October 23, 2012 This is the print preview: Back to normal view »

White Student Union: Student Matthew Heimbach Discusses Controversial Group On HuffPost Live (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post | By Mark Hanrahan Posted: 10/11/2012 3:04 pm Updated: 10/15/2012 5:19 pm

The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson University claims that the group is necessary to fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

The group, started by Towson senior Matthew Heimbach, has sparked a debate about the balance between students' First Amendment rights and clamping down on what many have condemned as racism at the University.

Heimbach is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "white nationalist" who has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes.

The panel who spoke with Heimback included the Southern Poverty Law Center's Lecia Brooks; Harvard student Julian Lewis; journalist and advocate for "racial realism," Jared Taylor; and Lehigh University Professor James Peterson.

Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for themselves. We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, an Asian student union. We have groups for every other group of people except for white students. So if white students are allowed to come together and advocate for our own best interests simply would bring us into the realm that every single other group is allowed."

Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences between a white student union a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest." She also said that both Taylor and Heimback were advocates of and white separatism.

Watch the full segment below.

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Chip Falls 4 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/21/2012 It seems strange that identity politics are open to every group in these universities except male whites. It's part of a long trend of making "college education" in what's Left of the humanities absolutely nojing more than a political indoctrination of the most shallow and pestiferous sort.

Further reading: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007HBGOX2/ref=docs-os-doi_0 Chip_Falls: It seems strange that identity politics are open to every http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Chip_Falls/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_198461961.html History | Permalink | Share it bjp4321 968 Fans 12:56 PM on 10/19/2012 I thought that all groups that were sponsered by university money or that met on university property had to be open to all students. So, let him start his group only if it is open to all students of the university, it should be likewise for the other race based advocacy groups. bjp4321: I thought that all groups that were sponsered by university http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bjp4321/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_197857344.html History | Permalink | Share it mwinik 11 Fans 11:14 PM on 10/16/2012 i say let him start the group and then see how many jobs--other than on the board of directors of the KKK or the Aryan Nation-- he'll be able to get after graduation with that on his resume. mwinik: i say let him start the group and then see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mwinik/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196891977.html History | Permalink | Share it

Red Spanish Rose 0 Fans 07:23 PM on 10/16/2012 PROOF POSITIVE of a racial double standard here is that nonwhites are allowed to assemble in student unions while whites are prohibited from doing so. We as a race have every right to assemble in such groups to protect/promote/preserve our history, culture, identity and interests. Yet time and again our non-racist and nonviolent displays of white pride and white power are wrongfully labeled as such, with whiteness being condemned as something that's to be feared, hated and shameful of, as it’s inherently biased, destructive, etc. This racist stereotyping engenders a negative and self-destructive consciousness in the white community regarding their racial identity as a people that we must continue to be fight against in positive and constructive ways at every turn. Here you can see that the host of the discussion, Marc Lamont Hill, was obviously biased against Mr. Heimbach and Mr. Taylor from the first by the deliberate look of painful contempt he effected as he defined the topic of discussion. Then along with with Lehigh University Professor James Peterson on the panel he would laugh down the talking points brought forward by Mr. Heimbach and Mr. Taylor as to why whites need to unite as a whole to promote their own interests as a race. Red_Spanish_Rose: PROOF POSITIVE of a racial double standard here is that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Red_Spanish_Rose/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196826908.html History | Permalink | Share it

I B THANKING 20 Fans 09:23 PM on 10/17/2012 To ignore the cancer of racism is to ignore the many problems it has created for people of color over the centuries to date. Don't know where you live with your head in the sand, but this is the America I live in today. >>>


http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map I_B_THANKING: To ignore the cancer of racism is to ignore the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_B_THANKING/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197281911.html History | Permalink | Share it

Red Spanish Rose 0 Fans 2 hours ago ( 7:04 PM) To ignore the cancer of racism is to ignore the many problems it has created for people without color today.

Among the many hypocritical arguments listed by its detractors in racist fashion against the formation of a white student union at Towson University, and white interest groups in general, are as follows:

1) Whites have no need of such advocacy groups because they suffer no forms of discrimination. (Anti-white racism today is at an all-time high. All you have to do is reference the crime stats.)

2) Whiteness is wrongfully being labeled as an indicator of privilege, racism, oppression, bias, etc., on account of historical precedents. (It must be said here that this racist stereotyping engenders a negative and self-destructive consciousness in the white community regarding our racial identity as a people that we must continue to fight against in positive and constructive ways at every turn.)

3) Whites should only unite in such groups ethnically in small divisions but not racially as a whole. (Multiethnic Caucasians like myself do not only want to celebrate our individual ethnic backgrounds but have the right to voice the sociopolitical concerns of our people as a race in legitimate and publicly recognized Pan-European interest groups.)

4) White organizations such as this are wrongfully decried as being natural hate groups supporting white supremacy and white separatism. (A white student union isn't anymore racially motivated than that of a black student union, etc.)

Again, proof positive of a racial double standard here is that nonwhite Red_Spanish_Rose: To ignore the cancer of racism is to ignore the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Red_Spanish_Rose/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_198792564.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER surfette72 Conservative your mother warned you about. 179 Fans

07:06 PM on 10/16/2012 What a surprise...yet ANOTHER divisive group on a college campus. surfette72: What a surprise...yet ANOTHER divisive group on a college campus. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/surfette72/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196822379.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Edward Goodwin Hey! I'm walk'n here! 666 Fans 06:25 PM on 10/16/2012 What a surprise...he has a Tea Party snake . Not that the tea party would EVER endorse racist groups or policies. Edward_Goodwin: What a surprise...he has a Tea Party snake flag. Not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Edward_Goodwin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196811252.html History | Permalink | Share it bigcatttdaddy 243 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/16/2012 Matthew Heimbach is right on the money. Why are people having a problem with his group? Because they are racist towards white people. There is Black entertainment Television. there is The Black Caucus. There is The Black Chamber of Commerce in many cities and the list goes on and on. So why can't their be a White Student Union. The man said it was open to everyone.

The only problem here is that some people want to eagerly play that race card. bigcatttdaddy: Matthew Heimbach is right on the money. Why are people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bigcatttdaddy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196802076.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER singout Mark is the editor of Sing Out! magazine. 318 Fans 05:47 PM on 10/16/2012 With the caveat that I didn't watch the original program in it's entirety, listening to Heimbach speak in the montage presented above makes it really clear who this guy is and what the actual intent of this group actually is. Heimbach is correct that not all "white" groups are racist. Unfortunately, in this particular case Heimbach is a racist and his group *is* a hate group. Claiming that such groups are only there to "celebrate white culture" is the very same claptrap peddled by white supremecists, the KKK and Nazis for decades. There may well be a legitimate sociological discussion to be had ... but this group isn't it, and Heimbach is a creep. singout: With the caveat that I didn't watch the original program http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/singout/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196800420.html History | Permalink | Share it

Chip Falls 4 Fans 03:49 PM on 10/21/2012 You assme that and have it "confirmed" by watching the segment. His arguments are no more racist and are, in fact, less racist than most of those made by the ethnic radicals of all stripes in America's academic conformity factories. Chip_Falls: You assme that and have it "confirmed" by watching the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Chip_Falls/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_198462846.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER FiredUpRTG Don't start no stuff; won't be no stuff… 486 Fans 05:38 PM on 10/16/2012 Towson doesn't look like it needs a separate club when 85% of the student body is a member of the group. It's sort of redundant! The support group is nearly every extra-curricular club on campus!

This guy wants attention and a date. FiredUpRTG: Towson doesn't look like it needs a separate club when http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FiredUpRTG/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196797847.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER FiredUpRTG Don't start no stuff; won't be no stuff… 486 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/16/2012 This is a racist group. This is very different from a Hibernian, Hellenic, Gaelic, etc club.

When the European group as a whole needs to come together to advocate for themselves, the country, the major colleges, corporations etc will look completely different than now.

Perhaps this guy feel disenfranchised because his better-off cohorts are ignoring him. Certainly no Hiltons or Rothschilds have a need to be in that club. FiredUpRTG: This is a racist group. This is very different from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FiredUpRTG/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196795774.html History | Permalink | Share it kndg77 22 Fans

05:22 PM on 10/16/2012 I'm not knocking Matthew for wanting to start his own union. But does Matt know any real White Supremacy groups wouldn't accept him.Once a White guy was screaming at 1 of my white friends for hanging with us a bunch of mixed races and says a REAL White Man wouldn't be tainted with black hair your a mixed pos. He said alot more before the beat-down but you see my point. Don't be Bias let him have his Union it'll probably be a bunch of wanna be's anyway. kndg77: I'm not knocking Matthew for wanting to start his own http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kndg77/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196792848.html History | Permalink | Share it bigcatttdaddy 243 Fans 05:55 PM on 10/16/2012 "I'm not knocking Matthew for wanting to start his own union."

Of ourse you are. He is not trying to get into a white supremacy group. Why be so racist against the guy? He said it was open to everyone. bigcatttdaddy: "I'm not knocking Matthew for wanting to start his own http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bigcatttdaddy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196802958.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER MistryMan From out of everywhere 39 Fans 05:20 PM on 10/16/2012 Confusing, did or didn't this group have a white supremicist speaking.

It's one thing if someone spoke and was denounced, but if they allowed the supremist to go on, that ain't cool MistryMan: Confusing, did or didn't this group have a white supremicist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MistryMan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196792352.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER HANNIBAL1066 I've written on the Tea Party movement at politica 50 Fans 05:16 PM on 10/16/2012 I do not agree with the student, but I do not want to see his constitutional rights abridged. There are other racist groups on university and college campuses that the SPLC monitors. It is far better for these bigots to come out into the open than to hide underneath their hoods. HANNIBAL1066: I do not agree with the student, but I do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/HANNIBAL1066/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196790975.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER SammieIAmmie Click.Read.Complain about clicking. 42 Fans 06:17 PM on 10/16/2012 Hey Hannibel, I have to say that I agree with you and was going to say something similar but you beat me to it! It seems like a slippery slope to deny this student his "white union" because it could then set a precedent in the future for some other race to be denied. And I thoroughly agree - I, for one, like to see my haters face-to-face and not be surprised later on! SammieIAmmie: Hey Hannibel, I have to say that I agree with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SammieIAmmie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196809119.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 178 Fans 12:32 AM on 10/17/2012 Exactly!

I have absolutely no problem with his organization. I also hope they do invite Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire, and Charles Murray. Let them discuss their concerns for everyone to hear. Hinatore: Exactly! I have absolutely no problem with his organization. I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196928640.html History | Permalink | Share it jonjb5 99 Fans 05:10 PM on 10/16/2012 THE NEW FACE OF THE TEA PARTY jonjb5: THE NEW FACE OF THE TEA PARTY http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jonjb5/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196789106.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER allengoldchain Freedom is never voluntarily given bythe oppressor 853 Fans

05:05 PM on 10/16/2012 65% of people on this site agree that this group has a right to establish themselves.

Yes, why not? 34.31% Unfortunately yes. 30.84%

Well their you have have it. free speech and freedom to assemble may not be comfortable to you but they have the right. end of story. allengoldchain: 65% of people on this site agree that this group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/allengoldchain/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196787525.html History | Permalink | Share it cartoonking09 60 Fans

10:45 PM on 10/17/2012 U.S.Conservatives and the Radical Right they've allied with are really stuck on stupid when it comes to race as they never have been before, but given that they believe corporations are people, outsourcing makes domestic jobs and upper- bracket tax cuts makes everyone richer, I'm hardly shocked but certainly disappointed to see so many of them taking this nonsense seriously without ever questioning it:)... cartoonking09: U.S.Conservatives and the Radical Right they've allied with are really http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cartoonking09/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197305680.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next › Last » (61 total) gthang91582 200 Fans 05:04 PM on 10/16/2012 If you can't get "ahead" in life because you think being white is holding you back, I got news for you...you're probably just not very bright. Or...an ace hole. gthang91582: If you can't get "ahead" in life because you think http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gthang91582/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196787279.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER FiredUpRTG Don't start no stuff; won't be no stuff… 485 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/16/2012 It should be the rejects club. FiredUpRTG: It should be the rejects club. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FiredUpRTG/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196796041.html History | Permalink | Share it bigcatttdaddy 245 Fans 05:56 PM on 10/16/2012 Would you say the same thing about blacks that belong to a black club/union? bigcatttdaddy: Would you say the same thing about blacks that belong http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bigcatttdaddy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196803270.html History | Permalink | Share it

gthang91582 200 Fans 06:26 PM on 10/16/2012 i think you've missed the point. Our society is overwhelmingly controlled by white men. So to suggest that you're at some disadvantage in life because you are a white man strike me as a bit silly. gthang91582: i think you've missed the point. Our society is overwhelmingly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gthang91582/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196811379.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All gthang91582 200 Fans 05:01 PM on 10/16/2012 You cannot simultaneously inhabit the role of the persecuted and the majority. The reason it sounds "off" to people when they hear of someone organizing a "white union group" is mostly because America is itself, largely, a white union group. To claim you're being marginalized in a society that is overwhelmingly controlled by white males is laughable to say the least. It reeks of misplaced anger towards your own shortcomings as a human. If you can't get "Ahead" in life because you think being white is holding you back, I got news for you...you're probably just not very bright. Or...an ace hole. gthang91582: You cannot simultaneously inhabit the role of the persecuted and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gthang91582/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196786299.html History | Permalink | Share it Mel Pursglove 32 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/16/2012 You know, college campuses and the rest of America are two different environments. In most college campuses today, which are overwhelmingly leftist, the minority rules the majority in the name of political correctness. Mel_Pursglove: You know, college campuses and the rest of America are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mel_Pursglove/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196798519.html History | Permalink | Share it cartoonking09 61 Fans

10:59 PM on 10/17/2012 Thats why, especially in private and/or religious institutions of education primary and up, you see an overwhelming disparage of white athletes, students, club presidents, staff, faculty, scholarship recipients, and...oh wait!

The problem isn't their right to assemble (it never really was) nor their right to advance 'white rights' (an oxymoron if there ever was one when they're 'the head that wears the crown' in everything, regardless of who's president of the U.S.); the problem is their insatiable, psychotic desire to play victim and superior He-Men of the Universe at the same time without the slightest hint of irony. BTW, there are just as many conservatives as there are liberals on any given college campus, its just that most are not specifically politically active and are apparently not appealing enough to the more radical and authoritarian strains of pro to-fascism masquerading as red- blooded, American conservatism nowadays!

If only the media realized it sooner and got back to wondering aloud how to create more jobs, invest in education and develop alternative energies by government and who we elect to lead it, versus paying attention to Jr. who is also a coincidental Jew and his white sheets union, who knows where'd we be:)... cartoonking09: Thats why, especially in private and/or religious institutions of education http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cartoonking09/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197309904.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER kazenoya1 32 Fans 05:01 PM on 10/16/2012 Maybe it's a statement against how narrow minded ethnic groupware Maybe it's a statement about how exclusionary (read:racism?). The black student unions are.

No one complains bout blacks being exclusionary ...Why the double standards kazenoya1: Maybe it's a statement against how narrow minded ethnic groupware http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kazenoya1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196786270.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER allengoldchain Freedom is never voluntarily given bythe oppressor 853 Fans

05:00 PM on 10/16/2012 Southern Poverty Law Center has popped it's ugly head again. So that's why this is an article on HP. Go figure! allengoldchain: Southern Poverty Law Center has popped it's ugly head again. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/allengoldchain/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196786154.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER FiredUpRTG Don't start no stuff; won't be no stuff… 485 Fans 05:33 PM on 10/16/2012 SPLC improves quality of life and advocates for the truly unconnected and powerless. FiredUpRTG: SPLC improves quality of life and advocates for the truly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FiredUpRTG/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196796226.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER allengoldchain Freedom is never voluntarily given bythe oppressor 853 Fans

05:46 PM on 10/16/2012 they used to when they actually were involved in litigation but now they are just involved in labeling groups that do not follow their liberal driven ideology. Soon they will start labeling religious groups as hate groups. allengoldchain: they used to when they actually were involved in litigation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/allengoldchain/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196800229.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

BuckNasty84 14 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/16/2012 I remember my White Student Union at the Indiana college I attended. It was called the Dining Hall, The Auditorium, The Streets, and The Admin Building :D BuckNasty84: I remember my White Student Union at the Indiana college http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BuckNasty84/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196785488.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program fitley 906 Fans

04:58 PM on 10/16/2012 When I was in college we used to laugh at the Frat boys and girls, but most of all the young Republicans. Guys like Matthew would never had been allowed to exist without mockery 24/7. fitley: When I was in college we used to laugh at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fitley/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196785334.html History | Permalink | Share it jtzeph 25 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/16/2012 So what are you saying, you were a type of elitist, leftist, hippie? If others are allowed to group ethnically, and advocate, why can't this guy? jtzeph: So what are you saying, you were a type of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jtzeph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196795995.html History | Permalink | Share it Mel Pursglove 32 Fans 05:44 PM on 10/16/2012 I'm rather amused by all the disparaging comments about this guy, because no one posting them seems to grasp the irony. Mel_Pursglove: I'm rather amused by all the disparaging comments about this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mel_Pursglove/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196799608.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

fitley 906 Fans

06:10 PM on 10/16/2012 I openly and gladly mock racists. I don't care who knows it, bagger. Don't you have something better to do like burn a cross? fitley: I openly and gladly mock racists. I don't care who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fitley/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196807268.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DebS 789 I think, therefore I am. 135 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/16/2012 All I can do is feel sorry for this kid and others who limit their lives to narrow experiences when a life filled with people from multiple ethnic and cultural backgrounds is so much richer. DebS_789: All I can do is feel sorry for this kid http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DebS_789/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196785018.html History | Permalink | Share it jtzeph 25 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/16/2012 What do you think of the Congressional Black Caucus? Their ethnic exclusion has legislative consequences. jtzeph: What do you think of the Congressional Black Caucus? Their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jtzeph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196796716.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DebS 789 I think, therefore I am. 135 Fans 07:59 AM on 10/17/2012 What I think is that it will be a good day when no group feels they have anything to gain by limiting their relationships with any other group. DebS_789: What I think is that it will be a good http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DebS_789/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196996462.html History | Permalink | Share it truthhurtslikehell 6 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/16/2012 Well I do see things differently. I am a black woman and I dont see why they cannot support themselves in a group, as long as it is not about hate. I learned that not all white people are racist but caught up as victims like most black folks in the past. They are stuck there period. Unless you were born somewhere where it is diverse. Most people will feel comfortable with the folks that they are more comfortable with. I get it. When I am somewhere, I look for other black people like me and gravitate to them until I am comfortable all around. Thats just culture. I love all people but all dont love me. I respect others ideas, hate and what have you because you DONT LIVE with me n I have control to move on. But everyone like support, if this group is not about hate..I say let them be. truthhurtslikehell: Well I do see things differently. I am a black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/truthhurtslikehell/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196783422.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 12:36 AM on 10/17/2012 Even with their invitiation of Jared Taylor to speak, they should be allowed to form their union. Hinatore: Even with their invitiation of Jared Taylor to speak, they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196929981.html History | Permalink | Share it

Reality always bites Sometimes just a bit peckish 171 Fans 04:48 PM on 10/16/2012 Can anyone provide examples of the benefits that all black or Hispanic groups have reaped? I accept the reasoning behind minorities being able to interact and discuss their problems. When any other individual needs a group for the same reason- why should they be denied? How does the creation of any specific race, religion or gender group contribute to society as a whole? Integration may not solve all the problems- separation just exacerbates the problems. Either accept all groups or deny them. There is no middle ground without exclusion or conflict! Reality_always_bites: Can anyone provide examples of the benefits that all black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Reality_always_bites/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196781972.html History | Permalink | Share it bigstupidsmile 8 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/16/2012 THAT'S RACIST. bigstupidsmile: THAT'S RACIST. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bigstupidsmile/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196780872.html History | Permalink | Share it

Reality always bites Sometimes just a bit peckish 171 Fans 04:40 PM on 10/16/2012 When there is any call for equality- That equality has to be respected. No group of individuals should claim to be more equal than any other group. Without equality -what is the point of a 'Black' 'Hispanic' or 'Womens' group? Any suggestion that a group is unfair indicates a desire for dominance- hence claims for equality are lost. Why not just have societies, with mutual interests- open to all? Reality_always_bites: When there is any call for equality- That equality has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Reality_always_bites/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196779360.html History | Permalink | Share it lntec224 68 Fans 04:39 PM on 10/16/2012 You know what, As a DIE HARD lib, I have no problem with this. "I will defend your right...." and so on.

There are black, latino, gay etc groups. I see no worries here. Yet, far more than half of southern whites are of mixed black / white blood. As someone else wrote, (sic), "What is the criteria to join?". A DNA test?

Good luck. IF it is just another hate group, that is a whole different story.

Let em have at it, I say. lntec224: You know what, As a DIE HARD lib, I have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lntec224/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196778994.html History | Permalink | Share it moutonnoir iconoclastic demagoguery 1898 Fans 04:38 PM on 10/16/2012 let them form it, and be ridiculed and (further) marginalized... moutonnoir: let them form it, and be ridiculed and (further) marginalized... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/moutonnoir/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196778668.html History | Permalink | Share it jtzeph 25 Fans 05:37 PM on 10/16/2012 For what? jtzeph: For what? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jtzeph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196797596.html History | Permalink | Share it ectullis 281 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/16/2012 Why should this group be any more or less controversial, than any other group? ectullis: Why should this group be any more or less controversial, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ectullis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196777999.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER FiredUpRTG Don't start no stuff; won't be no stuff… 485 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/16/2012 When there is documented, institutional and historical degradation of members of that group. Towson doesn't look like it needs a separate club when 80% of the student body is a member of the group. FiredUpRTG: When there is documented, institutional and historical degradation of members http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FiredUpRTG/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196797040.html History | Permalink | Share it jtzeph 25 Fans 05:42 PM on 10/16/2012 What a perfectly leftist perspective. We will provide you with the rights you already have after an appropriate review, with the criteria established by us. jtzeph: What a perfectly leftist perspective. We will provide you with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jtzeph/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196799144.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All meangreens 1 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/16/2012 Ever notice how these “white rights” people look like unintelligent smug A Hs ? meangreens: Ever notice how these â��white rightsâ�� people look like unintelligent http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/meangreens/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196777005.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER allengoldchain Freedom is never voluntarily given bythe oppressor 853 Fans

04:32 PM on 10/16/2012 Here are two possible options, either allow for this group or get rid of all racial groups period. allengoldchain: Here are two possible options, either allow for this group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/allengoldchain/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196776659.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER FlamingLibrul 100% Snark, Guaranteed! 5936 Fans 04:38 PM on 10/16/2012 Let me guess- you come from the Pat Buchanan skool of thought. FlamingLibrul: Let me guess- you come from the Pat Buchanan skool http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FlamingLibrul/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196778809.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER allengoldchain Freedom is never voluntarily given bythe oppressor 853 Fans

04:54 PM on 10/16/2012 Look this is quite easily solved. As a black man, I would personally like to see all these racially motivated or segregated groups go away. if not than the guy should be allowed to have his group as well. allengoldchain: Look this is quite easily solved. As a black man, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/allengoldchain/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196784179.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RAmen69 Someone is WRONG on the internet! 151 Fans 04:56 PM on 10/16/2012 Just curious, can white students participate in the black student union? Or can they have their own group? RAmen69: Just curious, can white students participate in the black student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RAmen69/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196784812.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Priscila B 0 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/16/2012 yes, exactly. I am not white, I guess I fall under Hispanic even though Spanish is not my native language. I agree, if you don't allow one, than get rid of all. Priscila_B: yes, exactly. I am not white, I guess I fall http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Priscila_B/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196780058.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER allengoldchain Freedom is never voluntarily given bythe oppressor 853 Fans

04:55 PM on 10/16/2012 I'm black and agree with you 100%. It's amazing how much this country fought so hard against segregation to only end right back where we started. What's the point! allengoldchain: I'm black and agree with you 100%.  It's amazing how http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/allengoldchain/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196784574.html History | Permalink | Share it viciousvirago Veritatum Dilexi 352 Fans 04:20 PM on 10/16/2012 Let's get this straight from the beginning: I'm Caucasian and I AM A PERSON OF COLOR. Otherwise....I'd be invisible, right? I cannot stand the 'exclusive' status to victimhood that blacks proclaim loudly and not clearly at most times.

I do think Mr. Heimbach has the right to have whatever student union he wants. If it offends the blacks, the tough sh*t. However, if Mr. Heimbach is just another one of those stupid neo-Nazi doodleheads with no brains, people WITH brains would not join, would they?

So, once again: I am a person of color. Right now I'm purple, green, orange and black because of a lot of surgery, but after I'll go back to my tan, pink and gorgeous ivory of my rear end. viciousvirago: Let's get this straight from the beginning: I'm Caucasian and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/viciousvirago/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196772940.html History | Permalink | Share it cartoonking09 61 Fans

11:17 PM on 10/17/2012 Yeah, I swear you lifted that meme straight from Chapter 1 to David Duke's My Awakening autobiography and clearly have no idea that minorities are even considered as legitimate human beings nowadays let alone know or care what their self-interests are.

But hey, tell you what Mr. Vicious (apt alias btw), when blacks start burning down predominantly white churches, lynching white males for simply looking at black women and segregate their music, schools,and all other cultural entities based on race again, maybe you'll have an argument worth considering. Tough s*** playing to be the ever-downtrodden victim and 'independent" bystander of privilege simultaneously much?

The fact that you refer to yourself, without a hint of irony, as a Person of Color that is Caucasian without ever experiencing the negative stereotypes, institutional discrimination and outright hatred associated with it, literally speaks for itself in terms of how far we are from a true. post-racial America. Good to know most whites don't think on similar terms nowadays... cartoonking09: Yeah, I swear you lifted that meme straight from Chapter http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cartoonking09/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197314572.html History | Permalink | Share it viciousvirago Veritatum Dilexi 352 Fans 10:05 AM on 10/18/2012 As usual, it is hard to tell exactly who the person is that is writing and you obviously did not grasp my statement.

I would think that a 'racist' like me would not have had a lesbian black woman as my best friend for 4 years, nor worked amicably with the Afro Americans (as they like to be called) who worked for me for a long time.

I've encountered enough discrimination FROM backs toward me simply because I was Caucasian. I don't need a young kid telling me what I know and do not know. I am approaching 60 and have seen it all and probably done it all, including my two years in Iraq as a trauma surgeon.

I am a woman, something you'd know if you knew what virago means.

There are and will always be poor people, people who are discriminated against and they're not all black, bubba.

I know more about black history than you will ever know. I suggest you get off your high horse of self-pity and start getting out there and live life amongst all peoples to get a taste of life. And comparing me to David Duke shows your ignorance. viciousvirago: As usual, it is hard to tell exactly who the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/viciousvirago/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197407557.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER everysome muddy boots on white carpet 123 Fans 04:17 PM on 10/16/2012 just another pathetic soul...not news.

the news is how we are getting screwed by the plutocracy that runs this country...this is just a lame distraction. everysome: just another pathetic soul...not news. the news is how we http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/everysome/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196771797.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER knorman1969 61 Fans 04:05 PM on 10/16/2012 If they feel they need this organazation and let them have it. It really will not help or hurt anything it will show more diversity or it could be interesting to see how it plays in the real world. knorman1969: If they feel they need this organazation and let them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/knorman1969/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196768002.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER kazenoya1 32 Fans 05:05 PM on 10/16/2012 Do you want diversity where different cultures Live side by side but maintain their own culture to the point that they do not meld or assimilate? Not a melting pot but segregation? That's the division of Diversity. I think yo might want to say Pluralism. most Universities teach this error. So it's getting to be l,oat erroneous slang. kazenoya1: Do you want diversity where different cultures Live side by http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kazenoya1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196787795.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER knorman1969 61 Fans 05:18 PM on 10/21/2012 I believe in diversity not matter your race, religion or what you personally believe because I can choose who to associate with. knorman1969: I believe in diversity not matter your race, religion or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/knorman1969/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_198483234.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER hynzerelli an atheist misanthrope 14 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/16/2012 For years we had a lib media jamming down our throats the outrage of white S.African's that settled made something out of nothing & wanted to live in Apartheid(separate from the blacks). These days not a peep about the atrocities of genocide against whites in S.Africa & Rhodesia now that the blacks have taken over. HOW SHOCKING!!! hynzerelli: For years we had a lib media jamming down our http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hynzerelli/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196766468.html History | Permalink | Share it

RightRightWrong 0 Fans 04:11 PM on 10/16/2012 Yea its called reaping what you sow. RightRightWrong: Yea its called reaping what you sow. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RightRightWrong/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196770090.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER kazenoya1 32 Fans 05:07 PM on 10/16/2012 Are you sure that the people suffering did the two cities of 50 years ago? Maybe we can hold you responsible for why your grandfather's people did. kazenoya1: Are you sure that the people suffering did the two http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kazenoya1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196788300.html History | Permalink | Share it jtzeph 25 Fans 06:03 PM on 10/16/2012 Wow, so support atrocities? jtzeph: Wow, so support atrocities? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jtzeph/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196805214.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Pappa Truth Sayer 240 Fans 04:25 PM on 10/16/2012 Guess who is getting the diamonds, gold, and other rare earth materials? It not the Black Africans. How Shocking! Pappa: Guess who is getting the diamonds, gold, and other rare http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pappa/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196774595.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 04:34 PM on 10/16/2012 Okay! We see you Pat Robertson! Hinatore: Okay! We see you Pat Robertson! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196777422.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All mouse2 9 Fans 03:59 PM on 10/16/2012 You can be sure he's a Republican mouse2: You can be sure he's a Republican http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mouse2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196765935.html History | Permalink | Share it mvr5071 116 Fans 03:56 PM on 10/16/2012 I dont see what the big deal is, unless he were to bring in a member from a white supremacy group to speak or if they started lynchings. He looks like a big nerd who craves attention. NBD mvr5071: I dont see what the big deal is, unless he http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mvr5071/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196765175.html History | Permalink | Share it flic fleurette my micro-bio is chock full of opinions 209 Fans 04:27 PM on 10/16/2012 Well I think that's the problem, this group did invite a white supremecist to speak to them. Nothing wrong with forming their own group but why invite 'hate' into it? How can this guy who spreads hate discuss issues with them or their concern unless they share his views. I think that's what being asked here. flic_fleurette: Well I think that's the problem, this group did invite http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/flic_fleurette/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196775169.html History | Permalink | Share it

mvr5071 116 Fans 04:32 PM on 10/16/2012 Ah i misinterpreted the video then. Then the group should be allowed. Bottom line especially when hatred is ging to be one of the founding principles. mvr5071: Ah i misinterpreted the video then. Then the group should http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mvr5071/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196776895.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

LiberalGod 22 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/16/2012 Black Bullies! LiberalGod: Black Bullies! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LiberalGod/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196763219.html History | Permalink | Share it zagguy 40 Fans 03:42 PM on 10/16/2012 I can't believe this kid is getting any attention whatsoever. He truly poses a serious threat to no one. Unless you happen to be a carton of twinkies. Then, God help you. zagguy: I can't believe this kid is getting any attention whatsoever. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zagguy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196760324.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 03:40 PM on 10/16/2012 Why shouldn't there be a White Student Union especially since there is grave concern over

- Getting stopped and frisked without explanation.

-Getting shot at 41 times when only carrying a wallet or being shishkabobbed in a precinct bathroom.

-Is considered a thug because he/she wore a hooded sweatshirt on a rainy night and gets shot by "community policeman," because they look like their up to no good and/or high on drugs.

-Are considered genetically less intelligent and more prone to violence according to many studies and books.

-Are being forced to show papers to prove citizenship or continually being challenged in court over one's citizenship.

-Are harassed when going to get an abortion after being legitimately raped. -Are getting paid less than their gender counterparts. -Are only being taught about their history from someone else's perspective.

Someone has to advocate for these oppressed and underrepresented students. Hinatore: Why shouldn't there be a White Student Union especially since http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196759789.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER kazenoya1 32 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/16/2012 All sarcasm aside your right. White males are the single most under privileged minority on most college campuses. No white scholarships, no African American diversity offices pulling strings for them. No heritage foundations or white appreciation month. As a society we've gone so overboard. try being a white male walking down the street and having to walk between four African Americans or Hispanics who might have grown up in the street. The only di

Y kazenoya1: All sarcasm aside your right. White males are the single http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kazenoya1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196791292.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 12:27 AM on 10/17/2012 Awwww poor things even with the Scholarships sponsored by the Sons of Italy, the Polish Heritage society, The Thomas Herry Porter Scholarship, the George J. Mitchell Scholarship (full tuition for generational Irish- Americans with a stipend for studying in Ireland)

The university that I attended had an Irish Student Association, an Italian Student Association, and a Polish Student Association, etc. Not a peep of concern nor complaint from anyone else.

Oh and white males walking down the street with African-Americans and Latinos who grew up on the streets? Good one (not!)

The history of this country towards people of colour is so sordid that all of this is based on nothing but FEAR of retribution. The fact that this genius invited Jared Taylor as a speaker lets those of us with an ounce of sanity know what this punk's approach is all about. Hinatore: Awwww poor things even with the Scholarships sponsored by the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196926571.html History | Permalink | Share it cartoonking09 61 Fans

11:22 PM on 10/17/2012 Fanned & Faved! I'll be posting this everywhere I can here w/ race related articles... cartoonking09: Fanned & Faved! I'll be posting this everywhere I can http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cartoonking09/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197316069.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR PeanutButterJellyGirl "Elementary, my dear Watson." 347 Fans

03:36 PM on 10/16/2012 Let the man have his group. Honestly, if he is feeling that he has to fight institutionalized racial bias at his institution then his mediocrity must be stunning. Affirmative action or race based initiatives aren't for the best and the brightest. The best and the brightest of all kids will make it to college and do well. Affirmative action in schools is giving the mediocre minority student a chance against the mediocre white students. If you are worried in anyway that affirmative action is adversely affecting you, then step up your game, quit being average.

Let the man have his group, and all that want to join. And all of the kids that feel maligned, study an extra hour each night and forget move on. PeanutButterJellyGirl: Let the man have his group. Honestly, if he is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PeanutButterJellyGirl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196758449.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/16/2012 I actually agree with you. I generally come down on the side of 1st Amendment rights, and while controversial, it appears that the group does exist for the time being at the University of Maryland.

He's still a racist, though. lanshark: I actually agree with you. I generally come down on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196767630.html History | Permalink | Share it

barbel2000 9 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/16/2012 No YOU ARE ? barbel2000: No YOU ARE ? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/barbel2000/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196774215.html History | Permalink | Share it

Pink Eclipse 2 Fans 03:34 PM on 10/16/2012 What do you think they talk about?

If it was called the European Student Union and they did cool stuff like host OctoberFests, that would be different.

However, this is a group of White kids too dumb/ unattractive to do anything cool, so instead they get together to whine about their lives and find someone else as uncool to marry.

Bet you $20 I'm right. Pink_Eclipse: What do you think they talk about? If it was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pink_Eclipse/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196757789.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Guest User Gary Johnson/ Jim Gray 2012! 169 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/16/2012 You know what? I think that an organization that was all about Octoberfest, and other fun things that a lot of people enjoy but were originally done by white people, that could be pretty awesome. However I think you're right and that this isn't about having fun with beer and feasts. Guest_User: You know what? I think that an organization that was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Guest_User/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196766518.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

WillCooney Democrat dagnabit! Now leave me alone! 458 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/16/2012 Dollars to donuts as my grandpa used to say! WillCooney: Dollars to donuts as my grandpa used to say! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/WillCooney/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196775386.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bklynnupe 105 Fans 03:14 PM on 10/16/2012 So long as they’re not using school club funds to espouse negative and derogatory views of others, who cares? They have a right to have a club just like anyone else. I’d be willing to bet if they had a little more academic rigor in their lives, they would have time to scapegoat. Perhaps they are just angling for a full scholarship to Beck University? Maybe a Patriot Fellowship?? Careful, you don’t want to tread on their freedom, they might get upset.

Maybe a peace offering, like season 1 of Honey Boo Boo on Bluray and some quickie mart coupons for a year’s supply of 64 oz sodas? bklynnupe: So long as theyâ��re not using school club funds to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bklynnupe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196751002.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Orikinla I am Nigerian writer and TV/Film Producer who love 19 Fans

03:12 PM on 10/16/2012 Instead of whining, those who are scared of the White Student Union can form their own Black Student Union. What of the Hispanic Student Union and Latino Student Union? It is not a white supremacist movement, just another student union like other student unions.

Can we have a Gay Student Union?:) Orikinla: Instead of whining, those who are scared of the White http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Orikinla/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196750305.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 04:07 PM on 10/16/2012 I'd argue the people who formed this group are white supremacists (and their first speaker is definitely a white supremacist, Jared Taylor), but whatever. If they follow the university rules, and don't actively foment hate, then yeah, we should probably ignore them. lanshark: I'd argue the people who formed this group are white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196768693.html History | Permalink | Share it

Urban tribe 38 Fans 03:12 PM on 10/16/2012 Why is this even news? Some racist starts a group and people are all shocked. *please raise your hand" if your shocked. Urban_tribe: Why is this even news? Some racist starts a group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Urban_tribe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196750279.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Fushek 17 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/16/2012 Why is promoting your culture racist? Are blacks racist when they promote their African culture? Fushek: Why is promoting your culture racist? Are blacks racist when http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Fushek/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196765277.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Pappa Truth Sayer 240 Fans 04:39 PM on 10/16/2012 Whites, latinos, and asians are not cultures. Cultures derive from the geographical area, language, religion, identity, etc. Such as German, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, African-American, etc. Why does everyone think that all asians, latinos, Whites think alike. Got news for you, they don’t. I think that America benefit from ethnic groups. My favorite ethnic celebrations are Octoberfest and St. Patricks day. LOL Pappa: Whites, latinos, and asians are not cultures. Cultures derive from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pappa/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196779254.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 2 3 4 5 6 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER Southernthinker 214 Fans 03:11 PM on 10/16/2012 Typical use of the race card by racists; not the items around Mr. Heimback's "white nationalist guest avocates for a "racial definition of national identity for white people" and suggests that others should have thier national state it is not new to America and is historically vile. Towson is a public university and must accept those who meet it's requirements but doesn't have to provide for the formation of a hate group on campus they can organize elsewhere. Southernthinker: Typical use of the race card by racists; not the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Southernthinker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196749850.html History | Permalink | Share it wkb2texans 395 Fans 03:06 PM on 10/16/2012 If there's anyone who doubts that whites are a PC minority ... all you have to so is look at the comments in this Forum and see the hatred and denigration. Case settled. wkb2texans: If there's anyone who doubts that whites are a PC http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wkb2texans/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196748363.html History | Permalink | Share it

downtown21 7 Fans 03:25 PM on 10/16/2012 Yeah right, kid...you're a real victim.

Y'know, the folks that have convinced you of that are LAUGHING AT YOU behind your back. downtown21: Yeah right, kid...you're a real victim. Y'know, the folks that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/downtown21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196754669.html History | Permalink | Share it Molon Labe762 34 Fans 04:54 PM on 10/16/2012 if i qualify for a job, and get passed over for someone less qualified, and the reason for the pass over is my race, or subsequently the other applicants race, how is that not being victimized? white privilege would be great, if it actually existed Molon_Labe762: if i qualify for a job, and get passed over http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Molon_Labe762/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196784195.html History | Permalink | Share it wkb2texans 395 Fans 06:14 PM on 10/16/2012 I'm not white. But you are stupid ... and, it appears, bigoted/racist. wkb2texans: I'm not white. But you are stupid ... and, it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wkb2texans/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196808264.html History | Permalink | Share it creynoldsssrc 1 Fans 03:02 PM on 10/16/2012 There are Black Groups, Hispanic Groups and much more, why can there not be White Groups. I prefer there be no race groups, but if it is good for Blacks and other minorities, it is good for Caucasions also. I am not a racist and do not agree with White Supremicy or Neo Nazi philosphy and would love these groups to be eliminiated. At the same time there are many Black groups that are racist against whites and if one is eliminated the other should be also. Our US Constitution allows for Free Speach and Free Right to Gather based upon what ever criteria the groups choses. creynoldsssrc: There are Black Groups, Hispanic Groups and much more, why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/creynoldsssrc/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196747078.html History | Permalink | Share it jay7306 10 Fans

02:59 PM on 10/16/2012 Isn't the whole country majority white? That means the whole country is a white union with dotted minority groups. jay7306: Isn't the whole country majority white? That means the whole http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jay7306/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196746171.html History | Permalink | Share it

LiberalGod 22 Fans 03:51 PM on 10/16/2012 no whites are not the majority LiberalGod: no whites are not the majority http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LiberalGod/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196763506.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 04:22 PM on 10/16/2012 Whites are the majority in the United States of America:

72% White (includes Hispanic/Latino whites) 66% White (does not include Latinos) 15% Hispanic/Latino 13% Black 4.4% Asian

Whites are the majority in every region of the country. Four of our fifty states are now "majority-minority", in that percentage of Whites is less than 50%: New Mexico, California, Hawaii and Texas. lanshark: Whites are the majority in the United States of America: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196773504.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER peg2584 Is it November yet? 601 Fans 04:25 PM on 10/16/2012 As of the 2010 census, whites are still the majority in the US by a large margin. http://2010.census.gov/news/releases/operations/cb11-cn125.html http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html peg2584: As of the 2010 census, whites are still the majority http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/peg2584/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196774568.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Fushek 17 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/16/2012 Ah ... didn't realize that the Copputer Club was really a whites only club! Fushek: Ah ... didn't realize that the Copputer Club was really http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Fushek/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196766164.html History | Permalink | Share it downtown21 7 Fans 02:47 PM on 10/16/2012 Complaining about how difficult it is to be white in America is sort of like complaining about the disabled getting all the best parking spaces. downtown21: Complaining about how difficult it is to be white in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/downtown21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196741785.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 03:09 PM on 10/16/2012 PERFECT! Favd! Hinatore: PERFECT! Favd! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196749272.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER cdub1991 Seek first to understand, then to be understood 452 Fans 03:28 PM on 10/16/2012 Well, now that you mention it... (Just joking!!! Don't smack me.) cdub1991: Well, now that you mention it... (Just joking!!! Don't smack http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cdub1991/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196755618.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER AmericaMustAct Progressive Liberal with Independent Values 207 Fans

02:44 PM on 10/16/2012 What's the problem? One thing is true, we do have every other race based group you can think of except for white. Everyone is allowed to their own views and nobody should be criticizing it as they are. This is not "Controversial" it was inevitable. AmericaMustAct: What's the problem? One thing is true, we do have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AmericaMustAct/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196740928.html History | Permalink | Share it

cemq 61 Fans 03:03 PM on 10/16/2012 AmericaMustAct

This Anglo (non Latino white) group issue is not controversial, it is wrong. It is unnecessary. Anglos (non Latino whites) are not discriminated against, are not excluded, are nor denied opportunity. They are not denied any protection. If anything, they have an unjust, un American, advantage. cemq: AmericaMustAct This Anglo (non Latino white) group issue is not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196747375.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

03:13 PM on 10/16/2012 Affirmative Action? elsquibbs: Affirmative Action? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196750821.html History | Permalink | Share it MarkTheSpark 0 Fans 03:26 PM on 10/16/2012 You are full of feces. MarkTheSpark: You are full of feces. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarkTheSpark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196754819.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Orikinla I am Nigerian writer and TV/Film Producer who love 19 Fans

03:18 PM on 10/16/2012 Two thumbs up.

Why should others who have their own racial unions be scared of a White Student Union?

I need to come to the US and form a GOP Student Union for all students who are members of the Republican Party and who love Republicans. Orikinla: Two thumbs up. Why should others who have their own http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Orikinla/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196752361.html History | Permalink | Share it

KingofDetroit Never Apologize. Never Explain. 240 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/16/2012 You also need to learn alot more about American history so you can understand why a Black Student Union and a White Student Union are not equal opposites. In a society where Blacks and other minority groups were and sometimes still are highly discriminated against and excluded from the mainstream. Black and other ethnic support groups and organizations were created to fill the void caused by institutional racism. "we cant be accepted into your colleges. so we'll build our own" Hence, Historically Black colleges and Universities. On the other hand, Whites in this country have never had the problem of being excluded from teh mainstream. Whites in America have never been subjected to state-sanctioned, and institutionalized racism. And therfore, do not need White support groups to make up for non -existent lack of opportunies imposed by a non-existent black majority. KingofDetroit: You also need to learn alot more about American history http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KingofDetroit/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196783191.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All crayola 08c 23 Fans 02:44 PM on 10/16/2012 why doesn't he just join the college hockey team? crayola_08c: why doesn't he just join the college hockey team? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/crayola_08c/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196740911.html History | Permalink | Share it

KingofDetroit Never Apologize. Never Explain. 240 Fans 04:54 PM on 10/16/2012 He's too fat and lazy to play sports, KingofDetroit: He's too fat and lazy to play sports, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KingofDetroit/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196783935.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amplow 130 Fans 02:40 PM on 10/16/2012 My understanding from the Southern Poverty Law Center is that this guy is a known white supremacist. Is this true? (Didn't have a chance to read the article.) amplow: My understanding from the Southern Poverty Law Center is that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amplow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196739564.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 02:57 PM on 10/16/2012 Jared Taylor (mentioned in the article), who was invited to speak to the White Student Union by Heimbach, is a white supremacist (not as extreme as some, but he does believe that the races need to be separated and that blacks have lower intelligence than whites).

I think it's fair to say that Mr. Heimbach himself is a white supremacist:

http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2012/10/01/student-group-at-towson-university-to-host-white-nationalist-tomorrow/ lanshark: Jared Taylor (mentioned in the article), who was invited to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196745401.html History | Permalink | Share it Molon Labe762 34 Fans 03:04 PM on 10/16/2012 the SPLC is a terrorist organization.. they oppose the militia, and are very anti-american Molon_Labe762: the SPLC is a terrorist organization.. they oppose the militia, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Molon_Labe762/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196747797.html History | Permalink | Share it

DebDeb1961 14 Fans 03:22 PM on 10/16/2012 Oh, please stop shoveling now...you're already buried in it. And it stinks to call an advocacy group for the poor and disenfranchised a terrorist organization. Wow, they oppose the militia? Something this country has outgrown, like moonshine, outhouses and inbreeding. Are you afraid you'll lose your gun collection? DebDeb1961: Oh, please stop shoveling now...you're already buried in it. And http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DebDeb1961/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196753565.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All sister h 6 Fans 03:33 PM on 10/16/2012 This is not true. The Southern Poverty Law Center (http://www.splcenter.org/) embodies very admirable American values like democracy, equality, and non-violence. They oppose the white supremacist, Christian Identity, and Aryan militias that have terrorized Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, and African Americans. They have had some significant legal victories against the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations. They publish a magazine called "Teaching Tolerance" that provides examples and resources for teachers. They keep track of terrorist organizations in their Klanwatch program and "Intelligence Report." sister_h: This is not true. The Southern Poverty Law Center (http://www.splcenter.org/) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196757370.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ycplum Against Stupidity, the Gods themselves try in Vain 175 Fans 02:40 PM on 10/16/2012 Are there restriction so membership? Is it getting some funding from the School? If not, then they are free to get together and discuss how great their race is and how their failures are someone elses fault. ycplum: Are there restriction so membership? Is it getting some funding http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ycplum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196739555.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gabe A Davis Romney/Ryan 2012 172 Fans 02:46 PM on 10/16/2012 If you had took the time to watch the videos he said anyone could join no matter what color or religion you are. I am not defending anything just repeating what he said. I am still investigating more lol. Gabe_A_Davis: If you had took the time to watch the videos http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gabe_A_Davis/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196741417.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 02:59 PM on 10/16/2012 Yes, though he also said you do need to promote "white culture", which to my mind is a meaningless term. lanshark: Yes, though he also said you do need to promote http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196745843.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

cemq 61 Fans 03:06 PM on 10/16/2012 Gabe A Davis

He is lying. He knows nobody who is not an Anglo (non Latino white) will join. cemq: Gabe A Davis He is lying. He knows nobody who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196748235.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

02:36 PM on 10/16/2012 Here is a question if anyone dares to answer.

What is White Culture. What does it compose of. What are its traits. PWM: Here is a question if anyone dares to answer. What http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196738021.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-a-Guy 'cuz youd rather talk to someone you disagree with 500 Fans 02:44 PM on 10/16/2012 White people....hanging out with other white people...discussing white issues.

What does Black culture consist of? Latino culture? Arab? Southeast Asian? Eskimo? Just-a-Guy: White people....hanging out with other white people...discussing white issues. What http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-a-Guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196740880.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 02:49 PM on 10/16/2012 European American western culture = white culture. methnkng: European American western culture = white culture. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196742657.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 03:01 PM on 10/16/2012 Yet Hispanics are somehow not considered "white" enough, despite Spain being in Western Europe and Hispanics being overwhelmingly Christian. Maybe they've got too much North African (Moorish invasions) and Native American (Mexicans and Central Americans) blood. Or something. lanshark: Yet Hispanics are somehow not considered "white" enough, despite Spain http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196746786.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-a-Guy 'cuz youd rather talk to someone you disagree with 500 Fans 02:30 PM on 10/16/2012 This site, and many of you, encourage racial solidarity. ie - 'Latinos who vote republican are voting against their own best interests' (and substitue any minority group in place of 'Latinos' and somebody here will have said it.

So why do you have a problem if white folks want to band together, racially, as you encourage blacks, Latinos, LGTG, etc to do?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Just-a-Guy: This site, and many of you, encourage racial solidarity. ie http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-a-Guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196736075.html History | Permalink | Share it GRIMKAG 286 Fans 02:39 PM on 10/16/2012 There is a huge difference between groups that band together to defeat racism, and those who band together to support and encourage racism. So, no, what is good for the racist is not good for the victim of racism. GRIMKAG: There is a huge difference between groups that band together http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GRIMKAG/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196738939.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-a-Guy 'cuz youd rather talk to someone you disagree with 500 Fans 03:07 PM on 10/16/2012 To defeat 'white racism'....right?

Because....there is no other kind....right?

Please. Just-a-Guy: To defeat 'white racism'....right? Because....there is no other kind....right? Please. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-a-Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196748722.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

03:17 PM on 10/16/2012 So minority group = pride, white group = hate. Whatever. elsquibbs: So minority group = pride, white group = hate. Whatever. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196751943.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amplow 130 Fans 02:44 PM on 10/16/2012 I think the difference is that a lot of these racial affinity groups formed in response to being excluded by the racial majority, i.e., whites. They would never have formed but for the treatment at the hands of whites. When have whites been subjugated which would similarly justify the need to band together and form such a group? In history, the only analogs have been terrorist groups bent on the destruction of other ethnic groups.

Can you provide an example of a non-nationalist, exclusionary white group in history that has been purposely formed around race? amplow: I think the difference is that a lot of these http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amplow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196741042.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 02:51 PM on 10/16/2012 Check out the history of the Irish in America. methnkng: Check out the history of the Irish in America. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196743174.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-a-Guy 'cuz youd rather talk to someone you disagree with 500 Fans 03:00 PM on 10/16/2012 I'll have to dig into that.

But....we are slated to become a "minority group" by the year 2050....at which point, we will be sure to apply for every single advantage given to minority groups via affirmative action, and otherwise. Just-a-Guy: I'll have to dig into that. But....we are slated to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-a-Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196746233.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All SuperiorConservative 44 Fans 02:30 PM on 10/16/2012 How about everything on equal footing ? No student unions allowed with race...or any student union allowed involving race. Simple.....but yet Liberals try to make this an issue. Why ? Because it is there main purpose to divide the country. SuperiorConservative: How about everything on equal footing ? No student unions http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SuperiorConservative/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196736040.html History | Permalink | Share it Steppy 18 Fans 02:39 PM on 10/16/2012 "there" main purpose? If you don't even know how to speak proper English, you can't possibly understand why this is wrong. Steppy: "there" main purpose? If you don't even know how to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Steppy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196739240.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gabe A Davis Romney/Ryan 2012 172 Fans 02:47 PM on 10/16/2012 or you could just have responded to his actual comment and stay on subject. Gabe_A_Davis: or you could just have responded to his actual comment http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gabe_A_Davis/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196741925.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

03:20 PM on 10/16/2012 I see you decided to focus on his grammatical error rather than the crux of his argument. How convenient. elsquibbs: I see you decided to focus on his grammatical error http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196752839.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amplow 130 Fans 02:49 PM on 10/16/2012 No, go and do your homework. Let's take historically black colleges for example. They formed because white institutions wouldn't admit blacks. Same for organizations like the National Bar Association, which was the black alternative to the American Bar Association. (As a rule of thumb, when you hear that a professional organization has the word "national" in the title, it has similar lineage.)

Bottom line, these affinity groups were formed in response to de jure and de facto racial discrimination by whites. Now that things are beginning to come into parity, people like this kid at Towson are getting all nationalist. It's sad. amplow: No, go and do your homework. Let's take historically black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amplow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196742528.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 03:20 PM on 10/16/2012 ...when people are constantly being told to leave the past (Slavery, Sexism, etc.) in the past, and are fed a watered down history from K-12 people tend to forget that this country was not founded on an equal footing and not even close to a clean slate hence the reason why you have this "genius" forming the White Student Union.

Fanned and Favd. Hinatore: ...when people are constantly being told to leave the past http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196752876.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Eyjafjallajokull 186 Fans

02:26 PM on 10/16/2012 It's obvious to most people how our Universities, our Companies, our Government .. the Huff Po... and our Society allow for race and gender based groups unless they are "White". This is a clear Double Standard... so just admit it... the real question here is should this be Legal, and is it discriminatory? Is it time for Race/Gender based Laws to be rescinded?

Whatsayyou?? Eyjafjallajokull: It's obvious to most people how our Universities, our Companies, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eyjafjallajokull/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196734533.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

02:30 PM on 10/16/2012 What exactly is "white"? The Irish had to prove they were white according to this kid. So is it race or culture is is talking about, and if it is culture, could a black man become white? PWM: What exactly is "white"? The Irish had to prove they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196735870.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-a-Guy 'cuz youd rather talk to someone you disagree with 500 Fans 02:47 PM on 10/16/2012 Yes.

Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle have both illustrated this.

And 2 of the Wayans took it a step further in White Girls. (Or it might have been White Chicks...can't recall) Just-a-Guy: Yes. Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle have both illustrated this. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-a-Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196741762.html History | Permalink | Share it Steppy 18 Fans 02:42 PM on 10/16/2012 Are you talking about "white - caucasian" or "white - non hispanic" or "white - hispanic?" There is no "white" race. What people consider the "white" race is the anglo-saxon ethnic group, of which I am a member, and seriously, I have no racial prejudices at all. I AM, however VERY prejudiced against hate groups. Steppy: Are you talking about "white - caucasian" or "white - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Steppy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196740004.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 02:52 PM on 10/16/2012 In the same way there is no "latino" group... there are Mexicans, and Cubans, etc. methnkng: In the same way there is no "latino" group... there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196743760.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All


02:23 PM on 10/16/2012 This guy is a racist fool but he does highlight what is wrong with the whole left wing idea of "identity politics". Focusing on white/black/hispanic is and should be becoming less and less relevant. For example, most of my daughters friends don't even consider themselves to belong to any one ethnic group, they are all sorts of mixture of black, hispanic, asian, white, etc. And that is a good thing.

There is no scientific evidence of any significant differences between the groups, indeed the whole concept of a "white race" or otherwise doesn't make much scientific sense. We should be moving beyond this nonsense, just forget it, stop considering someone's race in any way when considering if they get a job or academic position, it should be based on merit not arbitrary social constructs.

BTW, I do believe in one kind of affirmative action, and that is based on need, if you are poor, if you went to a bad school, etc. you deserve some extra breaks and help. RedDogBear: This guy is a racist fool but he does highlight http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RedDogBear/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196733610.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 03:07 PM on 10/16/2012 I mostly agree with this. I just don't think we're there yet, and probably won't be for some time. lanshark: I mostly agree with this. I just don't think we're http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196748734.html History | Permalink | Share it


04:06 PM on 10/16/2012 I agree we aren't there yet. Just look at this article or much of the rhetoric about Obama or about undocumented aliens. My argument isn't "we are there yet" but "here is where we should be trying to get to", i.e., not to a world where we have laws that make sure each different racial group gets appropriate piece of the pie but to a world where people don't give a d*mn about race in the first place.

And while we certainly have a long way to go, one thing that really does give me hope (which is a very rare thing for me these days) is my experience with younger people in their 20's and teens, how for the most part they don't even think about race.

However, I will acknowledge its a lot easier for me as a white guy to say "lets just forget about race", my ancestors are the ones who did all the things that need to be forgotten. RedDogBear: I agree we aren't there yet. Just look at this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RedDogBear/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196768238.html History | Permalink | Share it erj210 29 Fans 02:22 PM on 10/16/2012 What evidence does he have that says black on white hate crimes even exist much less outnumber those of white on black. I'm not saying it doesn't happen I am just wondering where he gets his evidence from. erj210: What evidence does he have that says black on white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/erj210/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196733209.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

02:34 PM on 10/16/2012 Black crimes on white are usually financially motivated, but the reverse is usually racially motivated according to police findings. PWM: Black crimes on white are usually financially motivated, but the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196737272.html History | Permalink | Share it Steppy 18 Fans 02:43 PM on 10/16/2012 This is very true. Of course, that may be because we have kept the black race down for so long, that they have nothing for us to steal. Steppy: This is very true. Of course, that may be because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Steppy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196740419.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-a-Guy 'cuz youd rather talk to someone you disagree with 500 Fans 02:50 PM on 10/16/2012 food for thought:

http://urbangrounds.com/2011/08/how-the-msm-treats-black-on-white-hate-crimes-vs-white-on-black-hate- crimes/ Just-a-Guy: food for thought: http://urbangrounds.com/2011/08/how-the-msm-treats-black-on-white-hate- crimes-vs-white-on-black-hate-crimes/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-a-Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196742817.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 3 4 5 6 7 Next › Last » (61 total) cemq 61 Fans 02:21 PM on 10/16/2012 There is not a need for "White" student union. Whites, or actually Anglos (non Latino whites) which is a better, more accurate term are not discriminated against or denied opportunity or access in our Nation. If anything, Anglos, benefit from the existing institutional, pervasive racism and prejudice which still pervades our Nation.

The result is that there is not equal opportunity in our society, in spite of the changes that have occurred in the last 40 - 50 years. A telling example of this is the fact that Anglo men control/hold 95% of the professional and managerial positions in the Nation. Since Anglos, make up make up 74.8% of the total American population and males are 50% of the population, then Anglo males, who are 37.4% of the total population hold 95% of those managerial and professional jobs. Also we have to note that the remaining 5% includes the 37.4% of the total population which comprised of Anglo women and "minorities" of both genders.

The reason for groups of Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, Asians is for protection. These groups exist to make sure that "minorities" are not victimized and because they are still being excluded.

Proponents of Anglo student unions and such are individuals who want to deny the facts and want to turn the clock back to the beginning of the last century. These individuals are, in my opinion, afraid of competing non a level playing , without the advantage they derive from racism. cemq: There is not a need for "White" student union. Whites, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196732741.html History | Permalink | Share it

American-Cynic 12 Fans 02:32 PM on 10/16/2012 You just don't get it. White = Racism by Default, Black = Deprived and innocent of guilt. Jesse Jackson once said "It is impossible for a Black Man to be racist". Keep a low scoring "Black" student out of college = Racism. Keep a high scoring "White" student out of college = Affirmative Action and Fair. Blacks are using the same argument as Israel. The Nazi did this to us so it is fair for us to do anything we want to the Palestinians. My relatives weren't even in the US 100 years ago. American-Cynic: You just don't get it. White = Racism by Default, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/American-Cynic/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196736800.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 02:57 PM on 10/16/2012 The term "Anglo " refers to people of British (anglo saxon ) descent and does not include people of Irish, French, German, Polish, Italian, Russian etc descent. Many consider the use of the term "Anglo" to be insulting, especially Irish Americans who for centuries fought against the exploiting by Anglo Bristish.

The terms more and more white people are using is European American.

Agreed there is not equal opportunity in our society. Those with power and privilege, the majority of whom are European American have it easier... those without power and privilege including African/Asian/Latino Americans and poor European Americans have it much harder. methnkng: The term "Anglo " refers to people of British (anglo http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196745313.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 03:16 PM on 10/16/2012 Well, the Angles and Saxons were originally from Germany, so really Anglo-Saxon could apply to Germans as well. lanshark: Well, the Angles and Saxons were originally from Germany, so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196751594.html History | Permalink | Share it

cemq 61 Fans 03:20 PM on 10/16/2012 methnkng

The term Anglo, meaning (non Latino white) is appropiate. European American is not.

Incorrectly, most of our American population do not consider any Latino individuals whose ancestry is of European origin as "white". But they are "white", or better yet caucasian to the rest of the planet and to themselves. As a matter of fact, the US Census defines Latino as being of any race, including "white".

In terms of the Irish, in spite of their history of British colonialism and exploitation, the people from , Wales, Scotland and Ireland are the same genetic stock. Look it up. cemq: methnkng The term Anglo, meaning (non Latino white) is appropiate. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196752966.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER MistryMan From out of everywhere 39 Fans 02:18 PM on 10/16/2012 Any group with White in its title causes fear of racism, discrimination, violence This is too bad for groups that may want to form without these intentions in mind.

Any group with Black in its title causes fear of racism, discrimination, crime This is too bad for groups that may want to form without these intentions in mind.

For the ones that are neither black nor white, we are reminded that we live in a black and white world. Our ethnicities get dragged into these racial black/white positions that we want/have little to do with. MistryMan: Any group with White in its title causes fear of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MistryMan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196731700.html History | Permalink | Share it sradaniel 5 Fans 02:12 PM on 10/16/2012 You can't lose what you never were given or earned. All that we have here in the US was built on the backs of slaves whose lives were stolen from them. I'm so tired of igmos like this speaking as a white person. Speak as what you are . . . a lazy coward who wants to feel superior to someone. sradaniel: You can't lose what you never were given or earned. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sradaniel/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196729647.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gabe A Davis Romney/Ryan 2012 172 Fans 02:55 PM on 10/16/2012 Not entirely true. Only 10% of people owned slaves. Even American Indians and Blacks owned slaves back then. You think 90% rest of America just stood around and did nothing? Gabe_A_Davis: Not entirely true. Only 10% of people owned slaves. Even http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gabe_A_Davis/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196744649.html History | Permalink | Share it

cemq 61 Fans 03:30 PM on 10/16/2012 Gabe A Davis

Yes and a whole bunch of Southerners who did not own anybody fought for the ones who did own people. What does that make them, besides stupid. cemq: Gabe A Davis Yes and a whole bunch of Southerners http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196756331.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All sradaniel 5 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/16/2012 It was definitely more than 10% . . . more like a third and that doesn't exclude children and poor land owners. I know there were non-white owners of slaves. That doesn't make it any less horrific. As to white supremacy as a birth defect of this country, the entire system was designed to benefit white people from the beginning. There's an interesting show on race in America on PBS right now. You should watch it. sradaniel: It was definitely more than 10% . . . more http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sradaniel/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196839263.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 02:07 PM on 10/16/2012 I just listened to parts of the video, which was very interesting. First of all, I have no idea what "white culture" functionally means (and the same with "black culture"). I don't think there is any such thing. We're all informed by the places where we grow up, our relatives and the people we grow up with and our life experiences along the way.

Taking myself as an example, I'm Hispanic on my father's side, and German on my mother's, but I was born in Germany, speak German (though no longer fluently) and am far closer to my German relatives than my Hispanic ones and can't speak any Spanish. But I look Hispanic and have a Hispanic surname. Am I even considered white by these folks? I don't know, I'm pretty brown, and am also about 1/8th Native American (which is very common in Mexican Americans).

Heimbach might have had a small point to make, but now he has defeated the purpose of his organization by inviting a white supremacist to speak to his organization, and has opened himself up to ridicule. lanshark: I just listened to parts of the video, which was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196727607.html History | Permalink | Share it

cemq 61 Fans 02:35 PM on 10/16/2012 lanshark,

No, you are not considered "white".

Latino whites who are European descended people from Spain or other non Spanish Europeans who emigrated to Mexico in North America, Spanish speaking nations in Central and South America and the Caribbean including (American) Puerto Rico are not considered "white" either. If your Latino parent's ancestry includes non Europeans, which I assume is what you mean by "looking Hispanic" then obviously not.

Even Latinos who are very pale, blond and green or blue eyed are not considered "white" by most of the American population. cemq: lanshark, No, you are not considered "white". Latino whites who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196737851.html History | Permalink | Share it Vec2339 2 Fans 04:13 PM on 10/16/2012 That is a great point cemq, perfect example; immigrants from Iran, Egypt, Syria, etc., are considered white according to the census, but really; how many americans of any race, consider them to be white. Vec2339: That is a great point cemq, perfect example; immigrants from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Vec2339/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196770633.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gabe A Davis Romney/Ryan 2012 172 Fans 03:04 PM on 10/16/2012 I disagree and responding specifically to "First of all, I have no idea what "white culture" functionally means (and the same with "black culture"). I don't think there is any such thing." and I can only think of one example off hand. Back in the 50's -early 80's rock music was loved among many races and color of people. When rap music came out and became popular I remember very well hearing a lot of black people saying we don't listen to "White people's music anymore" There is no denying that rap music isn't dominated by black artist. I am not saying blacks or any other race doesn't list to rock or nor am I saying that whites or any other race doesn't listen to rap..its just something I have oobserved over time when rap music started to become more popular. Gabe_A_Davis: I disagree and responding specifically to "First of all, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gabe_A_Davis/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196747726.html History | Permalink | Share it

cemq 61 Fans 03:35 PM on 10/16/2012 Gabe A Davis

Rock music was started by African Americans and not by Anglos (non Latino whites). Elvis and others stole a lot of that music and profited by it. cemq: Gabe A Davis Rock music was started by African Americans http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196758188.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 03:38 PM on 10/16/2012 I'd argue that rap started as a product of inner city culture and hardship, not black culture. Take Eminem, probably the most famous white rapper. He grew up in the inner city of Detroit where rap was the most dominant music form. Or take rapper Chris Palko (Cage), who grew up in horribly abusive circumstances for whom becoming a rapper was an positive outlet. Since then rap has gone far and wide, and there are many artists around from around world that have become successful rap artists of all races, just as rock and roll went far and wide. lanshark: I'd argue that rap started as a product of inner http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196758984.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All hroark314 The handle says it all, doesn't it? 170 Fans 02:06 PM on 10/16/2012 Without knowing anything about Heimbach, I'll say that I am generally in favor of people trying to organize 'white' clubs. It's not that I actually think white clubs are a good idea, but I think they do serve to illustrate the ridiculous racial double standard we have in this country today. We have the institutionalized racism of affirmaitve action permeating both government and academia and, in popular culutre, we eviscerate white people for relatively minor or non-existent racial offenses that wouldn't even result in someone batting an eye were the situation reversed. Finanally we have a press that unapologetically concocts racial stories and ruins peoples lives simply to validate the liberal narratice (Jena 6 and Duke certainly come to mind).

It's time for things to change and for people to be a lot more realistic about actual situation in America today. It's not 1962. In 2012 you're a heck of a lot more likely to hear racism come out of the mouths of prominent black people (like Jeremiah Wright or Al Sharpton) than you are to hear it spoken by your average white dude on the street. hroark314: Without knowing anything about Heimbach, I'll say that I am http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hroark314/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196727342.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amplow 130 Fans 02:56 PM on 10/16/2012 Affirmative Action existed, and today exits, in response to systematic discrimination by whites against non whites. You may not have done it but you benefit from it, and as such, it is wrong. The same for minority affinity groups on college and university campuses. Go and study the history of Ol Miss and its integration. People were shot and killed to integrate these educational institutions, and they weren't white. As such, to protect themselves, these groups formed.

When have whites been under siege by minority terrorists in this country for, say, trying to attend a historically black college so as to justify the formation of such a club? Heck, when at Towson University (I'm from , where it is located, BTW) have white students been marginalized such that this sort of club would be needed? amplow: Affirmative Action existed, and today exits, in response to systematic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amplow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196745094.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hinatore HOPE ON! 179 Fans 04:07 PM on 10/16/2012 The top beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been White Women.

Who has really been playing the race card? Hinatore: The top beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been White Women. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hinatore/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196768490.html History | Permalink | Share it hroark314 The handle says it all, doesn't it? 170 Fans 04:12 PM on 10/16/2012 When I applied to college in the 90s and grad school in the 00s, all of the institutions to which I applied had explicit policies of discrimination in favor of minorities. Moreover, all of those schools also had legacy programs. Since most legacies are white, and since I am not a legacy, the number of spots open to folks like me was even further reduced.

Today, the government discriminates in its contracting process to favor minority owned businesses over white owned businesses. It's blatant racism.

You say 'You may not have done it but you benefit from it', but you offer no evidence of that. I'm here to tell you that middle class whites have not benefited from the color of their skin, but we've most certainly been hurt by it. Unlike you, I have evidence to back it up. hroark314: When I applied to college in the 90s and grad http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hroark314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196770241.html History | Permalink | Share it cemq 61 Fans 03:46 PM on 10/16/2012 hroark314

Affirmative action is NOT racism, it is an attempt to eliminate racism. That is why so many people like you oppose it.

The truth is that our Nation still has a pervasive, institutionalized racism that denies opportunities and access to the "minorities" and benefits the Anglo (non Latino white) population at the expense of the so called minorities.

Anglos (non Latino whites) do not suffer discrimination, are not denied opportunity and access. As a matter of fact, today in our Nation 95% of managerial and professional jobs are held by Anglo (non Latino white) males who make up only 37.4% of the total American population. Get it? cemq: hroark314 Affirmative action is NOT racism, it is an attempt http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196761906.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

MissHtoA I like my beer cold & healthcare socialized, eh. 187 Fans 02:02 PM on 10/16/2012 No amount of open debate will make a 'whites-only' group more palatable to the general population. MissHtoA: No amount of open debate will make a 'whites-only' group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MissHtoA/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196725945.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CookieCrunch 9 Fans 02:02 PM on 10/16/2012 I'm confused and perhaps someone can help me...... what exactly is "white culture"? Not being funny, I just don't know what that is. CookieCrunch: I'm confused and perhaps someone can help me...... what exactly is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CookieCrunch/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196725845.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

02:37 PM on 10/16/2012 I have not the least idea what it means. PWM: I have not the least idea what it means. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196738248.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER jstjoe Secure the blessings of liberty 208 Fans 01:56 PM on 10/16/2012 How is it that, allegedly , educated people are STILL debating issues of RACE when there is no such distinction within the human population? Call it culture, call it ethnicity, call it color... whatever. It isn't race. jstjoe: How is it that, allegedly , educated people are STILL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jstjoe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196723379.html History | Permalink | Share it BexRex 2 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/16/2012 Would Heimback allow non-whites to join his student union? My understanding is that there are plenty of people involved in "ethnic-oriented" student groups who do not belong to that ethnic group, but they are involved simply because they feel strongly in that group's purpose or activities. Those organizations are not exclusionary. However, if this new group excludes non-white people, it should be banned from campus. As an aside, we white people have not been denied rights BECAUSE WE ARE WHITE. We may have had to fight for our rights as women, homosexuals, non-Christians, etc., but for being white? I'm not buying it. BexRex: Would Heimback allow non-whites to join his student union? My http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BexRex/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196722859.html History | Permalink | Share it

Eyjafjallajokull 186 Fans

02:04 PM on 10/16/2012 Check out Affirmative Action Laws, rules in College Admittance .. and any Company that does business with the Government has "Diversity" requirements which HR is required to track...

Overall this does lead to some Whites being denied a Job or College Admittance, or a Promotion due to their gender and ethnicity. I see it all the time at jobs I've worked and the school I went to over the past 20 years. In addition these big companies have female and ethnic based clubs/groups... just like in College they can't 'deny' anyone membership... but C'mon Yawl... how silly would the Black Studen Union be if it were run by Whites? Or Asians?? Eyjafjallajokull: Check out Affirmative Action Laws, rules in College Admittance .. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eyjafjallajokull/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196726659.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER cnj2011 Party please, hold the tea 205 Fans 02:40 PM on 10/16/2012 White women benefit more from affirmative action than do black men. cnj2011: White women benefit more from affirmative action than do black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cnj2011/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196739393.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

cemq 61 Fans 02:56 PM on 10/16/2012 Eyjafjallajokull

You are spouting the same fallacy. Not one Anglo (non Latino white)is being denied anything. What these program are supposed to do is make sure that "minorities" are not excluded because of racism and prejudice against them.

What happens is that if everyone is given the same opportunities, then some Anglos (non Latino whites) who are not qualified enough do not get in. Your statement implies the entitlement mentality that seems to be shared by so many in the Anglo community. That attitude that denies that our Nation's institutional, pervasive racism benefits Anglos (non Latino whites) at the expense of others. cemq: Eyjafjallajokull You are spouting the same fallacy. Not one Anglo http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196745122.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All SuperiorConservative 44 Fans 02:28 PM on 10/16/2012 Obviously you are wasting everyone's time by commenting on something you didn't even listen to. He did say EVERYONE was welcome. Is that ok with you ? SuperiorConservative: Obviously you are wasting everyone's time by commenting on something http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SuperiorConservative/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196735331.html History | Permalink | Share it

cemq 61 Fans 02:48 PM on 10/16/2012 SuperiorConservative

The problem is that nobody believed him. cemq: SuperiorConservative The problem is that nobody believed him. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cemq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196742207.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 03:39 PM on 10/16/2012 Everyone is welcome as long as you "support white culture". lanshark: Everyone is welcome as long as you "support white culture". http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196759550.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER snewell 179 Fans 01:53 PM on 10/16/2012 THE WHOLE WHITE VICTIM THING IS COMING OUT OF THE WHITE CHRISTIAN AS VICTIM PHILOSOPHY snewell: THE WHOLE WHITE VICTIM THING IS COMING OUT OF THE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/snewell/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196722419.html History | Permalink | Share it

LovelyBrown 2 Fans 01:52 PM on 10/16/2012 I have no issue with white students having a union of their own. But this dude invited a white supremacy and white separatism to be his key speaker. But Matthew Heimbach says this has nothing to do with race and hate. REALLY? We are suppose to believe this Matthew? LovelyBrown: I have no issue with white students having a union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LovelyBrown/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196722102.html History | Permalink | Share it

Eyjafjallajokull 186 Fans

02:05 PM on 10/16/2012 Good point, the Black Student union at my school invited racialists from Farrakhan's Organization to speak .. so are they racists too? Eyjafjallajokull: Good point, the Black Student union at my school invited http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eyjafjallajokull/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196727140.html History | Permalink | Share it lanshark 21 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/16/2012 Possibly, Farrakhan's group is no doubt out and out racist:

http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/louis-farrakhan lanshark: Possibly, Farrakhan's group is no doubt out and out racist: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lanshark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196760160.html History | Permalink | Share it cartoonking09 61 Fans

07:46 PM on 10/19/2012 Heck I really don't either; for their own safety and sake of peaceful assembly, all they have to do is call it an Italian, Irish, English, Polish, Jewish, German, French or some European white ethnic title instead of the generic and historically incendiary White title which would exclude any number of the same folks they seek to defend or recruit! White, Black Asian or Hispanic are such evasive umbrella terms and should rarely be utilized without putting some context to them. Heimbach I'm sure knows this, which makes the media and public sirens that have been going off on him right on the money; he knows damn well that nobody not visibly and distinctly white better not be caught dead literally with a hundred feet of this so called 'White Union' lest they wish a noose and tree be their final resting place. cartoonking09: Heck I really don't either; for their own safety and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cartoonking09/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197996479.html History | Permalink | Share it

Tony Richards 74 Fans 01:52 PM on 10/16/2012 White people already have an advocacy group - it's called Congress. Tony_Richards: White people already have an advocacy group - it's called http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tony_Richards/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196721985.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Curt F Well, this is another fine mess you got me into... 433 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/16/2012 BINGO! Curt_F: BINGO! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Curt_F/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196722651.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR carlgt1 609 Fans 02:02 PM on 10/16/2012 I wouldn't go that far - but they have the Republican Party & Faux News 24/7/365. carlgt1: I wouldn't go that far - but they have the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/carlgt1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196726043.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER snewell 179 Fans 01:50 PM on 10/16/2012 HAHAHA THE RACISTS ARE COMING OUT IN DROVES AFTER CITIZEN UNITED EMBOLDENED THE GOP TO BECOME TEA. (CORPORATE AMERICA REACHING FOR THE DREGS) IT WILL ALL BACKFIRE, OF COURSE, BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE DON'T SUPPORT INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM ANYMORE. DESPITE THE RESISTANCE OF THE RACISTS, LITTLE BY LITTLE, OUR COUNTRY MOVES FORWARD...... snewell: HAHAHA THE RACISTS ARE COMING OUT IN DROVES AFTER CITIZEN http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/snewell/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196721460.html History | Permalink | Share it NCOak 122 Fans 01:46 PM on 10/16/2012 to everyone complaining that whites are 'made to feel guilty through no action of their own,' here's roy l. brooks:

“Two persons – one white and the other black – are playing a game of poker. The game has been in progress for some 300 years. One player – the white one – has been cheating during much of this time, but now announces: ‘from this day forward, there will be a new game with new players and no more cheating.’ Hopeful but suspicious, the black player responds, ‘that’s great. I’ve been waiting to hear you say that for 300 years. Let me ask you, what are you going to do with all those poker chips that you have stacked up on your side of the table all these years?’ ‘Well,’ said the white player, somewhat bewildered by the question, ‘they are going to stay right here, of course.’ ‘That’s unfair,’ snaps the black player. ‘The new white player will benefit from your past cheating. Where’s the equality in that?’ ‘But you can’t realistically expect me to redistribute the poker chips along racial lines when we are trying to move away from considerations of race and when the future offers no guarantees to anyone,’ insists the white player. ‘And surely,’ he continues, ‘redistributing the poker chips would punish individuals for something they did not do. Punish me, not the innocents!’ Emotionally exhausted, the black player answers, ‘but the innocents will reap a racial windfall.’” NCOak: to everyone complaining that whites are 'made to feel guilty http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NCOak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196719706.html History | Permalink | Share it

Eyjafjallajokull 186 Fans

02:08 PM on 10/16/2012 Flawed analogy... firstly... that Black Player was already sole of all his chips when he was sold, in Africa, by his Black Brothers .. so he came to America with ZERO Chips.. and suffered for 300 years... he wasn't even at the table to play... I'll grant you that..

Meanwhile the White guy has been playing poker all along against other Whites... some have lots of chips, some have none .. just like the Black Player of 1950's trying to enter the game..

Nice script though.. Eyjafjallajokull: Flawed analogy... firstly... that Black Player was already sole of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eyjafjallajokull/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196728205.html History | Permalink | Share it NCOak 122 Fans 03:29 PM on 10/16/2012 you win the "head in the sand" award. the point here is that white people benefit to this day from the oppression of the past. NCOak: you win the "head in the sand" award. the point http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NCOak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196756105.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER patrickgarret 277 Fans 01:42 PM on 10/16/2012 White privilege. What a sad fat kid. patrickgarret: White privilege. What a sad fat kid. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/patrickgarret/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196718180.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 4 5 6 7 8 Next › Last » (61 total) adelphi sky 19 Fans 01:38 PM on 10/16/2012 "The differences between a white student union or a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest."

I would go further and say that people of color organized and fought for things they never had. For example, people of color were banned from Greek organizations, so they formed their own. The groups you see on campus today are a legacy of when there was no other option for people of color because they were excluded from everything by whites. Jim Crow and segregation was not part of some obscure time period hundreds of years ago. Being only 50+ years removed, you still have living eye-witnesses to the inequalities and injustices of that period which gave rise to organizations that helped people of color navigate and persevere through the racial intolerance of that age. Some groups may think that because we have an African American president, those support groups aren't needed any longer. I disagree. Especially when many campuses still exist where the ratio of white students to people of color is still quite high. adelphi_sky: "The differences between a white student union or a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/adelphi_sky/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196716701.html History | Permalink | Share it

LovelyBrown 2 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/16/2012 So nice to read an opinion from someone who make sense. LovelyBrown: So nice to read an opinion from someone who make http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LovelyBrown/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196722760.html History | Permalink | Share it

Eyjafjallajokull 186 Fans

02:09 PM on 10/16/2012 Are not BOTH groups organizing around a common interest? Eyjafjallajokull: Are not BOTH groups organizing around a common interest? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eyjafjallajokull/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196728444.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Wj Chaput 25 Fans 01:31 PM on 10/16/2012 Online HuffPostLive hosts--as well as all of the online commentators, explainers, apologists, and hosts on other sites--offer us their wine-bar inanities as though they and what they have to say actually matters.

Heimbach is simply another human bludgeon--he needs a girlfriend. Wj_Chaput: Online HuffPostLive hosts--as well as all of the online commentators, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wj_Chaput/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196714287.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RJchoice retroactively releasing my bio in 2016 86 Fans 01:30 PM on 10/16/2012 excuse me "rape" is a violent crime. I made an error editing my paragraph with "cut and past" to save time RJchoice: excuse me "rape" is a violent crime. I made an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RJchoice/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196713877.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program ninzilla Women Vote! 431 Fans 01:30 PM on 10/16/2012 Someone ought to explain to them that losing privilege does not equate with becoming oppressed. ninzilla: Someone ought to explain to them that losing privilege does http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ninzilla/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196713801.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Still Posting PLUTOCRACY: rule by the wealthy 1080 Fans 01:27 PM on 10/16/2012 So these young people have the same racial problems as their parents did before them ...... and their parents before them. . . . and their parents before them. . . . and their parents before them. . . . and their parents before them. . . . and their parents before them. Still_Posting: So these young people have the same racial problems as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Still_Posting/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196712498.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Siara Obama 2012 1297 Fans

01:26 PM on 10/16/2012 Guess who this Towson guy is votong for? Siara: Guess who this Towson guy is votong for? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Siara/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196712016.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program SardonicSass 149 Fans 01:53 PM on 10/16/2012 Ron Paul, most likely. He'll write it in. SardonicSass: Ron Paul, most likely. He'll write it in. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SardonicSass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196722378.html History | Permalink | Share it MrJunior 18 Fans

01:23 PM on 10/16/2012 end all racial organizing. MrJunior: end all racial organizing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrJunior/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196711046.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Still Posting PLUTOCRACY: rule by the wealthy 1080 Fans 01:30 PM on 10/16/2012 The government kicks everything off from the very day you are born.

They want to identify what 'race' you are on your birth certificate. And then - on every other document you sign for the rest of your life. Still_Posting: The government kicks everything off from the very day you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Still_Posting/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196713536.html History | Permalink | Share it MrJunior 18 Fans

01:39 PM on 10/16/2012 oh that's right... well, then this man is just following suit it seems. MrJunior: oh that's right... well, then this man is just following http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrJunior/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196717317.html History | Permalink | Share it tralalalalalala 25 Fans 01:19 PM on 10/16/2012 Whites are now a minority for the newest babies. There should be a white student group out of fairness. tralalalalalala: Whites are now a minority for the newest babies. There http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tralalalalalala/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196709748.html History | Permalink | Share it NCOak 122 Fans 01:36 PM on 10/16/2012 we can discuss that when white people become a minority in governance and in the boardroom. until then, go fish. NCOak: we can discuss that when white people become a minority http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NCOak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196715865.html History | Permalink | Share it

fnlook4 148 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/16/2012 I'll disagree with your comment about "governance". If you want other groups in governance, vote them in. fnlook4: I'll disagree with your comment about "governance". If you want http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fnlook4/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196722729.html History | Permalink | Share it

LovelyBrown 2 Fans 01:55 PM on 10/16/2012 LOL LovelyBrown: LOL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LovelyBrown/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196723301.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program SardonicSass 149 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/16/2012 White people are not a minority. I'm a white person, I should know. SardonicSass: White people are not a minority. I'm a white person, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SardonicSass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196722713.html History | Permalink | Share it

tralalalalalala 25 Fans 03:22 PM on 10/16/2012 not this generation, whites born in 2012 are a minority tralalalalalala: not this generation, whites born in 2012 are a minority http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tralalalalalala/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196753561.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Mel Pursglove 32 Fans 01:16 PM on 10/16/2012 Many of this board seem to be of the mind that the only reason to have a racially-based student union is to bemoan your repressed victimhood among peers of the same color, and whites are the majority and not repressed therefore they have nothing to bemoan. But seems to me these groups form to ensure the voice of their special interests as a racial, ethnic or cultural group are heard & preserved in an environment where they may otherwise be drowned out if not for the sake of the group. So, it is not unreasonable for whites to feel they need such a group on today's college campuses which all seem to favor minority interests at the expense of the majority - warranted in some cases, but some others just out of sheer political correctness. And the kid is right, there is a lot of anti-white racism and discrimination pervasive in our society that is not addressed by the media and laughed off by the leftist thinkers, who dominate college campuses. That being said, a better "mission statement" for this group would probably be something less about preserving the rights & interests of "whites" but more to the effect of fighting against racially-charged political correctness and discrimination of any color. You don't have to be in a racial or ethnic minority to be on the receiving end of racism & discrimination, folks. Mel_Pursglove: Many of this board seem to be of the mind http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mel_Pursglove/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196708589.html History | Permalink | Share it Arthur Huckaby 105 Fans 01:53 PM on 10/16/2012 That was very good. F&F! Arthur_Huckaby: That was very good. F&F! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Arthur_Huckaby/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196722568.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER R500 319 Fans 01:14 PM on 10/16/2012 Well, if there is one oppressed group that has to fight for every inch of rights and privileges given to others but not to them, it's white American males. Out of all the races in all the countries in the world, we had to born into this one. Life is just hard like that. R500: Well, if there is one oppressed group that has to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/R500/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196707742.html History | Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink |Show replies(2) NCOak 122 Fans 01:37 PM on 10/16/2012 do you understand why minority groups have had, and continue to need to organize? any grasp on basic american history? NCOak: do you understand why minority groups have had, and continue http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NCOak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196716222.html History | Permalink | Share it

fnlook4 148 Fans 01:59 PM on 10/16/2012 At one point they may have needed to organize but in this day all that happens is they set themselves apart. What is the need for the Black Caucus in government, black FOP? At this point they are'nt getting together to for and what's there beef. The minorities are just looking to keep themselves separated. Just because a person is black doesn't mean they are disadvantaged. fnlook4: At one point they may have needed to organize but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fnlook4/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196724564.html History | Permalink | Share it

LovelyBrown 2 Fans 02:02 PM on 10/16/2012 I agree, there shouldn't be any group based solely on race on any of these college campuses anymore. These groups should all now be based on similar likes and dislikes take race out of the equation let's continue to move forward but not forget the past either. LovelyBrown: I agree, there shouldn't be any group based solely on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LovelyBrown/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196725659.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Andrea Doria GOP - Destroying the Middle Class since 1980 911 Fans 01:12 PM on 10/16/2012 All whites are welcome except for micks and guineas. < /sarcasm > Andrea_Doria: All whites are welcome except for micks and guineas. < http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Andrea_Doria/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196707027.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Curt F Well, this is another fine mess you got me into... 433 Fans 01:57 PM on 10/16/2012 what about the Krauts?.... Curt_F: what about the Krauts?.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Curt_F/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196723930.html History | Permalink | Share it

LovelyBrown 2 Fans 02:06 PM on 10/16/2012 The comment he made about "whites" and ethnicity was profound because most people with very pale skin and certain backgrounds identify as "white". They don't say anymore I am italian, irish, german, sweden. Here in America it is "white". That is sad not just for "whites but "blacks" too. There should be a " Learn about your heritage and backgound student union", instead of I am white, black, asian, hispanic, etc. union. LovelyBrown: The comment he made about "whites" and ethnicity was profound http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LovelyBrown/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196727373.html History | Permalink | Share it

LazarusDurden To Make A Long Story Short... 629 Fans 01:11 PM on 10/16/2012 Heimbach is missing the point. There isn't an "anti-white bias" on campus, much like the "left wing media bias" it's a myth. The purpose of ethnic and minority studies is to give a voice to groups who were left out of the historical record. It's about increasing our understanding of history and how we got to where we are as a nation. White males were left out of the historical record. They were the Record, and only the Record for a long time.

People who make this kind of argument have never spent really any time studying this, or at least I've found that to be the case. When you only have one point of view your perspective is skewed. History used to be taught that nations were advanced by great leaders, the so-called "Great Man" argument. We still use it today (case in point the Lincoln movie coming out soon). Or that progress was inevitable and it was for the most part clean. People didn't get shoved aside or lost in the cracks. Or who cares about the workers' history, or women's history, or minorities. No one that matters because they weren't in positions of power and thus nothing of consequence happened to them or so it went.

To deny they didn't have an impact, to silence that part of our history holds everyone back. That is where Heimbach misses the point. LazarusDurden: Heimbach is missing the point. There isn't an "anti-white bias" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LazarusDurden/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196706986.html History | Permalink | Share it stacey66 0 Fans 01:30 PM on 10/16/2012 excellent well said! stacey66: excellent well said! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/stacey66/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196713860.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program SardonicSass 149 Fans 01:55 PM on 10/16/2012 Faved and fanned. SardonicSass: Faved and fanned. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SardonicSass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196723297.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

TXCiclista 26 Fans 01:11 PM on 10/16/2012 That sounded suspiciously like FOX near the end. Way to go HuffPo. You're doing a great job of setting yourself up to the be the liberal FOX News. TXCiclista: That sounded suspiciously like FOX near the end. Way to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TXCiclista/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196706935.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST BLOGGER Tim Young Comedian; Author: Fifty Shades of Romney 804 Fans

01:08 PM on 10/16/2012 Yeah, this organization is racist. I'm not liberal media... I'm a logical human being.

If you invite white supremacist speakers to your organization, you're racist. It's not rocket science.

Also, this kid has done interviews on local tv in Maryland wearing confederate flag shirts.

NEVER in my life as a white man have I ever said that I want to help promote "white culture." What would that involve anyway? Playing Beach Boys albums on repeat? hp_blogger_Tim Young: Yeah, this organization is racist. I'm not liberal media... I'm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hp_blogger_Tim Young/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196705728.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER Pete Marriott Curator of The BRKLYN Collection 203 Fans

01:07 PM on 10/16/2012 Aside from the Gasden, does anyone else notice the the other flag hanging behind Matthew Heimbach? Pete_Marriott: Aside from the Gasden, does anyone else notice the the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pete_Marriott/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196705215.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER R500 319 Fans 01:09 PM on 10/16/2012 Tea Party racism at its finest. R500: Tea Party racism at its finest. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/R500/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196706168.html History | Permalink | Share it

HarryinOR 154 Fans 01:03 PM on 10/16/2012 If this group doesn't pan out he can always start the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Millionaires. HarryinOR: If this group doesn't pan out he can always start http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/HarryinOR/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196703922.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jpatuto11 69 Fans 12:53 PM on 10/16/2012 Go to any affluent suburb in the country stand in the middle of all the McMansions draw a straight line from that point, and I guarantee you will not hit a home owned by a black family till you reach the nearest city. What a load of crap. These white guys are crybabies. Maybe they don't remember white affirmative action, I mean the Police and Fire departments of every big city through 1970 reserved for mostly Irish and then other white ethnics. Or maybe they don't know how suburbs were redlined so a white family buying a house in the 50's for 20000, saw their equity rise to around 1/2 million or more by 2000, meanwhile the blacks were stuck renting in the inner city, how bout the fact that when my white grandfather got off the boat from Italy in 1903 he already had more rights and opportunities than a black man whose family was here since 1640, ah the list goes on , but being around white people all my life, actually being a white guy, I can just say that the sense of victimhood and entitlement is in our DNA. jpatuto11: Go to any affluent suburb in the country stand in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jpatuto11/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196700521.html History | Permalink | Share it Liberty Fan 73 Fans 12:53 PM on 10/16/2012 Gosh...I agree with the student. Why in the world shouldn't there be a group that represents their interests? With a plethora of other groups bashing a history & IN TURN TRYING to make white kids of TODAY feel ASHAMED for acts they HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH or even their parents or grandparents is truly UNFAIR. It is psychologically damaging to young white children...with the bias leaking into EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IS truly a disgrace...FAIR IS FAIR and we are in a different era and EVERYONE should have EQUAL REPRESENTATION.


Only racists do not like this. Liberty_Fan: Gosh...I agree with the student. Why in the world shouldn't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Liberty_Fan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196700494.html History | Permalink | Share it

LazarusDurden To Make A Long Story Short... 629 Fans 01:01 PM on 10/16/2012 Define racism. Just so we know what we're talking about. LazarusDurden: Define racism. Just so we know what we're talking about. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LazarusDurden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196703109.html History | Permalink | Share it NCOak 122 Fans 01:42 PM on 10/16/2012 today's kids participate in the system created by their parents and grandparents, and reap the benefits of it constantly. you can't just separate yourself from the past unless you are willing to give up all the advantages it has given you today. which...you're not. NCOak: today's kids participate in the system created by their parents http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NCOak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196718113.html History | Permalink | Share it Liberty Fan 73 Fans 03:14 PM on 10/16/2012 What advantages are you talking about?

What in the heck are you talking about? Liberty_Fan: What advantages are you talking about? What in the heck http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Liberty_Fan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196750982.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All bloglogger 166 Fans 12:49 PM on 10/16/2012 "There's an inherent anti-white bias in academia"?

Is that why 80% of college professors are white--instead of, say, 100%? Yes, that anti-white bias is keeping us down, all right. bloglogger: "There's an inherent anti-white bias in academia"? Is that why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bloglogger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196698972.html History | Permalink | Share it

talking point squasher We've got the trickle down frown... 148 Fans 01:05 PM on 10/16/2012 As a white male, I can tell you, I feel just so discriminated against. talking_point_squasher: As a white male, I can tell you, I feel http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/talking_point_squasher/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196704670.html History | Permalink | Share it

talking point squasher We've got the trickle down frown... 148 Fans 01:06 PM on 10/16/2012 I hope the sarcasm came through... talking_point_squasher: I hope the sarcasm came through... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/talking_point_squasher/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196704945.html History | Permalink | Share it

bloglogger 166 Fans 01:07 PM on 10/16/2012 Definitely. bloglogger: Definitely. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bloglogger/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196705234.html History | Permalink | Share it diceman098 8 Fans 12:41 PM on 10/16/2012 Don't you know its 2012 here in America where the media and special interest groups have worked their hearts out for decades, to help make White's feel the need and the responsibility... to be ashamed and full of "guilt" for their "Whiteness" !!! If they don't or won't....by god then they must be RACISTS !!! you know diceman098: Don't you know its 2012 here in America where the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/diceman098/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196696324.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER eagle17765 1311 Fans

12:41 PM on 10/16/2012 Well, at least they took their white pointy hats off eagle17765: Well, at least they took their white pointy hats off http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagle17765/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196696166.html History | Permalink | Share it Liberty Fan 73 Fans 12:53 PM on 10/16/2012 wow...you sound racist. Liberty_Fan: wow...you sound racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Liberty_Fan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196700590.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER YankinCanada Two opposing idealogues walk into a liberal bar... 493 Fans

01:32 PM on 10/16/2012 When your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail. YankinCanada: When your only tool is a hammer everything looks like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/YankinCanada/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196714487.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER eagle17765 1311 Fans

12:36 PM on 10/16/2012 Bigotry is a LEARNED thing ... I think this guy should have a meeting titled: "You have to learn to hate." eagle17765: Bigotry is a LEARNED thing ... I think this guy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagle17765/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196694486.html History | Permalink | Share it Liberty Fan 73 Fans 12:54 PM on 10/16/2012 fair is fair....anything else is racist Liberty_Fan: fair is fair....anything else is racist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Liberty_Fan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196700727.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Still Posting PLUTOCRACY: rule by the wealthy 1080 Fans 01:33 PM on 10/16/2012 "fair is fair"

And you've felt this way all along? Still_Posting: "fair is fair" And you've felt this way all along? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Still_Posting/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196714878.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Vernie Taylor 96 Fans 01:08 PM on 10/16/2012 I wish bigotry and prejudice was solely a learned phenomenon but unfortunately it is part of our instinctual make up. Studies have shown that even toddlers generally show preference to other toddlers that look more like themselves. Tolerance, non-discrimination, and equanimity are not natural to us but must be cultivated. It is through reason and will that we rise above our instinctual tendencies and fears of the "other" to become fully humane beings. Vernie_Taylor: I wish bigotry and prejudice was solely a learned phenomenon http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Vernie_Taylor/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196705835.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Ebenezer Akrong 6 Fans 12:33 PM on 10/16/2012 The problem with America is some few Europeans who as soon as get the American citizenship turns to make themselves look famous by creating some ideology. The leaders name is more European than the real Americans, If he is trying to create the South African type of few minority leaders then they should be allowed to fall on their own swords like what happened in south Africa. Ebenezer_Akrong: The problem with America is some few Europeans who as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ebenezer_Akrong/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196693753.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Still Posting PLUTOCRACY: rule by the wealthy 1080 Fans 01:34 PM on 10/16/2012 "some few Europeans . . .make themselves look famous by creating some ideology

Leave me alone!!!!

- Orly Taitz Still_Posting: "some few Europeans . . .make themselves look famous by http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Still_Posting/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196715370.html History | Permalink | Share it Solidium 38 Fans 12:29 PM on 10/16/2012 I don't understand some commenters' reasoning. Which part of the 'oppressive' white system am I upholding? Was I a politician in 1930? Did I serve on the Birmingham, AL police force in 1965? The answer to those is no. I'm white but I have no guilt for the things other white men have done because those were OTHER men. Not me.

Being angry at white people because the way history has turned out is like being angry at birds because they have wings. It's not the birds fault. It's the result of choices made long before its life. Much like me not owning slaves. Not lynching black men. Not denying voting rights. Blacks made slaves out of blacks, who sold them to white men on ships. Newsflash! Almost every culture enslaved nearby cultures! Better weapons = you win!

If you keep lumping all white people together as having guilt over things we have no hand in and as all being closet racists, that merely paves the way to doing the same thing about Arabs and terrorism, blacks and crime, and Asians and math.

I won't play the 'poor white people' card because it's by and large BS. However, it's hard to deny that interracial crimes perpetrated by white people are commonly viewed as hate crimes, while the inverse rarely is. We have become oversensitive to preserving racial and ethnic identity, that we assume the lowest possible motive in crime. Such thinking betrays the immaturity of our species. Solidium: I don't understand some commenters' reasoning. Which part of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Solidium/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196692093.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 12:49 PM on 10/16/2012 Maybe the best truth I have heard on here in a while. Bravo f and f. Thepeacekeeper60: Maybe the best truth I have heard on here in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196699166.html History | Permalink | Share it

bloglogger 166 Fans 12:53 PM on 10/16/2012 "I'm white but I have no guilt for the things other white men have done because those were OTHER men. Not me. "

It's not that you're guilty of those things, but that you benefit from those things and, going by your post here, you don't acknowledge that you do. We don't start from scratch in this society; our status in it is based on what came before. Nobody can go back and change what has happened, but we can look at the reality we have inherited and do our part (beyond just not being an open bigot) to make a better, more just society. bloglogger: "I'm white but I have no guilt for the things http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bloglogger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196700606.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All NCOak 122 Fans 12:29 PM on 10/16/2012 wow. the idiocy of these folks is impressive, amazing that such moronic ideas are becoming mainstream following the election of a black president. NCOak: wow. the idiocy of these folks is impressive, amazing that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NCOak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196692061.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bigpoppaz Liberty, In God We Trust, E Pluribus Unum 41 Fans 01:08 PM on 10/16/2012 Why is this idiotic? It burns me that there is a "Black Congressional Congress", Latino/Black/Women's/etc studies classes,

These things only continue to drag racism along. It is time to end them all. bigpoppaz: Why is this idiotic? It burns me that there is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bigpoppaz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196705843.html History | Permalink | Share it hitithrd 38 Fans 12:20 PM on 10/16/2012 Wish'm well ! hitithrd: Wish'm well ! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hitithrd/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196688988.html History | Permalink | Share it

talking point squasher We've got the trickle down frown... 148 Fans 12:58 PM on 10/16/2012 Why don't you in person at your next Klan rally? talking_point_squasher: Why don't you in person at your next Klan rally? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/talking_point_squasher/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196702119.html History | Permalink | Share it hitithrd 38 Fans 06:52 PM on 10/16/2012 Do they allow Black's?, Have a Blessed Night Mitt! hitithrd: Do they allow Black's?, Have a Blessed Night Mitt! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hitithrd/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196818740.html History | Permalink | Share it chutsper 33 Fans 12:18 PM on 10/16/2012 when is all this going to stop, why have organizations in schools, government etc earmarked with various racial tags, ie the black student caucous" "mexican amercian this or that, that all seems acceptable but dont dare put "white" on any group or its racist...... all of this is so tiring, It seems that the very groups that are screaming how they are unfairly treated and not intergrated into society equally are the very cause of it by continuing to earmark everything racially, they do more to promote segregation than anything else. When will we all realize that we are first AMERICANS...... and do not have to have the racial tag line attached to that, WE ARE ALL AMERICANS nothing further needs to be added to that.....we are an intergrated mix of all peoples from all ethnic groups and as such anything ethnically added to that just dilutes it and distracts and causes the problems we now face...... let it go and just be an American...... the color of your skin doesnt define you , drop the "african" drop the mexican, etc...and just BE an American, chutsper: when is all this going to stop, why have organizations http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chutsper/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196688248.html History | Permalink | Share it

talking point squasher We've got the trickle down frown... 148 Fans 12:59 PM on 10/16/2012 Tell me how salaries for minorities compare to white. UE rates for minorities compared to whites. Poverty rates for minorities compared to whites. These groups focus on issues that simply do not affect white America. That is why. talking_point_squasher: Tell me how salaries for minorities compare to white. UE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/talking_point_squasher/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196702594.html History | Permalink | Share it

chutsper 33 Fans 03:49 PM on 10/16/2012 You are misinformed...... if a person is qualified and the key word is qualified here then his pay reflects his position. by qualified I do NOT mean afirmative action where your color gives you preference even when you are not qualified for the position and you are hired simply to fill a quota.....Everyone in the country has had the same opportunity for an education, the problem seems to lie in the apathetic attitude of those who do not put the effort into it and drop out and then blame everyone but themselves for their poverty etc. If they work for government everyone receives equal pay , you are way off base. You still unfortunately have a vast number of minorities with a "plantation" mentality of the white man taking care of them and providing for them when they need to do more for themselves by education, or starting business's as all other Americans have done as the immigrants did who came here with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The hispanics have worked and not been offended by taking jobs that others would not even consider and they work hard...... It is NOT a white over anything...... but it seems that some minorites want to keep that image alive to what end???...... start living looking out the windshield and not the rear view mirror . again we are all Americans and race should not play a part in that as it dilutes the value of all... chutsper: You are misinformed...... if a person is qualified and the key http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chutsper/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196762677.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER A Picture is Worth Obama the Sequel 2012 169 Fans 12:13 PM on 10/16/2012 There has always been a white student union it's called America. A_Picture_is_Worth: There has always been a white student union it's called http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/A_Picture_is_Worth/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196686825.html History | Permalink | Share it MrOrlando 7 Fans 11:58 AM on 10/16/2012 Good idea. That way you will be able to identify these nuts.White culture - I'm sorta white (Italian) and I know "white culture" is a myth. MrOrlando: Good idea. That way you will be able to identify http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrOrlando/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196681512.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 12:17 PM on 10/16/2012 bluegrass music son mdhematology: bluegrass music son http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196688112.html History | Permalink | Share it

talking point squasher We've got the trickle down frown... 148 Fans 01:00 PM on 10/16/2012 From the same people that bring us the Redneck games and hilbilly handfishing? Sweet. Those are the people this country could use to do without.... talking_point_squasher: From the same people that bring us the Redneck games http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/talking_point_squasher/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196703031.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

11:48 AM on 10/16/2012 This guy is odd. The Irish had to prove they were white. I didn't know the Irish were brown and changed skin color. PWM: This guy is odd. The Irish had to prove they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196678132.html History | Permalink | Share it

bloglogger 166 Fans 01:03 PM on 10/16/2012 They weren't a different color, but still Irish immigrants were not considered to be white in mid 19th century US culture by "natives," who were actually just earlier immigrants. Neither were Italians, or any other of the "swarthy races" from the Mediterranean. Race is a social construct, and the definition of white has shifted over time since the 1600s, when the word "white" was first used to describe European colonists. bloglogger: They weren't a different color, but still Irish immigrants were http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bloglogger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196703875.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

02:04 PM on 10/16/2012 So this kid has the mentality of a 19th century bigot. Not surprised. PWM: So this kid has the mentality of a 19th century http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196726594.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Gna White 140 Fans 01:12 PM on 10/16/2012 They Irish were looked down upon when first entering the country. You're not aware of that? Gna_White: They Irish were looked down upon when first entering the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gna_White/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196707306.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

02:03 PM on 10/16/2012 And when did they prove their skin was white? PWM: And when did they prove their skin was white? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196726355.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER MistryMan From out of everywhere 39 Fans 11:43 AM on 10/16/2012 Normally these unions and organizations are students meeting about unity,support and open to all people that may want to participate in related religous and cultural events.

This group seems more about a protesting descrimination, allowing others to join if they agree in the protests.

But then this raises another issue/question about the nature of the protest; Non whites are welcome? What if a non white joined this group and brought up an incident that invovled discrimination on a Latino group, or Indian Group? Would this person be shut out because this is not dicriminiation on whites?

I think this person would be shut out, so this guy organizing this white union, on the basis/position against racism, needs to come out and say this is only about racism towards whites, and we will not hear out any other cases of descrimination.

So if a black or indian guy wants to go and listen to a bunch of white kids talk about how they are discrimated against, but dare not disagree, than that is inclusive enough??

Let him form his group, I'm all for it, it will attract some interesting folks to say the least. MistryMan: Normally these unions and organizations are students meeting about unity,support http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MistryMan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196676474.html History | Permalink | Share it

RonJon30 4 Fans 12:08 PM on 10/16/2012 If a white guy wants to go to a non-white group and complain about his experience of discrimination, would it be wrong to shut him out? Or is it Ok when minorities shut others out? RonJon30: If a white guy wants to go to a non-white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196685056.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER MistryMan From out of everywhere 39 Fans 02:00 PM on 10/16/2012 No of course not, but thanks for missing the point entirely MistryMan: No of course not, but thanks for missing the point http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MistryMan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196725277.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER xscd Livin' the GOP Good Life, without the GOP 352 Fans 11:42 AM on 10/16/2012 My first instinct is to say that if there can be a Black Student Union, a Chinese Student Union (or Japanese or Asian Student Union), a Gay Student Union, a Women's Student Union, etc., then why shouldn't a "White Student Union" be allowed, so long as neither it nor any other student organization advocate or foment violence toward another group? xscd: My first instinct is to say that if there can http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/xscd/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196676284.html History | Permalink | Share it

bloglogger 166 Fans 01:05 PM on 10/16/2012 The ethnic student groups exist because nearly every traditionally white college is one big White Student Union. They are trying to make a space where they are not so overwhelmed by whiteness. The white students' motivation? Maybe to be clever? bloglogger: The ethnic student groups exist because nearly every traditionally white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bloglogger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196704610.html History | Permalink | Share it iconlady 13 Fans 02:00 PM on 10/16/2012 Dear XSCD...Your "first instinct" is a generality---seemingly fair, but typical of a low-information opinion. If you listened to the whole videotape and if you followed up on a brief search of the Southern Poverty Law Center, you would find that your last statement "so long as neither it nor any other student org advocate or forment violence....." is the issue in contention for the university. This student org is intimately connected to, and supported by, white supremist groups that have formented violence against gays and minorities. The challenge to the university is to allow the rights of speech and association, and at the same time carefully monitor those groups to avoid outbreaks of hate and provocation. Please read between the lines when listening to any political speech, and look at the ideology that is masked behind the "reasonable" words. iconlady: Dear XSCD...Your "first instinct" is a generality---seemingly fair, but typical http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/iconlady/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196724997.html History | Permalink | Share it mgpayne Trying to make sense of it all 85 Fans 11:40 AM on 10/16/2012 So is there like 1 student union and then all of these spin off groups? mgpayne: So is there like 1 student union and then all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mgpayne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196675441.html History | Permalink | Share it Espndave 0 Fans 11:26 AM on 10/16/2012 Please, this person does not get it. The ENTIRE country is ran by white men. You don't need to form a white union Espndave: Please, this person does not get it. The ENTIRE country http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Espndave/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196671143.html History | Permalink | Share it

54Cheyenne 86 Fans 12:10 PM on 10/16/2012 Why are there so many "white" poor? Why are there so many "white" uneducated? Why would you support racism for some and not for others? A "Black Student Union" is by definition racist. An "Asian Student Union" is by definition racist. As soon as you start to explain why some racism is OK and other is not, you define yourself as a racist.

rac·ism noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. 54Cheyenne: Why are there so many "white" poor? Why are there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/54Cheyenne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196685725.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 12:13 PM on 10/16/2012 how so? the potus is black, supremes have women and blacks, sos is a woman

wtf you talking about willis? mdhematology: how so? the potus is black, supremes have women and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196686714.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Carlariz 227 Fans 11:26 AM on 10/16/2012 I would not have a problem with this "white" kid forming a white student Union, if he were doing it for the right reasons.... I can see right through his hood..... Carlariz: I would not have a problem with this "white" kid http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Carlariz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196671050.html History | Permalink | Share it steelman48 35 Fans 12:27 PM on 10/16/2012 Thanks for showing your inherent racist double standard. It isnt for you or anyone else to decide what the right reasons are. If it is acceptable for one group of students based on race, then it is acceptable for everyone. Do you spend as much time trying to decipher the reasoning behind the other groups? steelman48: Thanks for showing your inherent racist double standard. It isnt http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/steelman48/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196691322.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Carlariz 227 Fans 01:03 PM on 10/16/2012 Please take off your hood... I want to see your face... ha..ha.. Carlariz: Please take off your hood... I want to see your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Carlariz/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196703926.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All andynielsen 4 Fans 11:25 AM on 10/16/2012 Bottom line is that a lot has been lost in the form of culture and traditions from people who arrived in the US more than 100 years ago and it's okay for those of us interested in those things to try to learn about them.

However, what isn't okay, is assuming that academia is inherently anti-white because it tells the ACCURATE history of some of the colonialism, genocides, atrocities, etc. that have been committed by people of Caucasian decent. GREAT things have been created too by Caucasian people - democracy, anyone? - but its a mixed bag. You have to acknowledge the facts of both the good and the bad and the repercussions each caused. andynielsen: Bottom line is that a lot has been lost in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/andynielsen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196670600.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hans Meiser 242 Fans 11:25 AM on 10/16/2012 I applaud the young man's courage, but I question his motives. When the backdrop of your thought is crime statistics, my emphasis on statistics, I very strongly question the real motives. Because there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics. Hans_Meiser: I applaud the young man's courage, but I question his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hans_Meiser/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196670577.html History | Permalink | Share it steelman48 35 Fans 12:28 PM on 10/16/2012 Maybe it is a white thing and you wouldnt understand. Too many times we are the victims of crimes perpetrated by minorities. We have had enough and it is time to stand up. steelman48: Maybe it is a white thing and you wouldnt understand. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/steelman48/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196691954.html History | Permalink | Share it andynielsen 4 Fans 11:24 AM on 10/16/2012 White student groups, Black student groups, Asian student groups, etc. all generalize base off of race rather than celebrate the individual rich heritage of each point of origin which have vastly different histories and traditions. Many things are lost in this broad grouping process - creating a large bucket of identity based off of race.

Many of the people who have immigrated to the US from Europe and Russia recently have been able to retain some of their heritage for their respective points of origin which should be celebrated! Many of us weren't fortunate enough to have come from families where it was socially acceptable to still hold traditions from the "old country" and that is incredibly sad. I learned so much about the Danish culture from a Danish friend who was living in America, more so than I ever learned from my own grandfather who was a 2nd generation Dane. His own grandfather came from an era (1800s) when you were only allowed to be one thing - "American". When my grandfather's grandfather came here, any cultural connection to an original point of origin was frowned upon, casting the individual immigrant as being all the negative stereotypes you can imagine - dumb, dirty, etc. However, those that embraced the mainstream American culture were celebrated and would then be hired, be able to have means for a family, etc. It was a very colonialist view propagated by those who arrived to this country only a short time before others. andynielsen: White student groups, Black student groups, Asian student groups, etc. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/andynielsen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196670302.html History | Permalink | Share it Espndave 0 Fans 11:23 AM on 10/16/2012 CLEAR IGNORANCE, whites will never get it. They will ALWAYS be a step ahead of any other ethnic group in the UNITED STATES. Ignorant people who want to step over other cultures and to prove superiority are people like Matt. He does not get it, Towson and just like any other major university is dominated by WHITES. White people are never going to understand that the opportunities for them to do well in society is laid out right in front of them Espndave: CLEAR IGNORANCE, whites will never get it. They will ALWAYS http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Espndave/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196670077.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER rclere 102 Fans 11:48 AM on 10/16/2012 well said my friend.... all of us "whites" have benefitted from white privilege, plain and simple. a person of color is always aware of their waking up in this country as a person of color. whites have never felt the fear of just that.... good on you!! rclere: well said my friend.... all of us "whites" have benefitted http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rclere/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196678223.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 12:15 PM on 10/16/2012 lol mdhematology: lol http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196687312.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 12:15 PM on 10/16/2012 just be yourself and be happy, gee whiz mdhematology: just be yourself and be happy, gee whiz http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196687399.html History | Permalink | Share it Espndave 0 Fans 03:52 PM on 10/16/2012 Tell Matthew that, he is clearly a supremacist. And this Jared dude is 100 times worse and in denial about being a nationalist Espndave: Tell Matthew that, he is clearly a supremacist. And this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Espndave/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196763593.html History | Permalink | Share it dveo 22 Fans 11:20 AM on 10/16/2012 Someone slap this kid please. dveo: Someone slap this kid please. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dveo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196669005.html History | Permalink | Share it Espndave 0 Fans 11:26 AM on 10/16/2012 Yes, this kid does not get it. Espndave: Yes, this kid does not get it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Espndave/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196670981.html History | Permalink | Share it MCouture 144 Fans 11:50 AM on 10/16/2012 Advocating violence over a free speech? Very tolerant, open minded and liberal of you. MCouture: Advocating violence over a free speech? Very tolerant, open minded http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MCouture/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196678971.html History | Permalink | Share it dveo 22 Fans 02:44 PM on 10/16/2012 SLAP! dveo: SLAP! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dveo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196740985.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Ivo Dude I didn't think the water would be this cold 156 Fans 11:19 AM on 10/16/2012 Just wondering how a level playing field becomes anti white. Ivo_Dude: Just wondering how a level playing field becomes anti white. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ivo_Dude/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196668848.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kenji 111 Fans 11:39 AM on 10/16/2012 The overseer never likes to have his whip taken away. Kenji: The overseer never likes to have his whip taken away. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kenji/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196675150.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 12:16 PM on 10/16/2012 poor baby mdhematology: poor baby http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196687793.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER dfvboulder 102 Fans 11:01 AM on 10/16/2012 Non-Hispanic whites were about 64% of the U.S. population in 2010, down from about 75% in 2000.

At worst, Heimbach's idea is just slightly ahead of its time... dfvboulder: Non-Hispanic whites were about 64% of the U.S. population in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dfvboulder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196663494.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lilrockdiva Run Tell That! 108 Fans 12:12 PM on 10/16/2012 Non-Hispanic white population shrinking? So long, farewell! lilrockdiva: Non-Hispanic white population shrinking? So long, farewell! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lilrockdiva/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196686379.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bklynnupe 105 Fans 11:01 AM on 10/16/2012 Maybe this is just another way of saying after two years " I didn't realize how many D's I got on my transcript! Now how can I find a way out of this?" bklynnupe: Maybe this is just another way of saying after two http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bklynnupe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196663343.html History | Permalink | Share it

Ivo Dude I didn't think the water would be this cold 156 Fans 11:22 AM on 10/16/2012 A way out. Call mumzy and dadze. Ivo_Dude: A way out. Call mumzy and dadze. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ivo_Dude/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196669637.html History | Permalink | Share it vintage3000 283 Fans 10:58 AM on 10/16/2012 They are currently voting on their purpose statement:

1) We Want 2 B Oppressed 2! or

2) Even Though We're the Majority and Historically Everything's in our Favor We Spend Our Time Screaming About the Race Card So We Don't Have to Acknowledge Our Privielge (sp) and We Need Scapegoats-YEAH!

I'm guessing #1 might be easier to put on a bumper sticker vintage3000: They are currently voting on their purpose statement: 1) We http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vintage3000/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196662346.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 7 8 9 10 11 Next › Last » (61 total) limstillme 101 Fans 10:52 AM on 10/16/2012 Anyone who thinks any other race, other than the white race, should be allowed a union or organization, but none for the white race, is a racists. limstillme: Anyone who thinks any other race, other than the white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/limstillme/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196660440.html History | Permalink | Share it tofog 1 Fans 11:06 AM on 10/16/2012 limstillme: "Anyone who thinks any other race, other than the white race, should be allowed a union or organization, but none for the white race, is a racists. "

I totally agree--- tofog: limstillme: "Anyone who thinks any other race, other than the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tofog/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196664922.html History | Permalink | Share it herbabeast 44 Fans 11:23 AM on 10/16/2012 Anybody who thinks humanity is separated by 'races', and that 'race' is anything other than an intellectual (i.e., mental, psychological, social.) construct, is a racist. And, one who feels a minority or member of an oppressed group speaking out against unjust treatment is being 'reverse racist', is probably a 4th or 5th generation racist. Or a religionist. herbabeast: Anybody who thinks humanity is separated by 'races', and that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/herbabeast/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196670168.html History | Permalink | Share it

limstillme 101 Fans 10:39 PM on 10/16/2012 herb a beast, I agree that humanity should not be separated by race but it IS. If humanity were NOT separated by races, why do we have laws to give certain groups special privileges and at the same time depriving other groups of thoes same privileges? America has given certain groups more privileges, more opportunites, more help, then any other group has been given in the history of the world, and some people in thoes groups (not all, just some of them) are still screaming MORE, MORE, MORE. At the same time, some people of the privileged groups are not using the privileges to advance them selves, they are trying to use them to bring down the other groups. At what point do we say "Enough is enough!"? limstillme: herb a beast, I agree that humanity should not be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/limstillme/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196877334.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Diibs9 70 Fans

10:34 AM on 10/16/2012 "The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson University claims that the group is necessary to fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."....BAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAA Diibs9: "The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Diibs9/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196655039.html History | Permalink | Share it

limstillme 101 Fans 10:54 AM on 10/16/2012 That's so very anal of you. limstillme: That's so very anal of you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/limstillme/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196661146.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Diibs9 70 Fans

11:01 AM on 10/16/2012 leave me out of your anal fantasies please. Diibs9: leave me out of your anal fantasies please. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Diibs9/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196663407.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

CHOPINLIB358 Militant Liberal Veteran 186 Fans 10:33 AM on 10/16/2012 What exactly does this clown mean when he says " fighting for white interests "? Yea, he's not racist. lol CHOPINLIB358: What exactly does this clown mean when he says " http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CHOPINLIB358/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196654636.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

ebanks84 Grandma knows best! 3182 Fans

10:30 AM on 10/16/2012 To form a white student group such as this is racist because whites are not being deprived of anything that others are getting and they can't. To claim that whites are protecting themselves or what they feel entitled to is a bogus argument because they are entitled to more, not less, than most racial groups and that gives them a higher ground to stand above all the rest. They are not lacking for anything other than "attention" and this is their way of getting that as well. Go figure! ebanks84: To form a white student group such as this is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ebanks84/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196653648.html History | Permalink | Share it

ClearlyConfused 53 Fans 10:25 AM on 10/16/2012 This young man has obviously never driven from his comfortable Towson residence down York Road into Baltimore - it's only a fifteen minute drive. ClearlyConfused: This young man has obviously never driven from his comfortable http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ClearlyConfused/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196652202.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Kenne 22 Fans 10:20 AM on 10/16/2012 What this student fails to translate in his defence of having a, "White Student Union" is the overwhelming history of discrimination and bigotry in the nation, if not the world which groups and students at institutions of learning are trying to reverse educate.

ETHNIC student groups are completely different than what his intent is. Cultural student organizations are trying to instill a sense of pride and history in a populace which has had its legacy decimated over time by institutional racism. Tim Wise expressed it best when he said that there are months for white history; Jan, Feb, Mar. April and so on.

If cultural groups did NOT spring up on campuses around the nation there would be a inner cultural void in a large group of the nation which would hinder our progress as a people. A "White Student Union" by definition is one which stems from a racist past which we must overcome, by any means necessary. Kenne: What this student fails to translate in his defence of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kenne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196650725.html History | Permalink | Share it

RonJon30 4 Fans 10:34 AM on 10/16/2012 I agree that this student's motives are suspect but you are hypocritically reducing white American contributions to hatred and racism. There are plenty of positives that white students may want to explore. RonJon30: I agree that this student's motives are suspect but you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196655037.html History | Permalink | Share it

tooschool 74 Fans 10:41 AM on 10/16/2012 The point was that historically there already is a "White Union" and that this is bad for all involved. tooschool: The point was that historically there already is a "White http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tooschool/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196657122.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

JustDfied We are the Change/Driven by HOPE! 307 Fans 10:58 AM on 10/16/2012 There assuredly are positives that exist that white students may want to and should explore, but this may not be of that particular nature.

The young man "... has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes." Is this his justification or that he "claims that the group is necessary to fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

Regardless, I'm missing the other positives you allude to. That said, his sole intent may be legitimate, only time will tell, but what he is saying now regarding his motivations seems more designed to promote white supremacy rather than a common unity. JustDfied: There assuredly are positives that exist that white students may http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JustDfied/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196662434.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All mcmutter A Groover has to expect a few setbacks ..... 3312 Fans 10:19 AM on 10/16/2012 Opie looks like a born leader of men .... mcmutter: Opie looks like a born leader of men .... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mcmutter/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196650549.html History | Permalink | Share it CaneBayDive 179 Fans 11:11 AM on 10/16/2012 In The Good Earth, you would say he has had PLENTY of rice for that nice oily skin. CaneBayDive: In The Good Earth, you would say he has had http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaneBayDive/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196666529.html History | Permalink | Share it

RonJon30 4 Fans 10:16 AM on 10/16/2012 There are plenty of reasons for a White or European American group on campus. Students may want to explore their shared European History, Culture and Language. They may want to organize trips to Scotland, Wales, Belgium or Hungary. They may want to discuss the importance of maintaining a link to European ancestry to pass knowledge on to their children. They may want to discuss the influence of Latin or Roman Imperialism on European Culture. Contemporary issues, such as issues of White Flight, gentrification of neighborhoods, the declining white birth rate, segregation. Discussion of what responsibilities and issues are related to being White today in America.

I may not want to join such a group but the point is, the students should be free to form such a group, or other like group, if they want to do so. RonJon30: There are plenty of reasons for a White or European http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196649549.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blakester123 3 Fans 10:23 AM on 10/16/2012 Without realizing it we've learned a great deal of this already in history class, georgraphy, philosophy, religion etc and it continues everyday via media. But I do understand your point Blakester123: Without realizing it we've learned a great deal of this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196651626.html History | Permalink | Share it everettmaultsby 96 Fans 10:34 AM on 10/16/2012 But would other races be allowed to join? everettmaultsby: But would other races be allowed to join? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/everettmaultsby/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196654862.html History | Permalink | Share it

RonJon30 4 Fans 10:36 AM on 10/16/2012 Yes but other Unions must be open to other races/ethnicities also. RonJon30: Yes but other Unions must be open to other races/ethnicities http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196655513.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

RonJon30 4 Fans 10:38 AM on 10/16/2012 Also, the interest for other races to join must be legitimate, not to close the group. RonJon30: Also, the interest for other races to join must be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196656034.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Domani 6 Fans 10:14 AM on 10/16/2012 My son is a member of the Italian Student Society on his campus. I think he says they have some Asian members who aren't even one drop Italian. They like the culture and my son says they have great 'socials'. Likewise I bet if they had an Asian Student Society, my Italian son would want to join. Domani: My son is a member of the Italian Student Society http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Domani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196649067.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blakester123 3 Fans 10:25 AM on 10/16/2012 I love this...thats how it was at my school Blakester123: I love this...thats how it was at my school http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196652140.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 10:09 AM on 10/16/2012 If you've ever been down in detroit and you're the only white person around, there's a need for a white student union. Case closed. Libs and dems think like this, if your first dog bit you, you should keep on beating every dog you get after that because of the first one. This is an analogy to slavery. No one is owed anything today just like the dogs after the first vile one do not deserve to get hit or beat. White people are tired of the slavery argument, own up to your own personal failures instead of blaming someone else. Enough said. Thepeacekeeper60: If you've ever been down in detroit and you're the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196647848.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER nubret2008 116 Fans

10:03 AM on 10/16/2012 The reason for the different ethnical groups is that the mainstream is white dominated. How can someone who doesn't see this and doesn't know any history even apply for college? nubret2008: The reason for the different ethnical groups is that the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubret2008/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196646253.html History | Permalink | Share it CaneBayDive 179 Fans 11:14 AM on 10/16/2012 Because it requires criotical thinking skills, an understanding of the history of racism in America, and finally the understanding that this IS basically rooted in racism. CaneBayDive: Because it requires criotical thinking skills, an understanding of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaneBayDive/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196667424.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER PeaRidge Alabama liberal...and you think you got problems? 852 Fans 10:01 AM on 10/16/2012 What he really needs is a "Lonely, Desperate for Attention, Butterball Student Union." PeaRidge: What he really needs is a "Lonely, Desperate for Attention, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PeaRidge/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196645637.html History | Permalink | Share it CaneBayDive 179 Fans 11:15 AM on 10/16/2012 Why do all college Repuiblicans look like fat butterballs??? CaneBayDive: Why do all college Repuiblicans look like fat butterballs??? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaneBayDive/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196667649.html History | Permalink | Share it hahahame2u 0 Fans 09:55 AM on 10/16/2012 Blacks, latinos, and asians all have groups. If it makes them happy, wth cares. hahahame2u: Blacks, latinos, and asians all have groups. If it makes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hahahame2u/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196644200.html History | Permalink | Share it CaneBayDive 179 Fans 11:16 AM on 10/16/2012 You need to think about his motives a bit more, IF you can???? CaneBayDive: You need to think about his motives a bit more, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaneBayDive/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196667855.html History | Permalink | Share it

Halcyon27 123 Fans 09:48 AM on 10/16/2012 "Student government does nothing for whites per se..." Such a bizarre topsy-turvy world. But let them "organize," then get together and listen to The Captain and Tenille cds, eat Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes, have a white history month celebrating Mamie Eisenhower's legacy, the Lennon Sisters' contribution to pop music, and the Chuck Norris Foundation's scholarship fund. Halcyon27: "Student government does nothing for whites per se..." Such a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Halcyon27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196642225.html History | Permalink | Share it

Educated Black Man I am not African-American, I am simply an American 744 Fans 09:54 AM on 10/16/2012 Because no white has ever done anything important. Educated_Black_Man: Because no white has ever done anything important. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Educated_Black_Man/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196643898.html History | Permalink | Share it CaneBayDive 179 Fans 11:16 AM on 10/16/2012 They start a LOT of wars and use blacks for cannon fodder??? CaneBayDive: They start a LOT of wars and use blacks for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaneBayDive/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196668061.html History | Permalink | Share it

Reginald Charleston 6 Fans 10:03 AM on 10/16/2012 Your comment is unadulterated anti-White hatred. The truth is that massive third-world immigration and forced integration is being demanded of EVERY White country and ONLY White countries, and according to the United Nations this is GENOCIDE. Many who say they are anti-racist are really just anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White. Reginald_Charleston: Your comment is unadulterated anti-White hatred. The truth is that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Reginald_Charleston/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196646129.html History | Permalink | Share it

Halcyon27 123 Fans 10:25 AM on 10/16/2012 My comment is "unadulterated" satire of white cultural tropes. My, what disproportionate outrage it provoked. Halcyon27: My comment is "unadulterated" satire of white cultural tropes.  My, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Halcyon27/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196652210.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

urlnts 5 Fans 12:34 PM on 10/16/2012 So the truth is now anti white hatred and the racist is now the aggrieved?They doth protest too much! urlnts: So the truth is now anti white hatred and the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/urlnts/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196693898.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Blakester123 3 Fans 09:48 AM on 10/16/2012 At first glance the desire for a white student union may seem simple enough: every other race has one. But white is the majority and for centuries white students were afforded many rights and privileges a lot of these ethnic/racially based groups were not... These minority student groups weren't formed to 'get the white man', they were formed to provide academic support, unity, friendship at a time when many minorities may have felt they weren’t getting the right amount of support from their respective schools...However, it absolutely doesn’t make it ok for any of these groups to engage in activity that is racially motivated, promotes intolerance or hate. If this is the case obviously the colleges/university should conduct a thorough investigation and not allow the group to exist... Blakester123: At first glance the desire for a white student union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196642102.html History | Permalink | Share it

Educated Black Man I am not African-American, I am simply an American 744 Fans 09:56 AM on 10/16/2012 Very intelligent post. I agree, but we should look at all groups under the same light. Disparate treatment is never acceptable. Educated_Black_Man: Very intelligent post. I agree, but we should look at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Educated_Black_Man/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196644421.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Albert Jenkin down with the Rebs! And the Dixiecrats 333 Fans 10:50 AM on 10/16/2012 Agreed, but it happened. My Yankee grandfather supported it. He wanted Native American Rights supported but never openly said so. Instead, I was told to be quiet, to avoid being identified as a Half-Breed. Albert_Jenkin: Agreed, but it happened. My Yankee grandfather supported it. He http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Albert_Jenkin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196659855.html History | Permalink | Share it blnite "just the facts ma'am, just the facts" 13 Fans 11:01 AM on 10/16/2012 So by your statement, if the "powers that be", if at a University, ( or in a government?) do not agree with the group, and think that they are wrong, they should INVESTIGATE them, and "NOT ALLOW THEM TO EXIST"? Good bye sweet democracy, hello fascistic future. ( May I remind you that in certain colleges in the south about 50+ years ago, BLACK student unions were "prohibited" , and it too Federal Troops on Campus to solve this problem) blnite: So by your statement, if the "powers that be", if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/blnite/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196663310.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blakester123 3 Fans 03:52 PM on 10/16/2012 If ANY group exists to promote racism, intolerance or cover up hate crimes they shouldn't exist- has nothing to do with being undemocratic. Blakester123: If ANY group exists to promote racism, intolerance or cover http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196763780.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 8 9 10 11 12 Next › Last » (61 total) herbabeast 44 Fans 09:45 AM on 10/16/2012 Yeah, it's time we got back at all of those centuries of Whites being enslaved by Black Americans; we must never forget Jefferson Crew laws that kept Whites from voting, working, traveling, living and going to school without being beaten and imprisoned by the Black majority; we must reverse this trend where the vast majority of government and business leaders are 90% Black; and remember when Hank Williams wrote that song about all of the lynchings that Blacks committed against Whites, while all of those Black families picnicked as audience to the murder - I think it was called "Usual Fruit"; and why are our prisons filled with poor White men who are sentenced 4, 5, 10 times that of a Black committing the same crime? Poor, poor, white folk. So afraid of their shadow!! herbabeast: Yeah, it's time we got back at all of those http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/herbabeast/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196641519.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 09:48 AM on 10/16/2012 Get over it, enough with the excuses. Thepeacekeeper60: Get over it, enough with the excuses. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196642283.html History | Permalink | Share it herbabeast 44 Fans 10:22 AM on 10/16/2012 I ain't Black. I'm like S Colbert, I don't see race; I think I'm White, 'cause all of my neighbors are Latino and speak to me in Spanish, and all of my co-workers are jazz musicians that keep passing me refer, and the people throwing beer-bottles at me while I'm cycling are white... herbabeast: I ain't Black. I'm like S Colbert, I don't see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/herbabeast/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196651344.html History | Permalink | Share it

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 02:08 PM on 10/16/2012 How is history and facts somehow equivalent to excuses???? sarahmysterious: How is history and facts somehow equivalent to excuses???? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196728166.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER maternatura Liberal Feminist American Matriot 298 Fans 09:49 AM on 10/16/2012 It's their collective guilt that haunts them and the fear that one day when they really are the minority that they will reap what they have sown. maternatura: It's their collective guilt that haunts them and the fear http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maternatura/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196642484.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER PeaRidge Alabama liberal...and you think you got problems? 852 Fans 10:02 AM on 10/16/2012 Well said.

F/F PeaRidge: Well said. F/F http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PeaRidge/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196645864.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

twowhitedogs 160 Fans 05:37 PM on 10/16/2012 We don't sit around fearing that. By the time that happens we will all be gone. It won't happen in our lifetime, if ever. And we have NO guilt because we were not around back then. twowhitedogs: We don't sit around fearing that. By the time that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/twowhitedogs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196797582.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink |Show replies(2)

Educated Black Man I am not African-American, I am simply an American 744 Fans 09:58 AM on 10/16/2012 That seemed a little intolerant. Educated_Black_Man: That seemed a little intolerant. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Educated_Black_Man/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196644738.html History | Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink | There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 10:06 AM on 10/16/2012 And he's smarter than you. Go figure. Thepeacekeeper60: And he's smarter than you. Go figure. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196646854.html History | Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink | There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Jesus Barajas 0 Fans 09:37 AM on 10/16/2012 Define white. I was born in Mexico but I have white skin and blue eyes. Would I be able to join or this is just for "certain" types of whites. Jesus_Barajas: Define white. I was born in Mexico but I have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jesus_Barajas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196639359.html History | Permalink | Share it herbabeast 44 Fans 09:48 AM on 10/16/2012 Matthew Heimbach can look at you and tell if you're really White or not. herbabeast: Matthew Heimbach can look at you and tell if you're http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/herbabeast/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196642076.html History | Permalink | Share it

Jesus Barajas 0 Fans 09:59 AM on 10/16/2012 I was born ever there but I was raised in the south (Florida). My great grandparents are from Spain. Jesus_Barajas: I was born ever there but I was raised in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jesus_Barajas/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196645077.html History | Permalink | Share it

taxpayertoo I want a battery that lasts as long as Mitt's 283 Fans 10:09 AM on 10/16/2012 Yes, know as the Heimbach method... taxpayertoo: Yes, know as the Heimbach method... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/taxpayertoo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196647805.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Randy Chidester 232 Fans 09:53 AM on 10/16/2012 Jesus your blue eyes and light complexion would made Hitler proud. Randy_Chidester: Jesus your blue eyes and light complexion would made Hitler http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Randy_Chidester/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196643569.html History | Permalink | Share it

Jesse Mitchell Lindsey 40 Fans 09:30 AM on 10/16/2012 Having conversations about the historical and current state and position of whiteness is relevant and productive. Suggesting a widespread anti-white bias in the culture at large is not. I'm not sure that this student understands the meaning of the word bias. Jesse_Mitchell_Lindsey: Having conversations about the historical and current state and position http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jesse_Mitchell_Lindsey/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196637770.html History | Permalink | Share it franklma 44 Fans 09:16 AM on 10/16/2012 Especially in this country, history has shown that white groups have created havoc on people of color. None of the groups of color have created laws or conditions to oppress white groups, but to protect themselves. Recently Huffman Post reported on Black and Asian students were being hit with bleach balloons. We don't have to guess too hard which nationality is guilty of this act. franklma: Especially in this country, history has shown that white groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/franklma/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196634430.html History | Permalink | Share it RobbinsT 45 Fans 09:29 AM on 10/16/2012 The gays right? RobbinsT: The gays right? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RobbinsT/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196637638.html History | Permalink | Share it franklma 44 Fans 09:06 AM on 10/16/2012 And why not? There are Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, gay, etc. Now that whites are becoming the minority of this country let them have a student white organization. franklma: And why not? There are Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, gay, etc. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/franklma/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196632397.html History | Permalink | Share it

Jesse Mitchell Lindsey 40 Fans 09:32 AM on 10/16/2012 "Now that whites are becoming the minority..." Jumping the gun a little bit, aren't we? Jesse_Mitchell_Lindsey: "Now that whites are becoming the minority..." Jumping the gun http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jesse_Mitchell_Lindsey/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196638289.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER maternatura Liberal Feminist American Matriot 298 Fans 09:35 AM on 10/16/2012 Let them go extinct and take their miasma with them. maternatura: Let them go extinct and take their miasma with them. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maternatura/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196638853.html History | Permalink | Share it

Educated Black Man I am not African-American, I am simply an American 744 Fans 09:59 AM on 10/16/2012 Another tolerant post. Educated_Black_Man: Another tolerant post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Educated_Black_Man/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196645011.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Scott Laux Born in America. Now I live in a Free trade Zone 58 Fans 08:24 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm to the left of Che Guevera. That said, if there are black students groups, Hispanic students groups, then how can this not be allowed. Scott_Laux: I'm to the left of Che Guevera. That said, if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scott_Laux/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196624499.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER liberalandproud72 34 Fans

08:53 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm not against it. but since we live in a white man's world, what's the point? liberalandproud72: I'm not against it. but since we live in a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/liberalandproud72/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196629811.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blakester123 3 Fans 08:58 AM on 10/16/2012 exactly @ whats the point Blakester123: exactly @ whats the point http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196630700.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Speak it LOUDccbc 5 Fans 09:26 AM on 10/16/2012 Seriously there is no point. Can they really sit down and meet and say they have gone through some struggles just because of their race!!!! Speak_it_LOUDccbc: Seriously there is no point. Can they really sit down http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Speak_it_LOUDccbc/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196636891.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ibsyboy 205 Fans 11:37 AM on 10/16/2012 If your left of Che Guevara it surprises me that you don't get what is going on here. This is a contemporary narrative the Right Wing has been selling to disenchanted "White" folks. Their country is being taken away from them, along with all the rights as a "White" tax paying citizen. Victimhood. The latest tool of the Far Right. ibsyboy: If your left of Che Guevara it surprises me that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196674548.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER nubret2008 116 Fans

08:22 AM on 10/16/2012 So Mr Heimbach wants to tell us that a black or latin American robbing a white because he is structurally kept in a poorer state, barred from proper education and a sound environment is the sam kind of crime as Mr Heimbachs mates killing minorities because they don't like their skin color? By the way there is already a union advocationg white interests. It's called: Republican Party. nubret2008: So Mr Heimbach wants to tell us that a black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubret2008/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196624118.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 09:50 AM on 10/16/2012 It's not skin color, it's the content of character. Get it right. Blacks hate blacks because why? They are part of a different group like the Rwandan genocide. Thepeacekeeper60: It's not skin color, it's the content of character. Get http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196642804.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 11:43 AM on 10/16/2012 Guarantee you there is a Mr. Heimbach, Sr. beaming with pride for the stance his son is taking. About time someone stood up for the long suffering "White" folk in America. How come Negroes, Latinos, and Women get everything handed to them, while we hard working "Whites" get nothing? Aaaahhhh! What a sad state of affairs. "White" suffering in their own country. I know let's start a "White" Student Union so we can voice our concerns. ibsyboy: Guarantee you there is a Mr. Heimbach, Sr. beaming with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196676445.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:21 AM on 10/16/2012 I believe what Matthew is right, why can other races have their separate groups, Black colleges, Black Miss America, all black shows, why can't we have all races as one. Why does the blacks separate themselves from all other races. eagleslass: I believe what Matthew is right, why can other races http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196623995.html History | Permalink | Share it Cary Graniterock 14 Fans 08:28 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm not really sure where you learned to write, but your focus on all that is Black when the article is about all groups speaks volumes. The reason for all those "Black" items you mentioned is because they were not allowed to participate in the mainstream due to being Black. Wasn't that long ago...too soon to have completely forgotten. Cary_Graniterock: I'm not really sure where you learned to write, but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cary_Graniterock/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196625177.html History | Permalink | Share it

twowhitedogs 160 Fans 09:14 AM on 10/16/2012 Well now you can, so why do we still have separation? I get the feeling that many don't want to hang out with whites just as much as many whites don't want to hang out with blacks. Just admit it. Insulting someone on their grammar is childish. twowhitedogs: Well now you can, so why do we still have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/twowhitedogs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196634077.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All eagleslass 4 Fans 08:04 PM on 10/16/2012 How many decades ,ago, stop ,belly aching and get with the real America. You are a fool! eagleslass: How many decades ,ago, stop ,belly aching and get with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196837570.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All accubens 3 Fans 08:31 AM on 10/16/2012 Answer to your question: Because Black people have been marginalized. Please learn American history. accubens: Answer to your question: Because Black people have been marginalized. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/accubens/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196625583.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:06 PM on 10/16/2012 I have, History, move on, stop all of these excuses! However you might remember those times.You sound ancient. eagleslass: I have,  History, move on, stop all of these excuses! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196837986.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:25 AM on 10/18/2012 I have, my reply, it is getting old! eagleslass: I have, my reply, it is getting old! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197378878.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All accubens 3 Fans 08:17 AM on 10/16/2012 Black people were in slavery for over 400 years. Blacks have ONLY been free from slavery for a mere 149 years and during this time many Blacks wound up swinging from trees while whole White communities enjoyed the event as a family outing. Black people remain subject to the after effects of slavery (poverty).Think of it this way, Blacks were in slavery much longer than they have been free. There is a reason why there are traditional Black colleges, Black student unions, Black fraternitys and so on. All young people including the young men in this video (Black and White) need to learn American history. There is no need for White student unions, White colleges, and so on. The idea that the dominant group requires "protection" of their "rights" is preposterous. accubens: Black people were in slavery for over 400 years. Blacks http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/accubens/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196623161.html History | Permalink | Share it queengm 98 Fans 10:02 AM on 10/16/2012 So which is better being black in the United States or being black in Africa..... queengm: So which is better being black in the United States http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/queengm/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196645885.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 11:57 AM on 10/16/2012 WOW. What a sad question. Your point is we saved these poor dumb Negroes from a fate worse than death by enslaving them? Man, check your self in to a clinic for the mentally unstable. ibsyboy: WOW. What a sad question. Your point is we saved http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196681355.html History | Permalink | Share it

RonJon30 4 Fans 10:24 AM on 10/16/2012 "Protection" is not the only reason for forming a student union. Perhaps they want to explore comment ancestry, languages, traditions, and cutlture. The larger point is that you don't have the right to decide whether there is or is not a need for others to form a group. Just like others don't have the right to decide whether black students "need" their union. RonJon30: "Protection" is not the only reason for forming a student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196651807.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 12:02 PM on 10/16/2012 Nice try. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it racial victim-hood coming form a person lucky enough to be born Caucasian in a "White" dominated culture. Fictitious victim-hood. An ever growing phenomenon among the "White" population of America. . ibsyboy: Nice try. If it walks like a duck and quacks http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196682770.html History | Permalink | Share it 4yourrecords 758 Fans 07:26 AM on 10/16/2012 Mr heimbach needs to rent a boat, pack it up and return to germany for that. He must think america is his private island. He's here by way of migration. If he cant share he needs to vacate to his true and natural origins and take his group with him. 4yourrecords: Mr heimbach needs to rent a boat, pack it up http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/4yourrecords/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196616134.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Relentless rik 637 Fans

07:16 AM on 10/16/2012 From the vid: The Irish have proved their whiteness. Now, Matthew Heimbach wants to do the same for Jews? Please! This is laughable. Are Jewish Americans an "oppressed minority" in this country? Again, puh-LEEZE! Relentless_rik: From the vid: The Irish have proved their whiteness. Now, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Relentless_rik/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196615047.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

10:06 AM on 10/16/2012 I suppose his idea of whiteness is to speak English and act like WASPS. PWM: I suppose his idea of whiteness is to speak English http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196646989.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Relentless rik 637 Fans

11:02 AM on 10/16/2012 Precisely, old chap! Relentless_rik: Precisely, old chap! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Relentless_rik/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196663615.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 12:03 PM on 10/16/2012 The Jews are still restricted from some Country Clubs and organizations in America. ibsyboy: The Jews are still restricted from some Country Clubs and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196683233.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER MrTaban9 133 Fans

07:07 AM on 10/16/2012 you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing.

This!! is the biggest MYTH being perpertrated on our Society today. What? are we losing. This is the "SCARE" tactics that BOTH the POLS use and the "ASSASSAINS" use. Right wing media radio talk show host that get PAID (as they have admitted) to saying whatever it is their LISTENERS WANT TO HEAR,whether or not they truly believe themselves, and oh! btw, O'Rielly made mention of this also on the Jon Stewart debate they had. So for the conservatives that believe ALOTof this garbage? there is one of your own admitting that some of the nonsense you are falling for is a MYTH, made to frieghten YOU! and to sway your MIND! sort of like MIND CONTROL. Be careful of your comrades, some are nefarious. MrTaban9: you see it as you want to defend what you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrTaban9/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196614104.html History | Permalink | Share it custaderofs 20 Fans 06:48 AM on 10/16/2012 An excellent idea. If you can have a black student union, you can and should have a white student union. Nonsense is nonsense whether it is white or black. custaderofs: An excellent idea. If you can have a black student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/custaderofs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196612296.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 10:29 AM on 10/16/2012 That's rather a blithe reading of the situation. Nonsense. What a cute word to sum up an awkward issue. White is not a race. And what social strictures have caused stress to the White Students that they think they need an organization to gather and commiserate about what needs to be done to correct the injustices. ibsyboy: That's rather a blithe reading of the situation. Nonsense. What http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196653374.html History | Permalink | Share it custaderofs 20 Fans 11:39 AM on 10/16/2012 All you are doing is mouthing the concept of the latest group of "victims de jure". If Blacks can segregate themselves into their own "tribe", if Hispanics can segregate themselves into their own "tribe", if Asians can segregate themselves into their own "tribe", then Whites ought to be able and indeed should segregate themselves into their own "tribes". Indeed, we should abolish all countries and just revert to tribes. Just for the record, I think 3 of the 5 greatest books ever written were written by persons from "other tribes": The Book of Five Rings (Japan), the Art of War (Chinese), the Tao Di Qing (Chinese), the works of Shakespeare (English), and the King James Version of the Christian Bible (English). If you think I believe that these tribes are special - you are right. custaderofs: All you are doing is mouthing the concept of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/custaderofs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196675160.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All everettmaultsby 96 Fans 06:41 AM on 10/16/2012 As a person of color, I have no problem with the group; as long as other races can join.

In any otherwise, it would be a separatist group. everettmaultsby: As a person of color, I have no problem with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/everettmaultsby/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196611710.html History | Permalink | Share it demsrsilly Proud supporter of workplace freedom. 515 Fans 07:41 AM on 10/16/2012 How many white members of Congress are members of the Congressional Black Caucus?

Is that a separatist group? demsrsilly: How many white members of Congress are members of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/demsrsilly/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196617910.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:23 AM on 10/16/2012 What color is our president! End of any racial slur! eagleslass: What color is our president! End of any racial slur! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196624282.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All everettmaultsby 96 Fans 10:24 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm sure other races are welcomed to join the Black Caucus.

I don't know of any Black organizations that bar people of other races. everettmaultsby: I'm sure other races are welcomed to join the Black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/everettmaultsby/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196651824.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 9 10 11 12 13 Next › Last » (61 total) come on with that stuff "It Ain't Nothin' But A Party" J. Geils Band 414 Fans 06:14 AM on 10/16/2012 I noticed the picture next to the headline showed this genius sitting in front of a "don't tread on me" flag.

I can guarantee you that minus the safety of being in a large group of likeminded miscreants, this blob of a boy wouldn't have the nads to stand up to a 70 year old crossing guard. come_on_with_that_stuff: I noticed the picture next to the headline showed this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/come_on_with_that_stuff/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196609675.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Relentless rik 637 Fans

07:17 AM on 10/16/2012 Oy! ;-) Relentless_rik: Oy! ;-) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Relentless_rik/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196615149.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:24 AM on 10/16/2012 Racist, huh. eagleslass: Racist, huh. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196624422.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program daclepor 8 Fans 06:02 AM on 10/16/2012 There is nothing racist about this group. Kutos to Matthew. The youth of america should have their say. THIS IS NOT THE KKK , NOT THE KLAN daclepor: There is nothing racist about this group. Kutos to Matthew. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/daclepor/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196608937.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 10:48 AM on 10/16/2012 And it's not a socially deprived or repressed group. They have built a case on some deep seated resentment that they have been excluded from something. Their specialness has eroded. There are these others, who have organized around their cultures as a form of solidarity. I don't see where "White" suffers from a lack of solidarity. Which has never been the experience of "White" folk in the history of America.

This is a fable created by some self pitying "White" folk. ibsyboy: And it's not a socially deprived or repressed group. They http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196659235.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program daclepor 8 Fans 05:52 AM on 10/16/2012 Neither the President or democrat party care about whites because they always had it all. The great thing of equality as percentages go More people of color are in our public jobs, which is great. If they do their job and succeed great. I am a white man, my son is a white boy that does not have an opportunity for public work because of his color. He is not smart enough for college and cannot apply to be a simple garbage Man. White union group is what we need for our youth and for their future. They are not the KKK and not anyone should accuse them of that. daclepor: Neither the President or democrat party care about whites because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/daclepor/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196608331.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 11:01 AM on 10/16/2012 Neither the President or the Democratic party care about "Whites." That's quite a comment. Rather broad and suspicious in nature. You base this revelation on What? Some fiction of a "White" mind. Those Negroes, Women and Latinos have been given rights which "Whites" have taken for granted since the founding of this country. And why are they not satisfied. How does it go? They got everything they want, what more do they want? They should stop with pointing out things which need to be paid attention to.

I do not see a parallel in the "White" world. We have sat with an entire cow in front of us for years, we throw them a bone, and they demand more. Still hungry? Go get a job. Stop your bellyaching. That's been our response of late. Now with Romney tossing 47% of the population on the social scrap heat. It looks like "White" folk have joined the people of color as enemies of the State. Racial equality with one little speech from a GOPer to $50,000 a plate luncheon buddies. I am part of that 47%. Don't care for the dismissive nature of his comments. ibsyboy: Neither the President or the Democratic party care about "Whites." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196663332.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program daclepor 8 Fans 06:14 PM on 10/16/2012 Sorry ibsyboy, have a great day man daclepor: Sorry ibsyboy, have a great day man http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/daclepor/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196808374.html History | Permalink | Share it Steppy 18 Fans 05:45 AM on 10/16/2012 I think inviting the white supremacist defines that group. Steppy: I think inviting the white supremacist defines that group. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Steppy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196607881.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER meeks Perfectly my flawed self at all times 238 Fans 07:29 AM on 10/16/2012 I agree. I didn't care until then. Once they invited him then it became clear to me EXACTLY what they were about. meeks: I agree. I didn't care until then. Once they invited http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/meeks/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196616472.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 09:53 AM on 10/16/2012 He's a race realist, not a supremacist. Learn some facts. Whites don't have to prove or advocate superiority. Thepeacekeeper60: He's a race realist, not a supremacist. Learn some facts. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196643629.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

PWM Eisenhower Republican. No Grand left in GOP. 2683 Fans

10:08 AM on 10/16/2012 Whites would never be able to prove superiority. PWM: Whites would never be able to prove superiority. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PWM/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196647483.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 11:31 AM on 10/16/2012 Wow. "White" has been blessed by the Creator with inalienable rights. Just say the word and what ever they want they get, or that is how it used to be. Now they have to share the stage. Big adjustment. How to go about it? Let's create a narrative where "White" is now the victim. A false premise of discrimination. How come those Negroes, Latinos and women get to have a club and we don't. Well folks this country has been your club for a long time. And as most spoiled brats will behave when they have to share, they cry crocodile tears. ibsyboy: Wow. "White" has been blessed by the Creator with inalienable http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196672466.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Judiblueyes 18 Fans 05:29 AM on 10/16/2012 The fact that the first speaker was a white supremacist makes his argument moot. The other mentioned groups are not pushing an agenda that they belong to a racially superior group. They are offering support to each other in order to help bolster the odds stacked against them. The white student union group, by inviting a white supremacist to speak, demonstrate that they are pushing a racist agenda. I earned my Masters Degree at Towson University. I think that it's important to note that Towson is an affluent suburb of Baltimore and it's population is 86% white whereas the national average is 75% Coincidence?

To quote an article posted on CBS Baltimore:

"Online, the group calls the Queer Student Union a ferociously angry gay group. Occupy Towson is called disease-ridden degenerates. The group calls the Muslim Student Association a terrorist-front organization.

“For them to call the Muslim Student Association a terrorist-front organization without ever having approached us for decent, mature conversation, it’s ridiculous,” Zeitun Tifow, a Towson University junior, said."

So, let me pose this: Should a group designed to espouse hate be permitted to bloom and grow it's message on a publicly funded college campus? I hope not. If so, I know where I won't be sending my "White dollars". Judiblueyes: The fact that the first speaker was a white supremacist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Judiblueyes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196606914.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER meeks Perfectly my flawed self at all times 238 Fans 07:31 AM on 10/16/2012 Very well put. meeks: Very well put. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/meeks/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196616677.html History | Permalink | Share it Nancy Q 525 Fans 05:26 AM on 10/16/2012 Heimbach??? Isn't that a "German" name??? Nancy_Q: Heimbach??? Isn't that a "German" name??? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nancy_Q/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196606753.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:27 AM on 10/16/2012 AND? eagleslass: AND? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196624876.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Psychpro Compassionate accountability 940 Fans 05:18 AM on 10/16/2012 Not to worry, he'll drop the whole poor white man act as soon as he starts dating...IF he starts dating.

Until then, it'll just be more adolescent attention-seeking behavior. Next year he'll be provoking women, or Jews, or France...whatever gets him the attention he's craving. Psychpro: Not to worry, he'll drop the whole poor white man http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Psychpro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196606308.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Sartre10 Now, where is this binder? 203 Fans 05:01 AM on 10/16/2012 Just imagine the NAACP response to "Caucasian Month". The hypocrisy is overwhelming. Sartre10: Just imagine the NAACP response to "Caucasian Month". The hypocrisy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sartre10/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196605326.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program daclepor 8 Fans 05:53 AM on 10/16/2012 Not possible,anymore. daclepor: Not possible,anymore. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/daclepor/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196608376.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:29 AM on 10/16/2012 Y, this young man is sticking up for equality and a white man's view of equal rights. Long overdue! eagleslass: Y, this young man is sticking up for equality and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196625238.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Blakester123 3 Fans 10:17 AM on 10/16/2012 Um there are white members in the NAACP. NAACP's main goal is create unity and understanding between races. The majority of NAACP's founding members were white so there are many reasons why NAACP would probably not support 'Caucasian Month': ignorance to facts, institutionalized racism, slavery and marginalization would top the list.... Your hypocrisy comment was a little insenstive and ill informed. Blakester123: Um there are white members in the NAACP. NAACP's main http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196649915.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Sartre10 Now, where is this binder? 203 Fans 06:59 PM on 10/16/2012 Not in the slightest, the NAACP was a prime example of the numerous organizations geared towards "causes". I'm a "everyone just get along" type of person, so I find there is no need for these groups and is simply segregation in its own right. The underlining meaning of my statement was imagine "Caucasian this, white that". The response would be swift and diligent and very hypocritical considering the latter. Sartre10: Not in the slightest, the NAACP was a prime example http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sartre10/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196820575.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Sartre10 Now, where is this binder? 203 Fans 04:56 AM on 10/16/2012 Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for themselves. We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, an Asian student union"

This is ridiculous, want equality, stop segregating yourself with your own groups.That goes for everybody. Sartre10: Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sartre10/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196604990.html History | Permalink | Share it custaderofs 20 Fans 06:55 AM on 10/16/2012 True. But if black student groups are encouraged, Asian student groups are encouraged, Hispanic student groups are encouraged, then why not White student groups? Moreover, I just like the idea that our concepts of freedom, democracy, and political "rights" all came out of the European Enlightenment. They all came from a bunch of White Men. custaderofs: True. But if black student groups are encouraged, Asian student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/custaderofs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196612937.html History | Permalink | Share it eagleslass 4 Fans 08:30 AM on 10/16/2012 And that was long ago, we are relating to equal rights, and again, what color is our president! eagleslass: And that was long ago, we are relating to equal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eagleslass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196625525.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BrianPK80 Wisdom is having more questions than answers. 152 Fans 04:43 AM on 10/16/2012 Don't they already have a College Republicans group on campus? BrianPK80: Don't they already have a College Republicans group on campus? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BrianPK80/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196604236.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Psychpro Compassionate accountability 940 Fans 05:21 AM on 10/16/2012 Sure, but probably dominated by bossy girls who admire Ann Coulter and wouldn't give pudgy little guy like Matthew Heimbach the time of day. Psychpro: Sure, but probably dominated by bossy girls who admire Ann http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Psychpro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196606459.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BrianPK80 Wisdom is having more questions than answers. 152 Fans 05:53 AM on 10/16/2012 *zing* BrianPK80: *zing* http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BrianPK80/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196608337.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blakester123 3 Fans 10:18 AM on 10/16/2012 lol Blakester123: lol http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blakester123/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196650262.html History | Permalink | Share it zack5 137 Fans 04:14 AM on 10/16/2012 You have a white group already. It's called America. Most if not all of the Wealth, Money, Power, Jobs, and Education, Corporation, Banks, Insurance Co's., Oil, Pharma, Universities, Colleges, is owned and controlled by you now. zack5: You have a white group already. It's called America. Most http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zack5/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196602568.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Robert Buttons 41 Fans 04:37 AM on 10/16/2012 Besides Detroit, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis, Miami, Los Angeles, Brown U, Howard U., Tuskegee U, Mastercard, Pepsi, Officemax, Merck, American Express, Xerox, McDonalds, Yahoo, Linksys, The Charlotte Bobcats...... Robert_Buttons: Besides Detroit, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis, Miami, Los Angeles, Brown http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Robert_Buttons/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196603857.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Psychpro Compassionate accountability 940 Fans 05:22 AM on 10/16/2012 You're kidding, right? Black faces in the front office don't mean black bosses in back.... Psychpro: You're kidding, right? Black faces in the front office don't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Psychpro/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196606522.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER redd35 Intelligent Hoodlum 169 Fans 04:13 AM on 10/16/2012 Race is a invincible trope that only serves to separate people like laundry. redd35: Race is a invincible trope that only serves to separate http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/redd35/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196602495.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Robert Buttons 41 Fans 04:38 AM on 10/16/2012 So a black student union is unnecessary? Robert_Buttons: So a black student union is unnecessary? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Robert_Buttons/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196603882.html History | Permalink | Share it

Judiblueyes 18 Fans 05:37 AM on 10/16/2012 Is the Black Student Union posting hate speech on line? Calling the Muslim student union a terrorist front, Occupy Towson disease-ridden degenerates? The White student union is not objectionable until you examine it's actions. Judiblueyes: Is the Black Student Union posting hate speech on line? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Judiblueyes/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196607346.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER redd35 Intelligent Hoodlum 169 Fans 09:02 AM on 10/16/2012 Yes any organization or group of people who want to form such a entity has the right to do so. My point is race is not real it's just a scheme to separate the linen called people. redd35: Yes any organization or group of people who want to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/redd35/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196631527.html History | Permalink | Share it custaderofs 20 Fans 07:00 AM on 10/16/2012 Why oh why are Americans so pathologically stupid. With respect to people there is only one race - the human race. custaderofs: Why oh why are Americans so pathologically stupid. With respect http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/custaderofs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196613415.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JohnnyAce Okeke GRAND MASTER SEN$Ei {{-_-}}™ 601 Fans

03:22 AM on 10/16/2012 No it's not. In fact, I want them to have this. Now it's time for ours. If you're Black, don't cry about this. A lot of us are in church praying, well here's a gift straight from the heavens. And I wanna see more of this.

Time to start listening to your X-Clan albums again. {{-_-}} JohnnyAce_Okeke: No it's not. In fact, I want them to have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JohnnyAce_Okeke/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196599293.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program daclepor 8 Fans 05:57 AM on 10/16/2012 Go to huff black voices , your own section. daclepor: Go to huff black voices , your own section. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/daclepor/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196608621.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JohnnyAce Okeke GRAND MASTER SEN$Ei {{-_-}}™ 601 Fans

03:29 PM on 10/16/2012 Oh yeah. "Our own" section of a WHITE-owned online newspaper.

Just because something says "Black" on it doesn't mean it belongs to us. Just like the segregated water fountains over a half-century ago. Just because it said "colored" on it doesn't mean it belongs to us. Who installed it? Who paid the rent on it? Who supplied the plumbing?

Same as people mistakenly think BET is still a "Black" network, even though it is owned by the WHITE multimedia conglomerate Viacom.

Racial equality is an illusion. Everything is still owned by white people. Our goal is to build something WE own that is just for US. And this time, we don't want to share. {{-_-}} JohnnyAce_Okeke: Oh yeah. "Our own" section of a WHITE-owned online newspaper. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JohnnyAce_Okeke/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196755901.html History | Permalink | Share it 2130SAT 47 Fans 03:13 AM on 10/16/2012 Here's the deal. Stop having kids, until whites are 12% of the population and blacks are 70%. Let them fill nearly every bilboard, tv show, movie and magazine with people who look like them. Like brown skin and dark eyes, instead of blone hair and blue eyes, become the standard of beauty. Let them elect 43 straight black presidents. All VPs will be black, as well as most CEOs. Finally, Let blacks enslave you and your children and your children's children for several hundred years. Then let them pretend to "free" you, while heavily discriminating against you for the next hundred. Then... then you can have your stupid little "white club", a WET channel, and a White history month. Deal? 2130SAT: Here's the deal. Stop having kids, until whites are 12% http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2130SAT/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196598705.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dawlishgal 1820 Fans 04:13 AM on 10/16/2012 I would flag this as abusive, but I think people ought to read this. Because this guy is a prototype of what Republicans pander to. dawlishgal: I would flag this as abusive, but I think people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dawlishgal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196602467.html History | Permalink | Share it 2130SAT 47 Fans 04:21 AM on 10/16/2012 I have no idea why you would even consider flagging my comment as "abusive". I was merely making the point that minorities have suffered greatly in this country, so whatever relatively minor "perks" they appear to receive pale in comparison to their oppression. And any white person who complains about not having a white student group lacks historical persective. This is abusive how... 2130SAT: I have no idea why you would even consider flagging http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2130SAT/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196602950.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BrianPK80 Wisdom is having more questions than answers. 152 Fans 04:40 AM on 10/16/2012 There's nothing abusive about the post. It's a comprehensive reminder of the status quo. BrianPK80: There's nothing abusive about the post. It's a comprehensive reminder http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BrianPK80/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196604029.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BMcC724 They only call it Class War when we fight back™. 1879 Fans

04:21 AM on 10/16/2012 Zing! BMcC724: Zing! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BMcC724/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196602958.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ibsyboy 205 Fans 03:10 AM on 10/16/2012 Major Problem. The name White Student Union. White is not a race. It's a world view. Caucasian is the race.

A view based on ill conceived notions that White is a race and has been victimized by the imagined idea that "White" people are suddenly victims of some grand conspiracy. That White is losing it position in a culturally changing America. It's a juvenile fear that arose out of the Black Power movement. The counter, a segment of the Caucasian population felt obligated to counter "Black" with "White." They felt that after centuries of dominating the world via, military and financial power, the rise of people of color in the World was some reason to raise a White counter revolution to remind the World who the people were who were responsible for all things great, and that position should never be diminished by the rise of fair and legal rights being offered to people of color, particularity the Negro.

We have a case coming up in the Supreme Court re: Affirmative Action. A student who was passed over at Univ of Texas her school of choice. She had to be satisfied with getting her degree at Louisiana. She was not denied an education, but she felt discriminated for not being able to go to the school she most wanted to attend.

She has since graduated from Louisiana with a degree in her chosen field. She will go onto some position and earn a living through her profession. ibsyboy: Major Problem. The name White Student Union. White is not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196598457.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 03:46 AM on 10/16/2012 Race is a modernist construct which doesn't "exist" in any ontological sent. One of the interesting points is that for example, Mongolians have one of the lowest rates of lactose intolerance and Chinese have one of the highest. You have a similar split between Northern and Southern Europe.

Also a lot of the supposed science behind racial categorizations and subcategorizations has been called into question. Among other things it seems that things like skull shapes are at least partly environmental and this realization has had tremendous impacts on the Archaeological community, in particular the development of the Corded Ware Culture in Europe which is no longer considered invasive.

So I don't think any races exist along the old lines, and I think one has to be very careful about how to come up with any taxonomy in this regard. I do think that you might be able to identify distinct populations with stable frontiers which are not readily able to mix for some reason (Chinese and Mongolians for example, or Northern and Southern Europe) but that creates problems too. einhverfr: Race is a modernist construct which doesn't "exist" in any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196600901.html History | Permalink | Share it The Goh Network 5 Fans 04:47 AM on 10/16/2012 This doesn't change the fact that White is a very different social construct than Caucasian. White is a social construct that connotes privilege. Caucasian does not. The_Goh_Network: This doesn't change the fact that White is a very http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Goh_Network/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196604437.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dogtac69 808 Fans 03:53 AM on 10/16/2012 ibsyboy

She went to Louisiana State, not Louisiana. LSU is not part of the University of Louisiana system.

Going to LSU instead of Texas will cost this woman hundreds of thousands of dollars in income over her life. She will not have the network of Texas alumni that is so important in the business world in the state of Texas. dogtac69: ibsyboy She went to Louisiana State, not Louisiana. LSU is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dogtac69/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196601367.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 04:53 AM on 10/16/2012 How did you come up with 100s of thousands of dollars. If she excelled at LSU would that not matter? Why didn't she shoot for a better school if she knew she was going to get an inferior set of opportunities upon graduation. ibsyboy: How did you come up with 100s of thousands of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196604823.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 10 11 12 13 14 Next › Last » (61 total) This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program IDIOTA 716 Fans 03:09 AM on 10/16/2012 Whatever IDIOTA: Whatever http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IDIOTA/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196598432.html History | Permalink | Share it NateTheGreat 1 17 Fans 03:08 AM on 10/16/2012 The guy go to a school where almost 70 percent of the student body is white yet he want a white student student union. Why go through the trouble of creating another white club? Isn't the whole freaking school enough? NateTheGreat_1: The guy go to a school where almost 70 percent http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NateTheGreat_1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196598358.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Psychpro Compassionate accountability 940 Fans 05:46 AM on 10/16/2012 Adolescents often miss the big bicture. Psychpro: Adolescents often miss the big bicture. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Psychpro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196607949.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER shirley thomas justice for all, not the few 2178 Fans 03:01 AM on 10/16/2012 african american with no prob with the group being on campus shirley_thomas: african american with no prob with the group being on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/shirley_thomas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196597802.html History | Permalink | Share it divinemary 73 Fans 02:58 AM on 10/16/2012 I think they should be given their student body, but it should be called either Poor Disadvantage Whites, or Lower soci-economics Whites. Because Wealthy Affluent Whites, dont feel disenfrachisd about anything the deck is always stacked in their favor. It's a poor White thing. divinemary: I think they should be given their student body, but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/divinemary/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196597603.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BMcC724 They only call it Class War when we fight back™. 1879 Fans

04:22 AM on 10/16/2012 and it's crazy how the poor whites vote Republican. Poor in the pocket and brain. BMcC724: and it's crazy how the poor whites vote Republican. Poor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BMcC724/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196603027.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 02:47 AM on 10/16/2012 On the substances of the program, I liked the discussion a lot. I didn't agree with Jared's points really. I do think that there are racial and subcontinental differences and these may include cognitive differences, but that human potential is largely homeostatic in all basic fields. Societies have always needed people with physical and mental abilities, but wouldn't be surprised if different long- standing cultural conglomerates have different subtle differences in some of these areas. For example, different civilizations (Mongols and Chinese for example) may have different restrictions as to what they can eat due to different lactose intolerance levels, and why should it stop there? But we don't know entirely how native language and other factors affect this as well.

But everyone has ethnicity. For the SPLC to say that whites gave up ethnicity in order to become white is flat-out wrong as well, and it relegates culture to one of those invisible things you can only see from outside it.

Once in a while someone who is not very nice comes along and forces us to face our own demons. Heimbach is one of these people and we on all sides can be enriched by the conversation that has been started. einhverfr: On the substances of the program, I liked the discussion http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196596707.html History | Permalink | Share it

Judiblueyes 18 Fans 05:48 AM on 10/16/2012 I don't have a problem with a "white Group" per se. My problem is with the group's actions, such as spreading hate speech via the internet.

Race is a construction based on phenotype, not Genotype. Someone "black" an appear "white" an vice versa. People who would be clearly identified as "black" in Washington DC, might be passing in the midwest or western states and not even be aware of their "black" family history. Recently a prominent black studies professor discovered that he was less than 50% black when he was tested genetically. So, I suggest that Mr. Heimback undergo similar testing. He might be surprised. Judiblueyes: I don't have a problem with a "white Group" per http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Judiblueyes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196608083.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 06:23 AM on 10/16/2012 Your comments remind me of what this book said re: languages http://www.amazon.com/Old-English-Its- Closest-Relatives/dp/0804722218 The basic problem is that up until relatively recently you could walk from Amsterdam to the German speaking areas of Switzerland without ever finding a line where speakers on both sides could not communicate with eachother. But Dutch and Swiss German are different languages, we might agree, so how do you determine if someone speaks Dutch vs Low German, or Low German vs High German? You ask them. The languages we speak are categorized by self-identification and the lines are in some cases of our own drawing. That seems to be what you are saying regarding race too, right? einhverfr: Your comments remind me of what this book said re: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196610234.html History | Permalink | Share it

JamesPowers 10 Fans

Subscribe 1 02:23 AM on 10/16/2012 I think this more and more needs to be adressed. As someone who beleives in freedom of speech and expression for everyone, it is rather hypacritical to allow "black" groups and "latino" groups or even "woman" groups and then tell whites that they cant have their own groups. The bill or rights protects popular speech but most importantly it protects unpopular speech. This is what equality is people. JamesPowers: I think this more and more needs to be adressed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JamesPowers/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196594597.html History | Permalink | Share it ibsyboy 205 Fans 03:21 AM on 10/16/2012 White is not a race. Caucasian is the race. White is a political view disguising it self as a race. "White" doesn't have anything to gripe about. Where is the long battle for acceptance in America. Where are the efforts to deny "White" from voting. Where are the efforts to deny "White" rights of any sort. America is a country developed by "White" men, who wrote "White" laws, who excluded people of color and women from voting. If you can't appreciate the difficulties of being a Negro, a Latino or Women in America, your not paying attention to the world around you. The Negro, Latino and Women's groups have legitimate gripes. This kid is playing around. His concerns are contrarian concerns. There is no threat to "White" people. He is walking a knife edge. I hope he grows out of it soon. We don't need anymore suffering "White" people. Racism is not a good ingredient for a successful society. "White" is a racist word. ibsyboy: White is not a race. Caucasian is the race. White http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ibsyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196599291.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 03:53 AM on 10/16/2012 Race is a modernist pseudoscientific concept that doesn't work. einhverfr: Race is a modernist pseudoscientific concept that doesn't work. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196601308.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dogtac69 808 Fans 03:56 AM on 10/16/2012 ibsyboy

Horse feathers. dogtac69: ibsyboy Horse feathers. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dogtac69/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196601526.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

TigerLily2012 The arc of history bends towards justice. 2394 Fans 04:27 AM on 10/16/2012 There are plenty of groups that are composed of "White" people. They just normally aren't called the White Association of America. TigerLily2012: There are plenty of groups that are composed of "White" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TigerLily2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196603319.html History | Permalink | Share it Lotus Reality 44 Fans 01:53 AM on 10/16/2012 He clearly could have called this group something different because our country has a very distinct history when comes to people of color. I have never once experienced, heard or read about Hispanic, Black or Asian groups rejecting people of different ethnic groups.

If you look at who populates our jail system you would clearly see why there is a need for these types of groups for people of color. Also, it is well documented that affirmative action worked best for “White” women.

I cannot believe that these men think “White” people are being punished by having policies and programs to allow access to areas where people of color once did not have access to. You wonder why you THINK there is an inherent bias against “White” people. Lotus_Reality: He clearly could have called this group something different because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lotus_Reality/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196591609.html History | Permalink | Share it GADEA 19 Fans

01:50 AM on 10/16/2012 There are black, latino, asian student unions. It is only fair, only right that there should be a White Student Union. Fair is Fair. GADEA: There are black, latino, asian student unions. It is only http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GADEA/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196591293.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER pamiety 119 Fans 01:54 AM on 10/16/2012 So the the body of the Student Union is not enough? pamiety: So the the body of the Student Union is not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pamiety/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196591678.html History | Permalink | Share it GADEA 19 Fans

10:42 PM on 10/16/2012 No, it isn't, because Whites do not have a designated group that goes to bat just for them and not anyone else. Just like the black student unions, latino student unions do. Black Student Unions are advocates for what they perceive is good for them. Whites should be able to do the same, otherwise it is discrimination. GADEA: No, it isn't, because Whites do not have a designated http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GADEA/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196878220.html History | Permalink | Share it

Gmaine Ford 3 Fans 02:06 AM on 10/16/2012 The white student union is called the student Body! Gmaine_Ford: The white student union is called the student Body! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gmaine_Ford/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196592997.html History | Permalink | Share it SoPissedOff 100 Fans 03:44 AM on 10/16/2012 Just a question for you...... would you have a problem with a White Student Union on a predominantly Black campus like Howard? I am not trying to be aggressive here - I am really curious to hear your thought process on this. Would you condone a Mens Student Group at a predominately female campus? There are certainly Asian Student groups on a number of the U Cal campuses where Asians are nearly 40% of the student population. SoPissedOff: Just a question for you...... would you have a problem http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SoPissedOff/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196600802.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dogtac69 808 Fans 03:58 AM on 10/16/2012 Gmaine Ford

Only if the student body is 100% White dogtac69: Gmaine Ford Only if the student body is 100% White http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dogtac69/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196601630.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 01:48 AM on 10/16/2012 "It is a fair summary of history that the bonds of liberty have often been forged in controversies involving not very nice people." -- Justice Felix Frankfurter

This entirely sums up my thoughts on this topic. einhverfr: "It is a fair summary of history that the bonds http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196591031.html History | Permalink | Share it

TJ Logan Fifth Generation Real Republican 559 Fans 01:30 AM on 10/16/2012 Good luck getting a job after graduation. You will need it. Your ideas are "job" toxic. TJ_Logan: Good luck getting a job after graduation. You will need http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TJ_Logan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196588978.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mongoose Lover 2 To Big Bird: Found Oscar The Grouch debating Ryan! 589 Fans 01:21 AM on 10/16/2012 Well, President OBlameEverybodyButMe is star proof of how blacks DO tend to play the race card a lot lately. Mongoose_Lover_2: Well, President OBlameEverybodyButMe is star proof of how blacks DO http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mongoose_Lover_2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196587904.html History | Permalink | Share it

TJ Logan Fifth Generation Real Republican 559 Fans 01:31 AM on 10/16/2012 Seems to me that the White George Bush did a pretty good job of discrediting the white crackers. TJ_Logan: Seems to me that the White George Bush did a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TJ_Logan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196589070.html History | Permalink | Share it SoPissedOff 100 Fans 03:45 AM on 10/16/2012 thanks to Daddy SoPissedOff: thanks to Daddy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SoPissedOff/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196600855.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER pamiety 119 Fans 01:50 AM on 10/16/2012 Where did you get Pres Obama out of this? pamiety: Where did you get Pres Obama out of this? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pamiety/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196591240.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mongoose Lover 2 To Big Bird: Found Oscar The Grouch debating Ryan! 589 Fans 01:55 AM on 10/16/2012 You admit that's what he is? Good, I'm getting through. He plays the race card ALL the time! Mongoose_Lover_2: You admit that's what he is?  Good, I'm getting through.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mongoose_Lover_2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196591794.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mongoose Lover 2 To Big Bird: Found Oscar The Grouch debating Ryan! 589 Fans 01:19 AM on 10/16/2012 Southern Poverty Law Center's

After Southern Poverty Law put my pals FRC on the hate group list, I can't seem to take SPL seriously anymore. Mongoose_Lover_2: Southern Poverty Law Center's After Southern Poverty Law put my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mongoose_Lover_2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196587637.html History | Permalink | Share it

MorpheusXNYC Artist, web designer, writer, rationalist 465 Fans 01:35 AM on 10/16/2012 That would probably be because you're a rabid White supremacist who's fed up at how it's no longer 1950.

You're sad. MorpheusXNYC: That would probably be because you're a rabid White supremacist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MorpheusXNYC/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196589513.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Barb Hatfield A rose by any other name.... 641 Fans

01:50 AM on 10/16/2012 Ain't it the truth? Geeeez....saint's deliver us from angry white boys. I'm so sick of the marginalization of every human demographic except for them! Barb_Hatfield: Ain't it the truth? Geeeez....saint's deliver us from angry white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barb_Hatfield/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196591230.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dogtac69 808 Fans 04:02 AM on 10/16/2012 Mongoose Lover 2

Not only should the FRC be on the list, it should be listed first and in bold letters. If ever a hate group existed, this is it. dogtac69: Mongoose Lover 2 Not only should the FRC be on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dogtac69/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196601894.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Amy Soloff 2 Fans 01:03 AM on 10/16/2012 I have to question why if a group of white people want to join together, they're called confederates or neo-nazi's or some such thing. But no-one blinks an eye at the NAACP or Congressional Black Caucus or stuff like that. Why? Amy_Soloff: I have to question why if a group of white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Amy_Soloff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196585602.html History | Permalink | Share it Redhand126 206 Fans 01:47 AM on 10/16/2012 ummm its a white dominated society..Jim Crow voting laws, lynching..slavery..there's a few for ya ..42 white presidents. we get one black one and the crackers go into a frenzy** Redhand126: ummm its a white dominated society..Jim Crow voting laws, lynching..slavery..there's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Redhand126/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196590899.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER pamiety 119 Fans 01:56 AM on 10/16/2012 Classic pamiety: Classic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pamiety/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196591919.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 02:15 AM on 10/16/2012 Certainly there are good historical and social reasons for this. Moreover I would think an "Irish American Student Union" would be pretty hard to argue against. But "white" carries with it connotations of racial policies which are difficult to deny.

But the other side is whether the school should take action against this. If it is a public school, it is an arm of the state, and so I don't think you can single out some races for preferential treatment here in terms of state action, nor should we want to, because, over time, those activities will be primarily directed against vulnerable minorities, not in their favor. The school thus, I think must therefore support this proposal. einhverfr: Certainly there are good historical and social reasons for this. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196593865.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Tony Dakota Think, sleep, dream, eat. 118 Fans 12:53 AM on 10/16/2012 "The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson University claims that the group is necessary to fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

Well, good news. Looks like it was a very short fight. Congratulations, you won! Tony_Dakota: "The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tony_Dakota/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196584192.html History | Permalink | Share it newpresidentplease 20 Fans 12:39 AM on 10/16/2012 WHY IS THIS POSTED UNDER COLLEGE? I THINK THIS SHOULD BE POSTED UNDER WHITE VOICES... newpresidentplease: WHY IS THIS POSTED UNDER COLLEGE? I THINK THIS SHOULD http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/newpresidentplease/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196582108.html History | Permalink | Share it

Barbarian At The Gate Fortune favors the bold. 1086 Fans 12:40 AM on 10/16/2012 More like Neo-Confederate Voices. Barbarian_At_The_Gate: More like Neo-Confederate Voices. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbarian_At_The_Gate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196582272.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 02:15 AM on 10/16/2012 I am sorry. I missed that section. Can you provide a URL? einhverfr: I am sorry. I missed that section. Can you provide http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196593937.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 11 12 13 14 15 Next › Last » (61 total) backwash4u 1 Fans 12:34 AM on 10/16/2012 Being Poor, Angry and White in the South is a hard thing. "HEIMBACH" German decent. Maybe he should start advocacy group called "PAW." Stop given these losers attention. backwash4u: Being Poor, Angry and White in the South is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/backwash4u/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196581382.html History | Permalink | Share it

newpresidentplease 20 Fans 12:40 AM on 10/16/2012 YEA...ALSO PEOPLE LIKE MARTIN-JESSE-AL...STOP WITH ALL THE ATTENTION... newpresidentplease: YEA...ALSO PEOPLE LIKE MARTIN-JESSE-AL...STOP WITH ALL THE ATTENTION... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/newpresidentplease/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196582290.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER soulsearchin No matter where you go, there you are. 157 Fans

01:05 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm sure you wished that people like Martin-Jesse-Al did not exist, then maybe you could sit down inside your favorite restaurant without looking at some colored faces, unless they are sweeping the crumbs off the floor.

Al Sharpton all the way live!!!!

Obama/Biden 2012 soulsearchin: I'm sure you wished that people like Martin-Jesse-Al did not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/soulsearchin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196585853.html History | Permalink | Share it frogsaintcheap 20 Fans 12:34 AM on 10/16/2012 WHERE CAN AMERICANS SEND DONATIONS TO HELP FUND THIS UNION? frogsaintcheap: WHERE CAN AMERICANS SEND DONATIONS TO HELP FUND THIS UNION? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/frogsaintcheap/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196581311.html History | Permalink | Share it Redhand126 206 Fans 01:47 AM on 10/16/2012 To Mitt Romney and the mormon church Redhand126: To Mitt Romney and the mormon church http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Redhand126/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196590985.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dogtac69 808 Fans 04:13 AM on 10/16/2012 Redhand126

Ouch! F&F dogtac69: Redhand126 Ouch! F&F http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dogtac69/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196602492.html History | Permalink | Share it kayatarms I stand by my auto suggest 129 Fans 12:31 AM on 10/16/2012 Prove you are white,,, kayatarms: Prove you are white,,, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kayatarms/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196580799.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dogtac69 808 Fans 04:15 AM on 10/16/2012 kayatarms

My original birth certificate actually lists both of my parents and me as "White". dogtac69: kayatarms My original birth certificate actually lists both of my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dogtac69/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196602603.html History | Permalink | Share it

JaPoint 9 Fans 11:32 AM on 10/16/2012 I think he/she means get tested. Want to make sure you don't have any other blood tainting your whiteness. JaPoint: I think he/she means get tested. Want to make sure http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JaPoint/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196672893.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

kayatarms I stand by my auto suggest 129 Fans 10:32 PM on 10/16/2012 That's my point, arabs and jews are white on their certificate also. kayatarms: That's my point, arabs and jews are white on their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kayatarms/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196874721.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All stettin lux et veritas 373 Fans 12:29 AM on 10/16/2012 The Constitution has no color. Nonetheless, our history has a well-recorded antipathy towards colors other than white, with particular meanness towards blacks. History records whites as slavers, and blacks as slaves. That fact, in and of iitself, raises social issues which are yet to be resolved to the level mentioned in the Constitution.

White unions are too reminiscent of others such as the KKK and have no real purpose which cannot be solved through court action when required. stettin: The Constitution has no color. Nonetheless, our history has a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/stettin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196580439.html History | Permalink | Share it baseballgal Cons up their 'Legitimate' War on Women 787 Fans 12:28 AM on 10/16/2012 White student union? Poor fragile baby baseballgal: White student union? Poor fragile baby http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/baseballgal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196580302.html History | Permalink | Share it darthmaul 540 Fans 12:22 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm very disappointed in this white supremacist. Where is the shaved head and the tattoo's? This guy looks like a dweeb! darthmaul: I'm very disappointed in this white supremacist. Where is the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/darthmaul/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196579327.html History | Permalink | Share it Rogell Proud Veteran 229 Fans 12:12 AM on 10/16/2012 Why can't this student union be all inclusive? Why have a white student union much less a black student union? What's wrong with a student union that embraces all students regardless of their gender or ethnicity? Rogell: Why can't this student union be all inclusive? Why have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rogell/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196577764.html History | Permalink | Share it

Sebastian Sajda 13 Fans 12:23 AM on 10/16/2012 The main student union does. These are smaller groups that advocate for specific causes/issues. Sebastian_Sajda: The main student union does. These are smaller groups that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sebastian_Sajda/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196579506.html History | Permalink | Share it bebopman21 635 Fans 12:11 AM on 10/16/2012 Like most minorities, poor white folks also are victims of the rich and powerful, almost all of who are white. It would more sense if he was to start an advocacy group for the poor. bebopman21: Like most minorities, poor white folks also are victims of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bebopman21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196577583.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER senselocke If 1+2=7 you might want to re-assess your facts. 31 Fans 01:04 AM on 10/16/2012 The problem is people have taken class privilege and lumped it in with white privilege, and it's now entirely inaccurate.

You're right--the problem is not race in most cases, but class. The advantages typically assumed all whites have are disproportionately had by the wealthy, and often not at all by the lower classes. All conflating the two does is promote racism and keep us divided against each other.

I have to think it is a ruse to keep the poor from realizing one thing--no matter our race, we are the backbone of the nation. The enemy is not each other, the enemy are the oligarchs and those who leave us to labor and rot for their own profit.

However, I do not think the "white student union" is anything I would touch in a million years. Further segregation is never going to help in the long run. senselocke: The problem is people have taken class privilege and lumped http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/senselocke/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196585695.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 04:08 AM on 10/16/2012 I agree here generally. I also think there is a general tragedy in the fact that any group of people on campus is denied a support structure. When I was in college, as a male, I was the victim of some pretty heavy domestic violence at the hands of my girlfriend. This is a problem (female on male domestic violence) which most of the country simply turns a blind eye towards and which as soon as I bring it up I am accused of trivializing male on female domestic violence. But when you spend months threatened with weapons several times each week, that is a problem no matter who you are and who does that.

One of the good things that black student unions and the like have done is they have created a support structure for members of minorities to come together, talk about their perspectives and experiences, and figure out what to do about them. A science fiction club isn't going to have the same role.

You are right that class is the issue, but our perspective is in part formed by our background and anyone who doesn't see race as a part of that background isn't looking very hard. So the question is, what kinds of support structures can and should the campus help foster? einhverfr: I agree here generally. I also think there is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196602175.html History | Permalink | Share it sossity All politics is loco 119 Fans 11:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Before we begin the first meeting of the White Student Union, let's take roll call -



Okay, let's begin... sossity: Before we begin the first meeting of the White Student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sossity/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196575136.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Asiai5040 76 Fans 01:31 AM on 10/16/2012 L M A O !! Asiai5040: L M A O !! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Asiai5040/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196589022.html History | Permalink | Share it sossity All politics is loco 119 Fans 01:37 AM on 10/16/2012 Meeting adjourned. sossity: Meeting adjourned. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sossity/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196589738.html History | Permalink | Share it Redhand126 206 Fans 01:49 AM on 10/16/2012 Gee ..Heimbach..I wonder where that supremacy thing comes from Redhand126: Gee ..Heimbach..I wonder where that supremacy thing comes from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Redhand126/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196591161.html History | Permalink | Share it sossity All politics is loco 119 Fans 03:23 AM on 10/16/2012 Typically, the supremacist isn't supreme in any way, except in idiocy. sossity: Typically, the supremacist isn't supreme in any way, except in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sossity/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196599370.html History | Permalink | Share it NorquistNemesis I'll vote Republican when I'm in the top 0.000001% 703 Fans

11:56 PM on 10/15/2012 Another victimhood spawn. NorquistNemesis: Another victimhood spawn. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NorquistNemesis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196575011.html History | Permalink | Share it Honesty101 3 Fans 11:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Can someone define white culture? What exactly are white interests? I'm not being facetious. Honesty101: Can someone define white culture? What exactly are white interests? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Honesty101/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196574420.html History | Permalink | Share it

Barbarian At The Gate Fortune favors the bold. 1086 Fans 12:39 AM on 10/16/2012 Heimbach is a different type of white guy. For starters he is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and a re- enactor for the 8th Virginia Infantry. He is into the Southern Nationalism scene. Google images of him and you will frequently see him waving the Confederate Battle Flag. My guess is he is one of those types that wants to rewrite the history textbooks. Barbarian_At_The_Gate: Heimbach is a different type of white guy. For starters http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbarian_At_The_Gate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196582100.html History | Permalink | Share it DocSAR 107 Fans 12:40 AM on 10/16/2012 You can ask the same question of asians and blacks and the answer will be the same. We all have a history and are multi ethnic/cultural. White's are italian, latin, irish, east euro...etc. Blacks are west african, east african, etc... Asians are Japanese, chinese, etc... All 3 races are multi cultural. Within each race, there are multi cultures. Each culture has differences. DocSAR: You can ask the same question of asians and blacks http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DocSAR/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196582286.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All greenkato 8 Fans 11:47 PM on 10/15/2012 Just another racist if you ask me. greenkato: Just another racist if you ask me. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/greenkato/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196573370.html History | Permalink | Share it

juicylipz2 5 Fans

11:47 PM on 10/15/2012 Have your student union until it comes out of your ears. Do what is pleasing to you.I notice that with this election every one is trying to make a name for him/her self/. juicylipz2: Have your student union until it comes out of your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/juicylipz2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196573334.html History | Permalink | Share it phaps 285 Fans 11:43 PM on 10/15/2012 There are already White Student Unions on campus they are called fraternities phaps: There are already White Student Unions on campus they are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phaps/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196572597.html History | Permalink | Share it

ConTien4u 81 Fans 11:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Do you think your mother is proud of you? Poor woman, she has my sympathy. ConTien4u: Do you think your mother is proud of you? Poor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ConTien4u/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196572091.html History | Permalink | Share it

frogsaintcheap 20 Fans 12:35 AM on 10/16/2012 I KNOW I WOULD BE PROUD... frogsaintcheap: I KNOW I WOULD BE PROUD... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/frogsaintcheap/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196581516.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 12 13 14 15 16 Next › Last » (61 total) kacey 88 Fans 11:37 PM on 10/15/2012 Things like this are always amusing since "white" isn't a race it's just a color. There was a lot of mixing in the south during the time of slavery and a lot of people who started "passing" for white and moved all over the country especially to the North. I have a friend who by looks alone, you'd never know he has a black grandfather. I have another friend who traced her family's roots as a gift for her parents wedding anniversary only to find out they had slave ancestry. They didn't even know they had any black ancestors. Are they suddenly black now? If this guy is so "concerned", I hope he's making sure everyone is genetically tested before they can join the group. White supremacy or any supremacy is a joke. Genetics proved that a long time ago. kacey: Things like this are always amusing since "white" isn't a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kacey/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196571494.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 12:20 AM on 10/16/2012 According to physics, colour is an illusion, dependant on light ozeniki: According to physics, colour is an illusion, dependant on light http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196579059.html History | Permalink | Share it kacey 88 Fans 02:58 AM on 10/16/2012 That is correct! kacey: That is correct! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kacey/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196597551.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All RJB Boston Candor vendor 187 Fans 11:36 PM on 10/15/2012 just let 'em have it. the less attention you pay to these "bring attention unto themselves" groups the faster they fade into unrequited irrelevance. that's just one way of looking at it. RJB_Boston: just let 'em have it. the less attention you pay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RJB_Boston/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196571273.html History | Permalink | Share it newpresidentplease 20 Fans 11:32 PM on 10/15/2012 HUSSEIN OBAMA WILL PUT A STOP TO THIS REAL QUICK... newpresidentplease: HUSSEIN OBAMA WILL PUT A STOP TO THIS REAL QUICK... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/newpresidentplease/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196570600.html History | Permalink | Share it newpresidentplease 20 Fans 11:29 PM on 10/15/2012 WE CANT HAVE THIS TYPE OF THING GOING ON IN OUR COUNTRY...WHATS NEXT???THE NAACP...BLACK PANTHERS...UNCF...JESSE JACKSON...AL SHARPTON...MARTIN KING JR...MISS BLACK AMERICA...CAN'T WE ALL GET ALONG newpresidentplease: WE CANT HAVE THIS TYPE OF THING GOING ON IN http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/newpresidentplease/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196570021.html History | Permalink | Share it Trafalgar12 44 Fans 11:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Back to the future..., this is why we are doomed. Trafalgar12: Back to the future..., this is why we are doomed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Trafalgar12/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196572595.html History | Permalink | Share it


04:06 AM on 10/16/2012 damidi0t Could you stop SCREAMING please? THECHRONICLESOFEFREM: damidi0t Could you stop SCREAMING please? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/THECHRONICLESOFEFREM/white-student-union- towson-university_n_1958868_196602094.html History | Permalink | Share it

newpresidentplease 20 Fans 12:19 PM on 10/16/2012 CHICKS DIG LOCKED CAPS newpresidentplease: CHICKS DIG LOCKED CAPS http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/newpresidentplease/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196688763.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All dmac6419 8 Fans 11:28 PM on 10/15/2012 make the military 2 years mandatory,you'll route out chumps like this dmac6419: make the military 2 years mandatory,you'll route out chumps like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dmac6419/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196569736.html History | Permalink | Share it martiniandabotoxchaser 1829 Fans 11:18 PM on 10/15/2012 He is a supremacist....he said the first speaker he wants to bring to campus is a well know white supremacist.....why is this student still on the campus...he is promoting hate...beyond free speech.. martiniandabotoxchaser: He is a supremacist....he said the first speaker he wants http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/martiniandabotoxchaser/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196567727.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 12:21 AM on 10/16/2012 Enough of campus violence ozeniki: Enough of campus violence http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196579212.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 04:23 AM on 10/16/2012 Are you saying that speech ceases to be free when it promotes hate?

"It is a fair summary of history to say that the safeguards of liberty have frequently been forged in controversies involving not very nice people." -- Justice Felix Frankfurter, US v. Rabinowitz, dissenting (about whether fraudulent stamps obtained by a warrantless search should be excluded from evidence). That's a quote for the ages. einhverfr: Are you saying that speech ceases to be free when http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196603087.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER retired2010 Take life one day at a time 235 Fans 11:16 PM on 10/15/2012 Look at this dude he is big fat and ugly this is his way of getting some since of attention by bringing along things he learned in his household growing up. retired2010: Look at this dude he is big fat and ugly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/retired2010/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196567422.html History | Permalink | Share it nubianmd41 15 Fans 11:09 PM on 10/15/2012 this topic is a joke. I am going along with it. NObody is going to lose limb if they have their union. However, what can they possibly complain about is why I am joking about it. nubianmd41: this topic is a joke. I am going along with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196565952.html History | Permalink | Share it be74 3 Fans 11:03 PM on 10/15/2012 No Huffington Post! I would not ,like to share my every comment on Facebook please! be74: No Huffington Post! I would not ,like to share my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/be74/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196564785.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 04:25 AM on 10/16/2012 Uncheck the box then. It stays unchecked..... einhverfr: Uncheck the box then. It stays unchecked..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196603223.html History | Permalink | Share it tpartynitwit Don't Read to Me! 593 Fans 11:01 PM on 10/15/2012 The kid is a budding conservative superstar. He found a way to promote his own "festival of reversal' like so many other "aggrieved" conservatives before him: Jonah Goldberg, the Jew who shamelessly compares liberals to Nazis; Michele Malkin, the "anchor baby" who rails against immigration; Rush Limbaugh, the guy who flunked out of community college and styles himself as the intellectual leader of the GOP; Mitt Romney, job cremator extraordinaire reborn as job creating genius; Darrell Issa, car thief, arsonist, insuarance fraud artist and handgun law violator reborn as a defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way. Others can easily extend this list of obvious inspirations for this enterprising yute. tpartynitwit: The kid is a budding conservative superstar. He found a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tpartynitwit/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196564503.html History | Permalink | Share it Trafalgar12 44 Fans 11:45 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't believe you missed anything here.., the funny thing is.., ALL the facts about the people you mention are TRUE. Trafalgar12: I don't believe you missed anything here.., the funny thing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Trafalgar12/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196573008.html History | Permalink | Share it tpartynitwit Don't Read to Me! 593 Fans 07:34 AM on 10/16/2012 No they are not! Links! Cites? Are you a communist? They are paragons of virtue all. tpartynitwit: No they are not! Links! Cites? Are you a communist? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tpartynitwit/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196617072.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All SoPissedOff 100 Fans 03:52 AM on 10/16/2012 Roger Ailes at Fox is probably trying to reach him about a hosting gig! SoPissedOff: Roger Ailes at Fox is probably trying to reach him http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SoPissedOff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196601304.html History | Permalink | Share it nubianmd41 15 Fans 11:01 PM on 10/15/2012 Union news paper headline "Celebration the birth our nation

No mention of Columbus No mention of the trail of tears No mention of slavery No mention of reservations, and No mention of Crypus Attacks nubianmd41: Union news paper headline "Celebration the birth our nation No http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196564432.html History | Permalink | Share it nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:57 PM on 10/15/2012 EURO UNION Seminar

Schedule speakers

Representative Steve King

Sean Hannity

Rush Limbaugh

Rep Joe Wilson

Special guest speaker David Duke nubianmd41: EURO UNION Seminar Schedule speakers Representative Steve King Sean Hannity http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196563573.html History | Permalink | Share it

BlackWidowPilot "Fu! Rin! Ka! Zan!" 1073 Fans 11:29 PM on 10/15/2012 You're forgetting Tom Metzger, citizen...

Leland R. Erickson

Citizen BlackWidowPilot: You're forgetting Tom Metzger, citizen... Leland R. Erickson Citizen http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BlackWidowPilot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196569984.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 11:48 PM on 10/15/2012 ANN COULTER TO. nubianmd41: ANN COULTER TO.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196573514.html History | Permalink | Share it nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:52 PM on 10/15/2012 Towson EURO Union


Too many black security guards Too many latinos working here Too many black female students Too many black atheletes

How to cope nubianmd41: Towson EURO Union Agenda Too many black security guards Too http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196562360.html History | Permalink | Share it be74 3 Fans 10:51 PM on 10/15/2012 There is so much racism on the topic against white people. be74: There is so much racism on the topic against white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/be74/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196562119.html History | Permalink | Share it glenndale 5 Fans 11:19 PM on 10/15/2012 You don't get it. The campus is 87% white people. That is higher than the national average of 78%. It is logically impossible to discriminate or be racist against such a large majority. One person can think that their race is better than another race but you have to have the ingredient of power (i.e. a majority) for it to be racism. glenndale: You don't get it. The campus is 87% white people. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/glenndale/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196568095.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER senselocke If 1+2=7 you might want to re-assess your facts. 31 Fans 01:13 AM on 10/16/2012 No, you don't. You have to have all that for institutional racism, but the simple matter of judging other people for their race alone needs no power.

Institutional racism is any kind of system of inequality based on race.

Racism is hatred and prejudice and discrimination based on race alone.

The two, though related, are not the same. senselocke: No, you don't. You have to have all that for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/senselocke/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196586828.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 04:32 AM on 10/16/2012 Why is it logically impossible? Please show your work.

There have been many cases in history where large majorities of people have been subjugated by a few. The first example that pops in my mind are the Spartans and the Helots but I could list many more.

I am not necessarily saying there is racism against whites. I just think it his hardly logically impossible. einhverfr: Why is it logically impossible? Please show your work. There http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196603601.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

martiniandabotoxchaser 1829 Fans 11:21 PM on 10/15/2012 The first speaker he wants to bring to campus is a well know white supremacist....your opinion means you didn't read the article and listen to the video or you are a flaming racist....question, are you one of the Romney staffers who have flooding this site. martiniandabotoxchaser: The first speaker he wants to bring to campus is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/martiniandabotoxchaser/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196568454.html History | Permalink | Share it

sunfire1983 I could write a book about what you don't know 92 Fans 11:31 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm about as liberal as they come. I think the guy in the video is racist. No way he should be bring a white supremacist to speak on campus. But look at that the comments by nubianmd41. He is having a field day with this article and all his comments on here are nasty and racist towards white people

I'm very hard on white people when they are racist. Like the comments the other day from a congressman saying slavery was a blessing to black people. Absolutely disgusting in my opinion. But it doesn't make it right to turn around and start being racist to every white person on here.

Bottom line is racism exists from many different races in this country. sunfire1983: I'm about as liberal as they come. I think the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sunfire1983/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196570398.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Let them have their union. What are they going to cry about? Scholarships, I would love to see the demographics of that school. What jobs? I would love to see whose getting the work study jobs? What? Not enough white statutes. NOt enough emphasis american and European studies, boi I tell you. They are suffering big time at towson. Rolling eyes. nubianmd41: Let them have their union. What are they going to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196561468.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 13 14 15 16 17 Next › Last » (61 total) nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:40 PM on 10/15/2012 Those poor white kids are being discriminated against on campus. Those poor white kids do not have enough parking spaces, not enough rooms in the dorms, or the football and basketball teams arent showing their skills. Oh no, what are they going to do.... nubianmd41: Those poor white kids are being discriminated against on campus. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196559593.html History | Permalink | Share it be74 3 Fans 10:43 PM on 10/15/2012 your response is so racist and hateful. be74: your response is so racist and hateful. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/be74/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196560263.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Whats racists and hateful. nubianmd41: Whats racists and hateful. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196562622.html History | Permalink | Share it

BlackWidowPilot "Fu! Rin! Ka! Zan!" 1073 Fans 11:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Prove it, citizen.

Leland R. Erickson

Citizen BlackWidowPilot: Prove it, citizen. Leland R. Erickson Citizen http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BlackWidowPilot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196570173.html History | Permalink | Share it

sunfire1983 I could write a book about what you don't know 92 Fans 10:59 PM on 10/15/2012 I also find most of your responses to be racist. I've read through a few of your comments on this story and I don't find you to be any better then the person in this story who wants a white group on his campus.

The next time you want to cry racism you should look in the mirror. You are every bit a part of the problem as the white person in this video. sunfire1983: I also find most of your responses to be racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sunfire1983/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196564052.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All gomezrules Why Don't We Do It In The Road? 976 Fans 10:34 PM on 10/15/2012 About time someone tested the waters and started a group like this! Notice that entities like the HuffPo won't allow for wnything that might have as it's basis "White Voices", or "Conservative Voices", or "Straight Voices", or "Christian Voices", etc.

And gee, how much fun is it that a race hustler like Marc Lamont Hill is jawing about this? The left trots out the usual leftist groups like the Southern Poverty law center to assign the usual labels on people who don't meet their criteria of 'having their minds right'. I say to this group and all it's members: stick to your guns, don't back down for anybody! let's see more of these groups springing up on campuses. Don't the usual minority centric groups demand that 'tolerance' be enacted in allowing THEIR groups to thrive on campuses? Let's see if ANY of them practice not only what they preach, but what they demand of all others! gomezrules: About time someone tested the waters and started a group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gomezrules/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196558031.html History | Permalink | Share it

majorg1000 Eppur Si Muove... 1588 Fans 10:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Give me one example where whites have been under represented, or under served in any program this country offers. majorg1000: Give me one example where whites have been under represented, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/majorg1000/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196560253.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:45 PM on 10/15/2012 You might as well goto sleep and come back next year, there arent any examples he can give. nubianmd41: You might as well goto sleep and come back next http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196560655.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

gomezrules Why Don't We Do It In The Road? 976 Fans 10:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Gee, for starters, the Dem Party, they're the ones who attack any and all as 'racists' when anyone dares to question their agenda. Then there's the aforementioned college campuses, which cater to and allow any and all groups EXCEPT white oriented ones. I won't even bring up the NBA, even though Affirmative Action is back in the news again.

OK? Hmm? gomezrules: Gee, for starters, the Dem Party, they're the ones who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gomezrules/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196563751.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Dorothy Golob Dorothy Golob 154 Fans

10:33 PM on 10/15/2012 Is this all about the fact that our President is half black. The Republicans have turned the county back, towards racial hate again, and more people who are on the right our becoming racist. This is about a bunch of bigots and just one more way of people believing the talking points on the right. The GOP is really going down hill. Dorothy_Golob: Is this all about the fact that our President is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dorothy_Golob/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196557923.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:46 PM on 10/15/2012 Dottie, I am serious about those Robots. We can end racism tonite. nubianmd41: Dottie, I am serious about those Robots. We can end http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196560878.html History | Permalink | Share it nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:31 PM on 10/15/2012 I got an idea. No unions, no Deans of any race. Lets create robots and let them run everything, so nobody can say their rights were denied or violated. Oh, and the robots cannot have any eyes. LOL nubianmd41: I got an idea. No unions, no Deans of any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196557456.html History | Permalink | Share it creekside 42 Fans 10:30 PM on 10/15/2012 They should be allowed to form any group as long as it does not preach hatred or intolerance for those outside the group. That being said it, is sad that these men feel threatened in a society that is founded by white men who committed genocide on the indigenous brown population, and grew their wealth by the enslavement of a second brown population brought here against their will, which is only in the last few years beginning to approach some sort of consciousness of theracial inequality that people of color live with on a daily basis....and what is the South African "white genocide" that Mr Heimback is referring to? creekside: They should be allowed to form any group as long http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/creekside/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196557267.html History | Permalink | Share it

chey06akili 102 Fans 12:28 AM on 10/16/2012 F&F.Good post. chey06akili: F&F.Good post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chey06akili/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196580336.html History | Permalink | Share it laotzu12 8 Fans 10:28 PM on 10/15/2012 The Southern Poverty Law Center jumped the shark long ago and has lost credibility, especially when they identified a group of fathers advocating for equitable treatment in family courts as a "hate group."

Listen, we may not like this kid's message, but he absolutely has the right to express himself and organize. I think there's something about that in a constitutional ammendment somewhere. Perhaps the very first one? For an academic institution to get in to the business of determining what political ideologies are allowed to be discussed, no matter how much we personally agree or disagree, is to be the gatekeeper of thought. The upshot is, if you don't like his views, don't go to his meetings - but he has as much right as anyone to speak and organize according to his conscience. laotzu12: The Southern Poverty Law Center jumped the shark long ago http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/laotzu12/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196556711.html History | Permalink | Share it

BlackWidowPilot "Fu! Rin! Ka! Zan!" 1073 Fans 11:36 PM on 10/15/2012 Hateful is as hateful does, citizen. Your trying to "shoot the messenger for bearing unwelcome news" (SPLC) is obvious to a dead blind man, and only damages your own credibility given the long history of the SPLC fighting the good fight against racism and injustice in this country.

Yes, this jackanapes has the right to express himself, *and,* others have the right to call him out for the despicable, pathetic little racist fool that he is.

Freedom of Speech is a two-edged sword, citizen.

Leland R. Erickson

Citizen BlackWidowPilot: Hateful is as hateful does, citizen. Your trying to "shoot http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BlackWidowPilot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196571234.html History | Permalink | Share it divinemary 73 Fans 03:05 AM on 10/16/2012 F&F God Bless. divinemary: F&F God Bless. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/divinemary/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196598087.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-the-truth 184 Fans 10:24 PM on 10/15/2012 What's the big deal? He feels he needs a group for his race and their issues. Noone has to agree with them, or join them, or acknowledge their existence. Not a group I would want to join, but I wouldn't care to join any of the other race based groups either. Just-the-truth: What's the big deal? He feels he needs a group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just-the-truth/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196555726.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TytoMetatron Gleefully irreverent. 130 Fans 10:22 PM on 10/15/2012 He doesn't look so white to me. What do you want to bet that his drive to celebrate his whiteness is because he harbors a non- white ancestor? TytoMetatron: He doesn't look so white to me. What do you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TytoMetatron/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196555466.html History | Permalink | Share it nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:22 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm having fun with this article. WHITE Orientation for Freshman

1. Coping strategies for dealing with blacks who get good grades and make the dean's list and you didnt.

2. How to effectively deal with being cut from the football team

3. Coping strategies II - How to decrease your urges from getting with a black guy on campus.

4. My favorite Vent day - I am tired of all the asians getting better scores than me on a math test,

5. Vent the follow-up me - There is one black female student in my Economics class, why is she in there. I mean really, she couldnt find another class to take. How do I cope with her being in my class. One is too many to me, guys. nubianmd41: I'm having fun with this article. WHITE Orientation for Freshman http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196555311.html History | Permalink | Share it divinemary 73 Fans 03:26 AM on 10/16/2012 F&F Repost divinemary: F&F Repost http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/divinemary/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196599616.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program fitley 906 Fans

10:10 PM on 10/15/2012 Girls must think he's hot. fitley: Girls must think he's hot. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fitley/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196552677.html History | Permalink | Share it

Electriq A haiku would have been a bit showy. 1585 Fans 11:03 PM on 10/15/2012 They might be confusing him with bacon. Electriq: They might be confusing him with bacon. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Electriq/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196564754.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

fitley 906 Fans

11:24 PM on 10/15/2012 You do have a point there. fitley: You do have a point there. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fitley/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196569001.html History | Permalink | Share it

Bobbyr Bobster 40 Fans 10:03 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm starting to notice a strong anti_white ra_cism coming from the Left. Bobbyr_Bobster: I'm starting to notice a strong anti_white ra_cism coming from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bobbyr_Bobster/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196550767.html History | Permalink | Share it 60559 53 Fans 10:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Why is it assumed that just because you have a black union or an Hispanic union that it is automatically anti white? Did you ever think that the students who join these groups are celebrating their heritage? Maybe, just maybe it is about them, and not about you. 60559: Why is it assumed that just because you have a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/60559/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196556985.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:33 PM on 10/15/2012 the NBA is majority black, but I have never ever heard of black players discriminating against white players. I cannot say the same about Hockey and baseball. nubianmd41: the NBA is majority black, but I have never ever http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196557867.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:15 AM on 10/16/2012 Did it occur to you that the same might be true of the white student union?

I didn't think so. I_wasnt_here: Did it occur to you that the same might be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196606104.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

sunfire1983 I could write a book about what you don't know 92 Fans 10:35 PM on 10/15/2012 Every good republican knows that white christian males have long been persecuted in this country. Luckily we have champions like you to fight for equal rights for whites. sunfire1983: Every good republican knows that white christian males have long http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sunfire1983/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196558387.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER einhverfr 56 Fans 04:53 AM on 10/16/2012 Sure, and only Protestants count as Real Christians (TM).

This is of course why GWB replaced an Episcopalian and a Lutheran on the Supreme Court with two Catholics.... einhverfr: Sure, and only Protestants count as Real Christians (TM). This http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/einhverfr/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196604828.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Bobbyr Bobster 40 Fans 10:02 PM on 10/15/2012 In other words, it's acceptable for all any race but whites to be ra_cist. Bobbyr_Bobster: In other words, it's acceptable for all any race but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bobbyr_Bobster/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196550593.html History | Permalink | Share it

majorg1000 Eppur Si Muove... 1588 Fans 10:36 PM on 10/15/2012 Stop putting your white supremicist words into other peoples mouths. Flagged. majorg1000: Stop putting your white supremicist words into other peoples mouths. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/majorg1000/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196558539.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:42 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes, it's acceptable why whites made legal to discriminate, segregate, hang, burn, enslave, and terrorist blacks. Whites design and created the system of institutionalize racism. You own it. nubianmd41: Yes, it's acceptable why whites made legal to discriminate, segregate, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196560160.html History | Permalink | Share it

Yan Tan Tethera 47 Fans 02:06 AM on 10/16/2012 There is no longer any institutionalized racism anywhere in the western world, except against whites.

There is certainly racism in the hearts of individuals of all races, but that is not the same thing as institutionalized racism. IT DOES NOT EXIST. Minorities are given all the advantages now. Yan_Tan_Tethera: There is no longer any institutionalized racism anywhere in the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Yan_Tan_Tethera/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196593018.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Terrance Smith Cox 20 Fans 09:56 PM on 10/15/2012 I have a problem when I hear someone say, we want to have white this and white that. They’re “already white” this and white that. So now you have to call it white this or white that? It’s already been/is white. Now you need a sign or something that says it is white?

It’s like a while back I purchase a baby book for people of color. A “white” woman asks, well why isn’t there one for “white” people. I told her that they're “already” on the shelves. Terrance_Smith_Cox: I have a problem when I hear someone say, we http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Terrance_Smith_Cox/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196549343.html History | Permalink | Share it


10:03 PM on 10/15/2012 faved vetxcl: faved http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vetxcl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196550797.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Shirley Ogburn What does extraordinary look like -- OBAMA 1460 Fans 10:17 PM on 10/15/2012 Fanned and Favored. Shirley_Ogburn: Fanned and Favored. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shirley_Ogburn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196554364.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TedEjr How can they be Right when they are wrong so much 1541 Fans

09:56 PM on 10/15/2012 Turn down the sound. It is not necessary to interpret the video.

Focus on the "Flag" behind the guy.

It tells the entire story. TedEjr: Turn down the sound. It is not necessary to interpret http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TedEjr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196549141.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mlambush Socialist...not a liberal 149 Fans 10:36 PM on 10/15/2012 The flag of the great state of Maryland? mlambush: The flag of the great state of Maryland? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mlambush/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196558492.html History | Permalink | Share it

sunfire1983 I could write a book about what you don't know 92 Fans 10:52 PM on 10/15/2012 Next to that flag there is another flag that says don't tread on me. That is the flag I think he is speaking of. sunfire1983: Next to that flag there is another flag that says http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sunfire1983/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196562411.html History | Permalink | Share it socialtalker this micro-bio is a great idea! 375 Fans 09:47 PM on 10/15/2012 if whites want to make their own official group, thats the price i am willing to pay as if we can keep the other student unions, but his of anti white bias in society is laughable. socialtalker: if whites want to make their own official group, thats http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/socialtalker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196547253.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:25 PM on 10/15/2012 It is. I believe white men have insecurity issues anyway, but thats me. Its bad enough they got the hair club for men, than going on. LOL nubianmd41: It is. I believe white men have insecurity issues anyway, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196556152.html History | Permalink | Share it

majorg1000 Eppur Si Muove... 1588 Fans 10:46 PM on 10/15/2012 Not all white men. Just obese, conservative, ultra-Christian, rich ones. majorg1000: Not all white men. Just obese, conservative, ultra-Christian, rich ones. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/majorg1000/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196560965.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:17 AM on 10/16/2012 Of course they have insecurity issues. Want to know how it feels? Go spend 200 or so years creating the greatest country on Earth, then watch as it's taken away from you. I_wasnt_here: Of course they have insecurity issues. Want to know how http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196606248.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER AuntiFascist As soon as liberty is complete it dies in anarchy. 313 Fans 09:44 PM on 10/15/2012 Pudgy white racist. I'll bet he's a real hit with the ladies. AuntiFascist: Pudgy white racist. I'll bet he's a real hit with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AuntiFascist/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196546365.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TytoMetatron Gleefully irreverent. 130 Fans 10:23 PM on 10/15/2012 Bet he blames black guys for taking all the pretty white girls... TytoMetatron: Bet he blames black guys for taking all the pretty http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TytoMetatron/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196555657.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:35 PM on 10/15/2012 You know it. they insecure. they need big stuff to compensate for their insecurities. nubianmd41: You know it. they insecure. they need big stuff to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196558265.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All divinemary 73 Fans 03:30 AM on 10/16/2012 F&F divinemary: F&F http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/divinemary/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196599903.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER bmitche 471 Fans 09:41 PM on 10/15/2012 And the band played on. bmitche: And the band played on. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bmitche/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196545746.html History | Permalink | Share it stringer 154 Fans 09:40 PM on 10/15/2012 Let me help you out: Dude this is so NOT going to get you laid.

It's college. You're a senior? This is so not the way to go, man. stringer: Let me help you out: Dude this is so NOT http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/stringer/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196545544.html History | Permalink | Share it

majorg1000 Eppur Si Muove... 1588 Fans 10:48 PM on 10/15/2012 "Fat, Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son" Dean Wormer to Flounder in "Animal House" majorg1000: "Fat, Drunk and stupid is no way to go through http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/majorg1000/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196561427.html History | Permalink | Share it

Mandi Magruder 3 Fans 09:36 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't see a problem with it. There are groups for blacks, latinos, etc., so it makes no sense why a white group shouldn't be able to form. Apparently, it is only racist because a white group wants the same rights as other groups....such a shame! Mandi_Magruder: I don't see a problem with it. There are groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mandi_Magruder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196544650.html History | Permalink | Share it

Misbehaving I aim to misbehave 323 Fans 09:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Fair is fair, if they can't have a group, disband every other group that is race related. Misbehaving: Fair is fair, if they can't have a group, disband http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Misbehaving/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196544314.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joey Jlo 45 Fans 09:44 PM on 10/15/2012 like which groups? do you actually know? Joey_Jlo: like which groups? do you actually know? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joey_Jlo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196546452.html History | Permalink | Share it

Misbehaving I aim to misbehave 323 Fans 09:47 PM on 10/15/2012 Read the article it listed them. Misbehaving: Read the article it listed them. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Misbehaving/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196547195.html History | Permalink | Share it

number438 Harmony has minions? 46 Fans 09:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Quote:"We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, an Asian student union" number438: Quote:"We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/number438/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196547364.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All


10:04 PM on 10/15/2012 blather. Your misCONception of fair, is not even close to fair. vetxcl: blather. Your misCONception of fair, is not even close to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vetxcl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196551000.html History | Permalink | Share it

Misbehaving I aim to misbehave 323 Fans 10:42 PM on 10/15/2012 Whatever..my definition of fair is accurate, the problem is in the perception of what you think is fair. Misbehaving: Whatever..my definition of fair is accurate, the problem is in the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Misbehaving/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196560023.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER fastronaut Something witty 189 Fans

09:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Sadly, the best way to be oppositional in college is to become an acknowledged fascist. I've seen it at various schools. Stock up on Ayn Rand, quote Ludwig von Mises and RJ Rushdoony. Mock the girls taking back the night. Final reel of the film: end life either as a systems analyst or manager of a Dunkin Donuts. fastronaut: Sadly, the best way to be oppositional in college is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fastronaut/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543715.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program giftoflife898 I don't question your existence~God 429 Fans 09:31 PM on 10/15/2012 Everyone puts people into racial groups, white is just another group . The only big deal here is that people are letting it be a big deal. giftoflife898: Everyone puts people into racial groups, white is just another http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/giftoflife898/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543648.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joey Jlo 45 Fans 09:45 PM on 10/15/2012 They invited a white supremist to speak. If a school invited an islamic extremist terrorist to speak that wouldn't be a big deal? Joey_Jlo: They invited a white supremist to speak. If a school http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joey_Jlo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196546779.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

giftoflife898 I don't question your existence~God 429 Fans 09:52 PM on 10/15/2012 Whether it is right or wrong, it is done in all of the groups. giftoflife898: Whether it is right or wrong, it is done in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/giftoflife898/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196548376.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:29 PM on 10/15/2012 If Zahwari was invented to speak at Towson, the entire CIA would be in attendance. lOL nubianmd41: If Zahwari was invented to speak at Towson, the entire http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196556865.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Mr Crabs 411 Fans 09:30 PM on 10/15/2012 There's already a white advocacy group he can join and it's even more fun because they have wizards! Mr_Crabs: There's already a white advocacy group he can join and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mr_Crabs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543453.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER sky72 123 Fans 09:33 PM on 10/15/2012 There is also the Republican Party and Fox news. sky72: There is also the Republican Party and Fox news. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sky72/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196544007.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joey Jlo 45 Fans 09:46 PM on 10/15/2012 He can also join the "I'm a victim of preferential treatment because I'm white" club, I think it's called AMERICA. Joey_Jlo: He can also join the "I'm a victim of preferential http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joey_Jlo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196546945.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All


10:11 PM on 10/15/2012 Faved for insight. A little known historical fact: the John Birch Society was formed by the key participation of one Frederick Koch. Later, after they inherited his wealth, the two sons started the Libertarian Party. Once that failed, they tried a slightly different tack with the Tea "Party" , but as most people know, they all have Rs next to their names, so that's the "different tack" part. Still, the bagger CONdidates get major Koch brother funding and also major funding from one of their spin off "nonprofit social groups", ALEC. vetxcl: Faved for insight. A little known historical fact: the John http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vetxcl/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196552882.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:38 PM on 10/15/2012 OOh! Pointy hats too ozeniki: OOh! Pointy hats too http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196545074.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER MissingAmerica 1239 Fans 09:29 PM on 10/15/2012 I find it so sad that in 2012 we are still talking about race. The gentleman who made the record leap commented that the world looked so small. It is. We can hop on a plane and fly around the world in less than a day! We are all connected. Our skin color may be different, our culture may be different, but we all function the same way -- our hearts beat, our red blood flows and our vital organs keep us alive. Start embracing the differences. Hatred kills and in a nuclear age, that hatred could wipe out the planet. Think of this and ask yourself if your bigotry is really worth it? MissingAmerica: I find it so sad that in 2012 we are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MissingAmerica/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543242.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER tjwdraws 189 Fans

09:28 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes, We need to recognized the poor, downtrodden, whites, straights, and men and all the other groups who have had to deal with the burden of privilege and dominance and the possibility that other groups have just as much of a right to a slice of the American Pie as they do. It must be so terribly frightening to be them! Poor dears! tjwdraws: Yes, We need to recognized the poor, downtrodden, whites, straights, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tjwdraws/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196542949.html History | Permalink | Share it Shazam1982 6 Fans 10:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Get real. You see where certain groups demeaned and marginalized others in the past but don't see how it is most people in those groups today that have accepted and been a part of fairness and equality.

Is that to say that we should somehow overlook the mistreatment of minorities? Absolutely not but at the same time we should not allow the ignorance of the past to be used as a reason to ignorantly debase, lie about or marginalize those people or groups as pay back.

The reality is that there is a systematic agenda in place by many minority groups to vilify and demean the white man. The poor me victim game works to keep people from dealing with issues by placing blame on other groups.

Yes all those groups you mentioned are so much MORE privileged these days. Everyone else is so abused. Those minority groups are plenty equal on most counts and last I looked they even have some added benefits and privileges.

America is a great country and whites have just as much right to their own advocacy groups as any other race. If not than in today's America all advocacy or student union groups should end. Shazam1982: Get real. You see where certain groups demeaned and marginalized http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shazam1982/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196557021.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER tjwdraws 189 Fans

11:32 AM on 10/16/2012 Tell me, Shazam, what bigotry have you experienced as, I presume, a straight, white, man? tjwdraws: Tell me, Shazam, what bigotry have you experienced as, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tjwdraws/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196673135.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All


09:22 PM on 10/15/2012 "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." and still we have people who think colleges do not need Affirmative Action, and bleach from the top of building down on students of color are not an issue. A group that calls itself white student on campus and had a former or is it current KKK menber, is in fact a new KKK on campus.Need to stop this now. What is is white culture anyway I'm glad this guys in college he needs an education fast! Cha_Cha_123: "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." and still http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cha_Cha_123/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196541653.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER varro 55 Fans 09:15 PM on 10/15/2012 I can see their cultural festival - tables of bologna on white with mayo and Jello for sale, with music by Pat Boone and Vanilla Ice.... varro: I can see their cultural festival - tables of bologna http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/varro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196539926.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER tjwdraws 189 Fans

09:23 PM on 10/15/2012 What? No vanilla pudding with Nilla Wafers? tjwdraws: What? No vanilla pudding with Nilla Wafers? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tjwdraws/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196541729.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

giftoflife898 I don't question your existence~God 429 Fans 09:29 PM on 10/15/2012 I am white and I would have the tables full of Fried Chicken, Biscuits, Greens w/hog jowls, okra and all that good stuff. Because that IS what I love and enjoy cooking. I will put my biscuits up to anyones. giftoflife898: I am white and I would have the tables full http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/giftoflife898/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543016.html History | Permalink | Share it


10:14 PM on 10/15/2012 Nope , you can't disprove a fantasy with one person's testimony. So sorry there, Charles. vetxcl: Nope , you can't disprove a fantasy with one person's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vetxcl/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196553446.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jonsview2 76 Fans 09:14 PM on 10/15/2012 I understand Matthew Heimbach's initial statement but I would also ask HIM to define and explain "white culture." To me, Professor Peterson seemingly gave Heimbach a fair amount of room to focus on the cultures of various "white-appearing" ethnicities which were "diluted" in becoming "White-Americans" which could have been used to justify the existence of his organization; however, Jared Taylor shut that door with his comment and turned it back into a visibly black/white issue. Lecia Brooks didn't seem to pick up Heimbach's initial statement and seemed to base her comment on what she may have thought was the professor's interpretation of Heimbach's statement. Her following statements sounded like a high-road "canned" reply to issues surrounding non-KKK "white-based" groups. Julian Lewis gave the best statement in the clip and quite possibly uncovered the real motive of Heimbach's group without making assumptive statements. My observation on this: Blacks formed groups based on how they were being treated differently because of appearance and shared characteristics; ethnicity wasn't relevant. Since Heimbach didn't seem to put any real value on different white ethnicities, then I have to believe his group is based on race. He's a white male and I'm a white male; other than that, I don't believe we have that many common interests. jonsview2: I understand Matthew Heimbach's initial statement but I would also http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jonsview2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196539758.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

giftoflife898 I don't question your existence~God 429 Fans 09:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Maybe he means white in general. giftoflife898: Maybe he means white in general. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/giftoflife898/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543188.html History | Permalink | Share it wilcoxen 5 Fans 09:12 PM on 10/15/2012 He did it for attention!!!!And you fell for it. wilcoxen: He did it for attention!!!!And you fell for it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wilcoxen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196539257.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joey Jlo 45 Fans 09:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Oh see, Osama Bin Laden did it all for attention, we're all stupid for falling for it and acknowledging it happened. Silly us for actually noticing disturbing trends and abject hatred, we're such sheep. Joey_Jlo: Oh see, Osama Bin Laden did it all for attention, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joey_Jlo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196547429.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Shirley Ogburn What does extraordinary look like -- OBAMA 1460 Fans 10:22 PM on 10/15/2012 Fan #45! Shirley_Ogburn: Fan #45! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shirley_Ogburn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196555347.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER GunnyJ I do my best every time. 480 Fans

09:07 PM on 10/15/2012 There are ways to deal with what is happening in our changing world. This is probably not one of them. GunnyJ: There are ways to deal with what is happening in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GunnyJ/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196538169.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 15 16 17 18 19 Next › Last » (61 total) nubianmd41 15 Fans 09:02 PM on 10/15/2012 They can have their union. I do not care...... nubianmd41: They can have their union. I do not care...... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196536988.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

giftoflife898 I don't question your existence~God 429 Fans 09:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Glad to hear some common sense. giftoflife898: Glad to hear some common sense. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/giftoflife898/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196543352.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joey Jlo 45 Fans 09:50 PM on 10/15/2012 Chancellor nubianmd41 can we have soda machines in the cafeteria too? also the Al Queda student group is requesting B130 for their guest speaker event. Joey_Jlo: Chancellor nubianmd41 can we have soda machines in the cafeteria http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joey_Jlo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196547768.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Sure why not? "rolling eyes" nubianmd41: Sure why not?  "rolling eyes" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196552284.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 10:09 PM on 10/15/2012 First amendment, they have that right. As long as they use civility, I dont care. nubianmd41: First amendment, they have that right.  As long as they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196552427.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER trinity 339 Fans 08:56 PM on 10/15/2012 He's probably from So. MD...I grew up in those parts and a lot of folks down there are still waiting for the "South to Rise Again".... trinity: He's probably from So. MD...I grew up in those parts http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/trinity/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196535646.html History | Permalink | Share it The Ghostdog 11 Fans 08:51 PM on 10/15/2012 Seriously? You want to create ANOTHER club just for white people? Soon someone will retaliate by creating another club that excludes others based on some other arbitrary reason. This is all bogus. Jim Crow is over. Someday organizations like the NAACP will be irrelevant because they won't be needed anymore. I hope for the day when there is no need to them, or La Raza, or AIM, or countless other race based organizations.

Personally - I say there shouldn't be any clubs based solely on race at all. No All-Black, No All-White, No All-Asian. We ALL came to this country, some willingly, some enslaved, some as refugees escaping persecution, and some were already before before America existed. At this point, it doesn't really matter how you got here -- what matters is that we're all AMERICANS. If we keep pointing out our differences and using them as reasons to seperate ourselves, we will never advance as a Nation or as a species. The_Ghostdog: Seriously? You want to create ANOTHER club just for white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Ghostdog/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196534478.html History | Permalink | Share it ffferrara 31 Fans 09:19 PM on 10/15/2012 I agree , no all-anything organization. Only when we are all really merged will we all not have to worry about what color we are. ffferrara: I agree , no all-anything organization. Only when we are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ffferrara/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196540879.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER kennethmw They've got the Blueberries on their faces! 286 Fans 09:45 PM on 10/15/2012 The only problem with your statements is that most "racial" groups promote helping the ethnic group become a part of society, and accept all people that support it. 20+% of NAACP members are white. Tell me how many blacks do you think are in the KKK? kennethmw: The only problem with your statements is that most "racial" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kennethmw/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196546766.html History | Permalink | Share it socialtalker this micro-bio is a great idea! 375 Fans 10:13 PM on 10/15/2012 there is nothing wrong with niches and specific clubs and groupings. its intolerance that is the problem. socialtalker: there is nothing wrong with niches and specific clubs and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/socialtalker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196553398.html History | Permalink | Share it The Ghostdog 11 Fans 05:01 PM on 10/16/2012 I totally get that -- I can understand celebrating one's own culture as long as you're open to welcoming others who may wish to learn about you. I consider it a celebration of culture when I dine at a local ethnic restaurant for example. I learn about them, they welcome me through their doors and perhaps they may learn something about me. Who knows. I say we're lucky to be Americans. We're lucky to have a melting pot where all can come together whether we agree or not. I think our differences is part of why we are (or could be) a great nation. The_Ghostdog: I totally get that -- I can understand celebrating one's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Ghostdog/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196786332.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thunder Kiss 65 18 Fans 08:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Get rid of every student union that advocates a single race. Thunder_Kiss_65: Get rid of every student union that advocates a single http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thunder_Kiss_65/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196532413.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

08:44 PM on 10/15/2012 You know that will never happen. elsquibbs: You know that will never happen. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196532675.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joey Jlo 45 Fans 09:51 PM on 10/15/2012 It already is the status quo, could you name any student group that 'advocates a single race'? Joey_Jlo: It already is the status quo, could you name any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joey_Jlo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196547981.html History | Permalink | Share it Intelligentia 413 Fans 08:40 PM on 10/15/2012 At first, I was agreeing with the White guy until he mentioned genocide of White people in South Africa. At that point, I tuned him out. Intelligentia: At first, I was agreeing with the White guy until http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Intelligentia/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196531684.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 08:59 PM on 10/15/2012 Sad that you don't care about whites in South Africa, but I do. They were undermined by the same goat dancers leading our politics. I think our future may be the same as those poor white souls. People like Brane has made it clear if you are to white then other ancestory dosen't matter. I will be in the same boat. Thor help us all. jakewestwn: Sad that you don't care about whites in South Africa, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196536347.html History | Permalink | Share it Intelligentia 413 Fans 09:46 PM on 10/15/2012 Which poor White souls in South Africa? The ones who benefitted from Apartheid and want it back or the ones who fought Apatheid and helped abolish it? I know Whites from South Africa (both classmates and professors). The ones I know are not having any problems. It's the lazy ones who thought that Apartheid will last forever and failed to help themselves that are crying, just like the lazy ones here who want things handed to them because they are Whites. Sorry, you better learn to cope or leave the United States, because we are not going backwards! Intelligentia: Which poor White souls in South Africa? The ones who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Intelligentia/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196546983.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Intelligentia 413 Fans 10:23 PM on 10/15/2012 I forgot to link you to this, which you can't say is happening to White South Africans, despite their crimes: http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=8973 Intelligentia: I forgot to link you to this, which you can't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Intelligentia/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196555645.html History | Permalink | Share it Shazam1982 6 Fans 10:43 PM on 10/15/2012 I did not watch the video to my own ignorance. I felt I knew enough based on what I read. I too would have tuned him out at that point.

Still regardless of his ignorance I feel he has as much a right to a white student union in his school as any other race does theirs.

I am sure there is plenty of ignorance in regards to people in any of these race based student unions. The fact that they exist to me is misguided in this day and age. Groups of this nature are perfect for the breeding of ignorance and misguided ideas. Shazam1982: I did not watch the video to my own ignorance. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shazam1982/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196560335.html History | Permalink | Share it vbookish7 281 Fans 08:38 PM on 10/15/2012 This kid should take a course in 20th century history. Students should be laughing at this meat head! vbookish7: This kid should take a course in 20th century history. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vbookish7/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196531287.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mjtaylor22 503 Fans

08:33 PM on 10/15/2012 What makes this laughable tome is that the student unions at what were traditionally white universities was understood already to be the Dame "White Student Union" and others definitely felt justifiably as outsiders.....no the white guy at the white college is feeling threatened because stuff does not say white on it...... all over the place but you may have a minority student union, minority affairs depts. etc.....dammit you petty bytches...the university was built for you and only you..You people ostracized minorities even after begrudgingly admitting them.....they developed their own support networks to help themselves...and now you are threatened for someone standing up and helping themselves so u create a whites student union..."HOW SMALL" AND WEAK THIS MOVE IS....IS ALLI CAN THINK OF mjtaylor22: What makes this laughable tome is that the student unions http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mjtaylor22/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196529998.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER dmak1331 thetruthinator 744 Fans 08:50 PM on 10/15/2012 fanned for explaining it to those who are dense and ignorant ! dmak1331: fanned for explaining it to those who are dense and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dmak1331/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196534311.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER dmak1331 thetruthinator 744 Fans 08:55 PM on 10/15/2012 They were born with that privilege of being white, free with a white student union.Now they want a union within a union ? dmak1331: They were born with that privilege of being white, free http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dmak1331/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196535466.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jacobin1789 29 Fans 08:29 PM on 10/15/2012 White people have nothing in common as "whites". There is no such thing as White culture. Blacks have nothing in common with other Blacks, other than the historical experience of racism and its on- going effects, such as higher levels of unemployment, higher poverty rates, lower average income, lower performance of segregated and unequal schools, racial profiling, etc.. Any claim that whites are somehow victims because they are white is a stale old lie with an ugly history. Jacobin1789: White people have nothing in common as "whites". There is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jacobin1789/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196529037.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER dmak1331 thetruthinator 744 Fans 08:57 PM on 10/15/2012 I cant ever believe that anyone is endorsing this crap ! dmak1331: I cant ever believe that anyone is endorsing this crap http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dmak1331/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196535898.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 09:07 PM on 10/15/2012 I want to know how they been victimized at colleges and universities. nubianmd41: I want to know how they been victimized at colleges http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196538113.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 09:09 PM on 10/15/2012 I thought you said they could have their union. Shouldn't that, then be the end of it for you? jakewestwn: I thought you said they could have their union. Shouldn't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196538681.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All stellapoo 18 Fans 08:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Asking a white supremacist to be his first speaker says it all. That's all I needed to hear. stellapoo: Asking a white supremacist to be his first speaker says http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/stellapoo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196529035.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER emrogers What could possibly go wrong? 1420 Fans 08:47 PM on 10/15/2012 He ignored that question, of course.... emrogers: He ignored that question, of course.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emrogers/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196533579.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Nightengale 59 Fans 08:29 PM on 10/15/2012 I had my DNA profile done- 100% European of that 2.8 % apparently neanderthal (1-4% is the norm)

Guess what- only Africans have NO NEANDERTHAL admixture- ( many of them have some European ) but only they can be 100% human... Nightengale: I had my DNA profile done- 100% European of that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nightengale/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196528975.html History | Permalink | Share it

nubianmd41 15 Fans 09:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Coming from the people who eat flesh and created serial killing nubianmd41: Coming from the people who eat flesh and created serial http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nubianmd41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196538480.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Nightengale 59 Fans 09:17 PM on 10/15/2012 I have no idea what that means.I am aware that my ancestors likely were neanderthal- the human ones at least- ( never heard the neanderthals did that). As for serial killers- pretty sure that is very old as well- there was a legal outlet for people when there was human sacrifice tho. Nightengale: I have no idea what that means.I am aware that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nightengale/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196540468.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program IDIOTA 716 Fans 08:23 PM on 10/15/2012 Near topic -- Borat was a brilliant film IDIOTA: Near topic -- Borat was a brilliant film http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IDIOTA/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196527385.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER thinkreal We're all in this together 144 Fans 08:21 PM on 10/15/2012 What a scared little person he is. thinkreal: What a scared little person he is. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thinkreal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196527039.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER serg36 83 Fans 08:18 PM on 10/15/2012 Blacks did not enslave white people for 400 years. serg36: Blacks did not enslave white people for 400 years. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/serg36/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196526102.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thunder Kiss 65 18 Fans 08:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Neither did I or any of my ancestors. Thunder_Kiss_65: Neither did I or any of my ancestors. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thunder_Kiss_65/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196532926.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 08:51 PM on 10/15/2012 Neither did mine. They were Californios who enslaved the local Indian population. Wow! I'll bet most on this site thought California was immune from the stain. lrobb: Neither did mine. They were Californios who enslaved the local http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196534352.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 09:12 PM on 10/15/2012 I doubt Huffpost will allow me to state Israel is running a Russian sex slave industry right now. Edgar Steel was going to blow the lid off of it but they jailed him on charges they themselves orchestrated. jakewestwn: I doubt Huffpost will allow me to state Israel is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196539264.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER emrogers What could possibly go wrong? 1420 Fans 08:09 PM on 10/15/2012 When he was asked why his first speaker was a white supremacist he never answered. Big surprise. emrogers: When he was asked why his first speaker was a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emrogers/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196523954.html History | Permalink | Share it

Amazing Bro 23 Fans 08:16 PM on 10/15/2012 He's inbred... These kinds of intellectually inferior, rabid dogs, are so hilarious. Amazing_Bro: He's inbred... These kinds of intellectually inferior, rabid dogs, are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Amazing_Bro/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196525689.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 08:52 PM on 10/15/2012 You have a printout of his DNA, or are you doing precisely what you accuse conservatives of and going straight for the invective? lrobb: You have a printout of his DNA, or are you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196534571.html History | Permalink | Share it dochoneybadger 20 Fans 08:05 PM on 10/15/2012 As a TU graduate I am horrified. dochoneybadger: As a TU graduate I am horrified. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dochoneybadger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196522960.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 16 17 18 19 20 Next › Last » (61 total) ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:03 PM on 10/15/2012 There is nothing wrong with a "white" student union, as long as it doesn't allow for extremist ideology to become the foundation for their beliefs. Racism is racism, regardless of the ancestral lineage of the perpetrators. When a white person can walk safely thru the streets of Watts, or a black person can sit in the White House without being the target of hatred and false claim of their right to sit in that office, then this country shall have become illuminated. ivanivonovich: There is nothing wrong with a "white" student union, as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196522417.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 08:19 PM on 10/15/2012 Why do you feal the need to mention extremist in your statement? once again the whites in the video are proveing their point. jakewestwn: Why do you feal the need to mention extremist in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196526361.html History | Permalink | Share it

chicagocubs84 2 Fans 08:33 PM on 10/15/2012 Because it is necessary to mention extremist. Lighten up, man. Nobody insulted you. chicagocubs84: Because it is necessary to mention extremist. Lighten up, man. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chicagocubs84/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196529933.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER emrogers What could possibly go wrong? 1420 Fans 08:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Because it was brought to his attention that a white supremacist was going to be a guest speaker. Is that no extreme enough for you? emrogers: Because it was brought to his attention that a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emrogers/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196536013.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Nightengale 59 Fans 08:32 PM on 10/15/2012 I think to be serious and have the club- should have to turn in the DNA profile. Nightengale: I think to be serious and have the club- should http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nightengale/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196529700.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 09:04 PM on 10/15/2012 The Nazis wanted proof Germans were Aryans before they were allowed to join the SS, too. Brane: The Nazis wanted proof Germans were Aryans before they were http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196537488.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Luzkov 12 Fans 08:02 PM on 10/15/2012 Let him. It's a stupid idea but college is the safest place to have stupid ideas as it is a place where stupid ideas can easily be challenged with an educated response. The alternative is he and his friends find a shady garage and discuss thier ideas where no educated response can find it. Luzkov: Let him. It's a stupid idea but college is the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Luzkov/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196522324.html History | Permalink | Share it

ethelthe My micro-bio is not empty anymore. 17 Fans 08:47 PM on 10/15/2012 I get the impression, based on their first speaker, that the members of this organization would never listen to an idea that challenged theirs. You could offer them all the educated responses you like, and Mr. Heimbach would stick his fingers in his ears and 'la-la-la-la-la' until the nasty noises stopped.

I despair of people like him. ethelthe: I get the impression, based on their first speaker, that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ethelthe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196533418.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER emrogers What could possibly go wrong? 1420 Fans 08:01 PM on 10/15/2012 Heimback when on to say: Whaaa, whaa, whaaa, whaa.... emrogers: Heimback when on to say: Whaaa, whaa, whaaa, whaa.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emrogers/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196521974.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Lordcron Proud Aggressive Progressive! 926 Fans 07:58 PM on 10/15/2012 As an African American, I don't have a problem with a White Student movement as long as it's not anti anyone else. I have a problem with any and all groups that come together to form a hate group.

If it's promoting the betterment and uplifting of whites then I'm all for it. If it's for being against others then I'm against it!. Lordcron: As an African American, I don't have a problem with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lordcron/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196521266.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Nightengale 59 Fans 08:33 PM on 10/15/2012 Oh- I wish that was possible but they are against you. Nightengale: Oh- I wish that was possible but they are against http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nightengale/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196530110.html History | Permalink | Share it

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:50 PM on 10/15/2012 Good sentiments. But it looks like the later of what you mentioned here. I wish this wasn't so, but these "boys" look like they are trying to form a new charter of the "klan" there. If perhaps they are being truthful, then I too, am all for them. ivanivonovich: Good sentiments. But it looks like the later of what http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196534185.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER EC001 98 Fans 07:54 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes, put them all together so we know who is the enemy. EC001: Yes, put them all together so we know who is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EC001/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196520307.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jamieson44 65 Fans 07:52 PM on 10/15/2012 There were and still are viable reasons for minority institutions. The key word here is minority. It allows the under represented people of a population and to collectively voice their opinions and concerns, and to be heard. White people, of whom I am one, are still the majority in this country, and virtually make all the calls, politically, economically and culturally. Racism is alive and well in this country as the election of Obama has proved. Both gun sales and membership in white supremist groups exploded in numbers as to where Homeland Security has placed these groups under the umbrella of Domestic Terrorism, one of the top priorities on their list. Without the help of black movement institutions in the late 50's and 60's, the road to equal rights would have been prolonged. By the way many of the members were white. I am a member of the NAACP as there is still much work to be done. jamieson44: There were and still are viable reasons for minority institutions. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jamieson44/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196519764.html History | Permalink | Share it

ThinkAboutItAgain 24 Fans 08:08 PM on 10/15/2012 "Racism is alive and well in this country as the election of Obama has proved."

DOH! ThinkAboutItAgain: "Racism is alive and well in this country as the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ThinkAboutItAgain/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196523790.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jamieson44 65 Fans 02:47 AM on 10/16/2012 Sorry I am old and I use actual words. I have no idea what DOH means. Probably something disparaging about my post. Oh well I think I can handle it. jamieson44: Sorry I am old and I use actual words. I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jamieson44/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196596626.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jamieson44 65 Fans 02:54 AM on 10/16/2012 If you are implying what I said as an oxymoron I suggest you do not selectively pick parts of my statement to imply my incompentence. It's called taking things out of context, or else you just don't know how to read. In it's entirety the post makes perfect sense even if you do not agree with it's content. Of course I can statistically prove my point. jamieson44: If you are implying what I said as an oxymoron http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jamieson44/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196597249.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/15/2012 But in some parts of this country, the white person is not the majority. In that regards the white person faces the same issues as any other "minority" person does elsewhere. To say that the white students have no need for their own union / organization to advocate for them is discriminatory. Just keep the extremist's away (good luck there). One needs to emphasize upon the idea of "equal" access / rights, not "white" rights. Racism knows no color. If a Black group excludes a person because they are White, that is no different from if it was the other way around. ivanivonovich: But in some parts of this country, the white person http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196524438.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Elizabeth Everett People's Democracy Not Bankers' Oligarchy 385 Fans 07:49 PM on 10/15/2012 If white students' feel left out because other groups have a student union and they don't that is understandable. They should be allowed to have one as well. But, inviting racists haters to speak is crossing the line. This white student union should be shunned for doing that.

And what exactly is white culture? Here in America it was the Native Americans who laid down the foundation of our society. They developed the corn, potato, squash, beans, sugar cane, and many other plants so that people could survive in New England where the European crops weren't growing. The Iroquois had a democratic federation which may very well have inspired the founders.

Enslaved Africans contributed centuries of involuntary work and a surprising amount of cultural stuff as well. Soldiers in the Revolutionary War marched to the energizing rhythms of West African Drumming. Melons from Africa grew in the fields. People ate fried dishes based on African cooking.

The tea that English people drank was from China so were the Tea pots and cups.

We live in a diverse and multicultural county so let's just leave it at that. No part of American culture can be claimed by a particular race of people. Elizabeth_Everett: If white students' feel left out because other groups have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Elizabeth_Everett/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196518983.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:31 PM on 10/15/2012 Let's take AMERICA back - to the FIRST INDIGENOUS PEOPLE ozeniki: Let's take AMERICA back - to the FIRST INDIGENOUS PEOPLE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196529648.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Nightengale 59 Fans 08:40 PM on 10/15/2012 While I agree with you about a lot of this- the romantic view of the native americans is not over the top. The Iroquois wiped out the Hurons and they all just fought- and some were mean to their women

Everyone sucks when you look at history- some people just get better weapons and immunity and they can suck even more. Nightengale: While I agree with you about a lot of this- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nightengale/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196531871.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

SidTheScienceKid 367 Fans 07:47 PM on 10/15/2012 Poor white boy.. let me help him by giving him two black eyes. SidTheScienceKid: Poor white boy.. let me help him by giving him http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SidTheScienceKid/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196518555.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CASSIE60 Think before you speak. Read before you think 3841 Fans 07:49 PM on 10/15/2012 LOL...... already Fanned! CASSIE60: LOL...... already Fanned! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CASSIE60/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196519030.html History | Permalink | Share it be74 3 Fans 10:57 PM on 10/15/2012 YOU THINK THATS FUNNY? be74: YOU THINK THATS FUNNY? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/be74/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196563511.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:15 PM on 10/15/2012 Would you say the same if the student union was for a group of Black students ? Or if it were at a predominantly Black school ? Racism is racism. As long as they keep the extremist's out, and are advocating for equality, not domination, what is the problem ? ivanivonovich: Would you say the same if the student union was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196525486.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

08:18 PM on 10/15/2012 Of course he wouldn't. elsquibbs: Of course he wouldn't. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196526103.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

SidTheScienceKid 367 Fans 08:25 PM on 10/15/2012 Yo, Ivan. Do you think or do just parrot silly lines? I suggest you really take a step back and have a LOT of history lessons about Western Civilization, then watch historical footage of what civil rights movements were about. Just like you said: Racism is Racism: stupid white people afraid of their own shadow inflicting misery on everyone else and claiming to be victims. No wonder you got so many wedgies: you can not see yourself in your own words. SidTheScienceKid: Yo, Ivan. Do you think or do just parrot silly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SidTheScienceKid/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196528054.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CiscoPike Fundamentals are just a crutch for the talentless 242 Fans 07:41 PM on 10/15/2012 My fellow white peole...I have discovered a powerful advocacy group for our oppressed, white kind...it is called: society. CiscoPike: My fellow white peole...I have discovered a powerful advocacy group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CiscoPike/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196516965.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER EC001 98 Fans 07:52 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm crying foir you. EC001: I'm crying foir you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EC001/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196519618.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 08:32 PM on 10/15/2012 lol you white libs are so full of it. Sit on your politics. We know you don't practice what you preach ethier. jakewestwn: lol you white libs are so full of it. Sit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196529884.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CiscoPike Fundamentals are just a crutch for the talentless 242 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/16/2012 Why so angry fellow peaceful white person? . CiscoPike: Why so angry fellow peaceful white person? . http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CiscoPike/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196796834.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:35 PM on 10/15/2012 We are never allowed to state that people do generally converge within their own race. We know who is undermining the other races but terms of use do not allow us to say so. But most of our social ills are being engineered. By you know who. jakewestwn: We are never allowed to state that people do generally http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196515267.html History | Permalink | Share it Mysteryprincess Liberal Libertarian 468 Fans 07:56 PM on 10/15/2012 If nobody is allowed to state that, how is it you just did? Mysteryprincess: If nobody is allowed to state that, how is it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mysteryprincess/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196520748.html History | Permalink | Share it

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:18 PM on 10/15/2012 No we don't. So who do you think it is ? The rich ? That is the way it has been for thousands of years. Them & the clergy... ivanivonovich: No we don't. So who do you think it is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196526141.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:30 PM on 10/15/2012 The blacks in this video seemed kind of harsh and racist to me. jakewestwn: The blacks in this video seemed kind of harsh and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196513902.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 08:07 PM on 10/15/2012 Prejudice is difficult to overcome. Brane: Prejudice is difficult to overcome. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196523572.html History | Permalink | Share it

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:56 PM on 10/15/2012 Prejudice starts in the home. This is one reason why it is so ingrained in so many. ivanivonovich: Prejudice starts in the home. This is one reason why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196535707.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER emrogers What could possibly go wrong? 1420 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/15/2012 They did? Hardly. Gives me some insight into where your head is at. Pathetic. emrogers: They did? Hardly. Gives me some insight into where your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emrogers/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196524373.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

08:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Last week, MLH published his list of "The 15 Most Overrated White People". If that's not racist then I don't know what the term for it is. elsquibbs: Last week, MLH published his list of "The 15 Most http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196526788.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CiscoPike Fundamentals are just a crutch for the talentless 242 Fans 07:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Obviously a basic understanding of American History is not required to attend this school. CiscoPike: Obviously a basic understanding of American History is not required http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CiscoPike/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196513880.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CASSIE60 Think before you speak. Read before you think 3841 Fans 07:26 PM on 10/15/2012 The Supreme Court Justices are the Law of the Land as long as they remain White because Thomas doesn't count...... there is not one White Person in America with anything to fear from people of Color...... The Congress Makes the Laws that Governs this Country.( Majority White)

The Military Leaders who are close to the weapons of this Country are White....This is such a fake argument....The boy is just a racist. ...Who control all the money in America?....Well it sure ain't the Minorities.....480 Billionaires in America with only 2 Black ones.....nice try but no cigar Kid....Trying Learning while you are at the University instead of..... thinking up Stew Ped stuff! CASSIE60: The Supreme Court Justices are the Law of the Land http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CASSIE60/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196513027.html History | Permalink | Share it Mysteryprincess Liberal Libertarian 468 Fans 07:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Justice Sotomayor would like a word with you. Mysteryprincess: Justice Sotomayor would like a word with you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mysteryprincess/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196520916.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CASSIE60 Think before you speak. Read before you think 3841 Fans 08:06 PM on 10/15/2012 You would try the Non Sequitur approach. I know she is Latino but I figured people would get my point because she and Thomas do not constitute a MAJORITY! CASSIE60: You would try the Non Sequitur approach. I know she http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CASSIE60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196523224.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All thos 59 Fans 08:14 PM on 10/15/2012 Why doesn't Thomas count? thos: Why doesn't Thomas count? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thos/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196525264.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CASSIE60 Think before you speak. Read before you think 3841 Fans 08:30 PM on 10/15/2012 He is not in the Majority and he can not make laws of the land by himself...... it takes a majority and he and Sotomayor combined do not constitute a majority...... CASSIE60:  He is not in the Majority and he can not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CASSIE60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196529255.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:25 PM on 10/15/2012 The blacks don't know what they are talking about saying they must conform to Irish ect. Their are African American orgs for blacks who have NEVER set foot in Africa. jakewestwn: The blacks don't know what they are talking about saying http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196512777.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER emrogers What could possibly go wrong? 1420 Fans 08:03 PM on 10/15/2012 Aren't we the oppressed one tonight. Want any cheese with that whine? emrogers: Aren't we the oppressed one tonight. Want any cheese with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emrogers/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196522419.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:21 PM on 10/15/2012 Why did the black commentator become constipated when saying organization? jakewestwn: Why did the black commentator become constipated when saying organization? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196511526.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 08:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Why did you bother making such a ridiculous poet? Brane: Why did you bother making such a ridiculous poet? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196523907.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 08:09 PM on 10/15/2012 *post Brane: *post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196524032.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER CrimeDawg 71 Fans 07:19 PM on 10/15/2012 A "White Student Union" is the least original idea on your newspage today.

That tired b.s. was booring people when I was in high school in the '60's.

"Newsworthy" implies "new."

It's not "oldsworthy" (or "old").

Why do you cover this stuff? CrimeDawg: A "White Student Union" is the least original idea on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CrimeDawg/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196510963.html History | Permalink | Share it

Kathy Arnold 4 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/15/2012 HE'LL END-UP SHOOTING UP HIS SCHOOL!!!!!! Kathy_Arnold: HE'LL END-UP SHOOTING UP HIS SCHOOL!!!!!! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kathy_Arnold/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196510707.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 08:34 PM on 10/15/2012 No but a MOSSAD agent will to ruin his dream of a union. jakewestwn: No but a MOSSAD agent will to ruin his dream http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196530278.html History | Permalink | Share it phylliscooper1 life - part 2 654 Fans 07:10 PM on 10/15/2012 The professor on the panel talked about the building of democracy and the great western society that is the United States as being a white accomplishment surely must realize that blacks who were transported here by the European whites were not extended inclusion in the process, in fact, they were consigned a percentage of being human. That is something he must be so proud of along with the maltreatment of the native Americans. People like this man are unteachable much like one of our current candidates for President who also likes to reduce people to percentages. phylliscooper1: The professor on the panel talked about the building of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phylliscooper1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196508553.html History | Permalink | Share it grettalulu 754 Fans

07:09 PM on 10/15/2012 I object. grettalulu: I object. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/grettalulu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196508461.html History | Permalink | Share it msw7 0 Fans 07:09 PM on 10/15/2012 I think what is being failed to realize is the importance of historical context in the mere title of black student groups. My school has a Black Student Association encompassing the issues facing the African-American community, but obviously open for everyone to share in our cultureThe majority of African-American self-identifiers are descendants of slaves who cannot trace their African roots, therefore lumping as "black," as opposed to a "white" student group where the majority of students are able to trace their ancestral history. I think Irish or German student groups are fine because they are an ethnic identifier in the same way that African American has become for black people descending from slaves in America, as opposed to a white student group which rallies around the majority race that has been most dominant and oppressive in this country since its founding msw7: I think what is being failed to realize is the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/msw7/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196508391.html History | Permalink | Share it wmplaster 86 Fans 07:48 PM on 10/15/2012 I can think of one major problem facing ALL Americans; the dumming down of America, which does not help any particular ethnic group. A huge percentage of the problems in the country is caused by the lack of proper education, or no education at all. It is a fact that uneducated people are more likely to live in poverty, be involved in more crimes, and suffer more health-related problems. The constant pounding of the race problem into people's heads by the news medium only further exacerbates the problem. wmplaster: I can think of one major problem facing ALL Americans; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wmplaster/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196518830.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:34 PM on 10/15/2012 rich but stupid USA ozeniki: rich but stupid USA http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196530423.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 08:46 PM on 10/15/2012 History is replete with examples of one group / tribe of people invading another. No "race" is with out blame. Africans fought each other for centuries before the Portuguese showed up on their shores with their ships searching for "cargo". Ironically it was the "Blacks" themselves that brought the "cargo" from the interior of the continent, them and their Saharan cohorts. No evidence of the White ship captains going deep into the continent to enslave anyone. As for White men in the Americas... To blame the current generation for what happened to those 100 or more years ago is foolish. Even the "native" peoples used their alliances with the whites to further their own ends. And many still do. Look at all of the "Indian Casino's". When you dwell on the past mistakes and perceived injustices, you fail to move on and end up perpetuating the same upon todays generation. "The sins of the father shall not be placed upon the son." When does the blame game stop ? Every person has the same right to "pursue" their own dreams (the pursuit of "happiness"). ivanivonovich: History is replete with examples of one group / tribe http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196533221.html History | Permalink | Share it ghee99 611 Fans 07:09 PM on 10/15/2012 i'm opposed to this group, just as i would be opposed to any race-based student union group. both are racist in nature, and exclusionary, and only act to divide us racially (which is not cool) having said that, i dont see how this group, in its mission statement, is any worse that a black student union, or other race based student union, that limits membership based on the made-up construct of race. ghee99: i'm opposed to this group, just as i would be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ghee99/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196508293.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CiscoPike Fundamentals are just a crutch for the talentless 242 Fans 07:42 PM on 10/15/2012 You don't see it becasue you have a poor understanding of US history. CiscoPike: You don't see it becasue you have a poor understanding http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CiscoPike/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196517256.html History | Permalink | Share it

ghee99 611 Fans 08:21 PM on 10/15/2012 no, i have an excellent understanding of US history. which is why i say what i do. i also support MLK jr's dream of a colorblind society where individuals are judged by the content of their character. as such, this "lets group up in college based on our race" clubs are a bad idea (if your goal is to end racism) ghee99: no, i have an excellent understanding of US history.  which http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ghee99/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196526925.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER salesdude Army Kid, world traveler, defender of the people 1234 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/15/2012 Perhaps a little bit of perspective is called for here. Black student organizations were formed on campuses where the majority of students were/are white in an effort to bring light to the unique issues facing black students on those campuses where they may or may not, be or feel marginalized.

These black student organizations are not advocating racial superiority or separatism and are without a doubt OPEN to any and all members of the school. They ARE NOT exclusive racially based membership organizations. That would be a violation of the law at public institutions and just plain counterproductive financially at private ones.

The history of why black student organizations, fraternities and sororities were/are formed at predominantly white colleges and universities is about black students originally being kept out of [or today not made to feel welcome] in the social and academic organizations of the majority white students. salesdude: Perhaps a little bit of perspective is called for here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/salesdude/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196524367.html History | Permalink | Share it

ghee99 611 Fans 09:08 PM on 10/15/2012 i did not say there was NEVER a need for a black student group at any point in america's history, but that time is well-past. besides, i can assure you any white student who tried to join the black student union, (t least at schools where i went, including NYU) would be most unwelcome. clearly you have not been on a college campus in some time, but such a move would be seen as reactionary, and it could affect all manner of areas in your college experience, and not for the better. ghee99: i did not say there was NEVER a need for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ghee99/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196538344.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All phread antiFA and proud of it 555 Fans 07:07 PM on 10/15/2012 RWcon.fla.tion pure and simple...intolerance of big.o.try/ra.c.ism is not big.otry/rac.ism phread: RWcon.fla.tion pure and simple...intolerance of big.o.try/ra.c.ism is not big.otry/rac.ism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phread/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196507923.html History | Permalink | Share it elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

07:05 PM on 10/15/2012 So which race should be able to have student unions? Only minorities? If so, which ones? elsquibbs: So which race should be able to have student unions? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196507291.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 07:07 PM on 10/15/2012 All minorities at majority white schools. Now what? LinkTren: All minorities at majority white schools. Now what? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196507825.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JulieRinAZ Micro-bio is empty. Please try again later. 159 Fans

07:10 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't think that's really the right tack. What about schools that do not have a majority of white students, are white groups allowed there? JulieRinAZ: I don't think that's really the right tack. What about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JulieRinAZ/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196508558.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

08:15 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm not so sure treating races differently is the best way to equality. elsquibbs: I'm not so sure treating races differently is the best http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196525446.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:27 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm going to start an Irish coffee org for people like me. You must be part Irish and part Cherokee to join. lol. jakewestwn: I'm going to start an Irish coffee org for people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196513291.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:04 PM on 10/15/2012 Every race has representation. It's time European Americans get some to. No longer can whites state they are all of ether German, French or even Nordic descent but the one trait we still posses is we are all ancestors of Europe. We are all still European Americans. jakewestwn: Every race has representation. It's time European Americans get some http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196507146.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 07:06 PM on 10/15/2012 ahahahahaha! LinkTren: ahahahahaha! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196507605.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER tyrekecorrea Silence in the face of injustice is injustice. 83 Fans

07:27 PM on 10/15/2012 It's always had representation. Haven't you heard of White Patriarchal Ideology before? tyrekecorrea: It's always had representation. Haven't you heard of White Patriarchal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tyrekecorrea/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196513276.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:38 PM on 10/15/2012 OR THE KKK ozeniki: OR THE KKK http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196531319.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All StoicSophist 0 Fans 07:03 PM on 10/15/2012 What the non-bigoted students of Towson need to do is get together, join the White Student Union en masse, and use their superior numbers to elect a black or Latino student president of the group. StoicSophist: What the non-bigoted students of Towson need to do is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/StoicSophist/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196506976.html History | Permalink | Share it YOKEL13 Gimme more! - unofficial GOP motto 1437 Fans

07:02 PM on 10/15/2012 I suggest the method for expelling this guy be named "The Heimbach Maneuver". YOKEL13: I suggest the method for expelling this guy be named http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/YOKEL13/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196506522.html History | Permalink | Share it phread antiFA and proud of it 555 Fans 06:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Actually,.this kid knows exactly what he's doing, he wants to run for office as a republican. phread: Actually,.this kid knows exactly what he's doing, he wants to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phread/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505412.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/15/2012 If he moves to Missouri or Kansas, they'll elect him immediately. LinkTren: If he moves to Missouri or Kansas, they'll elect him http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505641.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

One Solitary Star 89 Fans 07:01 PM on 10/15/2012 ....and a lot of other 'red' states. One_Solitary_Star: ....and a lot of other 'red' states. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/One_Solitary_Star/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196506389.html History | Permalink | Share it

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 09:13 PM on 10/15/2012 Now that scares even me... ivanivonovich: Now that scares even me... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196539500.html History | Permalink | Share it phread antiFA and proud of it 555 Fans 06:57 PM on 10/15/2012 how sad...to be a senior at university and be so uneducated.. phread: how sad...to be a senior at university and be so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phread/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505336.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Being trained is different to being educated! ozeniki: Being trained is different to being educated! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196531595.html History | Permalink | Share it

ivanivonovich Some call it being alone, I call it solitude. 209 Fans 09:14 PM on 10/15/2012 Nearly four years and he has learned so little huh. Hate to be the one paying for his "education". ivanivonovich: Nearly four years and he has learned so little huh. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ivanivonovich/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196539815.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

06:55 PM on 10/15/2012 OT -- this is what I love about this country -- that we can have forums for discussing these kinds of issues.

This is why my father and his brothers wore the uniform. This is why my grandfather cooked for the troops in South Carolina, then brought home what was left to feed his neighborhood. This is why I am proud to claim my place as an American, and stand up for the responsibilities that come with it.

There was a time when frank conversations like the ones I have seen here - raw at times and honest -- would not have been possible.

I am old so I can say this: We have come a long way as a nation. I hope we remember all that made us who we are -- good and bad. We still have challenges. There are things on the horizon that frighten us, concern us, give us hope. Watching so many young people hash through these complex issues in ways my generation could not is uplifting, frustrating, maddening, and beautiful.

Creating a more perfect union is not an easy task, but it is the ones our Founding Fathers, despite their flaws, sought to create.

Conversations like this are essential. I do hope, pray (hey, it's my thing...), that we remember to respect the person, even as we disagree with the point that person is trying to make. JM_Brodie: OT -- this is what I love about this country http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196504800.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JulieRinAZ Micro-bio is empty. Please try again later. 159 Fans

07:00 PM on 10/15/2012 You may be "old", but you are sensible! Thank you for continuing the discourse in a civil manner as it will never be easy nor clear-cut. JulieRinAZ: You may be "old", but you are sensible! Thank you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JulieRinAZ/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196506099.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

One Solitary Star 89 Fans 07:03 PM on 10/15/2012 You are a true gentleman in every sense of the word, Mr. Brodie :) Thank you for your wonderful, insightful posts.

Faved, already a fan. One_Solitary_Star: You are a true gentleman in every sense of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/One_Solitary_Star/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196506863.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 06:53 PM on 10/15/2012 This is a good idea but I would use the term European American union and wish their was other unions my people could join. Technically I'm part Cherokee but I identify with Euro-ilk more so. Their art, style and inventions. This is a good move. I hope it happens. jakewestwn: This is a good idea but I would use the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196504294.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:59 PM on 10/15/2012 Uh huh. Except this kid's union is more in the way of a k lan gathering than anything else. LinkTren: Uh huh. Except this kid's union is more in the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505917.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CASSIE60 Think before you speak. Read before you think 3841 Fans 07:16 PM on 10/15/2012 Agreed CASSIE60: Agreed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CASSIE60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196510217.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/15/2012 The question seems to be, do whites have the right to assemble and have representation? I don't know why you bring up The Klan while leaveing out The Black Panthers. jakewestwn: The question seems to be, do whites have the right http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196510733.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Brane 545 Fans 08:18 PM on 10/15/2012 I love it when obviously prejudiced people claim to have native American ancestry. For some reason, they always pick Cherokee. I think it is because of that unfortunate "civilized tribes" meme.

Join the Unbalanced Organization of White Self Deluders. Seems like a good fit for you. Brane: I love it when obviously prejudiced people claim to have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196526087.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 08:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Claim hell, man I think I know very well who my ancestors are. I don't care what false claimers you say you have come across. You have some nerve. Your photo suits you well. jakewestwn: Claim hell, man I think I know very well who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196531932.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 18 19 20 21 22 Next › Last » (61 total) 1mjk 248 Fans 06:53 PM on 10/15/2012 And so it begins..... 1mjk: And so it begins..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/1mjk/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196504268.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JulieRinAZ Micro-bio is empty. Please try again later. 159 Fans

06:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Rights to assembly should be afforded to every group. Any organized group labeling themselves as 'white' has had the stigma of the KKK, separatists, AN and more applied to them. Every group from the those centering on religion, sexuality, ethnicity or common interest is allowed so let them do it. Honestly, this is in college, it will likely implode in time once the challenge or novelty is off. JulieRinAZ: Rights to assembly should be afforded to every group. Any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JulieRinAZ/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196502946.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 06:54 PM on 10/15/2012 Hate groups should not be allowed. If this group is a hate group, it should be banned. MeChA , a latino gorup. has been banned from some unversities because of its hate goals.

If this white group is not a hate group, it should be allowed.

The fact is, some whites believe that affirmative action is discrimination against whites. T^hat is not hate, but a point of view. methnkng: Hate groups should not be allowed. If this group is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196504471.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JulieRinAZ Micro-bio is empty. Please try again later. 159 Fans

06:58 PM on 10/15/2012 I agree with you that if it is proved that they are White Nationalists or Young Aryans or similar hate based groups, it shouldn't be allowed. There are an increasing number hate groups of late that racially identify as other than white and those should be disallowed as well.

None should be more equal than others, and assembly to promote hate is never OK. JulieRinAZ: I agree with you that if it is proved that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JulieRinAZ/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196505502.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

07:00 PM on 10/15/2012 That is exactly why "hate speech" laws are insane: "hate" is subjective. elsquibbs: That is exactly why "hate speech" laws are insane: "hate" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196506065.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

BartDaCat 25 Fans 06:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Another thing to take into account is that most campuses have a "pluralism" clause in any student club or organization that is formed, meaning they must accept ANY other student from the same campus that wishes to join their organization.

That being said, a formation of a White Student Union is still going to trigger negative sentiments namely because a majority of the nation's power, privilege, and wealth rest in the hands of those most closely associated to "white", and in a historical context, that has not always been a good thing.

With issues constantly arising in the news about "birthers" putting a negative spin on the President's alleged nationality and religious upbringing, rather than just on his merits as a President-- not even our nation's highest position of authority is sacred and immune to racism.

(see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/14/jason-thompson-obama_n_1965692.html )

(see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/09/obama-empty-chair-california_n_1951000.html )

Our country bears scars of oppression and racism across the board. It's more an issue with sensitivity and good judgment than a discrimination issue. White "power" is prevalent throughout our nation, especially in the seats of power. I personally don't see the necessity to flaunt it when it historically represents a skewed point of view. BartDaCat: Another thing to take into account is that most campuses http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BartDaCat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196501063.html History | Permalink | Share it Spagirl65 92 Fans 06:40 PM on 10/15/2012 He needs to explain what he means be "...advance the white culture." I don't have a problem with a white student union, as long as its purpose is note to promote exclusion or separatism. BSUs and other ethnic student unions are not created for the purpose of advancing their cultures. They are organized for the purpose of inclusion, to insure that they are not left out of the process, or that they get the same opportunities as other students, not to promote the supoeriority of one race over another. So, inviting a white supremesist or separatist to speak to their group is a clear sign of the purpose of his group. Spagirl65: He needs to explain what he means be "...advance the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Spagirl65/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196500684.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:44 PM on 10/15/2012 He's of the belief that whites are somehow the victims of a biased media and society. I'm pretty sure his group is not about inclusion. LinkTren: He's of the belief that whites are somehow the victims http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196501805.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 06:55 PM on 10/15/2012 Whites are being systematicaly raced replaced. They need this union to survive. jakewestwn: Whites are being systematicaly raced replaced. They need this union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196504789.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 06:59 PM on 10/15/2012 No so. Many different ethnic groups are formed not only to advocate for their inclusion in society but also to support and take pride inj their ehtnic heritage.

The real question is whether this group is a true advocacy group, or whether it is a hate group. The Latino group MeCha has been banned from some college campuses because it a hate group that promotes Chicano supermacy. methnkng: No so. Many different ethnic groups are formed not only http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505780.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Robert SF 1766 Fans 06:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Ah... the teabagger fantasy that whites are an oppressed minority. Robert_SF: Ah... the teabagger fantasy that whites are an oppressed minority. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Robert_SF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196498534.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:48 PM on 10/15/2012 GET THEM OFF THE PITY-TEA-POTS ozeniki: GET THEM OFF THE PITY-TEA-POTS http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196533755.html History | Permalink | Share it

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:30 PM on 10/15/2012 An organization for the advocacy of white students already exists on every campus, It's called the young Republicans. But honestly. when I was in school, the students who advocated for a "white student union" were the ones who were always on academic probation. MaryJoseph: An organization for the advocacy of white students already exists http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196498088.html History | Permalink | Share it Sgt York 156 Fans 06:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Republicans are not just white and DEM's have white people too. Sgt_York: Republicans are not just white and DEM's have white people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sgt_York/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196501953.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Well, sure. Now, make a meaningful point by actually presenting the demographic breakdown of each party. LinkTren: Well, sure. Now, make a meaningful point by actually presenting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196502903.html History | Permalink | Share it

phread antiFA and proud of it 555 Fans 06:59 PM on 10/15/2012 a weak defense for ra.c.ism phread: a weak defense for ra.c.ism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phread/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196505786.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/15/2012 The government never had the right to remove the freedom of rights to associate but this is removed for whites it seems. No one is no longer trying to enslave or opress but sometimes theirs saftey and security among your own people. In my own personel experience. jakewestwn: The government never had the right to remove the freedom http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505693.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program DrBadTrain 23 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/15/2012 "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

And... "All the embracing of dumbhead white 'culture' in the world is not gonna make up for the fact that you couldn't get a date for the prom."

:/ DrBadTrain: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DrBadTrain/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196496212.html History | Permalink | Share it Sgt York 156 Fans 06:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Dumbhead white culture? grow up and get a job. Sgt_York: Dumbhead white culture? grow up and get a job. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sgt_York/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196498589.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jakewestwn 20 Fans 06:56 PM on 10/15/2012 DrBadTrain sounds racist against European Americans. jakewestwn: DrBadTrain sounds racist against European Americans. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakewestwn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196505136.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 08:21 PM on 10/15/2012 Yeah, racism is non-existent unless it's your ox being gored, eh? Brane: Yeah, racism is non-existent unless it's your ox being gored, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196526957.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Dieter Zerressen Don't attack the messenger - give me a fact. 493 Fans 06:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Yea, being a white middle class man in college is such a devastating and challenging experience. I mean, he might have to fight his way up, say, one or two rungs on the ladder. Pussie Dieter_Zerressen: Yea, being a white middle class man in college is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dieter_Zerressen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196495492.html History | Permalink | Share it maggiedancer 192 Fans 06:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Well that's a howler. As a lily white person, I can unequivocally say that there is NO "inherent anti-white bias" in academia or the mainstream society. So long as I can flash some of my lily white skin, I can wear a hoodie without being profiled. I can drive while white. And I know, even though my marijuana days are close to 40 years ago and I don't miss it, more whites total and probably per capita smoke dope than black folks do. And most welfare recipients look like "Joe the Plumber" (not a Joe and not a plumber). And just looking at who occupies the higher echelons in the private and public sectors in this nation, white males constitute the second largest minority (behind white women like me) and 80% of the highest paid jobs. Yup. This poor kid - sooooooooooo oppressed.....ROFL. maggiedancer: Well that's a howler. As a lily white person, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maggiedancer/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196495419.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 07:07 PM on 10/15/2012 You are living in a bubble.

In our area, we have made great strides in terms of diversity. Whites are no longer the majority. Unfortunately, people of every race can be racist, and anti white racism does occur, and I am NOT speaking about the issue of affirmative action. I am talking about typical stereortypoing and hate type racist actions and remarks.

The real question here is whether this group is a hate group of a real advocay group. If it is a white suprmists group it should be banned. MeCha, the Latino group, has been banned from some campuses because of their Chicano supremists views. methnkng: You are living in a bubble. In our area, we http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196507963.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Shirley Ogburn What does extraordinary look like -- OBAMA 1460 Fans 07:13 PM on 10/15/2012 My first "lilly white" friend!

Fanned and Faved. Shirley_Ogburn: My first "lilly white" friend! Fanned and Faved. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shirley_Ogburn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196509444.html History | Permalink | Share it maggiedancer 192 Fans 08:29 AM on 10/16/2012 Welcome friend of whatever race. Thank you. maggiedancer: Welcome friend of whatever race. Thank you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maggiedancer/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196625400.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Thaddeus Jude Veteran of Occupy An Office Chair 95 Fans 06:15 PM on 10/15/2012 Of course they should be able to create it. If anybody says they shouldn't, they are racists. Is it a good idea? No. Does it make sense? No. Do white students really need a student union? No.

But to deny them would be discrimination based on race AND censorship and that should not exist in a collegiate environment. Thaddeus_Jude: Of course they should be able to create it. If http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thaddeus_Jude/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196494142.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

06:27 PM on 10/15/2012 Could not agree more. They should have a group there. All ideas -- even those which offend -- should have a voice. That is key to a truly liberal society. But don't fool yourself about what the group stands for. JM_Brodie: Could not agree more. They should have a group there. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196497306.html History | Permalink | Share it Sgt York 156 Fans 06:37 PM on 10/15/2012 So all whites are racist? Why is it o.k. for someone to be proud of there black race but a white person can't be proud of his? Sgt_York: So all whites are racist? Why is it o.k. for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sgt_York/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196499988.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Dan FL Watching the Dream die. With popcorn. 189 Fans 06:31 PM on 10/15/2012 When you let people like this gather and act openly, they discredit themselves. It's when they keep it secret that they are dangerous.

By all means, let them show us who they are. Dan_FL: When you let people like this gather and act openly, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dan_FL/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196498433.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

07:02 PM on 10/15/2012 Only minorities are allowed group identity? elsquibbs: Only minorities are allowed group identity? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196506572.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jimstoic 60 Fans

06:14 PM on 10/15/2012 I LOVE that this organization exists. His membership in it pretty much guarantees he'll never get elected to office later. jimstoic: I LOVE that this organization exists. His membership in it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jimstoic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196493793.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:19 PM on 10/15/2012 Lol!! LinkTren: Lol!! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196495033.html History | Permalink | Share it cubs 4 Fans 06:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Sounds like white taliban why not, There is nothing but hate in this world. cubs: Sounds like white taliban why not, There is nothing but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cubs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196498606.html History | Permalink | Share it

elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

07:03 PM on 10/15/2012 And the Black Panthers and MEChA are what, exactly? elsquibbs: And the Black Panthers and MEChA are what, exactly? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196506801.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:52 PM on 10/15/2012 In what way is the taliban & the white right any different? ozeniki: In what way is the taliban & the white right http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196534745.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER LadyeCatte 48-year old jail bait.... 163 Fans 06:11 PM on 10/15/2012 "...every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for themselves"

Probably true.. but not a single one of them advocates that America should be totally comprised of their own race. Nor are they openly or furtively working to marginalize and disenfranchise other groups.

The "white nationalist" movement is nothing but a hate group. Therein lies the biggest difference. LadyeCatte: "...every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LadyeCatte/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196493072.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 07:11 PM on 10/15/2012 Wrong, the Latino group MeCha does advocate for Chicano racial suprmency and creating a new nation in the western US called Aztalan, when all non Chicanos are removed. Some say this group even advocates genocide. Some univiersities do ban this group, but most do not. methnkng: Wrong, the Latino group MeCha does advocate for Chicano racial http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196508920.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 08:54 PM on 10/15/2012 Separatism stems from fear & anxiety - so OFF TO THE SHRINK before you do more harm. ozeniki: Separatism stems from fear & anxiety - so OFF TO http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196535201.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER LadyeCatte 48-year old jail bait.... 163 Fans 02:59 AM on 10/16/2012 No, actually, MeCHa doesn't advocate for America to be Hispanic only, nor do they attack and demean all others not like them. They DO, however, have some issues that need to get zapped. Too angry by far, and their motto is misunderstood. I do know that white nationalist supporters try to use them as their counterpoint, but it's a lame attempt... kinda like when they go around exclaiming Obama's "gonna take our guns" even though the President has EXPANDED gun freedoms. LadyeCatte: No, actually, MeCHa doesn't advocate for America to be Hispanic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LadyeCatte/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196597697.html History | Permalink | Share it

BullPower 73 Fans 06:03 PM on 10/15/2012 Although blacks don't like to admit it, racism cuts both ways. In my life I would say that blacks have been more hostile and racist toward me than I ever projected to them. I wasn't raised racist since my parents were 1st generation immigrants and weren't brought up in that kind of environment. So, it was a real eye-opener attending a predominantly black high school and being teased and tormented for 4 years with racist remarks because I was white. It was my first taste that many blacks do hate white people. I've met many other whites who have been treated the same in their life. It's a very isolating feeling and perhaps this young man feels the need to commiserate with others who have had similar experiences. Please no hate speak...Just relaying some real life experiences. BullPower: Although blacks don't like to admit it, racism cuts both http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BullPower/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196490868.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

06:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Although Whites don't like to admit it, racism cuts both ways. In my life I would say that Whites have been more hostile and racist toward me than I ever projected to them.

I wasn't raised racist, though my parents were working class people brought up in that kind of environment. So, it was a real eye-opener attending an all-White (except for my sister and me) elemantary school and being teased and tormented for two years with racist remarks because I wasnot white. It was my first taste that many Whites do hate Black people.

I've met many other Blacks who have been treated the same in their lives. It's a very isolating feeling.

My point here, my friend is this: you missed a lot of the history that people like me had to live through. Anger? Yes. Take a look at some old photos and tell me how you would feel. It bothers me that well-meaning people such as yourself come here and assume a level of anger from us that come from the air.

No hate. Trying to relate. JM_Brodie: Although Whites don't like to admit it, racism cuts both http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196498689.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Robert SF 1766 Fans 06:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Here's what you don't understand. The only way that black racism can hurt you is if a black person attacks you physically. But aside from that, black racism will never limit the professions you can enter or how far you can rise within them. Black racism will never lead to your children attending schools with no heat, let alone libraries and computers. Black racism will never lead to political candidates stoking that black racism to win election.

How it that otherwise intelligent people make all sorts of rationalization for why the Muslim worlds hates us, but when it comes to blacks, they solemnly declare to be utterly stumped.

Why do blacks hate us? We brought them all the way over from Africa, didn't even charge them for the trip, and THIS is how they repay us? It just makes no sense, does it? Robert_SF: Here's what you don't understand. The only way that black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Robert_SF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196500325.html History | Permalink | Share it

BullPower 73 Fans 09:26 PM on 10/15/2012 And, yes I have been physically attacked, actually severely attacked by someone black as did my father while walking down the street to his job. And, Words don't hurt??? They stick for a lifetime sometimes. Whites can't get jobs or get into college because of their skin color...I would say that's racist. My point is that blacks don't have a monopoly on being mistreated by another race, but many act as if they do. If these words bother you, then sometimes the truth just hurts. BullPower: And, yes I have been physically attacked, actually severely attacked http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BullPower/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196542353.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

RonJon30 4 Fans 11:29 PM on 10/15/2012 BullPower gave you a very specific example of how racism can hurt whites other than being attacked physically. There are close to 100 million non-whites in the USA and white people can easily find themselves in "minority" situations where they are treated with hostility. RonJon30: BullPower gave you a very specific example of how racism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonJon30/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196569927.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All fushitaka Think from multiple perspectives 243 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/15/2012 If he created the group in say...India or Mongolia, I can see his point. But he created the group in America. Who can honestly turn on the tv, see a movie, drive by a billboard, look in a magazine, or even look at the government make up and say "My gosh! Whites are being underrepresented!"

I think that is what the student is not realizing. He is not acknowledging that for most of American history, whites basically were the power group. Of course immigrants from Ireland and Eastern Europe faced immense hardships but were there concerted efforts to deny them a voice in society or a chance to improve themselves based solely on their skin color?

But even if we forgot about the past. Can he show how whites are being under represented? If he formed an Irish group to talk about Irish issues and cultures, no problem. German group? Sure. English group? I can see that since England has a different culture than the States. A white group? What is white culture and interests in a country such as America? fushitaka: If he created the group in say...India or Mongolia, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fushitaka/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196490101.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 06:17 PM on 10/15/2012 Well, to start, yes... whites are the dominant group in our society. For now. But their dominance is shrinking. And many, like this guy, feel that this is no accident. They feel that their dominance in a society built upon their traditions is being taken from them, and they are not entirely mistaken.

You said it yourself... for most of American history whites were basically the main power group. That is largely because it was THEIR COUNTRY. It isn't anymore. Go to any country on Earth, begin to strip the dominant folk of its influence, traditions, numbers, and then see what happens. It's happening in Britain, France, the Netherlands, even Denmark and Sweden are waking up. It is NORMAL and NATURAL for a French person to bemoan the dilution of their country, their people, their traditions. That's NORMAL.

What isn't normal is this American liberal obsession with xenomania - the love of anything different and strange - which goes hand in hand with normaphobia (not a real word, but a good one anyway) which is the fear and hatred of anything normal. I_wasnt_here: Well, to start, yes... whites are the dominant group in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196494698.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:27 PM on 10/15/2012 It's basically "their" country as a result of g enocide. It remains "their" country, for now, in part due to institutional racism. History is not convenient. Also inconvenient are the rapidly shifting demographics which appear to terrify many people like you - wonder why. LinkTren: It's basically "their" country as a result of g enocide. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196497437.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

fushitaka Think from multiple perspectives 243 Fans 06:42 PM on 10/15/2012 I think you made an interesting point. However it does not address one other issue I brought up. That is the representation of other ethnic groups in society as a whole. Yes, the white population is in decline but it is not like one single group is the cause.

Again, I don't see how anyone in the States can turn on the tv or see a movie and think that whites are being under-represented. When one likes at the body of the senate and congress, mostly white. Same goes for news anchors, celebrities, and tv personalities. But there is one more exception I would add to my original post. If you attended a Historically Black College and formed the group, ok. fushitaka: I think you made an interesting point. However it does http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fushitaka/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196501308.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All sandiegoconservative Surprisingly refreshing and undeniably delightful 221 Fans 06:20 PM on 10/15/2012 It is not a matter of underrepresentation, it is a matter of representation. White culture is everywhere. I note that your examples of sub groups don't carry over to other ethnicities. How many different types of hispanics or latinos lumped in together. Do the student who are represented in a black student union only come from Africa? How about asian students? China? Japan? Korea? Thai? Vietnamese? The list is endless.

My ancestors from Europe were denied many opportunities based on where they came from. Ethnicity is just one of many discriminating factors. The point this guy is making is that there is a clear distinction between whites and their "rights" to assemble on university campuses and others. If you disagree, try walking around with a "White Pride" shirt and see what happens. sandiegoconservative: It is not a matter of underrepresentation, it is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sandiegoconservative/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196495402.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/15/2012 This idea of whites as victims is perplexing. Who is denying whites their right to assemble? And if you want to blame someone for the whites not being able to wear that particular shirt look no further than the K lan. How you can ignore the historical context in making your argument is beyond me. LinkTren: This idea of whites as victims is perplexing. Who is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196496333.html History | Permalink | Share it

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:41 PM on 10/15/2012 If you walk around with a white pride shirt on a college campus, you would rightly be shunned. MaryJoseph: If you walk around with a white pride shirt on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196501069.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Rooster Coburn Less Gov't + More Responsibility = A Better World 645 Fans 05:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Hard to argue that a Black, Hispanic, Asian, LGBT student union are fine and dandy and then find fault with a White version of the exact same thing, don't you think? Rooster_Coburn: Hard to argue that a Black, Hispanic, Asian, LGBT student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rooster_Coburn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196489415.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

06:04 PM on 10/15/2012 I think the problem here is that you are arguing two very different things, and kinda ignoring the history and the dynamic of the society.

I have no problem with a White group that promote White culture. Just don't know what that means. I know what it has meant, and judging from he words this young man associates himself with, I have reason for concern that the group desires to foment something negative.

I would love to be proven wrong. JM_Brodie: I think the problem here is that you are arguing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196491114.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 06:19 PM on 10/15/2012 A lot of whites said the same thing about the Black Panthers. I_wasnt_here: A lot of whites said the same thing about the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196495191.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All sandiegoconservative Surprisingly refreshing and undeniably delightful 221 Fans 06:22 PM on 10/15/2012 There was a black student organization on my college campus back in the day that had in its membership midst, black hate groups who were very open and vocal about hatred towards whites. That was not seen as a negative, but rather a voice.

This guy is making a very interesting point that in terms of association, whites are looked down upon on college campuses. sandiegoconservative: There was a black student organization on my college campus http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sandiegoconservative/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196496041.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER My Devils Advocate FreedomEndsWhenYouFollow 129 Fans

05:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Well with a name like Heimbach he probably needed something to find a friend. I say stick with the video games in your parents basement, it's safer and the fridge closer.... My_Devils_Advocate: Well with a name like Heimbach he probably needed something http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/My_Devils_Advocate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196489403.html History | Permalink | Share it

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:35 PM on 10/15/2012 Heimbach is eine gute deutsche name. As a FELLOW GERMAN AMERICAN, I have found that although you can take the German out of Germany, it is very hard to take the Nazi out of the German. MaryJoseph: Heimbach is eine gute deutsche name. As a FELLOW GERMAN http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196499516.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER My Devils Advocate FreedomEndsWhenYouFollow 129 Fans

06:56 PM on 10/15/2012 The Chi rho sits on my 3rd of the left hand. Well done My_Devils_Advocate: The Chi rho sits on my 3rd of the left http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/My_Devils_Advocate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196505142.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Shirley Ogburn What does extraordinary look like -- OBAMA 1460 Fans 07:05 PM on 10/15/2012 Booyah!! Fan #75. Shirley_Ogburn: Booyah!! Fan #75. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shirley_Ogburn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196507298.html History | Permalink | Share it elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

05:55 PM on 10/15/2012 Maybe MLH can add this kid to his "Most Overrated White People" list. elsquibbs: Maybe MLH can add this kid to his "Most Overrated http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196488640.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Haha! Good one. Ties the week together nicely! I_wasnt_here: Haha! Good one. Ties the week together nicely! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196489256.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:02 PM on 10/15/2012 KID MEANS GOAT ozeniki: KID MEANS GOAT http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196537023.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Gna White 140 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Good for him. :-) Gna_White: Good for him. :-) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gna_White/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196488077.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/15/2012 They were much less subtle when I was in college. The United Klans openly recruited on the Tuscaloosa campus with David Duke making an appearance at Ferguson Center. I was ejected from the meeting for heckling. Brane: They were much less subtle when I was in college. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196487720.html History | Permalink | Share it maggiedancer 192 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/15/2012 Faved for what you've said. Fanned for being ejected. maggiedancer: Faved for what you've said. Fanned for being ejected. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maggiedancer/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196496281.html History | Permalink | Share it

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:38 PM on 10/15/2012 In the northern states, especially the Midwest, the racism is much more subtle. A friend of a friend, who happened to be black, moved out of the Bay area because she didn't want her son raised in such an environment. MaryJoseph: In the northern states, especially the Midwest, the racism is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196500230.html History | Permalink | Share it elsquibbs Socially liberal, fiscally prudent atheist. 450 Fans

05:50 PM on 10/15/2012 What a fool. Doesn't he understand that his kind of group is not allowed identity rights? elsquibbs: What a fool. Doesn't he understand that his kind of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elsquibbs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196487278.html History | Permalink | Share it ParaplegicNomad 24 Fans 05:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Pretty sure Everyday Life is a white union. ParaplegicNomad: Pretty sure Everyday Life is a white union. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ParaplegicNomad/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196486608.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 05:56 PM on 10/15/2012 False, everyday more whites are forgotten. We need whites groups to help with their problems. Thepeacekeeper60: False, everyday more whites are forgotten. We need whites groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196488888.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 06:02 PM on 10/15/2012 Really? When did whites become a minority in this country? Are they not the most represented group in the government, in the schools, etc.? LinkTren: Really? When did whites become a minority in this country? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196490526.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:39 PM on 10/15/2012 I think I knew you when I was in college. Any chance you went to UW-Milwaukee? MaryJoseph: I think I knew you when I was in college. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196500526.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All everettmaultsby 96 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/15/2012 White??? He looks mixed to me... everettmaultsby: White??? He looks mixed to me... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/everettmaultsby/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196484385.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER AdobePhsyko This has to be the disease for you 547 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Probably from Kenya...... Let's see that Passport AdobePhsyko: Probably from Kenya...... Let's see that Passport http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AdobePhsyko/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196488123.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Shirley Ogburn What does extraordinary look like -- OBAMA 1460 Fans 07:10 PM on 10/15/2012 Stooooopid comment. He is German. Go read a book! Shirley_Ogburn: Stooooopid comment. He is German. Go read a book! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Shirley_Ogburn/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196508738.html History | Permalink | Share it

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:43 PM on 10/15/2012 I think you're talking about the HuffPo Live announcer. MaryJoseph: I think you're talking about the HuffPo Live announcer. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196501554.html History | Permalink | Share it everettmaultsby 96 Fans 08:01 PM on 10/15/2012 If so, my bad. (Love you "icon"...Truly, He is Alpha and Omega!) everettmaultsby: If so, my bad.  (Love you "icon"...Truly, He is Alpha http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/everettmaultsby/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196522078.html History | Permalink | Share it taylor5 241 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Anti-white bias? Asians alone occupy the top academic perch, with admissions by blacks, whites and hispanics have trended downward at prestigious universities. Indeed if it were not for sports like lacrosse, soccer, football, crew or hockey the white admits would be further in the toilet. Blacks, whites and hispanics make up the second tier. taylor5: Anti-white bias? Asians alone occupy the top academic perch, with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/taylor5/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196482666.html History | Permalink | Share it

MottdeWitt 55 Fans 05:33 PM on 10/15/2012 We had a white student union when I was at LSU. They called it the Young Republicans. MottdeWitt: We had a white student union when I was at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MottdeWitt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196482274.html History | Permalink | Share it joeke41 24 Fans 05:28 PM on 10/15/2012 Good Job white students. Are there any black student organizations? Aren't we supposed to be equal? joeke41: Good Job white students. Are there any black student organizations? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joeke41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196480940.html History | Permalink | Share it

Davey Johnson 270 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Your questions are as rational as your avatar. Good luck with that. Davey_Johnson: Your questions are as rational as your avatar. Good luck http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Davey_Johnson/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196482535.html History | Permalink | Share it

joeke41 24 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/15/2012 Can't answer them? figures. joeke41: Can't answer them?  figures. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joeke41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196482780.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 05:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Equality? The minority student groups foster a sense of togetherness in a majority white atmosphere. Why on earth do whites needs a student union? LinkTren: Equality? The minority student groups foster a sense of togetherness http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196483587.html History | Permalink | Share it

joeke41 24 Fans 05:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Why don't we have Native American Month, Day, Hour, even minute??? Blacks get a whole month. joeke41: Why don't we have Native American Month, Day, Hour, even http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joeke41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196483995.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

MaryJoseph 89 Fans 06:48 PM on 10/15/2012 They (not all white students) feel persecuted because they didn't do well enough to be admitted to the College of Business/Engineering/Medicine. MaryJoseph: They (not all white students) feel persecuted because they didn't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryJoseph/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196502781.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Juror Number 8 46 Fans 05:28 PM on 10/15/2012 Keep your eyes painfully open to race and skin color, America, and this is what happens. You made your bed, now lay in it. Juror_Number_8: Keep your eyes painfully open to race and skin color, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Juror_Number_8/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196480881.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Burying your head in the sand is exactly what leads to this kind of i gnorance. That child and you need to pick up a history book and learn. LinkTren: Burying your head in the sand is exactly what leads http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196482054.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Juror Number 8 46 Fans 05:47 PM on 10/15/2012 There's a difference between claiming that racial colorblindness solves nothing, and claiming that it is impossible. Many of your stripe falsely equate the two. But history won't explain how I got the way I am. Will you? Juror_Number_8: There's a difference between claiming that racial colorblindness solves nothing, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Juror_Number_8/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196486440.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mccabe49 Talk to the Chair 550 Fans

05:46 PM on 10/15/2012 Or we could do what you do. Pretend there is no racism and predjudice in this country and hope it will just go away. Yeah that will work mccabe49: Or we could do what you do. Pretend there is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mccabe49/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196486056.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Juror Number 8 46 Fans 05:51 PM on 10/15/2012 That's not what I do. You can solve institutional racism by institutional means (and we do), and you can only solve individual racism by individual means. NEVER criss-cross the two. Still confused? Juror_Number_8: That's not what I do. You can solve institutional racism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Juror_Number_8/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196487543.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Dan1963 248 Fans 05:25 PM on 10/15/2012 Is there a black student union? Or any race based student union? I think this guy is stupid for doing this. But I don't know if he is racist. If he is does that make the other groups racist? I don't think so Dan1963: Is there a black student union? Or any race based http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dan1963/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196479936.html History | Permalink | Share it joeke41 24 Fans 05:24 PM on 10/15/2012 So Snoop Dog and Samuel Jackson can say vote for Obama because he is black. What if Tom Hanks said vote for Romney because he is white??? Who is the racist here. Allow the group...it's about time this started happening. HuffPost White Voices maybe??? joeke41: So Snoop Dog and Samuel Jackson can say vote for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joeke41/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196479651.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:59 PM on 10/15/2012 That'll be the day... I_wasnt_here: That'll be the day... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196489709.html History | Permalink | Share it

joeke41 24 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Maybe some day blacks will stop being racist. joeke41: Maybe some day blacks will stop being racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joeke41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196489974.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Pappa Truth Sayer 240 Fans 05:21 PM on 10/15/2012 As, all races have been involved culture group events. Having a Whites only, I disagree with his ideal. Having Italian, German, and difference ethnic groups are an advantage. Pappa: As, all races have been involved culture group events. Having http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pappa/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196478864.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER LadyeCatte 48-year old jail bait.... 163 Fans 06:27 PM on 10/15/2012 I totally agree. I'll even join the German group if we get to sample native libations at every meeting... for, umm.. heritage research n' stuff... LadyeCatte: I totally agree. I'll even join the German group if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LadyeCatte/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196497289.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Pappa Truth Sayer 240 Fans 01:24 AM on 10/16/2012 Great, and people share holidays with other cultures, such as Octoberfest, St. Patrick’s day, Our Lady of Assumption, etc. Pappa: Great, and people share holidays with other cultures, such as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pappa/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196588272.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER cattack Thinking. Feeling. Being. Doing. 236 Fans 05:18 PM on 10/15/2012 Wow. This student makes me embarrassed for my home state.

I think to myself... how can this young man not recognize the inherent privilege that comes with being white, male, heterosexual, and educated in academia and--well--society? The answer is that he sees this privilege as a right, one that he's terrified to lose. What, after all, would the world look like if men like him lost their social and political power?

Indeed, he's learned from day 1 that the world is there for his taking, that white men should have what they want, when they want it. He's reacting not to his (perceived) loss of privilege, but to the slowly changing lanscape of race and masculinity in the US. cattack: Wow. This student makes me embarrassed for my home state. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cattack/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196477774.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DCmykl A long seemingly endless edge... 831 Fans

05:50 PM on 10/15/2012 "...the inherent privilege that comes with being white, male, heterosexual, and educated in academia..."

Well now, lets think about that. Who are the Matthew Heimbachs among us standing before their Tea Party banners holding forth in defense of what they perceive as the erosion of their God given and constitutionally protected rights? Lets face it, for the most part they are not the privileged sons and daughters of America's "1%." They are from at best middle- class and most often lower middle-class families who are barely making it or have just made it up from a blue-collar lunch pail background, and they are frightened to death of losing what little they have. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, immigrants of any kind all are threats to them. For them the world is certainly not "there for the taking." In their minds, it is their world, what it is, that is going to be taken away. DCmykl: "...the inherent privilege that comes with being white, male, heterosexual, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DCmykl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196487323.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 06:02 PM on 10/15/2012 Amazing. People from the founding and dominant demographic of a society have inherent privilege.

True PHD stuff, that! I_wasnt_here: Amazing. People from the founding and dominant demographic of a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196490553.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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Kyle Galindez 55 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/15/2012 There is no point to organize a white student group at a school that is probably 95% white already. The reason why people of color need to organize groups is because they are marginalized and oppressed in our society, so a student group is a way for them to put forward a common voice, share common interests, find others, etc. Imagine if you were consistently the only person of color in all of your classes...

And to say that our society fosters an "inherent bias" against white people is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. Does he know what "white privilege" is? This kid is ignorant, hateful, extremely racist (so racist he can longer even acknowledge it) and probably just looking for attention. Kyle_Galindez: There is no point to organize a white student group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kyle_Galindez/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196477710.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER gschear Buhbye D. Rehberg, Sincerly, Bozeman MT 1037 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/15/2012 Standing in front of the Tea Party Banner as well. No surprise there. gschear: Standing in front of the Tea Party Banner as well. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gschear/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196477513.html History | Permalink | Share it

waypointc 210 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/15/2012 The Maryland is the "Tea Party Banner?" Seriously? The fact that you don't know the difference is unsurprising. waypointc: The Maryland State flag is the "Tea Party Banner?" Seriously? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/waypointc/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196486965.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER gschear Buhbye D. Rehberg, Sincerly, Bozeman MT 1037 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Look closer as to what is beside it before you spout and foam. gschear: Look closer as to what is beside it before you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gschear/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196492255.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

waypointc 210 Fans 05:50 PM on 10/15/2012 The "Don't Tread on Me" flag was, at one time, the flag of the Colonies, as well. Ignorance abounds. waypointc: The "Don't Tread on Me" flag was, at one time, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/waypointc/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196487198.html History | Permalink | Share it

Brane 545 Fans 05:56 PM on 10/15/2012 Every time you speak. Brane: Every time you speak. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brane/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196489007.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER gschear Buhbye D. Rehberg, Sincerly, Bozeman MT 1037 Fans 06:10 PM on 10/15/2012 , honorable ones. become associated with the trash pick them up and claim them only for themselves.. the only true patriots. gschear: Flags, honorable ones. become associated with the trash pick them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gschear/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196492884.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Historyleansleft Romnesia: n. condition of constant lying 456 Fans 05:14 PM on 10/15/2012 They were called college republicans when I was in school. Historyleansleft: They were called college republicans when I was in school. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Historyleansleft/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196476714.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 05:11 PM on 10/15/2012 these advocacy groups seem to promote discrimination, not achievement mdhematology: these advocacy groups seem to promote discrimination, not achievement http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196475878.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 05:18 PM on 10/15/2012 The white ones? True. LinkTren: The white ones? True. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196477847.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 05:27 PM on 10/15/2012 no, the ones that promote diversity for diversity's sake and not for achievement mdhematology: no, the ones that promote diversity for diversity's sake and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196480672.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Losers can only get High on putting others Down ozeniki: Losers can only get High on putting others Down http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196538483.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 08:19 AM on 10/16/2012 yes mdhematology: yes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196623511.html History | Permalink | Share it destock6 66 Fans 05:06 PM on 10/15/2012 I can't recall a single institutional roadblock I've had to overcome as a white American. The only thing I've had to overcome was the ignorance being fed to me as I was growing up, which was easy when I discovered I can think for myself and explore the world around me on my own! Try it Matthew, you might like it!!! destock6: I can't recall a single institutional roadblock I've had to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/destock6/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196474455.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 05:11 PM on 10/15/2012 Were you poor? Were any of your siblings or parents addicted to drugs or alcohol? Child of divorce? These are obstacles that whites have to overcome. I could come up a large list, those are just some examples. Thepeacekeeper60: Were you poor? Were any of your siblings or parents http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196475881.html History | Permalink | Share it

destock6 66 Fans 05:27 PM on 10/15/2012 I meant instutional roadblock. Oh yeah, I said that in my post. And yes to two out of three of your examples. Anything else? destock6: I meant instutional roadblock. Oh yeah, I said that in my post. And http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/destock6/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196480439.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER cattack Thinking. Feeling. Being. Doing. 236 Fans 05:27 PM on 10/15/2012 White people overcome many obstacles, but these are not institutional and do not comprise systemic racism. cattack: White people overcome many obstacles, but these are not institutional http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cattack/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196480500.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Rodger323 10 Fans 05:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Sheltered much? When you live in poverty as a white person, your assumed to have the advantage. From personal experiences, its quite the opposite. Aid is openly offered to minorities simply for being minorities. Fair comes no where near a descriptive word for Americas systems as a whole. Rodger323: Sheltered much? When you live in poverty as a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rodger323/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196481094.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Really?? Your "evidence" for this alleged qualitative difference in poverty comes from where? LinkTren: Really?? Your "evidence" for this alleged qualitative difference in poverty http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196482747.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

destock6 66 Fans 05:42 PM on 10/15/2012 Why is it so hard to understand INSTITUTIONAL ROADBLOCK. That present day size of that aid is a result of INSTITUTIONAL ROADBLOCKS that have existed since this nation was founded. destock6: Why is it so hard to understand INSTITUTIONAL ROADBLOCK. That http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/destock6/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196484910.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All mdhematology 44 Fans 05:04 PM on 10/15/2012 just get rid of all of them and have a color blind society based on achievement, not hand outs mdhematology: just get rid of all of them and have a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196473735.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER realityoccasionally yeah i know what you 'meant' 103 Fans 05:10 PM on 10/15/2012 head buried deeply in sand. realityoccasionally: head buried deeply in sand. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/realityoccasionally/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196475533.html History | Permalink | Share it

Rodger323 10 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/15/2012 Usually when offended, its for a reason. Hand out much lately? Rodger323: Usually when offended, its for a reason. Hand out much http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rodger323/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196481652.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mccabe49 Talk to the Chair 550 Fans

05:50 PM on 10/15/2012 Color blind? Are you kidding? In this society? mccabe49: Color blind? Are you kidding? In this society? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mccabe49/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196487296.html History | Permalink | Share it

mdhematology 44 Fans 05:54 PM on 10/15/2012 why not, nobody cares except the race hustlers mdhematology: why not, nobody cares except the race hustlers http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mdhematology/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196488288.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:12 PM on 10/15/2012 I always amazed at all this black/white controversy in your country - more like pre-apartheid S.Africa, no other country in the universe carries on like this - so much wasted time & energy ozeniki: I always amazed at all this black/white controversy in your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196539403.html History | Permalink | Share it

Barbara DeZan Knowledge is Power 1901 Fans 05:01 PM on 10/15/2012 This is a joke, right?


Comedy Central trick? Barbara_DeZan: This is a joke, right? Satire? Comedy Central trick? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbara_DeZan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196473037.html History | Permalink | Share it

Holly Figueroa OReilly Former GOP sick of RWNJ and being trickled down on 499 Fans

05:00 PM on 10/15/2012 As soon as he said "the librul media", I stopped listening. Holly_Figueroa_OReilly: As soon as he said "the librul media", I stopped http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Holly_Figueroa_OReilly/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196472539.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER SEXYLEO micro-bio 124 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/15/2012 Outstanding! SEXYLEO: Outstanding! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SEXYLEO/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196486868.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER jonathan herrera 66 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Nothing wong with having a white union with conservative principals as long as you don't say stupid things like there is more white cirmes against whites than blacks. jonathan_herrera: Nothing wong with having a white union with conservative principals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jonathan_herrera/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196471959.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:14 PM on 10/15/2012 98% of SERIAL KILLERS ARE WHITE WHITES ozeniki: 98% of SERIAL KILLERS ARE WHITE WHITES http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196539688.html History | Permalink | Share it dollbaby Spice...."The Toughest Fighter." 1698 Fans 04:54 PM on 10/15/2012 Mr. Heimbach, If you would like a White Student Union than you must go to a HBC/ University. My niece attends Towson Uand she is part of the minority of Blacks attending there. dollbaby: Mr. Heimbach, If you would like a White Student Union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dollbaby/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196470781.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Scott Stevenson Bless your heart. 814 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/15/2012 All my life I've been oppressed for being gay, I didn't know I was being oppressed for being white. SMH Scott_Stevenson: All my life I've been oppressed for being gay, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scott_Stevenson/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196470205.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Gna White 140 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/15/2012 tissue? Gna_White: tissue? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gna_White/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196487694.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Scott Stevenson Bless your heart. 814 Fans 06:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Racist? Homophobic? Scott_Stevenson: Racist? Homophobic? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scott_Stevenson/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196495319.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 04:51 PM on 10/15/2012 Please folks, ever heard of Rwandan genocide. Blacks hate their own people and that is in recent times. These people are not racist, they want a voice and they are ENTITLED to that. Whites face many problems and we wish to correct them. Not oppress anyone. I don't care problems others face. It's apathy, not racism as to why I don't care. I wish to help those who have always helped me and they're white. Thepeacekeeper60: Please folks, ever heard of Rwandan genocide. Blacks hate their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196469701.html History | Permalink | Share it

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 05:02 PM on 10/15/2012 Ahem. what... problems... do whites wish to "correct" ? chamberwindow: Ahem. what... problems... do whites wish to "correct" ? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196473427.html History | Permalink | Share it Thepeacekeeper60 18 Fans 05:05 PM on 10/15/2012 White drug use, classes and programs for white parents, getting more whites out of poverty, getting more whites educated, etc etc need I go on? Why should they have to explain themselves? Thepeacekeeper60: White drug use, classes and programs for white parents, getting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thepeacekeeper60/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196474091.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Barbara DeZan Knowledge is Power 1901 Fans 05:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Er. WHAT?

From the US Census records...

White persons, percent, 2011 (a) 78.1%

Black persons, percent, 2011 (a) 13.1%

American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2011 (a) 1.2%

Asian persons, percent, 2011 (a) 5.0%

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander persons, percent, 2011 (a) 0.2%

Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2011 2.3%

Persons of Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent, 2011 (b) 16.7%

White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2011 63.4%

So point out just exactly where this huge majority of "white" people are being suppressed and discriminated against, zippy. Barbara_DeZan: Er. WHAT? From the US Census records... White persons, percent, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbara_DeZan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196474906.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:16 PM on 10/15/2012 POOR native peoples, where are they? SHOCKING GENOCIDE so don't throw stones at Germans ozeniki: POOR native peoples, where are they? SHOCKING GENOCIDE so don't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196540246.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Nutrition Supervisor 125 Fans 04:49 PM on 10/15/2012 who is moderating this story...... Nutrition_Supervisor: who is moderating this story...... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nutrition_Supervisor/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196469123.html History | Permalink | Share it

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Seriously, the support for this white power club is overwhelming in these comments. I'm actually frightened. chamberwindow: Seriously, the support for this white power club is overwhelming http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196472195.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/15/2012 It's called reality. Face it. I_wasnt_here: It's called reality. Face it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196492194.html History | Permalink | Share it voteindependent Its a small world but a black one 253 Fans 04:46 PM on 10/15/2012 I dont see anything racist in what the kid said

and La Raza should change it's name :) voteindependent: I dont see anything racist in what the kid said http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/voteindependent/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196468281.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Relentless rik 637 Fans

04:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Heimbach. Something tells me this pork-avoiding individual would NOT be welcome in a white supremacist group! Relentless_rik: Heimbach. Something tells me this pork-avoiding individual would NOT be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Relentless_rik/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196467791.html History | Permalink | Share it

EmmaNYC shoes & ships & sealing wax, cabbages & kings 629 Fans 04:56 PM on 10/15/2012 Good try, but it's a German name, a real, good German name. In fact, it's the name of a German town where all the Jews were murdered by their darling neighbors. Funny how these racist dudes are so often Germans, or isn't it? EmmaNYC: Good try, but it's a German name, a real, good http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EmmaNYC/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196471523.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:18 PM on 10/15/2012 Don't throw stones. Natives at just 1.2% ozeniki: Don't throw stones. Natives at just 1.2% http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196540565.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 21 22 23 24 25 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER goodlucktu 18 Fans 04:45 PM on 10/15/2012 I thiink the White House should be renamed. It is a racist name. goodlucktu: I thiink the White House should be renamed. It is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/goodlucktu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196467744.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER FanaticRealist Romney's Dog: 21st Century Schrodinger's Cat 861 Fans

04:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Imagine the fun of a 'whites only' students association: a bunch of people with transparent complexions who get sunburn in front of a 60W lightbulb eating bland food whilst dancing with no demonstrable sense of rhythm.

BTW, nice 'Don't Tread On Me' flag. FanaticRealist: Imagine the fun of a 'whites only' students association: a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FanaticRealist/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196467218.html History | Permalink | Share it Samuel L Cheesington 7 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/15/2012 Racist. Samuel_L_Cheesington: Racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Samuel_L_Cheesington/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196468619.html History | Permalink | Share it

Rodger323 10 Fans 05:21 PM on 10/15/2012 'Dont tread on me' is used by the military also. The cadre live by this, and instill its true meaning to its recruits, regardless of their ethnicity. White groups are within their rights to form as well as any non violent group. President Obama launched "African Americans for America" during his campaign. Racism, hardly, effective of course, but racist? Theres a stretch. Rodger323: 'Dont tread on me' is used by the military also. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rodger323/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196478750.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All SueEll 955 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/15/2012 He got a point. Although calling it the "White Sudent Union" seems to imply a need for it by all white students. He should change it to "Ig norant White Ra cists Student Union". There. That's better. SueEll: He got a point. Although calling it the "White Sudent http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SueEll/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196467013.html History | Permalink | Share it steelman48 35 Fans 04:54 PM on 10/15/2012 Just goes to show the inherent anti white sentiment which is the stated reason for the need in the first place. Thanks for showing everyone your racism and ignorance. steelman48: Just goes to show the inherent anti white sentiment which http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/steelman48/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196470695.html History | Permalink | Share it

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/15/2012 How calling out racism anti white? Can you be clear in your response? chamberwindow: How calling out racism anti white? Can you be clear http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196471836.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All SueEll 955 Fans 05:00 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm not anti-white. Some of my family is white. Wait, what am I saying? All of my family is white. (At least as far as I know ...) I'm anti-racist, though. SueEll: I'm not anti-white. Some of my family is white. Wait, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SueEll/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196472614.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lithium12 Fighting ignorance makes you an enemy of the right 276 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/15/2012 white power agenda with a dress on it is all this is. lithium12: white power agenda with a dress on it is all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lithium12/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196465349.html History | Permalink | Share it azcalamity 40 Fans 04:31 PM on 10/15/2012 Black Panthers. La Raza. Two groups welcomed and fawned over. I didn't mean to leave out any Asian or other groups, I just don't know any. So now a White studen union is wanted -- what did you expect? The bias against White people is obvious, and insidious; the time for affirmative action has come and gone, folks. How about we try the merit system? azcalamity: Black Panthers. La Raza. Two groups welcomed and fawned over. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/azcalamity/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196463385.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Watchman56 42 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/15/2012 I once saw a guy wearing a "Proud to be White" badge on his jacket. So i think ill get a jacket that says "Proud to have High Blood Pressure". It makes just as much sense. Watchman56: I once saw a guy wearing a "Proud to be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Watchman56/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196463037.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ron Hovey Empathy, Rationality, Equanimity 260 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/15/2012 To me this falls under the category of: just because you can do or say something does not mean that you should. I believe that this guy should have the right under his 1st Amendment protections, but I think he is also a small-minded bigot. The good thing about letting people have their say is that it also allows them to violate the suggestion that it is wiser to let people think what they will about you than to open your mouth and remove doubt. This way we know where the racists, anti-semites, misogynists, racists, chauvanists, homophobes and others not ready for civil society. Ron_Hovey: To me this falls under the category of: just because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ron_Hovey/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196462907.html History | Permalink | Share it crimsonflush 39 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/15/2012 Why does he need to form a new group, he when can just join the Teabagge party? crimsonflush: Why does he need to form a new group, he http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/crimsonflush/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196461030.html History | Permalink | Share it tr7111 66 Fans 04:19 PM on 10/15/2012 This is just like those affirmative action bake sales people had.

It's so easy to point out the hypocrisy on the left that will tolerate all kinds of ethnic nationalist organizations like MeCHa etc. But if a white person tries to self identify with race, why that's racist! tr7111: This is just like those affirmative action bake sales people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tr7111/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196459462.html History | Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink |Show replies(2)

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/15/2012 They would immediately deport him, as they have no tolerance for white supremacists over there. Video games sold in Germany can't even portray images of swastikas. chamberwindow: They would immediately deport him, as they have no tolerance http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196462396.html History | Permalink | Share it pixie66 per aspera ad astra 181 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Yeah, we always end up with trash like this... pixie66: Yeah, we always end up with trash like this... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pixie66/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196462684.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Relentless rik 637 Fans

04:46 PM on 10/15/2012 No: Israel. He's Jewish. Relentless_rik: No: Israel. He's Jewish. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Relentless_rik/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196468185.html History | Permalink | Share it pixie66 per aspera ad astra 181 Fans 04:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Where did you get that? pixie66: Where did you get that? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pixie66/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196468947.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 05:00 PM on 10/15/2012 He's German. Heimbach is a very German name. It's a German town even. chamberwindow: He's German. Heimbach is a very German name. It's a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196472832.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All geewhizwow When did politics become a blood sport 168 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/15/2012 Those poor oppressed white folks. How sad. ;o( geewhizwow: Those poor oppressed white folks. How sad. ;o( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/geewhizwow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196458365.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Dan Dolan 1399 Fans 04:15 PM on 10/15/2012 I could tell from his picture BEFORE I read the article he is an OBESE WHITE SUPREMIST. Dan_Dolan: I could tell from his picture BEFORE I read the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dan_Dolan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196458193.html History | Permalink | Share it

MikeB N TN 35 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Or just a teabagger in training, but I'm splitting hairs. MikeB_N_TN: Or just a teabagger in training, but I'm splitting hairs. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MikeB_N_TN/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196475403.html History | Permalink | Share it

ozeniki 44 Fans 09:20 PM on 10/15/2012 I thought before I saw his pic., he must be obesely impotent - he need a lay ozeniki: I thought before I saw his pic., he must be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ozeniki/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196541002.html History | Permalink | Share it knuckleheadhd 28 Fans 04:09 PM on 10/15/2012 This is from of bio of Jared Taylor, "He has questioned the capacity of blacks to live successfully in a civilized society." Enough said. knuckleheadhd: This is from of bio of Jared Taylor, "He has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/knuckleheadhd/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196456178.html History | Permalink | Share it

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 04:14 PM on 10/15/2012 This is a quote from Jared Taylor, "I want my grandchildren to look like my grandparents. I don't want them to look like Anwar Sadat or Fu Manchu or Whoopi Goldberg." chamberwindow: This is a quote from Jared Taylor, "I want my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196457641.html History | Permalink | Share it eyzaguire 20 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/15/2012 or Obama to be more accurate. eyzaguire: or Obama to be more accurate. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eyzaguire/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196464060.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:43 PM on 10/15/2012 I feel the same way. I_wasnt_here: I feel the same way. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196485072.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Katrin55 A man's reach should exceed his grasp 143 Fans 04:08 PM on 10/15/2012 My German parents lived through the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich; their lives were forever changed because of that racist drum beating. Being proud of your skin color is silly, and excluding others because of theirs is racist. Katrin55: My German parents lived through the rise of Hitler and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Katrin55/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196455873.html History | Permalink | Share it

madhtr 27 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/15/2012 And this goes for ALL races or none. madhtr: And this goes for ALL races or none. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/madhtr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196465290.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:43 PM on 10/15/2012 I think it goes a little bit deeper than skin color. I_wasnt_here: I think it goes a little bit deeper than skin http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196485224.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

04:07 PM on 10/15/2012 Question: If all of these other groups are promoting the concept of diversity and inclusion into the broader society, what exactly, would the White student group promote? What would they be seeking to be a part of that they are excluded from now? JM_Brodie: Question: If all of these other groups are promoting the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196455421.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER thefinalsay 124 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/15/2012 as long as they aren't promoting hate or violence, who cares? do you have to agree with everyone in order for them to start a group? thefinalsay: as long as they aren't promoting hate or violence, who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thefinalsay/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196458399.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

04:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Absolutely. I am not even concerned with what they believe, until it crosses a line -- but that would apply to any group. JM_Brodie: Absolutely. I am not even concerned with what they believe, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196459515.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Dan Dolan 1399 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/15/2012 Heimbach is flanked by White Supremists and KKK members, so they are not promoting hate, violence or discrimination? GIVE ME A BREAK Dan_Dolan: Heimbach is flanked by White Supremists and KKK members, so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dan_Dolan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196461051.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 04:19 PM on 10/15/2012 European heritage, culture, whatever. Certainly nothing wrong with that provided they are celebrating McAdam, the graduate of the University of Edinburgh in the 18th century who developed the system of road paving we now use, Edmund Burke--political thought, Mozart (an example of musical excellence), Monet--art etc. lrobb: European heritage, culture, whatever. Certainly nothing wrong with that provided http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196459409.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

04:21 PM on 10/15/2012 I think that would be very cool. I happen to like that stuff. Can I join? JM_Brodie: I think that would be very cool. I happen to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196460095.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 04:27 PM on 10/15/2012 I hope you are willing to make room for other European cultural achievements. Can they include V. I. Lenin, who aimed to liberate his people from Tsarist oppression? chamberwindow: I hope you are willing to make room for other http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196462062.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 22 23 24 25 26 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER Micah Floe restructuring irrational thought patterns 166 Fans 04:05 PM on 10/15/2012 Why is race an issue in the first place in this country? Does it have anything to do with a history of very dogmatic racist whites? Micah_Floe: Why is race an issue in the first place in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Micah_Floe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196454924.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER thefinalsay 124 Fans 04:17 PM on 10/15/2012 I wouldn't know, I live in the now. thefinalsay: I wouldn't know, I live in the now. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thefinalsay/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196458558.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 04:18 PM on 10/15/2012 You would be wise not to ignore history. LinkTren: You would be wise not to ignore history. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196459153.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

04:20 PM on 10/15/2012 People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. JM_Brodie: People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196459693.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ProgressMakesSense 1069 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't know about this organization. I agree on a theoretical level, but like the one guy (from Howard) said, the first guest speaker is some white supremist type, which undermines the validity of the organization. ProgressMakesSense: I don't know about this organization. I agree on a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ProgressMakesSense/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196454300.html History | Permalink | Share it voltaire9 14 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Every culture has a right to hang out with their own. I am coloured and agree with that, they are well represented in the GOP and the Tea party element. They want to go back to a time in the USA, where everything was as false as Romney. Segregation, voting rights, wives at home with their kids and white picket fence houses. Denying the coloureds education and good paying jobs.

Hey that is the GOP policy.... Pat Boone singing love letters in the sand, Guess who's coming to dinner.

Yes lets go back there, take the country back.... voltaire9: Every culture has a right to hang out with their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/voltaire9/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453237.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joshua Veverka Ideological rigidity is not a virtue. 63 Fans 04:12 PM on 10/15/2012 Maybe they are just kids who grew up and in a pluralistic society, and dont understand why they barred from having the same groups as everyone else. Maybe they didnt get the memo that they are supposed to feel bad for the deeds of dead americans. Joshua_Veverka: Maybe they are just kids who grew up and in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joshua_Veverka/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196457196.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/15/2012 You seriously think this is just about "the deeds of d ead Americans". The civil rights movement is only 40 years old. If you don't think there is systemic and entrenched racism in this country as a result then you need to wake up. LinkTren: You seriously think this is just about "the deeds of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196460000.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All voltaire9 14 Fans 05:42 PM on 10/15/2012 Should we feel the same way about Germany and their deeds in WW2, or as most caring individuals would stand right along side them making sure that does not happen again. Failing to understad history will allow the same mistakes to happen again and again.

Not about getting a memo its about having a moral compass. voltaire9: Should we feel the same way about Germany and their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/voltaire9/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196485006.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER theostracizedafrican 67 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/15/2012 They should be allowed to organize. It's a free country. theostracizedafrican: They should be allowed to organize. It's a free country. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/theostracizedafrican/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453066.html History | Permalink | Share it SueEll 955 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/15/2012 They're idio ts. (free speech) SueEll: They're idio ts. (free speech) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SueEll/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453360.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER NY Guy President Romney - get used to it. 542 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/15/2012 You smell like fish. USA USA. NY_Guy: You smell like fish. USA USA. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NY_Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196453734.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER theostracizedafrican 67 Fans 04:14 PM on 10/15/2012 As much as I believe in free speech I also welcome a counter to any organized group. I don't care if they are racist or not..I think as long as a group is set up in opposition then a balance is struck and no one is overpowering the other. theostracizedafrican: As much as I believe in free speech I also http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/theostracizedafrican/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196457747.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/15/2012 They are allowed to organize. K lan rallies aren't illegal. LinkTren: They are allowed to organize. K lan rallies aren't illegal. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453655.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Ed in Sac Jabbing at Marxists 154 Fans 04:31 PM on 10/15/2012 And they are a big part of the Democratic parties history! Ed_in_Sac: And they are a big part of the Democratic parties http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ed_in_Sac/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196463302.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All steelman48 35 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/15/2012 Neither are black panther rallies. steelman48: Neither are black panther rallies. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/steelman48/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196465365.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program marklemagne Feelin' groovy, lookin' fine 176 Fans 03:58 PM on 10/15/2012 I think he's just too early. Census estimates say that non-hispanic whites will eventually be a minority in the United States. If and when that happens, then form a group to promote the interests of the white minority. Until then we need a group to promote the interests of the majority.

If whites are a minority at Towson U., then go ahead. marklemagne: I think he's just too early. Census estimates say that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marklemagne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196452296.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/15/2012 See... genocides are positive! I_wasnt_here: See... genocides are positive! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196485900.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

marklemagne Feelin' groovy, lookin' fine 176 Fans 10:20 AM on 10/16/2012 I'm afraid I don't understand your comment. All I'm saying is that if these other groups are formed with the intention of promoting minority rights then when caucasians are a minority what's wrong with forming a group? marklemagne: I'm afraid I don't understand your comment. All I'm saying http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marklemagne/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196650807.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

marklemagne Feelin' groovy, lookin' fine 176 Fans 10:18 AM on 10/16/2012 Don't need a group. Duh. marklemagne: Don't need a group. Duh. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marklemagne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196650307.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

MeMyselfI 773 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/15/2012 It just floors me that some in white America feel like they must recognize or else they'll be pushed aside and forgotten. I have always all my life known that if it isn't signified as being something else then whatever it is is white. I remember the uproar at MLK's birthdate becoming a holiday. All I could think of was Columbus Day being celebrated and if you dared tried to end it for Italian Americans or express the negatives of his travels, or Lord have mercy. This country just turned 233 years old and we're only now acknowleding not a few but many firsts when it comes to minorities and women and so this is why I'm scratching my head at the poor put upon white guy feeling pushed aside. Trust me, you're safe. MeMyselfI: It just floors me that some in white America feel http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MeMyselfI/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196452178.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 04:14 PM on 10/15/2012 Only for the next 30-50 years demographically speaking. lrobb: Only for the next 30-50 years demographically speaking. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196457562.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Dan Dolan 1399 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/15/2012 As a white guy, I sure hope that we are immersed in diversity before the next 30 years! This ENTIRE election cycle is about RACISM whether you or anyone else wants to admit it. The ENTIRE Bagger population are racists. Dan_Dolan: As a white guy, I sure hope that we are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dan_Dolan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196462126.html History | Permalink | Share it

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 04:22 PM on 10/15/2012 I think all of this stems from the believe that societies are fundamentally hierarchical, and that you can only be the ones on TOP. If you aren't on top, well then you must be on the bottom. Others like myself see the fundamentally more just society being one where there is no dominant race, but instead we're just in it together and move toward common goals. I will now be lampooned by right wingers for being such a bleeding heart. chamberwindow: I think all of this stems from the believe that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196460198.html History | Permalink | Share it

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:48 PM on 10/15/2012 What you say is categorically false in every other country in the world. What makes you think America needs to be exterminated to make a UN country? I_wasnt_here: What you say is categorically false in every other country http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196486492.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 03:55 PM on 10/15/2012 Towson already has an all white student organizatoin. It's called the Towson College Republicans. This other thing is a bit redundant if you ask me. chamberwindow: Towson already has an all white student organizatoin. It's called http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196451442.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER corte33 212 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/15/2012 Is his name German, maybe Nazi related? corte33: Is his name German, maybe Nazi related? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/corte33/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196449843.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER NY Guy President Romney - get used to it. 542 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/15/2012 If there are black groups, asian groups, hispanic groups, why not a white group? NY_Guy: If there are black groups, asian groups, hispanic groups, why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NY_Guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196449776.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

03:54 PM on 10/15/2012 History. JM_Brodie: History. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196451068.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER NY Guy President Romney - get used to it. 542 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/15/2012 Let me tell you something, Italians, Irish, Jews etc... all came over here in the 1900s. None of them owned slaves, most of them were poor, peasant stock Europeans who faced a lot of racism themselves. I am tired of hearing that every "white" person is responsible for slavery when the vast majority of us came over here well after the fact. NY_Guy: Let me tell you something, Italians, Irish, Jews etc... all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NY_Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196453338.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Joshua Veverka Ideological rigidity is not a virtue. 63 Fans 04:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Great point. Im going to start teaching my 1 year old that he should start feeling really bad for things that happened outside of his lifetime, by people he will never meet, simply because he happens to be of caucasion lineage. Joshua_Veverka: Great point. Im going to start teaching my 1 year http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joshua_Veverka/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196455748.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Zachary Edwards This micro-blog is empty 123 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/15/2012 There are white groups. Doesn't the school have a golf team/polo team/crew? Zachary_Edwards: There are white groups. Doesn't the school have a golf http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Zachary_Edwards/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196451075.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER NY Guy President Romney - get used to it. 542 Fans 03:56 PM on 10/15/2012 hmmm, you sound kind of... now what is the word... RACIST. NY_Guy: hmmm, you sound kind of... now what is the word... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NY_Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196451868.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink | There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

EastBishop 62 Fans 03:49 PM on 10/15/2012 Funny how NO ONE is arguing....

"black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes." EastBishop: Funny how NO ONE is arguing.... "black hate crimes against http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196449293.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Zachary Edwards This micro-blog is empty 123 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/15/2012 Because its stupid and doesn't need to be addressed? Zachary_Edwards: Because its stupid and doesn't need to be addressed? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Zachary_Edwards/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196449698.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 03:58 PM on 10/15/2012 No need to address the facts here folks!

...really? EastBishop: No need to address the facts here folks! ...really? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196452584.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All azcalamity 40 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/15/2012 EastBishop is speaking truth to the dense! azcalamity: EastBishop is speaking truth to the dense! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/azcalamity/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196466846.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Katrin55 A man's reach should exceed his grasp 143 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/15/2012 I've never seen any evidence to support that statement, have you? Katrin55: I've never seen any evidence to support that statement, have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Katrin55/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196450987.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Youtube or google it. ...even better we can play tit-for-tat. Let's look within the past one or two years in which there have been black on white verses white on black. Google a few sources before you agree to anything. EastBishop: Youtube or google it.  ...even better we can play tit-for-tat.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196453261.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Lowtax 99 Fans 03:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Tell you what, my fellow white people. When you're enslaved for hundreds of years and actively oppressed for all of the years following your release from slavery, THEN you can have your own channel, your own month, and your own expletives that only you're allowed to use. Lowtax: Tell you what, my fellow white people. When you're enslaved http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lowtax/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196449271.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER NY Guy President Romney - get used to it. 542 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/15/2012 The Asians were not slaves, does this mean they now have do disband their student union? NY_Guy: The Asians were not slaves, does this mean they now http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NY_Guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196451183.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 04:23 PM on 10/15/2012 Pick up a history book. Or just even google about Asian railroad labor camps in this country or the i nternment. LinkTren: Pick up a history book. Or just even google about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196460539.html History | Permalink | Share it Lowtax 99 Fans 04:26 PM on 10/15/2012 A. "The Asians?" Seriously? B. Japanese detainment camps, Chinese indentured labor. Lowtax: A. "The Asians?" Seriously? B. Japanese detainment camps, Chinese indentured http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lowtax/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196461427.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Does that mean as a person of Celtic ancestry--which meets your criteria--I get my own channel? lrobb: Does that mean as a person of Celtic ancestry--which meets http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453218.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Seattle Noir I'm not a chocolate dipped white girl. 111 Fans 04:19 PM on 10/15/2012 Do you not own a tv? Seattle_Noir: Do you not own a tv? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Seattle_Noir/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196459265.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All californiamike51 9 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/15/2012 Think this is a good and necessary thing to create. When it is done and takes hold then we whites as a group can vote in mass for a candidate simply on his race as the blacks did in 2008 for Obama. californiamike51: Think this is a good and necessary thing to create. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/californiamike51/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196447868.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

03:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Look back over the past 250 years. JM_Brodie: Look back over the past 250 years. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196449026.html History | Permalink | Share it klo 92 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/15/2012 You assume that all black people who voted for BO in 2008 did so because he was black rather than because they were scared to death to have McCain/Palin in office. You assume that no black people who voted for BO in 08 did so because they thought he was the better choice for president.

Funny, how this is never a problem when there are only white men running for office. klo: You assume that all black people who voted for BO http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/klo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453034.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program jb22 116 Fans 04:26 PM on 10/15/2012 Sarah Palin made Saddam Hussein look like the epitome of sanity. jb22: Sarah Palin made Saddam Hussein look like the epitome of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jb22/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196461623.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

I wasnt here 93 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Not all. Just 98%. I_wasnt_here: Not all. Just 98%. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_wasnt_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196489041.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER chanceofrainne Historian-author-student-fangirl-atheist-queer 244 Fans

03:43 PM on 10/15/2012 I see Towsend's lips moving, but all I hear is "Blah blah, I'm a huge racist." chanceofrainne: I see Towsend's lips moving, but all I hear is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chanceofrainne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196447601.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Scott Bryan Kanner Religous fanaticism has doomed humanity 674 Fans 04:18 PM on 10/15/2012 You're very interesting Scott_Bryan_Kanner: You're very interesting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scott_Bryan_Kanner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196459096.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER chanceofrainne Historian-author-student-fangirl-atheist-queer 244 Fans

10:44 PM on 10/16/2012 Thanks, I try :) chanceofrainne: Thanks, I try :) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chanceofrainne/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196878864.html History | Permalink | Share it


03:40 PM on 10/15/2012 Judge them based on what they do, the rest is simple bigotry by non-whites. rr_nyc: Judge them based on what they do, the rest is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rr_nyc/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196446384.html History | Permalink | Share it


03:37 PM on 10/15/2012 What is good for the goose is good for the gander. rr_nyc: What is good for the goose is good for the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rr_nyc/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196445420.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Not when it comes to race relations in this country. LinkTren: Not when it comes to race relations in this country. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196445843.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/15/2012 Exactly why none should exist... or all should have a seat. No reason to segregate any group based on race right? EastBishop: Exactly why none should exist... or all should have a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196449661.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

03:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Oversimplistic. JM_Brodie: Oversimplistic. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196449183.html History | Permalink | Share it


06:38 PM on 10/15/2012 What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If minorities want to use ancient history and prey on white guilt to explain their communities failures -- then they have to expect this one coming. Again, hispanic myself. rr_nyc: What is good for the goose is good for the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rr_nyc/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196500157.html History | Permalink | Share it

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Astrea redux 73 Fans

03:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Any discussion of Race on Huffington post devolves into idiocy. I had one yesterday. White people want to think they are a beleaguered minority because they recognize the value of that position. What they do not recognize is their ability to put it on and off like a cloak, which actual minorities cannot do. What they allow themselves to do is take an ahistorical position of subjugation in order to subvert what they see as a discourse that marginalizes them. White people are not used to this. It is scary for them. So they invent "reverse racism" and ridiculous things like that in order to... in really basic terms... not feel that there is a card out there that they are forbidden from playing.

BTW I am white. I am no civil rights activist, but a regular, educated, thinking person, and I tell you that this is white supremacist BS. If they want to have it on their campus, that's fine. Just like the rest of the world, campus groups should be as free to assemble as any other. The thing is, though, that this might attract a certain kind of person to Towson and end up biting them in the behind if it isn't well contained. No media/serious attention is the way to go with this. Astrea_redux: Any discussion of Race on Huffington post devolves into idiocy. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Astrea_redux/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196443827.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Spot on. LinkTren: Spot on. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196444349.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER balmora 289 Fans 03:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Except "reverse racism" isn't invented. There are plenty of concrete examples to prove that it is not a myth. balmora: Except "reverse racism" isn't invented. There are plenty of concrete http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/balmora/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196447502.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Such as? LinkTren: Such as? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196447589.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Astrea redux 73 Fans

03:45 PM on 10/15/2012 I do not accept the proposition that bigotry and bias is the same thing as "racism" if that's what you are talking about. Sure, anyone can be biased, and anyone can be hurt by bigotry. But "racism" against white people does not perpetuate a historical and institutional system of subjugation and is therefore not actually "racism." Astrea_redux: I do not accept the proposition that bigotry and bias http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Astrea_redux/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196448047.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All streetteach 10 Fans 03:31 PM on 10/15/2012 To play Devil's Advocate here, in college I started an Irish American cultural club and we had a seat on our college's diversity board. We faced a lot of animosity from the other ethnic clubs because we were white. All we wanted to do was share in Irish cultural experiences together (like music, art, dance, etc.), work to educate people against stereotypes (so many people think that Irish culture is just getting drunk and fighting), and host activities for the public on campus. I was really taken aback by the vicious things some of the other club representatives said about us, including a lot of foul language. So, while I think that the idea of a white cultural club could face the risk of being preempted by racist extremists, it could also be legitimately useful in some ways if it is approached in an inclusive way. And to be fair, nobody has a monopoly on prejudice. streetteach: To play Devil's Advocate here, in college I started an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/streetteach/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196443514.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 04:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Dear, you will never convince anyone who views Civil Rights as a Black experience that NINA (No Irish Need Apply) is a viable equivalent. Nor that centuries of subjugation by the English and ghastly reparations by same at Drogheda could possibly equate to slavery.

But they do. lrobb: Dear, you will never convince anyone who views Civil Rights http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196455866.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Astrea redux 73 Fans

04:14 PM on 10/15/2012 I didn't say anyone had a monopoly on prejudice. I am parsing out a definition of "racism" that makes sense in play with prejudice, bigotry, and bias. It is not useful to talk about racism if we aren't speaking the same language. Astrea_redux: I didn't say anyone had a monopoly on prejudice. I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Astrea_redux/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196457632.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program carnal 121 Fans 03:28 PM on 10/15/2012 The Heimbach Maneuver but without the salutory effect of the other. carnal: The Heimbach Maneuver but without the salutory effect of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/carnal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196442459.html History | Permalink | Share it nikoddfellow 15 Fans

03:28 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't see anything wrong with the group and the guy made many valid points. nikoddfellow: I don't see anything wrong with the group and the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nikoddfellow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196442314.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Name one "valid" point. LinkTren: Name one "valid" point. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196442643.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Micheal Anderson When the Rebels become the Tyrants 1136 Fans 03:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Other than claiming some level of exclusion from supposed special rights, what points did he make? How are white people in the US discriminated against? Most people that claim that think other races or groups get special treatment, rail against it, and then want the same special protections? It's called hypocrisy. If he really wanted to break down walls he would invite everyone of every possible gender, race, ethnicity, religion, belief, nationality, height, weight, hair color and left or right handed person he could find into the group.

But no, he wants special protections, special treatment, special recognition. He's small and petty. Micheal_Anderson: Other than claiming some level of exclusion from supposed special http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Micheal_Anderson/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196446268.html History | Permalink | Share it

nikoddfellow 15 Fans

05:19 PM on 10/15/2012 As a man who is fond of the fellas I feel excluded "from my community" because I see a sex change as a body modification and not a gender switch. We all have opinions and views and if some are grated the right to silence others then what do we have left? I'll tell ya what we have left....our current society here in the USA. In truth I am for unity and I don't support any separatist groups but I do support freedom of speech, expression and the right to gather peacefully. Let him do what he will do and you do what you will and and so on. Let's keep it free and liberated through acceptance of other peoples point or points of view. nikoddfellow: As a man who is fond of the fellas I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nikoddfellow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196478292.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kandis SupaStar Hill my micro bio is tucked safely away in the Caymans 401 Fans

03:26 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't know how it's done there, but at my University only SGA could approve new groups. Each group had to submitt a platform and a belief statement. If he is starting this group to promote European culture in America, the way most Latino, Asian, and Black groups do in their group then fine, I don't see the problem. However, if he's simply starting this group under some tin foil hat theory that America is becoming "anti-White," then no it shouldn't be allowed.

There's a difference between having a group on campus that does pot-luck dinners, fashion shows, and promotes the celebrating of the Chinese New Year for cultural purposes, than one that sits around bitterly lamenting about how "we're losing OUR country..." Are they going to be sharing the diversity within the White-European heritage with others, or talking about how "Others" are destroying the White-European heritage? Kandis_SupaStar_Hill: I don't know how it's done there, but at my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kandis_SupaStar_Hill/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196441844.html History | Permalink | Share it

mizzaboom open minded indy 99 Fans 03:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Finally some valid points. mizzaboom: Finally some valid points. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mizzaboom/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196443100.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kandis SupaStar Hill my micro bio is tucked safely away in the Caymans 401 Fans

03:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Thanks, my friend started an Irish-American group on campus, and no one had any problems with it. They did an amazing St. Paddy's day breakfast, They even gave "River Dance" lessons, which was hilarious! You didn't have to be Irish to join. Which is not a requirement for most heritage groups, you don't have to be that heritage to join, most actually want others to be included because the more you know, the less likely you are to continue feeding into stereo types. Kandis_SupaStar_Hill: Thanks, my friend started an Irish-American group on campus, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kandis_SupaStar_Hill/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196446196.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Astrea redux 73 Fans

03:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Right. I think there was a clause in our constitution that said none of these groups could be exclusionary or geared towards hate or violence. I would like this better if it were a Bavarian Americans group and they had potlucks. CLEARLY THIS IS NOT WHAT THIS IS! Astrea_redux: Right. I think there was a clause in our constitution http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Astrea_redux/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196444281.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kandis SupaStar Hill my micro bio is tucked safely away in the Caymans 401 Fans

03:42 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes, that's what it was, you couldn't have any "racial, religious, or sexual prerequisites" for memembership. Clearly this group will have at least two out of the three. Kandis_SupaStar_Hill: Yes, that's what it was, you couldn't have any "racial, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kandis_SupaStar_Hill/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196446991.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Conservatism Organism 45 Fans 03:23 PM on 10/15/2012 I declare this Month WHITE history month! Conservatism_Organism: I declare this Month WHITE history month! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Conservatism_Organism/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196440831.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

fitley 906 Fans

03:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Hey Onanbagger- Have you got your cross and acellerant yet? fitley: Hey Onanbagger- Have you got your cross and acellerant yet? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fitley/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196445954.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Uh huh. Please do. The history of whites in just this country alone is something to be very proud of - g enocide of the Native Americans, theft of land from the Mexicans, s lavery, the civil war etc. Warms the heart, it really does. LinkTren: Uh huh. Please do. The history of whites in just http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196447438.html History | Permalink | Share it andreavan1 207 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Don't forget inventing the internet- you know, the thing you're using to post your garbage. Oh, and the electricity you're using to run it.

Please imagine your everyday life minus all things invented by White Americans. andreavan1: Don't forget inventing the internet- you know, the thing you're http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/andreavan1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196453014.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program alfatu 169 Fans 03:21 PM on 10/15/2012 Whatever!!!!! alfatu: Whatever!!!!! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/alfatu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196439830.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Andre Darling 42 Fans

03:20 PM on 10/15/2012 How about a group for white men who still live at home with their parents who have been unfairly made soft and unambitious because - through no fault of their own they born and raised in an environment devoid of any real challenges, significant hardship and people of color? Andre_Darling: How about a group for white men who still live http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Andre_Darling/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196439675.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program carnal 121 Fans 03:26 PM on 10/15/2012 they run for vice president on the gop ticket? carnal: they run for vice president on the gop ticket? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/carnal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196441623.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER BLACKMANVISION 73 Fans 03:17 PM on 10/15/2012 Its not that I have any problem with an all white anything let alone student union, but this young man is on a campus where their are 1000 whites to 5 blacks, that is why this makes no sense to me, how can a majority be marginalized by a small minority? I live in Maryland, Towson has been seen as a "white college" all my life, no more different than Morgan State is concidered an "all Black college" we accept that their are many diverse colleges, which allow children to have many options, but this young man is creating a problem when their is none. He may have a problem with Blacks attending the school, and is using this as a means of cloaking his true idea's. BLACKMANVISION: Its not that I have any problem with an all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BLACKMANVISION/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196438776.html History | Permalink | Share it

Joshua Schriftman 22 Fans 03:17 PM on 10/15/2012 Exactly who could join the White Club? Will dark-skinned individuals who feel themselves to be culturally White (via language and upbringing) be allowed in, as they might into an Hispanic Student Union? No, the likes of Tiger Woods and President Obama would then be allowed, and I doubt that would make Heimbach happy. Maybe it's about nationality? Probably not, though, since there are plenty of dark-skinned Germanic and Scandinavian folks in the world. Heimbach will simply have to specify what percentage of White parentage Whiteness requires. He could even apply the good old one-drop rule, as did the white supremacists after the Civil War. Although that would no doubt leave some aspiring White boys (and girls)--the ones without their proper papers--wondering how far back they needed to prove the purity of their Whiteness before Club membership became an option. And this assumes that our common origination in Africa wouldn't damage anyone's Whiteness. Or would it? Well this is just getting absurd. If not by blood (to say nothing of transfusions), nor culture, nor nation, then it must be by color that our race is determined. So then: Heimbach himself had best not protest his daunted freedom of speech while standing in ; he could end up ejected from his own White Club for developing a too-dark tan.

Hm. You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize how right this White boy is: It's hard out there for a Heimbach. Joshua_Schriftman: Exactly who could join the White Club? Will dark-skinned individuals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joshua_Schriftman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196438552.html History | Permalink | Share it

jakelamotta 53 Fans 03:25 PM on 10/15/2012 I agree but your whole arguement falls flat as long as they also allow a Black student union which is subject to all the same problems. jakelamotta: I agree but your whole arguement falls flat as long http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakelamotta/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196441280.html History | Permalink | Share it

Joshua Schriftman 22 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Yeah, except generally speaking it really is hard out there for Black folks--harder than it is for those with membership to the Club. And if solidarity--even solidarity built around a concept as politically constructed as race--helps make it a little easier, then I support it. Joshua_Schriftman: Yeah, except generally speaking it really is hard out there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Joshua_Schriftman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196446705.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

chamberwindow Socialism or barbarism. 144 Fans 03:52 PM on 10/15/2012 Black students unions allow non-black students. Harambee at my college is simply an organization to express values of African descended students. All are welcome. chamberwindow: Black students unions allow non-black students. Harambee at my college http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chamberwindow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196450371.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Volantiad 274 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/15/2012 "Although that would no doubt leave some aspiring White boys (and girls)--the ones without their proper papers-- wondering how far back they needed to prove the purity of their Whiteness before Club membership became an option."

Gosh! All of that effort just to play golf? Oh, wait, am I in the right blog...? ;)- Volantiad: "Although that would no doubt leave some aspiring White boys http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Volantiad/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196453701.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER theRealAmerica bruised,battered and scarred...but hard 771 Fans 03:15 PM on 10/15/2012 White Student Union...as if the whole university isn't geared toward its white student population... theRealAmerica: White Student Union...as if the whole university isn't geared toward http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/theRealAmerica/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196438159.html History | Permalink | Share it radiojunkie tune addict 659 Fans 03:14 PM on 10/15/2012 Heimbach... is that like post-nasal drip?

Hey Heimbach, get a cotton shirt and lose the tee. I know polyester screams the 50s but so does your rhetoric. radiojunkie: Heimbach... is that like post-nasal drip? Hey Heimbach, get a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/radiojunkie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196437624.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Cygnus1 309 Fans 03:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Because white kids are so marginalized and underprivileged. Give me a break. Cygnus1: Because white kids are so marginalized and underprivileged. Give me http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cygnus1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196435928.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:07 PM on 10/15/2012 When w hite people try to play the victim in this country, it is more sad than amusing. These students lack any sort of historical perspective or true connection to the reality in this country for minorities in this country. Not to fear, however, with the rapidly changing demographics they'll soon get the minority status they seem to crave so desperately. LinkTren: When w hite people try to play the victim in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196435512.html History | Permalink | Share it rico-suave 3 Fans 03:05 PM on 10/15/2012 Does this moderator hear himself?? "Should we allow..." a free association of likeminded students to form? Can you imagine his father's reaction fifty years ago when that same question was raised by white racists in reference to black student groups? Who's this "we" kimosabe? rico-suave: Does this moderator hear himself?? "Should we allow..." a free http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rico-suave/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196434787.html History | Permalink | Share it

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WilliamProc Black Atheist Monotreme. 386 Fans 03:03 PM on 10/15/2012 Seeing that white student groups have been available since the inception of the US collegiate system, I fail to see his problem. Does he not know of the student unions and other civic groups in every university and college in the US? Remember that it took a while for them to accept the very existance of black students? How long, you ask? Lets see...

Harvard was founded in 1636.

First integrated school: The Frederick Township school in PA, circa 1745. Yet the first public school to freely allow AA's was not until 1956(Clinton) Followed by AK in 1957.

So White America had over 212 years to have their exclusive student unions and this guy missed the boat, so he says. Why dont I feel sorry about that? WilliamProc: Seeing that white student groups have been available since the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/WilliamProc/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196434033.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

02:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Why don't they just organize as WASPs? That narrows the field a bit more. LOL Ursomonie: Why don't they just organize as WASPs? That narrows the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196432014.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 03:06 PM on 10/15/2012 Well, that would exclude the Irish Catholics for one, and just about anyone who doesn't trace their heritage back to the country of Ethelred the Unready for two. lrobb: Well, that would exclude the Irish Catholics for one, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196435217.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Astrea redux 73 Fans

03:23 PM on 10/15/2012 With a white student population that large, it might not be a bad idea.

Aethelred reference! F&F Astrea_redux: With a white student population that large, it might not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Astrea_redux/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196440702.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

06:10 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm just suggesting that they become MORE exclusive. Of course I am being sarcastic. Ursomonie: I'm just suggesting that they become MORE exclusive. Of course http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196492670.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:56 PM on 10/15/2012 European culture, by way of colonization, has destroyed many cultures and altered many more. These groups are meant to help protect what remains of these cultures instead of snuffing them out with globalization and consumerism (true American traditions).

Why do we try to protect dying languages but make no effort to protect the English language? Clearly we hate English. 2crudedudes: European culture, by way of colonization, has destroyed many cultures http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196431597.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

02:54 PM on 10/15/2012 My college wouldn't even allow the greek system on campus. What is up with Towson? What are they teaching these little dummies? Ursomonie: My college wouldn't even allow the greek system on campus. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196431110.html History | Permalink | Share it

Alisha Dixon 21 Fans 02:49 PM on 10/15/2012 I think a few people have said it best in this forum...If this kid were trying to start an Irish organization or Dutch, it would be different. If he were trying to educate people about the history and culture of his people (who are not "white"..there is not country called White) then it would be fine.

This kid is trying to fight an "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." He is a "white nationalist' who has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes." WTF!?!? 1. Anit-white bias in academia? Do I have to get into what is wrong with this statement? Look at our nation's top schools...The Ivy Leauge...percentage of white students with college degree's vs. student of color. I went to a private college in the Northeast and if you wanted to learn about people of color (literature, history, philosophy, etc) you HAD to take an elective. 16 years of education with NO multicultural requirement..yeah, sooo anit-white. 2. Black student organizations DO NOT get together and discuss the hate crimes white people inflict on us. We did not discuss negativity...we discussed cultural programs we could bring to the school, we discussed issues facing our community (like poor diets and poor public education), we plan food drives and fundraisers. Our mission was to create positive change in our school and community...that is what a student organization does. Alisha_Dixon: I think a few people have said it best in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Alisha_Dixon/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196429523.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DontTreadOnMe89 Not a TP member. Not a Republican. Not a Democrat. 128 Fans 02:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Give it a rest. There are Asian Frats and black colleges, why can't the white people have just one thing? DontTreadOnMe89: Give it a rest. There are Asian Frats and black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DontTreadOnMe89/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196429018.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:51 PM on 10/15/2012 What one thing do you not have now? JM_Brodie: What one thing do you not have now? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196430195.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DontTreadOnMe89 Not a TP member. Not a Republican. Not a Democrat. 128 Fans 02:55 PM on 10/15/2012 A Ferrari. I'd like one of those. What do you not have? DontTreadOnMe89: A Ferrari. I'd like one of those. What do you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DontTreadOnMe89/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196431582.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program think-it-over 178 Fans 03:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Um, the freedom to form a white student union on a college campus without people trying to prevent it? think-it-over: Um, the freedom to form a white student union on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/think-it-over/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196432993.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:52 PM on 10/15/2012 You mean the entire freakin country? 2crudedudes: You mean the entire freakin country? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196430492.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DontTreadOnMe89 Not a TP member. Not a Republican. Not a Democrat. 128 Fans 02:56 PM on 10/15/2012 No, nobody technically "owns" the country. I guess in some aspects some people do. DontTreadOnMe89: No, nobody technically "owns" the country. I guess in some http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DontTreadOnMe89/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196431835.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

54Cheyenne 86 Fans 02:40 PM on 10/15/2012 Student unions that are based on ethnic diversity are, by their nature racist.

No matter how it is couched, no matter under what guise the proponents use, divisive separatisms are racist.

Black Student Union - racist on its face. Asian Student Union - racist on its face White Student Union - racist on its face . . . . or NONE of them are. Can't have it both ways. 54Cheyenne: Student unions that are based on ethnic diversity are, by http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/54Cheyenne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196426605.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Z1Matto 169 Fans 02:40 PM on 10/15/2012 These guys are so weird. It's like they have no clue how small the Black Population of the US is compared to Whites... in their world Whites are an endangered minority, yet demographics and population number show no proof of that.

The just need to realize they're ignorant racists, not thoughtful people. Z1Matto: These guys are so weird. It's like they have no http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Z1Matto/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196426431.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 03:11 PM on 10/15/2012 Have you looked at American demographics? Statisticians predict we will be a majority "minority" country within 40 to 50 years. That does not mean certain states will not still be majority white--just not most of them. That should concern anyone who is not a minority. lrobb: Have you looked at American demographics? Statisticians predict we will http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196436720.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:19 PM on 10/15/2012 Why? LinkTren: Why? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196439246.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Astrea redux 73 Fans

03:25 PM on 10/15/2012 Why? Astrea_redux: Why? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Astrea_redux/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196441349.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER zappbrannigan420 I'm not taking attendance you dork! 125 Fans 02:35 PM on 10/15/2012 So being a black nationalist is okay, but being a nationalist who is white is wrong? zappbrannigan420: So being a black nationalist is okay, but being a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zappbrannigan420/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196424714.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:36 PM on 10/15/2012 Welcome to College, Thanks libs! Gorlak: Welcome to College, Thanks libs! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425165.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:38 PM on 10/15/2012 History is key here. JM_Brodie: History is key here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196425954.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mabinog My micro-bio is a desolate wasteland 1055 Fans 02:38 PM on 10/15/2012 does U of C have a black panther chapter? If so it would be equitible to have a KKK klavern too, don't you think? mabinog: does U of C have a black panther chapter? If http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mabinog/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425809.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER zappbrannigan420 I'm not taking attendance you dork! 125 Fans 02:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Actually why not have a European descent Student Union - like they have an "Asian American Union" or a "South Asian Union" - oh wait, because for some reason you aren't allowed to be proud of your European heritage... even though Europe invented the modern world... zappbrannigan420: Actually why not have a European descent Student Union - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zappbrannigan420/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196426672.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Has the BPP lynched anyone? Just a thought. Not every comparison is one to one. JM_Brodie: Has the BPP lynched anyone? Just a thought. Not every http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196426865.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All truthagogo 84 Fans

02:32 PM on 10/15/2012 I got no problem with a White student group. Honestly if its about celebrating the achievements of Irish, German, Poles and all other Caucasian groups or to add a "third way" in the conversation regarding race issues, then that fine with me. The vibe Im getting from the organizer of this, is the usual siege mentality of white supremacy. coded language of victimization in regard to violence and opportunity. truthagogo: I got no problem with a White student group. Honestly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/truthagogo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196423836.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

02:56 PM on 10/15/2012 White students don't need a group. They need to learn how to be more inclusive and collaborative with others who differ from them. How to lead in a diverse society. This is backward. Ursomonie: White students don't need a group. They need to learn http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196431725.html History | Permalink | Share it

truthagogo 84 Fans

03:03 PM on 10/15/2012 Agreed this is backward. I talk to a lot of parents from upper middle class backgrounds who tell about there kid having trouble adjusting to "diversity" when going away to college. It's like a culture shock to them, But how is this to be done? Slogans, finger-waiving at white parents, telling white kids to disown there heritage to the disservice of everybody? truthagogo: Agreed this is backward. I talk to a lot of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/truthagogo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196434043.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Johnangry Speaking only the TRUTH 278 Fans

02:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes. Towson is a racist type of environment. It's similar to Allentown, pa. Johnangry: Yes. Towson is a racist type of environment. It's similar http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Johnangry/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196432632.html History | Permalink | Share it danceswithdata What if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about? 252 Fans 02:32 PM on 10/15/2012 Apparently Mr Heimbach doesn't think that the last 2500 years or so of world domination in the so-called "western societies" is enough to constitute an "advocacy group" for whites. Hmmm... He also fails to understand that anti every-other-color-or-race groups do not add up to white advocacy! Dolts abound in the world of pseudo-intellectualism. Poppycock! danceswithdata: Apparently Mr Heimbach doesn't think that the last 2500 years http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/danceswithdata/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196423627.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER zappbrannigan420 I'm not taking attendance you dork! 125 Fans 02:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Actually the 2500 years have not "been white dominated" - unless you count the Empires of China, Persia, Babylon, India, and Arabia as "white". The era of "white domination" actually begins in the 17th and 18th centuries, when European powers manage to subdue most of the world. Moreover, has he actually issued a statement attacking other "colors" (wow - you are not only mentally old fashioned, but deficient to be using that terminology). Second - the mere fact that there have been European empires in the past does not mean that they are "advocacy" groups for anything, unless you are going to say there shouldn't be any pro-India groups out there because there have been South Asian Kingdoms in the past. Your logic is riddled with fallacies, your knowledge of world history atrocious, and you don't even bother to substantiate your claims about this fellows racial attitudes with any actual documentation or quotes.

So why the lies? zappbrannigan420: Actually the 2500 years have not "been white dominated" - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zappbrannigan420/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196426074.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER alguien 685 Fans 02:41 PM on 10/15/2012 i believe the roman and greek empires were largely white societies. alguien: i believe the roman and greek empires were largely white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/alguien/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196426899.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All doubtingdavid 310 Fans 02:43 PM on 10/15/2012 His moniker says it all, dances with data, truth and history. doubtingdavid: His moniker says it all, dances with data, truth and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/doubtingdavid/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196427512.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All gomudhens 43 Fans 02:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Fair is fair - if you have a black student union you can't prohibit a white student union. I can't say that I really see the point of the organization, but hey, exercise your freedom. gomudhens: Fair is fair - if you have a black student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gomudhens/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196423176.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Spoken like a 5 year old. 2crudedudes: Spoken like a 5 year old. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196424564.html History | Permalink | Share it gomudhens 43 Fans 02:36 PM on 10/15/2012 Your response is quite immature, yes. Unfortunately for you, true freedom requires that you tolerate fairness although you despise it. gomudhens: Your response is quite immature, yes.  Unfortunately for you, true http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gomudhens/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196425156.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program massimo 120 Fans 02:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Wow, you fail at making criticism. massimo: Wow, you fail at making criticism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/massimo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196432435.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

0Brooklyn1 12 Fans 03:00 PM on 10/15/2012 It's because 'Black" fills the place of America Black people true heritage with was taken from them with Slavery. Because most white people know what kind of white they are, i.e. Irish, Italian, Russian, even Jewish, it's a little strange to lump so many groups together. I'm totally fine with Itilian student unions and Irish student union and what have you, but to to have just a ‘white’ group hints at the ugly history of this exceptional country. Black Americans, only have the term Black or (a term I hate) African American. I'm sick of black people being called racist for trying to grasp at their history in this country. Black people run the risk of being called reverse racist or whiny for even mentioning slavery any more. It's crazy. it's truly the only history Black people in this country (Black Americans are unique and a rainbow of African and European ancestry) have and we have to hide it for fear of hurting some white guys feelings because they assume broaching the topic is somehow playing the "race card" or if a black person succeeds it’s only because of some kind of “advantage” from being black. 0Brooklyn1: It's because 'Black" fills the place of America Black people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/0Brooklyn1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196433279.html History | Permalink | Share it gomudhens 43 Fans 03:49 PM on 10/15/2012 Now, THAT's a well-thought out response, unlike another response here. gomudhens: Now, THAT's a well-thought out response, unlike another response here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gomudhens/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196449532.html History | Permalink | Share it Volantiad 274 Fans 04:08 PM on 10/15/2012 Great response, 0Brooklyn1. Fanned. Volantiad: Great response, 0Brooklyn1. Fanned. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Volantiad/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196455845.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ravi Abunijad 301 Fans

02:30 PM on 10/15/2012 There are merits to both sides. You can't ignore that there are black student groups, latino student groups, etc... And as long as those are present, some conservative white students are going to feel they are excluded, and that might be a persistent problem in society. On the other hand, we can't be a colorblind society (ignoring the marginalization that minority groups continue to face), as this will only make conditions worse.

However, listening to Matthew Heimbach for five minutes, it's very obvious he is a militant white supremacist, as I suspect most of his group is. And that's the real problem with the idea of "white organizations," they don't aim to embrace a culture or shared experience, they aim to reestablish a racial heirarchy. How many times did Heimbach talk about advancing the interests of "white society?" That kind of talk is insane and dangerous. He's not focusing on building relationships with other cultures - he's not advancing knowledge about a group of people - he's trying to reassert dominance.

Even as a white person, I find the group offensive. Ravi_Abunijad: There are merits to both sides. You can't ignore that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ravi_Abunijad/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196423008.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Johnangry Speaking only the TRUTH 278 Fans

03:01 PM on 10/15/2012 Black and Latino groups exist to help each other cope with the hate received from white students and faculty. Johnangry: Black and Latino groups exist to help each other cope http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Johnangry/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196433467.html History | Permalink | Share it

jakelamotta 53 Fans 03:19 PM on 10/15/2012 LOL. No they don't. jakelamotta: LOL. No they don't. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jakelamotta/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196439494.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ravi Abunijad 301 Fans

03:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Agreed - among many other things. I think they do a lot of good work in teaching open-minded people about privilege. Ravi_Abunijad: Agreed - among many other things. I think they do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ravi_Abunijad/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196445882.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mabinog My micro-bio is a desolate wasteland 1055 Fans 02:29 PM on 10/15/2012 You go dude, down with the man, man. down with the m...... err we are the man...... mabinog: You go dude, down with the man, man. down with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mabinog/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196422816.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Johnangry Speaking only the TRUTH 278 Fans

03:02 PM on 10/15/2012 True. How do you form a group to combat your own belief system? Not saying all whites are racist, but likely those joining that group are those that cause the most racial problems. Johnangry: True. How do you form a group to combat your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Johnangry/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196433934.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Cheryl44 23 Fans

02:29 PM on 10/15/2012 I weep for people whose skin tone matches my own. Cheryl44: I weep for people whose skin tone matches my own. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cheryl44/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196422806.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER morgansher just disgusted in general 879 Fans

02:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Sure wouldn't want Heimbach moving into my neighborhood! morgansher: Sure wouldn't want Heimbach moving into my neighborhood! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/morgansher/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196422707.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Relentless rik 637 Fans

02:21 PM on 10/15/2012 Heinbach? HA!: I hope Mattheushua tries to join a white supremacist group. Talk about a rude awakening! Relentless_rik: Heinbach? HA!: I hope Mattheushua tries to join a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Relentless_rik/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196420052.html History | Permalink | Share it rbud Neither left nor right, just rational 280 Fans 02:20 PM on 10/15/2012 At first blush, Heimbach's arguments seem logical, however flawed. What does Heimbach hope to achieve with his group? Whiter power, whiter prestige, whiter insight, whiter laundry? Why is ethnic separation so important to him?

Does he not realize that he has only about a 1% chance that his own genetic makeup is not mixed ethnic? His name sounds germanic. Is he Bavarian, Prussian, Slavic, French, Dutch, Swede, Saracen (Islam) (he looks a little dark complected) or a mix of them all? All those nationalities and more were part of Germany at some point in history.

How bright is this boy? Is he even mature enough for college?

All that aside, there is still the obligations of the university. Can they in good conscience, allow a white supremacy group on a campus pledged to celebrate diversity?

Heimbach has his free speech rights, but not necessarily on someone else's property. The university must protect its environment for the benefit and safety of all students, must protect its overriding mission and rule, and its reputation and image. rbud: At first blush, Heimbach's arguments seem logical, however flawed. What http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rbud/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196419751.html History | Permalink | Share it

Horrible Pourable I was born in log cabin I built with my own hands. 989 Fans 02:19 PM on 10/15/2012 I find it very depressing that this young man thinks that white people's "own best interests" are different, or somehow in conflict, with the best interests of everyone else. Horrible_Pourable: I find it very depressing that this young man thinks http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Horrible_Pourable/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196419185.html History | Permalink | Share it

54Cheyenne 86 Fans 02:36 PM on 10/15/2012 Do you then feel the same about the Black Student Union, the Hispanic Student Union, The "Women's Student Union", the "Asian Student Union" etc? Where was your voice when there are similar student unions on every campus in America? 54Cheyenne: Do you then feel the same about the Black Student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/54Cheyenne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425223.html History | Permalink | Share it

LinkTren Typing with a drink in my hand 1087 Fans 03:16 PM on 10/15/2012 You really don't seem to understand the concept of being a minority in this country. Why does a majority group need a student union? LinkTren: You really don't seem to understand the concept of being http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LinkTren/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196438269.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:38 PM on 10/15/2012 This country is changing. Whites do not control it. Whites don't have whips or people chained up making them do this and that. Gorlak: This country is changing. Whites do not control it. Whites http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425881.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Buzzard Beach 13 Fans 02:16 PM on 10/15/2012 Ladies and Gentlemen, here we have both the next President of the KKK and the governor of Texas all wrapped up in one color- challenged package. Buzzard_Beach: Ladies and Gentlemen, here we have both the next President http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Buzzard_Beach/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196418381.html History | Permalink | Share it

54Cheyenne 86 Fans 02:37 PM on 10/15/2012 The racist is really the one who would OK the Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. student union but deny one to White. Its not racism or they are all racist - which is it? 54Cheyenne: The racist is really the one who would OK the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/54Cheyenne/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425577.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

02:14 PM on 10/15/2012 Good luck floating your position on a resume. Perhaps he is going to run for the Senate in the south when he graduates? Ursomonie: Good luck floating your position on a resume. Perhaps he http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196417570.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

02:13 PM on 10/15/2012 Fight the Power!!....Oh wait that's us. Ursomonie: Fight the Power!!....Oh wait that's us. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196417273.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 02:17 PM on 10/15/2012 For now. Demographics are not our friend. lrobb: For now. Demographics are not our friend. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196418690.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Do you fear a reprisal? JM_Brodie: Do you fear a reprisal? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196423241.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

02:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Who is us? Who is our? Aren't we all just Americans? Ursomonie: Who is us? Who is our? Aren't we all just http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196430717.html History | Permalink | Share it johnny b 2 Fans 02:18 PM on 10/15/2012 That's absolutely correct. The people who move the quickest to shut someone like Heimbach down are the white liberals who have been conditioned to label everything "racist" if they don't agree with it. johnny_b: That's absolutely correct. The people who move the quickest to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnny_b/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196418997.html History | Permalink | Share it Skye134 Everything you can imagine is real. 281 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/15/2012 Nonsense. Skye134: Nonsense. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Skye134/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196460049.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ursomonie Republicans have lost their minds. 2461 Fans

06:19 PM on 10/15/2012 Excuse me? As a majority and power holders in this country, it is up to us to include the minority. It's called leadership that is worthy of it's people and creates leaders among all it's people not just a few. That means to learn to appreciate different cultures, beliefs and attitudes. That is one of the best things about college. I can't imagine emphasizing my own whiteness (which is the least interesting thing about me) when I could learn so much more by being among people different than myself. Ursomonie: Excuse me? As a majority and power holders in this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ursomonie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196495084.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DCmykl A long seemingly endless edge... 831 Fans

02:11 PM on 10/15/2012 When I read the headline for this story I was immediately hostile toward the idea of a "white student union" because I just assummed it was organized and populated by racists. I still do feel that way, however there is somethng to be said for the argument that since almost every other ethnic and/or racial group has its own union, it is discriminatory for white students to be deprived one also. Perhaps the solution is to abolish all of these organizations. DCmykl: When I read the headline for this story I was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DCmykl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196416757.html History | Permalink | Share it

UnderDriven 43 Fans 02:28 PM on 10/15/2012 While most us would welcome a society where ethnic/racial groups do not consider it necessary to form 'unions' , the question here is whether this group is truly interested in equality, or whether it is a front for racist ideology. Mr. Heimbach's assertion that there is an "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society" and that "black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes" convinces me it is the latter... UnderDriven: While most us would welcome a society where ethnic/racial groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/UnderDriven/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196422290.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:31 PM on 10/15/2012 You assume that the groups share a common history. That would be a mistake. JM_Brodie: You assume that the groups share a common history. That http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196423474.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DCmykl A long seemingly endless edge... 831 Fans

02:36 PM on 10/15/2012 No, I'm making no assumptions about anything other than if one group is allowed a representative organization, all must be granted the same right. To do otherwise is discriminatory. DCmykl: No, I'm making no assumptions about anything other than if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DCmykl/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196425179.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All johnny b 2 Fans 02:09 PM on 10/15/2012 1. As the guy said, the "debate" over this is proof of the problem. You're black and can have a black student union...I'm white and you'll pee your panties if I try to have one. If you'd just ignore this guy he probably wouldn't want one.

2. "Heimbach is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "white nationalist" who has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes." And? He's absolutely right about that. So what? johnny_b: 1. As the guy said, the "debate" over this is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnny_b/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196416109.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Wrong on both counts. Again. 2crudedudes: Wrong on both counts. Again. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425788.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DCmykl A long seemingly endless edge... 831 Fans

02:45 PM on 10/15/2012 I am not convinced you are correct in your second assertion, that "black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes." I am fairly sure the totality of hate crimes committed by white people against blacks will far out number those committed by blacks against whites. Remember, whites were beating, raping, enslaving and killing blacks for at least 200 years before crimes by blacks against whites even became an issue. DCmykl: I am not convinced you are correct in your second http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DCmykl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196428070.html History | Permalink | Share it johnny b 2 Fans 03:40 PM on 10/15/2012 Oh geez. How many blacks were beat, raped and killed for 200 years? Do you have a number? johnny_b: Oh geez.  How many blacks were beat, raped and killed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnny_b/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196446316.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Skye134 Everything you can imagine is real. 281 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/15/2012 According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database, in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were white, 18% of offenders were black. Skye134: According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Skye134/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196465098.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All hawkfan6 There is no god 34 Fans 02:07 PM on 10/15/2012 I wish people would get it through their heads that people are actually all the same. We all come from Africa. Race is just a byproduct of evolution. hawkfan6: I wish people would get it through their heads that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hawkfan6/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196415390.html History | Permalink | Share it Buzzard Beach 13 Fans 02:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Kudos, but good luck on teaching evolution to a huge segment of the United States population that still believes in fairy tales like virgin birth, miracles, rising from the dead and the notion that dinosaurs walked the Earth less than 10,000 years ago.

No wonder America's educational system is spinning down the toilet. Buzzard_Beach: Kudos, but good luck on teaching evolution to a huge http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Buzzard_Beach/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196419588.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER NKnow 96 Fans

02:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Race isn't even a byproduct of evolution. It's a social construct. From an evolutionary standpoint there is only one species of mankind. Homo Sapiens Sapiens. That's it, that's all she wrote. The rest of it is mostly superficial external differences. There are genetic similarities within certain populations, but also a whole lot of differences. Just look at the whole idea of Caucasian. It covers a lot of territory. From people of middle eastern dissent, to Norwegians, to Mediterraneans. Latino doesn't really even have a specific meaning. Black covers populations from mixed race African Americans to pygmies..... It defies scientific classification. And given that we're living on an increasingly smaller planet I wouldn't expect that to change. NKnow: Race isn't even a byproduct of evolution. It's a social http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NKnow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196427362.html History | Permalink | Share it

hawkfan6 There is no god 34 Fans 03:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Sorry about any confusion. I'm referring specifically to skin color. Everybody comes from the group of 10,000 to 30,000 people who barely survived extinction by moving north out of Africa. FYI: there were many different species of "mankind" but they are extinct. Example being Neanderthals hawkfan6: Sorry about any confusion. I'm referring specifically to skin color. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hawkfan6/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196436061.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER colokelly Smiling in spite of you 46 Fans 02:04 PM on 10/15/2012 Article says, "Harvard student Julian Lewis". Didn't he say he was at Howard College?

White students should be allowed to have white organizations if other races have such organizations. I surely wouldn't join, though, especially if a white supremacist was invited to speak. colokelly: Article says, "Harvard student Julian Lewis". Didn't he say he http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/colokelly/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196414576.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:13 PM on 10/15/2012 Black organizations are "Black" because in general, African Americans don't know what African country of origin they're from. Hispanic organizations because although a large part of Hispanics are Mexican, you don't want to exclude the smaller groups who may not have the numbers to create their own organization.

White people are still a majority in this country. Most know their ancestry. If you want to join an Irish American organization (or whatever European country you come from), you can. Nobody is going to object to that. 2crudedudes: Black organizations are "Black" because in general, African Americans don't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196417382.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 02:22 PM on 10/15/2012 Most "White" people in America, just like Blacks, can trace their heritage to myriad nationalities. The only thing we have in common is our race, not our ethnicity. There are very few "Croatian-Americans" or "Austrian- Americans" but there are tons of Hispano/Irish/French/Indian Americans (especially in Louisiana.)

Segregation by nationality just isn't practical. lrobb: Most "White" people in America, just like Blacks, can trace http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196420478.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:51 PM on 10/15/2012 It's attitudes like yours that keep blacks in "victim mode" and doesn't motivate them to participate. Gorlak: It's attitudes like yours that keep blacks in "victim mode" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196430003.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:04 PM on 10/15/2012 White people can already have their own groups: look up German or Irish American groups. You'll find them. This faux outrage is pure nonsense. 2crudedudes: White people can already have their own groups: look up http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196414455.html History | Permalink | Share it johnny b 2 Fans 02:14 PM on 10/15/2012 The video addresses that. The Black Student Union, for example, is based on skin color, not nationality of ethnicity. johnny_b: The video addresses that. The Black Student Union, for example, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnny_b/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196417804.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 02:21 PM on 10/15/2012 I'd wager that most African Americans don't know what country they were originally from. Hence the umbrella term "Black". 2crudedudes: I'd wager that most African Americans don't know what country http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196420106.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Based on more than that. It is based on a common history of a group in this nation and coming together to address disparities. In a sense, we are a "nation" within a nation, bonded by events that were aimed toward us based on color.

To argue what you seem to be arguing is to ignore the reason the groups came into being, my friend. JM_Brodie: Based on more than that. It is based on a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196424592.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 02:01 PM on 10/15/2012 All ethnicities have both something to gain and something to lose. Liberals are quick to point out, with uncharitable relish, whites are an endangered majority and in at least two states a current minority. Ms. Brooks can't have it both ways. Either whites are an inevitable majority for eternity or they get their own organization.

In trying to make a "colorblind society" we have wound up defining everything by color. Since that is unfortunately true, every race should get its student group or none at all should. No one is forcing anyone else to be a member of any of these groups. lrobb: All ethnicities have both something to gain and something to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196413372.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Cheryl44 23 Fans

02:33 PM on 10/15/2012 There's no such thing as race. However, there is a substantial amount of repression of people who are not perceived at Caucasian, even though there really is no such thing. Until we really truly stop looking at people and labeling them Other and making sure the Others don't have the same things We have, we will need these organizations for the oppressed people. Cheryl44: There's no such thing as race. However, there is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cheryl44/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196424107.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

02:37 PM on 10/15/2012 And, actually, membership in the groups is open to all. We had White, Brown, Red and Yellow members of the Black Student Alliance at the University of Colorado, and many of us were members of the other groups.

Together, we called ourselves the Rainbow Coalition as a way to address common concerns. JM_Brodie: And, actually, membership in the groups is open to all. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196425530.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 02:44 PM on 10/15/2012 Unfortunately neither Black nor White are included in the Rainbow. When talking about the properties of light white is the inclusion of all color and black the absence of same. lrobb: Unfortunately neither Black nor White are included in the Rainbow.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196427773.html History | Permalink | Share it

Glowski Not afraid to ask the hard questions ... 155 Fans 01:56 PM on 10/15/2012 If black students are concerned about a white student union on their campuses, I think they should join them. My hope is that the need for these separate groups based on race will end and that all students will end up working for the needs that all students face while they are in college. If they are not allowed to join, then that is a different problem. Glowski: If black students are concerned about a white student union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Glowski/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196411817.html History | Permalink | Share it totallyme 5 Fans 01:56 PM on 10/15/2012 What would happen if those in this student union would take the DNA test "23 & Me" Genetic test and find out that they aren't as "white" as they think? DNA doesn't lie, genetics don't lie. Some people who have taken the test find out what they see in the mirror isn't exactly what their ancestry is. What if they find that a century ago a black person step into their family tree? totallyme: What would happen if those in this student union would http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/totallyme/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196411769.html History | Permalink | Share it

donttrustem 113 Fans 01:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Who cares/ Obama's half white, but considers himself black. I have no problem with that. donttrustem: Who cares/ Obama's half white, but considers himself black. I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/donttrustem/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196412190.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Cheryl44 23 Fans

02:34 PM on 10/15/2012 I think it's more of we consider him black. I've never actually heard him say anything negative about "white" people or his "white" family. Cheryl44: I think it's more of we consider him black. I've http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cheryl44/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196424505.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:42 PM on 10/15/2012 and which half took care of him? Gorlak: and which half took care of him? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196427279.html History | Permalink | Share it

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2crudedudes 194 Fans 01:55 PM on 10/15/2012 Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for themselves."

The stupid. It burns. 2crudedudes: Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196411349.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Hey if you stifle his free speech then there is NO free speech. Gorlak: Hey if you stifle his free speech then there is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196427514.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 04:31 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm just exercising my right to free speech, relax. 2crudedudes: I'm just exercising my right to free speech, relax. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196463411.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Christian Howell The STEM. The Whole STEM. Nothing but the STEM. 554 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/15/2012 I'lll join up if some of you volunteer to have your testicles cut off and placed gently next to your neck-stretched body...

Other than that...


I can say that I don't want to be around most white people... At least a majority USED TO BE educated... Going to college for Art History is not being educated... Christian_Howell: I'lll join up if some of you volunteer to have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Christian_Howell/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196411044.html History | Permalink | Share it

donttrustem 113 Fans 01:58 PM on 10/15/2012 Or afrikans studies.... donttrustem: Or afrikans studies.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/donttrustem/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196412482.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Christian Howell The STEM. The Whole STEM. Nothing but the STEM. 554 Fans 03:09 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm a senior software developer, with a start-up... Soon... soon... I can quit my day job... Christian_Howell: I'm a senior software developer, with a start-up... Soon... soon... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Christian_Howell/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196436265.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Don Clanton Tough is not enough but it's a good start 512 Fans 01:53 PM on 10/15/2012 A Swede once told me, "Of course we allow the communists to participate in politics. We like to them out in the open where we can keep an eye on them." Sensible policy, seems to me. Don_Clanton: A Swede once told me, "Of course we allow the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Don_Clanton/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196410844.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 01:51 PM on 10/15/2012 He's got a point. ...but with that said, I do feel that ALL of these groups promote racism and segregation. None should exist; however should they exist, all should have a seat. EastBishop: He's got a point. ...but with that said, I do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196410071.html History | Permalink | Share it

2crudedudes 194 Fans 01:56 PM on 10/15/2012 Sorry you're so misinformed. 2crudedudes: Sorry you're so misinformed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2crudedudes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196411748.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 02:06 PM on 10/15/2012 So you're saying that for pretty much all race's to have a seat but to exclude one based on race or likeness is not segregation? EastBishop: So you're saying that for pretty much all race's to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196415023.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Mossdale 22 Fans 01:51 PM on 10/15/2012 White student groups...just like men's studies. Mossdale: White student groups...just like men's studies. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mossdale/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196410057.html History | Permalink | Share it

MiddlePassage 302 Fans 01:55 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes, both groups are so oppressed. They never get an advantage because they are white or male. White males have it the worst. Whenever one fails, don't we all think, "yeah, white males are just dumb and lazy. Why would anyone hire them?" Here goes to sticking up for the big guy! MiddlePassage: Yes, both groups are so oppressed. They never get an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MiddlePassage/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196411628.html History | Permalink | Share it phal4875 The world is run by cats; we just feed them. 2593 Fans 01:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Any white man who feels underprivileged because he is white must have little understanding of history, America, business, and education. He may need some extra help. phal4875: Any white man who feels underprivileged because he is white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phal4875/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196409088.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:53 PM on 10/15/2012 You have to be entitled to even think that. Gorlak: You have to be entitled to even think that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196430712.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Sawyer116 461 Fans 01:44 PM on 10/15/2012 I have a white Grandson who is a freshman in college. Not only would this group not appeal to him, but he would be thoroughly disgusted by the group and any of the individuals who could belong to it! It's nothing but the "young KKK." That young man is going to find out that this particular affiliation will not enhance his resume, his friends, his college experience or his life in general. I don't know what the people are like that raised him, but they need to stop paying his education if this is the best he can do with the tuition money they are spending! Sawyer116: I have a white Grandson who is a freshman in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sawyer116/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196407740.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 01:55 PM on 10/15/2012 While socially he may face persecution but his point is valid. EastBishop: While socially he may face persecution but his point is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196411635.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Sawyer116 461 Fans 10:09 AM on 10/17/2012 There's no excuse...me and greed are guiding him...not justice! Sawyer116: There's no excuse...me and greed are guiding him...not justice! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sawyer116/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197035416.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All sepiasiren writer animator lover 205 Fans 01:41 PM on 10/15/2012 Know what I love about guys like this who think they are righting wrongs --that they appear to think THEY were the ones who were sitting in the back of the bus in the 60's. These very same people hate giving hand outs to disenfranchised ethnic groups but sneer when they try to pull themselves up by their own boot staps as a community with targeted aid. So, you won't help the black community but cry racism when the community tries to help itself? I suppose they just hope they group will magically just disappear then... sepiasiren: Know what I love about guys like this who think http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sepiasiren/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196406970.html History | Permalink | Share it gloslug 10 Fans 01:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Let the dork have his student union. Then the Grand Wizard can have a fun membership drive. gloslug: Let the dork have his student union. Then the Grand http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gloslug/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196405686.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 01:37 PM on 10/15/2012 I think the big difference is that, while student of color political organizations promote equality and access based on peace and respect, white student political organizations promote supremacy and exclusion and base their claims of superiority and victimhood on the alleged inferiority or criminality of people of color.

Student of color cultural organizations promote the culture of their group as equal and contributing to the broader American culture, while white student cultural organizations (which are different from groups promoting a specific European cultural heritage, i.e. Irish, Spanish, German, French, etc.) promote an undifferentiated white culture as superior and view it as an underdog in competition with an encroaching, inferior, non-white culture.

I think that it's important to notice what an organization's stance is on equality and negotiating a peaceful, mutually beneficial collaboration towards the betterment of all of our people. There ARE organizations that are historically predominantly white but that are not exclusionary that have taken courageous stands in favor of equality and justice for all people. I don't think that the white student organizations fall into this category. sister_h: I think the big difference is that, while student of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196405609.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 01:49 PM on 10/15/2012 Almost. I feel the issue also stems from the fact, "while student of color political organizations" do NOT promote equality but rather segregation towards others against the American whites.

With that said. I do not feel any of these groups should exist. If anything, they promote racism and segregation. EastBishop: Almost. I feel the issue also stems from the fact, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196409650.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 05:42 PM on 10/15/2012 Are you saying that student of color organizations promote the segregation of white people? I've never heard of an organization that promoted this. If a student of color organization promoted this then they probably would not get much support and would be criticized for such a stance. sister_h: Are you saying that student of color organizations promote the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196485022.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All johnny b 2 Fans 01:57 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm curious as to how you came to your conclusions you put forth in the first paragraph. Have you ever seen a white student political organization? johnny_b: I'm curious as to how you came to your conclusions http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnny_b/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196412224.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/15/2012 The panelist in the video is a white student promoting a white student organization. This issue comes up every so often. There is a national white student union. There was one at the university of florida awhile back. They are very similar. sister_h: The panelist in the video is a white student promoting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196479423.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jahnsart Humanity, Not Ideology 264 Fans 01:35 PM on 10/15/2012 How do they define white, looks? heritage? pedigree? I look white, my mom's side is blackfoot, would I be included? what would the topics be, how to act whiter? I can't see the point in this group other than to soldify your "otherness". It is similar to hearing Christians say they are being persecuted for being Christians in America...A complete farce...It is amazing to me how racism is alive and well in the USA, in the year 2012. Jahnsart: How do they define white, looks? heritage? pedigree? I look http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jahnsart/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196404946.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 02:07 PM on 10/15/2012 The video pointed out that the Irish and Italians had a long row to hoe to be considered "white." Personally, I think our vaunted experiment with diversity is going to sink the country in a morass of gridlock and divisive politics.

As an unrepentant Hispanic/Celt I think we should all celebrate our national heritages rather than our ethnic ones. It's very hard to discriminate against anyone so fortunate as to have a Jamaican heritage either White or Black. lrobb: The video pointed out that the Irish and Italians had http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196415331.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Cheryl44 23 Fans

02:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Really? Jamaican's don't have a problem with beating up gay people.

Try again. Cheryl44: Really? Jamaican's don't have a problem with beating up gay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cheryl44/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196425743.html History | Permalink | Share it Vcubed 80 Fans 01:33 PM on 10/15/2012 It seems beyond argument that if a privilege is afforded one group it would be unfair for another not to be granted the same. Otherwise, how could you argue for same sex marriage laws and so forth? Vcubed: It seems beyond argument that if a privilege is afforded http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Vcubed/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196404236.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER deven 130 Fans 01:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Read the article. deven: Read the article. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/deven/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196407999.html History | Permalink | Share it angel879 Open Mindedness should become an epidemic 97 Fans 01:46 PM on 10/15/2012 Privilege is a given for some groups and a legislative right fought for with blood, sweat and tears for other groups. angel879: Privilege is a given for some groups and a legislative http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/angel879/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196408550.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amnholly 85 Fans 01:33 PM on 10/15/2012 A white student group isn't racist. America, you sure love your double standards don't you! amnholly: A white student group isn't racist. America, you sure love http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amnholly/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196404084.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 01:28 PM on 10/15/2012 It is an interesting debate. In about 30 years, whites will be in the minority. At that point, will it be okay to have white interest groups, but no longer PC to have groups for people of color? methnkng: It is an interesting debate. In about 30 years, whites http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196402505.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JM Brodie Baltimore-based Denverite 3341 Fans

01:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Depends on a number of factors. Blacks have had the numbers in South Africa. That didn't stop aparthied. JM_Brodie: Depends on a number of factors. Blacks have had the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JM_Brodie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196408265.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER methnkng 812 Fans 02:18 PM on 10/15/2012 But once they obtained political power, they took control. In 30 years, people of color will have the political power. So my question stands. methnkng: But once they obtained political power, they took control. In http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/methnkng/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196418885.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 02:59 PM on 10/15/2012 SA has pretty much declined overall since the take over, did it not? Are the blacks running it better? Gorlak: SA has pretty much declined overall since the take over, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196432939.html History | Permalink | Share it redeye 9 Fans 01:48 PM on 10/15/2012 At this point, it would seem that "white interest" is about defending the complete, out-of-proportion dominance of our political, cultural and social systems in America. What the hell is white racism? Do you think a white man can't become whatever he wants or achieve whatever he wants because of skin color? Do you even think that will be the case 30 years from now? Come on. redeye: At this point, it would seem that "white interest" is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/redeye/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196409266.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER lrobb Gold Standard = four paws and a tail 727 Fans 02:11 PM on 10/15/2012 Depends on what political party is in power. If it is Liberals in thirty years, I believe we will see a White reparations tax and possibly many other "evening out" forms of legislation. At which point you have to remember the vast majority usually makes the rules. If that majority isn't White, you will see a whole different kind of apartheid.

Human nature doesn't change depending on pigment. They are all equally corrupt and vengeful. lrobb: Depends on what political party is in power. If it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lrobb/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196416754.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All shaktari 4 Fans 01:28 PM on 10/15/2012 Looks like segregation (sp)? shaktari: Looks like segregation (sp)? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/shaktari/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196402331.html History | Permalink | Share it

phal4875 The world is run by cats; we just feed them. 2593 Fans 01:51 PM on 10/15/2012 Agreed, and the spelling is perfect. phal4875: Agreed, and the spelling is perfect. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phal4875/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196410030.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 27 28 29 30 31 Next › Last » (61 total) jfrobertson Romney/Ryan America's Throwback team 734 Fans 01:22 PM on 10/15/2012 Some people ARE as ignorant as they look. jfrobertson: Some people ARE as ignorant as they look. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jfrobertson/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196400430.html History | Permalink | Share it

ReddKatt 70 Fans 01:19 PM on 10/15/2012 This proves the xenophobic nature of some people. How can you feel threatened when you're the majority? Those who've attended a predominant white institution know what it's like to be smothered by the cultural norms of another ethnic group. From the food to the music you feel silently excluded. These groups provide a small sense of belonging, for this numbskull it's just an excuse to be openly racist ReddKatt: This proves the xenophobic nature of some people. How can http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ReddKatt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196399404.html History | Permalink | Share it johnny b 2 Fans 01:58 PM on 10/15/2012 See the comment above about Apartheid in South Africa. johnny_b: See the comment above about Apartheid in South Africa. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnny_b/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196412546.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 03:00 PM on 10/15/2012 ReddKatt, I think your comments are wrong. Gorlak: ReddKatt, I think your comments are wrong. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196433234.html History | Permalink | Share it

ReddKatt 70 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Of course you do. The majority had it's chance at promoting "heritage awareness" and for some reason that awareness always seems to blossom into mass murder, lynch mobs, hooded marauders and shooting up the local Sikh Temple. Blame yourself...not the minority ReddKatt: Of course you do. The majority had it's chance at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ReddKatt/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196475254.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER JB frm NC "Who is my neighbor?" 354 Fans

01:19 PM on 10/15/2012 It is not my line, but someone once asked: "Why do white supremacists so rarely seem 'above average', much less 'supreme?'" JB_frm_NC: It is not my line, but someone once asked: "Why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JB_frm_NC/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196399266.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Janicot Been to paradise, never been to me... 733 Fans 01:22 PM on 10/15/2012 My thoughts exactly. Janicot: My thoughts exactly. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Janicot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196400224.html History | Permalink | Share it MaryIndy 81 Fans 01:23 PM on 10/15/2012 I think that's a good question. I observed a KKK rally once, and I'm not sure the IQ of the entire K representation (which wasn't that large) would total 100. There were way more counter protesters. It was hilarious, really. Wouldn't be too funny in today's atmosphere, I'm thinking. MaryIndy: I think that's a good question. I observed a KKK http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryIndy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196400678.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER LS Bell Micro-bio is empty and it will stay that way. . . 94 Fans 01:14 PM on 10/15/2012 . . do y'all realize the school itself IS the white institution? and these ancillary groups offer nothing more than support for people of similar backgrounds and experiences? I'm sure someone of mixed heritage could join those very organizations. . this is ridiculous. . . LS_Bell: sheezus. . do y'all realize the school itself IS the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LS_Bell/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196397710.html History | Permalink | Share it MaryIndy 81 Fans 01:25 PM on 10/15/2012 I agree. When a white male tells me he's being discriminated against, I just laugh and remind them that white men pretty much rule the world. Then I ask them, "tell me again, who is discriminating against you?" It seems to be the catch-all answer for them not getting what they want, not maybe that they aren't the best candidate or anything like that. MaryIndy: I agree. When a white male tells me he's being http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryIndy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196401302.html History | Permalink | Share it

MarsAmbassador Per angusta ad augusta 2559 Fans 01:12 PM on 10/15/2012 Is that the KKK flag behind him? MarsAmbassador: Is that the KKK flag behind him? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarsAmbassador/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196397256.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER walkonsatisfied 55 Fans 01:51 PM on 10/15/2012 It's the state flag of Maryland. walkonsatisfied: It's the state flag of Maryland. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/walkonsatisfied/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196410048.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Don Clanton Tough is not enough but it's a good start 512 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/15/2012 You mean they have a flag? Pretty sure they fly the stars&bars (Confederate) Don_Clanton: You mean they have a flag? Pretty sure they fly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Don_Clanton/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196411326.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER blackraisin Life, Liberty, Property. 794 Fans 01:09 PM on 10/15/2012 Sounds like he's interested in "social justice." blackraisin: Sounds like he's interested in "social justice." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/blackraisin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196396148.html History | Permalink | Share it RickinBoca Thats my opinion and I could be... 269 Fans 01:10 PM on 10/15/2012 as long as it for white people. RickinBoca: as long as it for white people. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RickinBoca/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196396686.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER blackraisin Life, Liberty, Property. 794 Fans 01:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Just like the NAACP and La Raza. As Justice Roberts said "The best way to stop discrimination of the basis of race, is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." blackraisin: Just like the NAACP and La Raza. As Justice Roberts http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/blackraisin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196402671.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 01:07 PM on 10/15/2012 I've got a better idea for a student union - If there is a concern that aid programs are not being fairly meted out between folks of colour or lack thereof, or men and women, or hetero or homo sexuals, or any of the diverse peoples who attend colleges, then let them make a student body to address THOSE issues rather than say "I could not get a Pell Grant because I did not have the 3.8 Grade Point Average required to get it, and the black guy next to me had a 3.9 GPA" Jonny_Vee: I've got a better idea for a student union - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196395519.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Genna 119 Fans 01:06 PM on 10/15/2012 They are just coming out into the open. They have always been there. Does limiting their expression make their message weaker or does it more attractive to young people looking to rebel from the mainstream?

"We have groups for every other group of people except for white students. So if white students are allowed to come together and advocate for our own best interests simply would bring us into the realm that every single other group is allowed.""

Has he reviewed the record between the Democratic and Republican parties to see which group partners with his cause? He might find some instances where there are some who share his view. Genna: They are just coming out into the open. They have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Genna/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196395130.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Peachdequeen 52 Fans 01:03 PM on 10/15/2012 Let the child have his white student union made up of all the people from the land of white. I wonder if he has any idea at all of what his true cultural heritage is. Just pray for him. Peachdequeen: Let the child have his white student union made up http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Peachdequeen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196394443.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 01:08 PM on 10/15/2012 It seems only fair that he should be able to start the group...

Although, lets keep the prayers out of it since it is a public college. Norcal2: It seems only fair that he should be able to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196395832.html History | Permalink | Share it RickinBoca Thats my opinion and I could be... 269 Fans 01:12 PM on 10/15/2012 If they get their "white" student union they will probably demand their own trailer park and 4x4 pickups for their members RickinBoca: If they get their "white" student union they will probably http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RickinBoca/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196397171.html History | Permalink | Share it

jfrobertson Romney/Ryan America's Throwback team 734 Fans 01:24 PM on 10/15/2012 As Sarah Palin would say, "you betcha". jfrobertson: As Sarah Palin would say, "you betcha". http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jfrobertson/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196401193.html History | Permalink | Share it

EastBishop 62 Fans 02:04 PM on 10/15/2012 So to demote racism, you're using racist comments yourself. Strange. EastBishop: So to demote racism, you're using racist comments yourself. Strange. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/EastBishop/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196414593.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All kkehoe5 There is no knowledge that is not power. 125 Fans 01:01 PM on 10/15/2012 Sorry but I agree with the kid. If you cannot organize a union of student body because of the color of your skin, is that not the very deffinition of racisim? To give preferential treatment to others based on skin color?

I side with Heimbach because of the way Dr. Hill reacted when he introduced the topic at the beginning of the video. His subconscience reaction to the thought of whites gathering proves that non-whites assume this group is racist, KKK neo-nazis trying to keep the minorities down. kkehoe5: Sorry but I agree with the kid. If you cannot http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kkehoe5/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196393760.html History | Permalink | Share it MaryIndy 81 Fans 01:26 PM on 10/15/2012 There's a difference between skin color and ethnic background. I think this dude belongs in the German-American Student Union, right? MaryIndy: There's a difference between skin color and ethnic background. I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryIndy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196401661.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Janicot Been to paradise, never been to me... 733 Fans 01:30 PM on 10/15/2012 You seem to miss the point - student unions organized by racial and ethnic minority groups are about creating a level and equal playing field of opportunity. i.e. bringing themselves up to the same level of access (key word: access, not handouts) already enjoyed by majority whites. When the majority feels compelled to organize in reaction to other groups looking to achieve equality it is about fear of losing their advantage. One side looks to raise its own people up while the other looks to keep "those people" down and maintain its own privilege. That IS racism. Janicot: You seem to miss the point - student unions organized http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Janicot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196403222.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 03:14 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't buy that. You are squashing his freedom of speech. This shows there IS NO freedom of speech. Gorlak: I don't buy that. You are squashing his freedom of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196437638.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All elva4420 315 Fans 12:58 PM on 10/15/2012 If a campus allows a Black Student Union, etc., then it isn't an issue to have a White Sudent Union.

Until we have the same expectations for all ethnic groups, we'll never have equality. Did you see the report where Florida Public Schools have a different set of reading goals for children of various ethnicities? FPS doesn't expect to have as large a percentage of black students reading at the appropriate grade level as white, hispanic, and asian students. What does this tell you? The students are all in the same classrooms with the same teachers and books. elva4420: If a campus allows a Black Student Union, etc., then http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elva4420/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196392701.html History | Permalink | Share it JavanSClark 27 Fans 01:34 PM on 10/15/2012 I couldn't agree more... unless that groups main focus is to create advancement at the expense of others. JavanSClark: I couldn't agree more... unless that groups main focus is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JavanSClark/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196404348.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mkelly534 I'm always Hungry 87 Fans 12:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Although I am very opposed to the reason for his wanting a White Student Union, I would think he has a right to start one. Mkelly534: Although I am very opposed to the reason for his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mkelly534/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196392283.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER I Brain You My micro-bio is empty. Preferably. 299 Fans 12:55 PM on 10/15/2012 Just a dumb college kid who thinks he has learned everything there is to know about life, because of those college years. Let's wait until he enters the real world.

Also, when he said "liberal media", his credibility (or whatever was left of it) ate itself. I_Brain_You: Just a dumb college kid who thinks he has learned http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/I_Brain_You/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196391666.html History | Permalink | Share it cowanln There are worse things than 396 Fans 12:54 PM on 10/15/2012 When are we going to get rid of all these silly barriers in this country? I hate any and all forms of segregation and while I understand the guys point about other groups having similar "Unions" but they should all be dissolved at this point not have new ones pop up.

Now to be clear this guy loses all credibility because the article states "both Taylor and Heimback were advocates of white supremacy and white separatism" cowanln: When are we going to get rid of all these http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cowanln/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196391231.html History | Permalink | Share it

RonMcH20 Proud Liberal 176 Fans 12:54 PM on 10/15/2012 Ain't getting any, so he starts a controversial "project" to get attention. Judging from his photo I don't think it'll help. ;-) RonMcH20: Ain't getting any, so he starts a controversial "project" to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RonMcH20/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196391147.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 28 29 30 31 32 Next › Last » (61 total) kapalabhati Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu 1322 Fans 12:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Yes, it is just so hard to be a white male in this country these days isn't it? kapalabhati: Yes, it is just so hard to be a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kapalabhati/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196390835.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 12:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Nobody addressed the real reason why he started the group: He "Feels there is a "reverse-racism" with student programs," and that "Blacks get preferential treatment" which is completely not the case. Or, maybe that due things like ERA, some qualified white people fall through the cracks. In either case, it is not applicable today, and starting a "Student Body for Whites Interests" is wholly unnecessary as a "rights" group. Making purely-ethnic groups in schools is just another walk-back to the 50's and 60's where Whites had their toilets, Blacks had their own (usually older and dirtier) toilets. Jonny_Vee: Nobody addressed the real reason why he started the group: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196389403.html History | Permalink | Share it elva4420 315 Fans 01:03 PM on 10/15/2012 I only know what I experience. I work at a university and here's how our hiring program works. You review resumes and send HR a list of the candidates you wish to interview. If you don't have a minority (HR has the demographic information for the candidates) included in your interview list, you are sent a list of minority resume submitters and asked to choose someone from that list. Even though that person was previously deemed as unacceptable, you choose a minority to interview. That minoriity becomes a token interviewee. Aren't we doing them a disservice? elva4420: I only know what I experience. I work at a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/elva4420/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196394284.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jahnsart Humanity, Not Ideology 264 Fans 01:44 PM on 10/15/2012 How were those minorities deemed Unacceptable? Why were all the Minorities deemed as Unacceptable...Why do you call them "token interviewees"? why not consider them as interviewees? Why would you not consider these people without the list from H.R.?...You must be able to see the illogic in your thinking...You are racially biased by even responding in this way...It is insidious, most don't even realize it is occuring and that they perpetuate it...You see, we have been trained to perpetuate racial stereotyping, only through logic, reflection and reason can we overcome this pernicious problem... Jahnsart: How were those minorities deemed Unacceptable? Why were all the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jahnsart/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196407731.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 02:30 PM on 10/15/2012 The law just says that you HAVE to have a "minority" interview-ee. It does not say you have to give them the benefit if they do not qualify. Some schools, yours maybe, in the past have tossed candidates for programs in the trash before ever seeing if they actually qualify. That's why the law is THERE. Jonny_Vee: The law just says that you HAVE to have a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196422968.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 01:09 PM on 10/15/2012 I think you are the one living 50 years ago. Norcal2: I think you are the one living 50 years ago. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196396348.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 02:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Right. And the way these benefits were doled out "50 years ago" determined that we had to make a law to make sure that ALL qualified students get the opportunity to benefit from Pell Grants. But the fact that these "white minorities" are making a stink about it now, proves it is still a problem today, not 50 years ago. It is the same thing with Housing. So, that there can be no more bias due to race, creed, or any other aspect of a person, must be upheld - Not challenged my an educationally handicapped white guy who had a less than 3.8 GPA. Jonny_Vee: Right. And the way these benefits were doled out "50 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196424465.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 02:57 PM on 10/15/2012 That's another fallacy that I have to challenge. People think these Scholarships and Grants are just HANDED to any so-called "minority," and you better start re-adjusting your definition of that word, it does not apply the way it *was* used 50 years ago. You have to apply for these things and sometimes compete for them, especially scholarships. But even if you do win the scholarship, you still have to have the 3.8 GPA. The Grants are not competed for, but there ARE limited amounts of grants available. So, they go to the students with the highest grades, not of any RACE. And just to make sure that the grants are available to ALL students regardless of race, we have these laws. So this whining white guy who started the group, was probably not given the grant due to his grades being Bad. Or, if there is a 3.8 GPA Black guy, and his grades are 3.8 and even qualify, they WILL give the grant to the student with the higher GPA. You can't say "This is what I've seen" - Because I went through the grant system when I was at Tech school, so I know how it works. It's FEDERAL, so the laws are the same for all states. Jonny_Vee: That's another fallacy that I have to challenge. People think http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196432036.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All anghiari 215 Fans 12:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Let those white folks hang with each other...but Mittens should be a warning of what they can come up with if they date! anghiari: Let those white folks hang with each other...but Mittens should http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/anghiari/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196388348.html History | Permalink | Share it lilylongflower 8 Fans 12:45 PM on 10/15/2012 in fox he trusts lilylongflower: in fox he trusts http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lilylongflower/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196388159.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER storgrisdemo 295 Fans 12:44 PM on 10/15/2012 The last name of Heinbach says it all.. der neo-furher.. storgrisdemo: The last name of Heinbach says it all.. der neo-furher.. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/storgrisdemo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196387871.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 12:58 PM on 10/15/2012 That is a biased statement. Not all Germans supported the nazi party and you insult all those who died for their beliefs under the regime.

BTW - if you had any knowledge of pre WW 2 europe you would understand that totalitarian parties were in pretty much all nations during the 1920's and 1930's and very powerful. The only difference that the nazis were as ruthless as the bolsheviks when it came to getting power.

You make his point though, that people feel its OK to disrespect entire groups/races of people...so pick which one you hate and go with it! Norcal2: That is a biased statement. Not all Germans supported the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196392598.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER storgrisdemo 295 Fans 03:07 PM on 10/15/2012 Cannot pick a hate group, Ich bin ein Deutsche Amerikan... You are true about Bolsheiviks and the Nazis.. .. My Great grand parents had to change to a English form of the family last name in WW2.. Wis.. was a strange place to grow up sometimes.. there is a book about the nazi prison camp that was next to a town with a population from mostly German settlers.. and most could speak German. Wisconsin Stalag.. storgrisdemo: Cannot pick a hate group, Ich bin ein Deutsche Amerikan... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/storgrisdemo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196435340.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All PhillipCollins 49 Fans 12:43 PM on 10/15/2012 This is a great idea.

I think we should also have..

White Entertainment Television White Mrs. America United Caucasian Scholarship Fund White History Month White Voices section on Huff Post PhillipCollins: This is a great idea. I think we should also http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PhillipCollins/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196387589.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Mr Muckle 261 Fans 12:45 PM on 10/15/2012 The saddest thing about a post like is all that it does is highlight the ignorance of the poster. Mr_Muckle: The saddest thing about a post like is all that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mr_Muckle/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196388302.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 12:50 PM on 10/15/2012 You recognise not sarcasm in that post? Cos I did and I'm usually the first person to not see it when it is used. Jonny_Vee: You recognise not sarcasm in that post? Cos I did http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196390009.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All PhillipCollins 49 Fans 12:56 PM on 10/15/2012 You obviously do not understand satire. PhillipCollins: You obviously do not understand satire. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PhillipCollins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196392009.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER blackraisin Life, Liberty, Property. 794 Fans 12:48 PM on 10/15/2012 Fair is fair. blackraisin: Fair is fair. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/blackraisin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196389276.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DangitRuss Clean the House this election day! 103 Fans 12:39 PM on 10/15/2012 I see no problem with a white student union forming. They are students and their group should be held to the same standard that any other group is held to. They should be judged by their actions as a group. If they are inclusive and do not become a den of racial hate, then have at it. If they cross that line then they should be expelled from campus, just as any group would be. But let it form. DangitRuss: I see no problem with a white student union forming. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DangitRuss/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196386300.html History | Permalink | Share it drp103 SYSTEM ON 1003 Fans 12:38 PM on 10/15/2012 Lordy. This brings back memories from my college days in the late '90s. Clearly this is nothing new, as a guy tried to start a whitestudentunion on my campus back then.

I was clueless about the issues of black folks back then, and I could have cared less; all I wanted to do was hang on to a B average and party. I'm older now and a lot wiser on these matters.

This guy here must have some sort of backing from an unknown group, cause I would assume that most kids could care less one way or another whether or not there is a black student union or the lack of a white student union.

Stirring the pot, he is. drp103: Lordy. This brings back memories from my college days in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/drp103/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196386046.html History | Permalink | Share it

drp103 SYSTEM ON 1003 Fans 12:46 PM on 10/15/2012 early '90s. NOT late drp103: early '90s. NOT late http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/drp103/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196388464.html History | Permalink | Share it The Man on the street 157 Fans 01:15 PM on 10/15/2012 My university had a "White Student Union" - it was called Sorority Row. The_Man_on_the_street: My university had a "White Student Union" - it was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Man_on_the_street/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196398034.html History | Permalink | Share it james526 0 Fans 12:38 PM on 10/15/2012 If it feels good do it, who cares. james526: If it feels good do it, who cares. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/james526/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196385889.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER bubba lew 129 Fans 12:35 PM on 10/15/2012 inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." This makes you unworthy of white society please kill yourself bubba_lew: inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." This makes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bubba_lew/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196384923.html History | Permalink | Share it

Al91206 Educating the right on why they are wrong. 1058 Fans

12:33 PM on 10/15/2012 I thought they already had a white student group, they are called the College Republicans. Al91206: I thought they already had a white student group, they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Al91206/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196384554.html History | Permalink | Share it anghiari 215 Fans 12:47 PM on 10/15/2012 That's funny... anghiari: That's funny... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/anghiari/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196388918.html History | Permalink | Share it ItsJustCommonSense12 70 Fans 12:29 PM on 10/15/2012 Guy give me a break. Yes racism against W's exist, - there is no doubt but to assert that its on the same scale as past systemic racism such as Jim Crow is insulting to say the least. But form your union, who cares. Why is this even worthy of an interview? ItsJustCommonSense12: Guy give me a break. Yes racism against W's exist, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ItsJustCommonSense12/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196383220.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 12:53 PM on 10/15/2012 Because the guy who made the group will give all kinds of reasons why it is not "racist" but the only reason it exists is due to racism in the first place. Jonny_Vee: Because the guy who made the group will give all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196390789.html History | Permalink | Share it The Man on the street 157 Fans 01:21 PM on 10/15/2012 It's something for Hiembach to list on his eventual job application to the RNC & FOX... The_Man_on_the_street: It's something for Hiembach to list on his eventual job http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Man_on_the_street/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196400054.html History | Permalink | Share it Volantiad 274 Fans 12:26 PM on 10/15/2012 I didn't think any private company, private school or state school/agency could restrict constitutional freedoms, particularly 1st Amendment rights. I know that the military can but I didn't think anybody else could.

Of course, HuffPo mixed this subject in with another, somewhat related but still independent subject (white supremacist student forming special club) in one article so I guess I'll address the other half of the article in another post.

PS: why did you do that, HuffPo? Volantiad: I didn't think any private company, private school or state http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Volantiad/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196382277.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonny Vee Ahhhhh: SHADDAP! 38 Fans 01:00 PM on 10/15/2012 I don't think they can restrict the creation of groups like this and hundreds of others that will sprout up, or have been sprouting up. But if someone has to as "Why" as to the purpose of the group, is maybe showing ignorance or apathy. The creator of the group showed nothing BUT racism as the reason for creating it, and the first speaker is a racist with an agenda? In his case, he imagines reverse racism against his own "kind." But it is not the fault of the school that he applied for a program, and was not qualified, but to make it into a RACE issue, and not an issue of his own incompetence or lack of qualifications for whatever aid he applied for, is beyond arrogance and makes the reason for his creation of this "special interests group" invalid. Jonny_Vee: I don't think they can restrict the creation of groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonny_Vee/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196393243.html History | Permalink | Share it Volantiad 274 Fans 05:06 PM on 10/15/2012 Oh, wow, Jonny Vee! That's a whole back-story (failing to get into a program based on his own merits) that I didn't get from the article & didn't know about. Very interesting: thanks! Volantiad: Oh, wow, Jonny Vee! That's a whole back-story (failing to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Volantiad/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196474377.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SBinF Educator, musician, foodie. 278 Fans

12:25 PM on 10/15/2012 This dude should head on over to the sociology department on campus and register for a class on hegemony. Perhaps then he wouldn't mount such silly campaigns. SBinF: This dude should head on over to the sociology department http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SBinF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196381710.html History | Permalink | Share it gotch ..just having my say... 209 Fans 12:20 PM on 10/15/2012 White supremacists. gotch: White supremacists. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gotch/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196380240.html History | Permalink | Share it anghiari 215 Fans 12:51 PM on 10/15/2012 Yeah, the white supremacists...father of whom is old Strom Thurmond...who wasn't above raping the black help in the family home....as he called them savages, inferiors to an eager public who weren't above dating their cousins... the hills are alive with the sounds of white supremacy... anghiari: Yeah, the white supremacists...father of whom is old Strom Thurmond...who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/anghiari/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196390400.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 29 30 31 32 33 Next › Last » (61 total) This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program zdeedle Keep safe all who gather here. 2126 Fans 12:19 PM on 10/15/2012 i have a litmus test. i imagine the words and sentiments in germany in the early 1930s. then i don't have to imagine what comes next, that's history. zdeedle: i have a litmus test. i imagine the words and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zdeedle/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196380029.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 01:00 PM on 10/15/2012 Anti German bias?...you are really no better Norcal2: Anti German bias?...you are really no better http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196393438.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program zdeedle Keep safe all who gather here. 2126 Fans 12:16 PM on 10/15/2012 sorry dude, but you don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you are NOT amongst the ones entitled to rule either. zdeedle: sorry dude, but you don't have blonde hair and blue http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zdeedle/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196378964.html History | Permalink | Share it respeck4all 5 Fans 07:56 PM on 10/14/2012 Harvaaaaard is trying to make the entire freshman class "PC" There can be no negative talk, for example, of Islamic terrorism, crime statistics of minorities, illegal immigration, same sex marriage, etc,etc. It is allright to bash Catholics on their anti-abortion stance, Bush policies that were inherited by Obama, gaffes by Republicans, investing in any Israeli Companies, etc,etc. The Haaaaaard graduate will be regarded in a much lower vein of academic worth. No protests, no picketing, no potato chips, etc. Welcome to the College of 1984. respeck4all: Harvaaaaard is trying to make the entire freshman class "PC" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/respeck4all/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196234746.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

zdeedle Keep safe all who gather here. 2126 Fans 12:18 PM on 10/15/2012 huh? paranoid much?

btw, imagine if he was doing this in germany in the 1930s. then what would you think? zdeedle: huh? paranoid much? btw, imagine if he was doing this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zdeedle/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196379681.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 01:02 PM on 10/15/2012 read a history book about pre WW 2 europe and you will find the whole continent thought the same way... excepting the groups which were targeted by the governments, which changed by location. Norcal2: read a history book about pre WW 2 europe and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196394119.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Republicanistan Ignorance is Strength in Baggerstan 2104 Fans

12:36 PM on 10/15/2012 zzzzzzzzzz

You cannot make up facts to suit yourself. No such policy exists. Republicanistan: zzzzzzzzzz You cannot make up facts to suit yourself. No http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Republicanistan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196385442.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All bwhitfield0608 29 Fans

02:19 PM on 10/14/2012 There's really no way to join something like that without looking like a racist, especially when the group leaders are in favor of white supremacy and separatism. They're pretty clear on how the feel, they just tried to sugar coat and lace it up nice to avoid too much backlash. bwhitfield0608: There's really no way to join something like that without http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bwhitfield0608/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196161852.html History | Permalink | Share it Corpilot 82 Fans 11:39 PM on 10/14/2012 Yea...except for the other groups that spout the same thing for their own race...... only the white guy is a racist.....yea about that. Jeez why does ANYONE think that a race specific organization is a good idea? You cant eliminate racism by being racist. Corpilot: Yea...except for the other groups that spout the same thing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Corpilot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196279847.html History | Permalink | Share it

bwhitfield0608 29 Fans

12:01 AM on 10/15/2012 He said in the article he was in favor of white supremacy and separatism. It's clear what the base for starting the organization is. bwhitfield0608: He said in the article he was in favor of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bwhitfield0608/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196283511.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Republicanistan Ignorance is Strength in Baggerstan 2104 Fans

12:37 PM on 10/15/2012 Other groups are not advocating for White Supremacy, just a seat at the table. Republicanistan: Other groups are not advocating for White Supremacy, just a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Republicanistan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196385637.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 01:04 PM on 10/15/2012 Whats the difference from any other affinity group? They ALL espouse separatism.

You advocate a double standard. Norcal2: Whats the difference from any other affinity group? They ALL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196394666.html History | Permalink | Share it

bwhitfield0608 29 Fans

01:21 PM on 10/15/2012 I'm not advocating anything. Where did I say anything about minority student groups? I didn't. bwhitfield0608: I'm not advocating anything. Where did I say anything about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bwhitfield0608/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196400102.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

OneBurbon Men's rights advocate 131 Fans

03:19 AM on 10/14/2012 In this new melting pot America, people are just going to have to get used to Whites having student unions and otherwise being proud of their whiteness. OneBurbon: In this new melting pot America, people are just going http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/OneBurbon/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196071350.html History | Permalink | Share it

KidKolob "You People",.....are awesome! 188 Fans 12:37 PM on 10/15/2012 Yeah but they sure aren’t good examples of whites, I mean not blond hair, no blue eyes, but very doughy. KidKolob: Yeah but they sure arenâ��t good examples of whites, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KidKolob/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196385750.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Republicanistan Ignorance is Strength in Baggerstan 2104 Fans

12:37 PM on 10/15/2012 John Wayne was aFascist. Not a true American. Republicanistan: John Wayne was aFascist. Not a true American. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Republicanistan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196385822.html History | Permalink | Share it

OneBurbon Men's rights advocate 131 Fans

01:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Montgomery Burns was a cartoon, not only not a real American, but not even a real person OneBurbon: Montgomery Burns was a cartoon, not only not a real http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/OneBurbon/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196406179.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All El Trife 60 Fans 01:57 PM on 10/13/2012 Everyone has a bit of a racist in them. Let's stop sugar coating it here people. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. El_Trife: Everyone has a bit of a racist in them. Let's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/El_Trife/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195918983.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Republicanistan Ignorance is Strength in Baggerstan 2104 Fans

12:38 PM on 10/15/2012 What is at issue here is do we tolerate Racism, not whether it exists or not. Republicanistan: What is at issue here is do we tolerate Racism, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Republicanistan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196386040.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Norcal2 Marin County Happiness 172 Fans 01:05 PM on 10/15/2012 The standard should be equally applied then...get rid of all affinity groups. Norcal2: The standard should be equally applied then...get rid of all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Norcal2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196394928.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All eboLi4 110 Fans 11:36 AM on 10/13/2012 Have no problem with White Organization...... draw lines at the White supremacy and seperatist nonsense. The same goes for minority organization, you throw in supremacy and seperatist nonsense out the door you go eboLi4: Have no problem with White Organization...... draw lines at the White http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eboLi4/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195879454.html History | Permalink | Share it bharrison777 39 Fans 08:19 AM on 10/13/2012 Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for themselves. We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, an Asian student union. We have groups for every other group of people except for white students. So if white students are allowed to come together and advocate for our own best interests simply would bring us into the realm that every single other group is allowed." So why is this a bad idea? Advocate for our best interests is not anymore racist than any other ethnic group. bharrison777: Heimback argues that "every single other ethnic group has an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bharrison777/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195840627.html History | Permalink | Share it Charles Washington 0 Fans 12:30 PM on 10/15/2012 Tell me what are those White Interest that whites are advocating for? What are Whits losing, because from my view points, Whites are winning and have been for a long time. Please share with my the white mans pain Charles_Washington: Tell me what are those White Interest that whites are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Charles_Washington/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196383456.html History | Permalink | Share it PhillipCollins 49 Fans 12:44 PM on 10/15/2012 What are whites losing? Well, the White House for one thing..lol PhillipCollins: What are whites losing? Well, the White House for one http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PhillipCollins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196387976.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Republicanistan Ignorance is Strength in Baggerstan 2104 Fans

12:39 PM on 10/15/2012 Advocating to maintain your privilege and seeking to deny others their rights and advocating for your own rights to be respected is not the same. Republicanistan: Advocating to maintain your privilege and seeking to deny others http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Republicanistan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196386449.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Deeza 49 Fans 03:24 AM on 10/13/2012 According the census in a few years whites WILL be the minority in this country so... maybe everything will switch. Deeza: According the census in a few years whites WILL be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Deeza/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195820378.html History | Permalink | Share it Charles Washington 0 Fans 12:32 PM on 10/15/2012 That Census of whites being a Minority is when you ADD UP ALL THE OTHER MINORITY GROUPS TOGETHER. If you separate each group individually, white will still have the majority. Charles_Washington: That Census of whites being a Minority is when you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Charles_Washington/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196384233.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Deeza 49 Fans 01:01 PM on 10/15/2012 Well, yeah but that's A LOT of groups you're putting into one category. Hispanics will surpass whites and that means that whites will fall into a minority status, as well. My point is that if everyone is a minority then nobody is. It should make everyone equal and then we can look at the class and financial disparities instead of the color of someone's skin. Deeza: Well, yeah but that's A LOT of groups you're putting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Deeza/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196393731.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Viral Tarpara 32 Fans

02:05 PM on 10/15/2012 i think its worth recognizing the difference between plurality vs. majority.

Majority means over 50% while plurality means less than 50% but largest portion of all segments. Viral_Tarpara: i think its worth recognizing the difference between plurality vs. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Viral_Tarpara/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196414813.html History | Permalink | Share it ageofknowledge 7 Fans 11:40 PM on 10/12/2012 Excellent! The time is ripe for whites to organize and take ownership of their western culture and values. Cheers. ageofknowledge: Excellent! The time is ripe for whites to organize and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ageofknowledge/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195792391.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SBinF Educator, musician, foodie. 278 Fans

12:26 PM on 10/15/2012 I'll say, if there's one group of folks in this country's history that have gotten the short end of the stick, it's upper-middle class white guys! SBinF: I'll say, if there's one group of folks in this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SBinF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196382108.html History | Permalink | Share it Charles Washington 0 Fans 12:51 PM on 10/15/2012 I guess poor whites and black have had it made in this country's history, huh? Charles_Washington: I guess poor whites and black have had it made http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Charles_Washington/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196390393.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Charles Washington 0 Fans 12:34 PM on 10/15/2012 Where have whites lost ownership of western culture? and who said white own western culture. Please explain western culture to me? Charles_Washington: Where have whites lost ownership of western culture? and who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Charles_Washington/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196384711.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program rwaller My bio never meets guidelines! 690 Fans 09:30 PM on 10/12/2012 Worried about political speech and they recruit thugs for their basketball program. rwaller: Worried about political speech and they recruit thugs for their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rwaller/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195766311.html History | Permalink | Share it sweetpatriot A life long learner,5 languages speaker 634 Fans 07:56 PM on 10/12/2012 I am confused, what is white culture appreciation this group want to promote?What is white American culture? sweetpatriot: I am confused, what is white culture appreciation this group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sweetpatriot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195745199.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 05:03 AM on 10/13/2012 And you have no similar questions about what is black culture lol. Racist. SJ_27: And you have no similar questions about what is black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195826496.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER battlescar2012 Just trying to keep it real. 244 Fans 05:56 AM on 10/13/2012 Calling her a racist because she asked a legitimate question only reveals your own ignorance.

Only a fool would assume all "black" people share the same culture and all "white" people share the same culture.

A culture goes a hell of a lot deeper than the color of somebody's skin. battlescar2012: Calling her a racist because she asked a legitimate question http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195829262.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

sweetpatriot A life long learner,5 languages speaker 634 Fans 02:26 PM on 10/14/2012 I have similar question what is black culture?I am african sweetpatriot: I have similar question what is black culture?I am african http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sweetpatriot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196163512.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Neenerpuss If you cant laugh at yourself...someone else will 312 Fans 05:24 PM on 10/13/2012 Slave owners....Robber Barrons....and Hillbilly hand fishermen. Neenerpuss: Slave owners....Robber Barrons....and Hillbilly hand fishermen. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Neenerpuss/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195970007.html History | Permalink | Share it rdz69 104 Fans 06:40 PM on 10/12/2012 all for it-tired of the racial bullsh-t! rdz69: all for it-tired of the racial bullsh-t! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rdz69/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195725774.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER qud 122 Fans 06:15 PM on 10/12/2012 don't see any problems. with this, long overdue. qud: don't see any problems. with this, long overdue. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/qud/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195719075.html History | Permalink | Share it TONYSbabe4 27 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/12/2012 You are so very right - it IS long overdue. It's ok to have groups for students of every race but caucasians to have their own social organizations. WHY can't we celebrate our heritage, our race and be proud of it? Blacks, Asian's, Hispanics (Latino's) from every nation are allowed to do this - I have ALWAYS wondered why WHITES are bad, racist, WHATEVER if we want to have our own group. We are essentially left out of the fact that we should be proud of our heritage. Shame on us, we need to stand up for our own race, but that does not mean we are racist, just race proud... TONYSbabe4: You are so very right - it IS long overdue. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TONYSbabe4/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195748743.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER battlescar2012 Just trying to keep it real. 244 Fans 05:58 AM on 10/13/2012 Huh?

Ever heard of Greek clubs? Or German Clubs?

How about French Clubs? Irish clubs?

Do you have any understanding of ethnic heritage at all? battlescar2012: Huh? Ever heard of Greek clubs? Or German Clubs? How http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195829359.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Claudia Zayas Argue with a fool and you'll become one... 76 Fans 05:56 PM on 10/12/2012 You all need to watch this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9-96xMLvkc&feature=related

OPEN YOUR EYES! Claudia_Zayas: You all need to watch this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9-96xMLvkc&feature=related OPEN YOUR http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Claudia_Zayas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195714277.html History | Permalink | Share it El Trife 60 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/13/2012 I speak 5 languages cutie! English, bad English, Spanish, bad spanish, & last but certaintly not least the language of love :) El_Trife: I speak 5 languages cutie! English, bad English, Spanish, bad http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/El_Trife/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195918098.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 30 31 32 33 34 Next › Last » (61 total) gov111w Truth-Justice-And the American way ! 311 Fans 05:07 PM on 10/12/2012 Why is it that only white organizations are attacked this way and never Black, Aisian or Latino...Just asking gov111w: Why is it that only white organizations are attacked this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gov111w/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195700258.html History | Permalink | Share it

rdz69 104 Fans 06:41 PM on 10/12/2012 your last 2 words say it all-you are afraid. rdz69: your last 2 words say it all-you are afraid. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rdz69/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195725914.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER battlescar2012 Just trying to keep it real. 244 Fans 06:01 AM on 10/13/2012 Because "white" is a fiction created by non-whites.

Lots of schools have Greek clubs. And last I checked, Greeks are white. Same with German clubs. And French clubs. And Italian clubs.

White club ... wtf is that? battlescar2012: Because "white" is a fiction created by non-whites. Lots of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195829508.html History | Permalink | Share it sdave 321 Fans 06:09 AM on 10/13/2012 We used to call it the KKK...... sdave: We used to call it the KKK...... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sdave/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195829981.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Nandi Sims 28 Fans 02:50 PM on 10/12/2012 I'm okay with having race based groups, as long as other races can participate if they want to. A race based club is for the advancement of the race, collaboration between members of the same race, and usually service directed towards that race, but they don't discriminate if some other person wants to help them out too. For example, there are white people in our African American student union. It's fine with everyone.

My problem with this group is that he wants a white club for no one other than white people because he doesn't like people who aren't white... That's not the same sort of thing at all. Nandi_Sims: I'm okay with having race based groups, as long as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nandi_Sims/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195653672.html History | Permalink | Share it

Rebel 985 A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves 57 Fans 03:19 PM on 10/12/2012 People of certain races have a "right" not to like or associate with one another by choice. They do not have a "right" to harm others directly. You an't make laws forcing people to like each other. It doesn't work that way. Rebel_985: People of certain races have a "right" not to like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rebel_985/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195663802.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nandi Sims 28 Fans 03:31 PM on 10/12/2012 Nope you can't. But you can have a law that says you can't discriminate based solely on someone's looks. We tried that, and it didn't work. Nandi_Sims: Nope you can't.  But you can have a law that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nandi_Sims/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195668064.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

hplhenry Think lucky and be lucky 61 Fans 09:56 AM on 10/13/2012 So could my white son apply for aid to The United Negro College Fund? hplhenry: So could my white son apply for aid to The http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hplhenry/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195856474.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nandi Sims 28 Fans 10:50 AM on 10/13/2012 He could apply. Not saying he would get anything. That's not necessarily right either. But the reason why it started was because there were so many scholarships for whites that blacks would never be considered for that they made their own scholarships. There are also "redhead" scholarships, "left handed" scholarships, "christian" scholarships, "good grades" scholarships, the list goes on. When can a company decide to give aid to a certain kind of people? When is it okay? and when is it discrimination? I don't know.

You could start your own scholarship organization if you think your son does not have any scholarship options, just like UNCF did. But I would think that there are plenty that he could apply for. If you had him apply for the UNCF aide, you would only be doing so to try to make a point. You would not be doing so because it's the only option he has, or because you believe in what the organization is doing. You would probably just try to make a big deal if he is denied and call racism. So of course they won't consider giving you anything. (Not to put words in your mouth, just giving an example) Nandi_Sims: He could apply.  Not saying he would get anything.  That's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nandi_Sims/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195868244.html History | Permalink | Share it

BeyondTheBull Retired and loving it 504 Fans 02:46 PM on 10/12/2012 Who cares whether Heimbach is a racist or not ... there are at least 99 registered groups that hate people of races other than themselves. He and his kind just means one more. One thing is most probable ... there is a hate group in America that hates him. BeyondTheBull: Who cares whether Heimbach is a racist or not ... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BeyondTheBull/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195652295.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER qud 122 Fans 06:16 PM on 10/12/2012 makes you think doesn't it!!!! WELL IT SHOULD. good point. qud: makes you think doesn't it!!!! WELL IT SHOULD. good point. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/qud/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195719403.html History | Permalink | Share it groland socially left, fiscally right 637 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/12/2012 Mathew Heimbach looks like a young Rush Limbaugh ! groland: Mathew Heimbach looks like a young Rush Limbaugh ! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/groland/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195633680.html History | Permalink | Share it

BeyondTheBull Retired and loving it 504 Fans 02:47 PM on 10/12/2012 Limbaugh's nephew? (Satan made it so that Rush could not reproduce.) BeyondTheBull: Limbaugh's nephew? (Satan made it so that Rush could not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BeyondTheBull/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195652714.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER detroitblkmale30 Wise Men Still Seek Him 648 Fans 01:31 PM on 10/12/2012 There is nothing wrong with a white student union, if that group is organized around common interests, cultural background etc and it isnt organized to denigrate other groups. Where people are most concerned with white organizations has been through their historical focus on attacking and hating minorities.

This group hopefully is about shared values and not superiority. It doesnt make sense though to say their is some kind of bias against white people in the main stream. White people ARE the main stream. In almost every major occupational field and industry white people are most commonly in the board room, leadership etc etc. even and especially in media so his points are curious at best. detroitblkmale30: There is nothing wrong with a white student union, if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/detroitblkmale30/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195625416.html History | Permalink | Share it CAMBEL 1400 Fans 12:17 PM on 10/12/2012 What I notice about people like this guy and groups like this.

Most of the other groups "Asian Student Union, Black Student Union" etc... get together, meet about common experiences, needs, network, talk about classes, jobs, shared culture etc...

But the people that found these white student groups use them as a platform to put out fliers and have events attacking the other groups or the university etc...

Is this group racist? Lets see, they have put out fliers attacking other groups, but I'm willing to bet they haven't had one speaker in to discuss job prospects, interview styles, networking, internships etc... CAMBEL: What I notice about people like this guy and groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CAMBEL/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195596456.html History | Permalink | Share it simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 12:16 PM on 10/12/2012 Hey SJ, just thought I should let you know that I stopped reading your posts long ago. But I appreciate your perseverance. Carry on. simsum: Hey SJ, just thought I should let you know that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195595942.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 05:08 AM on 10/13/2012 but you care enough to keep responding long after i stopped responding to your rebuttals, oh wait, you never did make a legitimate counterpoint, or argue how anything I said was untrue. SJ_27: but you care enough to keep responding long after i http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195826798.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER battlescar2012 Just trying to keep it real. 244 Fans 06:07 AM on 10/13/2012 We should have let the Nazis win. After all, they were white so they must be like you.

Same with communist Russians. They were white so they must be like you too.

heh. This is fun. battlescar2012: We should have let the Nazis win. After all, they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195829871.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Alpha Liberal 283 Fans

11:09 AM on 10/12/2012 No, it's not "racist," but it's pointless, uninspired, and petty. Alpha_Liberal: No, it's not "racist," but it's pointless, uninspired, and petty. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Alpha_Liberal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195568992.html History | Permalink | Share it

phaqgmha 55 Fans 06:42 PM on 10/12/2012 Nothing is petty when it comes to ANY race. phaqgmha: Nothing is petty when it comes to ANY race. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phaqgmha/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195726321.html History | Permalink | Share it

Alpha Liberal 283 Fans

09:34 AM on 10/15/2012 Huh? Alpha_Liberal: Huh? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Alpha_Liberal/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196336321.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JoeLosFeliz Paid posters: unethical, no credibility 454 Fans 10:54 AM on 10/12/2012 Racist? Probably. Pathetic? Definitely. JoeLosFeliz: Racist? Probably. Pathetic? Definitely. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JoeLosFeliz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195563064.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 11:35 AM on 10/12/2012 Why is it racist JoeLosFeliz? Gorlak: Why is it racist JoeLosFeliz? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195579283.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JoeLosFeliz Paid posters: unethical, no credibility 454 Fans 12:27 PM on 10/12/2012 The Gadsden Flag hanging behind his head was a tipoff. While not historically a symbol of white racists (unlike the confederate flag), it has become a coded racist symbol through its resurrection by the Tea Party.

But seriously: Who else but a white racist would start a white student group? White people in our society aren't discriminated against as a class of people. It's a joke. JoeLosFeliz: The Gadsden Flag hanging behind his head was a tipoff. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JoeLosFeliz/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195600346.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink |Show replies(2)

Nandi Sims 28 Fans 02:58 PM on 10/12/2012 It's actually interesting that you suggest BET is the same sort of thing as discrimination. It is a tv station made for black people, but they have white people on their shows too. It's not a tv station made to exclude people who are not black, which this person's club is.

There is a difference between avowing to advancing one race, and avowing to disadvantage all other races.

You are entitled to be proud of your race like any other race is. The problem is usually when someone is proposing a white pride day, it's at the same time anti-everything not white, which is not okay. You don't see black pride people doing at the disadvantage of others, it's all about how great it is to be black. I'll give you your white pride if you keep it about being white, and don't talk about how much you hate other types of people. Nandi_Sims: It's actually interesting that you suggest BET is the same http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nandi_Sims/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195656759.html History | Permalink | Share it Scooter1971 7 Fans 03:14 PM on 10/12/2012 No where in any of what the guy said did he tear down any other race. You claim that a white pride parade is about attacking all the other races. That's just untrue. You are putting words into peoples mouths. Even the gentleman in the video says he is not excluding black people. so how can you claim that he is? Scooter1971: No where in any of what the guy said did http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scooter1971/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195662186.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All vall17 20 Fans 03:14 PM on 10/12/2012 They could not exist if it was not for the white folk on their shows. What about black miss America, black caucus will not let other ethnic groups join and that is your government. Blacks always want it their way are you are a racists. Their groups are the biggest racists of them all. They know it we know it , so fair is fair. Nandi you are definitely the racists in the group, keep up the good work. Every body else is doing it for bad reasons and only the blacks are right??????? vall17: They could not exist if it was not for the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vall17/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195662338.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Nandi Sims 28 Fans 05:29 PM on 10/12/2012 Actually I figured out the problem. In the US there is a culture associated with being black. A lot of black people have that culture. BET is not about having dark skin. It's about the black culture. It's similar to how CMT is about the country culture. It's not called southern white people TV, though it could be because the demographic that likes that culture is southern white people. It's not about race or skin tone, even though it ends up being like that because in the US culture is often racially charged and people tend to hang out with others from their own race. It's like how rock-a-billy people tend to be white. There just isn't a word for "black acting" other than "black", maybe "urban" but that's more like a subset of "black".

Let's take me for example. I am black but I am not "black acting." So people who love BET and go to black stuff really aren't my friends because we have nothing in common. It'd be very difficult to find a culture that is "white". Having a white parade would only have to be about skin tone, because white people are very diverse in their likes that couldn't also be a cultural thing.

There are "biker" parades, "redneck" parades ,etc . We could call each of these things "white" parades if we wanted to. Maybe we need another word for "black acting" that clarifies the fact that it's not about being brown. Nandi_Sims: Actually I figured out the problem. In the US there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nandi_Sims/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195706730.html History | Permalink | Share it Corpilot 82 Fans 10:40 AM on 10/12/2012 Actually Heimback makes some excellent points. Corpilot: Actually Heimback makes some excellent points. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Corpilot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195559110.html History | Permalink | Share it

nyc cook 41 Fans 10:35 AM on 10/12/2012 Until the day finally comes, and I admit it may never, when we stop looking at the things that make us different and start looking at the things that make us the same then we are doomed to repeat the miscarriages of the past. On the surface the differences we all have are apparent even among people of the same race, but once you scratch below the surface the things that make us all very similar are vast. We want to improve ours lots in life. We want a better future for our children and theirs. nyc_cook: Until the day finally comes, and I admit it may http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nyc_cook/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195556102.html History | Permalink | Share it outspoken012 39 Fans 07:34 AM on 10/12/2012 Why do white libs feel like they more know about what is like as a black American more than a actual black person? You would think they had some sort of experience the way they talk about how bad us blacks have it. Imo, my life is not bad at all. I have a comfortable life. outspoken012: Why do white libs feel like they more know about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195508982.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 07:41 AM on 10/12/2012 They (straight, white libs) also try and speak for gay people. I am gay guy, I am not flamboyant in my demeanor or like the caricatures you see of gay guys on TV, so you wouldn't know it on the street, I have never had a problem with gay bashing, yet they assume I feel resentment towards straight people. I don't have any. I don't assume I know what a straight experience is, and I hate when they try and tell me what I should feel. We live in an amazing society that is more tolerant than any other despite what people say. Most people just want to live and let live this day and age.

I think white liberals feel they are eternal victims, and therefore always empathize with whom they feel are the "underdogs." SJ_27: They (straight, white libs) also try and speak for gay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195510221.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:52 AM on 10/12/2012 I think you're exactly right. Im not an underdog or a victim. I get by just fine in this country. outspoken012: I think you're exactly right. Im not an underdog or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195512038.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

JoeLosFeliz Paid posters: unethical, no credibility 454 Fans 11:04 AM on 10/12/2012 "Most people just want to live and let live this day and age."

Where do you live? Are you familiar with the GOP's platform? Not exactly gay friendly & it was designed to appeal to a specific segment of our society (that isn't especially small). Why the need to stress the fact that people on the street think you're straight?

"I think white liberals feel they are eternal victims, and therefore always empathize with whom they feel are the 'underdogs.'"

Really? I don't see the "eternal victim" thing at all and, to be honest, liberals are the reason homosexuality isn't a crime in this country. JoeLosFeliz: "Most people just want to live and let live this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JoeLosFeliz/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195567025.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Corpilot 82 Fans 10:43 AM on 10/12/2012 And there your problems is...... you consider yourself "a black person". Only a racist distinguishes him or herself by their race. We will only have a harmonized society when folks quit referring to others and themselves by their race. Corpilot: And there your problems is...... you consider yourself "a black person". http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Corpilot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195559135.html History | Permalink | Share it

Rebel 985 A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves 57 Fans 03:30 PM on 10/12/2012 If I choose not to associate with people who are stupid and love foolish drama in their lives does that make me a "stupidist" because I don't like stupid people? Rebel_985: If I choose not to associate with people who are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rebel_985/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195667599.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All cyanmanta 113 Fans

05:31 AM on 10/12/2012 Since when did universities start making racially segregated student unions anyway? Sort of defeats the purpose of the name "student union", doesn't it? Having a group that meets once a week is one thing, but full-time? Really?? cyanmanta: Since when did universities start making racially segregated student unions http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cyanmanta/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195496053.html History | Permalink | Share it

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:25 AM on 10/12/2012 TRAYVON MARTIN AND BLACK MAN WITH GUN AT TEA PARTY. TWO PROVEN TIMES MEDIA BIAS TO MAKE WHITES SEEM BAD. Benjamin_Martin_314: TRAYVON MARTIN AND BLACK MAN WITH GUN AT TEA PARTY. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195486472.html History | Permalink | Share it

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Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:24 AM on 10/12/2012 all you have is the race card. why is it blacks can have BET NOBLE NAACP BLACK CAUCUS 100BLACKMEN AND MANY MORE...BUT WHITES CANT? DOUBLE STANDARD AND LIBERAL HYPOCRISY Benjamin_Martin_314: all you have is the race card. why is it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195486396.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program BCorn24 86 Fans 01:16 PM on 10/12/2012 What are you talking about? You have EVERYTHING else! We have ONE channel, you have over a hundred. We have ONE group that works for the rights of ALL minorities, not just black PEOPLE (there are many things that are black, like your black heart, so be more specific)where you have thousands that are more specifically targeted towards you, like the metal health programs. You have most of the country, most of the power, and most of the wealth. Unless a black guy raped you in the butt, you have NO excuse to be pissed off when it comes to black people. We're here and you have only your ancestors to thank. If you dislike black people so much, then I suggest Normandy - there are nothing BUT white people there. But you are going to have to get pass the whole "women have rights and free health care " thing over there. The only countries that punish the free-thinking you fear so much is in the middle-east, and we know you don't like any person that isn't white. You're pretty much out of luck. BCorn24: What are you talking about? You have EVERYTHING else! We http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BCorn24/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195619778.html History | Permalink | Share it vall17 20 Fans 03:21 PM on 10/12/2012 Bcorn you sound like the RACISTS with all your black this and black that. Read corpilots post and maybe you will learn something. vall17: Bcorn you sound like the RACISTS with all your black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/vall17/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195664713.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Rebel 985 A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves 57 Fans 03:32 PM on 10/12/2012 Someone's definitely projecting their personal jealous hangups on others. If you are so jealous about other people's success why don't you move away to a third world country and sell condoms. Rebel_985: Someone's definitely projecting their personal jealous hangups on others. If http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rebel_985/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195668535.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:22 AM on 10/12/2012 you have a president who thinks "they all look alike"...why else would his fictional son "look like trayvon martin" Benjamin_Martin_314: you have a president who thinks "they all look alike"...why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195486173.html History | Permalink | Share it

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:21 AM on 10/12/2012 trayvon martin case proves media biased anti-white. nbc caught editing tapes on that case and the black tea party guy with guns to promote anti white agenda. racist is their code word for not black...but white. it is their own racial slur they use against whites. it is code. plain and simple. so they edited tm to be innocent, edited tape to say zimmerman racist. Benjamin_Martin_314: trayvon martin case proves media biased anti-white. nbc caught editing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195486114.html History | Permalink | Share it

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:19 AM on 10/12/2012 so all it takes is facts to be labled a white nationlist? by golly then the FBI that produced the stats that prove the fact blacks commit more violent crime than whites and only make up 15% of the population must be racist too right? Benjamin_Martin_314: so all it takes is facts to be labled a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195485874.html History | Permalink | Share it

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:18 AM on 10/12/2012 Here we go. The race card. one white person makes one white group, equal to NOBLE(nataLIE jackson got award from them), NAACP, Negro Scholarship fund, 100 black men, black chamber of commerce, black caucus, sites like global grind and the grio, BET....but god forbid white have an equal group for them its racist lmfao http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/11/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868.html?1349982580 Benjamin_Martin_314: Here we go. The race card. one white person makes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195485753.html History | Permalink | Share it southrules 18 Fans 03:07 AM on 10/12/2012 Racists and bigots are as evil as evil gets. southrules: Racists and bigots are as evil as evil gets. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/southrules/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195484639.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 05:27 AM on 10/12/2012 No. I think people who actually kill other people are the worst. Racist or not. outspoken012: No. I think people who actually kill other people are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195495715.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 07:18 AM on 10/12/2012 Racists and bigots are as evil as evil gets....except if you're black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Middle Eastern, American Indian, etc. Then it is social justice. SJ_27: Racists and bigots are as evil as evil gets....except if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195506838.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program MarcoEsquandolas 590 Fans 02:39 AM on 10/12/2012 This reminds me of the scene in 'Malcolm X' where Malcolm is in jail and shown the dictionary, and what the different definitions are for 'white' - all pure and noble, etc. while 'black' is evil across the board. Sometimes it's just that simple, unfortunately. MarcoEsquandolas: This reminds me of the scene in 'Malcolm X' where http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarcoEsquandolas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195481185.html History | Permalink | Share it

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:26 AM on 10/12/2012 NAACP, NOBLE, NEGROSCHOLARSHIPFUND, 100BLACKMEN,BET, BLACK CAUCUS, BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HYPOCRITE Benjamin_Martin_314: NAACP, NOBLE, NEGROSCHOLARSHIPFUND, 100BLACKMEN,BET, BLACK CAUCUS, BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195486556.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program MarcoEsquandolas 590 Fans 11:13 AM on 10/12/2012 What's hypocritical? And, regarding the groups you mention, I love how there's never any self-awareness (from 'White Unions') as to why those organizations need to exist in the first place. MarcoEsquandolas: What's hypocritical? And, regarding the groups you mention, I love http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarcoEsquandolas/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195570461.html History | Permalink | Share it simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 02:32 AM on 10/12/2012 Heimbach falsely claims black against white hate crimes far outnumber the converse. The FBI stats are clear:

■71.5 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-black bias. ■16.5 percent were victims because of an anti-white bias. http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/hc2009/victims.html simsum: Heimbach falsely claims black against white hate crimes far outnumber http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195480356.html History | Permalink | Share it shuai ge 0 Fans 01:38 AM on 10/12/2012 Why do White Liberals embrace diversity, but usually choose to live in White neighborhoods? Why do only White societies embrace racial diversity? Why do non-Whites flock in droves to White societies? shuai_ge: Why do White Liberals embrace diversity, but usually choose to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/shuai_ge/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195471457.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 02:20 AM on 10/12/2012 Why does st or m fr nt think these talking points are effective? simsum: Why does st or m fr nt think these talking http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195478570.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 02:46 AM on 10/12/2012 Diversity for thee, but not for me. "NIMBY" is a distinctly liberal idea. They love to talk about enjoying a meal at an ethnic restaurant or their token pet black friend, yet they also want the best schools and the safest neighborhoods. They are also the first to complain when the Section 8 housing THEY demand comes creeping into their upper middle income neighborhood. SJ_27: Diversity for thee, but not for me. "NIMBY" is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195482167.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 03:11 AM on 10/12/2012 You are really bad at trolling. The craziest part. You admitted to being white. White liberals are the true enemy and hindrance to white causes. You will be cheering on genocide until the very last step, which of course is being killed in anti-white violence. And then the world will be rid of all the evils right? LOL SJ_27: You are really bad at trolling. The craziest part. You http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195485020.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Ratu999 forward not back!! 151 Fans 03:13 AM on 10/12/2012 Go tell the aborigines in Australia, Moaris in NZ, native Americans who flocked in droves into their land and society..... may be you may wish to flock back to Europe ...... Ratu999: Go tell the aborigines in Australia, Moaris in NZ, native http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ratu999/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195485281.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 03:50 AM on 10/12/2012 Your examples are not in the majority. outspoken012: Your examples are not in the majority. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195488683.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program meanjoker Voting exterminates republicans 309 Fans 12:54 AM on 10/12/2012 Kid's toking soap if he thinks the majority is 'under-represented'. BUT I think his all those who become members should forever be associated the group. Just so we know what values they are so proud of. meanjoker: Kid's toking soap if he thinks the majority is 'under-represented'. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/meanjoker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195461076.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER battlescar2012 Just trying to keep it real. 244 Fans 12:53 AM on 10/12/2012 While a "white" student union is not necessarily racist, it does demonstrate an incredible ignorance of why ethnic groups express themselves in the first place.

After all, there is no such thing as a "white" culture to embrace.

A German group? Sure. Irish? Okay. English, Scandinavian, etc.. Fine. All of those groups celebrate the culture and heritage of those respective people, just like Mexicans celebrate their ancestral culture and African-Americans celebrate theirs.

But a "white" heritage? There's no such thing.

"White" was originally a label given to Caucasians by non-whites, just as "red" was given to Native Americans by non-Natives, and "black" was assigned to Africans by non-blacks.

This kid is actually watering down his own heritage by lumping himself into the generic term "white"--a label given to him by non- whites.

I refer to myself as "white" on job applications and government forms. Ethnically, I am an American of French, German, Irish and Italian descent. By embracing the diluted term "white," those students are ignoring their heritage, not celebrating it. battlescar2012: While a "white" student union is not necessarily racist, it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195460838.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 01:54 AM on 10/12/2012 White Americans are a group and do have a culture, just as Black Americans have their culture. You are incredibly racist to say white people have no culture. By your definition America is WHITE culture because we are allgedly the "dominant" group.

My background happens to be Swedish, Norwegian, Welsh and Belgian. I consider myself white having never been to any of those countries. That doesn't mean I don't have a culture, nor does it mean other white people don't have a culture. You liberals love to deprive white people of everything. SJ_27: White Americans are a group and do have a culture, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195474363.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER battlescar2012 Just trying to keep it real. 244 Fans 02:18 AM on 10/12/2012 Please explain to me what "white" culture is. battlescar2012: Please explain to me what "white" culture is.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195478258.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program MarcoEsquandolas 590 Fans 02:34 AM on 10/12/2012 "You liberals love to deprive white people of everything. " I'm not sure where you got 'liberal' out of the above post but that sentence is hilarious. Haven't White (Christian) Males stopped all of the Imperialism and Religious Imposition? 'White' culture is what's behind Black people being 3/5ths of a person and Women not having a right to vote...and that's just the tip of the (white) iceberg. MarcoEsquandolas: "You liberals love to deprive white people of everything. " http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarcoEsquandolas/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195480503.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Benjamin Martin 314 4 Fans 03:27 AM on 10/12/2012 PURE IGNORANCE/ EXPLAIN WAYANS WHITE GIRLS MOVIE IF NO CULTURE TO MIMICK? WILL SMITH CALLING CARLETON WHITE WHY? FACT WHITE RACE FACT GERMAN NATIONALITY FACT IRISH GERMAN ENGLISH ALL WHITE FACT CULTURES Benjamin_Martin_314: PURE IGNORANCE/ EXPLAIN WAYANS WHITE GIRLS MOVIE IF NO CULTURE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benjamin_Martin_314/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195486718.html History | Permalink | Share it


I already explained that. "White" is a generic term given to Caucasians by non-whites. Last I checked, Will Smith and Wayans are not white.

Yes, German, Irish, English, etc. all have white skin, but that doesn't mean they all have the same culture. This is one of the reasons why the idea of a "white" culture is silly, because all of them are different.

Russians, Germans, Irish, English, French people ... they don't speak the same language or eat the same foods or embrace the same religions, etc. etc etc.

Do you really think that culture is limited simply to skin color? battlescar2012: "EXPLAIN WAYANS WHITE GIRLS MOVIE IF NO CULTURE TO MIMICK? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/battlescar2012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195501200.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:47 AM on 10/12/2012 I hate to even bring it up, but notice the last name of the women who is dictating what white people should feel and what rights they have as a collective group. That says a lot, and I have a feeling people like her are the majority of white people against a WSU. SJ_27: I hate to even bring it up, but notice the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195459186.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:45 AM on 10/12/2012 Long story short: Not racist.

It's time white people re-embraced white identity, the great artists of our race, the scientists who have given us many advances in health and technology, the great writers, poets, war heroes, there is so much good white people have contributed, yet it's all overruled by alleged privilege. When a white person accomplishes something according to anti-racists, "oh, that's because of their circumstances and privilege in society." When a Jewish person, black person, Asian person, etc. accomplishes something: "It was because of their talent, drive, intelligence, etc"

I'm not sure when Marxist critical race theory became mainstream in academia but it sure is toxic to white existence. SJ_27: Long story short: Not racist. It's time white people re-embraced http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195458591.html History | Permalink | Share it

sweetpatriot A life long learner,5 languages speaker 634 Fans 07:58 PM on 10/12/2012 What is your culture?What is your identity? sweetpatriot: What is your culture?What is your identity? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sweetpatriot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195745784.html History | Permalink | Share it votresiboiteux 4 Fans 11:49 PM on 10/11/2012 White people have privilege, they don't know what it's like to be a minority. I personally do not believe white students (or people in general) should have a group built upon their whiteness and racism thrown their way. Simple matter? White people don't know the ugly side of what racism is, and I'm not talking about the dictionary's term, but its social construct and ignorance that is generational and environmental. Check your privilege is all I am trying to say.

Go join a sorority or fraternity or choir club or politically/ideological/activist group, there's TONS in college. Stop the white whine! votresiboiteux: White people have privilege, they don't know what it's like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/votresiboiteux/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195438604.html History | Permalink | Share it charmed7067 24 Fans 12:23 AM on 10/12/2012 "Check your privilege is all I am trying to say."

White people have to WORK for what they have, just like everyone else. We don't even have the benefit of Affirmative Action. White people are NOT the racial group that is most successful in our society- that would be Asians. Asians have a higher average income than whites, higher test scores, a lower crime rate, and lower illegitimacy rate than whites....yet you never hear the term 'Asian privilege'. The reason you hear 'white privilege' and not 'Asian privilege' is because there is a certain anti-white mindset that has infiltrated our society. If being a minority in a majority white society is so bad, then why do so many non-whites *choose* to be put themselves in that position by immigrating to 'white' countries? charmed7067: "Check your privilege is all I am trying to say." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/charmed7067/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195451333.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program MarcoEsquandolas 590 Fans 02:35 AM on 10/12/2012 the reason you hear it is because of Slavery and killing the Native Americans...and that's just to start. MarcoEsquandolas: the reason you hear it is because of Slavery and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarcoEsquandolas/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195480710.html History | Permalink | Share it

votresiboiteux 4 Fans 03:36 AM on 10/12/2012 I'm talking about in a social construct's definition if racism, that is how people see minorities as minorities ( stereotypes) before they see them as an individual person. Look at television, the norm in our western culture is white with interludes of diversity. Also, Asians are not predominant enough in the U.S. compared to the statistically higher percentage of whites living here so that comparison isn't even parallel. I mean, Chinese people werent allowed in the U.S. between 1882-1943 and immigration acts were set in place in 1924 to stop certain percentages bases on race, that is Asians, E. Europeans, etc. Race has ALWAYS been a social and politcal construct in America with whites at the helms, integration wasnt fully even met till 1980s. Also, I'm Asian and I don't have privilege other than people assuming I'm rich and smart. For example, my boyfriend is white and when he asked his mom if she liked me even though I'm Asian, she simply stated that she thought I was nice, and that was that. Why'd she say that? Because she has told him blue birds don't mix with brown birds. I'm seen as a race before I'm seen as a young woman that's good enough for her son. Btw, my parents immigrated here because of opportunities, not because of it being a white country. It's not that it's bad being a minority, it's just disheartening to have stigmas/ stereotypes judge other people's ideas regarding who you are. votresiboiteux: I'm talking about in a social construct's definition if racism, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/votresiboiteux/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195487460.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:28 AM on 10/12/2012 White people living in the state of California or Texas, or white people living in the Carribean, Belize, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, or even myself living in Prince George's County, Md (15% white) have experienced living as a minority. We do know the ugly side of racism. I don't know what privilege you speak of. You admit there is no privilege to start a white student union, if we were so privileged we would have no issue with this and it would not make national news. Thanks for proving once again why we need a WSU. :) SJ_27: White people living in the state of California or Texas, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195452835.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 02:25 AM on 10/12/2012 Whites in Kenya facing racism? LOL I lived there, and I'm afraid your description is nonsense. simsum: Whites in Kenya facing racism? LOL I lived there, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195479360.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Atomkinder 126 Fans 11:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Wait, isn't the White Student Club just called the Campus Republicans now? Atomkinder: Wait, isn't the White Student Club just called the Campus http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Atomkinder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195434025.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RedSunn Obama-Biden 2012 91 Fans 11:51 PM on 10/11/2012 No, it is called the Campus KKK. RedSunn: No, it is called the Campus KKK. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RedSunn/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195439205.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:51 AM on 10/12/2012 The only KKK member in congress in the last 100 years was Robert Byrd. A Democrat. Nice try. :) SJ_27: The only KKK member in congress in the last 100 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195460179.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 08:25 PM on 10/13/2012 this should be reported. Dee_Jamacek: this should be reported. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196009316.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER Paintio buzz or howl under the influence of heat 355 Fans

11:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Every time a white person whines about having less than the whole pie, well, I call them a whiner. Paintio: Every time a white person whines about having less than http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Paintio/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195432336.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nathan Seibert-Pegues Truth doesn't have a side. It has a razor's edge. 239 Fans 11:36 PM on 10/11/2012 I call them a Republican. Nathan_Seibert-Pegues: I call them a Republican. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nathan_Seibert-Pegues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195433175.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Paintio buzz or howl under the influence of heat 355 Fans

11:53 PM on 10/11/2012 There's a difference. Paintio: There's a difference. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Paintio/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195439840.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Paintio buzz or howl under the influence of heat 355 Fans

11:53 PM on 10/11/2012 ? Paintio: ? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Paintio/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195439922.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER harmlesstree Préjudice est la raison des sots - Voltaire 1503 Fans 11:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Having a white student union within the college this student attends is like having a Catholic student union at Notre Dame! harmlesstree: Having a white student union within the college this student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/harmlesstree/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195431361.html History | Permalink | Share it Theoray 110 Fans 11:26 PM on 10/11/2012 Don't forget to say grace white boy Theoray: Don't forget to say grace white boy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Theoray/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195430098.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Robert Staton Jr 23 Fans 11:28 PM on 10/11/2012 Well of course it's racist. African-American groups are ok. Hispanic-American groups are ok. Muslim -American groups are ok, But God forbid any white American-American groups. Hell. Everyone knows that's just a cross buring looking for a place to happen.

What a bunch of hypocrits you Huffies are. Robert_Staton_Jr: Well of course it's racist. African-American groups are ok. Hispanic-American http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Robert_Staton_Jr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195429677.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER harmlesstree Préjudice est la raison des sots - Voltaire 1503 Fans 12:03 AM on 10/12/2012 Can white Muslims join? harmlesstree: Can white Muslims join? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/harmlesstree/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195444061.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:29 AM on 10/12/2012 The policy of Towson is to let anyone join no matter what background. The same rules apply for all groups. SJ_27: The policy of Towson is to let anyone join no http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195453365.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program MarcoEsquandolas 590 Fans 02:36 AM on 10/12/2012 You had me at 'cross burning' and its unintended irony. MarcoEsquandolas: You had me at 'cross burning' and its unintended irony. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarcoEsquandolas/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195480879.html History | Permalink | Share it RealistBC 901 Fans 11:25 PM on 10/11/2012 IF this "union" advocates how tough white kids have it compared to non-white ones, then absolutely it's racist. RealistBC: IF this "union" advocates how tough white kids have it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RealistBC/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195428486.html History | Permalink | Share it Patrick Laughlin 22 Fans 12:55 AM on 10/12/2012 Why does that make it racist? Patrick_Laughlin: Why does that make it racist? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Laughlin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195461405.html History | Permalink | Share it

AdamONeill 26 Fans 11:22 PM on 10/11/2012 White student group: not a racist concept, but likely will attract racist individuals and potentially entrench racist attitudes/resentment. Also, his agenda: to promote white interests? I thought most groups of this type were for discussion of issues, experiences, culture, etc. not necessarily promoting your ethnicity's interests over other groups' interests. AdamONeill: White student group: not a racist concept, but likely will http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AdamONeill/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195427367.html History | Permalink | Share it

MrGovtCheese We don need no stink'n badges ... 1752 Fans

11:31 PM on 10/11/2012 You nailed it. Especially when you said it "will attract racist individuals and potentially entrench racist attitudes/resentment."

So long as they understand that, let them carry on. MrGovtCheese: You nailed it. Especially when you said it "will attract http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrGovtCheese/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195430859.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:30 AM on 10/12/2012 Blacks, Latinos and Asians all promote their own interests in their groups. But you as a white person can't see how you are promoting an anti-white double standard. Typical. SJ_27: Blacks, Latinos and Asians all promote their own interests in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195453692.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program MarcoEsquandolas 590 Fans 02:37 AM on 10/12/2012 What 'White' interests are there? MarcoEsquandolas: What 'White' interests are there? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MarcoEsquandolas/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195480948.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Theoray 110 Fans 11:18 PM on 10/11/2012 But don't forget to say grace Theoray: But don't forget to say grace http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Theoray/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195426721.html History | Permalink | Share it Brenda Me 1 Fans 11:20 PM on 10/11/2012 I think Chris Rock had it right when he said that racism was starting to get better, with his cute little story about his daughter and her friend and the boy at school. With every generation, the hate will dissipate. My town has a high population of blacks & whites, I always see groups of kids around town, there is always a mixture. A lot of times, it's one white kid & one black kid paling around. Years ago, with segregation, if a white family taught their children to hate blacks, or blacks taught their kids to hate whites, the kids were hardly, if ever, around each other to know the difference. Today it's different. I can say whatever to my kids. They have information and experience surrounding them to make their own choice. Despite all the hate portrayed in the news and the actual racism that still happens today, I don't think racism is as alive in everyone's homes as some assume. And I think the evidence in is the children. Brenda_Me: I think Chris Rock had it right when he said http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brenda_Me/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195426589.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER maninaustin Not a partisan hack 96 Fans 11:19 PM on 10/11/2012 "Heimbach ... has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes."

That sounds about right. maninaustin: "Heimbach ... has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maninaustin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195425981.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 02:31 AM on 10/12/2012 Nope. In 2009, the FBI stats show:

■71.5 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-black bias. ■16.5 percent were victims because of an anti-white bias.

http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/hc2009/victims.html simsum: Nope. In 2009, the FBI stats show: â� 71.5 percent were http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195480129.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 10:53 AM on 10/12/2012 HA, Hatecrimes are almost never given/stated when it's a minority against white but IS when it's white on a minority..... Haven't you learned you live in AMERICA? Gorlak: HA, Hatecrimes are almost never given/stated when it's a minority http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195562728.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program roger37 527 Fans 11:17 PM on 10/11/2012 The basic premise is bullshytt. "Mainstream" society and academia are NOT biased against whites. That's the stuff of David Duke and the KKK victimhood appeal. roger37: The basic premise is bullshytt. "Mainstream" society and academia are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/roger37/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195424954.html History | Permalink | Share it CASnyder 150 Fans 11:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Nope probably there is no way to ban the white student union if other ethnicities have them. But it sounds like a terribly boring group, thus the most of the white students who will be attracted to it will be those with bigoted supremacists leanings. The thing to do is to watch them like hawks and throw the book at them if they try to intimidate others. CASnyder: Nope probably there is no way to ban the white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CASnyder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195424850.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER inkongirl 273 Fans 11:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Can't we all just get along? inkongirl: Can't we all just get along? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/inkongirl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195422444.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nathan Seibert-Pegues Truth doesn't have a side. It has a razor's edge. 239 Fans 11:08 PM on 10/11/2012 Is this group racist? Absolutely.

This is a white man's country. It always has been, and for the better part of our history, it was a white man's world, by force, not to include native Americans, blacks, hispanics, Asians, women, Jews, Irish, Italians, etc.

Minority student unions (black, hispanic, Asian, LGBT), they all want a piece of the pie, and as Americans, they are entitled to the opportunity. An opportunity that is often denied to them, simply because of thier minority status.

A white student union? They don't want to give up any of the pie, particularly to any of those minorities. As white people, they believe that somehow, they are being denied opportunity because of minority favoritism. Which is,... well,... complete and utter BULLBLEEP.

To me, the scariest part of this whole story is the fact that Heimbach is a college senior, meaning he'll be graduating soon. Just another example of how false equivalency and justification have taken the place of critical thinking in our institutes of higher education, and our society at large.

"I have seen the enemy, and he is us" - Walt Kelly Nathan_Seibert-Pegues: Is this group racist? Absolutely. This is a white man's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nathan_Seibert-Pegues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195421429.html History | Permalink | Share it

SJ 27 14 Fans 12:32 AM on 10/12/2012 You are just a racist against white people. One set of rules for whites. One set of rules that everyone else plays by. Maybe we want to get away from the toxic anti-white narrative spewed constantly in the academic world. Maybe we want to be part of a group where we are free to have a white identity without you talking the usual psychobabble above. By the way, historically black colleges still have black groups. SJ_27: You are just a racist against white people. One set http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SJ_27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195454489.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nathan Seibert-Pegues Truth doesn't have a side. It has a razor's edge. 239 Fans 04:10 PM on 10/13/2012 "One set of rules for whites. One set of rules that everyone else plays by."

The toxic anti-white narrative that you refer to is called: history. Not psychobabble, not political correctness, not favoritism; simply - history. You can find it at your local library.

Black colleges have black student groups because there are distinct black cultures as well. And, as you said: "One set of rules for whites.", with a deck stacked against non-whites.

As to "white identity", stop deluding yourself. This is code for white power, and it doesn't fool anyone but fools. There is no white culture, no white identity, unless you identify primarily as white. There is Irish culture, and French culture, and German culture, and Jewish culture, and Spanish culture, and Italian culture, and Polish culture, and Norwegian culture, and Swedish culture, and friggin' YOGURT culture! All of which can be identified as white! Just like my kissable posterior!

In case you couldn't tell by my photo, I am white. And that is genetic. It's not something that I can take pride in, as it was completely out of my control. Just a lucky roll of the dice. And as a white man in America, I know just how lucky... Nathan_Seibert-Pegues: "One set of rules for whites. One set of rules http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nathan_Seibert-Pegues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195951956.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Patrick Laughlin 22 Fans 04:43 PM on 10/12/2012 So, Mr. Seibert-Pegues, I can see that you disagree with this Heimbach's basic premise, but I'm curious: do you think someone in charge should prevent this white student union group from meeting? Patrick_Laughlin: So, Mr. Seibert-Pegues, I can see that you disagree with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Laughlin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195692431.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nathan Seibert-Pegues Truth doesn't have a side. It has a razor's edge. 239 Fans 09:52 PM on 10/12/2012 Yes. The premise is faulty, if not simply a veiled hate group. Additionally, the school would be sanctioning such a group.

What would be you stance on a Muslim student union, that fomented anti-semitism or jihad?

What's the difference? Because it's seemingly harmless white suburban kids? It's the harmless ones that you need to watch... Nathan_Seibert-Pegues: Yes. The premise is faulty, if not simply a veiled http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nathan_Seibert-Pegues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195770837.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR Rachel O 253 Fans 11:03 PM on 10/11/2012 There are already white student groups in colleges throughout America. They're called the young republicans. Rachel_O: There are already white student groups in colleges throughout America. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rachel_O/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195419455.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program roger37 527 Fans 11:17 PM on 10/11/2012 But at least the pretend to be "not racists." LOL roger37: But at least the pretend to be "not racists." LOL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/roger37/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195425305.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER stickmanmob Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons! 47 Fans

11:00 PM on 10/11/2012 While he went about this the wrong way, it does make you question the "Asian Club" at your local high school. stickmanmob: While he went about this the wrong way, it does http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/stickmanmob/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195417787.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program roger37 527 Fans 11:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, it does. roger37: Yes, it does. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/roger37/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195425480.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Paintio buzz or howl under the influence of heat 355 Fans

11:32 PM on 10/11/2012 No, no it doesn't Paintio: No, no it doesn't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Paintio/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195431290.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 33 34 35 36 37 Next › Last » (61 total) charmed7067 24 Fans 10:52 PM on 10/11/2012 The very fact that this idea causes so much controversy while black, Asian, and Hispanic groups don't cause so much as a flinch is concrete evidence of discrimination against whites and proof that whites DO have their own unique issues to deal with. The only proposed 'argument' against this group is that white groups always end up causing violence. It seems to me that whenever there is a group of blacks at a black celebration or get-together, there is guaranteed violence- BET awards, FreakNik, Black Bike Week etc. Maybe the formation of groups and activities dedicated to blacks should be banned. /sarcasm charmed7067: The very fact that this idea causes so much controversy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/charmed7067/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195414537.html History | Permalink | Share it gravity5 18 Fans 10:50 PM on 10/11/2012 I love to hear white people say that they are losing America. If white people are losing America then who the hell is winning? It definitely isn't our Black @$$e$ gravity5: I love to hear white people say that they are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gravity5/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195413734.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER MountPanic 489 Fans 10:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes they're racist, which Americans have a RIGHT to be -- overlooking the responsibility as a decent human being NOT to be racist. By the same token, eeeeeveryone else has the same right to call them out for their racism.

Furthermore, if the group is under the aegis of the university, then any student should be able to join, including non-whites who want to learn about the poor suffering crackers who never ever get their way. MountPanic: Yes they're racist, which Americans have a RIGHT to be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MountPanic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195413093.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Andman0121 564 Fans

10:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Good lord, just get rid of EVERY ethnic/racial student union group. They only stratify and separate us further. Andman0121: Good lord, just get rid of EVERY ethnic/racial student union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Andman0121/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195411741.html History | Permalink | Share it CSIP 74 Fans 10:39 PM on 10/11/2012 on paper, a white student union is no different than any other union. but it is the same as the argument that there is no "white history month". it is hard to make that argument that the majority that seems to be in charge of most of the country needs an advocacy group. it sounds totally acceptable, but just feels a bit off. CSIP: on paper, a white student union is no different than http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CSIP/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195409813.html History | Permalink | Share it

ECJIM 3ABTPA BONHA 32 Fans 10:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Steep, dangerous and personal subject for sure. As far as I see it, equality is equality. I Wouldn't see an issue with forming a Peaceful white student group. I also don't see an issue with black music television, White music television, Hispanic music television or a African American college fund, Hispanic college fund or White college fund or Hispanic history month, Black History month, White History month. Fair is fair. But if these guys are talking about bringing in hate ...then you looking at a remake of the movie higher learning. ECJIM_3ABTPA_BONHA: Steep, dangerous and personal subject for sure. As far as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ECJIM_3ABTPA_BONHA/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195406795.html History | Permalink | Share it

Jenny Lee Ortiz 9 Fans 10:26 PM on 10/11/2012 If a group of stupid and ignorant people want to get together talking about stupid ignorant things, who are we to say they can't? Jenny_Lee_Ortiz: If a group of stupid and ignorant people want to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jenny_Lee_Ortiz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195405423.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mrmiklos 135 Fans 10:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Because it's the university's property ergo THEY decide what they do and do not allow Mrmiklos: Because it's the university's property ergo THEY decide what they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mrmiklos/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195411708.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nathan Seibert-Pegues Truth doesn't have a side. It has a razor's edge. 239 Fans 11:16 PM on 10/11/2012 That doesn't apply to state schools. Nathan_Seibert-Pegues: That doesn't apply to state schools. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nathan_Seibert-Pegues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195424810.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All BillyMae 238 Fans 11:06 PM on 10/11/2012 It is a state university. BillyMae: It is a state university. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BillyMae/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195420382.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ForReallyReal Sum 240 Fans 10:25 PM on 10/11/2012 A key difference in my mind would be this - If you belong to the ethnic group that occupies nearly all of the positions of power in the University you attend, is there any reason you should feel a need to create an ethnic-identity group on campus to advocate for your interests to the people who are running the place? ForReallyReal: A key difference in my mind would be this - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ForReallyReal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195405314.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Marcin A Mazurek You live and learn. At any rate, you live. - D.A 196 Fans 10:25 PM on 10/11/2012 Not any more that a Black Student Group is racist. Marcin_A_Mazurek: Not any more that a Black Student Group is racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Marcin_A_Mazurek/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195405126.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER marco01 3046 Fans 10:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Minority groups formed to fight racism against them. Whites form them in an attempt to maintain dominance. marco01: Minority groups formed to fight racism against them. Whites form them in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marco01/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195412396.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Marcin A Mazurek You live and learn. At any rate, you live. - D.A 196 Fans 10:56 PM on 10/11/2012 So, what would your opinion be on a white student group at a black college?

You automatically assume a white student organization is to maintain dominance - isn't that itself a racist assumption? We don't all bear the "White Man's Burden", I'm from Europe and Polish, why do I have to be "White" or "Caucasian"? Why do I as a "White Male" have less opportunities for scholarships for college? Not everyone White has rich mommies and daddies.

I Identify more with my culture than my skin color, and not everyone who is "Black" is African, or African- American. You're missing out on a lot of nuances since you only see in Black and White. Marcin_A_Mazurek: So, what would  your opinion be on a white student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Marcin_A_Mazurek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195416132.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All bkhart Rooting for the "do power" of the brain. 141 Fans 10:24 PM on 10/11/2012 On my campus we have a number of groups, all of which invite and encourage the participation of all students. The goal of these organizations is to promote diversity and understanding. I see no problem with a "white" group, although I believe it would more accurate to promote it as a group of multi-cultural "whites", ie: British, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, German, etc...... Because, really, that is the goal of these organizations, to educate not discriminate. bkhart: On my campus we have a number of groups, all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bkhart/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195404851.html History | Permalink | Share it

Cage me 98 Fans 10:23 PM on 10/11/2012 Race race race race race.... every race should have any group they want as long as it isn't led By hate Cage_me: Race race race race race.... every race should have any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cage_me/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195404616.html History | Permalink | Share it

Nathan Seibert-Pegues Truth doesn't have a side. It has a razor's edge. 239 Fans 11:33 PM on 10/11/2012 Homo sapiens sapiens. Human beings. The human race.

Dogs are canines, while cats are felines. Different races. The same race however, a daschund and a mastiff are two entirely different kinds of dogs, but they are still dogs. Same as Morris the cat is not a lion, completly different, but both cats.

Now take Woody Allen and Tyler Perry. One is a prolific writer/director/comedian, the other is a prolific writer/director/comedian. One is a senior citizen, the other is middle aged. One is small and thin, the other is tall and,... let's say: robust. One is Jewish, but probably an atheist, the other is a Christian, but probably an atheist. One is - obviously - white, while the other is black.

But both of them are human beings, making them the same race.

Unfortunately, humanity won't get clued in to that truism, until the saucers begin to land... Nathan_Seibert-Pegues: Homo sapiens sapiens. Human beings. The human race. Dogs are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nathan_Seibert-Pegues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195431732.html History | Permalink | Share it Patrick Laughlin 22 Fans 10:17 PM on 10/11/2012 Morally I agree with most of the angry commenters here, but legally -- who cares? They're not hurting anyone. They're not impinging upon anyone's rights. They're not explicitly condoning that anyone do any of that. If they do, well, then, the game changes. Right now they're self-important students who have nothing better to do with their time. Let them go off and be offensive. Hey, it's my race they're making looking ridiculous, petty, and callous.

There's real-world racism, which is tragic and absolutely disgusting. Then there's academic-world "racism," which is just privileged intellectuals sniffing out hype, controversy, and the buzz of having the moral high ground. The latter really trivializes and obscures the former. I think it's pretty obvious which category this issue falls into. Our First Amendment rights are not worth this conversation.

Let them have their pointless union. It's probably not fun anyway. Patrick_Laughlin: Morally I agree with most of the angry commenters here, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Laughlin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195403149.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER heboprotagonist Excuse me, your caps lock is on. Please fix. 229 Fans 10:16 PM on 10/11/2012 When dominant culture experiences a shift towards equality it will inevitably perceive the shift as oppressive to dominant culture. This is because, for them, the absence of dominance is the closest thing to oppression they've ever known.

These human slugs lack the cultural gravitas to know what actual oppression is. When faced with the reality of a less than ideal circumstance they feel threatened and demand satisfaction in the way that only the myopic and self-righteous can. When given the chance for empathy, they seek out isolation. heboprotagonist: When dominant culture experiences a shift towards equality it will http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/heboprotagonist/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195402756.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER marco01 3046 Fans 10:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Exactly, Southerns in the Old South felt that ending slavery for blacks meant slavery for them. marco01: Exactly, Southerns in the Old South felt that ending slavery http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marco01/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195412960.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER marco01 3046 Fans 10:48 PM on 10/11/2012 "Southerners" marco01: "Southerners" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marco01/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195413040.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Audry Bernal bill of rights - respect them 47 Fans 10:11 PM on 10/11/2012 i thought long and hard about this... many of the affinity groups focus on educating others of their history and reviving norms through cultural events such as plays, music festivals, food festivals, etc. In some cases these groups educate fellow memebers with services available to them should they not be able to afford it.. for example, education via grants and scholarships, homecare such as if you are having trouble making ends meet, and job skills such as interviewing and resume skills building. Now if white people were to have a goup that focused on these same things, i dont think there would be a problem. I wouldn't see it as promoting a certain group. there are many white people who may not know about their irish or german culture, may not be able to afford school and wasn't aware of scholarships based on writing skills, photography, or assist with helping them navigate Student Loans. Or help single parents find resources to feed their families.. get together with their favorit recipies or music, etc and have festivals... I dont think these things are in the best interests of one particular group, they are in the interest of ALL people of the US. As a multiracial person - i think it would be pretty neat to belong to more then one group.... lots of diversity and lots of fresh perspectives and ideas. You can't have a great tea party with only one kind of cookie... Audry_Bernal: i thought long and hard about this... many of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Audry_Bernal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195401096.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Audry Bernal bill of rights - respect them 47 Fans 10:12 PM on 10/11/2012 of course if any group promots ethnocentricity - they have more devious ideas in mind and anyone/everyone should steer clear of them. Audry_Bernal: of course if any group promots ethnocentricity - they have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Audry_Bernal/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195401667.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:15 PM on 10/11/2012 you have pre-judged them that makes you.... jojoturner: you have pre-judged them that makes you.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195402564.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER 22Keys 247 Fans 10:09 PM on 10/11/2012 All ethnic groups can have a club, or none can. It's that simple. Equality under the law. First amendment first. 22Keys: All ethnic groups can have a club, or none can. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/22Keys/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195400671.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 34 35 36 37 38 Next › Last » (61 total) santiano 21 Fans 10:07 PM on 10/11/2012 What's interesting are the panel's repeated comments to the effect of whether or not a white student group should be "allowed" to meet on this campus." Allowed" by whom and with whose approval?

Young whites will meet and organize in growing numbers as their position continues to deteriorate, relative to non-white young people, in a culture that has long since become anti-white and anti-male. This is one of the benefits of cultural diversity, that the American house increasingly becomes divided against itself. Young whites, fighting for equal treatment, will be reviled and ridiculed, scorned, insulted, accused of racism, "flogged" as this young man says and will be banned from many campuses so that they'll secretly meet off-campus. When their meetings are discovered, they may be harassed and, possibly, expelled. They may even be subject to violent recrimination.

In our own warped way, we can see this response as the pendulum of "racial (and gender) justice" swinging from one side to the other. If my group was oppressed or discriminated against in the past, it's only fair and just that your group should be discriminated against and oppressed in the present. If I were a person of color. I'd be smiling to myself as I skim so many of these idiotic comments, uttered by foolish white people, that accuse these white students of racism. "We got 'em on the run," I'd be thinking. "Let's keep 'em runnin'." santiano: What's interesting are the panel's repeated comments to the effect http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/santiano/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195399854.html History | Permalink | Share it garystartswithg el sueno de la razon produce republicans 1159 Fans 10:14 PM on 10/11/2012 comeuppance is a force to be reckoned with, and white people sure are whiny about it. i kind of look at people like this with pity -- they think they are entitled to more than anyone else because they are white, and the reality is nobody really cares about their opinions of their own self-imposed entitlements. are black people out to enslave white people? no, of course not, they have better things to do. meanwhile republicans rally their constinuency by recalling romantic eras of all white people owning slaves that never existed. most white people have sharecroppers and halfcroppers for relatives, and their entitlements have left them so stupid they don't even know that -- they all think they are scarlett ohara in the war of northern agression. garystartswithg: comeuppance is a force to be reckoned with, and white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/garystartswithg/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195402015.html History | Permalink | Share it Patrick Laughlin 22 Fans 10:35 PM on 10/11/2012 I can see the big-picture sort of accuracy to what you say, but I don't think that's offering much ethical input on the issue. Maybe you were simply observing, and not opining. However, someone judging one person by the attributes or actions of some larger group that person belongs to is always wrong. They are wrong morally and logically. I, as a white male, should not pay for the crimes of other white males, dead or alive. There is no action I can take, or could have taken, that would reverse the situation we are in today, so therefore I should not be held accountable, even in a symbolic sense. I realize that may not be a very realistic thing to ask of society-at-large, but unless society wants to completely undermine everything heroes like M.L.K. and Nelson Mandela worked for, they would stop such ridiculous "karmic payback" in its tracks. Patrick_Laughlin: I can see the big-picture sort of accuracy to what http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Laughlin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195408329.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Sartre68 25 Fans 09:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Other ethnic groups still face numerous struggles, so I do not see why those people feel so threatened so as to form white support groups. Besides lost entitlements, they can provide no proof that they are being discriminated against because of their color or their sex. I sat let them form to get it out of their system, and make sure you have someone there to record when they're going to deviate into hate speech and misogyny because it is inevitable. When that happens, send it to the SPLC and sue the university. Talking to them now is counterproductive, waiting for the imminent slip of the mask will prove beneficial against them and every other bunch who feel persecuted and will be compelled to do the same in the future. Sartre68: Other ethnic groups still face numerous struggles, so I do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sartre68/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195396375.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:17 PM on 10/11/2012 remember the movie "white men can't jump" jojoturner: remember the movie "white men can't jump" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195403005.html History | Permalink | Share it gravity5 18 Fans 10:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Remember the movie birth of a nation? gravity5: Remember the movie birth of a nation? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gravity5/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195412665.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Sartre68 25 Fans 01:42 AM on 10/12/2012 never watched it, why? Sartre68: never watched it, why? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sartre68/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195472196.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER O K Ali Wash your hands, seriously. 664 Fans 09:53 PM on 10/11/2012 If the original student union was as fair and all-inclusive as they want you to believe, why would different ethnic groups have their own unions then? I went to an HBC and even we have our different clubs. We had students from Chicago that had a club, Atlanta, California, New York, and New Orleans. We had differences and found comfort the first few semesters of being around people that were like-minded in cultural traits. I was a military Brat and had no club, but was use to assimilating with anyone. By graduation, Chicago students were hanging with Texas students, California students were planning activities with student from the Big Easy, etc. He is just cashing in on fear of the unknown. O_K_Ali: If the original student union was as fair and all-inclusive http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/O_K_Ali/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195395904.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER tnlcallen 723 Fans 09:52 PM on 10/11/2012 There are already plenty of White groups, it is called "everything else". That's pretty much what being in the majority means. tnlcallen: There are already plenty of White groups, it is called http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tnlcallen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195395660.html History | Permalink | Share it jeff2001 39 Fans 09:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Seriously do some white people hate being white? jeff2001: Seriously do some white people hate being white? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jeff2001/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195395189.html History | Permalink | Share it JenAshley 64 Fans 09:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Some of you need to be careful - your racism is showing. JenAshley: Some of you need to be careful - your racism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JenAshley/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195393760.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:18 PM on 10/11/2012 I am finding the anti-white racism particularly pronounced in these comments jojoturner: I am finding the anti-white racism particularly pronounced in these http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195403394.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER harmlesstree Préjudice est la raison des sots - Voltaire 1503 Fans 11:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Anti-white racism by whites - LOL! harmlesstree: Anti-white racism by whites - LOL! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/harmlesstree/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195438580.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All calvin george 115 Fans 09:36 PM on 10/11/2012 It is only bad if the focus of the group is hate calvin_george: It is only bad if the focus of the group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/calvin_george/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195391299.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:19 PM on 10/11/2012 thank you for an intelligent comment jojoturner: thank you for an intelligent comment http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195403515.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR MaryK2924 Treat others as you would like to be treated! 288 Fans 09:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it racist, why yes, yes it is. MaryK2924: Is it racist, why yes, yes it is. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryK2924/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195388601.html History | Permalink | Share it Patrick Laughlin 22 Fans 09:47 PM on 10/11/2012 How do you define racism? Patrick_Laughlin: How do you define racism? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Laughlin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195393986.html History | Permalink | Share it

Cage me 98 Fans 10:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Mary will not be able to .... Cage_me: Mary will not be able to .... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cage_me/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195402508.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR MaryK2924 Treat others as you would like to be treated! 288 Fans 06:24 AM on 10/12/2012 How do you? MaryK2924: How do you? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MaryK2924/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195500442.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jojoturner 5 Fans 10:19 PM on 10/11/2012 no more than a black club or whatever jojoturner: no more than a black club or whatever http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195403689.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Baneblade Mr. Whiskers mocks you. 765 Fans 09:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it a coincidence that the only people who whine about "anti-white bias" are racists? Baneblade: Is it a coincidence that the only people who whine http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Baneblade/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195388054.html History | Permalink | Share it

Bdgold Stand back! I've done this before! 399 Fans 10:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes. Google image "white rights" or "reverse discrimination"...see what sort of groups come up. You will see lots of ne0- n@zais and Storm front cross hairs. Choose your company well. Bdgold: Yes. Google image "white rights" or "reverse discrimination"...see what sort http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bdgold/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195402843.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 12:16 PM on 10/12/2012 You are a product of Political Correctness. Gorlak: You are a product of Political Correctness. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195596075.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Parade Keegan I Can Hear You 675 Fans 09:19 PM on 10/11/2012 There's already white student groups within the Greek system so this club is pointless. Parade_Keegan: There's already white student groups within the Greek system so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Parade_Keegan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195387455.html History | Permalink | Share it

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 09:23 PM on 10/11/2012 Indeed. I can tell you this because a good friend of mine is the head of the Greek department at a local university and our parties tend to be very white. LOL! GravitonX: Indeed. I can tell you this because a good friend http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195388291.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Parade Keegan I Can Hear You 675 Fans 10:25 PM on 10/11/2012 The whole department huh? Does the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) know about this because I'm sure the NIC (North American Interfraternity Conference) knows. ;) Parade_Keegan: The whole department huh? Does the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Parade_Keegan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195405111.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:20 PM on 10/11/2012 there are tons of Greek non-whites jojoturner: there are tons of Greek non-whites http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195403887.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Parade Keegan I Can Hear You 675 Fans 11:20 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes there is, I'm talking about fraternities and sororities and the fact that there are some fraternities and sororities that are white and they could be considered "white clubs", white students don't need more White Only clubs they have plenty. Parade_Keegan: Yes there is, I'm talking about fraternities and sororities and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Parade_Keegan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195426549.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ggbungles Sell crazy someplace else 269 Fans 09:13 PM on 10/11/2012 So I'm still wondering why it's good for some ethnic groups to have advocacy except the white students? ggbungles: So I'm still wondering why it's good for some ethnic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ggbungles/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195386289.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 09:18 PM on 10/11/2012 So I guess you didn't get the whole white supremacy part? Other groups are not exclusive...they embrace if you want to join and celebrate... mbroo: So I guess you didn't get the whole white supremacy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195387169.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:21 PM on 10/11/2012 the white guy said non-whites could join jojoturner: the white guy said non-whites could join http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195404030.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 09:28 PM on 10/11/2012 These groups are organized for the advancement of their groups. Whites need no "advancement." Such would be the very essence of white supremacy and classical racism. GravitonX: These groups are organized for the advancement of their groups. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195389429.html History | Permalink | Share it

ggbungles Sell crazy someplace else 269 Fans 09:43 PM on 10/11/2012 Ah, the old liberal double standard. ggbungles: Ah, the old liberal double standard. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ggbungles/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195393225.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 10:21 PM on 10/11/2012 whites are the most discriminated against group in America jojoturner: whites are the most discriminated against group in America http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195404121.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All brunettelefty 103 Fans 09:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Yuck. White supremacists are the worst. Hate groups should not be allowed to host campus groups. An Italian, Irish, French, whatever student union? Fine. But the only point to having a white student union is racism. brunettelefty: Yuck. White supremacists are the worst. Hate groups should not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/brunettelefty/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195385797.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 09:19 PM on 10/11/2012 black and Latino unions are ok . That's racism. ErickTW: black and Latino unions are ok . That's racism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195387499.html History | Permalink | Share it

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 09:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Absurd. Workers unionize to preserve, improve working conditions, and confront managment abuse because by the nature of the company's organization they lack power over their condition and are continually subject to management decisions. Minority unions are no different. GravitonX: Absurd. Workers unionize to preserve, improve working conditions, and confront http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195390462.html History | Permalink | Share it brunettelefty 103 Fans 09:56 PM on 10/11/2012 Black and Latino unions don't have the goal of wiping out every other race like White Supremacists unions do. Those are about culture - what's white culture? brunettelefty: Black and Latino unions don't have the goal of wiping http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/brunettelefty/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195396749.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 09:26 PM on 10/11/2012 It's a closet hate group. The false equivalency premise of the organization may fool second-tier college officials, but most elite institutions would see it for what it is. GravitonX: It's a closet hate group. The false equivalency premise of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195388935.html History | Permalink | Share it

Zingojam 5 Fans 09:07 PM on 10/11/2012 All ethnic student groups are inherently racist. Most do more to isolate a certain group than any actual good. At the college I attended, there was a black student group, PRIDE. They lived in there own house and did not mingle with the student population. Because our school did not have any overt racial issues, they chose to get mad at the school for having a black student appear on their advertisements. It was sad. They called her out in the student newspaper, saying that the school was "over-representing" the black student population. It was a great way to champion the cause of equality. Anyway, that's just my experience with student groups... maybe they were an exception to the rule. Whatever. Zingojam: All ethnic student groups are inherently racist. Most do more http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Zingojam/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195385478.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER VirginiaJeff Waiting for the "Jennifer Government" movie 3144 Fans 09:03 PM on 10/11/2012

As a 50-year-old white male, I find the notion of a "white student union" ludicrous. We had 400 years to advance our race on this continent, and we did so largely by holding other races back. These other races have a legitimate need to meet and encourage each other, at least awhile longer, and to help each other make up for lost time.


As a 50-year-old white male, I find the notion of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/VirginiaJeff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195384843.html History | Permalink | Share it

goboinouterspace So who's paying for all the psychics? 50 Fans 10:20 PM on 10/11/2012 Well said. goboinouterspace: Well said. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/goboinouterspace/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195403723.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SuperSandy67 149 Fans 09:00 PM on 10/11/2012 There is already a group that promotes white heritage, just start a KKK campus edition. Where is this man from Koleb? SuperSandy67: There is already a group that promotes white heritage, just http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SuperSandy67/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195384269.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 09:05 PM on 10/11/2012 i dont think he is a dixeicrat. but mabey . look it up ErickTW: i dont think he is a dixeicrat. but mabey . http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195385187.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 35 36 37 38 39 Next › Last » (61 total) reeltime07 Committedly unconventional nonconformist 423 Fans 08:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Make you a deal, If you help fight for Anishnabek( Chippawa/Ojibwa/Potawatamee)( those that addopted me) Ho Chunk ( Winnabago, my moms people) Deni ( Apache/Navaho/Commanche, my dads people)and the other members of these 3 First Nations Peoples, plus the other First Nations Peoples( we were different countries here in N. America) and I will help fight for my white grandmothers people( Saxon/Norman, my mothers side) and my white greatgreatgrandmothers people( celtic, fathers side) plus the other Nations of people that make up the " White Race". Oh ya, you have to help me also fight for my Asian greatgreatgrandfather on my mothers side. What the heck, seeing as how I was raised by an Affrican family that decended from slaves from Camaroon you'll have to fight for them also! You see, I'm an AMERICAN and those are the people I fought for when I became a Green Beret back in 69'-72', while you are a fullblood European transplant! You fight because you are affraid of LOSING SOMETHING, while I fight just to be an equal! The Declaration calls me a "Merciless Indian Savage"( para 7 line 10 and 11) but does not say the same for ANY of the other 3 races! You can buy land for your Church,I can not( our rezes). You only have to carry a drivers license. I must carry a drivers license AND AN INDIAN CARD! You fight out of fear. We fight out of need! reeltime07: Make you a deal, If you help fight for Anishnabek( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/reeltime07/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195383366.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER InstantCashMachine 97 Fans 09:35 PM on 10/11/2012 I think you sum up the whole debate in this one eloquent yet powerful line: "You fight because you are afraid of LOSING SOMETHING, while I fight just to be an equal!" F&F InstantCashMachine: I think you sum up the whole debate in this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/InstantCashMachine/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195391112.html History | Permalink | Share it

William Diaz Passive-Aggressive word salad tossed here! 706 Fans 08:54 PM on 10/11/2012 Racist? Probably, even if not provable. Most student groups are centered around a common experience and activity shared by all members, like being gay, black, female. regardless of whether or not its racist, it is stupid, ill considered and tasteless. Im guessing these solid citizens are GOP/TP voters as well, for thats the sort of people who find stupid crap like this to be acceptable.

Have a great day! William_Diaz: Racist? Probably, even if not provable. Most student groups are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/William_Diaz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195383082.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Academ 10 Fans 08:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Geez, when has a "whites only" group ever caused any problems? Oh, wait... Academ: Geez, when has a "whites only" group ever caused any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Academ/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195382851.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 09:03 PM on 10/11/2012 That is raciest. diffrent time. ErickTW: That is raciest. diffrent time. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195384891.html History | Permalink | Share it

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 08:50 PM on 10/11/2012 It is racist for the simple reason that they are organizing to preserve white supremacy, white power, and white advantage, whereas minority groups are organizing in the midst of dominant interests, which is considered a fair reason. GravitonX: It is racist for the simple reason that they are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195382248.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Rush Libraughl 83 I speak honest and generally 155 Fans

08:44 PM on 10/11/2012 If a white student group is created in response to Asian Student Groups, and Black Student Groups isn't racist.

Then affirmative action to in response to past racial injustice that still effect people to day isn't racist either.

If you disagree with one you automatically disagree with the other, and if you agree with one then you must agree with the other. Rush_Libraughl_83: If a white student group is created in response to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rush_Libraughl_83/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195381053.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jamal Alexander Jamal 39 130 Fans

08:44 PM on 10/11/2012 As an African-American, I see no problem with Heimback establishing a White Student Union. What is, however, truly ludicrous is the reasons that he give for having the Union in the first place. Jamal_Alexander: As an African-American, I see no problem with Heimback establishing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jamal_Alexander/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195380867.html History | Permalink | Share it

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 08:55 PM on 10/11/2012 That is because it is a facade. Go to the website of Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, and the purpose will be abundantly clear. It's is racist organization (designed to manifest and preserve white supremacy) dressed up as a student organization. It would be no different than the National Socialist Party organizing on campus as another political organization. Do not be fooled. GravitonX: That is because it is a facade. Go to the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195383347.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER InstantCashMachine 97 Fans 08:43 PM on 10/11/2012 For the record; I'm cool with the idea of a white student union. But here's the problem: This guy is posing as the "white victim" because he's running into problems with starting a white student group. However; it's no wonder that he's ran into resistance when his first speaker is a known white supremacist. So not only has he just blown all semblance of sincerity, but where does he go from there? He's played his hand as to what his true motivation or desired goal is. So what's next, walking around with swastikas? Can you imagine the damage and lawsuits that will eventually happen to this college by supporting a hate group posing as a "White student union".

Forming a white student union... fine. But inviting a white supremacist to campus as your FIRST speaker and then crying "discrimination". Oh well... I guess we'll see how long this college lasts. InstantCashMachine: For the record; I'm cool with the idea of a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/InstantCashMachine/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195380779.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 08:54 PM on 10/11/2012 You brought out the essential points much better than I ever could. FF simsum: You brought out the essential points much better than I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195383000.html History | Permalink | Share it

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 08:43 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, it's racist. GravitonX: Yes, it's racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195380763.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bweve05 86 Fans 08:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Anyone should be allowed to have a student union. If you're a white person or any person for that matter there is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. I do, however, find it quite puzzling that hey feel as though their culture and interests are under assault. White culture and interests are default in western society. Religious depictions almost always have western European phenotypes. The vast majority of public and private policy makers are of western European descent. The default American subconscious image of beauty is a blonde woman. In the fashion world the color "nude" used to describe clothing is most definitely not what I look like naked (lol).

Its the reality of this part of the planet. And it is, in my opinion fallacious to reason that the promotion of marginalized cultures that have been either stigmatized or dismissed is somehow produces a zero sum situation when placed into an equation with western European/ American culture.

Have white student groups and learn about white culture. Nothing wrong with that. But they still make the majority of band-aids in "nude" color (which looks totally ridiculous on me) so I have real trouble believing that white culture is somehow now an underrepresented minority. bweve05: Anyone should be allowed to have a student union. If http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bweve05/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379539.html History | Permalink | Share it

GravitonX 10^300 bosons could care less. 1532 Fans 08:51 PM on 10/11/2012 It's not about pride. White Anglo culture is celebrated in every aspect of American culture. If you go to any of their websites, the real reason is to "deal" with minorities. GravitonX: It's not about pride. White Anglo culture is celebrated in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GravitonX/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195382543.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Do tell. What are these secret racist white websites I've somehow never heard of? AnthonyTiani: Do tell. What are these secret racist white websites I've http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195383601.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bweve05 86 Fans 09:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Subjectively I agree with you whole hardheartedly. Objectively I will never know what it is to be white. If a white person in this country wants to have a white interest group because they don't know about their culture that's fine. If they are intellectually honest, however, they may be surprised to find that the "suppressed" information that they're learning can be found in any history text book and on any magazine stand. bweve05: Subjectively I agree with you whole hardheartedly. Objectively I will http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bweve05/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195393619.html History | Permalink | Share it freedame Kindness is an underrrated virtue 839 Fans 08:36 PM on 10/11/2012 As abhorrent as these people may be, they do have a right to an ethnic-specific club. For a while, I used to think that male-only institutions were a bad thing because they excluded the likes of me, but then I realised that everyone's entitled to their own space with their own kind. That doesn't mean that I like these people - on the contrary. Perhaps its better if they just hang out with each other and leave everyone else alone. At least others will know what they stand for and avoid them. freedame: As abhorrent as these people may be, they do have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/freedame/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379042.html History | Permalink | Share it gfe 311 Fans 08:35 PM on 10/11/2012 end affirmative action the reverse racism laws..... gfe: end affirmative action the reverse racism laws..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gfe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378916.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 08:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Well, when you stop bing racist maybe they will... mbroo: Well, when you stop bing racist maybe they will... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195381098.html History | Permalink | Share it Cabobby 24 Fans 08:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Should you first end racist laws, before reverse laws Cabobby: Should you first end racist laws, before reverse laws http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Cabobby/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195381953.html History | Permalink | Share it gfe 311 Fans 08:15 AM on 10/12/2012 name any currently in place? gfe: name any currently in place? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gfe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195516524.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:35 PM on 10/11/2012 "White people get to do stuff without being shamed, harassed and bullied?!"

"Huffpost to the rescue!" AnthonyTiani: "White people get to do stuff without being shamed, harassed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378910.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 09:09 PM on 10/11/2012 what year are you living in? 1950's ErickTW: what year are you living in? 1950's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195385711.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stoopid American Trooth, justice, and the American way ... 1804 Fans

08:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, it is racist. Until there is equality in this nation, there is a reason that a different standard exists for white Americans. Stoopid_American: Yes, it is racist. Until there is equality in this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stoopid_American/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378756.html History | Permalink | Share it CrustyCSM the liberals nightmare 175 Fans 08:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Will this apply to the "Black Miss America" contest? Or the BET Entertainment awards? CrustyCSM: Will this apply to the "Black Miss America" contest? Or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CrustyCSM/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378678.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 08:42 PM on 10/11/2012 You do realize BET is owned by Viacom...and everyone is invited... And the Black Miss America contest started in 1968...and if you know anything about history...the year 1968 should tell you what you need to know... mbroo: You do realize BET is owned by Viacom...and everyone is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195380462.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER zevonia 316 Fans 08:52 PM on 10/11/2012 The only nightmare you are crustycsm is your own. How can anyone be so hateful and ignorant and proud of it at the same time? zevonia: The only nightmare you are crustycsm is your own. How http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zevonia/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195382576.html History | Permalink | Share it CrustyCSM the liberals nightmare 175 Fans 06:57 PM on 10/15/2012 Im just an average guy who questions a lot of what I see and experience. CrustyCSM: Im just an average guy who questions a lot of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CrustyCSM/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196505338.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program UnRed 481 Fans 08:29 PM on 10/11/2012 Why is it that those who proclaim themselves leaders and saviors of the White race inevitably seem the least qualified to do so?

From Lincoln Rockwell to Tom Metzger to David Duke to *this* clown, all make me want to resign from my race. UnRed: Why is it that those who proclaim themselves leaders and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/UnRed/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195377467.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 08:57 PM on 10/11/2012 So many people have already stopped being "white", just by declaring so in their minds and hearts. It's not about skin color but about allegiance. Instead of allying only with whites, they are united with all the world. End of whiteness, beginning of humanity pure and simple. simsum: So many people have already stopped being "white", just by http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195383649.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gorlak I don't care about you 50 Fans 12:19 PM on 10/12/2012 Ha, tell that to the Arabs who have you blindfolded then decapitate you. See who you wish you were "aligned" with. Gorlak: Ha, tell that to the Arabs who have you blindfolded http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gorlak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195597293.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 36 37 38 39 40 Next › Last » (61 total) This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program LovelyGirl 778 Fans 08:29 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it a minority group? Are they at an HBCU? Do they have a history of slavery, segregation or discrimination? Are they underrepresented? If so, sure left them have their own group. But if the point is to make a point and there is no legitimate cause, then it is a waste of time. LovelyGirl: Is it a minority group? Are they at an HBCU? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LovelyGirl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195377450.html History | Permalink | Share it

JoeNicholson 15 Fans 08:29 PM on 10/11/2012 I've often thought about the lack of organizations dedicated to white lineage (that are not racist), and I do think there should be more of them. However, I think this guy has more of a hidden agenda than perhaps even he realizes. I was thinking that it might be nice to have a group that celebrates white heritage. But I was thinking more along the lines of, say, decorating a float for a parade or raising money for scholarships from dues money. This kid is a bit extreme for my tastes. JoeNicholson: I've often thought about the lack of organizations dedicated to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JoeNicholson/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195377431.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:28 PM on 10/11/2012 Are white people the only self-loathing race? I think so. AnthonyTiani: Are white people the only self-loathing race? I think so. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195377256.html History | Permalink | Share it

freedame Kindness is an underrrated virtue 839 Fans 08:36 PM on 10/11/2012 The Jews might disagree with you... freedame: The Jews might disagree with you... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/freedame/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379168.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Most Jews are "white". AnthonyTiani: Most Jews are "white". http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195379919.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER WhiteBreadJones Pogue Mahone 33 Fans 08:27 PM on 10/11/2012 I smell the stench of White guilt and black animosity. Anti white racism abounds here and you dont even realize it. Its treacherous. WhiteBreadJones: I smell the stench of White guilt and black animosity. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/WhiteBreadJones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195377099.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 08:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe you forgot to put deodorant on this morning. simsum: Maybe you forgot to put deodorant on this morning. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378251.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stoopid American Trooth, justice, and the American way ... 1804 Fans

08:36 PM on 10/11/2012 You're not being honest with yourself. Stoopid_American: You're not being honest with yourself. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stoopid_American/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195379197.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Southland 61 Fans 08:24 PM on 10/11/2012 There already IS a large whites only group. It's called the Republican Party. Southland: There already IS a large whites only group. It's called http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Southland/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195376299.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 08:33 PM on 10/11/2012 Touche, and too true. FF simsum: Touche, and too true. FF http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378339.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stoopid American Trooth, justice, and the American way ... 1804 Fans

08:36 PM on 10/11/2012 You are so fanned. Stoopid_American: You are so fanned. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stoopid_American/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195379069.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Phillyfox 40 Fans 08:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Nothing makes people more racist than talking about race lol Phillyfox: Nothing makes people more racist than talking about race lol http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Phillyfox/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195375960.html History | Permalink | Share it Helioscopeprime 65 Fans 08:22 PM on 10/11/2012 What does a white group even talk about? White is not a country or a culture. Its not even agreed what white is. Is italian white? Spanish? Greek? Nonsense....

Ps- latinos wIll be "white" in 50 years. White just gets broader to ensure a "white" majority Helioscopeprime: What does a white group even talk about? White is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Helioscopeprime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195375901.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 08:24 PM on 10/11/2012 neither is black or Latino ErickTW: neither is black or Latino http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195376263.html History | Permalink | Share it Helioscopeprime 65 Fans 08:28 PM on 10/11/2012 At least they share some common culture in this country (vast majority of "latinos" in the US are from mexico, and americans descended from slavery share many cultural touchstones". I have never in my life thought "hey i want to talk to him, he's white" Helioscopeprime: At least they share some common culture in this country http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Helioscopeprime/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195377201.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All withnail 26 Fans 08:22 PM on 10/11/2012 where is the discrimination against the white person?

Government? Business? Church? where? withnail: where is the discrimination against the white person? Government? Business? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/withnail/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195375785.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 08:23 PM on 10/11/2012 their are words that whit people can not say ErickTW: their are words that whit people can not say http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195376071.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 08:28 PM on 10/11/2012 There are words plenty of people can't or won't say...is there a point? Is there something you are itching to say that you feel you can't? And if so, why do you want to? mbroo: There are words plenty of people can't or won't say...is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195377370.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

papapj ..light as a feather.. 1018 Fans 08:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Not true...you can say what you please; just be prepared and responsible enough to defend it...THAT is free speech... papapj: Not true...you can say what you please; just be prepared http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/papapj/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195378089.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:31 PM on 10/11/2012 College. AnthonyTiani: College. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195378018.html History | Permalink | Share it gfe 311 Fans 08:36 PM on 10/11/2012 police depts, fire depts, burger king, ETC gfe: police depts, fire depts, burger king, ETC http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gfe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379082.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program xardvar 580 Fans 08:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Is this group racist, yes, sure. Should we ban it. No.

Racism exists, it is real, but racism hides itself, in homes, office's, gym's, locker rooms, boardrooms, private clubs, behind gates, and smiles, and reason.

Racism is ugly and offensive, we need to see it, smell it, touch it, only in this way, can we come to reject it, racism is not just black and white, ask a muslim, or a hispanic, or a jew, or a homosexual, or a woman, bigotry and bias are everywhere, and embraced, everywhere.

Bigotry and bias outrage us, but beyond that outrage, is the knowledge, we are all bigoted, and biased, to some degree.

Amerika is racist, white amerika doesn't think so, but we have whites who want to lynch the president, or who think slavery was a good thing, or who want to "de negrify the white house", amerika is racist.

So, let this group exist, let them spew their hatred and intolerance, do demand, they be civil, do demand they follow the same rules as everyone else, but beyond that, let them and their idea's stand naked and ugly, openly, and in public, counter their arguments, with reason, and love.

We shall overcome, i have faith, we shall overcome. xardvar: Is this group racist, yes, sure. Should we ban it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/xardvar/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195374300.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stoopid American Trooth, justice, and the American way ... 1804 Fans

08:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Agreed. they have freedom of speech. But do we have the right, and the duty, to publicly and loudly criticize them? Yes. Stoopid_American: Agreed. they have freedom of speech. But do we have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stoopid_American/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195379411.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER indiecratublican I am what I am. 173 Fans 08:15 PM on 10/11/2012 This is a racist group. Black and Hispanic student groups allow whites to join. These minority groups are about bringing awareness about that community to the university. Whites have the last 500+ years of supremacy and hardly need representation. The media disproportionately favors whites even today. How many Arab, Latino, Black, Asian, etc. actors and actresses are there out there? Society would rather have token characters and put white gay MALE couples on television and in mainstream movies rather than have other diverse characters. Even when it comes to missing people and children only whites seem to make it to the national news. Not to mention apartheid schooling and the racism evident in politics today. Why is that? Well, it's going to take more than 50 years for racist beliefs and ideologies to die out or go away.

Anyway, I think that this group is immature, racist and ignorant. indiecratublican: This is a racist group. Black and Hispanic student groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/indiecratublican/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195373968.html History | Permalink | Share it


08:08 PM on 10/11/2012 Aren’t these the same people who vehemently rail against affirmative action on the basis that race should never be a determinant for entry into any organization. The fact that they can shamelessly argue both sides, whenever it suits their racist agenda, shows the intellectual dishonesty. In other words it reveals their true motivations. We need to call them out for what they are; that is, a bunch of racist white guys who are morally and intellectually corrupt. cgin: Arenâ��t these the same people who vehemently rail against affirmative http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cgin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195372498.html History | Permalink | Share it

American46 Let Freedom Ring 212 Fans 08:08 PM on 10/11/2012 This guy from Towson is jockeying himself to take over from Rush Limbaugh when Rush goes down with a massive coronary. American46: This guy from Towson is jockeying himself to take over http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/American46/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195372328.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER mpstar 76 Fans 08:07 PM on 10/11/2012 I feel there the is no proble m in forming a white studrnt union,As long its intention are used in education,or political and other college activities,,And it give al groups a level playing field

But as I see this Matthew Heinbach,his intentions are to promote racism,and hate,,,,,I see as an bitter person,,,,,,Trying to create an aryan student union,,,,,, mpstar: I feel there the is no proble m in forming http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mpstar/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195372147.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER King Joffe Joffer Independent, part time ruler of Zamunda 305 Fans 08:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Ridiculous. Mr.Heimbach is a person who will never take responsibility for himself. He is comfortable making himself a victim and blaming his problems on everyone else. If he doesn't get a job he applies for, it will be because of another racial group. The most disturbing thing about Mr. Heimbach is that he doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and admit what he is that is a white supremacist. King_Joffe_Joffer: Ridiculous. Mr.Heimbach is a person who will never take responsibility http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/King_Joffe_Joffer/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195371495.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 08:08 PM on 10/11/2012 equality for all this includes whit people ErickTW: equality for all this includes whit people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195372415.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER King Joffe Joffer Independent, part time ruler of Zamunda 305 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/11/2012 When have things not been equal for whites? King_Joffe_Joffer: When have things not been equal for whites? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/King_Joffe_Joffer/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195373122.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER joe13 210 Fans 08:11 PM on 10/11/2012 White people have never been oppressed or marginalized. There is no need to fight for your rights or interests when they have always been the center point of our society from the start. joe13: White people have never been oppressed or marginalized. There is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joe13/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195373259.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:20 PM on 10/11/2012 You sound like a black supremacist. AnthonyTiani: You sound like a black supremacist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195375399.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Vetman2 4279 Fans 10:39 PM on 10/11/2012 tiani, you have the nerve to call someone a supremacist? you are the whiny, racist, supremacist. see a therapist first thing 2morrow. it'll do you a world of good. Vetman2: tiani, you have the nerve to call someone a supremacist? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Vetman2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195409532.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All rocketbear 18 Fans 08:04 PM on 10/11/2012 What does it matter. Towson Univ. is just another diploma mill. They will sell a diploma to a person with an IQ of 75. rocketbear: What does it matter. Towson Univ. is just another diploma http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rocketbear/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195371410.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER Matthew T Perkins 104 Fans 07:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe they should move to Europe. I doubt that "whites" there will welcome them with open arms. Matthew_T_Perkins: Maybe they should move to Europe. I doubt that "whites" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Matthew_T_Perkins/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195370324.html History | Permalink | Share it

simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 08:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Good point. Everywhere you go in most of Western Europe you find great diversity, and it is increasing by the day. Intermarriage is far more common there than in the US. simsum: Good point. Everywhere you go in most of Western Europe http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379378.html History | Permalink | Share it

freedame Kindness is an underrrated virtue 839 Fans 08:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Who should move? freedame: Who should move? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/freedame/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379592.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Matthew T Perkins 104 Fans 08:40 PM on 10/11/2012 The white kids that want to "preserve" "white" culture. As if there is such a thing. Matthew_T_Perkins: The white kids that want to "preserve" "white" culture. As http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Matthew_T_Perkins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195379916.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program dragonfly10 28 Fans 07:59 PM on 10/11/2012 this is the big problem stop worrying about race and worry about your education it should be about fighting together thats how it used to be why not just become one student union keep separating by race and animosity these small minded people have to change or go we need to evolve this is not what university for especially frat why not do it by subject not race how can you have white Aryan Race speaker who obviously has racist views to speak how can you defend that dragonfly10: this is the big problem stop worrying about race and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dragonfly10/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195370235.html History | Permalink | Share it

Charolastra11 5 Fans 07:58 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't understand what the point of any racial or ethnic group is. I mean, you were BORN a certain ethnicity or race. You didn't really have to put any effort or have to do anything towards that. Charolastra11: I don't understand what the point of any racial or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Charolastra11/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195370099.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER John Swanson 34 Fans 07:54 PM on 10/11/2012 if there is a black student union, and a hispanic student union, then yes, there should be a "white"student union; provided that you also build an asian student union, and indian student union, a native-american student union, a deaf/blind student union, a gbt student union, a vertically-challenged student union, a student union for people scared of mice, a student union presidents student union and so on. John_Swanson: if there is a black student union, and a hispanic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/John_Swanson/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195369016.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amnholly 85 Fans 07:54 PM on 10/11/2012 Morgan Freeman said in a hilarious interview with Michael Wallace that to end racism basically we have to stop talking about it. A white group isn't any more racist than any other special group. If that university wants to fix it, it's really simple, get rid of the special groups. Or allow all of them. amnholly: Morgan Freeman said in a hilarious interview with Michael Wallace http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amnholly/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195368871.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 08:01 PM on 10/11/2012 He is a pretty smart guy on basic human issues without being an academic. I like reading Thomas Sowell for a more interesting take on racial issues. Hoodoo_X: He is a pretty smart guy on basic human issues http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195370628.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Vetman2 4279 Fans 11:01 PM on 10/11/2012 hoodoo, thomas sowell is one of very few Black people that no rational human being should ever listen to about anything, let alone the topic of race. but, since you like Black sell-outs, feel free to assuage your racism with that shameful sell-out. we know where your head is. you might try pullin it out once in awhile, you might learn something about reality. Vetman2: hoodoo, thomas sowell is one of very few Black people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Vetman2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195418459.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 08:02 PM on 10/11/2012 So advocating for white supremacy and white seperatism, is not racist?

The difference between this group and others is those others don't exclude people who want to participate and celebrate...They aren't sitting around discussing their "superiority" to others... mbroo: So advocating for white supremacy and white seperatism, is not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195370984.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amnholly 85 Fans 09:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Is he advocating white supremacy? That's the motivation of his group? Or are you just saying that to dramatize this? amnholly: Is he advocating white supremacy? That's the motivation of his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amnholly/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195393468.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:52 PM on 10/11/2012 and one more thing- I LOVE white people. White people are awesome and have contributed SO MUCH to society. But...to think that they are being hurt simply because others want to bring the bias to the forefront, or that others want to remove the inherent privilege of being white is silly.....

Advocacy groups exist to bring awareness to unfairness or hidden elements. Nothing about white culture or white people fall into this category. Any white person who is denied something is NEVER denied for their whiteness....they just weren't good enough...and it shocks some of them because being white used to be all that was needed. Darksilverstreak: and one more thing- I LOVE white people. White people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195368366.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stevie Hottman Mustard 72 Fans

07:53 PM on 10/11/2012 .. Stevie_Hottman: .. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stevie_Hottman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195368789.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:56 PM on 10/11/2012 Get over it. It's just a general statement. Not even offensive. outspoken012: Get over it. It's just a general statement. Not even http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195369379.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:59 PM on 10/11/2012 huh? not sure what you're saying....can you try again? I'd like to respond, but I want to respond to what you've said and not what I think you've said. Darksilverstreak: huh? not sure what you're saying....can you try again? I'd http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195370247.html History | Permalink | Share it

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 07:57 PM on 10/11/2012 LOL you don't know my story and I was denied Dee_Jamacek: LOL you don't know my story and I was denied http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195369740.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:58 PM on 10/11/2012 but not because you were white. you just weren't good enough, Darksilverstreak: but not because you were white. you just weren't good http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195370055.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Pat Patrix 4 Fans 07:48 PM on 10/11/2012 It's kind of ridiculous and really the height of racism that "white" people are just being written off as..."white".

"White" people also have their own cultures and heritages they come from. Many of which have absolutely nothing to do with slavery. My family immigrated here from Ireland in the late 1920's to escape poverty and hardships.

"White" shouldn't be synonymous with "racist" and that's exactly what's happening in this comment section. I don't know what this particular groups message or actual interests are, it's possible that it does have some racist undertone, but that doesn't excuse all this talk of white privileged, and the overall demonizing of "white" people.

"White" people's culture spans thousands of years, their history is not directly tied in to the U.S. history, there are many different ethnicity, cultures, and customs that shouldn't be discriminated against because everyone wants to start their own club excluding ONLY "white" people. Everything being said on both sides is extremely racist and very small-minded. Absolutely ridiculous. Pat_Patrix: It's kind of ridiculous and really the height of racism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pat_Patrix/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367355.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER zevonia 316 Fans 08:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Dude there is no "white" people's culture. "White" people come from all kinds of different backgrounds. You put an italian-american, german-american, french-american in a room together and they are not going to be buddy buddy because they are the "white" guys. In fact they may not get along because of prejudice. zevonia: Dude there is no "white" people's culture. "White" people come http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/zevonia/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195379543.html History | Permalink | Share it

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 07:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Well, let's see, they have NAACP The Black Panthers, BET and etc but I guess it's wrong to have an all white group. Just saying. Why have ANY special groups? Just asking. Dee_Jamacek: Well, let's see, they have NAACP The Black Panthers, BET http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195366762.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Here we go with the stupidity and lack of education and history....By the way BET is owned by Viacom...a white company...

I don't have time to teach so I guess yoiu should look up why and how the the NAACP started as well as the Black Panthers, which no longer exist...

You might learn something about HISTORY... mbroo: Here we go with the stupidity and lack of education http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195368519.html History | Permalink | Share it

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/12/2012 nope, no stupidity on my part. Dee_Jamacek: nope, no stupidity on my part. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195711614.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bomland31 187 Fans 07:56 PM on 10/11/2012 Yeah, white folks don't have anything. bomland31: Yeah, white folks don't have anything. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bomland31/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195369455.html History | Permalink | Share it

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 08:30 PM on 10/13/2012 try having Cancer and being denied. Dee_Jamacek: try having Cancer and being denied. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196010382.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All doctorw2 117 Fans 07:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Oh God someone has started this up again, everytime anglos segregate themselves it leads to trouble history has shown this time and time again. For some unknown reason anglo people just are intolerant towards other races of people and advocate violence against them when they form a group. When will anglo people realize they are not God on earth? doctorw2: Oh God someone has started this up again, everytime anglos http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/doctorw2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195366567.html History | Permalink | Share it

IT Pro 79 Fans 07:50 PM on 10/11/2012 So only anglos have intolerance towards another group of people throughout history? Must be a lot of them in the Sudan. IT_Pro: So only anglos have intolerance towards another group of people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IT_Pro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367995.html History | Permalink | Share it

doctorw2 117 Fans 07:56 PM on 10/11/2012 Listen the anlgos have usurped and stolen the resources of muslim nations for centuries and now everything is coming to a head what goes around comes around. doctorw2: Listen the anlgos have usurped and stolen the resources of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/doctorw2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195369373.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 12:58 PM on 10/16/2012 Actually having a BA in history has shed a lot of light on this subject. Historically speaking, mos toppression has been either White on Other oppression, or oppression WITHIN a society of similarly ethnic people (I.e. in Hindue culture there is a caste system). However there is no indication that WHITE ethinicities or cultures have ever been the oppressed party. sarahmysterious: Actually having a BA in history has shed a lot http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196702144.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 07:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe you need to study what happened to white farmers in Zimbabwe. Hoodoo_X: Maybe you need to study what happened to white farmers http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195368128.html History | Permalink | Share it

doctorw2 117 Fans 07:53 PM on 10/11/2012 yeah i did those anglos were sicking dogs on black people, shooting them,and beating them just like they did with my people the Irish! doctorw2: yeah i did those anglos were sicking dogs on black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/doctorw2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195368648.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER joe13 210 Fans 08:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Is Zimbabwe an area of America that shares our culture? Do people other than whites from Zimbabwe enjoy social benefits due to race? joe13: Is Zimbabwe an area of America that shares our culture? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joe13/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195374176.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All hottingers 1391 Fans 07:45 PM on 10/11/2012 No, he doesn't look at all like he is ra cist. (sarcasm) hottingers: No, he doesn't look at all like he is ra http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hottingers/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195366554.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 08:07 PM on 10/11/2012 You think he may have a southern accent? Hoodoo_X: You think he may have a southern accent? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195372185.html History | Permalink | Share it AdmireBucs 245 Fans

07:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Is a white student group racist? No, not necesarily, but its a safe bet to assume that they are.....:P

You just need to read that he claims a anti-white bias in the media, and the conclusion is clear. AdmireBucs: Is a white student group racist? No, not necesarily, but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AdmireBucs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195365274.html History | Permalink | Share it Kommonman Blame it on Dyslexic fingers..next question 459 Fans 07:40 PM on 10/11/2012 No white student unions...no black student unions...no hispanic asian gay purple green polkadot student unions....Only a student union nothing more...this way all sides are forced to interact with each other and not remain seperate...your words and ideas are not heard if you are only talking to yourselves Kommonman: No white student unions...no black student unions...no hispanic asian gay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kommonman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195365272.html History | Permalink | Share it

outasite ipsa scientia potestas est 128 Fans 07:50 PM on 10/11/2012 That's my personal opinion as well, but then we're saying they can't set up the union of their choice and that's not freedom. outasite: That's my personal opinion as well, but then we're saying http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outasite/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367887.html History | Permalink | Share it Kommonman Blame it on Dyslexic fingers..next question 459 Fans 11:21 PM on 10/11/2012 I would not deny them their freedom of choice...I simply will not support them segregating themselves...we are either one nation or we are not...I choose one nation Kommonman: I would not deny them their freedom of choice...I simply http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kommonman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195426647.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 08:03 PM on 10/11/2012 but anyone CAN join those unions....they just don't want to. Darksilverstreak: but anyone CAN join those unions....they just don't want to. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195371113.html History | Permalink | Share it Kommonman Blame it on Dyslexic fingers..next question 459 Fans 11:22 PM on 10/11/2012 anyone can join I suppose but in the end they do themselves and us a disservice by deliberately segregating themselves Kommonman: anyone can join I suppose but in the end they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kommonman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195427088.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gregory H James 61 Fans 07:39 PM on 10/11/2012 The concept of a white student union is stupid because because "white" is probably one of the most arbitrary racial terms ever created. "White" isn't even a race, it's a shallow designation based purely on skin color. Furthermore, "white" historically referred mainly to Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Italians and other Mediterranean peoples were excluded because they were olive-skinned and swarthy. Eastern Europeans and Russians were excluded because they were considered to be "Asiatics" and therefore couldn't be trusted. There is no "white culture." An Irishman and a German don't really have much in common culturally. A Frenchman and a Greek aren't very similar. Each has their own individual culture and traditions.

Black student unions exist because, for the most part, African-Americans are generally unaware of the ethnicities of their ancestors prior to slavery. They are in many ways a people with a forgotten past, and thus have come together to form their own distinct culture. Similarly with Latinos. Minority student groups are not just about skin color, they are a bout shared cultural traditions that have developed in a country that is mostly white. White students don't need these things because there is no "white culture." Other than Christianity, there aren't many shared traditions amongst people with white skin. If the Irish kids want to form an Irish student union, go for it. But people who want to get up on a soap box and proclaim ad nauseum about the glories of "white people" are fools. Gregory_H_James: The concept of a white student union is stupid because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gregory_H_James/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195365172.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stevie Hottman Mustard 72 Fans

07:51 PM on 10/11/2012 In a previous comment, I was so tempted to get into the "biology" of "race" and how it doesn't exist but... I figured too many people either wouldn't understand, OR they'd try to convince me that "race" IS a biological thing. The fact is, genetically, we're essentially the same. What does "race" even mean? As a bioarchaeologist, it's basically my JOB to prove that there is NO SUCH THING as "race," rather that it historically has been used as a term designed for the specific purpose of marginalizing those who were not WASPs. I'm white. But I'm far from a WASP. I'm just a W. I'm Jewish, and I'm Eastern European. But I will never claim to be anything other than white because even though historically my ancestors were persecuted (even just 2 generations ago), I'm not about to use it to somehow make me "special." (Yes, I realize that me saying I'm white but also saying race doesn't exist is hypocritical, but that's how society understands it, so that's how I have to be). At my university, as well as working in the archaeology department, I'm part of the Jewish Student Union. Yeah, all of us are white. Does that make it a white student union? No, but I'm not saying I wouldn't be surprised if a couple Asian kids showed up... Stevie_Hottman: In a previous comment, I was so tempted to get http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stevie_Hottman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195368164.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 08:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Melanin, maybe language, and maybe culture. It is a construct, but it is a construct promulgated by universities. Hoodoo_X: Melanin, maybe language, and maybe culture.  It is a construct, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195371663.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gregory H James 61 Fans 08:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Exactly. Race is a purely arbitrary concept. Our differences are mostly skin deep. Other than some pigment and bone structure differences, humans are 99.999 percent the same at the genetic level. I think most people would understand what you're trying to say. So-called "racial" differences are biological, but there is a deeper level of biology that is far more important. Race was and always will be an arbitrary, unscientific term created by men who wanted to justify their hatred of other human beings. Gregory_H_James: Exactly. Race is a purely arbitrary concept. Our differences are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gregory_H_James/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195371962.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All chendel 0 Fans 08:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Very well said! Everything I was thinking but couldn't vocalize nearly as concise as you just did. chendel: Very well said! Everything I was thinking but couldn't vocalize http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chendel/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195374043.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jbro9 The Brain Is Not A Hat Rack 329 Fans 07:39 PM on 10/11/2012 "White" is not an ethnic group. It is the blanket description Caucasians have used for centuries to differentiate themselves from people they fear and/or feel superior to. If that is your chosen heritage, be prepared to be castigated. jbro9: "White" is not an ethnic group. It is the blanket http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jbro9/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195365100.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stevie Hottman Mustard 72 Fans

08:04 PM on 10/11/2012 "Caucasian" does not even mean what it used to. It implies you are from the Caucuses region which, if you look at a map, isn't even in Europe. Check out the second part of that word. The part where it says "Asian." Caucasian is to white as burrito is to Italian food. Stevie_Hottman: "Caucasian" does not even mean what it used to. It http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stevie_Hottman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195371354.html History | Permalink | Share it

jbro9 The Brain Is Not A Hat Rack 329 Fans 10:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Thank you, Captain Gobbledygook. Words are not fixed in meaning; they are fluid over a long period of time. Whether your argument is that Caucasians are not white, or that white people are not Caucasian, it is irrelevant to the issue of bogus white power posturing. jbro9: Thank you, Captain Gobbledygook. Words are not fixed in meaning; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jbro9/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195404389.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 01:44 PM on 10/16/2012 Love. This. Post. sarahmysterious: Love. This. Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196719106.html History | Permalink | Share it

jbro9 The Brain Is Not A Hat Rack 329 Fans 02:52 PM on 10/16/2012 Thanks. I'm glad somebody gets it. jbro9: Thanks. I'm glad somebody gets it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jbro9/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196743793.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 07:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Colleges campuses are most politically correct, illiberal places in the country. Diversity? Unless you just talk about skin color. The faculty is the most politically monolithic group around. All lefties in certain departments. But, it is a taxpayer taxpayer funded, cushy government job for M.arxists, women's studies, various s.e.xual group studies, ethnic group studies, social "sciences" and deconstructionist English folks. They produce all kind of germane studies, and add to the economy. {hic} Hoodoo_X: Colleges campuses are most politically correct, illiberal places in the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195364636.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER catboycolo I'll have the coffee, not the KoolAid 7959 Fans 07:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Are there black-only lunch counters or water fountains? No, because the whole society was a celebration of whites until we started working to make it more equal. It is still a basic celebration of whites, who are a majority of Americans. Whites do not need a special union, because we would use it to discuss racial superiority. Other races have unions to celebrate their uniqueness and to fight for total equality. When whites are a minority, and are second-class citizens...then we should have our own student group. catboycolo: Are there black-only lunch counters or water fountains? No, because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/catboycolo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195364142.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stevie Hottman Mustard 72 Fans

07:42 PM on 10/11/2012 Right - student unions are meant to UNITE students with similar interests or common denominators such as "race culture" so that they don't have to feel marginalized. Whites have never needed to do this because historically, we've been the oppressors. These student unions sprouted as ways for students to communicate and share experiences. THIS student union was formed out of spite. You know what student organization is a white student organization? ALL OF THEM. Why create yet another? Stevie_Hottman: Right - student unions are meant to UNITE students with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stevie_Hottman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195365891.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER catboycolo I'll have the coffee, not the KoolAid 7959 Fans 12:20 AM on 10/12/2012 Thank you. A lot of people seem to gloss over that reality. catboycolo: Thank you. A lot of people seem to gloss over http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/catboycolo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195450078.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 08:42 PM on 10/13/2012 We are becoming a minority whether you believe it or not. They are already getting their reparations by being able to get benefits and disability far more easily. I was denied. However, there's a group that still wants money and believe me, that will happen and there will be a race war. I don't think I should have to pay for something that happened years ago. I wish I could afford to move out of this country. Dee_Jamacek: We are becoming a minority whether you believe it or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196012703.html History | Permalink | Share it

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 07:48 PM on 10/11/2012 What a bunch of silliness. What does the term Hispanic mean? People that speak Spanish can be blonde haired, and blue eyed, and they can come from Spain, Mexico, or Peru. If you want to say Black folks deserve special treatment, or Indian folk (I'm 1/32 Indian - does that mean I get some kind of special privilege?), I may agree a bit. You get down to genetics. What percentage of "racial" b;lood endows you with special privledges. Hoodoo_X: What a bunch of silliness.  What does the term Hispanic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367366.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER catboycolo I'll have the coffee, not the KoolAid 7959 Fans 12:19 AM on 10/12/2012 You miss the entire point. I cannot help you if you fail to recognize that an exclusive group of a majority in any society is formed to repress others, not to celebrate. Do you know why there is no white history month? Because they all are. catboycolo: You miss the entire point. I cannot help you if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/catboycolo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195449667.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ErickTW 28 Fans 07:34 PM on 10/11/2012 So let me get this strait .. It' freedom for all Except white people. HYPOCRITES!!! ErickTW: So let me get this strait .. It' freedom for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195363837.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:36 PM on 10/11/2012 When have white people not been free in this country... mbroo: When have white people not been free in this country... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195364334.html History | Permalink | Share it ErickTW 28 Fans 07:38 PM on 10/11/2012 white people are not free to say what they want or gather in a group Apparently ErickTW: white people are not free to say what they want http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ErickTW/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195364801.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 07:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Google indentured servitude and get back to me when you learn some basic history. Hoodoo_X: Google indentured servitude and get back to me when you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195367636.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All proudcalib I never said it was going to be easy 1049 Fans 08:12 PM on 10/11/2012 Ah, you poor put upon white people. I bet your ancestors were brought to this country in chains, put into slavery and denied the vote. proudcalib: Ah, you poor put upon white people. I bet your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/proudcalib/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195373422.html History | Permalink | Share it

The INDYpendent Equal Opportunity Offender 98 Fans 07:32 PM on 10/11/2012 At my university there was a Black Student Union, an Asian Student Society, Latino Student Union, and Muslim Student Association. All really wonderful things and I attended many of their cultural events and lectures. However, if anyone proposed a White Student Union, the administration would throw a fit. Disallowing a White Student Union is, in itself, racist. This isn't the 1950's anymore, folks. The_INDYpendent: At my university there was a Black Student Union, an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_INDYpendent/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195363178.html History | Permalink | Share it Miro80 2 Fans 07:31 PM on 10/11/2012 Last I checked we're still a free country, so gather 'round. As long as they don't call for or incite violence don't personally see anything wrong with it. Plus, I also have the choice to ignore and stay away from him and others like him Miro80: Last I checked we're still a free country, so gather http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Miro80/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195363138.html History | Permalink | Share it strangetimes 1413 Fans 07:51 PM on 10/11/2012 The issue isn't you staying away from them, it's them staying away from. strangetimes: The issue isn't you staying away from them, it's them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/strangetimes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195368258.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Alexander Forbes OBAMA2012 419 Fans 07:30 PM on 10/11/2012 "Heimbach is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "white nationalist" who has argued black hate crimes against whites exponentially outnumber white-on-black hate crimes." I didn't think the "is this group racist" teaser was too hard to figure out. Alexander_Forbes: "Heimbach is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Alexander_Forbes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195362851.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program emphatico .....is very politically incorrect. 879 Fans 07:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Mischka Lauren SAID:

I'm white. I grew up poor, and when I say that, I mean dirt poor. Is that not a disadvantage? NOTHING WAS HANDED TO ME BECAUSE OF MY COLOR. Just because a person is white does not mean that we all have it easy.


I just wish white people would be a little bit honest and realistic. MANY THINGS are handed to you BECAUSE of your color. That's just the truth of the matter. For many things, whether it's an employment opportunity or a school admission, the fact that you're white alone makes you about 95% qualified already. Non-whites, however, have to "prove themselves". I have conducted several interviews to hire for certain positions and I can tell you that "being white" gets you jobs that your actual qualifications can't get you and OVER better qualified minority applicants. emphatico: Mischka Lauren SAID: I'm white. I grew up poor, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emphatico/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195362782.html History | Permalink | Share it RogueStates 17 Fans 07:36 PM on 10/11/2012 can't you see how racist this opinion is? You have lumped an entire ethnic group into a "privileged" status solely because of their race, and regardless of circumstance.

This is a VERY racist opinion and outlook. Shame on you. RogueStates: can't you see how racist this opinion is? You have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RogueStates/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195364251.html History | Permalink | Share it AdmireBucs 245 Fans

07:44 PM on 10/11/2012 Bs it is.....Im white, and he is correct about alot of his points. Im not sure about the 95% figure, but thats my only problem with his post. AdmireBucs: Bs it is.....Im white, and he is correct about alot http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AdmireBucs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195366442.html History | Permalink | Share it mothergrace If they knock you down, bite 'em on the ankle. 1547 Fans 07:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Simply a fact. This country has many institutions and practices at every level that favor whites, particularly male and if you are white you do have an automatic advantage.

There are some specific situations where some of these institutions have been broken or at least bent, to allow more diversity but if you really think that being white is not an automatic advantage, I invite you to write Chris Rock, who asks audiences if there is anyone white who would trade places with him as a successful black man."

He doesn't get many takers. mothergrace: Simply a fact. This country has many institutions and practices http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mothergrace/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195367627.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Hoodoo X tanstaafl 858 Fans 07:39 PM on 10/11/2012 Are Asians white? In my field of computer science, they predominate. Get half a clue, and try again. Colleges discriminate against Asians. Hoodoo_X: Are Asians white?
In my field of computer science, they predominate.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hoodoo_X/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195365028.html History | Permalink | Share it

lakat Haiti lives. 361 Fans 07:47 PM on 10/11/2012 No, Asians are not white but Hispanics are. Funny, huh. lakat: No, Asians are not white but Hispanics are. Funny, huh. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lakat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367164.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER MoreChoices 41 Fans 07:29 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't see the problem with a white student group. If they don't profess a racist doctrine, what is wrong with it? Now if their group is a hate group, they have that right, but it should not be associated with the school. MoreChoices: I don't see the problem with a white student group. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MoreChoices/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195362505.html History | Permalink | Share it simsum have Trek will travel 569 Fans 07:26 PM on 10/11/2012 Gotta feel sorry for racial supremacists of any color. They are truly a minority, and one that is on the way out from this beautiful, diverse world. simsum: Gotta feel sorry for racial supremacists of any color. They http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simsum/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195361871.html History | Permalink | Share it strangetimes 1413 Fans 07:52 PM on 10/11/2012 True , but sadly they get a large portion of the press. strangetimes: True , but sadly they get a large portion of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/strangetimes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195368431.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:25 PM on 10/11/2012 White people don't need advocacy groups or pride organizations...why? BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS ALREADY THAT. Duh. If it wasn't, you would see the other groups, now would you? Darksilverstreak: White people don't need advocacy groups or pride organizations...why? BECAUSE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195361497.html History | Permalink | Share it jhack1990 104 Fans 07:28 PM on 10/11/2012 how is everything a white advocacy group? jhack1990: how is everything a white advocacy group? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jhack1990/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195362352.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:32 PM on 10/11/2012 wow. wow. wow. It terrifies me beyond belief that I have to explain this: Most of this country is white. For most of our history only white people could do certain things. White people are what you see on most of TV until like 4 years ago, and they still are mostly white. Congress is mostly white. Business owners are mostly white. American culture is MOSTLY WHITE. And that's just the tip of the iceberg Darksilverstreak: wow. wow. wow. It terrifies me beyond belief that I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195363318.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

lakat Haiti lives. 361 Fans 07:48 PM on 10/11/2012 See, I told you you wouldn't get it. There is no point. lakat: See, I told you you wouldn't get it. There is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lakat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367314.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Dee Jamacek 11 Fans 07:50 PM on 10/11/2012 you should add Racist to your Business Owner God fearing Evolution Trusting as well Dee_Jamacek: you should add Racist to your Business Owner God fearing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dee_Jamacek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195367861.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:53 PM on 10/11/2012 thanks for that...cause clearly you know what my skin color is. Darksilverstreak: thanks for that...cause clearly you know what my skin color http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195368590.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jhack1990 104 Fans 07:24 PM on 10/11/2012 i don't see what the issue is...if other races are allowed to have race specific groups then i don't see why white people can't. jhack1990: i don't see what the issue is...if other races are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jhack1990/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195361339.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:33 PM on 10/11/2012 Other groups don't exlude if you want to join or celebrate with them.... This group isn't that kind of group... mbroo: Other groups don't exlude if you want to join or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195363408.html History | Permalink | Share it Miro80 2 Fans 07:34 PM on 10/11/2012 my thoughts exactly. Miro80: my thoughts exactly. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Miro80/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195363774.html History | Permalink | Share it

MyIrishEyes Are Smilin! 236 Fans 07:47 PM on 10/11/2012 They DON'T?!? Well WOW who knew?

We you aware that the Congressional Black Caucus will not admit anyone BUT black members? Even if they represent a black district? THAT is a racist group! MyIrishEyes: They DON'T?!? Well WOW who knew? We you aware that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MyIrishEyes/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195367136.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Now he's blaming his white supremacist beliefs, and the fact that he's inviting white supremacists to speak on campus on "the liberal media". This guy is a classic right-winger, just like the groups in Germany in the 30's. The_Notorious_PDF: Now he's blaming his white supremacist beliefs, and the fact http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195359809.html History | Permalink | Share it

MyIrishEyes Are Smilin! 236 Fans 07:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Hmm. When's the last time you saw a white contestant in the Miss Black America pagent? MyIrishEyes: Hmm. When's the last time you saw a white contestant http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MyIrishEyes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195367400.html History | Permalink | Share it The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 07:14 PM on 10/11/2012 Of course the right-wingers are defending white supremacist. The_Notorious_PDF: Of course the right-wingers are defending white supremacist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195358855.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:15 PM on 10/11/2012 You think ws are the only folks interested in equal rights for everyone? outspoken012: You think ws are the only folks interested in equal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195359096.html History | Permalink | Share it The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 07:20 PM on 10/11/2012 What in the world does this have to do with equal rights for everyone. This guy is a racist, interested in maintaining racist social structures that are to his benefit to non-whites' detriment. The_Notorious_PDF: What in the world does this have to do with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195360271.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jhack1990 104 Fans 07:22 PM on 10/11/2012 so hispanics, african americans, asians...etc...are allowed to have a student union group, but white people arent? jhack1990: so hispanics, african americans, asians...etc...are allowed to have a student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jhack1990/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195360765.html History | Permalink | Share it The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 07:25 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm not going to use the word "allowed", but I am saying that it doesn't make sense, and that those hispanic, african american and asian students would love to give up the student unions for the privileges that whites inherently have in this society. Is this guy willing to trade? Then he'll have a reason for a white student union. The_Notorious_PDF: I'm not going to use the word "allowed", but I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195361507.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DangitRuss Clean the House this election day! 103 Fans 07:14 PM on 10/11/2012 This kind of thing happens in private everyday. People exclude based on race, socioeconomic and gender lines on campus. This was not new in the 80 when I was an undergrad and it's not new now.

So they want the right to have a room on campus to celebrate their white heritage and talk about white things. At least the rest of campus get to see who they are in public. DangitRuss: This kind of thing happens in private everyday. People exclude http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DangitRuss/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195358848.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:26 PM on 10/11/2012 Oh please! You don't have a problem with black kids discussing African heritage. So whats the difference? outspoken012: Oh please! You don't have a problem with black kids http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195361756.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:41 PM on 10/11/2012 The difference is minority groups have no problem including and inviting others to celebrate...that's the difference...

And why did you just mention African heritage...because the person in the photo is black?

Yeah, you are typical....it spews from your posts... mbroo: The difference is minority groups have no problem including and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195365513.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DangitRuss Clean the House this election day! 103 Fans 08:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Who said there was a difference? If you are looking for a fight as to whether there should or should not be a white group on campus, I'm not here to give it to you.

College is hard enough to deal with socially. If it makes these kids feel better that they have someone who identifies with their views, so be it. DangitRuss: Who said there was a difference?  If you are looking http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DangitRuss/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195370546.html History | Permalink | Share it

Lalaloopsy 20 Fans 07:13 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe they should call it the European American student union? Lalaloopsy: Maybe they should call it the European American student union? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lalaloopsy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195358559.html History | Permalink | Share it RogueStates 17 Fans 07:45 PM on 10/11/2012 fair enough. RogueStates: fair enough. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RogueStates/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195366530.html History | Permalink | Share it outspoken012 39 Fans 07:13 PM on 10/11/2012 So, black college kids can celebrate their heritage and divesity. White kids cant? outspoken012: So, black college kids can celebrate their heritage and divesity. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195358558.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/11/2012 You think it's only black kids? All minority groups have celebrated heritage and diversity....they have those groups because they are the minority usually on a majority campus... mbroo: You think it's only black kids? All minority groups have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195359969.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:26 PM on 10/11/2012 No they totally can...it is celebrated every day, all day, in every way. If you can't see that, then well, I'm not surprised you feel the way you do. Darksilverstreak: No they totally can...it is celebrated every day, all day, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195361692.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:58 PM on 10/11/2012 So all white people celebrate being white everyday? Don't think so. outspoken012: So all white people celebrate being white everyday? Don't think http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195369980.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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Lalaloopsy 20 Fans 07:11 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't understand any student union based on race/skin color. Lalaloopsy: I don't understand any student union based on race/skin color. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lalaloopsy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195358086.html History | Permalink | Share it ScorpionKing 48 Fans 07:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Simple fact: When a member of Majority pick on a Minority, Minority has little recourse Solution: Minority bands together to afford themselves some small level of protection and justice

If these white students are in the minority on campus then they have every right to band together, if not then they are racist in this case. ScorpionKing: Simple fact: When a member of Majority pick on a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ScorpionKing/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195357882.html History | Permalink | Share it

LiVeFrEeOrDiENH 7 Fans 07:46 PM on 10/11/2012 So you have to be in a minority to gather...? That makes absolutely no sense, but a great way to try to rationalize.... What about Men's groups/clubs, should women be offended about that since men controlled most of the world and had all the rights at one point in time?????? LiVeFrEeOrDiENH: So you have to be in a minority to gather...? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LiVeFrEeOrDiENH/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195366832.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program emphatico .....is very politically incorrect. 879 Fans 07:10 PM on 10/11/2012 MissTake1989 said: Liberal tripe.

Do you not understand the each person is an individual and not all white kids have it good because some have it good?

Or that not all black kids have it bad just because some have it bad?


If you had any brain cell, you'd know that we are talking in generalities here. However, the VAST majority of white kids have it good just for being born white in a system that was fashioned to solely benefit whites. That's just a truth. emphatico: MissTake1989 said: Liberal tripe. Do you not understand the each http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emphatico/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195357673.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:59 PM on 10/11/2012 So you think most black kids have it bad? outspoken012: So you think most black kids have it bad? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195370111.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

emphatico .....is very politically incorrect. 879 Fans 08:37 PM on 10/11/2012 No question about it... emphatico: No question about it... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emphatico/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195379313.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All mgibson17 64 Fans 07:07 PM on 10/11/2012 The fears of white people: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~rjensen/freelance/fearsofwhitepeople.htm

"A final fear has probably always haunted white people but has become more powerful since the society has formally rejected overt racism: The fear of being seen, and seen-through, by non-white people. Virtually every white person I know, including white people fighting for racial justice and including myself, carries some level of racism in our minds and hearts and bodies. In our heads, we can pretend to eliminate it, but most of us know it is there. And because we are all supposed to be appropriately anti- racist, we carry that lingering racism with a new kind of fear: What if non-white people look at us and can see it? What if they can see through us? What if they can look past our anti-racist vocabulary and sense that we still don’t really know how to treat them as equals? What if they know about us what we don’t dare know about ourselves? What if they can see what we can’t even voice?"

Yes we can see it, its as plain as the nose on your face, but white denial keeps you from accepting it, so you never grow. Fear is the motivator behind a White Student Union, it’s a Fear of losing centrality and relevancy in a world of color. mgibson17: The fears of white people: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~rjensen/freelance/fearsofwhitepeople.htm "A final fear has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mgibson17/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195356992.html History | Permalink | Share it

IT Pro 79 Fans 07:07 PM on 10/11/2012 We'll never move past skin color as long as we divide ourselves based on it. That includes everyone. IT_Pro: We'll never move past skin color as long as we http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IT_Pro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195356908.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:27 PM on 10/11/2012 But to ignore the societal inequalities BASED on race is a FAR worse situation. We can only look past race once race is not an issue. Otherwise these groups exist so that people like you can learn a little bit. Darksilverstreak: But to ignore the societal inequalities BASED on race is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195361981.html History | Permalink | Share it

IT Pro 79 Fans 07:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Any group that discriminates based on skin color is in its own nature, racist. IT_Pro: Any group that discriminates based on skin color is in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IT_Pro/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195364689.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER MoreChoices 41 Fans 07:37 PM on 10/11/2012 It just so happens that skin color most always means a different culture as well. Its the culture that people are divided over. Skin color just makes it easy to group people together. It also leads people to prejudge them for the culture most associated with their skin color. Sadly, we are a very, very long way away from getting passed it. MoreChoices: It just so happens that skin color most always means http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MoreChoices/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195364456.html History | Permalink | Share it

IT Pro 79 Fans 07:39 PM on 10/11/2012 Very well said. IT_Pro: Very well said. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IT_Pro/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195365016.html History | Permalink | Share it krt 8 Fans 07:03 PM on 10/11/2012 The fact that this student (and apparently many commenters on here) feels that the group is necessary to fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society", shows that they have no idea what the civil rights movement was all about. To be totally clueless as to your fundamental advantages that you were afforded just by being born white in this country is appalling. krt: The fact that this student (and apparently many commenters on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/krt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195355923.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:16 PM on 10/11/2012 The fact that they have to justify wanting their own group at all pretty much proves that there is anti white bias. outspoken012: The fact that they have to justify wanting their own http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195359258.html History | Permalink | Share it wycoff 48 Fans 07:19 PM on 10/11/2012 It's funny how many people here can't grasp that obvious point. wycoff: It's funny how many people here can't grasp that obvious http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wycoff/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195360132.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:28 PM on 10/11/2012 It's not anti-white...it is pro-equality. Do you believe that being white gives a person a natural head start? If you can't believe that, then there is no point in commenting further. Darksilverstreak: It's not anti-white...it is pro-equality. Do you believe that being http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195362208.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All camnhuff 423 Fans 07:01 PM on 10/11/2012 As long as the clubs are open to everyone then there should be no problem. The NAACP has membership from all races, creeds and ethnicities working towards a common goal. If this nazi wants to have a group and people of all races, creeds, and colors can join the group without fear of exclusion, then I don't see a problem. camnhuff: As long as the clubs are open to everyone then http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/camnhuff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195355584.html History | Permalink | Share it f0rTyLeGz Everything is falling. 949 Fans 07:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Disgusting. A Repugnant... no doubt about that. f0rTyLeGz: Disgusting. A Repugnant... no doubt about that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/f0rTyLeGz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195355232.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER complex brotha The Fight is Fixed !!!!! 71 Fans 07:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Ummm see, I was actually gonna "support" this boneheads assertion that theres nothing wrong with a white students unions, he's right, these days, everyone wants "their" identity and we do have EVERY group under the sun including the Gay and Lesbian communities, so I personally dont have a problem with it, its like NASCAR, I got no problem with it, because I dont participate and could care less THE PROBLEM for Me and why I think this exemplifies why half the country want Romney to win is, ALL the other groups dont get together, organize and talk about how "superior" they are to everyone else !!! lmaoooooooo I mean seriously, why is it when certain "types" get together, it isnt about having fun because you all have similar interests, its about "Hating" other groups and exposing the falsehood that, by having a different skin color, you are automatically granted membership into the "Superiority Club" FOH I train guys every single day, the majority are not the same ethnicity as myself, all have higher educations.. for over 13 years I've been the Top Dawg They need answers.. gotta see ME.. so I throw out that BS about Whites or ANY OTHER RACE having the Patent on Intelligence and Superiority.had he not used that as a basis for his argument. I might've been on his side,Real Life experience has taught me not to fight for those with clouded judgement.. On your own dude... complex_brotha: Ummm see, I was actually gonna "support" this boneheads assertion http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/complex_brotha/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195355192.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jie Jones "Eat me!" -- Jesus, at the Last Supper 480 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/11/2012 This is yet another "victim" ploy by the majority.

Very similar the Christians claiming they are "under attack" because they are not given preferential treatment by laws, the white white man is claiming to be "under attack" because he is not given preferential treatment. Jie_Jones: This is yet another "victim" ploy by the majority. Very http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jie_Jones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354820.html History | Permalink | Share it

Merica1 1 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Like the preferential treatment minorities get entering said schools due to affirmative action? Merica1: Like the preferential treatment minorities get entering said schools due http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Merica1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195359812.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jie Jones "Eat me!" -- Jesus, at the Last Supper 480 Fans 07:27 PM on 10/11/2012 And think about we have Affirmative Action in the first place -- because there was demonstrated discrimination against minorities by the white majority. Thanks for proving my point. Jie_Jones: And think about we have Affirmative Action in the first http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jie_Jones/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195362040.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darksilverstreak Business owner. God fearing. Evolution trusting. 46 Fans 07:29 PM on 10/11/2012 Baloney and you know it. Just accept that white people have it better.

I worked in College admissions for a LONG time. Not once was a white kid denied because the student was white NOR was the non-white kid admitted solely because he was not white. That's just the fact. That white girl that is suing would NEVER had been admitted regardless of her skin tone. She's just pissed off because being white isn't good enough anymore. Darksilverstreak: Baloney and you know it. Just accept that white people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darksilverstreak/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195362634.html History | Permalink | Share it yemaya 1112 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/11/2012 They are allowed to form their group, but I'm not gonna swallow their kool aid that the reason they have formed has nothing to do w/race. The KKK has been around longer than these guys. Nothing new dudes. yemaya: They are allowed to form their group, but I'm not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/yemaya/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354747.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER cliffstep 236 Fans 06:56 PM on 10/11/2012 My kid's a junior at UT Austin , and he told me a month or so ago that he just doesn't like white people. I asked him to give us a chance , we might get over it. Let these guys do what they want. Heck , have Ted Nugent out to play for your group. Wear special clothes. Get special haircuts. As the great Satchel Paige said , if you don't mind , it don't matter. cliffstep: My kid's a junior at UT Austin , and he http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cliffstep/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354202.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER MissTake1989 Equal means equal, hypocrites. 452 Fans 06:56 PM on 10/11/2012 We are essentially talking about 18-22 year olds.

This isn't Jim Crow Alabama...

What good is achieved by minority students self segregating in these groups?

Unless your answer is NONE...then, I'm not sure how you could oppose this group... MissTake1989: We are essentially talking about 18-22 year olds. This isn't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MissTake1989/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354150.html History | Permalink | Share it

Sue She Too dignified to respond 167 Fans 06:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Only if a black students group is. Sue_She: Only if a black students group is. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sue_She/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354107.html History | Permalink | Share it

Splevich Nothing...is what it seems to be! 305 Fans 06:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Goodness... not another article on HP which unabashadely invites racial warfare! Splevich: Goodness... not another article on HP which unabashadely invites racial http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Splevich/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195353402.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

kurr JBW 6/1/73 - 7/15/12 204 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/11/2012 race wars sell kurr: race wars sell http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kurr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354788.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 40 41 42 43 44 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER supexcellency 206 Fans

06:53 PM on 10/11/2012 We can have a black group, an asian group, a hispanic group. We can also have a christian group, a jewish group, a muslim and an atheist group. We also allow a chess club, a jousting club and even a coffee aficionado group. But as soon as you make a white group, you're a racist. supexcellency: We can have a black group, an asian group, a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/supexcellency/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195353391.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:25 PM on 10/11/2012 It has nothing to do with being a white group...look at what he claims it stands for anti-white bias....no ones running around forming groups to discuss how they are losing control of their superiority in America...and FYI, those other groups also don't mind including others to clebrate with them...that's the difference... mbroo: It has nothing to do with being a white group...look http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195361644.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amajamus Occupy James ! ! ! 635 Fans

08:51 PM on 10/11/2012 "It has nothing to do with being a white group," Yes it does. amajamus: "It has nothing to do with being a white group," http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amajamus/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195382384.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER RAYZR Mourning the death of irony 308 Fans 06:50 PM on 10/11/2012 For a very long time there were special organizations set aside for White people in this country. They were called colleges. And country clubs. And corporations. And TV shows. And suburban neighborhoods. The list is very long. RAYZR: For a very long time there were special organizations set http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RAYZR/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352768.html History | Permalink | Share it

Threecordsandthetruth 46 Fans 06:56 PM on 10/11/2012 But now that's over so you can calm down. Threecordsandthetruth: But now that's over so you can calm down. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Threecordsandthetruth/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195354173.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:59 PM on 10/11/2012 exactly outspoken012: exactly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195354941.html History | Permalink | Share it The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/11/2012 No, it's not over actually. The_Notorious_PDF: No, it's not over actually. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195359910.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

08:29 PM on 10/11/2012 "For a very long time" i.e., not anymore. AnthonyTiani: "For a very long time" i.e., not anymore. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195377464.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER RAYZR Mourning the death of irony 308 Fans 10:03 AM on 10/12/2012 I think Heimbach is pretty good evidence that there is a desire to return to the worst of those days. Oh, I forgot to include the current Republican Party to the list. RAYZR: I think Heimbach is pretty good evidence that there is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RAYZR/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195545560.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER MissTake1989 Equal means equal, hypocrites. 452 Fans 06:50 PM on 10/11/2012 You can't decry racism and then support the right of people to form groups based solely on race...without being a big giant hypocrite.

You have to oppose them all or support them all. MissTake1989: You can't decry racism and then support the right of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MissTake1989/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352741.html History | Permalink | Share it mgibson17 64 Fans 06:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Aren’t We Special? http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/america-the-remix/what-white-people-fear

"For conservative white people, the dominant fear is of someday living without the privilege that comes with whiteness. Polite conservatives defend the primacy of “Western civilization.” More reactionary whites are openly racist about the threat that non- white peoples pose to “our way of life.” Both versions defend the existing distribution of wealth and power, even though many of the working-class and poor whites who endorse such views have access to precious little wealth or power. Race is used by white elites today, just as it was in the nation’s formative years, to drive a wedge between people who would otherwise come together to challenge those elites. Divide-and-conquer strategies, it seems, never go out of style." mgibson17: Arenâ��t We Special? http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/america-the-remix/what-white-people-fear "For conservative white people, the dominant http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mgibson17/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352135.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RJchoice retroactively releasing my bio in 2016 86 Fans 06:47 PM on 10/11/2012 "So because a person happens to be born white, they shouldn't have a student group that they can feel accepted and comfortable in while having things in common with the other students while not promoting hateful ideals? Makes perfect sense."

Why do you need a "group" to feel comfortable being "white" in America? or is the group's purpose to allow white 'racist' to feel comfortable in our increasingly culturally diverse nation? be honest? RJchoice: "So because a person happens to be born white, they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RJchoice/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352032.html History | Permalink | Share it yemaya 1112 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/11/2012 exactly, good question yemaya: exactly, good question http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/yemaya/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354898.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 07:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Are you against minority groups or just white groups? outspoken012: Are you against minority groups or just white groups? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195359492.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RJchoice retroactively releasing my bio in 2016 86 Fans 11:34 PM on 10/11/2012 just racist groups.

I just asked the question: why would members of the historicaly dominant "cultural" "racial" "ethnic" group 'whatever' they call it.. NEED an exclusive group to feel "comfortable" or "accepted"? makes no sense.. unless it's to promote segregation and supremacy and or to deny 'minority' groups access to that "mainstream" ..eh? RJchoice: just racist groups. I just asked the question: why would http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RJchoice/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195432415.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER RIhter 145 Fans 06:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Have at it kid. I hope you have a huge recruitment. I want you to have as many registered members as possible.

I love the idea as much as KKK members not hiding behind sheets. Let us know who you are, and shout from the loudest megaphone so I know where you are.

Then I can avoid you.

For the record: My mother is Irish and German. My Father is Moroccan, Egyptian, African-American, and Native American. When people ask me "what I am" my answer is "The future." RIhter: Have at it kid. I hope you have a huge http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RIhter/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195351926.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Simonmic Much madness is divinest sense 75 Fans 06:50 PM on 10/11/2012 That's one fine mix:) Simonmic: That's one fine mix:) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Simonmic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352577.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER RIhter 145 Fans 07:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Thank you. RIhter: Thank you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RIhter/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195359893.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER PTAOfficerforObama It's arithmetic, stupid 2769 Fans 06:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Good answer! PTAOfficerforObama: Good answer! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PTAOfficerforObama/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195354013.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER RIhter 145 Fans 07:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Thanks. I love people's reaction. Let's me know where I stand instantly. "What are you" can be such a loaded question. RIhter: Thanks. I love people's reaction. Let's me know where I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RIhter/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195360792.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All malgal 199 Fans 06:44 PM on 10/11/2012 Perhaps they should describe themselves as melanin deficient. malgal: Perhaps they should describe themselves as melanin deficient. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/malgal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195351283.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER The Great Intellectual 230 Fans 06:44 PM on 10/11/2012 Sorry why shouldn't White's be able to organize? The_Great_Intellectual: Sorry why shouldn't White's be able to organize? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Great_Intellectual/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195350990.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program HCharles 14 Fans 07:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Because the last time you organized, you wouldn't share bathrooms, water fountains, or restaurants. HCharles: Because the last time you organized, you wouldn't share bathrooms, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/HCharles/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195356823.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER The Great Intellectual 230 Fans 08:28 PM on 10/11/2012 Really? That makes ZERO sense.

I see you are a bigot though. The_Great_Intellectual: Really? That makes ZERO sense. I see you are a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Great_Intellectual/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195377188.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BigWillyG 642 Fans 09:51 PM on 10/11/2012 By that standard shouldn't we worry about the Japanese organizations bombing Pearl Harbor, French organizations guillotining people or Turkish organizations besieging Vienna? BigWillyG: By that standard shouldn't we worry about the Japanese organizations http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BigWillyG/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195395247.html History | Permalink | Share it

Saluki328 184 Fans 06:43 PM on 10/11/2012 They were going to call it the "I cant get la id club". but decided to focus on some other things that "bothered" them. Saluki328: They were going to call it the "I cant get http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Saluki328/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195350725.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ethan0137 Often wrong; never in doubt. 93 Fans 06:41 PM on 10/11/2012 So, I take issue with the assertion of an "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

However, I don't think a white group is necessarily wrong, but there isn't much that different "white" groups have in common. I'm guessing there wouldn't be the same issue with a "Italian-American heritage group" or a "Polish-American group."

That said -- things such as Asian-American groups, Latino-American groups and the like also don't really have much in common. There's little semblance between Filipino and Japanese cultures or Colombian and Mexican cultures.

If this group can outline what they stand for beyond being in opposition to everything else -- I think it could be fine (assuming, of course, non-white members were allowed if they wanted to join ... as it is with minority groups). However, it doesn't sound like that is going to happen ... Ethan0137: So, I take issue with the assertion of an "inherent http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ethan0137/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195350172.html History | Permalink | Share it mbroo 555 Fans 07:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Well said... mbroo: Well said... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mbroo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195362799.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program emphatico .....is very politically incorrect. 879 Fans 06:40 PM on 10/11/2012 It means that even as white kids get most of the advantages that the system offers to them, they don't feel good that minority kids are actually getting the meager advantages that they have to fight for. In other words, they feel a sense of entitlement and a "you're-taking-stuff-that-belongs-to-'us'" attitude towards minorities.

When you have a bunch of white kids trying to be "victims" in this society where "being white" alone means all doors are opened for you, then something is up -- something subtle. I have always said that if you're white in America, or by extension, in North America -- US and Canada -- and you think you're a "victim", that means you can't survive anywhere else on this planet. It's that simple. emphatico: It means that even as white kids get most of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emphatico/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195350064.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ethan0137 Often wrong; never in doubt. 93 Fans 06:44 PM on 10/11/2012 While I'm not sold on this group -- the idea that simply being "being white alone means all doors are opened for you" is complete crap. You ask any poor, white person and you'll learn that. Everyone down the socioeconomic scale has it hard -- black, white and otherwise. Ethan0137: While I'm not sold on this group -- the idea http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ethan0137/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195351081.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program emphatico .....is very politically incorrect. 879 Fans 06:40 PM on 10/11/2012 On the surface, one might be tempted to think, "Well, what's wrong with a white students union, there are asian, black, latino students unions after all". But a careful thought through it actually makes it clear that what they are doing is actually racist.

It IS in the sense that white students really don't suffer any disadvantage in this society, so there is really no use for them to start a union. Minority kids HAD TO start a union just to get A FEW of the minority kids to have a RESTRICTED access to what these kids already have for being born white. Just by the virtue of their skin coIor, they can do and get away with anything -- they have a built-in affirmative action because they belong to the majority ethnic group.

It IS because it shows that these young people obviously do not understand the disadvantages that minority students faced and still face today in this system. An integral part of racism is not recognizing your privilege as a member of the majority group. It's also a sign that white parents aren't contributing anything to make sure their kids understand what's really going on -- probably because they themselves weren't taught by their parents. emphatico: On the surface, one might be tempted to think, "Well, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emphatico/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195349927.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER MissTake1989 Equal means equal, hypocrites. 452 Fans 06:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Liberal tripe.

Do you not understand the each person is an individual and not all white kids have it good because some have it good?

Or that not all black kids have it bad just because some have it bad? MissTake1989: Liberal tripe. Do you not understand the each person is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MissTake1989/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195353406.html History | Permalink | Share it gomphiasis 18 Fans 07:00 PM on 10/11/2012 ((they have a built-in affirmative action because they belong to the majority ethnic group))

You have just demonstrated a TOTAL lack of understanding of what affirmative action is and does. gomphiasis: ((they have a built-in affirmative action because they belong to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gomphiasis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195355398.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

emphatico .....is very politically incorrect. 879 Fans 07:33 PM on 10/11/2012 It should be "affirmative action" (in quotes). emphatico: It should be "affirmative action" (in quotes). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/emphatico/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195363642.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gerald Bowman 49 Fans 06:39 PM on 10/11/2012 This whole debate is based on false logic. The ethnic clubs formed on campuses do focus on and advocate for those groups. But, ALL students are welcomed to join any of those groups. As long as the focus of a white student group is not contrary to the educational mission of the school and does not use hate speech I'm fine with it. I'm a black liberal and I would be one of the first members of the white student club if I were there. Gerald_Bowman: This whole debate is based on false logic. The ethnic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gerald_Bowman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195349728.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER unitarianuniversalist A Bernie Sanders Proud Socialist Liberal 1044 Fans

06:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Caucasians have enjoyed the privileges of the "white man's club" for so long that they just look dumb (or worse, racist) when they argue for a "white pride" group. unitarianuniversalist: Caucasians have enjoyed the privileges of the "white man's club" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/unitarianuniversalist/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195349253.html History | Permalink | Share it

Patrick Bateman NYC I'm the boy next door. 136 Fans 06:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Prohibiting one group to form based on their race is the epitome of discrimination. Patrick_Bateman_NYC: Prohibiting one group to form based on their race is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Bateman_NYC/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195348516.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER FogBelter Illegitimis non carborundum 2983 Fans

Subscribe 27 06:34 PM on 10/11/2012 If all you have to define yourself is your race you have nothing. FogBelter: If all you have to define yourself is your race http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FogBelter/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195348468.html History | Permalink | Share it

DanER40 37 Fans

06:33 PM on 10/11/2012 Black organizations were form because they were not allowed to join most "white" clubs. Most sane people know this. DanER40: Black organizations were form because they were not allowed to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DanER40/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195348059.html History | Permalink | Share it


06:29 PM on 10/11/2012 I will compare this to Obama. When Obama started to campaign he had "African Americans for Obama" and no one said a thing. However, if Romney advocated "Whites for Romney" he would be blasted as a KKK racist!

The double standards of racism in this world just blows my mind. These kids aren't promoting white power, or any kind of hate speech. But no matter what your liberal media will bash it as racist! VanDoin_it: I will compare this to Obama. When Obama started to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/VanDoin_it/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195347163.html History | Permalink | Share it

camnhuff 423 Fans 07:17 PM on 10/11/2012 I think people would wonder why romney needed to form a whites for romney group. It already exists. camnhuff: I think people would wonder why romney needed to form http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/camnhuff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195359640.html History | Permalink | Share it

Akemi Mokoto 36 Fans

Subscribe 49 06:29 PM on 10/11/2012 Kudos to them. There are black only colleges, black scholarships, and I've even seen black only clubs in college. Now that a white student want to do it, it's bad. It's "racist". What the hell? Double standards. I am mixed(black and native American). I'd love to see more things like this. Fair is fair. If blacks can have black only things, whites can. Mexicans too. Asians as well. Akemi_Mokoto: Kudos to them. There are black only colleges, black scholarships, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Akemi_Mokoto/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347145.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Classof89 376 Fans 06:41 PM on 10/11/2012 Learning history can be a good thing, you know? Classof89: Learning history can be a good thing, you know? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Classof89/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195350171.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Uptown83 Independent Atheist 30 Fans 06:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Time to move on dude... Uptown83: Time to move on dude... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Uptown83/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195351827.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Merica1 1 Fans 07:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Dude, its the 21st Century.. 2012, not 1962. times change. Merica1: Dude, its the 21st Century.. 2012, not 1962. times change. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Merica1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195359252.html History | Permalink | Share it Huzie I do not suffer fools....period 880 Fans 06:44 PM on 10/11/2012 Excuse me. I am a white woman who teaches history. You might want to study the history of African Americans in this country and how restricted their lives were for the majority of our country's existence. So please you can understand. Whites only has been around far too long. What would have been impressive would be if these students created a student union all students would be welcome. White is not an ethnic group or a single culture. Huzie: Excuse me. I am a white woman who teaches history. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Huzie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195351170.html History | Permalink | Share it

Merica1 1 Fans 07:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes but this is 2012, not 1962. Get with . Its the 21st Century. Merica1: Yes but this is 2012, not 1962. Get with the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Merica1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195357560.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Crisdean Wulver We've got our priorities screwed up. 1177 Fans 06:28 PM on 10/11/2012 I suspect they're racist, because I'm white and I've never known a white person in all my years who ever felt it was necessary to start an organization for white people. They start organizations for just about any other purpose----a chess club, a book club, etc.----but groups are usually dedicated to finding people who share your interests but are otherwise hard to find. Since it's not hard for white people to find other white people, I suspect there's another reason for the group. Crisdean_Wulver: I suspect they're racist, because I'm white and I've never http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Crisdean_Wulver/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346737.html History | Permalink | Share it wycoff 48 Fans 06:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Not all black people join black organizations, not all Asian people join Asian organizations, etc. Some people like to join ethnic based groups, others don't. Just because a white group doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean that it can't appeal to others. wycoff: Not all black people join black organizations, not all Asian http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wycoff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352041.html History | Permalink | Share it

Crisdean Wulver We've got our priorities screwed up. 1177 Fans 07:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, but there's more of a reason for minorities to join such groups. There are much fewer of them in the general population. It makes more sense. From my experience, the only white people who feel it's necessary to create an organization for white people are white racists. It would just never occur to all the white people I've known all my life to start such a group. They would wonder, "What's the point? You mean it's just about being white, and that's it? I can find that anywhere. I don't need to join a group to find it." Crisdean_Wulver: Yes, but there's more of a reason for minorities to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Crisdean_Wulver/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195356396.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darren McGovern 74 Fans 06:28 PM on 10/11/2012 I am a hard core 1st amendment person. You have to judge, as the gentlemen in the video said, people by their actions. I am Irish, I am driven by my ego to be extra interested in Irish culture even though I am really just an American who knows American culture.. I do not identify as a white person, because white culture is very diverse and an illusion, so I am suspicious of anyone who does, but my suspicions should not take away your rights. And the word "race" is very unscientific and in my fantasy world people would stop using it. But some whites who generally disagree with each other tried to define everything that was not white as a way of justifying their own guilt. It is sad the world still suffers from their wrong minded pathetic world view. Can't we all just get along? Darren_McGovern: I am a hard core 1st amendment person. You have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darren_McGovern/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346704.html History | Permalink | Share it

Oscar Arr 3 Fans 06:26 PM on 10/11/2012 i don't see what is the problem. As long as they don't waste their time with racist B.S. Oscar_Arr: i don't see what is the problem. As long as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Oscar_Arr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346163.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RJchoice retroactively releasing my bio in 2016 86 Fans 06:25 PM on 10/11/2012 what is "white culture" in America outside of what everyone is taught as being 'mainstream American culture"? .. It's a fallacy to claim 'western civilization' as exclusively the product of "white people" esp. since it usually points to a north African / middle eastern origin, I can relate to promoting an Irish, Italian, German, French, Spanish , Greek , etc. "culture" but not "white".. on the other hand African American (under the shorthand term "Black" culture) Is the direct product of the African diaspora which was forced on it's members as specific tools for survival in a hostile, and dehumanizing environment. So unless this 'Mat' guy is a visitor from a post-apocalyptic future, 400 years from now, in which the Asian majority of humanity has enslaved Americans of European decent.. I don't see his beef... or his 'imaginary' "white culture" RJchoice: what is "white culture" in America outside of what everyone http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RJchoice/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195345927.html History | Permalink | Share it

Jay Grey 28 Fans 06:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Well said.

I would like to add one point. In many parts of this country, the "white culture" openly attacks Native Americans. The attacks are nastier than many experienced by ethnic, religious, etc. groups targeted by white culture groups. Sadly these attacks are seldom reported beyond the local news. Jay_Grey: Well said. I would like to add one point. In http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jay_Grey/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195349992.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RJchoice retroactively releasing my bio in 2016 86 Fans 06:50 PM on 10/11/2012 I totally agree RJchoice: I totally agree http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RJchoice/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195352558.html History | Permalink | Share it

Merica1 1 Fans 07:14 PM on 10/11/2012 What about how Irish were treated when they came to America? Merica1: What about how Irish were treated when they came to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Merica1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195358967.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER ron ray Facts are pesky things if you're a conservative. 997 Fans 06:21 PM on 10/11/2012 white is neither a race or a nationality, which is the problem. there are white hispanics and black hispanics. there are americans of all races. so define 'white'. this would seem to be, those who don't like blacks or hispanics. you could have a WASP student union. ron_ray: white is neither a race or a nationality, which is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ron_ray/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195344809.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER M Jeffrey 163 Fans 06:27 PM on 10/11/2012 White is a race you numbskull. M_Jeffrey: White is a race you numbskull. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/M_Jeffrey/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346450.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ethan0137 Often wrong; never in doubt. 93 Fans 06:31 PM on 10/11/2012 All races are simply a social construction. We're all human. Ethan0137: All races are simply a social construction. We're all human. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ethan0137/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347603.html History | Permalink | Share it demand transparency 140 Fans 06:34 PM on 10/11/2012 "White" is an amalgamation of many actual races and nationalities, most of which came to America to escape oppression either long after slavery or without having anything to do with slavery.

But if you want to just call call us all "white" and punish us for things we and our ancestors never did; go ahead. It's not like together we make up 70% of the population and are unified in being sick of being blamed for "black" crime. demand_transparency: "White" is an amalgamation of many actual races and nationalities, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/demand_transparency/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195348415.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER InedaName Clowns to the Left of me. Jokers to the Right. 1116 Fans

06:18 PM on 10/11/2012 "We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, an Asian student union. We have groups for every other group of people except for white students."

So why shouldn't white students be entitled to their own student union? As long as they're not engaging in behavior or actions that violate campus policy, they should be allowed to have their own student union. I have no problem with it. InedaName: "We have a black student union, a Hispanic student union, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/InedaName/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195344246.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SST Tech Tradition is a detriment to progress 59 Fans

06:26 PM on 10/11/2012 I would have no problem with a white student union except that both Taylor and Heimback were advocates of white supremacy and white separatism. SST_Tech: I would have no problem with a white student union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SST_Tech/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346337.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ethan0137 Often wrong; never in doubt. 93 Fans 06:32 PM on 10/11/2012 That's according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Ethan0137: That's according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ethan0137/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347832.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER InedaName Clowns to the Left of me. Jokers to the Right. 1116 Fans

07:49 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't necessarily care for white supremacists and white separatists, but unless they are breaking the law, it's their right to be white supremacists or white separatists. Now, if this white student union starts burning crosses or harrassing students of color on campus, then get law enforcement involved...and I don't just mean university police either. InedaName: I don't necessarily care for white supremacists and white separatists, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/InedaName/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195367615.html History | Permalink | Share it traceymarie Independent to Dem in 2007 4178 Fans 06:27 PM on 10/11/2012 the other groups are to fight for opportunity and equality, there is no bias against whites. He is a WS so your argument is moot traceymarie: the other groups are to fight for opportunity and equality, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/traceymarie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346646.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER InedaName Clowns to the Left of me. Jokers to the Right. 1116 Fans

07:52 PM on 10/11/2012 I do not care for white supremacists but it's not illegal to be one in this country. If the white student union engages in harrassment, violence or vandalism against people of color, then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. But let them have their group as long as they behave. InedaName: I do not care for white supremacists but it's not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/InedaName/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195368358.html History | Permalink | Share it

Davewaybe Life gives us time only love gives us meaning 247 Fans

06:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Good for them.... they are entitled to form their own separate club.... let them do it! Davewaybe: Good for them.... they are entitled to form their own http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Davewaybe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195344163.html History | Permalink | Share it Pacata Bellator 28 Fans 06:17 PM on 10/11/2012 Here is my take: Students can have what ever race based club they want. At my high school and college we had a Asian club, Mexican pride club, and African American club and the young republicans. Pacata_Bellator: Here is my take: Students can have what ever race http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Pacata_Bellator/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195343753.html History | Permalink | Share it

KSlib 0 Fans 06:43 PM on 10/11/2012 Ha, nice. I see what you did there. KSlib: Ha, nice. I see what you did there. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KSlib/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195350738.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Michael T Campbell American neither Liberal or Conservative. 329 Fans 06:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Pure BS on the part of Matthew Heimbach. You can paint this anyway you want but it ranks up there with KKK, Aryan Nation. Advance the white culture my butt. Advance it where. Where are we so suppressed that we have to form a group to raise us up? This kid is just a seeking attention. And if he really feels that he is being suppressed then present some serious areas where that is taking place. And spare me the Affirmative Action decision that is being weighed in the courts right now. Michael_T_Campbell: Pure BS on the part of Matthew Heimbach. You can http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Michael_T_Campbell/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195343327.html History | Permalink | Share it Sir Guest-a-Lot 178 Fans 06:47 PM on 10/11/2012 "And if he really feels that he is being suppressed then present some serious areas where that is taking place. And spare me the Affirmative Action decision that is being weighed in the courts right now. "

I'm not going to defend Mr. Heimbach because I don't really care one way or the other. However, I do want to point out the absurdity of asking for examples of discrimination that negatively affect whites and then immediately refusing to even acknowledge the very real issue of Affirmative Action. Seems a little disingenuous. Sir_Guest-a-Lot: "And if he really feels that he is being suppressed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sir_Guest-a-Lot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195351959.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Michael T Campbell American neither Liberal or Conservative. 329 Fans 06:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Well if you look at AA you are discussing small pockets of events that take place. Where you are talking about suppression in this gentleman case you are talking about a whole swath of people. His premise is that White as a whole are being suppressed. Do you think that the whites race is being held back? Where as I view AA as a way to prevent excluding minorities from higher education or jobs. If we didn't have such things as AA I can see us still not allowing black to sit in the front of the bus. Tell me I am wrong on that count when you hear people like Paul Ryan tell you that Civil Right should not be in place. So bottom line I don't equate this gentleman cause with AA. Michael_T_Campbell: Well if you look at AA you are discussing small http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Michael_T_Campbell/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195354967.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Katchalater The Persian Gulf borders Persia. Who Knew? 3085 Fans 06:13 PM on 10/11/2012 In colleges like Towson with a large ethnic student body, I really don't see the problem with it. If it was used for intimidation and discrimination yes, I would see a problem. You have to be even handed. Katchalater: In colleges like Towson with a large ethnic student body, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Katchalater/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195342697.html History | Permalink | Share it

RepublicansAreClowns 10 Fans 06:12 PM on 10/11/2012 If Whites didn't enslave Blacks, then I could condone the White Student Union at Towson University. Whites are not entitled to form any type of a patronizing group. If slavery happened once, it can happen again. Whites lost their privilege to foster any type of a Rights group for what the Caucasian race did to the Indians and Blacks in the USA. Any group advocating White Rights will be deemed racist. Although slavery ended during the 19th century, it will take another thousand years for the scars to heal. RepublicansAreClowns: If Whites didn't enslave Blacks, then I could condone the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RepublicansAreClowns/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195342617.html History | Permalink | Share it wycoff 48 Fans 06:49 PM on 10/11/2012 People like you are exactly why groups like this are legitimate. wycoff: People like you are exactly why groups like this are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wycoff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195352351.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Classof89 376 Fans 07:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Wrong. Classof89: Wrong. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Classof89/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195355206.html History | Permalink | Share it

RepublicansAreClowns 10 Fans 07:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Rude! RepublicansAreClowns: Rude! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RepublicansAreClowns/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195367036.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR teron678 A Pessimistic Optimist 1035 Fans 06:11 PM on 10/11/2012 outspoken012, What rights do Black people have that white people do not?? teron678: outspoken012, What rights do Black people have that white people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teron678/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195342052.html History | Permalink | Share it wycoff 48 Fans 06:29 PM on 10/11/2012 The right to have and acknowledge a culture, apparently. Judging by the responses in this thread, there is either no such thing as "white" culture, or there is such a thing, but only evil / stupid people celebrate it. wycoff: The right to have and acknowledge a culture, apparently. Judging http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wycoff/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195346982.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darren McGovern 74 Fans 06:31 PM on 10/11/2012 Not defending, but I believe the answer is affirmative rights. Some feel that many poor people have a hard time making it in this country not just blacks, so they feel it is becoming counter productive. For me the devil is in the details and it is clear society has problems with treating minorities fairly that we must address. Exactly how the laws should read is the issue. Darren_McGovern: Not defending, but I believe the answer is affirmative rights. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darren_McGovern/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347541.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER laubelkins 38 Fans

06:10 PM on 10/11/2012 In all fairness, there is nothing wrong with a white students group if they offer the same inclusiveness as the groups for other races. So long as they are not promoting hate speech or pushing racists ideals (i.e., whites/blacks/asians/Martians are superior, or other races are inferior) then what's the big deal for any specific race/religion/gender/sexual orientation/whatever to have a group? laubelkins: In all fairness, there is nothing wrong with a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/laubelkins/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341933.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

ABQ-Mike 641 Fans 06:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Of course a white student union group is racist. What else is racist? The NAACP, Black history month, and affirmative action. So is voting a totally unqualified man into the Oval office simply because he's black but racism is racism and if you allow one, than you must allow them all. ABQ-Mike: Of course a white student union group is racist. What http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ABQ-Mike/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341857.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER ron ray Facts are pesky things if you're a conservative. 997 Fans 06:22 PM on 10/11/2012 nonsense. there's a difference between racial identity and racism. one reflects your own history. the other is aimed at others. ron_ray: nonsense. there's a difference between racial identity and racism. one http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ron_ray/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195345127.html History | Permalink | Share it

Larkhill Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici 397 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/11/2012 George W Bush wasn't black... Larkhill: George W Bush wasn't black... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Larkhill/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195345581.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All leftybass Itchycoo Park Ranger 1388 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/11/2012 Do these kids have to take a DNA test to prove they're 100% white ? leftybass: Do these kids have to take a DNA test to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/leftybass/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341481.html History | Permalink | Share it bestlol 21 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/11/2012 Of course, though the group in question seems a bit sketchy, lol. bestlol: Of course, though the group in question seems a bit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bestlol/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341327.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ken Cousins 67 Fans 06:07 PM on 10/11/2012 "White" is not an ethnicity - it's acknowledgement of assimilation.

A century ago, Irish, Italian, Russian immigrants (et.al.) were not considered to be "white."

What changed? Access to economic and political power, and changing norms of bigotry. Ken_Cousins: "White" is not an ethnicity - it's acknowledgement of assimilation. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ken_Cousins/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341010.html History | Permalink | Share it DemBones 247 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 When we are deprived and have reverse racism, then they can start one, until then. Really? DemBones: When we are deprived and have reverse racism, then they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DemBones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340285.html History | Permalink | Share it pat24 90 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/11/2012 Then the time is now with school admissions using reverse racism against whites. pat24: Then the time is now with school admissions using reverse http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pat24/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341346.html History | Permalink | Share it traceymarie Independent to Dem in 2007 4178 Fans 06:30 PM on 10/11/2012 nonsense traceymarie: nonsense http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/traceymarie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347225.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER laubelkins 38 Fans

06:11 PM on 10/11/2012 So because a person happens to be born white, they shouldn't have a student group that they can feel accepted and comfortable in while having things in common with the other students while not promoting hateful ideals? Makes perfect sense. laubelkins: So because a person happens to be born white, they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/laubelkins/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195342273.html History | Permalink | Share it traceymarie Independent to Dem in 2007 4178 Fans 06:30 PM on 10/11/2012 He is a WS and there is no white discrimination, try again traceymarie: He is a WS and there is no white discrimination, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/traceymarie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347398.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All DemBones 247 Fans 11:20 AM on 10/12/2012 Correct. DemBones: Correct. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DemBones/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195573352.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All outspoken012 39 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Im black also and that black kid in the video got it. I get it! If one group should be able to organize, ALL groups should be allowed to organize.Including white folks. S m h. outspoken012: Im black also and that black kid in the video http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340266.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR teron678 A Pessimistic Optimist 1035 Fans 06:06 PM on 10/11/2012 And I'm white. teron678: And I'm white. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teron678/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340852.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:06 PM on 10/11/2012 So? Don't care. outspoken012: So? Don't care. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340965.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Simonmic Much madness is divinest sense 75 Fans 06:07 PM on 10/11/2012 That's ok with me...So, what "interests" do these white folk have? Simonmic: That's ok with me...So, what "interests" do these white folk http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Simonmic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341031.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Who cares as long as its not against the schools rules or guidelines? outspoken012: Who cares as long as its not against the schools http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341686.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER InedaName Clowns to the Left of me. Jokers to the Right. 1116 Fans

06:11 PM on 10/11/2012 Wonder Bread and mayonnaise? InedaName: Wonder Bread and mayonnaise? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/InedaName/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195342200.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All CaptnNed 22 Fans 06:01 PM on 10/11/2012 Sort of like the billionaires club claiming victimization. Or the War on Christmas when all we'll see and hear from Halloween until December 25th is Christmas stuff. Oh you poor white university kids, cry me a river. CaptnNed: Sort of like the billionaires club claiming victimization. Or the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaptnNed/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339478.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

ABQ-Mike 641 Fans 06:12 PM on 10/11/2012 It's not about that at all. It's about racism, you either accept it or you reject it. You can't select which kind of racism os okay and which is not. ABQ-Mike: It's not about that at all. It's about racism, you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ABQ-Mike/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195342489.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darren McGovern 74 Fans 06:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Bad analogies. All billionaires are billionaires. Not all "whites" have privileged. The War on Xmas is something some Christians have made up like the boogey man. And you are suggesting that people can not form a group unless they are oppressed which is not a good idea. Besides who decides who is oppressed. BTW - I hate racists and do not support the meeting of any group to plot the putting down of another race. Darren_McGovern: Bad analogies. All billionaires are billionaires. Not all "whites" have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darren_McGovern/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195349425.html History | Permalink | Share it CaptnNed 22 Fans 06:49 PM on 10/11/2012 People can form groups for any reason, who cares. My point is that I don't see what problem or disenfranchisement they're hoping to remedy. CaptnNed: People can form groups for any reason, who cares. My http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaptnNed/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195352357.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER luellawhewei 56 Fans 06:01 PM on 10/11/2012 I have pondered this issue before. In American society we see BET, Ebony, NAACP etc.. but if you see a group of white people wanting to organize, historically it has been seen as racist or a group of white supremacists. Why should any group have to be in a minority to form a organization? If there was a White Entertainment television, or White magazine or NAAWP there would be outrage! I respect all groups and races etc that want to form groups in order to advance or educate about their particular cause. luellawhewei: I have pondered this issue before. In American society we http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/luellawhewei/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339436.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR teron678 A Pessimistic Optimist 1035 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Cease your inanity .... These Black Institutions you mentioned has a history of why they were founded. teron678: Cease your inanity .... These Black Institutions you mentioned has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teron678/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340304.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mh8 82 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/11/2012 F&F Mh8: F&F http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mh8/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195345413.html History | Permalink | Share it CaptnNed 22 Fans 06:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Whites have organized, didn't you watch the Republican National Convention, try paying attention. CaptnNed: Whites have organized, didn't you watch the Republican National Convention, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CaptnNed/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340550.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR teron678 A Pessimistic Optimist 1035 Fans 06:06 PM on 10/11/2012 LMAO .. zing!!!!!!!!!!!! teron678: LMAO .. zing!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teron678/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340743.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mh8 82 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/11/2012 F&F Mh8: F&F http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mh8/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195345489.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All thankulord13 Believing absurdities one will commit atrocities 246 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/11/2012 I am so tired of hearing how the White students don't have their own advocacy groups. Yes they do have their own advocacy group, it's called the United States government. thankulord13: I am so tired of hearing how the White students http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thankulord13/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339430.html History | Permalink | Share it DemBones 247 Fans 06:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Please, I think you should feel empathy for those poor white kids, me included. They have had it rough growing up without being discriminated against. DemBones: Please, I think you should feel empathy for those poor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DemBones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340808.html History | Permalink | Share it

thankulord13 Believing absurdities one will commit atrocities 246 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/12/2012 Thank you, that was beautiful. thankulord13: Thank you, that was beautiful. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thankulord13/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195713303.html History | Permalink | Share it pat24 90 Fans 06:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Isn't the president black? pat24: Isn't the president black? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pat24/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341640.html History | Permalink | Share it

jason stolow 17 Fans 06:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Half last time I checked jason_stolow: Half last time I checked http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jason_stolow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195350140.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

thankulord13 Believing absurdities one will commit atrocities 246 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/12/2012 Okay, so that means all racism is gone. Just like that it vanished because Obama won the election. Thanks Patty Cakes because I did not get that memo. thankulord13: Okay, so that means all racism is gone. Just like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thankulord13/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195713600.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All mflorian 704 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Someone needs to explain to this kid that the reason the hair on everyone's neck goes up whenever a "white group" is put together is because the people forming them don't tend to be very nice. mflorian: Someone needs to explain to this kid that the reason http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mflorian/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339274.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Darren McGovern 74 Fans 06:39 PM on 10/11/2012 I think that is his point. That that alone should not be enough to stop it. Darren_McGovern: I think that is his point. That that alone should http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Darren_McGovern/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195349861.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CabCurious let's be honest 1589 Fans 05:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Irish group makes sense. Italian. German.

But a "white" group is just a reactionary matter. I think they have the right to do so, but there should be some clarity about their purpose. There really isn't something called "white" as a race or as a cultural heritage. CabCurious: Irish group makes sense. Italian. German. But a "white" group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CabCurious/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338958.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

ABQ-Mike 641 Fans 06:14 PM on 10/11/2012 Or, "black"? ABQ-Mike: Or, "black"? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ABQ-Mike/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195343099.html History | Permalink | Share it SparkyinNYC 53 Fans 06:18 PM on 10/11/2012 White and Black is the same parallel. I agree that White has different national origins But Black also has different national origins (Nigeria, Ghana, Barbados, Nigeria, Jamaica, and so on..) Black is based on Skin color.. so why can't white be based on skin color ?? SparkyinNYC: White and Black is the same parallel. I agree that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SparkyinNYC/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195344033.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CabCurious let's be honest 1589 Fans 06:01 AM on 10/12/2012 Actually, black isn't about skin color at all if you stop and look at it.

There are plenty of VERY dark skinned people from Asia and South America who are not part of the "African- American" heritage. Likewise, there's definitely a difference between recent African immigrants and African- Americans, in terms of issues and heritage.

And no, it's not parallel whatsoever to "white" heritage and history, if for no other reason than they made up the generic majority in this society. To a large degree, we see "Christian" clubs and "jewish" clubs and "Af-Am" clubs at universities because people want to connect, not to separate. CabCurious: Actually, black isn't about skin color at all if you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CabCurious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195498352.html History | Permalink | Share it 2sugapys 3 Fans 05:59 PM on 10/11/2012 to answer the question, I dont think it's racist. After all the KKK is still allowed to exist under the guise of free speech, but the Black Panthers were considered(by today's standards) a terrorist group, because of all the cross burning and lynchings I'm sure. But no, people hang out w/ other people of their own race all the time. It's just that when a group of blacks and latinos hang out, it's considered a gang. just sayin' just sayin' 2sugapys: to answer the question, I dont think it's racist. After http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2sugapys/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338844.html History | Permalink | Share it outspoken012 39 Fans 05:58 PM on 10/11/2012 Why do people pretend that unfairness or prejudice only extends to minorities? outspoken012: Why do people pretend that unfairness or prejudice only extends http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338743.html History | Permalink | Share it JimGalloy 54 Fans 06:01 PM on 10/11/2012 Because we're usually discussing systematic and institutional issues rather than single instances of bias. JimGalloy: Because we're usually discussing systematic and institutional issues rather than http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JimGalloy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339424.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:02 PM on 10/11/2012 Single instances? Really? I beg to differ. outspoken012: Single instances? Really? I beg to differ.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195339731.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 We don't. But when such injustices happen to a memeber of he majority that also holds most of the power and wealth in a nation, it is of little significance to anyone but the person experiencing it. Your willful refusal to recognize the historical, organized and legal discrimination, even oppression, of racial minoirties in America clouds your views on these issues. Jerseytime: We don't. But when such injustices happen to a memeber http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340291.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Do not sit and pretend to know me. You're clue less about me. First of all I grew up knowing all about black history. I am black. I know the ups and downs. "My" people have had. That being said, unfairness and injustice is always wrong. No matter what COLOR the person is. Common sense! outspoken012: Do not sit and pretend to know me. You're clue http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340696.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All SparkyinNYC 53 Fans 06:21 PM on 10/11/2012 I know of a few white people who have tried to get jobs within industries dominated by less than white people. The jobs are closed to whites... Discrimination is not just to minorities.. SparkyinNYC: I know of a few white people who have tried http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SparkyinNYC/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195344843.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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JolietJake Blues Hates Illinois Nazis 1300 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 There is nothing wrong with the formation of "white" groups.

But no upstanding citizen ever joins them. No one with an IQ over 80 either.

If you (like me) are white and feel "oppressed" in America, then you are_a_joke_of a human being. You were born on second base. And if your family has money you were born on 3rd.

If you're so held back answer this, which race has it easier than whites Americans?

I'll wait. JolietJake_Blues: There is nothing wrong with the formation of "white" groups. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JolietJake_Blues/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338273.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Ha ha. you are correct.

We can all go now....geez. cabofish: Ha ha. you are correct. We can all go now....geez. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339131.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR motoGpifupleez watching with amusement 1555 Fans 06:10 PM on 10/11/2012 And yet you couldn't meet the challenge, thus proving the point. motoGpifupleez: And yet you couldn't meet the challenge, thus proving the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/motoGpifupleez/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341893.html History | Permalink | Share it DemBones 247 Fans 06:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Rich white Americans. But I agree with you 100%. Poor me, growing up white and middle class. Oh the torture of being white in America, it is almost unbearable. DemBones: Rich white Americans. But I agree with you 100%. Poor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DemBones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341656.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All hang319 Show me the tax returns! 1378 Fans 05:55 PM on 10/11/2012 My vote: racist. hang319: My vote: racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hang319/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337884.html History | Permalink | Share it

Barbarian At The Gate Fortune favors the bold. 1086 Fans 05:55 PM on 10/11/2012 There is a picture of Matthew Heimbach at "The Southern Nationalist Network" website. He is wearing a Confederate Battle Flag tie and he is standing in front of a Confederate Battle flag. Under "about" is this line:

"The Southern people number in the tens of millions and are one of the largest stateless nations on the Earth."

They describe the South like it is occupied territory and the Southern People are like the Palestinians, "A stateless Nation". Barbarian_At_The_Gate: There is a picture of Matthew Heimbach at "The Southern http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbarian_At_The_Gate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195337855.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

sherlockhemlock Jill Stein for President 2012! 561 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 This is all S. O. P. for groups following a nihilistic, fascist impulse and setting forth with a supremacist agenda--witness National Socialism, which was mostly rhetorical socialism twisted into a radically--as in hatred, approval of violence-- ultra-conservative nationalist agenda.

As you say, some people want to be seen as victims--even BELIEVE they are victims--no matter how good they've got it. sherlockhemlock: This is all S. O. P. for groups following a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sherlockhemlock/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340265.html History | Permalink | Share it

jason stolow 17 Fans 06:50 PM on 10/11/2012 national socialism has nothing to do with communism/socialism jason_stolow: national socialism has nothing to do with communism/socialism http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jason_stolow/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195352598.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 06:06 PM on 10/11/2012 How does a pimply white kid in 2012 get so attached to "The Lost Cause"? Jerseytime: How does a pimply white kid in 2012 get so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340741.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Breckster82 It's not the size of your micro-bio that matters.. 145 Fans 05:54 PM on 10/11/2012 no, it shouldn't be allowed - and neither should any group based on race. cultural heritage, on the other hand, is completely different. and there's no such thing as white culture. Breckster82: no, it shouldn't be allowed - and neither should any http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Breckster82/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337539.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 05:58 PM on 10/11/2012 Is there such thing as Black culture? NO.

Are the descendants of Nigeria the same as the people of Kenya or Sudan? NO.

Do whites from Sweden, Ireland, Crotia, Hungary, etc. all have the culture? NO.

Judaism is a religion, not a race. Anyone can sit in a bath tub, say a few chants and bam.....there you are ... cabofish: Is there such thing as Black culture? NO. Are the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338669.html History | Permalink | Share it JimGalloy 54 Fans 06:02 PM on 10/11/2012 Actually "Jew" refers to both a religion and an ethnicity. JimGalloy: Actually "Jew" refers to both a religion and an ethnicity. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JimGalloy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195339929.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 06:07 PM on 10/11/2012 Oh my.... Ignorance parading around. All proud of its lack of knowledge. My friend, you are 70 years too late. You would have made a good one. Jerseytime: Oh my.... Ignorance parading around. All proud of its lack http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341244.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CabCurious let's be honest 1589 Fans 06:02 PM on 10/11/2012 There is no such thing as white culture, but there are valid heritages of European descent.

And to argue against all groups based on culture or ethnicity is stretching it and actively trying to deny interest groups. When you have universities with a mainstream majority, then sometimes it is hard to even integrate without a foot still amongst those like yourself. This depends in part on the person and some cultures genuinely find a reasonable balance to this where they can both integrate and enjoy groups of their own religion or ethnicity. CabCurious: There is no such thing as white culture, but there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CabCurious/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339819.html History | Permalink | Share it Breckster82 It's not the size of your micro-bio that matters.. 145 Fans 06:14 PM on 10/11/2012 let's be honest here - this guy is not celebrating his "european heritage."

and i'm not arguing about groups based on culture or ethnicity - that's perfectly fine. race and cultural heritage are not the same thing. Breckster82: let's be honest here - this guy is not celebrating http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Breckster82/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195343000.html History | Permalink | Share it outspoken012 39 Fans 05:54 PM on 10/11/2012 Racism against white people does exist. It is no less serious than any other kind of racism. My ex was white and had to deal with random black guys trying to punk him just because they thought they could do that to white "boys" Lets get real. outspoken012: Racism against white people does exist. It is no less http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337406.html History | Permalink | Share it

jason stolow 17 Fans 06:58 PM on 10/11/2012 We are talking about institutional racism not individual incidents. My god jason_stolow: We are talking about institutional racism not individual incidents. My http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jason_stolow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195354640.html History | Permalink | Share it oldww2guy 239 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Same old BS. Really not newsworthy. I have a grandson who is a Baltimore City Firefighter. We have had this discussion about how Balto. City. allows the Vulcans ( Black Firefighters) to exist but not a white organization. Same rationale -different setting.I know that he and they are wrong,I can't seem to find an adequate argument. Perhaps someone out there can. Hope to hear from you. oldww2guy: Same old BS. Really not newsworthy. I have a grandson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/oldww2guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337279.html History | Permalink | Share it oldww2guy 239 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 I just read some of the posts. Most of these comments reflect exactly the thoughts of my grandson. Would like to hear a counter argument . oldww2guy: I just read some of the posts. Most of these http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/oldww2guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338368.html History | Permalink | Share it

Barbarian At The Gate Fortune favors the bold. 1086 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Matthew Heimbach is advocating a different kind of white group. He has ties to Southern nationalist groups. They are neo-confederate groups that believe the South will rise again. Barbarian_At_The_Gate: Matthew Heimbach is advocating a different kind of white group. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbarian_At_The_Gate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195338497.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 06:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Fun. We beat 'em once. We can do it again. This time, reconstruction lasts 75 years. Jerseytime: Fun. We beat 'em once. We can do it again. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341622.html History | Permalink | Share it SparkyinNYC 53 Fans 06:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Nothing wrong with the South rising again. Actually given the diversity of the USA - it might be good to divide the nation into the following regions North East Liberals South East Baba Land Central Plain Red Necks West Coast Granola Land

Elections would be so much easier.. SparkyinNYC: Nothing wrong with the South rising again. Actually given the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SparkyinNYC/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347344.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

outspoken012 39 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/11/2012 White liberals confuse me. Lol! I like the fact that black and asian and latino kids can organize. I think white liberals try too hard to be politically correct. Don't go against your own interests just to prove a point man! Ha ha outspoken012: White liberals confuse me. Lol! I like the fact that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337059.html History | Permalink | Share it

Spacecowboy64 I'm sure you know where it's at. 549 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Confusion followed by laughing out loud may be a sign of insantity. Spacecowboy64: Confusion followed by laughing out loud may be a sign http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Spacecowboy64/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195338390.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Your comment is a symptom of mental incompetence. outspoken012: Your comment is a symptom of mental incompetence.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195339147.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All mflorian 704 Fans 05:59 PM on 10/11/2012 What's with the random laughs? Nervous tic? mflorian: What's with the random laughs? Nervous tic? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mflorian/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338885.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/11/2012 I think libs are laughable. Don't over reach :) outspoken012: I think libs are laughable. Don't over reach :) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195339283.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 06:10 PM on 10/11/2012 It might be the white cat on his lap. Jerseytime: It might be the white cat on his lap. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341826.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All cabofish 9 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Why are "black" only Frats and Sorieties allowed?

Seriously. They are.

I was horrified to learn, as a freshman, that a white girlfriend couldn't talk to her black roomate, because the black girl was a pledge in some all black sorority.

Why is this legal.

Move along now....nothing to see. cabofish: Why are "black" only Frats and Sorieties allowed? Seriously. They http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336946.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CabCurious let's be honest 1589 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 If that's true, it's certainly something the University would take interest in.

Then again, I find that such stories are usually slightly twisted and misunderstood (or just simply told to alienate, which may be the even worse scenario). CabCurious: If that's true, it's certainly something the University would take http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CabCurious/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340329.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 06:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Of course it is true. They aren't dumb enough to write it into the bylaws, but, good luck finding whites in them. cabofish: Of course it is true.  They aren't dumb enough to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341833.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 06:15 PM on 10/11/2012 ....gotta love the mysterious, incredibly-perrfect-to-win-an-argument anecdotes that crop up.

But for some of the information you are too lazy to look up. black-only frats came about because whites would not let them join the tradittional greek socieites. You may find this hard to beleive, but althouhg the official policiies about this are gone, the reality is very often still there. Meanwhile, black greek pledging often forbids ANY interaction except with members of the frat/sorority to which they are pledging, or with professors/teachers. Jerseytime: ....gotta love the mysterious, incredibly-perrfect-to-win-an-argument anecdotes that crop up. But http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195343295.html History | Permalink | Share it

JolietJake Blues Hates Illinois Nazis 1300 Fans 05:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Welcome to the age of the internet and facial recognition software.

Good luck getting a job. Or a wife. JolietJake_Blues: Welcome to the age of the internet and facial recognition http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JolietJake_Blues/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336682.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

champain 29 Fans

06:03 PM on 10/11/2012 or a clue champain: or a clue http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/champain/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195340182.html History | Permalink | Share it palindrom 665 Fans 05:50 PM on 10/11/2012 I had a white friend who hung out with the black students' association much of the time -- he wasn't trying to be black, but he was a friendly guy, had a black adopted brother, and was basically just fun to be around. He understood their experience, blended in, and was accepted into the group.

Somehow I think that if Clarence Thomas Jr. tried to join this group, he'd be rejected. palindrom: I had a white friend who hung out with the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/palindrom/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336300.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Are you calling the good Justice a cookie? Jerseytime: Are you calling the good Justice a cookie? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336557.html History | Permalink | Share it palindrom 665 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/11/2012 I was using him as an example of a right-wing black person. I suppose Allen West might be a better example, but he appears to be a stark raving lunatic. palindrom: I was using him as an example of a right-wing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/palindrom/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195337290.html History | Permalink | Share it

NotAcrook Educating CONservatives one day at a time. 176 Fans 05:50 PM on 10/11/2012 Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences between a white student union or a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest."

Even if white groups were formed to protect something they think they are losing it would still be "organized around a common interest". The interest to "protect something they feel they are losing", according to Brooks.

I find it amusing when blacks protest the idea of white groups. If they are actually racist that's one thing, but if they are just gathering to discuss issues and how they affect whites then they should be able to. Blacks groups ok, white groups bad, lol. The hypocrisy is astounding. NotAcrook: Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NotAcrook/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336284.html History | Permalink | Share it outspoken012 39 Fans 05:50 PM on 10/11/2012 If black people can have black congress, naacp, bet, african american studies, black student union and so on. Whats the problem with white kids doing so? outspoken012: If black people can have black congress, naacp, bet, african http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336188.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Nothing legally. Everything morally. Jerseytime: Nothing legally. Everything morally. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336739.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 06:31 PM on 10/11/2012 Nothing morally. You have deep seated issues. outspoken012: Nothing morally. You have deep seated issues. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347703.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

JolietJake Blues Hates Illinois Nazis 1300 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Technically nothing.

But they never pass the smell test. And "good" people are never associated with them. JolietJake_Blues: Technically nothing. But they never pass the smell test. And http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JolietJake_Blues/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195336944.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 05:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Are you saying that the people of Augusta National.....none are "good" people?

Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.....yes....good people.

NIce guys... cabofish: Are you saying that the people of Augusta National.....none are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195337657.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

outspoken012 39 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Good people are never associated with whom? outspoken012: Good people are never associated with whom? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195338454.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Kat Lib 287 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 I think that when the day comes, and it will, when whites are no longer the majority and don't rule the country and most businesses, they can then form whatever groups they want to unless they engage in hate crimes. Kat_Lib: I think that when the day comes, and it will, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kat_Lib/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336177.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER luellawhewei 56 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Whites should not have to be a minority in order to form groups. If groups are already being allowed to form based on race, then why can't whites form a white group? luellawhewei: Whites should not have to be a minority in order http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/luellawhewei/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195338382.html History | Permalink | Share it joshonthestreet 37 Fans

05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Aw shucks, not enough white people dominating T.V. and movies, corporate boardrooms and elected office, holding the majority of the wealth and positions of power in this country -- we better start a white persons club or else we might have to share the limelight! joshonthestreet: Aw shucks, not enough white people dominating T.V. and movies, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joshonthestreet/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336066.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/11/2012 But remember..the incredible animus towards our President has nothing whatsoever to do with his melanin content. Jerseytime: But remember..the incredible animus towards our President has nothing whatsoever http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337083.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Nope.....it doesn't .

I don't like people who smoke and smoked an illegal substance (pot) and snorted cocaine.

That is just the start.

Rev. Wright....yeah, he NEVER mattered. cabofish: Nope.....it doesn't . I don't like people who smoke and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340380.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Donperry 8 Fans

05:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Good usually organize with a specific mission in mind. I can imagine why blacks, Hispanics, Asians or other marginalized groups organize and help each other. umm...how are whites struggling again? What is the purpose of this group? What are you trying to accomplish? Donperry: Good usually organize with a specific mission in mind. I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Donperry/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335820.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Pimple power? Jerseytime: Pimple power? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337224.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 44 45 46 47 48 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER mPowerServices People are fickle...fanned today, gone 2morrow 203 Fans

05:47 PM on 10/11/2012 I guess this guy doesn't get that the Black, Hispanic, and Asian student unions are NOT about hate and they allow anyone in. Good try though. mPowerServices: I guess this guy doesn't get that the Black, Hispanic, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mPowerServices/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335496.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER luellawhewei 56 Fans 06:01 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't think his group is about hate either. luellawhewei: I don't think his group is about hate either. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/luellawhewei/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195339627.html History | Permalink | Share it

thankulord13 Believing absurdities one will commit atrocities 246 Fans 06:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Said the person behind the sheet and hood. thankulord13: Said the person behind the sheet and hood. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thankulord13/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340533.html History | Permalink | Share it outspoken012 39 Fans 05:47 PM on 10/11/2012 If Asians, puerto ricans and blacks can have one why not white kids? Political correctness? outspoken012: If Asians, puerto ricans and blacks can have one why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335469.html History | Permalink | Share it dtblair24 7 Fans

05:46 PM on 10/11/2012 I usually try not to entertain things like this. These clowns love to always stir up the "me too" argument. White people have had it good for a long time, and all of a sudden want to have a white entertainment television and white organizations. News flash, there have been sectors in entertainment and organizations that have no minorities. White people still run the country and most organizations. This guy talks about "fighting for white interests." "Advancing white culture." First of all, what is white culture and white interests? White skin is made of many different cultures.

But anyways, as a black student, I don't care too much about this. If they want to, let them. It is ok as long as they are not discouraging other races to join, and not preaching super racists stuff. I have seen a few white kids involved in Black Student Union and NAACP on campus. dtblair24: I usually try not to entertain things like this. These http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dtblair24/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335235.html History | Permalink | Share it joe smarty 69 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/11/2012 I have no problem with anyone starting a white student union, but I don't want a white supremacist group on my campus, and that’s what this group is. joe_smarty: I have no problem with anyone starting a white student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/joe_smarty/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335169.html History | Permalink | Share it

Danilo-11 Romney likes women, he has a binder full of them 624 Fans 05:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Why is anybody surprised, we've had the klan for more than 100 years. Let them have their group, who cares. Danilo-11: Why is anybody surprised, we've had the klan for more http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Danilo-11/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335014.html History | Permalink | Share it

Mike Hugh-jass 9 Fans 06:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, allow them all, racist or not. It would be better to know who the bigots were on campus if there were any.

Perhaps this specific union would not be racist, but only by allowing it, and having people participate, and listen to the logic and world view of the members, would you be able to come to any conclusions. As long as there were some intelligent, reasoned, members to correct irrational and fallacious beliefs, then no harm no foul. If it slowly degrades to a place to pass out Ayran Nation literature, then at least you know who they are. Mike_Hugh-jass: Yes, allow them all, racist or not. It would be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mike_Hugh-jass/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340631.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER SteveBT1 Freethinker 29 Fans

05:44 PM on 10/11/2012 "She also said that both Taylor and Heimback were advocates of white supremacy and white separatism."

That's what I can't accept about the group, thinking that one race is superior than ALL others is incredibly pompous. SteveBT1: "She also said that both Taylor and Heimback were advocates http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SteveBT1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195334591.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

libertarian68 12 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Why does Ms. Brooks get to define who this group is? libertarian68: Why does Ms. Brooks get to define who this group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/libertarian68/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335950.html History | Permalink | Share it

Scottish Guy 165 Fans 05:44 PM on 10/11/2012 It is a racist as the White Congressional Caucus. Oh, that’s right, they don’t exist. Scottish_Guy: It is a racist as the White Congressional Caucus. Oh, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scottish_Guy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195334500.html History | Permalink | Share it

Spacecowboy64 I'm sure you know where it's at. 549 Fans 06:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Ummm, sure it does. Look at the congress. Spacecowboy64: Ummm, sure it does. Look at the congress. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Spacecowboy64/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195339204.html History | Permalink | Share it

Scottish Guy 165 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/11/2012 And your point is? Scottish_Guy: And your point is? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scottish_Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341304.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Scottish Guy 165 Fans 06:32 PM on 10/11/2012 No I don't know why. Is there a Asian Congressional Caucus? Is there and Indian Congressional Caucus? How about a Catholic Congressional Caucus?

Are blacks not Americans? You tell me, what is the reason? Scottish_Guy: No I don't know why. Is there a Asian Congressional http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scottish_Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347785.html History | Permalink | Share it

thankulord13 Believing absurdities one will commit atrocities 246 Fans 06:06 PM on 10/11/2012 No it does exist, it's called the GOP part of Congress. thankulord13: No it does exist, it's called the GOP part of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thankulord13/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195341572.html History | Permalink | Share it

Scottish Guy 165 Fans 06:17 PM on 10/11/2012 So, there are no black congressmen? Scottish_Guy: So, there are no black congressmen? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scottish_Guy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195343888.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TaxpayingVoter Wait....whut? 1111 Fans 05:41 PM on 10/11/2012 Forming a "white rights" group is a lot like complaining that the kid in the wheelchair, who lost his legs due to your parents running him over with a car, gets to sit down while one has to stand. TaxpayingVoter: Forming a "white rights" group is a lot like complaining http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TaxpayingVoter/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195333714.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Funny and true. Jerseytime: Funny and true. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335627.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

sherlockhemlock Jill Stein for President 2012! 561 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 An apt enough analogy. But cue the ultra self-sufficients of the Right and among neo-liberals too, who'll declare, whenever faced with such a truthful and illuminating parallel, that the white family with a million-dollar income and the working class family of color with a just-above-subsistence-level income are both on a "level playing field" and it's just a matter of "personal responsibility" that the former thrives while the latter stumbles and falls . . . . sherlockhemlock: An apt enough analogy. But cue the ultra self-sufficients of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sherlockhemlock/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195338427.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER shankapotomus 915 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/11/2012 There are 50 times more black on white crimes. shankapotomus: There are 50 times more black on white crimes. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/shankapotomus/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195333382.html History | Permalink | Share it

NJmikeV 645 Fans 05:44 PM on 10/11/2012 Sources ?

.....didn't think so. NJmikeV: Sources ? .....didn't think so. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NJmikeV/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195334729.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Can you prove it wrong? Didnt think so. outspoken012: Can you prove it wrong? Didnt think so. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335186.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:50 PM on 10/11/2012 ...than pigeons in a refrigerator. Jerseytime: ...than pigeons in a refrigerator. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336270.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jonnynav What you see depends on your perspective! 61 Fans 05:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Haha, this guy is hoping to be taken seriously in his future life in academia? Jonnynav: Haha, this guy is hoping to be taken seriously in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jonnynav/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332942.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Thea Hawkins 16 Fans 05:38 PM on 10/11/2012 They are are minority now...so have your group, who cares. Thea_Hawkins: They are are minority now...so have your group, who cares. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thea_Hawkins/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332925.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program bassmeant1 i wouldn't trust humanity with an electric pickle 83 Fans 05:43 PM on 10/11/2012 there's a few of em actually...

congress, the fed, wall street.

whole buncha white groups out there...

Peace bassmeant1: there's a few of em actually... congress, the fed, wall http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bassmeant1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195334177.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Larrydillon 83 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm gonna be your fan.Great sarcastic retort.I love that about you. Larrydillon: I'm gonna be your fan.Great sarcastic retort.I love that about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Larrydillon/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195336108.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Thea Hawkins 16 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/11/2012 You right!! Thea_Hawkins: You right!! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thea_Hawkins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195336767.html History | Permalink | Share it Lucero65 239 Fans 05:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Whites are not a minority. Far from it. However, I agree they should be allowed to have their group Lucero65: Whites are not a minority. Far from it. However, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Lucero65/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195334787.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER mPowerServices People are fickle...fanned today, gone 2morrow 203 Fans

05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 They should not be allowed to have a group based on hate. If it wasn't a hate group it wouldn't have made the news. His background makes it all suspect. If it was not about hate then it would be fine. But he doesn't even cover well. mPowerServices: They should not be allowed to have a group based http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mPowerServices/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195336012.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Thea Hawkins 16 Fans 06:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Well they are getting there..WASHINGTON (AP) — For the first time, whites make up the minority of babies in the U.S., part of a sweeping race change and a growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and predominantly minority youths that could reshape government policies. Thea_Hawkins: Well they are getting there..WASHINGTON (AP) â�� For the first http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thea_Hawkins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195340578.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER rigmoten RELEASE THE TAXES 635 Fans 05:38 PM on 10/11/2012 A white students group is not necessarily racist, this one however appears to be. rigmoten: A white students group is not necessarily racist, this one http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rigmoten/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332809.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Venicedread "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." 224 Fans 05:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Dude, you are a white male. You are "mainstream society." And yes, what you are doing is racist. Being white has been institutionalized in our society from the founding. Just because others have made strides over the last 60 years or so, does not mean you are all of a sudden be discriminated against. Venicedread: Dude, you are a white male. You are "mainstream society." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Venicedread/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332493.html History | Permalink | Share it

NJmikeV 645 Fans 05:37 PM on 10/11/2012 There is one race, the human race.

"Race" is a political construct with NO basis in science.

The human genome project proved that over a decade ago.

The hard fact is that we are more alike than we are different.

Get over your own fear/hatred for cryin' out loud. NJmikeV: There is one race, the human race. "Race" is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NJmikeV/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332432.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Paros 416 Fans 05:43 PM on 10/11/2012 Ok. Let's have a real conversation without name calling. On most campuses there are a number of organizations for only African-Americans. There are many reasons to support these. Why wouldn't there be as much support for whites only? Of course we know the answer to that but there is an obvious disconnect there. Paros: Ok. Let's have a real conversation without name calling. On http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Paros/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195334445.html History | Permalink | Share it

mchance27 28 Fans

05:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Not that I agree with the chubby white guy, but if race is a political construct and his group is political in nature, then what's the problem? mchance27: Not that I agree with the chubby white guy, but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mchance27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335608.html History | Permalink | Share it SabeWhat If you lie to win you lose, always, eventually. 391 Fans 05:37 PM on 10/11/2012 He indicates that the group will fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

I would like to have a better understanding of this statement. Is this based on what he has seen and experienced? Is this what he has been told by others? Are there University studies, research papers, scientific documents supporting this? What has occurred in their life or around them that makes them believe there is "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." It cannot be based on 2012 or historical numbers or wealth statistics, and if not then what. Do they believe they must now prepare for 2040 - is it more of a projection of what might happen, what they fear might happen, 3 decades from now? Do they have experience with Militia’s and is this a college spin off of that - like the military can play an unintended role for non college graduates? Fear is a powerful thing - if this is really the underlier. Rather than just brush them off, dismiss them or what ever else - lets try to better understand their need and what drives it. SabeWhat: He indicates that the group will fight "inherent anti-white bias http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SabeWhat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332420.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 05:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, a bias.

For example, last week the HuffPost ran a story about a cop who hit a women at a Philly Puerto Rican day festival.

It was accompained by 10 other film clips of police brutality. Only one of them was a white person as a victim of police brutality.

In Maryland alone, we have Police beating College Park students...

Maryland police also beat a diabetic to an inch of his life.

Both were white.

Ever hear of the Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom?

Have you?


So many more examples....you want more? cabofish: Yes, a bias. For example, last week the HuffPost ran http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335563.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 45 46 47 48 49 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER Drew Palmer 24 Fans 05:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Towson is a public university, ergo, too bad. Freedom of association. Drew_Palmer: Towson is a public university, ergo, too bad. Freedom of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Drew_Palmer/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332276.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Grumpy Old Dude My screen name forms an Acronym 4607 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Yup...whítė people have had a reaI struggIe in this country!

If only the bIack man would take his foot off their nėcks, whítė people might make something of themselves!

But alas, this is a bIack person's country! Grumpy_Old_Dude: Yup...whÃtÄ� people have had a reaI struggIe in this country! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Grumpy_Old_Dude/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332043.html History | Permalink | Share it

outspoken012 39 Fans 05:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Doesn't matter. outspoken012: Doesn't matter. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335421.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR writerjohnny 189 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Not to you. writerjohnny: Not to you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/writerjohnny/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195336179.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Larrydillon 83 Fans 05:54 PM on 10/11/2012 OK that did it.You have forced me to become your fan.You are in for it now you "black aryan"you. Larrydillon: OK that did it.You have forced me to become your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Larrydillon/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195337528.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Grumpy Old Dude My screen name forms an Acronym 4607 Fans 06:22 PM on 10/11/2012 It is an interesting concept, a "bIack arayan," but I'm the wrong complexion to be one! It is however, logical to assume the the first Arayans were not whíte, since they were of lndo-lranian heritage. But I appreciate the humor of your post, and the kindness of your fan, so it is returned, my new friend! ;-) Grumpy_Old_Dude: It is an interesting concept, a "bIack arayan," but I'm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Grumpy_Old_Dude/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195345187.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Dems vs Repubs 30 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Its gonna get a lot uglier before it gets much better! Dems_vs_Repubs: Its gonna get a lot uglier before it gets much http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dems_vs_Repubs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331956.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stanwyck 2062 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/11/2012 let me guess...there are no females in the group. And none of these guys have girlfriends. Perhaps they could rename their club Men Who Women Find Unattractive On All Levels. Stanwyck: let me guess...there are no females in the group. And http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stanwyck/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331733.html History | Permalink | Share it

mchance27 28 Fans

05:50 PM on 10/11/2012 That would make the short form MWWFUOAL, which is a terrible acronym. mchance27: That would make the short form MWWFUOAL, which is a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mchance27/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336342.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/11/2012 The problem is: The notion that whites are an oppressed minority in the US is ludicrous. But as we still have the 1st amendment, his hateful idiocy is legal. Time to leave him alone, and deprive him of the publicity he so desperately craves. Jerseytime: The problem is: The notion that whites are an oppressed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331701.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ronju01 Live and let Live 810 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Let me guess, these are College Republicans, right? Ronju01: Let me guess, these are College Republicans, right? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ronju01/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331646.html History | Permalink | Share it 2012TP 145 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Does it matter?

Does that mean that Black Student Organizations are Democrats? 2012TP: Does it matter? Does that mean that Black Student Organizations http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2012TP/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332064.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER eschenk718 145 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Probably the black organizations are Dems. We already the know Repubs are mostly white men. It is good they got started early. All indications in a few short years they wil be the minority. eschenk718: Probably the black organizations are Dems. We already the know http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/eschenk718/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335101.html History | Permalink | Share it

DrTachyon Baby, please! I am not from Havana. 170 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Look, no one is saying that all republicans are stupid, inbred, racist homophobes with superiority/inferiority complexes and anti-intellectual attitudes; but all stupid, inbred, racist homophobes with superiority/inferiority complexes and anti-intellectual attitudes are republican. DrTachyon: Look, no one is saying that all republicans are stupid, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DrTachyon/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335284.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All chesapeakewolf 19 Fans 05:43 PM on 10/11/2012 Are you insinuating all Conservatives are racist? chesapeakewolf: Are you insinuating all Conservatives are racist? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chesapeakewolf/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195334301.html History | Permalink | Share it

Patrick Bateman NYC I'm the boy next door. 136 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/11/2012 If one can organize all can organize, to disallow one group and only one group is the definition of discrimination. Patrick_Bateman_NYC: If one can organize all can organize, to disallow one http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Patrick_Bateman_NYC/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195330985.html History | Permalink | Share it 2012TP 145 Fans 05:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Thank you. 2012TP: Thank you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2012TP/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332149.html History | Permalink | Share it cabofish 9 Fans 05:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Bam!

As long as we are diverse, and agree, we are diverse. cabofish: Bam! As long as we are diverse, and agree, we http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cabofish/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195335964.html History | Permalink | Share it TheFithParty 13 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/11/2012 If its for white people but they dont allow other races, then its racist. But if they allow then id say its ok TheFithParty: If its for white people but they dont allow other http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TheFithParty/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330929.html History | Permalink | Share it 2012TP 145 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/11/2012 Not racist, just fair. 2012TP: Not racist, just fair. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/2012TP/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330878.html History | Permalink | Share it bopkit 10 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/11/2012 it's racist.

HuffPo - PLEASE! disable auto play. let me decide if i want to watch the story. bopkit: it's racist. HuffPo - PLEASE! disable auto play. let me http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bopkit/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330868.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ronju01 Live and let Live 810 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/11/2012 Romney said 47%ers feel being victims, now these guys are saying 70%!! Ronju01: Romney said 47%ers feel being victims, now these guys are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ronju01/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330804.html History | Permalink | Share it

NIck The Click 18 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/11/2012 It's also within everyone's rights to ignore speech. I'm a little miffed that he has the MD state flag, I'm a resident BTW, and the Tea party co-oped DTOM flag as well, behind him as some sort of pseudo power of allegiance. Bottom line for me: Let the diversity come out in the open, then we can know for sure who has views that may be problematic when fecal matter hits the oscillating wind mover. NIck_The_Click: It's also within everyone's rights to ignore speech. I'm a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NIck_The_Click/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330775.html History | Permalink | Share it

NJmikeV 645 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/11/2012 "...inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society..."

Oh please... NJmikeV: "...inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society..." Oh please... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NJmikeV/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330731.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe he failed that AmHistory 101 test.... Jerseytime: Maybe he failed that AmHistory 101 test.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331948.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jie Jones "Eat me!" -- Jesus, at the Last Supper 480 Fans 05:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Read the article here today about Emory University and how the Dean of the Dental School systematically removed over 50% of Jewish students from his program for being Jewish.

Then come back and talk again. Jie_Jones: Read the article here today about Emory University and how http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jie_Jones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332669.html History | Permalink | Share it

mybluesmoke "Smart People are not on our side!" - the new GOP 274 Fans 05:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Thank you for highlighting that. Things are beginning to get out of hand. Today, one case of anti-white bias. Tomorrow, perhaps another one? mybluesmoke: Thank you for highlighting that. Things are beginning to get http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mybluesmoke/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195334918.html History | Permalink | Share it

NJmikeV 645 Fans 05:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Go look up the definition of inherent, then keep going. NJmikeV: Go look up the definition of inherent, then keep going. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NJmikeV/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335684.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jojoturner 5 Fans 05:30 PM on 10/11/2012 I recall the Southern Poverty Law Center getting one of their lone wolf terrorist shooters to shot a guy in Colorado. Here is the story: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/shooting-southern-poverty-law-center-put-family-research-council-hate-map how can the SPLC be included in a debate like this - they are a seriously dangerous terror group jojoturner: I recall the Southern Poverty Law Center getting one of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330394.html History | Permalink | Share it tnkeating Dyslexic agnostic insomniac 266 Fans 05:30 PM on 10/11/2012 It seems to me the SPLC is there own hate group, though probably un-intentional. Take it a step further you have the BET awards, NAACP, the Black Caucus, well.....I never heard of a Hispanic caucus or an Asian caucus? More to come. tnkeating: It seems to me the SPLC is there own hate http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tnkeating/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330341.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR jennysez 489 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Congressional Hispanic Caucus http://www.chci.org/

Congressional Asian Pacific Americans Caucus http://capac-chu.house.gov/ jennysez: Congressional Hispanic Caucus http://www.chci.org/ Congressional Asian Pacific Americans Caucus http://capac-chu.house.gov/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jennysez/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332086.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Why do you and he feel so oppressed? Jerseytime: Why do you and he feel so oppressed? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332113.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 46 47 48 49 50 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER KMBerger "Cui adhaereo, prae est," 576 Fans 05:29 PM on 10/11/2012 If this white student union group extols white separatism as opposed to including other ethnic or racial groups, and it's leadership supports white separatism, then the group belongs labeled as a hate group and should be banned whether this is a public or private university as long as there is funding from the State or Federal Governments. There is a difference between a marginalized group fighting for equality and a group that supports discrimination on the basis or race and calls for excluding others. This should be self-apparent and common sense. KMBerger: If this white student union group extols white separatism as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KMBerger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330170.html History | Permalink | Share it jimbobre 160 Fans 05:29 PM on 10/11/2012 I hope he's not Irish, Jewish, Southern Italian or slavic - they only became "white" about 100 years ago. jimbobre: I hope he's not Irish, Jewish, Southern Italian or slavic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jimbobre/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195330059.html History | Permalink | Share it pilch62 22 Fans 05:52 PM on 10/11/2012 It's like Scalia--he forgets that Italians and Catholics were long the subject of legal discrimination until those interfering Supremes applied the 14th Amendment to the states . . . pilch62: It's like Scalia--he forgets that Italians and Catholics were long http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pilch62/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195336894.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kelly Heuser Independent Buckeye For Life 180 Fans 05:28 PM on 10/11/2012 Part 2 Violent crime laws are also unbalanced. If a white man or woman attacks a black, latino or gay man or woman because of his race it is a hate crime. However; if a black, latino or gay man or woman attacks a white man or woman for the same reason it is classified as simply a crime. We have imbalance in our holidays and awareness months as well. There is Black History month and LGBT Pride month but, no Latin History Month or White History Month. We have a day to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., one of our greatest civil rights leaders but, there are great white, latino and LGBT leaders who have received no national day of recognition. We need balance in this country. We need to truly see everyone as equal. We need to ban ALL hate groups, ALL segregated schools and learn that while we are different we are all human beings. Be proud of your heritage but, also allow others to be as proud of theirs. Kelly_Heuser: Part 2 Violent crime laws are also unbalanced. If a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kelly_Heuser/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195329730.html History | Permalink | Share it jimbobre 160 Fans 06:23 PM on 10/11/2012 What happened to Matthew Shepard was a hate crime - he was killed for being gay. If person x and person y have an auto accident and get into fight because one of them is a jerk or bully, it isn't a hate crime just because races or ethnicity is different.

Although Martin L. King led a movement to free black people, all Americans benefited from his victory. White Women have benefited as much as anyone from the civil rights movement. It also ended the quota system on Jews. Hispanics and Asians also benefited. Believe it or not, but poor whites, especially in the South, gained freedom and economic power thru the civil rights movement. There were more poor white people in the South than poor black people. jimbobre: What happened to Matthew Shepard was a hate crime - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jimbobre/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195345457.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kelly Heuser Independent Buckeye For Life 180 Fans 07:24 PM on 10/11/2012 I absolutely agree about Mr. Shepard and I'm not lessening the impact of the civil rights movement. I'm simply pointing out imbalance in our society. MLK absolutely is deserving of a national day of recognition but, there are many others just as worthy that do not have that honor. As for the auto accident remark, I wasn't being flippant. I will answer your example with one of my own. If I'm walking down the street alone, a white, married straight woman and I pass a lesbian who for some reason has a hatred for straight women. If she attacks me because I'm straight then, the law recognizes that as simply a crime. Assault or whatever. Now, if I had a hatred for lesbians and I attacked her for that reason it would be recognized by the law as a hate crime. Kelly_Heuser: I absolutely agree about Mr. Shepard and I'm not lessening http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kelly_Heuser/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195361323.html History | Permalink | Share it rjxkcd 20 Fans 05:28 PM on 10/11/2012 Some of you seem to be confused. Is this group racist? YES, but NOT for the reason most of you think. On the face of it, there is nothing wrong with an "advocacy" group for white people (they're the majority, so why do they even need one is a conundrum for another day). However, it becomes racist if/when that group prevents people from other races from joining their group.

There are no minority advocacy groups that prevent people outside that minority from joining. White people can join the NAACP. White people can go to HBCs. The way Mr. Heimbach talks, it's clear he's never actually looked into what most minority advocacy groups actually do.

Just as a side note though: It is LAUGHABLE that no matter what happens in this country, or in history, White Christians will apparently always find a way to paint themselves as the underdog, even when they're are the super majority. rjxkcd: Some of you seem to be confused. Is this group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/rjxkcd/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195329678.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Kelly Heuser Independent Buckeye For Life 180 Fans 05:28 PM on 10/11/2012 At the risk of being attacked, I have to agree with this students right to form his group. So, long as it is not a hate group, I see no problem with it. I do not advocate hate in any form against any race, religion or sexual orientation. Despite what many believe there is racism everywhere and from all races. As a child I experienced hate. As one of two white children in my neighborhood, I was beaten on a regular basis. I had rocks thrown at me while waiting for the school bus. When we moved to a predominately white suburb, I witnessed hate towards a black family that moved into the neighborhood a couple of months after our arrival. Their house was vandalized and their children tormented. My point is hate is not directed solely at non white races. Look at our laws. Affirmative Action was a good idea it prevented better qualified individuals from being denied jobs and entry to college based on the color of their skin. However, it has flaws and those flaws have been exploited. It is not right to hire or accept an unqualified individual over a qualified individual simply because of skin color. Continued in another post. Kelly_Heuser: At the risk of being attacked, I have to agree http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kelly_Heuser/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195329649.html History | Permalink | Share it

Barbarian At The Gate Fortune favors the bold. 1086 Fans 05:27 PM on 10/11/2012 The "Student Union" itself is probably mostly white. Most minority groups start a group for themselves because they are under represented everywhere else.

What is Heimbach's agenda at his meetings? Does it center around ? If it does then I would call it a racist group. Barbarian_At_The_Gate: The "Student Union" itself is probably mostly white. Most minority http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Barbarian_At_The_Gate/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195329623.html History | Permalink | Share it

ProCynic An armed society is a polite society 466 Fans 05:25 PM on 10/11/2012 You know, it's time we put race aside, on all sides.

I don't care if you are white, black, Japanese, Chinese, or anything else. Your race is not an achievement, it is nothing to be proud of, or sorry for. One is not more superior to the other. Your history is not yours either. I've got a great-grandfather from 1400 who was a nobleman in England. Interesting but it is nothing that I can claim I had a hand in.

What went before, went before. History and heritage belong to all of us, as a lesson and as a warning. But, it is not our achievement.

What happens now isn't even ours. It is only to those that participated. The Seahawks might win the Superbowl (WHFO) but that doesn't give me, the fan, any more status, but it would give Tate a reason to strut.

There is NO shared experience unless you are actually participating.

You are what YOU make of YOU.

Try just being a human without hate for one another, without looking at the covering of a person, without looking at their econmic status, etc. Look at them for who they are, what they have done, what they have chosen to be. Look at them for the content of their character. ProCynic: You know, it's time we put race aside, on all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ProCynic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328968.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:37 PM on 10/11/2012 OK. And what if there remain those who do not feel as you do? Jerseytime: OK. And what if there remain those who do not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332456.html History | Permalink | Share it

ProCynic An armed society is a polite society 466 Fans 10:03 PM on 10/11/2012 There will always be racists, those that want to oppress and those that want privilege or advantage simply due to their race. It's kind of self-identifying. ProCynic: There will always be racists, those that want to oppress http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ProCynic/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195398848.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All StatesWrongs 24 Fans 05:25 PM on 10/11/2012 Mr. Heimbach -- who may or may not be a white supremacist, as the article implies -- aside, the fact of the matter is that while a "white advocacy group" (for lack of better terminology) may be intellectually justifiable, the unfortunate truth is that with the history of race relations in this country (there are Americans still living who lived through "colored-only" -- "segregation" makes it seem too academic) it will unavoidably be viewed in a negative light. It is what it is. StatesWrongs: Mr. Heimbach -- who may or may not be a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/StatesWrongs/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328849.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Portraying oneself, or one's group, as a victim of a minority group is a very effective tool to organize extremist causes. But not very healthy for the "offending" minority group. There is historical proof to this effect. Jerseytime: Portraying oneself, or one's group, as a victim of a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195333385.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER johnnasiiq 67 Fans

05:24 PM on 10/11/2012 "White" is a color, not an ethnic group. I have had this discussion many time with many people. Pride in being Irish or Polish or Italian or French is pride in your heritage and not necessarily discriminatory. Pride in being "white", when "white" is simply a term to differentiate themselves away from being "non-white" and makes the spirit of "white pride" something differential and preferential. johnnasiiq: "White" is a color, not an ethnic group. I have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/johnnasiiq/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328631.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SMBrown2 99% of democrats make the rest look bad. 1148 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it racist? Yes. Exactly as racist as every minority's group. SMBrown2: Is it racist? Yes. Exactly as racist as every minority's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SMBrown2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328284.html History | Permalink | Share it

Progressives LoveAmerica Former Disciple of Hayek, Mises & Milton Friedman 1207 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 ...identity politics... Progressives_LoveAmerica: ...identity politics... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Progressives_LoveAmerica/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328229.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ronju01 Live and let Live 810 Fans 05:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Society has biased against white - wow. Ronju01: Society has biased against white - wow. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ronju01/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195327921.html History | Permalink | Share it Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 Na Ignorance have Taken over the White REpublicans, They Are AFRAID of Everything even SKIN COLOR LMAO Eric4969: Na Ignorance have Taken over the White REpublicans, They Are http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328268.html History | Permalink | Share it poppadr3w 17 Fans

05:19 PM on 10/11/2012 Black Panthers = OK! White Student Union = Not OK!

I see a double standard somewhere... poppadr3w: Black Panthers = OK! White Student Union = Not OK! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/poppadr3w/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195327175.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mitch Johnesee 101 Fans 05:19 PM on 10/11/2012 It's a right for any American to assemble together peaceably for their own benefit. These people have done nothing wrong, and until they do so there should be no reason to judge them falsely.

There is certainly reason to be suspicious, but suspicions in this country do not amount for reason to ban their assembly.

Innocence until proven guilty. Mitch_Johnesee: It's a right for any American to assemble together peaceably http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mitch_Johnesee/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195327146.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Except that this guy admitted that members of the LAST group that he organized were writing "White Power" around campus. So, there's a lot more than just suspicion. dancingstu: Except that this guy admitted that members of the LAST http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328013.html History | Permalink | Share it CapsFan78 73 Fans 05:27 PM on 10/11/2012 They have every right to assemble. If they want they can meet in his dorm room or the local Starbucks. That does not mean that the university must recognize them as a sanctioned student organization. CapsFan78: They have every right to assemble. If they want they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CapsFan78/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195329369.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mitch Johnesee 101 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Then the university can do so - but this conversation has gone far beyond the university and has become one claiming that these people are "hateful" and they have been placed alongside the KKK... even though they haven't done anything.

It's a disturbing trend that these guys are being labeled so vitriolically when there haven't been any racist or hateful acts committed, but people are assuming whatever they want in order to feed this. Mitch_Johnesee: Then the university can do so - but this conversation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mitch_Johnesee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195331139.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

outspoken012 39 Fans 05:48 PM on 10/11/2012 If schools can have groups for black kids why can't white kids do it? Logical answer please. Non emotional. outspoken012: If schools can have groups for black kids why can't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/outspoken012/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335808.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

RefreshingTaste HP LEGEND 886 Fans 05:19 PM on 10/11/2012 The Southern Poverty Law Center will try and label it a "Hate Group". RefreshingTaste: The Southern Poverty Law Center will try and label it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RefreshingTaste/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326963.html History | Permalink | Share it SeriesSeven Tyrants can only rule over a disarmed populace. 276 Fans 05:20 PM on 10/11/2012 The Southern Poverty Law Center IS a 'Hate Group'. SeriesSeven: The Southern Poverty Law Center IS a 'Hate Group'. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SeriesSeven/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195327304.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Jerseytime 761 Fans 05:41 PM on 10/11/2012 Because they hate who? Jerseytime: Because they hate who? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jerseytime/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195333723.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:20 PM on 10/11/2012 If it looks like a Hate Group Sounds like a Hate Group Acts like a hate Group hhhhhmmmmmm Must be a DUCK HUH LOL Eric4969: If it looks like a Hate Group Sounds like a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195327433.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mitch Johnesee 101 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 How are they a "hate group"?

Who are they hating?

What hateful acts have they committed? Mitch_Johnesee: How are they a "hate group"? Who are they hating? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mitch_Johnesee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328089.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All chesapeakewolf 19 Fans 05:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Hate groups require not only an ideology, but an activism. This lacks the latter - there are no overt acts against any subset of persons. They may be jerks...but they're not a "hate group" by definition. chesapeakewolf: Hate groups require not only an ideology, but an activism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chesapeakewolf/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195334989.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST SUPER USER INVet Truth has a liberal bias 752 Fans 05:19 PM on 10/11/2012 White people in America = victims like Christians in America = victims

Sorry, not buying it! INVet: White people in America = victims like Christians in America http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/INVet/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326960.html History | Permalink | Share it foresure Brash and Harsh 790 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 INVet:

There is a solution to this problem. The organization should change its name to the White Women's Caucus.

No one would dare go against that. foresure: INVet: There is a solution to this problem. The organization http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/foresure/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328285.html History | Permalink | Share it You have 2 B kidding 68 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Does the tea party constantly whine about being victims. Poor babies, everyone being mean to the nuts. You_have_2_B_kidding: Does the tea party constantly whine about being victims. Poor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/You_have_2_B_kidding/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195333422.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER pamranch 48 Fans 05:46 PM on 10/11/2012 but what will all those disenfranchised white dudes do? poor things can't catch a break from all of that opportunity they are RARELY denied... : | pamranch: but what will all those disenfranchised white dudes do? poor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pamranch/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195335064.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER leshassels Think you can, think you can't? You're right. 56 Fans 05:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Any one recall seeing Morgan Freeman's answer a few years ago when Mike Wallace asked this stupid question, "Well, how will we ever end racism?"

Freeman's reply? He leaned over, got in Wallace's face and said:

"Stop talking about it!" leshassels: Any one recall seeing Morgan Freeman's answer a few years http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/leshassels/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326551.html History | Permalink | Share it

JaPoint 9 Fans 04:20 PM on 10/15/2012 Why stop at racism? lets keep our mouth shut about anything negative. We will live in a utopia in no time JaPoint: Why stop at racism? lets keep our mouth shut about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JaPoint/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196459696.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mch321 372 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/11/2012 Here's what's inane about a "White Student Union." First, white people aren't a homogeneous group; they're British, French, German, Irish, Italian, etc. Disparate cultural traditions which frequently clashed throughout history. Why not start unions honoring their particular histories? That would offend no one. Also, all of these groups, when they emigrated to the United States, did so of their own volition. They were neither forced off of their land or massacred, as American Indians were, nor enslaved, as African- Americans were. Japanese-Americans were placed in camps during WWII. Latinos are racially profiled and in many cases not considered real citizens, even if they were born here and have spent their entire lives here. This isn't to say that white people haven't suffered throughout history. Irish-Americans were definitely persecuted when they first boarded boats and came here. Jewish people were obviously discriminated against. But this guy doesn't want to start an "Irish Student Union," or anything like that; he wants to start a "White Student Union." And that's, at best (and I'm really being charitable here), a very ill-considered proposition. mch321: Here's what's inane about a "White Student Union." First, white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mch321/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326528.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DMure Obama 2012 -- Ideas are bullet proof. 276 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm White and I go to the University of Toronto, in my school there is MAX 10-15% white people. There is an Asian student union, a South Asian and a Black...there may be a few others. I'm a minority...right? not in Canadian society, but at my school. Why is it inherently racist to want to form a white student union...why is it not okay for white people to congregate and talk...Everybody else is doing it. Its confusing really. I think it is based on White racism in history. We're called white, no one calls me than Irish/Scottish descended guy. Why isn't that considered racist?...because its a privilege to be white? DMure: I'm White and I go to the University of Toronto, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DMure/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326365.html History | Permalink | Share it Billy Liar 42 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't think he understands the meaning of "inherent". Billy_Liar: I don't think he understands the meaning of "inherent". http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Billy_Liar/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326320.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:24 PM on 10/11/2012 I think the number words he doesn't understand are too many to count. dancingstu: I think the number words he doesn't understand are too http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328435.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER INVet Truth has a liberal bias 752 Fans 05:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Whites - discriminated against. Compaire that with the benefits you get from society for being white and it is not even close.

Sorry to say I really can't stand whiney white people (and I am white BTW). INVet: Whites - discriminated against. Compaire that with the benefits you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/INVet/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326002.html History | Permalink | Share it

poppadr3w 17 Fans

05:18 PM on 10/11/2012 I am white and I get NO benefits for it. In fact, minorities here looking into getting into the field I want to get into get preferential treatment.

We should all be treated EQUALLY. The past should not reflect the future, otherwise we will never make headway when it comes to true equality as one race - the human race. poppadr3w: I am white and I get NO benefits for it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/poppadr3w/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326831.html History | Permalink | Share it Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:22 PM on 10/11/2012 LOL SURE they DO LMAO LMAO I Work in Houston Texas Mechanical Contractor SO PLUH LEEZE Save your BLIND NESS for Someone else I HEAR IT EVERDAY..I see it Everyday just Pathetic!!!!!!!!. Eric4969: LOL SURE they DO LMAO LMAO I Work in Houston http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328011.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mitch Johnesee 101 Fans 05:21 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm curious what benefits I am receiving from society for my whiteness... Mitch_Johnesee: I'm curious what benefits I am receiving from society for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mitch_Johnesee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195327490.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER INVet Truth has a liberal bias 752 Fans 05:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Are you racially profiled by the police TSA daily? Can you drive anywhere without fear of being pulled over by the police primarily because of you skin color? Can you buy a house or car without fear of paying a higher price because of skin color? Do most movie stars and politicians share your skin color? Do most CEOs share your skin color? Do most doctors, lawyers, judges, ect share your skin color. Did most of your employers share your skin color.

Most of the benefits you get you don't see because it is normal for you, but you, and I still get them. INVet: Are you racially profiled by the police TSA daily? Can http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/INVet/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195338305.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jimbobre 160 Fans 06:30 PM on 10/11/2012 As a white person, the median wealth of your group of Americans is 10 times greater than the median wealth of black or Hispanic Americans. if you're a male, your wealth, on average is greater than a white woman's. You would likely earn a greater slaary than her or any comparable minority.

There's more, but i don't have time. jimbobre: As a white person, the median wealth of your group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jimbobre/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347239.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER kcwookie Well behaved workers seldom prosper. 1847 Fans

05:15 PM on 10/11/2012 I would be happy to entertain the concept of a White Student Union, the question is what do they plan to advocate for and why would it be different from other white advocacy groups such as the KKK, Storm Front and others?

To me as a white person, I will not participate in these groups because they quickly degenerate into Whites are being ripped off by minorities and minorities need to learn their place. kcwookie: I would be happy to entertain the concept of a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kcwookie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195325967.html History | Permalink | Share it SeriesSeven Tyrants can only rule over a disarmed populace. 276 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 What exactly do black student unions advocate for? SeriesSeven: What exactly do black student unions advocate for? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SeriesSeven/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328274.html History | Permalink | Share it CapsFan78 73 Fans 05:31 PM on 10/11/2012 From their website:

The mission of the Black Student Union is to provide services and support for all black minds at Towson University.

We are the largest minority in the TU student population and we serve as a voice for all the black students enrolled.

We are here to challenge and encourage black intellect and to provide programming that gives non black students insight into the black experience.

We meet weekly in the University Union and encourage all black students to stop by our office anytime. CapsFan78: From their website: The mission of the Black Student Union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CapsFan78/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195330854.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER kcwookie Well behaved workers seldom prosper. 1847 Fans

06:07 PM on 10/11/2012 Equal rights, so now you tell me what what white rights are being threatened? kcwookie: Equal rights, so now you tell me what what white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kcwookie/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341036.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Bill Mahar Said it Best White Folks Had HUNDREDS of YEARS to build their Race Everyone 1958 is when they Started and Still Trying to Catch up,, Birthers are PROOF Racism stil exist or I can listen to Fello Workers in Construction in TEXAS to hear all the RACISM From White Folks i Ever Heard and I am WHITE..Most Do Not like me Because I voted For Obama LOL Racism = Ignorance They hate when i Remind them of THat :) Eric4969: Bill Mahar Said it Best White Folks Had HUNDREDS of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195325722.html History | Permalink | Share it SeriesSeven Tyrants can only rule over a disarmed populace. 276 Fans 05:25 PM on 10/11/2012 Uh, anthropogenically blacks had thousands of years longer to "build their Race" than whites. You want to try another caterwaul? SeriesSeven: Uh, anthropogenically blacks had thousands of years longer to "build http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SeriesSeven/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328707.html History | Permalink | Share it x raraavis 23 Fans 05:25 PM on 10/11/2012 Your capitalization and punctuation suggest you recently suffered a brain injury, you should seek medical attention. x_raraavis: Your capitalization and punctuation suggest you recently suffered a brain http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/x_raraavis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328774.html History | Permalink | Share it Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Yea Little Child lol Eric4969: Yea Little Child lol http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195330426.html History | Permalink | Share it Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Speaking of Medical Attention..Let me Prove a little Something to ya About your Brain Damage...You are Supproting Romney Correct? Please give us ANY Details & Sepcifics to ANY ONE Of His PLANS..>Watch zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol He YOu have know idea yet are VOTING for it without ANY DETAILS WOW LMAO LMAO LMAO Now thats EMBARRASSING Eric4969: Speaking of Medical Attention..Let me Prove a little Something to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195330941.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Tmboy Reading comments messes with my ZEN, but I'm addic 292 Fans

05:13 PM on 10/11/2012 I came here thinking "what kind of backwards @#&)^^% school would have a white student that did not grasp the reason behind black specific groups exist?"

I am heart broken that this guy is at MY Towson University. This taints my alma mater in a way that I'm not sure none TU grads will understand.

This is just .... Tmboy: I came here thinking "what kind of backwards @#&)^^% school http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tmboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195325096.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 05:33 PM on 10/11/2012 No one opposes black specific groups. here did you get that? jojoturner: No one opposes black specific groups. here did you get http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331404.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Tmboy Reading comments messes with my ZEN, but I'm addic 292 Fans

11:48 AM on 10/12/2012 Did i mention anything about people opposing black specific groups. Tell me why black specific groups had to form. Tell me the history of the USA that drove that need. Now tell me how ANY of that would apply in this situation. Tmboy: Did i mention anything about people opposing black specific groups. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tmboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195584576.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER boxhead 57 Fans 05:12 PM on 10/11/2012 If one group can organize and receive funding, then all groups should be allowed. The actual name of group should not matter. boxhead: If one group can organize and receive funding, then all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boxhead/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195325079.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:25 PM on 10/11/2012 It's purpose should, though. dancingstu: It's purpose should, though. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195328887.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER boxhead 57 Fans 12:11 AM on 10/12/2012 In theory yes, maybe.... But to determine the purpose would be problematic to say the least. boxhead: In theory yes, maybe.... But to determine the purpose would http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boxhead/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195446833.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jojoturner 5 Fans 05:34 PM on 10/11/2012 racist;) jojoturner: racist;) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331496.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER boxhead 57 Fans 12:10 AM on 10/12/2012 heh... not in the least.... boxhead: heh... not in the least.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boxhead/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195446350.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER robertm64092855 life is fun. 152 Fans

05:12 PM on 10/11/2012 You ca n have your white person group as long as they are called Biff, Muffy, Chip, mitt, and the Romney, sons names. robertm64092855: You ca n have your white person group as long http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/robertm64092855/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195325058.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

OLJW00 right is right 1050 Fans 05:12 PM on 10/11/2012 The way to end discriminating by race is to stop discriminating by race. OLJW00: The way to end discriminating by race is to stop http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/OLJW00/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324851.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 05:27 PM on 10/11/2012 AKA the way to keep white privilege. boyoboy: AKA the way to keep white privilege. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195329616.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program happyliberal2 4 Fans 05:33 PM on 10/11/2012 no not really...everyone has the priveledge or right to improve their station in life....where hard work and opportunity meet....some call that luck...the less jealous recognize it as effort, and determination, and goal oriented outcomes....Education has very little to do with these outcomes...that is more Liberal BS to feed the cottage industry of tuition, and books, and IMHO a way to automatically economically "enslave" a whole generation. White Privilege is a thing of the past.....but , pounding "white guilt"...is present and doing just fine. The sooner we eliminate any form of racial classifications, and go by the merit, and effort, and presentation of ones abilities..the sooner we get rid of racism happyliberal2: no not really...everyone has the priveledge or right to improve http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/happyliberal2/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195331344.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

OLJW00 right is right 1050 Fans 02:22 AM on 10/12/2012 So you believe in discrimination to end discrimination? OLJW00: So you believe in discrimination to end discrimination? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/OLJW00/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195478899.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER jeffhintx Yummy gruel! Thanks 1 percent! 770 Fans

05:11 PM on 10/11/2012 LOL @ "I'm not moderatin that thing, man!" jeffhintx: LOL @ "I'm not moderatin that thing, man!" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jeffhintx/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324684.html History | Permalink | Share it pictureunprfct 325 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/11/2012 I seem to remember in high school a person of any race was allowed to join any ethnic club as the point of said clubs was to talk about issues that people of a certain ethnicity may encounter and their history and culture (so it was good for anyone interested in learning about a new culture). As long as said club follows this path, I think it would be okay. "White" is a very broad term though and I would be interested in what this gentleman would define 'White' as. pictureunprfct: I seem to remember in high school a person of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pictureunprfct/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324205.html History | Permalink | Share it ragwad 31 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Since when is "white" an ethnic group? ragwad: Since when is "white" an ethnic group? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ragwad/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324171.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 05:28 PM on 10/11/2012 It's a race. But Latinos are an ethnicity of the White race. Will they discuss issues related to Latinos? I mean, they are technically white. boyoboy: It's a race.  But Latinos are an ethnicity of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195329934.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 ok define ethnic group and give an example jojoturner: ok define ethnic group and give an example http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195331995.html History | Permalink | Share it

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Basil-Fawlty 30 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Heimbach

Achtung Baby! Basil-Fawlty: Heimbach Achtung Baby! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Basil-Fawlty/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324003.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Actually, Heimbach sounded like a Jewish name to me. dancingstu: Actually, Heimbach sounded like a Jewish name to me. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324494.html History | Permalink | Share it

Basil-Fawlty 30 Fans 05:33 PM on 10/11/2012 Google seems to point towards German Basil-Fawlty: Google seems to point towards German http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Basil-Fawlty/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195331427.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jojoturner 5 Fans 05:35 PM on 10/11/2012 meh jojoturner: meh http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195332048.html History | Permalink | Share it

Basil-Fawlty 30 Fans 05:08 PM on 10/11/2012 The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson University claims that the group is necessary to fight "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

Yeah, just because Whites run the society doesn't mean it's not a tough slog. Basil-Fawlty: The student behind a controversial White Student Union at Towson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Basil-Fawlty/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195323760.html History | Permalink | Share it jojoturner 5 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/11/2012 affirmative action for example does occasionally deny a spot to the better qualified white person. Also if you look around a bit you will see anti-white prejudice weaved throughout the culture in a much more pervasive way than any other prejudice. For example the movie "White Men Can't Jump" can you imagine the equivalent applied to any other race? There would be riots in the streets. jojoturner: affirmative action for example does occasionally deny a spot to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195333507.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:08 PM on 10/11/2012 The best part of all this is getting overlooked. These white students could get together and have their meetings and eat pizza and complain about being oppressed without being a recognized student organization. Why do they want to be recognized???? FUNDING!!!! They want funding from the college to support their meetings etc. Who will for this funding? Every student who has these student activity fees in their tuition bills, including *gasp* minority students. SOOOOO, these white kids want a handout from minorities. dancingstu: The best part of all this is getting overlooked. These http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195323660.html History | Permalink | Share it woggy 3 Fans 05:13 PM on 10/11/2012 whats good for the goose is good for the gander? woggy: whats good for the goose is good for the gander? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/woggy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195325303.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:26 PM on 10/11/2012 I seriously doubt they put that much thought into this. dancingstu: I seriously doubt they put that much thought into this. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195329250.html History | Permalink | Share it demand transparency 140 Fans 05:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Videos like the one presented here are the exact reason why minority special interest groups are losing their support. People who never did anything to hurt any black are simply sick of being punished for things their ancestors never did.

When black people can celebrate their heritage without being the number one killer of their own race; maybe I'l care what black people have to say about my race being able to protect their own rights. Particularly since most "white" people in America are descended from people from many different countries who's ancestors never owned slaves and came to America to escape oppression. demand_transparency: Videos like the one presented here are the exact reason http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/demand_transparency/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195323085.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER WendellPerrySociety 248 Fans 05:15 PM on 10/11/2012 st. f-u WendellPerrySociety: st. f-u http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/WendellPerrySociety/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195325955.html History | Permalink | Share it demand transparency 140 Fans 05:19 PM on 10/11/2012 Reality won't change just because it doesn't fit with your ideology. demand_transparency: Reality won't change just because it doesn't fit with your http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/demand_transparency/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195327019.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jojoturner 5 Fans 05:42 PM on 10/11/2012 can you provide a better reasoned pov? jojoturner: can you provide a better reasoned pov? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jojoturner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195333867.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 05:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Your ancestors never did? If your ancestors were in the US for the last 50+ years, they probably did something. Haven't you ever heard of segregation and Jim Crow? I'm White. My mom's family came to the US during the Cornish Diaspora and settled in Colorado. I don't believe my folks were racist, particularly to the era in which they were born, but discrimination and segregation was prevalent. I'm 49, and it was not subtle when I was a kid. We were all implicitly or explicitly involved in some way, even if we just tolerated it.

My first husband is first-generation Mexican American, and my current husband is American Indian. Believe me when I say that discrimination happens now, and it happened quite recently. My husband's family is entitled to medical and other benefits in another state (through treaties that fund Indian Health Services). Whites resent that and want to strip Indians from receiving benefits that the federal government is contractually obligated to provide (and don't fund at 100%, even).

Give me a break! boyoboy: Your ancestors never did?  If your ancestors were in the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195333438.html History | Permalink | Share it demand transparency 140 Fans 05:55 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm Irish. And not from the south. There were never any Jim Crow laws where I'm from but there are a lot of memorials with names of Irish men that died in the south to end slavery.

I can trace my line back to Irish who were brought to America on boats as slaves.

i wasn't allowed to call myself Irish on any government form I'v ever filled out. I had to check "white". demand_transparency: I'm Irish. And not from the south. There were never http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/demand_transparency/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195337827.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Loodis truth-out 133 Fans 05:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Now why would you have a white person's group when we are clearly a global world now. This does smack of an academic KKK. That is so wrong and should be banned. Loodis: Now why would you have a white person's group when http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Loodis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195323062.html History | Permalink | Share it

cmon really I comment therefore I am 145 Fans 05:11 PM on 10/11/2012 Whites are and always have been the minority race on this "global world". cmon_really: Whites are and always have been the minority race on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cmon_really/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324749.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Simonmic Much madness is divinest sense 75 Fans 05:14 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, even when they were invading most of it. Simonmic: Yes, even when they were invading most of it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Simonmic/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195325516.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Loodis truth-out 133 Fans 05:22 PM on 10/11/2012 That's true. They have just seized the power and the money. Loodis: That's true. They have just seized the power and the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Loodis/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328000.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mitch Johnesee 101 Fans 05:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Chill out with the incendiary rhetoric - calling them the "academic KKK" when they haven't done ANYTHING to deserve that is ridiculous. Mitch_Johnesee: Chill out with the incendiary rhetoric - calling them the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mitch_Johnesee/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195326079.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Loodis truth-out 133 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 The Academic KKK - apparently they spend most of their time talking about minorities. So they need a white group to discuss.....? Loodis: The Academic KKK - apparently they spend most of their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Loodis/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328276.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 05:42 PM on 10/11/2012 They had a White Supremacist speaker. boyoboy: They had a White Supremacist speaker. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195334100.html History | Permalink | Share it dwill123 flexing the "golden pipes" on the day's issues 761 Fans 05:05 PM on 10/11/2012 "Is A White Students Group Racist?"

Not necessarily and at face value there should be any reason to deny a “white student union”. The question is given that at institutions like Towson and many, many others where every single aspect of the institution is driven or derived by and mainly for the benefits of white students, why is there a NEED??? dwill123: "Is A White Students Group Racist?" Not necessarily and at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dwill123/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195322958.html History | Permalink | Share it Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:17 PM on 10/11/2012 The only need is RACISM = ignorance Eric4969: The only need is RACISM = ignorance http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326468.html History | Permalink | Share it


05:03 PM on 10/11/2012 All minority groups that are not hate groups should be allowed to have their own support system. A majority group doesn't really need that because they have support all around them. When whites are a minority, by all means, they should have their own support group too. Bergen2: All minority groups that are not hate groups should be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bergen2/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195322301.html History | Permalink | Share it SabeWhat If you lie to win you lose, always, eventually. 391 Fans 05:16 PM on 10/11/2012 I have no problem with the future minority majority group having an organized group - they follow the rules like everyone else. If it falls within the University Guidelines OK. I trust there are guidelines for all school recognized groups regarding admission criteria, behavior and funding requirements. SabeWhat: I have no problem with the future minority majority group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SabeWhat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326152.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BabyFister 42 Fans 05:02 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm proud of my Norwegian heritage and I love my super pale skin- no tanning or bronzer for me! My husband is a Ginger of Irish decent. We're proud of our people- there's no difference in "white pride" than "black pride" etc. But using your skin color as the platform to unite people in the hopes of arguing supremacy or dominance over others is inherently wrong. "White" in itself is a very diverse group of people- just like hispanic is a large, diverse pool of cultures. BabyFister: I'm proud of my Norwegian heritage and I love my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BabyFister/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321976.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER RCnDC If U Dont Live Ur Life Being Born, U Live It Dying 1108 Fans 04:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Nonsense.... It's like saying their needs to be a pro wife beaters advocacy group because their are victim advocacy groups. I suppose we've reached a day and age where morals and common decentcty is no longer taught at home and therefore we now have to use and hide behind the freedom of speech tenets of our constitutuon to excuse dispicable behavior... What's next, skinning and deboning your pets because you can do whatever you like with your property so says our founding fathers documents... RCnDC: Nonsense.... It's like saying their needs to be a pro http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RCnDC/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321600.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Commensality 70 Fans 05:00 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm not sure that "white Americans" realize how culturally different they are from "white Europeans." Nor do I think people realize how blacks and whites from the south are more culturally similar than southern whites are from northern whites. Do people realize that before slavery was institutionalized, white and black indentured servants married and interacted without consideration to color? They had too many interests in common, and the oligarchs had to put an end to that. It has taken generations to construct the concept of black and white in our minds; it will take generations to deconstruct it from our hearts. Commensality: I'm not sure that "white Americans" realize how culturally different http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Commensality/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321437.html History | Permalink | Share it updownandaround inandoutandsideways 171 Fans 05:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Only to liberals. Everything is according to liberals. updownandaround: Only to liberals. Everything is according to liberals. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/updownandaround/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321416.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:02 PM on 10/11/2012 Reality does have a liberal bias. dancingstu: Reality does have a liberal bias. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195322020.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER tom928 36 Fans 05:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Reality does NOT have a liberal bias IF Darwinism is true. tom928: Reality does NOT have a liberal bias IF Darwinism is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/tom928/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195323114.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Loodis truth-out 133 Fans 05:07 PM on 10/11/2012 What you say is just plain ignorant. Stop using liberal as your only vocabulary and start communicating as if you had taken English 101. Loodis: What you say is just plain ignorant. Stop using liberal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Loodis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195323567.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER StaircaseCO My micro bio is very empty 274 Fans

05:00 PM on 10/11/2012 More of that 'Merican Sepshulism we keep hearing about. StaircaseCO: More of that 'Merican Sepshulism we keep hearing about. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/StaircaseCO/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321339.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Krek 720 Fans 04:59 PM on 10/11/2012 "every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for themselves."

That's because every other ethnic group apart from 'White' is a minority in American society. It's straightforward statistics that these groups are going to be under-represented among decision makers and are, therefore, going to feel the need to advocate for their interests so the people who make the decisions know what their views are. It simple stuff really, but clearly beyond this dim bulb. Surprised he even made it to college. Krek: "every single other ethnic group has an advocacy group for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Krek/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320960.html History | Permalink | Share it

TxGold Proud Conservative American 223 Fans 05:07 PM on 10/11/2012 So? If the whites want their own group, that's their right also. Your inane insults show what you are. TxGold: So? If the whites want their own group, that's their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TxGold/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195323493.html History | Permalink | Share it Eric4969 Type Today Post Tomorrow 1102 Fans 05:19 PM on 10/11/2012 From Said WHITE MAN LOLOLL Eric4969: From Said WHITE MAN LOLOLL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Eric4969/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195327134.html History | Permalink | Share it ravenslvr 32 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/11/2012 It's always been like that. If any group wants to start a club, it's a group just bonding and sharing experiences. If white people do it, it's racist and hateful. No matter what the white group is based on, it will always be considered racist. That's bull. We need more white geared groups, because it is telling our children that only certain races get to have clubs. I'm white, but I was a member of various ethnic clubs because I like to be very diverse and know what concerns are going on. At the same time, it would have been nice to have a white club as a base group ravenslvr: It's always been like that. If any group wants to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ravenslvr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320783.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER INVet Truth has a liberal bias 752 Fans 05:18 PM on 10/11/2012 If you have it and you open it up to all groups, what then? What is a white group about? What should we protest? Why, when the dominant culture is set up still on "whiteness".

So I think people say "If not a racist group, then why?" INVet: If you have it and you open it up to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/INVet/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195326605.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER reader1 Interested in the world 302 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/11/2012 In a world that has become so racialized, allow white folks to be together all they want, including their college students. Its not the gathering its the content of the characters that you gather. Since the election of Barack Husein Obama, the race deal has been overwhelming negative. I mean you are hanging chairs and the like, call the first lady a monkey and all of that trash. We will never see each other as humans as long as the right and left refuse to say what the real problems are in this country. It's the economy stupid, enough said! reader1: In a world that has become so racialized, allow white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/reader1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320382.html History | Permalink | Share it

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HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR teron678 A Pessimistic Optimist 1035 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/11/2012 BTW what is "White Culture"?? teron678: BTW what is "White Culture"?? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teron678/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320361.html History | Permalink | Share it

Sacchinftw Isn't it sad...? 626 Fans 04:59 PM on 10/11/2012 It's what us normal people call a conservative's persecution complex. Sacchinftw: It's what us normal people call a conservative's persecution complex. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sacchinftw/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320938.html History | Permalink | Share it

JohnMavis41 80 Fans 05:11 PM on 10/11/2012 Cheeseburger and Fries JohnMavis41: Cheeseburger and Fries http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JohnMavis41/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195324566.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER ltheghost TRUTH! 360 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Okay whatever do what you like. Nobody is stopping you. But you gotta take the critisim. Lol ltheghost: Okay whatever do what you like. Nobody is stopping you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ltheghost/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320348.html History | Permalink | Share it

Algebra Palin this bio is pending approval and won't be displaye 265 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/11/2012 lets be real here. why start a white student union to obsessively discuss minorities? Algebra_Palin: lets be real here. why start a white student union http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Algebra_Palin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320335.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 05:04 PM on 10/11/2012 To get funding! Paid for by fees in the tuition bills of minority students, amongst others. So the White People's Party needs the black people to give it a handout. dancingstu: To get funding! Paid for by fees in the tuition http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195322589.html History | Permalink | Share it behindEnemyLines Put down the talking point pamphlet. 813 Fans 04:57 PM on 10/11/2012 The concept is as racist as a a black student union, or hispanic student union. If you allow one, you must allow the other. If you accept one it would hypocritical to not accept the other. behindEnemyLines: The concept is as racist as a a black student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/behindEnemyLines/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320318.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER golfislife12 125 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it a racist club?? What else would you call it? golfislife12: Is it a racist club?? What else would you call http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/golfislife12/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195319867.html History | Permalink | Share it sorjuana 2700 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes, the poor white man has had it rough for so long. Those uppity minorities have had all the advantages and opportunities in life and we have been left to fend for ourselves. Please, get over yourselves, I am a white woman who feels very fortunate that I have not had to encounter racial prejudices, although there are those who have attempted to marginalize me because of my gender. sorjuana: Yes, the poor white man has had it rough for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sorjuana/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195319753.html History | Permalink | Share it

TxGold Proud Conservative American 223 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Then stop badmouthing you race! Whites need not feel guilty because they're 'white'. TxGold: Then stop badmouthing you race! Whites need not feel guilty http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TxGold/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324037.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER RIhter 145 Fans 06:29 PM on 10/11/2012 No need to feel shame, but how about some humility?

If you can't see that being part of a majority has it's benefits, and therefore advantages, then you are blind.

I'd take the time to list some facts and statistics, but it's obvious you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. RIhter: No need to feel shame, but how about some humility? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RIhter/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195346962.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All sorjuana 2700 Fans 11:01 PM on 10/11/2012 I speak as I find my dear. I don't care what a person's race or color is, if you act like a jerk and treat your fellowman as, "Less Than"", I will call you out. I am a woman, who came of age in the 1960's, and I have yet, in my long life, ever met a person who felt guilty because they were white. sorjuana: I speak as I find my dear. I don't care http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sorjuana/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195418380.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

gulamon 1354 Fans 05:11 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe it was your personality? gulamon: Maybe it was your personality? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gulamon/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324748.html History | Permalink | Share it sorjuana 2700 Fans 10:57 PM on 10/11/2012 It might have been, since I came of age in the early 1960's and never did like being treated as a second class citizen or a doormat. sorjuana: It might have been, since I came of age in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sorjuana/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195416785.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All labgal Doo-Wop Forever 440 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 I have a hard time accepting complaints of anti-White bias when whites are the overwhelming majority in this country. labgal: I have a hard time accepting complaints of anti-White bias http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/labgal/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195319619.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR teron678 A Pessimistic Optimist 1035 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/11/2012 "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."???? what?? teron678: "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."???? what?? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teron678/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318895.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Killermolls44 518 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Unless its like a mini KKK or neo Nazi group I don't really see a problem. Killermolls44: Unless its like a mini KKK or neo Nazi group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Killermolls44/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318801.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/11/2012 So, if the members are writing "White Power" around the campus, THEN it's a problem? Okay, fair enough. Except they already did that. And they invited a white supremacist to their first meeting soooooooo...... dancingstu: So, if the members are writing "White Power" around the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195320704.html History | Permalink | Share it

Dale Penticuff 8 Fans 06:30 PM on 10/11/2012 But black power would be just fine right? Dale_Penticuff: But black power would be just fine right? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dale_Penticuff/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347403.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Simonmic Much madness is divinest sense 75 Fans 04:59 PM on 10/11/2012 A mini KKK would be kkk. Simonmic: A mini KKK would be kkk. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Simonmic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321018.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All KirkDiggler 59 Fans 04:50 PM on 10/11/2012 Once this Heimback person used the phrase "liberal media" his cover was blown. Oh, and that thing about inviting a white supremacist to speak to their group, yeah that too. Just another David Dukes wannabe. KirkDiggler: Once this Heimback person used the phrase "liberal media" his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KirkDiggler/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318105.html History | Permalink | Share it Bossi 4 Fans

04:49 PM on 10/11/2012 If the group welcomes anyone as a member, then I wouldn't say that's inherently racist; just a cultural club like any other (unless it starts pushing issues otherwise). But if it restricts membership to whites only: absolutely, that becomes a problem. Bossi: If the group welcomes anyone as a member, then I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bossi/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317868.html History | Permalink | Share it

TxGold Proud Conservative American 223 Fans 05:09 PM on 10/11/2012 And if blacks don't allow whites, what are they? TxGold: And if blacks don't allow whites, what are they? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TxGold/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324230.html History | Permalink | Share it Bossi 4 Fans

06:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Not sure if you're going for a reaction or not- but it'd be the exact same. Bossi: Not sure if you're going for a reaction or not- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bossi/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195351950.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Roguewolf 30-Year Military Veteran 341 Fans 04:49 PM on 10/11/2012 The more you say you are different, the more you are. Roguewolf: The more you say you are different, the more you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Roguewolf/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317812.html History | Permalink | Share it jazzjazz71 8 Fans 04:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Anti-white bias? White is mainstream, dude. I see that "old angry white men" has turned into "young angry white kids." jazzjazz71: Anti-white bias? White is mainstream, dude. I see that "old http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jazzjazz71/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317677.html History | Permalink | Share it therblig Noids do not have sex with doodles. 552 Fans 04:48 PM on 10/11/2012 so I guess the name "Creepy Virgins Club" was already taken? therblig: so I guess the name "Creepy Virgins Club" was already http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/therblig/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317638.html History | Permalink | Share it

Owen E W Youngs 22 Fans 04:53 PM on 10/11/2012 LOLA Owen_E_W_Youngs: LOLA http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Owen_E_W_Youngs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319084.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER kyeshinka 993 Fans 05:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Already trademarked it. kyeshinka: Already trademarked it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kyeshinka/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195324472.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Right Girl The Audacity of Meaningless Platitudes 1110 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/11/2012 People of like backgrounds have always sought one another out ... it's doesn't mean that they're prejudiced against any other ethic, religious, or racial group. There doesn't ever seem to be a problem with forming a club exclusive to any given group UNLESS that group involves "Whites," "Males," or "Christians." I've never heard anyone complain about the "Black Lawyers' Assn." but if someone wanted to have a "Black Men's Lawyers' Assn." there would be a blacklash. However, no one would complain if there were a "Black Women's Lawyers' Assn." .... but don't try to have a "White Women's Lawyers' Assn."

The same is true for religious organizations. College campuses across the Country have Muslim religious groups, Jewish groups, Atheist groups, etc. But if someone tries to form an exclusive "Christian" group ... forget it.

I suspect that the majority of people really don't care one way or another, but there is always some radical who will make it their cause du jour if someone tries to form a group with the words "White," "Male," or "Christian" in it's name. Right_Girl: People of like backgrounds have always sought one another out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Right_Girl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317306.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Campus Crusade for Christ and Cardinal Newman Societies are very common. Wrench_Turner: Campus Crusade for Christ and Cardinal Newman Societies are very http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318788.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 I've seen lots of Christian groups in schools, so I don't think that's accurate. These groups unite around a common interest or purpose. Minority groups want to further minority participation in whatever group they've created, i.e., small business, lawyers, construction. Are you saying that the White Lawyers Association NEEDS to encourage participation of whites in the legal field? There aren't enough? Really? I will also correct you on the White Women's Lawyer's Association group. There are women's groups to encourage participation in construction, small business enterprise, law, and a myriad of other fields.

So, your issue is that there aren't enough whites in whatever field(s), so they need their own groups to encourage participation in those fields. I will leave you now to go to the bathroom because I think I might have gone pp in my pants from the hilarity of it all. boyoboy: I've seen lots of Christian groups in schools, so I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195319654.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Right Girl The Audacity of Meaningless Platitudes 1110 Fans 05:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Universities are banning religious groups one by one as left-wing radicals cry "discrimination." Vanderbilt just did it, as have several other Colleges.

As for the legal groups, their purpose is NOT to "encourage participation of" any ethic group in the legal field. You must already be a lawyer to join. The point is that Blacks often like to commingle with blacks because they share common backgrounds and nobody has a problem with that. Ditto for Hispanic and/or Women's groups of the same nature. The point is that such groups are fine so long as they're not exclusive to Men, Whites, or Christians. Right_Girl: Universities are banning religious groups one by one as left-wing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Right_Girl/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195322974.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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Captain-Obvious 122 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Everything white people do is Racist.

Nothing Black people do is Racist.

Duh!?? Captain-Obvious: Everything white people do is Racist. Nothing Black people do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Captain-Obvious/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317253.html History | Permalink | Share it

Old Glenridge 59 Fans 04:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Nobody said that ... except you. Old_Glenridge: Nobody said that ... except you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Old_Glenridge/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318451.html History | Permalink | Share it SabeWhat If you lie to win you lose, always, eventually. 391 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Everything Black people do is Racist.

Nothing white people do is Racist.

Duh!?? SabeWhat: Everything Black people do is Racist. Nothing white people do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SabeWhat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195319737.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All ExtraCover 45 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/11/2012 White students have the right to organize just as much as any other students.

However, I personally prefer NOT having any groups that's based on race or ethnicity that is political. I don't mind a student group that is predominantly white or black that celebrates and promotes art and culture. That support and speak against say discrimination of white people in South Africa (I know that race is still an issue in SA but I haven't found any evidence to support this guys claim that there is a genocide against white people in SA, Anyway, assuming there is one then standing against that is fine, it's a cause worth fighting for).

Here is the problem I have with this particular group, the first speaker was a white supremacist. Anyone that believes that their race or any race for that matter is superior to another are bigots.

If I were Heimbach, my first speaker would be a professor or a historian not a racist. ExtraCover: White students have the right to organize just as much http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ExtraCover/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317214.html History | Permalink | Share it cmcdonald214 117 Fans 04:46 PM on 10/11/2012 I think it would not be considered racism if he had organized a European-American Student Union or an Irish-American Student Union or even a Polish-American Student Union. Just calling it a White Student Union reveals a racial perspective and implies an agenda. At the very least it's completely insensitive if he's aware of the perception and ignorant if he is not aware.

If you are trying to protect a heritage, history and culture and further that goal, choose your words wisely. There's nothing wrong with celebrating 'white' culture whatever that may mean, but be sure you are celebrating a culture and not an imperialist history. What is 'white' culture today anyway? Is there such a thing? If you are thinking geek culture, that's influenced by Asian and Indian cultures (see Big Bang Theory). Is rural farm culture 'white' culture?

I do think that Americans of European descent do have a right to organize, network and protect their culture, but it's wise to do so in a way that steers clear of the troubled past and focuses on culture and prosperity without oppression. cmcdonald214: I think it would not be considered racism if he http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cmcdonald214/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317024.html History | Permalink | Share it

Owen E W Youngs 22 Fans 04:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Well, and on the other side, many groups have become so americanized that their only identify is racial, no longer familiar with their ethnic identity and unable to relate to it. I see your point though. Owen_E_W_Youngs: Well, and on the other side, many groups have become http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Owen_E_W_Youngs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318610.html History | Permalink | Share it

Owen E W Youngs 22 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/11/2012 I guess his campus doesn't have a Republican Students Club, cuz if so he wouldn't have to create this group in the first place. Owen_E_W_Youngs: I guess his campus doesn't have a Republican Students Club, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Owen_E_W_Youngs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195316355.html History | Permalink | Share it

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 01:54 PM on 10/16/2012 BOOM.

http://involved.towson.edu/organization/towsoncollegerepublicans/about sarahmysterious: BOOM. http://involved.towson.edu/organization/towsoncollegerepublicans/about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196722635.html History | Permalink | Share it

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 01:55 PM on 10/16/2012 But that is a Republican group at a MARYLAND state school... I dunno if you've been to the good ol' stated of Maryland recently but we're pretty BLUE (haha, blue, get it? Democrats...? oh well, I liked the pun). sarahmysterious: But that is a Republican group at a MARYLAND state http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196723102.html History | Permalink | Share it

Owen E W Youngs 22 Fans 07:21 PM on 10/17/2012 zing! Owen_E_W_Youngs: zing! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Owen_E_W_Youngs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_197245713.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All teabagonyochin 10 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/11/2012 It is just as racist as a black , latino , asian , arab ect student group. Depends on the content. teabagonyochin: It is just as racist as a black , latino http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/teabagonyochin/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195316297.html History | Permalink | Share it

Ed Baker All Hail Big Mother 638 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/11/2012 There is institutional hate for white people. We should not even acknowledge race at all in any circumstance, it is an invention. Ed_Baker: There is institutional hate for white people. We should not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ed_Baker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195316215.html History | Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink |Show replies(1) sorjuana 2700 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/11/2012 I wish I could fan you again stu: I'm happy to fave you again. sorjuana: I wish I could fan you again stu: I'm happy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sorjuana/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195320860.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Demidan Can you smell the GOP desperaton yet? 2239 Fans

04:50 PM on 10/11/2012 He Eddie,,,I guess they didn't let you in to their widdle cwub? Demidan: He Eddie,,,I guess they didn't let you in to their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Demidan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318151.html History | Permalink | Share it

Ed Baker All Hail Big Mother 638 Fans 04:54 PM on 10/11/2012 What club is that? I don't belong to any clubs. Don't have time for it. Ed_Baker: What club is that?  I don't belong to any clubs.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ed_Baker/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319569.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All groland socially left, fiscally right 637 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/11/2012 With no disrespect to Towson State U, this guy Heimbach probably believes he should be at Harvard right now but some minority kid took his spot.

Universities have an anti-white bias? That is news to me, I look around at my Professor colleagues and see very few faces of color, probably less than 2 %. groland: With no disrespect to Towson State U, this guy Heimbach http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/groland/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195316079.html History | Permalink | Share it SabeWhat If you lie to win you lose, always, eventually. 391 Fans 05:08 PM on 10/11/2012 I wonder if there is truly a belief, among a lot, that one group must have first pickings always until they are full (merit does not factor in). It is only then that non group members are allowed access, assuming openings still remain. When that does not occur, is fear and or denied opportunity an inevitable perceived/believed outcome? Also the admission of others may be perceived as non-deserved competition - it they were not here I would have greater chances among all things that are here. Just one lost seat is a lost opportunity, a denied opportunity for my group - the group like me. If they leave here with me then, once again, I am faced with non-deserved competition - another seat lost to people like me when I should always have first pickings. SabeWhat: I wonder if there is truly a belief, among a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SabeWhat/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195323730.html History | Permalink | Share it mphimpact 100 Fans 04:43 PM on 10/11/2012 Boy, am I glad I graduated from UC before they started this nonsense policy. mphimpact: Boy, am I glad I graduated from UC before they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mphimpact/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315879.html History | Permalink | Share it HellerHighwater World centrist, "Far-left" American 831 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 There's an old cartoon in which a white guy is talking to another and complaining, "Gee, the Blacks have the Black Panthers and the Latinos have LULAC looking out for them! Who's looking out for me?!"

Other guy: "Congress?" HellerHighwater: There's an old cartoon in which a white guy is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/HellerHighwater/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315622.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER phuqabolic hakuna matata 95 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 I personally don't see anything wrong with white student's group....people will always group themselves on looks, religion affiliations, gender, sexuality etc...so if any group of people who have something in common wanna form a group then it should be ok...so long as the group is not formed to counter or be against anyone. #Blackguyperspective. phuqabolic: I personally don't see anything wrong with white student's group....people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/phuqabolic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315560.html History | Permalink | Share it

Owen E W Youngs 22 Fans 04:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Watch the video, their first guest speaker was a white supremacist. Owen_E_W_Youngs: Watch the video, their first guest speaker was a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Owen_E_W_Youngs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195316975.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Killermolls44 518 Fans 04:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Okay then... Not cool. Killermolls44: Okay then... Not cool. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Killermolls44/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319010.html History | Permalink | Share it Demidan Can you smell the GOP desperaton yet? 2239 Fans

04:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Every group is against something. Demidan: Every group is against something. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Demidan/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318429.html History | Permalink | Share it redramsam 1 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 Oh wow this is embarrassing. I'm actually from Maryland and lived in Towson for a few years. Please, world, know that Maryland isn't at all like this. redramsam: Oh wow this is embarrassing. I'm actually from Maryland and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/redramsam/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315454.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Obviously, it's a LITTLE like this. dancingstu: Obviously, it's a LITTLE like this. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317010.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 05:23 PM on 10/11/2012 They do want to disassociate from the south, though. boyoboy: They do want to disassociate from the south, though. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195328101.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All jesther Ehn! Meh. Zuh? Ha! 104 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 If this guy wants to get some action in college, I suggest he hit the gym, take a shower, grab some culture, consume some good books and get a sense of humor. His silly little group is not going to end his virginity. jesther: If this guy wants to get some action in college, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jesther/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315397.html History | Permalink | Share it GraceNotes We live for books. 260 Fans 04:50 PM on 10/11/2012 He should also find a better barber. GraceNotes: He should also find a better barber. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraceNotes/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318139.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program bimyah 87 Fans 04:41 PM on 10/11/2012 White folks think that they are losing something if other folks make gains in life... that's why whites thwart the judicial, banking and educational systems against minorities so that they will have an innate advantage on these groups.

That's why so many whites go crazy and molest children or commit mass murder in movie theaters, schools and work places.

White people... sheesh! bimyah: White folks think that they are losing something if other http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bimyah/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315122.html History | Permalink | Share it skerge 93 Fans 04:40 PM on 10/11/2012 If they have other groups like this with other races, then its racist to even ask if its ok. skerge: If they have other groups like this with other races, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/skerge/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314888.html History | Permalink | Share it

TheLibraryOfCodex 1032 Fans 04:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Any student union with membership policies based solely on race is inherently exclusionary TheLibraryOfCodex: Any student union with membership policies based solely on race http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TheLibraryOfCodex/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314744.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER LibertarianCentrist Proud Barry Goldwater Republican!!! 511 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 You going to tell that to the many all black universities and Fraternities??? LibertarianCentrist: You going to tell that to the many all black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LibertarianCentrist/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195315591.html History | Permalink | Share it

Sacchinftw Isn't it sad...? 626 Fans 04:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Neither historically black colleges nor fraternities bar entry to people of other ethnicities. Sacchinftw: Neither historically black colleges nor fraternities bar entry to people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sacchinftw/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195316560.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Elias Askins 24 Fans 04:56 PM on 10/11/2012 you should probably do a bit of research into the policies of HBCU's and Black Greeks BEFORE you speak again on the issue...."knowing is half the battle" Elias_Askins: you should probably do a bit of research into the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Elias_Askins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319961.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Rugby1 272 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/11/2012 So I assume you want to remove the African American student Unions, or the Hispanic Student Unions? Rugby1: So I assume you want to remove the African American http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Rugby1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195316344.html History | Permalink | Share it

TheLibraryOfCodex 1032 Fans 09:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes I do TheLibraryOfCodex: Yes I do http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TheLibraryOfCodex/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195394082.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 51 52 53 54 55 Next › Last » (61 total) fishin4u Thats the bottom line 'cause fish says so 714 Fans 04:39 PM on 10/11/2012 Having a club of "Caucasian only" is no more racist then : The United Negro College Fund The Congressional Black Caucas NAACP ETC......

FISH...... fishin4u: Having a club of "Caucasian only" is no more racist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fishin4u/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314644.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Dear minority students at Towson University: Please support the founding of this group, which will have, at best, about 15 insecure white guys in it. Then draw straws for 50 minorities (with strong stomachs) to join the group at its founding, and elect the blackest man in the room as the new president of the "White Student Union". Repeat this process every time Heimbach forms a new hate-group. dancingstu: Dear minority students at Towson University: Please support the founding http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314385.html History | Permalink | Share it

sebackpacker y u no like country?? 364 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/11/2012 So should white students, or Asian students, or "X" students do the same to the "African American Student Union"? sebackpacker: So should white students, or Asian students, or "X" students http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sebackpacker/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195317273.html History | Permalink | Share it GraceNotes We live for books. 260 Fans 04:53 PM on 10/11/2012 In the original article on this yesterday, it was mentioned that the African American student union at Towson has several members who are not African American. GraceNotes: In the original article on this yesterday, it was mentioned http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraceNotes/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319247.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER malander 732 Fans 04:38 PM on 10/11/2012 So sad. White people are still the majority in this nation. It is a white man's world. If you are white and can't make it in the US without forming a white union, you have to be a pretty big loser. Or, you are a huge scammer, looking to make a buck off of white hysteria. malander: So sad. White people are still the majority in this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/malander/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314319.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER detroitblkmale30 Wise Men Still Seek Him 648 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 I have no issue with a white student union that supports common cultural interests etc. However the notion that there is a mainstream anti-white bias is both laughable and an oxymoron considering whites ARE the mainstream. smh detroitblkmale30: I have no issue with a white student union that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/detroitblkmale30/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313981.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER PEIGOLFER 28 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Is that why yesterday, the Supreme Court heard arguements on "Affirmative Action" at the University of Texas ? PEIGOLFER: Is that why yesterday, the Supreme Court heard arguements on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PEIGOLFER/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195317152.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER detroitblkmale30 Wise Men Still Seek Him 648 Fans 05:20 PM on 10/11/2012 Thats not a question of mainstream bias. Its a debate over the efficacy of a government sponsored program. That HARDLY means there is a mainstream bais against white people by white people. That's nonsensical. detroitblkmale30: Thats not a question of mainstream bias. Its a debate http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/detroitblkmale30/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195327329.html History | Permalink | Share it

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 02:05 PM on 10/16/2012 Actually, yes, that's the EXACT REASON. Duh. sarahmysterious: Actually, yes, that's the EXACT REASON. Duh. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196727138.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Ed Baker All Hail Big Mother 638 Fans 04:47 PM on 10/11/2012 The only people who are discriminated against because of their race are white people, and it's legal and it's institutionalized.

PS - I'm not white. :) Ed_Baker: The only people who are discriminated against because of their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ed_Baker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195317299.html History | Permalink | Share it

Owen E W Youngs 22 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/11/2012 You made a simple statement, so here's a simple response: No, you're wrong. Owen_E_W_Youngs: You made a simple statement, so here's a simple response: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Owen_E_W_Youngs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318848.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Demidan Can you smell the GOP desperaton yet? 2239 Fans

04:53 PM on 10/11/2012 P.P.S. You're a Muppet. Demidan: P.P.S. You're a Muppet. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Demidan/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319127.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER R Good 32 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Twinkie boy isn't the best looking guy in the world, so he should include all races to enhance his chances of ever getting a date. If he is in that sad a shape in college, what is he going to look like in 15, 20 years. George Clooney? NOT!!! R_Good: Twinkie boy isn't the best looking guy in the world, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/R_Good/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313873.html History | Permalink | Share it thomasearlva 115 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Stated as a black man, I don't have a problem with any ethnic, religious, gender, or such groups creation/meeting as long as the goals of the group are not to undermine the life, liberty and happiness of others. White people should have no qualms about a black group and vice versa, and some point people have to let go of several double standards and fears on all sides. There is nothing wrong with pride in one's own race or races as there are many mixed race people in the world, as long as we can also acknowledge we are all humans (which unfortunately, a lot of people don't see people of different walks equal or as deserving as their own and visit those views onto others ~ maybe like a politician in a book they've written about how times were better for another race when there was an inequality of races in the country). It's hard living down the past when people keep living in it. thomasearlva: Stated as a black man, I don't have a problem http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thomasearlva/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313708.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER PEIGOLFER 28 Fans 04:52 PM on 10/11/2012 I agree with 95% of what you said !! However, I believe IF the African-American community wants to be treated no differently than Whites or Latinos, etc, then we all need to be treated alike. There was a time for Affirmative Action; I believe that time has past. If you believe in Brown V. The Board of Education, why is there a need for Howard U. or Florida A&M ? To be treated equally, compete equally. PEIGOLFER: I agree with 95% of what you said !! However, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PEIGOLFER/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318877.html History | Permalink | Share it

Elias Askins 24 Fans 05:14 PM on 10/11/2012 "competing equally" for (college entrance i assume is your point) requires an equitable starting point in ones eduation and environment. and i'm hopeful that you don't feel all starting points in this country are "equal". Elias_Askins: "competing equally" for (college entrance i assume is your point) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Elias_Askins/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195325464.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All somepeoplecallmethestig It's 5 o'clock somewhere. 162 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/11/2012 If you can have a black student union, or a womens student union, then you can have a white student union. If its raci.st for the whites then its racis.t for any other group. somepeoplecallmethestig: If you can have a black student union, or a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/somepeoplecallmethestig/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195313449.html History | Permalink | Share it

dale kern 61 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 fail. dale_kern: fail. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dale_kern/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314024.html History | Permalink | Share it

somepeoplecallmethestig It's 5 o'clock somewhere. 162 Fans 04:38 PM on 10/11/2012 Unless of course you have a double standard. Then it is fine. somepeoplecallmethestig: Unless of course you have a double standard.  Then it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/somepeoplecallmethestig/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195314368.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

TheLibraryOfCodex 1032 Fans 04:40 PM on 10/11/2012 No, it's correct. TheLibraryOfCodex: No, it's correct. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TheLibraryOfCodex/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195314951.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Adn white, male students are allowed to join every one of those groups too. Wouldn't it be hilarious, though, if 50 minorities showed up for the first meeting of this group and elected a black man as the group's president? dancingstu: Adn white, male students are allowed to join every one http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195315031.html History | Permalink | Share it

somepeoplecallmethestig It's 5 o'clock somewhere. 162 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 Really if whites can join a black student union why not just call it a student union. If a bunch of blacks want to join the white union great, but then lets just call it a student union. somepeoplecallmethestig: Really if whites can join a black student union why http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/somepeoplecallmethestig/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195315610.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER PEIGOLFER 28 Fans 04:59 PM on 10/11/2012 LIKE THE USA ? PEIGOLFER: LIKE THE USA ? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/PEIGOLFER/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195321117.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Benuhetep 5 Fans 04:34 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't think its racist. I really could care less. As long as their club receives no greater or lesser treatment from the instituion. Who cares? Benuhetep: I don't think its racist. I really could care less. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Benuhetep/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312923.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR Stephen Stafford Be the answer to somebody's prayer! 3657 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/11/2012 Aren't these people known as"Young Republicans" on most campuses? Stephen_Stafford: Aren't these people known as"Young Republicans" on most campuses? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stephen_Stafford/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312780.html History | Permalink | Share it jokerdanny my other bio is a macro 1481 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/11/2012 i think he fails to understand that for hundreds of years when you were not at your hispanic or asian group meetings, that you were pretty much operating in a meeting (called society) devoted to helping whites; as i understand it the ethnic group meetings were established to help them develop strategies to compete as equals in the white meeting (the greater society) when their 2 hour ethnic meetings adjourned jokerdanny: i think he fails to understand that for hundreds of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jokerdanny/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312751.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER sacmom3 Idiocracy. It's not just a movie anymore. 627 Fans 04:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Great post. sacmom3: Great post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sacmom3/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195314989.html History | Permalink | Share it

sebackpacker y u no like country?? 364 Fans 04:50 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm pissed because dinosaurs ate my ancestors. I feel oppressed. sebackpacker: I'm pissed because dinosaurs ate my ancestors. I feel oppressed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sebackpacker/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318210.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER realitytrumpsbull two 'alves of coconut! 1607 Fans

04:33 PM on 10/11/2012 I think it all ought to be abolished. If we're equal, we're equal. If you have any ethnic groups on campus practicing ethnic politics, then all ethnic groups should be politically and socially polarizing and aligning themselves accordingly. I think it's an extracurricular activity, meaning 'not part of what should be going on in a classroom', or maybe even on school grounds, for that matter. Here's why we go to college: To develop and improve our professional skills so as to be able to move out into the working world, and make good account for ourselves. That's really about it. If you're doing something else, you're really not fulfilling the ultimate objective and purpose of higher education. I think too many campuses have become political and social venues, rather than lining up on the lesson materials. realitytrumpsbull: I think it all ought to be abolished. If we're http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/realitytrumpsbull/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312747.html History | Permalink | Share it

Uncle Rico Sailing the Seas of Cheese 584 Fans 04:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Heimbach: "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

Retort by Brooks: "The differences between a white student union or a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest."

Compelling intellectual jousting. Which one is Jim Carrey and which one is Jeff Daniels? Uncle_Rico: Heimbach: "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." Retort http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Uncle_Rico/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312410.html History | Permalink | Share it jdmn17 1022 Fans

04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 And here I was yelled at on this site once for stating Maryland had a whole lot of land that was covered with racists. We lived there four years and I couldn't believe it when I saw signs of the Klan every place we turned. Was thankful to get back home after having to explain to my kids what the KKK was doing having a booth at the Volunteer Fireman's Flea Market. jdmn17: And here I was yelled at on this site once http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jdmn17/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311751.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 04:32 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't recall Baltimore being like that. Wrench_Turner: I don't recall Baltimore being like that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195312454.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER LibertarianCentrist Proud Barry Goldwater Republican!!! 511 Fans 04:44 PM on 10/11/2012 I know... last time I was there a friend got mugged by 3 black men.... great city... LibertarianCentrist: I know... last time I was there a friend got http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/LibertarianCentrist/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195316339.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

lobotim 107 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/11/2012 I hope you explained that it was a free country. lobotim: I hope you explained that it was a free country. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lobotim/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312645.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 04:34 PM on 10/11/2012 I hope he used his freedom of speech to explain that its our duty to speak out against such groups too. Wrench_Turner: I hope he used his freedom of speech to explain http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195313076.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Jayjaybe 332 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 When did "white" become an ethnicity as Heimbach claims? Europe's ethnic diversity doesn't support that construct. In Europe, after millennia of wars and "cross-pollination", any stereotype is fantasy. At this point in human history, we're all mongrels. Jayjaybe: When did "white" become an ethnicity as Heimbach claims? Europe's http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Jayjaybe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311473.html History | Permalink | Share it

Uncle Rico Sailing the Seas of Cheese 584 Fans 04:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Stop. You're confusing Heimbach and his ilk. Uncle_Rico: Stop. You're confusing Heimbach and his ilk. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Uncle_Rico/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312900.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Donald Kinge 172 Fans 05:00 PM on 10/11/2012 You're right - it's a concept that needs to be understood historically. In US immigration the Irish weren't considered white at first. Then Italians weren't considered white. In 50 years many Mexicans will probably be considered white - this just goes to show that race is a completely useless concept. Donald_Kinge: You're right - it's a concept that needs to be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Donald_Kinge/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195321470.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Welshish The sadder but wiser girl for me. 708 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 Does the whites' student group espouse the superiority of the white race to all other races and so on? Does any student group, including the White group, use hate-speech? Welshish: Does the whites' student group espouse the superiority of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Welshish/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311380.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 52 53 54 55 56 Next › Last » (61 total) playsindirt So much dirt, so little time. 1264 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm still tripping over the phrase "anti-white bias". What is "white culture"? playsindirt: I'm still tripping over the phrase "anti-white bias". What is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/playsindirt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311358.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 It's the stuff in yogurt and cottage cheese, duh. dancingstu: It's the stuff in yogurt and cottage cheese, duh. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311670.html History | Permalink | Share it gwendf69 0 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Too funny! gwendf69: Too funny! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gwendf69/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319821.html History | Permalink | Share it

playsindirt So much dirt, so little time. 1264 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 LOL. :) playsindirt: LOL. :) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/playsindirt/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319845.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Donald Kinge 172 Fans 05:01 PM on 10/11/2012 most people would say "mainstream" Donald_Kinge: most people would say "mainstream" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Donald_Kinge/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195321649.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program el sistema 475 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 What examples are there of anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society? el_sistema: What examples are there of anti-white bias in academia and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/el_sistema/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311279.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:31 PM on 10/11/2012 Stupid white people are prevented from getting jobs as professors and astronauts! dancingstu: Stupid white people are prevented from getting jobs as professors http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311930.html History | Permalink | Share it

Uncle Rico Sailing the Seas of Cheese 584 Fans 04:35 PM on 10/11/2012 And computer programmers. Uncle_Rico: And computer programmers. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Uncle_Rico/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195313245.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

lobotim 107 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Towson University won't allow the whites to have a student union. lobotim: Towson University won't allow the whites to have a student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lobotim/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313556.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

el sistema 475 Fans 06:20 PM on 10/11/2012 You mean whites only? el_sistema: You mean whites only? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/el_sistema/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195344613.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER orcinous Obama has made things better. 302 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 I went to a meeting of hispanic graduating seniors around 1990. My stepsister is hispanic and she was graduating from the school. One gal got up and started talking about how the white man kept her people down and how hard it was to go to school and other somewhat hateful speech. As one of two white people in the room (the other my father) I felt quite put off. Who do you think built the univeristy you are graduating from? Who paid for most of the taxes that go to this public university? If you think hate is only limited to white groups, you are all ignorant. Let the man have his group as long as he is not preaching hate and separtism. I would rather have university groups that incorporate all students so they can all learn to get along together. Quit being separate on all levels. orcinous: I went to a meeting of hispanic graduating seniors around http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/orcinous/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311264.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Minorities probably built the university with their hands. Hate speech? Are you claiming that minorities don't pay taxes? boyoboy: Minorities probably built the university with their hands. Hate speech?  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313463.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER orcinous Obama has made things better. 302 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 The University was built in the 1960's before the hispanic invasion, which took over most construction jobs. Yes she was quite hateful angry even. She made it quite clear she did not like white people. No I am not saying minorities do not pay taxes but a majority of the taxes paid for the univeristy system are paid by whites.But you are getting way off point. orcinous: The University was built in the 1960's before the hispanic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/orcinous/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319870.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER sacmom3 Idiocracy. It's not just a movie anymore. 627 Fans 04:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Wow. sacmom3: Wow. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sacmom3/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195318511.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

OooZzzzz OooZzzzz 212 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 White people of any caucasian persuasion:

Don't blame Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Indians, Asians or any other racial minority.

Blame your White ancestors...and especially America's White ancestors.

Totally blame your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents, great grandparents and your entire family tree lineage going back for many generations because that's the real reason why today's White youth can't (even if they're a non racist group) get together, organize and create a white student union on the campus of Towson College or any college or university campus in America.

The die was cast in stone a very long time ago and Whites can't escape their American past of vile and putrid racist and hatred that has been levied against all American minorities since the inception of this country that still resonates today in the total negative.

White as hard as they try, can't escape the forever label that if they are collectively forming a group that only satisfy and warrants White interests only, then they will be labeled was a White racist organization and for many that also includes for many minorities, White college fraternities and sororities.

KKK, Aryan Nation, White militia....are just a few "lumped" racist groups you're going to be associated with whether you like it or not.

Whites can't escape their racist/hatred past and their children (racist/not) are paying the price and will continue to pay for the rest of their lives.

Thanks a lot, mom/dad and all the rest! OooZzzzz: White people of any caucasian persuasion: Don't blame Blacks, Hispanics, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/OooZzzzz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311187.html History | Permalink | Share it CoveredUp 41 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Get a grip and go have a life. CoveredUp: Get a grip and go have a life. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CoveredUp/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313809.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER sacmom3 Idiocracy. It's not just a movie anymore. 627 Fans 04:53 PM on 10/11/2012 The truth hurts. sacmom3: The truth hurts. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sacmom3/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319196.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 04:42 PM on 10/11/2012 LMFAO! you sir, are a self hating white :-) Thomas_Marsden: LMFAO! you sir, are a self hating white :-) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195315484.html History | Permalink | Share it

OooZzzzz OooZzzzz 212 Fans 04:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Only telling the truth as you well know it. OooZzzzz: Only telling the truth as you well know it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/OooZzzzz/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195317449.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/11/2012 I think he's going for more of a "Western Civilization appreciation" group. Fair enough. I really couldn't care less about latino or black culture myself. Bishop999999999: I think he's going for more of a "Western Civilization http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311146.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/11/2012 I believe he had a "Western Civilization appreciation" group before this one, but it lost its charter after members kept writing "White Power" on walls around campus. I'm not kidding. dancingstu: I believe he had a "Western Civilization appreciation" group before http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195312621.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 04:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Sure buddy. KKK, racism, yadda yadda yadda... Bishop999999999: Sure buddy.  KKK, racism, yadda yadda yadda... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195319716.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER p mersault 294 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/11/2012 Most ethnic groups form because they have common experiences and common interests and can often help each other more easily. There is no "white" common experience, unless you consider the strongly favorable condition people were born into (relative to the rest). No one has any problem with Italian or Irish groups, these are everywhere. There is no common thread, except being against everyone else. p_mersault: Most ethnic groups form because they have common experiences and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/p_mersault/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311083.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER chadizzy 320 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/11/2012 But why is Asian Ok? Why doesnt have to be a chinese, thai, malay, or laos group? chadizzy: But why is Asian Ok? Why doesnt have to be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chadizzy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313729.html History | Permalink | Share it

ChiBloger And the truth shall set us ALL free 895 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/11/2012 The 400 LB gorilla in the room when people like this speak about their “white groups” is that we live in a society greatly defined by at least 240 years of European Caucasian domination. Until fairly recently that has been exclusive. To not have this in the back of your head when listening to everything these types of people say is to be extremely brain washable to be kind. Their efforts in a real sense is redundant. ChiBloger: The 400 LB gorilla in the room when people like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ChiBloger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311008.html History | Permalink | Share it

BOBinPS Really? 128 Fans 04:35 PM on 10/11/2012 OK, but the same can be said for the black student union, the latino student union, the christian student union, etc. ..."To not have this in the back of your head when listening to everything these types of people say is to be extremely brain washable to be kind. Their efforts in a real sense is redundant." BOBinPS: OK, but the same can be said for the black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BOBinPS/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313396.html History | Permalink | Share it

ChiBloger And the truth shall set us ALL free 895 Fans 02:28 PM on 10/12/2012 I am not sure if you are truly ignorant or just trying to be objectionably cute by using my words?

Fact is I myself am not a big fan of self-segregated things like student unions. Another thing that you should have in the back of your head is the answer to why we have these self-segregated options. And that would be because minorities felt that they were not treated with respect or equality in the standard student union or what have you. These are places where without a doubt, they matter, they are heard and they can affect a desired change.

Note: nearly 240 years after our nation founding and it is still seeing titles such as first African American this and first Latino that or first female this or that. Of course, this is no accident. We have a legacy of extreme racism and proven sexism that must address in an honest way. ChiBloger: I am not sure if you are truly ignorant or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ChiBloger/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195645975.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes. The anti-white bias they speak of is equality (or potential/attempted equality). That's the lens through which they view things. boyoboy: Yes.  The anti-white bias they speak of is equality (or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313888.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 04:28 PM on 10/11/2012 I could understand a club for students of Irish heritage, or Russian, Italian, Polish, whatever heritage, but if you look at the history of blacks who were former slaves in the US, they totally lost their culture, thus a black student union makes sense in that regard. I don't see the issue with a white student union per say, but I wouldn't be apart of it because frankly, it sounds like I could be out with the AOH or my friends in the Sons of Norway having a good brew instead. Sons of Norway having a good brew instead. Wrench_Turner: I could understand a club for students of Irish heritage, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195310864.html History | Permalink | Share it StopTalkingDoSomething34 15 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 As long as it's just a meet and greet to further the goals of Whites (I don't know what that would be, but sure), then I don't have any issue with any of this.

However, IF, and I mean IF, they are having white supremacists speak there, then I think it's just another racist organization and should be shot down. StopTalkingDoSomething34: As long as it's just a meet and greet to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/StopTalkingDoSomething34/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195309875.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 As a white person, I'm pretty embarassed by the various people that put themselves forward as champions of "white supremacy". Most times, they're examples of mediocrity. To the people of all the other races and ethnicities out there: we're not all this stupid and we didn't elect these tools as our representatives. dancingstu: As a white person, I'm pretty embarassed by the various http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309825.html History | Permalink | Share it gateking 165 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 I bet a gay white student group would be ok with commenters here. Or, white students for Buddha. Or, well, you get it. gateking: I bet a gay white student group would be ok http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gateking/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309682.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR dancingstu Christian, liberal lawyer 888 Fans 04:25 PM on 10/11/2012 You mean the KKGAY and the Neo-Buddhazis? dancingstu: You mean the KKGAY and the Neo-Buddhazis? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dancingstu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195310188.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER sacmom3 Idiocracy. It's not just a movie anymore. 627 Fans 04:58 PM on 10/11/2012 KKGAY... OH GAWD IM DYING! BWAAAAAHAAAAAA sacmom3: KKGAY... OH GAWD IM DYING! BWAAAAAHAAAAAA http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sacmom3/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195320605.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

GraphicMatt Somebody make me a sandwich! 1332 Fans 04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 Why would a gay or budhist group only allow whites? Seriously, was that the best you had to offer? Next time why don't you think a little bit before blurting out the first ridiculous notion to pop into your head. GraphicMatt: Why would a gay or budhist group only allow whites? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraphicMatt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311290.html History | Permalink | Share it gateking 165 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Why don't you more simply not have a next time? gateking: Why don't you more simply not have a next time? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gateking/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195313818.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Busterman 200 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 Any group that restricts membership to a single race is racist. Busterman: Any group that restricts membership to a single race is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Busterman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309583.html History | Permalink | Share it flossophy the infamous anti-establishment classical liberal 2180 Fans

04:23 PM on 10/11/2012 On a global scale... "white" folks are a rapidly declining min0rity. Given current demographic trajectories, they're going to be on the endangered species list soon. flossophy: On a global scale... "white" folks are a rapidly declining http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/flossophy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309517.html History | Permalink | Share it

jdmn17 1022 Fans

04:27 PM on 10/11/2012 Not soon enough for them to get some humility. jdmn17: Not soon enough for them to get some humility. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jdmn17/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195310583.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER isee61 ~Marine Mom~ and proud of it! 691 Fans

04:29 PM on 10/11/2012 White folks, black folks, brown folks and yello folks, what do we all have in common?

WE ARE ALL FOLKS!!!! isee61: White folks, black folks, brown folks and yello folks, what http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/isee61/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311199.html History | Permalink | Share it marka A Purple State Progressive 709 Fans 07:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Why is that so hard for some to remember? marka: Why is that so hard for some to remember? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/marka/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195366586.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Michael J Simmons 68 Fans

04:23 PM on 10/11/2012 While I can appreciate his point, I can see the dangerous precepent that starting a White's Only Advocacy Group may bring. I have to ask given the rise of minority status in this country though is how soon until such advocacy groups are no longer necessary and we see one another for what we are? Which is Human? What makes a Latino, African, Middle-Eastern, Asian or American any different then any one else? We are all One Race, The Human Race. Michael_J_Simmons: While I can appreciate his point, I can see the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Michael_J_Simmons/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309497.html History | Permalink | Share it

BOBinPS Really? 128 Fans 04:54 PM on 10/11/2012 But is the white student union "white only"? Doubt it. That doesn't work on U campuses. The black student union cannot be black only either. Until they lynch an empty chair, they have as much right to be there as any other special interest group. But the truth is, we are still divided on race, culture, religion, on and on. To expect young people to be immune to these divisions is myopic. BOBinPS: But is the white student union "white only"? Doubt it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BOBinPS/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195319379.html History | Permalink | Share it

Michael J Simmons 68 Fans

11:34 AM on 10/12/2012 Agreed, this is why we need to as a people make a change to how we see one another. Michael_J_Simmons: Agreed, this is why we need to as a people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Michael_J_Simmons/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195578732.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

04:23 PM on 10/11/2012 These responses typify why a group like this is needed. The hostility towards people who aren't ashamed of being white is simply astounding.

Double standards. Look it up. AnthonyTiani: These responses typify why a group like this is needed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309444.html History | Permalink | Share it gaffagirl1 20 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm not ashamed of being white, in fact very few people are. I would never join these groups because I am not discriminated against for being white, and face no obsticales as a white person. I have other interests than patting myself and my white brothers and sisters on their backs and congratulating them for winning the jackpot of being white and living in America. gaffagirl1: I'm not ashamed of being white, in fact very few http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gaffagirl1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311564.html History | Permalink | Share it

GraphicMatt Somebody make me a sandwich! 1332 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Huh? Why would anyone be ashamed of being white? I'm not, but I still think this is a stupid idea. GraphicMatt: Huh? Why would anyone be ashamed of being white? I'm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraphicMatt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311701.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 53 54 55 56 57 Next › Last » (61 total) HUFFPOST SUPER USER ashisu 132 Fans 04:23 PM on 10/11/2012 This reminds me of a scene from The Simpsons, of all things: Grandpa: "I'm an old man, no one listens to me." Lisa: "I'm a young girl, no one listens to me." Homer: "I'm a white male aged 18 to 49, everyone listens to me, no matter how dumb my suggestions are." ashisu: This reminds me of a scene from The Simpsons, of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ashisu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309386.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program hq710 30 Fans 04:22 PM on 10/11/2012 What the H is white culture? hq710: What the H is white culture? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hq710/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309117.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Abnormal Wrench 682 Fans 04:26 PM on 10/11/2012 Nascar and confederate flags. Abnormal_Wrench: Nascar and confederate flags. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Abnormal_Wrench/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195310501.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

boyoboy 724 Fans 04:49 PM on 10/11/2012 And, trucks suspended on big wheels. boyoboy: And, trucks suspended on big wheels. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/boyoboy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195317704.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

BOBinPS Really? 128 Fans 04:56 PM on 10/11/2012 You forgot bibles and guns. BOBinPS: You forgot bibles and guns. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BOBinPS/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195320011.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 04:27 PM on 10/11/2012 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_civilization Bishop999999999: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_civilization http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195310610.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/11/2012 It's no more racist than a black student group or latino student group. Bishop999999999: It's no more racist than a black student group or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308825.html History | Permalink | Share it Mr Limey 51 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/11/2012 He was previously chairman of the Students who are not getting Laid Club. Mr_Limey: He was previously chairman of the Students who are not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mr_Limey/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308800.html History | Permalink | Share it

jdmn17 1022 Fans

04:28 PM on 10/11/2012 And it folded once he was the only member left jdmn17: And it folded once he was the only member left http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jdmn17/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195310831.html History | Permalink | Share it Mr Limey 51 Fans 04:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Nice One! Mr_Limey: Nice One! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mr_Limey/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195312961.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER thinkglobal83 Act locally and think globaly 30 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/11/2012 I guess it depends on what they're conversing about... thinkglobal83: I guess it depends on what they're conversing about... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thinkglobal83/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308707.html History | Permalink | Share it trueblueredstater 140 Fans 04:18 PM on 10/11/2012 Try this on for size - prefix any kind of non-inflammatory statement with "I'm not a racist, but..." e.g. "I'm not a racist, but that ice cream was delicious." - nonsensical "I'm not a racist, but I sure do like your outfit." - nonsensical.

We have been conditioned to expect the next words following "I'm not a racist but..." to be proof that the speaker is - in fact - a racist.

So let's try this out - "I'm not a racist, but I think that a White Student's group makes sense." Oh gosh - that DOES sound racist. Probably because it is. Sorry.

"The Earth is but One Country, and Mankind It's Citizens." "We are all Flowers of One Garden, Leaves of One Tree, Drops of One Ocean." trueblueredstater: Try this on for size - prefix any kind of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/trueblueredstater/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307749.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER heywould j 28 Fans 04:17 PM on 10/11/2012 "The differences between a white student union or a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest."

Yeah, that's right. But so what? This doesn't seem to be a reason for this sap not to be able to form his silly group and assemble - will probably assemble with himself. heywould_j: "The differences between a white student union or a white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/heywould_j/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307579.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER orcinous Obama has made things better. 302 Fans 04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 What is the common interest of these minority groups? orcinous: What is the common interest of these minority groups? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/orcinous/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195311489.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Stanwyck 2062 Fans 04:17 PM on 10/11/2012 I appreciate groups like this because when I research a job applicant (just one google click away) for our company and see an affiliation like this, that's just one less person to interview. Stanwyck: I appreciate groups like this because when I research a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Stanwyck/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307445.html History | Permalink | Share it CoveredUp 41 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/11/2012 I use google maps to see where they live. If I don't like the neighborhood I move on. CoveredUp: I use google maps to see where they live. If http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CoveredUp/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308808.html History | Permalink | Share it

BOBinPS Really? 128 Fans 04:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Recruiting for minimum wage employees? BOBinPS: Recruiting for minimum wage employees? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BOBinPS/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195321051.html History | Permalink | Share it varobj 129 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 with the population shift going the way it is, let me ask all of you libs. As soon as hispanics become the majority is it okay to start one then? A second question, will La Razza and all the hispanic student unions then be racist because they are the majority? varobj: with the population shift going the way it is, let http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/varobj/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307330.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER kyeshinka 993 Fans 04:19 PM on 10/11/2012 The difference between libs and you is that we're not scared about being in the minority. kyeshinka: The difference between libs and you is that we're not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kyeshinka/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308205.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 We know what happens when latinos are in the majority. I would prefer that the United States not be a violence ridden hellhole like Mexico, thank you. Bishop999999999: We know what happens when latinos are in the majority. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195309739.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All varobj 129 Fans 02:20 AM on 10/12/2012 so you wont answer the questions I pose I see, typical libs. varobj: so you wont answer the questions I pose I see, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/varobj/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195478629.html History | Permalink | Share it

Sacchinftw Isn't it sad...? 626 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 Sounds like you're afraid of the minorities treating you like how you treated them. Sacchinftw: Sounds like you're afraid of the minorities treating you like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sacchinftw/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309670.html History | Permalink | Share it varobj 129 Fans 02:20 AM on 10/12/2012 I have a mother who is one, and I married one, I am not afraid of anything. varobj: I have a mother who is one, and I married http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/varobj/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195478583.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER kyeshinka 993 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 White people facing obstacles? You have double doors at Wal Mart now to squeeze your super-sized dumpers through now, what more do you need? kyeshinka: White people facing obstacles? You have double doors at Wal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kyeshinka/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307319.html History | Permalink | Share it CoveredUp 41 Fans 04:22 PM on 10/11/2012 I see double-wides in all shades at that fine establishment. CoveredUp: I see double-wides in all shades at that fine establishment. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CoveredUp/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195309082.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 04:37 PM on 10/11/2012 Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest age-adjusted rates of obesity (49.5%) compared with Mexican Americans (40.4%), all Hispanics (39.1%) and non-Hispanic whites (34.3%) [See JAMA. 2012;307(5):491-497. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.39]. Thomas_Marsden: Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest age-adjusted rates of obesity (49.5%) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195313837.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER kyeshinka 993 Fans 05:14 PM on 10/11/2012 It's the diet. Take any skinny Korean out of Seoul, feed him a Western diet and in no time he'll be obese and have his first heart attack at 50 and his last at 55. Not to get off topic but that's a big problem that someday we'll have to face. kyeshinka: It's the diet. Take any skinny Korean out of Seoul, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kyeshinka/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195325473.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Somebody needs to tell Glenn Beck to get his son. The_Notorious_PDF: Somebody needs to tell Glenn Beck to get his son. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307145.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER margoharris I used to be Snow White but I drifted. 3399 Fans

04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 This kid is the poster boy for mindless white resentment. margoharris: This kid is the poster boy for mindless white resentment. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/margoharris/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307133.html History | Permalink | Share it

playsindirt So much dirt, so little time. 1264 Fans 04:36 PM on 10/11/2012 It should be noted that Heimbech is a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans, Southern Nationalist Network, and Maryland League of the South. These are white supremist groups. He is all over the internet posing next to the confederate flag. playsindirt: It should be noted that Heimbech is a member of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/playsindirt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195313521.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER margoharris I used to be Snow White but I drifted. 3399 Fans

05:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Ugh. What must his parents be like? margoharris: Ugh.  What must his parents be like?   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/margoharris/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195330952.html History | Permalink | Share it

KingCashio A wise man once said, "What's going on?" 365 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 The tea party flags, and the screeching about "the media" is as far as I watched.

No thanks. Not buying what the tea party is selling. KingCashio: The tea party flags, and the screeching about "the media" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/KingCashio/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307102.html History | Permalink | Share it hawhite2000 ...for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee 146 Fans

04:15 PM on 10/11/2012 What is his major, because I think he has too much time on his hands! hawhite2000: What is his major, because I think he has too http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hawhite2000/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306889.html History | Permalink | Share it

ChiBloger And the truth shall set us ALL free 895 Fans 04:20 PM on 10/11/2012 My guess is political science. I mean what would this guy be good for in a multicultural world if not a tea party Republican? he is preparing himself for nothing but. ChiBloger: My guess is political science. I mean what would this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ChiBloger/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308474.html History | Permalink | Share it

GraphicMatt Somebody make me a sandwich! 1332 Fans 04:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Come on, there are plenty of white groups out there he can be part of, such as the Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood. GraphicMatt: Come on, there are plenty of white groups out there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraphicMatt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306875.html History | Permalink | Share it jt3151 25 Fans 04:27 PM on 10/11/2012 That is a very weak response and is only an appropriate analogy of you equate the black groups with the Black Panthers jt3151: That is a very weak response and is only an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/jt3151/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195310585.html History | Permalink | Share it

GraphicMatt Somebody make me a sandwich! 1332 Fans 12:50 PM on 10/12/2012 No it's not. That wouldn't even be close to an appropriate analogy. GraphicMatt: No it's not.  That wouldn't even be close to an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraphicMatt/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195609807.html History | Permalink | Share it

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SmotPoker Medical Marijuana saved my life. 1544 Fans 04:15 PM on 10/11/2012 150 years ago many of the organizations and laws that support minorities would have been nothing more than pipe dreams and outlawed by white men. Today, the groups are perfectly legal and accepted but they don't have any for white people and now we are jealous and want some for ourselves...

That is simply too funny. SmotPoker: 150 years ago many of the organizations and laws that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SmotPoker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306761.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 Double standards on equality are too funy? AnthonyTiani: Double standards on equality are too funy? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307200.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER isee61 ~Marine Mom~ and proud of it! 691 Fans

04:26 PM on 10/11/2012 Really?

Let's all be adult a this issue. Minorities had to march to get equal rights in this country, so don't tell me about double standards. Their will ALWAYS be that in this country until we as a people look at each other as people first and not the color of the skin. isee61: Really? Let's all be adult a this issue. Minorities had http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/isee61/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195310334.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All TORAHTID 274 Fans

04:30 PM on 10/11/2012 Those who dont know their history are doomed to repeat it. TORAHTID: Those who dont know their history are doomed to repeat http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TORAHTID/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195311667.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Aabby "Go and do likewise." 622 Fans 04:14 PM on 10/11/2012 No use in arguing these thing,. If you don’t know why this is different from others student unions, you are either fundamentally, intellectually dishonest or slow. Aabby: No use in arguing these thing,. If you donâ��t know http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Aabby/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306327.html History | Permalink | Share it gateking 165 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/11/2012 But you're a big supporter of rights of assembly, I bet. gateking: But you're a big supporter of rights of assembly, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gateking/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308916.html History | Permalink | Share it

Maxwell Teller 8 Fans 04:13 PM on 10/11/2012 "Heimbach?" Really? And this is surprising? Maxwell_Teller: "Heimbach?" Really? And this is surprising? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Maxwell_Teller/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306289.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

04:17 PM on 10/11/2012 Racist. AnthonyTiani: Racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307357.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER svnjewels giggidy giggidy..alright 584 Fans 04:13 PM on 10/11/2012 Hey if a bunch a white folks want to get together and talk about all the "obstacles" they face being white, more power to them. **snark** svnjewels: Hey if a bunch a white folks want to get http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/svnjewels/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306217.html History | Permalink | Share it

Procrastamom I'll update my bio tomorrow... 131 Fans 04:50 PM on 10/11/2012 It would sure be a short meeting. Procrastamom: It would sure be a short meeting. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Procrastamom/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195318095.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Tuskin Roberts 377 Fans 04:13 PM on 10/11/2012 This is a bad sign. First they start hanging out together in packs, and the next thing you know, they start pimping and running drugs, lowering the property values of our more affluent neighborhoods. Decent, apple-pie loving Americans don't need this, and frankly I think Mr. Heimbach and his peeps need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead of starting a gang. Tuskin_Roberts: This is a bad sign. First they start hanging out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tuskin_Roberts/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306040.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER ghostgirl21 Light at the end of the tunnel,is a train. 2289 Fans 04:13 PM on 10/11/2012 He can join a pro-white group, it's called The Kl@n! ghostgirl21: He can join a pro-white group, it's called The Kl@n! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ghostgirl21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195305991.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER kurios Cogito, ergo sum verus Americana! 68 Fans 04:11 PM on 10/11/2012 A white group is not necessarily a racist group per se...but they almost always are... kurios: A white group is not necessarily a racist group per http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kurios/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195305550.html History | Permalink | Share it deebird 16 Fans 04:11 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it racist? Yes. These groups are to support marginalized people which whites are not. Whites are the majority in this country and hold the most power. There is no need for white students to come together to advocate for their own best interests because the way our society currently operates is already in their best interests! It is astounding to me that people cannot see that. deebird: Is it racist? Yes. These groups are to support marginalized http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/deebird/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195305329.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

04:17 PM on 10/11/2012 So they shouldn't be allowed to organize? AnthonyTiani: So they shouldn't be allowed to organize? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307652.html History | Permalink | Share it gaffagirl1 20 Fans 04:24 PM on 10/11/2012 They can organize to their hearts content...they just shouldn't be surprised when they are called out. I mean my goodness, what obsticales will they face for being white? Not getting the lead role in a Tyler Perry movie??? gaffagirl1: They can organize to their hearts content...they just shouldn't be http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/gaffagirl1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195309578.html History | Permalink | Share it

deebird 16 Fans 04:33 PM on 10/11/2012 My opinion is that there is no need and as it's racist (whether they intended it to be or not) there shouldn't be one. However, I won't debate the legality of it as I'm not aware of whether or not it would legally defined as a racist organization. deebird: My opinion is that there is no need and as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/deebird/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195312754.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER CarlIII Liberal Virginian living in Remlap Alabama 1355 Fans 04:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it racist? in a word ..YES. CarlIII: Is it racist? in a word ..YES. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CarlIII/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195305279.html History | Permalink | Share it martiniandabotoxchaser 1829 Fans 04:09 PM on 10/11/2012 If Heimbach is invited a noted "white supremacist" to his opening meeting he is creating an official "hate" group on the campus. martiniandabotoxchaser: If Heimbach is invited a noted "white supremacist" to his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/martiniandabotoxchaser/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195304974.html History | Permalink | Share it AnthonyTiani 9 Fans

04:18 PM on 10/11/2012 "Hate" is illegal? AnthonyTiani: "Hate" is illegal? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AnthonyTiani/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195307753.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER DandaPanda I am not a republican 480 Fans 04:09 PM on 10/11/2012 yeah well if he did not have such a German last name i might think differently about it... DandaPanda: yeah well if he did not have such a German http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/DandaPanda/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195304932.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 So you dislike Germans? Wrench_Turner: So you dislike Germans? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195307174.html History | Permalink | Share it

ChiBloger And the truth shall set us ALL free 895 Fans 04:22 PM on 10/11/2012 Do have to dislike Germans to hate NAZI’s? ChiBloger: Do have to dislike Germans to hate NAZIâ��s? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ChiBloger/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195308954.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All The Notorious PDF Keen Observer 983 Fans 04:09 PM on 10/11/2012 This guy has a bright future in the Republican party. The_Notorious_PDF: This guy has a bright future in the Republican party. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_Notorious_PDF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195304912.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Anthony Garnett 175 Fans 04:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Matthew Heimbach I guess he is still upset about not being admitted to University of Maryland Anthony_Garnett: Matthew Heimbach I guess he is still upset about not http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Anthony_Garnett/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195304874.html History | Permalink | Share it axzaxis 28 Fans 04:08 PM on 10/11/2012 In a minute they'll be a fully protected minority group. axzaxis: In a minute they'll be a fully protected minority group. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/axzaxis/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195304378.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER heywould j 28 Fans 04:14 PM on 10/11/2012 like all other races, they are all ready fully protected. heywould_j: like all other races, they are all ready fully protected. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/heywould_j/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306399.html History | Permalink | Share it GoodnGodless 18 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Mathew the Numa Numa guy from youtube? GoodnGodless: Mathew the Numa Numa guy from youtube? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GoodnGodless/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303912.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 55 56 57 58 59 Next › Last » (61 total) This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program manny28 93 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 To those who say there is an anti-white bias in academia, the only thing I can counter with that is one word - 'Legacies' manny28: To those who say there is an anti-white bias in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/manny28/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303716.html History | Permalink | Share it peowlemeow Democrat,non-military,undereducated,semi-retired. 225 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 I avoid groups and dislike being in them.I think groups displace individual effort,blunt the mind and slow the pace of progress.Obviously some group efforts are fun and needed.I don't see the point in joining a group just to disagree with another group.It dwells on the past and doesn't move much of anything forward toward health,wealth and happiness. peowlemeow: I avoid groups and dislike being in them.I think groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/peowlemeow/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303701.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blankman I'm afraid of other people's towels 127 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 It's no more racist or wrong than a group that caters to any race exclusively.

The problem is the way it'll be viewed. The reason we have 'clubs' that cater to minority members is because this has long been a white-male-dominated society. Which renders the need for our own "clubs" moot. This country has BEEN our club.

So is it dumb? Yea. Racist? No. Blankman: It's no more racist or wrong than a group that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blankman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303650.html History | Permalink | Share it

MonkeyDaddy Agent of Evolution 203 Fans 04:05 PM on 10/11/2012 I saw "inherent anti-white bias" once, it was being chased by Sasquatch. MonkeyDaddy: I saw "inherent anti-white bias" once, it was being chased http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MonkeyDaddy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303513.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

ByThePowerOfGrayskull 579 Fans 04:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Gonna throw 'Blazing Saddles' in the BluRay player tonight. ByThePowerOfGrayskull: Gonna throw 'Blazing Saddles' in the BluRay player tonight. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ByThePowerOfGrayskull/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303401.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER headly67 Well raise my rent 1171 Fans 04:05 PM on 10/11/2012 So stupid. headly67: So stupid. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/headly67/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303390.html History | Permalink | Share it Mr Limey 51 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Looks like his freshman 25 was in IQ points. Mr_Limey: Looks like his freshman 25 was in IQ points. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mr_Limey/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303277.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 04:12 PM on 10/11/2012 If only everyone could gain 25 IQ points their freshman year. Thomas_Marsden: If only everyone could gain 25 IQ points their freshman http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195305667.html History | Permalink | Share it Mr Limey 51 Fans 04:19 PM on 10/11/2012 Lose. Mr_Limey: Lose. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mr_Limey/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195308164.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER ernie3 liberal and gay in SoFla 511 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/11/2012 How can anyone these days really tell if someone is white.So many are mixed blood but you can't visually tell.Heimbach is not only racist he is also naive and ignorant. ernie3: How can anyone these days really tell if someone is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ernie3/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303055.html History | Permalink | Share it addisonsteele 507 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Is it just a coincidence that his last name is German? Remember the last time that the Germans openly considered themselves a separate race. addisonsteele: Is it just a coincidence that his last name is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/addisonsteele/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303024.html History | Permalink | Share it BigTex12 78 Fans 04:19 PM on 10/11/2012 you are not very bright BigTex12: you are not very bright http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BigTex12/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195308288.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SBinF Educator, musician, foodie. 278 Fans

04:04 PM on 10/11/2012 "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society."

Boy, I always love it when upper-middle class white guys lament the inherent anti-white bias in the world. SBinF: "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society." Boy, I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SBinF/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302950.html History | Permalink | Share it

Blankman I'm afraid of other people's towels 127 Fans 04:07 PM on 10/11/2012 I always love it when upper middle class white liberals lament the actions of fellow whites they deem offensive to minorities. It's a daddy complex. Blankman: I always love it when upper middle class white liberals http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Blankman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195304027.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER margoharris I used to be Snow White but I drifted. 3399 Fans

04:15 PM on 10/11/2012 How totally vacant of any reality. margoharris: How totally vacant of any reality. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/margoharris/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195306838.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SBinF Educator, musician, foodie. 278 Fans

10:19 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm not white! SBinF: I'm not white! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SBinF/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195403523.html History | Permalink | Share it

Michael Laurenz 8 Fans 04:03 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't have anything against a white student union, and I think one guy made a great poiint in the video about actions speaking louder than words. It just really bothers me when people think a race identifies "their people." I just don't know why you would join a white group or a black group to promote "their" interests. I don't know what the interest of a very ethnically diverse group of people based on color actually is. If you join a group based on your skin color you are already defeating the purpose of equality. Michael_Laurenz: I don't have anything against a white student union, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Michael_Laurenz/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302718.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER isee61 ~Marine Mom~ and proud of it! 691 Fans

04:11 PM on 10/11/2012 ...... and your post should be in the dictionary under equality. Great Post!!! F&F. isee61: ...... and your post should be in the dictionary under equality. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/isee61/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195305590.html History | Permalink | Share it incorruptible 55 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't know what this kid is smoking, but there are plenty of organizations and student unions that are for white people only. There are Italian advocacy groups, Polish advocacy groups, Irish advocacy groups, the list could go on. I'm not sure of any white ethnicity except maybe anglo-saxons who don't have some student or ethnic pride organization on college campuses and American society at large.

He certainly does have the right to start this organization and preach his ignorance at college campuses. However, as the person at the end points out, this isn't about people of a certain ethnicity working together towards a common interest, like black civil rights advocacy groups or Italian civil advocacy groups. incorruptible: I don't know what this kid is smoking, but there http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/incorruptible/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302572.html History | Permalink | Share it meritocracy Selfishness is not a virtue 135 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/11/2012 Mr, Heimbach appears to be another victim suffering under the oppressive boot of liberal academia. He does seem to be getting his fair share of food at the cafeteria... meritocracy: Mr, Heimbach appears to be another victim suffering under the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/meritocracy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302545.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER AAHewetson Intelligence is just fine with me 433 Fans 04:16 PM on 10/11/2012 He won't last long when the true threat to his existence, a Zombie Apocalypse, occurs.

In all seriousness, though, why do all these whiners look like their only chance of getting lucky is if a young lady with a profound lack of self-esteem tumbles into the family basement. AAHewetson: He won't last long when the true threat to his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AAHewetson/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195307038.html History | Permalink | Share it meritocracy Selfishness is not a virtue 135 Fans 04:21 PM on 10/11/2012 Hilarious! And so true. They always appear to be the kind of guys who couldn't score in a Vegas bawdy house with $1000 bills stapled to them... meritocracy: Hilarious! And so true.  They always appear to be the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/meritocracy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195308717.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All MzTexas 641 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/11/2012 It can be, but not necessarily. This group, however, appears to be. MzTexas: It can be, but not necessarily. This group, however, appears http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MzTexas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195301923.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER AAHewetson Intelligence is just fine with me 433 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/11/2012 My sentiments exactly.

Another interesting question might be posed as follows: is an x only group yist?

It can be, but not necessarily. Most probably are. AAHewetson: My sentiments exactly. Another interesting question might be posed as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AAHewetson/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195302975.html History | Permalink | Share it neddyboy 11 Fans 03:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Pretty much every organization in America is a de facto white organization.

It's like my mom said when I asked why there wasn't a Children's Day like Father's Day or Mother's Day: "Every day is children's day!" neddyboy: Pretty much every organization in America is a de facto http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/neddyboy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195301593.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 04:07 PM on 10/11/2012 You've got to be kidding, right? Thomas_Marsden: You've got to be kidding, right? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195304053.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER ashisu 132 Fans 04:15 PM on 10/11/2012 Exactly! The point of minorities and other under-represented groups having special organizations is because they are under-represented. Historically, they've been marginalized and had to fight for equal rights and opportunities. I'm a white female. I feel no special attachment to my race, but I do to my gender. I think the reason for this is because my gender makes me part of a group that has had to fight (and is still fighting) for equality. Meanwhile, my race has never held me back from anything or presented any kind of challenge that I've had to overcome. More than likely, my skin color has probably made life slightly easier for me than it would have if I were black or Hispanic. That's what's called privilege. ashisu: Exactly! The point of minorities and other under-represented groups having http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ashisu/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195306995.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 56 57 58 59 60 Next › Last » (61 total) dfstone 38 Fans

03:59 PM on 10/11/2012 Other racial groups are quickly expanding in the US. Hispanics and Asians are growing rapidly. Eventually there may not be a white majority anymore. In many communities around the US whites already are a minority. This discussion has to happen otherwise racial tensions are going to continue to grow as the population changes. And he shouldn't be condemend as a racist either. So long as his group does not advocate discrimination against other races, there's nothing racist about it. dfstone: Other racial groups are quickly expanding in the US. Hispanics http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/dfstone/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195301579.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 03:34 PM on 10/15/2012 They had the organizer of the group on the panel and someone who studies white supremacist organizations. They cited previous actions of the student panelists and proposals to bring known white supremacist speakers to campus.

White supremacy is racist. sister_h: They had the organizer of the group on the panel http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196444407.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mangoryder 80 Fans 03:59 PM on 10/11/2012 If there can be a BET. There can be groups for any race. mangoryder: If there can be a BET. There can be groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mangoryder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195301457.html History | Permalink | Share it MzTexas 641 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/11/2012 BET is a television network. I watch it from time to time and I'm white. There is no restrictions for viewing it. Bad analogy. MzTexas: BET is a television network. I watch it from time http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MzTexas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302132.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

manny28 93 Fans 04:07 PM on 10/11/2012 BET is owned by white guys. manny28: BET is owned by white guys. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/manny28/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303996.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All imonlyhereforthelaughs Politicians...they ruin everything. 293 Fans 03:59 PM on 10/11/2012 "Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences between a white student union or a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest." "

Uh...isn't that a common interest then??? Doesn't matter whether you agree with it or not, a thing does not exist simply because you don't think it should exist. imonlyhereforthelaughs: "Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/imonlyhereforthelaughs/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195301270.html History | Permalink | Share it Longhorn Buddy 114 Fans 03:58 PM on 10/11/2012 It is bound to come to this as the demographics of the country change and hispanic, african americans, native americans and any other group you can name continue to seek to advance their groups. To expect white americans to lay down before the train is naive. Past is past; we must learn from it and go forward as better people. The young people today are not responsible for that past. They were taught to respect merit and now they are cynical because they find that merit doesn't matter. Skin color matters in school and in jobs. Two wrongs never made a right and they never will. My solution is to have one student union or have none. Who do you think will complain? Longhorn_Buddy: It is bound to come to this as the demographics http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Longhorn_Buddy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195301033.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER margoharris I used to be Snow White but I drifted. 3399 Fans

04:02 PM on 10/11/2012 That is just such a load of crapola. What has the white man lost? NOTHING. You're a joke. margoharris: That is just such a load of crapola. What has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/margoharris/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302346.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 04:10 PM on 10/11/2012 somebody hit a nerve. you gotta love it when someone ignores content and just replies with insults. Thomas_Marsden: somebody hit a nerve. you gotta love it when someone http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195305158.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Longhorn Buddy 114 Fans 05:54 PM on 10/11/2012 "the white man"? let's see, is that insulting like saying "you people" Longhorn_Buddy: "the white man"? let's see, is that insulting like saying http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Longhorn_Buddy/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195337439.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Quentin T Jones 14 Fans

03:57 PM on 10/11/2012 I think people are overreacting to this group. These people that they interviewed probably didn't do any research about what this group is and just assumed that they are a bunch of white supremacists. They have a black group, an asian group, a hispanic group, but all of a sudden they form a white group and they're automatically racists JUST because they're in the majority? Seems like a double standard to me. Why should they not be allowed to advocate for their special interests just like blacks and hispanics? So I guess they should just be complacent and not care about what happens to them? Black groups are probably just as racist as this group is so they probably shouldn't be criticizing. Quentin_T_Jones: I think people are overreacting to this group. These people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Quentin_T_Jones/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195300808.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 03:31 PM on 10/15/2012 No, not over-reacting. They had the organizer of the group on the panel and someone who studies white supremacist organizations. They cited previous actions of the student panelists and proposals to bring known white supremacist speakers to campus.

Most African American students organizations are part of a broader societal movement for equality and justice and they support equality for all people. When I was in college, the African American students actively supported equality for all student groups. sister_h: No, not over-reacting. They had the organizer of the group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196443473.html History | Permalink | Share it

Big Bud Bixx Nood, peoples 242 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/11/2012 where MY reparations at? Big_Bud: where MY reparations at? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Big_Bud/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195300602.html History | Permalink | Share it MakeItAGreatDay 4 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/11/2012 YES MakeItAGreatDay: YES http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MakeItAGreatDay/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195300585.html History | Permalink | Share it

Erik Denning 15 Fans 03:56 PM on 10/11/2012 Does the group unite or divide? I get people of certain ethnicities wanting to preserve and continue their culture. But at the same time, there's a tremendous "Us and Them" mentality that I think was programmed into us thousands of years ago. We're all sharing influences and ideas more than ever as media exposes us to everything, move into other lands, and we hump people of different skin tones. How do reconcile it all? I'm white, but I'm not concerned about losing the puritanical, sexually repressive, slave- holding, worker-exploiting hallmarks we honkies should stop perpetuating. I'm also Jewish, so a lot of the skin pigment fixators might not consider me truly white anyway. I wish I could say, "Who cares?" Erik_Denning: Does the group unite or divide? I get people of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Erik_Denning/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195300345.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER margoharris I used to be Snow White but I drifted. 3399 Fans

04:03 PM on 10/11/2012 Exactly!! F&F margoharris: Exactly!! F&F http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/margoharris/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302722.html History | Permalink | Share it

Randian Roark Perishing from the orgy... 75 Fans 04:45 PM on 10/11/2012 Africa has sexual aggression, slave-holders, worker-exploitation, and is the opposite of puritanical as women are raped on a daily basis on their way to the water hole. Should we adopt all that?

What was your point again?

You're the epitome of 'white guilt' instilled in our great public schools. Randian_Roark: Africa has sexual aggression, slave-holders, worker-exploitation, and is the opposite http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Randian_Roark/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195316440.html History | Permalink | Share it

Erik Denning 15 Fans 01:03 AM on 10/12/2012 You're making a logical fallacy, and a very weak one, by implying that that only alternative to puritanical repression is out of control sexual mayhem. Do you see everything so black and white (pun intended)? And don't presume to call me the epitome of anything. When you resort to name calling or insults, it makes your position look even weaker. Erik_Denning: You're making a logical fallacy, and a very weak one, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Erik_Denning/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195463571.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/11/2012 The dude has a point. With that being said I would never join a group who's main focus is on race. Almost anything else would seem like a better use of my time. Thomas_Marsden: The dude has a point. With that being said I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299781.html History | Permalink | Share it

Big Bud Bixx Nood, peoples 242 Fans 03:55 PM on 10/11/2012 like naacp? Big_Bud: like naacp? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Big_Bud/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195300078.html History | Permalink | Share it

Thomas Marsden Conservatively Progressive 162 Fans 04:04 PM on 10/11/2012 Not really sure what you are trying to say, but yea, If I was black I almost certainly wouldn't join the NAACP. Thomas_Marsden: Not really sure what you are trying to say, but http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Thomas_Marsden/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303198.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER headly67 Well raise my rent 1171 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Like the KKK? headly67: Like the KKK? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/headly67/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303711.html History | Permalink | Share it

FTracy3 My micro-bio is as empty as the rest of my life. 605 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/11/2012 Of course there are already white school clubs..he could join the ice hockey team. FTracy3: Of course there are already white school clubs..he could join http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FTracy3/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299733.html History | Permalink | Share it

Michael Laurenz 8 Fans 03:56 PM on 10/11/2012 yeah...because making fun of white stereotypes is somehow not racist Michael_Laurenz: yeah...because making fun of white stereotypes is somehow not racist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Michael_Laurenz/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195300268.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Nutrition Supervisor 125 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/11/2012 there are tons of all white male faternities as well Nutrition_Supervisor: there are tons of all white male faternities as well http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nutrition_Supervisor/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195300629.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just walkin the dog here So, just where is this micro-bio? This it? 508 Fans 04:00 PM on 10/11/2012 White country clubs. The list is endless. Just_walkin_the_dog_here: White country clubs. The list is endless. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just_walkin_the_dog_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195301874.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Poolkid55 64 Fans 03:53 PM on 10/11/2012 Give them their stupid group. As long as they aren't violent, who cares? It seems like there are a lot more important things in regards to universities (i.e. tuition, student loan debt, faculty shortage, etc) than a bunch of white dudes sitting around playing Halo or something. Poolkid55: Give them their stupid group. As long as they aren't http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Poolkid55/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299261.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER mangoryder 80 Fans 04:03 PM on 10/11/2012 Lord knows there's enough stupid groups for blacks. NAACP, BET, BLACK COLLAGE FUND ETC. mangoryder: Lord knows there's enough stupid groups for blacks. NAACP, BET, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/mangoryder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302813.html History | Permalink | Share it

GraphicMatt Somebody make me a sandwich! 1332 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Romare Bearden is the only well known African American artist I can think of that did collages...... oh wait, did you mean college? GraphicMatt: Romare Bearden is the only well known African American artist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraphicMatt/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303762.html History | Permalink | Share it freebird67 35 Fans 04:09 PM on 10/11/2012 There's a group to pay black people to do collages? Is there a Black Mural Fund as well? How about a Black Tapestry Fund? freebird67: There's a group to pay black people to do collages? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/freebird67/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195304758.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Dante in Madison 545 Fans 03:52 PM on 10/11/2012 There is only one race: The Human Race. Dante_in_Madison: There is only one race: The Human Race. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Dante_in_Madison/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299138.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 03:56 PM on 10/11/2012 And there are many different cultures within that race who want to preserve their traditions, its why we have Saint Patrick's Day for example. Wrench_Turner: And there are many different cultures within that race who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195300319.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Simonmic Much madness is divinest sense 75 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/11/2012 That's great and the Irish welcome everyone to celebrate it. Simonmic: That's great and the Irish welcome everyone to celebrate it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Simonmic/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195302115.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Hzero01 "In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth 228 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes. White as a race doesn't exist, just a general term. If it was an Irish American Club, Italian American Club, German American, etc then by all means have it. Hzero01: Yes. White as a race doesn't exist, just a general http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Hzero01/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195302304.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All


03:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Many people who are advocating this white group because whites cannot join black groups forgot that the NAACP have white members and the first presidents of that organization were whites. Boggle up their minds to think blacks arent as racist as them! lionzion: Many people who are advocating this white group because whites http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lionzion/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299085.html History | Permalink | Share it

IsotelusMaximus Outlaw Geologist 1296 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/11/2012 I love Dr. Hill. "I'm not moderating that thing, man." Haha. IsotelusMaximus: I love Dr. Hill. "I'm not moderating that thing, man." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/IsotelusMaximus/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298271.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER StephJH an ordinary guy, making my little observations 102 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/11/2012 Ms. Brooks summarized the situation quite well but let me say that comments like "inherent anti-white bias in academia and mainstream society" are pretty much unfounded, untrue and have no basis in research and scholarly work. Claims about "liberal bias" in the media are and remain nonsense and to form a student group based on this argument demonstrates -- well -- racist attitudes. StephJH: Ms. Brooks summarized the situation quite well but let me http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/StephJH/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298263.html History | Permalink | Share it

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 57 58 59 60 61 Next › Last » (61 total) radrink 72 Fans 03:49 PM on 10/11/2012 is a black student group racist? radrink: is a black student group racist? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/radrink/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298107.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 03:06 PM on 10/15/2012 Could potentially be, but isn't necessarily so. Student of color organizations usually are in the forefront of the broader movement for equality and justice. They welcome all, and they would be roundly criticized if they advocated supremacy for their group.

The white student on the panel insisted that he was not racist, but used the arguments of white supremacists in advocating for his group. sister_h: Could potentially be, but isn't necessarily so. Student of color http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196435115.html History | Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] History | Permalink |Show replies(8)

HUFFPOST SUPER USER John Rathe 442 Fans 03:50 PM on 10/11/2012 Little early in the day to be drinking. John_Rathe: Little early in the day to be drinking. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/John_Rathe/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298329.html History | Permalink | Share it wanntabnice Senior Citizen who cares about People 104 Fans 03:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Speak for yourself do gooder. wanntabnice: Speak for yourself do gooder. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wanntabnice/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195298716.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bethab 315 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/11/2012 I assume this is sarcasm? Bethab: I assume this is sarcasm? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bethab/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299589.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Leviathan21 705 Fans 03:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Well of course, he should be allowed to create the group. But, we should also be allowed to mock it for the ridiculous inanity that it is. Leviathan21: Well of course, he should be allowed to create the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Leviathan21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297647.html History | Permalink | Share it

CommodoreP Darn the torpedos, full speed ahead! 389 Fans 03:56 PM on 10/11/2012 Ha! Well put and everyone's freedoms are upheld. CommodoreP: Ha! Well put and everyone's freedoms are upheld. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CommodoreP/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195300257.html History | Permalink | Share it

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 01:57 PM on 10/16/2012 Hahahahaha. I live in Baltimore. I work about 10 minutes away from Towson U in Lutherville. I went to which is located on the same road as Towson's main campus. I wish they'd let him have his group... I live close enough to show up with picket signs and 20 of my closest liberal friends. BRING IT. sarahmysterious: Hahahahaha. I live in Baltimore. I work about 10 minutes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196723998.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bubbles74 140 Fans 03:48 PM on 10/11/2012 Not racist .. But not needed.. If it is of National Decent though,, White which is a color to name a group that is dumb.. Bubbles74: Not racist .. But not needed.. If it is of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bubbles74/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297604.html History | Permalink | Share it

SmotPoker Medical Marijuana saved my life. 1544 Fans 03:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Dude, our forefathers pretty much took care of the whole looking after the white peoples interests and well being so well long before we came along that we still have quite the advantage even if it is considered bad form to acknowledge it's existence in our society.

White people don't need a group to protect their interests, they need a class in understanding just how vast their accident of place of birth and the color of their skin can have such an dramatic impact on their life. It can literally be the difference between life and death, rich and poor, free or incarcerated.

We need to start understanding that we didn't enter this world standing on third base after hitting a stand up triple. It's not easy to do but it can be done with a little honest insight and looking beyond your own front porch. SmotPoker: Dude, our forefathers pretty much took care of the whole http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SmotPoker/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297326.html History | Permalink | Share it

TwoScoops "Is there a hole for me to get sick in?" 8 Fans 03:53 PM on 10/11/2012 well said that. TwoScoops: well said that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TwoScoops/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299423.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't know about you, but my family fought for what we have today. The Irish were not welcome here in the US, neither were the Germans, the Poles, the Russians, Italians, and so on. Wrench_Turner: I don't know about you, but my family fought for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195300819.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER SBinF Educator, musician, foodie. 278 Fans

04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes but their whiteness ensured that after a generation, they would assimilate into society and be afforded every opportunity of those of English descent. The same can't be said of nonwhite minorities, historically. SBinF: Yes but their whiteness ensured that after a generation, they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SBinF/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303751.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

SmotPoker Medical Marijuana saved my life. 1544 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 How well do you think they would have done with shackles on their ankles and nowhere to run as the whole of the country was against them or did they come over and kill the natives, stealing their land that we all enjoy today? You have a lot to learn in life. SmotPoker: How well do you think they would have done with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SmotPoker/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303863.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Monicalups 94 Fans 03:47 PM on 10/11/2012 yeah, white educated males are soooooo opressed! Monicalups_: yeah, white educated males are soooooo opressed! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Monicalups_/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297123.html History | Permalink | Share it

GraphicMatt Somebody make me a sandwich! 1332 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm pretty sure they would allow white educated women in their group. GraphicMatt: I'm pretty sure they would allow white educated women in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/GraphicMatt/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302029.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just walkin the dog here So, just where is this micro-bio? This it? 508 Fans 04:03 PM on 10/11/2012 How do the women in the groups feel? Are they allowed to? Just_walkin_the_dog_here: How do the women in the groups feel? Are they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Just_walkin_the_dog_here/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195302824.html History | Permalink | Share it

sarahmysterious Turn off the news and read. 401 Fans 01:59 PM on 10/16/2012 LMAO. Awesome. sarahmysterious: LMAO. Awesome. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sarahmysterious/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196724534.html History | Permalink | Share it Frank51 200 Fans 03:47 PM on 10/11/2012 A White student group may or may not be racist, just as a Black student group may or may not be racist. Or as a male or female group may or may not be sexist.

It of course depends on the group. Frank51: A White student group may or may not be racist, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Frank51/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297098.html History | Permalink | Share it kmichal2000 just netflix Burzynski 460 Fans 03:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Lets have more accepting and equal society! Lets have white kids have less rights! kmichal2000: Lets have more accepting and equal society! Lets have white http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kmichal2000/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297093.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bethab 315 Fans 03:55 PM on 10/11/2012 Why do you people think that other people have equal rights means you have less rights? Who is advocating taking rights away from white people? It's like thinking that gay people marrying will hurt straight marriage. It's just nuts. Bethab: Why do you people think that other people have equal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bethab/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299962.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

pjt2352 102 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Everyone should be able to marry. And any group of students that are non violent should be able to form a Student Union. Why is this even an issue. If you have a Black or Latino or Asian Student Union and deny the forming of a White Student Union then the White students are having their rights taken away. pjt2352: Everyone should be able to marry. And any group of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pjt2352/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303895.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Nutrition Supervisor 125 Fans 03:46 PM on 10/11/2012 There are plenty of all white groups...... dude just ain't cool enough to be invited into them. Nutrition_Supervisor: There are plenty of all white groups...... dude just ain't cool http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Nutrition_Supervisor/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297062.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

MNKen You're not the boss of me...my cat is! 1137 Fans 03:51 PM on 10/11/2012 That may the the bottom line right there. Well done. MNKen: That may the the bottom line right there. Well done. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MNKen/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298660.html History | Permalink | Share it

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 03:58 PM on 10/11/2012 Spot on. Wrench_Turner: Spot on. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195301072.html History | Permalink | Share it

BeyondTheBull Retired and loving it 504 Fans 03:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Maybe he's looking to team up with Glenn Beck and needs this publicity .. Beck has inroads to 'hate money' ... seems like he wants the stats to reflect just as many white-on-black crimes as there are black-on-white crimes ... I suspect that's already the case ... but many of the white-on-black crimes are not reported. I wish we could focus on hugs and kisses .... and keep stats on white-on-black hugs and kisses and vice versa .... where's the love ... why do we always focus on hate ... BeyondTheBull: Maybe he's looking to team up with Glenn Beck and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BeyondTheBull/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296964.html History | Permalink | Share it simian sez "Hands on your heads!" 819 Fans 03:46 PM on 10/11/2012 The question perhaps shouldn't be "Is a white student group racist?" because whether it is or not is the common perception is that it is just that. Perception trumps reality every time. Perhaps the question (or questions) should be "Is a black/brown/yellow or tan student group racist? Following the above criteria, yes, it should also be perceived to be every bit as racist as a white student group currently is. Better still would be to drop the racial fear and paranoia in our culture and regardless of the perspective, go with the realistics of the situation and allow any color student group to exist with no racist label and let's move past this 1800's mentality that student groups of color are any more or less racist than a white student group. This would be as good as anywhere to get Americans to take a reprieve and get out of the faces of their fellow Americans over race and what it is or isn't based on double standards. We're supposed to be Americans, first and foremost. all else (according to allegiance) is and should be secondary. If this is a conflict for anyone...find a group elsewhere that make you feel more at home...no matter what shade of flesh you might have. simian_sez: The question perhaps shouldn't be "Is a white student group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/simian_sez/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296863.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 02:45 PM on 10/15/2012 Student of color organizations promote equality, justice, access, and mutual support. At this historical moment in time, this is appropriate and admirable. They are judged on how well they do this. If they were to support supremacy for themselves, they would be criticized, too.

The white student on this panel bases the need for his white student group on the alleged inferiority and alleged criminality of his fellow students. He uses the thinking of known white supremacists to advance his cause. sister_h: Student of color organizations promote equality, justice, access, and mutual http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196428088.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER VapeGirl Progressive Democrat and proud of it! 390 Fans 03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 How many more years before we humans stop with the race thing? Seriously, we're all "human". So why do we have this need to try to divide ourselves into groups? VapeGirl: How many more years before we humans stop with the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/VapeGirl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296638.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Simonmic Much madness is divinest sense 75 Fans 03:51 PM on 10/11/2012 I agree. It's great being interested in another country's culture, myths,legends and history but some take it too far. Simonmic: I agree. It's great being interested in another country's culture, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Simonmic/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298724.html History | Permalink | Share it

Smarty5 Buy land, they're not making it anymore. 171 Fans 03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 White power! we need more white ppl in higher places! lol Smarty5: White power! we need more white ppl in higher places! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Smarty5/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296552.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER VINSTERDUDE 304 Fans

03:44 PM on 10/11/2012 yeah,.cuz y'know anglos have historically been so repressed,.. give this dude and his 'student union' pacifiers VINSTERDUDE: yeah,.cuz y'know anglos have historically been so repressed,.. give this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/VINSTERDUDE/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296349.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER charlot 234 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/11/2012 When I hear white people whine about being persecuted, or straight people whine that they're being oppressed, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or vomit. They remind me of the "English-only" crowd who are hysterically upset that they have to press 'one' on the telephone. Oh, the horror! This type of thing CERTAINLY compares to centuries of slavery and being denied basic civil rights. And what, pray tell, is "white culture?" Watching NASCAR and eating balogna sandiwiches on Wonder bread? Does that really need a group to defend it? Give me a break! charlot: When I hear white people whine about being persecuted, or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/charlot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296305.html History | Permalink | Share it drkgrss 8 Fans 03:47 PM on 10/11/2012 That's the most racist thing I've heard all day. drkgrss: That's the most racist thing I've heard all day. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/drkgrss/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195297351.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER charlot 234 Fans 04:20 PM on 10/11/2012 Oh really? Is this coming from another "oppressed" white person? charlot: Oh really? Is this coming from another "oppressed" white person? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/charlot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195308424.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Wrench Turner Fuhgeddaboutit... 252 Fans 03:59 PM on 10/11/2012 The Spanish speakers were not enslaved, only those of them with native American heritages would have had that happen.

I can tell you about Irish culture, can't tell you about "white" culture. Wrench_Turner: The Spanish speakers were not enslaved, only those of them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Wrench_Turner/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195301561.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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Brandy Lee Summerlin 6 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/11/2012 Towson has a Black Student Union. What's the difference? Brandy_Lee_Summerlin: Towson has a Black Student Union. What's the difference? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Brandy_Lee_Summerlin/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195296224.html History | Permalink | Share it Leviathan21 705 Fans 03:49 PM on 10/11/2012 Take American History 101, and you will understand the difference. Leviathan21: Take American History 101, and you will understand the difference. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Leviathan21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195298069.html History | Permalink | Share it

Spacecowboy64 I'm sure you know where it's at. 549 Fans 03:54 PM on 10/11/2012 Pick up a history book. Spacecowboy64: Pick up a history book. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Spacecowboy64/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195299789.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All american flag 24 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/11/2012 There is nothing wrong with this. american_flag: There is nothing wrong with this. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/american_flag/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296186.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bethab 315 Fans 03:57 PM on 10/11/2012 Shocked that your name is American Flag. I'm sure you are FAR more patriotic than anyone else!! Bethab: Shocked that your name is American Flag. I'm sure you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bethab/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195300749.html History | Permalink | Share it american flag 24 Fans 10:02 AM on 10/12/2012 Why would you assume that I think I a MORE patriotic than anyone else? I am patriotic. I did serve two tours of combat in the Army Infantry. I never, however, stated that I was more patriotic than anyone else. Your statement was a strange attack and had nothing to do with anything that I said. As to my statement, I believe that equal rights for one should be equal rights for all. There is nothing inherently racist about someone forming an all white club. It is what they do with such an organization that allows one to arrive such an opinion. Have a wonderful and blessed day. american_flag: Why would you assume that I think I a MORE http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/american_flag/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195545240.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TrotskyMemo 94 Fans 03:43 PM on 10/11/2012 These poor, poor White Americans. I mean, just look at the last 300 years of world history... man, have they had it TOUGH. TrotskyMemo: These poor, poor White Americans. I mean, just look at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TrotskyMemo/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295805.html History | Permalink | Share it

Sean 6399 Lolwut? 685 Fans 04:02 PM on 10/11/2012 600,000 white men died in the civil war to free the blacks. Where's our reparations? Sean_6399: 600,000 white men died in the civil war to free http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Sean_6399/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195302289.html History | Permalink | Share it

bulletproofface 78 Fans 04:06 PM on 10/11/2012 Yeah, we were freeing them from other white people. bulletproofface: Yeah, we were freeing them from other white people. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bulletproofface/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195303694.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TrotskyMemo 94 Fans 05:10 PM on 10/11/2012 Haha, so that was what the Civil War was all about? Freeing black people from slavery?

By that definition, I'm going to go ahead and assume that every person rocking a Confederate flag is pro-slavery.

Get a history book. Read it. Seriously. TrotskyMemo: Haha, so that was what the Civil War was all http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TrotskyMemo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195324536.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Tazzie Speaking truth to stupid 1977 Fans 03:42 PM on 10/11/2012 As a Caucasian woman not one of these groups has appealed to me in any sense. In fact most of them represent a way of thinking and a level fear I reject. Tazzie: As a Caucasian woman not one of these groups has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tazzie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295740.html History | Permalink | Share it

Karl Marx Lives 5 Fans 03:42 PM on 10/11/2012 Heimbach and Taylor are well known white nationalists. They both have ties to violent groups and are tracked by anti-fascist groups. Taylor's speeches have been shut down repeatedly by militant anti-fascists. These two should not be taken seriously and should not even get a platform to spew their filth. Huffpo should take this article down, I cannot believe this was even set up to happen. No platform for fascists! Karl_Marx_Lives: Heimbach and Taylor are well known white nationalists. They both http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Karl_Marx_Lives/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295563.html History | Permalink | Share it TriflinThomas 10 Fans

03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 White people (as a group) are not discriminated against, unlike minority groups. White culture is thriving and predominant in American society, unlike minority groups. TriflinThomas: White people (as a group) are not discriminated against, unlike http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TriflinThomas/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295346.html History | Permalink | Share it

fredrdr Let us dare to read, think, speak and write. 430 Fans 03:42 PM on 10/11/2012 As a practicing hetersexual caucasian, I agree with you. fredrdr: As a practicing hetersexual caucasian, I agree with you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fredrdr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295639.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bethab 315 Fans 03:58 PM on 10/11/2012 I'm glad you're practicing :) Bethab: I'm glad you're practicing :) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bethab/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195300925.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

Toddynho Slartibartfast made me do it. 1704 Fans 04:05 PM on 10/11/2012 Well, if you feel like you are being discriminated again then that's the litmus test according to some. Not whether your culture is thriving. He seems to think he is being singled out as a white dude for something [shrug]. If his intentions were sincere, and he could list HOW he's being looked over simply because he's white, then I'd not have too much of a problem with it,however given his propensity to use terms like LIBERAL MEDIA so flippantly,he simply sounds like a right wing cage-rattler looking to ruffle feathers. So he should probably be simply ignored. Toddynho: Well, if you feel like you are being discriminated again http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Toddynho/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195303616.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER VapeGirl Progressive Democrat and proud of it! 390 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 Ithink we should abolish all "groups" and create one group - how about we call it the "Human Group"? VapeGirl: Ithink we should abolish all "groups" and create one group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/VapeGirl/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295297.html History | Permalink | Share it Ace11 11 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 Yes it is. Very racist. Ace11: Yes it is. Very racist. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ace11/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295250.html History | Permalink | Share it thewirah Sarcastic, maybe 244 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 He had to have a German last name. thewirah: He had to have a German last name. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/thewirah/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295203.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER VINSTERDUDE 304 Fans

03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 they could call it the Heimbach Manuever...lol VINSTERDUDE: they could call it the Heimbach Manuever...lol http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/VINSTERDUDE/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195296637.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER charlot 234 Fans 03:51 PM on 10/11/2012 Cute! charlot: Cute! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/charlot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195298519.html History | Permalink | Share it sociallibfiscalcon 5 Fans 03:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Private groups can, and should, be able to set membership standards. But any group that excludes based on race is racists. sociallibfiscalcon: Private groups can, and should, be able to set membership http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sociallibfiscalcon/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195294866.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER kyeshinka 993 Fans 03:39 PM on 10/11/2012 Too bad the "Get-along Gang" was already taken. kyeshinka: Too bad the "Get-along Gang" was already taken. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/kyeshinka/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195294391.html History | Permalink | Share it Kenny Kinds 44 Fans 03:37 PM on 10/11/2012 I wonder how much they order from Land's End every year. Kenny_Kinds: I wonder how much they order from Land's End every http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Kenny_Kinds/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293876.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 03:37 PM on 10/11/2012 White people are cool because we don't need student unions or interest groups to be successful. Bishop999999999: White people are cool because we don't need student unions http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293796.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TrotskyMemo 94 Fans 03:42 PM on 10/11/2012 They "need" student unions to be successful?

Not "needing" a student union makes you cool?

What are you talking about? TrotskyMemo: They "need" student unions to be successful? Not "needing" a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TrotskyMemo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195295550.html History | Permalink | Share it

missmo1951 Democrat who loved Ike!! 289 Fans 03:43 PM on 10/11/2012 They don't know...just trolling along... missmo1951: They don't know...just trolling along... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/missmo1951/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195296023.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

AmericanSon1 117 Fans 04:01 PM on 10/11/2012 Right, because it was already set up for you about 500 years ago when your ancestors stepped off of the boat and claimed already occupied land as their own. Then regulated the original occupants to certain territories to stay put, and don't interfere in white folks business. On top of that, your now success is also rooted in the fact that your ancestors didn't have to pay for the labor that provided by stolen people from another land who where controlled by laws that benefited whites only. The free labor workers were not allowed to buy, sell or own anything. All of the land and everything on it belonged to whites and whites alone. Then more land was acquired when your ancestors snatched land from another North American Country called Mexico, and also went further north and stole Alaska from its inhabitants, then swam downstream to the Pacific Islands and did the same thing there! Wow, a 500 year jump start to ensure that your cool white people's student unions and interest groups would be successful because of your convict laden ancestors of indentured servitude stopped over on American soil before they could reach the penal colony of Australia which meant that we the descendants of the "others" have to endure your hatred and jealousy of the fact that you and yours were born without any pigment and a Godless nature. So sorry, dig up your forefathers and take it up with them, we are done. AmericanSon1: Right, because it was already set up for you about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/AmericanSon1/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195302225.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bishop999999999 277 Fans 04:13 PM on 10/11/2012 Oh boo hoo. We came, we saw, we conquered, and all everyone else did was cry about it. Step up your game if you want to get ahead. Bishop999999999: Oh boo hoo.  We came, we saw, we conquered, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bishop999999999/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195306028.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

ackridgek 52 Fans 05:36 PM on 10/11/2012 PREACH... ackridgek: PREACH... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/ackridgek/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195332104.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER BlogBrasky A voice...of a generation. 1180 Fans

03:36 PM on 10/11/2012 How about a "Caucasian Awareness Club"? BlogBrasky: How about a "Caucasian Awareness Club"? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BlogBrasky/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293667.html History | Permalink | Share it maricgro 16 Fans 03:36 PM on 10/11/2012 Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences between a white student union or a white group ... you see it as you want to defend what you think you are losing. Whereas people of color or other marginalized groups organize around a common interest."

I couldn't agree more..."whites only" groups are formed on the grounds that they fear the "browning" of America and feel somehow they're being "cheated" because people of color are receiving "special treatment." White Americans...all Americans should be required to take an African American studies course...one detailing the history of the slave trade/diaspora up to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Knowledge is power. Knowldege can also let someone know that they are in the wrong...as this young man is. maricgro: Brooks put forward an opposing point of view: "The differences http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/maricgro/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293600.html History | Permalink | Share it

fredrdr Let us dare to read, think, speak and write. 430 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/11/2012 On my first ship, I met a history major who area of interest was lynching. He was very much against the criminal practice, but the numbers that were hung was shocking. fredrdr: On my first ship, I met a history major who http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fredrdr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296220.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER TrotskyMemo 94 Fans 03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 I have to admit, it's nail-on-chalkboard painful to listen to a white American talk about society's biases against them. Poor, poor white Americans. When will the injustice end for them? TrotskyMemo: I have to admit, it's nail-on-chalkboard painful to listen to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/TrotskyMemo/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195296553.html History | Permalink | Share it Scruffy Mane 5 Fans 11:37 PM on 10/15/2012 You seem to think that all whites are born with a silver spoon. Do you really think that it's all peaches and bubble gum? Scruffy_Mane: You seem to think that all whites are born with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Scruffy_Mane/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196571354.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

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View All Favorites Bloggers Recency | Popularity Page: « First ‹ Previous 57 58 59 60 61 (61 total) pbrad555 18 Fans 03:36 PM on 10/11/2012 of course they are calling it racist if it was an african american group it would be called progressive, people just cannot wait to pull the race card pbrad555: of course they are calling it racist if it was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/pbrad555/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293514.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 02:21 PM on 10/15/2012 People would be very critical of an African American group that supported supremacy for African Americans. Student of color organizations are based on the call for equality, justice, and access, and of necessity and based on principle, are supportive of equality and justice for everyone else, too. sister_h: People would be very critical of an African American group http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196419901.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Oywhatnext A ginger sling with a pineapple heart. 345 Fans

03:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Makes sense to me. If all of those other groups exist then there is no reason this one shouldn't. I would like to add that the admission requirement should be set by the school and the school, by sanctioning these on campus groups should make sure that the requirements are equal. If a Caucasion can join the Asian group, for example, then an Asian should be able to join the Caucasion group.

P.S. As a white person I should be able to spell caucasion but for some reason it looks wrong to me. Just sayin... Oywhatnext: Makes sense to me. If all of those other groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Oywhatnext/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293237.html History | Permalink | Share it CapsFan78 73 Fans 03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 There's a reason why it looks wrong. It is. Caucasian. CapsFan78: There's a reason why it looks wrong. It is. Caucasian. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/CapsFan78/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296615.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Oywhatnext A ginger sling with a pineapple heart. 345 Fans

03:52 PM on 10/11/2012 Thanks! Oywhatnext: Thanks! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Oywhatnext/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195298995.html History | Permalink | Share it botazefa Sounds like Bodhisattva 206 Fans 03:46 PM on 10/11/2012 "Makes sense to me. If all of those other groups exist then there is no reason this one shouldn't. "

Let me try to address this. Minority groups are allowed because their goal is to gain full citizenship in a country that is dominated by a white majority and has used that majority status to disenfranchise minorities. The goal isn't to diminish the majority whites, but to improve their own status. A white group, on the other hand, is already a member of the majority and is not disenfranchised.

In other words, minority groups come together to enfranchise themselves. Majority groups typically exist not only to enfranchise themselves, but disenfranchise others. botazefa: "Makes sense to me. If all of those other groups http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/botazefa/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296870.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Oywhatnext A ginger sling with a pineapple heart. 345 Fans

03:58 PM on 10/11/2012 Wow. Just wow. Thats a pretty broad stereotype dontcha think? And if I may play devil's advocate, I don't see anything wrong with protecting what you already have. Whites will not be a majority here much longer. There are already whole neighborhoods where you would be hard pressed to find a sign in a store that is written in english. I would like to see my native language preserved.Maybe I'll join a group. Or start my own. All races invited but we'll be listening to Barry Manilow records and watching reruns of Happy Days. Thanks for this inspiration. Oywhatnext: Wow. Just wow. Thats a pretty broad stereotype dontcha think? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Oywhatnext/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195301068.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER 7xovr 30 Fans 03:35 PM on 10/11/2012 Honestly, I don't see a problem with a "White Student Group". 7xovr: Honestly, I don't see a problem with a "White Student http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/7xovr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293144.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Tazzie Speaking truth to stupid 1977 Fans 03:44 PM on 10/11/2012 The majority rarely needs a formalization of representation of their interests. It was not so long ago most campuses in not just the US but the Western World were white student groups. Tazzie: The majority rarely needs a formalization of representation of their http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tazzie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296187.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 02:13 PM on 10/15/2012 Issues that look like simple logic sometimes are illuminated by a deeper understanding of history and politics.

Organizations with "white" in the title have historically been white supremacist organizations, promoting white supremacy. The white student organizer uses white supremacist arguments to justify the need for his group, and points to white supremacist leaders and thinkers as inspiration.

This is why the moderator and other panelists kept asking him if he was a white supremacist and why he kept saying no, even though statements in other venues peg him as one. sister_h: Issues that look like simple logic sometimes are illuminated by http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196417145.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Tsadik 22 Fans 03:35 PM on 10/11/2012 My school doesn't have a Black or Asian organization, it has a Caribbean or African or Afro-North American and Taiwanese or Chinese or Japanese organization. Race doesn't exist and doesn't affect anything, and while culture itself is non-physical, it has some kind of existence and matters to various degrees. A "Black" group would make no sense, and neither is a "white" group because there is no cultural/ethnic connection between the people. Tsadik: My school doesn't have a Black or Asian organization, it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tsadik/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195293127.html History | Permalink | Share it Leviathan21 705 Fans 03:43 PM on 10/11/2012 That is just silly. While it's true that race is not real in an objective or biological sense, it is very much a social reality. Our government counts black and white people, for heaven's sake. We have social and historical ideas about what constitutes someone as black or white. Leviathan21: That is just silly. While it's true that race is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Leviathan21/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295902.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Tsadik 22 Fans 12:43 PM on 10/15/2012 Sure, there are institutional issues. But cultural and ethnic relations are far stronger than relations forced from above. A Chinese and Japanese person may both be called Asian, but it still means nothing to them because they have a deeper understanding of their own identity. Tsadik: Sure, there are institutional issues. But cultural and ethnic relations http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tsadik/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196387668.html History | Permalink | Share it

Monaural 27 Fans 09:09 PM on 10/11/2012 Correction - A "White" group is usually unified by a general fear of Black people. And this is ALWAYS a good reason to band together!

You get the wooden cross and I'll get the kerosene for our fun intermurals Monaural: Correction - A "White" group is usually unified by a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Monaural/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195385689.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER amajamus Occupy James ! ! ! 635 Fans

09:29 PM on 10/11/2012 usually . . . means not always . . . amajamus: usually . . . means not always . . . http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/amajamus/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195389756.html History | Permalink | Share it sister h 6 Fans 02:06 PM on 10/15/2012 LOL!

Funny, but true. A group interested in the environment is not exclusionary of any group. A group interested in promoting Irish Heritage does that, but most likely welcomes all because promoting Irish Heritage does not rely on eradicating any other heritage and is not defined by antipathy towards others. A group that is "white" is basically defined by what it is not, i.e. not black, not brown, not yellow, not red.

And you can't really promote a vague "white culture" without demoting everything not white. sister_h: LOL! Funny, but true. A group interested in the environment http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/sister_h/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196415099.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER BehruzBahman 49 Fans 03:34 PM on 10/11/2012 "She also said that both Taylor and Heimback were advocates of white supremacy and white separatism."

How is this the closing statement and not the focus of the article? BehruzBahman: "She also said that both Taylor and Heimback were advocates http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BehruzBahman/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195292780.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gerald Bowman 49 Fans 11:19 PM on 10/11/2012 True. Gerald_Bowman: True. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gerald_Bowman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195425796.html History | Permalink | Share it RecreationalPilot 1388 Fans 03:34 PM on 10/11/2012 A "Don't Tread On Me" flag...

That says it all. RecreationalPilot: A "Don't Tread On Me" flag... That says it all. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RecreationalPilot/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195292736.html History | Permalink | Share it MrStat1 I believe in the rule of law 675 Fans 03:40 PM on 10/11/2012 Good for him. MrStat1: Good for him. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrStat1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195294958.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ryan Tippens republican. 754 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 yes,it says leave me the hell alone..... Ryan_Tippens: yes,it says leave me the hell alone..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Ryan_Tippens/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195295094.html History | Permalink | Share it RecreationalPilot 1388 Fans 06:32 PM on 10/11/2012 besides saying "I'm a self-serving egocentric". RecreationalPilot: besides saying "I'm a self-serving egocentric". http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RecreationalPilot/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195347934.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All RickinBoca Thats my opinion and I could be... 269 Fans 03:34 PM on 10/11/2012 Any group that discriminates solely on the basis of color is racist, pure and simple. These types want "legitimacy" in the worst way. RickinBoca: Any group that discriminates solely on the basis of color http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RickinBoca/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195292731.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gerald Bowman 49 Fans 11:15 PM on 10/11/2012 I disagree. I am black but I don't feel threatened by the idea of an Asian or Latino student group. They aren't race supremacy groups or even advocacy groups. It is intended to make members of isolated campus communities feel like they have a place in the campus community which tends to marginalized them. That isn't racist. If white kids aren't being haters but genuinely want a positive race based group then I'm all for it. Any student can join any club anyways. Gerald_Bowman: I disagree. I am black but I don't feel threatened http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gerald_Bowman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195424472.html History | Permalink | Share it RickinBoca Thats my opinion and I could be... 269 Fans 07:45 AM on 10/12/2012 We have to agree to disagree. In my experience people who group together solely based on race ARE racist. Other groups that you speak of then to be based primarily on cultural interests rather than just race-based. I have been involved with student groups on a number of college campuses. RickinBoca: We have to agree to disagree. In my experience people http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/RickinBoca/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195510844.html History | Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program HCharles 14 Fans 03:33 PM on 10/11/2012 The funny thing is that being white has been an advocacy group all throughout history. This is complete bs. If white's 60 years ago had been responsible enough to include other races, there would be no racial advocacy groups. I'm mean come on. Blacks could barely fight in the military or even play the quarterback position. Show me somewhere in history where that happened to white people? Show me somewhere in history where a group other than white people put up whites only and blacks only signs? I'll wait. HCharles: The funny thing is that being white has been an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/HCharles/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195292508.html History | Permalink | Share it

fredrdr Let us dare to read, think, speak and write. 430 Fans 03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 You will have a very long wait. fredrdr: You will have a very long wait. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fredrdr/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296691.html History | Permalink | Share it bdam 11 Fans 03:53 PM on 10/11/2012 First of all slavery as a concept has been in existence since the beginning and includes an overall history that has only in more recent years contained a bias. Slavery is obviously a despicable action and clearly not welcome in our country anymore. After the obvious admission of wrongs and a civil war that took countless WHITE lives as well as black to fix the problem. Slavery can no doubt be considered incredibly influential to the way we have evolved and continue too. It is necessary to always remember the past in this sense however freedom and liberty are not ideas applied to the select few but rather ideals that when applied to the populace as a whole allow for true growth and social evolution. Whats fair for a purple person must ALWAYS be fair for a pink person. bdam: First of all slavery as a concept has been in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bdam/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195299458.html History | Permalink | Share it

smarti some opinions need a breath mint... try a smarti! 318 Fans 08:04 PM on 10/15/2012 yeah, well a few problems with that, is that first of all you realize that most of the modern day "Confederates" completely deny that the Civil War was fought over slavery, and instead insist it was over a more noble "states rights" cause. So they can't claim virture for fighting "over" slavery if they deny that was the cause of the war to begin with. Second, the problems of racism that blacks faced in the US did not end with slavery, far from it. The entire Jim Crowe/segregation era began almost immediately after the conclusion of the Civil War and persisted *in law* until the late 1960's. You still had some states with anti-miscegenation laws (banning interracial marriages) until the last decade or two.

The fact is that blacks were given second-class (maybe not even that) citizenship status for the majority of the US history. The legacy of that type of institutionalized racism still lingers today in many ways. A lot of whites would prefer that not be the case, or to try to minimize this history (pink and purple people -- ok there's no "pink and purple people" so it's not really a good metaphor to pretend colorblindness about) and its legacy. smarti: yeah, well a few problems with that, is that first http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/smarti/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196522653.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All martiniandabotoxchaser 1829 Fans 03:33 PM on 10/11/2012 I guess he does not feel he can compete with the brighter and more talented students. martiniandabotoxchaser: I guess he does not feel he can compete with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/martiniandabotoxchaser/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195292278.html History | Permalink | Share it MrStat1 I believe in the rule of law 675 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 Then I guess Blacks can't either because they have to have a separate group. MrStat1: Then I guess Blacks can't either because they have to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrStat1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295085.html History | Permalink | Share it

fredrdr Let us dare to read, think, speak and write. 430 Fans 03:47 PM on 10/11/2012 Suggest you just observe. I remember when blacks in the USN were restricted in the rates they could be in. fredrdr: Suggest you just observe. I remember when blacks in the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fredrdr/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195297109.html History | Permalink | Share it

martiniandabotoxchaser 1829 Fans 04:03 PM on 10/11/2012 He is saying that it is why they need such groups....if that is the case then he is saying that he is also unable to compete. martiniandabotoxchaser: He is saying that it is why they need such http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/martiniandabotoxchaser/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195302834.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER chemguy Liberal, but not Democrat 447 Fans 03:32 PM on 10/11/2012 Their mistake is calling it a 'White' Student Union. Plenty of colleges have organizations like a Scandinavian Heritage Club or Irish Pride Union. chemguy: Their mistake is calling it a 'White' Student Union. Plenty http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/chemguy/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195292235.html History | Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Tazzie Speaking truth to stupid 1977 Fans 03:45 PM on 10/11/2012 and Greek Systems. White students and faculty are hardly under represented on the average US campus. Tazzie: and Greek Systems. White students and faculty are hardly under http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Tazzie/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195296689.html History | Permalink | Share it

Monaural 27 Fans 09:03 PM on 10/11/2012 Besides, if they call it a "White Student Union" then they just get the three albinos on campus. They should call it "Various Shades of Pale Student Union" or maybe "The Non-Black, Brown, Yellow or Red Student Union"? Monaural: Besides, if they call it a "White Student Union" then http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Monaural/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195384862.html History | Permalink | Share it Redhand126 206 Fans 01:50 AM on 10/16/2012 Then they can have "A Whiter Shade of Pale" as their theme song. Winning! Redhand126: Then they can have "A Whiter Shade of Pale" as http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Redhand126/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_196591296.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Soundofthunder Listen to the thunder 2114 Fans

03:32 PM on 10/11/2012 He's right. For too long the black man has had his boot on the neck of the white man, and by too long I mean about a half a nanosecond. Unendurable!

S Soundofthunder: He's right. For too long the black man has had http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Soundofthunder/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195291988.html History | Permalink | Share it

Monaural 27 Fans 09:00 PM on 10/11/2012 Is THAT why I've been waking up with a crick in my neck?

Well, we ARE in a post-racial society... I mean look at how accepted our President is amongst the southern states! they LOVE him! So I guess this group is ok by me...

**Sarcasm Font** Monaural: Is THAT why I've been waking up with a crick http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Monaural/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195384307.html History | Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Gerald Bowman 49 Fans 11:04 PM on 10/11/2012 LOL Gerald_Bowman: LOL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Gerald_Bowman/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195419543.html History | Permalink | Share it adoantarel 168 Fans 03:31 PM on 10/11/2012 The group should be allowed to exist, and it and its members likely will be and should be the objects of scorn and ridicule from the rest of the student body. I'm white, most of my friends are white. And none of us would join an organization like this. adoantarel: The group should be allowed to exist, and it and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/adoantarel/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195291894.html History | Permalink | Share it MrStat1 I believe in the rule of law 675 Fans 03:41 PM on 10/11/2012 That is fine for you. Others may have a different view. MrStat1: That is fine for you. Others may have a different http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/MrStat1/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195295246.html History | Permalink | Share it

Mk-selga Ccah-huber 15 Fans 06:08 PM on 10/11/2012 Ya, it's similar to other groups. I think it's idiotic but they do have the right... Mk-selga_Ccah-huber: Ya, it's similar to other groups. I think it's idiotic http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Mk-selga_Ccah-huber/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195341494.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Godiva Oracle - Latte Drinker, A in GBLTQA 701 Fans

03:31 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't have a problem with it, but if you begin to tell others they can't joint. It's a problem. Godiva: I don't have a problem with it, but if you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Godiva/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195291649.html History | Permalink | Share it hoelddg-13 99 Fans 03:33 PM on 10/11/2012 How many whites do you see belonging to a black student union ? hoelddg-13: How many whites do you see belonging to a black http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/hoelddg-13/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195292400.html History | Permalink | Share it wazza 14 Fans 03:36 PM on 10/11/2012 In my high school a white guy was president of our BSU, but then again, it was just high school. wazza: In my high school a white guy was president of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/wazza/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195293463.html History | Permalink | Share it


03:46 PM on 10/11/2012 Have you ever to college? A lot and vice-versa! lionzion: Have you ever to college? A lot and vice-versa! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lionzion/white-student-union-towson- university_n_1958868_195296803.html History | Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

HUFFPOST SUPER USER The political pulse 294 Fans

03:31 PM on 10/11/2012 I don't believe so. African American, Mexicans, Gays and Lesbian, etc all have their own groups at pretty much every school. Why can't white people have them too. If we are going to allow them for one race we need to allow them for all races. The_political_pulse: I don't believe so. African American, Mexicans, Gays and Lesbian, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/The_political_pulse/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_195291607.html History | Permalink | Share it

smarti some opinions need a breath mint... try a smarti! 318 Fans 07:53 PM on 10/15/2012 i don't think the question is whether or not they "can" but "why" is this needed.. what are they are advocating for, as in what issues are white students facing as a group on a campus that would require some special advocacy group?

The groups you list are first of all, not exclusive in membership, in that one does not need to be GLBT to join a campus GLBT group, or black to join a campus BSU, etc. However, these groups are organized to advocate for minority issues that involve these particular group identifications where they have historically not been represented or included in the traditional university structure, or in society at large. When has this ever been the case with "whites" in general?

I also think that given the history of "white advocacy" which historically has meant "white racism" that the organizers of this group are either being ignorant of, or not -- and are just using the "victim" card to hide behind their true intents, which could be racist or just a way to stir the pot in general. smarti: i don't think the question is whether or not they http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/smarti/white-student-union-towson-university_n_1958868_196519938.html History | Permalink | Share it

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