1"«fi/ J ^fa .* Sfci #«a a MB9Si ,'.i-igi3.,y.,;. ij'^ji.y«,«,,. ..—*V--%w"'>^^-y*s=l^i^tM*AWro&l.i!ns'-''&«aw***w*M^*1 S^WtpO" **' ^•:.,..^,2s?c^r::i aw^"^*?*- 4 Rochester, N. T. COURIER JOURNAL THtJRSDAT, MARCH 4, 1948 Siberian Death Revealed I in Siberia in ItH according to Vatican City—{NO—Germaao. | Osservatore Romano wteich says —Hollywood ^T™ft , ^V^^^y ifaWPwi^r* T"!? Albat, former Envoy Extraordin-} that reports confirming the for- ON THE Aim ary* and Minister Plenipotentiary mer envoy's death have just been Academy Award Surprises SSSBBaBBttSKaaanaSSBjCEMSi of Latvia to the Holy See, died [ received here. JKmJf l^r» Ma. JlOOgIlly ' • ^—v. rr Let's Get Rid of Radio »t 1 This .year's nfiinlnatiotis foriThonms Gornea f'ftt^ ^>Mnlt W»lt a minuM *«lfc% I «*»** Legion of Decency Listings Academy - awards prese.it a few- Horse") EdrnuniJ Gwenn.;i*t$Alr- saj that I am only ^U(?tJ(na »4^ surprises, vwSide aeli on. 34th Stt*e#). '!&*«•{ FEBRUARY 26, 1948 In case yo Irom * magazine tha,t has site- hov- thes art' Ryan < "Crossfire"), tad Rfe^bjiru voted practic­ CLASS A-l—Unobjectionable for General,, Patronac* nual Oscars Widmark ("Kiss of ©piiBt"), ally its entire REVIEWED THIS WEEK are bestowed Gomez, Gweim anrj Ryari sS«re February issue m&^:%?#mMt th^||it t|ot| Fort Apatlie Miracle of the Belli Sclivrsra aul Weiss you'll be, sur- the bettey chances. Gwenrt de­ to radio. The Speed to Space prised to l«arn serves and may get the award. magazinc is PstEVlOLSLY HE VIEWED that 450 may- Rj'an is .his biggest thN*t. called "Integ­ Albuquerque rhe Inner Circle Slippy McQee ies from vari­ would be interested ^ the most Accel's Alley 11 lis Lucky Smart Politics The suportfng actress dasa, by rity." BUI and Coo If Tou Knew Susie Boris of the Ortiter ous parts- of unaccountable oversight falls to I have heard wham-fco besiting over; tt|«t head Black Hills Jlgsa and Maggie in Soutn ol Municrej the .world were Blondle's Anniversary Stage lo Mesa Include Jessica Tandy for her radio called Society Beware ol Pity eligible for rec­ the.peonjs \#to<kife co^dertine^ Boy Who Stopped Joe P&tooka? Fighting best of all supporting actress a 11 kinds o t Niagara Boom town ognition. Each performances In "A Woman's names, but this ,»pip opuirip, q^tjtistftom- Backaroo from Po ?dei «tad & Tale ol the Navajos River Lart Round-Up The T-Mem „ lualified b y Vengeance." ' isjsue of Integ. Buab Cortstmu Little Ballerina. The Tender Years. The '.laving been r 11 y really the NAf ^ettiUo, anC sll • the 1 Make Uta» Muate Tentax Avenue Angel It includes Instead Ethel Bar- ulendsr Q»rt othef *a;nG!iedi w real 1H* mdi0 Challenge, The My Girl Ttsa rru« Glory Ot» ihown publicly Hoorinit rymore ("The Paradtae Gas»'M. spits on its Cnlnese 'ting Tbe My Wild Irish lose Two Fisted Stranger for not less than a week in the Gloria Grahame ("Crossfire"), hands and goes Bill Smith is mpposedl to be heir to, ire }v»t ^•^ ^^a^ ^tSk^RSBBBas; BB^BBBSr ^VVb t •BBBBBBSBBBB| Cowboy 8rue* Night Sopg Two Gu?i Prom a btinch ot amateurs'compared Ullwaukee TietropOlltaui area of Los Angeles Celeste Holm ("Gentleman's Ag- to town when it comes to pan­ Dangerous Years Phantom Valle.y with thi* lisue of totegrUs, frw w»-i|iiisM^iajsw^a»|.B^»iia»ps*ea. Enchanted Valley Pirates of Monterey Under Colorado Skies >etween January 1st and 31st, reemnt"), Marjorte Main ('The ning radio. Western Heritage Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J. lane, ,,w ,, Exile The Ao<K,tt«i» to top it oft the * ^-t7''^f 'T'!r P*TWPB^BBBIB)S|(, Pre trie Express Western Terror 1947 inclusive. That let out "The Let's start with.page one of Ptesta Prince of Trilrvesv Egg and I") and Anne Revere chaplain of the Einilra Reform­ •KSVBBIIV lk^y| ^^^ a* 2^& gL.^^^^-,^ i Flashing Guru Westward Trail Fugitive" completely and, some the magazine—as good a place cover- of the msgnzine catties s Relentless Wild Frontier ("Gentleman's Agreement"). atory, will appear on the CBS WT^ fS^S^fSf SBSBfBB SySBBBBBBB JBT SBBBBBBBB |BS|BBBBBBBBBr ^t J. Oaliini Pea* think, deliberately. picture -of a- mjcroptwite w<th a »*v Blades Return of the Lash Wild Horn Mesa Ethel has had her Oscar, as most radio feature "We, the People," as any. Page one \s tine work ig^*, gg^i sBS^SafSBlsfe tLt+^-itJL*^ ii---* m* ... i Return ol Rln Tin Tin . Wtsttul Widow of of the editors, and It lets radio *mto<n ,(d*nt4lftatj6R %tgn over Gay C»«ll«r Tbe Return of the Whistler l Wagon Qap Five candidates in i-eh of the voters will remember. Person­ Tuesday, March •, at t p. m. Good News Roetl td Rio Wreck of the Hesperufe various classes were nominated ally I'd give it to Marjorie Main have It right between the eyes Gun Talk This snow will be heard on M|g.g SBBSBBBIMBBL SBSMSIBBW a'gttss^ tL gt^BsV by the Screen Actors Guild, The when It says: "Radio stands Hawk of Powder River. I Rocky Tbe but Gloria Grahame, Anne Re­ Rochester Station WHEC and ftaHHBBBBBB SBB^BBSB> aaSSSsT akjgB^g# ij^^^^^^^+l^^^i The u Rose « Santa Roaa 1 »»ari»ne The Screen r>irectors Guild, the vere juid -Celeste Holm ail stand the Syracuse CSS outlet. Chap­ high In the list of re>*rett8ble. words, pk % vmtJm- 'mm Ullj•-; a aaJgaMsBBBBBs, *I^. l ^T^aaafjta. ^~,^W^^ d^^ ^^^g^^y^^t Jfc^^^_^ar^ • Holiday Camp Sti Gun Law Tou 'Were Meant tor lie modern Inventions," ^^^•jj l^V#«*>sVf^BBMBB|B^Ss^B9IBB^M|BBB^BBj|t, Screen Writers Guild and repre- a better chance of getting it. lain at Elmlra forv 35 years, wi h 1to*$ito$titw& ttjdin ind a^ CLASS A 2—Unobjectionable for Adult* sehtative members of. the Acad- j This is the toughest race in the Msgr. Lane will «>scribe a re­ TfitoK that's " toadt' , Stick ttlfc^nrf5Mw*^W-r^at1ty|f^sJ» KEV1CWED THIS WEEK emy of Motion Picture Arts and | whole card and I name Celeste cent dinner tendered him by around, and I'll let you have a tlnkunbecomfe «yml»aj;«i sOiUndin< i Wftk ©ji*. Mr. Reckless Panhandle Piccadilly Incident Sciences. Whew! It Is as com­ as the most likely winner. former Inmates, now successful coupio more of, the editors* re­ Sitting Pretty prehensive as that, but still never in many walks of life, whom, he marks on this regrettable In­ PREVIOL8LV REVIEWED Now try picking out your own becomes anything more, in spirit will Introduce on the air. vention. Adventures of Casanova • reer Por Danpet Rendezvous with Annie likely winners. Just to prove that or effect, t haq one colossal Hol­ the, radio utatjlon at thi %i$m\ 1rHM.OM|M A<i V Alias a Gentleman . Halt Past Midnight Saigon you. too, can be wrong. s» "thlr .wiihfficehi.faSffl&m\ B. Pa Daughter ' nai Bo» Myaier> The 8ecret Beyond the Door lywood mutual admiration so-, LBT*8 SKIP DOWN a couple of cojtnrnuMcHt4oii.,» '" * Beauty and the Beaut Her Adventurous Night Senator Was Indiscrete. clety. I of paragraphs: "The script writ- Bedlam High Wall. The Catholic Air Behind Green Ughta Holiday Camp Shock Between now and March 20th,, Courier-Journal t«rs, actors, announcers and Hoortlum Saint The Slave niri Big Fix. The I when the final awards v\iU be Ideal Husband. An Sleep My Love other radio talent are the crea Big Town I i uv< Trouble ; declared, a ballot will be taken On WHAM Unit Started tures of these avaricious mas- Big Town After Dark I Walk Alone 8moky Killer Dl]l Somewhere in the ! among the Academy member Sunday at 12:10 „, ., _, ,.,_, _, | tcrs (the station-owners and ad- i»lKhop« Wile. The Nlsbt r ship • as a whole, to select the I , WMP»?f?»!L'r.i^.94? PJ^4«ertisers]tf..and.^«flr*^a»oiir^h«*-5 Black Bart ITST^ Crooked UR. rfStec p** B*y Ste">,!p «*££„« ' Lets Life Again Stormy Waters 1 finalist In each category for a service organization foi[mogt aegn^i members of mod Black Nerclsaui - i4«**»- to.-the-81^DAK AIM- f Ca««?^. &M4mm&J>&^W^<m*mxti!et&f rip«t--M«ow»)V-.Hj*v£- "- •t-stramswr.Th-IBtMCQSW.-.The •-. ;• -- Blonde Savage eD'1 Stransre Trlantr * "rtm FTV* 'PlUrts nftmirtaterl — TION completed by-«n eight-member? T am sorry' toT"tHe^dIforf~ot' -Ga^ed-fury-i-' ,,- Madonna of the Seven- f gtransre Trtansjle OF Tltt COURDER^ Moons Summer Holiday i Include 'Thf Bishop's Wife" JOURNAL, the weeiklv C*tk. 'comml,tee representing Catholic Integrity. Maybe they haven't Captain Boycott • I Main Street Kid I Take My Life JULKi>AL, tne weekly uata- broadcaslers throughout the U. Captain from Castlla r*ia' Hap»n Qlrl I iGoldwyn - RKOI "Crossfire" met many people In radio, I Caravan Marv Lou . ollc editorial polnl of view on | s, and. Canada. ».^._ | Meet Me at Dawn _t Xe_ ,•**«- .*nd» at ~U>* • (RKOL ... 'Itieiitleinatt's. ^gxec- vT-^-haver-^-knmvr •srMrrt^*'T PrtteTirf~' Cass Tlmberland f 'feirth Tmenf i2t)th Century Foxl. current events, over station 1 Centennial Summer Mmtrr/lns; "Becomes To Live In Peace Means for exchanging scripts,' (some of them priests), actors, - 4 dtrtsttrna-IS**-- - Electra Treasure o( the Sierra I "Great Expectations." choosing WHAM at 12110 each Sunday. j Information on broadcasting prob-; announcera, musicians; and I Dakota Murder .n Reverse Madre.
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