November 2014
Volume 19 Issue 3 Jackson Historical Society November 2014 PIONEER CHURCH RECORDS SPEAK Immanuel Lutheran Church 1847-1974 Among the most precious possessions of your Jackson Historical Society are the baptism, confirmation, marriage and death records, along with the Minutes of the voters' meetings and the financial records of the former Immanuel Church. All of these have been translated and incorpo- rated in whole or in part in our newest book, Pioneer Church Records Speak: Immanuel Lutheran Church Jackson, WI 1847-1974. All 480-plus surnames from the records are also in the book and fully indexed, to the delight of any Jackson Historical Society Museum family historian or genealogist. The author, Royal Natzke, spent over a decade working on the book and MEMBERSHIP DUES involved 10 additional people to help Your annual $15 dues cover with the translating, transcribing, and a calendar year starting in January. graphics. As his relatives helped start The current year for your member- Immanuel, and an uncle served as pastor ship is shown on The Church at Immanuel for 5 years, and Royal was Mouse address label to the right of asked to preach for the closing of the the zip code. church in 1974, he has always felt that Your dues include a sub- the story of this pioneer church needed scription to the Church Mouse and to be told. The book achieves his goal. help us preserve Jackson history. About half of the book contains translation and organization of the bap- JHS MEETINGS TIMES tism, etc. church records, while the other half tells the story of the begin- nings of the congregation, the early growth, the serious split in 1876, the The Jackson Historical reconciliation in 1894, and the decline which included the closing of the Society meets the 2nd Monday of school in 1929, and the closing service (funeral) in 1974.
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