nities on campus are taking one- . Alfonz Will Not Go San Jose State College." The report concluded: hour vigils helping to guard it. The Alumni Assn. reportedly Students Didn't "With proper leadership our col- "A number of our Alumni and After the bonfire, which will be plans to give Wilson a gift. The lege could be taken to undreamed- lit by friends a re deeply concerned Spardi and QueenDorothy plan was referred to the Public Re- On Washington Trip Initiate Move of heights. But the fact remains Fairburn, there will he an ex- program at these lations Committee. Student Body President Don over the football that SJS will never attain change rally with COP. Dave By ANTHONY TARAVELLA Mickey Simonet, Rally Commit- Ryan said yesterday that San Jose San Jose State College. I must heights as long as she is manacled Towle will Alfonz Lengyel will not go to Washington. This was the conclu- serve as master of cer- tee chairman, urged a big turnout by unrealistic rides. sion reached by this reporter yesterday afternoon after a telephone State undergraduates have not say that 1 deeply share their emonies. Mickey Simonet will in- is Ont. We Sr.' tired to at the bonfire rally Friday at 8 initated movements against their "We set troduce Queen Dorothy Fairburn conversation with Sen. William Knowland's chief administrative as- concern, p.m. and asked Greek and indepen- college's athletic program. tho core %kith this eternal flail. and her sistant in Washington, D.C. "It is becoming increasingly ap- attendants. dent organizations to leave the We has,. surfeited with indeci- Gleason, Knowland's assistant, has been working several "To my knowledge no move- The executive committee of the Jim disparity has es hour from 8 to 9 p.m. free for par- ments of any kind in regard to parent that a wide sion, st%hooness and lack of ad- SJS Rally Committee has planned days in an effort to untangle the snarled events surrounding Alionz's developed between the level of equate leoulership. ticipation. anticipated trip to Washington.* dissatisfaction with the college a take-off on "You've Gotta Have our scheduled collegiate competi- "We want ably dirceteit action." overlhe.enr. y ,aitninistration, football t earn, Heart" from "Damn Yankees." A Much of the confusion and the level of the playing from coach. or athletic departMent."tion NCAA MORE LIBERAL small pep band, under the direc- meted mceting has restilted r arade-Saia abilitywe are able to produce have been started by any of our The committee advocates adop- tion of Roger S. Muzzy, assistant Inadequate communication be- Health Office student groups on campus," Ryan under the compounded restric- tion of the more liberal National professor of music tween Hungarian representatives and the SJS said in a prepared statement. tions of the two different eligibil- Collegiate Athletic Assn. rules. yell-leaders and in New York and Lengyel. Lang- Largest In song leaders are "Our students are naturally un- ity codes and otir limited financial Grid games with two opponents also taking part, according to To Distribute uage has been another barrier. Jack happy and a .bit displeased over support. I will not trouble you this season have east $9500. Clarke, entertainment chairman of Gleason unravelled most of the with SJS History the record of this year's team. It an explanation of why ad- (North Texas State was given Rally Committee. mystery by checking directly with Flu Vaccine is my belief, however, that our herence to these two codes- the a $10.000 guarantee; SJS went in COP will carry out the theme, the New York office of the Free- Honoring the SJS alumni, the SJS students, faculty and ad- students realize our football team Council of State College Presi- the red $8000. San Diego State was "International Festiy al." Ap- dom Fighters' Federation. This annual Homecoming Parade is set ministration will have their first has done the best it is capable of dents and the Pacific Coast Con- tendered a $2.500 guarantee; the pearing on the program will he group had submitted the original to roll down San Jose's First stcert opportunity to receive flu immun- doing, and that it will lake a few 'Comm h a s seemed necessary Spartans lost $1500 on the Aztec the "Rubber Band," composed of written request to President Eisen- at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, according to it izations today. Upon presentation years for Bob Titchenal to build and obligatory to tut. Suffice game, according to S. Glen "Tiny" members of Omega Phi Alpha hower, asking that the Chief Ex- Bob Foy, parade chairman. moment, that it of a signed authorization slip, they a stron4 team," Ryan stated. "We to say, for the liartranft, SJS athletic director. fraternity : a Brazilian girl sing- ecutive meet with a delegation of Les Davis, Homecoming chair- Also, circle of are eligible to receive one c.c, of realize the competition has been has. the vicious The report claims that many ing South American numbers; is Hungarians in commemoration of man, states that this year's parade losing crimes and losing financial polyvalent flu vaccine which ap- rugged. and we know we have people of San Jose have lost in- Canadian tap damer: a Japanese the first anniversary ,..1 the. Him- and related activities Mould be the support is a difficult one to cheek. terest plies to all known types of flu. played some of the finest teams in girl singing Oriental songs; three garian Revolution. largest in the college's history. including the Asian. the west. MEETING 'UNSATISFACTORY' girls Townspeople numbering "I mind nest point out that I from Iran. Lebanon. and The shots will be given from 2 As anticipated by this reporter more than A delegation from the commit- exPeeted "If such a movement of dis- Moe conscientiously tried to do Egypt, is ho is iii its, native danc- at the time, the White House re- 45,000 are to grab choice tee held what it termed an "un- to 4 this afternoon in the Health content and disantisfartion is in sill that I consider ethical, legs!, es; a Turkish boy playing 3 har- plied that such a meeting would seats on the parade route of some satisfactory" meeting with Wahl- Office wing. After this week, they the process," Ryan concluded, "it and within my poster, as a State monica; and members of the Ha- have to be postponed until Queen 2.5 float units, marching bands, and quint and other will are given every Tuesday and has not been Initiated from the College President, to free San SJS officials yes- waiian Club, singing songs and Elizabeth IT had concluded her drill units. terolay Thursday afternoons at that time. students but has been initialed Jose slate College from many 11111R. T doing R ,,,,, my Tiger, Dr, visit in the U.S. Queen [synths- Fairburn will act conferring with the president Thomas J. Gray, director of from off campus, apparently by of the restrictions %shirts loon (OP's mascot, and the rival The Federation then sent a sec- as Grand Marshall of the pre-game were Del DeVilhiss. manager the Health Semis's., again empha- outside groups." limited Its athletic program. of school's yell -leaders and song ond letter, this time addressing it ceremonies, as the rides down the Santa ('Iara County Timmer. sized the sensitivity risk in re- An effigy was timid hanging This I pledge to do In the (Worn girls also will tithe part. ceiving the shots. Ile reconunended to the State Department. Nor- First street just prior to the par- eke Assn.; Dirk Boyd, Alumni from the main flagpole in the In- as Well. In fact, there has been Another if mally, Gleason explained, this is ade. Awes Wien menthe, and other the rally consultation with private physi- ner Wad early yesterday. considerable progress of a kind will he the presence of a not correct protocol in request- members of the committee. Rep- cannon, cians or specialists especially for Parade units will form at First Members of Spartan Shields, that is net. onfortoinatels. re- which made its debut at a recent ing executive appointments. How- the college were Dr. individuals with egg protein sen- and St. John streets, march south- sophomore honorary organization, fler1.4 yet in game sores. resenting SJS game. Charles A. Baumgard- sitivities, and also for those.with ever, it was assumed this query ward on First arid disband at Sec- removed the effigy from the flag- Wishiquilst. Dr. William J. Ousel, ner, representing the Army ROTC, personal or family histories of sen- was made in the hope of obtaining ond and William streets. pole at approximately 4:30 a.m. "Because I respect the concern ts.riii sire president, and Hart- will shoot. skyrockets from the sitivities to drugs, medicines, pro- an appointment With Secretary of Wednesday, according to Ron of the group and their desire to rantt. cannon. teins or serums. State John Foster Dulles. Robinson, Shields member. It was make our football program a con- In a statemeet released shortly Only after this second request Class Feat Ilret4 reported that the effigy bore a tinual souree of satisfaction and after the meeting, Dr. Wahlquist had been made was Alfonz Leng- sign reading. "Prrsiderit or Dic- pride to our students and to our said. "I have conscientiously tried yet not iFind that the Freedom community, I am quite willing to to do all that I consider ethical, KeN 11011111 NI 1141C tator?" Educators Meet Here Fighters expeeled an appointment take your spokesman to Sacra - legal, and within my power, as with the President At this pont', melon; to discuss with my super- State College president, to free The Survey ot Music Literature Congressman Charles Goilker be- the ways in which the worthy San Jose State College from many class will feature keyboard music .1111//-11(//iN1/1 Lila) In Honor of came interested in the ease and :URI, listed in the Citizens rnm- of the restrictions which have lim- Centennial of Bach and Mozart played by "I uoo(ocu’ contacted the State Department to t,e Report might he soon ited Its athletic program." Music student Joan Goodwin, to. will Dr. Robert E. Burns, president of College of Pacific and also see about getting free military """" g""1" "'" 1`""'"""" h,,glut about at San ins.' Slate DeVilhiss said that statementi day at 11:30 a.m, in the Concert at 4 p in ui 11117, Cathy Ferguson, (..nii0 president of the Western College Assn., will preside at today's open- transportation for Alton z, He of thin type have been Made tab- Hall of the Music Building. president, announced today. ing session of the association's fall meeting in the Spartan Room of learned that an appointment had fore. Istt have not been followed The public is invited to this and Women journalism majors in- "I believe that such us meeting the Sainte Claire Hotel, never been set up, by action. future classes, held each Tues- terested in the cloth are asked to will result In more constrnelios Members of the program committee met yesterday to map out Early this month, a small dele- Or. Wahlquist ennsenterf In con- day and Thursday. attend, Miss Ferguson added action and do less harm to the the two-day schedule of panels, dis- gation of Hungarians finally met fer with Vasche and an alumni morale of the College cussions and speeches. notary, American Assn. of Inn- with an official of the government, spokesman in Sacramento on puss- students, alumni and friends of Dr. Fred F. Harcleroad, dean tor Colleges. Broglie will speak at but Alfonz Was not among them. Continued on Page 41 the institution who lose it, than of the college and program corn- tomorrost's session on "The New The group was received by Un- Donors Give 160 Pints would an open evpression of mIttre chairman, said that San Era in the Development of the dersecretary of State Christian hostilits toward the administra- Jose State is fortunate to be able Community College." Herter. 111111 111 II I/ tion carried on by means of In to host the association. especial- Scheduled to address a dinner Money donated to the "Aid for In Campus Blood Drive II * discriminate publicity. ly with so impressive a ilne-up gathering tonight in the Women's Alfonz" drive will be turned over ii Men of leisure of educational talent slated to to a general fund set up to pros id, "Your group has the .t III Gym Is T. S. Peterson, president, Approximate!) 160 pints of blood in a school this SiZP. Anyone who . who measure take part in the actisities. support for three liiingarian stu- were donated in yesterday's all- exert ronsiderahle irof r I Standard Oil Co. of California. still wishes to contribute may go IIII pleasure Dr. Arthur S. Adams. president dents being sponswyd by the WS campus blood drive in the Student these matters. but I would hope "The Fabulous Future of Califor- down to the Santa Clara Valley 11 by finer ferfurc al of the American Council on Ed- , student body. Union, according to It will see fit to join this strength ' will be his subject, Corinne Bor- treasure tication, will make the keynote ad. Blood Center at 440 N. 1st St. with (stirs in the pursuit of our Henry T. Heald, president of the en, chairman. II a dress, speaking on "The Direction hose his donation registered common objectives, the develop- Oxford Ford Foundation, will speak at a Members of the Air Force RO- dnd IIRoos of Higher Education in the Next SJS Blood Credit CLib, she ment of a strong, productive State Cloth shirts. III luncheon meeting tomorrow. His Pre-Registratitoi TC contributed about 70 pints of to the Decade." Dr. Adams has recently other College. second to none in every topic will be. "Some Observations blood while 838 students do- said. 111 Choose from III tour of Africa, For Hub enables students and one of its aspects." returned from a Education Mt nated the remaining 90 pints. This lot'sa nice of Higher Education." blood where he viewed that area's grow- Pre registration for Ed 104 The drive was sponsored jointly their families to receive II II The association is meeting In colors and log educational requirements. (Elementary School Curriculum by the Sabre Air Command, un- whenever they need it. It is very San Jose at the invitation of Pet's.. II collars. II Dr Adams made the trip from and Observation) for Spring and der the direction of Jim Hall, important that students continue John T. Wahlquist, in honor of the Washington, D.C. at the invita- Fall semesters of 1958, is now commanding officer, and the Com- to maintain this service. Miss Bor. Music Revue II 5 bucks is all. II college's Centennial year. tion of the association. being held in Room 159. Students munity Service Committee elle said. Fred Waring and his Penrw

Also arrivingfrom Washing. President Wahlquist will wel- wishing to pre-register for this Miss Borello stated that there Co-chairman of the drive was vanians will present a musical ;.

ton to address the meeting la come the educators at the open- course__niust do so today or to- were not as many students donat- Woodrow A. Wiliams, executive cue, "Hi Fi Holiday" tonight N. ing session today. Air Command. the Civic Auditorium , Jessie P. Bogue, executive sec- morrow. ing blood as there might have been officer of the Sabre 810 p.m. in ,441. FT-

LITTLE MANTCAMPUS taPtime Spattall2)aihi pacfbcpipt * Satur- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE NEW YORK t UPI- This day, Ed Wynn celebrates the 71st I Nos ember 7, hes7 year of his birth. But even more By BOB KAUTH I But why: "Hi, Ho. Mickey Sim- expressionIt’s a horse of a dif- I important, this autumn also marks "Wear white (non ' Editorial onet!" ferent color. the first anniversary of Wynn's There's a magic to that name. head to foot, act segregated, and Simonet... is the I re-birth. I It sends spirit into the hearts of be like Mickey be 71," mused Wynn, "and Win, Place or Show? students. familiar battle cry. , "I'll decidedly bus-- By now it obviously is apparent that the Russians are Or, at least, most students are True, the Rally Committee has here I am 56 years in the our country in the the stars. To disagree with this ahead of race for aware that Miss Simonet is Rally not won an unconditional surren- ! ness and 1 find myself discovered is to admit either naivete or igorance. Committee chairman this semes- tier. It is unlikely that they ever , all over again. It's like being re - Two satellites are now circling overhead. U.S. scientists have ex- is unlikely that the I ter. She has been trying to pro- will, that is, it pressed the belief that the Russians can send a rocket to the , born, you know. Do you know how PROF SNARF mote SJS rooting spirit at football college will ever be composed of 1 dye a portion of it red, and use it for a gigantic billboard. The feas- AS SEEN k3Y: all "rah, rah" students. But an many times I've been back and ri/A4SE F rwc games by dividing the rooting sec- ibility of a Communist intercontinental ballistics missile is a foregone , inch has been won. To win by an forth across the country this year? conclusion. tion into three parts, an all-male, all -female, and a mixed section for inch is as good, if not sometimes Six times. Why I've worked more And here we sit, hoping that our little satellite will get off the better, than to win an uncondi- this year than the previous three. ground. And, by comparison to the Russian Sputnik, ours is a "little" dates. In addition, she has sug- gested that all-white clothing be tional surrender. And the criter- It was is dramatic role last fall satellite. ion for judgment is: Was an effort on a "Playhouse 90" 'production of While all this is going worn to the games. on, our armed forces are st;11 thrashing , made, and, if so. how hard was "Requiem for a Heavyweight" that with one another, as usual. Thrashing for the glory of beating the These moves were made, Miss Simonet. speaking fir the Rally it run? jolted Wynn back to life as an other group to the punch. Therefore, the Rally Committee entertainer. A giant of the vaud- Now that they all have Committee, said, ". . to inspire been beaten to the punch, we would merits a bit of student gratitude. eville stage and radio, Wynn drop- think it is a time for an appraisement of our country's goals and the school spirit." should he com- ped Into semi -obscurity after his methods used to reach them. As a result of Miss Simonet's ! The committee mended for recognizing a "prob- NBC-TV show folded a few years A straight line is still the shortest distance between two efforts, the "problem" of "school points. lem," making an effort to solve it, back. spirit" has been considered by r, running hard, and being to a de- "Now, look at me, almost 71 and Thrust and Parry contributors and gree successful. Thus: thanks, Ral- here I'll be doing 'On Borrowed Spartan Daily columnists. Her Food for Thought Time' on TV. After 56 years in plan for split rooting sections has ly Committee, for taking action, 1M 'S WI FE Pie C .4, 41/6 572/07-1 the business. I've become a dra- It has come to the attention of The Spartan Daily that certain ifA,,44' received the approval of Student when action, not deliberation, was are matic actor. 'On Borrowed Time'," persons disposing of their gum in the drinking fountains. Court and was favored editorially needed. Wynn said again. And he looked The Spartan Daily is not necessarily against gum chewing, and by The Spartan Daily on Oct. 30 wishes to take no And that's why: "Hi, Ho., Mick- sad. "That's kind if an appropri- offense with those who masticate the stuff. for afternooh football games. However, we are solidly behind ey Simonet!" ate title." any effort that would spare us In measuring the success of the /he repulsive sight of a molar-marked wad of double -bubble every time we bend over to get a drink. Rally Committee thus far this se- mester, the criterion for judgment There are less offending places to park a used up, germ laden must not be: "Were the attempts bauble of bubble than in the communal water supply. 404t. ride to We are not suggesting that gum lovers stick their unwanted 'inspire school spirit' as alccessful as they were hoped to chewy morsels on the bottoms of their chairs, or behind their ears, As a aside, let it he be?" Rather, the question even though such practice would be an improvement over the drinking Long Overdue must Se fountains. Dear Thrust and Parry: noted that this is primarily a be: "Was sonic degree of school 40, teacher-training institution. Note What we do suggest, however, is that when it becomes Yes, it certainly would be nice spirit promoted?" And this tetter impossible further the firm tenet of modern to locate a wastebasket, trashcan or dark corner in which to dispose to go to such an appropriate question can only be correctly an- eit educators, taught in some of our of worn out gum, then swallow it.B.G. place as the Student Union or swerstid with an affirmative vote. Student Activities Office and ask classrooms, that there is a positive Thinking back over the last few a volunteer behind a desk for a correlation between the way peo- semesters, it is hard to recall what file of cards containing the height, ple are viewed and the way they actions were taken to "inspire hair color, age, name, and other react. Then tie these things in school spirit." The names of the with TIRE SALE pertinent information on it con- the underlying assumption Rally chairman are obscure. Edi- IitatteP Opinion that we all are thieves just hard torial comment on the matter of cerning these potential dates. A on snapshot could even be included on to catch. school spirit was made, but it was Full-cap Goodyear Re-treads By JIM DRENNAN the card. Still speaking in a practical vein, less frequent. Thrust and Parry Sputnik or no Sputnik, moon ro- complain about mid-terms nand Well, why not? It is a much a lot of us must really be thieves. writers were not interested. No 4 for $49.00 cket or no moon rocket, life in stay up til all hours drugged on! more acceptable manner than run- Else why the imposition of such columnist considered the matter 670-15 Black plus tax and Re-capable Casings America goes on. No-Doz. and the sound of a radio, fling up to some cute young thing an extreme system in the first important enough to merit com- The ad copywriters still bang and still utter cries of righteous I who is waltzing her way down place? Yet it is hard to believe ment or interesting enough to out superlatives for longer, lower indignation when the hoped -for "eyeball alley." Such an organize- this college more villainous than command readership. cars hung with 13 is only a C. STATE SERVICE more chrome and t on as proposed in The Spartan certain other campuses scattered Today, however --to use a trite SHELL 0 glitter The politicians still indulge in than ever before. Daily is long overdue here at &IS. about the nation who inflict no pouring oil on troubled waters and The juke boxes still pour out a We all know fraternities have such such degradation upon their stu- STA ATS POLIZEL does not have. stirring up false political burn- I mesmerizing stream of mass-pro- lists available, but what percent- dents, and who, furthermore, gen- Jim Penick, Jr.- -ASB 895 canes, duced rock and roll. age of our student body belongs erally have decent libraries, which Pat Penick -ASB 5660. 98 SOUTH FOURTH STREET CT 5-8968 The students still grumble and The people still make more mo- to these organizations? State. even with its GEHEIME Jack Penick ASB 4472, Across from Student Union - ney than ever before, and eninY Let's make the datefor the -- more freedom than ever before, first meeting of this new coed or- FLATTER and live better than ever before ganization. Let's get the ball roll- YOUR EYES in the happiest land on earth. trig! And Russia, a semi -primitive Lloyd Mutinsky, ASR 8842. improve your appearance country of ill-fed people, forges as well as your vision with aheao toward outer space, threat- style-wise glasses from ... 'Search and Seizure' ening the very existence of the Dear Thrust and Parry: world's most advanced nation. Dr. The students of this college are Jack H. Chennell Sounds like a fantasy. treading on a hard won freedom OPTOMETRIST But so. they said, was the one when they allow the present Libra- about the tortoise and the hare. ry policy of "search and seizure" 254 S. SECOND CY 5-2747 to continue without protest. Member of SPAR-TEN PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Make no mistake, they do allow it. School policy makers would ne- ver be able to put it over without TWO MINUTE AUTOMATIC Automatic the tacit permission. of those af- flicted. The comeback, of course is CAR WASH that if you've done nothing wrong, CAR WASH you shouldn't object to proving it. $1.00 Wash Coupon Nevertheless, though it is out of style to feel strongly about such 5 coupons for $5.00 each coupon worth I wash. REGULAR PRICE SI 25 matters. the Brothers Penick do Coupons good for any car any day object to the necessity of proving POLISH AND WAX with five times a day-- BLUE CORAL or SIMONIZE $12.95 their innocence this average of 15 bliirits per diem .ser-Idays & ..turday. 9.00 to LOC SLrriays to the family escutcheon is not 225 NORTH MARKET STREET CY 5-1621 viewed kindly. Engineer John Johntgen checks equipment against specifications of a PBX .,:otem he helped design Spetztatzaily Your Choice Of ...... momargimrsnnam. ENGINEERING SENIORS: Entered as second class matter April TOP SIRLOIN 24, 1934, at San Jose, Calif.. under the act of March 3, 1479. Mmbor Califor- nia Newspaper Publishers' Association. or Published da1Iy by the Associated Stu- dents of San Jose State College, except Put yourself in this picture NEW Saturday and Sunday, during th college YORK year with one issue during sack final xamination period. You'll go up fast in the Telephone field. Several choice jobs are open Pit Broiled Editor . LEIGH WEIMERS Business Mgr.. LARRY KAUFMAN Day Editor, this hum.. DON STEVENS right now for electrical, mechanical, industrial, and civil engineers. Check the technical fields that interest you... Save list until Bell System recruiters come to the campus. TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT PROTECTION ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS TRAEFIG L Long De.tar,e Circuit Des c1 ENGINEERING Transposition ENGINEERING STEAKS t- Microwave System Design ,Dial Switching SydentS L , Inductive Coordination t,,tatching Plan Manual Systems ' Carrier System Design Safety and Quality Engineering Traffic Data Analysis Special Circuit Design .1 Toll Terminal Systems Noise, Cross -talk & Interference Estimates & foretaste With . . . [ imp and Trunk Design I Power Supplies .itudies

Salad, Baked Potato, BUILDING ENGINEERING PLANT EXTENSION OUTSIDE PLANT I , Architectural Design Long Range Planning J Route Survey and Layout INVENTORY A COST ENGINEERING Chili, Roll and Butter r, Structural Design 1 1 Engineering Cost Studies Cl Structural Design [ Engineering Cost Accounting ( Cecina; Design Protect Coordination Ll Coaxial Cable Design [ I Appraisals L Mechanical Design L, Budgeting and Scheduling Ej Materials, Tools 2 Apparatus 1._.] Estimating L Estimating Standards Construction Supervision O Feeder & Distribution Design 129 Cleaning Clothes with Gasoline is NOT As one of the fastest growing companies on the The Answer West Coast., Pacific Telephone offers you un- limited engineering opportunities. You --and your Watch for the dale the Bell System Recruiting Team visits your campus Take 'ern Today to salary- can rise fast in .our Management De- velopment Program. Today, as always, our top JULIAN PICIR STEAKS TROY LAUNDRY management is "up from the ranks!" (STATE'S FAVORITE EATERY) and Pacific Telephone To find out more about telephonic communica- CLEANERS tion jobs, I k let, "Your Career with get your A Good Place to Build Your Future North Fourth at Julian Almaden CT 3-8668 Pacific Telephone," from your college place- 722 ment office. IWWG-7--=...... ir-- ww-wwwwwwwn ww-wwW-.--WW.7.-.7- - WHERVS TIIE FIRE? cparterit cportd Uppercuts By RANDIE E. POE Thursday November 7, 1957 SPARTAN DAILI Sports Editor

This won't be a lucrative gad season for the Spartans, winningly or financially. SJS SJS went into the red on the North Texas game, with the Texans Underdog toting home a McKean $10 000 guaranteeTen grand to crack Mary cheekbone. Expensive dulting The 1957-58 athletic budget here ($42,000) is rake rind eaffee money compared to that of some schools on our slate next year V For Tiger Washington, Denver, Iowa State, Arizona State et all. Tilt Game receipts user from last season totaled 11.13::27.92, with 9 Y.13.000 coming in sia concessions, programs, broadcasting rights. (rush grid ini me, and transfers from ratter Sports . . . 1,/tal dis- San Jose State's g ri d team' Since the war, however, the bursements reached 711.113/4.114 would appear to have little chance favorite bait copped just the of II in Saturday's Homecoming argu- 11 contests between the two in- ment with COP at Spartan Stad- stitutions. ('OP's It ium. mastery tuts been of recent vintage. with 111 Records and statistics point to Frosh Sploshers Sizzle Jack (Moose) Myers combo capturing the last three games. Navy halfback Harry Hurst breaks loose for 40 yards itgainst helplere. Penn in recent grid act I s Ity One of Sparta's classiest athletic representatives is the trash Is The Spartans have a 17-10-5 Navy upset Notre Dame last week to establish the I Ii., inter- polo club, which ()Rime); whips the SJS viirsity (no slouch outfit ra edge in the spirited series which national. its,'tft in practice sessions. _ began in 1895. Ex-Spartan water-polo nee Art Lambert is handling the yearling I TOUGH MIXTURE poloists and he has "at least nine boys who are about equal." COP has outstanding rininin.! Pres Brunst has stelivered some excellent defensive play backs, a rugged, depth-Chargt ti Bruins, Hustlers Capture for Lambert and has been aided by Lon Christenson. goalie Mery line, and an excellent passer. Thi, Donner anti Dine to name just four. All of these lads mixture 's hould overcome an,s. are James Lick Digh grads. The future appears shin) for spartan Spartan upset tendencies. uater wait, one of the t esciting spectator wilurt. Tiny (5-6) Jackie Larscheid is Triumphs to Clinch Titles the visitors' classiest running back. Last week he gained more yard- By JOHN SALAMIDA 3ards out. take oser place in West- age (176) than the entire Mar- Peterson fired a 55 yard pass ( ern League standings. the Hustlers latuszuk Is !lolly Render quette team. Bessies. B. uins and to Bob Owens for the Hustlers' . In Eastern League action to- each posted impressive shut -out tourth TD. Point alter touchdowns day the Good Brothers tackle the The linebacking of 49er Mary Matuszak borders on manslaughter GREEN HELPS victories yesterday to clinch first were scored by Bob Woods, Peter- Outcasts at River Glen Park, . Rarely does one see such play diagnosing ... COP end Ola Mur- Fullback Tom Green has been half titles in the Eastern and West- son, and Lee, Howard, all on pass While the Jets square off with the chison, a 9.5 sprinter, is a hot musical arranger and hopes to punsuei almost as valuable to COP as ern independent touch football plays. Jerry Kunz turned in stel- Air Force ROTC Jet Jockeys at the world of Variety when he graduates ... Larscheid. His power running and leagues, respectively. lar defensive effort for the win- the Rose Garden field. Former welterweight smoothy Johnny Branton Is soon to be re- nifty defensive play have been re- The Bruins, bagging their sixth ners. leased from a state mentos) hospital ... He insists he still has cham- HARVEL POLLARD sponsible for at least two Tiger consecutive victory without a loss, The Hustlers, which have a 5-0-1 pionship finesse, which is reminiscent of the time Bretton told us ... fop rusher triumphs. turned back the Outcasts, 22-0, mark, complete their first half Schaefer Wins that "boxing can't harm a man, physically or mentally." ... Coach Bob Titchenal will call as scalwart Bill Marchese fired How can the California State Athletic Commission sanction on slate today, tackling Newman Bill Schaefer, a freshman from an overwhelming Tiger superior- halfbacks Hamel Pollard and three touchdown passes. an F.ddie Machen-Hurricane Jackson bout after Jackson's eye- Rapid Ray Club at the Williams St. Park. Santa Rosa, defeated Don An- ity. Norton, and t he Marchese hit Ron Snarr with watering performance against champ Floyd Patterson? quarterbacking ger, 6-1, 6-0, yesterday to win The Stockton eleven boasts (if of Dick a'er- scoring tosses from five and 20 A touchdown pass from John If COP runs the Spartans out of the stadium Saturday night mell and the annual all-college tennis that's the word) a 4-1-2 mark; soph Mike Jones for yards out. Ted Heinrich's leaping Maranta to Rich Jardin in the shouldn't somebody elm be chased? ... tournament. SJS has a 2-5 ledger. his offensive punch. catch of a 50 yard aerial by Mar- last play of the game enabled the Schaefer, who never dropped a Pollard is t he locals' leading chese completed the Bruin touch- Jacks to hand Newman Club a I set throughout tournament play. rusher with 165 yards, but he has down plays. Ralph Abbe broke 6-0 setback in the closest game turned back varsity players Hal carried the hall 42 times to Nor- through to nail an Outcast in the yesterday. A 45-yard pass play Smith and Sam Waggoner to gain ton's 27. Norton has 149 yards endzone for a safety to round the from Maranta to Jardin set up the Hobby Pulls Duck-Out and four touchdowns; Pollard has scoring thrust. the finals. winners' scoring effort. Bruce Williams Sugar Ray Robinson, whom I once Saw roll up a window on is scored just once. Anger reached the finals by I.arry Peterson scored three I turned in good line play for the man's hand in Chicago, pulled a typical caper on Mike Wallace . winners. Istopping John Marshall and first VERMEIL 22-FOR-40 touchdowns and passed for an- seeded Lee Junta. Both Anger and He ducked out of an interview at the last minute ... have Vermeil, who completed just two other to spark the Hustlers to Jim Hemsley rambled 61 yards 'Schaefer were presented trophies The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame aren't misnamed, as some McCarthy :d of eight passes against Cal Poly a 27-0 triumph oser the Acre for a TD and passed six yards to by Spartan tennis coach Butch suspected. Thirteen players are of mixed Irish blood on this year's last week, has hit 22 of 40 pitches Dept. team. Peterson hauled In Doug Dennis for another as Krikorian. club . Six, however, are of pure Polish extraction ... GIFT SHOP for 322 yards and one touchdown. two scoring passes from Jerry Gregorie's Grubbies turned back J. D. Smith, the 49ers' vicious-tackling defensive halfback, rntist Jones has completed Murphy (47 and 13 yards) and learn that a man behind him is a potential TD ... The Spartan coach- five of the Cerebral Seven, 12-0. The EARRINGS . . .SLOG 19 for 119 yards and two tallies. one from Bob Owens from 27 win enabled the Grubbles to ing staff is thinking about having Ray Norton's eyes checked... The Pins, bracelets. all lands Halfback Fred Blanco sprained Spartan Polo Club Rapid One has had difficulty fielding punts, although he has no trouble of costum tewlry. Im- his big toe in last week's 14-7 de- catching passes. ported MUSIC BOXES feat to the Mustangs and will Seeks Fourth Win, HUMMEL figurtnes. definitely miss Saturday's tilt. Frosh Train for Gators Try our Lay-Away Plan for Faces SFS 1 Christmits glOs YOUR 1 Gators IPATRONIZE Coach Max Coley's Sparta- often seen by SJS frosh grid Spartan varsity water polo 12 W. San Antonio. CY 7-3923 ADVERTISERS Nthp(rash football squad hus- teams. squad, striving to post its fourth rilley Fair tled throne workouts in sweat Coley called for sweat suit consecutive victory, tackles San suits yesterday In preparation workouts last night a n 4 this Francisco State this afternoon 2801 Stevens Croak Road. of meeting Son Jose a strong Sun Fran- afternoon after being impressed1 at 3:30 in the San Jose State eke 0 State JV team Friday by his charges in a scrimmage pool. CRICKETEER afternoon. Tuesday. In its last three outings, Coach Charlie Walker's Golden Raider The San Jose State frosh eleven Rich Morgan, with a shoulder "Grad" Suits and Sport Coats wrm their first game in two sea- crew has pinned losses on the Oak- injury, and Ko Abe and Dan Kal-1 sons last week crushing the Fres- land Athens Club, Santa Barbara SITE! 11, CLEAN UP Sports Coats 29.95 no State Junior Varsity, 47-13. In ahao, sidelined with the flu, are College. and Cal Poly. gaining the win, the frosh 'un- doubtful participants in Friday's Pete Deberroth paces the locals Sixes 36 - 42 leashed an offensive attack not game in San Francisco. in the scoring department with 25 goals. Dale Anderson has 22 1 Fri. Sat. Slacks 11.95 goals, while K. C. Cooper Is third in scoring with 19. By Rough Rider Rich Donner and Roger I McCandless drew praise from Ivy-Styled Suits 39.95 Walker yesterday. Walker com- mented that Donner has been StlftS 36 -40 turning In a consistent job at the goal position. tie lauded team captain McCandless as BOYS STORE being one of the outstanding guards In northern California and water polo circles. 1 SHOE SALE I Walker announced yesterday COLLEGE SHOP that the State College Water Polo championships, which t h e 321 SOUTH FIRST (Across from H ale' s Spartans have won in five consecu- tive tries, will be held Nov. 22-271 at ('al Poly. The S.I.S frotTh water polo team dropped its first game of the season against eight victories 9dascri/00 (WTI" Tuesday afternoon, bowing to Los Altos High School, 6-5. Preston Brunst and Jim Dinelli tallied two goals each for the Sparta- EL RANCHO DRIVE-IN MAYFAIR 216 pair of men's nationally added escLUSIVE! babes. while Mike Reich "JET PILOT" "JET PILOT" one. known shoes drastically Jrtl,n VVn,nt. Janet Leigh John Niheinv Janet Le15h Lonnie Christenson and Jerry Secrest, frosh standouts, missed "ACTION OF THE TIGER" "RUN OF THE ARROW" reduced for clearance. Not all Rod Steiger the game after coming down with Vas Johnson Both in Techntcolor the flu. sizes in all styles. Now I 1111111111I1111111111111111i1111111111111111,11 priced at . . . 11111111111111111111111111114111111111101i11111111111111111 AND 41IrW. 7 - 3 0 6 0 STUDIO THEATER LA COCINA THE "JAILHOUSE ROCK" DEVIL'S GENERAL ',Ay Tyler Lambda Omega Rho CAFE Titled "The Parson and (In GermanEnglish SPECIALIZING IN $500 The Outlaw" Some fraternities get * ** * HIGHEST RATING athletes. Some get -A piece of cinermtic Anthony Dewier Buddy Rogra brains. This fraternity gets virtually everybody,, MEXICAN DISHES rraftsmanship" ...Tim Mag. Sonny Tufts including women. It hes fanatically loyal 116 iiiiiiIIIIIIIIIMI111111111111111111111111114 members in more than 100 countries around SZAIGIATOC.2X the UNION 1-307et hut 011111) liii IlIlillIlIllIlli 1111111 world. It has no pin and its only ritual is We have Spanish and STOCKINGS" the simple act of enjoying Coca-Cola every STORE HOURS "SILK SPARTAN DRIVE-IN Mexican food seasoned F.nd Aslow CYCI single day of the year. Lady In Town" just right Our enchi- Mondays 12:00 to 9:30 P. if. "Strange "FLYING LEATHERNECKS" Its name? L 0 R Lovers of Refreshment. RATES Jol-n Way". Robert Ryan something to NEW STUDENT Join up today. ladas are Thursdays and Fridays 9:30 to 9:30 THEATRE "SEA DEVILS" of SARATOGA crow about. ALL STUDENTS WITH ASS Rorl Hudson Yyonn SIGN OF GOOD TASTE CARDS (inclucitng colleg) "LONELY MAN" Tuesdays, Wednesday*, Saturdays 9:30 to 5:30 !Ionia(' under authority of Th. Coto -Colo Company by 131 W. SANTA CLARA ST. 60c Jar) Pnlat,. Tony NAM, COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Of SAN JOSE 4-?4PARTAN DAILY Thursday. November 7. 1957 MUSH TO THE MOON? Committee S Losing Weight; Play Employs Hits Spartan Si Grid Policies Records Reduced IContinued from Page 1) sible courses of action, DeVilbiss San Jose State is losing weight by this process is considerable. To said. tadrninistratively, that is. The illustrate, he says that the num- Unique Lighting weight? Thousands of bulky rec- ber of personnel records in a file MAKING ARRANGEMENTS ords of former students which drawer averages about 230, and Following the meeting, DeVil- have been stored in boxes, crates, the Personnel Office will process will important part in the Speech and Drams hiss told The Spartan Daily that Lighting play an and old filing cabinets in various about 50.000 records. This means Street,- opening tomorrow in the committee is now making ar- Department's production of -Angel nooks and crannies around cam- that approximately 200 four- the the gaslight rangements with a California leg- College Theater, since the play is of era. pus. drawer filing cabinet's worth of islator to sec Dr. Roy Simpson. The gigantic task of storing records will be reduced to less In addition to capturing the proper period atmosphere, the California superintendent of pub- these registration and personnel than 300 reels of film, each reel lighting helps to set the low-key, menacing atmosphere of the mystery. lic instruction, about the matter. records has finally been cut down about six inches in diameter. Emerson Arends. SJS student Handling these chores will be one of the top lighting and the- to size through the use of photo- body president in 1947-48 and now NEW PROCESS ater designers in the country, Ken Dorst, assistant professor who stating and microfilming. This operator of a local lumber com- the relative newness of juid Stir di aim. Nt.I:1 MIS Stsrn- process involves reducing the con- Due to pany, also was dissatisfied with Dr. SJS, only the Reg- ester. lie has more educational tents of each student's personnel this process at Wahlquist:s statement. He stated and the Personnel ;theater designs and constructions folder, registration record, and istrar's Office Science Head that previoqs conferences with microfilm rec- to his credit than an> other per- other records to a series of expos- Office are able to President Wahlquist also had been However, the op- son. ures of a reel of film. San Jose ords at present. "unsatisfactory." fast, and as To Present Among Dorst's professional State College, in short, is "living eration moves very of old records de- credits are: stage technician for "I feel his approach to this pro- modern." the backlog offices of the col- TV Program eight Metropolitan Opera pro- blem has been one of evasiveness creases, other OFFICE IS PIONEER be able to avail them- ductions, lighting for two Old Vic and vacillation," he said. "It has lege will Dr. Gertrude Ca ins, Science The Registrar's Office was the method of record productions, set designer for a been fairly well-established that selves of this pioneer in microfilming at San Education Department head, will ; Harry Belafontg show, stage tech- what SJS does athletically is pure- storing. How's the weather up there? Looking none the worse for wear, Jose State. Leslie Ross, registrar, present the second program in nician for the national company of Kozyavka and Malyshka (lido and Royer to you) have made ly local option. It is now up to Dr. Eventually -and not Too event- states that his office started mic- series, "Explorers I "Tea and Sympathy" and stage flights in caperimental rockets to altitudes in excess of 100 miles. Wahiguist." ually- none of the offices on cam- her television rofilming its records in July of technician for the national com- pus will be plagued with the of Tomorrow," Sunday at I p.m.' Adopted unanimously by the 1955. All registration records of pany of "A Hatful of Rain." problem of storing bulky records over station KRON-TV. Concerning lighting, Dorst recent h -formed Citizens Com- students from 1895 to 1950 were apprmed this recorded on 1 56 reels 'of film. Weather will be her topic of Say*, "The actor's physical pre- MEETINGS mittee and well< by the Alumni Assn. and the Amazingly enough, the whole discussion for the half-hour show. ! sence on a stage is the most im- Amateur Radio Club-WHYL, Or- freshments. tonight, 7:30, 10th and PIZZA GARDENS produc- Spar -Ten Club, tA/4.4 it four -point chore was accomplished over a Dr. Cavins will explain some of portant element of the ganization of amateur radio theory San Fernando streets. Ws Cater to Portico tion and the lighting is the nest statement et obieetts es. The, one-year period by only one per- and scientific !class, today, 2 p.m., conference Lutheran B tudents Assn., 50 Finest Pizza in the World the causes, effects most important. Lighting not are: son. room, Student Union. cent dinner, tonight. 6. Student 1347 Wall ROAD observations about weather to only enhances all phases of a Photostating of records has been Christian Center. Followed by 11 That we receive a statement CY 2.9753 Rick Harville and Judy Vorkoe- production, it also aids in con- AWS State Meet decoration done at San Jose State since 1932. meeting at 7. of definite athletic policy from the per, both seventh graders from af ing the author's intention. committee, today, 3:30 p.m., AWS according to Joe H. West, dean of for Ed. 104 duly constituted authorities which Saratoga. Dr. Car ins enlists the ' "Lighting can be compared to Lounge. Pre-registration the Division of Educational Serv- (Elementary School Curriculum would be enthusiastically support- ices and Summer Sessions. SJS help of two grade school students , exposition in a novel: it explains Flying Twenty Inc., pictures for HEnnED9mat and Observation) for Spring and ed snd endorsed by the president. was "living modern" even then. 3 on each of her programs, since ; without the spoken word." La Torre. tonight, 8, E118. All 961 Pi./.750 today and an Fulmanou her science education discussions I "Angel Street" will be repeated members urged to be present. Fall semesters, 1958, 21 To be released from the ath- since they were the first in thif Friday, Room 159. West to use the Remington Rand RENT A TYPEWRITER are aimed primarily at this age .4 Saturday and November 14, 15, Hawaiian Club, meeting, tonight. letic code of the Council of State SPECIAL STUDENT Q1 5 Delta Chi, pictures for La Dexagraph for photostating. group. and 16. 6:30, Room 13. Sigma College Presidents as interpreted RATE. 3 MONTHS VA- Torre, tonight, 8, Spartan Daily At her last show on Oct. 12. Dr. Lambda Delta Sigma, Institue by the President of San Jose State PROCESSING NOW Office. Prospective members, who Caving presented a number of of Religion, business meeting, cul- College. At the present time the Per- are planning to join the frater- scientific projects with which tural speaker, dancing and re- sonnet Office is processing all per- Your eyes are priceless nity are asked to attend. Wear 3) That San Jo.o. State College children may experiment. Register Now sonnel records of students who at- suits. be allowed to operate within the . . . treat them with care! framework or the NCAA In re- tended SJS between 1926 and 1956. Sociology Cl ii b, discussion of Take care of your eyes. Coffee Date? For gard to aid to athletes. Two young ladies, Mrs. Donna Teaching Library Plans club sponsored event. tonight,,7:30. they must take care of you 4) That the foregoing objectives Brauer and Miss Sylvia Roglich, DIERKS DONUTS All secondary education majors CB231. are performing the entire oper- for the rest of your life. ho be administered completely and plan to student teach next To Use Fund Sophomore Class publicity com- ation, They first receive the fold- .0 P with authority by the proper per- HAVE YOUR EYES -nester must pre-register with mittee, work on privilege card ers fl-on) the Personnel Office. Dr. sonnel of the athletic department EXAMINED REGULARLY 370 AUZERAIS STREET John L. Moody, assistant pro- publicity. today. 2:30 and 3:30 then consolidate the contents in- by tomorrow. For Requests of San Jose State College. fessor of education, p.m.. Spartan Dugout. to the least number of full 8Si" by Dr. Jack H. Chennell According to Dr. Moody only 50 of the STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 11 A $5000 reserve fund Spartan Spears Rummage Sale, is" sheets, and finally micro- OPTOMETRIST per cent of the expected students The report goes on to discuss the film and photostat the Library budget, formerly set aside Wednesday and Thursday. Nov. folder In 234 S. tad SL CY 5-2747 Spartan Cleaners have signed up so far this week. history of SJS football, the present one operation. as a special emergency fund for 13 and 14. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in front Dr. Moody will be in his of- problem, and the committee's pro- Dean Martin has stated that & Laundry use later in the year, will be used of Morris Dailey Auditorium. fice. N6A from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. posal for action--the statement of the saving library requests WAA Bowling, today, 3:30 p.m., in space accomplished today and tomorrow to see stu- to finance special objectives. WE SPECIALIZE IN Quality Work be obtained through Bridgeman's Recreation Center. dents who wish to register. which cannot It claims that SJS once enjoyed present departmental budgets, the Wesley Foundation, panel dis- PATRONIZE YOUR REPAIRING Dress Shirts .27 an enviable football record, but Committee announced re. cussion on "The Christian Faith ALL SWISS AND AMERICAN Library that since then the sport has suf- ADVERTISIRS Short Garments .59 Confronts Nuclear Fission." Sun- " WATCHES CLOCKS cently. fered a decline. The record, as Long Garments 1.09 Group Plans dibt 7 p,8t,24-N.-5th St: thito JEWELRY Only a limited number of re- brought out by the report. follows. - Quick Laundry Service - quests will be approved, the com- From 1948 to 1951, 37 victories. Dinner, Talk mittee said. Faculty members are 10 losses, 2 ties. From 1952 to 1957. Corner 5th & San Salvador 26 victories. 23 losses, 3 ties. Tonight's meeting of the Luther- asked to remember that the grant CSC To Have PARKING The committee praises SJS' pre- an Students Assn. will feature an is to be made for a specific pur- $6.00 PER MOWS 1952 policies of recruitment. open discussion entitled, "Pooling pose, and .not simply to increase New Building "In 1952. the president of the Kemp's, 8th & San Carlos For yew Iiistkit, craft suoplIss Our Ignorance." according to the their departmental funds. They I sod for all your aad requests to SACRAMENTO -(UP)- The college retired. He was replaced hobby craft Rev. John Arthur, campus pastor. are to submit their corn* 0, ,.d s. us - by a man whose conception foot- suss' es The meeting will be held at the Dr. Esther Shepherd, chairman of State Department of Public Works of SUMS soon ball programs most apparently did S Student Christian Center at 7 the Library Committee and pro- Yesterday awarded four contracts For Fun and Health not coincide with that of his p.m. and will be preceded by din- fessor of English. totaling 2754.604 for construction pre- Shop HUSTON'S decessor. The system of 'heavy Rent a Bike ner at 6 p.m. Cost of dinner is of a Social Science Classroom JEWELERS Deadline for submitting requests Building at Chico State College. scheduling' was continued. The re- 1617 F SANTA CLARA ST HOBBY SHOP 50 cents. Lightweight & Bicycles for 2 is Nov. 2'7. Allocations are planned The contracts were: general cruitment of athletes was curtail- SAN JOST Elections also will be held to- , to,Ri 293 S. FIRST STREET for early December. work, ed. The care of the football play- I night. the Reverend Arthur said. Spears Construction Co., PAUL'S CYCLES MA0011_ Flo.t 40 Alo;ao Cat. _was taboo. Ito hati-beetame Candidates will be announced by Modesto, $554.000; heating work al- 1435 THE ALAMEDA -OPEN -.- most impossible to attract the 100 OFF WITH nominating committee members Lawson Sheet Metal, North Sac- Moo. - Thurs.- Fri - ramento, 399.793; 'star' athlete to San Jose." CYpress 3-9766 Louise Lewis. Karen Becker, Lor- Electrical work, ASB CARD Tues. Wad.- Sat. -.44 Contest Ends C. D. Draucker Inc., na Hummel and Jim Rindc. Los Angeles. $59,200; and plumbing work, Ro- Plumbing, Chien. hi December darmel $41.609, Religion-In-Life Come in and sign in our special book. Deadline for the 1957 "People to The building will be a three- Your Student Body Card will entitle you fo WORK OF ART People" photo contest will be Dec. story concrete frame structure Helpers Needed by 31. This contest is open only to with some 42,800 striare feet. foreign students and is sponsored Religion-In -Life Week will be 25c OFF ON ANY ORDER ART CLEANERS every year as a part of the People held Nov. 17-22 this year, and regardless of the amount of the check, to 'People program 10 r better many students are needed to help 398 E. SANTA CLARA Game Movies world understanding and peace. make the week a success. Miss EXCELLENT FOOD 24 HOURS A DAY Lois Farum, chairman, said. The photos to be entered most. SWEATERS & CASHMERE COATS o iie nowii Anyone wishing to work on corn. 15A3 in some way depict photographic- our Mca it's of out-of-town football mittees for Religion-in-Life We, ! MAPLES COFFEE DISCOUNT ally a foreign student's impression SHOP games will be shown to faculty and should fill out the Committee for III SPECIALTY with your of the . Entries must 17 E. SANTA CLARA CY 3-8058 staff members every Tuesday be- in the Student Activities Office. I HOUR SERVICE ASB CARD be accompanied by a Caption or tween 12:30 and '1:30 p.m. in Room - - statement explaining the reason 118 of the Engineering Building. the subject impressed the photo- The film pi-e4entatinns are spon- DINNER SPECIAL grapher. Pw" sored by ROAST BEEF with BROWN GRAVY the men's Physical Edu- oh- cation After SOUP POTATOES Entry applications can he Department. Each week the Homecoming Game VEGETABLE BREAD li BUTTER ;tained from Philip Persky. foreign the rim.10115 nut -or-town game is 1.0,q0 Bottle of NA t 15 student adviser. In Building K. shown. warm up with 95c "With him delicious Mexican ARCHIE'S (if course" food at Tico's Tacos STEAK Ivy crew sweaters HOUSLA 545 S. 2nd St.- Hours 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. 9.95 TAMALES 3 holer ENCHILADAS lambswool vest BBQ TACOS CLASSIFIEDS 6.95 BURRITOS Rob Roy REFRIED BEANS lambswool goucho Furnished Studio Apartment for SPANISH RICE FOR RENT or 2 men near college. CY 4-7803. 6.95 College girls preferred. New one F,OR SALE stadium codts HAMBURGERS bedroom and 2 bedroom units. Groups of 3, 4. or 5 girls. Com- '41 Buick with rebuilt engine - '4,95 SHAKES pletely furnished. 452 S. 4111 St. 2125. 1771 Roll St., Santa Clara. Call John Di Monto. CH 3-3282. (11 3-2439. - corduroy 18.95 Mere. '411, R-14, 0.11., $200. 334 S. TRY THE Students, 2 Farm Apts. Across St 8th Morris. CY 3-9988. flannel slacks COMBINATION PLATE ONLY 50c from campus. 328 S. 6th St.. Apt. 1 '411 DeSoto. Eseello;nt condition. 12.95 c)j OPEN 11 A. M. TO 1 A.M. Vacancy -Mew Students - Board New paint & brakes. CY 3-0583. 995- & Room. 2s S. 13th., SJ - from" affsf FII NEOCN "his clothes or* West 5.4. I or 2 M. Students-Lg. _ TICO'S TACOS sleeping room with private bath Orytanirstions or indidualla In need \IENIS and Kit. Priv. Wally Perry, AX of noisiest entertainment. rhos.. HOFFMAN'S CORNER FOURTH AND Sr. JAMES STREETS 6-4440 or rt. if 4964 CT 1-71156. 46 SOUTH MARKET - CY 3.0077