Gwary Dziś – vol. 13 – 2020, pp. 111–134 DOI 10.14746/gd.2020.13.5 ISSN 1898-9276 Błażej Osowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Institute of Polish Philology ORCID: 0000-0002-4226-1378; e-mail:
[email protected] Linguistic geography and historical material. An example of inventory ledgers from the second half of the 18th century kept in Wielkopolska1 Abstract: This work connects with the dialectological aspect of linguistic geography. The analysed material consists of inventory ledgers kept in Wielkopolska in the second half of the 18th century for nobility possessions. It is assumed that the then regional variety of the Polish language spoken in Wielkopolska was geographically diverse and this diversity was anything but accidental. It was affected by the education of the communication actors (including the writers) and their command of the literary Polish language, dialectal influences, impact of foreign languages, presence of archaic and innovative elements. This diversity is reflected in inventory ledgers; an analysis thereof was aimed at excerpting examples of lexical variants. This work contains 4 selected examples: ‘bogaty chłop’ [a wealthy farmer], ‘ziemniaki’ [potatoes], ‘mała izba’[a small room], ‘niebieski’ [blue]. Maps have been created for them. The analytical part is followed by generalisation of the variability in the surveyed sources (types of variability, its sources, levels, types of variants). Keywords: linguistic geography, historical dialectology, 18th century, inventory ledgers, variability, a linguistic map. Abstract: Geografia lingwistyczna a materiał historyczny. Na przykładzie wielkopolskich inwen - tarzy z drugiej połowy XVIII wieku. Niniejsza praca wpisuje się w nurt dialektologiczny geografii językowej. Analizowany materiał to wielkopolskie inwentarze dóbr szlacheckich z 2.