47136-003: Upper Secondary Education Sector Development

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47136-003: Upper Secondary Education Sector Development Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Project Number: 47136-003 Loan 3427-CAM (COL) February 2020 Kingdom of Cambodia: Upper Secondary Education Sector Development Program Updated the Construction of 84 sub-projects: 14 new Secondary Resource Centers (SRCs) in 14 provinces, 5 Lower Secondary School (LSSs) upgrading to Upper Secondary School (USSs) in four provinces and 10 overcrowded USSs in six provinces), 44 Teacher Housing Units or Teacher Quarters (TQs) in 21 provinces and the rehabilitation of 11 existing USSs. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AP – Affected people ASEAN – Association of Southeast Asian Nations CCCA – Cambodia Climate Change Alliance CMAC – Cambodian Mine Action Centre CMDG – Cambodia Millennuum Development Goals CLO – Community Liaison Officer EA – Executing Agency EARF – Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EHS – Environmental and Health and Safety EHSO – Environmental and Health and Safety Officer EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMIS – Education Management Information System EMP – Environmental Management Plan EO – Environment and Social Safeguard Officer ERC – Education Research Council ESP – Education Strategic Plan Fig. – Figure GRC – Grievance Redress Committee GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism ICT – Information and communication technology IEE – Initial Environmental Examination IEIA – Initial Environmental Impact Assessment LSS – Lower Secondary School MLVT – Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training MOE – Ministry of Environment MoEYS – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport MRC – Mekong River Commission NESS – National Environment and Safeguard Specialist NSDP – National Strategic Development Plan PAM – Project Administration Manual PCP – Public Communications Policy PCU – Project Coordination Unit PIC – Project Implementation Consultant POE/DOE – Provincial Office of Education/ District Office of Education QPR – Quarterly Progress Report REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment RF – Resettlement framework RGC – Royal Government of Cambodia RR – Repair or Rehabiliation SA – School Authorities 2 SD – School Director SIF – School Improvement Funds SPS – ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) SRC – Secondary Resource Centers SRS – Secondary Resource Schools TGL – (subject) Technical Group Leader TQ – Teacher Quarter or Teacher Housing Unit USE – Upper Secondary Education USESDP – Upper Secondary Education Sector Development Project USS – Upper Secondary School UXO – Unexploded ordance WASH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ____________________________________________________________ 7 I. INTRODUCTION_____________________________________________________________ 12 A. PROJECT CONCEPT AND RATIONAL _____________________________________________ 12 B. METHODOLOGY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ________________________________ 12 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ________________________ 13 A. ADB’S ENVIRONMENT SAFEGUARDS POLICIES _____________________________________ 13 B. CAMBODIA ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND GUIDELINES ________________________________ 15 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ___________________________________________ 20 A. DESIGN FEATURES OF SCHOOLS _______________________________________________ 23 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ______________________________________ 42 A. PHYSICAL RESOURCES: ______________________________________________________ 43 1.TOPOGRAPHY ______________________________________________________________ 43 2.CLIMATE. ______________________________________________________________ 44 3.AIR QUALITY ______________________________________________________________ 45 4.NOISE ______________________________________________________________ 45 B.BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES _____________________________________________________ 45 C.SOCIOECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT _______________________________________________ 46 1.POPULATION ______________________________________________________________ 46 2.WATER SUPPLY, SANITATION AND HEALTH ________________________________________ 46 D.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES _________________________________________ 47 E.PRESENCE OF ASBESTOS AND OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS _________________________ 47 V.ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ______ 47 A.ANTICIPATED BENEFITS FROM THE PROJECT _______________________________________ 47 B.PRE-CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS AND MITIAGATION ___________________________________ 47 1.LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT __________________________________________ 47 2.ENCROACHMENT ON ECOLOGICALLY AND CULTURALLY PROTECTED AREAS ________________ 48 3.TECHNICAL DESIGN STANDARDS ________________________________________________ 48 4.HEALTH, SANITATION, AND SECURITY ____________________________________________ 48 C.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES DURING CONSTRUCTION ___________ 48 D.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES DURING SCHOOL OPERATION ________ 49 VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION _________ 49 A.FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONS ______________ 54 VII.GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ________________________________________ 54 VIII.ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ____________________________________ 57 A. OBJECTIVES ______________________________________________________________ 57 4 B.ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES _________________________________________ 57 C.ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND REPORTING ____________________________________ 57 D.INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ______________________________ 60 IX. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ___________________________________ 60 X.APPENDIXES _______________________________________________________________ 61 Appendix 1. Enviromental Management Plan and Monitoring Matrix for USESD ___________________ 61 Appendix 2. List of Infrastructure projects that required an IEIA or EIA ____________________________ 68 Appendix 3A. Master Plans of the 62 Schools _________________________________________________ 69 Appendix 3B. School Maps of the 84 sub-projects: 14 SRCs, 5 LSSs upgrading to USSs, 10 overcrowded USSs, and 44 TQs _______________________________________________ 113 Appendix 4A. Attendance Sheets ___________________________________________________________ 130 Appendix 4B. Photo documentation of the consultation meetings _______________________________ 147 Appendix 4C. Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist _______________________________ 150 Appendix 4D. A Checklist for Preliminary Climate Risk Screening _______________________________ 153 Appendix 4E. School Site Screening Report __________________________________________________ 154 Appendix 4F. Site Safeguard Report ________________________________________________________ 157 Appendix 4G. Questionnaires (Mental Map) for the SRS Field Work Visits _______________________ 159 Appendix 4H. Minutes of the Public Conultation Meeting _______________________________________ 162 Appendix 5. Templates of Safe Guard Monitoring Report in Monthly, Quarterly, And Semi-Anuual Report ______________________________________________________________________ 170 5 LISTS OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table No. Page TABLE 1.ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD POLICY PRINCIPLES OF ADB'S SPS (2009) .................................. 14 TABLE 2.IDENTIFIED SCHOOL SITES FOR CIVIL WORKS BASED ON SCHOOL NETWORK MAPPING ................ 22 TABLE 3.LOCATION OF THE SCHOOL SITES ............................................................................................... 42 TABLE 4.PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS .............................................................................................. 50 TABLE 5.CONSTRUCTION PHASE MONITORING PLAN ................................................................................. 58 TABLE 6.OPERATION PHASE MONITORING PLAN ....................................................................................... 58 TABLE 7.SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT/ MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .............................. 58 Figure No. Page FIGURE 1.PLAN FOR UXO CLEARANCE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITES ......................................................... 10 FIGURE 2.LOCATION OF SCHOOLS/TQS TO BE BUILT OR REHABILITATED ..................................................... 13 FIGURE 3.PLAN OF PROPOSED NEW SRC .................................................................................................. 24 FIGURE 4.FRONT AND REAR VIEWS OF THE PROPOSED SRC ...................................................................... 25 FIGURE 5.CROSS-SECTION VIEW OF THE SRC ........................................................................................... 26 FIGURE 6.CROSS-SECTION OF THE LABORATORY ....................................................................................... 27 FIGURE 7.PLAN OF THE SEWAGE AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM ........................................................................... 28 FIGURE 8.LOCATION INSIDE SAMPHAKBORAK USS FOR SRC CONSTRUCTION IN KRATIE PROVINCE ............. 29 FIGURE 9.LAYOUT OF PROPOSED CLASSROOM
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