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. :<.=.....«../ ...... - ....., - 1 =..... «= .....3---4- ...=»-----».---=-- M 1 13 1 THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF Bll 1 INDIANAPOLIS % : . \ '- i .„,'.,1 " .- P= ™==™.-7 ---I'.. .... I. ---1 :I.--•·.. „ - ' ' '- -, i ' I J I E-, r-·\ 8 i 1 1.- » I VETERANS DAY 2008 - 1- 7 121123 D) »t e, Pages 6,7 1 ->f" .S'n '0,7; $1 ,- - ----1 -4---- --3- -1---------1» 1 -- -11 ----------- C .---- -'- I i 71 i _.3 IiiL....1 0.:9.1.. 4 *ee './.&*FRA 1. e 1,( 1-«» * » -- ..1,1.-4. / », REFLECTOR.UINDY.EDU . NOVEMBER 12,2008 • « VOLUMESFISSUES .,SS--=, 2 ·-:.Il-- -1=32&::*6 . -I - - SUPER BOWL 2012 Democratic OPPORTUNITY AWAITS leaders speak Ulndy hopes to participate in assisting the city of Indianapolis with the 2012 Super Bowl at UIndy By Sarah Haefner ... I . 14 A., : .4 5, FEATURE EDITOR 4.'.,1. I . I '. I i -r .6.:..6-1 1 9- 16 - I . M. .::F..Mit -„ 4..5:.. .;.. 7 ., ":.i %1' , *.5-,1:': #*.p. ....,I '. ..... .hY. As part of a continuing trend of pre- senting prestigious political leaders to the u." Pe'. ... UniversityofIndimapoliscommunity,Col- „G'.3.... ., .. ---:1-, -""1:EJJ _, Riu s I.*.I .:. lege Democrats invited several government - . 3 L 1 -- - representatives to speak to students, faculty 2-t e.. 4 4f,I and community members about their plat- . , . 1........... --3 ..+1 M-Mu -M -- forms and views on several key issues. -- I'.I Theevent,heldonOct.29intheChristel hy,44-J *01 9 .7 DeHaan Fine Arts . ' J...4.-....:-,9•. A '»,&+V m ap.1. '2.*.** , , # # Center, drew a sur- 37' 2 ,#- 0 C.21;.FL- -2'-' .1;f •fS.
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