1 Vice-Chancellor’s Message 2 Director’s Message 4 AIBN Scientifi c and Commercialisation Committee


6 AIBN engages with industry 8 plus biomarkers revolutionise molecular based medicine 10 Swine Flu candidate vaccine 12 University research arms sign MOU 14 Future fellows - future is clear for AIBN’s latest fellows 32 Functional nanomaterials 15 AIBN RESEARCH 33 Research and development of biologic 16 Energy tops global concerns; medicines; production of recombinant proteins AIBN seeks solutions with industrial applications 18 Health benefi ts abound through AIBN research 34 Polymer nanocomposites and nanotoxicology 20 Environment benefi ts from AIBN research 35 Biomolecular engineering 36 Designer polymer nanoreactors for use in 22 STUDENTS AND TRAINING biomedical applications and environmentally 23 RHD report friendly organic reactions 24 AIBN opportunities for undergraduate students 37 Systems and synthetic biology 38 Production of baculovirus biopesticides 25 APPENDICES - a systems biology approach 26 Cell biology and tissue engineering 39 Computational molecular science 27 Smart surfaces, scaffolds and diagnostic 40 Nanotechnology, biomarkers and the next microdevices for stem cell expansion, tissue generation molecular diagnostics engineering and biofl uid characterisation 41 Polymer 28 Single-molecule technologies for diagnostics 42 Human pluripotent stem cells for 28 Materials development and characterisation regenerative medicine 29 Rapid selection of cells producing novel 43 Nanomaterials for biotechnology, energy and biopharmaceuticals environmental protection 30 Biofl uids characterisation and biopolymer 44 AIBN 2009 Commencing students’ research processing higher degree projects 31 Targeting the skin for needle-free, 45 Grants minimally-invasive vaccine delivery 50 AIBN Publications and diagnostics for disease 56 AIBN Seminars VICE-CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE

It is my pleasure to congratulate Director Peter Gray and the AIBN team on another year of outcomes, including a series of model achievements in network-building, collaboration and leveraging.

The 2009 score sheet features the health, the environment and industrial launch of a facilities cluster valued at processes. The $30 million facilities $30 million, funded by the Australian cluster was a catalyst for the program, and Queensland governments and UQ. but participating companies have access The cluster comprises the Biologics to a range of other AIBN labs, where Facility, the Metabolomics Facility and the focus is in areas such as hydrogen the Queensland Node of the Australian storage, drug delivery, photocatalysts, National Fabrication Facility – all part of antibody engineering, biosensors and national groupings. As both a workplace tissue engineering. for more than 30 UQ scientists and The Industrial Affi liates Program is engineers and a resource for public and the latest stage in a structure of AIBN private sector researchers, it fosters corporate and philanthropic networks, teamwork and knowledge exchange which includes: a $17.5 million donation among university researchers and their from The Atlantic Philanthropies; a counterparts in industry. research alliance with Dow Chemicals; Furthermore, the cluster gives small, and partnerships with the likes of Unilever, medium and large businesses a new Intel and Amyris Biotechnologies Inc, as way to benefi t from – and contribute well as many Australian-based companies to – national and global progress driven of smaller scale. by research and development, while AIBN proves beyond doubt that high- helping ensure AIBN inquiry is relevant quality applied research is compatible to contemporary industry priorities. with outstanding fundamental research. Such connections also help identify It marries the two so people and gaps in national capability, such as organisations using the products of the chasm between the fundamental discovery can be certain they arise from discovery of potential biopharmaceuticals investigations that are independent, and biologics, and the ability to prepare ethical and peer reviewed. clinical grade material for human trials. With University support, Professor Gray Professor Paul Greenfi eld AO and AIBN colleagues addressed this VICE-CHANCELLOR gap, leading to the establishment of THE UNIVERSITY Biopharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd, OF QUEENSLAND soon to be built within the Translational Research lnstitute Queensland on the Princess Alexandra Hospital site. In 2009, AIBN launched the Industrial Affi liates Program as part of its work to smooth the business world’s runway into research. The program is a sure way for companies to avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’ by enjoying tailored access to experts who target solutions in

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 1 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE In 2009, the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) again expanded its intellectual capacity and capabilities, enabling researchers to effectively and effi ciently prosecute their leading-edge research and contribute toward elegant, long-term solutions for many substantial problems in the broad areas of health, the environment and energy.

AIBN’s expansion fi ts well with the The year also saw the formation of the University of Queensland’s strategic Centre for Biomarker Research and objectives focusing on learning, Development, the fi rst such centre discovery and engagement by attracting established under the auspices of the the best minds to Brisbane for research institute. Headed by Professor Matt and education, as well as growing our Trau and announced on 18 May 2009 external and internal linkages. by the Honourable Stephen Robertson, It was particularly gratifying to note that Queensland Minister for Natural AIBN researchers were awarded more Resources, Mines and Energy and Trade, than $7.1 million in new funding by the the centre will focus on early diagnosis Australian Research Council in 2009. and tailored treatment of disease. Additionally, the Australian Stem Critical to AIBN’s research efforts is a Cell Centre provided more motivated and dynamic student body than $3 million in funding to and I am pleased to report that 11 of understand the processes of the Institute’s research higher degree cellular reprogramming, and students submitted their theses in how to produce stem cells in 2009 with four degrees being awarded. clinically relevant quantities. The remaining seven students are I congratulate Professors expected Mark Kendall, Michael to graduate in 2010. Monteiro, Chengzhong Yu In addition to research training, AIBN and Kirill Alexandrov (an delivers various continuing professional AIBN joint appointment development courses. The longest with the Institute for running of these is the Biologics and Molecular Bioscience), Biopharmaceuticals Course delivered by and Dr Annette Dexter Associate Professor Stephen Mahler. The who were awarded course discusses the utility of biologics prestigious Australian and biopharmaceuticals as drugs, the Research Council regulatory environment, and various Future Fellowships; Drs commercialisation strategies. The course Simon Corrie, Zhen Li was delivered to government bodies, and Chenghua Sun, who private companies and universities in were awarded Queensland Australia and abroad. There are indications Government Smart Future that demand will remain high in 2010. Fellowships; and Dr Zhi Ping Xu, who was awarded Complementing this learning opportunity a UQ Foundation Research is a newly developed course delivered Excellence Award. in conjunction with members of the Nanobiotechnology Center from Cornell It was pleasing and indicative of University, one of the premier Ivy League AIBN’s considerable international universities in the United States. reputation that one of our Future Fellows, Professor Yu, joined AIBN is committed to realising the AIBN from Fudan University in long-term benefi ts of interacting with China to take up the award. industry and the wider community and

2 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 is consequently expanding its existing schools to discuss the basic principles maintaining his research involvement, industrial and community engagement of their research, and participating in albeit in a substantially reduced capacity activities. the important community discussions and we gratefully acknowledge and Industrial links give AIBN researchers surrounding the emerging technologies thank him for his contributions to AIBN the opportunity to progress their life’s of nanotechnology and bioengineering. in the previous years. passion beyond the confi nes of the Because of these high-quality It is appropriate that I acknowledge the bench, and expose their research to the achievements in 2009, and in previous contributions of all AIBN’s researchers, competition and validation of the market years, all staff and students can look support staff and students, who now place. Engagement with industry has the forward to the Institute Review in mid- number more than 360 individuals, potential to open new revenue streams at 2010. The review will be conducted by and I particularly thank the AIBN a time when competition for the available a distinguished panel of national and Executive Team for their wise counsel Australian research dollar is becoming international experts in the fi elds of over the previous 12 months. I thank increasingly fi erce. bioengineering and nanotechnology. the members of AIBN’s Scientifi c and The Institute’s industrial engagement The review is a rare occasion for the Commercialisation Committee who occurs in various guises, such as institute to obtain an impartial and give freely and generously of their time collaborative partners in the Australian objective assessment of its strengths to ensure AIBN fully maximises its Research Council’s Linkage Project and weaknesses, as well as important considerable research and commercial Grant scheme, industry sponsorship of insights into how it benchmarks locally, potential. I also appreciate the PhD scholarships, short-term contract nationally and internationally. contribution of Euan Murdoch who, as head of the Queensland Government research agreements, continuing I anticipate that AIBN will benefi t Review Committee, provided invaluable professional development courses, and considerably from this review in terms support during 2009. the newly developed Industrial Affi liates of acknowledging past achievements, Program (IAP). More information about recognising the institute’s strengths, Finally, on behalf of the institute, I the IAP initiative, which capitalises on the identifying future challenges and acknowledge the Senior Executive unique facilities and expertise found at targeting strategic directions for pursuit. of UQ, who have been and remain, AIBN, can be found later in this report. extremely supportive of AIBN and its I congratulate Professor Max Lu, endeavours. Further supplementing these industry who was appointed The University of links is AIBN’s commitment to engaging Queensland’s Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Peter Gray with the wider community that – Research in 2009. This appointment AIBN DIRECTOR supports it. This involves AIBN Group refl ects Max’s abilities, both as an Leaders and research students visiting administrator and as a researcher. Queensland primary and secondary Fortunately for the institute, Max is AIBN SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIALISATION COMMITTEE The Scientifi c and Commercialisation Committee met again in 2009 to assess AIBN’s research direction and commercialisation activities and provide important feedback to the Institute Director.

This meeting involved discussions with The SACC comprises the following Group Leaders and participation and members and the institute acknowledges attendance at the AIBN Symposium. their generous contributions in 2009: Among the SACC’s specifi c • Professor Chunli Bai, Senior Vice responsibilities are: President, The Chinese Academy 1. identifying future strategic of Science, China; opportunities for collaboration, and • Dr Barry Buckland, CEO BiologicB cross disciplinary foci for the institute; LLC, Pennsylvania, USA, and Visiting Professor, University College 2. providing advice on research direction. London. The last of these responsibilities was • Dr Peter Farrell AM, Executive particularly well served by the AIBN Chairman of the Board, ResMed; Symposium. This all-day event was • Professor Craig Hawker, Director an opportunity for AIBN staff and Materials Research, University of students to learn about the research California, Santa Barbara, USA; and experience of keynote speakers Professor Chris Lowe, Director Professor Harold Craighead, Director, • Institute of Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology Centre, of Cambridge, UK; University; and Dr Ian Nisbet, Managing Director and CEO, Xenome Ltd; • Dr Susan Pond AM, and that of their AIBN colleagues. Adjunct Professor, Dow Sustainability Presentations were made by students Program United States Study Centre; and early and mid-career researchers Board Member, Commercialisation and the institute heard from the Australia; University’s Deputy Vice Chancellor Director, Australian Academy (Academic) Professor Deborah Terry, of Technological Sciences and under whose wing AIBN sits in UQ’s Engineering; organisational structure. Board of Trustees, Australia’s Virtual The event was a vital exercise in Herbarium; strengthening the ‘multidisciplinarity’ of the institute with speakers selected Board of Governors, Centenary by a competitive process. Institute. • Professor Mihail Rocco, Chair National Nanotechnology Initiative, National Science Foundation, USA; and • Dr Daniel Syrdal, previously Heller Ehrmann Attorneys, Seattle, USA.


Robust partnerships are the keystone of AIBN’s Industrial Associate: This is an entry-level mission to engage with industry. membership designed to give companies an introduction to the breadth and depth of AIBN. Industrial Associates The institute is achieving its mission “It’s a win-win scenario; not just industry have opportunities to interact with AIBN through varied means, including funding academic research,” he said. research and discuss the range of individual contacts, its Industrial Affi liates There are three levels of membership, services and capabilities available. Program and the National Research designed to cater for small, medium Dr Hazell says the level of engagement and Development Infrastructure – a and large companies: $30 million cluster of facilities that AIBN offered by the IAP is deeper than a Industrial Affi liate: This is the premium Director, Professor Peter Gray, says simple arrangement to use AIBN facilities level of engagement with AIBN. will “build more bridges between the and/or researchers for one-off projects. Companies receive the greatest level public and private research sectors, While the program has only been of fl exibility when interacting with expand national capabilities, develop operating since November 2009, institute researchers, which means new industries and promote Australian Dr Hazell’s ambitious goal is to have more opportunities to benefi t from innovation”. 20 affi liates by July 2010. AIBN’s ideas, know-how and The Industrial Affi liates Program (IAP) capabilities. Industrial Affi liate is most Wacol-based Very Small Particle is an opportunity for industry to gain suited to organisations looking to Company Pty Ltd (VSPC) has been access to cutting-edge research and aggressively drive their R&D activities in working with University of Queensland technology and for AIBN to ensure its areas where access to state-of-the-art researchers for more than a decade research is industrially relevant. facilities and know-how is critical. and has now signed up as an Industrial Affi liate. Chief Technical Offi cer Peter Dr Stuart Hazell, AIBN IAP Coordinator, Industrial Member: This membership Talbot said VSPC needed to understand says the program is about developing has a high level of engagement with and characterise nanomaterials and long-term relationships that allow AIBN and opportunities to interact could not operate without AIBN’s industry to work with AIBN researchers directly with groups and facilities assistance. “We’d be blind without AIBN; to test ideas and concepts and build within the institute. It is most suited to it’s integral to what we do.” engagement between AIBN and industry. small-to-medium enterprises needing It enables companies to nominate to augment in-house activities with VSPC commercialises research appropriately qualifi ed staff for adjunct access to knowledge and facilities. its scientists have worked on in staff appointments as AIBN Industrial collaboration with AIBN in two specifi c Fellows. fi elds, energy and the environment.

6 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 In both areas, nanotechnology has range of services was available to Biologics is a new class of human had a massive impact. For example, its clients. AIBN’s proximity, relatively therapeutics, developed using VSPC is developing alternative attractive costs and the IAP’s biotechnology and genetic engineering. energy collection and storage through streamlining of the ability to work Metabolomics is the study of the paths rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic with academics were positives for through which biomolecules are dealt cells. It is working with major industrial PhamaSynth. “AIBN is keen to work with in cellular metabolism; ie, cells’ manufacturers to make products that are with industry, and we can use AIBN in nutrient processing. The Queensland cleaner and more effi cient. our marketing. It’s a well-known, well- node of the Australian National Dr Talbot said the AIBN relationship respected brand, so the relationship is Fabrication Facility at AIBN provides was complementary. “Small companies useful to us,” Mr Tillack said. equipment and expertise for patterning like ours don’t have the resources and The ability for PharmaSynth staff to polymer and glass substrates for drug equipment. We gain access to library engage in continuing professional delivery and fabricating nanoelectronics. databases and people with current development through the adjunct The infrastructure enables globally research knowledge,” he said. VSPC, staff program, seminars and greater competitive research in those three being in the commercial arena, can use involvement with AIBN academics was fi elds, by giving Australian researchers its industry networks to help AIBN target another plus. access to internationally acknowledged its research to areas of direct industrial expertise and equipment. The National Research and applicability. Development Infrastructure (NRDI) is Professor Gray said the infrastructure Becoming an Industrial Affi liate added another dimension of AIBN’s industry was available to all Australian research a new dimension to a long-standing engagement. Professor Gray said organisations, including business. relationship, Dr Talbot said. NRDI supplied specialist facilities to The IAP, combined with the availability of Brisbane-based contract drug companies that did not have the in- facilities like NRDI, help build strong links manufacturer PharmaSynth, a subsidiary house capability to engage in high-level between industry and AIBN. of Progen Pharmaceuticals, joined research. They also support a platform of the the IAP because it gives the company NRDI, funded by the Queensland Queensland Government’s Toward Q2 access to services it does not have and Australian governments through Strategy – a blueprint for developing in-house. the National Collaborative Research tomorrow’s Queensland with long-term PharmaSynth CEO Les Tillack said Infrastructure Strategy, services targets for 2020. A key element of the the ability to access AIBN’s molecular three specifi c areas – biologics, strategy is innovative partnerships between biology facilities meant an expanded metabolomics and nanofabrication. industry and educational institutions.


The pace of change in genetics and molecular-based medicine is advancing faster than the computer revolution.

In computer science, the term “Moore’s “The potential use of these technologies law” demonstrates that, in essence, in early diagnosis and treatment could computing power doubles approximately lead to a cure at a fraction of the cost of every two years. AIBN’s Professor Matt current treatments for late-stage disease, Trau says the same principle applies for example, chemotherapy.” to nanotechnology developments in Early detection is a major weapon biotechnology, but the advances are against cancer and can give a patient a even quicker. 90 percent chance of surviving beyond For example, a decade ago, it cost $3 fi ve years. Without early diagnosis, the billion and took 10 years to sequence statistics fall to only a 10 percent to 20 the fi rst human genome. Thanks to the percent chance of survival. rapid development of nanotechnology, in During 2009, AIBN established the 2010 several companies are launching Centre for Biomarker Research and nanotechnology-based products that will Development, headed by Professor sequence a human genome for less than Trau, which combines varied disciplines $100 in under an hour. to work together on applications in Professor Trau says that advance alone preventive and personalised medicine. is set to revolutionise modern medicine The centre combines AIBN’s innovative through the inexpensive availability nanotechnology researchers with of personalised genomes, enabling molecular biology and clinical research therapies to be individualised to patients. leaders to focus on discovering, validating “The next generation of advances in this and using molecular-based biomarkers fi eld will come at the interface between in medicine. The biomarkers can come nanotechnology and biomarkers,” from a broad range of molecular classes, Professor Trau said. Rather than for example, DNA, RNA, proteins, and just measuring people’s background chemically modifi ed versions of DNA, DNA sequences, a new generation of such as methylated DNA. is being developed Nanotechnology can dramatically to ‘read’ biomarkers in the body (for escalate the pace at which technology example, in blood or biopsied tissue) can move from the laboratory to clinical that will detect the ‘real-time’ onset and trials. Through the team’s multi- progression of diseases such as cancer. disciplinary aspect, the centre brings in “Such technologies have great potential the clinical perspective from oncologists, in disease management and it is pathologists and other specialists, so anticipated doctors will use biomarkers nanotechnology researchers know to monitor and treat diseases at what’s needed in the medical fi eld. their earliest stages, when they are In breast cancer research, Professor more manageable and outcomes are Trau aims to use a combination of signifi cantly more favourable,” Professor novel biomarkers and nanotechnology Trau said. to fi nd out which women respond to

8 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 chemotherapy treatment and which do not. Currently, everyone being treated for breast cancer receives chemotherapy. But, once the centre’s researchers can identify changes in the DNA in cancerous cells, they can identify those for whom the treatment will be effective. Professor Trau says breast cancer may actually be fi ve or six different diseases, which explains why chemotherapy is ineffective for a large group of cancer sufferers. “We now have the tools to look at all the molecules present in a diseased cell. We can scan the whole genome to compare cancerous and non-cancerous cells,” Professor Trau said. “What’s frequently needed is to miniaturise these tools into inexpensive platforms that can be used by doctors in the clinic or at the bedside. “Nanotechnology has a powerful role to play, but needs to be fully integrated with the latest advances in molecular biology and fully informed by the most urgent needs in clinical research and medicine. Often, we just need an inexpensive ‘plug and play’ technique to read biomarkers quickly and at less cost,” Professor Trau said. The centre has important international links and is working with researchers globally, including the joint 2001 Nobel laureate, Dr Lee Hartwell, from the US- based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, who heads the International Biomarker Consortium. Other international collaborators include Harvard University’s Dana Farber Cancer Research Centre and the UK’s Institute for Cancer Research. SWINE FLU CANDIDATE VACCINE The successful production of a candidate vaccine against the

H1N1 “swine fl u” virus in Australia was the fi rst step in an AIBN project to ensure adequate quantities of vaccine could be available quickly if a pandemic broke out. AIBN Group Leader Professor Anton Middelberg said his research team successfully produced the H1N1 candidate vaccine in mid-2009, after receiving the genetic construct from US fi rm Protein Sciences Corporation (PSC). Before modern biotechnology, vaccines were developed by growing live viruses in embryonated eggs, a procedure that has many limitations. “Not all viruses, AIBN is now seeking funding to see Connecticut-based PSC was awarded a for example H1N1, grow easily in eggs. It is a slow, time-consuming process how quickly it could develop a range of $45 million US Government contract to with some uncertainty,” Professor vaccines to respond to new threats and develop the FluBlok vaccine. Dr Manon Middelberg said. increase the yields to get better coverage Cox, PSC Chief Operating Offi cer, said for the Australian population. more than 5,000 people had received The key active component of a virus is th FluBlok in clinical tests, which showed a hemagglutinin (HA) protein, but the Using the “old-fashioned 20 century the medicine worked and was safe. protein is different for every infl uenza technique” of growing viruses in eggs virus. PSC used the DNA sequence of meant it took three to six months to The FluBlok vaccine contained three deliver the fi rst vaccine. Using cell times more HA protein than Australia’s the H1N1 protein to make an artifi cial copy of it, which was purifi ed to culture technology has reduced the normal seasonal vaccine, and could become the vaccine. time frame to two to three months. therefore provide enhanced protection AIBN’s focus now is new technology, for those at risk of severe infl uenza. Last year UQ signed a landmark using bacteria instead of cell culture and research agreement with PSC to bring Once AIBN has demonstrated the nanotechnology processes, to reduce the technology to Australia, with a focus ability to produce large quantities of the time required to two weeks. on collaborative research into better vaccines quickly, there would no longer manufacturing methods. “PSC’s technology offers the best be a need to stockpile vaccines. “We current technology able to make vaccine could produce vaccines as needed, Professor Middelberg said AIBN’s ability delivering fi rst to people working in to replicate the vaccine in Australia was a quickly,” Professor Middelberg said. essential services and then the broader breakthrough, because it demonstrated By using imported technology which population,” Professor Middelberg said. that the genetic material was suffi ciently has already been through clinical trials robust to be transported from overseas with PSC’s FluBlok and PanBlok vaccine “Once the vaccine can be made quickly and could be revived to make vaccine products, and deploying AIBN’s resident when a new virus emerges, or when one using very different processing. That capabilities and infrastructure, Australia changes, we can turn manufacturing on was a positive if a pandemic occurred, will soon be able to produce vaccines and off as needed. That means we can because “we’d need to make the very quickly. Because there is extensive choose to make vaccine just for those vaccine everywhere, using infrastructure clinical trial data available from the US, at risk of severe illness, saving valuable that might vary between locations”. approval and registration processes with taxpayer funds.” “That we were able to get the technology Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Authority into the country and have a vaccine two might be accelerated, Professor weeks later underlines the skills base of Middelberg said. people at AIBN,” Professor Middelberg The batches of H1N1 vaccine made said. “This vaccine has been produced at AIBN would be used for research using the latest cell culture vaccine purposes only as they were not technology and contains no egg protein.” registered for clinical use in Australia.


An international linkage established in 2009 between AIBN and America’s Cornell University aims to develop new products and techniques that can ultimately produce new medicines, develop new biofuels and improve human health and quality of life.

12 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 UQ’s AIBN and Cornell’s He said both organisations stand The collaboration will also give AIBN Nanobiotechnology Center (NBTC) to enhance their mutual interests in researchers the opportunity to work with have signed a memorandum of biomolecular devices and analysis, other global experts in their fi eld. understanding (MOU) that combines cell and tissue engineering, cell surface Professor Anton Middelberg, an the strengths of the sandstone and Ivy interaction and nanomaterials. AIBN Group Leader and a program League universities to increase the pace “AIBN and NBTC both have highly coordinator for the nanobiotechnology of discovery and development of new interdisciplinary research environments workshop, said Cornell’s NBTC and products and processes. and the combination of biology, UQ’s AIBN were centres of excellence in The fi rst concrete example of nanotechnology and engineering within the fi eld and both had “critical mass” in collaboration between the research these organisations has the potential to bioengineering and nanotechnology. partners was a joint Cornell-AIBN two- change our lives,” Professor Gray said. “There’s a lot of infrastructure and day workshop in December 2009, titled “For example, scientifi c breakthroughs expertise in both and we’re addressing NanoBioTechnology – The cutting edge of healthcare, materials and security. occurring in the fi elds of stem cells and similar biomedical problems in different tissue regeneration are opening up many ways. We see things from different The workshop overviewed the science new opportunities for treating disease angles, but there’s a natural meeting of and technology that underpin the but, for the potential to be realised, the minds, which makes it easy to cut convergence of nanotechnology and we need to learn how to target new through and address detailed science biotechnology, which can lead to treatments to just the right part of the and technology issues,” he said. breakthroughs at the leading edge of body, and how to grow very complex diverse industrial and research fi elds. Professor Middelberg expects the cells in a controlled fashion. benefi ts of the synergistic relationship to AIBN Director Professor Peter Gray “This MOU will establish new partnerships, expand as the relationship matures and said the workshop, which included three enable joint funding opportunities, there is a greater transition of personnel presenters from Cornell, was the fi rst promote the sharing of ideas, techniques between AIBN and NBTC. in a series. and skills, and develop new research directions,” he said.


Four AIBN researchers were awarded prestigious Future Fellowships by the Australian Research Council.

Professors Mark Kendall, Michael and new materials for high effi ciency ranging from drug delivery to the Monteiro and Chengzhong Yu and separation and purifi cation.” extraction of crude oil however, chemical Dr Annette Dexter were all successful, Professor Yu’s research focuses on surfactants are toxic and can accumulate as was joint Institute for Molecular novel nanoporous and nano-materials in the environment,” Dr Dexter said. Bioscience and AIBN appointment for biotechnology, clean energy and “This research will develop biodegradable Professor Kirill Alexandrov. environment protection applications. surfactants that can be switched on and off as required and are not toxic to living AIBN Director Professor Peter Gray “I am interested in strategies to organisms. welcomed the announcement and understand the fundamental structure- congratulated the AIBN Future Fellows. property correlations and to design “One of many potential applications is in “These awards are designed to provide functional nanostructured composites in vaccines, for use in remote Aboriginal opportunities for mid-career researchers biomaterials, bio-analysis, proteomics, communities, against skin infections with four-year fellowships worth up to drug delivery, catalysis, photo-catalysis, from scabies and streptococcus, which $894,200,” he said. and environmental chemistry,” he said. can lead to kidney failure and heart disease. “It was particularly pleasing that one of “This work can be used to develop new our successful applicants, Professor tools to genetically engineer treatments “A non-damaging skin cream based on our Chengzhong Yu, joined AIBN from for acquired and inherited diseases.” research could treat short-term discomfort and deliver a vaccine to prevent long-term Fudan University in China to take Dr Annette Dexter is developing health consequences,” she said. up this fellowship. environmentally friendly surfactants, “Three of the fellowships will support which are chemicals essential for Professors Michael Monteiro and Mark research projects developing new making oil-water mixtures. Kendall are both developing novel methods of drug and vaccine delivery, technologies to deliver drugs and “Surfactants are used in applications therapies more effectively. Professor Monteiro has combined polymer and dendrimer technologies to develop a macromolecule in which the active component is encapsulated for delivery in the body. Importantly, the macromolecule can be tailored to suit the physiological characteristics at the site of action. Professor Kendall is developing a nanopatch to substitute for the traditional needle and syringe that delivers vaccines, genes and drugs more effi ciently and cheaply. The nanopatch delivers its vaccine payload to the outer layer of the skin which is richly populated by immune cells and promotes a greater immune response using less vaccine. AIBN RESEARCH RESEARCH

AIBN has moved beyond This is possible due to the unique • Developing nanomaterials for traditional boundaries by capabilities of AIBN researchers who orthopaedic applications, enzyme adopting a multidisciplinary have backgrounds in the disciplines encapsulation and biosensors; and of engineering, chemistry, biology and • Developing high-performance approach to current problems computational science. The institute’s hydrogen storage materials, in the three broad areas multidisciplinary teams conduct photocatalysts for environmental of health, energy and the world-class research at the interface of remediation and novel membranes the biological, chemical and physical for water desalination and recycling. environment. sciences with research programs The institute’s 19 Group Leaders are focusing on: internationally acknowledged for their • Delivery of therapeutic agents research excellence and have proven using polymer chemistry, virus-like track records in attracting competitive particles and needle-free transdermal grant funding and fellowships. technologies; The following pages outline just some • Using metabolic engineering to of the research interests of AIBN’s Group produce new bioproducts from cells; Leaders in the broad areas of health, • Combining stem-cell biology and novel energy and the environment. scaffolds for regenerative medicine;

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 15 Energy tops global concerns; AIBN seeks solutions

Nobel laureate Professor Richard Smalley, as carbon capture and sequestration, generation, and hydrogen production who was awarded the 1996 chemistry are being developed and will slow the from biomass. prize for discovering a new form of carbon, output of greenhouse gas emissions, it is The abundance of hydrogen in the later identifi ed the top 10 problems facing critical to focus on renewable energies, environment, and the production of water humanity in the next 50 years. which currently account for less than 7.5 when converted to electricity that can Energy was rated the top priority by the percent of the nation’s energy sources. be reused to produce more hydrogen, former US Professor of Chemistry, Physics AIBN researchers are exploring ways to makes it an attractive proposition for and Astronomy, who died in 2005. better capture and exploit solar power renewable energy research. AIBN researchers are working on a range by developing new photocatalytic Critical to developing hydrogen fuel of research projects aimed at tackling technologies that could assist Australia cell-powered cars is the capacity to Professor Smalley’s highest priority. to reach the Federal Government’s target safely store hydrogen, an effi cient fuel of using 20 percent renewable energy According to UQ’s Deputy Vice- cell to convert the hydrogen to electricity, by 2020. Chancellor (Research) and AIBN Group and a supercapacitor to store and Leader Professor Max Lu, the world Examples of this work can be found at rapidly release charge for acceleration. will continue to rely heavily on fossil the UQ-based ARC Centre of Excellence That is where nanoparticle-based fuels over the next 50 years, while oil for Functional Nanomaterials, led by storage materials are important and production is believed to be close to Professor Lu, where researchers are Professor Lu’s team has developed peak. He says coal reserves will last developing novel materials to store several candidate materials using another 200 years, but the environmental hydrogen, nano-electrodes to improve nanotechnology that have promising toll of current extraction methods and fuel cell performance, supercapacitors properties for high-capacity hydrogen the conversion to electricity is high. for storage and discharge of electricity, storage and fast release suitable for use While ‘clean coal’ technologies, such more effi cient photocatalysts to improve in vehicles. solar cell performance for hydrogen


Professor Lu’s work also includes potential to impact on emerging clean Professor Smith is also simulating improving dye-sensitised Grätzel cells, energy technologies. hydrogen storage in novel carbon and/ which are based on titanium dioxide Professor Lu’s colleagues Professor Sean or light metal-based nanostructured and nanocomposite materials. His team is (TiO2) and could replace traditional Smith and Associate Professor Shizhang silicone-based solar cells. Grätzel cells Qiao have successfully synthesised high- computationally exploring the hydrogen are considerably more effi cient than storage potential of nanostructured quality anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2) traditional solar cells and will better single-crystal nanosheets with 64 percent materials based on carbon, magnesium enable us to harness the sun’s power (001) facets, which improve the material’s and other light elements. Professor to extract hydrogen from water for ability to capture solar energy. Smith’s computational approach is a use in fuel cells. second point of attack in developing The nanosheet exhibits superior effi cient hydrogen storage, which is Professor Lu and Associate Professor photoreactivity due to its ability to crucial in the move to the clean energy Lianzhou Wang, from the School of harness both UV and visible light and it supply of a hydrogen economy. Chemical Engineering, have led the generates charge at fi ve times the rate of development of a new class of layered Professor Lu says progress to date the current, commercially available, TiO2 materials, patented and trademarked as benchmark. has been exciting, but there remain Lightanate, which can be manufactured considerable research and economic The work builds on theoretical studies in various forms. For example, obstacles to the move to a hydrogen led by Professor Smith and Dr Chenghau nanoparticles can be dispersed in water economy. However, he is confi dent AIBN Sun in 2008 that indicated the (001) and it can be used as a thin coating over research will play an important role in surface of anatase TiO crystals glass or ceramic. Because it is more 2 future commercial outcomes. was much more reactive than the effi cient at harvesting light and more thermodynamically more stable (101) effective as a photocatalyst than the surface and that the (001) surfaces may current industrial benchmark, it has the be the dominant source of active sites.

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 17 AIBN scientists are making signifi cant MAJOR BREAKTHOUGH Health benefi ts advances in medical research that will Associate Professor Steve Mahler has see the development of new drugs and been collaborating for almost a decade abound through delivery methods and potential cures for with drug company CBio Ltd, on diseases. developing recombinant protein biologic AIBN research A new research facility, drugs. This work includes Associate Biopharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd, Professor Mahler’s contributions to to be housed within the Translational drug candidate XToll reaching phase IIa Research Institute – Queensland, will be clinical trials in humans. The drug could an important development in allowing be used to fi ght rheumatoid arthritis and, AIBN Group Leader and Director potentially, other diseases. Professor Peter Gray to advance work Of particular interest are monoclonal his team is doing with monoclonal antibodies, which are a major class of antibodies. The antibodies are based on biopharmaceuticals, accounting for 30 the body’s own proteins and are fi nding percent of all new biologics in clinical increasing application as anti-cancer development. therapeutics. Associate Professor Mahler’s research The $354 million Translational Research focuses on isolating monoclonal Institute – Queensland is a new medical antibodies from large, immunoglobulin research powerhouse, based at gene libraries against selected disease Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital. targets, using phage display technology, It will speed the rate at which research is which is a method for high-throughput translated into better patient outcomes. screening of protein interactions. Professor Gray said a study eight years The antibodies are subsequently ago identifi ed the lack of facilities to produced in mammalian cells on large produce clinical-grade recombinant scale for further testing and, ultimately, biopharmaceuticals, but the new facility, human clinical trials. destined for completion in 2012, would address that.

18 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 DUMB-BELL STRUCTURES conducted at AIBN on the toxicology mesenchymal stem cells (for example, Group Leader Dr Krassen Dimitrov of nanoparticles, Associate Professor from bone marrow) and grow them within and his team are developing ways to Martin said the team would be “well an engineered scaffold that prompts the identify diseases like malaria and dengue ahead of the curve” once a biomedical cells to convert to fi brochondrocyte cells, fever more accurately and with higher TPU nanocomposite was able to be the dominant cell type in the meniscus. sensitivity. The research has resulted commercialised. They can eventually be implanted into in the discovery and synthesis of nano the knee. dumb-bell structures that can be used TEXTURE-MODIFIED FOODS “We’re developing a patient-specifi c for labelling and detecting individual AIBN Group Leader Professor Peter treatment using patient-derived stem biomarker molecules associated with the Halley has been working with industry cells,” Professor Cooper-White said. diseases. partners RSL-Care, which provides The same research is leading the team During 2009, the research project retirement living and aged care services to a potential cure for spondylosis, advanced to develop the methodology in Queensland and New South Wales, which is degenerative osteoarthritis of incorporating antibodies into the and clinical company Two Short Giraffes of the intervertebral disc cartilage, for dumb-bells, aiding detection of protein Pty Ltd on an ARC-Linkage funded which fi brochondrocyte cells are also the biomarkers. The nanodumb-bell project to develop a chewing and dominant cell type. diagnostics approach will allow more swallowing model for the smart design of targeted treatments. For example, texture-modifi ed foods. MICROFLUIDIC DEVICES in many developing countries, large The end goal is a safe, appetising food Microfl uidic device design and validation parts of the population are treated for for people in aged care, many of whom malaria, although they may not have the is another fi eld the Cooper-White group suffer from dysphagia, a reduced ability is working in. A major limitation in tissue disease, thus creating greater resistance to swallow. to treatment. The ability to rule out engineering is the lack of an intrinsic treatment for those who do not require it Like many AIBN R&D projects, the blood supply to the tissue before is a substantial cost saving. research incorporates a multidisciplinary implantation. AIBN scientists have team, including food scientists, chemical developed a microdevice that allows The research has reached the proof-of- engineers, speech pathologists and creation of 3D vessel networks and, in concept stage and will soon move to nutritionists. The project brings together 2010, will start implanting networks into prototype development. the science of food texture and rheology scaffolds that can tie into the host blood RESEARCH AIBN’s Professor Matt Trau also is (the study of materials’ fl ow properties), vessel network. working with biomarkers through AIBN’s into a practical use to develop foods A separate microdevice has been new Centre for Biomarker Research and that are palatable and safe for disphagia developed that allows researchers to Development, which will seek to further patients. create a virgin surface on which to integrate AIBN’s work with other national study cell migration, which can lead and international research. TISSUE ENGINEERING to detecting potential migration rate AIBN scientists are working on an differences between diseased and TAILORED NANOPARTICLES innovative project that could give people normal cells. A unique thermoplastic polyurethane with knee injuries the ability to grow back (TPU) comprising tailored nanoparticles, their own damaged tissues. which can improve the performance and Group Leader Professor Justin Cooper- life of golf balls and mining screens, also White and his team are using tissue has signifi cant potential health benefi ts. engineering to develop a material that AIBN Group Leader Associate Professor could replace damaged menisci, the two Darren Martin said the same technology pads of cartilaginous tissue that disperse he is currently trialling with global TPU energy in the knee joint between the suppliers has potential to better protect lower leg bone and the thigh bone. products like Cochlear implants for Meniscal tissue has poor inherent people with hearing loss. regenerative capacity, due to a lack of Funding for two PhD students to resident stem cells and low blood supply, work on medical applications of the so is susceptible to injury among people biomedical TPU nanocomposites began involved in high-intensity sports, like in 2009, but Associate Professor Martin football, basketball and skiing. Children, said it would be two to three years too, have suffered meniscal tissue before current in-vitro testing would be injuries, which can lead to an early onset completed and in-vivo work started. of osteoarthritis. The technology has great potential Professor Cooper-White’s group will for future medical device designs, for begin large animal trials in 2010 of new example cardiovascular and orthopaedic generation cell-loaded biomaterials that implants. With signifi cant research being allow cartilage regeneration. They take

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 19 Environment benefi ts from AIBN research

New technologies for water and air BIO-BASED POLYMERS purifi cation, self-cleaning coatings and Replacing traditional, petroleum-based natural pest control methodologies are plastics with biopolymers is a means of just a few of the myriad environmentally reducing the plastics industry’s carbon benefi cial projects AIBN scientists are footprint. researching. AIBN Group Leader Professor Peter Nanocomposite particles that can be Halley has been working in the fi eld added to conventional thermoplastic for many years using starch-based polyurethane (TPU) rubbers to improve bioplastics, but during 2009 broadened their performance are moving closer to the research to other biomaterials. For commercialisation. example, lignin, an organic substance Research conducted by AIBN Group found in plants, is the second most Leader Associate Professor Darren renewable carbon source, after cellulose. Martin has resulted in TPU materials that Professor Halley’s team has extracted are stronger, tougher and more durable lignin from sugarcane and modifi ed than currently available TPU technology it for use as a coating on cardboard and have potential for improving packaging for perishables, which products ranging from golf balls to can replace traditional wax coatings. mining equipment. The product is trademarked by the Associate Professor Martin and his team Cooperative Research Centre for continued trials with major global TPU Sugar Industry Innovation through suppliers and end users in 2009 and Biotechnology as Barrecote. It has the next stage will be moving towards environmental advantages over wax licensing agreements with suppliers. and means the cardboard is more easily recycled. Barrecote has now progressed The team also is working with mining to industry trials. screen manufacturers to develop more abrasion-resistant screens used to Professor Halley’s team is also working classify minerals. Associate Professor with bioplastics innovator Plantic Martin said that could result in cost Technologies Ltd on water-resistant savings for mining companies, but starch that is still biodegradable. That the technology also had signifi cant would allow development of bioplastics The project illustrates the diversity of environmental benefi ts. for much wider applications, such as scientifi c input to many AIBN R&D manufacturing containers to hold fl uids efforts, with chemists, chemical and “If we can develop stronger, tougher or products that are exposed to rain. material engineers, agronomists, materials that can do the same job agricultural scientists, environmental as traditional TPU, we’re reducing the Another of Professor Halley’s projects is toxicology scientists and an agricultural petrochemical footprint,” he said. developing degradable polyethylene (PE) for agriculture. Adding certain amounts modeller working with AIBN’s industry “Major suppliers have been trialling our and types of pro-degradant to traditional partner. nanoadditives in their TPUs, which they PE resin can ensure the product breaks A new project, launched in co-operation then test, and we’ve had some very down within a specifi c time frame in with UQ’s Advanced Wastewater favourable test results.” various environments. Management Centre, Swedish company Start-up company TenasiTech Pty Ltd Current work is to develop AnoxKaldnes and Veolia Environmental is responsible for commercialising the photodegradable agricultural fi lms that Services Australia, is working on technology, which has application for can assist crops to grow better, through extracting naturally-occurring, plant- a wide variety of end users, including a retaining moisture and temperature, but based polyhydroxy-alkanoate (PHA) coating for golf balls to make them more then degrade once the crop sprouts. polymers from the waste wastewater scuff resistant. In-fi eld tests are being conducted at a treatment process stream. small-scale model site at UQ’s Pinjarra Professor Halley’s team is measuring the Hills facility. On-farm tests are being properties of the extracted PHA polymer conducted with an industry partner, to determine potential uses. The polymer stretch fi lm manufacturer Integrated may be a bio-based substitute for Packaging, through a Cooperative polyethylene terephthalate, which is used Research Centre for Polymers funded for a range of products, from soft drink project. bottles to electronic equipment casings.

20 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL years, which reduces the amount of Dr Reid’s team is therefore fi nding ways AIBN Group Leader Dr Steve Reid is spraying required. to develop a cheaper bioreactor culture working on baculovirus biopesticides The research team has already media. The team is working with Group that can replace potentially harmful manufactured a product formulated Leader Professor Lars Nielsen to chemical pesticides. by Agrichem and registered for use improve the quality of yeast extracts While chemical pesticides in the past on Australian crops to combat heliothis in the bioreactor broth. were relatively cheap to manufacture in caterpillars under the trade name “We’re looking for the knowledge to commercial quantities, people are now Heliocide. give the baculovirus an outrageously unfair advantage to grow in genetically becoming more aware of side effects, However, cost effectiveness and for example, litigation over spray drift, modifi ed cells,” Dr Reid said. Genomics reliability of supply are two issues water contamination, pests developing can help the scientists develop better that hamper commercial production chemical resistance, and dangers tools to identify key genes in the host of baculovirus biopesticides. Dr Reid’s to human health. As environmental cells that limit virus yields. Understanding team is tackling both those areas in its and health regulations become more the overall cell metabolism can assist in most recent research. stringent, it gets harder to register developing the optimal energetic state chemical pesticides. Mass rearing of caterpillars so they can of the host insect cells so they produce be infected with the baculovirus is labour Dr Reid said baculovirus biopesticides optimum virus levels. intensive, but Dr Reid is now using were very safe and very specifi c in the organisms they targeted. Baculoviruses mammalian cell technology on insect are less vulnerable to sunlight and cells to allow bioreactor cell production. conditions in the hosts gut than Current yields need to increase at traditional viruses, as they form a least four or even eight times to allow protective protein coating. They are also economic commercialisation, unless a stable, so can remain in soil for many mass, global market was guaranteed.


The total number of AIBN research Degree Scholarship. These scholarships students and Group Leaders and the higher degree (RHD) students who have enable Trinh and Nghia to undertake their Postgraduate Administration Offi cer completed their studies swelled from two PhD studies with the Reid and Monteiro Fiona McLeod ensured that teething to six in 2009. groups, respectively. problems were minimised. To ensure The institute warmly congratulates AIBN students were also enthusiastic this new policy is having the desired Andrew Rowlands, Katie Ladewig, participants in UQ’s Three-Minute Thesis outcomes, AIBN is undertaking a review Kylie Varcoe and Yap Pang Chuan who Competition, which required students in 2010 to ensure that administration and were all awarded PhDs in 2009. AIBN to present a compelling three-minute academic outcomes are optimised. also notes that Kaiyin Hu, Yunyi Wong, oration on their thesis topic and its AIBN commends the 13 students Wendy Chen and Kwok Cheung were signifi cance, in language appropriate who successfully completed their awarded their degrees in early 2010, to a non-specialist audience with only Confi rmation of Candidature milestone with Esteban Marcellin, Wadcharawadee a single powerpoint slide to assist. in 2009, which requires that they Noohom and Peter Stickler expected to AIBN congratulates Holly Corbett and demonstrate the capability to meet graduate later this year. Peter Stickler, who progressed to the AIBN’s high intellectual expectations of Andrew, Kylie and Pang, along with University’s semi-fi nal round. its student body. Akshat Tanksale who was awarded The achievements of AIBN students in The Graduate Program looks forward to his PhD in late 2008, formed the initial 2009 were many and varied, ranging welcoming a new cohort of students in cohort of students who started studying from prestigious travel grants to 2010 and celebrating the achievements in 2004/05 and their graduations commercialisation prizes and speaking of those students completing their effectively symbolise the maturation of awards at conferences. The institute studies over the next 12 months. the AIBN Graduate Program. congratulates David Thomson, David Michael Montiero Not only does AIBN acknowledge the Wang, Annie Chen, Nani Wibowo, Jakov DIRECTOR, GRADUATE STUDIES intellectual efforts and contributions of Kulis, and Drew Titmarsh. More information all its students, their supervisors and relating to their achievements can be found behind-the-scene administrators; it in the appendices of this Report. welcomes the rich social and cultural Administratively, the University’s contributions the student body makes to new Candidature Progression and the institute. Development Policy, which came into Importantly, the size of AIBN’s student effect on April 2009, had a profound effect body increased by almost 25 percent in on the AIBN’s Graduate Program. The 2009 with the enrolment of 26 new RHD policy introduced two new milestones: students. mid-candidature review and thesis review, at which students are expected Worthy of note was the commencement to demonstrate their progress toward of Thi Bich Trinh Tran and Nghia Truong completion of a high-quality thesis. Phuoc who were each awarded a highly competitive UQ Vietnam-Australia 35 The institute’s implementation of the Year Commemorative Research Higher policy involved consultation with AIBN


AIBN is committed to providing opportunities for undergraduate students to experience the breadth and depth of its research environment. The institute has two programs, the Summer Internship and Winter School.

Now in its third year, the AIBN Summer students keen to avail themselves of Internship Program is designed to these opportunities. provide undergraduate students with Students had the option of increasing highly prized research experience not the duration of the internships from readily available in their bachelor level the standard eight weeks to 10 or studies. 12 weeks. Additionally, the internship Students additionally obtain career could, in certain circumstances, be used mentoring and exposure to the best to obtain credit toward the students’ equipment and latest techniques through undergraduate degrees. AIBN’s unparalleled research facilities. Three students enrolled for second In 2009, the program received more internships with the institute and that an than 50 applications for the 19 available intern from previous years, Jacinda Bax, research projects from high-achieving has started an honours project under the supervision of Professor Matt Trau. The AIBN Winter School caters for interstate and Queensland students who do not attend UQ and provides them with the opportunity to visit AIBN and, through a series of lectures and workshops, gain exposure to the institute’s research environment and facilities. In 2009, AIBN hosted six students in the Winter School. They participated in a series of seminars from AIBN researchers, and attended the AIBN Symposium. AIBN is looking forward to growing both these schemes in 2010, particularly in light of UQ’s extensive commitment to providing undergraduate students with research experience as part of their degree programs. The 2009 Winter School cohort

24 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 APPENDICES APPENDICES Cell biology and tissue engineering

KEY PUBLICATIONS 9. Golledge J and Campbell JH. (2009) FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Peroxisome proliferator-activated 1. Worth NF, Berry CL, Thomas receptor ligands reduce aortic AC and Campbell JH. (2005) dilatation in a mouse model of aortic S18886, a selective TP receptor aneurysm. Atherosclerosis (in press, antagonist, inhibits development accepted October 2009) of atherosclerosis in rabbits. 10. Mooney JE, Rolfe BE, Osborne GW, Atherosclerosis 183: 65-73. Sester DP, van Rooijen N, Campbell 2. Hoenig M, Campbell GR, Rolfe GR, Hume DA, Campbell JH. (2010) BE, Campbell JH. (2005) Tissue Cellular plasticity of infl ammatory engineered blood vessels – myeloid cells in the peritoneal alternative to autologous grafts? foreign body response. Am J Pathol GROUP LEADER: Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2010 Jan;176(1):369-80. Epub Professor Julie H Campbell 25:1128-1134. 2009 Dec 11. 3. Armstrong SR, Campbell GR, Professor Campbell’s Group has 11. Stickler P, De Visscher G, Mesure Campbell JH, Little MH. (2005) discovered that peritoneal macrophages L, Famaey N, Martin D, Campbell can transdifferentiate into smooth Establishment of metanephros JH, Van Oosterwyck H, Meuris muscle-like cells and that grafts of transplantation in mice highlights B, Flameng W. (2010) Cyclically hollow, smooth-muscle organs (arteries, contributions by both nephrectomy stretching developing tissue in vivo bladder, vas deferens and uterus) can be and pregnancy to developmental enhances mechanical strength and grown from these cells in the peritoneal progression. Nephron, Exp Nephrol organisation of vascular grafts. Acta cavity for autologous transplantation. 101:155-164. Biomater 2010 Jan 30. [Epub ahead 4. Knoner G, Rolfe BE, Campbell The group’s research is now of print] concentrating on the pathways through JH, Parkin SJ, Heckenberg NR, which this transdifferentiation occurs Rubinstein-Dunlop H. (2006) 12. Le SJ, Gongora M, Zhang B, and their regulatory factors. The group Mechanics of cellular adhesion to Grimmond S, Campbell GR, continues to investigate the mechanisms artifi cial artery templates. Biophys J Campbell JH, Rolfe BE. (2010) Gene of vascular disease and potential 91:3085-96. expression profi le of the fi brotic therapeutic strategies. 5. Campbell GR, Turnbull G, Xiang L, response in the peritoneal cavity. Professor Campbell has research Haines M, Armstrong S, Rolfe BE, Differentiation (in press) projects in: Campbell JH. (2008) The peritoneal 1. gene array analysis of the foreign cavity as a bioreactor for tissue body response; engineering visceral organs: bladder, uterus and vas deferens. J Tiss Eng 2. macrophages as progenitors of Regen Med 2:50-60 myofi broblasts and their potential as a therapeutic target for fi brotic disease; 6. Gu Z, Thomas AC, Xu Z Pi, Campbell JH, Lu G. (2008) In vitro 3. regulation of myofi broblast sustained release of LMWH from differentiation using lentiviral delivery MgAl-layered double hydroxide of shRNA to knockdown genes for nanohybrids. Chem Mater 20:3715- candidate growth factors; 3722 4. antibody-directed delivery of anti- 7. Moran CS, Cullen B, Campbell restenotic agents using inorganic JH, Golledge J. (2009) Interaction nanoparticles (collaboration with between angiotensin II, Professor Max Lu, Dr Gordon Xu and osteoprotegerin, and peroxisome Dr Anita Thomas); proliferator-activated receptor- 5. the mechanism by which oestrogen gamma in abdominal aortic mediates its atheroprotective effects aneurysm. J Vasc Res 46:209-217. on the vasculature; 8. Lutton C, Sugiyama S, Wullschleger 6. the complement system in vascular ME, Williams R, Campbell JH, disease and tumour growth Crawford R, Goss B. (2009) (collaboration with Professor Steve Transplanted abdominal granulation Taylor and Dr Trent Woodruff, SBMS); tissue induced bone formation - an and in vivo study in sheep. Connect 7. tissue engineering the kidney. Tissue Res 50:256-62.

26 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Smart surfaces, scaffolds and diagnostic microdevices for stem cell expansion, tissue engineering and biofl uid characterisation

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Professor Justin Cooper-White FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Professor Cooper-White and his team 1. Croll T, O’Connor AJ, Stevens GW, are focused on providing fundamental Cooper-White JJ. (2006) A Blank insights into complex, polymer-based slate? Layer-by-layer deposition of structures and systems, and tailoring hyaluronic acid and chitosan onto their interactions with biological systems. various surfaces, Biomacromolecules, 7 (5): 1610-1622, These insights then enable the design of novel polymer-based systems to 2. Rondeau E, Cooper-White JJ. invoke control over stem-cell behaviours. (2008) Biopolymer Microparticle Projects currently underway include and Nanoparticle Formation within a investigations into: Microfl uidic Device. Langmuir 24(13), 6937-6945 1. engineering surfaces for stem-cell attachment and phenotype control; 3. Rowlands AS, George PA, Cooper- White J. (2008) Directing osteogenic 2. tailored polymeric scaffolds for drug and myogenic differentiation of delivery and stem cell based tissue MSCs: interplay of stiffness and engineering; adhesive ligand presentation. 3. cell-based diagnostic American Journal of Physiology. Cell microdevices for mapping cellular Physiology 295(4), C1037-44. microenvironments, in particular 4. George PA, Doran MR, Croll TI, cell-surface, cell-cell and cell-scaffold Munro TP, Cooper-White JJ. interactions;

(2009) Nanoscale presentation APPENDICES 4. microfl uidic devices for manufacturing of cell adhesive molecules via functional microparticles/ block copolymer self-assembly. nanoparticles and probing complex Biomaterials, 30(27) 4732-4737. fl uid behaviour in these microdevices; 5. Chau L, Doran M, Cooper-White JJ. and (2009) A novel multishear microdevice 5. microfl uidic device platforms for studying cell mechanics. Lab on a for biofl uid for example, saliva Chip, 9(13) 1897-1902. characterization and bioassay development.

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 27 Single-molecule technologies for diagnostics

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Dr Krassen Dimitrov FOR PAST FIVE YEARS The Dimitrov Laboratory is working to 1. Geiss GK, Bumgarner RE, Birditt B, develop new diagnostic technologies Dahl T, Dowidar N, Dunaway DL, Fell involving single-molecule nanolabels that HP, Ferree S, George RD, Grogan can be used for accurate and sensitive T, James JJ, Maysuria M, Mitton determination of marker molecules JD, Oliveri P, Osborn JL, Peng T, associated with disease and found in Ratcliffe AL, Webster PJ, Davidson small amounts of biological samples. EH, Hood L, Dimitrov K. (2008) Direct multiplexed measurement of gene These nanolabels are translocated with expression with color-coded probe magnetic forces through a nanometer- pairs. Nature Biotechnology, 26, 317. sized electronic sensor, for digital readout. The group is developing the technology 2. Babic B, Ghai R, Dimitrov K. (2008) with a specifi c focus on diagnostics Magnetophoresis of fl exible DNA- for tropical infectious diseases such as based dumbbell structures. Applied malaria and dengue fever. Physics Letters 92, 053901. Future applications include such varied fi elds as biomedical research, forensics, AWARDS AND PRIZES agribusiness, and biosurveillance. Nominated in 2009 for the 2010 ENI Award for Energy Research

Materials development and characterisation

GROUP LEADER: In addition, the group is examining the 2. Ye F, Mori T, Ou DR, Zou J, Professor John Drennan development of “zinc oxide (ZnO) soaps” Auchterlonie G, Drennan J. (2007) in artist’s paints. This phenomenon Compositional and Valent State The main body of Professor Drennan’s can be devastating to an art work, Inhomogeneities and Ordering of research relates to understanding the relationship between microstructural resulting in the formation of large, Oxygen Vacancies in Terbium-doped characterisation and the physical unsightly protrusions, which can crack Ceria. Journal of Applied Physics, properties of materials. A central focus and severely damage the painting. 101, (11) Art. No. 113528. of the work is developing improvements Researchers are examining, through 3. Yuan P, Liu N, Zhao LZ, Zhou XF, in the conduction of oxygen ions in very detailed microstructutral analysis, Zhou L, Auchterlonie G, Yao XD, materials, which has application in solid the mechanism responsible for this Drennan J, Lu GQ, Zou J, Yu CZ. oxide fuel cells. phenomenon. (2008) Solving Complex Concentric Tight microstructural control at the Funded through an Australian Research Circular Mesostructures by Using atomic level is proving to be a key factor Council Industry Linkage project Electron Tomography. Angewandte in developing a new range of materials with major galleries across Australia Chemie-International Edition, 47, (35) that have longer operating life and better and several in the USA and Asia, the 6670-6673. project is examining the fi rst stages of properties. 4. Yuan P, Zhou XF, Wang HN, Liu NA, deterioration of ZnO particles at the The expertise of Professor Drennan and Hu YF, Auchterlonie G, Drennan J, atomic level with a view to developing his group in this area has led to projects Yao XD, Lu GQ, Zou J, Yu CZ. (2009) curatorial protocols to minimise damage. involving other refractory systems. Electron-Tomography Determination The group is turning its attention to of the Packing Structure of materials for extreme environments and KEY PUBLICATIONS Macroporous Ordered Siliceous developing a novel system for protecting FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Foams Assembled from Vesicles. critical components in hypersonic scram 1. Ou DR, Mori T, Ye F, Kobayashi T, Small, 5(3):377-382. jets – a serious challenge for materials Zou J, Auchterlonie G, Drennan J. 5. Yan M, Mori T, Zou J, Drennan J. science. (2006) Oxygen vacancy ordering (2009) Effect of Grain Growth on in heavily rare-earth doped ceria. Densifi cation and conductivity of Ca- Applied Physics Letters, 89, 171911 Doped CeO2 Electrolyte. J American Ceramic Society 92 (11): 2745-2750.

28 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 clinical testing. produce thenumberofcellsrequired for processes whichcanbescaledupto and thentranslatethoseconditionsinto subsequent differentiation ofthecells, allows thecontrolled proliferation and physical andchemicalenvironment that The challengeistoaccuratelydefi ne the embryonic stemcells. development ofbioprocesses basedon processes are now being appliedtothe greater understandingofmammaliancell The research approaches usedtogaina ‘omics’approaches usingmodern to 3. developinghighthroughput 2. developingtransientprotein 1. biopharmaceuticals, suchas: mammalian cellsare usedtoproduce some ofthe‘bottlenecks’present when Professor Gray’s research isreducing bioreactor. mammalian celldevelopedtogrow ina antibodies, thehostcellhastobea Due tothestructuralcomplexityof the antibodyintoahostcell. molecules bycloningthegenecodingfor target analmostinfi nite rangeofforeign antibody sensitivity, itisnowpossibleto By combininggeneticengineeringwith biopharmaceuticals. which are increasingly beingusedas production ofmonoclonalantibodies, improve theireffi ciency andutilityinthe on engineeringmammaliancellsto Professor Grayandhisteamare focused Professor PeterGray GROUP LEADER: novel biopharmaceuticals Rapid selectionofcellsproducing cultures. protein expression bymammaliancell metabolism thatwillallowmaximal gain betterunderstandingofcellular biopharmaceutical; and express highlevelsofthedesired selection ofcloneswhichstably approaches thatallowtherapid characterisation andtesting; amounts ofprotein neededforinitial researchers torapidlyproduce larger expression systemswhichwillallow . Prowse A,Wolvetang E,GrayP. 4. LadewigK,NiebertM,XuZP, GrayP, 3. Pilbrough W, Munro T, GrayP. 2. JonesM,SeldonT, SmedeM,Linville 1. FOR PAST FIVEYEARS KEY PUBLICATIONS . ProwseG,GrayP, A,Osborne 5. . GrayP, Pilbrough W, Codamo G, 7. Vari F, MunsterD,HsuJL,Rossetti 6. . XuZP, NiebertM,PorazikK,Walker 8. . SleimanRJ,GrayPP, McCall MN, 9. Biotechniques, stem cellnumbersasclumps. for countinghumanembryonic (2009) Arapid,cost-effective method biomaterials.2009.10.058. Biomaterials, double hydroxide nanoparticles. to mammaliancellsusinglayered Lu GQ.(2009)Effi cient siRNAdelivery 09) Cells. PLoSONE(accepted23-10- Heterogeneity inRecombinantCHO (2009) IntraclonalProtein Expression 354 (1-2):85-90. Journal ofImmunologicalMethods recombinant monoclonalantibodies. ligation-independent reformatting of T. (2010)Amethodfortherapid, Munster D,HartGrayP, Munro A, ChinDY, BarnardR,MahlerS, Dev of pluripotencymarkers. stem cellsforfl ow cytometricanalysis staining oflivehumanembryonic Wolvetang E.(2009)Multiplexed CHO cells. production ofrecombinant proteins by Munro T. (2008)Speeding upthe (3), 374-377. British JournalofHaematology immunotherapy ofmultiplemyeloma. blood dendriticcellvaccinationfor Prue R,HartD.(2008)Practical T, MahlerS,GrayP, Turtle, C, Nanoparticles. of Layered DoubleHydroxide Subcellular CompartmentTargeting Gray PP, BartlettPF, LuGQ.(2008) TL, CooperHM,MiddelbergAPJ, Bioeng antibody-producing clones. cell sortingtoselecthighlyexpressing using two-colorfl uorescence activated Accelerated celllinedevelopment Codamo J,Sunstrom NA.(2008) 130(1), 86-94. , 18(8):p.1135-40. 99(3):578-87. J Biotechnol in press;DOI:10.1016/j. J ControlRelease 47(1): 599-606. 136(S1),S8. Stem Cells Stem Cells Biotechnol Biotechnol . 143 . 143

, 3 XuZP, 13. StevensonGS,LuCQ, 16. P CatzelD,ChinStantonPG,Gray 15. MahlerSM,LeongS,Gilbert 14. 2 SleimanRJ,GrayPP,12. Sunstrom NA. HuangEP,11. Marquis CP, GrayPP. Prowse ABJ,McQuadeLR,Bryant 10. solution. hydroxide nanoparticlesinaqueous suspension oflayered double Bartlett PF, GrayPP. (2006)Stable stem cells. maintenance ofhumanembryonic neonatal fi broblasts usedinthe conditioned mediafrom human PP. (2005)Aproteome analysisof KJ, Van DykDD,Tuch BE,Gray of Biotechnology electrophoresis technology. charge isoformsbypreparative of folliclestimulatinghormone PP, MahlerSM.(2006)Fractionation Biotechnol electrophoresis. using Gradifl ow™ preparative from CHOclarifi ed supernatant a chimericmonoclonalantibody Roeth P. (2006)Purifi cation of A, Yang F, Van DykD,GrayPP 36-7. Cytometry PartA Cytometry near enoughisnotgoodenough. (2006) Splittingthedifference: when Biotechnol, statistical design. protein-free mediumbasedon (2007) Developmentof 3796- 3807. Journal ofProteomeResearch, Cells FollowingProteomic Analysis. Determinants forEmbryonicStem Identifi cation ofPotentialPluripotency KJ, Marcal H,GrayPP. (2007) rowse ABJ, McQuadeLR,Bryant J AmChemSoc 81,445-453. Proteomics 82(5), 431-441. 82(5), 431-441. AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 122,73-85. J ChemTechnol and JChemTechnol 69(5), 426-426. ; 5(4):978-89. Super-CHO 128(1), 128(1), Journal Journal 6 (9), 6 (9), 29

APPENDICES Biofl uids characterisation and biopolymer processing

GROUP LEADER: 3. PHA polymers from waste streams; Professor Peter Halley 4. PHA/lignin composites from sugar cane; The research interests of the Halley 5. rheology of TPU nanocomposites; and Group span two major research areas: 6. supercritical CO2 processing of starch 1. biofl uids characterisation; and nanocomposites. 2. biopolymer processing. Biofl uids characterisation incorporates KEY PUBLICATIONS novel material and fl ow characterisation FOR PAST FIVE YEARS (rheology) for a variety of projects, including: 1. P Halley and G George, 1. design of texture-modifi ed foods for Chemorheology; from fundamentals aged care; to reactive processing. Cambridge 2. cystic fi brosis sputum diagnostics; and University Press, London, May 2009, 442pp. 3. novel techniques for predicting swallowing of foods and tablets. 2. Zhao RX, Torley P, Halley PJ. (2008) Emerging biodegradable materials: The group has strong interactions with starch- and protein-based bio- the disciplines of chemical engineering, nanocomposites, Journal of Materials pharmacy, biochemistry, food science, Science, 43 9 p3058-3071. and speech pathology, and links with various hospitals. 3. Chaléat CM, Halley PJ, Truss RW. (2008) Properties of a plasticised The biopolymer processing area of starch blend. Part 1: Infl uence research focuses on understanding and of moisture content on fracture optimising the processibility of a wide properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, range of biopolymers, such as starch, 71, 4, p535-543. lignin, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), polylactic acid (PLA) and biopolymer 4. Russo M, Strounina E, Waret M, nanocomposites, which includes Nicholson T, Truss R, Halley PJ. starch, polyurethane and polyester (2007) A study of water diffusion nanocomposites. The work aims to into a high amylose starch blend: develop smart, functional biopolymer The effect of moisture content and systems for biomedical, drug delivery temperature. Biomacromolecules, 8, and high-value industrial applications. 1, p296-301. The group has successfully: 5. Finnigan B, Jack K, Campbell K, Halley P, Truss R, Casey P, 1. initiated three new projects Cookson D, King S, Martin D. investigating water resistant starch, (2005) Segmented polyurethane texture modifi ed foods and PHA nanocomposites: Impact of controlled polymers from waste; particle size nanofi llers on the 2. published a book discussing reactive morphological response to uniaxial processing; deformation. Macromolecules, 38, 3. published and patented work 17, p7386-7396. on biopolymers and degradable polymers; and AWARDS AND PRIZES 4. maintained strong links with 2009 UQ Award for Programs that relevant industries in biofl uids and Enhance Learning biopolymers. The group has research projects in: 1. novel texture-modifi ed foods for aged care for increased nutrition; 2. water-resistant starch polymers for smart food packaging applications;

30 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Targeting the skin for needle-free, minimally-invasive vaccine delivery and diagnostics for disease

GROUP LEADER: AWARDS AND PRIZES Professor Mark Kendall 2009 Future Summit Australian Leadership The Kendall Group focuses on physical Award Winner methods for: 1. delivery of biomolecules and stimuli to KEY PUBLICATIONS key immune response-inducing cells FOR PAST FIVE YEARS located in the skin; and 1. Fernando GJP, Chen X, Prow TW, 2. extracting important biomolecules for Crichton ML, Fairmaid EJ, Roberts diagnostics purposes. MS, Frazer IH, Brown LE, Kendall MAF. (2010) Potent Immunity to The ultimate goal of this research is Low Doses of Infl uenza Vaccine by to dramatically improve the cost and Probabilistic Guided Micro-Targeted effi ciency of vaccination and treatment Skin Delivery in a Mouse Model. PLoS of major diseases such as malaria and ONE 5(4): e10266. doi:10.1371/ infl uenza. To achieve this goal, the group journal.pone.0010266. is: 2. Crichton ML, Ansaldo A, Chen X, 1. developing needle-free gene and drug Prow, TW, Fernando GJP, Kendall delivery and extraction technologies MAF. (2010) The effect of strain rate to and from the skin; on the precision of penetration of 2. investigating micro-nanoprojection short densely-packed microprojection array patch (nanopatch) technology; array patches coated with vaccine. 3. measuring the key biological and Biomaterials 2010 31(16):4562-4572. mechanical properties of skin; and 3. Chen X, Prow TW, Crichton ML, 4. assessing clinical application. Jenkins DWK, Roberts MS, Frazer IH, Fernando GJP, Kendall MAF. This multidisciplinary research spans (2009) Dry-coated microprojection biomedical engineering (fl uid mechanics; patches for targeted delivery of micro-nanofabrication; solid mechanics), immunotherapeutics to the skin. J diagnostics (multi-photon microscopy) Control Release 2009;139(3):212- and dermatology and vaccinology. 220. The group has the following research 4. Kendall MAF, Chong Y. Cock A. projects: (2007) The mechanical properties • Micro-nanoprojection patches for of the skin epidermis in relation to minimally-invasive and targeted targeted gene and drug delivery. delivery of genes and drugs to skin Biomaterials 28: 4968-4977. cells; 5. Kendall MAF, Mitchell TJ, Costigan • Micro-nanoprojection patches for G, Armitage M, Lenzo JC, Thomas targeted gene and drug delivery to JA, Von Garnier C, Zosky GR, Turner the skin and improved DNA vaccines; DJ, Stumbles PA, Sly PD, Holt PG, • Micro-nanoprojection patches for Thomas WR. (2006) Down regulation improved sampling in diagnosis of of IgE allergic responses in the disease; lung by epidermal biolistic micro- • Multi-photon microscopy for in vivo particle delivery. Allergy and Clinical imaging following delivery of drugs Immunology Journal, 117:2, 275-282. and vaccines to skin; • MPM non-invasive imaging of biological interactions following drug delivery with micro-nanoprojection patches; and • Measurement of mechanical properties in skin at cellular and subcellular scales.

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 31 Functional nanomaterials

KEY PUBLICATIONS 8. Wang DW, Li F, Liu M, Lu GQ, Cheng FOR PAST FIVE YEARS HM. (2008) 3D aperiodic hierarchical 1. Yang HG, Liu G, Qiao SZ, Sun CH, porous graphitic carbon material for Jin YG, Smith SC, Zou J, Cheng high-rate electrochemical capacitive HM, Lu GQ. (2009) Solvothermal energy storage. Angewandte Synthesis and Photoreactivity of Chemie-International Edition, 47, (2), Anatase TiO2 Nanosheets with 373-376. Dominant {001} Facets. Journal of 9. Tanksale A, Beltramini JN, Dumesic the American Chemical Society, 131, JA, Lu GQ. (2008) Effect of Pt (11), 4078-4083. and Pd promoter on Ni supported 2. Wang LZ, Tang FQ, Ozawa K, catalysts – A TPR/TPO/TPD and Chen ZG, Mukherj A, Zhu YC, Zou microcalorimetry study. Journal of GROUP LEADER: J, Cheng HM, Lu GQ. (2009) A Catalysis, 258, (2), 366-377. Professor Max Lu General Single-Source Route for the 10. Liu G, Zhao YN, Sun CH, Li F, Lu Professor Lu is UQ’s Deputy Vice- Preparation of Hollow Nanoporous GQ, Cheng HM. (2008) Synergistic Chancellor (Research), the foundation Metal Oxide Structures. Angewandte effects of B/N doping on the Director and current Research Director Chemie-International Edition, 48, visible-light photocatalytic activity of the Australian Research Council (38), 7048-7051. of mesoporous TiO2. Angewandte Centre of Excellence for Functional 3. Liu G, Yang HG, Wang XW, Cheng Chemie-International Edition, 47, Nanomaterials. LN, Pan J, Lu GQ, Cheng HM.(2009) (24), 4516-4520. The research interests of Professor Lu Visible Light Responsive Nitrogen and his team lie in the synthesis and Doped Anatase TiO2 Sheets with AWARDS AND PRIZES molecular engineering of nanomaterials, Dominant {001} Facets Derived 1. Honorary Vice-Chancellor’s Visiting such as inorganic nanoparticles, from TiN. Journal of the American Fellow, University of New South carbons, nanoporous materials and Chemical Society, 131, (36), 12868- Wales membranes. 12869. 2. Invited Panelist, Australia Future The team is developing many innovative 4. Hulicova-Jurcakova D, Puziy AM, Summit, Melbourne, 18–19, May applications of these materials in the Poddubnaya OI, Suarez-Garcia 2009 areas of clean energy and environmental F, Tascon JMD, Lu GQ. (2009) technologies, and in biomedical fi elds. Highly Stable Performance of Specifi cally, Professor Lu’s team has Supercapacitors from Phosphorus- research projects in the areas of: Enriched Carbons. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, 1. visible light photocatalysts for solar (14), 5026-5027. and hydrogen energy generation and storage; 5. Zhang L, Qiao SZ, Jin YG, Chen ZG, Gu HC, Lu GQ. (2009) 2. nanoparticles and mesoporous Magnetic hollow spheres of periodic carriers for drug and vaccine mesoporous organosilica and delivery; Fe3O4 nanocrystals: Fabrication 3. nanostructured materials for and structure control. Advanced high-density supercapacitors and Materials, 20, (4), 805-809. batteries; and 6. Yang HG, Sun CH, Qiao SZ, Zou 4. effi cient catalysts and processes for J, Liu G, Smith SC, Cheng HM, Lu renewable energy. GQ. (2008) Anatase TiO2 single crystals with a large percentage of reactive facets. Nature, 453, (7195), 638-641. 7. Xu ZP, Niebert M, Porazik K, Walker TL, Cooper HM, Middelberg APJ, Gray PP, Bartlett PF, Lu GQ. (2008) Subcellular compartment targeting of layered double hydroxide nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release, 130, (1), 86-94.

32 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Research and development of biologic medicines; production of recombinant proteins with industrial applications

Associate Professor KEY PUBLICATIONS Stephen Mahler FOR PAST FIVE YEARS The principal theme for Associate 1. De Leon EJ, Yuan FF, Pearson Professor Mahler and his team is the H, Marquis C, Mahler SM. (2009) discovery and development of biologic Evidence of heterogeneity in the medicines. antibody response against the platelet antigen 3a; recognition of an Research activities include a balanced 11-mer peptide carrying the HPA- mix of basic and applied research with 3a polymorphic determinant. Vox specialisations in applied immunology, Sanguinis 96: 252-255. proteomics and bioengineering. Some highlights of Associate Professor 2. Wang XS, Shao B, Heinecke J, Mahler’s research include: Mahler SM, Stocker R. (2009) Detection of methionine sulfoxide- 1. isolation of promising monoclonal containing, oxidised apolipoprotein antibodies from large immunoglobulin A-I in HDL and plasma by ELISA J. gene libraries using high throughput Lipid Research d 50, 586-594. selection techniques against selected targets associated with cancer, 3. Marcal H, Wanandy NS, infectious disease and various Sanguanchaipaiwong V, Woolnough receptors; CE, Lauto A, Mahler SM, Foster LJR. (2008) BioPEGylation of 2. investigation of the immunomodulator polyhydroxyalkanoates: Infl uence Chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) for the on properties and satellite stem treatment of diseases associated sell cycle. Biomacromolecules 9, with infl ammation. This is biologic APPENDICES 2719–2726. medicine and an anti-infl ammatory agent is now in phase II clinical trials 4. Vari F, Munster DJ, Hsu JL, Rossetti for treating rheumatoid arthritis; and TR, Mahler SM, Gray PP, Turtle, CJ, Prue RL, Hart DNJ (2008) Practical 3. production of recombinant phytases blood dendritic cell vaccination for for myo-inositol breakdown and immunotherapy of multiple myeloma. phosphate release to produce British J Haematology 143, 374-377 recombinant phytase enzymes for addition to animal feeds to facilitate 5. Marçal H, Sarris M, Raftery M, the bioavailability of phosphate, which Bhasin V, McFarland C and Mahler will result in larger livestock and less SM (2008) Expression proteomics of pollution of groundwater. olfactory ensheathing cells. J Chem Technol and Biotechnol 83, 473-481. 6. Dinnes DM, Marcal H, Raftery M, Labow RS, Mahler SM. (2008) The macrophage-biomaterial interface: A proteomic analysis of the conditioned medium J Chem Technol and Biotechnol 83: 482-495. 7. Dinnes DM, Marcal H, Santerre JP, Mahler SM, Labow RS. (2007) Material surfacesaffect the protein expression patterns of human macrophages: a proteomic approach. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 80, 895-908. 8. Catzel D, Chin D, Stanton PG, Gray PP, Mahler SM. (2006) Fractionation of follicle stimulating hormone charge isoforms by preparative electrophoresis technology. Journal of Biotechnology 122, 73-85.

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 33 Polymer nanocomposites and nanotoxicology

A strong focus of the current research KEY PUBLICATIONS is developing polymer nanocomposites FOR PAST FIVE YEARS with enhanced mechanical or biological 1. Musumeci A, Martin D, Xu ZP, performance. Pivotal to this research Minchin R, Smith S, Schiller T. (2010) success is strong cooperation in the Synthesis and Characterisation of areas of: Dual Radiolabelled Layered Double 1. nanoparticle preparation and colloid Hydroxide Nanoparticles for use in science; In vitro and In vivo Nanotoxicology Studies. The Journal of Physical 2. polymer science and technology; and Chemistry Part C, 114(2), p734-740. 3. nanoparticle toxicology (including 2. Musumeci A, Gosztola D, Schiller novel and robust labelling T, Dimitrijevic NM, Mujica V, GROUP LEADER: methodologies). Martin D, Rajh T. (2009) SERS Associate Professor Associate Professor Martin was recently of semiconducting nanoparticles Darren Martin appointed Chief Scientifi c Offi cer (TiO2 hybrid composites). JACS Associate Professor Martin and his for TensasiTech Pty Ltd, a startup Communication, 131 (17). research team has an excellent track company commercialising polyurethane 3. Smart S, Cassady A, Lu GQ, Martin, record of research and innovation nanocomposites for applications ranging D. (2006) The Biocompatibility of in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) from mining screens to golf ball covers Carbon Nanotubes: A Review. systems, polymer nanocomposites and and medical device components. Carbon, 44, p1034-1047 (Special nanotoxicology. Current research projects within the issue on toxicology of carbon group include: nanomaterials). 1. polymer nanocomposites for 4. McNally T, Pötschke P, Halley P, industrial applications; Murphy M, Martin D, Steven E EJ. 2. polymer nanocomposites for Bell J, Brennan GP, Bein D, Lemoine Cochlear Ltd implant components; P, Quinn JP. (2005) Polyethylene 3. toxicology of synthetic clay, metal multiwalled carbon nanotube oxide and carbon nanomaterials; and composites. Polymer, Volume 46, Issue 19, 8222-8232. 4. new polymers and composites based

on renewable spinifex (an Australian 5. Finnigan B, Jack K, Campbell

indigenous desert grass species). K, Halley P, Truss R, Casey P, Cookson D, King S, Martin D. (2005) Segmented Polyurethane Nanocomposites: Impact of Controlled Size Nanofi llers on the Morphological Response to Uniaxial Deformation. Macromolecules, 38 (17), p7386-7396.

34 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Biomolecular engineering

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Professor Anton PJ Middelberg FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Professor Middelberg and his research 1. Chuan YP, Fan YY, Lua LHL, team focuses on designing and Middelberg APJ. (2010) Virus processing engineered proteins and assembly occurs following a pH- 2+ peptides to develop new functional or Ca - triggered switch in the products and new manufacturing thermodynamic attraction between methods. The work brings together structural protein capsomeres. J R bioengineering and nanotechnology, Soc Interface 7, 409-421. with application in vaccines and 2. Zhao C, Middelberg APJ. (2009) biopharmaceuticals, and bio-renewable Microfl uidic mass-transfer control sustainable materials. for the simple formation of complex Professor Middelberg and his group multiple emulsions. Angew Chem Int address global opportunities such as: Ed, 48(39), 7208-7211. 1. developing new vaccine technologies 3. Hartmann BH, Kaar W, Yoo IK, Lua that change the way we combat LHL, Falconer RJ, Middelberg APJ. infectious and chronic diseases, (2009) The chromatography-free including infl uenza and arthritis; release, isolation and purifi cation of recombinant peptide for fi bril self- 2. understanding how assembly. Biotechnol Bioeng, 104(5), biopharmaceuticals behave 973-985. (front cover). in solution and manufacturing processes, in order to devise new 4. Malcolm AS, Dexter AF, Katakdhond

processes to recover products from JA, Karakashev SI, Nguyen AV, APPENDICES complex suspensions; and Middelberg APJ. (2009) Tuneable control of interfacial rheology 3. using bio-inspired approaches and emulsion coalescence. to deliver new bio-inspired, ChemPhysChem, 10(5), 778-781. manufactured materials, such (front cover). as customised surfactants, self-assembling peptides and 5. Pease L, Lipin DI, Tsai DH, nanostructured materials, from Zachariah M, Lua LHL, Tarlov M, sustainable resources. Middelberg APJ. (2009) Quantitative characterisation of virus-like particles Professor Middelberg’s research brings by asymmetrical fl ow fi eld fl ow together knowledge from engineering fractionation, electrospray differential and the physical and life sciences. mobility analysis, and transmission The group has research projects in: electron microscopy. Biotechnol 1. protein and nanoparticle technology Bioeng, 102(3), 845-855. for new vaccines; 2. the aggregation of virus-like particle AWARDS AND PRIZES vaccines; Public Lecture Presenter, UQ Research 3. vaccine nano-emulsions; Week “Engineering an end to infl uenza?” 4. recovery and modifi cation of biopharmaceuticals; 5. design and bioprocessing of sustainable biosurfactants, including pepfactants, and; 6. Nanomaterial manufacture through biomolecular templating.

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 35 Designer polymer nanoreactors for use in biomedical applications and environmentally friendly organic reactions

This new water-based methodology 4. Monteiro MJ. (2010) Nanoreactors has been driven by increased demand for Polymerisations and Organic for environmentally-friendly and Reactions. Macromolecules, 43(3), economically-competitive polymeric 1159-1168. materials for use in coatings, biomedical 5. Liang M, Lin IC, Whittaker MR, and electronic industries. Minchin RF, Monteiro MJ, Toth I. It is envisaged that this methodology will (2010) Cellular Uptake of Densely expand the range of structures available Packed Polymer Coatings on Gold to materials scientists. Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 4(1), The group’s project include: 403-413. 1. nanoreactors for polymer and organic 6. Kulis J, Bell CA, Micallef AS, GROUP LEADER: reactions in water; Jia ZF, Monteiro MJ. (2009) Rapid, Selective, and Reversible Professor Michael Monteiro 2. customised nanostructures for drug Nitroxide Radical Coupling (NRC) and vaccine delivery; and Professor Monteiro’s research focuses Reactions at Ambient Temperature. on synthesing complex polymer 3. nanotoxicology of these designer Macromolecules 42(21), 8218-8227. architectures. These tailor-made polymer nanostructures. architectures have the capacity to self- assemble into nanostructures, such KEY PUBLICATIONS as rods, vesicles, spheres or donuts. FOR PAST FIVE YEARS The nanostructure confers important 1. Whittaker MR, Urbani CN, Monteiro characteristics that can be applied in MJ. (2006) Synthesis of 3-Miktoarm drug delivery and tissue regeneration. Stars and 1st Generation Mikto In one example a new, self-adjuvanting Dendritic Copolymers by “Living” vaccine was created through the self- Radical Polymerisation and “Click” assembly of a dendrimer consisting of Chemistry. J Am Chem Soc, 128, epitopes covalently bound to a polymeric (35), 11360-11361. core. Incorporating certain polymers 2. Percec V, Guliashvili T, Ladislaw JS, into these structures is proving useful for Wistrand A, Stjerndahl A, Sienkowska siRNA delivery. Other work by Professor MJ, Monteiro MJ, Sahoo S. (2006) Monteiro and his team has demonstrated Ultrafast Synthesis of Ultrahigh Molar that highly dense nanoparticles can Mass Polymers by Metal-Catalysed denature specifi c serum proteins, Living Radical Polymerisation of which induces the activation of certain Acrylates, Methacrylates, and Vinyl biochemical pathways. Chloride Mediated by SET at 25 °C. Custom-made polymer architectures J Am Chem Soc, 128, (43), 14156- designed by Professor Monteiro’s group 14165. have also been used as nanoreactors. 3. Bell CA, Smith SV, Whittaker MR, The team has developed a completely Whittaker AK, Gahan LR, Monteiro new way of conducting polymerisations MJ. (2006) Surface-functionalised in water by creating the desired polymer nanoparticles for selective nanoenvironment using custom-made sequestering of heavy metals. nanoreactors. Advanced Materials (2006), 18(5), 582-586.

36 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Systems and synthetic biology

GROUP LEADER: 4. producing plastics from sugar cane; 8. Chen W, Marcellin E, Hung J, Nielsen Professor Lars Nielsen 5. expanding neutrophils from stem- LK. (2009) Hyaluronan molecular weight is controlled by UDP-N- Systems biology provides the means cells for therapeutic purposes; and acetylglucosamine concentration in of answering intricate questions about 6. modelling and analysis of mammalian Streptococcus zooepidemicus. J Biol complex biological systems. The cell metabolism using genome scale Chem 284, 18007-18014. questions considered by the Nielsen models and metabolomics. Group are very diverse, but generally 9. Timmins NE, Palfreyman E, inspired by some practical applications. Marturana F, Dietmair S, Luikenga KEY PUBLICATIONS For example: S, Lopez G, Fung YL, Minchinton FOR PAST FIVE YEARS R, Nielsen LK. (2009) Clinical Scale 1. What controls the molecular weight of 1. Timmins NE, Harding FJ, Smart Ex vivo Manufacture of Neutrophils hyaluronic acid, a high value, medical C, Brown MA, Nielsen LK. (2005) from Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells. biopolymer produced by streptocci? Method for the generation and Biotechnol Bioeng. 104, 832-840. 2. How do we effi ciently convert stem cultivation of functional 3-dimensional 10. de Oliveira Dal’molin CG, Quek cells into white and red blood cells for mammary constructs without LE, Palfreyman RW, Brumbley SM, use in blood transfusions? exogenous extracellular matrix Nielsen LK. (2010) AraGEM – a material. Cell & Tissue Research 320, 3. Why does transgenic sugar cane Genome-Scale Reconstruction of 207-210. produce plastic effi ciently in one type the Primary Metabolic Network in of leaf cells, but not the other? 2. Sheikh K, Förster J, Nielsen LK. Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol 4. How do we effi ciently engineer E (2005) Modeling Hybridoma Cell 152, 579–589. coli and yeast to produce fuels and Metabolism Using a Generic chemicals from sucrose? Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of Mus musculus. Biotechnology The common challenge for all these Progress 21, 112-121. APPENDICES problems lies in formulating the question in such a way that it will yield 3. Blank LM, McLaughlin RL, Nielsen a meaningful answer when using the LK. (2005) Stable production of appropriate mathematical, statistical hyaluronic acid in Streptoccus and analytical tools. A key focus of zooepidemicus chemostats operated Professor Nielsen’s team is to develop at high dilution rate. Biotechnology & the engineering frameworks and tools Bioengineering 90, 685-693. required to meet this challenge. 4. Peng JC, Thomas R, Nielsen LK. With an applied focus, the proof is (2005) Generation and maturation ultimately that the understanding gained of DC for clinical application under can be used to synthesise better serum-free conditions. Journal of systems and processes. In addition Immunotherapy 28, 599-609. to various in-house model systems, 5. Petrasovits LA, Purnell MP, Nielsen Professor Nielsen’s group works LK, Brumbley SM. (2007) Production closely with Australian and international of polyhydroxybutyrate in sugar cane. companies and academic groups Plant Biotechnology Journal 5:162- exploring the potential of the novel 172. strategies developed. 6. Quek L-E, Nielsen LK. (2008) On the The group has research projects in the reconstruction of the Mus musculus areas of: genome-scale metabolic network 1. developing a microbial strain capable model. Genome Informatics 21, of producing high molecular weight 89-100. hyaluronic acid (HA); 7. Quek L-E, Wittmann C, Nielsen 2. developing in vitro methods for cost- LK, Krömer JO. (2009) OpenFLUX: effective biopesticide production; Effi cient Modelling Software for 13C-Based Metabolic Flux Analysis. 3. developing biological replacements Microbial Cell Factories 8, 25. for materials currently produced from petrochemical feedstocks;

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 37 Production of baculovirus biopesticides – a systems biology approach

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Dr Steven Reid FOR PAST FIVE YEARS The Reid Group has a process patent on 1. Chan L, Reid S, Nielsen LK. (2010) a procedure for producing baculoviruses The kinetics of virus production from using fermentation. The lead product is cell culture. Wiley Encyclopedia of a baculovirus targeting the Helicoverpa Industrial Biotechnology. (in press). pest species, the subjugation of which 2. Pedrini MRS, Chan LCL, Nielsen LK, is responsible for a $US3.2 billion a year Reid S. (2006) In vitro production market in traditional chemical pesticides. of Helicoverpa armigera single- A baculovirus product manufactured nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. by the Reid Group and formulated by Brazilian Archives of Biology and Biofl exus has been registered for use Technology, 49: (Special Issue): on Australian crops to combat heliothis 35-41. caterpillars (more widely known as 3. Pedrini MRS, Christian P, Nielsen LK, the cotton bollworm), under the trade Reid S, Chan LCL. (2006) Importance name of Heliocide. The Reid Group is of virus-medium interactions on undertaking further research to increase the biological activity of wild-type current fermentation yields, which will Heliothine nucleopolyhedroviruses enable the manufacture and evaluation in propagated via suspension insect the niche Australian market. cell cultures. J Virol Methods, 136, Currently the group is collaborating with 267-272. Professor Lars Nielsen to use a systems 4. Pedrini MRS, Nielsen LK, Reid S, biology approach using transcriptomic Chan LCL. (2005) Properties of and metabolomic techniques in an a Unique Mutant of Helicoverpa effort to understand how the virus Armigera Single – Nucleocapsid interacts with host cells in culture. The Nucleopolyhedrovirus that Exhibits group anticipates further increases a Partial Many Polyhedra and Few in yield, making it cost effective in Polyhedra Phenotype on Extended broader markets, both nationally and Serial Passaging in Suspension Cell internationally. Cultures. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Animal, Specifi c research projects include: 41, 289-297. 1. developing a Heliothis BACMID system for manipulation of the H.arm virus genome (gene knockouts). This system will be used to generate altered viruses for further transcriptomic and metabolomic studies; 2. the use of real-time PCR to quantify virus binding kinetics to enable optimisation of early process steps for the manufacture of virus in vitro; and 3. developing sample extraction procedures and appropriate HPLC/ GC-MS techniques for quantifying intracellular metabolite levels for infected and non-infected cells in culture, which will enable the group’s metabolomic studies.

38 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Computational molecular science

GROUP LEADER: 4. simulation of biological dendrimer- Professor Sean Smith DNA interactions for gene gelivery applications; The research of Professor Smith and his team applies theoretical and 5. computational studies of C and BN computational studies at the molecular nanotube and nanoribbon reactivity scale to gain enabling insights that and functionalisation; will facilitate progress towards new 6. quantum dynamical studies of H technologies in electronics, sustainable- transport in confi ned systems; and energy and biomolecular/biomedical 7. computational kinetics and quantum applications. His laboratory conducts dynamical studies of elementary computational explorations of: reactions for combustion and 1. chemical kinetics; atmospheric chemistry. 6. Yao XD, Lu GQ, Li L, Sun CH, 2. catalysis; Du AJ, Smith SC, Zhu ZH. (2009) 3. complexation/association phenomena KEY PUBLICATIONS Lithium-Catalysed Dehydrogenation and transport within: FOR PAST FIVE YEARS of Ammonia Borane within Mesoporous Carbon Framework a. nanostructured materials; 1. Du AJ, Zhu ZH, Smith SC. (2010) for Chemical Hydrogen Storage. b. proteins; Multifunctional Porous Graphene Advanced Functional Materials, 19, c. hybrid nano-bio systems; and for Nanoelectronics and Hydrogen 265-271. d. gaseous environments. Storage: New Properties Revealed by First Principle Calculations. 7. Yang HG, Sun CH, Qiao SZ, Zhou J, This research is performed at the J Amer Chem Soc. (accepted Smith SC, Cheng HM, Lu GQ. (2008) atomistic level, including advanced February 2010). Anatase TiO single crystals with a applications of solid state and molecular 2 large percentage of {001} facets. APPENDICES electronic structure theory, molecular 2. Li Z, Cheng L, Sun Q, Zhu Z, Riley Nature, 453, 638-641. dynamics, quantum dynamics and MJ, Aljada M, Cheng Z, Wang X, kinetics theories. Qiao S, Smith SC, Lu GQ. (2010) 8. Du A, Smith SC, Lu GQ. (2007) Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Formation of Single Walled Carbon These studies are invariably conducted Nanowires Prepared by Solution- Nanotube Via the Interaction of in an interdisciplinary context, in Liquid-Solid Method. Angew Chem Graphene Nanoribbons: ab initio close collaboration with experimental, Int Ed, accepted (Jan 2010). Density Functional Calculations. and other theoretical groups. They Nano Lett, 7, 3349-3354. also require state-of-the-art high- 3. Du AJ, Chen Y, Zhu ZH, Amal R, performance computing facilities for their Lu GQ, Smith SC. (2009) Dots 9. Yao X, Wu CZ, Du AJ, Zou J, He implementation. versus Antidots: Computational Y, Zhu ZH, Wang P, Cheng HM, Exploration of Structure, Magnetism Smith SC, Lu GQ. (2007) Metallic The Smith Group has research and Half-metallicity in Boron-Nitride and Carbon Nanotube-Catalyzed projects in: Nanostructures. J Amer Chem Soc, Coupling of Hydrogenation in 1. computational studies of light metal 131, 17354-17359. Magnesium. J Amer Chem Soc, hydride hanocomposite materials for 129, 15650-15654. 4. Yang HG, Liu G, Qiao SZ, Sun CH, hydrogen storage; Jin YG, Smith SC, Zou J, Cheng 10. Du A, Smith SC, Yao XD, Lu 2. fl uorescent proteins: photophysics, HM, Lu GQ. (2009) Solvothermal GQ. (2007) Hydrogen Spillover mechanism and dynamics; Synthesis and Photoreactivity of Mechanism on a Pd-doped Mg 3. simulation of layered-double- Anatase TiO2 Nanosheets with Surface as Revealed by ab initio hydroxide (LDH) Nanoparticle- Dominant {001} Facets. J Amer Density Functional Calculations. DNA interactions for gene delivery Chem Soc, 131, 4078-4083. J Amer Chem Soc, 129, 10201- 10204. applications; 5. Du AJ, Chen Y, Zhu ZH, Lu GQ, Smith SC. (2009) C-BN Single Walled Nanotubes from Hybrid Connection of BN/C Nanoribbons: Prediction by Ab Initio Density Functional Calculations. J Amer Chem Soc, rapid communication, 131, 1682-1683 (2009).

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 39 Nanotechnology, biomarkers and the next generation molecular diagnostics

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Professor Matt Trau FOR PAST FIVE YEARS The use of biomarkers (molecules which 1. Connolly A, Trau M. (2010) Isothermal indicate the onset and status of disease) Detection of DNA by Beacon Assisted is emerging as one of the most promising Detection Amplifi cation (BAD AMP). strategies for disease management. In Angewandte Chemie (International nearly all forms of cancer, early diagnosis Ed.), 122, 2780-2782. can lead to a cure at a fraction of the 2. Corrie SR, Sova P, Lawrie GA, cost of currently ineffective treatments Battersby BJ, Kiviat NB, Trau M. for late stage disease. Soon, physicians (2009) Development of a Multiplexed will routinely use a combination Bead-based Assay for Detection of of nanotechnology and molecular DNA Methylation in Cancer-Related biomarkers to monitor, personalise and Genes. Molecular Biosystems, 5(3), treat diseases at their earlier stages. It is 262-268. predicted that the development of new 3. Marcon L, Spriet C, Meehan TD, biomarker diagnostic technologies will Battersby BJ, Lawrie GA, Heliot simultaneously improve survival rates L, Trau M. (2009) Synthesis and and quality of life, while signifi cantly Application of FRET Nanoparticles in reducing health care costs. the profi ling of a protease. Small, 5 Professor Trau and his team are (18), 2053-2056 developing a range of nanoscaled 4. Chen A, Kozak D, Battersby BJ, biosensors for genomics, proteomics, Forrest RM, Scholler N, Trau M. epigenetics, drug screening and (2009) Antifouling Surface Layers for diagnostics. Successful development Improved Signal-to-Noise of Particle- of biomarkers for use in the clinic, or Based Immunoasays. Langmuir, 25 for point-of-care applications, requires (23), 13510–13515. input from a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, molecular biology 5. Corrie SR, Vogel R, Keen IJ, Jack and nanotechnology. In 2009, Professor K, Kozak, D, Lawrie GA, Battersby Trau founded the Centre for Biomarker BJ, Fredericks P, Trau M. (2008) Research and Development within AIBN A Structural Study of Hybrid to accelerate such multi-disciplinary Organosilica Materials for Colloid- interactions and connect AIBN Based DNA Biosensors. Journal researchers with similar international of Materials Chemistry (front cover efforts. article), 18, 523-529. Core research projects within the centre 6. Johnston APR, Battersby BJ, currently include: Lawrie GA, Trau M. (2005) Porous functionalised silica particles: a 1. nano-scaled biosensors for potential platform for biomolecular Epigenetic readout in breast cancer; screening. Chem Commun 7, 848- 2. nano-devices for next-generation 850. protein capture in diagnostics; and 3. single molecule readouts via elastic nanopores.

40 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Polymer chemistry

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Professor Andrew Whittaker FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Professor Whittaker and his team are 1. Liu H, Blakey I, Conley WE, George working to develop novel polymeric GA, Hill DJT, Whittaker AK. (2008) materials for application in: Application of quantitative structure property relationship to the design • biomaterials for diagnosis and of high refractive index 193i resist. treatment of disease; Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, • photolithography for the manufacture MEMS and MOEMS, 7(2), of integrated circuits; and 023001/1-023001/11. • molecular imaging agents for disease 2. Zainuddin L, Tri T, Park Y, Chirila identifi cation using nuclear magnetic TV, Halley PJ, Whittaker AK. (2008) 8. Mao X, Peng H, Ling J, Friis T, resonance imaging. The behavior of aged regenerated Whittaker AK, Crawford R, Xiao This research is underpinned by Bombyx mori silk fi broin solutions Y. (2009) Enhanced human bone extensive expertise in polymer synthetic studied by 1H NMR and rheology. marrow stromal cell affi nity for chemistry, polymer physical chemistry, Biomaterials, 29(32), 4268-4274. modifi ed poly(-lactide) surfaces interactions with biological systems and 3. Kealley CS, Rout MK, Dezfouli by the upregulation of adhesion magnetic resonance technology. MR, Strounina E, Whittaker AK, molecular genes. Biomaterials, The group’s biomaterials research is Appelqvist IAM, Lillford PJ, Gilbert 30(36), 6903-6911. targeting various applications including: EP, Gidley MJ. (2008) Structure and 9. Thurecht KJ, Blakey I, Peng H, Molecular Mobility of Soy Glycinin in • polymers for use as tissue implants; Squires O, Hsu S, Alexander C, the Solid State. Biomacromolecules, • improved drug delivery; and Whittaker AK. (2010) Functional 9(10), 2937-2946. • improved medical diagnosis. Hyperbranched Polymers: Toward APPENDICES This is in addition to projects shedding 4. Peng H, Xiao Y, Mao X, Chen L, Targeted in Vivo 19F Magnetic light on drug delivery, the fundamentals Crawford R, Whittaker AK. (2008) Resonance Imaging Using Designed of hydrogel polymer networks, surface Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers Macromolecules. Journal of the modifi cation and biosensors. of Methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)- American Chemical Society, 132(15), b-poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(L-lysine) 5336-5337. Using immersion and ultra-violet for Enhancement of Osteoblast 10. Blakey I, Thurecht KJ, Whittaker immersion lithography, the group is also Attachment and Growth. AK. (2010) High-pressure real- investigating the challenges facing the Biomacromolecules, 10(1), 95-104. microelectronics industries as it struggles time 129Xe NMR: monitoring of to incorporate nanometre-sized features 5. Peng H, Blakey I, Dargaville B, surfactant conformation during on integrated circuits. Rasoul F, Rose S, Whittaker AK. the self-assembly of reverse (2009) Synthesis and Evaluation micelles in supercritical carbon of Partly Fluorinated Block dioxide. Chemical Communications RESEARCH PROJECTS Copolymers as MRI Imaging Agents. (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Current projects include: Biomacromolecules, 10(2), 374-381. 46(16), 2850-2852. 1. polymers for 193 nm immersion 6. Mimouni A, Deeth HC, Whittaker lithography; AK, Gidley MJ, Bhandari BR. (2009) 2. polymers for EUV lithography; Rehydration Process of Milk Protein 3. block copolymers for healing of line Concentrate Powder monitored edge roughness; by Static Light Scattering. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(7), 1958-1965. 4. polymers for artifi cial vitreous; 7. Mimouni A, Deeth HC, Whittaker 5. artifi cial blood vessels; AK, Gidley MJ, Bhandari BR. (2010) 6. dental bone repair; Investigation of the microstructure 7. molecular imaging agents; of milk protein concentrate powders during rehydration: alterations during 8. hybrid imaging agents; storage. Journal of Dairy Science, 9. ultrasound contrast agents; 93(2), 463-472. 10. diffusion in hydrogels; 11. novel hydrogel networks; and 12. spinal cord repair.

AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 41 Human pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine

Specifi c projects in these areas include: 5. Prowse ABJ, Wolvetang EJ, Gray 1. developing novel cell reprogramming PP. (2009) A rapid, cost effective technologies; method for counting human embryonic stem cell numbers as 2. generating Down’s syndrome iPS clumps. Biotechniques, 47(1), 599- cells to understand Alzheimer’s 606. disease; 6. Prowse ABJ, Wilson J, Osborne 3. understanding the epigenetic effects GW, Gray PP, Wolvetang EJ. (2009) of culture conditions; Multiplexed staining of live human 4. elucidating BMP-SMAD signalling in embryonic stem cells for fl ow human stem cells; cytometric analysis of pluripotency 5. metabolomic analysis of human markers. Stem Cells and GROUP LEADER: embryonic stem cells; and Development, 18(8), 1135-40. Associate Professor 7. Wolvetang EJ, Pera MF, Zuckerman Ernst Wolvetang 6. developing smart surfaces for stem cell expansion and differentiation. KS. (2007) Gap-junction mediated Associate Professor Wolvetang’s By combining cutting-edge molecular transport of shRNA between human research is focused on developing analysis and cell biology tools, the group embryonic stem cells. Biochem human pluripotent stem-cell based will gain an in-depth understanding of the Biophys Res Comm, 363(3), 610-5. therapies and disease models. molecular machinery controlling human 8. Doran MR, Frith JE, Prowse ABJ, Because human pluripotent stem-cells pluripotent stem cells and consequently Fitzpatrick J, Wolvetang E, Munro can be cultured indefi nitely and are be able to unlock the potential of these T, Gray P, Cooper-White J. (2010) able to generate every cell type of the cells for application in regenerative Defi ned high protein content human body, they are the cell type of medicine and drug development. surfaces for stem cell culture. choice for stem-cell-based regenerative Biomaterials (in press). medicine, and a discovery platform for 9. Davidson KC, Daly R, Wolvetang understanding the molecular basis of KEY PUBLICATIONS EJ, et al . Wnt signaling in human human disease and development. FOR PAST FIVE YEARS 1. Wolvetang E, Herszfeld D, Langton embryonic stem cells. (2007) Book Current research activities in the –Bunker E, Chung T, Filipczyk A, chapter: Cytometry part A, 69A(5), Wolvetang Group concentrate on two Houssami S, Koh K, Laslett AL, 412-412. main areas: Michalska A, Nguyen L, Reubinoff 10. Pebay A, Wong R, Pitson SM, 1. elucidating the role of specifi c BE, Tellis I, Auerbach JM, Ording Wolvetang E, Peh GS, Filipczyk signalling pathways and the CJ, Looijenga LHJ, Pera MF. (2006) A, Koh KL, Tellios I, Nguyen LT, microenvironment in controlling the CD30 is a survival factor and a Pera MF. (2005) Essential roles behaviour of human pluripotent biomarker for transformed human of sphingosine-1-phosphate and cells to enable safer and more pluripotent stem cells. Nature platelet-derived growth factor in the effi cient stem cell expansion and Biotech, 24(3), 351-7. maintenance of human embryonic differentiation; and 2. Grandela C, Pera MF, Wolvetang E. stem cells. Stem Cells, 23 (10), 2. generating species and patient (2007) p53 is required for etoposide- 1541-1548. specifi c induced pluripotent cells induced apoptosis of human (iPS) to understand the molecular embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell basis of disease and cellular therapy. Research, 1(2), 116-128. 3. Hannan NRF and EJ Wolvetang. (2008) Adipocyte differentiation in human embryonic stem cells transduced with Oct4 shRNA lentivirus. Stem Cells and Development, 18(4), 653-60. 4. Hannan N, Jamshidi P, Pera MF, Wolvetang EJ. (2009) BMP -11 and Myostatin Maintain Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Feeder Free Cultures. Cloning and Stem Cells, 11(3), 427-35.

42 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Nanomaterials for biotechnology, energy and environmental protection

GROUP LEADER: KEY PUBLICATIONS Professor Chengzhong Michael Yu FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Professor Yu and his team have an 1. Zhu J, Tang JW, Zhao LZ, Zhou XF, excellent track record of research Wang YH, Yu CZ. (2010) Ultrasmall, and innovation in the synthesis and well-dispersed, hollow siliceous characterisation of novel nanoporous spheres with enhanced endocytosis and nano-materials with various properties. Small, 6(2), 276-282. compositions, adjustable structures and 2. Qian K, Wan JJ, Huang XD, Yang controlled morphologies, with tailored PY, Liu BH, Yu CZ. (2010) A smart functions for biotechnology, clean energy glycol-directed nanodevice by and environment protection. rationally designed macroporous materials. Chem Eur J, 16, 822-828. 5. Tang J, Zhou X, Zhao D, Lu GQ, RESEARCH PROJECTS 3. Yuan P, Liu N, Zhao LZ, Zhou XF, Zou J, Yu CZ. (2007) Hard Sphere 1. a robust nanomaterial platform for Zhou L, Auchterlonie GJ, Yao XD, Packing and Icosahedral Assembly advanced delivery and therapeutics; Drennan J, Lu GQ, Zou J, Yu CZ. in the Formation of Mesoporous (2008) Solving Complex Concentric Materials. J Am Chem Soc, 129(29), 2. nanoporous materials for bio- Circular Mesostructures Using 9044. catalysis, bio-separation and bio- Electron Tomography. Angew Chem- analysis; Int Edit, 2008, 47(35), 6670. 3. biomaterials for bone repair and 4. Yang S, Zhou X, Yuan P, Yu M, Xie S, dental applications; and Zou J, Lu GQ, Yu CZ. (2007) Siliceous 4. advanced nanomaterials for Nanopods via a Compromised Dual sustainable environment and energy Templating Approach. Angew Chem-

applications. Int Edit, 46(45), 8579-82. APPENDICES

New technologies for protein research

GROUP LEADER: protein assemblies in vitro, and develop independent translational leaders Professor Kirill Alexandrov (joint novel tools for analysis in vivo. enable the rapid development of appointment with Institute for novel cell-free expression systems. Professor Alexandrov has research Molecular Bioscience) Nature Biotechnology, 27, 747-752. projects in: Professor Alexandrov and his group are 2. Nguyen UT, Guo Z, Delon, C, Wu 1. Proteome-wide analysis of protein interested in understanding the mechanics prenylation and its variation in human Y, Deraeve C, Fränzel B, Bon RS, and thermodynamics of the molecular diseases; Blankenfeldt W, Goody RS, Waldmann, machinery underlying intracellular vesicular H, Wolters D, Alexandrov K. (2009) 2. Development of approaches for transport. The group uses cell biology and Analysis of the eukaryotic prenylome recombinant production and biophysical methods, such as fl uorescent by isoprenoid affi nity tagging. Nature biophysical analysis of multi-subunit spectroscopy and microscopy, X-ray Chemical Biology, 4: 227-235. crystallography, protein engineering and protein complexes; 3. Wu Y, Tan K-T, Waldmann H, Goody protein semi-synthesis, to elucidate the 3. Quantitative analysis of protein:protein RS, and Alexandrov K. (2007) role of individual proteins and protein protein:small molecule interactions Quantitative analysis of the interaction assemblies in this process. using a novel in vitro translation system; and of prenylated Rab proteins with REP Many of the problems the group is trying and GDI explains the requirement for 4. Development of high-yield eukaryotic to address are technically challenging both regulators in Rab function. PNAS, protein expression systems based on and cannot be resolved with the currently 104, 12294-12299. available methodologies. To overcome protozoan Leishmania tarentolae. 4. Rak A, Pylypenko O, Niculae A, these technical hurdles, they develop Pyatkov K, Goody RS, Alexandrov K. new methods of protein expression, KEY PUBLICATIONS (2004) Structure of the Rab7:REP-1 isolation and derivatisation. The ultimate FOR PAST FIVE YEARS complex: insights into the mechanism goal of this work is to rapidly reconstruct 1. Mureev S, Kovtun O, Nguyen, UTT, of Rab prenylation and choroideremia and structurally characterise complex Alexandrov K. (2009) Species- disease. Cell, 117, 749-760.


Name RHD Project Title Principal Advisor Michele Bruschi PhD Metabolic engineering of hyaluronic acid (HA) production to obtain high molecular Prof Lars Nielsen weight polymers in continuous processes Xiaojing (Wendy) Chen PhD Structure-function correlations of PEGylated human lectin galectin-2 Dr Lizhong He

Jakov Kulis PhD Development of ultrafast, selective and reversible atom transfer nitroxide coupling Prof Michael Monteiro reactions Peng Li PhD Control preparation of inorganic nanocrystal suspensions as the micronutrient foliar Dr Gordon Xu fertilisers Sean Muir PhD Solar-assisted borohydide production and utilisation for improved hydrogen storage Prof Max Lu

Ramkumar Palanisamy PhD Nono biosensor based epigenetic signature readout system Prof Matt Trau

Sandy Budi Hartono PhD Synthesis, functionalisation and application of magnetic nanoparticle (MN) and carbon Dr Shizhang Qiao nano tube (CNT) for biomedical treatment Alexandra Depelsenaire PhD Micronanopatch needle-free vaccine delivery to skin Prof Mark Kendall

Shui Liu PhD Haematopoitic cell engineering for optimised production of blood products Prof Lars Nielsen

Veronica Martinez PhD Improving mammalian cell culture processes using a systems approach Prof Lars Nielsen Salazar Hoang Quan Nguyen PhD Transriptomics study of baculovirus insect cells to identify gene-based strategies for Dr Steve Reid improving virus yields Phuong Thi Mac PhD Synthesis of unique mesoporous graphite carbons and their application to fundamental Dr Shizhang Qiao Nguyen# problems in adsorption science Huey Wen Ooi PhD Design delivery-novel hydrogels for drug delivery from precisely structured networks Prof Andrew Whittaker

Azlin Fazlina Osman PhD Thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites for biomedical applications A/Prof Darren Martin

Nghia Truong Phuoc PhD Polymeric dendrimers for siRNA delivery Prof Michael Monteiro

Sooa Lim PhD Phosphor-proteome of E coli Prof Lars Nielsen

Gillian Osmond PhD Deterioration processes of modern artists’ oil paints and implications for the Prof John Drennan conservation of 20th century paintings Yian Zhu PhD Novel hybrid inorganic nanoparticles for effective siRNA delivery to neurons Dr Gordon Xu

Tuan Anh Huu Nguyen# PhD Tailoring nano-crystal suspension for extended ion supply to hydrophobic and Prof Anh Nguyen hydrophilic leaf surfaces Erika Fiset PhD Preparation of carbon electrodes with optimised pore structure and surface chemistry Dr Denisa Jurcakova for next generation supercapacitors Miriem Santander PhD Synergisms of topography and chemistry for development of bioengineered cell Prof Andrew Whittaker Borrego constructs for the surgical restoration of the ocular surfaces Yosephine Andriani PhD Next generation nanocomposite insulation materials for cochlear electrode arrays A/Prof Darren Martin

Eid Alosime PhD Novel antimicrobial photopatterned hybrid polymeric surfaces by grafting techniques Prof Andrew Whittaker

Thi Bich Trinh Tran PhD Metabolomics study of baculovirus infected insect cells to identify metabolite based Dr Steve Reid strategies for improving virus yields Hoai Huynh PhD Optimisation of batch media for the production of baculoviruses to control caterpillar Dr Steve Reid and mosquito pests Khaled Omar Sebakhy PhD Living radical polymerisation for biomedical applications Prof Michael Monteiro

# Changed from AIBN to another School in 2009

44 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 GRANTS Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian LeadAIBN Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Scheme Income Competitive Grant Australian Type R ikg rjcsD tv edPo asNesnInvitro production of Prof LarsNielsen DrSteveReid ARC LinkageProjects Prof Andrew ARC LinkageProjects A/Prof Stephen DrXiangdongYao, A/Prof ARC LinkageProjects Prof MaxLu ARC LinkageProjects Anovel rheologicaland Prof Andrew Designedpeptidesas ARC LinkageProjects Prof BheshBhandari Prof PeterHalley ARC LinkageProjects Equipment Infrastructure and ARC Linkage DrAnnetteDexter Optimisingthebody’s immune ARC Future Fellowships Prof Chengzhong ARC Future Fellowships Prof Michael ARC Future Fellowships Prof MarkKendall ARC Future Fellowships Prof Kirilll ARC Future Fellowships A/Prof Darren Prof PerryBartlett,MrZhi ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof MaxLu Prof TraianARC DiscoveryProjects Chirila,Dr DrIdrissBlakey ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof Justin ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof Kirilll ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof MarkKendall,Prof DrSimonCorrie ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof Michael ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof Michael ARC DiscoveryProjects Prof Andrew ARC DiscoveryProjects Whittaker Mahler Whittaker Monteiro Prof Michael (Michael) Yu Monteiro Alexandrov Martin Cooper-White Alexandrov Monteiro Monteiro Whittaker Investigator Zimmerman Heping Liu,DrPaul Dr IdrissBlakey, Dr Naylor, DrRichard Brown Gerard Curmi,DrDean Woodruff, Prof PaulMarie Bruce Wyse,DrTrent Prof Maree Smith,Dr Lianzhou Wang Dr Todd RossYounkin Jack, Prof JohnDrennan, Dr IdrissBlakey, DrKevin Fensham Richard Hyde,DrRod Susanne Schmidt,Prof Prof PaulMemmott,Dr Dongyuan Zhao Xu, DrHelenCooper, Prof Hawker David Hill,DrCraig Brooke Mahler, DrGaryPeter Kane, A/Prof Stephen A/Prof JanetPatterson- Christopher Anderson Engineered polymer Designernanoreactors: A/Prof NigelMcMillan Prof Percec Virgil Peng Dr KevinJack,Hui Investigators Other Chief systems biologyapproach baculovirus biopesticides-a lithographic nodes for the32and22nm Double exposure photoresists diseases treatment ofinfl ammatory biopharmaceuticals for 10-based secondgeneration Development ofchaperonin solar energy electricity generationfrom effi ciency hydrogen assisted An integratedsystemforhigh- assembly andlithography copolymers: integratingself solutions usingblock Advanced lithographic texture modifi ed foods model forthesmartdesignof chewing andswallowing (UNSW leadinstitution) environmental characterisation macromolecular and advanced molecularand Mass spectrometry for functional surfactants siliceous foams macroporous ordered applications offunctional Novel synthesisandbio- responsive polymers nanostructures: stimuli Transformer 3d the skin that deliversbiomoleculesto response withananopatch networks intracellular signalling fl uorescent sensorsof of geneticallyencodable High throughput engineering spinifex grass scientifi c knowledgeof aboriginal andwestern building materials:evaluating Towards novelbiomimetic deliverytoneuronssirna nanoparticles foreffective Novel hybridinorganic applications surfaces forbiomaterials Generation ofpeptidomimetic tissue engineering Stem cell-basedinterface controls intra-golgitraffi cking complex cog,atetherthat analysis oftheprotein structural andfunctional Novel approaches for biomarkers from skin micropatches thatsample Non-invasive diagnosisusing weapon againstcancer nanoparticles: apotent 2009 solution forpolymersynthesis Duration an environmentally friendly networks from precisely-structured hydrogels fordrugdelivery Designed deliverynovel Project Title AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 0921 $250,000 2009-2011 $496,817 2008-2011 $90,000 2008-2010 $242,000 2009-2011 $517,354 2009-2011 $159,000 2008-2010 $85,800 2009-2012 $98,600 2009-2012 $111,400 2009-2013 $111,400 2009-2013 $111,400 2009-2013 $175,000 2008-2012 $319,963 2008-2011 $190,000 2008-2010 $180,000 2009-2012 $180,000 2009-2011 $140,000 2009-2011 $160,000 2009-2011 $154,000 2009-2011 09$140,000 2009 income 45

APPENDICES Type Scheme Lead AIBN Other Chief Project Title Duration 2009 Investigator Investigators income Australian ARC Linkage Projects Prof Max Lu Prof Victor Rudolph, Dr Nano- and micro-scale 2009-2012 $100,000 Competitive Grant Ronggang Ding, Dr Guo engineering of MoS2-based Income Xiong Wang catalyst for conversion of syngas to ethanol Australian ARC Linkage Projects Prof Peter Halley Prof Paul Lant, Mr Steven Next generation bioplastics: 2009-2011 $87,500 Competitive Grant Pratt, Dr Alan Werker production of pha bioplastics Income from organis waste Australian ARC Linkage Projects Prof John Prof Jane Hunter, A/ The twentieth century in 2009-2011 $69,579 Competitive Grant Drennan Prof Robyn Sloggett, Ms paint (ARC Linkage Project Income Nicole Tse, Prof Carl H administered by University of Schiesser, Dr Stephen Melbourne) Best, Dr Thomas Learner, Mr Andrew Durham, Ms Zanita Anuar Australian ARC Linkage Projects Prof Max Lu Dr John Zhu Development of a novel 2008-2011 $296,000 Competitive Grant one step process for gas Income conversion to liquid Australian ARC Linkage Projects Prof Max Lu Dr Shizhang Qiao, Dr Porous silica-based 2008-2011 $223,727 Competitive Grant Brenton Peters, Dr nanocapsules for targeted Income Michael Kennedy and controlled release of biocides Australian Australian Nuclear Dr Lizhong He The physical states of 2008-2011 $109,995 Competitive Grant Science and Technology pharmaceutical proteins and Income Organisation self-assembled peptides (AINSE research fellowship) Australian Australian Research Prof Max Lu Dr Lianzhou Wang, A/ Charge-driven self-assembly 2006-2010 $200,000 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery Prof Jin Zou, Prof Serge of nanocomposites of Income Projects Kaliaguine ionic polymers and oxide nanoparticles Australian Australian Research Prof Anton Dr Annette Dexter Microfl uidic studies of stimuli- 2007-2009 $170,000 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery Middelberg responsive emulsions Income Projects Australian Australian Research Prof Mark Kendall Prof Michael Roberts Micro-nanoprojection patches 2007-2009 $245,000 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery for minimally-invasive and Income Projects targeted delivery of genes and drugs to skin cells: from concept to technology platform Australian Australian Research Prof Sean Smith Quantum unimolecular 2007-2009 $77,000 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery reaction dynamics: from Income Projects isolated molecules to protein- embedded chromophores Australian Australian Research Prof Anton Dr Samuel Peter Mickan, Terahertz spectroscopy of 2007-2009 $161,136 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery Middelberg Dr Hwee-Lin Lua mass-manufactured viral Income Projects vaccines Australian Australian Research Prof Julie Mr Tristan Croll, Dr Tissue engineering the 2007-2010 $140,000 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery Campbell Michael Doran meniscus: combining novel Income Projects biomimetic hybrid scaffolds with adult stem cells Australian Australian Research Prof Justin A/Prof Malcolm R Micro process plants - 2005-2009 $190,000 Competitive Grant Council - Discovery Cooper-White Davidson, Prof Gareth non-newtonian fl ow and Income Projects Huw McKinley particle synthesis in confi ned geometries Australian Australian Research Prof Andrew Dr Idriss Blakey, Prof Development of novel 2007-2009 $10,000 Competitive Grant Council - Linkage Whittaker Steven Melvyn Howdle, Dr detergents for green solvent Income International Kristofer James Thurecht systems and their self- assembly into nanostructures Australian Australian Research A/Prof Peter Prof Dr Luc Averous, A/ Functionable renewable 2007-2009 $10,000 Competitive Grant Council - Linkage Halley Prof Darren Martin, A/Prof plastics: developing novel Income International Bhesh Bhandari, Dr Peter polysaccharide, protein and Torley, A/Prof Eric Pollet natural polyester based polymer nanocomposites Australian Australian Research Prof Andrew A/Prof Bhesh Bhandari, The molecular mechanism 2007-2010 $349,000 Competitive Grant Council - Linkage Whittaker Prof Mike Gidley, Dr of protein instability in dairy Income Projects Hilton Deeth powder systems Australian Australian Research Prof Max Lu Dr Zhonghua Zhu Hydrogen production by 2005-2009 $40,737 Competitive Grant Council - Linkage non-thermal plasma assisted Income Projects catalytic pyrolysis of natural gas Australian Australian Research Prof Max Lu Dr Yinghe He, Mr Nanostructured magnesium- 2006-2009 $105,000 Competitive Grant Council - Linkage Xiangdong Yao base composites for high- Income Projects density hydrogen storage Australian NHMRC Fellowship Prof Julie Senior principal research 2006-2010 $158,675 Competitive Grant Grant Campbell fellowship application Income Australian NHMRC Project Grant Prof Kirilll Dr Daniel Abankwa Understanding changes in 2009-2011 $181,250 Competitive Grant Alexandrov the mammalian prenylome Income induced by statins and prenyltransferase inhibitors Australian NHMRC Project Grant Prof Julie Dr Anita Thomas, Dr Antibody-directed delivery of 2009-2011 $104,750 Competitive Grant Campbell Zhiping Xu, Prof Max Lu anti-restenotic agents using Income inorganic nanoparticles

46 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Income Other Industry Research and Contract Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian Income Competitive Grant Australian LeadAIBN Income Competitive Grant Australian Scheme Income Competitive Grant Australian Type Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Infl09 uenza Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Centre Australian StemCell Engineering Nuclear Scienceand Australian Instituteof Engineering Nuclear Scienceand Australian Instituteof Engineering Nuclear Science& Australian Institute Company BV Aramco Overseas Research -H NHMRC Urgent (All Project Grants) NHMRC Project Grant (All Project Grants) NHMRC Project Grant Prof Julie NHMRC Project Grant A/Prof Darren NHMRC Project Grant DrGermainFernando, Prof MarkKendall NHMRC Project Grant Biotechnology Innovation through CRC forSugarIndustry A/Prof MelissaBrown, Emission Technology Centre forLow Prof MattTrau Cancer Australia 1 N 1

rfMr edl Prof Lorena Brown, Mr Prof MarkKendall rfLr ile rdcino etohl 0921 $231,158 2009-2011 Production ofneutrophils Wolvetang A/Prof Ernst Wolvetang A/Prof Ernst Wolvetang A/Prof Ernst Prof LarsNielsen Wolvetang A/Prof Ernst Dr DrNicholasTimmins, Prof LarsNielsen Prof JustinCooper-White, Prof PeterGray Prof JustinCooper-White, Prof PeterGray X-rayrefl ectivity ofabsorbed Prof AntonMiddelberg Dr AnnetteDexter Martin A/Prof Darren Martin A/Prof Darren Prof JoaoDinizdaCosta, Prof MaxLu Campbell Prof Julie DrSarahWaters, Prof Ian Prof MarkKendall Campbell Martin Investigator rfLr ile DrJensKroemer, Yiting Prof LarsNielsen A/Prof JoaoDinizda Prof MaxLu Middleton Ian Frazer, DrDeborah ProfGermain Fernando, Stirling Edwards, Dr Liza-Jane Raggatt Prof NicholasFisk,Dr Buntine Flavia Marturana,Penny Sia Athanasas-Platsis, A/Prof Wolvetang Ernst A/Prof Wolvetang Ernst Tailored nanoparticlesfor Anthony Musumeci Dr JorgeBeltramini Melissa Little Dr Sharon Ricardo, Prof Frazer Dr IanRoss Pettit, DrMartinStoermer, David Fairlie,DrAllison Dr MatthewSweet,Prof Lademann Rajh,Prof Juergen Tijana Dr Tony McNally, Dr Ajay DevidasPadsalgikar, Martin JosephSvehla,Dr Prof Lawrence Gahan,Dr Prof MichaelMonteiro, Dr SuzanneSmith,A/ Prof MichaelRoberts, Prof RodneyMinchin, Chen Ian Frazer, DrDexiang Prof Lorena Brown, Prof Investigators Other Chief Chen, DrClaudiaVickers Michael Macrossan Dr JorgeBeltramini, Costa, DrMikelDuke, Bronwyn Battersby Kymberley Vickery, Dr Dr GlennFrancis, (H against pandemicNovelA Nanopatch immunisation Safe andeffi cient expansion of geneticallystablehESC Safe andeffi cient expansion bone repair Primitive iPS-derivedMSCfor reprogramming Novel methodsof $359,473 leukaemia supportive care inacute 2008-2010 neutrophils foranti-infective Ex vivogeneratedallogeneic $346,465 2009-2011 Bioreactor program Bioreactor program peptide surfactants adsorption bydesigned peptides: control of vivo studies investigations -towards in- for useinnanotoxicology relevant nanoparticles Radiolabelling ofindustrially- nanotoxicological studies membrane reactors conversion process using Liquid fuelstohydrogen dose potent immunityatareduced functional kidneys Transplanted metanephroi as micro-nanoprojection patches following drugdeliverywith of biologicalinteractions MPM non-invasiveimaging applications HDACs foranti-infl ammatory Towards selectivetargetingof 2009 Duration nanomaterials The toxicologyof at areduced dose improved immuneresponses against pandemicinfl uenza: Nanopatch immunisation Project Title hyaluronic acid High molecularweight (cLET project) (CMR) incoalgasifi cation catalytic membranereactors systems formembranesand Proof-of-concept engineering detection andtreatment to improve breast cancer reading epigeneticsignatures Nanoscaled biosensors: under defi ned conditions of geneticallystablehESC 1 N 1 ) infl uenza virus09: AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 0921 $167,923 2009-2011 $66,257 2009-2011 $97,262 2009-2011 $140,368 2008-2010 $8,341 2007-2009 $127,385 2009-2011 0821 $98,500 2008-2010 $122,750 2007-2009 $186,250 2009-2011 $255,000 2009-2013 $163,750 2009-2011 0820 $22,000 2008-2009 $110,000 2005-2009 $110,000 2008-2011 $191,034 2008-2010 09$1,480 2009 $7,920 2009 09$179,472 2009 income 47

APPENDICES Type Scheme Lead AIBN Other Chief Project Title Duration 2009 Investigator Investigators income National and CRC for Sugar Industry Dr Steve Prof Lars Nielsen The production of PHB/PHAs 2006-2009 $372,077 International Innovation through Brumbley in plants Grant Income Biotechnology National and CSIRO Flagships Prof Max Lu Dr Lianzhou Wang, A/Prof Flagship collaboration 2007-2010 $216,021 International Collaboration Fund Joao Diniz da Costa research fund: advanced Grant Income membrane technologies for water treatment National and Department of Prof Lars Nielsen National collaborative 2007-2011 $145,855 International Innovation, Industry, research infrastructure Grant Income Science and Research strategy - capability area 5.1 Evolving Biomolecular Platforms National and Department of Prof Justin National collaborative 2007-2011 International Innovation, Industry, Cooper-White research infrastructure $1,400,000 Grant Income Science and Research strategy - capability area 5.4 Fabrication National and Department of Prof Peter Gray National Collaborative 2007-2011 $852,888 International Innovation, Industry, Research Infrastructure Grant Income Science and Research Strategy - Capability Area 5.5 Biotechnology Products Contract Dow Chemical Australia Prof Lars Nielsen Evaluation of fermentation 2009 $227,282 Research and Limited targets Other Industry Income National and Foundation Jerome A/Prof Ernst The generation of primary 2008-2009 $25,335 International Lejeune Wolvetang ds neurons from induced Grant Income pluripotent cells National and Inner Wheel Australia Dr Michael Doran Prof Kerry M Atkinson, Defi ning the oxygen and redox 2009 $65,000 International Incorporated Prof Lars Nielsen, Dr Gary conditions for human cord Grant Income Peter Brooke blood stem cell expansion National and National Breast Cancer Prof Matt Trau Prof John Forbes, A/ Novel strategies for prediction 2008-2013 International Foundation Prof Susan Clark, A/Prof and control of advanced $1,100,000 Grant Income Melissa Brown, Dr Glenn breast cancer via nanoscaled Francis, A/Prof Alexander epigenetic-based biosensors Dobrovic, Prof Rodney Scott, Dr Bronwyn Battersby, Dr Kymberley National and NHMRC Training (Post Dr Bei Cheng How does oestrogen affect 2009 $23,523 International Doctoral) Fellowship blood vessels Grant Income Contract Program for Appropriate Prof Mark Kendall Dr David Koelle Micro-nanoprojections 2009 $43,940 Research and Technology in Health (Nanopatches) for HSV-2 DNA Other Industry vaccine delivery to mice Income National and Queensland Prof Lars Nielsen National Collaborative 2007-2011 $125,000 International Government - NCRIS Research Infrastructure Grant Income Support Strategy - Capability Area 5.1 Evolving Biomolecular Platforms National and Queensland Prof Peter Gray National Collaborative 2007-2011 $611,500 International Government - NCRIS Research Infrastructure Grant Income Support Strategy - Capability Area 5.5 Biotechnology Products National and Queensland Prof Mark Kendall Micro-nanoprojection patches 2007-2010 $110,000 International Government Smart for targeted gene and drug Grant Income State Fellowships delivery to the skin National and Queensland Dr Krassen Prof Karl Bohringer, Dr Molecular diagnostics 2008-2011 $143,000 International Government Smart Dimitrov Daniel Schwartz platform with electronic Grant Income State National and readout of nanobarcodes International Research Alliance Program National and Queensland Prof Andrew Prof Maree Smith, Dr Alzheimer’s disease: novel 2009-2012 $148,133 International Government Smart Whittaker Elizabeth Coulson, Dr MRI biomarkers for clinical Grant Income State National and Mark Stephen Kindy, Dr diagnosis and translational International Research Stephen Rose, Prof Ian studies Alliances Program Brereton, Dr Jonathan Chalk National and Queensland Prof Andrew Dr Firas Rasoul, Dr Anne International biomaterials 2007-2011 $476,039 International Government Smart Whittaker Symons, Dr Craig Jon research alliance Grant Income State National and Hawker, Prof Karen International Research Lynn Wooley, Prof Julie Alliances Program Campbell, Prof Traian Chirila, Prof David M Haddleton, A/Prof Stephen Rose, Prof Steven Melvyn Howdle National and Queensland Prof Mark Kendall Prof Ian Frazer, Prof International needle-free $454,861 International Government Smart Michael Roberts vaccination alliance (INVax) Grant Income State National and International Research Alliances Program National and Queensland Prof Lars Nielsen Prof Sang Yup Lee Korea-Australia bio-product 2009-2012 $584,691 International Government Smart alliance Grant Income State National and International Research Alliances Program

48 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 Income Other Industry Research and Contract Income Other Industry Research and Contract Income Other Industry Research and Contract Income Other Industry Research and Contract Grant Income International National and Income Other Industry Research and Contract Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and Grant Income International National and LeadAIBN Grant Income International National and Scheme Grant Income International National and Type nQetPyLdD net etrPpatnsPyLd20 $112,919 2009 Pepfactants PtyLtd Marcellin Esteban Nielsen Lars Prof Ltd Pty UniQuest DrAnnetteDexter UniQuest PtyLtd A/Prof Darren UniQuest PtyLtd Prof PeterHalley Proof ofconceptexperimental UniQuest PtyLtd A/Prof LianzhouWang Institute Limited Wesley Research Prof MaxLu UniQuest PtyLtd Queensland The CancerCouncilof Research Institute Seattle Biomedical Futures Fellowship -Smart Government Queensland State Futures Fellowship -Smart Government Queensland State Futures Fellowship -Smart Government Queensland State Fellowships International - Queensland Government Queensland State Fellowships International - Queensland Government Queensland State Fellowships International - Queensland Government Queensland State Alliances Program ResearchInternational State Nationaland Smart Government Queensland Alliances Program ResearchInternational State Nationaland Smart Government Queensland Martin Campbell Prof Julie Computer-aided synthesis Multifunctionalmagnetic Acceleratedmolecularprobe Prof Michael Roberts, Prof MarkKendall Prof Gerard Cangelosi Micropatches fornon-invasive Prof MattTrau Dr ChenghuaSun Dr ZhenLi Fundamentalstudyof Fluorescent semiconductor Dr SimonCorrie Dr ChenghuaSun Dr ZhenLi Prof SeanSmith,Dr Prof MaxLu Prof Leland(Lee)Hartwell, Prof MattTrau Investigator Wendy Chan Cellularmechanismsof Dr BarbaraRolfe Wilkinson Mark Jones,Prof David Greg Siller, DrJohnAuld, Dr GlennFrancis, Koenig, DrOwenJepps, Prof HansSoyer, Karsten Cheng, Prof CanLi Xinhe Bao,Prof Hui-Ming Prof LianzhouWang, Prof Joao DinizdaCosta,A/ Zhonghua Zhu,Prof Prof NancyB.Kiviat Prof KennethD.Stuart, Investigators Other Chief eaieh20-00$30,181 hyaluronic acid High molecularweight 2006-2010 $2,513 2008-2010 TenasiTech Plantic Techologies peritoneal sclerosis technologies plan forthelightanate microscope biopsies usingmultiphoton cancers bysequentialoptical treated non-melanomaskin Assessment oftopically pipeline photocatalysts dioxide forsolarcellsand of high-peformancetitanium treatment ofcancers agents fordetectionand nanomaterials: robust contrast disease diagnostics hcred: acomputational study the far-red fl uorescent protein Function andmechanismin water hydrogen production from nanowires (QCANCET) 2009 energy technologies in nanometerialsforclean Duration Queensland-China alliance biomarker diagnostics platforms fordisease Novel nanotechnology Project Title AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 0921 $254,670 2009-2010 $75,428 2008-2009 $55,000 2009-2011 $55,000 2009-2011 $55,000 2009-2011 $429,000 2009-2012 $687,500 2007-2010 09$34,784 2009 $101,959 2009 $83,169 2009 $38,500 2009 $34,100 2009 $38,500 2009 income 49


BOOKS 6. Battersby, S., Tasaki, T., Smart, S., 17. Chen, X. F., Prow, T. W., Crichton, M. L., Ladewig, B., Liu, S. M., Duke, M. C., Jenkins, D. W. K., Roberts, M. S., Frazer, Halley, P. J., and George, P. A. (2009) Rudolph, V., and da Costa, J. C. D. (2009) I. H., Fernando, G. J. P., and Kendall, M. Chemorheology of Polymers: from fundamental Performance of cobalt silica membranes A. F. (2009) Dry-coated microprojection principles to reactive processing, Cambridge in gas mixture separation, Journal of array patches for targeted delivery of University Press, Cambridge U.K. Membrane Science 329, 91-98. immunotherapeutics to the skin, Journal of Controlled Release 139, 212-220. 7. Bergbrede, T., Chuky, N., Schoebel, S., BOOK CHAPTERS Blankenfeldt, W., Geyer, M., Fuchs, E., 18. Chen, Z. G., Zou, J., Liu, G., Li, F., Cheng, 1. Johnston-Hall, G. M., Monteiro, M.J. Goody, R. S., Barr, F., and Alexandrov, H. M., Sekiguchi, T., Gu, M., Yao, X. D., (2009) Infl uence of molecular weight K. 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Friday 30 January Wednesday 6 May Thursday 10 September Associate Professor Peter Kingshott, Professor Jim Swartz, Departments of Chemical Professor Paul Burn, School of Chemistry Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre (iNANO), Engineering and Bioengineering, Stanford and Molecular Biosciences, The University of The University of Aarhus, Denmark. University, USA Queensland, Australia Title: New material surfaces based on polymer Title: Cell-free synthesis of complex enzymes and Title: Probing Interactions of light-emitting nanofi bres and colloids protein assemblies for biofuels and vaccines materials with neutrons

Friday 13 February Thursday 7 May Thursday 17 September Professor Marcus Textor, ETH Zurich, Mr Elvis Shoko (PhD candidate), Department Bob Christiansen and Gareth Dando, Southern BioInterfaceGroup, Department of Materials, of Physics and Condensed Matter Physics Group, Cross Venture Partners, Australia Zurich, Switzerland The University of Queensland, Australia Title: How NOT to get your start-up VC funded - Title: Bioinspired surface modifi cation and Title: Charge distribution near oxygen vacancies common mistakes on the fundraising trail characterisation for applications in the biosciences in cerium oxides Thursday 24 September Wednesday 4 March 2009 Thursday 14 May Professor Xungai Wang, Centre for Material and Professor Minoru Terano, School of Materials Dr Peter Devine, CEO, and Mr Richard Fibre Innovation, Deakin University Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Marshall, Investment Manager, Uniseed, Australia Title: Recent research on nanofi bres and Technology (JAIST) Title: Uniseed - commercialising UQ technology biological fi bres Title: Historical developments and recent through start-ups achievements in heterogeneous olefi n Thursday 8 October polymerisation catalysts Thursday 21 May Professor Jurg Keller, Advanced Water Professor Ko Higashitani, Graduate School of Management Centre, The University of Thursday 5 March Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan Queensland, Australia Dr John Forsythe, Department of Materials Title: Applications of nano-particles to chemical Title: Novel biotechnology opportunities with bio- Engineering, Division of Biological Engineering, mechanical polishing, micro-wire networks and electrochemical systems Monash University, Australia living cells Title: Nerve repair in the CNS using scaffolds Thursday 15 October Thursday 11 June Professor Peter Hodgson, Deakin University Thursday 12 March Professor Annika Scheynius, Karolinska Title: Nanostructural engineering of metals Professor Paul Meredith, School of Institutet, Clinical Allergy Research Unit, Karolinska Mathematics & Physics, The University of University Hospital Solna, Stockholm, Sweden Thursday 22 October Queensland, Australia Title: Interaction of nanomaterials with antigen Professor Lidia Morawska and Peter McGarry Title: Advanced materials for a sustainable future presenting dendritic cells Title: Detection and characterisation of airborne – from solar cells to chemi-sensors engineered nanoparticles as part of exposure Thursday 18 June assessment and management Thursday 19 March Euan Murdoch, CEO of Goanna Corp Pty Ltd Professor Nick Fisk, Director, UQ Centre for and Founder of Herron Pharmaceuticals Thursday 29 October Clinical Research, The University of Queensland, Title: Commercialisation: The process can be Professor Graeme George, Queensland Australia your best dream or your worst nightmare... it’s University of Technology and School of Title: Fetal stem-cells: betwixt and between your choice Engineering, The University of Queensland Title: From engineering polymers to biomaterials: Thursday 19 March Thursday 25 June silicones in scar remediation Professor Lu Chang Qin, W.M. Keck Laboratory Professor Rose Amal, School of Chemical for Atomic Imaging and Manipulation, Department Sciences and Engineering, University of New Thursday 5 November of Physics and Astronomy, University of North South Wales, Australia Professor Kazuyoshi Takayama, Institute of Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Title: Harnessing solar energy for water and air Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan Title: Structure, property and applications of purifi cations Title: Applications of shock wave research to single nanotubes and nanowires medicine in tohoku university Thursday 23 July Thursday 26 March Professor Greg G Goss, Department of Thursday 12 November Professor Mark Dodgson, Director of the Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada Professor Brad Sherman, TC Beirne School of Technology and Innovation Management Centre, Title: Nano-Bio interactions of functionalised Law, the University of Queensland, Australia The University of Queensland, Australia silicon and carbon-based nanomaterials Title: Patent law for frontier technologies: issues Title: Managing innovation for the future. Monday 10 August Thursday 7 April Professor Gerry Fuller, Stanford University Tuesday 17 November Professor Erich Windhab, Swiss Federal Title: Oriented collagen materials for contact Dr Leslie Yeo, Micro/Nanophysics Research Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH), Switzerland: guidance of cells Laboratory, Department of Mechanical & Institute of Food Science and Nutrition; Laboratory Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, of Food Process Engineering Thursday 13 August Melbourne Title: Process engineering of complex multiphase Professor David Reutens, Director, Centre for Title: Micro/nanophysics Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Thursday 9 April Australia Thursday 19 November Professor Matt Cooper, Institute for Molecular Title: Imaging and experiments of nature Professor George Simon, Department of Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Australia Materials Engineering, Monash University Title: Biosensors and interfaces – an industry Thursday 13 August Title: Functional Polymer Nanocomposites perspective Dr Stephen C. Pak, Magee-Womens Research Institute, Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh Thursday 26 November Thursday 16 April School of Medicine Professor Herbert Waldmann, Director of Max- Drs David Haylock and Susan Nilssen, Title: C elegans as tools for drug discovery Planck Institute, Germany Australian Stem Cell Centre, Melbourne, Australia Title: Surface immobilisation and ligation of Title: Constructing an artifi cial haemopoietic stem Friday 14 August biomolecules cell niche; understanding the critical components Professor Ning Wang, Physics Department and the Institute of Nano Science and Technology, the Friday 27 November Thursday 23 April Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Professor Søren Hvilsted, Danish Polymer Duncan McGillivray, AINSE Research Fellow, Title: 1D nanomaterials: growth, structure and Centre, Department of Chemical and Biochemical University of Auckland property Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Title: Clues to cellular membrane interactions Title: The Potential of “click” chemistry on using X-rays and Neutrons Monday 17 August conducting polymers with special emphasis Dr Patrick Ganster, Centre Interdisciplinaire en on selective functionalisation by “electroclick” Wednesday 29 April Nanoscience de Marseille, France chemistry Michelle Peake, Chief Operating Offi cer, Alpha Title: Molecular dynamics simulation of silicon Biologics Pty Ltd oxidisation: strain and diffusion Monday 14 December Title: Building and equipment design in Yusuf Yagci, Department of Chemistry, Istanbul compliance with cGMP for a biopharmaceutical Thursday 20 August Technical University, Turkey facility in Malaysia Professor Richard Sadus, Director of the Centre Title: Photochemical methods for the preparation for Molecular Simulation, Swinburne University of nano and complex macromolecular structures Thursday 30 April Title: Application of molecular simulation to Assistant Professor Matthew Hynd, College of molecular motors Monday 14 December Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Professor Balasubramanian Viswanathan, Title: Emerging applications of nanobiotechnology Thursday 27 August Head, National Centre for Catalysis Research, Bill Walker, Department of Employment Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, India Friday 1 May Economic Development and Innovation Title: Catalytic applications for energy conversion Professor Maria Forsyth, Monash University, Title: Nanotechnology in Queensland - An industry processes Melbourne, Australia development perspective Title: Taming the reactive metal: passive surface formation in ionic liquids

56 AIBN ANNUAL REPORT 09 AIBN acknowledges the support of the Queensland Government and Atlantic Philanthropies. 29183 1500 PW JULY2010 CRICOS Provider Number 00025B St Lucia,Brisbane Qld4072 The Universityof Queensland