Download Confectionery Category Advice
CATEGORY ADVICE 2021 • Market Insights • Must Stock Lines • Planograms CATEGORY ADVICE Market Insight 2021 On the Go Chocolate Singles still have the largest Importance of Confectionery share of Confectionery with a quarter of all Confectionery is growing +2.7% in sales in Independent and Symbol Stores. Independent and Symbol stores. (Nielsen, I&S, 52 Weeks, 22.05.2021) Driven by more shoppers shopping local. (Nielsen, I&S, 52 Weeks, 22.05.2021) The Younger Confectionery Shopper Younger shoppers over index in confectionery in Independent and Symbol stores and they also spend more so are a Big Night In key demographic. Sharing products are (Lumina Intelligence Convenience Tracking growing the channel sales, with Programme data from w/c 11th November 2020 chocolate sharing +8.5% and to 26th April 2021) sugar sharing +5.9%. (Nielsen, I&S, 52 Weeks, 22.05.2021) Importance of Impulse 23% of shoppers in Independent and Symbol Seasonal Gifting Stores buy something on impulse. 17% of Confectionery Gifting is growing +18% and these impulse purchases are confectionery. driven by a growth in sales from events like 63% of shoppers purchase on impulse Xmas, Mother’s Day and Valentines. because of visibility and 28% of shoppers purchase because of promotion or PMP. (Nielsen, I&S, 52 Weeks, 22.05.2021) (Lumina CTP 2020) CATEGORY ADVICE Market Insight 2021 Clearly merchandise your main display by pack type (eg singles/duos), brand and best sellers in best locations. Drive impulse purchase with eye catching displays, then highlight high impulse lines like mints at the till point Stock the best selling Gifting range and next to Food/Coffee to Go Build exciting displays for Seasonal for the fresh breath mission.
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