CURRICULUM VITAE OF ANDREI V. ZINOVIEV Date of Birth: 10.10.1969 Work: 107143, Moscow, Vavilova str., 7 Phone: +7(495)7729590 add. 15475 Email:
[email protected] RESEARCH INTERESTS My primary research interest focuses on morpho-functional study of avian and dinosaurian hind limbs, with special attention to biomechanical interpretation of morphological characters. Data thus obtained and coupled with field studies is used for reconstruction of adaptive evolution of modern and extinct avian groups and their closest relatives. The other research relates to fields of archaeozoology and archaeoanthropology. A rich material from archaeological excavations of Tver, Tver region and adjacent areas is identified and evaluated. Special attention is paid to the human dental system and relation of its state to diet. Questions of modern evolution theory (primarily synthetic) are of particular interest. Theoretical aspects of adaptive evolution and its role in speciation are researched. EDUCATION Higher School of Economy, Moscow, Russia, MSc, Management 2014 Dissertation: Educational success of students in regional university in relation to the level of education of family members (an example of Biological Faculty of Tver State University) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. Doctor Habil., Biology 2007 Dissertation: Comparative Anatomy, Structural Modifications and Adaptive Evolution of Avian Hind Limbs Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. Ph.D., Biology 1999 Dissertation: Avian Hind Limbs as an Organ of Bipedal Locomotion