(LOCF) for (ZOOLOGY) Undergraduate Programme: a Template 2019

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(LOCF) for (ZOOLOGY) Undergraduate Programme: a Template 2019 Learning Outcomes based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) for (ZOOLOGY) Undergraduate Programme: A template 2019 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI – 110 002 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 2 Preamble .................................................................................................................................... 6 Foreword .................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 10 2. Learning Outcome Based approach to Curriculum Planning ............................................... 10 2.1 Nature and extent of the B.Sc degree Programme in Zoology ......................................... 11 2.2. Aims of Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Zoology ......................................................... 11 3. Graduate Attributes in Zoology ..................................................................................................... 12 4. Qualification Descriptors for a Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Zoology.....................14 5. Learning Outcomes in Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Zoology…………………..15 5.1 Knowledge and Understanding ...................................................................................................... 15 5.2 Subject Specific Intellectual and Practical Skills ........................................................................ 16 5.3. Learning Outcomes of different types of courses for B.Sc. Zoology…………………………..16 6. Distribution of different types of courses with their credits for B.Sc. Zoology .................... 19 6.1 Distribution of different courses with their credits for B.Sc. Zoology (Regular) 19 6.2 Distribution of different courses with credits for B.Sc. Zoology (Honours) .................... 20 7. Course Structure for Bachelor’s Programme in Zoology with details ................................... 21 7.1 Core Courses ....................................................................................................................................... 21 7.2 Discipline Specific Elective Courses ............................................................................................ 21 7.3 Generic Elective Courses ................................................................................................................. 22 7.4 Ability Enhancement Courses ........................................................................................................ 23 7.5 Skill Enhancement Courses ............................................................................................................ 23 8. Assessment and Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 24 8.1 Assessment methods .............................................................................................................. 24 8.2 List of Topics Suggested for Seminar and Group Discussion .......................................... 25 8.3 Suggested List of Supplementary Web Resources for Laboratory Exercises ................ 28 8.4 Guidelines for Individual/ Team Projects and Field reports ............................................. 29 2 CORE COURSES (CC) ................................................................................................................................. 30 CoreCourse 1: Systematics and Diversity of Life- Protists to Chordates…………………..30 Core Course 2: Developmental Biology and Evolution .......................................................... 33 Core Course 3: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Non Chordates............................. 37 Core Course 4: Cell Biology and Histology ............................................................................ 40 Core Course 5: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Chordates .................................... 43 Core Course 6: Genetics .......................................................................................................... 46 Core Course 7: Biochemistry ................................................................................................... 49 Core Course 8: Behaviour and Chronobiology ........................................................................ 52 Core Course 9: Ecology ........................................................................................................... 55 Core Course 10: Molecular Biology ........................................................................................ 58 Core Course 11: Biotechniques ............................................................................................... 61 Core Course 12: Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology .............................................. 64 Core Course 13: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics ................................................................... 67 Core Course 14: Applied Zoology ........................................................................................... 70 DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC ELECTIVE COURSES (DSE) ..................................................................... 73 Discipline Specific Elective Course 1: Neuroscience .............................................................. 73 Discipline Specific Elective Course 2: Endocrinology ............................................................ 76 Discipline Specific Elective Course 3: Nanobiology............................................................... 78 Discipline Specific Elective Course 4: Evolutionary Biology ................................................. 80 Discipline Specific Elective Course 5 : Mammalian Physiology ............................................ 83 Discipline Specific Elective Course 6: Human Reproductive Biology ................................... 85 Discipline Specific Elective Course 7: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ................... 87 Discipline Specific Elective Course 8: Agrochemicals and Pest Management ....................... 90 Discipline Specific Elective Course 9: Wildlife Conservation and Management ................... 93 Discipline Specific Elective Course 10: Aquatic Biology ....................................................... 96 Discipline Specific Elective Course 11: Livestock Management and Animal Husbandry ..... 99 GENERIC ELECTIVE COURSES ........................................................................................................... 101 Generic Elective Course 1: Exploring the Brain: Structure and Function ............................. 101 Generic Elective Course 2: Human Physiology ..................................................................... 103 Generic Elective Course 3: Vectors, Diseases and Management .......................................... 105 Generic Elective Course 4: Food, Nutrition and Health ........................................................ 108 3 Generic Elective Course 5: Global Climate change .............................................................. 111 Generic Elective Course 6: Environmental Microbiology..................................................... 113 Generic Elective Course 7: Environmental Biotechnology ................................................... 116 Generic Elective Course 8: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development ........ 118 Generic Elective Course 9: Bioeconomics ............................................................................ 121 Generic Elective Course 10: Systematics and evolutionary Biology .................................... 123 Generic Elective Course 11: Global Environmental Issues ................................................... 126 Generic Elective Course 12: Environmental Monitoring and Management .......................... 128 Generic Elective Course 13: Basics of Systematics and Classification ................................. 130 ABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSES .................................................................................................. 132 Ability Enhancement Course 1: Science Communication and Popularization ...................... 132 Ability Enhancement Course 2: Good Laboratory Practices ................................................. 134 Ability Enhancement Course 3: Basic Mathematics for Zoologists ...................................... 136 Ability Enhancement Course 4: Research Methodology ....................................................... 138 Ability Enhancement Course 5: History of Indian Science ................................................... 140 Ability Enhancement Course 6: Personality Development ................................................... 142 Ability Enhancement Course 7: Human Health and Sex Education ...................................... 144 Ability Enhancement Course 8: Human Nutrition ................................................................. 146 Ability Enhancement Course 9: Intellectual Property Right ................................................. 148 SKILL ENHANCEMENT COURSES ...................................................................................................... 150 Skill Enhancement Course 1: Reproductive Technologies .................................................... 150 Skill Enhancement Course 2: Public Health and Hygiene....................................................
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