Booster Club Blasts SJS Athletic Policy
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California State Library Sacramento Calif crIlia Bonfire Rally Tonight Increasing Cloudiness Rails Coommittre requests that I Air uilh In. reasing el I- nil stodent ssoolsing on (boats 11., V. the iir.ilhcrrnan’ pre - Friday night arrange to take Santa Clara %alley one hour, 8 to 9 p.m. otf pelt.. king temper- 65 to 7..! and attend the bonfire rails be- , ature with /a, tijg of ing staged in the parking lot degrees. a n itit sitriable at Spartan Stadium, pa thin valid& ate. rho ad. i SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 45 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1957 NO. 31 Council Okays New ATTACK WAHLQUIST POLICIES FORM COMMITTEE Improvement Plan Booster Club In an abbreviated meeting, the Student Council yesterday an- nounced a new long-range improvement plan for the council, okayed Blasts SJS the change of by-laws for the Awards Committee constitution, and made tentative plans to join in honoring es -Spartan footballer, Billy Wilson, of the San Francisco 49ers at Kezar Stadium, Dec. 3. The meeting was cut short because of last night's peace pact Athletic Policy dinner with College of _ Pacific. ASB president Don Ryan and the COP By RANDIE E. POE and JIM DRENNAN *student body president signed the pact before the Student Council, A group of more Oleo 85 interested San Jose State boosters faculty members and 13 represen- yesterday criticized President John T. Wahlguist's athletic policies and Student Body tatives from COP. promised to carry their fight for better Spartan football to high The pact, in general, pledges state officials. To Witness each school to refrain from dam- A recently formed -Citizens Committee for a Progressive San unan- s aging the other's campus. Jose State College," at a luncheon at Lou's Village yesterday, termed Bonfire Rally The new improvement program imously approved a ninepage report on what was the "cha- includes some dozen functions, in- otic" condition of the SJS athletic rogram. Thmorrow night at 8, Spartans cluding obtaining name entertain- The cot lllll itit,,,. blamed the will gather to witness a fire that ment for SJS. The council hopes pr.-sent Onto. Spartan (moths!! is guaranteed, by those who have to act on as many functions as on Dr. Doshiquist's adherence to seen it in the past, to be more possible. President the restrictise rules set up by exciting and spectacular than the The new Awards Committee con- the Colonel! of State college one which "destroyed" San Fran- stitution brings the group into line Presidents. The committee called cisco in 1906. On with the other ASB committees. Speaks the ('SC!' a purely advisory The occasion is the annual bon- It provides, in part, for four stu- board. fire rally, in which students from dent members, a student chairman Dr. J. Burton t,',i.che, associate both COP and SJS will take Athletics part. the State De- appointed by the ASB president. "Citizens Committer for a Progressive San Joke State College" stand superintendent of A huge railroad Members of the newly-formed tie bonfire is and two faculty members. outside Lou's Village after a meeting yesterday in uhich they attacked President John T. Wahiquiat's Following is the complete text partment of Education, implied being built in the Spartan Stad- The council announced tentative athletic policies. A lengthy report unanimously approved by the committee calls far an end to rigid of a statement Issued yesterday by that such groups "have been es- ium parking lot. grid by Knuth. plans to participate in Billy Wil- President John T. Wahlquist, re- tablished in order to assist each This year members of Alpha son Day, by sending representa- garding San Jose State's athletic state college president in carrying Phi Omega gathering are %% nod tives, possibly song girls or Mr. Don Ryan Says pojicy. It is addressed to the "Citi- out the duties of his office with for its construction, and frater- Spardi to the Dec. 3 game with zens Committee for a Progressive dispatch and efficiency.") nities on campus are taking one- Baltimore. Alfonz Will Not Go San Jose State College." The report concluded: hour vigils helping to guard it. Students Didn't The Alumni Assn. reportedly "With proper leadership our col- "A number of our Alumni and After the bonfire, which will be plans to give Wilson a gift. The lege could be taken to undreamed- lit by friends a re deeply concerned Spardi and QueenDorothy plan was referred to the Public Re- On Washington Trip Initiate Move of heights. But the fact remains Fairburn, there will he an ex- program at these lations Committee. Student Body President Don over the football that SJS will never attain change rally with COP. Dave By ANTHONY TARAVELLA Mickey Simonet, Rally Commit- Ryan said yesterday that San Jose San Jose State College. I must heights as long as she is manacled Towle will serve as Alfonz Lengyel will not go to Washington. This was the conclu- master of cer- tee chairman, urged a big turnout by unrealistic rides. sion reached by this reporter yesterday afternoon after a telephone State undergraduates have not say that 1 deeply share their emonies. Mickey Simonet will in- is Ont. We Sr.' tired to at the bonfire rally Friday at 8 initated movements against their "We set troduce Queen Dorothy Fairburn conversation with Sen. William Knowland's chief administrative as- concern, p.m. and asked Greek and indepen- college's athletic program. tho core %kith this eternal flail. and her attendants. sistant in Washington, D.C. "It is becoming increasingly ap- dent organizations to leave the We has,. surfeited with indeci- Jim Gleason, Knowland's assistant, has been working several "To my knowledge no move- The executive committee of the that a wide disparity has sion, es st%hooness lack of hour from 8 to 9 p.m. free for par- ments of any kind in regard to parent and ad- SJS Rally Committee has planned days in an effort to untangle the snarled events surrounding Alionz's developed between the level of equate leoulership. ticipation. anticipated trip to Washington.* dissatisfaction with the college a take-off on "You've Gotta Have our scheduled collegiate competi- "We want ably dirceteit action." overlhe.enr. y ,aitninistration, football t earn, Heart" from "Damn Yankees." A Much of the confusion and the level of the playing from coach. or athletic departMent."tion NCAA MORE LIBERAL small pep band, under the direc- meted mceting has restilted r arade-Saia abilitywe are able to produce have been started by any of our The committee advocates adop- tion of Roger S. Muzzy, assistant Inadequate communication be- Health Office student groups on campus," Ryan under the compounded restric- tion of the more liberal National professor of music tween Hungarian representatives and the SJS said in a prepared statement. tions of the two different eligibil- Collegiate Athletic Assn. rules. yell-leaders and in New York and Lengyel. Lang- Largest In song leaders are "Our students are naturally un- ity codes and otir limited financial Grid games with two opponents also taking part, according to To Distribute uage has been another barrier. Jack happy and a .bit displeased over support. I will not trouble you this season have east $9500. Clarke, entertainment chairman of Gleason unravelled most of the with SJS History the record of this year's team. It an explanation of why ad- (North Texas State was given Rally Committee. Flu Vaccine mystery by checking directly with herence to these two codes- the is my belief, however, that our a $10.000 guarantee; SJS went in COP will carry out the theme, the New York office of the Free- Honoring the SJS alumni, the SJS students, faculty and ad- students realize our football team Council of State College Presi- the red $8000. San Diego State was "International Festiy al." Ap- dom Fighters' Federation. This annual Homecoming Parade is set ministration will have their first has done the best it is capable of dents and the Pacific Coast Con- tendered a $2.500 guarantee; the pearing on the program will he group had submitted the original to roll down San Jose's First stcert opportunity to receive flu immun- doing, and that it will lake a few 'Comm h a s seemed necessary Spartans lost $1500 on the Aztec the "Rubber Band," composed of written request to President Eisen- at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, according to it izations today. Upon presentation years for Bob Titchenal to build and obligatory to tut. Suffice game, according to S. Glen "Tiny" members of Omega Phi Alpha hower, asking that the Chief Ex- Bob Foy, parade chairman. moment, that it of a signed authorization slip, they a stron4 team," Ryan stated. "We to say, for the liartranft, SJS athletic director. fraternity : a Brazilian girl sing- ecutive meet with a delegation of Les Davis, Homecoming chair- Also, circle of are eligible to receive one c.c, of realize the competition has been has. the vicious The report claims that many ing South American numbers; is Hungarians in commemoration of man, states that this year's parade losing crimes and losing financial polyvalent flu vaccine which ap- rugged. and we know we have people of San Jose have lost in- Canadian tap damer: a Japanese the first anniversary ,..1 the. Him- and related activities Mould be the support is a difficult one to cheek. terest plies to all known types of flu. played some of the finest teams in girl singing Oriental songs; three garian Revolution. largest in the college's history. including the Asian.