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of vVashington 1 Library , Washington Evergreen

VOL. XLVIll z799 STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 1,1942. No. 96. SENIORS CREATE Sergeant O'Ravez Receives Orders 650 .GRA,DUATES HEAR TIMELY NEW SCHOLARSHIP Staff Sergeant James O'Ravez, stationed at the State College of FUND OF $1450 Washington for the past eight years, has been ordered to active ADDRESS BY DR. H. H,. CHANG Board of Control to Administer duty in the Quartermaster Corps, as of June 1, it was announced by Funds; Award to Be $100 Chinese Professor Says American Ideals of Democracy, Free- Annually the military department today. Sergeant O'Ravez has held a dom and Anti-Militarism Are Best Basis for World Peace A scholarship fund of $1450 second lieutenant's commission in Evergreen which will pay one $100 scholar- the Organized Reserves Corps, and has been ordered to duty in his "We can't have one part of the world free while the other ship each year to a deserving Everyone desiring to work on commissioned status. He has been senior has been established by the any branch of the editorial part remains enslaved:: Dr. H .. H. Cha~g, director of .the China in the Regular Army for 16 years. graduating class of 1942, Carl staff of the Evergreen next fall Institute told graduating seniors, their relatives, f'nends and Nicholson, class president, an- His family will remain indefin- professors at the Baccalaureate service Sunday. . itely in Pullman. semester shOUld attend an im- nounced today. portant meeting at 11:15 a..m. "This is not just a war t~ b~, fough~ and end~~, but IS an The .fund, now invested in Mal·, Ch Tuesday, June 2, in the Ever- historically important revolution, he said, emphaslzl~g .t~e ~act United States Defense Bonds, will II ary ooses green office. It is not necessary that America's ideals of democracy, freedom and an ti-rni ljtarjsm to have taken any journalism would form the soundest basis for a secure world order ~he,n begin payment in 1954, under the supervision of the Board of Con- ROTC Members cou~ or have had any peace comes. Dr. Chang .has just recently returned from China s trol. previous experience. wartime capital, Chungking, Concert Presented ~£,::~~~":~o:,=~; For Next Year ~ At 8 o'clock Sunday evening, the School of Music presented its program in honor of the seniors and their parents. No preference shall be given to Students for next year's RO:rC Degrees and honors were conferred upon the following at men or Women students. Applica- Advanced Course are now being SPONSORS TESTS Commencement services this morning: selected but the list will not be tion shall be submitted by last- pUblish~d until final details are (In this list an asterisk (.) be- term Juniors only. The award will completed sometime after Com- fore a name denotes that the be made in the spring te~ Onl~, men cement, the Public Relations Exams Show Relationship Be. (alvin, Sheahan award was made in August, 1941, for. use by the student m hts office of the Military department tween Personality and or February, 1942'> senior year. announced today. Major Field COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Awarded ·Honors Bachelor of S'cience in Agriculture Charaeter, intell~genc~, qualit:: For the duration of the present Every woman student on the I Harold Morten Amundson, Lloyd o! student. work, financial ~eces emergency, enlistment of ROTC campus is taking personality tests, stty, capacity for extra-currtcular students (except in Medical Corps through the cooperation of the ,AI Debate Dinner Joel Andrews, Harold C. Beard, Paul Melvin Beddoe, Leslie J. student activitiesId dandi appomtmglead~rs~llP units) in the Army Reserve Corps , women's P.E. department, the out- Velma Calvin was awarded the Bergsma, Theodore J. Birchill, are to ~e. consi ere n will be made a nrerecutstta for en- come of which will show if there is Delta Sigma Rho scholarship for "James Robert Calder, Jerry D. the recipient. rollment in ROTC Advanced cours- a positive correlation between cer- outstanding work in forensics at Clarke, "J. Dal Deatherage, Rob- The Boar~ of Control is i~- es. In the event students drop out tain personality traits and major the debate dinner for faculty and structed to lDves~ the fund: as It of school prior to completing their fields such as home economics, ert Dennis, 'Wayne Francis Din- alumni in the banquet room of gee, 'Richard S. Dubigk, Oscar G. sees best following matunty of advanced course, or fail to gradu- speech. English, mathematics, etc. the Commons Thursday evening. the bonds. In the event that the ate with the class with which they These tests include four stand- Fagerness, William Wayne Ford- Don Sheahan was given the Associated Students cease to func- would normally graduate, they will ard personality tests: A study of ham "Ralph Dexter Francisco, award as outstanding freshman. tion the fund reverts to the Board be ordered to active duty immedi- value, the Nebraska personality in- Wilb~rt Gordon Gerlitz, DeMoine The following third year stu- of Regents of the State College to ately, provided they have no valid ventory, the adjustment inventory Wallace Gilchrist .Jr., Lewis Cecil dents were given associated' stu- be administered in the same man- reason for deferment. and the preference record tests. Gilmore, Roy William Hallstrom,' dents awards: Elina Schmitz, Ted ner as other college scholarships. Students Who have not reached The test is being given every day John A. Handel, Wilmerd Carl Allison, Charles Coffey, and Shir- Heinemann, Wilton Walter Heine- their 18th birthday will not be en- this week in theNew Women's gym, ley Ryan. Second year awards mann, Ferdinand Joseph Herres, listed in the Enlisted Reserve corps room 20'1, from first period through went to Velma Calvin, George Harold Wilfred Hill, 'Harry S. MUSIC PROGRAM but may be enrolled in the ROTC eighth. Any student interested in Mooney and> Shirley Miller. Kath- Hill Jr., Albert Leonard Hooper, ' , Advanced course Upon signing an finding out results and comparing leen Kelly, Ruth Pearson and Pat Bruce N. Hostetler, Byron R. Hos- HONORS fENIORSt ahgereaegmeeonft1t80.enlist UPon reaching them with the normal of the group Boyle won first year debate tetler, Chester William Inman Jr., oJ I as a whole and in relation to those awards. Leslie E. Jenne, Fritjof Jonassen, . These provisions will apply to all in their major field, may see Miss Glenn Jones, head of the general Lyle F. Keller, George Eng King, Under the direction of Alfred students who have been selected Helen G. Smith, head of the de- extension division and former Robert Ray Kirkwood, Frank A. BOYington, Herbert T. Norris and for the advanced course arid who partment, next fall semester after University of Southern California Kramer, Andrew Kruiswyk Jr." Harold Wheeler, the orchestra, have not yet signed, a contract. Ad- the results have been tabulated. debater, spoke. Walter A. Law, Harry Thomas choir and band played and sang vanced stUdents who are already Miss Smith has been on a year's Leigh, Nelson B. Lewis, John a varied prog~m of classical mu- under contract will be encouraged leave of absence working on her David McPhee, Jack Pearson sic yesterday in BrYan Hall as an to enlist in the Enlisted Reserve doctor's degree at the New York important preliminary to Com-: corps. IUniversity. Heflebower Slates Meiners, Donald Duane Miller, mencement today. ~ ~ __ Arthur Nelson, Lawrence Marvin Composer Russell Danburg, Newman, Charles Albert Niemi, pianist, played one of his latest Need for Palience 'John Henry Ortner, Fred Rob- compositiOlllS, "Song of AI.,. ert Pease, Henry L. Polis, James legiance." James NiblOCk, violin_ New Area Price Consultant D. Poulsen, Herman H. Rock, Earl ist, accompanied by Orie Louise Returns From Denver Rohwer, John Francis Schafer, McKee, was the other soloist. In- Conference Elmer Schneidmiller, 'Donald cidental organ music was played Nursing Majors May Complete Clyde Schooff, "Robert James by Edgar C. Sherwood. hospital, but in the majority of "Tolerance, humor and patience Schwarz, Fred Thomas Shelton, Training in Less hospitals throughout the Inland are going to be required of every- Daniel Patrick Smith, Frans C. Tillie Empir~ and in ahout one-half of one, but particularly of the re- VanderGriend, Raphael Omer YMCA Asks Groups' the states in the U.S.A. as well as tailer in this new era of price Wagenaar, ·Martin Dale Wroe, Aid in Book Drive The Deaconess School of Nurs- in foreign lands. We hope that as ceilings," Dean R. B. Hef1ebower, William Shinichi Yorozu, *Ed- ing in Spokane plans definite af- soon as your commencement is newly appointed consultant to the ward C. Zigler. filiation with the State College in Co-operation from the varfous over we will have definite word office of Price Administration for Bachelor of Science in Agricultural the department of Nursing Educa- group houses this week in a book from the federal government so the Inland Empire, said on his re- Business. tion Horace Turner administra- drive for the service men is being that we may go ahead and com- turn from a Denver meeting last Melvin Aune, Headley A. Brown, tor 'Of the Deaconn'ess Hospital, asked by the YMCA. Conveniently plete our plans for affiliation with week. Donald Lawrence Buckley, .Lee confirmed the plans today by the placed boxes will be stationed at your school. "The situation was rapidly get- O. Giffey, •Ernest Hamilton, following letter, addressed to ting uncontrollable when the Fed- "Robert Willard Nolan, Frederick each fraternity, and members are Thank . yoU for the assistance President Holland: era! government acted to put a T. Schreck. asked to contribute books-text_ which has been rendered by your As we come to the close of an- books, novels or any other types special committee, and we assure ceiling on most prices at March SCHOOL OF BUSINESS other schOOl year and after meet- levels," Dean Heflebower said. "A ADMINISTRATION of books which they no longer you of our continued co-operation. ing with the committee from your wish to keep. The "Y" will pick 17-billion-dollar inflation gap be- Bachelor of Art..<;l in Business college, we feel sure that arrange- Yours very truly, up the boxes June 6 and send them tween purchasing power and Administration. ments can now be completed for HORACE TURNER, to the men in our armed forces. goods aVailable seemed certain to Marshall Wesley Bailey, Eugene affiliation with WSC', thus bring- Administrator. start an upward spiral that would Bishop Bronson, Ira Allen Brown, ing OUr school Up to collegiate This letter means that the stu- wreck savings and investments, Ronald Edward Clifford, Lloyd AWS--Council Plans standing. We have reason to feel dents in Nursing Education at the hurt salaried people and shoot the W. Cook, Bert H. Dennis, Richard Annual Fall Retreat Sure that the federal government state College may now plan to cost of the war and the national Joseph Ferrell, Neil Martin Han- will continue to support this plan complete their oourSe for the B.S. debt to some sueh inconceivable sen, Harold Hugh Kinkade, Ray- and, ' under those conditions, the Twenty-one members of the in Nursing Education in four and figure as half a trillion dollars. mond Richard Kitzke, Ellis board of directors of the Dea- AWS council -will have their fall one-half years instead of the six- "This prIce situation is now the Vaughn Lloyd, "David Noonan, retreat during Freshman Days in coness Hospital will concur in such year program scheduled in 1940. third battlefront. Innumerable Clifford E. Rowan, James B. a plan. - September, announced Marjory This new program requires two problems will come up in connec- Shrader, Joseph Andrew Werner, Marks, AWS president. We believe that we have a very years of prescribed subjects on the tion with the 'roUback' where re- Joseph Monroe Thom. fine school with good affiliations campus and two and one-half tailers must exert enough pressure Bachelor of Arts in Secretarial The council will hold its retreat to continue to get goods that they Tra.ining. at the AWS lodge in the Moscow for public health and pSYChiatry years' study and experience in the mountains at which time they will and can offer to your graduates Deaconess HospitaL can sell profitably below ceiling "June Pauline Bonney, Betty the opportunity of training in a d plan their coming year's program Nursing majors are urged' to prices. It is gOing to be hard, .aD: Louise Brender, Dorothy Alice school which :nas graduated over and activities. Miss Lulu Holmes check their requirements for the some people will be hurt ..But It IS Colpitts, Ruth E. Cooper, "Hazel win aCCompany the group. 600 young ladies. Our graduates necessary to win on this front. J Mae Dicken Edna Jane Faure fall with Miss Davis before leav- This is the will of the majority , , are serving not only in our own ing the campus. and all must co-operate." (Continued on Page 4) •

Monday, .June I, 1942. PAGE TWO THE EVERGREEN See America Goodbye Now -=vergree .. I Well, the end has come, and with it comes the inevitable Swan Song. Un- rortunatelv, this editor has always been -=~T-.JKI: P~G-= Via. Bicycle allergic to Swan Songs and had vowed not to produce one. By Pat McCallum But when the feature page is minus a Editorials Comments Don't moan and groan because the gas story and all the reporters have gone home and tire shortage is going to keep you to dinner, there is nothing else to do. The from making automobile trips this summer. printers are howling for three inches of You still have your bicycle. Try hosteling copy; so happy day, this farewell address Ta\~ Cougar lakes OFF MIKE --taking trips around the country, stopping will be short and sweet. at the vartous hostels which are provided Since half the space has already been A.rmy for A.ct\on with Mitch for cyclists. used for the introduction, just pretend that BY HERB RHODES. BICYCLED IN EuROPE all the usual prosaic thank you's and ex': Uncle Sam, not radio, gets KWSC's "Your height," barked the marine re- One WSC enthusiast of hosteling is Miss pressions of heartfelt enjoyment have been graduating announcers. Glenn Lorang will cruiting officer. "Five feet twenty-one Polly Moran, general secretary of the Y. uttered with due sincerity and let it go at be on the campus station until October W. C. A. Polly has made no extensive trips that. inches," answered Everett "Ez" Loomis. when he will go into the Navy Air Corps. After pondering aver the statement and in the United states, but following gradu- Mr. sutton, the paper is youts. Max Agather has been accepted in Har- . ation from Cornell University in 1938, she -B.J.U. nearly taking off a shoe to calculate, the vard's graduate school of business. Mystery and two other girls made a six week hostel- of.ficer ordered the lanky state College Man, Dick Godon, has a high draft number ing tour of Europe, covering over one hund- senior rejected,. but hasn't told of any definite plans except red miles a day. Strange People, IN NOW that he will go into radio. carl ooiomaa "We started in Rotterdam, Holland," she But today, and very wisely, Uncle Sam hopes to get on at KNX as page boy. Back said, "and bicycled down through Bel- has let down the barrier and' big FL, who for a master's degree in speech will be gium, Germany, Switzerland, and France. We Americans tried the Marines, foreign ambulance serv- Pete Barr's fate. Advanced' Rooker Bob ice and other service divisions, is going to Wilkinson will go into the Army as Second We usually started about six in the morn- Ed1tor's Note: Thls is a theme written ing, traveltag until noon, when we ~ok work as a buck of the $21 calibre. Lieutenant. by a graduating senior for an English The ace, hails from Belling- a couple of hours off for lunch. Durmg POi I Who SPEAKING OF SHOWS course during '39. Has the war changed the ham, is ghty happy over the situation, lynCh, which, as a rule, consisted of hard American people or are they still "strange"? strike up the band for a roilitaJ"'Ytheme rolls, cheese, and chocolate, we read aloud too. "~h 1 is okay," quotes EZ, "but I BY MAX AGATIlER. and we get "Salute to Bataan" and "Mister rrom books on the history and geography crave excitement." Angel," a couple of Hamby productions. We are rather strange people in many Since coming to the Cougar campus, of the .countrv through which we were "Salute to Bataan" was the special Mac- ways, and the queer thing about it all is Everett has been a familiar figure in the traveling. After lunch we would start out Arthur Day show and "Mister Angel" was that this fact does not bother us in the agriculture department and is now com- again and travel until six or seven in the least. We can't rest. From morning until the special show written for the SustineG evening, when we reached a hostel. Eur- pleting a term as prexy of the Poultry club. morning we are on the go with no partic- Alas initiation. "Salute to Bataan" was ope is pretty well furnished with hostels, He is even more well known for his good ular aim in mind'. We have more time, taken to CUlfaxand presented before the and the cost per night is between 12 and humor policy and 70-cent words. more leisure, shorter working hours, more Chamber of Commerce there. An interest- 25 cents in American money. holidays, and more vacations than any IS A STUDENT ing thing about the show was that as Besides taking an active part in social HOLLAND WAS COURTEOUS other people in the world. We spehd our the souad equipment could not be trans- activities of Cougarville, he maintains a "I suppose the main thing I'll remem- time lolling about in the sand by day and ported, the sound. was recorded here, the neat pace in bringing home an "A" aver- ber about Holland is the politeness and eating, dancing and noise-making by record taken with the show and the prob- Forty-five grade points last semester cordiality of the people. They seem to have night. We see an immense expanse of coun- age. lem being to make the speeches fit the with 15 hours just ain't stUPidity, Bud. sound. It worked, even if it was a Hamby a certain respect for bi~yclists. For ex- try on our vacations and yet we don't see Smnmer school was to bring a diploma ample, none of us could speak. a word it. It rushes past us and we take moving idea. to the "upper story" man and then he Just a little off key-Ruth Smalley and of Dutch, so we had to use the SIgn lan- pictures of it. We see everything we are would be off to the University of Mary- Bob Wilkinson are inventing a ditto rna- guage. One rainy afternoon we were trying supposed to see and we brag about it. We land where a. juicy scholarship and gradu- .chine of their own to get out the scripts to find the hostel in Delft, and finally we don't delve into the thmgs which are really ate work awaited him. However, classifica- for the SChool""of the Air dJramatic shows. met another cyclist, who, although he beautiful because they are too much out couldn't speak English, understood w~t tion comes to Ez tfus week and from then WilkinsOn has it all figured out from the of· the way. We are on the move until we on he considers his new appointment pre- one in use at present. Go to it, kids, we wanted. He led us nearly three miles decide it is about time to have a nervous but isn't there 'a patent on those things? in that pouring rain, just to show us the breakdown, and even when in the hospital, dominates. hostel. I call that· hospitality! we have to keep abreast of the times. "From Holland we went to Belgium, DRINKERS where we were cordially received, an~ from there to GermanY, where we weren t We don't know how to drink, for after -=ro... so cordially received. All the time during the first wee drop or the first two fingers, our stay in Germany we felt under sus- we don't know when to stop. We pass picion. There were men in uniform every- stringent laws condemning drunkenness where, always demanding to see o~ pass- and they never seem to work, for one way ports. The older Germans were different; or another, we will get our liquor and we they told us confidentially that th€l¥ were will drink it until we can no longer hold disgusted' with the present regime-4J1ey the bottle to our drooling 'lips. On Satur- felt unhappy" and beaten. Of course the day evenings and all holidays, we live in a German youth was enthusiastic over the world of pink elephants, crawling snakes pageantry of Hitlerism. and exaggerated emotions whieh will leaa to broken homes, weeping clilldren, iron FRANCE PERFECT FOR CYCLING bars and broken pledges. "Through the Swiss Alps we crossed over into France where our hosteling trip end- SPENDERS ed. One of the most perfect places for bi- We are, great spenders of money. We cycling is the chateau region of France. love to spend it as easily as we make it. We spent quite a bit 6f time visittnlr these Foreigners are always glad to see us com- old chateaus, which are preserved as na- ing a.nd yet they despise us. We seem to be tional shrines. Then it was time to come be living under the saying, "Eat, drink, and home. be merry, for tomorrow you may be dead." "You can definitely Pllt me down as an We don't care what other people think ardent enthusiast of hosteli~. It's fun, of us, we never did and we' never shall. healthful, and economical. I hope we'll They can write book after book' criticizing be seeing more of it here in America." us, but we just plod our merry way along and don't give a damn. We're Americans! ENSIGN DAVID RALPH CURRIE', well known Cougarite, is pic- We are great collectors of anything tured with his bride, the former Gene:vieve Zalesky of CheneY and Uucle Sam Says worthless. We collect anything from a chip a student at the State College. The couple were married Wednes- of granite off an insane murderer's tomb day in Oour d'Alene, Idaho. Ensign Cunie returned last week from UK Q. Lin to a piece of broken glass from the wreck Annapolis. Maryland, where he C6DlPieted a course in physical eep Ule\." of a new scientific something-or-other. We educati'on and recreation. Mr. and Mrs. Currie ret't Monday fOt" worship these broken bits of the earth's CaJifonUa where he will be stationed as an illSlkUctor with the You may have the inside dope, Mr. Naval Aviation unit at St. Mary's College. Everyday Citizen, but there are ~any of crust and love to show them off to our the facts Uncle Sam would appreciate your friends, much to their discomfiture. Every- where we go, we have to bring back some Put the will of the Ferry' Barracks Air buddies, Harold Garbor and Jimmie Buc- keeping "mum" about. Corps men to celebrate and the hot music hanan, were there' TROOP MOVEMENTS-SILENCE! kind of memento to add to our collection. of Don Graham's dance band together and Pilot Office!- E. T. Batclfelor of the R,<#al For instance all troop movem.ents of I would like to know approximately how you have a dance--Sustineo Alas' gradua~ canadian Air 'Corps says in regard to the either army or ~avy branches ve.ry defin~te- much money is made by those who encour- tion dance. -I'be boys will receive their Evergreens he receives: "They are fUlly ly must be kept quiet. Their location, age us to collect little scraps of paPer and diplomas on Mo,nday with the WSC class appreciated, so keep them coming ... and identity, equipment, strength, destination, "genuine" this and that. We avidly listen to the radio programs or read the books of '42. if you could! spare a couple of lines ill the route, prospective embarkation, 01: actual paper giving my address, I would indeed embarkation just aren't to be mentIoned. telling of some queer person's most marvel- There will be presented little bits ad: pa- ous hobby, and yet we hardly bother to per tied with pink (no, probably red, white 00 grateful," S1lre can Eric- rilo. 31 G.R.S. The German and his colleague, the -ReAF, Charlottetown, p:E1I,Cana.ci'a.. Italian, have been scoring heavily on our stifle OUr yawns if we are forced to sit and blue as the army is patriotic) ribbons through 11 concert. From Aaron W. ".Jeff" Beeman, '27, for- limited merchant marine. We can c.mbat with all the formality that goes with the mer DU and Grey "w" man, reports that the "tin fish" by simply keeping quiet. If awarding of a sheepskin. there are approximatelY 500 WSC men at you know the location, movement, identity, versation sub.iect. DANCE O.K. Fort Lewis where he is stationed as cap- tonnage of any naval or merchant ship in LOCATIONS-DON'T TALK! United States waters, and of anY other na- But to, get back to the dance-Social tain . . Also the government is asking co-opera- News of locations: John S. Perry, DU, tion opposing the Axis powers, don't blab. Chairman Corporal Bill La Fond, greeted tIon of the people and' press in regard to your reporter and President Private Tyler 11th Repair Sq. lIill Field, Ogden, Utah. FORTIFICATIONS-SOUT' UP! movement of railway cars, information dis- Coplen tripped over to add his greetings . . . Lenard Baine and Geol'&'e Abe a.t Camp Location of forts and other fortifications, clOSing the new location of munition they wanted a. favorable writeup of their Robinson, Arkansas. Charles .J. McKIWeIy, coastal emplacements or anti-aircraft dumps, or army and navy restricted areas. dance. Well, r admitted it was a good dance promoted to corporal at Geiger Field, iiPQ- guns, their nature and number, location of Oh yes, then there is the weather. It has and the boys I danced with were goocl:,too. kane. bomb shelters and of camouflaged objects been mighty hard on sportcasters, but they They were Pri-vate Bill Pritchard, Priva'te Ralph Brown left Fort Lewis last week are all implements the enemy needs and have been co-operating to the tee. We Eugene Ki~baSsa. the boy from Chicago for Fort Benning, Georgia, to attend the wants. don't talk about the weather anymore and that felt in the mocxi to dance; Private army o,fficer's training school. Specific information about war con- newspapers no longer run round-up stories Robert Burchette, who, proved to be a mo- From Camp Roberts, California, Lieut. tracts in prcxiuction, such as the extact covering actual conditions throughout mentary military escort, Private James La Bill Monro writes: "My job is that of an in- type of production, production schedules, more than one state. The only aceepted re- Grossa, Pittsburg;s pride; Leo Liebling, structor attached to a heavy weapons com- date of delivery, or progress of production; ports now come from the United states Brooklyn's dancing king, who gave me a pany. We are given recruits and in 13 estimated supplies of strategic and criti- Weather Bureau. few lesso,ns in the art of jitter-bugging; weeks are supposed to make soldiers out of cal materials available is no longer con- Let's pull together. and of course, Larry ChlaJastri and his them." Mo'nday, June I, 1942. THE EVERGREEN PAGE THREE Williams and Haley Take PCCSeconds (OUGA,RS TIE FOR DIAMONDMEN WIN TWO, TAKE SECOND SEVENTH IN MEET Washington State's mighty baseballers, the rags-to-riches boys, For the ninth successive year it Big Frank Boosts Last One Out for (ou~ars sauntered off the Moscow diamond Saturday afternoon as sole was southern California all the occupants of second place in the Northern Division conference way in the 1942 running of the standings after whipping the Vandals in both ends of a Memorial Pacific Coast track and field Day double-header 4-1 and 4-3. They thus swept all four games championships at Seattle, last Sat- from Idaho and stretched their winning streak to six straight. urday afternoon. The Trojans ran I up a total of 79 points, over twice I Although the Cougars' didr:'t as many as their nearest competi- take the championship, they did tion, and placed no worse than fight their way up from the cellar third in any event in which they after losing five out of their first COUGAR participated. six games, and would have become a prominent threat in the flag race For Washington state, points if the season had been much long- were won by Captain Noel Wil- SPOOR er. liams, Captain-elect Pat Haley and By FRANK WELCH Pete McRae. Williams took a close Hursey, Oham'.ers Win Again. Sports Editor second to SO's Leroy Weed in the Glen Hursey' and Cliff Cham- opening mile, Weed being timed at bers, Badev's "old faithful" So here 'I sit at the Underwood 4 minutes 15.1 seconds. Haley lost stand-bys, did it again with twin Standard late Saturday afternoon, five-hit hurling gems, but were one of the closest races of the alone in the Evergreen Gffice, the afternoon to another se speed- aided no end by the timely hitting place quiet except for the rumble ster, Carl Bewiener, in the high of George "Slu!',ger" Davison and of the presses at the other end of hurdles. The southern flash took Cam Daggett, who knocked in the the hall. Here I sit filing" through the event in 14.6s, besting Haley winning runs in the two games. my rusty vooabulary for the prQP- by less than a foot. McR.ae added Lefty whiffed nine Vandals while er words to' Pilrlray my thoughts walking only two, while Hursey the ninth and last point to the as the last Evergreen of the year Cougar total with a fifth in the fanned two and issued one free goes to' press. pass; but that's Gnly a part of broad jump. This event was won Don't get me wrong. It's not their great performances, Outside by Findlay of OSC with a leap of sentimentality. It's just that I re- of the five safe hits Qff each 23 feet 11 inches. gret the swift passage of time that , Chambers allowed not a As Williams and Haley both has brought to an end another blew to' the outfield, and Hursey qualified for the PCC-Big Ten year of work. Work? Well, not al- meet, they will continue training gave up but three outfield fIys in together. One can't call work as- the opener, and will leave for the middlewest sociating with such a fine staff as soon. Davison Shines at Plate. I have mingled with: Don, Ward, Fiery Georgie Davison was the Zane, Dick and Jim. Not a big team sparkplug in the first con- staff, but big enough. Not an .old test, his big bat pounding out a staff. All freshmen. But a good CHAMBERS SIGNS two-run homer and a slashing staff in every sense of the word. Single to drive in three of the four So, as is fitting and proper, this runs. With the bases loaded in the WITH LOS ANGELES last column is dedicated to thQse first inning, George tagged one of boys mentioned above. That they Tom Woods' pitches into left field CHff "Lefty" Chambers, for two will carry on next year and im- Frank Londos, Washington state shot-putter, is shown poised a mile a minute, scoring Daggett years the ace hurler on Buck prove this tri-weekly sheet goes Bailey's Cilugar nine, with the 16-pound pellet on Rogers Field. Londos ended his fine with the first run of the game. without saying. So I won't say it. signed a contract this morning to record at Washington State last Saturday in the Pacific Coast Ryan's throw to the plate was in Rather I'll say-GQod Luck. pitch for th~ 'meet. He was twice Northern Division champion, in 1941 and 1942. time to nip Branigan, and Catcher in the Pacific O'Qa81league. Lefty Pederson's quick toss to third got received $1500 fQr signing, plus a Akins as he was sliding into the Pi Kappa Alpha salary of $250 a month and a 10 bag.Tor the only double-play of the percent cut of his sale price if he day. Elects Officers should ever be sold to any other WALLER HALL WINS A single and a triple in the IdahO' Newly elected officers of Pi Kap- team. half of the first left the score at pa Alpha fratemity are Ray Law, Cliff won three games and lost one-an until the eighth. Al Akins president; Carl Henry, vice-presi- one for WSC last year, and this was safe as MansGn threw wide to' dent; R~ymond Ellis, house man- BASEBALL TITLE, 3-2 first to open the inning. This set ager; Dean Carson, secretary; Geo. season won 5 and lost 2. His chief Goldsberry, rush chairman, and assets are a blazing fast ball and a the stage for Davison, who PO'W- dered the ball deep down the left Bob Clemens, historian. sharp curve. Lefty. "The Angels are a young Apparently hopelessly lost with field foul line and crossed the dish "I chose Los Angeles because I fourth, and they picked up, another ball club with good financial two out in the last of the seventh, I after Akins. Bishop was safe .on an they have a swell Ief't-hander in in the fifth on Singles by Bishop backing, and the chances for suc~ Waller hall rallied to tie the score error, stole second, took third as Ray Prim and a good, smart catch- and Daggett and a sacrifice by with Sfimson and later to' win the Pederson threw IQW into center, er in Gilly Campbell I can pick up cess of a young player are excel- O'Malley. The locals tied things up mural baseball championship, 3 to and scored as Patane dropped valUable information from," said lent," he continued. in the sixth on singles by Dyson, 2, Saturday after-noon on the CQI- O'Malley's Iong fly in rig"ht field. Chambers and a walk to O'Malley, lege diamond. Chambers 'It in Fifth. but they didn't win until the Big, husky, ,Jim Hattrick got In the" after-piece Chambers eighth. Gail Bishop opened the in- hold of the kind of pitch he wanted gave up a single, double, triple and ning with a Single, moved around and lambasted the horsehide pel- a walk in the fifth and Idaho to third on two infield outs, and let almost out of the park into scored all three of their runs. scored as Cam Daggett came You (an Keep Your deep left field, in the ninth, to Dosskey's double and Akins' single through in the clutch with a smasz win the decision for the nine from scored one for the Cougars in the single into center field. Waller hall. Stimson's Bruce Nansen garn- ered a single. in the second and ~__:~ BANKING CONTRACTS later scored on errQrs which put Stan Sorenson and Frank Swan- nack on base. In the fifth Swan- by nack doubled to deep left field, fCORDOVAf stole third, and scampered across I ~'---...L.--.-~ the plate on a catcher's muff, to' -~L give his team what was thought to' DWb'-truppler> 'l'W~( be all that was necessary for tak- Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., May 31, June 1-2-3 MAIL ing the cQveted title. Rita Victor Buck's Choice HAYWORTH MATURE It is simple and safe to make deposits through Following are Bailey'S selections the mails (cash however, should not be sent JOHN SUTTON CAROLE LANDIS for All-Northern Division on the unless registered). Ask us about the simple 1942 squad. Of the Cougar team, in TheQdQre Dreiser's procedure. Bailey selected Hursey and Cham- bers and Dosskey, first " I • base. I Catcher - Emmett Watson, MY GAL SAL PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Washington. In Technicolor! Pitchers-Cliff Chambers, WSC; Glen Hursey, WSC; Nick Beglarias, JAMES GLEASON-PHIL SILVERS-WALTER CATLETT Oregon; DOUg Ford, Washington; MONA MARIS-FRANK ORTH PULLMAN BRANCH Glenn Elliott, 08C. First Base--Charlie Dosskey, Directed by IRVING CUMMINGS-Produced by ROBERT BASSLER. 'WSC. Screen Play by Seton I. Miller, Darrell Ware and Karl Tunberg. SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Second Base-Don Kirsch, Ore- A 20th Century-Fox Picture gon. Spokane & Eastern Division Third Base-Bob Bird, Washing- ton. 10 GREAT SONG HITS including Paul Dresser's "My Gal Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp~ration -Boody Gilbertson. Sal," "On the Banks of the Wabash," "Come Tell Me." plu~ "Here YQUAre," "Oh, the Pity of It All." Outfielders-John Bubalo, Bill Carney, Dick Whitman, all of Oregon. PAGE FOUR THE EVERGREEN Monday, June 1, 1942. Graduates- Bachelor of Science in Electrical SCHOOL OF PHARMACY I Snyder, Robert Arleth Stier, Rob- Ronald Norbert Andrews. Rob- (Continued from page 1) Engineering. Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. ert Ernest Thornfeldt, Victor ert Jack Fisher, 'Walter W. Jor- Paul Vernon Allen, Theodore A. Kenneth Benedict, ,Henry Tillotson, Richard! Trussell Wal- genson, Ted: J. strey, 'Franklin 'Frances Rose Forman, Mae Fior- William Beadle, Paul Bergquist, Bosshard, Elmer Clarence Cham- den, Robert Wendell Weaver, F. White, 'William Andrus Woo- .ence Harvey, Yvonne Jacob, Elsie Lawrence Leonardi Borden, John poux, Ava Josephine Demers, Gor- Evelyn Mae Williams, Kenneth ten . A. H. Jamieson, Arline M. Kerns, William Brownell, 'Jack L. Carl- don George Dewey, Bert Emmett Cyril Wise, 'William Louis Wolfe, Bachelor of Science in Zoology. 'Roberta Jean Maxwell, "Evelyn son, Stanley Earl Cochran, 'Allen Eldred, Theodore John Hagen, James Arthur ,Zimmerman, James ·WaIlace P. Hoyt, 'Julius Hugh Elsie Sherwin, Dorothy Bernice Charles Conger, Gunnar William Clarence Lloyd Helgeson, Robert Edward Zimmerman. Kalkus. stave. Erickson, Philip E. Frazier, 'Lee Henry Hendrickson, H. Mason Baehejor of Science In Bacreri- COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SCHOOl, OF EDUCATION Donald Gustafson, Arthur Donald Hill, Robert C. Honodel, L. Byron ology and Public Health. ' MEDICINE Bachelor of Arts in Education. Hadley, 'Samuel 'D. James, Roy Leisher, John Nickell Morris, Clif- 'Norman Gregory Ambrosini, Bachelor of Science. 'Wade Henry Bristol. t V. Lewis, Robert Carrol McClure, ford Nickle, Richard Moore Slagle, 'Arthur Albert Cobel, Catherine 'Willard Hart Ashton, Bartlett Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Arts. Joseph John McKay, Francis W. James L. Wilson, James Christian Jean Funkhouser, Hazel Jean Han- Kemp Baker, Robert Paul Beasley, Robert Clark DeVoe. Miller, 'Robert Frederick Newton, Wurtz. son, 'Betty Lucille LeGrand, Robert A. Beck, Robert K. Bra- Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Charles George Picatti, Leo Rich- 'COLLEGE OF SCIENCE 'Gladys M. Libby, 'Laurence T. brook, Walter Beryl Crowl Jr .. Mary Louise Allan, Emma Louise ard Pierce, 'Motto Gartzke Stan- AND ART'S Neace, John Preston Northrop, Sanford E. Davis, Kenneth Doak Bryant. ley, Robert V. Wachter. Bachelor of Arts. "Mary Lou Reynolds. Devine, George Dunbar Dubv, COLLEGE OF HOME Bachelor of Science in Mechanical "Aiko Abe, Max Edward Agath- Bachelor of Science in Agri- Calvin R. Estrem, Donald Elwood ECONOMICS Engineering. . er, •Dorothy May Anderson, cultral Chemistry. Ferguson, George Julian Freier- Bachelor of Arts in Home Paul Beatty Crews, George 'Lucille Herger Baker, Peggy Jean Robert Charles Eiffert, C. Ray muth, Edwin Walter Jenney, Rob- Economies. Arthur Hardgrove Jr., Edgar Binns, Alyne Barbara Carroll, Kurtak. ert Van Lewis, Richard otto Blanche E. Adams, Thelma Lor- Frank Henderson, Jack Leston Laura Belle Childers, Phyllis Jean Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Menig, 'William Harold Merrick, raine Aune, Marion Elizabeth Kirk, Robert Sylvester Langdon, Clark, 'Rudolph F. Cornehl, Neil Milton L. Cook, Jack Leland IVan Allen Peterson, Ralph John Cooke, Bernice Olivia Crawford, Chester Edward Murray, Norman Howard Dollard, Anita Mae Driv- Henry, George B. Millard, Monroe Plamondon, Burt E. Potts, John Ellen Elizabeth Dawson, Mildred Leonard ornodt, "Do,nald F. Par- er, Thomas Arthur Durham, Rich- Frank Smith, Howard Austin Sheehan, William Henry Town- Marietta Dennis, Margaret Ruth ent, Charles William Peters, ard W. Gay, Jean Mary Elizabeth Strobel. send, "Philip Vennigerholz, Leslie Dormann, Irene Mae Doten, Mari- George L. See, Harold Maurice Glaeser, Charles H. Gray, George Bachelor of Science in Chemical C. White, "Smith Willis. an Folger, Roberta Keeler Full- Stellingwerf, William F. Stevens, Richard Hall, 'Mollie Helen Holl- Engineering. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIl'CAL mer, Martha Pauline Hicks, Mar- Howard Elmer Swenson, Arthur reigh, Eleanor Verne Jinnett, Henry Thomas Almi, Owen Mac EDUCATION jorie Hill, Eleanor Humphrey, Eugene Tanasse, Arthur Linnell James Roy Jones, Edwin Freeland Gardner, Manley Kjonaas, Mel- Bachelor of Science in Physical Jean Jarvis, Cecilia Martha Joslin, Townsend, Gordon Luceford Viles, Knettle, Anne Louise Loofbour- vin Kjonaas, Karl Koyama, 'Loyd Education. Beverly Jane Kirkwood, Jane R. Henry Vogel, Robert Eugene Wat- row, *Ethlyn Beatrice McKittrick, McDonald. Janet Mary Archibald, Robert Ledger, Betty Jean Matsen, son, Harry William Whitaker. *Nora Belle Marsh, Mariel Jean Bachelor of Science in Nursing Parry Brimbie, *Frederick Mal- Meredith Ann Mellinger, Lucille Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. Matsen, Ed·ward Walter Neils, Education. colm Brown Jr., Robert Ford Carr. Anna Nix, Arleen C. otto, Ozella Betty Jean Berg, J. Bryce Tys- 'Ray M. O'Day Jr., Charles August *Elizabeth Hannah Boeker. Lois Camille Cooper, David Ralph Quisenberry, Barbara Jane Robin- vel'. Paeth, Maxwell William Petway, Bachelor of Science in Currie, Felix B. Fletcher, Edward son, Jeanne Luella Rounds, Con- Bachelor of Science in Physics. 'Leo Ronayne Pierson, *Agnes Entomology. Kirk Gebert, Arline Gwendolyn stance Jean Sisler, Eleanor Minka *Maynard Henry Hunt, Robert Reimann, 'Mildred Pauline Rog- Stanley Dwight Beck, Donald Gentis, 'Douglas Frank Gibb, Smith, Melvina Margaret Stans- A. Patten. I ers, 'Leila Garnetha Rulaford, Fred Hastings, Donald Daniel 'Dale L. Gentry, Karl Earl Glgu- bury, Barbara Storch, Oral Stubbs, SCHOOL OF MINES AND I Robert Glen Sillnmons, ~enneth L. Shallow. i1'1'e Jr., B. Jeanne Hall, "Merriam Lorain Webster, Mary GEOLOGY Stevenson, "Mary ElloUlse Trow- Bachelor of Science in Wildlife W. Wills. Bachelor of Science in Geology. bridge, Robert Lewis Wilkinson. Management. (Continued on Page 5) Bachelor of Science in Home Jerald Alliger, Ross Emory Bachelor of Arts in Economics. l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;';;;';;;';;;';;;;;';;;';;;';;;';;;';;;~ Economics. Berglund. James Edward Bever, Russell Braden, Calvin G. Har- a Bonnie Jean Brennan Baldwin, Wayne Oliver MacKenzie, Arthur ley, Virginia Dell Harrison, Alma Miriam .Ienelyn Black, Lola Mar- Monroe Ritchie, Melvin Carroll E. Hughes, Daniel Harold Lowery, garet Claes, Betty Jo Cowan, Dor- Schroeder. Ruth Madeline Peterson, Lloyd othy M. Crumbaker, Mary Louise Bachelor of Science in Metallurgi- George Smaby. Day, Martha Suzanne Forrest, cal Engineering. Bachelor of Arts in English. Margaret Gleiser, Florence Brooks Frank D. Frear, Paul A. Guffin, "Shirlen E. Atkin, "D. Paul Get: Rid of Your Hanford, Blaine Holmes Hansell, 'Fred Goetz Mehl. Bailey, Murle Janet Birk, 'Dorothy William S. Hewitt, Phyllis Jean Bachelor of Science in Mining Catherine Doelle, 'Theresa M. Ingram, Shirley Jane Ingram, Engineering. Dougherty, Mary Margaret Filer, Mildred Augusta Johnson, Doro- Gerald Belknap Christian, 'Rob- Margaret Jean Girvin, Ross Allen EXCESS B,AGGAGE thy Louise Killian, Marjorie ert Elwood Davidson, 'James M. Hanchett, Frances May Handy, Geraldine Mann, Alice Lorraine Holbert, Marion Meyer Lewis, Evelyn M. Hendrickson, *Helen Meyer, Lily Kristine Olsen, Marion Clare Linn McCallum, "Mathew Jean Hicks, Bonny Jean Howland, -When Finals Are Over- Lina Ortner, Marjorie Tyler Simp- Samuel Maddess, 'Lynn B. Miller, Glenn Charles Lorang, 'Leland son, Frances Erinna Snyder, Mar- Edward George Ornari, William Henry Miller, Robert E. Neilson, guerite E. Taylor, Helen Elizabeth Paulette Stewart, 'Clihe E. -Ted- Janet Elizabeth Oswalt, Beverly Vogler. row, Leonard George Whi~. Jean Potter, Janet Warwick COLLEGE OF MECHANIC ARTS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND Steward, Arnold Martin Wiggum. Sell AND ENGINEERING FINE ARTS Bachelor of Arts in Forreign Bachelor of Science in Agricul- Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts. Languages. tural Engineering. Doris Jeanette Berglund, Char- Mary Frances Boger, Patricia George Edward Haymond, Les- lotte Elizabeth Cook, Virginia Mae desoucv, Bettie Leone Drake, Your Textbooks to the ter D. Lyle, George Edmonds Mil- Louise a.-ecelius, Ellen Eileen Hud- Audrey Brooks Foote, Margery ler Jr., Elmer Edmund Neustel. son. Louise Fulton, Virginia Marea Bookstore for ... Bachelor of Science in Architec- Bachelor of Arts in Music. Gussman, Ruth J. Hahner, Ruth tural Engineering. Betty Book, Herschel F. Col- Virginia Lane, Mary Anne Leon- Russell R. Claar, 'David W. man Ilene Luella· Droz, Dorothy ard, Ruth Genevieve Olson, Ethel Dykeman, Kenneth K. Knight, Mae' Elliott, Mary Suzanne Grief, Margaret Selfridge, Julia E. 'Robert James Pope, Arthur Jack Paul E. Gronemeier, Doris Marie Stroops, Edna Earl Webb. Sackville-West Jr.. 'Margaret Gulsrud, John R. Harris, John Bachelor of Arts in History. I per cent: Shackleton Samuels, Glenn Wright P. Meyer, James F. Niblock, Hazel Myrtle Jeannette Baker, Julia 60 Wegner. E. Phillips, 'Norman Nevill Street, Anne Decker, Betty Louise Harper, Bachelor of Science in Civil Carroll Maria Tretner. Shirley ,King, Okie Louise Wallin, I Engineering. Bachelor of Arts in Speech. Betty Lou Waybright. of Their Purchase Price ... James Eric Arntson, 'Donald V. John Bachman, Eldon C. B h I of A....s l"n Political Ellis Baird, 'Myron Donald Calk- Barr, Marianne Busch, Charles ac e or ,. IF THEY ARE CURRENT-USED Science. ins, "William A. Dale, Lester Ray- Galvin Coffey, Inez Joan Collart, Eleanor Ruth Adkins', Mary mond Fox. Clifford John Kuhnke, Marjolaine Folsom, Richard Holm Louise C. Berry, John Thomas BOOKS "Harry David Martin, 'Merle oooon, Carl J. Goldman, Shirley Feilen, George Russell Holte, Neil Marion Miller, 'Edwin Nasburg, Ryan Grant, Henry Clark Hewitt, B. Hiurd, Theodore Albert LeGros, John Calvin Rogers, Richard 'Regina Mary Homchick, Mar-' Don Miles, Jane Williams Miller, .We Will SeU These Books Nexl George Rowland, 'Harold V. Sar- garet E. Kestler, Mary Jane Law- Harold F. Olsen, Thomas Arthm gent, Robert Wright Siegfried, son, *Elna Agnes Schmitz, Mar- Peacock 'Harold otto Roessler, Harold Frederick Sitts, 'Donald garet VanWinkle, Lois Marie Zim- Carl Je~nings Ronning, "Kirk Os- Fall for 75% Eugene Stein. merman. born Rowlands, Donald Louis Schoedel, Willard Albert Zellmer. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. • Della Louise Burke, Maxine Lil- lian Klopher, Mary Barbara Mc- If your books are' not being used Coll, 'Rachel Redman, Warren next Fall, we will pay 10 cents on INSURE YOUR MOINEY Eugene Stimpert, Dorris J. West. Bachelor of Science. the dollar, the same as off-Campus *Albert Hamilton Adams, Law- used book jobbers. rence Leroy Allbaugh, 'Melvin By Lester Badger, Donald Ray Batey, Katharine M. Bewley, Llewellyn Donald Boyle, Keith Howard • Buying Traveling (heques Bradbury, Frank D. Burger, Ernest • Levio Comalli, C. Eugene Dixon, 'Horace Duckenfield, Charles TRADE YOUR OLD BOOKS HERE lor Dermot Grove-White, Ivan John I Gustafson, Vance Farrell Halde- man, 'Richard E. Hale, Margaret AT THE STUDENTS' OWN Hancox, Jay Dee Hoop, James M. The Return Trip Home· Izett, Frank Rodgers Johnson, Frank Phillips Jones, 'Joe M. STORE KelIy, Harold Frank Lamb, Fran- I ces Andrea Lanning, Thomas. Dil- • lon Laughlin, Raphael Latan ! Longanecker, Thomas John Loon- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I am Jr., Ernest Collett McKibben Jr., Vernon William Olney, Mar- OF PULLMAN garet Jean Pike, 'Mary Louise Pilz, 'Herbert Robert Ripley, *Le- Roy Donald Robinson, Mervin George Rosenberg, Carl Henry • MoDday, June 1, 1M2. THE EVERGREEN PAGE FIVE

Roc k well, W a I t e r Andrew Thesis: An Investigation of Home the Republic District. ·William Charles Teach, Web- Graduates- Schuehle, W. Edwin stahl, Ernest Economics Program Preferences' Lawrence Frank Maranville, ster Groves, Missouri; Thesis: (Continued from Page 4) IC. stone, Philip Vennigerholz, Among One Hundred Pullman, Enid, Oklahoma; Thesis: The Perborate Formation at a Rotat- Harold E. Warsinske, Leslie 9. Washington, Homemakers During IOnization Constants of Sulfanila- ing Anode. John. Miles Hooper, ·Alphonse White, Smith Willis. :rebruary, 1942. mide and Related Compounds. Harris Olson VanOrden, Smith- William Hoptowit, Mary Lou CANDID:ATES FOR ADVANCED *Pauline ·S. Walker, Portland, Lawrence Ernie Nielsen, Pilot field, utah; Thesis: Nitro-deriva- Johnson, stanford H. Johnson. DEGREES Oregon; Thesis: A Study of the Rock, Oregon: Thesis: On struc- tives of Para-phenyl Phenyl Ben- Mabl€ Lucille Keck, Wilson Kerns, •THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Scope and Content of Consumer tural Properties of Acetic, Nitric zoate. Edward H. Kerpa, Betty Jane MASTER OF ARTS DEGREES Education in the High School and Deuteroo-nitric Acid. Master of Science in Geology. Luntey, Jo Ann McCaskey, Wal- Master of Arts in Economics. Home Economics Curriculum. Charlotte, Elizal>eth Roderuck. Marshall Tower Huntting, Sil- lace Meyer, Hazel Mitchell, W. E. *V. Lauren Shelton, Ellensburg; Master of Arts in Music. Walkersville, Maryland; Thesis: ver Creek; Thesis: Geology of the R. Clifford :Moffitt, Francis W. Thesis: The Development and Use "Tom TUrbyfill, Palouse; Thesis: Derivatives of Phoenothiazine. (Continued on Page 6) Rish, Inez Wilmire Schroeder, of the Statement of Application of Anita Harda Waadne. An Evaluation of Elementary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Funds. Clarinet Methods. i CAN:aIDATES FOR FIVE-YEAR Orville Kenneth Thompson, Master of Arts in Sociology. DEGREES Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Thesis: ·Cecil Hammond Arnold, Coupe- SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Some Economic Aspects of the ville; Thesis: Influence of Student Bachelor of Education. Lead and Zinc IIldustry of the Knowledge of Election Issues on ,.Andrew Leonard Anderson, Pacific Northwest. Choice of Candddates. ·Joseph Michael Angelo, "Lyman Master of Arts in Education. Master of :Arts in Speech. King Bailey, ·Margal'et Ann Berg, "Gordon M. Buck, Multnomah, Jeanne Carol Peckenpaugh, ·Betty Jo Bouska, "Frank W. Bra- Oregon; Thesis: A Survey of the SeattIe; Thesis: The Relationship' tonia, Olive Burnette, "Helen Lighting Facilities of Washington of Oral Interpretation to Dramatic Ardeth Callison, •Eva Evelyn High School, Portland, Oregon, Art. Clark, Robert Franklin Clay, with Suggestions for Their Opti- MASTER OF SCIENCE Law n c e Cleveland', ·Dana r e mum Use. DEGREES Charles Calvin Coffey, Georgia ·William G. Gnaedinger, Pull- Mast& of Science in Agriculture. Anna Coleman, Betty Mae Davis, man; Thesis: Some Problems in Richard Melvin Bullock, Glasco, Ilene Luella Droz, "Robert Gar- the Administration of a Motion Kansas; Thesis: The Relation of land Duvall, 'Joseph G. Engl~ Picture Program in Public Schools. Root 'Inducing Chemicals and mann, Jack G. Field, ·Alex Leon- "William Kramer, Clarkston; Etiolation to the Propagation of ard Forsman, catharine Grace Thesis: Changing Methods of 4d - Certain Horticultural Plants. Foster, Roberta. Keeler Fullmer, ministration for Indian Public Clayton C. Pflueger, Ortonville, Douglas Frank Gibb, 'Robert By- EdUcation in Washington. Minnesota; Thesis: The Effect of ron Glasgow, ·Gerald V. Glenn, Ella Grace Moyer, Spokane; Several Variations in the Manu- Keith Donald Gordon, "Gladys Thesis: The Use of Moving Pic- facturing Process on the Yield, Graupner, ·Lillie Juanita Gwinn, tures in Teaching First Sewing Flavor, Composition and Ripen- *Arthur August Hassler, Evelyn Techniques to Seventh Grade ing of Bel Paese Type Cheese. M. Hendrickson, ·John Boying- Girls. H:ermann L. Weber, OUtlook; ton Hitchcock, ·Walter Anson "Earl J. Reed, Longview; Thesis: Investigation of Physical- Hitchcock, John Miles Hooper, Thesis: The Organization and Chemical Changes of Soils in the Beverly Marie Hnpperten, Donald Maintenance of a Junior Primary Yakima Valley. Vernon, Jacobs, "Rose Louise Jeli- Unit from the Viewpoint of Ad- Leonard Zobler, New York, New nek, ·Jean Kathryn Jespersen, J. ministration. York; Thesis: Effect of Various Clydene Johnston, ·Claude W. .Paul Schiller, North powder, Cropping and Fertility Practices J,ones, "Amarante Just, "Katie Oregon; Thesis: School District on the structure of Palouse Silt Lorek Knapp, "Leonard Lawson, Reorganization in Union County, Loam. ·Lucile T. H. Lee, Dorothy Jean Oregon. Master of Science in Agricultural Linn, Helen Roberts Lyle, "Laurel *naIph Paul Treffry, Spokane; Engin.eering. Lynn, Roberta Jean Maxwell; Thesis: . Influences Which De- Wesley S, Piercey, Lynden; ·Carol M. Meier, ·Wade Alfred termine High School Students' Thesis: Use of Typical Columbia Moore, Helen M. New, Leon Ole- Choices of Courses and Occupa- Basin Soils for the Construction son, •Leona Ostheller, Mary tions. of Stabilized Adobe Bricks, Using Louise Pilz, "Lois Irene Putnam, Daniel Alexander Razer, ·William Master of Arts in EngtiSih. Emulsified Asphalt, T.I G. Robinson, L. Mildred Ryan, ·Sevilla Ricks Berreman, Palo Master of Science i'n Botany. Betty Jean Saling, Elna A:gnes Alto, California; Thesis: Rural Donald Haggett Brown, Way- Schmitz, "Alma B. Scott, ·Charles Types in American Literature in land, Massachusetts; Thesis: Ac- Edward Scott, ·Marshall A. Late Nineteenth and, Early Twen- cumulation of Radioactive Phos- Search, "Gordon Frederick Sim- tieth Centuries. phorus in the Flowers of the Cot- You'll find an outstand- mons, "Edith Bernice Snyder, *John Haines Finley, Colebrook, 'Iton Plant. SPORT (OAIS ing selection in Thomas •Edris Warner, "Garl Hubert New Hampshire; Thesis: A Study Jane Christine Markle, North- & Gassman's large stock. Tweeds, Wheelon, "Ruth Lillian Zier. of Robert Frost's Theory of Speech ampton, Massachusetts; Thesis: COLLEGE OF V!;TERINARY Tones. Translocation of Radiophosphorus ~:~~~~s'.__~ __.. $15 to $29mS~ MEDIC'INE "Josephine Ruth Johnson, Pull- from Cotton Leaves Studied by Doctor of 'Veterinary Medicine. man; Thesis: A Critical Analysis Stripping. Raymond S. Adams, William of the Letters of Emily Dickinson. William A. Weber, New York, Contrasting patterns and gaber- Hart Ashton, Earl M. Baldwin Jr., Master of Arts in Foreign New York; Thesis: The Botanical SLACKS dines to make up excellent all- Robert A,. Beck, William Wallace LaBguages. Collections of Wilhelm N. Suks- Chisholm, Luther B. Christenson, *Jean Kathryn Jespersen, Ta- don. Albert Thomas' Cook, Kenneth coma; Thesis: The Will and In- Master of Science In Chemistry. :~~~~~l~.~~.~~.~.~~~..".."..:$8.50 to $,15.00 IJoa.k Devine, Lawrence Frederick ventory of Goods of Senor Don Donald Fawcett Adams, Everett; Eakin, calvin R. Estrerrl, Thomas Jose FranciscO' de Arquellada y Thesis: A Volumetric Determina- Benjamin Eville, Robert R. FaSt, Sacrestan, 1800. tion of Selenites. YAL(UNA SWEATERS Stuart Morrell Foster, Joseph Lyman Binze Terry, Blue Marion F. Adams, Montesano; 100 per cent virgin wool . . . mothproofed, Eugene Gianlbroni, Virgil E. Mound, TIlinois; Thesis: Circun- Thesis: The Determina.tion of Graff, Harold Frank Henig. Glen stancias de lao Plaza de San Fer- Boron in SUgar Beets. ;:~S~~b!~~e~~~.~~:~~~~..~.~.~..~.~..~~~~.~.I.~.' Lin c (}In HOTsmann, Howard nando: A TranSCliption with In- Francis John Bowen, Sioux $5.95 Arthur Janssen, Donald Edward traduction and Index 'of Proper Falls, South Dakota; Thesis: A Jasper, Francis Paul Jones, Ben Names of the Manuscript in the study of the Effect of Bath Com- Alex Kadaner, Lavon M. Koger, Library of the state College of position on the Electrode-positions Nels M. Konnerup, Ray L. Lewis, WaShington. of Silver and Copper on Mag- Donald E. Lind, LaRue Elmo Lud'- Master of Arts in History. nesium. THOMAS & GASSMAN vigson, Harold Fay Luke, William "Lonnie Dale Leeper, Oakesdale; ·Otis Werner Fortner, Rock- Harold Merrick, Fred L. Metcalf, Thesis: Social and EconOmic His- ville, Indiana; Thesis: Anade "Yeur Appearance Is Our Business" tory of Hay Community. John Todd Morris, Donald Lloyd Polishing of Silver. W. 508 Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. Moyer, BUrton Francis Pike, Max- Master of Arts in Berne John Haworth Jonte. Stockton, well Thomas powers, William Economics. California; Thesis: The Selenium Lewis Ritter, William VanDiver Ellen Warren Roberts, Pullman; and Gold Con~nt of Ores from


• THIS YEAR AND WE SINCERELY, H·OPE THAT YOU 'HAVE ENJOYED OUR SERVICE Best of lu(k to you for the Summer months and may we see you again next September. PAGE SIX THE EVERGREEN Monday, June 1, 1942. _

Helen M. New, *Robert Keith James Orin Holland, Joseph John Washington State €vergreen Olmsted, Leon Oleson, 'Leona McKay, Chester Edward Murray, OstheUer, 'Alice Louise ott, Mary Nyal Eldon Nelson, Ralph Linus Danburg, Boyington Official publication 01 the Associated Student. of the :State Collere of WashiD«ton. Published Monday, Wednesday, and F~iday of the. ~elr~ar college year, with the ez- Louise Pilz, 'Katherine Ponte, Nelson, Norman Leonard Omodt, ception of summer vacation, when a midsummer edItion IS published. Student subscrip- 'Lois Irene Putnam, Daniel Alex- Leland Leroy Parker, Charles Honored al Banquet don included In student activity book. Subscription rate $2.00 per year; 11.00 per lemeater Printed by The PUllman Herald PubUshlnlr Co.. Pullman. ander Razey, 'Irene Rivers, 'Wil- George Picatti, Robert CUrtis Enter~ as second class matter at the post office at Pullman, Wasblngton. under the act of March 3. 1879. . liam T. G. Robinson, L. Mildred Rainier, Arthur Jack Sackville- The Washington Hotel was the Address: Editorial office, College hall. Telephone 4311. Bualness office. AdmllllStration Ryan, Betty Jean Saling, Elna West, Harold Frederick Sitts, scene of a Phi Mu Alpha farewell building, Telephone 1281. Agnes Schmitz, 'Alma B. Scott, Howard Elmer Swenson, Robert banquet Wednesday evening hon- Represented for national advertising by National Ad9Utisl"" Service, Inc.. Co~ece Publishers Representative, 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. Offices in 4QO N. MIch. Scharles E. Scott, "Leonard E. Wendell Weaver. oring two outstanding men of the 'igan Ave., Chicago; Boston; 31 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; and 742 Market St., San Francisco. Schuchman, Ann Scioly, *Mar- Quartennaster Corps. music faculty, Russell DanbuI"S" shall A. Search, 'Elva D. Shol- Jerry D. Clarke, Dick E. Coburn, and Alfred Boyington, Who are EDITOR-- berg, "Gordon Frederick Sim- Bert H. Dennis, Harry L. Mills, . leaving for the army Soon. BUSINESS - mons, Ethel Duncan Smith, *Mar- James D. Poulsen, Wilbur Earl They were widely acclaimed for Bud Brumbach guerite Snavely, 'E. Bernice Sny- Somers, James John Symbol. their excellent work by Dean KiIIl------,------Bonny Jean Howland del', "Helen Strain, 'Virginia Air. Corps. brough, Mr. Norris and Mr. Associate Editors-Okie Wallin, Gerald Weitz Strange, 'William Rost Tone, Marshall Wesley Bailey, Neil Wheeler, alumni of the chapter. Jim Cannon ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGERS 'Mark M. Van Auken, "Edris Howard' Dollard, James Dawson An election of the officers for MANAGING EDITORS Terry Burns Mildred Warner, 'Melvin Bernard Erwin, Baine Holmes. Hansell, the coming year was held: Bruce Bruchler Bob sutton Wells, 'Carl H. -Wheelon, 'Ruth Harold Hugh Kinkade, Edwin Gerald' Mohr, Supreme Council- NIGHT EDITORS Dan Ogden Lillian Zier, 'Charles Robert Zim- Freeland Knettle, Harold Free- man; Grant Gaines, President; Joe Jaeger Bob Neilson R 1 merman. mont Olsen, Herman Henry Rock, Don Hughes, Vice-President; Bur- SPORTS EDITOR-Frank Welch osa ie· Daggy CANDIDATES FOR SIX-YEAR Joseph Andrew Werner, Leland ton Davis, Recording SecretarY; NEWS EDITORS-Sophie Knapp, Dorothy Buck : STANDARD CERTIFICATES Roy Wlggins.. . Don Graham, Treasurer; Dave SOCIETY EDITOR-Betty Carol NOUrse . 'Virginia Adams, 'Harold An- Chemrcar. _, Warfare. Padgham, Historian; Al Krohn-1 DESK EDITORS derson, Elizabeth Ellouise Beach, George B. Millard. schnabel, Warden, and Mr. Whee - Judy Decker Lola Johnson Henry Rudolph Bidstrup, 'Charles HONOR GRADUATES er, Advisor, were elected. Lorne Cook. Ray Blair, 'Dorothy Ann Blair, Candidates for Graduation ---FEA--TUR--E-ED-' -I-T-O-R-S---H-a-ze-l-M-i-tc-h-e-n-,-M-ar-j-O-rl-e-K-n-e-=-be-l-m-a-n---'Alice Elizabeth Busch, "Muriel With Honors. Phillips, Leo Richard Pierce, ASSISTANT DESK EDITORS--Darlene Thurmond, Peggy Klasell, Dawley, Fred Doeg, Carl Alvin, Eleanor Ruth Adkins, Lawrence *Harold Vernon Sargent, Robert NEWS STAFF-Rosalie Brinkman, Helen Kirk, Gail Seabloom, Mary- Ellingsen, "Samuel Chester Gar- Leroy Allbaugh, James Eric Arnt- Lewis Wilkinson. rose Casseday, Barbara Pearson, Bina Kuenther, Lanna Lu B~uska. rison, "Mackenzia Goold, "'Frank. son, Eldon C. Barr, Ronald Ray Candidates for Graduation With Martha Thompson, Frances Taylor, Willene Horton, Dots ClIfford, Arthur Horn, 'Phyllis Ann Hul- Batey, Betty Jean Berg, Mary Highest Honors. Carol Gleason Lois Pintler Margie Gilbert, Darline Thurmond. teen, Nell Anne Iddings, *Jose- LOUise C. Berry, James Edward Ilene Luella Droz, Audrey SOCIETY STAFF-Betty Allan, Kay Brown, Dorothy Polly, Bina phine Ruth Johnson, Orville Em- Bever, Lawrence Leonard Borden, Brooks Foote, Jean Mary Elizabeth Guentb.er, Rosalie Brinkman, Alice Gaugl, Marietta Taylor, Helen ery Johnson, 'Ernest Kirkpatrick, Henry Bosshard, Marianne Busch, Glaeser, Shirley Ryan Grant, Ivan Kirk, Cleo Barton, Ginger Brasier, Elinor Horning, Irma Kokko, Claire 'Ethel Evelyn Klein, Maryuth 'Myron Donald Calkins, Alvne John Gustafson, Roy William Monaghan ,Marjorie Gilbert. Lickey, "Gar th E. Liesy, 'Carl. Barbara Carroll, Bernice Olivia Hallstrom, Virginia Dell Harrison, FEATURE STAFF-Aguileo DongalIo, Lois Pintler, Ray Hamby. Oscar Loreen, Kenneth Stanley Crawford, Patricia Mae deSoucy, Robert C. Honodel, ·Samuel Dins- Andy Elting, P8it McCallum. McPhaden, 'Marian Gene Miller, C. Eugene Dixon, Dorothy Mae more James, Kenneth K. Knight, Ruth Virginia Lane, Robert Syl- •Myra M. Miller, "'Forrest F. Elliott, Roberta Keeler Fullmer, Graduates- CANDIDATES FOR THREE- Mock, Janetta Lawson Nelson, Margery Louise Fulton, Catherine vester Langdon, Meredith Ann YEAR SECONDARY 'Irma Oestreicher, 'Edward H.. Jean Funkhouser, Edward Kirk Mellinger, Harold F. Olsen, Ruth (Continued from Page 5) Parkins, *AUce Dopps Passage, I Gebert, "'Lee O. Giffey, Mary Genevieve Olson, Thomas Arthur Middle Tucannon Area. CER~CATES 'Clifton E. Perryman, *EHzabeth Suzanne Greif, Doris Marie Guls- Peacock, Ruth Madeline Peterson. Robert Evans Stevenson, Pull- "Henry Aaneson, "Andrew Leon- Jane Sergerstrom, Pearl Siholberg, rud, Ruth J. Hahner, Frances May Jeanne Luella Rounds, John Fran- man; Thesis: Petrology of the ard Anderson, ·Joseph Michael 'Lloyd E,. stannard, E. Charles Handy, Jack Leland Henry, cis Schafer, Howard Austin stro- "Ringold" in the Palouse Area. Angelo, "LYman K. Bailey, "Betty Theno, 'Charles A. Thompson, I George Russell Holte, "Maynard bel, Frans C. VanderGriend, Master of Science in Home Jo Bouska, 'Charles F. Bradford, 'Glenn Lancaster Worthington, Henry Hunt, SlUrley Jane Ingram Raphael Orner Wagenaar, Edna Economics 'Frank W. Bra tonia , 'Eleanor Katherine Elizabeth Wride, *Jen- Elsie A. H. Jamieson, Elean01 Earl Webb, Glenn Wright Wegner, Brown, Olive Burnette, •Alfred B nie M. Wright. Verne Jinnett, Mary Lou Johnson, DOrris J. west. ·Helen Estelle Prindle, Moor- Butler, 'Helen Callison, 'Philip MILITARY COMMIlSSIONS Arline M. Kerns, 'Gladys Lihbey, head,and. CostMinnesota;of PreparingThesis:Nutrition-Time Leroy Cannon, "'E. Burdette Chris- Infantry. Betty Jane 'Luntey, "'Mathew man, 'Eva Evelyn Clark, Robert Robert Parry Brimble, ·James j Samuel Maddess, Mariel Jean ally Adequate Meals at a Minimum Franklin Clay, ·Dana Lawrence Robert Calder, Robert Dennis, Matsen, George B. Millard, Donald Cost in a Men's Light Ho:usekeep- Cleveland, Georgia Anna Cole- C h a r Ie s Wortman Dosskey, Duane Miller, Chester Edward ing Elst8!blishment at the State man, 'Lena F. Corral, Russell E. Thomas Arthur Durham, Felix B. Murray, Marion Lina Ortner, College of Washington. Day, Ilene Luella Droz, "Naomi Fletcher, Ferdinand Joseph Her- Robert A. Patten, Charles William For that after finals "Pick- Dorothy Lucile White, LeWiston, Durkee, 'Robert Garland Duvall, res, Harold Wilfred Hill, Theodore Peters, 'Herbert R. Ripley, Carl Idaho; Thesis: Institutional Bak-j 'Joseph G. Englemann, ·Axel Albert LeGros, Don Miles, *Laur- Jennings Ronning, *E'lna Agnes up" before the long trip ery Bread Compared to Com- Leonard Forsman, Catharine ence T. Neace, Robert E. Neilson, Schmitz, Inez WiImire Schroeder, home, drOll in for a good mercial Bakery Bread in General Grace Foster, Roberta Keeler Arthur Nelson, *Ray Milton O'Day Ethel Margaret Selfridge, Dorothy Nutritive Value, Cost, and Desira- Fullmer, "Dixon J. Garner, Jr., *John H. Ortner, Thomas Bernice Stave, "Donald Eugene malt and a short game of bility. Douglass Frank Gibb, ·Robert B. Arthur Peacock, J. Bryce Tysver, Stein, Robert Ernest Thornfeldt, Esther Young, Reinbeck, Iowa; Glasgow, ·Gerald V. Glenn, Keith Neil James Vincent, Robert Lewis Arthur Linnell Townsend, .Mary pool. TheSis: The Effect of Storage Donald' Gordon, "Gladys Graup- Wilkinson. Ellouise Trowbridge. Upon the Quality of Frozen Pork ner, ·Edgar K. Haag, 'Dorothea Engineers. Candidates for Graduation With calJudgedand! byChemicalPalatability,Tests. Mechani- Harder, ·Arthur A. Hassler, *Ber- I Theodore WilIiam Beadle, Rob- High H()nors. Master Of Science in Pharmacy. nice Heil, Evelyn M. Hendrickson, ert Leslie Boyer, Russell R. Claar, Stanley Dwight Beck, Charles •John Boyington Hitchcock, Stanley Earl C'ochran, Paul Beatty Calvin Coffey, Robert Dennis, GOodybe- Lorrayne L eM a r, Poulsbo; "Walter Anson Hitchcock, 'Irene Crews, Lester Raymond Fox, Roy 'MOllie Helen HolIreigh, Theodore I 'J1h.esis:A Study of the Effect of H'Qmchick, 'Frank Hooper, Bever- Edward Gillespie, Donald Clark Albert LeGros, Betty Jean Matsen, CertainHYdrogen-IonOintments'Concentrationand Lotions. in ly Marie Hupperten, Donald Hall, Edgar Frank Henderson, Jack Pearson Meiners, Hazel E. Good Luck Theodore Herman Schlosser Vernon Jacobs, 'Edgar LaVerne , Jayn_es, 'LoUise Jelinek, ·Jean K. Pullman; Thesis: A Phytochemi- Jespersen, *Helen E. Johnson, J. cal StUdy of Solanum nigrum val' Clydene Johnston, .Claude W. villosum. Leo Anton Sciuchetti, Kellogg Jones, 'Amarante .Just, 'Julian , Karp, *Leonard Klossner, "Ruth A HAPPY VACATlo.N • Idaho; Thesis: A Phytochemical Klumb, *Katie Lorck Knapp, Study of Solanum triflorum. •Anne E. Knudson, *Leonard TO YOU, STUDENTS, IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE TO M~