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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2010s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SEPTEMBER 19, 2011

VOL. 45; TheWWW.T H E CCurrentURREN T- O N L INE .COM ISSUE 1353 UMSL community remembers 9/11

By Ashley Atkins, page 12


FacebookMan Eating Law Sandwich repealed Is this reality? Anna McNulty leads! 72 NewCommunication art installation importance feeds realizedone man 1310Philosophy debate over nature of reality 15 Tritons setter to thrash old records 2 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | NEWS TheCurrent VOL. 45, ISSUE 1353 News WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM Missouri congress repeals “The Face- EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief...... Matthew B. Poposky Managing Editor...... Janaca Scherer book Law” to encourage communication News Editor...... Minho Jung Features Editor...... Ashley Atkins Sports Editor...... Open - Please Apply A&E Editor...... Cate Marquis New law states schools must develop a policy regulating online Opinions Editor...... Jeremy Zschau Copy Editors...... Sara Novak, Johanna Hoffarth communication to encourage interactions outside of school Staff Writers...... David von Nordheim, Greg Laine, Yusef Roach, Ryan Krull, Maddie Harned, Endea Wilbert, Angie O’Dell, Eli Dains, Dan Spak, Mavis Hollis, Sha- HALI FLINTROP ron Pruitt, Cedric Williams, Owen Shroyer, Joseph Grate, Jamal Jones, Staff Writer Aladeen Klonowski, Hali Flintrop DESIGN Photo Editor...... Jennifer Meahan Recently, Jefferson City repealed and modified at all, but rather leave it to school districts to Web Editor...... Yusef Roach Section 162.069 of the Amy Hestir Student determine communication guidelines. Staff Photographers...... Nikki Vahle, Jarred Gastreich, Protection Act. This particular section of the bill, Julie Shelton, Facilitator for the Ritenour School Sarah Lowe, Erica Thompson known more widely as “The Law,” aroused District, former Social Studies teacher at Ritenour Illustrators...... Karlee Sellars some strong opposition as well as support upon its High School, and parent in the Wentzville School original passing. District stated, “I believe the law was passed with The Amy Hestir Act, which encompasses several good intentions, to protect our kids. However, there BUSINESS policies other than ones regarding online teacher- are or were many unintended consequences of the law student communication, was designed with the that were not considered that inhibit teachers from Business Manager...... John Wallace intent of “Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children,” helping their students… There have been and always Distribution Manager...... Ryan Krull according to the Missouri Senate website. The act will be some teachers who fall between the cracks of Advisor...... Charlotte Petty includes a clause mandating report of all student all the safety nets we put in place to protect our kids. allegations to the Children’s Division within 24 hours There is so much ambiguity as to what is appropriate and another requiring school districts to immediately and inappropriate that sometimes we do need to just CONTACT US suspend, terminate or allow the resignation of define it.” Address 388.MSC,.1.University.Blvd employees who have been investigated of sexual The revised law does just that, stating “By January Saint Louis, MO 63121-4400 misconduct if the allegations were substantiated. 1, 2012, every school district must develop a written Newsroom 314-516-5174 For many, the part of the act about teacher- policy concerning teacher-student communication Business/Advertising 314-516-5316 student communication does not fit with the rest; and employee-student communications. Each policy Fax 314-516-6811 the majority of issues in the bill enumerate how to must include appropriate oral and nonverbal personal E-mail.(General) [email protected] handle sexual misconduct when it is either alleged communication, which may be combined with sexual E-mail.(Advertising) [email protected] or proven to be occurring. In contrast, the teacher- harassment policies, and appropriate use of electronic E-mail.(Employment.Inquiries) [email protected] student communication was merely preventative, media as described in the act, including social E-mail.(Tips) [email protected] working on the assumption that the internet is a networking sites,” as posted on the Missouri Senate umslcurrent primary medium for inappropriate relationships website. Facebook The Current between teachers and students. Optimistically, it is possible that the modified Testifying in support of the original legislation, legislation has achieved this essential middle ABOUT The Current quoted Thomas Wright, Missouri ground between encouraging teachers to be present The Current is the student newspaper at the University of Missouri- school police officer. “All of the contacts originated in students’ lives enough to optimize educational St. Louis, printing weekly through the fall and spring semesters on from text messaging, or Facebook or other social benefit while still requiring communication Mondays. Advertising rates are available upon request; terms, condi- media,” Wright said, referring to cases of sexual boundaries to be drawn by school districts who can tions and restrictions apply. The Current, financed in part by student relationships between teachers and students that he best assess the needs of their faculty and student activities fees, is not an official publication of UM-St. Louis. had investigated. bodies. The University is not responsible for the content of The Current and/ The original “Facebook Law” was repealed by Ultimately, the dilemma between protecting civil or its policies. All materials contained in each printed and online is- legislation after a Missouri judge declared that liberties like free speech and rigidly enforcing safety sue are property of The Current and may not be reprinted, reused, or the legislation was not to be enforced. Congress never seems to get clearer, but as far as student- reproduced without the prior, expressed and written consent of The responded by repealing the legislation and revising it. teacher communications are concerned, Teddy Current. A widespread reaction to the communication Binkholder, freshman, anthropology has a working The Current accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be brief, legislation was that it steps on the toes of the answer: and those not exceeding 250 words will be given preference. The Cur- U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment by placing “Teachers and students can always communicate rent edits letters for clarity and length, not for dialect, correctness, in- limitations on teachers’ speech. Perhaps, legislation inside the classroom. You don’t need Facebook; you tent or grammar. All letters must be signed and must include a daytime ought not regulate online communication in schools have a voice-box. Use it!” phone number and, where applicable, student number. The Editor-in- Chief reserves the right to respond to and to deny any letters. WEATHER AFFILIATIONS MON. 76 TUES. 81 WED. 74 THURS. 69 FRI. 66 SAT. 67 SUN. 74 59 63 55 52 51 56 59 NEWS | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 3 New Non-Smoking Policy Receives The UNDERCURRENT Attention and Support from Students MADDIE HARNED Staff Writer would hope they would be more worried about the budget and keep- Tere is an old motivational quote that states it only takes 21 days ing tuition as low as possible.” to break a habit. Following that logic, University of Missouri-Saint Since the non-smoking policy has been enacted, Health, Well- Louis’ non-smoking policy, which is in its third month, should have ness, Counseling and Disability Access Services has received resources rid the campus of smoking. through Communities Putting Prevention to Work to provide free Te non-smoking policy was approved by the University Assem- smoking cessation assistance to UMSL students, staf and faculty. bly in early November of last year. Te policy took efect on July 1 of Health, Wellness, Counseling and Disability Access Services pro- this year. While the UMSL campus has not been completely cleared vides counseling sessions, classes and free nicotine replacement thera- of cigarette use, many students and staf have noticed a signifcant pies. Te program can also set up UMSL students, staf and faculty decrease in smoking. “Te majority of students have complied with with a nurse practitioner to receive a prescription option to help quit the non-smoking policy,” Bob Samples, associate vice chancellor smoking. Tis resource is available until June 2012. Tose interested for communications, said. “Tough a few students have expressed in the program can call 314-516-5380 or e-mail moorekath@umsl. concerns with the policy, the majority of concerns have largely been edu. from people who are frustrated when they see individuals violating Students are not expected to enforce the non-smoking policy. If the policy.” a student encounters an individual smoking on campus they have Tose who do violate the policy can be referred to Student Con- the choice to act. “Individuals who see students smoking on campus duct and Community Standards. After the student has been referred, should contact the Ofce of Student Afairs,” Samples said. “Word of Student Conduct and Community Standards will conduct an inves- mouth is a great way to help promote the program.” tigation of the charge. After the investigation concludes, a decision “If you are comfortable, I would politely remind your fellow stu- will be made on a proper sanction. Tere are many sanctions that dent about the smoking policy,” Katherine Moore, Communities could be given to a student who violates the non-smoking policy. Te Putting Prevention to Work Health educator, said. “You never want most likely sanctions to be assigned are formal warnings, probation to be rude or inconsiderate, positive support will work ten times bet- periods, losses of privileges and community service duties. Currently ter than negative.” no fnes are given to students who violate the non-smoking policy. Samples and other staf members are presently in the process of Te possibility of receiving sanctions does not deter some students planning signage and other methods to communicate the policy to from smoking on campus. “I’m not a fan of the policy and I smoke a students, faculty, staf and visitors. cigarette the same way I did before – away from entrances and when- “Te policy has lots of support,” Samples said. “Te majority of ever I want,” Michael Caramanna, freshman, political science, said. students have complied with the non-smoking policy – as have fac- “I’m sure those in charge want to appear to be progressives, but I ulty and staf.” A student smokes outside the MSC. JARRED GASTREICH / THE CURRENT

The UNDERCURRENT by Jarred Gastreich “What activities would you like to see on campus?”

“I would like to see a “I would like more activi- Stephen Baier Ashley Beeson “I woud like to see Virginia Harold videogame club. A place Graphic Design ties focused on presenting Vocal Music Ed. more sudent art shows for gamers to congregate music to a broader range Senior Photography Junior and involvement in the Senior and discuss video game of students thus promot- galleries on campus and genres, graphics, charac- ing a larger arts-based around St. Louis.” ters, etc and just to play.” culture on campus.” Physics professor impacts UMSL; memorial- “He was a leader in the Department of Physics & Astronomy, a superb astronomy teacher for thousands .” ized for accomplishments -Bruce Wilking

4 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | NEWS President of Missouri History Museum discusses history in the present tense at Mercantile library

MINHO JUNG News Editor

Last Wednesday, Robert R. Archibald, president of the Missouri History Muse- James Neal Primm, founder of the program, became chairman of the history de- um in St. Louis, had a lecture, “History in the Present Tense,” for the 23rd Annual partment at University Missouri-St. Louis in 1965. He is well-known for his great James Neal Primm Lecture at Mercantile library at the University of Missouri-St. contribution to the school when it was in its infancy. His daughter Jackie Termini Louis. paid a visit to UMSL that day to participate in celebrating Dr. Primm’s legacy. “My view is that history is really about the future, [it] is not about the past. “[It has been going for] twenty three years. It’s to carry on the legacy of my fa- It is something living people do. It is a way of sorting out who we are, and a way ther who was, of course, a great historian,” Termini said. “Bringing new people to of sorting out what’s good about the world we live in and what could be better,” the school every year [is very meaningful.] You do not have to be historian. Com- Archibald said. “You receive a legacy from the past created by all those people who mon people just can enjoy it. I’m hoping that my grandchildren will be coming.” lived before you did. [The question is,] what do you do with that? Even if you do Every year, the James Neal Primm Lecture invites distinguished historians across nothing, that’s a choice, but whenever you do nothing, the consequences will fall the nation to UMSL. Last year, Mark E. Neely Jr., Pulitzer Prize winning historian, on the shoulders of someone you have never met, because they are not born.” paid a visit to the school as a guest speaker. Archibald is a native of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. His education and profes- “Neal Primm was probably the foremost historian in the St. Louis area from our sional experiences in a variety of areas across the nation have provided him with generation. Neal Primm was really an institution in St. Louis rooted way back into different perspectives and understanding of history. the community,” Louis S. Gerteis, professor of history department, said.“[Speaking “I think I have always been interested in history. I am a creature of the 1960s. of the Neal Primm program,] we have very illustrious groups from the current I majored in history and economics. [After undergraduate education,] I decided President of Harvard University to a Pulitzer Prize winner.” to pursue an advanced degree in history, so I ended up with Ph.D. in history from The James Neal Primm Lecture series will continue to carry on the great legacy the University of New Mexico,” Archibald said. “I started working in the museums of the founder by having world-renowned history scholars at the program. Martha many years ago. I have been working in museums for almost 40 years. [Now] it is Sandweiss, history professor at Princeton University, is appointed to the speaker hard to imagine a life without that. It is what I do, it sort of becomes, after a while, for the next year. who you are.” Annual Fedder Lecture promotes and renews interest in foreign policy, emphasizing a role of citizens


The Annual Fedder lecture took place in a Millennium Student Center Cen- ficial close to the speech served to somewhat satisfy those who eagerly awaited tury room on Monday, September 12. The lecture is named after Dr. Edwin H. Caldwell’s personal stance, which turned out to be simple and admirable: Fedder, a deceased former member of the University of Missouri- St. Louis, po- “We need to be good citizens,” Caldwell said. litical science faculty. Author of “NATO: The Dynamics of Alliance in the Post- Drawing from Winston Churchill’s famous remark, “Never in the field of hu- war World and Defense Politics of the Atlantic Alliance,” Fedder was a foreign man conflict was so much owed by so many to so few,” Caldwell asserted that affairs expert and enthusiast. only military members and military families are acutely affected by the war, while After his death in 1999, Fedder’s family established the Annual Fedder Lecture the rest of the American citizenry did not even have to finance the war via tax on UMSL’s campus both to honor Dr. Fedder and proliferate community interest increase. “It is our job [as citizens] to deserve it,” Caldwell said, referring to the in politics and foreign affairs. Monday’s lecture was the ninth in the series, which sacrifices of military members. has featured academic authorities, authors and a former ambassador. Then, Caldwell proceeded to open the floor for questions. The first audience Dan Caldwell, professor of political science at Pepperdine University and au- question catered to the ultimate controversial nature of the Fedder lecture’s sub- thor of the book “Vortex of Conflict: US Policy Towards Afghanistan, Pakistan ject matter: Is this war legal? and Iraq,” did not disappoint the audience. The overall lecture was about under- The audience hastened to share significant glances with their neighbors before the-radar information concerning America’s two current wars. Caldwell began to answer. “Preventative wars are legal, while preemptive wars “This lecture falls so close to 9/11,” Caldwell said in his opening remarks. He are not,” Caldwell said. “I can see how this war would be viewed as preemptive, pointed out there was little mention of or discourse regarding the impact that in which case, its legality is questionable. However, it is always presented as a 9/11 still has on us in terms of the wars we continue to fight. preventative by the administration.” In his presentation, Caldwell discussed three major powers, Afghanistan, Paki- Caldwell’s lecture, which was diplomatic and well-informed, was a good rep- stan and Iraq, concerning the War on Terror. Their political history, ethnics and resentation of the overall tone of his lecture, which had the necessary effect of religious make-ups as well as the relationship they shared with the United States renewing real interest in the War on Terror, an issue that has become so politi- in the past and the present, were the main points of discussion. It managed to toe cally hyped that it can seem untouchable at times. the line between user-friendly and in-depth for audience members with varying Ultimately, this year’s Fedder lecture was another success. It received a great levels of interest in the conflict. deal of positive feedback from those who took part in it. It was acclaimed for pro- As the presentation progressed, it became clear that Caldwell would stand far moting interest in and enthusiasm for foreign policy, which was, without doubt, away from expressing any controversial opinions regarding the United States- one of Dr. Edwin Fedder’s goals. Middle East conflict, despite the topic’s controversial nature. However, his of- WHAT’S CURRENT | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 5 Your weekly calendar of campus events. “What’s Current” is a free service for student organizations. Submissions must be turned in by 5 p.m. the Thursday before publication; fi rst-come, fi rst-served. Listings may be edited for length and What’s Current style. E-mail event listings to [email protected], with the subject “What’s Current.” No phone or written submissions.

Richard Picciotto speaks about his experience trying to evacuate the North Tower during the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. NIKKI VAHLE / THE CURRENT

Monday, September 19 Wednesday, September 21

Resume Review Campus Do’s and Don’ts - What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Located in the Nosh and open to students. From 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Located at MSC Century Room B and open to students. Stop by for a quick resume review and tips for improvements. D’Andre Braddix, assistant dean of students, and Officer Gary Clark will offer infor- For more information, call Career Services at 314-516-5111. mation on university policies, procedures and safety measures that students may not know. Interactive presentations will educate students on campus safety and University Black/Minority Student Nurses General Membership Meeting policy adherence. From 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Located at Seton Hall Lounge Area and open to all. For more information, call Multicultural Relations, at 314-516-6807. Come out to the general membership meeting to fi nd out about the events that are coming up with BSNA/MSNA. Sister Scholars-in-Training For more information, please call Jazmin Shawell-Wallace at 901-490-1144. From 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Located in MSC Room 313 and open to faculty/staff and students. This program, in conjunction with the Access to Success (A2S) Initiative, will provide space for African American female students to enhance their identities as they con- tinue to work toward degree attainment. Tuesday, September 20 For more information, call Dr. Angela Coker at 314-516-6088.

Start Smart - Work Smart From 8:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Located at 126 J. C. Penney Conference Center and open to all. Thursday, September 22 Programs provide participants with information about how to begin comparing job Making Ireland Irish: Tourism and National Identity since the Irish Civil War offerings in their fi elds and geographic area. Learn to analyze comparable salaries and From 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Located in 331 SSB, open to all. negotiate with potential employers in order to improve prospective job offers through Eric G. E. Zuelow, assistant professor of European history at the University of New role-playing exercies. England, will speak on the topic of Irish indentity and external images of Ireland since For more information, call Peggy Cohen at 314-516-7130. the Irish Civil War. For more information, contact Kathy Castulik at 314-516-4657. 6 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | A&E A&E Gallery 210’s ‘Southern Journeys’ shows the struggle of African Americans

ANGIE O’DELL Staff Writer

African American artists showcase their work in the Gallery 210 exhibit “Southern Journeys: African American Artists of the South.” Gallery 210 is located on North Campus, near the Metrolink station. T e exhibit is free and open to all. T e traditions of African American culture and their movement up the ladder of equality are some of the aspects of this exhibit and their progression is showcased. T is exhibit starts with the Southern African American tradition, and following their migration North and their journey into Modernism. Artwork ref ects their struggles with slavery, musical traditions, storytelling and themes, such as religious backgrounds. After the prolonged struggles for freedom, many African Americans still link to their Southern heritage because it was such a big part of their culture until the Great Migration, when many African Americans started migrating north. With them, they brought their music, storytelling, dancing and religion. T ey also brought their art. Everything from religious art and slave narratives to Modernism is featured in this exhibit. “Sepia Love Song” by Radclif Bailey, uses mixed media on wood and features an African American woman in the center, surrounded by vibrant blues, oranges and greens. T ere is a blue beetle bug on the right of the picture. Numbers on the left hand side say “3 weeks, 6,000.” T is seems to be a narrative slave piece, describing the struggles and journeys which an African American woman had to go through, and documenting symbolically how many miles she had left to travel before she was free. A journey for freedom is what this seems to be symbolizing. It also showcases the individual woman in the center, showing that focus on the self should be prized. T e woman’s beauty is shown and celebrated, as well as her struggle. “Slave Dolls” by Jef rey Cook is a work of art made of ‘Slave Dolls’ by Jeffery Cook, part of the ‘Southern Journeys’ art exhibit at Gallery 210. muslin, wire, wood, cord and mixed media. It features f gures NIKKI VAHLE / THE CURRENT that have nooses around their necks, leaning down, showing the struggle slaves had to go through on their way over to this Michelangelo’s “Pieta,” in that it features a Madonna and some fashion. country in the slave ships. T is is the most intriguingly slave Child. Very colorful, with narratives in the lower part, it Acquainting oneself with each piece in order to gain a narrative piece of the exhibit. states “Love one another as I have loved you, you must love chronological view of the artists’ journeys is a good idea. T is “Coming to Jones Road: Under a Blood Red Sky one another.” exhibit has been made possible thanks to the Stella Jones Lithograph” by Faith Ringgold, is a lithograph that features A very impressive piece, “Doll” by Nina Buxenbaum is oil Gallery, New Orleans, and it is co-curated by Stella Jones, the saying, “We named the baby Freedom because she was on canvas. T e doll is African American, as is the girl in the M.D., and Eloise Johnson, PH.D. born almost free.” T e f gures depicted in the piece are slaves painting. T e doll is shown with eyes outlined with white “Southern Journeys: African American Artists of the South” traveling to their freedom. eyebrows. Also the doll has a red nose and mouth. She is is a vibrant collection that showcases the rich Southern T e two-piece “Pieta of South Africa” features oil and wearing a white headscarf with red f owers and her dress is tradition of African American culture. T e exhibit will be on wood on folded canvas. T e painting takes after the same design. T e girl seems to be caring for the doll in display through October 1. A&E | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 7 'Bucky Larson' is a flop: star-grade performances not here YUSEF ROACH Staff Writer

If you have seen even ten minutes of television in the last month, no doubt you have noticed to the go-to of lazy screenwriting nowadays, the internet! After his lack of sexual prowess, and the inundation of crass, loud commercials featuring Peter Dante shouting nonsensical reasons as disappointing size garner “over a million hits,” Miles realizes there is an untapped pornographic to why you should spend money and time to see “Bucky Larson : Born to Be a Star.” Dante is a market for the unattractive and unendowed, particularly in their ability to boost the self-confdence personal friend and regular collaborator of Adam Sandler, the flm’s co-writer and producer. of millions of men, while simultaneously being laughed at. Bucky’s meteoric rise to fame leads to “Bucky” stars Nick Swardson, another frequent Sandler collaborator and co-writer of this flm, utmost annoyance for the rival porn actor and primary antagonist, played by Stephen Dorf, Dick best known for his stellar work as Terry Bernadino, a homosexual roller-skating prostitute on the Shadow - a name one must learn never to Google. dearly missed “Reno 911!” Swardson is the titular character, a Midwestern man-child, seemingly Te flm is not entirely bad. Te always spot-on Kevin Nealon delivers an absolutely uproarious victim to a host of unspecifed mental disorders. After losing his job as a bagger in Iowa, his friends performance as Bucky’s twisted, seething roommate Gary. Nealon actually has one of, if not try to cheer him up through the group-viewing of a porno fick, as it appears most men in their the funniest, scenes in the movie, turning a typical roommate quibble (“Did you eat one of my early twenties are wont to do. After realizing what would undoubtedly and irreversibly traumatize grapes?”) into something spectacular. Te afable Jimmy Fallon and his “Late Night” show have a most people - that the movie stars his parents - rather than vomit uncontrollably and question cameo that elicits a bit of a chuckle - mostly, though, because it is always nice to see Fallon. loudly and repeatedly the voices and choices that bring him to this point, Bucky sees it as a sign. “Bucky Larson’s” biggest faw lies entirely in its writing. Swardson is a seasoned performer. Clearly this is his calling. Anyone who has seen his numerous stand-up specials, notably, his most recent one “Seriously, Upon arriving in Hollywood, he befriends the unfailingly sweet, incredibly unrealistic, and Who Farted?” or his one-of TV and movie appearances, can attest to that. absolutely unfunny waitress Kathy (Christina Ricci) and down-and-out porn director Miles Deep If only they had been able to utilize his ofbeat energy in this flm, seemingly a vehicle written (Don Johnson). Ricci delivers a seemingly straight performance, her character transplanted from for him to carry (it is his frst starring role). Te premise is there, the writing just relies to heavily some movie featuring an actual plausible romantic B-story. It is understandable her interest in on lazy gags and vulgarities to sell its laughs. When you forget the “funny,” all you are left with is Bucky was written in as a joke, but when played as straight, as it is, the humor of the situation is “gross.” lost and just makes for an intensely awkward love story (and not in the good way). Implausibly, yet somehow predictably enough, Bucky Larson becomes an instant success, due Grade: C- - Yusef Roach Hawthorn Heights' 'Hate' must-have for /punk fans JANACA SCHERER Managing Editor

Bringing back the emo days of many students’ high school years, is back, in the now better than ever. original style that they are most known for. Released on August 23, Hawthorne Height’s latest EP is titled “Hate.” The first record they have put out Grade: B- - Janaca Scherer since they started their own label, Cardboard Empire, “Hate” is the first piece of a trilogy the band plans on creating. Since the unexpected death of their guitarist and screamer, Casey Calvert, in 2007, the band has struggled YOU AND A with identifying who they were musically with their fans. After some time, the band has finally made their comeback, and it is bigger than ever. GUEST ARE While Calvert has not been replaced, the band has evolved and developed into the well-oiled machine that can be heard on “Hate.” Working towards progressing their current members instead of adding a member that INVITED TO A attempts to replace one of the best screamers the emo may have ever seen, the band has come back better SPECIAL ADVANCE than ever. Reverting back to their original sound, Hawthorne Heights has finally found a happy medium that new SCREENING OF and old fans can both enjoy and appreciate. By adding the screaming of Micah Carli, guitarist, the band has finally found the perfect mix of elements from all their . “Hate” is only available for digital download. ITunes is currently selling it for $8.91 and has received a fairly positive reception from fans. The deals with a lot of hatred and anger, perhaps still dealing with emotional issues from Calvert’s death. For your chance to The first two songs are not the greatest, but “Divided” is definitely worth the wait. The perfect combination receive passes*, of musical elements from “The Silence in Black and White” days and the softer elements of “,” the song proves that Hawthorne Heights has matured into a band that deserves some recognition. log onto The most striking song on “Hate” is the title song. Mixing some musical styles that have never been heard from Hawthorne Heights (and other listeners have to hear a little Blink 182 in this), “Hate” is extremely emotional. Finding common ground with anyone who has ever hated anything, if you only want to download one song from this album, make it “Hate.” and enter code: The first single released from “Hate” was “Four White Walls” and with good reason. Sounding like it came off one of their first albums, “Four White Walls” is an amazing song. Instantly grabbing your ear buds and UMSL7MPQ making you listen, this song will easily be put on repeat. Making listeners’ heads bob, “Four White Walls” is another song that has to be downloaded. While Hawthorne Heights has experienced horrible things that most bands have not, they have definitely grown from it. Using the pain that they felt from the death of Calvert, they have grown together as a band and COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS A SCOTT RUDIN/MICHAEL DE LUCA/RACHAEL HOROVITZ PRODUCTION A FILM BY *While supplies last. Passes are available musically. The fact that Hawthorne Heights now own their own means that we can expect more MUSIC EXECUTIVE BASED ON THE on a first-come, first-served basis. “” BYMYCHAEL DANNA PRODUCERSSCOTT RUDIN ANDREW KARSCH SIDNEY KIMMEL MARK BAKSHI BOOK BYMICHAEL LEWIS fantastic things for the rest of the EP trilogy that they will be putting out. STORY SCREENPLAY PRODUCED No purchase necessary. Two admit-one BYSTAN CHERVIN BYSTEVEN ZAILLIAN AND AARON SORKIN BYMICHAEL DE LUCA RACHAEL HOROVITZ “Hate” is a must-have album for any one who grew up listening to emo music. Old fans should buy this DIRECTED passes per person. This film has been BYBENNETT MILLER rated PG-13 by the MPAA for some strong album, confident that they will be able to hear a side of Hawthorne Heights that has long been forgotten and is language.



New Movies Calendar MOMIX in ‘Botanica’ returns to (Subject to change)

Sept 20: Touhill PAC to delight anew with PEARL JAM TWENTY (Tivoli only) One night only screening of documentary by Cameron Crowe about the legendary band on their 20th anniver- imaginative dance surprises sary. MONEYBALL (everywhere) MAVIS HOLLIS Brad Pitt stars in an Oscar-contender drama inspired Staff Writer by Billy Beane, former player turned manager of the MOMIX in “Botanica” is the name of this intriguing opens up the mind and the eyes to see a more beautiful struggling Oakland A’s, and his remake of the team by piece, which did its encore performance at the Touhill nature in the aspect of modern dance and illusions. statistical methods despite a meager budget. Also stars Performing Arts Center on September 13. MOMIX in “Botanica” is a show that is not to be missed Phillip Seymour Hoffman and . Te performance was part of the Dance St. Louis for anyone who wants to be dazzled by modern dance program, opening its forty-sixth season with a one night mixed with illusion. DOLPHIN TALE (everywhere) only event of MOMIX in “Botanica,” presented by Dance A heart-warming story starring Morgan Freeman, St. Louis, Touhill Performing Arts Center and St. Louis Grade: A Ashley Judd and Harry Connick Jr. and inspired by real- College of Pharmacy. Tis is MOMIX in “Botanica’s”second life tale about a community coming together to help event at the Touhill, after it sold out in April of this year. a boy in his dream of fitting an injured dolphin with a MOMIX is a troupe of dancer-illusionists directed by prosthetic tail. Moses Pendleton. Known worldwide, they have worked in television and in flm, examples being Target and Hanes KILLER ELITE (everywhere) underwear commercials. Te company has been broadcast An action thriller about a retired British special forces to ffty-fve countries and has astonished audiences on fve agent (Statham) setting out to rescue his kidnapped continents for more than 30 years. Moses Pendleton, the mentor (DeNiro) by killing assassins sent by his artistic director, has been one of America’s most innovative adversary (Owen). and widely performed choreographers and directors for over 40 years. He has also worked in opera, flm and as a BELLFLOWER (Tivoli only) choreographer for ballet companies and special events. An truly indie drama that premiered at Sundance and Using only light, shadow, props, the human body and has been generating buzz, this is an action/drama/ imagination is what makes Botanica so amazing. Te two- romance about friends who spend all their free time hour performance invokes hypnotic images and wonderful building flamethrowers and other weapons while scenes that open the mind through dance, images of nature waiting for a global apocalypse. and the feeling of being in a garden. Te music of the New Albums Calendar show ranges from bird songs, nature sounds, Hindi chants and classical music of Antonio Vivaldi, all of it arranged (Subject to change) beautifully with the performances of the dancers. Te magic is brought through items such as feathers, Sept. 13: fabrics, black lights, strobe lights, roller-skates, wind Bush, ‘THE SEA OF MEMORIES’ machines and even props made by Michael Curry, Tony- 1990s grunge-rock band Bush has been broken up Award winning designer of “Te Lion King.” A wide variety since 2002 but the group recently announced their of colors, primarily blue, green, yellow, purple, red and reunion. “The Sea of Memories” will be the band’s first brown helped, make magic with the props and materials, studio album in nine years. giving it the lifelike feeling of nature. Acrobatics of the dancers add dazzle to the performance Staind, ‘STAIND’ in a unique way, along with the interesting costumes. Staind, the American rock band that was formed in Flashing of strobe lights as well a projector helped along the 1995, is releasing their seventh album. This album is illusion. It all helps portray nature with the dancers. self-titled, with the quartet returning to the angrier, Te event is performed in two parts, the frst part being more aggressive songs of their early career. “Winter” and “Spring,” the second part being “Summer” and “Fall.” Within the performance’s printed program, Swizz Beatz, ‘HAUTE LIVING’ the scenes for each part is described in a poetic style, with Music producer, entertainer, DJ, entrepreneur and continuous sentences broken by line in which it mentions designer Swizz Beatz is releasing his third solo LP. such beautiful scenes that the dancers perform. Dancers bring nature to life in an imaginative form as Sept. 20: they dance. Te dancers portray parts of nature ranging Mary J. Blige, ‘MY LIFE II: THE JOURNEY from trees, sunfowers and eagles to thunder clouds, winter CONTINUES’ The Queen of Hip Hop Soul is releasing her tenth studio storms, rays of the sun and centaurs. Tis performance of Dancers of MOMIX perform in ‘Botanica’ at the Touhill illusion and dance works its magic right in full view of the album. Titled as the sequel to her 1994 album “My PAC last April. An encore performance was presented Life,” Mary J. Blige states this album will explore how audience. Mother Nature is brought to viewers, in the form Sept 13. of dance and illusion. she overcame obstacles throughout her career and NIKKI VAHLE / THE CURRENT Te interpretations and the beauty of the performance personal life. A&E | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 9 ‘Madden NFL 12’ dominates

ELI DAINS Staff Writer

Often, when a new sports game workouts with a select few. is released, gamers debate with Another fan requested innovation themselves whether it is “diferent is the ability to trade future draft enough” to justify spending 60 hard picks. Tis, coupled with a much earned dollars on it. Hardcore fans smarter computer AI in the area of still line up to get the new version of team management makes the GM their favorite game, but the casual fan experience all the more realistic. can be dubious. Tis year’s version of Computer controlled teams change the “Madden” football is defnitely one way they play based on the talent they of those games that both casual and have and are more willing to cut loose hardcore fans are going to want to aging veterans and take a rebuilding check out. approach with younger players. Mechanics-wise, the game has Also, player roles are returning a totally diferent feel than its to the franchise after being left out predecessors. Te all-new collision of last year’s ofering. Roles, which system makes blocking and tackling include franchise quarterback, deep more realistic than ever. Another threat, frst-round draft pick and addition to game-play is dynamic underachiever among many others, are player performance. Each player has a reassessed during each of-season based consistency rating, which efects how on the player’s performance. Tey have they “show up” on game day. both on and of the feld efects on Also new is the player tendencies players and their value. feature, which makes AI players “Franchise Mode” was not the only behave like their real life counterparts. aspect of “Madden 12” that has been Defensive backs who play aggressively improved. Te “Be a Pro” mode has when the ball is in the air will been tweaked to make your individual COVER ART FROM MADDEN 12 VIDEO GAME COURTESY OF EA SPORTS try to jump passes in the game. performance have a more direct efect Quarterbacks who throw the ball away on the progression of your attributes. when pressured do so and, yes, Mike During weekly practices and games, Vick will burn you with his legs in a your player earns skill points, which heartbeat if you give him a lane. can be used to advance your attributes Te game mode receiving the most as you grow into the superstar you have signifcant upgrade is “Franchise always wanted to be. Mode.” EA Sports included a lot of Combined with all of these new fan-requested changes in this version. innovations are the best parts of the It is defnitely the most realistic previous generations of “Madden.” football “Franchise Mode” this gamer Online play is still great and slightly has ever played. improved with the addition of NFL Aspiring GMs will love the new legends to the “Ultimate Team” mode. expanded rosters for preseason play. Online franchise mode allows up to 32 Teams will enter camp with 75 players, teams to compete against each other allowing for the signing of undrafted for ten seasons. “Madden Moments” is free agents, and will cut down to the returning, allowing fans to recreate the 53 man roster over the course of the best highlights of this season. preseason. Tis adds some incentive “Madden 12” will appeal to the to actually play your preseason games casual fan due to its realism on the since there are so many more new feld and variety of online competition. players to get accustomed to. For hardcore Maddenites like this Rookie scouting has also been gamer, however, it is an answer to overhauled. During the season, a large our collective football prayers. Hands number of players can be scouted down, “Madden 12” ofers the most with only limited information being life-like football experience available, a revealed. Of-season, you can scout must-have for any fan of the gridiron. players at the Rookie Combine, attend Pro Days and even schedule individual Grade: A 10 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 11_ Magazine man and political pundit comes to UMSL to Features discuss printed media and his stance on political system RYAN KRULL Staff Writer

Fred Barnes of "Te on occasion…Television is efectiveness of President Idaho," also included a One of the frst questions whoever they want.” Weekly Standard" and "Fox reactive and derivative. Never Barack Obama’s speeches to fair amount of political during the question and Another faculty member, News" notoriety came to the think that print is going persuade the American people predictions. Barnes said that answer portion of Barnes’s Associate Professor David University of Missouri-St. away.” on pieces of legislation. if the president’s likeability discussion came from UMSL’s Kimball, asked whether Louis as part of the guest From there, Barnes’ talk Barnes was critical of rating – which is polling Department of Political Barnes began "Te Weekly speaker series put on by the was a little more freewheeling. Obama’s handling of the high at around 70 percent Science Chair Terry Jones. Standard" with a mind F.A. Hayek Professorship of He had come to St. Louis economy, saying that the - drops leading up to the “Media has often been towards counter-balancing Economic History. to speak at Te Discussion president was trying to create election, there will probably criticized for latching onto some other left-leaning Barnes spoke primarily Club. He said he had made a jobs and hoping that would be a Republican in the White a narrative and connecting political magazines. on the importance of print few notes for his discussion at lead to economic growth. House in 2013. [every piece of news] to Other questions were journalism even as more UMSL and would be sticking “President Obama has it But not everything that narrative, do you think varied, concerning everyone and more people get their to these; he would not be upside down,” Barnes said, was right versus left at that is doing harm for the from Sarah Palin to Maureen news and information from talking about his larger speech going on to state that he Wednesday’s discussion. nomination process?” asked Dowd. television. later on that night. believes economic growth Barnes said that he believes Jones, his question referring to Te next speaker coming “What is important and During his talk students comes frst and is followed by Washington to actually be the way the eight person feld to UMSL as part of the what is not is decided by the and faculty present were job creation. less partisan and hostile than of Republicans seeking their F.A. Hayek Professorship of print press,” Barnes told the welcome at any time to At this point, one of the most American’s believe. party’s nomination has been Economic History’s speakers group of faculty and students interject or to comment, students in attendance left in He pointed out the fact he reduced by the media to a two series will be Marvin Olasky, who came to hear him speak. making the event much more protest. lives on the same cul de sac person race. Editor-in-Cheif of World “[Television producers] need of a discussion than a lecture Te discussion with in Virginia as Republican “Voters are smart,” Barnes magazine and former advisor to read the "New York Times" or speech. Barnes, who has made cameo Congressman Fred Upton as responded. “Tey don’t care to George W. Bush. and the "Washington Post" or Barnes touched on appearances in "Independence well as “fve or six Democratic if the media says it is down to Tese events should be even "Te Weekly Standard" current topics, such as the Day" and "My Own Private lobbyists and lawyers.” just these two, they will follow inviting to all students' needs.

Many students attended the Big Questions event in the Century Rooms at the MSC. SARAH LOWE / THE CURRENT Philosophy department debate actuality of an exact reality SHARON PRUITT Staff Writer

Does reality as we know participants. construct it. I look at it from a member of the Philosopher’s with a bunch of robots asking Te Philosopher’s Forum it really exist? Is what we “I thought this was sociological point of view, but Forum, said. “If you have ‘Are there people controlling also hopes to bring the Big feel and experience all just awesome and I will come I still think it is important to never taken a philosophy us in this dimension too?’ Questions Series to local happening in our heads? Tese to every single one of these ask these questions.” class or if you have taken a So it is a continuous cycle. high schools in the future, as are the questions that the that I possibly can,” Jef Te Big Questions Series philosophy class and liked it You still have the same part of their quest to share University of Missouri – St. Tellin, student fnancial aid is a series of philosophy-based you can come have a chance question you posed to that the ideas of philosophy to Louis’ philosophy department coordinator at UMSL, said. discussions that is hosted by to talk about philosophy in a [original] reality,” Nicholas those who may not otherwise sought to discuss in the frst Many UMSL faculty the philosophy department. fun and relaxed way.” Carter, sophomore, business, encounter them. event of Te Big Questions members were in attendance. Open to the public, people When it comes to whether said. “[Te question itself] “Te series started with series by posing the question Te relaxed and respectful from all backgrounds and or not the Matrix is real is interesting but it is not us [in the philosophy “Are you stuck in the Matrix?” atmosphere in the room put disciplines are encouraged to and reality as we know it is something that I, as a person department] asking ‘How can Last Wednesday, attendees everyone on equal ground, attend and share ideas. insubstantial, the answers who wants to pursue factual we get more people interested gathered in Century Room whether or not they possessed Te Philosopher’s Forum, were as varied as the people knowledge, want to dwell on.” in philosophy?’” Joe Camacha, C for an invigorating any formal knowledge of an organization comprised attending. “I would say that the member of the Philosopher’s discussion on the nature of philosophy. of philosophy students at Te fun, however, came in Matrix is real [in a sense]. Forum, said. “Te idea is to reality. During the discussion, “One of the things that’s UMSL, plays a large part in arriving at those conclusions When we have a dream, it’s facilitate, not lecture. Te goal attendees talked about what great about this event is that structuring and promoting the as the discussion progressed a real dream. Just because is to present the idea, to give philosophers call the problem it really shows what students Series in collaboration with and fnding that no answer you have a thought and that an argument, and then open a of skepticism, which poses are participating in and the philosophy department. was defnite. thought only takes place discussion on it.” the question "Can I ever be the conversations they are “We hope that [those “I think if you were to be inside your head, that doesn’t Te Big Questions Series certain of what I know?" having,” Tifany Izard, student who attend] learn a little absolute in any answer you make it less real. It is just not will host more discussions Tose in the crowd took fnancial aid coordinator at something about the history would be wrong, unless we physically tangible. I would as the semester progress. turns sharing their ideas on UMSL, said. of philosophy and the were able to gain access to just say that reality is layered More information will be the subject and responding “I love any discussion questions that philosophers what is outside of the Matrix. and we have access to this made available as the dates to theories shared by other about reality and how we are interested in,” Nick Curry, But then you are lying around one,” Tellin said. approach. 12 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | FEATURES

Students get candy once they fnish playing the life-sized Candy Land in the Millenium Student Center Lawn on Tuesday. NIKKI VAHLE / THE CURRENT Popular childhood game becomes student body favorite, creating an unstoppable mass of candy craziness and fun

ANGIE O’DELL Staff Writer

On September 13, from inside to start with. Steimel with as much candy as they a sign with an arrow that Te students’ energies people and for commuter 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., peo- said that the event was just wanted upon fnishing out said “Candy Land, the world seemed to refect what Mor- students to get involved on ple were geared up to play a like normal Candy Land, ex- their game. of sweets!” Students were rissey said. “It is crazy. It is campus. It seemed there were life-sized version of a game cept in normal Candy Land, Purple and blue lollipops running and jumping from nuts. I get free candy. I like a lot of new students enjoy- they had played as kids. Te if you stepped on a licorice, flled the grass. Candy canes square to square, showing the sound of that,” Anthony ing the festivities, getting game was Candy Land. you would have to go back. with red ribbon and pepper- much enthusiasm. Tere Biondo, freshman, criminal used to the student life. Mapped out on the Each team consisted of four mint candies splashed across were multiple colors and a justice, said. Diante Cole- As the event came to a MSC patio, the event was members plus a ffth person the greenery. Giant card- pink square which featured a man, freshman, education, close, students started head- put on by Marissa Steimel, who was willing to be the board cards were featured gingerbread man. said it was something she ing back to their cars or to sophomore, nursing, of the designated card person for that acted as place markers. Other squares had ice had never done before. the shuttle in order to turn University Program Board. their team. People walked around the cream cones or peanuts on Even before getting her in for the day. However, the Haley Cole, sophomore, Tey would hold the deck sidewalk outside the MSC them, and some were solid. candy, another student, Tay- day of the life-sized Candy communications, UPB, said of cards for people to draw to play. One of the green squares lor Allen, freshman, nurs- Land that tickled the student she was excited because they from, in order to see where Kayana McAdoo, fresh- said, “Land here and you ing, could be heard saying bodies’ fancy and showcased had lots of candy to give out. they would go next. Some- man, biology, said that it go through gumdrop pass.” “Do you guys want to play the possibility of breaking Walking up, students saw one had to have a card for looked fun being able to Commenting on the enthu- again?” Allen said it was fun away from creative barriers red cups with peppermint each team,” Steimel said. go around the entire yard. siasm of the players, Scott to make your friends lose at will not be forgotten anytime candies in them. A giant, Two giant pans of candy She seemed to be refecting Morrissey, junior, Spanish Candy Land. soon. colorful Candy Land sign flled the event table. Some the opinions of most of the and education, said, “I think Students showed commu- One wonders what gane stood behind the event table. of the candies available students awaiting for their it is great. I think people nity spirit in wanting to get is in store for the upcom- Students had lined up, eager included Tootsie Rolls, Dum turn to play. are gonna have a great time. involved on campus. Cindy ing semester or year. Will to play. Dums, Hershey’s Miniatures, Students started from People are way too stressed Hwang, freshman, biology, the campus get a life-sized Each student received a and peppermints. Students a peppermint forest, and and this campus needs a said that she thought it was Monopoly? Only time, and cup with one peppermint could fll their red cups went from there. Tere was breather.” a great way to meet new student input, will tell. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: FEATURES | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 13 The Office of Student Life introduced a surviver of the World Trade Center collapse for latest Speaker Series ASHLEY ATKINS Features Editor ingful event. T e observation took the time to mingle. the disaster. T is did not manages to live life day by If one was on campus ment, the upper Westside of would touch close to home “I think that just be- happen, but he did walk out day. last T ursday evening, they Manhattan. for both the traditional and ing September eleventh of the hospital with a 30 per- “Honestly, when the would have heard the power He was invited by T e non-traditional student. last week, it is still fresh in cent lung capacity, making speech was winding down anthem “God Bless the Of ce of Student Life, for “Our nation and people our minds and I was really reference to his inability to and he was talking about USA” blasting from the f oor the University of Missouri- remember where they were looking forward to some- ride a bike for a short period prayer and he said ‘you boards of the J.C. Penney St. Louis’ Student Life when it happened. T ey may thing inspiring to hear,” Mia of time. But, despite these know, sometimes you do Auditorium. Onlookers Speaker Series, to present have been in fourth grade; Michael, junior, history, said. injuries, he believes that he not want God to answer stared in awe at the video of “Last Man Down: a Fire- they may have been a col- “I felt in my heart that the has been af ected more so on the prayers that you want devastation from the events man’s Story.” Chief Pic- lege student at that point,” chief would give us some- the emotional side than the the most in your heart, of September 11. ciotto is the highest ranking Roberts, said. “We wanted thing encouraging to hear.” physical. sometimes you really do not Capturing images such f ref ghter to make it through to observe that and we felt During his presentation, “I lost so many friends want that to happen,’ that as households decorated by the collapse of the World that bringing him in would Chief Picciotto touched and so many colleagues, [it just blew me away,” Michael f ags, ash covered automo- Trade Center. def nitely be a hallmark way base on various subjects. He was the] most devastating said.“Out of everything he biles, patriotic preschools, Coordinator of Diversity to observe the tenth anniver- did not like how the rescue thing to happen in my life, talked about, that just really painted bed sheets and and Service for the Of ce of sary of September 11.” workers were not allowed losing so many people in sparked me.” the gigantic American f ag Student Life, Ashlee Roberts, As far as leaving an to be at the opening of the such a short period of time,” “T ere were a lot of draped over the White said that over the summer, emotional impact with their ten=year anniversary memo- Chief Picciotto, said. snif es at the end, I am not House, it left guests with a the Of ce of Student life guest speaker Chief Picciot- rial and the re-opening of Retired after 30 years of typically a very emotional memory of what once was. had been thinking of ways to, the of ce succeeded with the ref ective pond in New service, in part by decision person, but it just makes you T e presentation had fol- that they could leave more a dozen of students staying York. and in part from the af ects like wow… the lives that lowed a lecture by Battalion of an impact through their after the event for further Only politicians from of 9/11, he still believes were lost, but you also saw chief, battalion commander programming and as a result discussion, whether it was around the country were his life to be dif erent; he the unif cation,” Roberts of the 11th battalion, bring in larger audiences. with the Chief or their group invited. He discussed his believes that all of our lives said. T e mood at the end Richard Picciotto, of the T ey immediately saw the of friends. Strangers even fear of losing his sight from remain dif erent, but he still was one of togetherness. New York City f re depart- subject of 9/11 as that mean- Comedians of the Midwest come to UMSL to spread their comical genius in the Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall


Wednesdays are notorious make it to the weekend with show started by poking fun He moved around the everybody almost crying, laughing so hard. T e lady for being the day of the week a smile still on their faces. at the not-quite-full theater stage, using things around he was so funny. I think he next to me was crying she that is the hardest to get “It is something that peo- and telling spot-on jokes him as props for his un- might really be crazy.” was laughing so hard,” Eric through. On September 14, ple of all cultures and races about St. Louis. predictable set. T ere was T e laughter continued Kaesser, audience member, the Of ce of Student Life and ethnicities can come to- His easy conf dence and rarely a moment during the even after the show ended, said. presented a comedy show gether and enjoy. One of my palpable charisma made it night that was not f lled with with attendees lingering T e Of ce of Student Life at the Touhill in an ef ort to goals as a diversity coordina- easy for audience members laughter. outside of the theater to talk hopes to host similar events help students revive them- tor is to create something to feel comfortable actively “I think everyone had a with each other about the in the future that will appeal selves on a day where energy that will engage students and participating and bantering nice time, on and of the show. to those living on campus usually begins to dwindle. have a lot of people come with the comedians on stage. stage. T e crowd was smaller “T e jokes were noth- who would like more things T e Midwest Madness out who come from dif er- B-Phlat took the stage than the performers expect- ing like you’d heard before. to do during the evenings. Comedy Show featured three ent types of backgrounds,” next and performed a hilari- ed, but it felt more intimate T ey each had their own “I’ve never performed comedians from neighboring Ashlee Roberts, diversity and ously relatable, laidback set to me, like we were part of a individual styles,” Jamika at UMSL before. I’ve seen cities: Damon William from service coordinator for the that was tailored to appeal to really exclusive club that got Meaes, freshman, undecided, it on ‘Cops’ though,” Tony Chicago, Tony Roberts from Of ce of Student Life, said. the women in the audience, to see these amazing come- said. “T is is my f rst time Roberts said before the show. , and P-Bhlat, who At 6:45 p.m. attendees but eventually had everyone dians perform,” Remy Jones, actually going to a comedy “Maybe if I do good tonight is originally from St. Louis, were seated for the 7:30 p.m. laughing. Tony Roberts audience member, said. “As show, but I’ll recommend they’ll have me back.” though she now resides in show in the Anheuser-Busch closed the show with a a St. Louis comedian myself, it to anybody who loves to Judging by the audience Philadelphia. T e show was Performance Hall. Damon strong f nish with a set that I was really looking forward laugh.” reaction, UMSL would be intended to provide students William, acting as MC for showcased his electric energy to seeing B-Phlat do her “T ere were times where happy to have him visit and with a way to push through the night and also perform- and ability to keep a crowd thing, and she did it really I could barely hear because perform in the near future. the Wednesday blues and ing a set of his own, got the thoroughly entertained. well. And Tony Roberts had the people around me were Stay tuned for further detail. Read The Current 14 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | SPORTS Sports Tritons move to 7-2, ready for Lindenwood on Tuesday


T e University of Missouri-St. Louis said. “We’re by no means where we want women’s volleyball team closed out its to be. It’s still early in the season. And season-opening, seven-game homestand we’ve still got a lot we need to work on.” Tuesday evening at the Mark Twain Build- T is past weekend, UMSL took its ing with an easy three sets to none win over f rst road trip of the season, traveling to archrival Maryville University. Quincy, Illinois, and Springf eld, Ill., to T e Tritons, who went 5-2 in the seven- take on GLVC foes Quincy University game home stretch and are 2-1 in Great and Illinois-Springf eld. Lakes Valley Conference play, dominated And the Tritons continued their win- the visiting Saints right from the start, ning ways, by ousting both Quincy and jumping out to big leads in both the f rst UIS in rather short fashion. and second sets. On Friday, UMSL went to QU’s Pepsi Maryville’s only leads the entire night Arena, and beat the host Hawks in three came at 1-0 and 4-3 in the third set. And straight sets 25-16, 27-25 and 25-16. both times, UMSL quickly rallied to regain Burkle had the hot hand for UMSL the lead. that night, slamming a career-high 15 “I’m pretty happy with how we played kills in the win. tonight,” UMSL head volleyball coach, On Saturday, the Tritons visited UIS’s Ryan Young, said. “We’re def nitely playing state-of-the-art TRAC Arena, and took better these last couple times out. We’ve still care of the homestanding Prairie Stars by got some things we need to work on. But I scores of 26-24, 25-18, 21-25, 25-17. was happy with this win here tonight.” Higgins was back in form, with 15 Top hitters Erin Higgins, senior, early kills of her own, while Burkle added 12 childhood education, and Weslie Gaf , se- kills, seven digs, two blocks and two ser- nior, accounting, both had big nights at the vice aces as well. net for the Tritons. UMSL returns to campus with a 7-2 Higgins led all hitters with 13 kills on 21 overall record, a 4-1 mark in conference attempts, while Gaf added 12 kills on 16 play and sole possession of second place attempts, in a match where they just over- in the GLVC West Division behind rival powered Maryville’s hitters, who combined Missouri S&T, which is 8-3 and 5-0 in for only 16 total kills in the whole match. 2011. Setter Anna McNulty, sophomore, com- T e Tritons will get their shot at tak- munications, was strong in the passing ing down S&T and taking over f rst place game for UMSL as well, f nishing with a when they travel to Rolla this Saturday at UMSL women’s volleyball plays against Wayne State-Mich at the Mark Twain Building on game-high 38 assists. 3 p.m. to play the Lady Miners. T e two September 2. JENNY MEAHAN / THE CURRENT “I thought our passing was much better,” teams will have a return engagement at Young said. “When our passing and our de- the Mark Twain Building on October 21. fense is strong, we can be really tough to UMSL’s next home match though, beat. So we’ve really been working on that will be back at the Mark Twain on Tues- stuf a lot.” day, September 20, when the Tritons will T e defensive ace for UMSL was libero host another crosstown rival Lindenwood What do you think? Alisha Skaggs, freshman, undecided, who University in a nonconference match at f nished the night with 18 digs and three 7 p.m. service aces. UMSL and Lindenwood played once Let us know at But she also got a lot of help from team- before earlier this season, with the Tritons mates Chelsea Burkle, sophomore, nursing, winning a thrilling f ve-set match over the who had 13 digs, and Katie Haseltine, ju- Lady Lions, coming back from a two sets nior, communications, who added 12 digs to none def cit, to win the f nal three sets as well. in the f nal game of the season-opening “We’re still a work in progress,” Young Tritons Classic on September 3. SPORTS | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 15 Setting the pace for Triton volleyball again

OWEN SHROYER Staff Writer vorite position. We’re the only player on the court who is guar- Last season, the University of Missouri-St. Louis women’s anteed to touch the ball every single play, so we’re always really volleyball team added a signif cant member when then fresh- involved in the of ense which is really fun to direct.” men Anna McNulty became the setter. Teams under McNulty’s direction have had much success, McNulty has had the majority of sets for the team since join- getting her high school to the national f nals her senior year, get- ing, responsible for 88 percent of the team’s sets seven games ting to the national f nals with her club team, and reaching the into the season. McNulty has 268 assists this season and is on NCAA Tournament last year with the Tritons. the road to thrashing her total from last year. “I don’t think anything could beat last year when we made it “She is like the quarterback out there, running the of ense to the NCAA Tournament,” said McNulty. “We worked so hard and distributing the ball to our talented attackers,” said Head all year to get to that point, and to actually know that we were Coach Ryan Young. one of the best teams in the country was amazing.” McNulty has had plenty of volleyball experience in her life, McNulty is a sports fan, and has played softball and basket- following a pair of older sisters around to volleyball games with ball as well, ditching them in high school to focus on volleyball. her parents all the time and making her f rst team when she was McNulty also follows the National Football League, profes- eight years old. sional tennis and the St. Louis Cardinals since she moved to St. “I always knew that I loved playing,” said McNulty, sopho- Louis. more, communications. “And that it was def nitely something I If there were a professional volleyball career opportunity for could see myself doing for awhile.” McNulty, she would certainly take it. McNulty saw her older sister play at Drake University, a local McNulty is a f erce competitor, who is focused on helping college for her, growing up in Des Moines, Iowa. the team win games, and has high expectations for this season, It was at that point that McNulty knew she wanted to play hoping the Tritons can make a run at a national championship. college volleyball. “We def nitely are looking to win conference and make it “It had been a really big goal of mine for as long as I can re- back to the NCAA tournament,” McNulty said. “We have our member,” said McNulty. “And I’m just really happy I’m playing eyes set on a national championship and I def nitely think it’s at a school I love so much.” possible if we stick together and play the way we know we can.” McNulty has been a setter her entire career, and her skills at McNulty loves playing volleyball, and she feels lucky to play this position have gained her many honors and accolades. on this team, with all her friends. She earned four letters at her high school, Des Moines Roos- UMSL will be back in action this week, with a big game evelt High School in her beloved home state of Iowa, and also against crosstown rival Lindenwood University, on Tuesday, set the school record for career assists and led the team to its best September 20. Setter Anna McNulty calls the shots for the UMSL vol- record ever in her senior year. T at match will be played at the Mark Twain Building and is leyball team. JENNIFER MEAHAN / THE CURRENT “I love being a setter,” said McNulty. “It is def nitely my fa- set to begin at 7 p.m. Tritons Battle To Tie Against St. Joe’s OWEN SHROYER Staff Writer T e Tritons answered quickly with a goal of their own less It was Labor Union Night at Don Dallas f eld, and the ex- than f ve minutes later, after a beautiful through ball by David citement from the women’s soccer team’s overtime win left fans Schwer and some nifty touches inside the box by Mike Mc- ready for another Tritons victory over GLVC foe St. Joseph’s. Carthy. McCarthy then buried a shot from deep inside the box T e f rst half started slow and maintained that pace through- to send the game into overtime. out the half. T e f rst good scoring chance of the game came on T e story remained the same in overtime, with the Tritons a nice through ball from Peter Hyde, which was one touched really pressing for a goal. T eir f rst scoring opportunity came into the box for an Almin Sabotic of ensive opportunity, but when Sabotic tried to f ick a shot over the goalie, but the keep- was spoiled when Sabotic lost his footing and the ball inside er’s outstretched f ngertips slowed the shot’s momentum, and the opponents box. it was cleared by defenders before reaching the net. Sabotic had trouble f nding his footing all night, making it In the match’s f nal minutes, McCarthy had an opportunity hard to f nd rhythm of ensively. Sabotic had a chance on a free to give the Tritons the victory and get his second goal of the kick in the tenth minute, and his curving attempt on the net match, but his one-timer sailed wide left. rattled the goalkeeper, but not enough as he made the stop and Certainly a game the Tritons wish would have ended in vic- the defense cleared. tory, but a draw keeps the team undefeated and looking good UMSL goalkeeper Tim Boruf looked solid in the f rst half, in early conference standings. smothering one dif cult cross and making other athletic saves. Boruf said afterward that he was impressed with his team- Rain started to fall in the f nal ten minutes of the half, and mates’ defensive performance. continued for the rest of the game. T e Tritons controlled the “T e back four have been outstanding so far. T e organi- pace in the f rst half and dominated ball possession. zation and communication amongst them has been great,” St. Joseph’s opened the scoring in the sixty-forth minute on Boruf said. “It really makes it fun to play everyday with such a a free kick, when forward Kevin Amaizo would net his third skilled and experienced group of backs playing in front of me.” The UMSL men’s soccer team tied with St. Joe’s 1-1 last goal of the year after rif ing a 22-yard free kick perfectly into UMSL’s next home game will be September 30, when the Friday night. JENNIFER MEAHAN / THE CURRENT the far corner, freezing UMSL’s Boruf . Tritons will host Drury University at Don Dallas Field.

16 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | OPINIONS Point/Counterpoint

Can an internet meme be racist? Meme’s the word: “You mad, Inappropriate prank at Ohio bro?” is frustrating, but football game unveils racist doesn’t qualify as racist thoughts on part of some We live in a world where to embarrassment at one’s “bro” is racially connected. At a packed Friday night ics between Painesville, Ohio ferences between the towns. popular catch phrases like own weakness and anger at Why does he believe “bro” football game earlier this and Kirtland, Ohio. Kirtland Nearly one in fve residents of “that’s what she said” and the other person’s douche- is racist? Isn’t the fact that he month in small town Ohio, has a nearly 100 percent white Painesville live below the pov- text phrases like “OMG” baggery. “You mad, bro?” is connects it to one race rac- what started as a competi- population, with an African erty line. Te average house- become so popular that only used to make an angry ist in itself? Te last promi- tive taunt has turned into a American population con- hold income in Kirtland dou- teenagers and young adults person angrier, like the in- nent use of the word “bro” scandal that has caught the sisting of merely a fraction of bles that of Painesville. wear them on their t-shirts ternet troll who frequents was the notorious incident attention of the NAACP and one percent. In stark contrast, Between the fnancial and or enthusiastically recycle online comment sections. with University of Florida national media after Kirtland Painesville has a signifcantly racial diferences and the in- them in their own lives. If Te problem with the student Andrew Meyer (a High School defeated their larger African American pop- tense rivalry between the two the phrase’s popularity can Kirtland High banner is white student, incidentally) rival team from Painesville ulation at 12 percent. teams, it is safe to say that withstand the internet, it that it was in poor taste; at a forum for presidential High School. After the game, Tis diference in demo- tensions were high on that becomes part of the daily poor enough to provoke candidate John Kerry a few several Kirtland students graphics cannot be ignored, as fateful Friday night in Ohio. lingo. And if that popular- accusations of racism. Te years ago. His outburst did hung a hand made banner it is essential to understand- While the two towns are mere ity lasts long enough, you president of the Lake Coun- not seem racially motivated that asked “You mad, bro?” to ing the motivation behind miles apart, there seem to be a might catch the phrase on ty chapter of the NAACP, – rather, taserly motivated mock their competitors. the prank. Tese statistics on world of diferences between a banner in the crowd of a who was also at the game, (Please hold your applause). Te Kirtland students’ sign race clearly show compelling them, and the banner was ir- high school football game. said “At the conclusion of For the sake of eliminat- was an homage to the popular racial diferences between the responsible and inappropri- Such was the case in the the game, some of their stu- ing real racism in the real internet meme “you mad?” two towns. When a virtually ate. football game between Kirt- dents and parents put up a world, let’s keep the racism a phrase commonly used to all white school is taunting Tere is no way of know- land High and Painesville sign that we believe was ra- card folded on this one. To playfully taunt others. Now a school with a much larger ing if the Kirtland High stu- Harvey High in Paines- cial intimidation.” attribute acts of stupidity or parents, students and local percentage of African Ameri- dents made the banner with ville, Ohio. After defeat- What is it about this ad- unsportsmanlike conduct to NAACP members are claim- cans by using a slang phrase a racist agenda in mind. Yet ing Painesville, controversy mittedly obnoxious phrase racism is an insult to people ing the prank was an example often associated with African what must be pointed out is erupted when a group of that makes it racist? Which facing actual racism. What- of racial intimidation due to Americans, it’s hard not to that often carefully concealed Kirtland High students and word makes it racist? “You”, ever the true intent behind the use of the word “bro.” see racial motivation. While beliefs can unintentionally parents held up a banner “mad” or “bro”? it was, the banner was a bad Many observers of this language knows no race, the slip out, as what quite possi- that read, “You mad, bro?” “I think the reference to idea - because it was stupid, situation may believe that the word “bro” does have some bly happened in this case. referring to a well-known ‘bro’ in the sign defnitely not because it was racist. NAACP and the Painesville association with African While this may have internet meme. has a racial connection to What would they have done High students and teachers Americans, more commonly started as a harmless prank, It’s equivalent to the an- it,” said Michael Hanlon, with the banner if their team are jumping to conclusions. used in the 1970s and 1980s. the banner’s use of the word noying person who keeps superintendent for Paines- had lost? Graceful winning Yet, if one reads between Te banner was demeaning, “bro” came of as belittling asking “Are you going to ville City Schools. doesn’t hurt anyone. the lines, there are certainly ignorant and stunk of a racist and because of this, the Kirt- cry? Don’t cry! Why are you When did “bro” sudden- Bad sportsmanship? Yes. things that might suggest this agenda. land High students blatantly crying?” when one is already ly get a racial connection? Poor taste? Yes. Immature prank was racially motivated. Adding the the tension came of as being racist and on the verge of tears. Tis Frankly, it’s insulting that and stupid? Yes. But racist? For starters, there are vast between the two rival schools ignorant of the word’s con- action, of course, only leads this superintendent believes No. Far from it. diferences in demograph- are the great economic dif- notations. OPINIONS | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 17 Opinions OUR OPINION OUT OF LEFT FIELD Has the TSA outlived its use- The only thing we have to fulness? Yes, says creator fear is still fear itself

Following the attack on as they were forced to spend similar to that which existed In 1775, Benjamin everyone has something to the World Trade Center more than seven times as before the organization’s cre- Franklin warned against ofer, should they choose to on September 11, 2001, much money as they were ation; namely, leaving securi- sacrifcing liberty to achieve do so. Now, however, we see the country felt vulnerable. allotted to hire and train ty and screening in the hands temporary security. Dur- a person who doesn’t look As a result, legislators and screeners. In the years since, of private security frms and ing World War II, President like us or we listen to a per- lawmakers moved quickly their screeners have found restricting the TSA to its Franklin Delano Roosevelt son who has diferent ideas to fll the perceived void in themselves embroiled in one original mandate: gather- exhorted the American peo- than us, and our frst reac- America’s proverbial security scandal after another, accused ing intelligence on potential ple not to succumb to the tion is fear. Te infamous blanket. Te Department of of everything from intrusive threats. scourge of fear. In the novel Patriot Act, signed in the Homeland Security was the searches of travelers to actu- Upon refection, the idea “Dune” by Frank Herbert, a wake of 9/11, has directly highest-profle agency cre- ally stealing passengers’ valu- does make at least a modi- common axiom states that led to no arrests, no discov- ated in the post-9/11 push ables as they pass through cum of sense. Security is an “fear is the mind-killer.” ery of wide reaching terror for security, but it wasn’t the security checkpoints. areas where a private com- Fear is among the basest plots. Te only thing it has Jeremy Zschau only one. Over the past few years, pany does have an advantage emotions in the repertoire defnitely led to is a near-de- on 9/11. Te Transportation Secu- thanks to incidents like over a public sector counter- of human feelings, and can cade long pattern of harass- However, it is regret- rity Administration was cre- these, the TSA has found part, and for a simple reason: move men to do terrible ment of Arabs or those who table that on that day each ated in 2002 from legislation itself steadily becoming less economic natural selection. things. look vaguely Arabic by law year, people seem to forget authored by Representative popular with the American Te desire for proft, if noth- For many Americans, enforcement. that it’s 2011, not 2001. It John Mica (R-FL), chairman people. Now, Representative ing else, will drive a private the horrifcally destructive If you’re looking for a is regrettable that certain in- of the House Transportation Mica himself, as much the security frm to do the job as events of September 11, more recent example, the dividuals continue to wrap Committee. Te agency’s TSA’s creator as anyone, has best it can and as efciently 2001 inspired a level of fear events aboard a fight bound themselves in the fag, when overall mission was to devel- joined the chorus of voices as it can. Te frms that can unparalleled by even the for Detroit on September 11 at the same time they spit on op policies to protect Ameri- calling for the dissolution of do this will grow and win worst of nightmares. Un- of this year exemplify this the very ideals that our fag can transportation in general, the TSA. more and bigger contracts, fortunately, at a time when new mentality all too well. represents. It is regrettable though the majority of their Mica’s concerns echo that while frms that cannot guar- what America needed most On this fight, three people, that we continue to allow attention was devoted to air- of many average Americans, antee adequate security will was to overcome its fear, the all obviously of non-Amer- our fear rule our thoughts, port security and preventing but that’s not the only criti- fall by the wayside. Tis is an country instead succumbed ican descent (two Indian and that we allow despicable aircraft hijackings similar to cism he has for his one-time outcome that the TSA, as a to its fear. Americans forgot men and a Middle Eastern men to exploit that fear for those on September 11. In brainchild. He claims they government agency, needs the sound advice of presi- woman) were pulled of their own selfsh purposes. the years since its inception, are purely reactive in their not fear. dents, philosophers and the plane by security upon Fear truly is the mind- the TSA has developed a response to threats, that they At the end of the day, the even fctional characters as landing in Detroit and led killer. A person can be number of new security pro- only implement new pro- TSA has shown itself to be they instead scrambled to of to a cell to be searched the most reasonable, the cedures, which any Ameri- cedures after a new type of unworthy of the responsibil- rebuild their own sense of and interrogated. Apparent- most rational or the most cans who have traveled in security breach happens. For ity and resources that have security by making frenzied ly, long bathroom trips are fair-minded person in the the air since the attacks have example, the TSA only re- been devoted to it. What- war on threats both real and enough to warrant accusa- world, but when the fames undoubtedly experienced. quired passengers to remove ever the solution, though, it’s imagined. On the home tions of suspicious activity, of fear are fanned within For nearly a decade now, their shoes at checkpoints clear a change is in order. A front, it became not only ac- so long as those taking said their psyche, they turn into Americans have traveled the after a man tried to smug- change, or continued strife. ceptable but encouraged for trips have brown skin. a paranoid, ugly shell of skies under the watchful eyes gle explosives on a plane in Unsigned editorials refect a person to wear their patri- Tis is not to say we have their normal self, willing to of the TSA. But who watches his shoes. He also has harsh the majority viewpoint of Te otism on their sleeve, and it not made any progress since sacrifce their principles or the watchers? words for the TSA’s fscal Current’s Editorial Board: became almost fashionable that fateful mid-September worse to satisfy their sur- For almost as long as the inefciency, criticizing them Matthew Poposky, Minho in certain circles to show day a decade ago. By and vival instinct. TSA has existed, the agency for doing far too little with Jung, Ashley Atkins, Cate distrust and even outright large, the wounds them- More than the destruc- has been dogged by scandal. too many resources. Marquis, Jennifer Meahan, hatred for anything-and selves have healed. How- tion of property and horrifc Teir frst scandal came only Mica’s solution is to re- Jeremy Zschau and Janaca anyone-that was somehow ever, the memories of those loss of life, the worst conse- months into their existence, place the TSA with a system Scherer. foreign or diferent from the wounds still loom large on quence of the 9/11 attacks norm. our minds. Tis is, again, as is damage to our country’s What happened to this it should be; to forget the psyche, an infammation of What do you think? country? Te United States pain and sufering of that our collective sense of fear. of America was built on the day would be an insult to Jeremy Zschau is the Opin- idea that our strength lies in anyone who sufered a loss ions Editor and a columnist our diferences; the idea that or sacrifced their own lives for Te Current. 18 | The Current | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | | OPINIONS SCIENCE MATTERS POP CULTURE WITH POPOSKY Fossil reveals fascinating in- “When did we learn to hate? Was sights into human evolution it at two or eight? It’s not too late.”

A fossil discovered in South specimens allowed researchers to Ten years ago, America Are all too clear to me. / It Africa in 2008 may be the oldest apply advanced new tools for was shaken. Whether im- seems to me though that I direct human ancestor, accord- analysis. Te skull of the male mediately impacted by the can recall a day / Not so far in ing to a series of papers published was intact enough to make cal- events of September 11, the past / When my friends September 9, 2011 in the jour- culations about the brain it once 2001, or somehow distanced came to play. / It didn’t mat- nal “Science.” contained. A detailed scan of the from its shocks, all felt the ter if their skin was light or Te fossil is a surprising mix of inside of the skull created a virtual catastrophe in some way. brown. / If hair was straight human and ape-like characteris- endocast, revealing surface fea- Honestly, anybody could or curly, / Eyes slanted, large, tics, upsetting some assumptions tures of the brain and its overall rant about this for an entire or round. / We didn’t worry about our earliest human ances- volume. essay. However, at times, over worldly cares or strifes: tors. But the fossils also illustrates Te scan revealed a brain conciseness and levity of / Our games were innocence, the hazards in drawing too many smaller than those found in Cate Marquis words can be a far more ef- / We shared a love of life. / Matthew B. Poposky conclusions from sparse or frag- Homo species, but one with cient tool for getting a point When will the grown-ups mentary evidence. human-like features. Particularly an almost bizarre blend of the across. In this case, the words learn what we knew back edy. Why teach a child to un- Australopithecus sediba is clas- interesting was the orbitofrontal advanced and primitive. Te of one Barbara Poposky, with then? / Instead of all the wars derstand that an individual sifed as a hominin, our branch of region, the part of the brain di- ankle was human-like and there her permission, shall be pre- and hate / Tat we can live committed an act when it is the Hominid family, meaning it rectly behind the eyes, which has appeared to be a foot arch and sented in this column. How as friends. / Sing peace! Cry so much simpler to tell them is the line of human ancestors af- showed a trend towards human- Achilles tendon. On the other many American children, all the children everywhere! to hate an entire ethnicity for ter the split from our closest rela- like confguration. Tis is an area hand, the heel and shin were ape- no matter the source of their / Sing peace! ‘Cause they’ve the atrocities committed by a tives, the chimpanzees. It appears involved in higher-level thinking, like. Te combination points to anger, felt this all those years a lesson to share! / We’re not few? Te answer to this ques- to be a strong candidate for the like multi-tasking. Te fnding a creature that climbed trees but ago? Refect upon the past, born hating, that is some- tion is simple: because right transition from Australopithecus contradicted the prevailing theo- also walked on two feet, although and do not let past wounds thing we learn; / Tat must is right, and wrong is wrong. and Homo, our own genus. Te ry that brain size and complexity not in quite the way we do. control the future... be changed or it’s their future Hatred is not a qual- fossils were stumbled upon by grew together, supporting the al- Overall, Au. sediba appears “Sing Peace” we burn! / Sing peace! / Sing ity we ought to be proud accident - literally. Tey were dis- ternative theory that brains grew to be a species on the cusp of bi- By: Barbara Poposky peace! / Sing peace! / Sing of, yet so many Americans covered by paleoanthropologist more complex, then larger. pedalism, tool-making and brain- September 7, 2002 peace!” march around waving ban- Lee Berger’s nine-year-old son Apart from our brains, one complexity. In fact, the evidence “Tell me, Mommy, when Yes, this topic was pre- ners of hatred on their cloth- Matthew in Malapa, South Afri- of our most unique features is suggests that Au. sediba may be did I learn to hate? / Was it viously spoken to, and it’s ing, their automobiles, and ca. Te fnd includes two surpris- the human hand. Te female a better candidate for a direct an- when I was two? / Or fve, relevant even still. Honestly, shouting it across the streets. ingly complete fossil skeletons, a specimen was missing only a cestor to Homo erectus than pre- or was I eight? / Where did recent generations learn to We wonder why the world male corresponding to ages 10- few bones in the wrist and hand, vious contenders Homo habilis I learn which people I should hate at far too young an age, hates us, and yet continue to 13 in human development and making it the most complete or Homo rudolfensis. beware? / Was it at home or and this is a phenomenon spout hatred at anything dif- a female between 20-30 years for a hominin yet. Te mix of Which brings us to the last school? / At church? Just in which needs to end. Tese ferent, anything which might of age. Te fossils were found in primitive and advanced features eye-opening thing about these the air? / I just don’t under- words were those addressed cause us pain. Pain is terrify- what had once been a cave. indicated the hand was used to fossils: the dangers in drawing stand why color of skin / Is to Barbara by her own chil- ing, but hatred is still not an Te site was frst excavated climb trees but it also had a preci- too many conclusions from bone so important. / Look, he’s fat! dren (poetically modifed, appropriate response, and by a team from the Univer- sion grip, with longer thumb and fragments. Tese researchers stat- Oh, she’s so thin! / Tis per- of course) one year after it is even more despicable sity of Zurich, directed by Peter shorter fngers. Tis allows an ob- ed that if the foot and ankle bones son prays to Allah; this one the events of September 11, to imbue such hatred in a Schmid. Several international ject to be grasped by fnger and of Au. sediba had not been con- worships God. / Some seek 2001, and the observations child’s mind. teams worked on the analyses thumb without the palm. Such nected, they would have assumed their Higher Power / In sea remain true to this day. Anger is understandable. published in “Science.” a grip has been associated with they belonged to separate species. or sky or sod. / She wears de- Today, as an adult, this However, a culture which Te site has been dated to tool-making. Te jumble of primitive and ad- signer clothes, the latest fash- generation faces the same imbeds pure hatred for an- about 1.977 million years ago, Te fnding about the brain’s vanced characteristics found in ion trend. / Tis one is wear- questions as those before. other ethnicity into its chil- which is close to the emergence of small size upset another prevail- these more-complete specimens ing thrift store fnds: / How Often, seeking a simple an- dren needs to seriously re- the genus Homo. Te Au. sediba ing theory-that human pelvis mean that palaeontologists must can the two be friends? / swer seems much more ap- evaluate its values. fossils predate those of Homo shape evolved to accommodate remain cautious about their con- Somewhere somehow some- pealing than attempting to Matthew B. Poposky is the habilis and Homo rudolfensis, babies with larger brains. In fact clusions about more fragmentary times the diferences I see, truly imbed children with Editor-in-Chief of Te Cur- thought to be among the oldest the pelvis of the female specimen fnds. However, the completeness / Tat I was blind to once / the ability to cope with trag- rent. in the homo genus and poten- looked surprisingly modern, de- of these ancient specimens also tial ancestors of Homo erectus, spite the smaller brain size. Again, gives encouragement that other the oldest recognized ancestor of the alternative theory, that pelvis fnds are out there waiting for us modern humans. shape changed to accommodate to come digging into our past. Te fossils show a startling bi-pedal locomotion-walking up- So, grab a shovel! WHAT DO YOU THINK? mix of advanced and primi- right-was supported by the fnd. Cate Marquis is Arts and En- tive features. Te exceptionally Which brings us to Au. sedi- tertainment Editor and a colum- Let us know at well-preserved, near-complete ba’s foot and ankle. Tey showed nist for Te Current. HOROSCOPES | | WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM | SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 | The Current | 19 CURRENT HOROSCOPES by The Inane Collective altered by: Horoscopes Babel and Apples the Intern

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AT&T STORES % STUDENT University of Missouri at St. Louis students, useBrentwood FAN #99687 1811 S. Brentwood to get Blvd.,a 10% Brentwood discount Square , (314) 963-2008 DISCOUNT from AT&T! Visit any AT&T retail locationAT&T or for details. 10 ALSO AVAILABLE AT SELECT: Brentwood 1811 S. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood Square , (314) 963-2008Rebate not available AT&T STORES ALSO AVAILABLE AT SELECT: Brentwood 1811 S. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood Square , (314) 963-2008 Rebate not available Limited-time offer. Subject to wireless customer agrmt. Credit approval req’d.ALSO Activ. feeAVAILABLE $36/line. Coverage AT SELECT: & svcs, including mobile broadband, not avail everywhere. Geographic, usage & other conditions & restrictions (that may result in svc termination) apply. Taxes & other chrgs apply. Prices & equip. vary by mkt & may not be avail. from ind. retailers. See store or visit for detailsRebate and not coverage available map. Early Termination Fee (ETF): None if cancelled during first 30 days, but a $35 restocking fee may apply; after 30 days, ETF up to $325, depending on device (details Subject to change. Agents may impose add’l fees. Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge up to $1.25/mo. is chrg’d to help defray costs of complying with gov’t obligations & chrgs on AT&T & is not a tax or gov’t req’d chrg. Offer Details: Motorola Atrix 4G price with 2-year wireless svc agreement on voice & minimum $15/mo. data plan required is $99.99. Sales tax calculated based on price of unactivated equipment. Smartphone Data Plan Requirement: Min. $15/mo. DataPlus (200MB) plan required; $15 automatically chrg’d for each additional 200MB provided if initial 200MB is exceeded. All data, including overages, must be used in the billing period in which it is provided or be forfeited. For more details on data plans, go to *Monthly discount: Service discount applies only to the monthly service charge of qualified plans and not to any other charges. Available only to qualified students and employees of colleges/universities with a qualified business agreement. Other service discount qualification requirements may apply. Offer may be changed or discontinued without notice. Restrictions, other terms, and conditions apply. See store for details. Screen images simulated. ©2011 AT&T Intellectual Property. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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