Dorm Opening Delayed Lond Tagged asXollege-Orient^' Five Areas Financing Designated VALLEY STATE COLLEGE Holds Up in Restudy Work Start By Chris Thomas By Mor/ Sue Westland Tbe City Planning Commission DAILY The doors to off- cUmaxed a year of deUberattcm campus dormitories and debate on tbe Northridge Land Use Restudy Thursday by for 972 students will designating five secUons of land not open until after the near the campus "for coUege- beginning of the fall orlented use." semester, according City Planning Director Calvin SUNDIAL to Ron White, presi­ Hamilton told the DaUy Sundlal the city zoning administrator Is dent of Student Resi­ now authorized to give first pri­ dence , Inc., in an ex­ ority to developers planning col­ clusive report to the lege-related buildings for this Daily Sundial Thurs­ land. day. The first property to be named It is impossible for us to make "college-oriented" at the Van tbe fall semester deadline,* be Nuys Legion Hall hearing was said. a strip bounded by Zelzah Ave., constmction of tbe co-edu­ Lassen and Plummer Streets. cational dormitories, which has The westem demarcaUon line not started, can be completed falls two lots west of White Oak possibly by Oct. 1 but more Ave. lUcely by Nov. 1, White said. Sharing this title wlU be a Both Campus BuUdlng Co­ narrower section of land located ordinator Richard PurceU and east of Zelzah between Plum­ Housing Coordinator Donald Bush mer and Prairie Streets. agreed that the $3.5 miUion com­ The Commission also desig­ plex cannot be completed untU nated "for coUege-orlenteduse" the middle of the fall semester. the future locaUon of a $15 mU- The date for groundbreaking, Uon off-campus housing complex. originally set for Feb. 15, wUl The College Site Development be announced Wednesday, White Co. was condlUonaUy granted said. Tbe delay was necessi­ permission March 3 to build tated so tbat financing could be on this 27-acre parcel between made final, be explained. Lindley Ave,, the flood control Tbe developers had previous­ channel and Zelzah Ave, ly assured coUege officials tbat Dr. Melville Branch, commis­ tbe dormitories would be ready sion president, commented, "To­ by the fall semester. day's vote, in effect, agrees with White admitted that because of this action." the delay in opening «we probably The easterly two-thirds of the won't f IU it (the housing complex) block bounded by Lindley, Hal- up." He theorized that commut­ stead, Superior, and EUwanda ing students who ml^t have plan­ Streets wiU also be set aside ned to move Into tbe dormitories for college-related uses. The next faU could carry out their northwest comer of the area was plans wit h UtUe adjustment. He not Included because local re­ said he hoped that other stiKlents sidents requested tbat the Com­ could arrange temporary living mission create a buffer zone be­ quarters. tween college - use land and their NEW BATGIRL—Valley state batsmen wUI cbooee major; Suale Slayback, frealunan physical ed- The yearly fee for room and homes. one of tour co-eds as 1966 "Miss Batador" ucatUn nuijor; Candy ColdweU, sophomore bus- board. Including 20 meals a week, The Devonshire Downs area in their annual contest to select a team mas- Ineas major and Diana Salzmann, freshman drama had orlglnaUy been estimated at north of Romar St. and west of cot. Those entered In Uie event are: (left to major. (DaUy Sundlal Pboto by Paul Levy) $1,090. White said the fee would Zelzah Ave. was the last pro­ right) Carol Priebe, freshman home economics be reduced according to the num­ perty approved by the Commis­ ber of days remaining in the aca­ sion for "college-related use." demic year when the housing The majority of tbe commission­ opens. ers expressed hope this secUon I Allen to Speak at Forum The coUege has received 75 would be developed as pubUc 26tb Congressional seat recenUy inquiries about the faculties ac­ land or given to Valley State Controversial personality cording to Bush, who said he wUl completely. Steve Allen wUl speak on *current faceted by James Roosevelt. His candidacy hinged on the answer letters explaining'the de- City Planner Hamilton explaln- affairs, from the gubernatorial lay. Several applicants for po­ campaign to Vietnam" at 1 p.m. date of tbe special election in tbe (ConUnued on Page 2} 26tb District, since be was re­ sitions as resident assistants wUl Monday, according to NeU also be notified, he said. snyder, S(Vhomore class presl' quired to be a registered mem­ FORUM DUE dent. ber of the Democratic Party for Bush explained that he never AUen wUl lead ott Uie fifat a certain length of time and an (Continued on Page 2) ON VIETNAM formal use of VaUey state's new early election meant tbat be could open-air forum west of tbe book­ not legally run. A delayed elec­ WEATHER students for a Democratic So­ store and south of the cafeteria. tion date would have aUowed him ciety (SDS) wUl bold an open forum The event is under the joint to be a candidate and as thepoUs SAN FERNANDO VALLEY- on Vietnam and tbe draft at noon sponsorship of the Sophomore and Indicated, an almost-certain vic­ The Weather Bureau forecasts today in the area west ofthe book­ Freshmen classes. tor. mosUy sunny weather today with store and south of the cafeteria. Snyder said that there is a Because It was a special elec­ variable high cloudiness. The The open-air forum wUl be tbe tion, it was tbe prerogative of expected low temperature is 38- first of its kind on the VaUey posslbUlty Allen may also speak on his thwarted attempt to be­ Gov. Pat Brown to set tbe date, 46 degrees and the high 77-82, State campus. but the date was set for a time come a candidate for Congress The Campus Weather Station re­ All students and faculty mem­ that shut him out. AUen's en­ corded a low Thursday o f 51 and his future plans in that area. bers wUl be given an opportunity suing plea to move the date for­ degrees and a high of 77. The to express their views on tbe Allen was unable toqualUyasa STEVE ALLEN ward was turned down in the wind velocity recorded at 5 p.m. topics. candidate In the election for the courts. was 19 m.p.h.

^^•^-..rTiJbi^, ..Mm^mi0e'*mm Page 2 VaUey State DaUy Sundlal Mar, 18. 1966 -NOTES IN BRAILE- WORLD »WIRE: Blind Youth Seeks B.A •By Ron Hale- •A blind person needs assts- Asked bow be solved tbe in-o- less tban one would suspect. San­ tanoe—and it is this assistance blems of being blind and going to ders depends upon a teacher or coUege, Sanders said it was mer­ :i^mw^^^mii(iiiiif!m!mii'imMm^m^smitba t he's looking for, not pity.' feUow stodent to read his mate­ These are tbe words ot Ralph ely a matter of accommodation— rial and to discuss any material Sanders, a blind, freshman jour­ a long process of gttong used to tbat may have been written on Uie nalism major at VaUey. State. every thing and every place. By board.. As far as maps are con­ SubmarineFinds Lost Bomb Sanders came here last semester learning tbe layout of tbe cam­ cerned, be makes use of reUef after completing secondary pus, tbe general locatfon of buUd­ maps, whlcb respond to touch as PALOMARES BEACH, Spain (AP).The U. S. midget sub­ schooling at tbe Arkansas School ings and specific landmarks, he is weU as Bight. marine Alvln bas fbund the long and anxiously sought hydrogen for Uie Blind. able to get around campus on bis bomb that was lost two months ago in an American bomber-tanker Sanders attributed this feeling own. He does his notetaking In plane crash over Spain, otUctal sources said Thursday. of pity to tbe wrong Idea that most •As Ume goes on and I walk bralUe with a sUte, a smaU They reported it was spotted with its parachute stiU attached people have about blind people. with more and more people, I plasUc object resembling a sUde 2,500 feet under tbe surface of the Mediterranean Sea, five mUes He says a blind person wants am able to learn new routes and rule, whlcb makes IndmtaUons on offshore. friendship, help and, most of shortcute,* Sanders commented. heavy paper wben pressed with a The weapon was reported aniarently intact—indicating no lethal aU, to be equal with otber stu­ Fear is something tbat a blind metal pencU caUed a stylus. leakage in the waters of this hoUday resort. dents. person bas to forget about, San­ Sanders finds notetaking in ders continued. Walking across bralUe is slower than a normal VSC Sammies Win streets and up and down stairs are person writes, but be is able to things most people would be take sufficient notes. Only the Full Chapter Status frightmed to do without sight. most noteworthy items are taken SCLU Conference The VaUey State Colony of Sanders said a blind person has down; the rest be commits to Sigma Alpha Mu NaUonal fra­ to learn to do tbese tMngs like memory, ternity wlU be instaUed as a any other person. It is Just a national chapter Sunday. matter of being a UtUe more Sanders is working er — that's DATA- Commlssiao decided not to give obstacle wben it turned down an Repairs---Call ^^KV^B^S^^ Roscoe DATE, only three dollars, at the "coUege-oriented" UUe to appeal by homeowners protest­ three otber suggested areas. ing tbe conditional use zoning your mailbox. They justify these "no" votes variance previously granted Stu­ on grounds tbat sufftcient land dent Residence, Discount with student body card - - - - bad already been set aside. (Gentlemen who read this far may also fill out the coupon. KJBDC-FM We don't mind.) 8S.5 Megocycles When you come home at night—(tired and beat after slaying NEWS: 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 all the dragons of the day) there will be time for a swim in 4:05-SPCWTS SCENE one of our lovely pools and maybe a brief workout in the gym DATA-DATE 4:10-BULLETIN BOARD followed by a steam bath and shower. Then you will be P.O. BOX 2847 4:15-NEWS ANALYSIS served a tasty HOME COOKED DINNER 4:30-SERENADE: "PROMISE VAN NUYS, CALIF 91404 HER ANYTHING"-Jack La- especially prepared for you. Forge. Gentlemen: 5:45-TRANSATLANnC PRO­ FILE. Please send me the DATA- ?:05-CONCERT HALL: "ROZSA DATE PERSONALITY PRO CONDUCTS ROZSA" 7:30-BROADCASTING AND EL­ ALL FOR $25 BUCKS A WEEK FILE. I understand there is no ECTIONS. 8:00-CURTAIN UP: "ANYONE charge initil I retum the answer CAN WHISTLE" Sure there's a lot more—FREE linens, FREE breakfast, sheet wiri» three dollars. 9:00-TASTE OF JAZZ FREE utilities, FREE phones and FREE maid service. Plus beautiful singlettes and recreation rooms. WEST COAST DANCE TOUR TO EUROPE Name "Based on double occupancy—Single occupancy sllgfaUy higher July 21st Jet From L>A. First Address Class Hotels, Guided Tour to Paris, Vienna, Bndapest,V«iicc Florence, Rome, Nice, Madrid 9510 Van Nuys Blvd., Panorama City City Plus Dance Classes 22 Days only $899 894-8376 Zip code Sierra Travel BR-2-8081 - CL-7-7750 School ^^••'''^••''"''•'^••''••^^^s;^^

'.•^•i^jt,!!m mm* i«' tf'te• "i Mar. 18, 1966 Valley State DaUy Sundlal page 3

liil«M»»S»W»^«W»lWl»>M^^ Policies Group Discusses Club Council Forms Guidelines Supervised Individual Study The posslbUlty of more «di- He said that some depart­ rected and supervised individual mente wanted to iMgln exper- Ifor New Organization ChartersI study" at Valley Stete was dis­ Imente with tbe supervised in- cussed by members of tbe Ed­ divual study. By Brent Carruth i^»!««ss!«^«sssj)S88^j«y the outcome of the chartering de­ is considering metUfylng'ite pre­ cision, maintained that It was Important to ed and the magnitude of staffing Members representing nearly 400 studente sent prosemlnar program to in­ bave aa broad a platform' for chartering as for it were considered. Dr. Lamb In campus organlzaUons voted ior a proposal clude more individual guidance. possible, but that there are certain reasons said. calling tor tbe chartering procedure to give Lamb said. for exclusion of CIUIM, the A.S, Senate dlscreUon to deny charters Lamb added that one of the Tbe proposal will be presented to tbe A.S. wltbln defined guidelines, according to Charles FIRE DRILL etfecte of the supervised study Senato Tuesday by HaU, The Senate is in no HaU, MOC chairman. would l>e to brteg faculty and way bound to the MOC proposal, but members SCHEDULED To deny charters, the A.S. Senate would have stodente closer together. hope their suggesUcn wlU play a part In the A flnt drUl WlU be held to »»>«>'«*^«" tbe petlUonlng club presented "a final outcome. Hall said. clear and present danger to the weU-belng between 2 and 3 p.m. today, Dr. Niedercorn In other acUon Thursday, members referred in accordance with fire drlU of the campus and to tha A.S. consUtuUon." to a sui>-commlttee a bill which would make The reasons behind the Senate's d«ilal in such regulaUons froiA tbe Chancellor's attendance at MOC meetings mandatory for an Ottice. Presents Paper cases would also have to be made pubUc, ac­ organization to hold a charter on campus. This cording to MOC's proposal. Tbe driU WlU begte with tbe Dr. Jobn Niedercorn, aaslstant proposal was given in an attempt to bridge the sound of short, continuous blaate The group did not approve a plan whereby professor of economics, recmtly communlcaUon gap between dubs y/blcb current­ on tbe I)oUer house whistle, be­ aU organization must be chartered when they ly exlste. presented a paper enUtled 'Fac- cauae tbe campus does not have , lUtatlng Regional Growth in Sou­ a fire alsurm warning system thern nilnols* at Southern UI- wlUiln the buUdtegs. teois University. Warning to areas where tbe 3 to Attend ACSCP Meet whistle cannot be beard wiU be provided by the switchboard. The Important Issues such as the Dr. Byrom said thatacommit­ which WlU bevoted (» at the meet­ proper procedure to follow Is IS THIS quarter system and contract ne- tment had been assigned by ing. being mailed out to aU depart­ gotlaU(m WlU be discussed at In tbe area of the quarter ACSCP to study contract nego- mente. THE REAL the State council meeting of CAe system. Dr. Byrom said that the AssociaUon of SUte College Pro­ tlaUon and tbat U would have a councU WlU recommend that the fessors which • convenes today recommendaUon on tbe subject legislature fund a 12-week sum­ Carillon Opinion tbrough Sunday in Sacramento, mer session, which, with tbe two Valley State will send three PROPOSED present semesters, would give Due from Faculty delegates to the meeting. The year-round operaUcm In the Cal­ Final resuUs of tbe faculty ifornia state colleges by 1967-68. three are Dr. Jack Byrom, as­ cariUcm poU wlU be available sociate professor of educaUon A.S. BUDGET Dr. Byrom said that the ACSCP Monday, according to Wendy and president of the ACSC P chap - had determined that the semes­ Johnson, sentor class president. ter here, Dr, Stanley Charnof­ ter system is more satisfac­ Partial results were totaled sky, assistant professor of phy­ HITS $215,000 tory tor tbe learning process Thursday, tut Miss Johnson de­ sical educaUon who is vice-pre­ and would be less dlsrupUve The A.S. Finance Committee clined to release tbe returns un­ sident of the Valley State chap­ for the state coUeges. slashed $57,000 from proposed tU counting te completed. ter and Dr. Fred McMahon, in­ Byrom said that the ACSCP JAY budget requests for the 1966-67 terim head of tbe anthropology was also embarking on a cam­ In the recent student carlUcn academic year to achieve a bal­ department and secretary of the paign for addlUonal salary in­ consensus, the l>ell system was anced budget of $215,200 Thurs­ statewide ACSCP. crease. ai^roved by an overwhelming day during a Uve-bour meeting. margin. JORDAN ? The State Council is composed The proposed balanced budget "We recommend a figure of of officers of the councU and del­ wlU now be sent to the A.S. 16.2 in order to bring us up egates from each chapter of Senate for flnlal consideraUon to a comparable bargaining posl- ACSCP. Membership U tbe bas- and approval in a few weeks. ttcn with otber instttuttons,*'^- Is of aUotment of delegates. rom concluded. MATADOR CALEISTDAR Would

Todoy SFVSC Studente in Elementary p.m.. Speech Drama 100. you call this Lectures Education, 2-3 p.m., Adminis­ Monday Chemistry Seminar, Dr, Boone tration 410. Alpha Omega, 7-10 p.m., off B. Owens, research spe­ Students for a Democratic So­ campus. cialist from Atomics Inter­ ciety, 2-4 p.m., Sierra Hall Alpba Omicron Pi, 6:30-10 p.m.. success? national, 2 p,m., Science 351. South 122. Sierra Hall North 218 and 219, The fifth and sixth grades in •Few Nudeone Protdems In Nu­ Frlcby Alpha XI Delta, 6:30-10:30 p.m., Kpaiyea, Liberia now have 75 more students clear Physics,* Dr. Ivo Slaus, •Prince and tne Mermaid,* 7 Sierra Hall North 123 and 124. d>an they ever had before... 4 p,m., Science 142, p.m., Speech Drama 100. Cardinal Newman Association, since tvfo Peace Corps volunteers went •Makers of the Modem Mind,* Saturday 12-1 p.m,. Sierra HaU North to teach in the viUage schooL Cardinal Newman Assoclatloo, •prince and the Mermaid,' 120. Would you call that success? 12-1 p.m., Sierra Hall North 10 a,m. and 2 p,m., Speech- Inter-Fraternity CouncU, 6-7:30 120. Drama 100. p,m,. Cafeteria Conference Students for a Democratic So­ •Graphic Art in Motion,* 8:30 Room, ciety Open Forum, 11 a.m., p,m,. Music 158. Inter-Sororlty CouncU, 6- The Campus Quad. Sunday 6:30 p.m,. Administration 206. Msetlngt MaeHngs Matador christian Fellowship Circle K, 12-1 p.m.. Sierra HaU Alpha Phi Omega, 7-10 p.m., Prayer Meeting, 7-7:50 a.m.. Peace Corps South 123. Building C-12. Sierra Hall North 120, College Republicans, 2-4 p.m,, Camenae Installation of Offi­ Phl Sigma Sigma, 5-9 p,m., Sier­ Sierra Hall South 211. cers, 7-10 p.m., off campus. ra Hall SouUi 207 and 208. Fire DrUl, 2 p.m. Red and White New Member Re­ Steve Allen Luncheon and Forum, does... Legal Society, 12-1:30 p,m,. ception, 1-4 p.m.. Cafeteria 12-2 p.m.. Cafeteria Confer­ Sierra HaU South 209. Banquet Room. ence Room and campus quad. Men's Week CarSbow, ll-2p.m.. Films: Theta Sigma Tau, 6:30-10 p.m.. Campus Quad, •Prince and tbe Mermaid," Sierra Hall North 315 and 316, and you could be part of it.

PIANOS, ORGANS The Peace Corps m \ Washington, D,C., 20525. FOR RENT . D Please send me information Dir D Please send me an application. NAME EUROPE TOUR > 5TH YEAR ADDRESS. (Clothes for Females) Vallsir «•>• CoUafe •uamer toar, 4a dajrs, ri CrtY •aly, BoL. BiW.. «ate, a«r., AMtrte, IKaaeo. Swtts. STATE _ZIP CODE_ 7238 CANBY AVENUE Jet ttom hJL, BMnl*, hoMto, 11,496. Dr. Earle neld. RESEDA. CALIFORNIA I , I OlcUni 5 037S Stem BaU TUl, Bitt. lUL Eyea.MMk.n4. PuUishtd as • public strvice in cooptrition with Tht Adwertiting Council.


Photo Show Offers Lens Eye View CUTTING UP-Gra- phic arts major Jeff Vlnokour (left) trims tbe mounting board of one of the many photo­ graphs on exhibit today through AprU 14 in Gallery 2 of the Fine Arts BuUdlng. Larry Heliker, photo techni­ cian arranges aphotc- grapb. The exhibition contains the best works trom the port- foUio's of last semes­ ter's photography classes. The phtogra- phs, which Include people, buUdhigs and landscapes are shot through various tech­ niques. High grain, high contrast paper shots, tbe meshed soft effect of shots through lense paper and produce unusual re­ sults. (DaUy Sundlal Photo by Bob Pool) ENTERTAINMENT Music Trends Topic

N T E R T A IN M f N T E of Chamber Concert WUllam Kraft, noted percus­ United states' premiere of "The sionist, composer and conductor, Diedros* (1959) for solo flute by WlU direct the Los Angeles Per­ tbe Argentine composer HUda 'In' Girls' Adventures cussion Ensemble in a contem­ Dianda. porary chamber music concert Otber works wUl teclude 'Asy­ 8:30 p,m. Tuesday, In the Cam­ mptotes* (1963) for flute and pus Tbeater. vibraphone by Henri Lazar of, Tbe concert, in conjunction •Exametron* (1965) for flute, Often 'Out' in 'Group' with tbe International Soctety for cello and four percussionists by contemporary Music and part Aurelio de la Vega, «Trlo for By R.E. Maxson tbe type that tevolves lte viewers deeply teth e of 'Kaleidoscope '66 wUl be de­ Violta, CeUo and Piano* (1962) What happens to the members of a college adventures of the six strong cbaracterlzaUons voted to musical trends In the by Ingolf Dahl, and "Zyklus* (19 cUque after they graduate from their very 'te* withte the group. mid-sixties. 59) for one percussionist by Karl- dream world at Vassar and journey out into the This is due to the ftee direcUon of Lumet, The program wlU Include tbe be tez Stockhausen. harsh, real world, a world that does not conform who fias a remarkable abiUty to draw equally west coast premiere of Emst Stockhausen's work is a vir­ to their fantasy-impressions? remarkable periormances out of hte actors and Krenek's 'The Quintona," a work tuoso piece for a single per­ They faU to cUck. actresses (rememlwr 'The Pawnbroker* and 'The in tbe electronic medium, and the cussionist wbo is offered various But tbe movie 'The Group,* which chronicles HIU?"). choices of musical material the adventares of eight 'very In* girls during tbe Such fine dlrectteg and performances add tbe throughout tbe piece. 1930s, does. A fUm that often scales cinematic finishing touches to Buchman's searing, witty, 'Love Affair' Performers wlU include beighte of powerful drama, 'The Group," none­ tragic , comic and generally brilliant dialogue. Louise de TuUio, flutist, My­ theless, can only t>e called a qualified success. Tbe color by DeLuxe, under the supervision ron Sandler, vloltalst, Raymond •Group* contains too many mistakes te film­ of Kaufman and Lumet, Is conslstenUy beauU- to Screen Kelley, cellist, Peter Hewitt, pi­ making to I>e great, perhaps too many even to ful te lte and often mided hues. anist, and tbe Los Angeles Per­ be good. "Group* successfully attacks the emoUons and cussion Ensemble with Kenneth After a clever presentaUon of the credlte, charges tbe audience witb the kted of excitement Saturday Watson, soloist, and Kraft (con­ the film becomes such an Irrttetteg bore for SimUar to, but not quite as etfecUve, as that con- A film produced completely ductor), the next 10 minutes that one te tempted to walk tateed te 'Pawnbroker* and «H1U.* It's Uie kted by an electronic computer and a Kraft is currenUy solo tlm- out of jricture that can make one laugh and cry te cartoon about a dot and a panlst and head of the Los An­ In se8equently, and understandably, used will be discussed during a ten works for such artists as around and around the gathered group with diz­ draw a btezare assortment of losers as hud>ands symposium lead by Irving Block, MarUyn Home, and his con­ zying relentlessness. and lovers. assistant professor (tf art. Seated certo tor four percussion so­ One is almost tempted to scream out loud The girls are so shallow te tbelr psuedo- on the panel wiUbaLesGoldnum, loists and orchestra was pre­ during such irritetteg, maddening scenes, and sephisUcaUon that tbey constanUy deluded them­ MGM producer, MGM designer miered March 10 by ZubteMehte the reason is becaaae when tbe film is good, it selves and put on false fronts. Tbelr lack of Maurice Nolde and Arthur Du- conducttag the Los Angeles PhU- is very good, thus it hurte to see tbe worth­ real depth te demonstrated quite palnfuUy wben btesky, asstetant profesaor of barmonlc Orchestra. while movie nearly ruined by tbese scenes. each one has to face a crste; tbey aUfaU art. Ticket Intormatlon for Tues­ Fortunately, these sequences do not take up apart except one. tbe buUc of tbe footage. A spoof on Wagner operas, day's concert may be obtataed by Joan Hackett (Dottte), EUzabeUi Hartman 'What's Opera, Doc?* wUI also phonteg the campus box otflce, Also, there are too many characters to keep (Prlss), Shirley Knight (Polly), Joanna Pettot be tecluded. A film which uses 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . weekdays. track of; much enjoyment of the film is lost te (Kay), Jessica Walter (Llbby) and Kathleen Wld- the process of klnestaste—giving tbe attempt. The characters of Lakey (Candlce does (Helena) can aU take deep bows for their StiU objecte motion-wlU be seen Prof. Wins Award Bergen) aitd Pokey (Mary-Robte Redcl) could excellent performances. te 'Hangman,* a serious produc­ easily have been written out of tbe film, as no Tom Fricano, assistant pro­ EspeciaUy outstanding is Miss Pettot teth e cen­ tion which has yroa various fessor of art, was awarded the significant damage would have been done by tral role. She eftecUvely portrays a high-strung, awards. the removal of tbe two roles. Mary Armstrong Purchase Aw­ freneUc, obsessian-prone girl whose miserable ard for his print, "EcUpse of In examining the much iwavler, plus side of "The Dot and A Line* is an (Contteued on Page 5) MGM cartoon which is nominated tbe Sun," as weU as havteg tbe scale, one can safely say that the fUm te of for an academy award. many otber printe te exhlblUons.

~~'" "..Jl^jan— Mar, 18, 1966 VaUey Steto DaUy Sundial Page 5 Ramblin'JacIc Sings Arts African Dance Troupe Rovin', Citified Folk Festival Due Here Wednesday By J. Alan Bushman Uott presente. RambUng Jack ART African dance and music wiU by Hazel Chung Hood, Intema- tVltb a cowboy hat and guitar, also does several Ray Charles A symposium te 'Graphic Art be featured te a program sche­ tlonaUy acclaimed as the flrst RambUng Jack EUlott strikes blues songs like 'I've Got a Wo­ te Motion* wUl be presaited at duled tor 8:30 p.m. Wednesday American dancer to master Eu­ the pose of a Country and West­ man* and 'Drown in My Own 8:30 Saturday night te Music 1S8. te tbe Campus Tbeater. ropean, American, Indonesian ern singing mtestrel, but te Tears.* Op Art is on exhibit te GaUery Tickete for tbe presentation and African dance tradttioos. reaUty he te a 'cltyhlUy" from EUlott, like Dylan, ran away 1 of the Fine Arts building trom are $1 general admission and Mtes Hood, who was awarded a New York wbo sings a variety trom bome several times as 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 50 cente with an activities card. two-year fellowship from the te- of songs tbat could be classified a youngster and teught hlmseU the DANCB Appearing te conjunction wite doneslan govemment te 19S8, has 'folk music* guitar because be wanted to iml- UCLA's Institute of Ethnomu- tbe Festival of Arts series, 'Af­ received a testimcmlal of herex- Rambling Jack te currently tete tbe cowlwys be was sUying sicology presente an African rican Dance" ccmsists ot two cellmce te ethnic dance from playing at the Ash Grove te Los with at a rodeo. Wben he was Dance aw) Music Concert at psurts. Tbe first is comprlsad President Sukarno. Angeles, along with anotber act. 20 he returned to New York and 8:30 p.m. Wednesday tetheCam- of the documentary fllm 'Atom- The musical ensemble, headed Long Gone Miles, a blues steg­ did a few records before he went pus Theater. Tickets are $1 pan," story ot the talking dmm by PbU Harland, tecludes Stuart er. EUlott, Vanguard recording to England, intending to steg bis for general admteslon and 50 of Ghana. Brotman, Chartes Fischer, Gary artist, cute loose with various way around the world. He steyed cente with an A. S. card. Tbe fllm will be tetroduced Lazarus, Richard Murphy, San­ In England from 1955 to 1961, by writer-composer Mantle dra Ovard, James Rogers and Jeff Woody Guthrie songs ('Sowing DRAMA on the Mountate* and'Pretty Boy because it had moreapprectetive Wood, director of the institute Barris. Senior Drama stedent Mary Floyd.* Guthrie and heafibelly audiences and had already heard of Ethnomusicology at UCLA. Ann Gackle concludes her pre- have Influenced him most, ElUot foDc music, Uke Leadbelly. Mantle also directed and pro­ ^ IN PERSON^ says. Ramtding Jack tent worried senteticn o('Gershwinte,*asong, duced tbe documentary which has about making a Uvlng; he says dance and narration of George been declared a naUonal fllm ElUott's periormance is ac­ Gershwte's songs, at 8:30 to­ tually a variety act of folk, that the new folk music wiU stick ot Ghana by its president, Kwame around because it holds tbe niglit te the Studio Theator. Nkrumah. country and western, and blues, Carol Stone's new children's and xjHary drlftteg occaslonaUy toward tbe younger set. The second part of the pro­ ptey, 'The Prtece and tbe Mer­ folk-rock sound, 'because I like gram, devoted to Uve African 'The songs have a message. Ot maid,* concludes a three-week- it,* said Rambling Jack. course, all songs have a mes­ dance and music, wiU teclude nm te the Campus theater thte some of the periormances and With several Bob Dylan tunes sage,* he added wryly. weekend. Periormances are already te hte repertoire (be te musical ensembles seen te tbe Also on the program te the foot- scheduled for tonli^t at 7:30 fllm. These teclude such dan­ a personal friend of Dylan's) stomping, mean blues of knee> Saturday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the transiUcm to folk-rock may ces as "Kete," 'Sobu" and slapping LongGoneMUes. Miles, and Sunday at 2 p.m. 'Flkyi." not be too hard for EUlott. who does not play a gutter or har­ ENGLISH Dancers teclude Mia Seeger, The friendship with Dylan be­ monica, is accompanied by Ash Daniel Bernd, assistant pro­ Harold Rogers, Joe Janaskl, Ann gan te 1961 when they were both Grove Instructor Bernard Pearl. styling their music after Guthrie fessor of EngUsh, will discuss Blackford, Christy Savey and Miles haUs from Shreveport, 'Gerald Manley Hopkins, Tbe George Estrada. Also pertor- LoM •••€• mHnicipQi AHdinrlimi while Uvlng te New York. Tbree FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 8:30 P.M. years ago tbey went their se­ Louisiana, but picked up most of Poet as Prophet," at 1 p.m. mteg are Dee Wilcox, Carol An­ Suta Maaica CIvk AaeHariam his professicmal style trom ano­ SATURDAY, AAARCH 26, 8:30 P.M. parate ways. Wednesday te Music 158. derson, Carolyn Mctetyre, Ray­ TMuta S4.T5, $1.75, $2.75 tber Negro, tbe great lightning MUSIC mond Moy and BiUl Hutchlogs. Tkkiti Anllmklf tt AadHorium 8« When asked what he thoui^t Onim and Wallleli't Minio City IMni Hoiddns, wben be moved to A contemporary chamber mu­ Leading tbe dance group wiU Mall artm Imlwla itanaad of artists like Donovan wbo per­ Mif titnmt ••wtaMi form folk-rock material, EUlott Houston. Wben asked it he wrote sic concert wiU be given by the replied 'Great.* Whe n asked any songs. Miles repUed,'I write Los Angeles Percussion Ensem­ what he meant by great, he said aU my songs, but I dont write ble and directed by WiUiam Kraft MARCH 18-27 'Great! You know, Uke Washteg­ 'em down, I just keep 'em tem y at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday tetheCam- ton, Ltecoln, Jefferson.* ' head.* pus Theater. Rejoice.DearHeartsBROTHER ActuaUy humor is not hard for ElUott, who hopes to some­ day play a cowboy te the movies 'Group' Adventures... ^^If DAVEGARDNER because he knows how a cowboy (Contteued from Page 4) The South's Leading Comic Philosopher should be played, and be frequen­ existence twrders on tesanlty more and more as the fllm con­ TO DELIGHT YOUR MINDS tly uses humorous material te hte tteues. act. He does a 'Goo-Goo* j<*e AT DOUG WESTON'S which is very funny. Also excellent are James Broderick (Dr. Rldgetey), Jtames Congdon (Sloan), Larry Hagman (HeraltiD, Hal Holbrook (Gus One of ElUott's better numt)ers Reservations rLfrouoadour Leroy), Richard Mulligan (Dick Brown), RolMrt Embardt (Pol­ 9083 Sante Monica Blvd. Near Dobeny is Jimmy Driftwood's 'Tennes­ ly's father) and Carrie Nye (Norine). CR. 6-6168 see Sted,* wblcb blends itself with the cowboy atmosphere EI- .ONE DAY ONLYII Opera Star THE BACHELORS SUN. MARCH 271 to Perform 16952 Parthenia (corner Balboa) Leading mezzo-soprano Mari­ Tops In Topless lyn Home WlU perform te con­ cert at 8;30 p.m. Wednesday, (The Greatest of Spectator Sports) I'ii'KiNesroNntio March 30 at tbe Northridge Jr. 2 PERFORMANCES ONLY! 3 & 8 PM High School Auditorium. Every Day 4 p.m,-2 a.m. Tickets for the program, which ORDER YOUR TICKETS BY PHONE-883-9900 is part of VaUey Stete's festival (Over 21, of course) . »lio So. C»l. Music Co., 637 S. Hill St., Mulial *t«nci«» > W»llicln Music Ciljr of Arts, are $3 for general ad­ •III a HUBUM)-

.< Cal State Los Angeles, Cal Steto Long Beach, Cal Stete Ful­ Invitational lerton, Chico Stato, Sacramento Coach Paul Thomas' tennte Stete, San Diego Steto, San Fran­ toam travels to Long Beach to­ cteco State, San Jose State, UC day, to participate te the Long Sante Barl)ara and of course Val­ Beach Invitational on the Cal ley Stete. State Long Beach courts. PreUmlnartes te the free ex­ ''.oteg with Thomas, wUl be siz ercise and side-horse evente .lembers of the Matedor squad, start at 9 a.m. and the MaUdor's tecludteg Tony Esquiro, Jerry Bob Dtemond wlU Iw out torotat e Borreson, Gary Green and Jack tbe championship be won te the Libbea. Thomas wasn't sure wbo free exercise a year ago. Dte­ tbe other two men would be at mond Is also tbe defending champ­ press time. ion te the rings and paraUel bars. The event starts at 8 a.m. wtth The preUmlnartes for the latter tbe Matadors meetteg Brlgham event start at 1 p.m. Young University. Thomas did Valley Stete's otber big ster, oot sound too ideased with the Rusty Rock, is the defending Stete drawteg of such a powerful op- WHAD01D0N0W7~Lynn Gttsey, senior psycho­ Show being held today from 9 a.m. to S p.m. champion on the high bar and also pment for a start, but expressed logy major te just about ready to throw a te the quad. Otber club members hope they'U In tbe aU-around compeUUon. hope that Green or Libbea would wronch Into the works, as she trtes te vate make it to tbe show and to the Champla ship Hell start his attempt to rotate come out on top te the tedlvidual to fix a broken-down TR-4 which conked out- raUye being held Saturday night, (Dally his standing at around 11 a.m. matches. on tbe way to tbe Matador Sporte Car ClUb Sundtel Pboto by Bob Pool) with the preUmlnartes oftbebl^ bar. zEsaoQDaatsQeaQGeaesQ'n The top ntee contestante te 2 LOCATIONS: S YaxthEnia Cents-z 881-9015 I OPEN D Hours: 9-6 Y LES 18434 Devonshire Blvd. USCs McKay BARBER SHOP Northrldge, 360-3830 (Mon-Sat) 24 Peer A I IP A KIT 19964 Ventura Blvd. 18120 Parthente St. IX ta I AUK AIM I woodland HUIs, 340-0530 to Highlight Northrtdge, CaUf. 3ata:iaaBgiDPaaQaEaaaapi5Bnnnnnnginn>?f;iQf3BiaaCT3noBgEiiHOURS E Grid Clinic OPERATION MATCH John McKay, bead footbaU DID YOU KNOW? coach at the University of Sou­ IS HERE thern CaUfomia, wlU highlight what Is to be VaUey Stato's Call for Free Form 10% ZXacount to VSC Students first annual Sprteg FootbaU CU­ BR. 2-0941 and staff on all Merchandise nlc te the gym. The clinic, which is the first venture of thte type for VaUey State, figures to be a success with over 250 coaches from the Sou­ thern Califomte area tedlcaUng B822 Reseda Blvd. yj^.^ 34S-04M tbelr intention to come. •we would like to make the cU- nic an annual afteir te cooJuncUon l^HNorthrldge Recreatien^^^ with spring footbaU pracUce, said ^H 1B217 Parlhania Slnal ^^H Matador coach Sam Winnlngham. ^^J (Batwaan Undlay»Raiada) ^^^^ I re-S^ea.^on .S^Cacn .Sjalt Five pro footbaUers wlUalso headltee tbe program te additian Vaughn's is offering their complete stock to McKay, who te the featured of traditional plain front slacks for the speaker. McKay, who coached sale price of 2 for the price of 1! Choose USC to a naUonal championship. from dacron-wools, flannels, all wool wor­ Rose Bowl victory and a pertect SO.GAUFORNIA MEN IN EUROP sted and many other fine fabrics ... the 11-0 record te 1962, wUl give a choice is yours. Limited time only! taUc on the •Potential of tbe 'I' HAVE IT MADE- All Drtss Slacks... 2 for the Price of 1 FormaUon." WHEN THEY BUY, RENT OR LEASE 24.95 slacks now 2 for 24.93 A CAR IN EUROPE FROM CTE 22.95 slacks. now 2 for 22.95 XEROX COPIES Write-phone for free Car Guide-Low Rale SitHlent Plan 19.95 slacks nqw 2 for 19.95 18.95 slacks now 2 for 18.95 WHILE YOU WAIT! FUIR STATIONERS CAR-TOURS IN EUROPE,INC. 17.95 slacks now 2 for 17.95 16707 Roscoe Blvd. 555 Fifth Ave., N.Y.. N.Y. 10017 • PL 1-3550' I6.9b slacks new 2 for 16,95 (Opposite Vnn Nuys Airport) Campus Rep. Michael D. Townsend. P.O. Box 250Sl.Los Angeles, Calif Tel :479 8330 Phmm; tfl-ITOT Q»im»mt» f (ur repilir JS'V fUKvM In »ll utttw . 3 CCbOTMERSi I CUSTOM RECORDINGS Upon Your National Instilotion »3J Westwood BI. >«> t.sT.isj7 ^tt^ lot Antefei 24 44 BY WMtwoBi Villije *«-i&j^> 477-7217 ^ Doubl* D— Delta Pledge Class univtnily man'* thep ' ^ Enfl«rpris«s KRKEIEY l*N JOSI MATTll SACKAMINIO lUOENi FAIO AITO ' van Nuys 782-3638 Sammie Sisters Greeks % 5.fl!.* :-%r-'r •.•^H'^ •'^-?^?-t:-!?*^'?^^ • .»! -. ... x,,M. Si,-! >.^ ,„,. i,., .V,*,,»,^J4i/,*,^i Mar. 18, 1966 Valley State Dally Sundlal Page 7

Summer Day Camp Sackers to Play Last CCAA champs COUNSELORS (Cootlnued from Page 6) points OD tbe high ber. to give the Matadors any trouble. WANTED Pre-Season Games Everyone wbo qualified for tbe VaUey State has already defeated June 20 ^August 26 The Matador basebaU team The Matadors wiU have right­ evening's finals also Is entitled the Diablos twice this season Camp Location - gete Its final tune-up for tbe hander Jim Harding (1-1) pitch to compete in the NCAA Univer­ and should do so again with si­ TOPANGA CANYON 1966 CCAA season this week­ against tlie Kingsmen, whUe a- sity Divtslon Reglaaal meet milar performances. Sacra­ CALI-CAMP end wben tbe squad travels to nother right-hander, Pat LeRos­ March 25-26 at Cal State Los mento is StlU a quesUon mark, Cal Lutheran today and Chap­ slgnol (0-1) and southpaw Bob Angeles. The top placers at that Summer Day Camp meet wUl qualify for tbe Univer­ but most coaches beUeve they are man College Saturday. Delzell (1-1) wUl oppose the Pan­ not as strong as the Matadors. CaU after 4:00 p.m. for The Matadors meet Cal Lu­ thers. sity Division FUials AprU 1-2 AivUcaUon 348-6258 theran at 3 p.m., while play­ at Penn State. Diamond and Rock, Secondbaseman Maurice Rosas with good performances, should ing the Panthers a doubleheader is the team's leadlnghltter boast­ starting at 12:30 p.m. make these last finals. ing a .436 average for the Mata­ In Saturday night's meet oaly Both clubs defeated the Mata­ dors* dors earUer In the year at Val­ Cal State (LA) and northem power Classic Cat 9o's ley State with Chapman edging With head coach Stan Char­ Sacramento State are expected the Matadors 4-3 whUe the nofsky out of town for tbe week­ GIRLS 18 & OVER Kingsmen took home a 3-1 end, assistant coach Bob Hiegert RedRobinRestaurant win. wiU run the team. 8232 De Ave. Dancing— Beer Hopes High for Tracksters Canoga Park 341-5510 OPEN 11a.m. Coach Felix JumonvUle sees "PhyslcaUy the Matadors should Cocktail Lounge a good chance for his track team be near full strength,* JumonvlUe Early Bird Dinners to win Saturday when the Mata­ said. Sprinter Mike Tlerney, T.G.I.F. DAILY dors go to Chapman CoUege for a stUl recovering from a puUed $1.50 triangular meet with chapman leg muscle, may run in the meet Complete Menu: March 25. 1-5 p.m. and Cal State-FuUerton. Com­ petition wUi begin at 1:30 p.m. but wUl have to take it easy. JumonvUle said be had ori- Steaks, Chops Coach JumonvUle said he knew 18224 Porthenia-Northridge litUe about the strengths of either grinaUy hoped to run some of of the two onponents, but he ex­ his men in races other tlian those Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll pects a close meet. Once again in which they normally compete he expressed hope for a number of in order to give them a change of pace. However, he may not be SUNDIAL CLASSIFIED Valley State first place finishes, Classified ads miay be placed in the advertising imum 50 wortls $3 for three Insertions. AU ads able to do this if he learns that but he said his team's lack of office of the DaUy Sundial located in North 224 are payable in advance and may bemaUedto Val­ depth, especiaUy in the hurdles the meet may be closer than be of Sierra Hall from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Max­ ley State DaUy Sundial, ClassiflBd Advertising, and tbe relays would hurt. expected. imum 20 words $2 for three insertions and max­ 18111 Nordhoff, Northridge, California.

TYPING AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE New 1966 VW's MUNTZ AUTO STEREO EXPERIENCED home typist and 1963 HONDA Scrambler, '64 en­ REFRIGERATOR ~10 years Old, 1300 Deluxe $1609 69.95 mimeograph. Close to College. gine, exceUent condlUon, low superb condlUon. $25. 341-6728. Low rates and top service. 886- miles, very clean. $395. 348- (3-23) i6oorastbeck $2150 ArSr*-ii^^c«. 3488. (3-18) 8528 and ask for Gerry. (3-23) LCI mports 18148 Sberman Way 881—3033 RCA Television console, pecan IBM typing: Term papers, the­ MUST seU '55 Austin Healy. wood, exceUent condlUon. $85.00 ses, etc. Accurate, reasonable Less engine and transmission. CaU 785'-8444 after 6 p.m.(3-31) and dependable personalized ser­ $150. 347-3899. (3-23) TRAVEL MAMMA LUCIA'S ITALIAN vice. Close to campus. Phone ReMCaurant and Delicatassen' 345i-2739. (5-27) 1965 LAMBRETTA, 125cc. Ex­ 1966 STUDENT TOURS TO EU­ ceUent condiUm. Uncle Sam ROPE. Lower priced than aU Open For Lunch—Imported 8c Domestic Food AUTOMOTIVE callsl Must seU. $275 after others. INTERCONTINENTAL,. 6 p.m. 342-4531. (3-22) I81S11 33 Ctateworth St 11:30-12 Food To Oo 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air, ex­ 323 Tforth Beverly Drive, Bev­ Granada HlUs Frt. & Sat. tlU 2 a.m. EH-3 4333 erly HUIs, California. (3-31) ceUent condition, new transmis­ 1957 Ford Ranchero, V-8, auto- sion, carburetor and battery. mattc, very clean. $650. 353- HELP WANTED Very clean. $295. 886-1842. Good Food at Reausonable Prices (3-22) 7413. (3-18) RIDE Wanted: MW 11-4:15, F B.M.W. 700 Super Sport coupe, 11-3:00. 7749 Reseda, one way 1963 HONDA 150cc, low mUes; 65 h.p., 20,000 miles, AM/FM, excellent condition, must see U only. lOf, both ways, 25f. Su­ $2500 invested, loads of extras, san WelU, 342-9779. (3-22) For The Discriminating Stomach* appreciate. 883-4529 or 789- absolutely immaculate, going to 1462. (3-31 Europe. Reasonable. CaUGR4- 4686. (3-18) MISCELLANEOt^ fat 14 PAfrTMCMI* 1963 Austln-Healy Sprite, A-l MOWTIIIIIDae THE Ski Club sUll has Umlted 831.MS4 ClOMdMOO. condition, white with red interior, HOUSING PartlieiiU at Lindley radio, heater. $1150 or make of­ openings for Its Easter Ski Trip fer. Must seU. 348-0488. (3-18) THREE bedrooms and 1 1/2 to Jime and Mammoth, fromApril baths, new with waU to waU car­ 5-8. The price is $18.25, inclu­ if8 AARON BROS. pets, drapes, air conditioning, des bus transportation, shuttles, 1966 MGB, less than 2,000 mUes. far double garage, 1 block to gram­ and lodging with housekeeping. Must seU. $2,800. call 764- mar school, 5 mUes VaUeyState, For Information, contact John ART SUPPLIES 8633. (3-3i; year lease. 1st and last, refer­ Van Arsdale at 785-2670 or attend Open Nights 1960 CORVAIR, 4 door, exceUent ences. By appointment. 894- next Ski Club meeting on Thurs. running condlUon, radio, heater, 6044. (3-18) 3 p.m. In P.E. 112. (3-22) Til 9:30 automatic transmission. Best Open Sundsy offer. OL 3-5414. (3-23) UNFURNISHED apartment for MOTORCYCLE LiabUity Insur­ student A Teachers' Dieeounts rent. Carpeted, draped, built- ance, 10/20/5-$30. 477-2011, PORSCHE, fine condition, must ins, pool, air condiUoning, pri­ 9-5 p.m. Fire and theft cover­ Come In and get on our see to appreciate. Inquire Nathan vate paUo. Near coUege. CaU age offered. Financing private mailing llat for epeolale. O. Freedman, 349-6950. (3-23) 349-0676 evenings and weekends party sales. Quickl Motorcy­ 7702 Van Nuys Blvd. -V.N. or ext. 473 (m campus and ask cle Finance Co. (5-27) 19215 Ventura Blvd. - Tarzana DELUXE 88 convertible, 1956 for Mrs. SteUu (3-18) Olds, automatic transmission, Interested in Joining a folk group? power, radio, beater, air, plus FOR Rent: private entrance with study room, huge closets, and Call Barry Barker at 886-3585 new tires and top. Red leather or Tim Nordquist at 349-5566. Interior, excellent motor (bring comforts. Off street parking. Presitge Nortliridge area. $45 Stage experlmce preferred. your mechanic.) One owner, (3-22) BJG DADDY'S retired private seUer. CaU 365- and $55 /mo. 886-1903. (3-31) Are YOM Rtady For: .^ 6871 between 5 and 7 p.m. (3-22) FOR sale: 5 min. from coUege, quiet street, charming 3 bedroom Driving tlirough Kansas City to Tusi. Nite - .25< Spaghefti «^ 1962 GRAN xurlsimo Stude, 4 and study, 30' den, 2 fireplaces, St. Louis for spring break Leav­ speed stick, power, good con­ screened patio, 50' custom pool, ing March 30 at midnight. Share (7-9 p.m.) ^^, dlUon, radio, heater, black, red 1/2 acre. 886-1842. (4-15) expenses/driving. Call Mari­ interior, white wall tires, ori­ lyn, 349-5722. (3-23) Thurs. Nite - Alf You Can ^ ginal, private owner. Phone 763- 1 and 2 bedroom unfurnished du­ 0172. (3-18) $1.00 (7-10 p.m.) plex. Water and gardner paid. 349-4565. (3-18) Advertise in the DaUy Sundial, Fri - Sat.. Nite - 1965 MUSTANG, 6 months new . the Valley's fastest growing col­ V-8, radio, heater, 289 engine, NEED roommate to share one lege newspaper, now publishing Live Music, Dancing to Bobby Bond & crulsomatlc, special wire wheel bedroom apartment, color TV, four times a week: Tuesday covers, vibrosonic. Must see to pool table, sauna bath, and pool. tlirough Friday, classified and 16659 Roscoe Blvd. *^^ ^s^"*" beUeve. Private party. CaU $75/mo. Call Henry. 886-0845. display advertising may be placed 894-0817. . (3-18) f3-18) in the Sundial Business Office.

'M»i-^--irT^iiHi^, -<«»'' _^ Page 8 VaUey State DaUy Sundial Mar. 18, 1966 ANALYSIS


EDITORIAL Funds Quandary The A. S. Finance Committee has begun to wrestle with the problems of preparing a budget for the 1966-67 academic year. The difficulties will be even greater this time than in the past, since the budget must be cut by $65,000. Obviously, something has to go. The big question is what. In working toward a solution to this ques­ tion, the Finance Committee must consider the relative values of the various projects ''Today, I will lecture on apathy." for which fimds are being requested. One of those projects is the acquisition of a ij<:i 1 i:i{s portable speakers' podium. The value of such a podium is great. Not only will it be available for use in an open 'Ridiculously Poor' Attendance air central forum, but it can also be uti­ lized by speakers drawing larger audiences who appear elsewhere on campus. As when for Men's Week Upsets Student New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller spoke To the Editor: voice opinions. Men's Week set tion 'Why dont you parUclpate here in 1964. At that time no podium was I am moved to write this let­ aside Tuesday, March 15 as PoU­ In on-campus events?* Is 'There available; Rockefeller had to secure his ter because of the ridiculously tical Awareness Day, featuring arent any events worth attend­ own. That a speaker (rf such stature (or any poor turnouts for AMS Men's forums on the draft and Vietnam. ing,* or 'I didnt know that there speaker appearing at the invitation of the Week events. Valley State stu­ However, only a handful of inter­ were any (m-campus events; why dents have been upset because ested students attended these for­ don't you publicize them?* Associated Students or the college) should their school did not have any for­ ums. My answer to the flrst state­ have to buy the podium at which he is to ums CO the draft or on Vietnam The typical response ofthe ment is why dont you attend some speak creates a poor image indeed for where they could gather facts and commuter student to the ques- of the many dUferent on-campus Valley State. events and see? If these students would have attended the two for­ The Daily Simdial feels that the portable ums, I am sure Speech-Drama speakers' podium deserves a spot high on the Tenure Policy Questioned 100 would have had at least priority list of items to be funded. We re­ 400 students Instead of 40. To the Editor: report it is stated that among the In response to the second state­ cognize the problems involved in preparing In the DaUy Sundlal for Wed­ criteria for granting tenure are ment, I would suggest reading the the coming year's budget, but we strongly nesday, March 16, are reported a) 'Does the instructor have a Dally Sundlal or looking at the the proceedings of the A. S. Sen­ teaching abiUty of exceUence?* various posters around the cam­ urge that regardless of how the $65,000 is ate with regard to the reports eliminated all possible efforts be made to and b) "What qualifications does pus. The March 11 DaUy Sundial given by Dr. Oviatt and Chris tbe instructor bave for teaching? grant the request fbr the podium. Latham to the Senate. In this carried the complete Ust of The aqulslUon of a PI1.D. is nor­ Men's Week festivities across the maUy required to become a ten­ front page. Previous Issues had ured faculty member.* pointed out that Men's Week was Reader Comments on Viet War Are we to understand that pos­ coming. On March 15, PoUtical session of a Ph.D. Is equiva­ Awareness Day, the Daily Sundial To the Edlton •thats your job.* Every day our apologize, not that people were lent to possessing the necessary carried an article about the two 'Honor, commitment, aggres- planes bomb the bridges and raU- killed, but because it was a neu­ and sufUcient knowledge In a forums, and the events were also aloa, freedom, and democracy* roads of North Vietnam. Never tral vUlage. field to teach within that field? mentiraed in the daily calendar. have become the new language of is thought given to those wbo You who read this—THIS IS Also what is meant by the term When the campus does feature war. As Is usuaUy the case In might be riding on those trains DONE IN YOUR NAME! If you normal? What constitutes the a speaker like Mr. Ralph Bige­ such situations, tbe term 'hu­ or bridges. agree with these tacUcs, or the ataormal or unusual case? low, head registrar and the man manity* Is seldom used. Is it •But we must remember," says aim of our govemment, thm Nowhere in the article appear­ most closely connected with the not Ironic that we exclaim that the bousewUe-salesmanr-engin- speak out. If you disagree. If ing in the Daily Sundlal is a state­ student draft at Valley State, the we are fighting for the freedom of you are concerned, then let your eer piously, 'those Asians dont ment as to how teaclilng effec­ men students should take advan­ the Individual, yet casuaUy Ig­ voice be beard. This Is a col­ value Ufe the way we do. They tiveness and excellence are mea­ tage of the opportunity to hear nore the sufferings of the people? send them over In human waves lege campus, not a hospital—al­ sured. I do not know if Dr. Oviatt Is It not curious that Mr. Rusk, though a UtUe noise may wake him. I am sure Mr. Bigelow and never miss them.* covered this point or not, but I am wUl be faced with the same ques­ testifying before tbe Foreign Re­ Thats an interesting interpre- some people up. most interested in knowing what laUons Committee was able to tions which he answered at tbe taUco In the Ught tbat we are AnU-war pickets carry signs, yardstick is used In measuring forum, by students who did not cite exact casualty figures of the "Vietnamese are people.* Re­ fighting for "the right of the In­ the proficiency of an Instructor. bother to attend. I am equaUy Viet Cong but had no idea of the dundant? Perhaps, yet bow cu­ dividual to decide for himself, Is an Instructor rated as anef- sure that there wUl be several number of Vietnamese civilians etc. . . .etc. . .* Possibly It is rious that we must be reminded. who have died In the struggle? flclmt, excellent one because he letters to the editor by the end WE who do not value ASIAN PaulShliKift went to the same school as tbe Junior, Anthropology of the semester asking why VaUey We have passed from tbe world lives. Instructor doUig the rating, and State has not had any forum on of social concern to that of the Our planes bomb a vUlage In since the Instructor doing the Vietnam. klU raUo. 'KUl Viet Cong,* the neutral zone, and 68 people Need IQ of 135 rating Is Obriously an exceUent I can (nly hope that VaUey says Gen. Greene to his Marines, exist only in newsprint. We teacher, the Instructor being State students wlU begin to open in Mensa Group rated must also be exceUent? Or tbelr eyes to the many on-cam­ What? pus events taking place every VAUJBT wrtam ooLxaas CHICAGO (CPS)-Many groups I would very much appreciate day. Now is as good a time claim their members number a reply from Dr. Oviatt or his as any to start Uvlng a college DAILY SUNDIAL among the inteUectuaUy eUte. representaUve. life. One group Is posiUve all Its Charles Wolfe Alex Landon ^ uukutcmkn.»eau members are—the one require­ Lcwqr Witoai, pttOtctim iHMpr Graduate, Mathematics Sophomore, PoUtical Science """^ —". •TI-'I T TimiUTT ment for membership is an IQ PiMialMd atUi dwlat UM ic«Martk Me. Itoj atuald to teMr wUlna C«w Bdllara. Uatj E. Wtolar bling statlsUcs and bringing tbe adj tt^pae*Parana. AUtaMaraMMlbi and teelada kte or tor flte , britoaidtar InteUectuals into contact with AU laltan an Mbjael to •urto «n III! at Ito mwaletlto wrttar. one another. latlarto ttam

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