Integrated Pest Managemnent ~~R, Him4 T
Integrated Pest Managemnent ~~r, him4 t. I~ f4 ,..,.. 9,.. i Ulf U k gA, fi 0I,. i f. Council on Environmental Quality Integrated Pest Management December 1979 Written by Dale G. Bottrell K' Preface For many centuries human settlements, both agricultural and urban, have had to contend with a variety of unwanted and sometimes harmful insects, weeds, microorgan isms, rodents, and other organisms-collectively, "pests." During the use of chemical last four decades, p'sticides has become the predominant method of controlling these unwanted organisms in much of the world, including the United States. synthetic Production of organic pesticides in this countty alone has increased from less than 500,000 pounds in 1951 to an estimated 1.4 billion pounds in 1977. A decade ago, there was rising public concern over the accumulation pesticides of in the environment, with resulting adverse effects on some fish and wildlife populations and hazards to human health. In response to the problems, the Council on Environmental Quality undertook a study of alternative methods Integrated of pest control. Pest Management, published in 1972, stimulated increased national and international interest in integrated pest management-IPM-as an cient, economically effi environmentally preferable approach to pest control, particularly in agriculture. Since then much has been learned about the effects of pesticides, and programs have been developed which put the concept of IPM into practice. began a In 1976 the Council more comprehensive review of integrated pest management in the United States, giving attention to the potential for IPM programs in forestry, public health, urban systems and as well as in agriculture.
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