Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 1.04 | 2011
L|R|Q Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 1.04 | 2011 Executive Editor: Roger Malina Editor-in-Chief: Michael Punt Managing Editor: Claudy Op den Kamp www.leonardo.info © ISAST L|R|Q Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 1.04 | 2011 Executive Editor: Roger Malina Editor-in-Chief: Michael Punt Managing Editor: Claudy Op den Kamp www.leonardo.info © ISAST Leonardo Reviews Leonardo Reviews Reviews Panel Leonardo Reviews is the work of an international Kathryn Adams, Nameera Ahmed, Katherine panel of scholars and professionals invited from Ancher, Fred Andersson, Wilfred Arnold, Jan Ba- a wide range of disciplines to review books, exhi- etens, Niran Bahjat-Abbas, Brian Baigrie, Jenny bitions, DVDs, CDs, websites, and conferences. Bangham, John F. Barber, Jon Bedworth, Roy Collectively they represent an intellectual commit- Behrens, Katharina Blassnigg, Martha Blassnigg, ment to engaging with the emergent debates and Barry Blundell, Catalin Brylla, Annick Bureaud, manifestations that are the consequences of the Franc Chamberlain, Chris Cobb, Ornella Coraz- convergence of the arts, science and technology. za, Geoff Cox, Sean Cubitt, Hannah Drayson, Anthony Enns, Jennifer Ferng, Enzo Ferrara, Leonardo Reviews publishes all reviews received George Gessert, Thom Gillespie, Luis Girao, from the panel monthly at www.leonardo.info. In Allan Graubard, Dene Grigar, Rob Harle, Craig addition, four times a year a selection of reviews Harris, Paul Hertz, Craig J. Hilton, Jung A. Huh, is printed in Leonardo and now Leonardo Reviews Amy Ione, Boris Jardine, Richard Kade, John Quarterly will be publishing an even larger selec- Knight, Mike Leggett, Helen Levin, Kieran Lyons, tion as a PDF together with introductory material Roger Malina, Jacques Mandelbrojt, Florence and overview essays.
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