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Siberian Death Revealed I in Siberia in ItH according to Vatican City—{NO—Germaao. | Osservatore Romano wteich says —Hollywood ^T™ft , ^V^^^y ifaWPwi^r* T"!? Albat, former Envoy Extraordin-} that reports confirming the for- ON THE Aim ary* and Minister Plenipotentiary mer envoy's death have just been Academy Award Surprises SSSBBaBBttSKaaanaSSBjCEMSi of Latvia to the Holy See, died [ received here. JKmJf l^r» Ma. JlOOgIlly ' • ^—v. rr Let's Get Rid of Radio »t 1 This .year's nfiinlnatiotis foriThonms Gornea f'ftt^ ^>Mnlt W»lt a minuM *«lfc% I «*»** Legion of Decency Listings Academy - awards prese.it a few- Horse") EdrnuniJ Gwenn.;i*t$Alr- saj that I am only ^U(?tJ(na »4^ surprises, vwSide aeli on. 34th Stt*e#). '!&*«•{ FEBRUARY 26, 1948 In case yo Irom * magazine tha,t has site- hov- thes art' Ryan < "Crossfire"), tad Rfe^bjiru voted practic­ CLASS A-l—Unobjectionable for General,, Patronac* nual Oscars Widmark ("Kiss of ©piiBt"), ally its entire REVIEWED THIS WEEK are bestowed Gomez, Gweim anrj Ryari sS«re February issue m&^:%?#mMt th^||it t|ot| Fort Apatlie Miracle of the Belli Sclivrsra aul Weiss you'll be, sur- the bettey chances. Gwenrt de­ to radio. The Speed to Space prised to l«arn serves and may get the award. magazinc is PstEVlOLSLY HE VIEWED that 450 may- Rj'an is .his biggest thN*t. called "Integ­ Albuquerque rhe Inner Circle Slippy McQee ies from vari­ would be interested ^ the most Accel's Alley 11 lis Lucky Smart Politics The suportfng actress dasa, by rity." BUI and Coo If Tou Knew Susie Boris of the Ortiter ous parts- of unaccountable oversight falls to I have heard wham-fco besiting over; tt|«t head Black Hills Jlgsa and Maggie in Soutn ol Municrej the .world were Blondle's Anniversary Stage lo Mesa Include Jessica Tandy for her radio called Society Beware ol Pity eligible for rec­ the.peonjs \#toetween January 1st and 31st, reemnt"), Marjorte Main ('The ning radio. Western Heritage Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J. lane, ,,w ,, Exile The Ao aaSSSsT akjgB^g# ij^^^^^^^+l^^^i The u Rose « Santa Roaa 1 »»ari»ne The Screen r>irectors Guild, the vere juid -Celeste Holm ail stand the Syracuse CSS outlet. Chap­ high In the list of re>*rett8ble. words, pk % vmtJm- 'mm Ullj•-; a aaJgaMsBBBBBs, *I^. l ^T^aaafjta. ^~,^W^^ d^^ ^^^g^^y^^t Jfc^^^_^ar^ • Holiday Camp Sti Gun Law Tou 'Were Meant tor lie modern Inventions," ^^^•jj l^V#«*>sVf^BBMBB|B^Ss^B9IBB^M|BBB^BBj|t, Screen Writers Guild and repre- a better chance of getting it. lain at Elmlra forv 35 years, wi h 1to*$ito$titw& ttjdin ind a^ CLASS A 2—Unobjectionable for Adult* sehtative members of. the Acad- j This is the toughest race in the Msgr. Lane will «>scribe a re­ TfitoK that's " toadt' , Stick ttlfc^nrf5Mw*^W-r^at1ty|f^sJ» KEV1CWED THIS WEEK emy of Motion Picture Arts and | whole card and I name Celeste cent dinner tendered him by around, and I'll let you have a tlnkunbecomfe «yml»aj;«i sOiUndin< i Wftk ©ji*. Mr. Reckless Panhandle Piccadilly Incident Sciences. Whew! It Is as com­ as the most likely winner. former Inmates, now successful coupio more of, the editors* re­ Sitting Pretty prehensive as that, but still never in many walks of life, whom, he marks on this regrettable In­ PREVIOL8LV REVIEWED Now try picking out your own becomes anything more, in spirit will Introduce on the air. vention. Adventures of • reer Por Danpet Rendezvous with Annie likely winners. Just to prove that or effect, t haq one colossal Hol­ the, radio utatjlon at thi %i$m\ 1rHM.OM|M A The 8ecret Beyond the Door lywood mutual admiration so-, LBT*8 SKIP DOWN a couple of cojtnrnuMcHt4oii.,» '" * Beauty and the Beaut Her Adventurous Night Senator Was Indiscrete. clety. I of paragraphs: "The script writ- Bedlam High Wall. The Catholic Air Behind Green Ughta Holiday Camp Shock Between now and March 20th,, Courier-Journal t«rs, actors, announcers and Hoortlum Saint The Slave niri Big Fix. The I when the final awards v\iU be Ideal Husband. An Sleep My Love other radio talent are the crea Big Town I i uv< Trouble ; declared, a ballot will be taken On WHAM Unit Started tures of these avaricious mas- Big Town After Dark I Walk Alone 8moky Killer Dl]l Somewhere in the ! among the Academy member Sunday at 12:10 „, ., _, ,.,_, _, | tcrs (the station-owners and ad- i»lKhop« Wile. The Nlsbt r ship • as a whole, to select the I , WMP»?f?»!L'r.i^.94? PJ^4«ertisers]tf..and.^«flr*^a»oiir^h«*-5 Black Bart ITST^ Crooked UR. rfStec p** B*y Ste">,!p «*££„« ' Lets Life Again Stormy Waters 1 finalist In each category for a service organization foi[mogt aegn^i members of mod Black Nerclsaui - i4«**»- to.-the-81^DAK AIM- f Ca««?^. &M4mm&J>&^W^AL, tne weekly uata- broadcaslers throughout the U. Captain from Castlla r*ia' Hap»n Qlrl I iGoldwyn - RKOI "Crossfire" met many people In radio, I Caravan Marv Lou . ollc editorial polnl of view on | s, and. Canada. ».^._ | Meet Me at Dawn _t Xe_ ,•**«- .*nd» at ~U>* • (RKOL ... 'Itieiitleinatt's. . ^gxec- vT-^-haver-^-knmvr •srMrrt^*'T PrtteTirf~' Cass Tlmberland f 'feirth Tmenf i2t)th Century Foxl. current events, over station 1 Centennial Summer Mmtrr/lns; "Becomes To Live In Peace Means for exchanging scripts,' (some of them priests), actors, - 4 dtrtsttrna-IS**-- - Electra Treasure o( the Sierra I "Great Expectations." choosing WHAM at 12110 each Sunday. j Information on broadcasting prob-; announcera, musicians; and I Dakota Murder .n Reverse Madre. The that ralhrr than "Miracle on ."Mill lems. and facilitating cooperation Dark Corner Tht Mysterious Mr rrntr. About Murder don't know any that I would call Dead Reckoning Valentine Tycoon Street" onl> here use' t lie latler Kvcry weekday during LENT among Catholic radio broadcast­ degraded. Dear Murderer Naked City. The Voice ol the Turtle I was stupidly marred by dragging —al 12 noon on W8AY — Sac­ ers were outlined at the meeting. Don't go sway now. I still Des^erntf Devil Ship News Hounds Waltz Tlma I In the divorce iheme. red Heart Program. William C. Smith, radio, direc­ have a couple more for y6u. Get A. t» AM««pt« Sons f RochesUr.N. % Open Secret DoublEarl Carrole Litel . SketchbooA k Pear The Woman from Tangier ' The result, however, seems lo • • • tor of the National Council, of this! "So," say the edltprs, "shall Pabulous Texan The Pared I ne Case. The name of Death A . Phantom Thief The Woman* Vengeance ] be a foregone conclusion. Even Thursday al 10 p. m., on I Catholic Men, was elected acting wc get rid of radio? It ll a Qhost noes Wild. /The Pursued Tmm'sT Wldoa j before the nominations came out WVETv-THE FAMILY THE­ foolish, question. Would-we could Great Dawn. The I Razor's Edre. The I chairman of tho organization, A CLASS B—Objectionable In Part I expected "Gentlsman's Agree- ATER. draft of a constitution for the Bet rid of it, but tt If not ours _ , -^ __ — -wn%fmEtF^Tmtt^fsXK r^s--^.,.--..--:,.-,•. ...~ • itpent-'-*- to. wsalkrjBf* aeiai-iCne^i)^ .T^^^a^-^iiHt^si^ ^.^^-^ ^ii^i{»t^ria^of^*uHrm?rft««r^ Man nf E*ll—SuKB*«iive sequences. Inadequate moral compensation; I car. I still think it will. You WBNY—"Moments with the was also prepared for submission exists only inconsequence of our duelling Is accepted ea a proper and Justifiable medium for solving cannot stop a mutual admiration Marlowes:"—the story of a ' to the annual convention of the severs! sins .. ." personal disputes. society from being mutual. Catholic family — produced by ' association which will be held Well, all I can say li that If We I mwfir Zu Dlr—Suggestive dialogue. Mercy High strdents. h» June. ought to get rid of radio, then PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED IN TIDE -BEST ACTOR" class Adventure In Blackmail Jasay The we ought to get rid of a]) books. Sign of the Ram ».are Ronalr^niiud Colmavu,m«.n„ i". A« uuuunDoubl-e SunHaSiinttay ast 9:05 a. m. on '«™u.„ committee ^,pointed ou,t tha,„mt . -----j-.. - | , Apology for Murder i Jungle CapUve Star Without ue-ht c lw rauu nd motJon D B Story- -of Toseav, The Arch-of. ^-lumjih -Kitty Soul"), Gregory Peck iGentle- ^ a,,. ; act as a central point for dis- ™ «"L"W*™*^ *na *"" Bury Me Dead Lady Luck Mr Ace the Air n Call Northslde 777 Never Say Goodbye i man's Agreement"). William semination of Information and mobiles and trains and central Campus Honeymoon LAUante Sunday al 10:30 on WHEC— Love an tht Dole Notorious Gentlemen i Powell ("Life With Father") and i (or mutual exchange of ideas and heating and Indoor plumbing, Cross JMy Heart Man In Grey The Out at the Blue "The Catholic Corner." lest, these things; be »n occasion Daisy Kenyon Miracle Can Happen Private Affairs of Bel i Michael Redgrave I "Mourning ! services that will assist members. Diary of a of sin to somebody. And then, Monsleurj veraoux Ami Becomes Elpclra"). On points Sunday al 11:30 a. m. on Chambermaid Murd-.er -Ives at No- 21 i ^.t „ finally, I think the smart thing Rscane Me Never NlfM lth Tm] we can eliminalp C.arlleld. ' Be- WAHC—"The Catholic Hour of Flame The £,*,. . r._.v. -They -Were Sisters ' cause he is not one of Holly Kalth." Rev. John C. Murray, Pillow of Death Thrte Daring Daughters Porevet Amber wood's ow rs 1 Ihuik Redgiave SJ., discussing "The Agony in Movie Guide Postman Always Rings , ^^j, , Frontier Oal Q Bnzil the Garden." RKO PALACE Oansster The Open "ty ' j To n,,«h.t ""' BTe" has to J;O too That leaves Col 1 Cary and the Bishop's Wife, A 2 Bishop Slates fienHemeniiler B Agreement. Queen of Burlesque -rJs£„ ,„ -„_ man. Peck and Powell Ronald Sunday al 12:30 a. m. on WUd Horse Mesa, A-1 flentlematOlaniour vOlr Misbehavel * 'searclilnSaratoga r TrunWinkd Tb-e . TtamUnturnec ind CrlrnOlsswa The Colman has been nominated be, WfiVA. Geneva—Priests of St, HeP * ^nopl« Reventrt Veil The Whtfft3« Stap (ore and faiied lo make II. Sen TEMPLE 'Career With Sod' Wild Harvest Stephen's and St. Francis de It Had to Be Tou ' Shoe flhtoe A Woman's Vengenco, A-2 llment is on his side But it Is Sale*. CT.ASS C—Condemned on Peck's side too. because he- Black Narcissus, A-2 Topic On WHAM PREVIOUSLY HI!\lF.H"tD has been rtomtnatcd and has been Sunday al I p. m. on WMBO CENTURY Oonresslon of s Vice I FVrla Pepe le Moko built up for two or three years —Auburn. "The t'stholle View­ Saigon, A-2 His Excellency, Bishop Kear­ Baron I Ccsiacv Reefer Madness as a worthy candidate. ThiB point" by K. of C. Men REtlENT ney, speaking on "A Career With Child Bride No Oreater Sin , 8oula In Pawn rarnlva) in Flanders year I expex-t to see him carry Sunday al 6 p. in. oil WREN Voice of the Turtle. A •% <;od" on Station WHAM at 12:10 Chmt to Duat Outlaw The ' , Stolen Paradise Last of the Redinen, A I p. m., Sunday', March 7, will open I Passion Island I rentaclon—Spanish off the Oscar because "Cientle (Buffalo, 900 kr.)—The Cath­ man's Agreement'' is set to all olic Hour—Rt. Rev. Magr. Ful­ CAPITOL a series of 4 radio talks on voca­ .but sweep t fie board His only ton J. Sheen, "The Uodefn. The Wistful Widow of Hagtin tions as a March feature of The j real threat is Colman. vuth. PoVf. Soul In Search of or He Hour — Msgr. Fulton J. MADISON * MONROE and «lll describe the attractions 1 that draw young people to s ea< othy Maguirs^ lor (irnlleman's -Sbe*n In » !^-nten series, "Th* Swordsman, A-1 rccr in religion. The St, Andrew's W lOIMUlT CINTUtT •/ i Agreement;" Susan Ha>ward for .tlodern Soul In Search of God." Magic Town, A-2 LIBERTY .Seminary Choir will sing under t *,•••***, | "Smash up." Rosalind Russell (or Sunday al 6:30 p. rn. on If Winter Comes, B the direction of Rev. William" for further infoWfMitlojft i THEATRE "Mourning Becomes t:ir-clra.' W AB( — The (ireateat Story r Hoppy's Holiday, Al Riefer and Loretta Young for Thp Fai Ever Told." — Bible atories In DEPREZ TRAVEL lURUU DIXIE mer's Daughter modern drama form. Killer McCoy. A2 Powers Hotel — Ro«kMt«r>,-»».% ) Joan has "had n " Susans per Sunday al 9:30 p. in. on Two Blonde* and a Redhead, B j formance as a drunk cannot win Main 6090 WSAY—"The Story of Katlma" CAMEO enough votes Rosalind'is almost —Bcv. Joseph Clninclone. Killer McCoy, A-2 certain to v- in thus >ear. Her Smart Politic*;, A-l *"!P*!i*. J*-—saw »performance tn "MoTirnini?™ is Sunday at 11T45 p. m. on WEST END as significant as the fa ' thai WVET — Sacred Heart PrtK v PROGRAM Always Together, B , All Thrateri. Open »:.10 P. M. although