• ctate Colleg ••.) I of vVashington 1 Library , Washington Evergreen VOL. XLVIll z799 STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 1,1942. No. 96. SENIORS CREATE Sergeant O'Ravez Receives Orders 650 .GRA,DUATES HEAR TIMELY NEW SCHOLARSHIP Staff Sergeant James O'Ravez, stationed at the State College of FUND OF $1450 Washington for the past eight years, has been ordered to active ADDRESS BY DR. H. H,. CHANG Board of Control to Administer duty in the Quartermaster Corps, as of June 1, it was announced by Funds; Award to Be $100 Chinese Professor Says American Ideals of Democracy, Free- Annually the military department today. Sergeant O'Ravez has held a dom and Anti-Militarism Are Best Basis for World Peace A scholarship fund of $1450 second lieutenant's commission in Evergreen which will pay one $100 scholar- the Organized Reserves Corps, and has been ordered to duty in his "We can't have one part of the world free while the other ship each year to a deserving Everyone desiring to work on commissioned status. He has been senior has been established by the any branch of the editorial part remains enslaved:: Dr. H .. H. Cha~g, director of .the China in the Regular Army for 16 years. graduating class of 1942, Carl staff of the Evergreen next fall Institute told graduating seniors, their relatives, f'nends and Nicholson, class president, an- His family will remain indefin- professors at the Baccalaureate service Sunday. itely in Pullman. semester shOUld attend an im- nounced today. portant meeting at 11:15 a..m. "This is not just a war t~ b~, fough~ and end~~, but IS an The .fund, now invested in Mal·, Ch Tuesday, June 2, in the Ever- historically important revolution, he said, emphaslzl~g .t~e ~act United States Defense Bonds, will II ary ooses green office. It is not necessary that America's ideals of democracy, freedom and an ti-rni ljtarjsm to have taken any journalism would form the soundest basis for a secure world order ~he,n begin payment in 1954, under the supervision of the Board of Con- ROTC Members cou~ or have had any peace comes. Dr. Chang .has just recently returned from China s trol. previous experience. wartime capital, Chungking, Concert Presented ~£,::~~~":~o:,=~; For Next Year ~ At 8 o'clock Sunday evening, the School of Music presented its program in honor of the seniors and their parents. No preference shall be given to Students for next year's RO:rC Degrees and honors were conferred upon the following at men or Women students. Applica- Advanced Course are now being SPONSORS TESTS Commencement services this morning: selected but the list will not be tion shall be submitted by last- pUblish~d until final details are (In this list an asterisk (.) be- term Juniors only. The award will completed sometime after Com- fore a name denotes that the be made in the spring te~ Onl~, men cement, the Public Relations Exams Show Relationship Be. (alvin, Sheahan award was made in August, 1941, for. use by the student m hts office of the Military department tween Personality and or February, 1942'> senior year. announced today. Major Field COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Awarded ·Honors Bachelor of S'cience in Agriculture Charaeter, intell~genc~, qualit:: For the duration of the present Every woman student on the I Harold Morten Amundson, Lloyd o! student. work, financial ~eces emergency, enlistment of ROTC campus is taking personality tests, stty, capacity for extra-currtcular students (except in Medical Corps through the cooperation of the ,AI Debate Dinner Joel Andrews, Harold C. Beard, Paul Melvin Beddoe, Leslie J. student activitiesId dandi appomtmglead~rs~llP units) in the Army Reserve Corps , women's P.E. department, the out- Velma Calvin was awarded the Bergsma, Theodore J. Birchill, are to ~e. consi ere n will be made a nrerecutstta for en- come of which will show if there is Delta Sigma Rho scholarship for "James Robert Calder, Jerry D. the recipient. rollment in ROTC Advanced cours- a positive correlation between cer- outstanding work in forensics at Clarke, "J. Dal Deatherage, Rob- The Boar~ of Control is i~- es. In the event students drop out tain personality traits and major the debate dinner for faculty and structed to lDves~ the fund: as It of school prior to completing their fields such as home economics, ert Dennis, 'Wayne Francis Din- alumni in the banquet room of gee, 'Richard S. Dubigk, Oscar G. sees best following matunty of advanced course, or fail to gradu- speech. English, mathematics, etc. the Commons Thursday evening. the bonds. In the event that the ate with the class with which they These tests include four stand- Fagerness, William Wayne Ford- Don Sheahan was given the Associated Students cease to func- would normally graduate, they will ard personality tests: A study of ham "Ralph Dexter Francisco, award as outstanding freshman. tion the fund reverts to the Board be ordered to active duty immedi- value, the Nebraska personality in- Wilb~rt Gordon Gerlitz, DeMoine The following third year stu- of Regents of the State College to ately, provided they have no valid ventory, the adjustment inventory Wallace Gilchrist .Jr., Lewis Cecil dents were given associated' stu- be administered in the same man- reason for deferment. and the preference record tests. Gilmore, Roy William Hallstrom,' dents awards: Elina Schmitz, Ted ner as other college scholarships. Students Who have not reached The test is being given every day John A. Handel, Wilmerd Carl Allison, Charles Coffey, and Shir- Heinemann, Wilton Walter Heine- their 18th birthday will not be en- this week in theNew Women's gym, ley Ryan. Second year awards mann, Ferdinand Joseph Herres, listed in the Enlisted Reserve corps room 20'1, from first period through went to Velma Calvin, George Harold Wilfred Hill, 'Harry S. MUSIC PROGRAM but may be enrolled in the ROTC eighth. Any student interested in Mooney and> Shirley Miller. Kath- Hill Jr., Albert Leonard Hooper, ' , Advanced course Upon signing an finding out results and comparing leen Kelly, Ruth Pearson and Pat Bruce N. Hostetler, Byron R. Hos- HONORS fENIORSt ahgereaegmeeonft1t80.enlist UPon reaching them with the normal of the group Boyle won first year debate tetler, Chester William Inman Jr., oJ I as a whole and in relation to those awards. Leslie E. Jenne, Fritjof Jonassen, . These provisions will apply to all in their major field, may see Miss Glenn Jones, head of the general Lyle F. Keller, George Eng King, Under the direction of Alfred students who have been selected Helen G. Smith, head of the de- extension division and former Robert Ray Kirkwood, Frank A. BOYington, Herbert T. Norris and for the advanced course arid who partment, next fall semester after University of Southern California Kramer, Andrew Kruiswyk Jr." Harold Wheeler, the orchestra, have not yet signed, a contract. Ad- the results have been tabulated. debater, spoke. Walter A. Law, Harry Thomas choir and band played and sang vanced stUdents who are already Miss Smith has been on a year's Leigh, Nelson B. Lewis, John a varied prog~m of classical mu- under contract will be encouraged leave of absence working on her David McPhee, Jack Pearson sic yesterday in BrYan Hall as an to enlist in the Enlisted Reserve doctor's degree at the New York important preliminary to Com-: corps. IUniversity. Heflebower Slates Meiners, Donald Duane Miller, mencement today. ~ ~ __ Arthur Nelson, Lawrence Marvin Composer Russell Danburg, Newman, Charles Albert Niemi, pianist, played one of his latest Need for Palience 'John Henry Ortner, Fred Rob- compositiOlllS, "Song of AI.,. ert Pease, Henry L. Polis, James legiance." James NiblOCk, violin_ New Area Price Consultant D. Poulsen, Herman H. Rock, Earl ist, accompanied by Orie Louise Returns From Denver Rohwer, John Francis Schafer, McKee, was the other soloist. In- Conference Elmer Schneidmiller, 'Donald cidental organ music was played Nursing Majors May Complete Clyde Schooff, "Robert James by Edgar C. Sherwood. hospital, but in the majority of "Tolerance, humor and patience Schwarz, Fred Thomas Shelton, Training in Less hospitals throughout the Inland are going to be required of every- Daniel Patrick Smith, Frans C. Tillie Empir~ and in ahout one-half of one, but particularly of the re- VanderGriend, Raphael Omer YMCA Asks Groups' the states in the U.S.A. as well as tailer in this new era of price Wagenaar, ·Martin Dale Wroe, Aid in Book Drive The Deaconess School of Nurs- in foreign lands. We hope that as ceilings," Dean R. B. Hef1ebower, William Shinichi Yorozu, *Ed- ing in Spokane plans definite af- soon as your commencement is newly appointed consultant to the ward C. Zigler. filiation with the State College in Co-operation from the varfous over we will have definite word office of Price Administration for Bachelor of Science in Agricultural the department of Nursing Educa- group houses this week in a book from the federal government so the Inland Empire, said on his re- Business. tion Horace Turner administra- drive for the service men is being that we may go ahead and com- turn from a Denver meeting last Melvin Aune, Headley A. Brown, tor 'Of the Deaconn'ess Hospital, asked by the YMCA. Conveniently plete our plans for affiliation with week. Donald Lawrence Buckley, .Lee confirmed the plans today by the placed boxes will be stationed at your school. "The situation was rapidly get- O. Giffey, •Ernest Hamilton, following letter, addressed to ting uncontrollable when the Fed- "Robert Willard Nolan, Frederick each fraternity, and members are Thank . yoU for the assistance President Holland: era! government acted to put a T. Schreck. asked to contribute books-text_ which has been rendered by your As we come to the close of an- books, novels or any other types special committee, and we assure ceiling on most prices at March SCHOOL OF BUSINESS other schOOl year and after meet- levels," Dean Heflebower said.
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