
DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.201200066

Versatile and Direct Transformation of Secondary into by Deaminative Alkylation with Organocerium Reagents

Kai-Jiong Xiao, Ai-E Wang, Ying-Hong Huang, and Pei-Qiang Huang*[a]

Amides are a class of easily available and highly stable compounds. Secondary amides[1] also serve as powerful di- recting groups in CÀH activation.[2] Ketones are also a class of extremely versatile molecules that enable a number of fundamental transformations in organic synthesis.[3] Hence Scheme 1. Direct transformation of secondary amides into ketones. Tf O=trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride; 2-F-Py=2-fluoropyridine. the transformation of amides into ketones[4] is of high rele- 2 vance in organic synthesis. However, because of the high stability of amides, their direct transformation into more re- from RLi and CeCl3 and cerium complexes generated [13] active ketones presents a formidable challenge. Although in situ from RMgX and CeCl3 are more efficient than or- a limited number of specially designed amides, such as ganomagnesium, organolithium, and organozinc species for Weinreb amides (N-methoxy-N-methylamides), have been this reaction. Optimal yields were achieved by using the prepared as intermediates for the conversion of carboxylic cerium complex nBuMgBr/CeCl3 (3.0 equiv). The optimal acids/ into ketones,[4] such methods cannot be used protocol for one-pot transformation of secondary amides for the transformation of simple amides into ketones. into ketones was identified as successive treatment of a solu- Herein, we report a general one-pot method for the direct tion of the in dichloromethane and 2-fluoropyridine [5] conversion of secondary amides into ketones by using or- (1.2 equiv) with Tf2O (1.1 equiv, À788C, then 08C), and ganocerium species as the alkylating reagents. RM/CeCl3 (3.0 equiv, À788C), then hydrolysis with aqueous On the basis of carbonyl activation with trifluorometha- HCl. [6] nesulfonic anhydride (Tf2O), we have recently reported Under the optimized conditions, the scope of the trans- the direct conversion of tertiary lactams/amides into terti- formation was studied. As shown in Table 1, this method of ary by sequential reductive alkylation with converting secondary amides into ketones by deaminative Grignard and organolithium reagents.[7] As a continuation alkylation with organocerium reagents has a wide scope of this study, and in connection with our general interest in and broad tolerance. the development of step-economical synthesis,[7a,8,9] we in- A wide array of aroyl (Table 1, entries 1–16), alkanoyl vestigated the Tf2O-activated reductive alkylation of secon- (Table 1, entries 17–25), and alkenoyl amides (Table 1, dary amides. We discovered that cerium complexes generat- entry 26) were converted into the corresponding ketones in ed in situ from RMgX and CeCl3, and organocerium re- high yields. The substituents on the N atom of the secon- [10] agents (RCeCl2) generated in situ from RLi and CeCl3 dary amides, regardless of whether they are N-n-alkyl were effective for the direct conversion of secondary (Table 1, entries 1–9, 15-18, 24–26), N-s-alkyl (Table 1, en- amides into ketones by activation with Tf2O and 2-fluoro- tries 10–14, 21–23) or N-aryl (Table 1, entry 19), do not (Scheme 1). have much influence on the reactivity. The reaction also The conversion of N-butylbenzamide (1a) into 2a went smoothly with hindered amides, such as 1o (Table 1, was selected as a model reaction. An investigation of the entry 24). influence of the base revealed that the use of a base was The reaction is compatible with many functional groups necessary, and 2-fluoropyridine[11] gave the best results. The on the amides, including (Table 1, entry 12), aromatic influence of the organometallic reagent was then explored bromides (Table 1, entry 13), tertiary aromatic amines in combination with 2-fluoropyridine (1.2 equiv) as the (Table 1, entry 14), thiophene (Table 1, entry 16), terminal [12] base. Organocerium reagents (RCeCl2) generated in situ C=C bonds (Table 1, entry 25), and even conjugated C=C [a] K.-J. Xiao, Dr. A.-E. Wang, Y.-H. Huang, Prof. Dr. P.-Q. Huang bonds (Table 1, entry 26). For a,b-unsaturated amide 1q, Department of Chemistry and only the 1,2-addition product 2u was obtained, which pro- Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology vides an alternative approach to enones[14] (Table 1, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University entry 26). Xiamen, Fujian 361005 (P. R. China) With regard to the organocerium complexes, alkyl Fax : (+86)592-2186400 E-mail: [email protected] (Table 1, entries 1–4, 9–17, 19, 22, 24, 26), benzyl (Table 1, Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW entries 20, 21, 23, 25), aryl (Table 1, entries 6 and 7), and al- under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ajoc.201200066. kenyl cerium complexes (Table 1, entry 18) generated from

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Table 1. Direct transformation of secondary amides 1 into ketones 2.[a]

Entry Substrate RM Product Entry Substrate RM Product (YieldACHTUNGRE [%])[b] (YieldACHTUNGRE [%])[b]

1 nBuMgBr 14 EtMgBr

2 1a nBuLi 2a (87) 15 nBuMgBr

3 1a iPrMgBr 16 nBuMgBr

4 1a 17 nBuMgBr

5 1a 18 1j

6 1a PhMgBr 19 nBuMgBr 2n (89)

7 1a 20 BnMgBr

8 1a 21 BnMgBr 2p (84)

9 nBuMgBr 2a (83) 22 nBuLi

10 nBuLi 2a (87) 23 1n BnMgBr

11 nBuLi 24 nBuMgBr

12 nBuLi 25 BnMgBr

13 nBuMgBr 26 nBuMgBr

[a] Reaction conditions: 1) Amide (1.0 mmol), 2-fluoropyridine (1.2 mmol), Tf2O (1.1 mmol), CH2Cl2 (4 mL), À788C, then 08C, 10 min; 2) RM/CeCl3 (3.0 mmol), À788C, 1 h; 3) aq. HCl (2m, 5 mL), RT, 2 h. [b] Yield of isolated product. Bn=benzyl; Hex=hexyl; Pent =pentyl.

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Deaminative Alkylation Cerium makes it simple: A simple, efficient, and versatile CÀC bond- Kai-Jiong Xiao, Ai-E Wang, forming method for the direct transfor- Ying-Hong Huang, mation of secondary amides into &&&& &&&& Pei-Qiang Huang* — ketones by Tf2O-mediated deaminative alkylation with organocerium reagents Versatile and Direct Transformation of is described. A wide variety of ketones, Secondary Amides into Ketones by including a,b-unsaturated ketones, b- Deaminative Alkylation with Organo- chloroenones, diaryl ketones, and cerium Reagents ynones were synthesized by using this method.

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